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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/17/10 Chpt 20 p. 14

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:37 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone

Ellie- :lol: I love your fb.

Eve - You're so right.
Cassie- I'm back with a new chapter, I hope you are satisfied. :D

Chapter 20

With each swipe of his razor, Max removed his growing beard. He hadn't had the chance to shave in jail. He sort of liked his new look but was afraid that his new image might remind his wife of how much their lives had actually changed. After removing his beard and moustache, Max was his old self. His clean shaven face stared back at him in the mirror.

He washed his hands and wiped his wet face with the towel. He looked at his reflection again.

He couldn't pretend things were different.

Because it wasn't.


Maria found herself against a warm body that morning.

A naked warm body that was.

She opened her eyes and saw him, sleeping right next to her. Instantly her heart swelled and she felt the tingles right down to her womanhood. They had made love last night. Michael Guerin had actually made love with her; she couldn't believe it.

"Oh my god." She whispered and started to gently stroke his bare shoulders. She could not actually believe he was in her bed and she was right next to him....naked.

He stirred in his sleep and muttered. "What time is it?" His eyes were shut and he was vaguely aware of someone lying down right next to him.

"Wake up." Maria's hushed voice filled his ears.

Michael's eyes snapped wide open and he stared at Maria for one moment. He was met with her breasts. She was naked. He felt his bare groin poke the mattress in response to seeing Maria's breasts. Fuck, he was naked too.

Oh god, what had he done?

In one split second, he tore himself away from her; using his hands to cover his crotch, he glared at her in anger. "What the fuck did you do?"

There were tears in her eyes as she wrapped the sheet around her bare chest; she was hurt and she just sat there, staring at Michael. "We made love last night." She spoke as if someone was squeezing her throat.

Michael peeked at the trashcan which stood by the nightstand. He saw used condoms which held his seed.....evidence of who he was. He swallowed. He had not only had sex with Maria once but quite a few times. He could have easily destroyed her...maybe he did. He wasn't sure.

But in one swift moment, he held his hand over the trash and burnt any evidence of his lovemaking with Maria. NO one could ever know.

Maria just sat there, ashamed and completely dejected. Michael felt like she would never be able to understand how he felt and he tried not to think about her feelings; now was not the time to get attached. His secret was much more important than her fragile feelings.

"I guess we're not on speaking terms anymore." She sniffed in sarcasm; she knew he was overbearingly protective of who he was.

"We can't see each other again." Michael snapped, bending down to grab his boxers. "I can't believe you took advantage of me." He turned around so his butt was facing Maria instead of his penis. He slipped on the boxers and went to retrieve the rest of his clothes which were lying scattered over the room.

"I'll have to send Liz or Isabel to check if you're ok. I just need to stay away from you." He muttered, slipping on pieces of his clothes one by one.

Maria released her baited breath. "Why?" She sobbed, finally wailing. She wasn't a screamer but she couldn't stop herself. The emotions just flooded out of the dam she had built up.

This was not the morning after she planned. There was no sweet kisses or hugs. Just the empty embers of the lovemaking afterglow. It was bitter.

"We never should have done it." Michael gulped, grabbing his shoes before turning away. He couldn't deal with Maria and he left. He left her to cry on her own.


"So you slept with her." Isabel's tone was blunt. "Wow." She clapped in sarcasm. "You had sex with a human girl and now you left her in a mess." She was not pleased with Michael at all. How dare he treat a friend that way?

"In case you're forgetting, she's human. I'm alien. I can't be with her. It should be illegal. I might have..." Michael chocked. He couldn't bring himself to literally say the word.

"You might have what?" Isabel lifted her eyebrow. "Damaged her? Impaired her fertility? Stole her sex drive?"

"Impregnated her." Michael said. "You don't know what a half human and half alien could look like. I've seen the alien movies. I know, it's an ugly sight. It will result in a deformed offspring. I don't want to do that to Maria!" Hissed Michael. "She deserves better."

Isabel laughed. Michael just stared at her as if she had gone crazy. "You do know that you sound stupid."

Michael sighed. "Isabel, just think about it. Us antarian men have super sperm. Look how much times my mom got pregnant. She lost like so many kids and ended up with a worn out womb that she needed a new one. If that can happen to an antarian woman, think of what it could do to a human woman. God, I am dangerous to them." Michael shook his head and tried to wipe out the image of a heavily pregnant Maria in his mind.

"First off, we don't know if antarian sperm can fertilise human ovum." Isabel explained. "No one's ever done it before...well not that I know off."

"Shit." Realisation just dawned on Michael. "You know that blonde chick...Liz's friend....she's antarian ain't she?"

Isabel hadn't seen much of her but she was Isaac's sister in law; she was supposed to be Kivar's wife but had eloped with a human guy who she married and had a baby with. Then she acted as if someone threw a bucket of ice cold water on her. "Shit." She cursed.

"If a human male can get an antarian woman could happen vice versa."


Liz sat next to Max that evening, watching TV. She had occasionally took stolen peeks at him and his eyes were glued to the television. She felt somewhat awkward. Max wasn't speaking much and it started to nag her.

"Max....we need to talk." She finally said, mustering up the courage to speak to him. She was curious to know what was on his mind because during their lovemaking, she hadn't received a flash from him like she usually did. Something was up and she wanted to know what it was.

"Yeah?" Max peeled his eyes away from the television; he tried to act normal. He really wanted to tell Liz, he really wanted to but his heart was too scared. He was scared of losing her.

Liz grabbed the remote and put the TV off. "It's about Serena." She got to the point. "I'm really sorry about her, she had taken over our lives for a bit and left such a blemish that I don't think we could ever get rid off."

"You're right." Max agreed. "We can't."

Liz felt sorrow once she heard her husband confirm that awful fact; she wished she could just wipe out Serena in their lives. But no power they had could do that. Serena would always be there, like a big stain. It made her feel insecure. She did not want to feel insecure, especially in her own marriage.....that used to feel like a safe haven for her.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Liz's tone was edgy. She did not want to know what Max was hiding but she did. She could not stand it if he was hiding something from her.

She hoped it wasn't that bad. She hoped to god it was nothing that major.

Max felt the last shoe drop, he could not just sit next to his wife and pretend things were hunky dory.

"Actually...." He cleared his throat. "There is something......."


Tess giggled with her son as she bathed him. He started to splash wilding in the baby tub, singing as his mommy washed him. "Whose a good little boy?" She cooed, holding her son with one hand as she scrubbed the dirt off his chest.

He gave her a goofy grin, showing off a tooth that had just grown among the rest of his little teeth.

"Yes my little boy is." Tess sang. "Such a good boy."

Her husband walked in, after a good day's work and stood by the door. He watched his beautiful wife and their cute son. He loved coming home to see them. He loved being a married man. It was one of the best things that happened to him besides his job. "Hey honey." He smiled, watching his wife lift their son out of the baby tub.

"Hey hubby." Tess smiled, giving her husband a quick glance as she placed their son in his towel and wrapped him up.

"Don't you think he's a little old for the baby tub now?" Kyle asked after noticing how big his little boy was getting. He had a guess that his own kid would grow taller then him.

Tess laughed. "Hmmm but I love my baby boy. Let him be a baby for a bit longer. I'm gunna miss him." Tess planted a big kiss on the toddler's temple.

"You're gunna be here for a very long time." Kyle grinned. "So you're not gunna miss him babe. You'll grow old with me and he'll still be our baby."

Tess laughed again.


Liz felt strange when she stood in front of Serena. That girl was her baby sister once upon a time but now she was the bitch that almost destroyed her marriage, her and Max. She could never regain that respect she had for Serena.

She found her lying down on one of the bunk beds. Serena was wide awake and had just lain there still. It was her breathing that told Liz that she was alive. Liz cleared her throat and Serena looked towards the metal bars. She scoffed when she saw her sister.

"Come to stare at the bitch have you?" She sneered, slowly getting up.

"I've come to get a peace of mind." Liz returned, completely unfazed by her sister's behaviour.

Serena spat towards Liz but Liz held her hand up, she used her powers to stop the saliva in it's tracks and flicked it back at Serena. The saliva turned to ice crystals on Serena's cheek which then melted into her skin.

"Maybe I should turn my other cheek and let you punch that one too." Serena scoffed, walking towards the bars...towards her sister.

"Maybe you should." Liz's eyes glowed with anger. "After what I've been hearing, you should do life."

Serena tilted her head back and laughed. "Do life! Ha! That's funny coming from you. Why can't I just be hanged or something?" Serena sniggered.

"At least when I'm a ghost, I can haunt you and know everything too. While Max is between your legs, you'll see me and you'll not want him to love you anymore."

"I'd rather have you rot." Liz replied in a low tone. "You deserve to be alone. No man could ever love you." Liz showed her disgust. She did not regret coming here at all. Serena had to know what she lost. Liz would make sure of it.

"And if they did?" Serena challenged, not forgetting about Max. He told her that he loved her.

"Max could never love you." Liz scoffed. "Don't you see? How can a great man love an evil woman such as yourself? You're pathetic. You can never get anyone to love you let alone Max." Liz declared. "How can anyone love a beast like you? You're ugly."

Those words were burning Serena to madness, she glared at Liz with her piercing blue eyes which turned white. "I hate you."

"I'm not scared of you." Liz said. "I will never be."

"Well you should." Serena said. "I will destroy you even within these four walls. I swear to devil that I will." Serena couldn't stop the words from coming out of her mouth; she felt a strange force control her.

"And I'll swear to god that I won't let you succeed in harming me or anyone else." Liz replied, declaring war with her sister.


"I told her." Max revealed to Michael as they sat in the lounge. Michael was having a crappy time and so was Max. The guys decided to share their sorrow together with bottles of antarian beer. "She laughed at me and said is that it?"

"Man, your wife is so understandin' " Michael burped. "Maria wants to burn me alive and I think I love her." He took another swig of the beer.

Max took a sip of his beer. "I felt so guilty. Hidin' that from my wife. I love her so much. We're like so tight and I kept this one secret from her....that I made a deal with the bitch herself."

"No way." Michael acted as if Max was telling him this the first time. "You lied to Lizzie?"

"I hid a secret from her. I was gunna be with Serena just so she leaves Liz alone. I was so convinced that she would really urt my wiz." Max swayed, almost dropping the half full bottle on the floor. He grabbed it in time, remembering his wife would not like beer spilt over the carpet.

"You was gunna be wit Serena?" Michael shook his head, his eyes felt like they were on fire. "What? Are you nuts?"

"I wasna gunna sleep wit her. Dat's dirty." Max slurred. "I only sleep wit Liz. I only make love wit Liz."

"Well Serena wants your dick. You know that hoe wants ya Maxie." Michael burped.

"Well she wain't getting anyting from me." Max hiccupped.

Michael and Max started to laugh as they drank more. "What else did Lizzie say?" Michael asked.

"She was hurt." Max looked sad. "I know she was but she hide it from me."

Michael shook his head. "She still loves you."

"I know she does. I love her too."


As Liz drove on the way home, she cried. She cried to the stupid love songs that were on the radio, she cried for almost losing her husband and she cried that she could never have a normal relationship with her own sister. Everything was crumbling down. Max told her that he was ready to leave her for her own sake. He had too feared what Serena could do to her. Liz couldn't believe Max was so close to leaving her. She had not screamed at him. She simply laughed and left to see Serena.

Everything might be ok now with Serena in jail but the bottom line was, Max would have left her. If Serena had not been in jail... Max would have went to her. That was her biggest fear more then anything else. She did not want to lose her husband to her sister.

She felt betrayed by Max, he hurt her big time. This was one mistake that would take a lot of grovelling to do. He had to beg for her forgiveness. He had almost cheated on her.

Although she knew he had no intention of sleeping with the bitch, he still would have been with her. That alone was breaking her heart. Serena would have won and Liz would be left husband-less. Serena was capable of murder. Tess had told her that the man Kyle found was dead.

His insides were frozen.

One human life was taken away in one act of pure selfishness. Serena had no feelings for anyone apart from herself. She desired Max. She would do anything to have him, even kill.

Max saw this coming. He sensed this and had offered himself in return for her to leave everyone else alone.

Liz pulled towards the diner and stopped her car. She sat alone in silence for a few minutes.

She wiped her tears away.

Do not let evil spread over your life and the lives of those you love so dearly because you'll end up twisted, bitter and lifeless.

Her grandmother's voice spoke in her mind. She was right. Liz was starting to feel empty. She was slowly slipping away from her husband and that was because of Serena.

One day, something will happen like it does to everyone. You will have a point in your life where nothing seems right and everything seems wrong. Do not lose your loved ones to evil. Fight for your rights and protect them.

Liz released her breath and rubbed her hand over her womb. She had her children to think about now. Wait....children?

She felt both of them growing inside of her. Their warmth spread throughout her body, letting her know that they were there. Liz closed her eyes and shed tears of joy.

She was even more determined to fight now.

This one was for her babies.

Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 24/8/11 chpt 21

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:20 pm
by Hunter
Thank you to


Special thanks to those who stuck with me and endured my absence and bumped this fic. You guys are so patient and I would like to dedicate this part to those who waited a long time for me to update. :)

Ah, it's good to update a fic again.

Chapter 21

9 months later...

Serena Parker spluttered as she pushed harder again for the final time, the cry of a child filled the hospital room. As soon as her child was born, the nurse allowed Serena to see her child before it was swept away.

"Congratulations, you have a son."

To her, he was very beautiful. She had regretted the times that she had cursed this child when it was growing inside her; she had been trapped in prison for so long and tormented by the enclosed space. This child had endured much of her acidic anger; it was only when she saw his pretty face that she finally understood that she had been blessed.

The nurses took him away and she held back the tears because a prisoner wasn't fit to take responsibility of another life. Her son would be given to someone else while she remained in prison to rot. The thought alone added much to her pain while the nurses helped her clean up.

"I hope you know that you should be indebted to us." Tess sneers, allowing Serena to see her.

Tess had appointed herself to check up on Serena, having seen Isaac like her own brother- she had decided to take care of his child and be there when his son was born. Everyone else had given up on Serena, no one dared to see her again. Tess had been subjected to a lot of curses by Serena herself, even though at first she had been kind and very patient with her.

Still, she used her mind warping abilities to hide Serena's alien status and to protect the newborn child himself. Serena was indebted to Tess; in fact she had wanted a friend along with her pregnancy and felt relieved that Tess stuck by her till the end.

It was a shock to everyone that Serena had been pregnant. When she claimed it was Max's, no one believed her. But Serena had made up her mind and felt that only Max had a right on this child beside her.


"I told you, he's not Isaac's." Serena snorts the name of her former school friend. So what if she had feelings for the guy, Max was more important and he was meant to be the father of her child.

Hurting Liz was more important then Isaac's feelings, couldn't they see that?

"He's the father of the baby whether you accept it or not." Tess is firm, brief and harsh with the teen mother. "It'll be the last you will see of him, he'll never be able to have a stable kind mother that he deserves. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Tess promised herself, she would love Isaac's baby as much as she loved her own son. Her sorrow for the child was limitless, to have such a mother was a life full of angst but she would try and fill in that gap. She would give Isaac's son what Serena would never be able to give.

Unconditional love.

As for Serena, she couldn't stand the sight of her and she left.

Serena lay alone while the nurses worked around her, blind to the scene that had actually occurred. Serena closed her eyes and used her powers to locate Tess. Once she found her, Tess collapsed with pain in her head. Doctors rushed to her side and by draining Tess of her power, Serena mind warps the nurses and rolls off the bed.

"Forgive me Tess, but I come first. I always come first."


When Max became a father, he forgot all the pain and anger he had been feeling recently. His world was even better with the arrival of his two children; Liz had given birth to a boy and a girl much to Max's delight. He had teased his beautiful wife and tried to compromise with more children from her.

Her response was that she had just given birth three weeks ago. So often, he made a lot of time to spend with his children, Amber and Aiden. It wasn't until news of Serena's birth had reached them, returning him to his sour state. She still hadn't accepted that Isaac was her son's father.

Sighing at the text he had received from Liz, he returned to his children who slept peacefully in their bedroom. These days, his kids provided much tranquillity to him and his wife despite sleepless nights of changing diapers and feeding milk to them. He didn't mind, it was better then thinking about Serena and her strange madness.

It left him unprepared though, when the front door was torn open and an uninvited guest stepped into his residence. Max Evans guarded his sleeping children with a green shield before leaving the room and dealing with the stranger.

He heard another message arrive to his phone and in the nick of time, he checked it.

Serena is on the loose. Be careful. Liz xxx

Standing at the top of the stairs, he found the semi naked Serena stare at him with bloody eyes. "Hello darling."