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Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:59 pm
by Fehrbaby
MaryJean wrote:
killjoy wrote:Ok I have a question here for anyone who can answer it.Did they ever mention Mara's dads name on the show? I was wondering becuase I'd like to mention him in a story I'm writing.I thought about just making something up for him but than knowing my luck they gave him a name on the show and I missed it.Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
I'm pretty sure his name was Brian. I couldn't tell you what episode, but I think it was in the season one.

I'm pretty sure that Brian is a fanon name. I've seen it in a lot of fics, but don't remember the name ever being on the show.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 2:34 am
by femmenerd
Well, I didn't make up the shipper name. If you look at most Roswell sites you'll find a list of shipper names for every imaginable pairing (and many that you might not want to imagine, lol). Here is a pretty good list if you're interested.

I personally think that it's too bad that there aren't more Zan/Maria fics out there but I haven't really found any besides mine. Although people received it pretty well so... *shrugs* Plus, it's a good way for even hardcore Dreamers to get into the chemistry between JB and MD because it doesn't interfere with Max and Liz.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 11:56 pm
by Zanity
To a certain extent that's accurate but it's not precise enough for what I'm looking for.

IE Pilot aired on 10/06/99 But it covers 09/18/99 - 09/24/99 The next Episode Aired 10/13/99 But opens early morning on 09/27/99

Some episodes like Pilot span nearly a week while other episodes like 285 take place within a single day and the episode that aired the following week picked up the next morning.

I'm looking for a timeline that displays that kind of information

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:18 pm
by Roslover39
Applebylicious wrote:I'm sure this is mentioned somewhere on this thread, but forgive me for I am too lazy to look. :D

WHAT color are BF's eyes? Don't tell me they're brown...surely not ALL of the aliens (Tess aside) had brown eyes? It's just too easy.

does anyone know if the fact that all of the pod squad has dark eyes?

or was it just a casting quirk?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 2:13 pm
by Zanity
It was probably a casting quirk. Unless there was a plot twist that was abandoned do to behind the scenes politics. I mean Liz's eye color shouldn't be brown with 2 blue eyed parents. And Tess was the only member of the pod squad who was short, and the only one with blue eyes.

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:55 pm
by jbangelo
killjoy wrote:Was Serena ever mentioned again or seen on the show other than than when Future Max firsted talked about her in the second season?
Nope, that was the one and only time.

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:28 am
by Roswell 10/2/00
Gioia wrote: Michael – unknown: Michael's birthday is never given. All we know for certain is that he's still a minor in February of season 1, because he has to become emancipated.
I think we can find Michaels birthday somewhere?? What about he folder Topolskie had on him they must mention his Birthday there. Know any good screen caps sights?

I agree with Michael being really smart beyond his years being in "Blind date" he did research about the constalations and astrology and that is not easy stuff even Isabel was impressed and Maria even mentions in 285 South about Micheal reading Ulysses and if he is so smart why he never applies himself. I guess school is not for everyone and in Michaels case I think he was a genious beyond his years in some areas.

MARIA: Ok, favorite book?

MICHAEL: James Joyce...Ulysses.

MARIA: You have not read Ulysses.

MICHAEL: "What incensed him the most was the blatant jokes of the ones who pass it all off as a jest, pretending to understand everything and in reality not knowing their own minds." Page 655...told you you wouldn't understand. Next question.

MARIA: All right, if you're so smart, then how come you fail every class in school?

Love the info I thought it was facinating. I didn't even know they mentioned Tess's birthday thats awesome!! :D However I think Maria's might be Febuary being the ep So I married an Alien aired then but I could be wrong. :roll:

Zodiac signs in case you were wondering what they were for the group.

Michael- could be anyone of the 12 being we don't have his date of Birth.




Liz-Taurus if you go with the May 16th date. If you go with Sept/Oct she could of been Virgo,Libra, or Scorpio depending on the date

Maria- either a Capricorn or an Aquarius if we had the exact date we could determine what she really was out of the two signs



Love the talk. Carry on
Erin aka Roswell 10/2/00
What happends when two worlds collide?
Would you be willing to risk it all for the sake of Love?
Read my fic Abduction Seductin

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:30 am
by Chrisken
Fred wrote:If this question was answered on this thread I missed it. (I just skimmed.) So sorry in advance if it was. :oops:

:arrow: What kind of car did Max have in season 3? Any and all cannon info would be helpful. I need specifics - the make, model, year, color, engine, and transmission type. And just making sure - it was a convertible - right?

Well, Michael refers to it as 'the Chevelle' in snapple caper - when he's agreeing to let Max crash on his couch after Max's big fight with his father in 'busted', Michael asks for driving privileges in exchange, hehe

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:38 am
It was a blue Chevelle. And yes, it was a convertible. The most memorable scene I can think of to remember it was a convertible....the end of Busted, when Max is lying in it looking at the stars. I think there's a voiceover of Liz reading a letter she gave to Max....

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:21 am
by killjoy
What is everyones middle name?

Isabel :?: Evans

Tess :?: Harding

Other than Alex has anyones been mentioned?And if I'm not mistaken Alex's middle name is Charles right?