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Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 8/18

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:42 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I'm glad that Serena, Maria, Max and Isabel are there for Liz when she needs someone. I think Maria, Serena, Max and Isabel need to realize that it will take a while for to open up to them. I'm glad Liz is going to see a therapist. Hopefully the therapist will be able to help Liz. I'm glad Isabel introduced herself to Liz. And I was glad that Isabel talked Liz a little. Hopefully Max, Isabel, Serena, Maria and Alex will be there for Liz. And I hope they will try and protect Liz from Sean.

L-J-L 76

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 8/18

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:08 am
by begonia9508
Sorry for the deleted update but I had to work and was so tired after, that I had lost the wish to open my computer...

Oh! I should have known that, with you, it will always have a dumb-ass in this story but I guess Sean is more than that,; he is the Unkle's copycat! :twisted: :lol: and hopefully also a really stupid like the one who follows in the step of criminals! :twisted:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 9 8/18

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:04 pm
by saori_1902
nice part!

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 8/19

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:57 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz knows her friends know that it will take a long time for her to open up to them.

Eve Sean is going to cause problems for Liz.

saori_1902 Thanks!

Part 10

Liz sat next to Ms. Kent in the waiting room of the therapist's office. She knew that if she was going to have a normal life then she needed to do this. It was going to be hard on her to have to relive all those painful memories.

"Are you ok Liz?" Asked Sarah
"Just scared Ms. Kent."
"I understand. Honey everything will be ok in time."
"I hope so. I know that I really hurt both Serena and Alex when I pushed them away."
"Liz, Serena understands why you did. You were trying to protect her. You love my daughter. Friends look out for each other. They protect each other from harm."
"Thanks Ms. Kent."
"Liz, it looks like you will be staying with me for a while. Call me Sarah."
"You sure?"
"Serena doesn't get her pain in the ass stubborn streak from her father!"

Just then a woman only about ten years older then Liz came out of the inner office.

"Liz? Come on in." Said the woman

Liz got up and walked in and saw that it wasn't what she expected. There was a desk of course. But she had the image of a couch that the patient would lay on to tell their problems. She did see a couch but she also saw big over stuffed chairs and the room had a rather homely feel. She could see stuffed animals on a shelf near the couch and chairs.

"Not what you expected is it?"
"No ma'am."
"Pick where you want to sit. I'm Dr. Lisa Turner as you know."

Liz walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. Dr. Turner sat in the other one and picked up a note pad and pen.

"Liz, why don't you tell me about your childhood? Before your mom died."
"For a long time it was just my mom and me. I have no memory of my dad. I don't know if he was ever there. My mom didn't like to talk about him. My mom and I were close."
"How old were you when she met your stepfather?"
"She started to see him when I was seven. But I didn't meet him right away. It was only after she had been going out with Richard for six months before I spent any time with him. I didn't like him from the start. But my really thought he was a good man. It was six months after that they got married."
"How did you feel about that?"
"I hated it! My mom couldn't see that he wasn't who she thought he was."
"What was wrong with him?"
"When we went out places I could see him looking at teenage girls."
"Did you ever see him go after any of them?"
"No. But I had this one babysitter that I really liked. Kimberly. She was great. One night after he took her home she refused to ever babysit me again."
"Do you think that he did something o her?"
"I don't know. But I had different babysitters after that."
"During these years he didn't touch you?"
"He hit me once when I broke a glass."
"What did your mom say?"
"She wasn't home. He made me lie and say I fell. That was when I started to hate him."
"How about we talk about something else before it is time for you to go?"
"How are you adjusting to your new home?"
"It is taking some getting use to. I have to share a room with my friend Serena. But it looks like Sarah is going to let Alex set up a room in the basement so once that is done I will get my own room."
"Are you close to Serena?"
"She was my best friend before things started to get really bad."
"She isn't now?"
"It is taking time to earn back the trust I broke when I pushed her away."
"Have you told her why you did?"
"Yes. All she cares about is me being safe."
"Sounds like a very good friend."
"She is."
"Well our time is up. Next week?"
"I will be here."

Liz got up and headed out where Sarah was waiting for her.


Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 8/19

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:54 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. I think that is really great that Miss. Kent wants Liz to call her Sarah. Oh wow Liz is going to get her own room that is great. I'm glad that Liz is telling Lisa the therapist everything she remembered. I can't believe Richard hit Liz when she was 7. Richard is a mega asshole. I think Liz's mom should have listened to Liz. If Liz's mom did then this would have not happened to Liz. I agree with Liz I think Richard did something the Liz's babysitter. I'm glad that Liz is talking to someone. Hopefully Liz will get past it without being scared. I know it will take time but I'm hoping Liz will be able to move past it and have a normal life again.

L-J-L 76

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 8/19

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:00 am
by begonia9508
At least, Liz talks and that is what will help her the most, especially with Doct. Turner who will have her realize that she wasn't should of what's bad and happened to her...

Thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 8/19

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:00 am
by keepsmiling7
I'm glad to see Liz seeing someone who can help her. She must realize it will take time.
Serena sounds like a great friend and will understand Liz's situation later.

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 10 8/19

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:56 pm
by max and liz believer
Really great chapters! I especially liked the newest one. I was surprised that Liz talked so freely about her childhood; she must've instinctively trusted the therapist. But I really enjoyed it. I just know that this is going to be good for Liz. And it's a good sign that she seems to be willing to talk about it - at least with an outsider.

Although, talking is different from other stuff. It's going to take awhile before she'll be comfortable with people touching her and especially - when the time comes - it's going to be extremely hard to be able to have sex with someone (you probably know who I'm hoping it'll be... :roll: )

- Jo

Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 11 8/20

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:18 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz is talking to the therapist. But it will take her a long time to get past everything she has gone through. She didn't tell her mom he hit her because she was scared. Unless they find the babysitter they will never know if anything happened to her.

Eve Yes Liz is talking to Dr. Turner. She knows that she needs to.

Carolyn Yes Liz is seeing someone. Serena really is a very good friend to Liz. She knows Liz went through something really bad and now just wants her friend to get better.

max and liz believer Jo, Liz knows this woman can help her. She wants help. She won't talk to her friends about what happened because she is afraid of how they will react. But the therapist won't pass any judgement about anything that Liz choose to do.

Part 11

The car ride was quite. Liz was lost in thought. She didn't notice until they had stopped.

"I ordered pizza and salad for dinner. You still like the same things you use to right?"
"Good. You want to come in with me? You can pick a couple bottles of soda."

Liz followed Sarah into the pizza place. She walked over to the cooler and grabbed a bottle of orange soda that she knew Alex liked and root beer that was a favorite of Serena's. It was ten minutes later that Liz and Sarah walked into the house. Alex and Serena were doing their homework when they walked in.

"Hey Lizzie, Aunt Sarah." Said Alex
"Hi mom. Liz." Said Serena
"Hi kids." Said Sarah

Alex got up and took the pizzas and salad from Sarah. Liz put the soda on the table and took her backpack to her room.

"How did it go mom?" Asked Serena
"I wasn't in there with her honey. But it is going to take Liz a long time to get past this. When she is ready just be here for her." Said Sarah

Liz came back in carrying a pill bottle.

"It's just the medication for my ribs. They are hurting a bit." Said Liz
"Just remember to be careful with those honey." Said Sarah
"I promise. I only take them if the pain is really bad."

Liz poured a glass of root beer took a slice of pizza and a little salad before sitting down. She took the pill and started to eat. They spent the meal talking about school.

"Liz how is your algebra coming?" Asked Serena
"I uh got it caught up during gym." Said Liz
"Really? You were having a lot of trouble with it last night." Said Alex
"Yeah. I was in the library working on it and Max came in and helped me with it."
"Who is Max?" Asked Sarah
"Max Evans, he and his sister Isabel started at West Roswell a couple weeks ago. His mom is my case worker." Said Liz
"Do you like him?" Asked Sarah
"He is nice. But that is all I really know about him."

Serena smiled at Alex. She hoped in time that Liz would let Max be her friend. Someone she would be able to trust.


Re: Earning Trust (AU, M/L, Adult) Pt 11 8/20

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:04 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Liz, Max and friends. I think it is good that Sarah, Alex and Serena are there for Liz. And are trying to help Liz when she needs it. I know it will take time for Liz to let people in but I hope Liz will let Max and Isabel be there for her if she needs someone. I think Max, Isabel, Alex, Serena will be looking after Liz without her knowing during school. I hope they will be able to keep Sean away from Liz. And I hope they find out what Sean is up to before Sean goes after Liz. Will Max still help Liz with her class? Will Liz let Max help her? Will Max try and talk to Liz? Will Liz talk to Max? Will Max and Liz try to hang out and talk? Will Isabel try and talk to Liz? Will Liz talk to Isabel? What will Isabel and Liz talk about? Will Liz and Isabel try to hang out and talk? Will Liz try and talk to Serena and Alex? What will Liz talk about? Is Sean going to try and get Liz during school or after school? How is Sean going to get to Liz? Will Max, Isabel, Alex and Serena try and find Liz? Will Max, Isabel, Alex and Serena be able to save Liz? Will Liz be able to fight Sean? Will Max and Alex beat the shit out of Sean? Will Serena and Isabel call their mom's? Will Max and Liz fall for each other? Will Max and Liz admit their feelings to each other? Will Max and Liz kiss? Will Max and Liz have a happy ending together? Sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76