Alliances (ADULT/CC) Thread 2

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Post by KarenEvans »


"Just tell me again, slower this time, then we'll come up with a plan."

Swallowing harshly I suppress my sobs,knowing that time is of the utmost importance.Sitting down on her bed,wringing my hands in despair I start to tell her the events of tonight.

"You know how Kivar broke that wine glass tonight and then I went back with him to my chambers to see to it.Anyway he told me he'd received news of a 'would be traitor' and he was worried and angry.He said visiting Valentia at this point is unsafe."

I take a deep breath and continue,"He said Lord Moxon is the suspected traitor but that is impossible Tess and Kivar says he wants me for himself and would do anything.All this of course has been fed to him by Nicholas,that lowlife whom Kivar sets so much store by and who continues to tell Kivar lies about me and hates me.Moxon has been nothing but loyal to Kivar and right now I suspect Kivar has taken him prisoner."

"I tried reasoning with him but he wouldn't listen and said I should be locked up for my own safety until the matter is taken care off.This is insane Tess.Moxon would never hurt me,in fact he's one of the few who had noticed how sad I was for so many months.When I argued with Kivar,I admit I lost my temper but he raised his hand to hit me although he stopped himself."

I look at her and feel a lump in my throat,"He promised me Tess,he promised me that he would never strike me again and after tonight,I just don't know if I can take his vacillating personality.I mean if he raised his hand I have to doubt his sincerity.He swore he would love me and protect me but this is unbearable.I am like a possession to him.He says I must stop being so unreasonable and that I have to listen to him."

Clutching at her hands I can hear how desperate I sound to my own ears,"He said he wants us to have children btu I can't Tess.I don't want to anymore,not with him like this.Please you've got to help me.Come back to my room with me before he wakes up and finds me gone.There's a guard at my door but I'm not sure how safe it is to go through Kivar's room again."
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Post by KarenEvans »


"What we need to do is come up with a plan, for now you need to act as if nothing is going on. We musn't make him suspicious or else he won't let either of us leave, for now maybe you could agree to staying in your room for a few days, be agreeable, but don't let him hurt you.

I nod my head in agreement not that I feel like even pretending but I have no other choice right now and if Kivar becomes suspicious he'll watch me like a hawk.Few days will seem like months but I trust Tess and I know she will help me in any way she can.

Getting up I glance at the clock,I've already been in her room for fifteen minutes."Tess,I don't think I should flee to Valentia with you.It would bring Kivar's wrath down upon your planet if he knew I was there.I'll be a liability.We must think of something else.But right now I have to get back in to my room.I'm afraid that Kivar might wake up at any moment and discover my absense."
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Post by KarenEvans »


"...come on we have to get you back, and I'll talk to Kyle tonight, he might know where to take you."

I nod my head and follow her out the door,both of us walking stealthily down the long dimly lit corridor.Luckily it's late so no one is about.Kivar has probably made some decree that no one is to roam about after a certain hour.He is so paranoid!

As we approach Kivar's and my chambers I put my hand on Tess' arm,"Tess" I whisper "the guards will see us.I stunned the one outside Kivar's door earlier but that couldn't have lasted too long and then there's one at my door."

She nods her head and I see her loking ahead with a vacant look on her face,like she isn't aware of me and I know she's using her power to make them think we aren't there so we can slip inside undetected.Once she's sure it's working she pulls me along quickly to my door and grabs the door key from the guard's pocket,opens the door and deposits the key back in his pocket.

Rushing in to my room I turn around and let out a sigh of relief,"Oh my god! I was on pins and needles back there. If I have to keep this up for days I'm sure I'll go mad." I chuckle nervously

OOC-I have used Tess with Ali's permission.
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Post by KarenEvans »


"Hopefully it won't take that long, I'll try to sneak back here tomorrow after I've spoken with Kyle and Kivar, fill you in on everything."

I smile at her gratefully,"Thank you Tess,you'll never know how much this means to me.You've been my only friend for so long now.I'll be waiting for you tomorrow.Take care."

I hug her once more,"Goodnight." I watch her leave and flop down on my bed,turning on to my side.Although I close my eyes,sleep eludes me for the next few hours since my mind is restless.
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Post by KarenEvans »


I was just about to go out to play polo with some of my ministers when I see the communicator's light flashing and I dash to it.It has to be Tess.
"To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure my dear?" I ask in a dramatic voice and laugh then add "I thought you'd be asleep by now."
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Post by KarenEvans »


The smile on my face disappears as Tess starts explaining and I can hear the worry,anger and concern in her voice,"He thinks it isn't safe for her to travel because of an imaginary plot of deceit in the court, but that lord who he believes is guilty is definitely not and he's struck Isabel before! He almost did tonight but something made him stop"

My eyes widen in surpise and shock,"WHAT!? He hits her! You never told me that before.I'm amazed that Isabel's family hasn't ojected and come down on your brother like a tonn of bricks by now."

I always knew Kivar was a psychopath.What a complete asshole!Any man who hits his wife is a coward.Isabel is a lovely person and Kivar needs to be kicked."How's Isabel?" I ask,my voice now equally concerned
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Post by KarenEvans »


Isabel is strong, she's holding up alright, but we have to get her out of here as soon as we can."

"It's a wonder he hasn't driven her mad by now.Keeping her away from her family.I'm sorry to say this honey but your brother is one twisted guy.I think he's obsessed with her,more than anything else."

I can hear how emotional she is right now and I wish I could comfort her but I have to be strong for her and well for Isabel as well."I was thinking I could talk about how Isabel and I had been hoping to have children around the same time, and that should keep him thrown I hope."

"You do that but be very careful.He's clever and devious if nothing else and I don't want him hurting you.What do you want me to do?If Isabel comes away with you back to Valentia he'll simply follow her."

I pause as I try thinking of some solution,"She will have to go in to hiding if she's serious about getting away from him."
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Post by littleroswell »


I smile at Max. "No, not really, Max. You can go on back to Liz. Basil and Shasta will keep me company, along with my birds. I'll be fine. Thanks again."

I smile and wish that I could get Michael's comments and tone out of my head. Maybe I should read or something. I ring the bell for my maid and hope she won't be too long.


I laugh at that revelation. "Five brothers! No wonder you aren't much of a conversationalist." Then I think about his question and I smile. "Yes, Alex and I are very close and Maria makes our little circle complete and quite happy. He's really the best brother that anyone could ask for. Tell me, Michael, what is the royal family like on Antar? Are they close or do they barely speak to each other?" I hope that they are a close family. I shudder at the thought of my life turning into a cold, lonely life with the prince only seeing me when he's trying to produce an heir or when we're facing the people together or formal occasions.
Just call me Phoenix...cause I'm back from the dead!
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Post by KarenEvans »


I grin when I see her amused face,five brothers would be a shock anyone.

"Tell me, Michael, what is the royal family like on Antar? Are they close or do they barely speak to each other?"

Memories of my time spent in the Royal Antarian household come flooding back and I can't help but smile in rememberance.I am lucky that Reschvet and Antar are so close.I was able to go theree every summer for a few weeks and one several other holidays.Their winter is our summer so good excuse to get away from Reschvet's heat.

"Oh yes they are.The Prince is very close to both his parents.He has a sister as well,Vilandra,that is her official name,they are both as close as Prince Alex and you seem but lately," I frown unconsciously when I think of how we haven't heard from Isabel in ages "we've had no word from her.She's the Queen of Taggorra now.There's been word from her for many many months and her parents are worried,as is the Prince."
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