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Re: Unfinished Business (CC, Mature) Part 19 - 06/30/10

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:44 am
by PML
Thanks to everyone who has been following this story. Its the strangest thing. I know exactly where this story is headed, I love the characters, and yet I find it so hard to write. Sigh, I certainly hope to get another part after this one out much faster than the last one. (2+months? Yikes!)

So I apologize and hope that I can get the next part out much sooner. Sorry guys.

keepsmiling7- Thanks.


zaneri1- Thanks. I promise I will do my best to get another part out promptly.

Strawbehrry Shortcake- Thanks. I am so sorry about that. I will say that you are the reason I am posting this today though. I am on vacation as it happens, and promised to myself to get a part to every story I had out there done. But when I saw your bump and it has been so long.... I did this story. So thank you.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended

Unfinished Business part 20


Maria gingerly walked down the corridor from her rooms to where she knew she would find Alex.

He was sitting on chair he had dragged right up to Isabel’s Pod. He was playing a tune on a guitar. Something Maria hadn’t heard in years.

A melody he had made up once for Isabel. One that he had made at a dare Maria had made for him.

Maria had almost forgotten about it. She couldn’t help as the first and second tears slipped down her cheeks as she just watched him play.

It was quite likely it was the first time Isabel had ever heard it. Because not long after he had died. Maria herself had only played it a few times in memory of him, but she’d never had the heart to play it for Isabel. Certainly not after she had gotten married to Jesse.

She just couldn’t go up to him right now. She ducked behind the corner and sobbed. Cried for the love that had almost bloomed but had been snuffed out like a summer flower caught in an early frost.

Had she still been young, still been the adolescent who had dared one of her best friends to write a song for a girl he was trying so hard to not fall for…. Maria would have left him alone. Would have left him to mourn the tragedy that had struck him so early. Would have given him the time that he had so justly earned to spend with the girl who he had loved all his live.

One that he could not be sure would not choose the father of her child instead of him, despite all that had gone before, For Kyle had been there for her every step of the way, and he too was in a Pod not far from her.

But Maria was not the girl she had once been. She was an adult with the knowledge, the firm knowledge that life wasn’t fair. That sometimes responsibilities would get in the way of things that if the world were truly just there would be time to enjoy. But in the real world that time was precious, and the responsibilities could press so very hard.

And so she pulled herself together and walked into the corridor. Alex was talking softly to the Pod, his face a mixture of love, pain, and guilt.

Maria said softly, “Alex. Alex you need to pay attention to me. You don’t have time for this. Your work is not yet done.”

Alex didn’t look at her, merely ran his hands along the Pod his love rested in. “Who sent you? Was it Rain? Because I don’t have time to….”

“Alex. It was Amanda. She said you have things you need to do. That you need to be careful. That with you distracted like this our defenses aren’t working.”

“Maria, please… Just leave me be. Just give me a little time to be with her. Time outside of our dreams. I used to visit her you know. On those nights when she would remain in her dreams, when she would have nightmares. I did what I could for her. Comforted her as much as I could without letting her know, letting her know that I was alive.” He looked over at Maria, “I could have made all your lives so much easier. Could have told her who had killed her parents, who had murdered Jesse. That she didn’t need to fight her personal war.”

“Alex, is Amanda right? Are we vulnerable?”

Alex nodded. “I have a great deal of power. But right now, right now I am mostly bluffing. There are various groups on Antar that would love to come to Earth. They could bring several Cruisers and there would be little I could do beyond protecting the Moon. As long as they didn’t truly know where the power was coming, they couldn’t blockade me. But now, with the adjustments Serena is making…. They have to know where we are now.”

“Alex, I know you. You weren’t Liz, you didn’t plan out your whole life. But surely you have a plan for this? Surely there is a way you can protect the Earth.” Maria was over at his side now, worry plastered across her face. Visions of all her friends and coworkers, ground under the heel of some alien invader…

Alex sighed. “It all depends on Jimmy. If he lives, then yes. Yes I do have a plan. Your Stephanie is safe here, and so is Zan. Max has saved Claudia, although it was close. But Jimmy doesn’t have anyone to protect him. And the forces that killed Isabel know that he is Isabel’s son. They will want him dead, Maria. And if he dies I will have to wait to see if another group forms in the next generation. If the potential for a true Royal Four comes to pass.”

“Royal Four? But isn’t that was Michael, Max, and the others were?”

Alex stood and set the guitar aside. He sighed and looked again at Isabel. He then looked around at the hallways of the complex he’d had such a role in the development of. “They were, but then Max died….”

“But you brought him back, surely that would mean that he was still here? I mean he had the Seal and all.”

Alex fondly brushed her cheek, his smile was a little forced. For the last thirteen years or so, Michael has technically been the King. It was his Seal that Max bore ever since he wrested it away from Michael. His had already been passed and lost. Lost when he killed himself trying to save Wheeler from old age. That is why Earth has been so peaceful since then. There was no real threat from Earth. When you add that the Granolith had been returned to Antar, well Earth was just a poor backwater. Also the hybrids had a failsafe built into them. It wasn’t deliberate when they were created, but it was there never the less. The Gandarium which binds their Antaran souls to their human clone bodies breaks down. Its one of the reason I knew that I would need Pods for all of them.”

Alex crooked a finger for Maria to follow him. He continued, “But Max proved that a human could indeed bear a Seal. The body that he lived in had indeed been Wheelers.”

“So Claudia and Abby aren’t really Max’s? Their that nasty old man’s?”

Alex smiled and shook his head, his grin was less forced and more real this time. “Max rebuilt him from the bottom up. It was the only way to fully reduce the age of the cells using the technique that Max uses to heal. There are ways, better ways to reduce and recover from the aging process. But they are slow and time consuming. So Max was Max, only without any of the enhancement built into the hybrids. It was why he could get sick, why he was weaker. The full details are complicated, but yes he was Max. But he was entirely human.” He continued to walk down the corridor, headed for some room Maria had not yet seen. “You have no idea how much that absolutely fascinated Khivar. That an Antaran soul could exist inside a human body, that on that level at least we were not so different.”

Maria just followed, quietly listening.

“That is one of the reasons he ended up recreating me, or rather giving me a body. My mind and my soul were already stuck in that damn crystal. Tess really had no clue what she was doing when she used it to magnify my intelligence. That more than her mind warping is what killed me.” Alex shuddered. “Do you know what it was like to be inside of a piece of alien computer hardware? I still don’t remember it all, but it was alien. My thoughts and my memories of it….” Alex shuddered again.

Both of them stopped in front of a large doorway. Alex placed his hand on a spot on the wall and as a handprint formed on it.

Maria followed him in. It was similar in some ways to the mock solar system that Serena had displayed in her chambers. It seemed so very real.

“This is my command center, Maria. This is where I am going to be stuck for the next day or so. I am going to need you to stay here on the Moon. It will be hard, because I am sending both Stephanie and Zan back to Earth. There if we are lucky they will meet up with Claudia and Jimmy and bring the Granolith to the Moon.”

Maria turned to him as said, “But you just said the Granolith was sent to Antar by Tess!”

Alex waved a hand and a chair formed for him. He sat and looked up at her a bright smile on his face. There is a second. And its in Roswell.”


Jimmy was dying. It wasn’t totally hopeless. There was still a small chance.

But one by one the possibilities began to vanish. They no longer existed for him, because in those worlds he was dead.

Agent Donovan moved over to check on him. “Oh God, kid, we need to get you to a hospital.”

Jimmy had been right about him. And unfortunately right about his partner. On a routine check he had shot Jimmy. Only his foreknowledge had kept it from being fatal. But no matter how much you know, you still can’t dodge a bullet in an enclosed place.

Agent Donovan had come to his rescue, had even knocked his partner out.

Unfortunately that Agent hadn’t been alone. The Special Unit had spent years hunting down Isabel and Kyle. They were not about to risk the possibility of one of their spawn escaping, and had a firm and hard learned experience on just how hard killing a hybrid could be.

Overkill was not a problem in this situation.

It had taken one unnecessary fire fight before Donovan had started to listen to Jimmy. But now the Agent had a firm belief that Jimmy wasn’t lying that he knew what was going to happen.

Jimmy coughed, wiping his mouth. A trace of blood. Not a good sign. “There are snipers on the roof. And at this point they would shoot you too.”

“So what do you suggest? That we just sit here and wait for them to kill us?”

Jimmy closed his eyes. He didn’t want to die. He had a very firm grasp at the possibilities he had in front of him. He very much want to live.

But at the same time, he wasn’t sure how they could possibly survive this. Maybe, maybe it was time to give up. He looked over at Agent Donovan. The man had a wife and two children. In most futures, a third would be conceived within a month of this if he survived. Most likely a girl. Someone who would look a tiny bit like Abby. A person who would not exist if Donovan died.

Jimmy place a small hand on the Agent’s arm. “Just go. They might question you. You might lose your job. But it you walk away, you WILL survive today.”

Agent Donovan looked down at him, “Can’t do that little buddy. I was told to protect you, and that’s what I am going to do. I just wish they didn’t have a suppressor on my cell phone, I could at least let someone know what was going on. Maybe then we could get this straightened out. Because you are just a kid, and this, this is simply way too much.”

Jimmy smiled up sadly as the man firmly made his decision, easily cutting his chance of survive by more than fifty percent.

The building shook. Something was happening. He couldn’t see it. But something was changing the odds. Something that was like Alex, something that could shadow its effects on his visions of the future.

Gun fire. Lots of gun fire.

One by one the guns stopped firing.

Jimmy’s foresight was going nuts. He simply couldn’t predict what was going to happen more than seconds from the present.


“What is it kid?”

Jimmy said the truth, half hopeful and half frightened. “I don’t know.”

The door was torn off the hinges by what looked like a man from one of his comic books.

Agent Donovan raised his gun to shoot….

Jimmy said, “No, don’t. He’s friendly. Don’t kill him.”

Donovan’s hands shook but he held his fire.

The face plate on the armor whisked up.

In his wildest dreams he had never expected…. “Dad?”

Max shouldered past the stunned agent and pressed his hand on Jimmy.

Jimmy gasped as he felt the healing energy soar through him. He hugged the armor. “I thought you were dead!”

Max lifted him into his arms, “You should know you can’t keep a good man down.”

Jimmy felt as the possibilities leapt back into the world. He nodded. He had seen this before, and there was really no guarantee when it would strike him down. He could have five or ten or even twenty years before it became truly malignant. By which time it would be inoperable. There had been nothing he could do about it in any case.

But his father…. His father could heal almost anything.

It would take only a few minutes to heal the pre-cancerous mass. And it would seal Donovan to his family.

It felt so good to help people…..


Michael got out of the helicopter wearily and walked toward the damaged business’s door. He could feel his Danny in there. His soldiers set up a perimeter.

Oddly there were several news teams already on the site, and the police were still questioning people in the area.

One harried police officer jogged up to them. “Excuse me but this is not a military matter. This is outside of your jurisdiction and you will have to leave.”

Michael smirked at him, “Well I would claim it’s national security, but it’s closer to planetary security. But I am not really here to mess with your investigation. I just need to get a few children from the building in front of me.” He took a quick look around at the destruction. “What exactly happened here?”

The police officer looked very tired and discouraged, “Supposedly a metal man dropped from the sky and attacked that building over there. A tiny bit later he walked out the front door, turned invisible and flew off.”

Michael winced. “I hate to imagine that report. If we find anything we’ll let you know.”

Michael winced as a tiny weight hit his leg. He looked down to see his son. A tired Abby Evans was following close behind, a bit shy at all the tall men surrounding her.

Behind her was Claudia Evans, holding herself with more poise he had ever seen from her. She still radiated command. “Uncle Michael. What are you doing here? Did Father send for you?”

“Your father is….” He couldn’t say it. Because he had seen Maria. He knew that Max would be up and around soon. He might not be able to come back, but he would be alive.

Claudia smiled, “Don’t worry, Uncle Michael, I know. He already returned. He is off to get Jimmy.” Her gaze turned hard, “Or avenge him.”

“Then you know that even if they kill him he will still be okay.”

Claudia shook his head, “His Seal will pass, and we will have to wait possibly until a new generation before we can assemble a Royal Four. And Michael, that would be a tragedy, not just for us, but for all of Earth.”


There was a loud rumble Michaels soldiers took up defensive positions as a suit of power armor landed heavily in the parking lot. Nestled in his arms was a healthy and excited Jimmy.

The face plate dropped, “So Michael. Whose side are you on.”

Michael looked at his old friend. A man he hadn’t seen in years. “Earth’s.”

Max set down Jimmy, who ran to the other children. “That works for me. Tell your men to stand down. And I will let you in on what is going on.”

Claudia chirped in, “Dad, we have the company plane waiting for us at BMI. So we are ready to head to Roswell.”

Max smiled at his daughter. “Change of plans, honey. Transport will be provided. It’s inbound now, should be here in about twenty minutes. I also have clearance to inform your superiors. Alex will be contacting them shortly.”

The police officer walked up bravely, “Halt, I need to take you in for questioning.”

Max waved his hand toward the police officer. The dust rained from where his gun had been. “Sorry, I don’t have time for that. Trust me, it will all make sense to you soon enough.”

Michael shrugged apologetically to the policeman, “Tough luck.”

The officer merely stared at the bits that rested near his boot. “Yeah.”

Michael followed Max into the damaged building, waving his men to follow him.

Across every television channel and radio channel on Earth.

“Greetings my fellow humans. My name is Alexander Whitman, and our world is about to head into an era of unprecedented potential good and unfortunately potential danger. For you see we are not alone in the universe…..

Re: Unfinished Business (CC, Mature) Part 20 - 09/16/10

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:10 pm
by PML
Well here we go. Thanks to everyone who had been following along. This story is almost completed. Just three more parts at my count. Hope you folks enjoy.

A/N- There is a song linked to the story at the :idea: mark. On the whole I think the song fits that spot, listen to it if you wish. Thank you again.

Shiesty23- Thanks

Strawbehrry Shortcake- Thanks. And I think you are right. For whatever reason I don't to leave this story behind. But I should finish it. SO thank you.

mary mary- Thanks. And yes. I'll try to get the next part out in a week or two. We are so close to the end now.

cjeb- Thanks. Glad you like it, and not as long as you think!

keepsmiling7- Thanks. An nope, can't keep Max down.

Mt Gazer- Thanks. Thanks for your help. And sorry I stole that day from you, I told you just to read part one! And how could I not try to get you to enjoy this story, particularly how this part ends?

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Unfinished Business part 21

Unfinished Business part 21


Maria left Alex’s Command Center to allow him to make his announcement to the world. She was shaking at the enormity of it all. At the vast drama that she had been unwittingly taking part in. One with so much possibility and so much peril.

So much depended on those kids. Those kids and her Michael. Max, Amanda, and Charles had their parts to play, but if his hunches were right, Michael would have to sacrifice himself like the other pod members.

Maria stifled a tear at the thought of her Michael dying. Sure Alex would save him just like he had her. And she would see him sooner rather than later.

But that would not stop the pain he would feel. Would not stop the horrible disorientation as life faded and everything ended.

She found herself headed to the pod chamber. To look on her husbands body. The one he would have when and if he died.

She stood in front of the columns that held the bodies of her friends. Her own body was that of a pubescent teen. She winced when she looked at it, remembering how awkward her life had been. She had thought she would be flat forever.

Those had been strange days. Days before she had known that there was something so much vaster going on. Days before the abyss. Before Michael.

There had been many a day when she had wished her life had been simpler. Not filled with alien craziness and all that it had cost her. But she would never give up her children. Or Michael.

No matter how mad he sometimes made her, she loved him to much.

But how much worse had it been for them? How much had their alienation and Destiny worn on them. And it appears that they truly had had a destiny. If not one that they had fulfilled.

Now a different weight and different destiny stood on the shoulders of a different Royal Four. Mere children this time.

And one of them was hers.

How she wished she could hold Stephanie in her arms right now. Hold her and protect her and tell her that everything would be okay. Her daughter had gone through experiences as bad or worse than any Maria had faced. And at a younger age.

It just wasn’t fair.

But Alex had convinced her it was necessary. And that this was their last best chance. Because while Earth was so far away from the rest of Antaran space, it was becoming one of the more developed backward planets in the local spiral arm.

Too weak to truly throw off invaders but wealthy enough to supply them.

They HAD to succeed.

She stood in front of her husbands body. Still empty and floating in the fluid that supported it. Soon he would be in it. She looked at it, at just how young it looked. None of the scars or bullet holes that Michael had. None of the tattoos.

Just Michael as she had known him in her own youth. She looked down at her own body. Her own youthful body.

And smiled. This might just be fun. Both of them having all the experience they now possessed with the endless energy of a new body.

There was a splash followed by a thud.

Maria rushed over to where Liz now lay weakly trying to get up. “Liz?” How did she disconnect someone again?

Liz threw up the fluid that filled her lungs, fouling the floor. And took in a shuddering breath.

Maria grabbed one of the towels that lay stacked in a nearby closet. She began toweling off the softly mewling Liz. She needed to get more help. She needed Alex or Rain or someone…..

Liz grabbed her by the collar. Her voice was weak and frail, more wheeze than voice. But Liz was commanding in her own way. “Maria. Get Rain. The kids. They will need help”

“Liz you should rest, you weren’t ready…..”

“No time. Go get her. I have a plan.”

“Liz you were dead. You can’t stand, let alone walk. What do you possibly think you can do?” Maria shook her head.

Liz looked up at her, her mouth quirking into a slight smirk. “Maria, haven’t you figured it out yet? We’re the heroes. I expect to save the world for breakfast and conquer the galaxy by lunch. Heaven and Hell can wait until after dinner.” Liz shook her head. “Sorry, I was linked to Michael when I died.”

“Right. Well, I guess I should go get Rain.” She propped Liz against the wall so she could sit up.

Maria was surprised at how strong Liz’s grip was as she tried to leave.

Liz said, “Don’t tell Alex.”


Liz didn’t say a word. Simply opened a connection and shared her plan.

Maria was in tears as she ran to fetch Rain. This had to work. On so many levels….

This simply HAD to work.


Michael enjoyed the form fitting seat of the flying saucer as it rapidly crossed the county. Things had gotten very chaotic in the chain of command. He had received several contradicting orders.

So he did what he thought was right. Which naturally included helping his family out.

And incidentally the world.

The troopers who had come with him were seated behind him. Their eyes were perhaps a bit wider than normal. Their chatter a trifle strained.

It was one thing to learn that aliens exist and that they visit Earth. Another to find that your officer is not completely human. And still yet another to be flying in a flying saucer across the country because you are afraid you might get shot down.

Because it was chaos down there. Not just in the military chain of command but across the country. The long feared freak out at the knowledge of the existence of aliens apparently wasn’t completely wrong.

Of course the Moon was moving. Anyone with eyes could look up at the night sky and see that it was a little smaller than it had been, a little less bright.

And the ocean tides….

No there were so many obvious things that denying the existence of them happening was simply not possible.

Not that it stopped some people from trying.

Michael snorted. The foolishness of people always amazed him. It didn’t surprise him at all, but it amazed him that people could be that deliberately dumb.

He glowered again over at Tim. He kept his chuckle to himself as he saw the boy cringe. He felt a small hand slap his arm.

“Dad! Stop giving Tim a hard time.” Stephanie glowered up at him.

He smiled at her, “Do you like the boy?”


“Then, sorry, I can’t, pumpkin. Glowering at boys you like is kind of my job.” He said in mock seriousness.


He gathered his little girl in. And reflected that it would be only too soon before she was no longer his. He had talked to Max about both Danny and Stephanie, and Max had said quietly that he recognized the bonds. That they were similar to the one he had carried for years with Liz. Only these children could connect to a degree.

And had.

So a part of Michael already knew that most likely he had already lost against Tim over there. But he was going to make sure the boy was worth his brave and lovely daughter.

Assuming he had the time. He also had talked to Max about his health. Both he and Claudia had tried to fix him.

To no avail. Claudia had even gone so far as retreat to the bathroom to cry afterwards. She had grown fond of her uncle.

Michael was going to die. Or this body was anyway. He had asked Max quietly what it felt like, what his new body was like.

Max had just smiled at him sadly and left to comfort his daughter.

So Michael was here, ruffling his daughter’s hair and contemplating his mortality. Not that this was a new thing. The Institute had sent him in other dangerous places before. Going there to one on his own didn’t change much.

But the idea of going back to Roswell….. Of dying there of all places….

So much had changes since he had grown up there, so much had altered when he had turned his bike around to save Max and Isabel and Liz.

His mouth quirked in a smile. ‘Remember the Love.’ He could still remember that ditzy fortune teller telling him that.

That comment had changed his life.

What would he have been if he had simply done what he planned? His friends would have been dead. Had Alex set up his protective system then? Michael didn’t think so.

Maria would have been left alone then. Her friends dead, her lover fled. And she would have found in time that her lover had left her a present.

Stephanie had been conceived in Roswell. She still would have been born. But to what sort of life? Maria and Amy raising her?

In so many ways, despite all the pain and hardship they had all gone through, this had been the better life. And even though it would end shortly, and he would have another body. Or another person who thought of himself as Michael would have a new body and share a new life with a woman who thought of herself as Maria.

Michael wasn’t completely sold on this transfer technology.

No. He was sure that he himself would die. That his life would end. No afterlife no glowing tunnel. Just nothingness.

But his family would be cared for. By someone who loved them as much as he did. For the Maria he had made love to in that compound that Tess had been condemned to…. She had felt like Maria to his mind and to his soul. And even if the Michael that followed him was not truly him, he would believe he was. He would be so much like the real him that no one would notice the difference.

And his family would be safe.

Michael had made his peace with death, and content himself with small talk with his daughter. His beloved daughter before they landed in Roswell and the end approached.

His life had been good. He would sell his life to protect the future for his children. His life had been fated and charmed in so many ways.

He figured he would know when that time approached.

Michael was content.


Isabel opened her eyes. Fear hit her hard as she took in her surroundings.

She was laying on her back, medical machines making little blipping noises.

Isabel had thought she had died. Had thought she was going to be with her long dead love. But the damn Feds must have saved her somehow.

Now the experiments would begin. Isabel felt tears of frustration as she tried to access her powers, to turn the lab into so much debris.

And nothing happened. Nothing.

She felt for Jimmy, but he was so far from her.

They had taken her son. And she was little more than a plaything to them.

Would Michael be able to save her? To save Jimmy?

So much depended on….

A light voice disrupted her thoughts. “So. You have awakened finally. Rain said that the last adjustments to your body are just about done. Once that is completed…..”

Isabel said in a hoarse voice, “Liz? But, but you are dead?”

Liz walked up, and Isabel could see changes. Gone were the slight traces of grey. The small indications that she was getting older were gone. Leaving the Liz she remembered from Roswell. Even the small scar Liz had from childhood was gone.

Liz gave her a small kiss on the forehead, “Yeah, quite the shock. They’re all here. All our friends. Kyle, Ava, and Maria.”

“Max?” Isabel asked hopefully. Her heart was pounding. There was another she so desperately wanted to ask for…. But surely Liz would have mentioned him?

Liz’s smile was seraphic, “He is already awake and helping the children. I have a small plan that says we join them. Make sure we succeed this time.”

“But how?”

Liz sat at the side of the bed. “Alex. Alex is alive and he somehow cut a deal with Khivar that allows him to save us.”

Isabel sat up, the sheet slipping from her. She reached out and grabbed it glaring at Liz. “He made a deal with KHIVAR? What was he thinking?”

Liz just looked at her smiling, “Apparently trying to figure out a way to save us. Oh, and to stop Earth from becoming a second rate Antaran colony world.” Liz shivered.

A woman resembling Tess walked in, leering lightly at Isabel. “My you are a fine specimen. Maybe even better than your lover Kyle. I know that Ava never had the nerve to ask, but would you mind if I join you someday.”

Liz cuffed Rain on the shoulder. “She just woke up, give her a little time.” She turned to face Rain, “How are the others?”

Isabel simply glared at the Tess look-a-like and wished that her powers were active…. She said tightly, “You have some nerve talking to me after what your Destiny has done to me and everyone that I loved.”

Rain looked at Isabel, the leer never quite leaving her face as she met Isabel’s eyes. “Hi. My name is Rain. If you are referring to my foolish sister Tess, well yeah. She robbed you and all your friends of so much. But I am not her. I am not Tess. I am not a fool that will let some fucking ideal get in the way of living my life. She had so much going for her, so many possibilities. And she screwed it up for something she didn’t even really want. Don’t blame me for her faults, blame me for mine.”

“What kind of trick is this? Are you working for the Feds like Michael is? Are you trying to get me accept my imprisonment somehow?” Isabel struggled to get up.

Rain shook her head, “Well, we can give Ms. Glares-a-lot her powers in just a few moments. Then we can set her loose. Kyle probably has a half hour and Ava maybe an hour?”

Liz nodded thoughtfully. “We have maybe a few hours until we need to go. And Isabel needs to see Alex. Or rather Alex needs to see Isabel.”

Rain walked over to the struggling Isabel. She put one hand on the back of her neck.

Isabel could feel the warmth radiating from the hand and she stopped struggling. It felt so good, spasms of pleasure and well being soaring through her. It only intensified as it roamed down her spine.

Rain whispered in her ears, “Oh, Isabel. If you only knew the pleasure I could bring you. The sensations I could cause as I worked my caresses and kisses from your mouth, past the beautiful valley of your breast, to the cleft between your thighs and the tiny bud enfolded therein.”

Isabel couldn’t move. And her cheeks heated as Rain’s hand moved further down her spine. Well being flooded into her and she could feel energy fill her whole body.

Isabel heard Liz’s voice ask, “Is this really necessary Rain?”

Rain shrugged, “My powers work as they work. You certainly enjoyed it.”

Liz was silent.

Rain continued her whisper. “But I know you. I know you, Isabel. You will take Alex from me. He has never truly wanted anyone else. Never. And now that you are here, I will lose him forever. You will steal him away like a thief. I can live with that. I have to. But know that I love him. I wasn’t suppose to, but I do. But no matter what, I can never be you. I am myself and that is not a bad thing. Someday I will find my own Alex, I suppose. But even then, Isabel. If you hurt him. If you break him like you did when you were young, I don’t care how much more powerful than me you are. You will die. Or worse than die. Forever. Do you understand me?” Rains hand rested on her last vertebrate. And in a louder voice, “It’s done.”

Rain stepped away.

And Isabel felt her strength flow back in her again. Felt as the power filled her to the brim and beyond. She could feel Jimmy better now. Still unbearably far away, but she could feel him.

Kyle and Ava. She could almost feel the connection that she and Liz had shared in combat back on Earth. Still there.

And there was another. Another person. One that she had long since given up for dead.

She turned to face Liz. “Alex! Alex really is here!”

Rain stalked off and left the room.

Liz just smiled at Isabel. “Yes, Alex is here. And pining for you. You should hear Maria talk about how he wouldn’t leave you.”

“Where is Maria?”

“Taking care of the kids we saved from the Feds. Rain is needed here, so Maria has to watch them. I gather they are a handful.” Liz shook her head ruefully. She walked across the room to a red colored gown, which she handed to Isabel. “Look, we don’t have a lot of time before we have to leave. Four hours at most, you should talk to him first.”


“Yes, Isabel, talk to Alex. You said something about how he had contacted you back at the base, Well I was a little concerned for your sanity, but apparently he was very real. And haven’t you waited long enough?”

Isabel stared at her like a deer in the headlights. Had she waited long enough for Alex? For the one person who had truly seen her?

Kyle had tried. Kyle had loved her.

But always at the back of Isabel’s head there had been the fact that loving her was a death sentence. So she had tried to keep him at a distance. Letting Ava attend to all but his physical needs.

Isabel closed her eyes. Could she possibly be worthy of that love now? He had always seen through her. What would he see now?

A ruthless killer? A woman so determined on her revenge that she ignored her own child? Let another raise it because her life would be burdened by him.

And how she loved her son. How she now regretted all the missed time and opportunity. And if she truly was alive, if this was not all some elaborate gag or mind warp, she might have some time with him still.

But Alex, Alex could see through her. Could see who and what she was. How had the vulnerable neurotic girl become the near psychopath she had died as? He would see and know it all, read all of her. And honestly let her know what he thought.

It was that intrinsic honesty she had always feared the most.

And yet it was the corner stone of what made her love him. Because he told her what he saw, what he truly saw through the deceptions she threw up in defense. And didn’t lie to her.

Before, and after it was the small lies that she heard constantly, either from her lips or others that made her prize that. That made her need that so. To know what she truly was, and to know that someone saw the real her.

Saw everything she was. And loved her anyway.

Isabel opened her eyes. And smiled. She didn’t know if Liz could see the fear that she hid within. Liz was always too kind to let her know. So easy with the pleasant lie that would make someone feel so much better about themselves.

But Liz would not tell her the harsh truth. The truth that she needed to hear. Only Alex had ever truly been fully willing to risk her wrath to do that.

“Thanks for everything Liz. Let me dress and show me the way to Alex.”

As they walked toward the doors behind which Alex commanded this outpost, Liz filled her in on some of what Alex had done. Tales she had heard from Rain.

Isabel wasn’t sure if she could trust them. She didn’t tell Liz that, but then she didn’t know if Liz knew how much Rain had loved Alex. Because Isabel had felt the truth in the woman’s words.

But if any of it was true…..

Alex had been watching them for years. Had let her go on her quixotic crusade for years. Had let her miss the formative years of her own son’s life. Had….

By the time they got to the door, Isabel was pissed. She kept herself composed, hiding her growing anger from Liz.

Liz patted her on the shoulder and left her there. Isabel just stared at the door. Part of her wanted to bash it down and demand answers.

Instead she placed her hand on the side of the door and a hand print occurred. The door opened.

Alex wasn’t even looking at her. Staring at some sort of console. All around him the planets were drifting by and a brilliant starscape surrounded them.

Alex at home amongst the stars.

Well if he thought this would impress her, he was dead wrong. She would bring him back to Earth soon enough.

Alex broke the silence, still not looking at her. “Maria, I may have finished my conferences with some of the larger governments of Earth, but I am still busy. So unless it is an emergen….” He turned and saw her. “…cy”

Isabel angrily ground out, “Alexander Charles Whitman, we need to have serious conversation regarding your lack of communication.”

Alex’s expressions flitted through shock, to wonder, to awe. His voice was hushed and loving, “Maria woke you early.”

Isabel stalked up to him, “How long were you going to leave me in the dark, Mister? How long were you going to let me cry myself to sleep thinking you were dead? How many people did you plan to let me kill to satisfy a need for vengeance that you knew, KNEW was baseless?”

Alex looked away for a moment. “I didn’t have a choice, Isabel. I had promised. You know, gave my word?”

“You promised to not every contact any of us? All of us mourned you Alex, you need to know that. You just let us all suffer? You let Michael and Maria and their children get forced into an Army program, where honestly they might have been nice about it, but they still treated them as test subjects? And what about my life? What about all those people I killed. I bet you knew it was Lonnie and Rath all along. And let me kill and kill and kill….. DO you know what that has done to me? DO you think I like being a monster?”

Alex moved closer to her, put one hand on her cheek. “You are not a monster.”

Isabel flinched away. Her eyes flashing with rage. “Don’t you dare touch me. You don’t have the right to touch me. What about Jimmy? What about my son?”

Finally, she could see a spark of anger flickering in Alex’s eyes. If not for the reason she thought.

“Do you have any idea how much I wanted to help you guys? You are and were my family. But to do what needed to be done, to save you and the whole damn planet required so much planning…. My God, Isabel. Do you have any clue what I have been through? What I had to do to win Khivar’s trust? To make him realize that my plan, both for Antar and for Earth was the right one?”

Isabel was about to say something back when he placed a finger over her mouth.

“My turn to talk Isabel,” he growled.

She bit his finger but let him speak. There was a vibration she could feel from him. As if massive forces were swirling around them, all converging on a point.

Alex continued, “I had to give up everything. Hell, I was stuck inside a machine for two years. Two years as an object. Do you have any clue what that is like?” Alex was trembling with emotion now. “I had to help Khivar ‘pacify’ sections of his own population. I had to make plans that would even under the best circumstances lead to the deaths of MILLIONS. So yes, Isabel. I can understand what you went through. And I had no intention, NO INTETION at all of letting my soul deep love for you damn my entire planet. I love you, my soul BURNS for you. But not at that cost. Not when I knew that at the end, at the end you would still be there. And we could try to mend the pieces. But if I failed, you would still be dead and so would I. I had to, Isabel. I did what I had to do. For over seven years I have worked on this plan, and it has worked flawlessly.”

The forces and tension hovered above them. Isabel let him finish.:idea:

Alex began to run out of steam, “Now we near the end. The part where the world is saved, or saved enough to have time to protect itself. And we can try to go back to continue what we started long ago. If you think you are capable, if you think you can forgive me. If you think either of us worthy of the love we share. We can begin again.”

Isabel was full of emotions, so many contrasting emotions. She walked up to him and gave him a slight kiss. “I love you Alex. I always loved you. Its why I kept running, because you always scared me. Because with you it was real.” She pulled away slightly. She had to let him know. Her arm was swinging as his eyes opened and he looked at her regretfully.


Alex winced, “I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t do that again.”

Isabel stared directly into his green eyes. So very beautiful. “But if you think you have the right to hide yourself away, even to save us….. We are supposed to be a team. We are supposed to be together, Alex.” She could feel her anger rise at it all the pain and injustice that she had suffered since his death. Her hand swung again. Rightly or wrongly she wanted Alex to UNDERSTAND her.

He caught her hand easily. Just shy of his cheek. Close enough to feel his warmth. She shivered slightly.

And it was not from anger, as a mass migration of butterflies moved through her. She stared at him feeling an electric thrill flow through her.

They stood there in silence for a few timeless moments. Neither one willing to move. Unwilling for the dream to end, for the moment to melt away to tearful wakefulness as had happened to both many times over the years.

Frozen in a moment, daring the other to be real.

Isabel stood there arm still caught in his, listening to her heart pound. Her mouth kept opening slightly, to form that first word. But her heart could not stand to risk it. Could not risk the dream ending.

It was Alex that broke that deep silence.

Alex just said softly, “I asked you not to do that.

She kissed him then. Her anger gone, her hunger, her need now in control. Her other hand cradled his head, pulling him in.

He kissed her back, releasing her hand, his own encircling her. Pulling her closer to him.

And amongst the stars they made love.

Re: Unfinished Business (CC, Mature) Part 21 - 09/28/10

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:38 pm
by PML
This is the last of the regular chapters to Unfinished Business. Thank you to everyone who has followed along during the dry spells I have had on this story. In a few days I should have an epilogue to this story. Again my thanks.

keepsmiling7- Thanks. It was sad, but that is simply how I think Michael would take the whole situation.

Strawbehrry Shortcake- She manages with Serena, Alex on the other hand has his eyes wide open. Still things work out for the best I think. As to sequals, well that is not totally impossible. But if I do they will be comparably short. I am glad I made the kids stick out as individuals.

Mt. Gazer- Thanks. Liz plans to save the day. Will she? It'll be in this part. Glad you liked the gazer bits.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringement is intended.

Unfinished Business part 22


Michael had been prepared for many things when they departed the Saucer.

A picnic wasn’t one of them.

Max came tromping down the stairwell from the ship, hands full of cold soda. He tossed one over to Michael. Michael’s lips quirked in a smile. A Snapple.

Max walked over and set the soda down near a blanket Amanda had set on the ground. One of Michael’s troopers was wearing a chef hat and working at a grill.

The others were working on some vehicles along with Charles.

Max walked over drinking a Cherry Cola. “So, how are you feeling Michael?”

Michael waved his hands at the gathering, “I thought we were in a hurry?”

Max looked around, his face a mix of worry and pride when it took in the kids.

Claudia, Stephanie, and Tim made a little knot discussing something. Jimmy floated between that group and playing with a giggling Abby and Danny.

Michael sighed. “So. Danny and Abby. Tim and Stephanie. I always figured one of ours might fall for one of yours, but don’t you think this is a little ridiculous?”

Max shrugged and changed the subject, “You should be proud of your daughter.”

Michael smiled, “I am. Your kids have done good too, Maxwell.”

Max took another sip. “More Liz’s doing I would say. But I would like to think I helped.”

Michael nodded. He needed to know. “Okay, we left in a hurry and now… A picnic?”

Max looked over. “We really are in a hurry. But Roswell is packed, Michael. Do you remember how crazy it was after Nasedo made those lights in Frazier Woods?”

Michael nodded. Those people had been nuts.

Max looked at Michael expectantly, “Michael, Alex just announced on every television on the planet that Aliens are real. And that he’s the one behind the Moon being manipulated and…. it’s a compete nuthouse.”

“Yeah, I can see why just dropping by in a flying saucer might not be called for. They would swarm us for sure. My arm would fall off writing autographs.”

“Michael, this is serious. Some of these people are advocating armed ‘rebellion’ against the evil alien overlords. And you know some of our enemies are going to be in their midst. Claudia’s little group of allies was riddled with spies. They might not know exactly what we are here for. But some know we are here.”

Why did this feel like old times? “So we are utilizing out time…. By a picnic?”

Max’s face quirked into a grin, “Yes. The Crash Festival was moved up to tonight. So most of the crazies will empty out just outside of town for the festivities. I can only imagine the City Council rubbing their hands with glee. Well, it gives us a chance. Because if we get caught in a fight we’ll be in the middle of town.”

Michael winced. Urban combat was messy no mater where you fought it. “Do we have one of those time devices? To wipe out the normal folks temporarily?”

“Yes, but that won’t effect our enemies. I made contact with some friends of ours. They will try to clear a space for us. But until the crowd heads out to the desert for the festival, no way are we getting in.”

“So just sit back and enjoy the picnic, huh?”

Max slapped him on the shoulder and directed him to the grill.


Isabel looked at Alex and smiled. She felt happy and content.

The darkness that had filled her, that had kept her from loving Kyle, was beginning to fade now. She now felt a little ashamed of how she had treated her friend.

Bah. He’d be happier with Ava anyway. Just like she would be happiest with Alex.

But it was time. Time to go.

She didn’t want to leave. Not now that she’d had what she’d been dreaming of for so long.

Alex smiled back at her, “What is it, Isabel?”

“I have to go. I promise I will be back soon.” She caressed his cheek gently.

Alex’s smile was wry, “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the second shuttle being prepped along with some combat armor would it?”

Isabel nodded. “We’ll need Rain to pilot the ship, so Maria will have to stay here to take care of the kids.”

“Bet she loves that plan.”

“Alex, she doesn’t have combat experience. And I know what you are going to say. Liz doesn’t have much either. But Alex, the gift Liz has….”

“Yes.” Alex fussed with the blankets. “But I understand what Maria will feel. I wish I could go to. But no, stuck here like always. Damn it!” He made a motion and the stars and planets retreated. Normal light filtered into the series of rooms that combined his living quarters and the Central Control Room. “Go on, but please come back to me Isabel. You don’t have to. I love you and I always will. But you may have seen things, know things about me now that might make you wish to never see me again.”

Isabel stood and looked down at a worried Alex, “YOU may have seen things. Alex what I have done….” She shook her head in memory of the vicious woman she had become on Earth. Her one woman war against the FBI…. “No I will be back Alex. I love you too.” She placed both hands on her head and smoothed back her hair. “God, it feels so good to say that.”

Alex’s eyes were on her, if not quite looking her directly in the face. She looked down. Her new body lacked the old one’s scars. And it was younger. She struck an artful pose, “So I expect you to have the place tidied up. I will be coming back.” Her voice lowered and was full of emotion. “And I will be back to stay.”


Jimmy corralled an enthusiastic Abby for the millionth time. It was almost time to go and he needed to talk to the others.

He knew what they were talking about and he was not going to stay with Danny and Abby on the ship. He was one of them, and they would need him. Need his gifts.

He absently picked up some of the debris they had left. He liked things orderly, because even the smallest disorder could through off his predictions. He felt Amanda’s eyes on him.

It was so strange to have gone through life with not one or two people popping into his dreams. But apparently three. Amanda had just been there to make sure he was okay, and to occasionally spy on Lonnie and Isabel.

But now that he knew, he could feel a difference in her. Less tough and more sweet than either of the others.

He liked her. He smiled back and hurried over to his friends and compatriots. Only Claudia would meet his eyes. Jimmy sighed. They had already decided.

Time to go on the offensive.

Jimmy smiled up at his big sister and said, “Hi, Cloudy. I have a question for you.”

“Jimmy, all of us decided…. Huh?”

Jimmy widened his smile, “How many arguments have you ever won against me?” Jimmy opened his mind, searching amongst all the possible conversations he would have with his sister. To find the one that would make them take him.

Claudia looked confused for a moment. “I don’t really remember us fighting much. You used to compromise pretty easily.”

Jimmy’s grin was if anything wider, “Always seemed fair to you, huh? Even if you didn’t always get to do what you wanted and I usually did?”

“I don’t know. You always seemed pretty reasonable. Oh, you think you can get me to change my mind? Sorry, you aren’t going. You are to little. Dad said your active powers won’t start up until you’re a bit older, say around ten.” She preened slightly at her age.

He cocked his head, “Active powers yes, but not everything. How did Abby defeat that guy who was going to hurt her and Danny?”

Stephanie and Tim just looked at each other in askance. There was something about the confidence of how Jimmy was standing…..

Claudia said, “Well, she must have gotten into her head. Used his powers against him. I don’t see how this helps you.”

“My dearest sister, mental powers activate much earlier. At least mine have. I’m like Mom. Like your Mom, this whole thing is going to get pretty confusing…. Anyway, I can see the future. Right now I am watching your every possible response and planning what the best response to it is.”

Claudia gritted her teeth. “You think that will change my mind?”

Jimmy said quietly, “Link with me and I will show you. All of you please.” Jimmy heard their voices gasp as his gift poured into the bond. He closed his eyes as he felt the stiff sorry of Stephanie as she realized her father was doomed. He opened his teary eyes and looked at all of them, “We are a group, the Royal Four. And together we can do anything. Leaving me behind would be a mistake.”

Tim was holding a sobbing Stephanie. “He’s right Claudia. If we stay linked, his gift will more than compensate for his lack of physical ability.

Jimmy bit back a retort. How he hated being the little kid!

Stephanie just turned to face Jimmy. “It’s really going to happen. No matter what we do…. He is still going to die.”

Jimmy said sadly, “Yes.”

Stephanie looked over at Claudia, “If it’s okay, I just want to spend some time with my father.”

Claudia nodded. She looked down at Jimmy and sighed. “You’ve won. But you need to stay close to us.”

Stephanie walked over to where Michael and Max were sitting. Michael and Stephanie separated and they began to talk.

Tim looked over and said, “Maybe I should say something to my dad too.”

Claudia sighed, “It is so strange having an older brother.”

“No longer top dog, huh?”

“Jimmy! I am still Queen you know!” Her voice moderated, “It is just strange how everything had changed.

“Tell me about it. At least you know your mother and father. For me it is total confusion.”

Claudia hugged him, “You will always be my little brother.”

Jimmy hugged her back, “Thanks. You don’t know what that means for me.” Jimmy pulled back, “And Claudia, one of the reasons you can’t remember losing that many arguments with me is that I usually didn’t bother. You were usually right.”

Claudia looked over at Amanda putting things away. “Come on, lets go help get ready.”

Jimmy smiled and they both helped Amanda clean up after the picnic.


Max relaxed in the back of the truck. He’d put the armor back on, just in case they ran into any surprises.

He had put a sensor pad on the side of the truck, enjoying the familiar scenery as it flew by. So much had changed but he still saw the Roswell he knew as a teen underneath the growth.

He sent Brody a text that they were headed into Roswell and would be there momentarily.

Brody had been Max’s secret weapon. One that he had found again when he had gone researching what had happened to the Phoenix Five, those children who had miraculously been cured that one Christmas.

Brody had never given up his hope to contact aliens, but as Sydney had grown older and started to exhibit odd abilities, his research had broadened.

Broadened enough for him to accept help from an unlikely source…. Max.

It had taken years before Max had fully come clean to his now clandestine partner, and they had not truly met since. But they had talked. And Larek had contacted Brody on several occasions over the years as well.

He had however met each of the children at various times. Learning to use your powers wisely was difficult off the web. But they had become a tight little community of friends.

And they would be waiting to help them at the UFO Center. Hopefully they wouldn’t need the back up, but you never knew.

Brody sent a text back that they were all waiting for them,

Max could feel the hairs on the back of his neck twinge.

Right before the first truck of their little convoy burst into flames.

RPG’s Rocket Propelled Grenades were streaking towards the vehicles on the roadway. Not all of them were involved, but apparently the shooters didn’t care.

They wanted everyone dead.

Max activated the time dilation device and some of the fire slackened. But not before his own truck was hit.

Max straightened up and got out of the truck, his armor leaving him unharmed. But he could see the truck containing the kids taking evasive action. Max watched as one rocked burst several feet from the vehicle. They were protecting themselves.

Max shook his head and used his powers to take out the few remaining rocket men.

The kids truck kept going towards their target.

He stopped momentarily to help the other men in the truck. Most of them in the first truck were dead.

Michael himself was coughing up blood, “Didn’t think this would be how it ended. Not in Roswell.”

Max reached over and healed him. “Not on my watch, Michael. Not today.”

Michael grasped his hand and stood up, “You do know you are just postponing the inevitable.”

“We will see about that, Michael. Come on, we need to follow the kids.”

Michael gave orders for the rest of the men to take care of the wounded and then follow after on foot.

Max then picked up Michael and activated the rockets. They needed to hurry.

A few moments later they had caught up to the first truck. Everyone in it was out of the vehicle, their hands on top their heads. Surrounding them were a bunch of armed individuals.

And not with normal weapons. For one of them pointed one at him and Max felt as his armor died. Both he and Michael clattered heavily to the ground.

Max fought his dead armor, straining to open it up. He had the helmet off and was beginning to free one of his arms when he saw a man walk up. A pistol leveled at his head.

Milton. He pointed at Max and said, “I told you so! I knew you were among us all along. Hiding and biding for your moment to conquer us all. But some of us are too smart for the likes of you, boy. Some of us made contacts and with their help we shall purge this world of all….”

Milton fell over, blasted. Michael staggered over to Max. And somehow opened the armor.

Max looked at his friend. He looked so tired. Max reached out to heal him again….

Michael stopped him. “It’s enough. I have done enough. Just let me go. Let me go and join her. So tired, Max. So very tired. Just let me go.”

And Michael died in his arms.

Max got up as the ashes rained through his fingers. Off in the distance he could see the moon rise. His friend would be waiting for him there.

And the air filled with a massive explosion and things became a little hectic.


Claudia couldn’t keep a tiny feeling of doubt worming through her. Sure Jimmy was still somehow confident. But then she was beginning to think things like risk and danger meant something completely different to her little brother.

He kept gazing at the far horizon with a smile on his face. Even when their father flew in and was shot down, his cheerfulness did not abate.

What did he see in that strange head of his? How she wished she could link with him and the others. It really did make her feel like she could do anything.

One of the leaders tromped over to where her father had fallen. To kill him probably.

She began to move, but Jimmy shook his head. “Moon rise. That is when we move. Until then we do what they say.”

Claudia spread the word amongst her other companions. None of which was happy.

Particularly not when they were told to take off their shirts. For Jimmy and Tim, this wasn’t too big of an idea. But Stephanie’s training bra had little hearts worked into it. And Claudia didn’t have one yet.

Claudia looked down in shame at her two tiny little bumps and relished the shirt that was placed over her head. Only the fabric seemed to wriggle and move over her skin. Almost sinking into it.

One of the men said, “Sir, the Seals are present. In a few moments they will lock into the vessels and we can kill the bearers. She looked down and right above her heart were a series of dots. Five in the sign of a ‘V’. On each of her other friends, also right above their hearts a similar, but slightly different symbol was displayed.

She watched as they set up some device in front of her. Some sort of frame work that would hold her head down. And attached was a pulley system that raised a heavy blade.

A Guillotine. They were going to chop of her head!

This was getting ridiculous. It wasn’t like they had taken their powers. They just were badly out numbered. She shot a look at Jimmy who just shook his head,

Not time yet. She watched as they tested it on coconut. Watched in horror as it was cut in two.

A man set her head roughly on the stock and lowered the arm to hold her head firmly in place. “Sorry, little girl. But we need that Seal.”

No she was NOT going to let herself be killed. She closed her eyes and felt the heavy blade above her. Felt the rope and pulley system that drew it up.”

She heard Jimmy’s voice cry, “MOONRISE! NOW! GO NOW!”

There was a loud booming behind her and the sound of utter confusion.

The blade was released, but she stopped it. It was so very heavy…. Until it and the blade it held rained as dust on her neck.

“Get away from my daughter,” Came the calm voice of someone who her father had told she would see again but it hadn’t really sank in. Her mother.

Liz continued, “You know just this once I think your old ways are best. Just kill them all.”

Isabel soon joined by her brother Max quickly dispatched the enemy.

Liz held Claudia for a few moments before setting her down. “Okay, pumpkin. Its your turn. It is waiting for you on my old balcony.” She looked over at Max. “That is where he left it. When he came to me all those years ago.”

There was a story there, but one that she would ask for in the future. She walked over and put on her older shirt. She pointed over at Jimmy, who was being squeezed by Isabel.

She and her friends walked up the old steps of what had once been her mother’s childhood home. The opened the room to the bedroom her mom had once had and saw a shrine of sorts to her mother. Very little had changed.

She walked over to the window and opened it. She had to help Jimmy though it. And they were on the balcony.

It took them a few moments to sense it. But there was something that called to them. One of two powerful voices Claudia could hear inside her soul. The other being mind bogglingly distant. But this one…

This one was almost here, but slightly out of phase with their time.

All four of them stood arms ringing a column of glowing metal closely.

Claudia knew what she had to do.

And she did it.


Liz heard the loud bang that came from her old balcony. The kids had retrieved it and taken it home.

Liz wrapped one arm around Max and sighed. She looked over at the moon. Home meant something different these days.

And yet….

She turned to face Max. “So what do we do now?”

“We go back and live the rest of our lives. Our business here in this town, its finished I think. I think we can finally leave it all behind.”

“And those kids, the ones you saved in Phoenix? Are we taking them?”

“Yes. Brody is dead. I can’t believe Milton killed him. All because he was helping me. They are pretty banged up. But I figure Alex can help me fix them up.” Max shook his head, “I can help the bodies, but their minds and souls. What Milton’s men did to them wasn’t pretty.”

“So we go home?”

“Yeah. If you want to visit your mom, I wouldn’t mind an Alien Blast. Maybe some Saturn Rings to go.”

Liz’s voice was soft. “I don’t know if she will want to see me. Not after all these years. But. You are right. I should see her before we go.”

The time device had shut down when Max’s armor had been incapacitated and so confused people were walking around the streets. More confused than usual, because over the UFO the Crashdown normally sported there was a larger UFO hanging over the building..

Max and Liz went inside. Their ride could wait.


Maria was a combination of things. Tired and run ragged one of them. These were bright and precocious little hellions. And trying to keep them all focused was nearly impossible. Plus a couple of them were developing weak levels of powers.

Keeping these kids out of trouble was going to be a full time job.

Maria felt a jolt of sudden pain lance through her as her Michael died. But she knew what would happen now, and so she linked to his new confused body and willed it to sleep.

She could wait a few days. They would have many years ahead of them.

A tired looking Serena came into the Garden looking at askance at all the little kids. “Please tell me Alex didn’t let Rain clone herself.”

“I thought you were busy.” Maria waved her hands at a particularly mischievous five year old.

Serena yawned. “I am done with the first part. Just need to let the magnetic field build and I can start building the atmosphere.” She looked around, “Where is everyone?”

Alex walked in behind them, “It’s been a busy couple of days Ser. And in a couple of minutes it will be done.”

“What do you mean, did I miss something?” Serena looked worried.

“Quite a lot, I think,” Maria said sadly.

Serena looked at Maria, “Isabel?”

Maria nodded.

Serena just nodded her head, “It was going to happen someday. How did Rain take it.”

Alex just said, “Not sure yet. I will think of something. I did warn you Ser.”

Serena sighed, “It still hurts. I just need to get out more.”

Alex set his hand on her shoulder, “I will see that you can.” He put his hands to his mouth and whistled loudly. “Okay, everyone come over here.”

Maria looked over at him, “Maybe you should be doing this.”

“I love children.” He made elaborate waves and all the kids ran up to him.

Behind them there was a loud crack. And there was a pillar of black metal circling above a crystal base. Surrounding it were four very tired children.

The Granolith had found a new protected home on the Moon.

Alex would be able to protect Earth.

It was all over and they had won.

Maria ran over and held her daughter so very close.

It was over and they were safe.

Finally and truly safe.

Re: Unfinished Business (CC, Mature) A/N - 11/01/10

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:36 am
by PML
And here it finally is. Thanks to everyone who has followed this story along during the last few dry spells.

keepsmiling7- Thanks.

mary mary- Thanks.

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine and no infringment is intended.

Unfinished Business Epilogue


Jimmy slipped quietly onto the private estate. His specially designed jumpsuit made him invisible to most forms of detection.

He would have to hurry, though, as he would need to vent heat and show up like a Christmas tree, or cook in his own juices.

Through the commlink came a disgruntled Stephanie, “You could just go up and knock you know. You are one of the Royal Four of Antar. It’s not like the woman would turn you away. Besides how sure are you of this information? We’ve been searching for fifteen years without luck. Maybe Khivar didn’t reincarnate himself as a human after all. Maybe he’s hiding somewhere else.”

“Nope, I am certain. Even the names are close. Kevin and Victoria.”

Stephanie simply said, “hmmmmph.”

Tim’s voice softly said, “Even I think you are reaching there. I know you have a gut feeling on this. And we are behind you one hundred percent. Particularly since these people are hosting Michael and Maria on their second honeymoon. But don’t you think you could confront them after Michael and Maria are done? Maybe just watch or something?”

Jimmy said quietly, “I simply need to do this. Trust me guys, I am right.”

Claudia spoke finally, “And it needed you to play cloak and dagger as well? To sneak into their compound and confront her by ambush? Seriously this need to push the edge is going to get you killed.”

Jimmy moved closer into position. He didn’t answer Claudia either. Because as usual she was right.

Jimmy liked living on the edge. The fact he could feel how close danger was only made the thrill sweeter. He doubted it ever would pale. He would always love the risk.

But lately he had been getting restless. Restless and wanting more. Watching Stephanie and Tim didn’t help.

Jimmy caught his breath. Victoria Anders would be waiting on the veranda watching the waves pound onto the beach. Only there was someone else there with her, sipping a glass.

Someone his visions hadn’t seen.

The mystery girl blasted him.

That also was unexpected.

While powers were now known, and even some humans had learned some rudimentary skills, blasting was fairly rare.

And his own skills amplified by the training he had received allowed him to roll out the blast. He was hesitant to fire back. It was one thing to deliver and ultimatum, another to kill or maim guests or family while doing so.

Aunt Maria would not approve.

He deactivated the thermal seals as the fighting would heat him up even faster. And he took a classic pose that would let him defend himself from a variety of attack forms.

And he looked up into her eyes.

And froze.

She had moved into the light, her blue eyes bright. Ready to defend her household.

So very beautiful. He had to see her with his own eyes.

He removed his mask and looked at her.

Stephanie barked over the headset, “Jimmy, you just removed your mask. Are you okay?”

Jimmy couldn’t talk. His heart was pounding. And he could feel another mind at the other edge of his.

Claudia’s voice was worried, “Tim, his heart rate has skyrocketed. Something has to be wrong. Get this bird moving.” Her voice was calm as she talked directly to Jimmy, “Hold on brother, we are on our way. Two to three minutes tops.”

His gift told him what was happening, what was about to become as firm as stone. He was Bonding her. Bonding his Sophia.

Let it be. He dropped his defenses. Her mind rushed in.

She blinked and smoothed the hair out of his eyes.

And they kissed. It probably would have been more. Their hands were already roaming and claiming the other. Minds linking synapse after synapse.

Splash. Both of them were suddenly soaked with a wall of water. Sophia squealed at the sudden dowsing.

Jimmy just glared, certain it had been Victoria, once Vilandra of Antar. He looked up into the amused face of Michael Guerin.

A sudden beam of white light filled the beach. Claudia in full mother bear mode had arrived.

Jimmy just stood there holding Sophia while her mother laughed.

Maria walked into view, shaking her head. She looked up at the saucer now hovering above the estate, “Get down here right now!” Her voice subsided into mutters, “Trying to protect us. PROTECT US! Hah.” She walked over and handed Jimmy a phone. “It’s Liz.”

Jimmy just stood there and closed his eyes.

How did he get into scrapes like this. “Uh, Mom?” He usually called Liz mom and Isabel mother. It was still hopelessly confusing, but he still thought of Liz as Mom.

“So what is the girl like?”


“Oh, you are no fun. Hand me over to Sophia.”

Jimmy looked over at the now dry Sophia. “Someone to talk to you.”

She smiled at him, amused at his embarrassment. “So is this usually how you woo your women on the Moon these days?”

Jimmy shook his head and handed her the phone.

Sophia took the call and laughed slightly at whatever Liz said to her. She then looked over at Jimmy, blushed and walked away.

Jimmy slouched onto the beach.

So fast. It was all happening so fast.

Tim walked by, helping a pregnant Stephanie, “Come on. You know the drill. Apparently they were expecting us. All of us.”

Stephanie gave her husband a comforting hug, “Yeah, hurry. Or mom will take it personal.”

Jimmy stood up and walked into the estate house. He walked by Michael and asked, “How long did you know?”

Michael looked at him fondly, “Alex told us. He thought it would be good to see if you could find them. We didn’t expect this until Liz visited them a couple years back. She saw this day coming.” He patted Jimmy on the back, “Don’t worry, kid. You will remember these days fondly. And what comes after is more than worth it. Go on, get ready. She’ll be waiting.”

And Jimmy left to change.

Picture a perfect pristine scene. A tiny log cabin set amidst the woods.

Ignore if you can the unobtrusive but very high tech items that are scattered around and enjoy the view.

That was what Liz Parker Evans was doing. In one hand she held a phone, no longer active, but one that had connected her to a bright young woman who would make the man she still thought of as her oldest son’s life a joy.

She moved back and forth on the hand made swing on the porch that Max was so proud of. If only because it saw so much use. And Liz looked up and saw the Earth, hazy through the Moon’s atmosphere, but so precious. So very precious.

Worth all the trouble they had gone through to protect it. She felt rather than heard Max approach. She looked over at him, Still so very handsome after all these years. “Later on today, call Isabel and tell her we will meet her and Alex for dinner.”

Max looked at the phone in Liz’s hands a smile quirking on his face, “It went well I take it?”

Liz’s grin was very wide, “She will be perfect. But they will move fast. I already told Sophia that Isabel will descend on her next week. I will also let Kyle know, but….”

“He’s on Mars with Serena and Ava. Yeah, it will take a while before he’s back.” He looked up at Earth above him, “Do you think we will ever be finished, Liz? I mean, we are sort of retired, but we keep on doing things.”

Liz smiled up at him. “I doubt it. I doubt any of us could ever fully quit. It is not in our nature. But I do think we won’t be leaving any unfinished business for our kids to take care of. We still have a few more hard patches to get through, but if we just keep going its going to be progress for a while.”

Max nodded and picked up Liz and began carrying her back into their cabin.

“Hey! What do you think you are doing?”

“I just thought of some unfinished business, my dear. I haven’t made love to you today.”

She curled her body into his, “Now that is progress I can get behind.”

Imagine a dimly lit room, a bedroom off to the side. On the bed a pregnant woman rests.

Alex looks away from his pregnant Isabel. It would be their fourth child in seventeen years of life together. They had their fights, but neither of them could deny the fact they needed each other.

Not anymore.

He looked into the device that had been his work for more than two dozen years. It analyzed and with some effort could manipulate probability. He looked at the parameters for what was happening in the Earth System.

And smiled.

Phase one of the Great Plan was completed. Now time to move on to phase two.

Alex continued his work.

He had helped make a world safe for his children and grandchildren.

Why stop there?

Terraforming Mars would be the first step in moving mankind into the wider world.

There would come a point at which Alex would no longer be able to help his people. It would happen. But until then he would do what he could.

He whispered into the microphone for Serena to here. “Begin phase two.”

Making Mars habitable would take a lot more work that the Moon had. Khivar had invested a lot in his Moon base, giving Alex a lot to work with. Mars would be done from near scratch. But in a generation it would be ready.

Open horizons for his grandchildren. And the beginning of beyond.

And happily ever after.

The End