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Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:54 pm
by isabelle

Jess' arms around me feel really good. They're warm and strong on a night that seems to have become just slightly chilly. I'm almost certain that stargazing is the last thing that's going to be happening here tonight. Then Jess leans in and kisses me, removing all doubt.

It's a sweet, gentle kiss but it's over so quickly. He's still smiling at me but I can't guess what he's thinking.

"Is that all you got?" I ask him, tilting my head to one side. "Surely you can do better than that."

Then I lean forward and kiss him back. No tongue, not yet, but this is not a tentative kiss. I go for it seriously. Let me see if I can show this guy what kissing is all about.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:09 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- maybe we're ready for a time-skip to the next morning? Or later in the next day? :)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 8:24 pm
by Fehr'sBear
sure, since no one else seems to be rping...let's move it a day?

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:54 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Shall we make it after school? Or maybe during the last class? Unless you'd like to start from breakfast...

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:16 pm
by Fehr'sBear
after school's good. :D

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:48 am
by KatnotKath
You've got an agreement from me too :) sounds like a good idea.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:50 pm
by Bordersinsanity
I know you guys are trying to move on and you're more than welcome to since the owner of your thread is missing... Feel free to try and get the empty positions filled. Just let them know that if the original owner comes back they will get to get their positions back.

Also, I would suggest starting a new thread so you can have control of it.

Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help.

good luck and happy playing.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:00 pm
by isabelle
Fehr'sBear, do you want to take over ownership of this thread until Zansgirl comes back? Also, if you want any changes in this post, let me know. Not sure if my assumptions about Jess' behavoir are what you have in mind...


I been walking around all day trying to hide the smile on my face. Afterall, this is still school and I NEVER smile at school. School sucks. But today I keep thinking about last night at the reservoir, 'watching the stars' with Jess. And dancing at the club before that. It was so great. He's so great.

And he's a shapeshifter like me. Well, okay, Michael's a shapeshifter, too, but Jess's is more like me. One animal shape. He's got the whole full-moon problem which I'm lucky enough to avoid, but there's still a lot the same.

I've been looking for Jess most of the day but he seems to be keeping to himself. I hope he's not already been affected by the full-moon tonight. I haven't yet had a chance to ask Eric about staying with him when he changes. I know he's done it alone dozens of times but I'd like to spare him that, if I could.

I just hope he's not avoiding me for some other reason -- like he's decided he doesn't really like me that much after all? Please don't let it be that. I thought last night was perfect. How could he think something so very different? I need to get a chance to talk to him when I'm not in class, in front of the whole school... alone.


The class ends and I stand to start collecting my books. I spot Liz a few seats away doing the same thing and I flash her a smile.

"Hey," I say, quietly. "Nice job in the simulation room today." She was awesome, as always. I've always found myself watching her in the simulations -- well, whenever I could spare the attention from overcoming whatever obsticles and challenges were coming my way. She just so beautiful and graceful and talented. Her powers are so much stronger and flashier than mine. I have to be right on top of someone to use my powers. She can do stuff from across the room. She's so amazing.

And while I've always been watching her, now, after our hot-chocholate last night, I finally feel like it's okay to actually talk to her. Not that she likes me or anything, but I feel like we're kinda like friends...

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 3:25 am
by KatnotKath

It's been a strange day... Maria seems stuck in daydreams, and me, well, I just keep thinking about last night and the time I spent talking to Max...

Not that anything happened of course, he's just a friend, nothing more, but still, it was nice...

To finally find someone who understood what I was talking about and how I feel... Maria's tried in the past of course, even if she is one of the only ones, but it's still not the same... She's got abilities like anyone else here, but unlike me, those abilities don't make her a freak in our community...

For Max and I, it's just...different... Our abilities are such that even shapeshifters and invisible girls or such people can be scared of us, and last night, for the first time, I was with someone who understood...

Swallowing, I collect my things together, holding my books close to my chest as I stand and push back my chair.


I look around and smile as I spot Max a few seats away.

"Nice job in the simulation room today..."

I feel my cheeks flushing at the praise he offers although I'm not too certain I deserve it...or want it... The professor keeps pushing me, but I can't help thinking that every time the other kids see me in there, they become a little more distant as they realise what I'm truely capable of...

"Oh, thanks..." I return a weak smile, lingering now to talk to him as opposed to rushng off. "At least I had a bit more control than I did last night huh...?" I comment with a wry smile, shrugging as I perch on the corner of a desk, deciding to wait and hang around while he finishes packing up his stuff. "You were pretty good yourself you know..."

My cheeks flush a little more, realising that I just admitted I was watching some of the time. His simulations are different to mine of course, since most are geared to our abilities, but he usually copes with them well, and today was no different. He always seems so...together...and in control - completely the opposite to me at times, although at least today I managed to get out without the thumping headache of last night...

I swallow and sigh, swaying back and forth subconciously as I wait at the side. "So...what've you got planned for tonight...?" I question curiously, for no particular reason - just making small talk...

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:44 pm
by Fehr'sBear
sure I'll take over for now. And I'm going to get a Jess post up hopefully today. :D