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Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:06 pm
by OnDragonflyWings
((OOC: I'm assuming that Ava stayed behind at the garage, if not, Ill change my post...))


I'm working on a car when I hear someone yell back to me. I curse silently. How come it seems like no one is willing to help the customers, no matter how many people I hire. I set the wrench down and grab a towel, brushing my bangs off of my forehead as I head out to the office.

I wipe my hands off as I respond. "What can I do for you?" Maybe it's a little cold, or rude, but I ahve work to do, lots of it. And they obviosuly aren't familiar with the area. Almost everyone who comes ehre calls me by name. Roswell isn't really a huge town. Everyone kinda knows everyone else.

And then the woman starts to talk again.

A voice that sounds famliar. I don't hear anything she says as it clicks. It kidna sounds like Tess. But I know that that can't be. Tess is dead. And it's not like I'd be standing around, hoping to get her back. Not after the thigns she's done.

I look up. it looks like Tess too. Only not. But there's something familiar...and then it clicks. it's Tess's It's Ava. It ahs to be. Or maybe I'm jsut going crazy.

SHe looks pretty than I remember. And she's definitely aged well. No joke. And I don't even care about this whole look thing she ahs going on. Punk...maybe rock...who knows. WHo cares. It kinda works for her.

And then I realize that I must be gawking. And that's embarrassing enough anyways, but it's gonna be even more embarrassing if there's no reason for it. If she's jsut some girl. Not an alien duplicate I knew from years past.

I tear my eyes away from her. "I'm sorry..." I apologize, blushing slightly.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 6:44 pm
by Athenea
OOC: This isn't much I couldn't think of an good action...


"What can I do for you?" I finally hear and I turn around. The guy looks very familiar but I can’t seem to place him. He’s cute for someone covered in grease. Plus he seems to be staring at me. I wonder if I met him last time I was in Roswell.

"I'm sorry..." she says blushing and then it clicks.

“Your Liz’s friend.” I say finally remembering who he was. And then I also remember why I am here in the first place. “Our bus broke down and the mechanic at the front said you were the man I needed to talk to about getting it fixed. I got four moody musicians who have a concert in Phoenix this weekend.”

Well really only one moody musician but if Zan is in a bad mood then everyone is in a bad mood. “Oh I’m sorry..” I say sticking my hand out for him to shake. “...I’m Ava Royals.”

I am nothing more than a little boy inside
Who cries out for attention
Yet I always try to hide


Thank God this interview is finally ending. Why did I agree to this, I don’t even remember. I take another long drag of my cigarette before taking a look around the diner. I eyes land on a tall guy talking to a women with long dark hair. I nudge Dom with my elbow and nod my head towards the guy. It’s sort of a little game we play the ‘hot or not’ game.

She looks over to where I had nodded and gets a look at the guy before shrugging her shoulders. I roll my eyes at her even though she can’t see it through my sunglasses. The girl has no taste sometimes.

The DJ is finally finishing up but before she does she says, “Thank you guys for talking with me today.” And I just nod my head as she turns off the cursed microphone.

“Really you guys did me a huge favor. Do you mind signing this.” She says before handing me our new CD. I sign it and pass it around to the others.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:00 pm
by Athenea
OOC: If you guys click on my siggy banner you will see Zander in a music video (Brian Molko From PLacebo) I hope to eventually make a video for this game with all the characters but for now that's the best I got. I wil probally post a new video ever week. Enjoy

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:11 pm
by isabelle

In a moment, we're arriving at the Crashdown. The place is a madhouse. It looks like every teenaged girl in Roswell has heard the interview and is trying to get into the diner. I see Micah push ahead and get through the crowd first. At a time like this, it's good to be able to use an alternate entrance.

"Let's go in the back," I suggest as dad parks in the alley.

"Good idea," he agrees.

In a few moments, we're heading through the break-room and then forward into the diner proper. The place is jam-packed. Every seat is filled and people are staring in the windows, all looking at the booth where the band is. I can't see them well, with all the people, but I move closer because that's where mom is. She looks busy but in control. I don't know how she does it. I've helped at the diner more than a few times and I always feel frazzled when it gets like this. Maybe she does, too, but I don't see it.

"Hey, Mom," I say, coming up beside her. As I do, I can get a better look at the band. I recognise Zander Grey right away from the posters and coverart on the CDs but there's someone there next to him that I don't know. She's beautiful. She looks so exotic. Dark hair with a wild red streak, and her clothing, of course, but mostly there's a look in her eyes that just draws me in.


Nathaniel goes ahead but I move just slightly slower, staying with the girls. As much as I want to see Liz, I'm a bit more concerned about these fanatical teens. I want to keep an eye on Anya and Natalie.

"Let's go, girls," I say, unnecessarily. They seem to be a lot more anxious than usual to get into the Crashdown. I know how much they wanted to see the concert so that's not any surprise.

As we come through the breakroom and into the front, I can immediately tell where the band is because that's where everyone is staring, although at the moment my view is blocked by people moving about.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:48 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I sit in the crowded diner looking for an escape. I spot the front door and a bathroom, neither looking very inviting. I scan the crowd for Ava, giving up I look at the crowd more closly. All eyes on Zan, no not all eyes. A very handsome very nicely dressed guy stares at me. I look to Zan to make sure I haven't mistaken the direction of the guys eyesight. No he is definatley staring at me. I smile inside.

I'm pretty but when your constanley standing next to Zan it's hard to be noticed. I look at Zan, he's obvious to the way everyone stares at him. Zan takes one last drag on his ciggie before putting it out. I watch him as he takes everything in. His eyes wonder to the large alien above him and he jumps slightly. I laugh.

"It's a good thing you are pretty Zanie." I can't see his eyes but I can feel his glare. I turn back to the boy who had been looking at me. He still stood in place. I catch his eye and for a minute I feel utterley and totaly exposed I look quickly away.

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 11:15 pm
by OnDragonflyWings

"Yeah...Liz's friend," I reply with a nod, shaking her hand,"Kyle Valenti." Royals? Not that we really did introductions the last go round, but Royals. Did she maybe get married.

I smiled and nodded,"Yeah, I'm the guy to see. I can get it fixed for'll take me a while to figure it out...I might have to order parts..."

I wasn't quite sure how to tell her that it might not be ready in time to make it to Pheonix for a show this weekend, but maybe it would be.

"Wait...a show in Pheonix..." I say with a grin,"Alienation? That show and not being able to go is all my neices ahve tlaked about."

So they aren't really my neices, but I see them that way. They are a part of my family. And since I'm not anyone's parents, sometimes the kids unload some things on me that they think are weird to discuss with their parents. We ahve a good relationship.

"So you got into the music business, huh?"

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 7:16 am
by Athenea

"Yeah, I'm the guy to see. I can get it fixed for'll take me a while to figure it out...I might have to order parts..." he says and I don’t think that sounds to good it sounds time consuming to me but what do I know about fixin buses? Well if I knew anything I we wouldn’t be broke down.

"Wait...a show in Phoenix...Alienation? That show and not being able to go is all my nieces have talked about." He say and I just smile. We weren’t to sure how well Alienation would be liked in the US at first. But according to record sells and the fact they are selling out all their concerts defiantly says something.

"So you got into the music business, huh?" he asks and I nod my head. “Yeah after I left Roswell I went back to New York and just sort of fell into it from there. It sort of takes up your whole life but I live for it. So how has everyone been since last time I rolled through here?”

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 8:03 am
by Athenea
ooc: Hope this is okay.

Sweetness, I was only joking when I said
I'd like to smash every tooth in your head.
Bigmouth strikes again
and I've got no right to take my place
in the Human Race


I take another look around this crazy restaurant before snubbing out my cigarette. My eye catches on a huge alien...thing and I jump slightly. I hear Dom chuckling beside me and I glare at her. "It's a good thing you are pretty Zanie." She says. God I hate that nickname.

It is as I am glaring that I realize that this small restaurant is starting to fill up fast and people and staring through the windows and it looks like there is a line on the street waiting to get in. Well how the hell do we get out of this place. Luckily no one has been brave enough to ask for an autograph but I know from personal experiences that once one asks they all get brave.

“Maybe we should start heading towards the back? This place has got to have a back door. I don’t think we should try out the front.” Danny says to me in a slightly worried tone. He’s also looking around probably trying to catch the owner’s eye.

“Alright come on.” He says grabbing both me and Dom’s upper arms and practically dragging us out of the booth. Danny is a built guy. Not many people try to mess with him and his stature has helped me out in quite a few occasions. Especially for someone like me who is small (I’m 5’6) and likes to run there mouth off (especially when I’m drunk but I don’t have to be.) My favorite line is ‘Don’t make me sick my drummer on you.’

I swear the crowd seems to be pushing in on us as we make our way to the back and I feel Danny’s hold on my arm start to slip. We finally break completely apart when someone grabs my other arm and jerks me around.

“Who the hell do you think you are, you little faggot.” This guys asks me and I wonder if it is a rhetorical question. I roll my eyes. Does he really think I haven’t dealt with homophobes before.

“I’m Zander Grey.” I say with a smirk. “ Does it bother you more that this faggot could steal your girlfriend away or does it bother you more because you find you are strangely attracted to me?” I say and from the look on his face it seems to be a little of both but as he grabs the front of my shirt and pulls his fist back I wonder if this is another one of those times I should have kept my mouth shut, especially when I hear Danny frantically calling my name and he doesn’t sound to close at all.....

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:36 pm
by isabelle

As I’m trying to get to the front and to Liz, the people at Alienation’s table get up and start heading in this direction. Suddenly, everyone is in motion and people are raising their voices. I can see the band members now. One of them catches my eye instantly. It’s a not-so-tall gangly person who strikes me as a girl for a moment before I realize that I’m looking at a guy.

He’s pushing his way through the diner and suddenly, he’s in an altercation with one of the other patrons.

“Who the hell do you think you are, you little faggot.” he asks.

“I’m Zander Grey.” the band member says. This is him, as I’d already guessed from his exotic ambiguous looks. He had been bragging about that in the interview. “ Does it bother you more that this faggot could steal your girlfriend away or does it bother you more because you find you are strangely attracted to me?”

Not surprisingly, the customer doesn’t like that. I see him raise a fist and I’m already stepping forward. “Stop it!” I say, putting my hand in front of the patron’s fist, catching it about a foot before it hits Zan in the face. With a little bit of invisible alien ‘voodoo’ as Maria used to call it, I stop him easily.

“There’s no fighting in here. Are you going to be good or do I have to get someone to escort you out of here?” I can see Nate moving closer, ready to provide any help needed with the unruly customer. The customer is glaring but not moving for the moment as he ponders his options.

I turn back to the singer and ask, “Are you okay?”

The words almost got stuck in my throat as I saw him up close. His eyes were such an unusual color and his nose was so straight and angular. Maybe it was because I’d been thinking of my son, but seeing his face, all I could think was that he looked just like Tess.

Or Ava. Yes. He's traveling with someone called Ava. Could this be her son?

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 4:23 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I hear Danny say something about it getting to crowded in here. I look around at all the people, he's right. A few seconds later Dan has his hand around my upper arm pulling not only me but Zan too though the crowd to the back of the resturant. I get a really bad feeling. You know the feeling that you lost something important to you? I look to the other side of Danny to find Zannie gone.

I stop dead in my tracks. I have to scream to get Danny's Attenion. "Dan, We have to find Zanie now." Danny immediatley starts calling for Zan. I hear a commotin to the left of me and know it's Zan. I let the breath out that I hadn't realized I had been holding. if he's screaming atleast he is breathing. I start to make my way through the crowd to Zan.