A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult)chpt 26 6/2/09 *Complete*

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 21 10/15/08

Post by jake17 »

behrluv32: Roswell is home, thank you so much for staying with this story. I really appreciate your fb! :D
Lena7: Wow what an incredible complement! :oops: thank you so much Lena, it means so much coming from someone as talented as you! :D
forever dreamer: Oh my Rachael!!! thank you so much for hanging in there!! :wink: You are so sweet! just remember what I told you! :wink: thank you so much for being here!!! :D
Natalie36: yes poor Max is not going to have it easy IM afraid :( thanks so much for being here!! :D
Timelord31: thank you so much for staying with this for so long! :D
destinyc: HI destiny.. so happy you like that line! means so much to me! Thank you for this very sweet fb! :D
Ken_r: as always I love your fb Ken... always so interesting to see your view in all this!! thank you so much! :D
Keepsmiling7: I'll get back to Sean I promise. this focuses more on Max and Liz.. thank you so much for your sweet fb!! :D
IheartMax: :lol: I promise there will be some lovin soon seashell! :wink: You know I can't go too long without writing it! thank you so much!! :D
Kissme4ever123: So happy you are still here with me! thank you so much!! :D
roswell3053: Sorry Liz doesn't have any powers in this story... and home is Roswell, they are going back to reunite with everyone. thanks so much!! :D
Flamehair: Hey sweetie! Thank you so much for that complement on that line!! You know how much your opinion means to me! :D
Cocogurl: Yes and Im afraid its going to get worse before it gets better. thank you so much for your fb sweetie!! :D
angelina: Hey you!! Yes he definitely is broken....thank you so much for being here angelina.. I hope your doing well! kisses and hugs to you!! :D
dreamerfiend: thank you so much for your fb! I really appreciate you wanting more! :D


Hello everyone! I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the nominations I recieved. I was truly shocked. The nomination for favorite Dreamer Fic for this story just means so much to me. I've put so much of my heart into this fic for it to be recongnized means the world to me.
So again thank you! thank you! thank you!
Carrie :D

Chapter 21

“What should we do now Michael. I mean what if he finds us?”

Max whispered as he heard the water turn off in the shower. He didn’t want Liz to worry.

“I’ll take care of Sean. Just please stay put until you hear from Maria or me. I have arrangements to make.”

“Have you heard from Isabel is she ok?”

“I’m going to check on her tonight, Kyle would have called if there was any problems. I’m sure she just concerned about you.”

“Ok we’ll just stay here until we hear from you.”

As he put the phone on the nightstand Liz emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her as droplets of water cascaded down her skin.

Max grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders as she stood shivering.

Softly he whispered to her as he rubbed her arms trying to warm her.

“I’m sorry I can’t make it warm for you, it’s going to take awhile for my powers to come back.”

“I can’t believe you, I know you are hurting I can see it in your face and still…still your first thought is of me.”

Max gently pulled her down on the bed with him and started to towel dry her hair.

“My only concern is you Liz. You are the only thing that has ever mattered to me and now that you’re here…

His voice trailed off as he stared into the distance.

“What’s wrong Max?”

“I just hope I’m doing what’s best for you. I’m mean life won’t be easy with me there is so much you don’t know.”

She gently touched his chin and turned his face toward her.

“It’s all I ever wanted. Since the beginning, don’t you know that?”

His eyes fell to the ground as a deep sadness took over his worn expression.

“I’m not the same though. I can't be the boy you once knew. I don’t know if I could make you happy.”


“No Liz before you make this decision there are things you should be aware of. It wouldn’t be fair for me to take you back without telling you…

“Max nothing you could say could change the way I feel about you. Whatever problems come up will deal with them together. I love you and you love me and we are finally together that’s all that matters.”

“I wish that were true Liz.”

“Max please –

“Liz just hear me out and if after... if after you change your mind, I won’t blame you if you want to stay. We’ll take care of Sean we’ll do whatever is necessary to make sure you’re safe-

“Max what are you talking about. I could never change my mind about you.”

“Just listen. This is going to be very difficult so please just let me get through it before you say anything.”

Max stood and walked to the other side of the room to stare out the window at the falling snow.

It struck him how beautiful everything looked covered in the soft white flakes. He watched as people rushed to their cars trying to get out of the cold. Suddenly flashes the prison started to flicker through his mind.

He clenched his eyes shut as he pictured Kivar’s soldiers beating him senseless. He remembered wishing he would just stop breathing.

That maybe he could figure out a way to end his torture. End his life.

“So many years Liz. It was so many years of starving and pain. Sometimes I wouldn’t see light for months. I had no conception of time. It was unbearable.”

“Max none of this was your fault…

“Please, please let me finish.”

Liz nodded as her heart broke hearing of the agonizing treatment that Kivar put upon him.

“It was a Monday I think. I only know that because every Monday the guards would switch off posts.”

Max slumped down into the orange ripped chair as his head fell into his hands.

“I had been in the hole for at least two months. Finally they had decided to put me back in my cell.”

“The hole?”

“That day the guard that was watching me noticed your picture on the wall. I had found a small piece of charcoal that they used for fuel to heat the prison. I sketched you everywhere pictures of you sleeping, laughing. Always looking at me with your beautiful loving eyes. The memory of how you would just light up when you saw me was so burned into my brain. I had to see it. I had to see you. It was the only way I could survive.”

“Max I don’t understand…

“One day this particular guard came into my cell and started to …say things …about you.”

Max started to nervously rub his eyes. His breathing pick up heavily as if he was beginning to recall something horrible.

“His was saying disgusting things about you. What he wanted to do to you. How he would …

Max’s voice was cracking as his hands curled into fists. Suddenly he slammed his hands down on the table.

“I didn’t know. I didn’t know Liz.”

Liz got up from the bed and knelt on the floor beside him.

“It’s ok go on Max. What didn’t you know."

“He went too far. I had taken so much. I could handle the beatings and …and everything else, but what he was saying about you I just …snapped.”

“I don’t know where I found the energy … the strength. I could barely move.”

Liz touched his fists trying to smooth them out. He was gripping then so tightly blood was starting to appear beneath his fingernails.

“I-I lost my mind. I grab by the back of his head and slammed it into the wall. I shouldn’t have been able to move with my broken bones but at that moment I felt no pain. The only thing I felt was the need to kill him… to hurt him for even speaking your name."


“No… please let me finish.”

Max stood and walked to the bed facing away from her as if he needed the darkness to hide his shame.

With a deep shaky sigh he continued although it was increasingly more painful with each word he spoke.

“In the prison they used slaves to do the manual labor, cooking cleaning. It all happened so fast… so fast. After the guard fell to the ground unconscious I sensed someone behind me. I thought it was another guard. I thought they were going to put me in the hole again. I grabbed the knife that the guard kept in his belt and turned and shoved it as deep as I could into his chest.”

Tears fell from his eyes as he mimicked his actions over and over again into the air.

“He was a boy barely me age when I came to that godforsaken planet. He was innocent …forced to work in that hole. I killed him. I-I killed an innocent young boy.”

Liz ran to him and wrapped her arms around his chest.

“Max it was an accident. You didn’t intentionally mean to hurt him. You can’t blame yourself for what you did in that place.”

He held in hands up in the air and looked them over thoughtfully.

“I can still see the blood. There was so much blood Liz. For a second I forgot that my powers were useless there. I tried to heal him… I was out of my mind. I can still see the look in his eyes. He couldn’t believe that it was me, that I was capable of such a thing. He took his last breath in my arms Liz. I watched as he died. He was just a boy …just a boy.”

Slowly Liz stood and pulled the covers down the bed.

Releasing her towel she laid down and reached her hand out for him.

Max wiped his eyes and crawled up to her and rested his head on her chest and wrapped his leg across her.

In silence they laid there for hours as he trembled in his sleep. From time to time she could hear him mumbled words. His nightmares were never ending.

Gently she stroked his hair and held him tight. She couldn’t understand how such a pure innocence soul could have survived all those years.

She wondered if her love would ever be enough to heal the unimaginable pain that never let him rest … that still to this day held him prisoner to a world so far away.

A world that robbed him of his innocence and left him a broken tortured man...full of regret and pain.

She whispered against his forehead as he tried to calm his restless mind.

"I love you Max."

"I love you."

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 22 11/9/08

Post by jake17 »

Lena7: Wow thank you for that amazing fb! It means so much coming from someone as talented as you are! :D
Cocogurl: thank you so much for that incredible complement! I'm so happy I almost made you cry! :wink: :D
keepsmiling7: Thank you! It means so much to me that you are here!! :D
angelina: hey sweetie thank you so much! I so appreciate you being here! :D
begonia9508: HI Eve! Thank you for your fb!! I'm always looking for your relpies! :D
forever dreamer: Rachael do I sense some sympathy for Max??? :shock: :wink: :D Don't worry Sean is going to find a very helpful girl very soon! :wink: thank you so much for being here! :D
dreamerfiend: thank you so much for your great fb!! Hope you like this part~ :D
kissme4ever123: So happy you are liking this story! thank you so much for your sweet complement! :D
destinyc: Hi destiny!! yes you can say that Liz is definitey nurturing in this update :wink: thank you so much for being here! :D
Flamehair: hey sweetie!! Thank you for your congrats!!! I was so shocked! Still am!thank you so much for being here! :D
IheartMax: Hmm I think you will like the answers I give here... :wink: :twisted: thank you for being your wonderful self seashell!!! :D
Janetfl: Jan HI!! omg I don't know about my brain but thank you so much for saying that!! You are so sweet!! I want to wrap him in cotton too.... and then maybe keep him in my closet! :wink: :twisted: thank you!! :D

Chapter 22.

“Now just step back Michael, your friend is in a lot of trouble. The cops are looking for him as we speak. I don’t think you’d want to join him.”

Michael grabbed the phone from Sean’s hands and motioned for him to sit down.

“We need to have a little talk.”

Sean sensed the seriousness in Michael’s voice and cautiously sat beside him on the couch.

“We’re leaving.”

“Who’s leaving?”

“All of us, including Liz.”

Sean stood and took the phone back from Michael.

“Like hell she’s leaving! You keep forgetting she’s my wife! She’s not going anywhere!”

Michael glared at him impatiently.

“Listen Sean the only reason you’re not sitting in a jail cell right now is because I got rid of the evidence. I can very easily bring that gun to the police if you’d like.”

He stood and sighed as he looked around the devastated house.

“Is this what you want Sean? Can you honestly tell me that you think things will work out between you and Liz?”

Sean looked off into the distance as the reality of the situation sunk in.

“Think about it, do you really want Liz back? You know she’s in love with Max, what kind of life do you expect to have with her if she were to stay. Nothing you do will ever change the way she feels. Do you really want a wife that loves someone else?”

“She doesn’t know what she wants.”

“Don’t fool yourself Sean. It’s over, and if you can’t see it for yourself maybe the police can explain it to you.”

Michael wasn’t sure if Sean had taken his bluff or not. He watched as he backed up to the couch and sat back down. Slowly he picked up a broken picture frame of their wedding day. He held it to his forehead as tears filled his eyes. Quickly the need to be numb overcame him as he threw the picture to the floor and left to go to the nearest bar.

Michael wasted no time and began to pack Liz’s clothes. Whether it was safe or not the next place they were going was the airport.


Max tossed and turned as he felt the air leave his lungs. Desperately he pulled at the rope around his neck as he gasped for air.

Darkness enveloped him as the black hood was stretched over his sweaty bruised face.

Just when he felt like he was going to pass out the rope was removed leaving him coughing and straining for air.

He knew what was coming next as he tried desperately to picture his angel in his mind.

Slowly the rope was tightened around his wrists as the menacing laughter rose all around him.

Tears filled his eyes as the blades lifted his fingernails and sliced through his skin.

Wounds that never healed break open as blood spills down his arms.

Her face lights up behind his eyes as he concentrates on not struggling. They always continued longer when he fought them, as if they enjoyed watching him beg and plead for the mercy that would never come.

Suddenly the hood was pulled from his head and he was shoved against he wall.

One of the solders pushed the side of his face against the cool wall of his cell and punched his ribs. Max cowered as his ribs snapped easily from the constant attacks. With terror in his eyes he watched as the sharp metal probe came closer to his ear.


“No! Please no more!”

Liz woke in a daze to find Max curled up in the corner of the bed with his hands over his ears.

“Oh my god, Max it’s ok. It’s just a dream.”

Carefully she pulled his hands down and brushed her lips against his forehead.

“You’re safe now.”

Slowly he opened his eyes as his hands shook uncontrollably.

His whispered voice pulled at her heart as he turned away from her.

“It’s never going to be over.”

“I’m never going to be free from that place.”

Gently she turned him so he was facing her again.

“I can’t imagine going through all the suffering you’ve endured. You think you’re weak because of it but your not. I am amazed by your strength.”

“Liz please don’t –

“Max you never gave up, after all these years, after everything they did to you, you still hung on. Your love for me never faltered. Don’t you know what that means to me? You came back for me, you saved me. That place may have left it’s mark on you but it did not steal your brave soul, your beautiful heart. Nothing can ever take that away from you.”

Liz’s loving words left him speechless as his passion for her overwhelmed him.

“Liz I…

Max struggled to find a way to tell her how she was the reason for it all. How without her he would’ve given up long ago.

“You don’t have to say anything Max. I know you. I know how much you suffer, how hard you try, how much you love me. You are a part of me as much as I am a part of you. We can go through this life together now. You will never be alone again.”

His chest rose and fell deeply as he gazed in her eyes.

Suddenly he pulled her towards him and took her mouth in a long deep passionate kiss.

Breathlessly they broke apart as he moved over her.

Staring deep into her eyes he hovered over her as she parted her thighs inviting him in.

“Max yes, please… make love to me.”

His arms trembled as she placed her hand gently on his chest and traced every scar that marked his tender skin.

Lowering her fingers she grazed over his stomach that clenched with every caress of her soft touch.

Max eased his head back as he closed his eyes and rocked slowly inside her.


Looking back down on her body that glistened in the moonlight his restrain broke.

He took her hands and raised them over her head holding them there as his thrusts came faster and harder with each breathless moan that left her trembling body.

His husky voice teased her skin as his warm tongue danced along her neck.

"I love you, I will always love you."

Over and over again he lingered in the depths of his love, his angel.

Their fingers intertwined as they both felt the edge approaching.

Max lowered his head and captured her hard peak in his mouth as she arched her back and cried out his name.

Her legs tightened around his waist pulling him in deeper as he fervently took her again and again.

Finally Max buried his face in her neck as he groaned his release.

Liz looked up to the ceiling as she held him tight still warm inside her.

She knew the days ahead would be hard but they were together now and at that moment it was all that mattered.

He was all that mattered.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 23 1/29/09

Post by jake17 »

Jan x2
forever dreamer
keepsmiling7 x3

:oops: OMG I am so sorry I let this story go for so long!!! thank you all for your incredible fb!!!! I'd be lost without many of the people here, you know who you are :wink: :D

This update is dedicated to keepsmiling7, Carolyn thank you so much for not forgetting about this story! I saw your bumps today and was so surprised at the last date of my chapter! thank you so much for reminding me about it! I hope you like the direction I took the story in. I promise to update this one more often. I really appreciate all the support you've given me with this fic and all my other ones. You are incredibly sweet to me!:D

Chapter 23.

As the plane took off Liz took one last look at the life she would leave behind forever. Max held her hand tightly as Michael secured the last of their arrangements.

She couldn’t believe she was on her way home. Even though this was all she wanted, to be with Max and have Sean as far away from her as possible this in a way meant that he real work was only beginning.

Fear wavered just below the surface as she glanced at Max. He looked tired and restless. She wondered if Michael had given him anything to make sure he stay calm throughout the long flight.

Michael gave her a reassuring squeeze on her other hand before turning back to talk to Maria.

So much was not discussed. Liz wondered where they would be living and how they would get along financially, these were problems that until now never really occurred to her.

It was all becoming very real, she was beginning her life with him and as excited as she was a small part of her was scared. She hoped that she would be enough for him, that having her around would help his fragile state and calm his frantic tortured mind.

Fighting back the memories of everything that had happened in the last few weeks Liz was finally able to fall asleep.

She was dreaming of their house, of the two of them being a normal couple making dinner together when she heard his gentle voice in her ear.

“Liz honey, we’re here. We’re home.”


The word seemed strange to her as she looked out the window into bright sunlight.

He seemed less anxious as he walked quickly threw the gate and into Isabel’s waiting arms.

“Oh my god Max I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too.”

Liz stood back letting the two of them reunite. She could tell that they had grown even closer then she remembered. She understood that sharing an experience that no one in this world could possibly get would bring them very close.

For the first time she felt a strange distance between them as Isabel watched her over Max's shoulder.

After finally parting he grasped her hand almost needing to feel her next to him. His protective feelings towards his sister were very obvious to everyone.

“You brought him back.”

Isabel smiled widely at Michael as tears welled up in her eyes.

“I told you I would.”

“Yes you did.”

After a brief hug she turned to Maria and thanked her before turning towards Liz.

“It’s good to see you again Isabel.”

Liz stiffened as Isabel gripped her in her arms and whispered in her ear.

“I hope you’re serious about my brother.”

Liz backed away shocked by Isabel’s almost warning tone. She guessed at that moment that Max wasn’t the only one garnering issues from the past.

Seeing the look in his sister’s eyes Max quickly changed the subject asking where Kyle was.

“He’s already getting your luggage.”

As they walked to the car Michael and Kyle were off ahead of everyone else discussing Isabel’s dreams and how well he handled her.

Max held onto Liz worried for her. He knew Roswell held very painful memories, her parent’s death for one and of course the pain he put her through.

As they drove past the place where she grew up and the diner Max wrapped his arm around her securing her inside his chest.

“Are you ok Liz.”

Her eyes remained closed as they drove down the street that she grew up on. Reminders of the past were coming too quickly and she was not handling as well as she had anticipated.

Max motioned for Michael to move faster down the road knowing how much this was all hurting her.

Maria did her best to keep the conversation light talking about the house that they were living in and how her mom helped her decorate it.

“You’re going to just love it Liz. I set up a room for you and Max with all your favorite colors. I filled it with things you love to make you feel more at home.”

Liz wondered what she had done. It had been years since they had talked she didn’t even know herself what she preferred anymore. Still she appreciated her effort and smiled politely.

Max breathed out a sigh of relief when they pulled in the driveway to the modest ranch that sat right on the edge of the desert.


Michael insisted on carrying Max’s luggage worried that he had not fully healed from the night before. Kyle carried the rest as Maria and Isabel talked with each other about plans for dinner.

Liz looked uncomfortably on recognizing the bond that they had obviously formed during the last few months.

After convincing everyone that what they really needed was rest and not Maria’s famous enchiladas they went to unpack.

Max locked the door behind him and pulled Liz into his arms.

“I can’t believe this is real. We’re back in Roswell and we’re together. I have dreamed about this moment for so long Liz. I’m so happy.”

“Me too.”

Max cupped her face in his hands; he instantly picked up on her quivering tone. His face dropped to a serious expression as concern took over.

“Are you ok Liz?”

She quickly smiled and kissed him not wanting to give away her true feelings. The last thing in the world she wanted was to make him feel that she didn’t want this.

Truth was she did. She wanted to be with him more than anything.

It was just that it was all happening so fast.

Her painful past was inescapable now that it was right outside her door.

She only hoped that their love would be strong enough to overcome everything they had both been through.

Her smile fell away to a vulnerable teary-eyed gaze as she looked back into his eyes and whispered softly.

“I love you.”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 24 2/22/09

Post by jake17 »


thank you all so much for the sweet fb! :D

Chapter 24

As night approached Liz sat on her bed and quietly listened to the chatter that was exploding in the other room.

She excused herself from dinner feeling tired and overwhelmed. She wasn’t comfortable with questions that she suspected would be asked of her by Isabel and convinced Max to go and join them.

She lowered her head as laughter erupted from the small dinning room, she couldn't help feeling she just didn't belong.

Max already seemed different here, more relaxed at ease, she realized how much it must have taken for him to leave the security of the only family he had to find her.

She decided she would quickly shower and climb into bed. She felt it was dishonest to lie but she also didn’t want to burden Max with her growing fears.

She quickly emerged from the hot steam of the shower and ran a comb through her damp hair before removing her towel and getting into bed.

She closed her eyes when she heard the door slowly open and the footsteps approaching the her.

A soft sigh drifted through the air as she lay very still and pretended to sleep.

She listened to him take off his clothes and shoes and didn't move. She held her breath as he slid in bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her small body pulling her in close.

“I know you’re awake Liz.”

She relaxed her muscles and moved onto her back to look at him.

“How did you know?”

“I’ve watched you sleep every single night that we’ve been back together Liz.”

Max gently rested his hand over her heart with his palm against her breast.

“I know how your chest rises and falls as you breath.”

He moved his mouth to hers barely kissing her.

“How your lips fall apart, how your eyelashes flutter as dreams dance through your beautiful mind.”

“Max” Liz breathing out as she arched up into his hand and closed her eyes.

“I’ve waited years for you Liz …I don’t want to waste a minute with you.”

Liz moaned against his lips as he brushed his tongue softy at first then with great passion as she quickly responded to him.

Within seconds she was begging for him to come inside, to take her hard and fast.

“Max please!”

He panted harshly against her skin as he kissed his way down her body over her achy nipples onto her stomach that quivered with anticipation at to what was going to come.

She laced her fingers through his hair as he slipped her thighs over his shoulders and lapped gently between her wet folds.

“Oh god Max.”

He groaned feeling her reaction and did his best to gently hold her hips down so he could explore her more thoroughly.

Over and over again he flicked at her swollen clit causing her to writhe and moan out his name.

Suddenly he felt her body tense and collapse on the bed, he lapped at her kissing her softly as she shook beneath him.

Pulling him up she crushed her lips against him as all her insecurities and fears floated away.

“I love you.”

He smiled against her mouth as he brushed her hair away from her face and whispered the words back to her.

“I love you too…always.”

Liz turned to her side and looked back at him spreading her legs.

He spooned her body as his hands smoothed down her arm to her slender waist.

She let her head fall back against him as he reached around and hooked her thigh.

Slowly he began to thrust inside her as his fingers danced closer and closer to her heat.

He whispered her name again and again as he kissed her shoulder.

Crying out she reached back and grabbed his hip forcing him to pound into her harder.

Lifting her thigh into the air he raised his upper body up and gave her what she had been desperately pleading for.

As if in sync they moved together, her on her stomach and him hovering above her.

Sweat glistened off his brow and chest as he gripped her hips and heatedly moved inside her.

Soon they were moaning their completion together as Liz fisted the sheets in her hands.

They lay for hours under the pale moon light of the Roswell night both unable to sleep both finding comfort in each other’s arms.


The next day Liz decided to give in and let Maria take her shopping. Everyone felt it would be easier for her to face the past head on although deep down Liz wished she could hide out in the little house on the edge of the desert a little longer.

They spent the day at the mall picking up summer clothes for Liz, something that she didn’t have thanks to the cold New England winter and Michael’s fast packing.

It was a long day and they ran into many people from the past people that sparked memories for Liz that was increasing hard to handle.

They decided to meet the boys and Isabel and a restaurant that was located close to the cemetery that held her parents. This was not planned and when Max realized this he immediately asked if she wanted to leave.

“We’ll go somewhere else.”

“No, it’s ok.”

Liz took his hand and smiled before excusing herself.

She meant to go to the restroom but before she knew it she was out the door and across the street walking through countless rows of head stones.

Tears were streaming down her face when he finally caught up with her.

He wrapped her in his arms and held her close as she cried.

“I can’t find them Max … there’s so many …so many….

He took her by the hand and brushed her tears away leading her to two simple stone markers set in the ground.

“Shh… Michael showed me… they’re right here Liz.”

Max held her hand tightly as he pointed down to their names.

Liz let go of him and covered her face.

“I-I don’t have flowers Max … I don’t have anything to give them.”

Max looked down at her with immense sympathy before running back to the restaurant to retrieve the flowers that the hostess had on the bar.

Kneeling down Liz brushed her fingers over the engraved markings that bared her name.

Quickly returning Max laid the roses across the headstones and put his arm around her.

“For so many years I tried to forget the past, like if I didn’t think about it, it didn’t happen. You leaving, my parents dying …everything, but it never goes away does it Max? The past is always waiting for you …no matter how far you try and run from it.”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 25 4/7/09

Post by jake17 »

DaleStateShorty: Jessah, I heard about your illness and Im sending out big prayers for a quick recovery, please know your in my thoughts, about your fb, wow...I just don't know what to say. I hope you realize how much everything you said means to me. I was really blown away by your kind words. thank you so much. Please take care of yourself, carrie.

A huge thank you to everyone for all your amazing sweet fb. you are all so supportive to me, I'd be lost without you. thanks so much!

Chapter 25.

As Max pulled his old beaten up trunk up to the tiny house he let out a sigh of relief that he was back in the only place he felt safe, close to Liz.

Although Michael thought it was best for Max to take it easy and get adjusted before handling the stress of a job, Max felt that keeping himself busy was the best way to quiet his mind and keep his demons at bay.

After several attempts at working with the public he soon discovered his momentary slips of lapses into the pasts and verbal outburst was best kept in the confines of a secluded storage facility at a local library.

The pay wasn’t much but each week he managed to contribute a little to the household bills while putting some money aside for something special…something that he had been dreaming about for years.

Still carrying the guilt of being the one who stayed behind Michael felt it was the least he could do to carry the bulk of the responsibilities. This was not difficult considering that a simple construction job he had taken after the diner burned down had eventually turned into a thriving contracting business.

It also helped that Amy and Jim rented their house that they bought after they had gotten married several years earlier.

Maria had taken over her mother’s aromatherapy slash health food slash yoga studio, when her and Jim decided to retired and travel around the country in a Winnebago.

Kyle was also doing well as owner of the local auto garage. His main passion though was Isabel, who was not handling life on Earth too well.

She only felt safe being close to Michael Max Kyle and Maria, which is where she stayed most of the time. She had been improving venturing out to shop for food and clothes with Maria close at her side. It turned out that of all people Maria was very understanding and patient, and an unexpected friendship quickly bloomed between them.

Liz struggled to say the least in the four months that she had been back home. The streets and places that she hung out as a kid seemed like foreign lands to her, holding nothing but blurry memories that induced painful emotions.

Feeling useless sitting at home she took a job as a waitress at the red door truck stop. It was a strange feeling having everything you ever wanted but having it completely different then how you imagined it.

There was a strange distance between her and Maria that was no ones fault. Isabel looked at her with constant distrust, the massive protectiveness she felt over her brother made her insanely suspicious of anyone outside their tight circle. Unfortunately no matter how hard everyone tried Liz felt like an outsider. Like she had come in at the intermission of a play and didn’t know her lines.

She was lost between the familiar world she left behind and her present world where everyone knew their part except for her.

The only time she felt free from the pain that plagued her waking hours and nightmarish dreams was when she was in his arms.

When he made love to her everything melted away, she was no longer Liz DeLuca separated woman shot by her abusive husband, or Liz Parker orphaned by her parents tragic accident back in town.

When he was inside her, loving her, they truly became one. There was no beginning or end to their bodies or souls, only the love of two broken people that once were together were somehow made whole again.

As he made his way into the dark house he assumed by the lack of cars that no one was home. That was until he saw her shadow cast against the kitchen wall.

She sat quietly in the dark still in her waitress uniform with two stacks of papers in front of her a cold cup of coffee in her hand.


She stared blankly at the mug that said Mechanics make the best lovers, tracing the black letters with her fingers.

Hearing his voice she snapped out of her daze and gave him a weak smile that took all the strength she had.

“What are you doing home?”

Max slid his jacket off and pointed to the clock. “Babe it’s after ten, have you been sitting here all afternoon?”

She quickly blurted out as if embarrassed by her omission. “I quit my job today.”

Her monotone voice worried Max as she continued to stare at the coffee mug..

Sliding in the seat next to her he turned on the small lamp at the end of the table. Liz squinted her eyes against the soft glow of the light and rested her chin on her hands averting her face from him.

The two piles of papers were more visible to him now.

One was her divorced document with her freshly sighed signature on it and the other was an acceptance letter to New Mexico State.

Both stood for positive changes in her life that meant that she was moving forward. So why was she so scared.

Not wanting to push her he needed to let her know that he supported her completely and would give her anything she needed.

He reached out to hold her hand but she pulled it away and grabbed Kyle’s coffee mug to rinse out in the sink. She tried again to hide her face but he could see the smug of mascara down her cheeks indicating that she had been crying.


Just then the door burst open and a blur of blonde hair flew by with Michael following quickly behind.

“Hi Liz! Max!”

Michael flipped the bottom of Maria’s skirt up causing her to turn and slap him before continuing to run to the bedroom.

“You’re going to pay for that!”

Michael and Maria ran past them playfully waving in their hast to get into their bedroom.

“You’re going to have to catch me first!”

Liz stared down into the sink watching as the water disappeared down the drain while Max kept his worried eyes locked on her.

Struggling with his own problems, it was hard for him to always be there emotionally for Liz, but he tried with everything in him to help her. She knew this and felt tremendous guilt. She didn’t feel as if she had the right to complain after what Max has suffered through.

She felt as if she was only added to his stress and it was killing her inside.

Within seconds they could hear the sounds of moaning and giggling coming from the thin walls of Michael’s bedroom.

Liz sighed wishing she could be that way with Max, carefree and fun. She felt as if it was what he deserved and she was unable to give that to him.

Max walked up behind Liz and placed his hands on her shoulders.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, not tonight if it’s ok with you, I’m going to take a shower then go to bed.”

As she went to turn to leave he gently reached out for her hand holding her still for a moment.

“Whatever you decided to do I’ll be here for you Liz, and about he job we don’t need the money.”

Before he could say another word she nodded and disappeared into the bathroom.

Sitting back down at the table his eyes drifted to the papers that were still in front of Liz’s empty chair.

Softly knocking on the door he whispered out to her when she turned the water off.

Peaking in the door Max gently pushed his way in and pulled her into his strong arms.


Her voice cracked as the struggle left her body and she fell into his arms.

“Shh just let me take care of you. You don’t have to talk about anything tonight,”

He turned so he was sitting on the edge of the tub and pulled her down on his lap keeping her snuggled in the nape of his neck as he reached over and turned the bath water on.

Holding her against him with one hand he leaned down and pulled off her sneakers and socks. Discarding her apron he unzipped her uniform and lifted it over her body with little no resistance from her.

She was mentally and physically exhausted, and he knew it. Their connection has become even stronger in the past four months, even though she often attempted to block herself from him. She was always afraid of triggering something painful in him. She never wanted to be responsible for his episodes.

Once she was undressed he waved his hand around the bathroom filling it with warm air.

Cradling her in his arms he placed her gently in the bath. Discarding his clothes quickly he slipped into the bathtub behind her and held her against his bare chest.

Carefully he soaped up a washcloth and began to smooth it over her sore muscles washing every inch of her.

“I shouldn’t have quit that job Max.”

He sighed and kissed the top of her head holding her tighter.

“Liz this isn’t your fault. Maybe it was mistake coming back here. It was naïve to think that we could just pick up our lives as If nothing ever happened.”

Slowly she looked up at him with worried eyes. Turning more towards his face she traced the deep-set lines that stemmed out ward from his tired eyes. Her thumb grazed over the dark circles that sat below his long bottom eyelashes.

Gone was the boyish innocent expression, replaced with hard lessons of life that was forced upon him. Resting her head on his shoulder she ran her fingers threw his dark hair that was streaked grey at the edges.

“You worry too much.”

He cupped her cheek and grazed his thumb across her bottom lip. “It seems like I’ve waited for an eternity for you Liz. As long as we’re together I’m happy.”

Liz turned back and rested her head against his slick warm chest and closed her eyes.

She was getting everything she wanted, a divorce from Sean, a lifetime with the man she loved, a whole fresh start.

So why did she feel so lost?

Pushing her feelings of confusion and sorrow down deep inside she took his hand and slipped it between her thighs.

Throwing her head back she became lost in the soothing pleasure that only he could ignite within her.

His deep sultry voice whispered against her ear as her lips fell apart.

“I’ve thought about making love to you all day.”

“Please Max, make me forget …make me forget everything.”

Her breathless pleas were all he needed to hear as he lifted her out of the bath and wrapped her in a large towel before lying her down in the bed.

As his lips drank from her essence she watched as his dark head moved slowly along her lower lips.

All of her worries seemed to melt away as she dug her fingers deep into his shoulders.

“Please Max I need you inside me.”

Her shaky voice rose as he flicked his tongue against her clit hard before he pushed into her.

Her climax was only intensified as he continually stroked her sensitive spot again and again with each thrust.

They stared into each other’s eyes safe in their own little world, their special world where they were accepted and safe, where nothing could harm them, where only the two of them existed.

He looked down at her savoring each sharp breathless sound that left her trembling lips.

“I love you Max…I love you.”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 26 6/2/09

Post by jake17 »

angelina: sweetie thank you for being so incredibly kind to me!
destiny: thank you so much destiny for always leaving me such great fb!
kissme4ever123: you've stuck with this for so long, thank you so much for all your supportive fb!
Eve: it wouldnt be a story without fb from you Eve!! thank you so much!!
darkmoon: d. put your hands over Seki's eyes the dreamer ending is coming ... :lol: love you sweetie thank you for everything!
Carolyn x2: You have no idea what your constant support for all my stories has done for me Carolyn, sometimes your fb alone gets me to write, which always makes me feel better. I owe you so much! seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Jan: Well Jan you know what you mean to me. I'm so so lucky to have found you! thank you so much for everything!
IheartMax: my seashell, next to my little girl the greatest gift I ever was lucky enough to get, your friendship. you know I think your just the sweetest funniest warmest person in the world. I love you sweetie!
Cocogurl: thank you so much for also sticking with this for so long! I love your stories sweetie!
Jessah x2: Your insanely sweet fb is so so appreciated jessah! Your a wonderful girl and we are so lucky to have you here! thank you so much!
Dreamer 4ever: So hoping you like the ending, thank you so much for your sweet fb!

thank you so so much for all the people that stuck with this story for so long! I really hope you like the ending. thank you for all the amazing fb and support,

Please excuse anything that might be incorrect here, I was more going for the emotion than worrying about details. I don't imagine them having an easy road and I think they both know that but this is how I see them both healing .... you have to keep moving forward in life.

Please forgive me it's 4:30 am ... :wink:

Chapter 26.

“I really don’t think this is a good idea Max.”

Michael rushed up behind him as Max ran around the house.

“Seriously Max you’re not thinking this through.”

Pulling his duffle bag from the closet and Liz’s suitcase from under the bed Max paid little attention to what Michael was saying.

Frustrated Michael grabbed him by the shoulders forcing him to stop and look into his eyes.

“Max I know you want to live a normal life with Liz…really I get that …but its just not possible and you know that.”

Taking a deep breath Max leaned up against the wall and gazed out the window at the vast desert that seemed to go on forever.

“Michael she’s never going be happy here, she’s surrounded by too many painful memories. It’s not fair for me to ask her to try and fit into a life that is only a constant reminder of everything she’s lost.”

“But Max-

“Think about it …would you want that for me?”

Michael sighed and began to pace totally taken off guard by his news.

“Of course not Max but what about your episodes? What about money? Have you thought about what this kind of stress is going to do to you?”

Max brushed by him getting free of his grip frustrated by his questions.

“Max are you listening to me?”

Standing up tall taller that he had in years Max lifted up both his sleeves exposing the deep jagged scares caused by fifteen years of chains that tied him down physically and emotionally.

“Do you see these scares? I lived fifteen years of my life locked up… under the control of that bastard. Don’t you see … if I don’t live my life …if I don’t find a way to break threw this wall of fear it’s like I’m still there. It’s like he still has me as his prisoner Michael.”

Michael looked down at the ground not able to look at the deep wounds that would forever symbolize the torture he went through.

“I am not some foolish boy running away Michael. I am a man …a. man who deserves to live his own life with the woman he loves. We need a life of our own … a chance to start over. It’s killing her to stay here and her happiness is all I care about.”

With his hand on the doorknob Michael threw out the last card he had hoping selfishly that it would work.

“What about Isabel…what about her happiness?”

Keeping his eyes forward Max dropped his voice working hard to say the words that pained him dearly.

With great love and respect he spoke of his sister that he loved.

“Isabel is a grown woman, she deserves to be happy too. Maybe with me gone she’ll finally let Kyle into her life like he deserves to be. She loves him Michael and he loves her too. He’s good for her he knows how to calm her fears and protect her. She will always keep him at a distance as long as I’m around. It’s not healthy and you know it.”

Michael shook his head in disbelief at the words he thought he would never hear.

Following him out to his truck he held the door before Max had a chance to close it.

“What about me?”

Max stared straight ahead knowing what he meant.

A world of hurt and guilt rested in those few words. Max knew deep down that Michael found redemption in taking care of Max, that it was his way of dealing with the guilt he carried around for so long because he was the one who was spared.

“Max I need to know that you’re going to be ok. I’m the only one that knows how to help you when you…you…

A knowing smile spread across Max’s face as he looked up at the man he knew as his family… his brother.

“Michael I wouldn’t have survived coming back here without you. I will always be grateful for what you did for me …for how you helped me get her back… get myself back. And I will always need you.”

“But how am I going to help you when you’re so far away?”

“You forget I’m used to crossing galaxies. A plane ride is no big deal.”

Michael shook his head again in disbelief.

“Max who are you? Where are you getting this courage from, it wasn’t that long ago that you were flipping out in that hospital…what if I can’t get to you in time?”

“You can show Liz what to do, she can give me the medication if it comes to that.”

“Michael …I have to do this. Not just for her but for me too.”

Michael stepped back and rubbed his spiky hair in defeat. He knew in his heart Max was right but to let him go was more painful than he wanted to admit.

“You’re acting like we’re never going to see each other again.”

Standing very still Michael tried to keep his protective nature under control.

“I just want you to know that I’ll always be there for you Max. …Whenever wherever you need me. No questions asked.”

Max started the ignition and put his truck in gear then looked out onto the road ahead of him.

“I know …it’s because of you I have the strength to do this. Who would’ve thought you would end up being the responsible one. In the end you saved us all Michael and I’ll never forget that. You should be really proud of the man you turned out to be. You proved them all wrong. Between being stuck in the foster system and living with that bastard Hank, to ignorant small town gossip and struggling with an identity that would cause most people to crawl up in a ball and hide you rose above it all. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Michael slapped the top of the hood and smiled.

“Alright enough of the this mushy shit go ask her already, all I need is for Maria to come home and see us all teary eyed. I’ll never hear the end of it!”

Max smiled back as he took off for the old school yard that was now stood as a park.

He would often find her there reading on a bench under a large willow tree. Besides being with him it was the only place she felt at peace.

When she saw his handsome sweet face appear over the horizon the familiar butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

The sun was setting behind her and the bright orange reddish glow danced off his warm honey eyes.

The slight wind tousled his thick dark hair across his forehead making him look like a teenager again, the grey that peaked out on the ends and threw the stubble of his five o’clock shadow made him look even cuter in her eyes. It amazed her that those feelings she had for him at sixteen could still be as strong… could still give her chills and make her heart race. It was still Max …her Max and she loved him even more if that were possible.

“Max! What are you doing here?”

He stopped as soon as she came into full view.

He was sure he had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

Her chocolate wavy hair danced in the warm breeze all around her bright smile, while her soft blue sundress flowed around her knees.

Gone was that shy insecure little girl that used to peak over her schoolbooks at him. She was a mature incredibly sexy curvy woman that was not afraid to show her feelings for the man she loved.

He laughed to himself how a grown man of thirty-five could still get weak and shaky from just the nearness of her.

“Liz I want you to read this and tell me what you think.”

She took the official white envelope and furrowed her eyebrows as she began to read it.

“Max I don’t understand. I didn’t apply to UCLA.”

Sitting beside her on the bench Max took her hand as he explained his plan.

“I know… I did…f-for you.”

“What? But why?”

Cupping her cheek in his hand he looked deep into her eyes.

“Liz I want you to be happy. …More than anything –

Shaking her head quickly back and forth guilt filled her knowing what he was about to say.

“Just wait let me explain…please.”

She nodded reluctantly as he continued.

“You deserve a fresh start …we both do. We need a place to have memories of our own. Happy memories. I’ve wasted enough time Liz and I don’t want to waste anymore. I love you and I want to make a life with you, somewhere where neither of us are reminded of a past we can’t change.”

“But how …what about –

“It’s all planned, the truck is all packed, you’re officially a student at the University of California. That is of course if you want to be. An off campus apartment is all set for us to move in. I have a job at the University lined up, I know it will be hard but we can do it Liz.” Max took a deep breath falling short of his attempt to get it all out in one sentence. “All you have to do is say yes. Liz take this chance with me …let’s start the life we were always meant to have.”

Breathless and feeling more alive than he had in years he cupped her face in his hands and rested his forehead to hers.

“Let’s not waste one more second …please Liz… just say yes.”

Max took another deep breath as he stood there staring at her. Suddenly something occurred to him and his eyes welled up with tears of joy.

“Max what is it?”

Looking around the field he focused on the spot that so long ago had changed the course of his life forever.

“Don’t you see where we are?”

Liz sat up straight and glanced around till her eyes locked on a particular piece of grass that now a patch of purple wild flowers grew.

“It’s where we saw each other for the first time.”

She held her hand over her mouth as flashes of the scared shy little boy with the beautiful eyes looked at her for the first time.

“It’s like we’ve come full circle Ma-

She lost her breath when she looked up at him only to find him kneeling down on the ground.

His voice was shaky full of all the struggle and emotion that ravaged his worn body for so many years.

Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a small round diamond ring.

“You’re right Liz …we have come full circle…we were always meant to be… I was always meant to find my way back to you.”


“Please Liz say you’ll be my wife and spend forever with me.”

Liz threw herself into his arms knocking them both on the ground.

Max laughed as he slipped the ring on her finger and held her tight.

“So I take it that’s a yes Mrs. Evans?”

Liz bit her lip and smiled brightly thinking quietly to herself.

“Actually how do you think Dr. Evans sounds?”

Kissing her softly on the lips he scooped her up in his arms and carried her towards the truck.

“I think it sounds perfect.”

the end

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare