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Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:07 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
I was looking at this pretty old site that listed the couples and instead of being called lamptrimmers, they had Tess and Kyle listed as rebounders. i thtought that was pretty strange
Actually I could see why they'd be called that, especially if it was an old site and the term lamptrimmers hadn't been made or wasn't used on that board. Since Kyle still cared for Liz and Tess still cared for Max, they both kind of became the safe, comforting, rebound person for each other. Eventually, though, if Tess hadn't gone evil, it would have become more.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:50 am
by POM
I so wanted them to end up together!! But they didn't :( they seemed so right for eachother!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2005 9:44 pm
by jbangelo
For anyone who's interested, I've posted Part 1 of the sequel to my first Trimmer story: Everything to Gain

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 9:16 pm
by Ti88
i will definity go an dcheck out the sequel.

space cowgirl. oh goodness i haven't heard that name or rebounders in ages. back when kyle was a woozle and evil tess was a gerbil. (looks around and does not see tracie...he'll always be a woozle to me) but a lot of names are from pretty old sites. crash down, rrr, etc. evil tess destroyed three ships. m/l, t/k and a/i. i have read awesome fic where she stays bad an dava comes to the rescue. there is a great fic where thigns happen, kyle leaves and him and her find each other again no questions.

i myse;f am redeeming tess in two of my fics. unraveling which is in dead and buried until i get a new part and the dreamer based the one we want. its sequel will be fixing the mess with tess. my attempts to put her back on the right path

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:07 pm
by killjoy
Big big big lamptrimmer here :P In fact it is my favorite ship from the show. I hate what the writers on the show did to Tess.(The you're like my sister speech at Prom,her killing Alex and than killing her off,it was all stupid :roll: ) That's why I love this board I can find and read happy Kyle/Tess fanfiction

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:10 am
by FaithfulAngel24
I love Kyle and Tess together. Any fics with them together is a must read for me. I was seriously disterbed when they made Tess evil in the end. I just wanted to scream "Why Jason! Why?!" :twisted:

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:43 am
by killjoy
This is an idea for a Lamptirmmer story that I've been thinking about trying my hand at writing.And since I've never written anything before I'm here to ask what you think about it.It will be set in the AU with no aliens board.Ok here goes.

When Tess Harding hears that her twin sister Ava has met an decided to marry a young man in Roswell New Mexico by the name of Sean Deluca she's stunned.Knowing that her sister would never be happy in a back water town like Roswell,Tess leaves on a mission to change her sisters mind and drag her back to LA with her.

But when the LA city girl rolls into Roswell she's shocked at the wierdness she finds there.The town's law and order sheirff is married to an ex protesting hippie! The successful and rich town doc is married to a small time resturant owner! The owners of the only club in town seem to fight with each other as much as they jump each others bones and a some what nerdy high school computer teacher and a world famous supermodel are madly in love with one another!

But all that pales in comparrison when her sister introduces her to a good friend by the name Kyle Valenti.And soon the young deputy sheirff is starting to make Tess re think her views about Roswell!

Ok what do you think? :oops:

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:57 am
by pooklette
Sounds good to me killjoy! It sounds like it could turn out to be a great love story. I would read it...especially if there was a little humor thrown in the mix too. :D

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:45 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
I like it. Hope you do it. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:22 am
by killjoy
I once read a lamptrimming story called Old Jersey New Jersey.As you all remember when Kyle first saw Tess in his room she was wearing his old blue jersey and in the story they're now a married couple living in New Jersey,hence the name for the story.But sadly I can't find it anymore so if anyone knows a link to it please please post it or PM me.Did I mention please :?: