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the calm before the storm

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:49 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 27

His eyes opened and the sound of the birds on the trees at his back reminded him what had triggered the flashback, as they sounded just like the canaries. He recalled the five lesbians, one by one, always nice to him, giving him brownies and a cold Coke. Hank couldn’t stand them. Michael had sneaked over to Max’s as soon as he woke up through the back window of his room and had him heal the deep cuts but just leave the superficial scabs in case the bastards decided to come checking on their masterpiece and find it suspicious that they weren’t there anymore. Of course he told Sarah and they both decided to go for the “wash offs” with Hank as a joke from her, making sure he had a big laugh. The problem was solved just a week later after Michael had had his ass bared by the jerks three times after it happened, to gloat over it in front of their other friends of the neighbourhood, making Michael’s hands itch to zap them. The idiots had been kicked out of the pin ball place and built a home made bomb to blast the whole stupid place with the owner who slept there but they only succeeded in blowing the back door and themselves to pieces. The lesbies took off when Michael started his Freshman year at school and they left their trailer to a nice old lady who was one of them’s aunt. They came back visiting the next year, a couple of weeks before Hank made his disappearing act. They just stayed overnight but he saw them out there chatting when he came home after an evening with Maria at the Crashdown, and they rushed over to him. He was hugged and kissed by all of them checking him all over.

“Look at you! Wow! You’ve sure grown! You got a girlfriend?” One of them asked.

Michael just nodded and smirked.

“We heard about Sarah…real sorry…” The short one said.

“Hank still…?” Another one wondered about what the prick did to him.

Michael nodded and winced and the woman hugged him tight and sobbed into his shoulder.

“Oh baby, wish we could do something about it!” She sniffed as the other four joined her.

“It’s ok, I can deal.” Michael whispered to them.

“We know, you’re tough, but it’s still not fair!” The dyed Swedish blonde said.

“Go to sleep love, school tomorrow, right ? We’ll leave very early so I guess we won’t see you, so goodbye and take care? For us?” The brunette smiled and they all kissed his cheeks before he smirked and turned quickly into Hank’s trailer. He didn’t want them to see how much their concern had touched him, how his eyes had filled with tears. When Hank came home about half an hour later, he took his grief out on him and fucked him hard and late into the night, pissed at having lost thirty bucks at the card game next door. Michael was sure they had heard what was going on, cause Hank had been quite loud, but he never saw the women again. He shook away the sad memories and decided it was time to ride back before they started worrying. He took one last refreshing dive, dried himself, dressed and rode back.

Liz blinked and straightened from where she was sitting in full concentration as she was in perfect communication with Maria.

- Michael! - They both went together, catching the others’ attention.

Maria’s eager look told Liz she had only got through the identity.

- He’s coming back, there’s something he needs to tell us. - The concerned looks told her they had got the wrong impression from her words. - There’s nothing to worry about. It’s just about couple of flashes from his past he wants to share with us, that’s all, he’s a little upset by them but apart from that, he’s fine. -

They sighed and went on with their mental exercises, waiting for Michael. Half an hour later when he hadn’t shown up, they began to wonder, and Liz realized he had blocked himself out. They went looking for him at the stables and Rubén told them he had left for the house and he had seen him climbing the back stairs to his room, probably to change. They thanked him and raced up the way he had gone to find him in bed. There was something weird in the way he lay, with his arms tucked under him, one around his chest and the other around his stomach. His legs were close together, one straight and the other just a little flexed.

- Wait! - Serena warned, recognizing the position. - That’s how he lay to protect his hands: his weapons, from Hank when he came at him. Don’t touch him until we’re sure he knows who we are, it could be dangerous and he could react attacking us thinking we’re him. -

Everyone froze and let her circle around the boy and waved them over. Michael’s eyes were shut tight and he was whimpering with a slight wince now and then.

- Liz, what did he remember? He didn’t block you out, right? - Serena asked.

Liz shook her head and her eyes filled with tears as she reached out for them.

- He should be the one to show you, but he intended to, I don’t know what made him stay away from us. Maybe you can tell us. - Liz told Serena.

After they got the flashes from Liz, they came to the conclusion that Michael had reasons enough to be upset, and just stayed there to make sure he would see them with him when he woke up. He tossed and muttered unintelligibly until Liz couldn’t take the pain she got from him for fractions of seconds when control escaped him. She slumped behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders burying her face in his hair and hers fell over his face.

- Liz, no! Don’t come in here! Hank! You stay away from her! Don’t touch her! - Michael exclaimed.

- He’s back in that day Liz went to the trailer to warn Michael about Topolsky asking about him. Hank let her in and Michael was afraid he had offended her in some way, but Liz insisted he hadn’t. - Maria explained.

- Michael, I’m fine, he just let me in, it’s ok, wake up! It’s just a dream; we’re all here with you! Please wake up! - Liz sobbed and pressed her lips to his cheek.

She slid her hands all the way down his arms to his hands and pushed her fingers between his. He whimpered again and she felt him start to relax. Then, very gently, she pulled them out from under him until they were lying on the bed at his sides and her hands were now in his. Just as gently, she freed them from his soft grip and slid them over to his thighs, sliding them up and down, almost to his knees and almost to his ass but not quite. Michael was now visibly relaxing, his eyes were still closed but not shut tight, and his lips were also still parted but not wincing anymore. He took a deep breath and sighed.

- Liz...- He moaned, as he spread his legs to his usual sleeping position, and snuggled into the bed.

Serena caught Maria and Isabel’s hands to stop them from going to him and interfering in Liz’s interaction. They gave her a puzzled look but Serena just shook her head and they stayed back. Serena was not surprised at the confidence Michael had in Liz, how completely he trusted her, because she did too. She had no doubts that the human girl, in spite of her size, would have the most positive reaction under stressed conditions, being even more sensible that Isabel herself, in spite of her alien side which was not acquired like hers was. Obviously Michael felt it too. Liz could be scared to death but she would still be able to think of the best way out of the problem and she was using her keen instincts right now to bring Michael back.

- Please Michael, I’m here with you, we all are. Wake up, baby, come back to us. I swear that you will never have to be where you don’t want to, we will do everything in our hands to spare you from psychological pain. I wish we could include the physical kind too, but I don’t think that will be possible. We love you Michael, you know how much we all do. C’mon, please, open your eyes. - She pleaded.

Serena let go off Maria and Isabel and nodded. They rushed to him in one body and it only took the touch of all their hands to elicit a response from the boy.

Michael moaned and his lashes parted so they could all see the honey coloured pools meeting their eyes.

- Oh shit! I’m sorry, I should have gone straight to you. I was going to, but I needed to lie down a bit, that was all. You didn’t need to come to me. - He sincerely regretted having made them worry about him. - It’s just that I had these weird flashes...I didn’t block you out, did I? -

- No, you didn’t, but you don’t need to go through them again, I already did with all of us, I hope you don’t mind…once is more than enough. - Liz said quietly.

- Yeah, it sure is, thanks. It’s stupid how it can still hurt…- He whispered.

- No Michael, it’s not, because those scars will never go away, nothing can do that for you, not even alien powers could do it with the ones you got on Antar either. - Serena assured him. - Come join us, you’ll feel better, you’ll see. -

- I already do. Ok, what were you working on? Can I help? - Michael asked.

- Of course you can! We need you! - Serena hooked her arm in his and got him off the bed. Then she led him to the back stairs and headed for her house.

Once back in the workshop, they went on from where they had left off to go and find Michael. He knelt on the easy chair facing the opposite way and watching them at work. He was so focused on their progress that he didn’t feel Serena approaching him from the left until she cupped his chin and turned his face to her. She shook her head with a sad smile and sitting on the arm of the chair, she twisted her upper body towards his as he did the same. He received her in his arms and she hugged him as close as she could against her. The absolute silence in the room made them break apart and realized that every eye in the room was on them.

- Hey! I’m just having a hugging thing with my aunt’s sister and “me mum’s” best friend! - He grinned at them.

That got them all laughing and left them alone.

- Serena, I’m quite ready, why do I have to wait? Why doesn’t my father take me back to do what is expected of me? It doesn’t make sense! - Michael exclaimed just loud enough for her to hear, blocking himself out completely.

- Michael, your father and your aunt know what they’re doing, remember time on Antar goes much slower that it does here, they’ll know when the time is right. The best you can do for the time being, is go on with your life. No matter what happens, you will eventually need to be able to take care of Maria, and to be able to do that, you need to graduate. You’ll hopefully do that with Laurie, cause you’re both going to be seniors at the Edge High School. Laurie has already talked to the Principal about you and he’s welcomed you there since Grandpa Charles Dupree donated a lot of money to them for many years as Laurie herself has. Unfortunately everybody knows that the second set of twins died so we can’t let you take your real human DNA’s place, but the other child of Charles Jr’s who was supposedly born out of wedlock will be an easier identity for you to take, since all they know about him is hearsay. They have no way of knowing he didn’t really exist at all. They all took it for granted he did, so we’ll have no problems forging and id for you. She just took off and nobody knew for sure where, until rumours had it she had left for a job in South America soon after finding out she was pregnant and leaving Tucson. The next they knew, she had died in a plane crash somewhere in the Amazon jungle and no one heard again of the kid presuming they had both been killed in the accident. No one here has any way of knowing she wasn’t pregnant at all, so it’s to our advantage. Apparently Laurie’s father got back with her after the death of the second set of twins, and when she realized she was with child, she decided to leave. That puts him on your real age, cause by the time school starts you will have just turned 17, but your birth certificate will give you an extra year so you and Laurie can be together, ok? - Serena smiled at him reassuringly. - All you have to do is wait until the time is due and your Antares family recalls you, so school will keep you busy. -

- It’s just that I’m so restless! - Michael scoffed.

- Of course you are! You’re totally different from your cousin, both Max and Zan. You can’t wait to get in action, while he is very content to be as laid back as possible, glad to leave the fighting to you. - Serena reminded him.

- What about the other ones? - Michael wondered.

- That’s just what I’m about to sort out. - She let go of Michael and stood up, turning to the busy group. - Ok, guys, I’ve got something important to tell you! -

They stopped whatever it was they were doing and turned to her.

- This was going to be kind of a surprise from us meaning Derek, Laurie and myself and we were going to tell you this weekend. We are almost two weeks away from classes to begin and at least Derek and I have been wondering why none of you have asked or mentioned about your academic future, specially Liz. Michael’s restlessness in another direction, more out of this world, just got me thinking that maybe you too, like him, have given up your human possibilities to wait for a life out of Earth. Like I just told him, this may take longer that you think due to the time difference between both worlds, so sitting and waiting is not an option. You need to keep busy and what I recommend is to go on living according to your ages. You’ve all been accepted at the University of Arizona’s College of Medicine which is near the High School Michael and Laurie will be attending. We think you will agree that you should put your powers to good use helping people so we have chosen what will bring you together the best way possible. Max and Liz will go to medical school, Max will take a specific interest in the Oriental technique of shiatsu, so you will be able to use your hands without suspicion. Liz will go for diagnosis, which will be facilitated through her empathy. Ava, Kyle, Maria and Isabel will go for psychology, because mindwarping and dreamwalking will be used as hypnosis, in which you will specialize. Kyle, don’t look sad, you can do your car mechanics as a hobby, you don’t need to live of it. And Maria, you can use your music and singing as part of a special technique to relax the patients into the hypnotic trance. We’ll have no trouble opening a private clinic successfully using your gifts as part of your craft. What do you think? - Serena was afraid they didn’t agree with her because of their initial silence.

Their outburst came all together, finding it perfect, the choice couldn’t have been more appropriate and congratulated Serena for channeling their lives in the correct direction. Serena told them Roswell’s Mr. Forrester had spoken very highly of them and provided all the paperwork. They had been accepted and everything had already been paid for, so in two weeks time, they were off to go on studying.

- What is it Max? - Serena sensed he was doubtful about something.

- Even if we use shiatsu as my excuse for healing with my hands, what will we do about the white healing light? - Max asked.

- How about blindfolding your patients telling them it will work better with their minds going totally blank and darkness will get them there faster and easier? - Serena suggested.

- No, it won’t work, I need to look into their eyes to heal them. - Max reminded her. - Michael is the only one I don’t need to because of the way we connect. The only occasion I didn’t need the eye contact was with the kids at the hospital because they just trusted me and hid nothing from me, but that’s not how adults react, unfortunately.

- Then we’ll whip up a gadget on your hands and tell them it’s a fluorescent light that helps you focus on the area to be healed, or whatever! We’ll work it out, don’t worry! - Serena suggested.

- And what about Michael? - Maria asked.

- What about him? He’ll be in school with Laurie…- Serena repeated that part.

- No, I mean after he graduates, what have you got planned for him? - Maria asked.

- I didn’t really plan all this for you guys, just did what I knew you would want. Michael’s future is up to him, what he wants to do with it. He still has almost a year ahead of him to make up his mind and choose what he wants in his life. - Serena explained.

Maria rushed to Michael and wrapped her arms around him.

- Oh, my baby will still be in school! I’m going to miss you so much! - She whined.

- Don’t worry, Maria, big sister will be right there with him to make sure he behaves. - Laurie nodded and Michael smirked.

- Until…- Liz said, hinting at the fact that they might not be on Earth that long.

She never got to finish because the interruption came in the form of the blinding white light and the female underwater voice that filled the room. Serena immediately recognized her sister, as soon as the glare waned.

“Wyteeah? Is it time already?” Serena exclaimed.

“Oh no! They’re taking him away! He will be killed and I’ll never see him again! Don’t leave me Michael! PLEASE!” Maria wailed clinging to Michael.

“Don’t fret child! It’s not time yet but I will be taking him away five days of your weeks for what will be for you two or three hours at the most, while you’re working at controlling your powers. He needs to get the feel of the land, to know the places where the battles will take place just for his protection so he can return to you safely.” Wyteeah consoled Maria.

“Oh, thank god!” Maria whined.

“What is she talking about?” The alien queen asked her sister, perplexed.

“It’s the lore of the planet, kind of like the Granilith…” Serena clarified.

“I see, alright, it’s not a curse.” Wyteeah sounded relieved.

“How will he get to see the land if, as far as I know, you are still in the safety of the tunnels?” It was Serena’s turn to be baffled.

“Invisibility, sister! Don’t you remember how we recovered their bodies?” Wyteeah couldn’t help shuddering and her voice wavered with the last words.

“You’ve finally mastered it!” Serena said triumphantly.

“No, unfortunately not completely. The Shaman still can only manage it for five persons at a time. When you increase the amount of the ingredients, it simply doesn’t work. There is no problem though with inanimate things, and the steeds take it just as well.” Serena was distressed.

“Then Khivar has a great advantage there still!” Serena scoffed.

“No, he doesn’t have it anymore.” Wyteeah gloated.

“But his allies, the filthy Grunters, who trapped and tortured Rath-Michael…” Serena reminded her.

“All gone, they crossed Khivar with his “secret” slave trade that we all seem to know about and the idiot attacked them one night taking them by surprise. He burnt them all to the ground. Only the crone, who was responsible for the coveted formula was spared and taken to Khivar, who promised to let her live in exchange for the formula. She spat in his face and dropped dead…just like that! Khivar almost went into convulsions! He still does every time he remembers the fiasco, so they’re now worse than we are. When we got word of what had happened, the Shaman laughed his head off, because the crone had been the mother-in-law of one of the Andes people who provided her with their herbs for the concoction. He’s experimenting to find the right combination to cover a larger number of individuals for as long as he wants to, and of course the antidote to cancel the effects. He’s sure he’ll get it right any time now. Michael will have no problems using it for himself and his steed, and two trusted friends to go with him and familiarize him with the environment. Definitely Shenti, and there’s no way we will be able to keep Geehan away from his boy.” Wyteeah heard the loud intake of air and didn’t have to guess who it had come from, adding: “Grow up, Zan!”

Then she glided up to where Michael stood smirking and took him in her arms. The blinding light was back and when it was gone, so were they. Maria was left holding onto thin air.

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:53 am
by imnotlc
whew!!! I finally got caught up with you......
this is just getting better and better....
lovin it..... oh so loving this story......

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 1:54 am
by imnotlc
whew!!! I finally got caught up with you......
this is just getting better and better....
lovin it..... oh so loving this story......

the calm before the storm

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 10:31 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 28

Michael felt the bite of a needle high up on the back of his thigh just before he was enveloped in the pleasantly familiar scent that he was sure had nothing to do with Earth but was totally alien. It was the air the Antares breathed. Michael found it boosting up his strength and making him feel great. He was at home.

- Greet your father, child. - Wyteeah told him as she pushed him towards the older man standing to their left.

Michael was lost in the bear hug the lord Ramthis gave him, returning it with the same energy.

A familiar neigh made him turn and the wiry black man was approaching him from behind with a huge chestnut stallion, with long golden mane and tail, struggling to go to him.

- Storm! - Michael yelled and the horse was set free to rush to him, nickering and pushing his nose into Michael’s chest as he wrapped his arms around the thick neck.

- You better feed him this or he’ll nip your butt off. - A quiet voice breathed beside him.

Michael opened his eyes and turned to see the black man was shyly handing him what looked very much like a carrot, but the colour was weird though the shape wasn’t: it was of an intensive pink. He took it from the man’s hand and their fingers touched. The jolt he got from the contact branched out to his cock and ass, shooting up his body. Michael hissed, closing his eyes with pleasure and the contact was broken as the slave yanked his hand away. Michael felt he was unsure if things were the same between them but Michael stepped back to feed the tidbit to the animal which received it eagerly and then reached out and took the man’s hand in his. He pulled him towards him and they were lost in a warm embrace.

- Rath-Michael! - The black man whispered as their cheeks were pressed together.

- Just Michael now. - He whispered back to him.

- My prince…- Another male voice said tentatively, calling his attention.

Geehan respectfully stood back and let Shenti go to the boy and drop on one knee before him.

- No, Shenti, please come here! - Michael said gently and placed a hand on the short stocky man’s shoulder.

Shenti rose with tears in his eyes and wrapped his arms around Michael, burying his face in the taller boy’s chest. Michael held him tight, his cheek on the top of the man’s head, thinking he was about Kyle’s height.

- It’s only Michael, right? - The soldier voiced into the boy’s chest.

- Yes Shenti, and whatever else you want to call me. - As the endearing term “Daiau” which sounded: Dye-ow came to Michael’s mind, whispered in the heat of passion.

They pulled apart as Michael gave a start and gasped when Storm nipped his butt as predicted, asking for attention.

Geehan handed him another “carrot” trying hard not to laugh as most of them were doing. Michael reached back to rub his ass but Shenti’s hand was already there, getting a similar jolt as he had with the black man when they touched.

- Go on, he wants to be ridden; he’s missed you long enough. Earth’s seven months here are a long time. - Shenti chuckled.

- Is it safe? We’re in the open! - Michael exclaimed.

- We’re invisible. We toasted with the herbal potion just before the Queen left to get you. Storm got it fed in a “tayu” (tie-you). - Michael guessed Shenti was referring to the “carrot”. We can see and hear each other because it’s meant to be that way. No one else can, not even our own. -

- But I haven’t…oh, you shot it into me, huh? - He smirked at his aunt.

- We knew you wouldn’t be able to drink it. It’s very bitter. - Wyteeah smiled apologetically.

- Fine then, I’ve missed him too. - Michael went to the horse and heaved himself up in his particular style, and having waited patiently until he straightened up, the horse reared, shaking his head in contentment.

Michael laughed, burying his face in the silky mane and as soon as the horse’s forelegs were back on the ground, he took off giving a few playful bucks, showing how glad he was to have his usual rider back. His smooth canter reminded Michael more of Sundown than of Moonshadow, his hoofs seemed to skim the ground without touching it at all. He started enjoying the alien scenery, finding the difference in colouring very stimulating. The colours were the same but just like the carrot, so intense! The sun was still bright yellow and the sand around the pools was dark gold, like coarse brown sugar. He noticed what looked like a cart approaching him on a head on collision and he remembered they couldn’t see them. The horse instinctively moved aside and Michael stopped to watch them pass a couple of yards away from him. It moved on its own means, hovering a foot over the ground, and it carried heavily armed men. The one at the back was the only one standing, the rest sat with their legs dangling over the sides. He stood in the safety of a frame-like contraption and the arm rests seemed to hold the controls, making him the obvious “driver”. Michael could make out some kind of camp from where they must be coming, and decided he better head back. As he turned to his right, he checked out the ground he had been treading and was reassured to see he had left no tracks. Cool! He let the horse have his head, knowing he would return to their waiting escort, and he took him over the pools, the bubbling waters were the only sign of the contact they were making with it. Geehan received him beaming, and led the horse away into a cavern. Shenti placed his hand on Michael’s back and guided him after the black man with the two elders coming behind them. Once in the cavern, they followed a tunnel with a bright light at the end. Michael felt the rocky walls rumble behind them and he turned just in time to see them close without a trace, noticing they weren’t leaving any tracks either.

- Who were they? The soldiers on the cart? - Michael asked trying not to guess.

- Khivar’s mercenaries, the only army he’s got left with him now. - Ramthis scoffed with contempt.

The source of the light was a large number of unwavering torches disclosing a huge citadel with tunnels for streets. It was amazing and milling with people who froze when they appeared. A hum rose from every throat as they welcomed Michael back. He knew it was the way they voiced their respect as well as absolute silence, depending on the occasion. The Shaman approached him smiling with open arms and Michael remembered the old man had saved his life twice, when he was barely a few months old, from the poison his mother had been taking and when the sliver was lodged in his tailbone courtesy of his cousin, the future king. Michael smirked and was hugged for the fifth time, feeling accepted and loved. The man was even smaller than Shenti and Michael had to bend as the man repeated his name over and over into the hollow between his ribs. When he stepped back, he looked up into Michael’s eyes with coal black ones, nodding, and then tipped his head as he walked back to his people.

- That tunnel leads to another cavern with a hidden entrance straight to their village. The others lead to our facilities and living quarters. This is our “castle” for the time being. You still have over an hour before I take you back, so we’ll leave the “city tour” for tomorrow, go with your friends until then. - Wyteeah smiled and turned into a tunnel with Ramthis’ arm around her shoulders.

Michael wondered if those two had something going but it was none of his business. He felt two arms from both sides leading him into another tunnel and the vibes he was getting told him it was just where he wanted to be.

Michael was tingling all over with anticipation and decided to block himself out from his friends. He wanted to be on his own on this one. “Later…” was the last communication they got from him. He knew Maria was seething but he would let her take it out on him anyway she wanted when he went back.
The room they entered was breathtaking. The bed, of course, was in the middle of the room and it was huge! The whole place was lit by countless little sparks of all possible colours and in the corner was a waterfall! Well, a small one, but large enough to envelop him completely. The pool it fell into was large enough for three big guys and the water was bubbly as the pools he had seen outside.

They led him to the foot of the bed as they moved to either side, sliding their hold down his arms to his hands.

- Well, what will it be? - Shenti teased with a wicked smile.

- Chocolate? - Geehan grinned.

- Or Vanilla? - Shenti wrapped it up.

Michael looked from one to the other in complete indecision.

- What? We said it wrong? Aren’t those the correct Earth words for those sweet elements? - Shenti looked confused.

- No! I mean, yes they are but no, I can’t choose, I want both! - Michael smirked.

- We were right! - Geehan nodded at Shenti who nodded back.

- Which one first then? We can both pleasure you at the same time, but which one first…inside you? - Shenti clarified.

Michael knew what he wanted first but didn’t want to make the other one feel left out or pushed aside.

- It’s alright, my prince, I can tell you feel like chocolate for starters, come…-Shenti sat on the side of the bed coaxing Michael down on it with his ass in the air. - You two have been together practically all your lives, it’s fair. -

Michael felt the big coarse black hands covering the brands with curiosity and
Michael wondered if the three humans involved wouldn’t throw a fit foaming at the mouths at what was about to happen. Of course they knew, but it wasn’t anywhere as intense as actually watching it right in front of your eyes. Geehan’s fingertips were walking all over the brands not missing a spot. Michael could swear they were burning under the black hands and when they matched Maria’s upper set, he winced with the electric jolt he got of each one. Jealousy couldn’t be that strong! Ten more stinging jolts as the lower set was met, had him thinking twice, but a direct contact against his ass sent his concentration down the drain.

- We have a surprise for you! - It was Shenti’s voice, and what he felt sliding into him wasn’t a huge black cock but just a finger pushing something slick into him.

The finger slid out and it was immediately replaced with what he had first expected, unstopping, unrelenting and merciless until their bodies were jammed together. Michael didn’t miss the dip and slight change of direction making his insides give, to reach an unusual depth at the end of each penetration. He could hardly believe what he was feeling; everything was enhanced at least a dozen times and his orgasm wouldn’t stop. He felt Geehan shooting sparks into him, each one exploding inside him and making him whimper. He moaned his protest as Geehan’s softening cock started leaving him but he felt Shenti’s taking his place the second it was out of him. The warmth he felt as it filled him was so reassuring! It wasn’t so long but it made up in thickness, forcing its way into him, to almost a bursting point, and when he came, it was like a bottle of champagne, bubbling into him and feeling them pop one after the other. What the hell was that? Maybe a side effect of the invisibility drug? WOW! And he was getting it everyday? COOL! He wondered if the effect would last long enough to give it a try with human sex…

- I was sent to the lab shared by Illimar and Samtor to see if they had left behind any stuff that might be useful to us and that maybe shouldn’t fall into Khivar’s hands. After all, Illimar was responsible for a good part of the invisibility formula, and he helped Samtor with the dyes for his fabrics right there at his lab, but he had cleaned the place up very thoroughly and carefully. Except…a strange knotted string under the bed which caught my eye. I knew I had seen something similar somewhere, so I took it with me. On the way back, I remembered and took it to the Shaman. He said it was a “quipu” (key-pooh) which was the only kind of language the Andes people had, and it was a formula. He prepared it and I told him I should try it as I had found it, so suspecting it had something to do with our experiments in invisibility, I went for it. Nothing happened, apparently, so we shrugged and I left. Truth was it gave me a hell of a hard on and it was all I could do to get out of there fast enough and lock myself up for the next two hours jacking nonstop until I thought it would fall off! That’s when I realized it was the formula for the sex drug you had told me about. I told the Shaman next day, that I hadn’t realized until later that it had completely taken away one of my constant headaches miraculously, so he offered to prepare it for me anytime I wanted. I’ve been getting one a week, not to get too greedy or suspicious and saving them for when you returned to us. Yesterday when I was informed you would be coming, I knew what I had to do and I got this room, which was waiting for you, just like I knew you would like it, with the special treat. Was it good? - He asked eagerly.

- Wasn’t it for you? - Michael wondered.

- We didn’t take it, it was for your pleasure. - Shenti confessed.

- We’ll change that next time, you better start getting headaches very often, but maybe we should tell the Shaman the truth. He seems a cool guy. - Michael smirked.

- I wouldn’t risk it, he might not like it…- Geehan frowned.

- We’ll think about it. And yes, it was real good! Awesome! -

They went to the pool and Michael had an alien “shower” before he stretched out over both his friends’ laps, as they sat side by side watching him. Michael got a long soothing four hand massage until he felt he was about to fall asleep.

The knock on the door got them all jumping out of the water and getting as decent as possible as fast as they could before anyone decided to come in. Ramthis and Wyteeah prudently waited for them to come out and informed Michael it was time to take him back. The look in Michael’s eyes was all his lovers needed and before he knew it, he was back at the workshop where everyone was anxiously waiting for him. Wyteeah gave him a squeeze and vanished. Serena received the boy from her sister and they barely made it to a mat where she eased him down.

- And what, might I ask, got you so tired? Max asked sarcastically.

- It’s alright, Michael, we know what went on and we respect your privacy. - Isabel sounded sincere.

But Michael read between the lines and her jealousy stared back at him although she was keeping it under control with as much effort as Maria was.

- Max was being a total prick! - Maria snapped. - Isabel threatened with cutting off his ears to make him stop and get busy as we all were. -

- Would’ve done him a huge favour too! - Isabel fumed.

- Leave my ears alone, and in case you didn’t notice, you were about to start smoking through your ears, too bad you didn’t have your mirror to check it out! - Max yelled back at her.

- You should be glad you stayed here because if you dared carry on like that, your mother would have bitch-slapped you both! - Michael groaned from where he was lying.

- Hey guys, go easy on him, I’m not making excuses, but I’ve seen kids at the nuthouse who haven’t even gone anywhere near what Michael has. - Stuart said.

- Close dude, I was in a nuthouse on Antar, here, I was in hell until I got to live by myself. Then it became a nuthouse too with all the alien lunacy we went through with Nasedo and Tess, the skins, Khivar showing up and Nicholas trying to finish me off! What else can you call it, huh? - Michael sighed.

- You’re right, bro, I should know! Most of the people I met at the nuthouse were way better off than you are! - Laurie said rushing to him and hugging him.

- Jeez, Laurie, I didn’t mean to remind you, so sorry, really! - Stuart felt bad.

- No Stuart, that’s far behind now, and having two nutty relatives lock me up after all the rest of my family died is nothing compared to all they’ve done to him. No one ever laid a finger on me. I glad I’m not much to look at, knowing what it did to him. - She scoffed.

- No Laurie, you’re a very pretty girl, you just like to keep to yourself that’s why you prefer not to have friends who would not appreciate you or understand you! - Serena protested.

- And you better stay that way! I’ll bust the face of anyone who comes bothering you! - Michael warned making everyone laugh.

- Oh, you’re done for! - Isabel giggled. - Now that Michael will be going to the same school as you, I’m sorry for anyone who dares approach you, if they have the guts after seeing you with him. -

- I’m glad Michael will keep them away. I’d rather have it that way! - Laurie nodded.

- Maybe you could tell them he’s your boyfriend. I wouldn’t mind sharing him with you like that. - Maria suggested.

- C’mon Maria! They have the same surname; of course they’ll know he’s her brother! - Max frowned.

- They could be married! - Kyle contributed.

- Yeah, sure, Kyle. Most people here knew Grandpa Dupree, they will see the resemblance immediately. At the most, they’ll buy they’re cousins, so what’s the difference? - Isabel said sensibly.

- The principal has probably already told the teachers about my brother, so it only takes one teacher mentioning it to a parent who in turn tells his or her kid, and all school will know the very first day, so he’s my kid bro, that’s all. That’ll keep all the creeps away from me and I’ll hang out with Michael all the time. It’ll make school worth going. - Laurie smiled.

- Should I be jealous? - Maria quipped and then got serious. - Wait, I’m already jealous of your Antar daily trips and you owe me for today…- Maria felt a hand on her calf and Michael pulled her down to him, stopping her mouth with his.

- Ok, who’s hungry? - Serena’s keen senses had them all drooling for food and stampeding to the pool area for a self service just laid out by Anita and Sylvia.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:26 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 29

Serena already briefed you, right? - Michael whispered in Maria’s ear, nipping it and making her shiver.

- Yes, when your father and aunt went to get you back to us. - She confessed.

- You ok with it? - Michael went on nibbling her ear.

- Michael, I can’t fight your alien side, cause it would be a losing battle, and I want you with me. I’m worried about the drugs though…- She scoffed.

- They’re not harmful, they’re from a natural source, remember? - He said softly.

- So’s marihuana and coke, they’re plants right? - Maria knew she was right.

- I’m starving. We’ll go on with this later, when you kick my ass for it, ok? - He smirked.

- Better get your ass ready cause you bet I’m doing much more than just that, Spaceboy! - Maria warned.

- Ouch! - Michael winced as Maria pinched him hard in advance for what would be coming later.

They arrived at the pool and it looked beautiful in the moonlight. Serena had placed the lighting in a very subtle but effective way. They ate in silence as the result of a very stressful day, and they just sat comfortably around the pool in the heat of the late summer. Michael got up and placing his arm around Maria’s shoulders, turned to his “family”.

- I need to turn in early, ok? -

He received sundry positive answers and left towards the Dupree house. The walk was also surprisingly silent, considering Maria was with him, but although she has many questions, she couldn’t make up her mind which one she should ask first. They climbed the back stairs and Maria led Michael to the bed just like his two alien lovers had done just hours ago. Once she had him standing at the foot of the bed, facing it, Maria rushed around Michael and stood on the bed, towering over him. She wrapped her arms around him pressing his face into her breast.

- I’m going to put my baby to bed! - She whispered into his hair.

- Maria, two years difference don’t make me your baby! - He chuckled.

- You’re still my baby! I want you to be my baby! Vilandra was so lucky to be able to hold you as a baby, you were such a beautiful baby, Michael! - She babbled.

- Alright! I’m your baby then. - Michael complied.

Maria reached down and pulled his t-shirt over his head and crouching, she unfastened his jeans. Then she climbed down and hurried behind him, sliding his pants all the way down to the floor. Michael waved all his clothing away from him and waited for Maria’s hands to push him down into the bed, then, very carefully, he eased his body down and lay still. Maria began a very soft and soothing massage beginning just above the back of his knees all the way up to his shoulders. In spite of being very gentle, she felt the tension in his muscles not letting go, and suspected his condition was worse than she had thought. On the way down she combined moist kisses with the shiatsu-like ten finger squeezes she was giving him. She started the way back up his thighs with just as gentle scratches and then cupped his ass low down, pushing her thumbs in between. That’s when he went really tight, revealing the source of his trouble.

- You’re in pain…- She observed.

- Kind of sore, that’s all. I just need to rest. - He assured her.

- You need to heal, Max…- She suggested.

- Nah…it’s not necessary, sleep will do it. Don’t bother him, there isn’t much he can do. Aren’t you going to…- He braced himself.

- No Michael. I won’t hurt you. It might be worse tomorrow…- Her voice broke.

- Maria, I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m sure my father and aunt’s plans for the next day don’t include any time for that. I admit I thought they would, but now I realize it was like a welcome treat for “old times sake”. There’s some serious work to be done and I’m sure it will take all my time there. - His eyes stayed closed all the time.

Maria’s hands glided over to his hips and bending down, she nipped his butt, just above his thighs on both sides before moving away to sit by his side. She placed her palm on his cheek and moved her thumb back and forth over his parted lips, feeling his words against it.

- Are you leaving? - He asked, not very hopeful.

- Not unless you want me to. - She said softly.

- I don’t, but once I fall asleep it won’t be fair to keep you here. Go watch some chick-flick, have some fun, I’ll be fine…- She could tell he was fighting to stay awake.

- Yeah, sure…I will, but I want to stay with you until you fall asleep. - She sounded barely above a whisper.

- I love you…- He sighed.

Maria felt him relax completely, and she knew he was fast asleep. She would not keep this promise though. She watched him sleep, she loved doing that. He looked so beautiful, so young, so innocent! As if no one had ever defiled his body or his mind. As if cruelty had never touched him. That would be her wish if she was ever granted one: to receive him fresh from the pod and take him home, filling his life with love and security. She felt his even breathing as her other hand slid up and down his back, making slight breaks as they met his many scars, shedding a tear for each one.

- Maria? -

She looked up to see Max and Liz at the door waiting for her to nod them in.

- He said he just needed to sleep. - Maria couldn’t look at Max.

- He’s right; sleep will ease his pain just the same, without hurting him more like I would. - Max scoffed. - I wish I had Royal blood just for this! -

- He’s in such pain! He just won’t let us know not to worry us. But it’s obvious, look how he’s lying…- Maria frowned looking at Michael.

- Maria, he always lies like that! - Liz scoffed, checking out the boy on the bed.

He was lying flat on his belly, his legs kind of spread with his insteps hooked over the edge being a big kid and his arms parallel to his body. His face lay sideways on the pillow, with his lips parted, but a slight wince changed his otherwise calm features every now and then. Yes, he was hurting, but at the same time he was healing at his faster alien rate…nothing so bad that he needed Max, but painful enough that he couldn’t help wincing. Still Liz, in spite of her empathy with him couldn’t find the difference in his position that had her jumping to that conclusion, and it pissed her off. Then Maria made her point.

- He’s lying still, he’s not snuggling or sprawling out like when he’s at ease because moving hurts him. - Her eyes were brimming with tears.

- Yes, you’re right…- Liz felt stupid not to have noticed it though she did know what was going on with him.

- Maybe I should do something, but I don’t want to make it worse for him though it will be quicker…- Max eyes had this sad look he got too often lately. - No, he wants it this way or he would have asked for me. -

Liz patted his arm comfortingly. Soon after, they were all there, watching their warrior sleep, their heads were nodding but they would not leave.

- Oh thanks! - Maria exclaimed making them all look up and turn to the bed.

Michael was moaning and doing his hip snuggle as he stretched and sprawled around until he was comfortable, half spooned, half over Maria. So they left for their own bedrooms leaving Michael in Maria’s arms.

The following two weeks were tough and Serena was ruthless in their training as the deadline to school and college was just around the corner.
Michael’s next day on Antar was like he had expected: the three hours flew as he inspected the area surrounding their original citadel in case a battle had to be fought at what was Khivar’s doorstep while his lodgings were still there. This time Michael went with Shenti and his father, who familiarized him back again with his previous home. They barely made it back in time as they started getting visible once again. Michael managed to cross a smile with Geehan as he brought the horses for father and son. Shenti walked between them making sure the ground was safe, with no mud traps or other unpleasant surprises.

Stuart was allowed to take Max with him to the hospital and lending him some doctor’s whites, he introduced him as a medical student who was visiting at his cousin’s. He took Max on his rounds and using Max’s powers as he practiced his newly acquired empathy, they were able to help several patients who were in critical state and totally unconscious, hooked on respirators and other life supporting machines. Kyle and Ava practiced their mindwarps on each other under the promise of refraining from any life threatening scares. Isabel’s shield was now very solid and lasting and she practiced her dreamwalking every morning with agent Duff, but so far she had had nothing new to communicate. Maria and Liz worked on their empathy and once Liz had her shield working as it should, Serena decided to have Maria’s activated too. So that specific power was then practiced by Maria and Stuart, whose shields had been activated at about the same time. Michael took a long nap to neutralize completely the remains of the invisibility drug and then he practiced controlling his blasts with Serena’s help. The next day, Michael’s three hours flew again checking with his father and Shenti the area north of the citadel, which was uneven terrain covered with the pools where he used to go with Vilandra and which they could turn to their advantage in case of having to fight there. Michael did get a couple of minutes of stimulating groping by Geehan as he volunteered to get the horses, and the same on the way back, with Shenti. Then he was awakened from his nap by Uncle Derek’s unexpected early arrival with great news.
He rushed into the pool area calling loudly for them and brought them all running in alarm, even Michael on the mat by the pool stirred from his deep sleep.

- Derek? What’s going on? - Asked Serena, concerned though she hadn’t felt any danger threatening them.

- I had a call from Hong Kong, from Dr. Lao I-Sung for some supplies for his Academy and I had this awesome idea! - He said enthusiastically.

- You’re sounding like a teenager! First time I hear you say “awesome”. - Serena laughed watching him blush.

- Well it is! - He went to crouch by Michael and shook his shoulder. - C’mon, kid, wake up! You want to hear this! -

- No Derek! I wouldn’t recommend…-

She rushed over to her husband and pulled him up just as Michael pushed up on one elbow and shook his head.

- No! - He exclaimed, his voice husky with sleep as he raised his left hand towards the older man.

Isabel was right by Serena and sensing what Michael was about to do, they both zapped him sideways into the pool.

- Michael! - Maria cried out as the others watched open mouthed.

Serena and Isabel stopped her from jumping in after him.

- He’s ok, we just needed a nudge to push him in. - Serena assured her.

Michael rose shaking the water from his hair and looking totally perplexed.

- You have nicer ways to wake me up! What happened to those? - He protested.

- You almost…zapped…Uncle Derek! - Maria said between gasps.

- What? - He exclaimed in disbelief, heaving himself out of the pool and rushing to the pale man. - I’m so sorry! -

He had him in a wet bear hug until Uncle Derek, who had automatically hugged back, started patting his back.

- It’s ok, kid, I guess it’s my fault. I forgot you’re a warrior and your instincts are to protect us all. Bad choice, that’s all! Now use your powers and get me dry again cause I’m soaking! - He laughed.

Michael pulled back and did just that, a worried look in his face. Serena went up to him and patted his cheek.

- It’s not your fault, Michael, you were asleep and you reacted to what seemed to you like an aggression, we have to be careful because your instincts are getting very sharp, and believe me, that’s good for all of us if. Derek here was trying to shake a sleeping tiger, bad way to wake him up! - She smiled at him. - You can easily identify any of us but Derek, because he’s not here as often as us, that’s what happened, and Derek? Think before you act, ok dear? You meant no harm either, but you might end up sticking to the wall! -

Serena effectively turned it all into a joke but didn’t make Michael feel any better.

- Ok, want to hear my great idea? - Uncle Derek had regained his colour and his scare was forgotten.

- Shoot…- Michael smirked, feeling it was what he literally deserved.

- Ok, this guy is a doctor who specialized in investigation of the human mind. Yes, he’s a psychiatrist. So he decided to do something different and opened this academy that takes medicine students to help them specialize in what they’re really good for, helping them find what that is, so they won’t regret what they choose. His graduates are very sought after because so far, they are the best in what they do. Serena actually met him a couple of times because he invited both of us over and got excellent vibes from him. I personally fly over with his purchases because he’s a constant client and now a friend too. I’ve decided to invite him over this time for a change and I’m sure he’ll oblige. He once told me he would gladly do anything for me if I ever needed his services, so I guess the time has come. I see no harm in a mindwarp to get you guys certificates from his academy as a perfect back up for your medical studies. What do you think? - He smiled broadly, feeling quite smug with his amazing idea.

- He won’t get in trouble? - Liz said doubtfully.

- No dear, because students from all over the world pass through his academy all the time, and the holiday courses last from one to three months. He will say you took a two months one. It’s perfect, the timing and all! - Serena was now as enthusiastic as her husband, and after giving it a thought for a few minutes, they all agreed too.

Serena noticed Michael was back in front of Uncle Derek but this time he made sure he was dry before he did anything. He hugged him again and the man received him gladly in his arms, feeling protected, not threatened.

- Thank you for thinking about us, I don’t know what I would have done if I had…- He couldn’t finish it, feeling as bad as he did.

- But you didn’t and it was my stupidity that almost caused it. I love you kid. - He pulled back and in a very French style, kissed Michael on both cheeks.

Michael was completely taken by surprise and blushed like a girl, making them all burst out laughing. He ended sighing and chuckling along with them as Maria jumped into his arms and did what Uncle Derek had just done to him. It ended in one of their typical kisses, quite French too.

- I’m glad he didn’t end it up like that with me! - Uncle Derek joked and had them all laughing again.

When Michael and Maria finally let go, Michael said:

- I need a nap…- And lay back down on the mat.

Serena pushed a deck chair beside Michael and waved Uncle Derek over.

- Alright, I’m making sure this never happens again. That ok with you Michael? -

Michael smirked for an answer making Serena smile.

- Ok then, Derek…here love. - She patted the deck chair and Uncle Derek obediently and trusting his wife completely, lay back on it. - Now, Michael is going to take his nap feeling in contact with you the whole time. -

Serena took her husband’s arm and let it drape over the side of the low chair so his hand was on Michael’s back.

- That’s all? - They said together and had to chuckle in amusement at how in sync they had sounded.

- That’s all. - Serena confirmed. - Sweet dreams Michael, and please behave, ok? That’s all I’m asking. -

Michael shook his head smiling as he closed his eyes and Derek looked back at Serena, a little worried.

- Kidding! - Serena smiled, hoping that was the case, and trusting Michael wouldn’t take her husband on one of his porn dreams.

She knew she had to leave them on their own this time without any kind of interference, they had to bond by themselves.

Derek felt compelled to open his eyes and what he saw made him open them wider still. He was inside a pregnant woman’s womb and he could see two babies in the placenta, obviously male twins. He focused on the baby on the left and saw his hands were closed in tight fists and his small body was twisting in protest at the poison being forced into his body through the umbilical cord. His defensive system was actively and effectively neutralizing the lethal effects but not without the toll of pain and discomfort. Derek focused on the other baby and was surprised to see him calm and relaxed, his body accepting submissively what his brother was rejecting. Derek was now outside, watching the pregnant woman drinking and enjoying what was killing her and her children. Derek then saw her breast feeding the babies and though both took the milk, one visibly showed the reaction of his body, which the mother and the doctors mistakenly took it as a sign of weakness. Derek was shocked at the sight of the husband’s anguish when he discovered his dead wife and son, taking the surviving twin to his family and walking away. He witnessed the Andes Shaman cleansing and purifying the baby from inside out and the joy of the family to have him back alive and well. The father finally held him again in his arms realizing that he was really the stronger one and proudly rode among his people, showing off his son as he held him in front of him. Derek saw the boy grow and become a warrior too in spite of his father’s reluctance and cruel punishments, then the awe at his son’s strength and power. Derek frowned at the abuse from his unworthy cousin, the betrayal by his beloved and the unfair, hideous death he suffered, unable to save the ones he loved. Derek found himself in a dark, damp cave where he saw him again as a child, imprisoned in a pod from which he broke free with his two cousins. He was distrustful of them and kept his distance, with the faint memory of what they had done to him and how he had died because of them, yet somehow knowing he still had to protect them. Eventually they coaxed him into joining them until they were startled by strange shining lights coming at them. When he urged them to hide, they didn’t follow him and he ended alone, watching them taken away. He ended in an orphanage and in several different “homes” to finally fall in the hands of Hank. Derek shuddered watching what was done to him, how bad he was treated by others, how he was unable to communicate with those he considered family and friends and how much this hurt him. Thousands of multicoloured lights exploded in Derek’s face and then there was peace as the scene changed to him and Serena picking Michael up from the orphanage and taking him to their beautiful home, giving him all the love he needed, going to school in nice clothes, and being surrounded by friends, sure of himself. He realized that was what Michael was wishing had really happened to him and Derek simply couldn’t take it anymore. With a superhuman effort, he pulled his hand from Michael’s back and covered his face, his eyes overflowing with tears. He didn’t know he was weeping until he felt all of them worriedly asking him what was wrong.

They had seen Uncle Derek sit up with a start, his eyes wide open and tears running down his cheeks just before he covered his face with his hands, so they raced to him wondering what had happened. Serena tried to pull his hands away from his face but he resisted.

- Derek, please, what is it? What’s wrong with you? - Serena couldn’t understand what was happening to her husband since Michael seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

She connected with him and gasped as he rewound to show her the whole thing. The perplexed group around them immediately placed their hands on them not to miss a detail. When it was over, they just sat down in complete silence, not sure of what to do or say.

- Michael…- Maria whispered and started turning towards him.

Serena grabbed her arm and stopped her.

- No Maria, he’s having a pleasant dream, making what he would have wanted come true. We have no right to interrupt him, let him enjoy the illusion, there’s no harm in it, and Derek and I are so honoured to have him see us as his ideal parents. Let him sleep, look at him, he looks so peaceful! -

Maria nodded and had to agree.

Later, when Michael opened his eyes, he met Uncle Derek and Serena’s as they smiled at him. Then he noticed all the others doing the same and he felt so at home.

- Hey, didn’t mean to snooze, sorry. - He apologized hoping he hadn’t slept through anything important. - Did I miss something? -

- No baby, it’s just that you look so cute when you sleep…- Kyle teased him and everything was alright again.

The girls went for their shopping talk, the guys discussed sports and Serena was asking her husband about the rest of his day. Michael noticed the way the girls kept looking at him pretending not to be doing it and he wondered if he had been talking in his sleep. He couldn’t remember what he had been dreaming of, some weird turbulence at the beginning and then nothing. Nightmares he remembered in each gruesome detail so it couldn’t have been that bad. What was it then? He started pushing up when he saw Max notice him and come over as the others turned away and gave them their privacy. Max plopped down on the mat beside him and Michael stayed down on his side facing him. Absentmindedly, Max slid his hand up and down Michael’s ribs.

- I know we’ve taken this for granted, so I want to thank you for all of us…- Max began.

- What are you thanking me about, man? - Michael gave him a baffled look.

- That beautiful mansion, what else? - Max pointed to the Dupree property next door.

- Well, thank Laurie then, she’s the owner. - Michael smirked.

- She says it’s as much hers as yours, and she’s right, Michael, you’re siblings. DNA doesn’t lie. - Max insisted.

- Whatever…I’m glad you no longer consider me much of a jerk…- Michael scoffed.

- You were never a jerk, Michael, I was a brat, I’m sorry bro. - He leant over and took Michael in his arms, rocking him like a child.

He had expected Michael to resist him, but he didn’t, quite the contrary. He just relaxed and let himself be hugged, totally welcoming it. Max couldn’t help loving his cousin’s reaction, squeezing the boy and feeling him give into the caress like the orphan he was, craving for love and acceptance. They both felt several eyes were on them, but they couldn’t care less. This was just between them. “A guy thing”, no matter how much the girls hated those words. They were so in sync that they chuckled together, sharing the thought.

- I love you kid, I was always the jerk, and I’m sorry for hurting you so many times. I had no right. - Max whispered.

- Mmmmm…- Michael purred. - Feels so good…don’t ever let go! -

- Come and get it! - Serena called and that was it.

- I’m starving! - Michael gently moved out of Max’s arms and bounced to his feet with feline agility.

He grinned down at Max and offered his hand to pull him up as if he were a feather. Then he passed his arm over Max’s shoulders and Max slid his over Michael’s hips letting it drop to pinch his ass hard before raising it up to his waist.

- Ungh! - Michael bit his lower lip and Max used his free hand to turn Michael’s face to him and give him a quick kiss.

Michael was left with his lips parted and the tip of his tongue showing between them, expecting it to last longer.

- Later…- Max whispered giving him a wicked smile and gloating in the way Michael shivered.

He cupped Michael’s chin and passed his thumb over his parted lips and the moist tip of his tongue, feeling his breath come in gasps of desire. His other hand went down again to cover his brand and sent a jolt that left Michael wincing and moaning as his butt went tight under Max’s kneading grip. The look he gave Max said food was forgotten, that he just wanted to get to a bed to strip and bend over and have Max as deep in him as he knew he could. Max shook his head and winked, assuring him that “later” would be better. Michael smirked and nodded, accepting the invitation.

Liz was very attentive to the interaction and Maria’s empathy seemed to be working as good as her best friend’s when she said:

- Looks like we’ll gave a girls’ sleep over. -

- Fine with me, but they’ll give us wet dreams. - Liz frowned.

- This time Michael won’t get away with it! He’ll pay even if he needs both Max and Stuart when I’m over with him! - Maria giggled.

- You might need a hand…- Liz suggested.

- I might…- Maria confirmed.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:29 pm
It is sooo sad to me to see that Michael is still so lost :cry: but I do understand the pain that he carries with him. I hope to see in time that he will come to belive in the love that the group has for him and it will help ease the pain the he constantly carries, Alas the pain (that some of us or most of us carrie i would venture to say) is there (I believe) to remind us of some of lifes most important lessons. Maybe this theory is wrong but I know some of my most impotant lessons have carried a certian amount of pain. Maybe I reveal too much about myself with this statement? LOL
Keep writing. Still reading faithfully.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:42 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 30

They had a great meal, typically Serena’s, beginning with fruit, followed by veggies with soy bean sprouts and eggs as a protein source, and Anita’s natural home made ice cream with brown sugar. After years of eating trash food, Crashdown included, this diet had them feeling very healthy and strong, with their minds amazingly sharp and in total sync with their powers. The biggest surprise was that even Michael seemed to enjoy it without complaining.
They thanked the Lavoisses and walked back home next door. Sylvia was setting a pot of green tea with other herbs thrown in too, on the coffee table of the chimney room, with perfect timing. Alien powers got the steaming mugs to the desired temperature to be consumed immediately as soon as Sylvia left them alone to enjoy it. As usual, they turned on the TV set to the news just in case and then flipped through the channels until they found something that suited everyone. Maria went to sit on one end of the largest sofa, knowing it was Michael’s favourite and had him stretching out right away with his head on her lap. He lay slightly sideways, with his back to the small couch across from them on which Liz and Max were sitting. Michael pushed his face against Maria’s stomach, nibbling and teasing her belly button with his tongue while Liz strived to engage Max in a make out session. Max couldn’t keep his eyes away from Michael’s ass, even though Liz did all she could to get in the way, but Max kept his neck tilted at an angle to do what he wanted. Maria’s fingernails walked over Michael’s back, tickling him into squirming and twisting. He sensed Max’s eyes on his butt, and tried looking back at him over his shoulder, but Max was out of his range of sight, so he just trusted what he felt. Liz and Maria didn’t need eye contact to know what was going on. A few minutes later the girls had had it. Liz pulled away and got up as Max looked up at her, quite startled.

- Spaceboy, your writhing and slithering is about to give Max a convulsion. -

- You’re tickling me…- Michael protested weakly.

- You’re exaggerating it, and you know exactly what you’re doing, you can’t fool me, Michael. - Maria assured him.

Michael just shrugged, knowing he was caught, but didn’t stop.

- Alright Max, you two need a guy’s night, so go for it and don’t worry about Maria and me until tomorrow. We’ll be fine. - Liz gestured with her head towards Michael as Max started turning red and babbling lame excuses.

Michael, on the other hand reacted quite different to Maria’s words:

- Go on, Michael, you heard Liz, so let us catch up on our girly flicks. -

- Ok. - He pushed up and stretching suggestively, smirked at Max over his shoulder, biting his lip and giving him one of his looks that said everything. He headed towards the stairs and Max forgot what he was saying and rushed after him. He caught up with him a couple of steps away from the stairs and wrapped his arms around Michael’s hips pulling his rear into his lap.

- Max! Not here, man! C’mon, let go! - Michael chuckled and twisted away from his lover’s grip.

Max slid his hands over Michael’s hips and cupped his ass pushing him hurriedly up the stairs. Michael tripped over the last step and sprawled on the landing, laughing, as Max pushed one knee high up between his thighs using his leg as a lever to hoist Michael up.

- Ow man! I happen to have balls! - Michael moaned as he bounced back to his feet.

Max dragged him by the waist of his jeans, popping open the button, the zipper followed suit and the pants dropped halfway down. They disappeared into Michael’s large room and closed the door behind them.

Stuart and Kyle kept looking their way, about to drool with envy, Isabel shook her head, Laurie sighed, and Maria and Liz had this silly smile on their faces as Ava looked definitely shocked.

- Ava? You’ll get used, you’ll see. - Isabel nodded.

- Sorry, it’s just that they reminded of Zan and Rath. Well, at least it’s consensual, so I guess Max won’t hurt him too much…- She sounded doubtful.

- Hate to say it, but Max will be doing some serious healing by the time he’s through with him. Michael can take it and will enjoy it, too. - Liz scoffed.

- Max is rough too? - Ava looked concerned.

- Michael will be ok, he’s tough. Don’t worry, he probably won’t be able to ride tomorrow, and he might need a boost when I check him out before I leave for the hospital. - Stuart comforted her.

- Needles? - She grimaced.

- Perhaps, we’ll see. Now you ladies go watch your flicks and leave us guys to our sports. - He smiled.

The girls took Ava up with them to have their fun as the guys got the volume up for a basketball game.

Max hands on his ass pushed Michael all the way to the bed. Then he gave him an extra nudge.

- Lie down, Michael. - He ordered

Michael obeyed stretching out on his belly, his legs apart, his clothes had been waved away before he landed. He felt Max behind him, spreading his thighs wider with his knees and breathing as heavily as he was. He waited for his touch but it didn’t come. He started getting impatient and he squirmed without altering his position in the least. Now he could sense Max’s hands hovering over him but still away. He was driving him out of his mind with lust! When he felt them over his butt, he bucked but Max saw it coming and went on with his game.

- Max…- Michael whimpered and he knew his lover was gloating on his begging.

That’s when he felt his fingertips low on his thighs, just above the knees, walking their way up, his thumbs sending electric sparks on his sensitive inner area. Michael’s breathing became laboured as Max’s teasing hands proceeded over his ass, then continuing to his back. Though his fingers were wide splayed they still failed to cover the younger boy’s strong back, his thumbs having made contact with his spine beginning at the lowest vertebra with ecstatic results. Max was doing what he had seen Serena do to restore and boost Michael’s energy flow and it seemed to be working in its own way: Michael was writhing and moaning in obvious pleasure. Max placed his forehead on the small of Michael’s back as his tongue pushed in to tickle his starting point at the tailbone, dipping lower and sliding it into him. Michael went wild and Max pulled out laughing out loud. The king glided his hands down from his warrior’s ribs as he straightened up again.

- Max…please…- Michael whispered.

- Shhh, baby…wait…it will be worth it…I promise…- Max soothed his impatience.

Max’s hands went around Michael’s hips, digging his finger in hard and bruising. He felt the supple firm flesh as he elicited another moan. Then the sounds that rose from Michael’s parted lips changed to gasps, hisses and sighs as Max’s tongue followed the path of his hands. Max had to pull back momentarily as he sensed Michael had to raise his hips to accommodate his bloating cock which was getting uncomfortably painful, not the kind Michael liked. He knew he was drooling, watching Michael totally expose himself to his lover in doing so. Then he continued his “attack”. By the time he reached his thighs and was licking up and down the insides, Michael was ready to come the second he decided to enter him with tongue, cock or finger. He went for the kill and let him have it. His precum was foaming as he boosted the lubrication with his powers to give it the edge they liked. He plunged it in and didn’t stop until their bodies met, feeling himself opening his way into the tight haven. He was right, Michael started coming the second his cock kissed him and Max almost lost it too in the throbbing penetration. When he touched bottom, Max froze to stay in control, as Michael kept twisting his hips with the strength of his orgasm. He was also about to close his eyes as the sight was just too erotic, and he was determined to last as much as he wanted, but he changed his mind, turning towards Michael’s profile on the pillow, half wincing, half smiling, biting his lower lip in ecstasy. The aftermath was stalled as Max began to move again, sure of himself. He slid it all out and very slowly, shoved it back in. Michael grunted with the sensitivity left in his insides.

- Want to play, kid? Choose your toy! - Max crooned and sent Michael mental images of the shapes he could get his cock into.

- Yes! - Michael breathed as sparkling spikes covered Max’s cock all over.

- It’s going to hurt…- Max warned, having guessed his choice.

- I know…- Michael growled, already feeling the burning electric jolts.

- I’ll make you bleed…- Max chuckled, knowing Michael wouldn’t back down.

- You’ll heal me…- Very trusting and convincing.

- Hang on…-

Max began to thrust into him at a steady pace as the mildly sharp glittering tips occasionally tore and ripped him. It took Michael a little over a minute of the willing torture to come again, shivering and shuddering as he bucked hard and bathed his thighs with his blood.

Although the girls tried hard to concentrate in the film, they seemed to be able, even Laurie, not being alien, to keep one eye on the TV screen and one on Liz, who, for some obscure reason, seemed to be the only one Michael had not blocked. He had been about to go for her when Max carried on his full scale invasion, and Liz became the overlooked casualty. She was doing her best not to catch their attention managing so far to just blink when the going went hard, and she had to clap her hands over her mouth when Michael came for a second time, bleeding down his thighs. It was just too much! The girls had been doing a great job controlling themselves so far, but when Ava pounced on Liz, looking about to have a full coronary, they just had to go along. They all held back their shock because Ava was kind of new to this, at least with her original group, until she couldn’t keep quiet anymore.

- He’s like Zan! He’s hurting him! He’s a sadist too! - Ava’s mind was backed up by all the images she had got from the briefing of the times Max had behaved that way with Michael, focusing specifically on the time Liz had been the target. Max’s drunkenness and Michael’s protection didn’t seem to do anything to mitigate her despair.

- Ava! Ava! Max is not forcing him! Michael is willing, he likes it rough! Max is giving him what he wants, his choice! I’m sorry you had to see that, but the only one who can explain it to you is Michael himself, and you can ask him when it’s over. - Liz’s empathy was getting these vibes from Ava that had her thinking.

The Antares definitely knew what they were doing using the Dupree DNA for Ava also, changing the pattern of her love for Michael. Now he was part her brother, taking care of most of the problem. Her worry this time was of a different kind, she was watching her kid brother being sexually assaulted by the man who used to be her husband in another life! That was certainly traumatizing if anything was! Laurie’s twin instincts kicked in and went to hold the alien hybrid.

- He’ll be alright, Ava, you’ll see. You can’t imagine how it shocked me at first too, so I know how and what you’re feeling. Michael’s masochism drives me out of my mind, but that’s the way he is and I am learning to accept it, cause he’s not going to change. We just have to cope! - Laurie locked her eyes with Ava’s and then they were lost in a hug.

“I’m so going to kill him!” Isabel mouthed to Liz and Maria, who nodded back with determination in their eyes.

- You’ll do no such thing! - Serena brought them out of their anger. - Let them be. It doesn’t concern us. I hate to admit it, but it’s “a guy thing” much like on Antar. It’s in his genes, he can’t help it. And trust me, neither can Max. -

Isabel rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Michael! Block Liz out cause your sister Ava is throwing fits!” Serena ordered, knowing all the girls in the room could sense her and not caring at all.

- He’s gone. - Liz shook her head, having felt much safer when she could feel him. - I’m an idiot! -

- No Liz, some things are just a little too much for us, I hate to admit it! - Serena sounded very pissed.

Max felt Michael jerk just as he had started to relax after his second orgasm, taking him by surprise as he was about to heal him.

- Michael? You ok? - Max leant over and kissed his back.

- Yeah, sure, ready for another toy…- He quipped.

- But I get to choose this time. - Max insisted as Michael felt the spikes pull out of his tissues to be replaced by rubber soft resilient barbs going in all directions, so that when Max moved in or out, the internal massage was awesome.

- Kewl, dude! - Michael hissed, gripping Max’s new shape with all he had.

- You’re getting it this time! - Max warned.

- Sure I am! - Michael chuckled, sending his lover his irresistible vibes, totally agreeing with him.

Max giggled as he changed the shape yet again, going for the globes like Maria had, one right after the other, but keeping the soft barbs at the same time.

- Oh shit! Max!...Oh fuck! - Michael’s pleasure was reaching its peak as he felt the spheres pushing in and out of him.

His whole body was tingling and his ass was burning inside out with the friction Max’s illusion was creating. Max went swiveling deep and that was as far as Michael got. Max felt his spasm and pulled violently out to ram it back in again. Michael just couldn’t believe what he was feeling, he was bouncing against Max not wanting it to stop until he felt him throbbing as he came and literally flooded him. The aftermath enveloped them with a swaying quality that seemed to keep Max sliding in and out of Michael throughout the whole thing. It was as if they were hanging from a swing, the momentum pulling them apart and back together again. Max’s cock gradually regained its normal shape as it slowly deflated, making Michael groan when it began to leave his body. They were on their sides as they usually were for the aftermath, Max glued to his back, holding him tight against him, as one of his hands caressed his chest and stomach.

- Max…Liz…Ava…- Michael whispered, making no sense.

Max’s head went almost all the way around, like an owl’s, thinking the two girls had somehow managed to get into the room without his sensing them.

- Michael, what are you talking about? They’re not here! - Max scoffed.

- Liz was…and Ava got it through her, then Serena made me block her out cause Ava was freaking out. - Michael confessed.

- I thought you had blocked yourself out! What were you thinking? - Max frowned.

- I was coming for the second time with your electric spikes searing and slashing me inside! I couldn’t think at all! I also thought I had…Oh no! I was about to do it when you stuck your tongue up my ass and I totally forgot her! Shit Max! What did you expect? - Michael protested but did take the blame. - Sorry, dude! -

- Guess we’ll have it coming…- Max shook his head.

- Don’t worry, it’ll be my fault, as usual. - Michael sighed, resigned.

He rolled back on his stomach when he felt Max slip out of him. With perfect timing, a not so discreet knock made Max jump up and wave his clothes on.

- Yes? - He said in a shaky voice.

- Michael, you need to talk to Ava to calm her down. She thinks your agonizing or something of the sort! - Serena demanded and explained.

- He was, until I let him go, but he’s back with us…- Max made a poor attempt at a joke.

- MAX! - Serena hadn’t taken it well and Max was about to flee through the back door when Serena burst into the room.

Max had to vacate the room through the same door she had come in and to his horror, he found both Ava and Laurie right behind Serena, giving him an evil glare for savagely fucking their “baby” brother. Max was finding it very hard not to break out into a run when he almost met head on with Liz, Maria and Isabel who were bringing up the rear. The shouts of “Goal! Goal!” coming from downstairs where the guys were in full sport mode, had Max echoing them and pushing his way through the girls, racing down the stairs to safety.

- Wuzz! - The three of them shouted after him, but Max couldn’t give a damn what they thought of him at that very moment.

He landed on an empty sofa as the guys looked up to see what the action upstairs was about and guessed, rather too accurately for Max’s taste, what had happened.

- That must’ve been one hell of a fuck to get them so worked out man, congrats! Hope you tell us still poor humans about it. - Kyle tried not too successfully to stifle the giggles.

Kyle felt quite uncomfortable with the look Uncle Derek gave him and found out that shouting “Foul!” had all eyes back on the tube and away from him. He thanked Tess for his inherited powers that had made them see just that. He was getting good! And he had got Max off the hook with his also mindwarped goal, when Serena’s voice made it evident that Max was in some kind of trouble. Max owed him big now and he wanted every detail of what he had done to Michael, no mercy! He deserved it! He knew he would have to tell him about his two sneaky pranks and he wasn’t looking forward to it, but…it was “innocent” practice! He hope they agreed with him and didn’t take it too bad.

Serena quickly cleaned up Max’s mess before Ava could get a clear view and forgot the meaning of the word incest. Max had healed Michael but hadn’t had time to make sure everything was back to normal…and it wasn’t. Michael’s blood was still on his thighs so Serena waved it away and got some sweat shorts on him making sure Ava could get a good hold of herself. She was just in time as the three smaller girls rushed to the bed followed by Maria and Isabel, who preferred to wait and have Michael for dessert once the others were through with him.

- Michael…- Ava said softly and tentatively brushed Michael’s hair from his face.

- Ava’s worried about you, Michael. - Liz squeezed his thigh, pushing her hand up the snug leg of his shorts.

- Worried? Why? - He grinned, eyes still closed.

- Zan…sorry, Max was hurting you…- She sobbed.

- Hey, come here…- He rolled on his side and pulled her over to him. - Guys play rough, you know that…I’m cool, look at me! -

Ava backed up from where she had buried her face in his chest. Her eyes were red and brimming with tears.

- You were bleeding Michael. Don’t lie to me please! - She whined.

- Ava, we do it all the time, it’s ok. I’m usually the one who starts it. Sorry if it offends you but…I like it. - He had pulled her back to him and was whispering in her ear.

He had unblocked himself when they came into the room, but he was making Ava feel it was just for her. She nodded and wrapped her arms tight around him, pressing him to her.

- I swear you’ll never have to see it again Ava, but I can’t lie to you and say I’ll stop doing it. - Michael hated to see her so concerned about him, now that they had found themselves linked by their DNAs. - Ok? -

Ava took her time to answer him, not wanting to let go, enjoying a fleeting memory from her past life, but then reality hit her like a slap, remembering his death and the fact that now they were siblings. Still, she moved away reluctantly, feeling safe in his strong arms, but kept clinging to his hands.

- Ok. - She agreed with a shadow of a smile, not totally convinced.

- Hey, I need to sleep, ok? - He gave her one of his rare sweet smiles.

- Sure, I’ll leave. - She smiled back and nodded, letting go of his hands.

- Who kicked you out? You can stay if you want. - He smirked.

Back on his belly, he closed his eyes and snuggled until he was comfortable.

Maria, Isabel and Liz sat on the huge bed behind Michael and turned on the huge TV set facing them. They waved Laurie and Ava over to them as Serena waved them goodbye from the bedroom door.

- He said he wants to sleep…- Ava said meekly.

- He’s already asleep, and trust us, it takes a lot more than just noise to wake him up! - Maria assured her. The five girls lay back using Michael as their pillow and watched one of their favourite flicks until the guys came laughing and commenting loudly on the games they had just watched. Isabel and Liz got up to go to their guys and Laurie and Ava decided to call it a night too. Once alone, Maria knew Michael would be out of action until next day, so she spooned into his side and went to sleep.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 8:10 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 31

Stuart and Isabel tiptoed into the room not to wake up Maria, so he could check up Michael before he left. Maria wasn’t in the bed and she made them jump when she went “Hi there!” as she popped her head from the bathroom.

- Shit, Maria! - Isabel said with a hand on her breast.

- Sorry…he’s slept like a baby, something to do with Max’s “healing balm” as he likes to call it, I guess.

Stuart nodded and knelt beside Michael, sliding his hands up the insides of his thighs firmly, not meaning to tickle him, but still he purred and squirmed. Stuart chuckled and closed his eyes in concentration, activating his empathy. He then stood up smiling as Michael writhed and moaned in protest.

- He’s ok, a little sore but that’s understandable. I better go or I’ll be late. - He patted Michael’s leg and left arm in arm with Isabel. Maria went back to the bathroom for the shower she was about to get when she heard the bedroom door open and her own empathy told her who they were.
As she came out, refreshed and toweling her hair dry, she met the rest of the gang coming in to check on Michael too. Laurie had asked Sylvia and Anita to bring their breakfast in trays and soon after they were all having a picnic all around the room, checking out the news as they had got used to doing, and waiting for Serena to either call or come. Isabel, as usual confirmed there was nothing new with Agent Suzanne Duff not having found her when she tried dreamwalking her like she did every day, so everything was as normal as could be. Ava sat at the foot of the bed still getting used to her new life and wondering if they planned on waking up Michael at all. Several eyes turned to her and confirmed that he would be waking up by himself in just a few minutes, so all they had to do was wait. At exactly 9:36 Michael sighed and stretched and turned his face their way. He moaned softly, opened his eyes and smirked at them.

- You ok, bro? - Laurie said climbing on the bed and kissing his cheek.

Ava just looked at him shyly, wishing she could be as open with him as Laurie was. She blushed when she noticed Michael was staring at her and he stretched his hand to her. Maria came over with a tray with Michael’s breakfast and smiled as she saw Ava’s pink cheeks as she took Michael’s hand and allowed him to pull her over to him. She kissed his cheek too, like she had seen Laurie do.
Michael had his huge fruit salad and turned to Laurie with grin and a wink.

- Laurie? We’re going for a ride! - Michael decided out of the blue.

He pushed up from the bed and waved them both in riding clothes.

- C’mon Ava, give it a try, Sundown can easily carry both of you. - Michael didn’t need to change her clothes as jeans, sneakers and t-shirt were good enough for the Paso horse.

Michael and Laurie took her hands and coaxed her down the back stairs, as Serena met them on the way down. Liz, Maria and Isabel trailed after them and told Serena what was going on. Max and Kyle stayed in Michael’s room with their eyes glued to the tube.

Serena loved to see Ava and Laurie so close together and having fun. Ava at first was scared to get on the horse, not feeling very safe with Laurie, so Michael convinced her to ride with him first and had her climb behind him from the hay bales. She buried her face in his back and clung to him, afraid even to breath until Sundown, Michael’s choice to introduce Ava into riding, started his smooth pace and Ava just loved it. The switch was made and Michael got on Moonshadow as the two sisters shared the Paso. After a quick workout, they left the schooling ring and rode along the trail surrounding the pond. By the time they were back, Serena had left word with Javi so they would meet them at the workshop under the Lavoisse property.

The fact that mindwarping required a lot of concentration, was the reason why Tess could help Michael focus his powers to crack rocks without the need of his hands. Serena had Ava work with Michael just as her dupe had, and the results were just what the seer had expected. Michael was right, he was as ready as he would ever be. Max hadn’t gone with Stuart because he had to give a few lectures that would keep him busy all day, so Max went for the computer to do a thorough research on the shiatsu techniques and was fascinated by the way he could easily use it as an excuse for his powers. Kyle, Isabel and Liz’s shields were working perfectly and Maria was getting everything that Laurie was thinking by just holding her hand. This was their last week before college and school so Serena wanted to make the most of it. Serena worked them to the ground until Uncle Derek arrived smiling from ear to ear with a manila envelope. It contained the certificates from the I-Sung Academy for the college group.

- I’m sending them tomorrow to be added to your college files with Rubén, along with a congratulatory note from Lao himself. - Uncle Derek told them.

- Why can’t we take them ourselves? - Liz wondered.

- Because I have other plans for tomorrow. I’m taking a day off to be with you guys on a little field trip. Where to? Don’t ask, it’s a surprise. So, 8:00 am tomorrow for breakfast at Laurie’s? - The older man grinned.

Everyone turned to look at Michael who just stood there digesting the whole idea.

- Nine will be fine…- He shrugged and nodded.

- Ok, then we’ll see you when we come back. - Uncle Derek quipped.

- Kidding! I’ll be there. - Michael assured him, adding: - You guys better give me a hand. -

- I could use my snake but then it doesn’t have hands, you know? - Kyle cackled.

- Keep your snake Kyle, I’ll take care of that. - Maria growled, turning to Michael. - You’ll be in bed right after dinner. -

And she did just that, spending a full hour making sure Michael would be tired enough to drop asleep by 10:00 pm.

Next morning, at 8:01 am, Maria pushed a half asleep blinking Michael into the kitchen for breakfast. She had to hang on to the waist of his jeans as she leant back to counterbalance his weight so he wouldn’t fall flat on his face on the table.
Everyone burst out cheering her, which made Michael open his eyes wide with a confused look and ask:

- What did I do? -

- Let go of him, Maria. - Serena laughed standing in front of Michael and receiving him in her arms. - Come here, babyboy, breakfast might help you stay awake. -

- Or I can shoot you up with a stimulant! - Stuart made a suggestive gesture with his hand.

- Yeah…- Michael sighed. - I might need that too…-

- Eat up, you’ll be fine kid! - Stuart scoffed having meant it as a joke.

At exactly 8:20 am the helicopter arrived and they all boarded. It was the large one so the guys went for one of the long seats as the girls went for the other one. The six females fitted comfortably and the fives guys did so too at the beginning, but Michael, who was at the edge, keeled over their laps fast asleep barely a minute after they were airborne. Less than half an hour later, they landed at the heliport in Phoenix. A brand new SUV with a chauffeur was waiting for them and Uncle Derek was dropped at a huge Convention Centre with instructions to pick him up at 4:00 pm and to drive them anywhere they wanted.

- Oh, by the way, I needed the chauffeur for some out of town errand, so you’ll get to take your certificates personally tomorrow, if that’s ok with you. - Uncle Derek smiled, knowing that was just what they wanted.

After checking out some brochures of the attractions of the city, it was decided to take a relaxing steamboat ride at the Canyon Lake, while Stuart was dropped at the hospital he used to work at to pay a surprise visit to his friends and colleagues. The lake was gorgeous and Michael stretched out on a padded deck chair which he completely flattened out for that purpose and slept through it all. By lunchtime, they were back outside the cafeteria of the hospital where they were supposed to meet Stuart. As they waited, Maria and Liz went in to get some sodas and Isabel went with Michael to the restrooms which were accessed by a door just after the glass one of the cafeteria. Michael came out and waited for Isabel, but soon after, he knocked on the door and still she took a full minute to come out. As they passed the cafeteria’s door with Michael on that side this time, he looked in to see if Liz and Maria were still in there, but instead he accidentally locked eyes with a familiar looking woman whose mouth and eyes opened wide and rushed towards them. Michael was trying to place her when the door burst open and the woman fell on her knees in front of Michael crossing herself nonstop and babbling:

- You’re one of them! You’re one of the angels! - As she clung to his thighs looking up at him.

Michael froze recognizing the nurse who spoke to him that night Max was healing the kids and she even brought the security guards on him. The rest of the gang started leaving the SUV coming over to see what was up and Michael managed to mentally warn Max into staying inside and out of sight. Stuart came out through the same door the hysterical nurse had used and his empathy had him realizing exactly what was going on.

- Roseanna, c’mon, let go of him, we’ll explain everything to you! - He gave Michael a desperate glance, wondering how he could do that at all. He forcefully peeled the woman away from Michael and pulled her into the SUV, as she walked backwards not to let Michael out of her sight. Stuart gestured them all after him with his head. He managed to sit her in front of where Max was frozen stiff with fright on the corner of the back seat. Stuart gave the chauffeur a bill and sent him to the cafeteria to have lunch. The man was totally focused on his newspaper and didn’t seem to find anything unusual in the woman’s strange behaviour. He took the bill and went in without looking away from the paper. During all this, Michael’s mind was working full time thinking what they could tell the woman that was convincing enough. He had a pretty good idea of what might work and get them off the hook. Once on their own, Michael nodded to Stuart as the others sat wondering what they were going to do.

- Max…- Michael gestured him out of his hiding.

Max creeped out and stood beside Stuart looking scared stiff. The woman began her wailing and crossing herself again. Michael reached out and took both her hands, making the woman jerk in surprise.

- Hey, Roseanna? - She nodded, her eyes popping out of her head. - We’re not angels, we’re sorry we gave you that impression. My cousin Max here is a medicine student who has developed a very special technique with hypnosis, and his boss, Dr. Davis’ brother asked him to come over to see if there was anything he could do about his daughter. He didn’t think his brother would approve of his method, and we didn’t know him then, so we sneaked in and Max did his best, leaving me on the lookout, but he got enthusiastic and did it with all the kids he could before you called security. We had to escape out the window, and we were glad it helped, but it wasn’t a miracle either. Very often, when the mind thinks the body is healed, it takes over and the symptoms really disappear. It’s quite common in Asia, where Max studied that form of treatment. That’s all. - He smirked.

- Oh my god, I’m such an idiot! You must think I’m a nut! You know? I’ve heard a lot about oriental medicine and I’m convinced it’s true, now more than ever. If it really works why don’t they use it here too? Of course, occidental medicine doesn’t accept it as a science, right? - She looked very embarrassed.

Michael just nodded as the woman began blushing furiously.

- I’m so sorry for making such a fuss when I should be thanking you for those children. - She said looking down at her hands, unable to face them.

- I wish I could have gone on, but we were at risk, you know? We could have been jailed or sent to a nuthouse. - Max had regained his courage to speak again.

- Dr Davis, I’m sorry, but my lunch time is over, I have to go, but thank you guys so much…- She squeezed Michael’s hands.

- Don’t thank me, I did nothing, Max did his thing…- Michael grinned, relieved.

- Thank you Max, I hope eventually you get to practice here, and we learn to accept it as an effective source of healing. Thank you again. - She smiled at Max and let go of Michael to get up and hurriedly returned to the hospital.

It was as if they all suddenly remembered how to breathe and most of them sighed loudly as Maria jumped into Michael’s arms.

- Jeez, Michael, that was just awesome! - Laurie pressed into her brother’s side as Isabel did the same from the other side on her way to Stuart.

- Yes man, that was some fast thinking, even if I didn’t admit it before, you’ve always been good at it. - Max reached over and squeezed his thigh.

- Living with Hank made me have to think up sensible excuses fast, so let’s say I’ve had a lot of practice. - Michael scoffed. - Fat lot of good it did me though. -

- It sure came in handy now. - Kyle chuckled.

- You’re just like Rath. - Ava smiled.

- He’s here with me, I guess we three thought the whole thing up. - Michael shrugged humbly. - And it’s got me real hungry. -

- I better go get the chauffeur, he should be finishing by now. - Stuart left and returned with the man right away.

- Where to? - The man asked.

- The mall at Scottsdale! - Said Serena, knowing that was something they would sure enjoy, specially the girls where they could shop till they dropped and the restaurants were great.

By 3:45 pm, they had had lunch, checked out most of the mall, and ended buying CDs. Serena rounded them up to make sure they arrived at the heliport on time. Maria clung to Michael as they headed for the parking lot where the chauffeur was waiting in the SUV.

- You know, Spaceboy? I loved it when you gave us those CDs so I’ve got you a couple I know you’ll like. - Maria whispered.

- Maria, I have all the Metallica CDs and as far as I know, there haven’t been any new releases. - He whispered back, licking her earlobe.

- Michael! - Maria giggled but didn’t pull away. - They are not Metallica! Anyway, that time you considered one of them a good choice, and my second choice is also what I feel for you. Oh, they’re oldies too. -

Michael was intrigued and his curiosity was making him hurry to the SUV, almost dragging Maria with him.

- Whoa, down boy, we’re almost there! - She jogged to keep up with him.

Michael got on and lifted her in, going immediately to the back seat. Maria handed him the bag and watched him pull out the CDs.

- Hungry Eyes? I like! - He grinned. - Kiss You All Over? WOW! We need to go home! - He was getting a little flushed and Maria loved what she had done to him.

- The name of the group sounded quite appropriate…Foreigner…you know? Sounds kind of alien, huh? - She said in a hushed tone, afraid the chauffer would hear her, but when she stole a glance to the front, she saw the man was having a friendly chat with Kyle, probably about cars.

- You should have got him “Hurts so Good” by John Wildcat, or something like that…- Max quipped.

- “Cougar”! - Maria corrected the singer’s surname.

- Whatever! He should dedicate that song to Michael. - Max laughed but Liz’s frown made him stop.

Maria started snuggling into Michael and he wrapped his arms around her, finding her lips with his.

- Hey, man, we’re the married couple here and you don’t see us sucking face, do you? - Max joked.

- Maybe that’s just why. - Michael left Maria’s mouth just long enough to answer him.

- Oh well, guess I had that coming! - Max shook his head but smiled just the same.

Uncle Derek was already there, checking out the chopper with the pilot when they arrived. The flight back went faster as they told the older man their adventures of the day. Once home, Michael decided he was still in time to give the horses a workout, and then, took his time and pleasure in the shower with Maria. Laurie had Anita go for a veggie stew with soy meat, which was proving one of Serena’s investigations on Leonardo Da Vinci. She found it surprising that the man was a vegetarian in the 15th century, totally unheard of, and that he attributed his amazing clarity of mind to come up with all the inventions he made sketches of, to the lack of the poison from the meat of dead animals in his body.
They did feel lighter, healthier and very focused on everything they did. Michael had to admit that even sex was better, more intense, if that could be possible with him. Serena wasn’t a complete vegetarian, she did accept dairy products and fish which she fried in soy oil and covered with soy meal making it as crunchy as the KFC they still liked to indulge in, once in a while. Laurie had no problems just getting chicken breasts in her orders, being a regular customer. Fruit was always first served, to get them charged with all their nutrients and a huge platter with everything in season was consumed as an appetizer while the meal itself was being whipped up. Serena was thrilled to see that they all had got used to it without complaints, even Michael, so she indulged them with a little sinful something once in a while.
The very next day after their trip to Phoenix, the larger group went to their appointed college with their just arrived certificates to have them placed with their files. The principal was very impressed and welcomed them there, hoping they would find it all they wanted, thanking them for bringing the certificates personally.

At the same time, Laurie went with Michael to her High School and introduced him to the principal, whose eyes almost glazed, having known Charles Dupree. Laurie went into a detailed explanation, to prevent misunderstandings, of the duality of the names, Michael Dupree also being the name of one of her diseased twin brothers. She told him the circumstances of Michael’s childhood before he was finally brought back to the States, thinking he was at least two years older than he really was, being big for his age, and using part of Michael’s story when he met Uncle Derek, she said the letter written by his mother in one of her rare lucid moments, had helped clear up his age and identity, backed by the DNA test that confirmed he was really Laurie’s half brother. That was the reason she begged him to let Michael be in the 12th grade with her to be able to graduate together, since he had been placed in the 11th grade, instead of the 10th, the year before in the school he attended before coming home to her. They had forged a certificate from an obscure little town, and Laurie insisted the principal should call them to confirm what she was telling him. The number was a set up which had Stuart’s cell phone answering and giving the principal all the information he needed. The man had no reason to doubt it, knowing Laurie and her family, so they were all ready to begin a new academical year.

Maria was taking for granted Michael’s mutterings in Antares, since Serena assured her she sensed nothing dangerous in them. They usually just droned on, but lately they were getting livelier, and a little agitated. Maria asked Isabel to dreamwalk him to see what it was all about, but she was completely frustrated when she was blocked out, and she was sure it wasn’t Michael. When Serena tried it, her sister flashed in front of her eyes.

“I’m sorry Ser’eeah, but this only concerns my brother-in-law, my nephew and me. Please don’t feel left out because you’re not, no one else is, it’s only that the time is not right for anyone else to take part in this yet. It’s for everyone’s safety.”

Of course they felt left out, but there was nothing they could do about it. When Michael woke up and they asked him about it, he didn’t know what they were talking about. Serena said it was a totally Antares thing, which could only be accessed there, it simply didn’t register at all here on Earth, that was why Michael couldn’t remember, and Rath-Michael wasn’t sharing, if it meant putting any of his Earth lovers in danger.

The end of summer found them completely satisfied with the amazing amount of progress they had achieved. Michael was kept conveniently ignorant of the alien issues, but inside his mind, Rath-Michael kept him totally focused on mastering the skills which would be essential for their victory. Rath contributed with his big city street wise ingenuity, which got him out of tight spots and dire situations effectively, making the best decisions possible. Ramthis had taken him throughout the whole area where the battles would have to be fought and now Michael knew them by heart. He had been rewarded with great quality time with his two alien lovers at least once a week and that would be now as often as he would need to visit his father to keep the strategy up to date as time went by. Michael chose Friday afternoon, right after school, giving the horses their day off, to spend it with his alien family and probably his lovers too.
He became very restless as the beginning of classes was barely a couple of days away, knowing he didn’t want to disappoint Laurie and at the same time frustrated at going back to school because if some cruel twist of destiny kept them here on Earth longer than they expected, he wanted to be able to get a decent job for Maria’s sake, and that meant graduating. Through their empathy, they could all feel how tense he was, and they could see by the way he kept biting his lower lip, what it was taking him to deal with the effort not to lash out or be rude with his patience at the limit. He knew he desperately needed a break, away from the whole thing, and he would be back ready for anything. And there it was: closure to a human issue coming straight from Rath. A marked reluctance and doubt was felt coming from the original Rath-Michael, but Rath assured that side of them, that he had had several piercings and that they were cool, and anyway, he, Rath-Michael had also received what could be taken for tattoos and nothing was wrong with them. So it was about time he tried a piercing, cause like it or not, he was on Earth now and the girlfriends and the guys after his ass would love it. Rath-Michael was still far from convinced, not quite able to recall what was nagging at him against the issue, but anyway, it was two to one, and unfortunately, right now, Michael was in charge of their body. That very day, after riding, they had Rubén drive them to the mall for some shopping and lunch, but Michael grabbed Maria’s arm as she bounded after the others. She turned to him, surprised.

- Maria, I need to do something by myself, please, it will take a few hours. - Michael whispered against her ear.

- Sure baby, anything you need, but don’t block yourself out or I will go out of my mind thinking you’re hurt. - She begged.

- I promise. - He whispered.

- I’ll miss you. - She turned and kissed him.

She knew how stressed he was and hoped this would calm him down some. She wondered if he would come back with something special for her…she hoped he would. Michael was sure she would like what he was going to get and he sent his thoughts to her, holding back the actual surprise, as she sent back to him that she could hardly wait to have him back.

- No you won’t. - He smirked.

- Huh? - Maria had got lost, trying to guess what he was up to.

- You won’t miss me, too busy shopping and driving nuts everyone in the store. - He nodded, loving Maria’s enthusiasm at whatever he was bringing back for her.
- Go on, I’ll be back as soon as I can. Love you…-

He gave her one of what he called “Hollywood kisses”, leaving her dizzy, and carrying her down from the SUV, to send her on her way. He asked Rubén to drive him to the airport and just like that, he took off for New York. When the driver answered their call and went to pick them up from the mall, everyone went berserk hearing the news from him. Serena just nodded and told them to trust him and wait because, although he had blocked himself out completely from all of them, he would let them through not to worry them. As they were driving home, he opened up to Liz forcing them to make a stop at a service station less than a mile away and leave a startled Rubén in the SUV to lock themselves up in the restroom. They made the connection and found out what Michael was up to. Michael had rented a Lear jet and flown to the big apple sprawled and in full comfort, napping all the way. Liz was in charge of briefing everyone on what had gone on and what was about to happen. They saw the whole thing connecting through their empathy with a boost from Serena.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:14 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 32

Michael arrived at JFK airport and took a taxi to downtown Manhattan. He went straight where Rath was guiding him to and ended in a tattoo and piercing place. A long queue of people was waiting eagerly for the artist, who was sitting without the least respect for his customers, while he took a snack. Michael cut in front of everyone, barging into the place and stood before the emaciated looking balding guy with a greasy pony tail. At the first protest, he turned and glared them to silence, then turned back to the guy who had jumped up from the chair and was staring at him as if he had seen a ghost.

- Wrath? Dude, I thought you were…- He doubted if he should finish the phrase.

- Almost, but not. - Michael confirmed. - And it’s Michael now. It’s my real name. -

- Whatever, kid, still the other one suited your other “angry at the world” look. -

- It wasn’t “Wrath” dude, sounded the same but without the “W” - Michael explained.

- Yo, man, you look great! What happened to the hair and the baggies? -

- I’m through with the stupid Mohawk and baggies and I needed a change of scenery, so I went to an uncle’s on the West Coast and the look just had to go. - Michael said.

- Well, snug jeans sure look good on you! - He nodded, walking all around him and checking him out noticing no tattoos on his arms. - Wait! What happened to my masterpieces? How the hell did you get rid of those? No way, man! -

- I’m now in Cali, my uncle’s in the movie biz, so…-

- Hollywood! Right! I guess anything can happen there! - He shook his head, losing his suspicious look. - What brings you here, then? -

- I kind of missed one piercing I never got to have. And who better than you, dude. Guess you’re the only one I can trust with my bod. You seem to be in business, and I hate to wait. - Michael gestured to the people out in the street.

- To hell with them, kid! - He walked to the door and started screaming. - Off! All of you! I’m busy! Go somewhere else! Shoo! -

He slammed the glass door on them but left the vertical blinds open for all to see.

- Tell me what you want. - He asked.

- Three gold chains. G-O-L-D. - He spelled.

- Of course, dude, I wouldn’t rip you off. I’d never risk you coming from the dead after a metal infection to have my head on a spike over my door. - He laughed, sounding like he was having a fatal asthma attack.

- I know. I want them with the links real close together, but flexible enough to feel them move. - Michael specified.

- Got them! Give me an idea of what you have in mind. - The man looked back at him with the tip of his tongue between his teeth.

Michael knew Rath wasn’t sure if that was the reason for his nickname: Cobra. He did look like a snake ready to strike, but then they also said it was because his first tattoos had been of just that reptile, so lifelike that it made him famous.

- I want a set of three, one right beside the other. - Michael told him. - About an inch plus long each.

- Where do you want them? - The man asked mystified.

- Totally out of sight, just for my pleasure and whoever’s with me. - Michael smirked and unfastened his jeans.

Then he turned his back on Cobra and the audience at the windows. He pushed his pants down to his thighs hearing the man gasp at the sight of his brands, taking them for tattoos, mostly because he knew he had not done them. Michael could hear the murmur of the people outside who had refused to leave, and wickedly bent over to push the jeans all the way to the floor. He got up teasingly slowly, and the man’s silence made him turn to take a look over his shoulder, finding him squatting to see the tattoos close by.
He was about to touch them so Michael sent a warning.

- Don’t! The guy who did them said he was an alien and put a curse on them. - He said, remembering the man’s superstitions. - Only he can allow those who touch them. -

It was really kind of true, and he was amused to see the man pull away and raise his hands as if warding off evil spirits as he got up.

- Well, where will it be? - He insisted, turning Michael to the left, where the light was better, so now they were sideways to the curious crowd.

Michael reached back to grab his hand, turning it palm up and shoving it high between his thighs. Then he selected his index finger and pressed its tip against the sensitive patch of skin right behind his balls.

- Here. - He said.

He man cunningly curved his finger and prodded at Michael’s ass, feeling him contract and growl.

- Hey! - Michael chuckled. - I thought you were a professional! -

- Sorry kid, always wanted to do this. - He cleared his throat and quickly changed the subject. - Ready for me? -

- Yeah, cool! - Michael saw him turn to his wall to wall cabinet with millions of small drawers.

Michael noticed his feet were covered from the curious eyes at the window by a bench and used his powers to step out of his pants and boots. He peeled off his black sleeveless t-shirt and remained in just black socks. The place was bloody hot and he was beginning to break a sweat. The man turned to show him three samples on his palm and almost dropped them when he saw the boy was now naked.

- Oh, sorry, yes, it’s hot, but I have low blood pressure and I hardly notice it. - He pushed a switch and turned on a fan above them. He hated air conditioners, which froze him half to death. - How about these? -

Cobra had three samples of chains, two golden of different tones, and one apparently silver. Incidentally, the silver coloured one matched exactly what Michael wanted.

- I said gold, dude. - Michael smirked.

- Gold it is, kid. - Cobra gave him his snaky grin.

- No shit, man, you’ve got platinum? - Michael exclaimed.

- I’ve got the best, baby, for those who can afford it. - Cobra kept grinning.

Michael narrowed his eyes and the man sensed danger.

- No offense, kid, I know you can. - He said hurriedly.

Michael chose the platinum one and Cobra went to get what he needed to begin right away. He came back with everything and placed all the stuff on the table by the cot.

- We’ll need this too. - He brought a wedge shaped cushion and placed the flat side on the cot towards the edge. It reminded Michael of the wedge he had materialized under Isabel to have her hips hold his own up for Stuart that time they had been together in the ritual to introduce them to his dupe and Rath-Michael. Michael knelt on the cot and crawled forwards until he was draped over the cushion with his insteps hooked over the edge. He moved his knees apart to have his thighs spread wide.

- I will have to attach the chains to pins through the skin and weld them at both ends. That’s a very sensitive place, it’s gonna hurt like a bitch. Metallica, to ease your pain? - It wasn’t really a question as a CD of the said group began to play when he finished asking: he knew him too well.

Michael sighed and braced himself. Cobra began doing his thing. He could hear Michael’s every hiss, moan and grunt over the loud heavy metal. He liked using the old fashioned technique of ice to dull the area to be pierced but remembered Rath didn’t like it, so he shoved the gold pins hard into the skin, pinching it up, not to pierce any unwanted nerve and risk his life. He worked conscientiously and very carefully, to give Michael just what he wanted. Michael couldn’t help jerking a few times but Cobra’s instincts were right there and he froze instantaneously each time it happened. Once, during the many times Michael opened his eyes after wincing, he could have sworn that somewhere, at the back of the crowd outside watching Cobra’s skill at work, he saw Jesse Ramirez’s face, smiling and nodding knowingly at him. He shut his eyes tight and when he opened them again, he was gone. Michael chose to ignore it as a hallucination caused by the pain he was enduring.
Once finished, Cobra spanked Michael’s right buttock safely under the tattoo, and squeezed the other one at the same place.

- I have to make sure it works like you want it to, ok? - Cobra said smugly.

- Ok. - Michael whispered, not sure what he was going to do to him then.

He couldn’t have done anything to prevent or stop him anyway, in the state he was, waiting for the persistent sharp pain to start passing, as he knew from Rath that it gradually would. Still the place of the piercing was very unusual and even Cobra, with his experience, had never done one there before and swore he never would again. This was going to be Rath’s…Michael’s exclusively.
He lubed his finger with a drop of oil from a small expensive looking bottle on the table and pushed it into Michael, facing up. He forced it forwards under his piercing and rubbed the loose chains with his thumb. Michael gasped and contracted, the pain of the finger pushing up under the inserted pins, and the titillation caused by the rubbing on the chains almost made him come. Cobra felt the vibes shooting up from his finger to his brain and almost lost it too. He slid his finger out, terribly excited and with one hell of a hard on.

- That’s one tricky place for a piercing, kid. Gold and all, you’re gonna need an antibiotic before I let you leave this place. - He said, full of determination.

Michael had to agree, knowing his alien side would take care of it, so the man wouldn’t have grounds for suspicion. He felt him wipe his ass and ram the needle smack in the middle of Isabel’s brand in a small vacant spot. The drug burnt making Michael moan, and Cobra massaged him for a while to then just openly fondle him. He was so horny he couldn’t give a damn about any doubtful superstition. The man was gone and Michael felt him walking towards his left. Then he heard the blinds being closed and a shade rolled down the glass door so the room became shady. He felt something wasn’t quite right and tried to get up but he couldn’t. He was terribly dizzy and he had lost completely his sense of direction. Whatever the man had shot into him wasn’t an antibiotic, of that he was sure. All he could do was growl.

- Easy, boy, sorry, but as I told you, I must make sure it works as you want it to and I think my finger didn’t quite do it, so it has to be the real thing. Trust me, I’m quite good at it and I happen to have a potent protective amulet given to me by an alien too. - He cackled. - You’ll have no complaints I assure you. -

Michael felt a very slick cock pushing into him and rubbing at the chains intermittently at the same time. The effect was exquisite! It wasn’t so thick but it was sooo long, he felt it halfway up his stomach when it was all the way in. The lube was amazing! He didn’t need to ask what it was.

- Olive oil is the utmost! And I remembered your addiction, so I added just a drop of Tabasco. How does it feel? - He did his asthma attack laugh again. - Don’t worry, I’m wearing a rubber, special for this occasion. It has big studs, can you feel them? -

No wonder he felt the rub on the chains all the way in and out, and that was the spicy burning sensation! He had never thought of Tabasco up his ass! Awesome! Epic! Shit! That last one had definitely been Rath! Michael was going wild, writhing with pleasure, feeling the man reaching depths that only Geehan… (Rath-Michael?)...and Leroy had reached. Cobra probably had a black ancestor, though his skin was totally white. Each time he shoved it all the way in, his balls would hit the chains and sent electric jolts into Michael’s ass and cock, making him twist his body left and right so the rubbing on the chains made him squirm and whimper. He could swear he felt a forked snake’s tongue shooting in and out of the head of the cock he had so deep inside. Then Cobra started pulling out just one inch and back in so that his balls were in constant contact with the chains, plus the pattering of the studded rubber sheath. He kept dancing from one side to the other taking the chains along for the ride, and Michael came with such intensity that his shudders enhanced every individual feeling as his blood seemed to boil in his veins. Cobra felt his cock was being ripped off his loins, Michael was clenching against it so hard! He had never come so much and so hard in his life, he thought he would never stop! And now he was in such peace, he wanted to stay in there forever. He was surprised by a warm bubbling feeling over the base of his cock and also under it and against his balls where the Condon failed to reach because of his length. He pulled back a little and looked down to see it was bright red blood. He cried out and began to back off, but Michael was faster and shouted ‘NO! WAIT!’ making him freeze.

- Rath…Michael, you’re bleeding! I didn’t mean to…-

- I know, it’s not you…- Michael tried to comfort him.

- Oh shit! It’s the curse of your tattoos! It was true! You’ll bleed to death here! They’ll shut me down! They’ll put me in jail! - He was hysterical and he yanked it all out noticing the two bleeding tears, one over, one under Michael’s opening.

Michael hissed. Cobra wasn’t so slick anymore and the tears were throbbing as much as his insides and the pierced flesh to top it all. He heard Cobra running and rummaging in one of his drawers to the right, and then he was coming back.

- It’s ok, it happens, rarely, but it does. I know what to do. - Cobra assured him.

Michael gritted his teeth with the searing, scalding pain as Cobra tried cauterizing him with an instrument he had for such unusual emergencies, and when the bleeding stopped he was so relieved. What he didn’t know was that he had nothing to do with it, it had been Isabel and Max mostly through Liz’s empathy. They wanted to kill the prick, but at the same time, they wanted Michael back as soon as possible to try the chains. They felt like mean bastards, but they couldn’t help it, it had been Michael’s idea after all, definitely thinking of them. And how he would pay for it! They couldn’t wait to get their hands on him!

Michael was trying to get to the aftermath, hoping it would ease some of his pain, but it wasn’t happening. He wasn’t getting there at all with the interruptions. He could feel someone looking at him and he winced before opening his eyes to find Cobra’s locked on his as he crouched by his face. Michael saw his hand hovering over his hair and it was all he could do not to pull away when he felt it on him. He shivered at the thought of the ink stained fingers touching him, worse still, when he remembered his forefinger up his ass.
Cobra pulled his hand away and placed in on the edge of the cot.

- Hey kid, was it what you wanted? - He wore this silly grin and his eyebrows were arched in expectation.

Michael just nodded and saw him now smile from ear to ear.

- Then everything is alright? You know…between us? - He waited eagerly for his answer.

- What do you think? - Michael watched the guy pale.

- I’m sorry Ra…Michael, I just always wanted you that way, but your new look, is not as intimidating as before, so I thought maybe now, things could be different… so I…you know…went for it? - He fidgeted nervously.

- What did you shoot me with? - Michael was curious.

- Oh, it’s harmless. A couple of drops in a chick’s cherry cola will have her falling into your arms. Of course, you’re a big strong guy so the dose had to go up considerably, and you would have noticed a bitter taste in the drink, so it was safer to shoot it up. The punk assured me it was very fast acting and effective that way too. I wanted the first go at your knew piercing, kid, give me a break! You were supposed to stay under much longer, I don’t know what happened, guess you’re stronger than I thought…- His mouth twitched in fear.

- So what were you planning to do? - Michael wondered.

- Just take a hike until you took off, leaving you a note saying it was all on me and hoping you would forgive me and cool down. - He was looking at his also stained shoes.

- So it’s on you then…I’ll think it over. - Michael smirked.

- You’re not going to beat the crap out of me, are you? - He raised his eyes for just a fraction of a second.

- You kind of did a great job, I have to admit it. - Michael winced as he shifted his body.

- You just need to take it easy for a couple of days, and then you can start enjoying it all you want. - Cobra cackled in his particular way.

- Yeah sure! Couple of hours, in my case! - Michael scoffed.

- I’m sure he doesn’t want to hurt you…- Cobra persisted.

- Not he…them, it’s ok, I’m used to it. - Michael shrugged. - I have to get back to the airport so I need a ride. Something big so I can stretch out in the back seat. -

- This guy owes me, no sweat, and he owns a dozen taxis. - He whipped up a cell phone from his pocket and went to open the blinds while he spoke into it, so the crowd outside could see the kid was alive and well enough.

- The best he can do is a comfortable Nissan with the shotgun seat going all the way back, that ok? - Cobra asked.

- Yeah, that will do. - Michael sighed.

- Ok, he’ll be here in fifteen minutes at the most. Need some help? - Cobra headed his way.

Michael shook his head and got up very slowly, wincing several times.

- Got a shower? - He asked, not very hopeful.

- Right there. Clean towel, got it out this morning. - Cobra gave him a lopsided smile as he pointed to a door at the back of the room.

Michael sighed and gathered his clothes. He closed the door behind him and rolled his eyes at the stinking place. He used his powers to clean it up completely and spent five whole minutes soaking and rinsing under the shower. The cool water soothed his sweating slightly feverish body, and once he had dried and clothed himself, he returned the filth and grime back again along with the stink.

When he came out he saw Cobra at the door, talking with a thin guy so pale, he looked like he had just escaped from the grave. His hair was almost white and his eyes were colourless. He shuddered remembering another albino: Khivar! But apart from the colouring, they didn’t look alike at all. They turned to him as he approached them and Michael caught the last phrase of their gibberish. Greek, no doubts about it.

- Yahsoo…- He said, approaching them, and pointing to the car waiting outside, he continued, - poso canis? - (Hey, how much is it?)

- Ohkee, parakaló! - Grinned the albino waving his hands in a negative gesture. (No, please!)

Then he went on into a hurried string of gibberish which got Michael lost.

- Den katalaveno. - Michael said shaking his head, so the pale man seemed to repeat it much slower. (I don’t get it.)

- Den milao Ellinika. - Michael shrugged. (I don’t speak Greek.)

- No way, you were speaking Greek, dude! - Cobra said, wide eyed.

- Just a few words I picked up from some Greek friends when I was a kid, but I don’t really speak it, that’s all I remember. - Michael smirked.

- Well, it sounded ok to me, and no, there’s no charge. - Cobra confirmed, then he went into his choking laughter. - Stupid Spiro here, thought you wanted to buy his car when you asked him how much it was, then he realized you meant the fare to the airport. -

Michael nodded and stretched half on the front passenger seat and half on the back one, a little bent over, to fit comfortably. Cobra stuck his hand into the car through the open window and squeezed Michael’s thigh.

- Yahsoo. - He said.

- Yahsoo. - Michael whispered back the Greek “’bye”.

Liz had tried to pronounce the foreign words just as she heard them, she could just hope they sounded exactly as they had spoken them, but at least she knew they were as close as possible.

The albino drove carefully, glad of the lack of traffic jams on the route he had chosen. Give it another hour and it would be hell there too. He couldn’t help checking out the boy lying beside him and his eyes fell on his thighs and the way his snug tan coloured jeans gave the impression that he was naked. His eyes kept going up to his ass and the illusion had his cock bloating. “What the hell’s wrong with me!” He thought. “I’m totally straight!” He forced his eyes on the road, disgusted with himself. He couldn’t understand why he was getting these erotic ‘vibes’ from the kid, but when he saw him push slightly up on his knees and do this wiggle, he almost came. “What is it with me, I’m a happily married man with two girls much older than this boy!” He pushed away his strange thoughts and felt like he had to say something.

- Nasty place for a piercing, huh? - His voice came out like a croak.

- He told you. - Michael scoffed.

- Sorry, I asked him out of curiosity, he meant no harm. - Spiro felt uneasy, but the boy didn’t seem to mind.

- What’s your deal with him? Why do you owe him? - Michael asked.

- It’s kind of the other way round, you see, when my passengers ask me about tattoo places, I recommend Cobra’s, and he tips me generously, according to what they pay him, so I guess you could say I owe him a free ride once in a while. - When Michael kept quiet for a couple of minutes, he placed his hand on his thigh. - You ok? -

- Just resting. - Michael whispered.

Spiro felt like a thousand ants were crawling up his arm and saw a quick flash of Cobra sticking the last pin into Michael, with a chain attached to one end. He knew it had come from his hand touching Michael’s thigh so he returned it to the steering wheel, worried about their safety.

- Did it hurt? - He inquired.

- Mmhmm. - Michael went.

- And the tattoos on your ass? - Spiro hoped he hadn’t gone too far.

- I wouldn’t recommend them…- He slurred sounding finally relaxed, so he let the kid rest until they arrived at the airport.

This time he patted his thigh as he asked him where exactly he needed to go.

Michael gave him the name of the pilot to have him paged as he just lay there unmoving. Spiro parked and went to do as he was asked, returning with the uniformed guy who squeezed in behind him and guided him all the way to the plane.

- Hey, kid…- He shook Michael’s shoulder watching him jerk and slowly start getting up.

Michael felt Spiro was itching to drag him to the men’s room, peel down his jeans and touch the tattoos and the piercings, but he was struggling to stay in control.

- Thanks dude. - Michael smirked at Spiro and the man smiled back warmly.

It had been the first time in his life that Spiro had felt a sexual attraction to another male. Michael’s eyes locked with Spiro’s, his head slightly tilted, and the man reached up and patted his cheek. He was rewarded with a flash of Michael’s tattoos and the piercings. The pale eyes blinked as Michael bit his lower lip before he turned, leaving with the pilot. Spiro couldn’t take his eyes off Michael, until he disappeared inside the plane, then he resignedly returned to his waiting car.

Michael stretched out in the huge couch-like seat, large enough for easily six sitting persons, being that the main reason for his choosing that particular plane. He let go into the aftermath interrupted by his arrival at the airport and then getting on the plane.

the calm before the storm

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:39 pm
by ñusta
Chapter 33

The pilot congratulated himself on one more of his feather soft landings which he was famous for. He gathered his stuff and went to open the hatch. He unlocked it and started pulling it open when he stopped, surprised that his passenger wasn’t right there ready to leave. He let go of the barely opened door and went to find the boy. All the shades were down making the place as dark as it could possible get in the daytime. As he approached the couch, he could make the boy in profile, sprawled face down on it with his feet hooked over the arm on the left side, his arm dangling over the side. A few more steps had him realizing the kid was buck naked except for black socks, with his legs spread wide and unmoving. “Oh shit! Don’t tell me he has od’d! Just my luck! He didn’t look like a junkie to me!” He kept thinking as he approached him. He leant over to place his palm on the boy’s back, relieved to find it warm as his hand rose and fell with the steady breathing. The other boy’s arm lay behind him, parallel to his body and when he turned to his face, he saw his eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted.

- Hey, kid! - He shook the boy’s shoulder, but only got a soft moan and a wince.

He fished out a small notebook from his pocket, not remembering his first name, only the obvious last one: Dupree.

- Hey, Michael! - He patted his cheek and pulled his hand back surprised when the boy turned his face and brushed his full girl-soft lips on it.

He straightened up, scratching his head for inspiration, holding back his cap, as he checked out the tall kid’s athletic, muscular body, admiring the long well shaped legs and the round butt…what was that? Tattoos? “I’ll be…” He thought, watching the strange bright silver patterns, trying to make some sense out of them. The lack of light wasn’t helping and he went to open one of the shades bathing Michael’s lower body in bright sunshine. He ended squatting at the boy’s hips, amazed at the beauty of the intricate design and its brilliant quality. “Must’ve cost a lot to get that kind of ink!” He thought, as he couldn’t stop himself from touching them. He traced both of them with his fingertips, at the same time, and heard the boy purr like a cat and push his hips up on his knees.

- Everything alright here? - The pilot heard as a blinding light made him pull away from the boy’s ass and shield his eyes as three uniformed men finished opening the hatch and entered the aircraft.

- What do we have here? We didn’t know you had it in you, Fred! - They joked, knowing very well the pilot was a totally straight married man with kids in college.

- He’s breathing, if that’s what you’re asking and I was curious about these…- He pointed at the tattoos but then the boy shifted his hips and a sudden glint from high up between the spread thighs caught all of their eyes.

- What the hell’s that? - The older, gray haired one said.

They had all seen it and bent together towards the source almost knocking their heads against each other. They had a laugh and repositioned themselves safely around the boy, one at the hips, one at the thighs, one on the other side over the back of the couch, and the fastest one kneeling between the boy’s open legs. The pilot, being in the most strategic place, reached out and touched the source of the shining. His fingertip met the warmed metal of the chains and the boy whimpered and writhed.

- What has he got there? - Asked one of the uniformed ones.

- What have they done to him? - Asked the other.

The pilot rubbed the chains from side to side and Michael growled and shifted his hips again, this time to make himself more accessible.

- I think you’re turning him on. - Chuckled the older one.

- He doesn’t look gay, he must think you’re his girlfriend. - A redheaded one joined in the fun.

- Hell of a place for a piercing, let me see. - The older one looking over the back of the couch pushed the reluctant pilot out of the way and took his place.

He hooked his pinkie though the slack of the chains and gave them a gentle tug.

Michael grunted and the man let go.

- Uh oh, I think he just had it done. - He said and gestured towards the piercing.

A drop of blood was forming at both ends of each chain.

- You must have peroxide in your first aid kit, get it. - The redhead ordered.

The pilot rushed to get what they needed. The redhead took over, applying a drop of the stuff on each bleeding spot and Michael hissed as they started to froth.

- Ewww, that must sting! - The third one said, grimacing and leaning over Michael’s thigh.

He was a funny looking oriental guy, round faced and with a slight paunch, and all smiles. He couldn’t resist the temptation to touch the chains, and unable to help himself, slid his fingertip over them. Michael chose that precise moment to jerk and the man’s finger jumped back and accidentally prodded him, feeling the strong contraction, as he went in up to the knuckle, with the remaining slickness of the olive oil.

- Oh man! I just finger fucked him! - The man shouted, pulling away, as Michael gasped and clenched tighter, making him have to force his finger out.

- You saw that? Yoshi here just took the kid’s temperature! - The older one laughed.

- Well, at least he’s nice and bathed. - The redhead laughed along, confirming Michael had a fresh clean scent with a whiff of cotton candy.

- Hey dude, I thought it was over…- Michael moaned in a husky, sleepy voice.

The four men looked at each other and backed off, just in case, the boy was big and well built. Michael opened his eyes to find these four uniformed men staring down at him, vaguely recognizing the pilot. He turned to him, slowly pushing up.

- We back already? Wow, congrats on the landing! - He smirked, nonchalantly, after surreptitiously checking out the wing emblems on the other three, assuring him they were from the airport and not FBI.

- I’ll be right out. - He said, stepping into his figure 8 shaped jeans on the floor where he had dropped them and bending over to pull them up his legs. Although his back was to them, he knew the effect he was having and laughed to himself. He could feel their eyes on the piercing and then on the tattoos when the chains went out of sight as he straightened up. He stepped into his boots, fastening the velcros and turned to them with his fly open. Still smirking, he donned the sleeveless t-shirt over his head shaking his hair back into place. Then tucking it into his jeans, he zipped them up lazily.

- Ok then, ready guys? - He nodded, tilting his head to a side.

- You should’ve got gold chains, not silver…infections, you know? - The Asian let it out to the others’ surprise, getting outraged nudges from both sides, and a just as shocked “Yoshi!” from the other one.

- I know, it’s not silver, it’s platinum. - Michael winced, biting his lower lip, and added winking: - It hurts just as good. -

He grinned, watching the four men blush at his sexy gesture, and without waiting anymore, he headed for the door. He could hear the men’s voices behind him.

- He’s got no bags? Did you ask him for an id? -

- No need, he’s Michael Dupree, you know, from the Osborne road mansion? The kid’s loaded! -

- Wasn’t his grandfather the alien nut? -

- Yeah…Charles Dupree, nice chap though…flew him around a few times. He sounded quite normal and sane as far as I remember. I still can’t believe what they said about him. The kid’s his spitting image, knew who he was the second I saw him. -

Michael went to get a taxi, glad that at least someone didn’t believe Charles Dupree was a nut. He could’ve called Rubén, but he didn’t feel like waiting, and he didn’t want the guy breaking his neck trying to hurry over not to make him wait. It was just a little past 7:00 pm, having taken the fastest Lear jet, and Rath, knowing the city as he did, had shown the taxi driver shortcuts not even they knew. The piercing itself hadn’t taken that long, and the unexpected treat, if he could call it that, hadn’t been that long either. Being still summer, it wasn’t dark yet, and he could feel all the gang bugging to see their newest toy as much as he wanted them to try it. Still, something was not quite right and it seemed to be coming from the original Rath-Michael in a kind of protest, and his body seemed to be siding with this imposing side of himself, reacting in an uncomfortable way. Michael had chosen a large car, and sprawled on his side on the back seat, facing away from the driver. The man took a peek through the rearview mirror to check on his passenger and was surprised to see no one behind him. He turned to find the boy lying down and shrugged, not quite relieved. After leaving the impossible and frustrating traffic jams from his native Manhattan, he had come to this small town, hoping some day it would give him a tangible reason for its reputation, he might be lucky enough to see an alien, but was disappointed it hadn’t happened yet. For a moment, he had been excited thinking it had finally come to pass, he had no way of knowing he was actually transporting one! When he arrived at the address the kid had given him he was amazed at the place.

- Hey, boy, we’re here! Wake up! - He reached back and shook him.

The kid just moaned and sighed. Of course, the man’s first suspicion was drugs or maybe he was just sick…just? It might be contagious and he was done for! Better get rid of him as fast as possible! He got down and rang the bell.

- Yes? - A pleasant female voice.

- I’m sorry, I just drove this boy to this address but he’s fast asleep, I need some help…- The connection was drastically cut off and in seconds, there was a crowd of young people racing towards the gate screaming what must have been the boy’s name.

- Michael! MICHAEL! -

The man was somewhat intimidated by the response and backed into the car. He was invaded by the boy’s friends who seemed to have got lucky, as the boy was speaking in a husky voice and slowly backing out of the car with their help. A short blond worried looking girl came to his window and gave him a big bill telling him to keep the change, making the whole weird experience much more than worth it. He had a last glimpse of his tall young passenger limping as he was held up from all sides possible and wondered what the hell had happened to the kid, but it was none of his business, specially after the generous “tip”, so he just took off oblivious of the fact that his wild dream had just come true.

Serena didn’t need to be called over to Laurie’s, she felt Michael was arriving home in an ailing state that was definitely alien related so she left a note to her husband and took off at a fast pace feeling Michael nearer and nearer with each step. She was racing up the back stairs leading to his bedroom when she heard them entering the room. They also knew exactly where Serena was thanks to their honed empathy, so they were expecting her when she burst through the back door. Once she helped them put Michael to bed and he made himself comfortable, the questions started raining.

- What is it with him, Serena? I can tell his Rath-Michael side is suddenly quite pissed by the whole deal…- Isabel began.

- Why did he allow it to happen in the first place if he didn’t want it? - Liz finished for her.

- It just doesn’t make sense! - From and outraged Maria. - We feel it but he’s not answering our questions. -

- It’s degrading…he’s outraged…- Ava’s whisper had them all turning towards her to see her blushing furiously at their attention.

- Ava’s right, Rath-Michael has remembered why he was against it. A piercing was given by the scavengers to the slaves they sold prior to handing them over to their new owners, just like the rings on bull’s noses. It was a shameful thing, since it couldn’t be hidden, being smack in the middle of their faces. Geehan had actually had one and Rath-Michael had hated it from the first time he noticed it. He had Zan remove it without asking his father’s permission, in exchange for a day of submitting to his cousin’s every desire. When Ramthis found out, he gave his son one hell of a spanking, because Antares law said that once the ring was removed by the new owner, it couldn’t be replaced, giving the slave a status above other slaves. So Rath-Michael considered his punishment well worth it, and Geehan couldn’t love the boy more for it. - Serena said sadly.

They realized something was going on with Michael and saw he was shaking his head from side to side as his face was buried into his crossed forearms and his mutterings were unintelligible.

They rushed to make the connecting circle not to miss what was going on. They heard the typical NY accent coming from Rath and telling Rath-Michael that only his lovers would be able to see the piercings so there was no shame in it specially after he found out what it did to his sex life. That got Rath-Michael thinking and accepted to give it a try before he continued to send his actual body into a very physical rejection of the offending things. So Michael’s alien side was given a break, but the physical side had already been launched into a full fledged rebellion. Infection had set in and fever was its messenger.

- Oh shit! This means me, right? - Stuart frowned, as Max nodded confirming there was little he could do about it. - Wait! It was brought on by his alien side, so please Max, give it a try, ok? -

- May as well, but it’s his human body reacting. I don’t think I can…I don’t know…- Max was very doubtful.

- C’mon Max! You heal humans without any problems, and aliens easier still! - Stuart encouraged him.

- The problem is his blood, man, you know he reacts different, and his three personalities involved are just as Royal, even if they’ve finally reached a truce. That’s the main issue…- Max shook his head, visibly defeated.

- Then change his blood to human to stop what his alien side is doing to his body! You’ve done it before, Isabel! - Stuart turned to the alien girl.

- Even if she does, his true essence is in there threefold, nothing can change that, sorry Stuart, Max is right, it’s in your hands. - Serena sounded as defeated as Max, but at least there was hope in the human healer.

By the time Stuart’s empathy told him that the infection was controlled by his so far unfailing technique of bypassing Michael’s alien defense with the multiple doses of the antibiotic cocktail, half the battle was won. The stubborn fever was the next step as his alien side insisted on believing it was still infected. Much to his despair, he had to tackle it filling Michael once again with icy water, but this other human trick did the job. Michael was finally sleeping peacefully, rid of fever and infection alike. So they started getting it all back together, staying with the recovering boy, knowing their presence was the best medicine he could get right then, because they needed him up and about for school in less than a couple of days. And if anyone could do it, it was Michael. They were now relaxing, Laurie calling Anita to bring them some food because they were watching some invented movie marathon which she would have no reason to doubt, when they noticed Ava. She sat on the floor by the bed with Michael’s hand in hers, hugging her knees with the other, her chin on them and tears running down her cheeks. She wasn’t used to see Michael go through this ordeal to restore his health and it had her heart breaking for her new found brother. Even if they had gone back to what they used to be alien-wise, the result would have been the same. The alien Ava had also hated to see Rath-Michael hurt, she had never expected Khivar to give the boy such a cruel death.

- Ava, dear, are you alright? - Serena asked and Kyle was there in seconds helping her up.

- Did he have to do all that to him? The needles, the tube and that thing he kept sticking into him…- Ava made a face, clearly grossed out.

- I’m sorry, Ava, but I needed to check his temperature that often to make sure he was getting better. I never meant to hurt him, quite the contrary. - Stuart sincerely apologized. - I think you know how much I love him. -

- You’re right, I’m just being silly, but I’m not used to this, it’s all new to me. We were only healed by Zan, we never needed humans…please, I didn’t mean it that way, don’t get me wrong…- She frowned.

- Don’t worry, we understand…- Stuart helped Kyle sit her on the bed and squeezed her hand, smiling down at her.

- He’ll be fine Ava, you’ll see, this may have been Rath’s doing but Michael accepted it and even Rath-Michael has agreed to compromise until he’s sure it’s not wrong. Trust us please, we would never hurt him intentionally, you know how we feel about him. - Kyle spoke to her softly, soothing her fears.

Ava nodded, waving away her tears, and managing a weak smile.
The food arrived and Isabel waved the TV set on before they opened the door, gesturing to Maria to cover Michael with the sheet. Anita gave Michael a side glance and shook her head before she left the room, but Laurie kept Sylvia, not needing alien powers to feel her curiosity.

- He got a piercing and it was getting infected, so Stuart has him on antibiotics and sedated. - Laurie told her as Sylvia couldn’t keep her eyes away from Michael obviously trying to guess where the piercing was. - Wanna see? -

Sylvia nodded her head eagerly at Laurie’s taunting, stepping towards her to stop by the bed. Laurie pulled back the sheet with one hand and pointed between Michael’s thighs with the other. Sylvia leant down to get a better view and saw the glint of the metal. She backed up, wide eyed.

- Hell of a place he chose! - She grimaced. - How’s he gonna ride with that? -

- Ask him! - Laurie shrugged, she hadn’t thought of that and from the look on the others, at Sylvia’s question, no one else had, either.

- Sylvia! - Anita yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

- Better get going! - Sylvia left, giggling all the way down to her waiting mother.

- Hey, I hadn’t thought of that! Come to think of it, he’s going to need to get laid the second he slides off the horse! - Max nodded with a wicked smile, getting jokingly smacked up the head by his wife.

They ate watching a movie, Maria and Kyle close by Michael as she managed to wake him up and feed him some omelette and pudding with Stuart’s permission and Kyle, very attentively, made sure Ava had everything she wanted. Serena was about to leave when Michael started muttering again in his sleep, but this time they were sure it was in Antares. Michael was communicating with his father through his aunt’s dreamwalk. He was telling the ex-warlord Ramthis he felt sure he was ready to bring victory for his people, and he hoped he wouldn’t disappoint them. Ramthis exclaimed that the last part was not fitting to his Royal blood, reminding him of the totally human life he had made him live in ancient Greece, training with the Spartans, sacrificing to Priapus and fighting with the Theban Sacred Band, to die in none other than Alexander the Great’s arms, after being the last one left standing in a battle against the best warrior Earth had ever seen, who begged him to surrender and join his ranks. If that wasn’t an honour to his courage, then he didn’t know what was. So he better change “hope” for “know” and then he would make sense. Michael nodded chuckling and relaxed into a dreamless sleep again.

- Alright, he needs to rest now, and so do we. Maria will take good care of him and let us know if he needs us. Right, love? - Serena smiled at Maria.

Maria smiled back feeling Serena’s trust in her, and nodded. Serena herded the girls out of the room and left through the back door escorted by the guys who walked her all the way home. Uncle Derek was waiting for her as she had asked him in her note, and thanked them for bringing her back safe.

Stuart tiptoed early next day knowing Maria was awake and watching over Michael, to check him for fever and boost the antibiotic before Ava came in, not to upset her. He had been having Sundays free for some time now so he would be right there to make sure Michael would be ready to start school next day. They began the day with a long Jacuzzi by the pool, everyone giving a hand to wake Michael up and find him doing alright. The piercings were healed, presenting no threat of infection due to the metal they were made of, but Stuart suggested giving them some extra time before putting them to their test, to make sure there would be no more negative reactions. Rath-Michael would have to wait and keep his promise, after getting an effective preview when the human healer had rubbed his finger over the chains, as he waited to check on his human side’s temperature, making sure they weren’t stuck to the skin, and almost made the three of them come. The alien prince got an “I told you so!” from the defective clone and a lusty moan from the true one, but still insisted he needed the real thing to make his final decision, though he was already sure of the outcome.