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Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 9&10 8/7/16

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:49 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz is very stubborn. She is afraid that no one would accept her.

Natalie36 Don't worry Tessa won't get her way and Liz will come around.

Part 11

Diane walked into her husband's office after the meeting with Liz and Serena.

"How did it go?" Asked Philip
"Not as well as I had hoped. Elizabeth the older of the two girls is really upset by the news."
"What about the younger?"
"She took it a lot better. She wants to stay. She was willing to even work for a home here."
"Edward is pushing for me to announce the engagement of Maxwell and Tessa."
"Are you?"
"No, Maxwell is really unhappy with the idea of being with Tessa."
"Philip, if you want my opion I believe that Elizabeth would be a good match for our son."
"She is human isn't she?"
"You maybe right. It would also do a lot to help to prove that humans truly do have equal rights."
"The only problem might be that Elizabeth, doesn't seem to want anything to do with Max. She feels that no one will accept her with him."
"So you may have to step in as guardian and force her into the marriage."
"Yes. I would rather not. But I know that just as our son has feelings for her, she has feelings for him."
"So she is stubborn?"
"Yes very."
"That is a very good quality in a future Queen."
"I know. I know that those two are right for each other. I think it is time that Tessa is sent home."
"Edward is not going to be happy about this."
"Philip, he only will support you if Tessa marries Max. He has been good friends with Kivar for years. Kivar hates you and wants nothing more then to take the crown from you."
"Diane, I am aware of that. But until we have proof the council will never support his removal."
"I know."
"Where are the girls?"
"Serena is in the library with a tutor. Elizabeth is in the garden. I have Lieutenant Zane keeping an eye on her."
"Fine, you make sure that the girl is prepared to become queen when the time comes. I will deal with Edward and his daughter."

Diane left knowing that neither of them had an easy job.


Liz walked through the garden. She knew that she should be happy that she had a safe place to live. That if either she or her sister got sick again then they would be cared for. But it was going to make it harder for her to fight her feelings for the prince. Then there was the fact that Lady Tessa was after the prince. Liz knew that she was not the right person for the prince. But he was not going to give up on her easily.

"Lady Tessa is a real bitch isn't she?"

Liz turned to find Princess Isabel behind her.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's OK Princess."
"It's Isabel. I am not that hung up on my title no matter what you may have heard. I mean yeah I make Lady Tessa call me Princess. But I don't like her."
"You know nothing about me."
"I know you were willing to risk going to prison to try and help your sister. That proves that you will put others before yourself. Tessa, only cares about power."
"I would never be accepted as a mate for your brother."
"Liz, the people of Antar aren't as close minded as you think."
"Humans are still treated like second class citizens."
"There was a poll done last year. The question asked of two thousand citizens of Antar was, if the best person to be Queen was human would you support it? 80% came back saying that if it was for the best of Antar they would support the idea of a human Queen."
"That is surprising."
"I understand that you have had it rough. But people do change. The shop owner could have had you thrown in prison for stealing the medicine. But he let you go."
"He was always kind to my sister and me. He had this metal box in the alley behind his shop. He would put food and water in it sometimes for us."
"You have seen the kindness of antarians. Liz, don't be afraid to open your heart to my brother."
"Where is my sister?"
"She is studying with a tutor in the library."

Liz walked off to find the library.

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 11 8/8/16

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:57 am
by Natalie36
i hope izzy go to liz :)

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 11 8/8/16

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 9:24 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Loved the talk Liz and Isabel had. It seems Isabel finally got through to Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 11 8/8/16

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 6:57 am
by Roswelllostcause
Natalie36 Isabel has given Liz something to think about.

L-J-L 76 We have to wait and see if Isabel got through to Liz.

Part 12

Tessa, let out a moan as her lover Kivar entered her. She loved the feel of his dick inside of her. He was so strong and powerful in their love making.

"Yes Kivar! That feels so fucking good!"

Kivar just grunted as he kept pumping hard and fast into her. He knew that she was in love with him. But the fact was she was just a slut he was using to get what he wanted. She was the means to destroy the Royal family. All she had to due was marry the stupid prince and get pregnant with the heir. An heir that he would control after killing the Royals and taking the throne for himself. He let out one last grunt as he reached his release. He rolled off her and stared at her.

"Now get out and get to work on the prince."
"Yes my love."

Tessa dressed and headed out. Kivar smiled his first order of business once had the heir was going to be to kill that annoying slut. She had no brains her only skill was in bed, and she wouldn't be needed once he reinstated humans as slaves like they should be. He planned to have a dozen human females as his whores.


Liz found the library and went in. She found a woman sitting at a table with Serena going over history. The woman looked up and smiled.

"You are welcome to join us Miss Elizabeth." Said the woman
"Come on Liz. You use to enjoy learning new things." Said Serena

Liz let out a sigh and walked over to the table. She sat down next to her sister and looked at the open book.

"I'm Ms. Trina. We were going over how the House of Zanderon came to power. The house that the Evans are decened from."
"They came into power four hundred years ago if I remember right." Said Liz
"That is right. Now do you know how it happened?" Asked Trina
"Uh that would be when Zanderon the first lead an uprising to bring down King Grather son of King Kivar the eighth who was destroying Antar's natural resources for his own gain." Said Liz
"Yes Lord Kivar of the Vander region is a descendent from Grather." Said Trina
"He has been very out spoken about the fact that he wants to take back the freedom that humans like us have gained." Said Liz
"That is very true. Elizabeth, I would like to see if you are able to pass the University entrance exam. I will give you a month to study it if you wish."
"If I pass what would that mean?" Asked Liz
"You would be able to enroll in the Royal University when the next term starts."
"Liz! That would be great for you!" Said Serena
"Your sister is right. You would not be the first human admitted either. There are close to a hundred enrolled right now." Said Trina

Liz thought about it. She had always wanted to go to the University. This was her best chance at it.

"I'll do it." Said Liz

Trina reached into her bag and pulled out the needed study guides and gave them to Liz. Liz opened one of them right away and started to study. She also grabbed one of the pads of paper and a pen to write down anything that she didn't understand so she could ask questions.


Max smiled as he watched Liz go to work at the study guides. She was so beautiful and smart just like his heart had told him. He would wait until Trina was done with her lesson before he would offer to help Liz study for her test.

"So how is she doing?" Asked Diane
"Trina thinks with a little study time she can pass the University entrance exam." Said Max
"That is good. How are your studies going?"
"Well I will graduate on time near the top of my class."
"That is very good Max."
"So is dad going to do what Lord Harding wants?"
"No. You will not have to marry Tessa."
"Good. Now if only dad would send that annoying girl away."
"He has to handle this with care. Lord Harding has a lot of influence."
"True, but if I could prove it I am betting that he has some kind of deal with Kivar."
"That is what your father thinks."
"So if I can convince Liz to marry me he will support it?"
"Yes. Even more now knowing she is so bright. Max, you don't have a lot of time to do it. But if you are truly sure she is the one that you want I will step in as her guardian and approve of the engagement. Even if she fights it."
"I would rather that she marry me by choice. But I only have a year before I am required to announce my engagement."
"That is true."
"Give me six months mom. If I can't win her over in that time then you can give me her hand."
"Six months Maxwell."

Max let out a sigh and knew that he had his work cut out for him.


Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 12 8/9/16

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 7:33 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Liz is so going to pass the test with flying colors. Liz already knows somethings. Love how Max wants to help Liz with her studies. Max still have may have his work out with Liz. But I'm sure Max will get through to Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 12 8/9/16

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 8:11 am
by keepsmiling7
Got a little behind, but now I am glad to see the King thinks that being stubborn is a good quality for a Queen. And now we know she is very smart and will enter the university.
I'm ready for the King to send Tessa home......the sooner the better.
Isabel had a great talk with Liz.......hope she took it to heart.
Six months for the Prince to win Elizabeth............go for it!

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 13&14 8/10/16

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:44 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Oh I say it will be a safe bet that Liz will pass the test. Max will have his work cut out for him.

Carolyn Say bye bye to Tessa and her father at least for now! Six let's hope that is long enough to break through Liz's stubbornness for Max!

Part 13

Philip looked up when his office door opened and Edward entered.

"You asked to see me My King?"
"Please sit down Ed."

Edward sat down across from Philip.

"There is no easy way to say this but Maxwell will not be marrying Tessa." Said Philip
"Is there a problem?"
"My son has no feelings for your daughter. I will not force him into a marriage that could make him unhappy."
"Sire, they could learn to love each other. My wife and I never met until our wedding day."
"Ed, that may be the case with you. But I will not do that to my son. A good King needs someone he feels he can talk to and trust. He does not feel this way about Tessa. So it's time that the two of you return to your home. I expect you both to be gone by the end of the week."
"Yes Sire. I wish this would have worked out. May I ask does the Prince have his eye on someone?"
"Yes, he does. But I will not say any more."
"Very well."

Philip watched as Edward left. He knew the man was up to something. He then pulled the papers from his desk that would give both of the girls his wife had taken custody of full protection. He wanted no harm to come to either of them. He had also had seen Trina's report on the girls. Both were very bright. Elizabeth stood a very good chance of getting into the University.


Liz sat under a tree in the garden reading through her study guides and making notes. She had noticed that there was a guard watching over her. She knew that something was going on but had no clue what it was, or why she would need a guard.

"How is the studying going?"

Liz looked up to see Max standing in front of her.

"Not bad."
"Mind if I sit with you?"

Liz shook her head and Max smiled and sat down. He picked up her note book and looked at her notes.

"Are these the things you are having trouble with?" Asked Max
"Uh a little."
"If you want I can help you."
"I don't think that is a good idea."
"Lady Tessa wouldn't like it."
"Why should I care what she likes?"
"She is going to be your wife."
"Let me guess she told you that."
"Well her father is meeting with mine right now and being told that I will never marry her. I can't be with someone that I have no feelings for. I can't have feelings for her because I have them for someone else."

Liz bit her lip. She knew that he was talking about her. But she couldn't see herself as a future queen.

"Liz, it's OK to be scared of your feelings."
"Who said I was scared?"
"I never said that you were. I just said it is OK if you are. I know what I feel around you scares me. I never felt this way and it scares me because I don't want to hurt you."
"Let's just say the people of Antar are open to the idea of a human Queen. I know nothing about being a leader."
"You can learn. Liz, you are smart. My mom would show you how to be a good Queen."
"I don't know."
"Liz, I want to get to know you. I want to show you how a beautiful lady like you should be treated."
"This is so new to me."
"OK. We can take this slow."
"I would like that."
"Now is there anything I can do for you?"
"Maybe you can tell me why there is a guard following me?"
"It's for your safety."
"My safety?"
"Liz, no matter what happens you and your sister are part of my family now."

Liz smiled, for the first time in a long time she knew that things were going to be ok.

Part 14

Edward stormed into the suite that he shared with his daughter. He found her laying on the sofa looking at some gossip magazine.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Yelled Edward
"What are you talking about father?" Asked Tessa
"We have to be out of here by the end of the week! Because you are too stupid to get that shit head of a prince under your control!"
"Tessa, the King is throwing us out!"
"Because, the prince wants nothing to do with you and the king won't force him!"
"You don't think I haven't tried to get in Max's head? I have there is something blocking me!"
"You can't even seduce him!"
"He won't look at me!"
"Well, we have to come up with another plan to help Kivar."
"You know Max seems to have his eye on that stupid street rat human."
"Really? This might workout for us."
"What do you mean?"
"Tessa, there is a law that states if the heir to the throne marries out side of the noble lines then she must pass both a loyalty and purity test. Where that law does not apply to you. It would to this human slut."
"I don't understand."
"If she proves not to be a virgin or that she is part of the rebels out to bring down the Royals she would be put to death. That is where you would be there to comfort the heartbroken prince."
"What makes think that he would turn to me?"
"You really are stupid girl aren't you? He will turn to you because you are the only one that will be there!"
"If we have to leave then how will I be there?"
"Just leave that to me. But for now we will do as the King wishes and leave. I will come up with the plan to get back in the King's good graces. You just be ready to be by the Prince's side when he finds out that the street rat that he has his eyes on is nothing but a dirty whore like every other human."
"I understand father."

Edward and Tessa kept talking while their maid slipped out to find someone to tell what those two were up to. As she made her way down the hall she ran into Princess Isabel.

"Princess!" Said the maid as she dropped to her knees.
"What is it?" Asked Isabel
"Lord Harding and his daughter are planing something. They are planning on helping Lord Kivar to destroy your family."
"You work for them right?"
"So you know you are risking your life by informing me of this."
"I know this."
"Why are you doing it?"
"The truth is my mother was a human that worked for Lord Harding, there came the night he forced her into his bed. I am the result of that night. He has denied me as his child and made me a servant to my half sister. If he could get away without paying me he would."
"You will need to tell my father what you heard."
"I understand."
"What is your name?"
"Come with me Ava."

Isabel lead Ava through the palace to her father's office.


Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 13&14 8/10/16

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:19 pm
by L-J-L 76
Another great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? Can't wait to find out what will happen next for Max and Liz. Finally Tessa and her father are leaving. Oh no they are up to no good. Finally someone is going to tell the King what Lord Harding and Tessa are up to. Wow Max is being really truthful to Liz. Great move Max made. Glad Max told Liz why there was a guard watching her. Philip did a good thing by giving Liz and Serena protection. The girls maybe needing it with Lord Harding, Tessa and Kivar around.

L-J-L 76

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 13&14 8/10/16

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 11:36 am
by max and liz believer
Max really has his eyes set on Liz :wink: and he seems just as stubborn as she is. But Liz really needs to try and work through her fears. That big love can really seem scary, but if she doesn't let down her walls that love will never achieve what it is capable of becoming. Obviously, Max needs to go slow. You should never hurry or force someone that is scared.

Tessa and Kivar = never a good combination.

Interesting twist with adding Ava to the mix.

Looking forward to more!

- Jo

Re: Street Rat (AU, M/L Adult) Pt 13&14 8/10/16

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:10 pm
by keepsmiling7
I was hoping for goodbye forever for Tessa and Ed.
The King is wise to have both sisters protected.
After Max explained things to Liz, I think she is feeling much better about her future.
So glad the Prince was able to block Tessa out.........
And how good that Ava overheard some helpful information
Great part,