The Calm Before the Storm - Epilogue - 10/24/07

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 94

Michael stood in front of Bernardo, the confusion in his eyes made the man repent from his outburst and reach out to tousle his hair.

“I’m sorry, I was afraid for your safety. It was stupid of me, already knowing how good you are with horses, but this one has proved to have a mean streak too often.” Bernardo apologized.

“He’s not mean, he’s just high strung, that’s why he’s misunderstood. He just needs to burn out this energy he’s got inside him. He hasn’t been exercising enough and he needed to let go, so I let him do it. That was all.” Michael explained.

“And how did you do that, may I ask?” Bernardo was very curious.

“I took him to the beach, by the shore not to strain his legs, and he just loved the water, played with it and took off like a racehorse! I didn’t touch him or the reins until he had enough and stopped by himself. Then I walked him back with the water over his knees to cool him off nicely. He arrived completely dry and still felt like playing some so I taught him a couple of tricks that wouldn’t even make him break a sweat again. You saw him rear on cue and jump without hesitating. It was no effort, just three feet high, it’s nothing for him. That’s a great horse you have, but he needs to feel respected and he’ll do anything you ask him to.” Michael nodded in emphasis.

Bernardo felt stupid in his ignorance, and grateful at the same time for the lesson he has been taught by almost a child. He shook his head and grinned.

“Let’s get you clean and changed. Where is Isabel?” He asked.

“With Marisa, Cali and another girl watching the whole thing from the tower, absolutely sure I have no idea they are there.” Michael grinned wickedly.

Bernardo looked to where Michael gestured with his eyes and saw them ducking but not before he could four heads, recognizing the darker one as Elisa’s, the cook’s daughter. About time that one came out from the shell, he chuckled.

“Do you think he saw us?” Elisa asked worriedly.

“And what if he did? Why did you duck, by the way?” Isabel wondered.

“Why did you?” Marisa teased.

“Because you were all doing it! What was wrong watching them?” Isabel insisted.

“I thought Michael wouldn’t want us to know he was riding ‘El Cuco’ without the master there.” Marisa explained.

“Michael knew we were watching him, you still have to know him, he misses nothing!” Isabel laughed as she saw the colour rise to the three faces in front of her. “He doesn’t mind, either.”

Isabel wasn’t still that familiar with the house yet, so as she went searching for her fiance and her page boy, she followed their voices with her unusually acute hearing and saw they led to a wide door she couldn’t quite place. She decided to surprise them and opened it to find herself in a luxurious roman style bathroom. It had what looked like a small pool yet large enough for easily three large adults.
At least Bernardo was fully dressed, sitting on a low ottoman as his precariously leant forwards lathering Michael’s back as he lay stretched in the frothy water.

“Isabel!” He jumped up, almost falling in.

“Ex..excuse me!” She stuttered and ran out of the room, embarrassed at her intrusion into such private situation.

Bernardo started after her but Michael stopped him.

“Let her go. She’s been taught to knock on doors before stepping in and it just caught up with her. She’ll be back, trust me.” He smirked. “Go on, that felt so good, keep going, I’m still kind of…you know…down there, and the ride didn’t do anything to make it any better.” He winced, biting his lower lip.

Bernardo felt his hand moving on its own accord, his finger following Michael’s spine as he bucked to help him reach his last vertebra and the treasure just below it. Bernardo’s fingertip massaged and rimmed the boy just where he wanted him to. The water was very soapy making his finger so too, extremely slippery. Michael kept pushing up against it and Bernardo kept staying just outside. Michael moaned, pleadingly.

“Will not soap sting you in there as it does in the eyes?” He was sure it would.

“Let’s find out!” Michael rose suddenly on his knees burying the lathered digit deep enough already knowing the man was right as he recalled similar experiences with his liquor aroused brother and father.

He grunted and clenched hard as he felt Bernardo unable to stop himself and plunged in until his hand was stopped. Michael shut his eyes tight and bit his lip hard not to make a sound that would scare the man out of him. He held his ground and felt Bernardo probe his burning insides as Isabel had taught him to. Michael shuddered with the stinging and squeezed his invader searching for a relief that didn’t come. The burning got worse with the chafing but it was building a painful pleasure that made him whimper and crave for the torture. His insides were on fire bit when Bernardo started taking it out on his prostate, his orgasm came like an unstoppable eruption. Michael almost squeezed Bernardo’s finger off but when it was finally over, the searing blaze that remained inside him wouldn’t allow him to relax. Bernardo suspected what was going on and very gently slid his finger out as the boy hissed and kept looking away.

“Let me rinse you.” He said softly, and went to a cupboard to get a syringe that had been placed there by his doctor when he moved in into his new home, saying one never knew when it would come handy, though they were both aware he was healthy as a horse.

It so happened now that the man had been right, but not where it concerned him at all. He brought also a bowl with cold fresh water and filled the instrument. Only after the third flush did Michael start to feel some relief and began relaxing. Two more and the water seeped out of him crystal clear and the fire was finally gone. That’s when the soft knocking came and before Bernardo had time to react Michael had invited Isabel in, to find him hot handed with the dripping syringe in his hand as Michael had an impish smile on his face.

“What are you doing to him?” Isabel could feel the heat rising all over her face.

Bernardo kept stuttering unable to make sense or get a complete word past his lips.

“Isabel, come here…” Michael demanded, knowing she couldn’t resist him.

She rushed to his side, sitting slumped on the tiles as he pushed his fingers into her hair and pulled her face towards his. Their lips met sweetly, as siblings, not lovers and Isabel received from Michael all that had happened. She gently pushed away from the wet boy and rising to her feet, she reached out and caught Bernardo’s hands in hers.

“I should have known it was all his doing!” She looked into his eyes still blushing.

“I’m just as guilty, I could have resisted him but I just wanted it!” Bernardo admitted.

Bernardo didn’t know what had got into him but it had been at the Audiencia as he let his mind fly, out of boredom. He had no way of knowing Jesse had got the upper hand back and getting his ideas through to him. He wanted the boy and he wasn’t stopping. Isabel was a small hindrance but he already knew a way around it.

“Alright, out you go!” Bernardo ordered as he picked up the large cotton blanket posing as a towel from the ottoman. He unfolded it and stretched it across his body to wrap it around the boy’s dripping body as he lazily rose from the water. He rubbed him vigorously with Isabel’s help as Michael writhed and slithered when they purposedly tickled him where Isabel knew it would work and Bernardo followed suit enjoying together the boy’s squirming. They had him dressed and ready as Isabel took him away for Bernardo to get himself ready in the privacy he was used to.

They had an early supper consisting of a typical soupy rice with plenty of vegetables and vanilla custard full of dried fruit after which they went for a walk along the seaside promenade that led to the downtown area and which was full of people doing the same. They all gave the impression of being a very close and friendly community, very socially active. By the time they arrived at the last torch, Bernardo addressed Isabel.

“This is as far as you ladies go. It’s man’s land ahead.” He kissed Isabel’s forehead and turned her over to Marisa and her mother who had been walking behind them as company.

Isabel had noticed no one went past that point, turning back even before they got there. Isabel was intrigued as she could see some bonfires burning further on in the beach, but decided to do as she was told.

Bernardo put his arm around Michael’s shoulders and headed for the bonfires.

“My lord, I don’t think it’s safe…” Cali began as Bernardo became aware he had followed them.

“Go home Cali.” He ordered.

“My lord you might need…” Cali was again interrupted.

“We shall not need you. I said go home.” Bernardo repeated raising his voice and Cali bowed and left reluctantly muttering to himself.

Michael wondered what Bernardo was about but decided that whatever it was, he was ready and up to it.

“Did you know that the Roman emperors Nero and Caligula used to disguise themselves as commoners to be able to mix with the people and seek for pleasure?” He whispered breathing in Michael’s hair.

“So they say.” Michael remembered his father was a very cult man and had travelled a lot in his youth, having been to Italy and France many times and knew many stories of the Roman Emperors as of the French Kings. “They also said they were very sexually inclined and that’s what they were seeking for.”

The boy kept surprising Bernardo. He was far more sophisticated than the wild image of himself he preferred to show.

“Are you ready for such an adventure?” Bernardo coaxed.

“Are you?” Michael smirked back biting his lip in that sexy way of his.

Bernardo chuckled lustily and slid his arm down the boy’s back to squeeze his ass. He brough out a scarf from his pocket and wrapped it around his head so he wouldn’t be recognized. They kept walking in the sand until they were nearing the last bonfire. A man stood up and waved to them. No words were spoken and Michael could tell this had been planned in advance. They followed the man whose white shirt made him easily visible in the dark moonless night until they arrived to some overturned boat. One side lay on the sand while the other one was raised off it. Some words were exchanged and then Michael saw the man walk away about ten yards and then apparently sat down and stayed put.
Bernardo sat with his back to the boat and ducking his head, used his feet to push himself backwards under the boat.

“Come on, get it!” He called to Michael.

The boy got on his hands and knees and crawled in after his friend. He watched Bernardo take a swig from a green bottle and then easily down half of it. He noticed there was a thick blanket over the sand as he felt the man’s fingers hooking in the waist of his pants and peeling one leg all the way down over his boot, leaving the other one bunched at his knee. Bernardo knew the boy wasn’t wearing anything else because he had dressed him after the bath. He then pushed his shirt over his head and kneeling behind him filled Michael’s back with wet kisses. He wrapped his arms around him sliding his hands over the boy’s chest and stomach continuing to his thighs, subtly checking his genitals to feel his excitement.

“Are you ready for me, Michael? Do you want me? Do you want to feel me inside you?” He breathed heavily against the small of his back.

“I thought we were going to do it first with Isabel.” Michael whispered.

“Oh, we shall do it with her too, but this is just a man’s thing, this is no place for her.” Bernardo voice was thick with lust.

“She will be disappointed…” Michael observed.

“She will get over it. It’s just you and me now.” Bernardo was so horny he was sure he could compete in size with his stallions and easily win. He was going to run the boy through; he was going to impale him.

“I’m ready then…” Michael braced himself, because he could sense this wasn’t the gentle careful man from the dream, but an irrationally sex starved one.

‘This is going to hurt.’ He thought as he saw Bernardo pick a small bottle from the floor, not sure if it had been there all the time or if it had been given to him by the white shirted fisherman.

Bernardo poured some on his hand finding it very greasy, boosting up his precum. He spread Michael one handed and wiped his other hand against him to slick him up too. He decided to try it out and slid one finger in, finding it went in so easily that he pushed another one in too. Michael gasped and clenched, trying to resist but it was useless. The lubrication was extremely effective, whatever it was. Bernardo played with him just enough and then pulled out placing the head of his cock against him, and pressed in slowly, to make him feel his whole length and width. He had heard Bernardo’s thoughts and yes, he did feel like it was one of the stallions ramming into him. He felt something give and rip, and he knew he was bleeding. He couldn’t believe how deep in it was, and he still kept going. Finally, Bernardo’s body crashed against his and Michael felt this piercing heat transfixing his insides. He knew he was moaning and thrashing like a slut but he couldn’t help it, it felt so good. Bernardo pulled almost out and shoved it back in, starting a slow motion in and out teasing action. Michael was going out of his mind in the hot game, sometimes wishing it would go faster to make him come, to immediately change his mind, wishing it to last all night. And Bernardo took his time, thanks to the liquor he had consumed, which made him go without coming much longer that he usually would. He knew perfectly what he was doing to the boy, gloating on his whimpers and sobs of pain along with his purrs of pleasure. He loved the way the boy took the torture and bore the suffering, he admired his courage. He started going a little faster, dipping into Michael’s prostate as he plunged to the hilt, his huge member throbbing with the tight encasement. Michael felt he was beginning to come but didn’t get there and it was just maddeningly erotic. He didn’t want it to end but the next prod to his g-spot triggered his orgasm and he came unendingly, thankful that Bernardo kept the fast pace without coming himself and went on, working on his own pleasure. The sensitivity after his release was making the rubbing on his chafed tissues terribly painful so the way he was squeezing was getting Bernardo to his climax. His pace increased to a maximum, hard and ruthless, tearing the boy’s tender tissues all the way in and out. Michael felt his insides were drenched in his blood and it was squeezed out of him each time Bernardo thrust into him and followed out when he retreated. Bernardo was going crazy with this amazing warmth inside the boy and felt his semen rushing up his cock. He drove it mercilessly into the boy’s front knowing by the way Michael shuddered that he had got him coming again, and ploughed it in until their bodies met. Bernardo kept pounding into him remaining as deep as he could until he shot his boiling load into the boy, holding him tight against him feeling Michael kept coming with him, twisting his body from side to side until the last drop filled him. Bernardo rolled them on their sides and hanged on to Michael until they were both breathing easily again.

“Are you alright?” He asked Michael but the boy just nodded weakly.

Bernardo pushed his hand between Michael’s thighs from the front and brought it wet and hot to his face. He didn’t need light to recognize the scent and texture of blood. His heart missed a beat and he tried to whistle to call the fisherman’s attention, but nothing came out in his anguish. He sent caution to the wind and screamed the man’s name, to come and help him.


Bernardo heard the muffled running footsteps approaching them and then the man’s voice.

“What is it?” He asked.

“He’s bleeding…bad!” Bernardo exclaimed, trying to keep his voice down.

“Wait…” He took off but soon he was back with another man.

A torch made Bernardo gasp and cover his face in alarm.

“He can help, but he needs to see.” Juancho explained.

“You must come out of him.” The man said, and he didn’t sound like a fisherman.

Bernardo nodded and started pulling out, worriedly feeling the hot rush following him.

“No! Hurts too much!” Michael whispered, reaching back to stop him, but the man gently stopped his arm.

“Keep still please.” He asked gently.

Bernardo noticed the man held a big rudimentary syringe in his hand full of a clear liquid. As he pulled out, the blood was pooling on the sand under them. When the thick head slid out, the man rolled Michael on his knees ordering Bernardo to get under him and hold him tight. He complied, watching the man at work over Michael’s shoulder. He had pushed the long thick hose-like nozzle of the syringe into Michael right after Bernardo came out, holding it in until the boy was held still. Then he pushed the plunger and shot the liquid into him. Michael growled into Bernardo’s neck and shivered. The man waited about a minute and then detached the syringe from the nozzle, leaving it inside serving as a drain, and watched the bloody liquid seep out of it.

“It’s not enough. Go fill it!” He gave Juancho a bucket and they heard him leave.

Bernardo guessed it was seawater, because what else could Juancho fill the bucket with? He had always heard of its astringent effects and maybe it was true.

Juancho hurried back and the other man filled the syringe again shooting load after load as soon as the last one drained out. Finally the water came without a hint of blood and the man pulled out the nozzle. He produced a smaller syringe from his pouch and filled it with an almost colourless grease from a jar, which he shot into Michael. He then got what looked like a piece of a broomstick about ten inches long and an inch thick with a rounded tip and a hole at the other end with a double chord through it. He simply pushed it into Michael and tied the chords around his thighs to limit the penetration.

“He should rest for a few hours. He looks strong. He will make it home with your help. Put him to bed and call your doctor. He will know what I’ve done and what to do next. You should be careful with that.” He gestured with his head towards Bernardo’s penis. “Specially with a boy.”

Bernardo could only nod as the man bowed his head to him and ducked to leave. Bernardo was too concentrated on Michael to watch them go but Nicholas gasped when he saw the white strip around his neck which identified him as a priest. ‘Who the hell is that man? What has that Ramirez jerk got them into?’ He wondered, worried about the dangerous possibilities. He was sickened by Jesse’s sadistic giggle, enjoying his show, and knowing where it was leading to, but unwilling to share it with the alien. Nicholas was furious at his inability to break through Jesse’s barrier protecting his brain from the alien’s intrusion. How the shit had he done that? Dammit, did he get it from fucking Michael? Where else could he get it from? Because Isabel couldn’t give him any kind of powers. Those were only for Michael to give. Nicholas couldn’t help admitting that the Royal prince’s unwilling gift to Jesse was going to be his downfall in this wicked nightmare.

Juancho’s voice made Bernardo jerk with surprise and fright. He had thought the trudging through the dry loose sand moving away had belonged to both men.

“Don’t worry about the time, the church bells can be heard all the way here. It will be midnight soon, so I’ll be back to help you take him home at 3:30 am. No one should be out by then, so it will be safe. The boy must sleep and rest like my brother said.” And with that he was gone, as Bernardo asked himself what the fisherman had meant about ‘his brother’. Juancho was as ‘cholo’ as they came yet the other man had clearly been white, with a very educated speech. Who was he? He would have to trust Juancho, there was nothing else he could do.
He could feel Michael falling into a troubled sleep, his breathing uneven and moans and sobs escaping his lips every so often. The midnight tolls were unnerving and the next three single ones chiming out the half hours with one o’clock in the middle found him barely hearing them, yet unconsciously counting them. By the half hour chime after 3:00 am, being a very light sleeper, Bernardo’s eyes flew open listening to Juancho’s footsteps approaching them.

“Michael, Michael!” Bernardo whispered urgently against the boy’s silky hair as he lay on his chest with his face pushed into the crook of his neck. “Please wake up, we must go home.” ‘Isabel is going to kill me! She’ll take the next ship back to Spain with Michael and tell her father what I really am so he’ll hate me! He will renounce to be my godfather! I will be kicked out of the colonies and thrown in a prison in chains!’ He raved on and on, muttering to himself as slid from under Michael and dressed him up.

“No, she likes you, she won’t leave you now that she knows you understand her.” Michael whispered in a sleepy pain filled raspy voice.

“No, no, I am disgusting, she will not even look at me!” He persisted stubbornly.

“Then I am disgusting too, far worse for what is done to me…” Michael said huskily.

“What? No child, you’re beautiful, any woman would kill to have your body!” Bernardo scoffed.

“I have no breasts…” Michael observed.

“Most men want to fuck, not to breast feed…” That finally had them both breaking out in laughter, Michael’s was short and ending in a gasp of pain.

“Easy, Juancho is just outside, we’ll get you home to bed and take care of you. I sure hope you’re right about Isabel because I’m really afraid to face her.”

“You won’t have to, I will…” Michael assured him. “And you know she will listen to me.”
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 95

“I’m here.” Juancho confirmed his presence. “Can he walk?”

“Of course I can!” Michael snapped, indignantly.

He pushed up from the blanket and crawled out from under the boat. He got up bravely and took two resolute steps before he sprawled on his belly.

“Damn!” He spat forcing himself on his knees, literally feeling the stick up his ass.

“NO!” Shouted Bernardo and Juancho at the same time.

“You’ll hurt yourself worse. Wait!” Juancho raised his head and whistled like a bird a few times until they heard feet approaching. “It’s my cousin Paco. He’s a deafmute, he’s no trouble. Good man, I guarantee him.”

The figure that appeared from the shadows was tall and built like a brick. He looked bewildered, as if he didn’t know what to expect from them or what was expected of him. Juancho approached him with a soothing smile and made a lot of signs with his hands until the other man nodded. Then he stepped up to Michael and squatting in front of him, he wrapped his arms around the boy’s chest and eased him on his feet before he heaved him over his shoulder. Michael was about to protest but the searing pain from the efforts he had just made was branching up his ass to his stomach and down his thighs. So he jumped to the conclusion that getting a ride was not so bad. It was better than passing out and having Bernardo face Isabel alone. The tall handicapped man went at a smooth fast pace with long strides that had both Juancho and Bernardo half jogging to keep up with him. They were at the gates of the castle much sooner than they had thought, and Bernardo felt stupid throwing stones at the small window of Cali’s cubicle. A round pale face appeared at the closed pane with hair sticking in every direction and then a ghostly hand gestured for them to wait. In barely a minute the back entrance through the scullery creaked open and they rushed inside.

“What’s wrong with him?” Cali asked in a hoarse whisper.

“Too much pisco behind my back. I’ll flay him when he recovers.” Bernardo lied convincingly. “Thank you Cali, go back to bed.”

Cali turned and left, fuming at being dismissed twice in the last hours.

Bernardo placed a finger to his lips and they tiptoed towards his quarters. Very quietly, he opened his door and decided against turning on the lights. He knew where his bed was and that’s where he guided the man with his precious cargo. He made sure Michael was carefully deposited on the bed and he took some gold coins from his desk by the door. He handed half of them to Juancho and stretched his hand out to hand the rest to Paco. The man shook his head violently and took a step back, refusing to accept the payment for his services. He started making all these signs and Juancho translated for him.

“He says he did it to help, not to get paid for it. He cannot accept your gold.” He shrugged. “And if I accept it for him, he will be very angry and stay away from me until his rage passes. It’s not worth it, because we work together. He’s very good at pulling out the nets. Maybe I shouldn’t accept it either, but I need it, my boat is grounded and I need to fix it.”

“It’s alright, Juancho, fix your boat.” He shook the man’s hand and walked them back to the door they had come in through. Bernardo closed the door behind them and hurried back to his room. As he approached, he could hear whispering coming from the bed and thought Michael was speaking in his sleep but as he got near, he was sure there were two voices having a conversation. He got the lamp lit and turned to have his heart do a flip again. Michael was lying in Isabel’s arms and he could see her hands gliding up and down the boy’s back.
Bernardo could only stare at them because his shock had struck him dumb.

“It’s alright, Bernardo, Michael told me what happened. I’m not mad at him.” She reached out her hand to him.

“No, it wasn’t like that! I just couldn’t stop myself, I had to have him! I should have waited for you to be with us the first time, like in the dream and I wouldn’t have hurt him so! There’s no excuse…” Once he got his voice back as his fingers touched hers, he couldn’t stop.

“Yes there is. It wasn’t you, it was him. He causes that reaction in people. He doesn’t always mean it that way, but he knows it and he could have stopped you if he had wanted to. Don’t blame yourself, and it isn’t his fault either, it’s his curse. Come here, I know how we can help him, and I want you there with me.” She patted the bed behind Michael and Bernardo obediently spooned his body against Michael back.

It wasn’t long before they were all asleep and Isabel demanded her brother’s presence. Maximiliano was again sitting on the throne, having his delusions of grandeur and Isabel just had to laugh.

“Maxie, I need you. Stop fantasizing and do some real healing here.”

Maximiliano turned to her with a bored frown but the second his eyes fell on Michael, his whole demeanour changed.

“Well well well! What do we have here? A sacrificial victim for me?” He smiled widely.

“Don’t be an idiot! I need you to heal him, if you still have the touch…” She let her doubts trail at the end of the sentence knowing it was the best way to bait him.

“Of course I have it! And how you wish you could trade your silly dream thing for it, right sister? Then you wouldn’t have to come begging to me.” He cackled.

“I’m not begging! You owe me big after I made our father believe your whoring were just nightmares thanks to my gift! He was going to banish you to some small backward obscure colony where you would have been castrated and mutilated and you know it!” She exploded.

“Alright, alright! No need to be so specific specially in front of strangers! And who may this be? None other than my soon to be brother-in-law, I presume?” He peered at the stunned man who couldn’t still come out of his amazement at what he was witnessing.

“Oh, come off of it! You better get used to my sister’s little tricks, wait until you see what I can do! So, what will it be so we can be even and the issue never comes up again?” He sneered.

“Heal him.” She said simply, placing her hand on the small of Michael’s back.

“What have you done to him?” He inquired.

“It wasn’t me…it’s just that Michael seems to be like us in a way, but his sexuality can get a little out of hand and it’s hard to resist, so Bernardo here happened to be with him, and, you know, and he…” Isabel was finding it hard to describe it in a way that would challenge her weird brother to prove his worth.

“He what? Spit it out, I’m in no mood for riddles!” Maximiliano snapped crossly.

Isabel waved Michael’s clothes away and the chords around the boy’s upper thighs as the protruding chunk of wood made it quite visually obvious.

Maximiliano’s eyes bulged and his jaw hit the floor as he zoomed between Michael’s legs.

“Why didn’t you call me? I’m sure he would have enjoyed my ‘stick’ up his ass much more than this stupid toy!” He drooled as he tugged at the chords and pushed back the inch he had pulled out making the boy moan and buck.

“You see? I heal the damage I do making it worth it! That’s my price, take it or leave it!” He said.

“It’s not fair! You owe me!” Isabel screamed.

“I owe you, not him! You had your chance!” Maximiliano scoffed.

Isabel could see through his bluff, he was itching to be inside the boy, a dark secret he shared with Bernardo but was afraid to indulge in, knowing the consequences if he was caught at it. His father would never forgive him. There was no way he was letting this chance pass him by, but he had to feel in control and Isabel, cunningly, made him believe he had it.

“You win, Maxie, he’s yours to do as you will and heal him, and we’re even. I swear I’ll never mention it again!” She knew she had him when she saw his lick his lips and his eyes glazed.

She didn’t need to look to know the bulge that was pushing against the front of his pants. Anyway, whatever healing Michael would have to go through with the local doctors, it wouldn’t be any less torturous than what he would suffer at her brother’s hands, and she knew what was in store for him.

“Done!” Maximiliano grinned wolfishly, rubbing his hands.

“You can feast your eyes and crave, ‘soon to be brother-in-law’ but you!” He pointed at Isabel and her eyes closed as he sealed them to make sure she wouldn’t be tempted to steal a glimpse. “Now, that’s better!”

Maximiliano knew as well as she did, that his sister’s acute senses would give her the whole picture without her needing to use her eyes, but Isabel was mentally insisting on the fact that it wouldn’t be proper under the circumstances for her to be watching in front of her future husband. Maximiliano followed her game, too aroused to care.

Bernardo gaped when Maximiliano waved his fly open and his enormous organ became visible, glued to his belly. The mushroom shaped head was definitely out of proportion and Bernardo gulped realizing it was going to be buried in Michael’s already damaged body. Could that thing heal or was Isabel just being hopeful? No, Bernardo trusted she knew what she was doing. He began to doubt and worry when the struggle to get the bloated head into the boy began. Michael was gripping the sheets and holding his ground on his knees at the impossibility due to the extreme difference of sizes, but then the boy went: “UNGH!” as somehow, Maximiliano made it happen. Michael was torn in two places, one towards the front and the other one towards the back as large bright red drops of blood became a torrent and pooled under the boy. Bernardo gasped but Isabel’s hand squeezed his to silence. Michael whimpered and shivered as Maximiliano’s gaunt wiry body advanced without the least hesitation and crashed against the boy’s. Michael’s face buried in the pillow as his chest hit the bed, but Maximiliano had wrapped his arms around the boy’s thighs, keeping his ass raised in the perfect position for penetration. There was no getting away. He kept ramming into him, entering him from different angles, and Michael’s body went with the motion fluidly. Bernardo was surprised that the boy could have the strength and courage to brave each attack in spite of the severe hemorrhage he was sustaining, but his heaving breaths gave testimony of the unbelievable state of excitement he was in. His face was now sideways on the pillow and the wince was suddenly transformed into ecstasy as his teeth released his lower lip, parting both of them with a moan of unmistakable pleasure born of pain, shuddering with the alien orgasm that even he couldn’t explain. The healing was just at awesome as Maximiliano pulled completely out of Michael to smoothly slide back in and start coming the second his belly pressed against the boy’s ass. Bernard saw them both glowing and guessed it was the healing process. Michael writhed in agony as his body was beaded in sweat and his muscles were clearly defined with the torment he was so inexplicably enjoying.

“Ooohhhhh! Yesss! Aaahhhhh!” Michael went.

Bernardo had no doubts at all that whatever it was that Michael was feeling, to him it was sublime. He watched as Maximiliano, deeply embedded in the boy, kept shoving and thrusting as his healing seed shot into his victim, if that was what he was. Maximiliano started massaging the boy’s body, from his shoulders down to his thighs, watching him gradually relax until he seemed asleep. When Maximiliano began to pull out he was barely maintaining an erection to make the boy feel every inch sliding out of him, as his purrs gave away. The blood was gone but the two fresh scars were still there to stay, over the faint ones he already had from the pirates. Maximiliano placed his index and middle finger on them, smiling cruelly as the boy jerked.
Isabel knew it was over as she opened her eyes, still in the dream. She didn’t like what she saw her brother doing. That look of determination meant she had to get them all out, like now!

“We’re leaving, Maximiliano.” She informed, in a ‘no nonsense’ tone.

“Yes, get him out of here right away or you won’t be able to have him back once I stick my claws into him!” He snarled as his fingers curled to resembled talons.

Bernardo felt weightless as his back gently pressed against his bed. He opened his eyes and the faint light told him it wasn’t that long after dawn. The gentle breathing told him the warmth against the side of his hand was a body and as he groped, he recognized Michael’s firm buttock, digging his fingers in, bruisingly. The boy groaned in his sleep and Bernardo grinned, sitting up and noticing Isabel, also on her back under Michael, fast asleep too.
His mind was in turmoil, what he had witnessed had hell and the devil written all over it according to his Catholic upbringing. But something didn’t make sense. Maximiliano had looked mean and demonic but he had healed the boy. Isabel looked much more like an angel, just as Michael did. They just wanted to please, so was Michael perverted because of it? Yet there was nothing evil about the boy. It was he, Bernardo, that couldn’t keep his hands off him, the boy just complied, suffered and enjoyed. The devil was always portrayed like a hideous monster, so far from Michael’s and Isabel’s angelic beauty, and the boy’s amazing touch with his horses was more like miraculous. What harm had he done? Quite the contrary. Everything pointed to wrong, but it came out totally right. The boy’s energy was so positive that though things turned out real nasty, they were easily fixed. He would have been in serious trouble if Isabel had not summoned her lunatic brother in that ‘dream’ so that Michael could be healed or maybe it had all been a dream, the whole thing. They had gone to bed early and not for a walk at all. Maybe he was losing his mind, could that be it? He was just having hallucinations caused by…what? Repressed sexual needs? He wished he had some kind of proof of what had gone down last night, wait…the scars! He sat up and placed both hands on the boy’s ass spreading him gently. Michael groaned and pushed up against his palms. Damn, the boy knew just how to turn him on, but it wasn’t about that now. Making a superhuman effort, he took hold of himself and moved a little to the left so that the sliver of light creeping from between the curtains where they had failed to close completely fell right where he needed it. He could hardly breathe when the two fresh scars came into view. What in hell or heaven was going on here? His life had been absolutely normal until now, this boy had turned it upside down, yet he couldn’t understand why he didn’t regret it. He yanked his hands away as if the boy’s flesh was on fire, and had to turn when he felt Isabel’s eyes on him.

“Are you alright?” She asked. “You look pale…”

“I thought it had been a dream...” He hated to hear his voice come out shaky.

“It was.” She confirmed.

“Then how can he be really healed? Why are the scars still there?” He demanded.

“Would you rather he was still hurt?” She frowned.

“No, I just want to understand.” He defended himself.

“Michael’s energy is too strong. He makes it happen. He didn’t want to get you in trouble. He assured me it would really work so I went for it and it did.” She nodded.

“If he is so strong, why doesn’t he heal himself?” Bernardo wondered.

“Because he is not a healer, he is a warrior, he is totally defensive, he can kill but he doesn’t like to. He channels out his energy through sex, that’s why he’s so lusty. Don’t ask me how I know, all I can say is I’m getting this directly from Michael’s subconscious, but he doesn’t seem to be aware of that information.” Isabel droned the last part as if she were reading in an unfamiliar language.

Bernardo felt her hand close on his wrist and the vivid image of a naked warrior holding a sword and an unusual crescent shaped shield flashed in front of his eyes to remain there even when he reacted closing them. The details became more subtle as he lost his fear and stared at him. He was riding a rearing huge black horse, pawing the air as he leaned into the animal’s upright neck, like part of it. He didn’t need to take off his blue crested helmet for Bernardo to recognize it was an older Michael but just by a few years, 18 at the most, his muscles more defined but still very young. He was wearing knee high leather boots that matched the colour of his flesh as the triangle covering his genitals held by a thong at the back and over his hips. There were three bleeding sword wounds in his back: on his shoulder, ribs and the small of it, plus two more on his butt and thigh so the shafts protruding from them could be seen by Bernardo, but the second the horse’s front hooves touched the ground, they were gone. Bernardo shook his head.

“What was that? You got it from him too?” He asked, bewildered.

“He was the leader of his army in spite of his youth, in another life. I was his betrothed. My brother was replacing him on the throne that was Michael’s by right but he had to choose between ruling and the army. He chose the army. I was used for their betrayal so I hanged myself. My brother was eventually beheaded but Michael was tortured for two unending weeks and impaled. Our grieving parents recreated us and expect us to return and claim what is ours.” Her voice still had that strange mechanical quality and her eyes were glazed and unfocused.

“Isabel, have you been at my bottle of brandy or are you in some kind of spell?” He scoffed, preferring to take it as a joke, because the implications were beyond his understanding. “Were your parents sorcerers, and you are all siblings?”

“No, our culture is very advanced and it was the work of our scientists, nothing magical about it, but Michael is our cousin, his mother was my father the king’s sister.” Her voice was beginning to sound like she was speaking under water.

“So why was Michael the rightful king then?” He wondered.

“Because his father also chose the army and my father was the only one who could take his place and the crown as his advisor. Our people didn’t accept him so Michael’s father married his sister to try to make things better. Our people, reluctantly, had to respect his decision. Everyone, but my father and brother, were dismayed when Michael followed his father’s steps. My uncle tried to beat it out of him, but Michael’s mind was set.” Isabel sighed.

“And where may I ask, is that fabulous kingdom? Because it doesn’t sound like Spain at all!” Bernardo said, rather mockingly.

“I’m sorry, you were saying?” Isabel’s eyes came suddenly back into focus and she looked confused.

“I said we should be getting up.” Bernardo smiled, deciding to leave it there, and caressed her hair.

Isabel smiled back, totally agreeing and with his help, rolled Michael off her just enough so she could sit up and rise. They couldn’t help laughing when he moaned and snuggled back into the bed when they let go off him.

“He’s fine, don’t worry.” Isabel patted Bernardo’s arm. “I’m a little hungry and he will be ravenous the moment he wakes up, you’ll see.”

“Shouldn’t we call my doctor? He’s very discreet, maybe Michael should be on a liquid diet like before, with those scars, you know?” Bernardo suggested.

“Bernardo, you just said it, they’re scars, that’s all they are. He’s completely healed, you can be sure of that, and good food will keep him strong. Come, I know what he likes. I hope Marisa’s mother welcomes me in the kitchen and doesn’t feel offended by my intrusion.” She giggled.

“And I’m sure you will also steal the cook’s heart, Elisa’s father, you know?” Bernardo teased.

“Oh, you’re right! I had forgotten about him!” She exclaimed.

“You have nothing to worry about, Jofre is a good man, you will see!” He grabbed her hand and headed for the door.

“Wait, we’re forgetting about him! There’s a remote possibility he could wake up and he might be a little dazed after the healing.” She frowned.

“Would it be alright if we sent the girls to be with him just in case?” He asked.

“Yes, they will keep him entertained and aware of where he is if he wakes up. Great idea!” She beamed, pulling up the sheets to Michael’s waist.

She waited to make sure he wouldn’t kick them off, but he seemed not to notice, probably because he was fast asleep.

As they proceeded towards the kitchen, they found Marisa, Elisa and Cali helping one of the older cleaning servants to roll up a rug that he would take to be dusted outside. They were ready and glad to play Michael’s nanny and they hurriedly left laughing and joking towards the master’s bedroom. When they were a few steps away they shushed each other and arrived in complete silence. The door was opened quietly as they tip toed into the room. Before the girls could stop him, Cali had reached the curtains and though the girls waved desperately for him not to, it was too late and he let the light in, brightening the room. The girls covered their mouths expecting Michael to wake up and protest, but nothing of the sort happened. Then padded to the bed and saw Michael was still sleeping soundly, his eyes and lips were closed as his face lay sideways on the pillow. He lay on his stomach with one arm dangling over the edge of the bed, where he had ended hoping to find Isabel, his other arm lay along his body and his legs were not too far apart, one slightly flexed. The sheet that Isabel had carefully pulled up to his waist, had ridden down barely covering his ass after he stopped moving when he realized his search for Isabel was useless.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 96

“I think it’s true!” Cali whispered as he peered at the flesh exposed right over the sheet.

“What are you talking about?” Marisa said softly.

“What they say about the pirates raping him, the way he looks!” He said without looking up.

“Cali! That’s disgusting!” Elisa muttered quietly.

“No, he’s right, Lady Isabel told me they had, and she had taken care of him.” Marisa confided in a hushed voice.

“You mean she’s seen him naked?” Elisa’s eyes were popping out of her head.

“Lucky her!” Cali scoffed. “But maybe she was just playing with you.”

“No, no! She made me touch the scars!” Marisa whispered enthusiastically and blushed red immediately after, as she realized she hadn’t been able to stop herself. “Oh my god, she’s going to kill me and my mother too, right after!”

“They will only kill you if they find out you told us, and I’m not talking!” Elisa said, as her loyal best friend.

“And I won’t tell if you let me see!” Cali threatened.

“Cali!” The two girls exclaimed together.

“Sorry, I’m curious. I want to see them too!” He insisted.

“So do I, but it’s not a condition for my discretion! I think you’re…” Elisa was interrupted by movement on the bed.

In his sleep, Michael could hear them, thinking he was dreaming it and wanted to tease them. He pushed up his upper body just enough to turn his face the other way. He straightened his prone body as he snuggled away from the edge spreading his legs and making the sheet slide halfway down his thighs in doing so. He knew the three sets of eyes were on his exposed butt and he sighed making them look up. His face now lay facing the other side, his visible cheek was flushed from the contact with the pillow and his lips parted to let his tongue lick his lips without closing them again as he took a deep breath. The rustling of the sheets further down had their eyes returning to his hips, as he pushed them up to squirm and writhe, maintaining the position with his knees.

“You see? He wants us to look!” Cali said reaching forwards.

“Cali, no!” Marisa hissed with Elisa echoing her, barely audible.

But once again, Cali was too fast for them and they were all gasping at the sight of the scars now in plain view.

That time with Isabel, Marisa had touched but not seen them, so she had no way of noticing the difference from a fresh scar to one a little older.
Michael thought it was enough so he straightened his knees lying back down and moaning:

“Isabel, hurts…please don’t…”

Cali immediately yanked his hands back and they exchanged shocked looks, realizing how pale they all were.

“Those beasts! How could anyone hurt him like that? They should be hanged!” Elisa sobbed into her hands.

Marisa and Cali just nodded in agreement, surprised at the outburst, so unusual to her quiet shyness. Cali would have expected it from Marisa, but never from her. Anyway, he was too shocked for words as the blonde was, because seeing was quite different from touching and just imagining it. She felt sick to think how painful it must have been to leave such scars.
The voices of Bernardo and Isabel approaching the room galvanized them into action and the sheet was back up to his waist by the time the couple arrived with a tray of breakfast for Michael.

“He’s still asleep…” Marisa said in a small voice, so unlike her.

Isabel shrugged and went to kneel on the bed, teasing and tickling Michael’s ribs as he slithered and purred. Since that was unsuccessful, she went for the kill and gently scratched the inside of his thighs over the sheet, shoving her knee between them when he tried to get them close together to stop her from going on.

“Isabel…nooo!” He pleaded.

“Then open your eyes…” Bernardo coaxed, caressing the boy’s cheek with the back of his fingers to then tousle his hair.

Michael stretched like a cat and wiggled under Isabel who was straddling one of his thighs with her hands on his butt. She pinched him hard on both sides and he bucked making her rise off of him.

“Open your eyes Michael or you’re getting spanked!” She threatened. “Anyone?”

She turned to the three stunned servants and Cali rushed and whacked him a stinging one, to then jump back hardly believing what he had done in front of the Viceroy himself. At the same time he was thanking his loose tunic for hiding his erection.

“Alright Cali, we’ve had enough of you!” Marisa and Elisa walked up to him from left and right and taking one ear each, dragged him out of the room apologizing.

Bernardo and Isabel made faces at one another and burst out laughing.

“Those three should be good at comedy!” Bernardo rolled his eyes.

Then they both turned their full attention on Michael who was slowly and finally really waking up. Isabel and Bernardo stood at either side of the bed watching him unconsciously showing himself off as he stretched, flexed, writhed and squirmed with the audio backing of moans and purrs. They sat beside him holding his hands in theirs as he gripped back tight but went easy on his left, recognizing Isabel’s as she was about to yelp.

“Did that shrimp Cali just spanked me?” He demanded in a husky voice.

“I asked him to…” Isabel was quick to make an excuse.

Michael’s smirk made it clear he could tell but accepted it just the same.

“Here’s your breakfast.” Isabel brought the tray setting it on the nightstand and feeding him as he lazily stayed lying down.

Isabel enjoyed babying him and Bernardo sat behind Michael watching them quite amused but not for long.

Before Isabel finished with Michael, Bernardo had to rush to the Audiencia, kissing them both goodbye.

Isabel and Michael went to the stables to check on the mare and the filly, glad to see they were doing so well. Then Balthazar told Michael His Highness had left word that Michael could ride any horse he chose to if he felt up to it, so he did just that. The boy proved his first ride on ‘El Cuco” was no fluke, as he gave the stallion an excellent work out and then rode ‘Vizir’ too with the same results. Balthazar was grinning and shaking his head as he watched the show so Isabel knew he was pleased. After riding, Michael decided he needed to freshen up and nothing like the sea for that, so he took off with Isabel in tow towards the small beach they had discovered. There he stripped and waded until the water was up to his chest to swim back to shore, carried out in a gentle wave. Sure they were alone after a quick glance back and around the beach, Isabel wrapped her arms around the dripping boy and joining their energies, he was dry in a second. Isabel helped him dress and they rushed to the dining room where Marisa’s mother stood frowning as she watched their food growing cold. Once they were sitting, she went to take their dishes back to the kitchen for reheating, but Michael stopped her.

“Wait, let me try it first.” He took a spoonful of the spicy shredded chicken breast in a dark yellowish sauce and found it was to his taste. “It’s perfect, here, try some.”

Noemi used a clean spoon from her pocket and was surprised to find the food was still warm. Not hot as it should be, but quite eatable. She nodded, far from pleased though, and allowed them to enjoy their food. Afterwards, they retired to a small secluded patio that Marisa had shown Isabel during their wanderings and Michael stretched out to nap with his face on Isabel’s lap as she sat down and received him. She leant back against the trunk of a tree and ended up dozing too. By mid-afternoon, Isabel woke up with the sound of hooves and she thought it was Bernardo arriving from the Audiencia earlier than he was expected, so with very gentle touches, she woke Michael up too, telling him Bernardo had just arrived home. They went to meet him but were surprised to find a black clad somber priest sitting at the foyer. The way the man stared at them made them very uncomfortable, and after a polite greeting, they proceeded to Isabel’s room.

“I could swear I know that man, but I don’t know how.” Michael frowned.

“Michael, all priests look the same. Let’s find out who he is.” Isabel took his hand and they went to find their friends.

“He’s the secretary of the Archbishop and he’s here to see his lordship as soon as he arrives home. He said it was important.” Cali seemed to be the only one who knew something about the man, and that’s when they heard Bernardo arriving, without doubts this time, as he greeted one of the servants.

The man informed Bernardo as he headed for the door that the secretary of the Archbishop was waiting for him. He was curious to meet the man, since he had just replaced the recently deceased former secretary and as far as he had been told, the new one was also a medicine graduate. The second he saw the man, he could hardly breathe, recognizing the man Juancho had brought to help Michael that night under the boat and whom he had called his brother. Now he understood Juancho had really meant he was a priest, not a sibling. Nervously turning towards the door that led to the bedroom area, he caught sight of Isabel and Michael on their way to greet him, so before the priest could look up and acknowledge his presence, he shook his head getting through to them to stay out of sight. He was relieved to see them get his message to remain undetected, as they quietly closed the door to that area of the house.

“My lordship, we meet again…” The priest said with a mocking smile as he rose to greet the Viceroy, making it obvious that he was aware of their previous meeting.

“Glad to make your acquaintance, to what to I owe this pleasure?” Bernardo ignored the hint and fought to keep his voice steady.

“His Eminence, the Archbishop would like to have you honour him with your presence. He is waiting for us as we talk.” The priest said solemnly. “As you may have noticed, his carriage is waiting ouside to take us to him.”

Bernardo had this foreboding feeling that something was quite wrong, but there was no way out of the ‘invitation’ so he bowed his head and left with the grim looking priest. As they took off, Michael and Isabel rushed out to see the dust clouding all the way out of the property. When Isabel asked the servant where his lordship was, the man informed them that he had left to meet the Archbishop at his eminence’s request. Neither of them liked it, but there was nothing they could do but wait for his return.

During the ride, Bernardo tried to make small talk hoping to find out the reason for the summons, but the priest’s short cutting answers made him hold his peace.
When they arrived, he was taken directly to the private rooms of the Archbishop where they could talk without unwanted ears in the way. Bernardo was surprised that the new secretary did not leave, but took a seat beside the Archbishop, who had a worried look on his face.

After offering his hand to have his ring kissed, the pontiff addressed the Viceroy.

“My son, I have been told by absolutely reliable witnesses that you have been indulging in sinful matters without coming for confession as you always do. I have been expecting you since, but not under these unorthodox circumstances.”

“Your Eminence, it’s not what…” Bernardo hurriedly tried to make some kind of sensible excuse for whatever the Archbishop had heard, but he was silenced by a gesture of the pontiff’s hand.

“Bernardo, Bernardo, I’m not blaming you, we have reasons to believe you’re under the influence of a demonic presence taking control over you. That boy, the Infanta’s page has been known to be doing some astounding feats that seem to fit what we are talking about. We need to save your soul from eternal damnation!” The Archbishop said in his soft spoken voice that meant he was close to losing his patience.

“Your Eminence, I wish to confess right now!” Bernardo knew that meant they would have to be left alone as he wished.

The Archbishop nodded with a sigh and turned to his fidgeting brand new interfering secretary.

“Delgado, leave us alone.” He ordered.

“But your Eminence, I don’t think…” He began, his voice breaking with defeat and fury.

“No, you don’t. I’m the one who does the thinking and you obey!” His voice rose just slightly but dangerously.

Father Delgado complied grudgingly, bowing respectfully and reluctantly before retreating to the door as Bernardo felt his murderous eyes on the back of his head.

“Come, my friend.” The Archbishop rose and beckoned to Bernardo as he walked to a dark corner at the back of the large room. There, he sat on a comfortable padded chair and pulled out an also padded stool from under it for Bernardo to kneel on. “Now, tell me exactly what is going on.”

Bernardo took a few minutes after a deep breath to get his mind in order before he delivered his side of the story the best way possible for him, Isabel and Michael. What he didn’t know but of course, the Archbishop suspected but could do nothing about, was that the walls of the old building had ears listening through the many cracks between the ancient bricks. It was the first thing Father Delgado had found out using jesting commentaries as he got to know the other priests and one even took him through the maze of ‘secret’ passages showing him as a bonus the one that run behind the Archbishop’s chambers, so that he was just on the other side of the wall as they talked.

“Your Eminence, nothing out of this world is going on, the boy has done no harm whatsoever, quite the opposite, he’s been raised among horses, that’s why he’s so sensitive to them and he knew what to do when the mare was foaling.” Bernardo explained.

“I heard it was a difficult birth, and earlier that very day, there had been a similar incident. They said he also had your two most spirited horses eating out of his hands as he had on the day they arrived with that brute you have just bought and then he was doubled up with pain and carried away by one of your servants after the mare foaled without the least problem. How can you explain that?” The pontiff asked, full of curiosity.

“Can you describe that as the devil’s work? It was more like an angel’s, wouldn’t you say? What damage did he do? He saved my mare and her filly and has my two most difficult to ride stallions finally behaving themselves! Where’s the evil in that?” Bernardo was getting agitated.

“Calm down, son, I’m just trying to clarify the information I have received, that is all! This is not the Audiencia!” The Archbishop quipped.

“I am sorry, but I can’t see the problem.” Bernardo wished that was all, but he wasn’t very hopeful.

“I’m afraid the incident at the beach is the most urgent to discuss…”

Bernardo was glad his forehead was pressed to his clasped hands keeping his furiously rising colour out of sight.

“His Eminence…” Bernardo began again to be interrupted for the second time.

“It’s Fernando to you, when we’re alone, our families have always been very close, and you know the friendship and respect I have for your father and all of you. I am most uncomfortable with this situation, and the only way I can help you is if I know the whole truth. Please trust me to see what I can do about it.” The Archbishop pleaded.

Bernardo decided to tell most of the thruth with a twist, using Isabel in his favour.

“Fernando, we are human, and we are men, we can’t help temptation. Priests keep it at bay praying and even punishing the flesh in different ways when it gets too bad, that is well known. We laymen can turn to prostitutes although the clergy sometimes does too, but that is between ourselves as you well know. The problem with these women is that they can be infected with who knows what and married men can pass it to their wives. In my case, the problem is that I am soon to be married to the Infanta, and the last thing I would do is harm her in any way. That’s why I went walking that evening to the beach, trying to control my needs. The boy noticed my discomfort, and teased me innocently, so I confessed I was afraid to lose it with Isabel, that’s why I asked her to stay away from me, hoping I did not offend her. I also told him my reasons not to pay for an easy woman’s services. Can you believe that this sweet boy nodded smiling and whispered: ‘It’s alright, you can have me.’ And just like that, he took my hand and led me to an overturned boat a few feet away where he crawled under, dragging me after him. There, he pushed his trousers down and bent over in front of me. At that age, there’s not much difference with a woman from that angle, and I couldn’t stop myself, even when I knew I was hurting him. He did it for her, because he loves her very much, and to help me too. How could anyone who has not been in this exact situation understand it? Because if they were, I am sure they would have done just what I did, no matter what they say or how earnestly they deny it.”

Bernardo had made his point, specially on the issue about the prostitutes, because just a few months ago, acting as the presiding officer of the audiencia, or gobernador, he had to go personally to confirm the testimony of a man accusing a prostitute of theft. It seems the man, recently widowed and with five children, met this prostitute who uncannily resembled very closely his dead wife as she went to offer her services to the men like him working at the port loading and unloading ships. The man went quite willingly and according to his testimony, after having a carnal relation with the said woman, she offered him a glass of wine to build his strength back before he left. It seems the ‘wine’ was far stronger than the man had expected, probably not wine at all, and he fell into a stupor so that when he woke up hours later in total darkness, he found he had been dumped in the alley behind the woman’s room and the money he had just been paid at midday, intended for the manutention of his children, had vanished from his pocket. Although he pounded on the door for several minutes, he received no answer so he kicked the door in to find the filthy place empty except for a bed, a table and a chair. He was very dizzy and had a terrible headache, so he dragged himself home to sleep it off and came to the audiencia for help the very next day as soon as he was able to get up. The man had refused to go back to the scene of the crime, so he gave Bernardo the address and he made his way there later in the evening after an exceedingly long unending working day. Arriving at the small back door, he was surprised to see a familiar carriage and none other than the Archbishop leaving hurriedly, safe under the cover of darkness. Bernardo pretended to look away in respect but he was quite sure who it was. After all, the man had a right to feel such needs too, and whether he scourged them out of his system or indulged to get rid of them, was completely his problem and had nothing to do with him, until now.

That fateful night, the Archbishop had also recognized Bernardo and was grateful for his discretion. He had wanted to find a way to pay him back and now was his chance. Of course he understood what Bernardo was saying. Look at the Greeks for example. Democracy was born in their country and their legacy was culture and civilization, but their weakness for boys was legendary, as it was with the Arabs. Heathen or not, they had conquered Spain and stayed there for a century. Who was he to judge the Viceroy for what he had done? Wasn’t using a whore a mortal sin too, specially for a priest who had made votes of celibacy, worse still an Archbishop like himself? He had to find a way to get Bernardo out of this one, and of course the Infanta too. The boy…well, a scapegoat was needed and he had chosen to be the victim…unfortunately, that was up to Delgado now. Archbishop or not, there was a limit to his interference or he would fall into suspicion despite his status.

“Go in peace Bernardo, and please remember I’m on your side.” He gave him his blessing and walked him to the door before he changed his mind and began asking for more indulgences.

Once the door was closed, Bernardo remembered at least five more questions he would have liked to ask his friend, but it was too late and he was faced with a frowning Delgado, who much to his distaste, had to take him back home under the Archbishop’s protection.
When he arrived home, he was informed Isabel was waiting to hear from him, no matter what the time. He went to her rooms and knocked to find the door was just to, so he walked right in. He found her reclining on her bed against the headrest with the boy sleeping beside her, his head on her lap. Her eyes were red showing she had been crying and she reached out and grabbed his hand.

“My father will hear of this!” She threatened in her fear. “I will send a dispatch to him on the very next ship to Spain!”

“Of course you will, my love. But the Archbishop just reminded me how close his family is to mine, putting me at ease, so go to sleep, you need it.” He squeezed her hand, sliding his other one down Michael’s back. “I need some rest too, it’s been very trying, you know? That new secretary, I don’t trust him, he’s meddlesome and will dig up anything to get his way. I don’t like him at all and I have a feeling the Archbishop doesn’t either. We’ll see what tomorrow brings and hope for the best, alright?” He leant over kissing her forehead and then Michael’s cheek before he left the room.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 97

Isabel slept in catnaps plagued with nightmares watching the pirates raping Michael over and over again, only they were dressed in cassocks which they raised to uncover monstrous organs. Each time she woke up she could see her dream as a dark omen of impending doom hovering over her head and cried herself to sleep to go through the whole thing again. When she woke up to find the room lit by pale daylight, she knew she had dark circles all around her eyes and was about to wave them away when Bernardo came in fully dressed. He announced he had a long day at the Audiencia, with many cases that were not revised the day before because he had felt that strange need to come home and he had followed his instincts, so he was paying for it today. Michael was still asleep, but there were no signs of stress on his face like on Isabel’s.

“You stay close to him, alright? I know he’ll protect you with his life.” Bernardo adviced and set her crying her eyes out.

“I’m sorry, that came out wrong, you know what I meant, he’ll keep you safe.” He tried to fix it but the damage was done.

He took her in his arms and hugged her close until Michael moaned in protest as he clung to her, feeling her getting away from him.

“Hey, she’s going to be my wife, so you better get used to it!” He teased Michael, patting his ass affectionately.

The boy sighed in relief, feeling Isabel was still under him.

“Honestly, a threesome with a boy was the last thing on my mind when I asked for your hand.” He smiled jokingly.

“Bernardo!” She swatted his hand away, but he had made her smile back and he left with his small victory.

Isabel buried her fingers in Michael’s hair, enjoying the silky quality of the longish abundant strands with the ends threatening to curl around her digits as she played with them. It wasn’t long before she heard the swishing of a broom in the room just outside and she guessed one of her friends was sweeping Michael’s cubicle.

“Alright, who’s there?” She inquired, wondering why she wasn’t guessing when she normally could.

The door burst open and three heads popped in, silently requesting admittance.

Isabel waved them in patting the large bed for them to sit down and join them.

“Breakfast is ready and waiting, my father and Marisa’s mother have done something special that they hope you will like.” Elisa said.

“I’m sorry, I’m not really hungry. I’m very worried about Bernardo’s meeting with the Archbishop and that weird priest that came to get him yesterday.” Isabel shook her head.

“Please, just indulge them, they’ve been working on it for hours, and it’s rather late, you know?” Marisa arched her eyebrows comically.

Isabel knew she had been dozing as she played with Michael’s locks but she wasn’t sure how long.

“What time is it?” She demanded.

“It’s way past nine.” Cali nodded seriously.

“Alright then, help me wake him up.” She wiggled her fingers letting them know she meant they would all tickle him at the same time.

They pounced on the unsuspecting sleeping boy who squirmed everywhich way trying uselessly to get away until his eyes flew open, ready to give them anything they wanted as long as they stopped.

“I’m awake! I’ll get up! STOP IT!” Michael shouted and the four pairs of hands were violently shoved back away from him.

The absolute silence that ensued had the boy turning his face their way and finding them staring at him with surprise close to fear.

“What? What did I do?” Michael sounded truly curious.

“You…you slapped our hands away but you didn’t even move!” Isabel muttered as the other three nodded their heads vigorously with wide open eyes.

“I’m so sorry, I honestly don’t know how I do that.” He had a puzzled look on his face.

“It’s your gift, like mine is dreaming, and my stupid brother’s healing. There’s a reason for them, I’m sure, but it’s not completely clear.” Isabel sighed. “Now let’s get you dressed. You! Let’s go and make your parents happy. Cali, you can stay and help him.”

Cali beamed at the prospect of touching Michael’s tempting body with no girls there to make him feel shy and hold back what he felt like doing. The door had no sooner closed when Cali started sliding down Michael’s thin cotton hose-like knee high underpants. His palms tingled as the boy bucked and moved his body to help him peel the garment down his legs. As the round bottom was disclosed, Cali knew he was drooling. He had always pictured himself unclothing a girl’s breasts, but this was far better, yet it had never crossed his mind until he met this particular boy. He had never had such feelings for another male in his life, why now? The velvety flesh under his hands was giving him an erection, which his tunic kept safely hidden. Once naked, Michael pressed his belly back on the bed.

“Cali, my clothes are on the chair, you better hurry or Isabel will be angry.” He warned him.

Cali got them and started getting the pants up Michael’s legs, getting in an even worse condition. He just hated to pull them over the boy’s firm ass and pushed his hand between Michael’s thighs all the way to his crotch to make sure they were all the way up there. Michael pressed his thighs together trapping Cali’s hand in his warmth and chuckled wiggling his butt. Cali swatted him hard with his other hand, desperately trying to make him stop before he totally lost it.

“Michael, behave yourself!” He croaked, hating to give himself away by the sound of his shaky voice.

He tugged at the waist of Michael’s pants until he rose to his knees, groaning.

“Stand up and turn around.” He got the socks and fitted one over each foot to just under the knees over a few inches of the pants.

Michael placed his hands on Cali’s shoulders and eased himself down, stepping into the riding boots. Cali then got the shirt over his head and tucked it into his pants from behind, getting dangerously close as his hands went around him to the front. He had been careful to stay at least an inch away from touching Michael but it was the mischievous boy who leant back against him, fitting his ass directly on his straining cock as he whispered his thanks into Cali’s burning ear.
Cali could only watch him walk out of the room, frowning at the mess he had just made in his pants. He waited until he could breathe again and rushed out in the opposite direction to get cleaned up.

“Where’s Cali?” Isabel asked Michael as he arrived at the dining room.

“I thought he was behind me.” He said looking over his shoulder and finding no one there.

He shrugged and sat down to find the delicacy was some kind of sweet gelatin which at that time took a lot of straining to reach the perfect consistence. Isabel feed him a spoonful and Michael licked his lips appreciatively. He attacked his own dish as both Jofre and Noemi stood smiling at the door, very pleased. After the oats with milk and honey, he got up thanking them and headed for the stables. Isabel rushed after him and watched him ride until midday when they went for his rinse in the ocean. He fell dripping into Isabel’s arms and just as she was about to use her gift to dry him, she felt they weren’t alone, remembering she had forgotten to look around to make sure there was no one about. Michael was wrenched out of her embrace and tossed into a priest’s arms who pressed their chests together as another one moved behind him viciously ramming his knee high up between Michael’s thighs straight into his testicles. The boy gasped and went limp.

“How dare you! What are you doing to him?!” Isabel demanded, outraged.

“His presence is required at the Holy Office.” The priest replied simply.

“You have no right to take him without the Viceroy present!” She spat.

“With all due respect, my lady, our orders come straight from the pope in Rome, the Viceroy, the Archbishop or even the king of Spain, your father, has no jurisdiction over us.” He scoffed smugly.

“Let go of me and keep away from her!” Michael growled, still unable to struggle.

“That depends entirely on you. We can let you go, but then we will have to take her for questioning instead.” The priest definitely knew what he was doing.

“I’ll go with you.” Michael accepted.

“Fine, take him!” The priest ordered and his comrade threw Michael over his shoulder, not minding at all that he was still wet and naked.

“No, Michael, no! You can’t do this!” She screamed helplessly.

“Yes we can, my lady. Be thankful we’re not taking you too!” He mocked.

Isabel slumped to the sand, crying into her hands. That’s where and how the girls found her half an hour later when they came looking for them for lunch, still weeping, shivering in shock.

“Isabel! What happened? Where’s Michael?” The girls suspected he had drowned, though it was very unlikely.

“Where are you? Why can’t you wait for me?” Cali’s voice came laced with anger.

“Quickly! Go get my mother and Elisa’s father! Hurry up!” Marisa shouted at him.

Cali looked absolutely scared and he ran towards the kitchen.

The two grown-ups with the help of their daughters and Cali managed to get Isabel into the house and sat her on an armchair. There they had her drink a cup of strong hot coffee, and finally her teeth stopped chattering and she was able to tell them what had happened.

Gaspar rushed with Balthazar on the small carriage to the Audiencia to inform Bernardo of the invasion and kidnap. Bernardo ordered them to take him to the Archbishop and informed him what the priests had done. Isabel had recognized the leader as Father Delgado so the pontiff had his secretary summoned but he was nowhere to be found. They went personally to the Inquisition where they were given the same information about their rights over the prisoner as they had given Isabel. They indignantly told them they refused to move until the Grand Inquisitor came to meet them. This was arranged due to their status and the man identified himself, turning out to be a close friend of the infamous Tomas de Torquemada. They were even more surprised when Father Delgado came with him.

“Father Delgado! What on Earth are you doing here?” The Archbishop asked, completely baffled.

“Your Eminence, this is my true reason for coming to the colonies. My lord the Grand Inquisitor of Spain sent me here to act as your secretary and find out if the Inquisition of Lima is bringing the heretics to trial and justice.” He stated.

“Heretics! What are you talking about? What crime had this child committed?” He exploded.

“We are charging him with witchcraft, and both Your Eminence and Your Lordship know very well what I mean.” He raised his voice.

“Are you out of your mind? Are you defying me and the Viceroy?” The Archbishop was now quite furious.

“Yes we are, and we remind you that if you take the prisoner’s side, you will also be under suspicion.” This time Bishop Cuevas spoke coldly and in control, because although he was only a bishop, he was still the Grand Inquisitor, and that put him above the church itself.

“We are not taking sides with a criminal, we are just defending and innocent child who has unfairly become your victim!” This time Bernardo couldn’t hold back. “Have you no respect for the King of Spain? The child is the Infanta’s pageboy and she is my bride!”

“I find it very unusual for an Infanta to have a pageboy instead of a lady-in-waiting. No, I also find it unnatural specially since you seem to have indulged in sodomizing the boy. That is why I find witchcraft the only excuse for your innocence in the matter.” Bishop Cuevas spoke slowly and with a mocking smile. “Don’t worry, he will be given a fair trial and will not be kept like the other lowly prisoners in a cell where they can only squat in their own filth. He will not go through the usual tortures either, those are not for him. If he is possessed by the devil as we suspect, we will find the appropriate way to drive the demon out of his body the same way it makes him sin. That’s why we, holy fathers, have to be in close touch with him. We suggest you go home and wait for us to call you back when the real child is back, if he’s strong enough to survive the exorcism. But we think he is, don’t you? Your Lordship should know, right?”

The Bishop leered at Bernardo who was seething with fury and hated to admit he was in the Inquisitor’s hands. The way the bishop looked at his crotch and grinned told him it was the Inquisitor’s way of telling him he should be thankful he wasn’t chastised where he had sinned too. Bernardo could feel these sadists would enjoy burning or chopping off his genitals at the least provocation, so he had to nod and keep quiet.

“Father Delgado, will you please show these gentlemen the way out? I trust you will be hearing from us promptly. Our methods are very effective as you will soon see. Rest assured that we shall take into consideration his tender age and also, of course, his strong constitution.” He gave Bernardo again his cruel grin, driving him out of his wits.

The Archbishop intelligently realizing that his friend was about to do something stupid, took him by the arm and began turning towards the exit but not before he threatened his new enemy.

“And you will also hear from us, perhaps even sooner than you expect!”

“Go with god.” Were the last empty words they heard as they crossed the massive door and were able to breathe now that they were out of the menacing vibrations that enveloped the room they had just escaped from.

Neither spoke until they dropped the Archbishop at the cathedral as he had requested, not knowing what they could possibly say to each other that could put them at ease. As the older man climbed down, he patted Bernardo’s hand and nodded a silent promise to work immediately on a solution, because if there was one, he would find it. Bernardo nodded back and the ride home was also in absolute silence. Gaspar and Balthazar recognized and respected their master’s current state of unease and worry, which was partly theirs too, familiar with the abusive reputation of the Holy Office.

The look in Bernardo’s face when he stepped into the house to find Isabel, her three new friends and their parents, Valentin included, visibly worried out of their minds, had his bride burst into tears all over again. He put his arm around her shaking shoulders and led her into the bedroom area, leaving the ones behind confused and frightened.

Bernardo closed the door of his bedroom deciding they had better not go to hers because of what the sight of Michael’s empty cubicle might do to both of them. He sat beside her and let her vent her grief, waiting for her to be able to speak and tell him exactly what she had witnessed. After she had finally been able to inform him of the whole ordeal, she took his hands in hers and stared into his eyes, daring to tell him the plan she had in mind. She would go into the Inquisitors’ heads, but without letting them feel her presence, just to find out what they were doing to Michael. Bernardo didn’t recommend the plan, guessing what those sadists were about and sure that Isabel would snap if she got even a glimpse of their dirty minds. She insisted it was worse not to know, but Bernardo wasn’t totally convinced. He had a light supper brought to them by Noemi and Jofre, who thought their children were already upset enough to see how pale and frail Isabel looked.
Bernardo thanked them and they left without a word after a respectful nod.
They ate in silence and soon after, they lay back and Isabel let herself fall asleep with her head on his shoulder. It wasn’t long before she sat up frowning as she had been unable to contact any of her prospects who apparently were wide awake making the feat impossible, so she decided to keep trying until she was successful. This finally happened several hours later, perhaps because of the Inquisitor’s interest in his victim.
Sadly, it eventually worked, and Isabel’s state of agitation had her searching for his hand and clinging desperately to it, sending her visions straight into his brain. He was just as devastated as she was by what they saw.
Michael was tied face down stark naked on a rack which was not flat but wedged, so that he lay bent over it with his hips raised above the rest of his body. The Grand Inquisitor stood at his side holding a strange instrument in his hand. It looked like and elongated pear with a weirdly shaped screw at the top and prongs at the other end crossing each other and holding the two parts of the instrument together. There was no way Bernardo could recognize it as it was the latest toy of Torquemada and used only in very private torture sessions with only those whom he knew he could trust to keep the secret. It had been invented in Venice and only became known about a century later. The Inquisitor raised it so that the six other priests there with him could see it. One of them was, of course, Father Delgado. He watched entranced as his partner in crime turned the screw and the two halves of the pear moved apart so that the prongs now looked like talons ready to pierce flesh when the closed back together. Bishop Cuevas giggled and closed it back again. He turned to Michael who looked inert enough to be unconscious and nodded to Father Delgado and the others who now had whips in their hands. The scourging began and soon Michael’s back from his shoulders to his thighs were covered in bloody welts. Not a scream had given them the pleasure they expected, just moans, grunts, hisses and gasps. Bishop Cuevas had Father Delgado spread the boy’s ass and shoved hard until only the screw remained outside and Michael bit his lip till it also bled. It was the first time he used it this way, having thrust it down men and women’s throats where the damage had been fatal. He had once stuck in in a witch’s vagina, but the crone was already dead. It was impossible at the time to see if it was making the boy bleed as he was already drenched from the flogging, but when he started to turn the screw, there was no doubt where the thick drops of blood beginning to pool on the floor underneath came from. Michael’s heavy breathing filled the room, with a random whimper and a sob that he couldn’t help and made the sadists grin with the resulting erection.

“Camilo…” Said Father Delgado familiarly. “Don’t spoil him yet!”

“Of course not, I’m just finding out how much he can take. The prongs have just given him a couple of scratches that will make him even tighter as you will soon see.” He laughed. He screwed the pear back closed and Michael jerked as the prongs ripped him inside as they came together again. The bleeding got worse and Bishop Cuevas shook his head frowning and reached his hand out. Father Delgado handed him a red hot rod as thick as a finger, then using his hands to spread the boy. The Inquisitor rammed it in and counted to ten, watching Michael’s body jerk and shudder as they heard his breathing stop and then a deep intake when the rod was pulled out. The bleeding stopped and Bishop Cuevas positioned himself behind his victim. Michael was brutally abused by the seven priests until they simply couldn’t continue, using the rod everytime the bleeding got too abundant, controlling it so they could go on. Bishop Cuevas had not lied. The usual tortures, the one where water was poured into a cloth down the victim’s throat to give the impression of drowning, the burning of the soles of the feet, the garrote, which was a tourniquet to the sitting man’s neck from behind and which could choke him to death as it had been used to execute the last Inca Atahualpa, or the fearsome garrucha or strappado, when the victim’s wrists were tied behind his back and raised almost to the ceiling to be suddenly dropped and joltingly stopped a yard before the floor dislocating both shoulders, had not been used with Michael. The rack, yes, but not in the usual way, with the victim spread eagled on his back to be stretched to the limit. Fearsome as they all were, what they had put Michael through was the most degrading and cruel torture a male victim could suffer. Then the infamous pear was again rammed into him and the screw turned to the limit, leaving it to slowly bleed the boy to death. The group of Inquisitors knew there was no way they could repeat the ordeal so the victim had to be terminated. Isabel was hysterical, and Bernardo had never felt so helpless and ready to murder without mercy or regret in his life. He would kill them all, if it was the last thing he did.

Nicholas knew he had to put a stop to it. The real Michael on Antar must be going through the whole thing in the unconscious state he had been rendered and if his doppelganger died, Nicholas was sure the real one would too. He needed to be free from Jesse’s grip but he couldn’t believe how strong the unconscious man was, thanks to what he had viciously snatched from Michael, of course. But he was a powerful Antares and a weak Earthling was no match for him! He then concentrated on Jesse’s human side until he heard a loud pop in his ears and he knew he had made the man lose his hold on him. He could feel himself zooming through space towards Antar with his eyes shut tight and nothing on his mind but Michael. Suddenly he realized he had stopped and was hovering, so he looked down and saw he was home.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 98

Michael simply looked asleep, having a fretful dream or more likely, a nightmare. His father, the powerful ex-warlord was sitting on a chair beside his son, his hands clasped together holding up his forehead. Beside him sat his aunt, the ex-queen hanging on to her nephew’s inert hand, her eyes red from weeping. On the bed sat Max, holding Michael’s other hand in both of his, looking very worried and standing on either side of the open door were Geehan and Shenti, looking grim.

- This can’t be happening! We need him so bad now that Khivar may find out what’s going on with him and attack us! That would be the end of us without him to lead our army. I could do it, but shield and all, I don’t feel really up to it and it might be obvious to the enemy who would take advantage of it. What has got him in this condition? Zan, you’re his healer, why is it that you don’t know? - Ramthis exploded.

- I told you uncle, he blocked me out when he felt himself losing control, to keep me and all of us safe. You know him, why should this surprise you? I don’t know where his mind is or what he’s experiencing, but from his winces and moans it can’t be good! Don’t you know how I wish I could get inside him and find out? -

Wyteeah gave Ramthis one of her looks and he bowed his head and apologized.

- I’m sorry Zan, I didn’t mean to… -

- It’s alright uncle, I understand. - Max gave him a weak smile and then his eyes rolled back in his head and he convulsed for a few seconds before he flopped on his back beside Michael.

Ramthis and Wyteeah jumped to their feet and rushed to the other side of the bed, shaking Max’s arms trying to get him to react. The vibes running up their arms to their brains were definitely coming from Max and they slumped down, Wyteeah sitting on the bed and Ramthis kneeling on the floor with the shocking visions. Max took them through Michael’s whole nightmare induced by Jesse’s condition and as they reached the present, they could see the boy was dying, the pain and the blood loss was killing him. Then suddenly and surprisingly, the vision stopped and Max sat up blinking.

- What was that? - He asked in a state of total confusion.

- We should be asking that! - Ramthis spat, gruffly.

- Michael? Michael, honey, are you alright? - Wyteeah was cooing, soothingly as she leant over the boy who was going through his typical waking up motions and sounds.

Nicholas knew what the only thing that could have managed that miracle was, and forced himself back to Earth. To his relief, Jesse’s eyes were finally open but a little out of focus, as he gradually returned to full consciousness. It couldn’t have happened at a better time! But his joy was short lived as Khivar reappeared from the limbo he had been dumped at to voice his fury at him.

Oh shit! What have you done to me? Hurts like hell! - Michael groaned.

- Michael, where does it hurt?” Max asked full of concern, ready to take care of it.

“Inside, outside…everywhere! - He moaned to then gasp: - Oh no! There’s been a surprise attack and they beat the crap out of us in the battle! They beat the crap out of me! How could this happen? How come I didn’t sense it? Why wasn’t I warned about it? Where the fuck was N… -

His ravings came to an abrupt stop almost revealing his source.

- There’s been no battle Michael! What are you talking about? You suddenly fell ill just as we arrived at our rooms after dinner. I barely made it to your bed dragging you the last part of the way! - Max exclaimed.

- Yes son, we even suspected you had been poisoned but Ana-eeh swore on her family’s lives that she had never left the kitchen or the pot unattended so it was impossible for just you to get sick! -

- Amaru said your mind had been whisked away to another dimension and he tried everything he knows but couldn’t get you back. He said it was partly your doing but he wasn’t sure how! - Wyteeah provided her piece of information.

Michael shut his eyes tight and shook his head as a blinding light exploded in front of his face. Then, with the speed of sound, the life he had just lived through Jesse’s fantasy was flashed to him from beginning to almost end, when it stopped just as it was about to finish. It was so vivid in every detail, that Michael actually thought he was really dying.

- NO! I can’t die yet! I must free my people first! - He shouted with his face half buried into his pillow.

The voices of evr the room with him rose above each other assuring him it wasn’t happening, but it was another voice that had him believing he was wrong.

“No Michael, that just happened inside Jesse Ramirez’s head when a bullet grazed it a little too deep and he was in a coma while the whole thing lasted. Luckily, he came out of it when you were in agony, your body had been so involved in the illusion that it was about to give up on you. But you’re fine kid, you’re ready to take your stand, and you won’t disappoint your people, you can be sure of that. I’ll make sure you won’t.” Nicholas promised.

“Then why does it still hurt so bad?” Michael groaned.

“Because you’re still under the influence of Jesse’s illusion and committed to the environment where you were…dying. You need to kick out of it so what you have to do is take a deep breath and hold it in until I tell you to let it go. C’mon, do it!” Nicholas coaxed him.

Michael did what he was asked to and waited until Nicholas counted up to 10 and told him it was enough. Michael blew it slowly out of his mouth following Nicholas’ suggestion.

“Better?” The small man asked.

“Some but not much…” Michael winced.

“Well, do it again.” He told him.

Michael did so for a second time watching Nicholas arch his eyebrows in a silent question.

“Better, but it still hurts.” Michael moaned.

“Once more, then. Go on, like humans say, third time’s a charm! Let’s prove them right!” He insisted confidently.

Michael complied as Nicholas waited eagerly for the results.

“Ok, I guess it finally worked.” Michael sighed. “The pain’s gone but my whole body is protesting.”

“Rest a few hours and you’ll be as good as new. You need to find out how the scientists are doing with the gadgets you recovered from the corpses. Maybe Dumbo here can make himself useful and give you a massage using his powers to restore you, huh? Do ask him to!” And Nicholas was gone, leaving behind a hint of jealousy at what was out of his hands.

A couple of minutes after Michael fell into silence, Max squeezed his hand.

- What were you muttering? I got a few words here and there but could make no sense out of them… - Max wondered.

- Was I? I have no idea…but I do need a massage… - He whispered.

Ramthis and Wyteeah got the hint and rose to leave them alone. The ex-queen kissed her nephew’s cheek and her son’s forehead before she turned towards the door as Ramthis tousled Michael’s hair and nodded to Max. Both Geehan and Shenti saluted the elder couple on their way out of the room and the door was closed behind them for privacy.

- Alright kid, just lie still, I know what you need and how you like it. - Max crooned confidently.

Michael was in ecstasy the second his healer touched him, making him purr like a cat. Tiny golden sparks followed Max’s fingertips as they accurately traced the track of each lash that had bitten into Michael’s flesh, making him wince and bite on his lower lip with the sudden painful memory subtly preceeding by mere seconds the soothing deliverance of oblivion. Max was using his powers to recall a mental map of every place Michael had been struck by the sadistic priests. He felt Michael relaxing so deeply that he suspected he was asleep so he stopped massaging the supple body and reached up to caress the boy’s face with the back of his fingers. Then he leant down to kiss his cheek but Michael was ready for him and turning his head, he met Max’s lips in a sweet but lusty kiss. When it finally ended Max pulled back and grinned at Michael’s smirk.

- I thought you were asleep. - He said.

- Nah, I was just enjoying your hands on me. I’ve missed you…- He whispered at the end.

- Missed me? What do you mean? I’ve been sitting here all the time with your father and my mother holding your hands, just leaving the room for seconds to take a leak, even eating here when Amaru insisted! Oh…you mean in Jesse’s fantasy…I guess the guy’s jealous of us. - He scoffed.

- We only met through Isabel’s dreams, and man, you looked funny, posing as a king with that silly crown sitting on your ears, yeah, those were the same…- Michael chuckled.

- Must they always be brought up? Should I change them once and for all for you guys to stop teasing me? - Max grumbled.

- No Max, they’re you. They’ve been with you in both lifetimes, so maybe there’s a reason for them, maybe they enable you to hear better…- Michael teased.

-Yeah yeah, like the wolf in “Little Red Riding Hood”…why ‘riding’ I’ve always wondered. - He pondered.

- Maybe she ended up ‘riding’ the wolf! - Michael said making an innocent face.

- Oh shut up! Or…-

- I’ll end up riding you? - Again the innocent look.

- Not now, you need to rest, but later, I promise. - Max really wanted Michael riding his cock right now but something told him it would be better to wait.

- Don’t make me miss you…- Michael’s eyes were streaked in blue as he turned on his side with his back to Max, invitingly.

Max climbed on the bed and obliged, spooning his hard wiry body against Michael’s luscious one gluing himself to it. Michael raised one leg so that Max’s cock bounced up and lodged itself high up between his thighs, pressing on the chain piercing, balls and the underside of his cock.

- Mmmmm…- Michael purred and rubbed himself against it.

- Sorry but that’s all you’re getting for the time being. - Max croaked, not very convinced it was the best thing to do, either.

- C’mon Max…I’ve been tortured enough, not you too! - Michael moaned. - It hurts to need you so bad…-

- Alright, there’s only one way I’ll do it but you have to promise you won’t interfere in any way or I’m out…- Max stated sternly.

- Without coming? Will you be able to? - Michael teased.

- I’ll jerk myself off. - Max snapped.

- Not the same, stud, uh uh! - Michael shook his head.

- Then let me do it the way I want to, is that too much to ask? You need to heal completely for…- Max bit the next words off, not wanting to remind Michael and even himself of the coming battle which would definitely be fierce.

Someri had told them of the kind of enemy they would be facing but no one knew about the ace up Michael’s sleeve.

- I know, the battle. Ok, I accept your terms. But give me at least a couple of chances in case I screw up, huh? - Michael pleaded.

- Done, but third time’s out and you’ll be fined with a minute of immobility each time you screw up. I swear I’ll do it. I mean it! - Max threatened sounding sure of himself.

- Well, what are you waiting for? - He wiggled his ass against Max’s crotch.

- There you go, first penalty! - Max said freezing.

- Hey, no way! We haven’t even started! - Michael protested shoving back hard and ramming Max’s dripping cock deep into him, freezing himself with the pain.

Neither were able to utter a word for the following minute for their own separate reasons, then Max spoke:

- That would be the second…-

- Shut up Max, you know it’s just the first and anyway the minute it over, so start doing your thing to me. - Michael’s voice was barely above a husky whisper.

Max sighed and began to slide in and out of the boy at a lazy but steady pace. Michael growled, surprised to find out how much he was enjoying it, as it gave him the chance to feel in slow motion Max’s whole length and width. At the same time, the internal massage soothed his still tender tissues, giving him a bubbling sensation that had him close to coming from the first thrust, as he couldn’t help squeezing steadily too, keeping Max in the same condition, making his lover unable to protest or penalize him. Michael needed to participate, to buck and writhe, but he preferred not to risk it. Max could be such a prick sometimes, but he did have such a prick! He chuckled and gasped as Max drove deep and stopped. ‘Oh shit, no!’ Michael sobbed to himself, but the next second Max made him grunt as he did his side to side dance deeply embedded.

- Ungh! Yeah! - Michael went, as Max pressed his body downwards and somehow managed to rub against his prostate and the piercing at the same time. A definitely alien move, if there ever was one. Michael couldn’t help himself and he came for what he swore was a full minute. He had expected Max to come too but he couldn’t feel him pulsing inside him and giving him his usual bonus. He aimed to go: “Max? Why haven’t you come too?” But all that came was: “Ohhh, ahhh!” Still, Max knew exactly what Michael had meant to say, so he answered:

- Shhh, don’t move, I want to give you a second one, with the bonus included, so they will be really three. Is that alright with you? That’s why I’m not moving, it’s not the second penalty, that’s still waiting, fair enough? - He giggled.

Michael whimpered his answer and Max bit him gently on the shoulder kissing the reddened skin right after. Then he ducked, twisting his body over Michael’s ribs so thanks to his long neck, he was able to reach the angle to nip hard on the boy’s nipple, drawing blood and licking it away. Michael shuddered as the electric pain ran all the way down his body making the chains tingle. It branched out to the whole area between his legs, genitals included and that, plus his full ass, got him his bonus anyway, shivering with the weird pleasure.

- I was never good at maths, I guess you’ll be getting four orgasms now, not three. - Max joked, goodnaturedly, straightening up again and wrapping his arms around Michael, gave him a tight hug.

- Max…- Michael breathed and Max could easily visualize his smug smirk.

Max began to move again, and Michael hissed with desire. Michael loved to feel the way Max’s long thick cock forced open his narrow passage with each penetration, and how it closed back behind it as he pulled out. The feeling was exquisite for both of them, throwing them into a totally alien ecstasy impossible for a human to understand. Michael began to crave for a faster pace but Max kept stalling. That’s when he found a flaw in Max’s strategy, as the warlord he now was. When Max was again about halfway in, Michael bucked and felt their bodies crash together.

- Penalty! - Said Max triumphantly. - I’m freezing for a minute! -

- Suit yourself, but it doesn’t apply to me. - Michael growled and provided the necessary movement himself.

Max tried to pull out but simply couldn’t as Michael’s contractions milked him to the last drop. The king was again defeated. When the aftermath died down, Max found Michael fast asleep and soon was dozing too.

“What time is it there? I’ve been trying to get to you for hours!” Isabel was indignant. “Michael!”

“Izzy please…” Michael begged.

“Iz, it’s my fault, I…” Max tried to calm his sister down.

“I know, at least it got you ready for me, so it’s ok for this time, but Michael was already about to fall asleep so it wasn’t necessary to…oh, you know what I mean!” She finished, agitated. “Michael, are you really alright?”

“Yes Isabel, thanks for being there with me.” Michael whispered.

“Why pirates Michael, and such a strange place?” She asked, quite intrigued.

“I had nothing to do with it, I swear, Amaru thinks it was something in the food…” Michael noticed Max’s surprised expression and shook his head imperceptibly.

“Whatever it was Michael, I was glad to be there for you, but do you have to be such a masochist? And by the way, Maria is quite pissed about being a servant, Liz was kind of amused though. I must admit I did like being a real princess and the bride of a Viceroy. I don’t know how things are going there, Serena is being rather hermetic and saying it’s for our own good, but please, we’re all very worried about you. I can see Max is doing well…” She sounded a little sarcastic.

“Mmm, yes, I’m fine, thank you.” Max answered sounding just the same as her.

Michael wasn’t up to a sibling fight, specially since he would be the one in the middle, so he decided to end it fast.

“I love you Iz, you know how much, and I love all you guys too, but I really need to sleep.” He was being quite honest.

“Yes right, well, we’ve seen you, that’s what we wanted. Take care, for us, please?” She was close to tears.

“I will, you’re all in my heart, you keep me alive to return to you. My love to all of you.” Michael felt Isabel letting go off him and began to relax again.

“What was that about the food?” Max asked, somehow remaining in Michael’s dream.

“You know how bad it already is for her having been used by Khivar to get us killed and even if it was an illusion, I don’t think she’ll take it kindly to know Jesse was able to do this because he tricked her to get to me.” He explained. “And what are you doing still here?”

“I don’t know, I guess it’s our connection, I’m still inside you, you know? And by the way, it’s just the two of us now, so tell me, how was it that Jesse got you into that circus going on in his mind?”

“He must have got something out of me that time he…you know? When Isabel was trying to get us close, and he ended up too close, actually inside me, the sneaky bastard! Whatever he got from it, I didn’t give it to him willingly, so don’t blame me as you always do!” He exploded.

“No Michael, I won’t, it wasn’t your fault, don’t get pissed at me, see? I’m sliding out of you. Come here, let me hold you in my arms.” Max coaxed.

Max rolled away from Michael on to his back and reached out for him. Michael turned over on his other side and lay over Max to be wrapped in his arms. It had not only happened in their dream but physically too.

For the next hours, Ramthis and Wyteeah went to check on their sons finding Michael draped over Max protectively and Max’s arms around the younger boy holding him tight against him, safely shielded by him. The first time they went together, then separately and then, together again, they found Max already awake with the sleeping Michael still in his arms.

- How is he, Zan? - She sometimes called him by his Antares name but he had begun not to mind it.

- You know him, he won’t admit it, but he’s still healing and regenerating. It’s slow because of the amount of damage he took even if it was just an illusion. His body reacted as if it was the real thing and was hurt just the same. He’s too sensitive, you know, his blood?...- Max knew that explained it all, they had seen it too many times.

Wyteeah nodded and patted her son’s hand which was cupping Michael’s ass.

- Take care of him as you always do. - Somehow, she seemed not to be as revolted as she always was when she saw him touching Michael like that.

Ramthis just sighed, obviously not sharing that with her, and led her out of the room without a word to Max.

The door had just closed when Michael whimpered as if he had been waiting for his father and aunt to leave, not to worry them. Max felt him shiver and noticed his temperature was above normal. He had expected it to happen, so he just used his hands on him to send into his flesh his healing powers, quite strong after their recent connection. Suddenly, they were mentally connected.

Max could tell that in spite of all, Michael was sore, it would be impossible for him not to be in some kind of pain. The fact that he was tough and could deal with it made no difference, he was still hurting. Max held him tight sliding his hands as far up and down as he could, enjoying the way Michael’s smooth body tingled under his palms. He was such a handful!

“Mmm…feels so good…” Michael whispered and snuggled over Max.

“Sure does…for me too…” Max answered, breathing in the fresh scent of the baby soft hair under his nose and mouth.

“How much do you love me, Max? As much as I do?” Michael breathed the words into the middle of his cousin’s chest.

“Much more than you can possibly think, you can’t even imagine!” Max kissed the silky locks. “What’s is it out there like, you know, in the battlefield?”

“You don’t want to know, Max.”

“Yes I do, tell me!”

“It’s hell, Max, everyone’s there to kill you, it comes when you least expect it, an arrow, a sword, anyway the pain’s sickening, yet you know you can’t stop or you’re really dead. You just have to keep going no matter how much it hurts. It’s no place for you Max.”

“I know, I’m not planning to be there, but I hate it that it has to be you.”

“I’m used to it, it’s my life. It was before and it’s now again. No one else can do it and I’m not complaining. But being like this with you, makes it all worth it. All of you do. Thanks Max. Just hold me!”

“Don’t leave me Michael, don’t ever leave me!”

“Sure man, anything you say, now I want to sleep…” ‘I don’t even want to think about the next battle cause I know it will be decisive and worse than my worst nightmare. Nothing guarantees I’ll survive it, I just hope I do. What I know is I must live long enough to make sure we win. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid, I just hate to think I will not see any of you again! Who will protect you? That’s what really kills me!’ Michael went on to himself, blocking Max out so he wouldn’t hear it.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 99

“Michael…” The voice sounded soothing and full of compassion.

Recognizing it, the message it was conveying didn’t seem to belong to the owner, though Michael had to admit the man had changed a lot lately.

“Not now, Nicholas, go away.”

“Michael, please, we need to talk about the next battle, for your sake…” Nicholas said.

“Listen Nicholas, I’m not afraid to die, I don’t mind giving my life for my people no matter how much it hurts me not to see my friends and loved ones again. I’m ready for it.” Michael was quite confident.

“No, no, that’s not what I mean, I have no doubts about you at all, it’s about the gadgets. I was able to find something important about them. You see, I was playing with the whip when I found out…” Nicholas blurted.

“Wait! Aren’t you supposed to do it with Khivar so it works?” Michael asked suspiciously.

“Well, yes…I spiked Khivar’s relaxing tea with powdered red and black beans from those bushes grown by the Andes people. They make you fall into a deep sleep with no after effects if you use the right dose. Too many and you’ll never wake up. I was tempted, but then I would not be able to use the whip again if it detected he was dead. It does detect life, but doesn’t make a difference whether the source is asleep or awake. I guessed right, and I just had to put it in his hand and hold it with him. I did the movements that I only know, and it worked!” Nicholas chuckled enthusiastically.

“Ok, you’ve got my full attention. What did you find out?” Michael needed the answers.

“It’s like this: The gadgets react to ultra sonic waves. But they have to be exposed to them for at least 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the body weight of the man. On the heavier ones, it will take at least 30 minutes to course completely around the whole body and make the full circuit which will block the transformer chip out and the man will start choking due to the inappropriate breathing system incompatible to the composition of the Antares air. So there will be a battle but it will be short lived. All your scientists have to do is have ultra sonic wave transmitters in your shields or helmets at a frequency which will not affect you, but will destroy the chips in the gadgets. The problem is how to make your scientists do it without wanting to know where you got the information from.” Nicholas shook his head in despair.

“Simple, I’ll tell them the truth: I dreamt it! So may as well give it a try and see if it works, which will, of course!” Michael watched Nicholas beam enthusiastically.

“That’s brilliant! They will have to believe you! Your scientists will work it out in record time! You will have to take them for about half an hour, and you’re strong kid, I know you can. I wish there was a better way…” Nicholas sighed.

“Don’t worry Nicholas, thanks for the breakthrough; I’m sure it will bring us victory. Then I will be able to reveal my source and I will be there to back you up so they will accept you as one of us.” Michael assured him.

“You will have to face Khivar after the battle, he’s no match for you, but he’s sneaky, sure of the whip and that I’ll be there to make it work for him, he’ll go berserk when he finds out I’m on your side.” Nicholas looked scared.

“But I’ll be there for you. All you’ll have to do is stay behind me. I will protect you.”

“I know you will.” Nicholas floated downwards and kissed Michael on the lips.

“Now, can you do this for me? I want to sleep without dreaming.” Michael asked when Nicholas released his mouth.

“Done!” He whispered and Michael felt a warm finger tracing his spine all the way down, ending with a playful prod in his ass. - But as soon as you wake up, you must rush to the scientists. They need a fresh approach and they’re already tired by now so they need to rest as much as you do to get it right. -

Then Nicholas was gone and Michael got his wish.

Max found it real weird when Michael jerked then sighed and stayed completely unmoving, not a writhe, a snuggle, a moan, or a change of position rolling away from him with his back to him a little sideways so he could be spooned from behind as he usually did after a while to then roll back over him. It wasn’t like Michael to be so still, but everything Max felt coming from him was an absolute peace, so he decided it would be for the best to just hold him while he slept.

Wyteeah and Ramthis kept coming to check on them and the first couple of times Max politely told him Michael was totally relaxed and sleeping deeply, which he really needed. But after that, when they came back again and again, he just kept his eyes closed so they realized there was nothing new and that Max knew what he was doing. They quietly left the room and let them be.

Michael stayed in the same position throughout the whole night and at his usual waking time he began to stir very slowly. He whimpered and took a deep breath, then he stretched lazily ending spread eagled completely over Max. He stayed like that for a full minute and on the next step, his thighs straddled Max’s legs forcing them close together. His upper body rose with the motion and his face went from Max’s chest to the crook of his neck. Max turned his head and kissed Michael’s closed eyelid making him sigh, but he wasn’t waking up yet. His arms slid back down along Max’s and their fingers interlaced, feeling the strength of their bond. Max wanted to know what was going on in Michael’s mind, but the younger boy was locking him out and it was so frustrating! Michael shouldn’t keep anything from him, not now, that he was about to face an enemy whose lives were already worthless, who had nothing to lose if they lived or died and worse still, who didn’t give a damn what they were fighting for. All they wanted was to be free from slavery and freedom had been promised to those who survived the battle so they were going for a massacre to claim a prize they weren’t sure how to deal with. They already knew that Khivar couldn’t be trusted and suspected with instinctive accuracy that if they won him the victory, the heads of those that made it would be rolling off their shoulders before the day was over to cover Khivar’s shame. At this point, they were ready to believe anything to recover their shattered pride even in death. Michael was so young to be facing such responsibility, but then who else did they have that could make it happen? Only Michael. The hopes of every Antares were resting on his strong shoulders and Max knew Michael would rather die than let them down. Max knew they were in the best hands, but that didn’t guarantee him that Michael would make it out of it alive, or too hurt to survive it. He hated to have to admit there were wounds he wouldn’t be able to heal because of his lack of Royal blood. It had become his worst nightmare lately and only having Michael in his arms kept it away from his few hours of rest. Max simply couldn’t sleep if Michael wasn’t there with him, because if he dreamt of Michael’s death it would drive him out of his mind. The strength of the boy’s Royal blood kept the nightmares at bay as the steady beat of his heart against him wouldn’t allow them to plague Max’s apprehensive brain. Then Michael squirmed and Max was brought out of his dark thoughts feeling the presence in the room at the same time as Michael had.

- There’s something important that Michael has to inform the scientists, he needs to wake up because time is the key to our victory. We must make it happen! - Amaru’s voice expressed the urgency of the matter.

- Then we must work on it together, here, give me a hand to roll him over. No, it’s not that easy because he won’t allow it, but struggling against us will wake him up too. Watch it, he might strike you without meaning to! - Max warned the Shaman.

- He won’t, he knows my touch. - Amaru smiled smugly.

He placed his hands on Michael’s ribs and leaning over, pressed his mouth on his spine, between the boy’s shoulder blades, whispering in his native language. Michael shivered and Max sensed his eyes opening. Max couldn’t help envying what the old man could do faster than him, but that didn’t stop him from being thankful. This was a matter of life and death for them and there was no time for such stupidity.

- Michael, you need to go to the scientists right away! - The Shaman whispered.

- Amaru?…- Michael pronounced it correctly, not rolling the ‘r’ like an English speaker but making it short and crisp as in the Spanish language. - Amaru! How do you know? -

- I kept getting these flashes nonstop of the ‘huayruro’ bush just outside the southern tunnel since very early this morning so I decided to go over and check out what it was about. When I arrived, I noticed that several of the pods that contain the red and black beans had been torn off so when I touched it I could see you here still sleeping and in your dream you were given important information to tell the scientists as early as you could today to assure your victory in the battle. I arrived here by nine, hoping you’d be awake but I didn’t want to rush you. - The Shaman noticed the boy had a wary look in his eyes. - I only saw you, the identity of your source is safe, don’t worry. -

Max was intrigued by the way Amaru was whispering to Michael so that not even his sensitive alien hearing got any of the words to at least give him a hint.

- You’ll find out in due time, Max, help me dress. - Michael smirked as both men got his clothes on him.

Max had always wondered about the quality of Michael’s skin. When they were kids, he just took it for granted, but as they grew up, so did his curiosity with every touch, from the playful kind as children to the more intentional one later on. It always surprised him how silky, and smooth it was, so different from the tough image he presented. He couldn’t understand how others, like Maria had tactlessly expressed, have doubts about his hygiene, which would clash with the velvety way he felt when you came in contact with him. He had known Michael’s lack of resources when he lived with Hank and then when he was on his own, and though he was as alien as them, Max knew he couldn’t be using his powers on that issue, as he didn’t have yet the control over them that he and Isabel had. It wasn’t until they found out about his true Royal blood that he understood the interaction it had with his body, keeping it in perfect conditions inside and out. Only the heat of River Dog’s cleansing ritual had affected it and unfortunately, he wasn’t invulnerable or immune to pain: quite the contrary, it made him extra sensitive. It was great in sex but not under other circumstances…

- Max? You’re sure looking at me real funny…what is it? - Michael broke into his thoughts making him start.

- Huh? Oh sorry, kind of lost in my thoughts, nothing important, just drawing my own conclusions on the matter, probably wrong too…- He gave them a goofy smile turning the whole thing into a joke.

- Here, I think you’ll need this. - Amaru handed Michael what looked like a mug with a cap.

- Is this my breakfast? - Michael grinned.

- Yes, sweet and spicy just as you like it. - The Shaman nodded with a smile.

Michael vanished the cap with a wave of his hand and downed the contents. Then he gave a cross between a shake and a shudder.

- Wow! That was good! I better be going. - He turned towards the door.

- Michael, why is there no training today? - Amaru wondered.

- My father changed it into late afternoon, in case the battle was in the later hours so we could get used to the shadows, just to be on the safe side. He’s right, we must be ready for anything. Who knows? Maybe Khivar’s warriors fight better in the dark and we would be at a disadvantage. Now, I must do this on my own, so I’ll see you later, thanks Amaru for…you know. - Michael flashed them a grin and left them standing in the bedroom.

- Michael, wait! - Max started after him but the Shaman stopped him.

- No, he must do this alone. - The old man nodded and Max desisted.

Michael instinctively took the left corridor which took him eventually to some stone stairs which led down to the most protected area: the laboratory. He was surprised to see how well lit it was although it was deeper than the rest of the citadel and nothing was built on top of it. He could see these chimney-like tubes which were the source of the light, strategically placed so that the clarity reached every nook and cranny. He concentrated in them and knew that the top of the chimneys simply looked like innocent puddles and he remembered seeing them on his hallucinating ride through that area on that first time his father brought him to Antar. And yes, they just looked like puddles spattering the ground to anyone who would notice them. They were really prisms which caught the sunlight and channeled it all the way down, as if there was nothing but the sky on top of them. The Antares technology was truly amazing in many fields. A gasp alerted him to the fact that his presence had been detected and he saw everyone rising to their feet as an important looking scientist approached him.

- Hey, it’s just me, don’t let me interrupt you. - Michael joked and the scientist in charge of the lab stopped in front of him ready to bow.

- My lord…-

- Michael, please…This is going to sound weird, but can I ask you to give something a try? - He locked his eyes with the scientist.

- Whatever you wish, what will it be? - He inquired.

Michael explained as detailed as he could what Nicholas had told him in the dream or whatever it was and he watched the black eyes growing wider by the second.

- Does it make any sense at all? - Michael asked a little dubious.

- I think it’s just what we have been trying to discover all this time! - He said enthusiastically.

- All right then, give it a try and let me know how it goes. - Michael was ready to leave.

- I personally will go to inform you, thank you my l…Michael. - The man corrected himself.

Michael tilted his head to a side, smirking before he left. Once outside, he had this sudden need to be alone, he was…homesick? Yes, he missed the ones he had left on Earth and needed to know how they were doing. He went straight to the stables and got the black mare ready before he climbed on her back. He wished he could go outside and have some time by himself, but he knew they should have been rendered invisible for that so he just walked her to the empty field where the training would be later on. Those who saw him sensed his need and left to give him his privacy. Michael closed his eyes and visualized those back on Earth, craving to be with them and called them to him. He could feel them around him so vividly, that he was sure he would touch them if he reached out for them. He opened a mental connection and they immediately responded to him. He could see them sitting around in the chimney room of the Dupree mansion, all their eyes turning to him as he could hear them calling his name and expressing their happiness at seeing him, because he knew they could.

“Oh Michael! He’s as beautiful as Moonshadow!” That was Laurie.

“Yes and it’s a mare. They would have the greatest colts and fillies, too bad they’re in different planets!” He really thought it was a shame.

“Baby, you’re looking great!” Maria…

“Michael…” Isabel, Liz and Ava together.

“Hey kid,” “Dude…” Stuart and Kyle.

“Hey guys, I don’t know if I should be doing this, but I really needed to see you, and tell you all how much I’m missing you…what have you been doing?” Michael’s voice showed his feelings.

“Well, we’ve been perfect students last week and so far in this one, it’s Thursday here, coming home and studying, watching some TV. I’m shacking with Liz, because I can’t bear to be in our room without you…” Maria sounded teary.

“The clinic’s almost ready, which is an irony since our main ‘healer’ is away with you, but it will be waiting for him for its debut.” Stuart chuckled.

“School’s ok, I’ve taken art to fill in the gaps and I’m really enjoying it as it reminds me how much I liked to draw when I was a little girl and grandpa would have his whole bedroom decorated with my ‘masterpieces’ as he called them.” He could tell the loneliness in Laurie’s voice having to cope with school again by herself.

“We miss you very much Michael…I hope Max is taking good care of you.” He knew Liz meant every word.

Then this amazing warmth of pure love enveloped him and he didn’t need words to know it was Isabel, it was Vilandra, it was their loves thrown together and it became overwhelming when they pulled Maria into the equation. It only lasted a few seconds but it was enough to make him swear to them that the moment his people were free, he would rush back to them, to feel it in the flesh. He was set free to feel a different kind of love, pressing against his chest and back at the same time, but just as strong. He easily identified the sibling love of Laurie and Ava before two other ones took their places, with a different approach. It was as if both wanted to be behind him at the same time but being impossible they went for half his back and the rest on each side of him. The male essence was so obvious that Michael had no trouble recognizing Kyle towards his left side and Stuart on his right. Michael smirked and bucked, rubbing against them, letting them know he would be ready for them on the way back. Wrapping it up came Serena, surrounding him with her special kind of love, making him even more homesick than he already was. Michael felt the sting of tears threatening to flood his eyes and before it happened and they took it the wrong way, he decided to stop the connection. He didn’t want to leave them worried, that wasn’t his intention and the last thing on his mind.

“Thanks for being here for me, love you all, you know that. See you soon.”

Just as he started to fade, a movement on his left caught his eye and he saw Sylvia walking into the room with her mouth open to say something. It opened wider and so did her eyes when she saw him.

“Uh oh…Ava, love, do your thing, sorry…” Michael sent his sister the message and just before he disappeared, Ava winked and did her magic.

“Michael must be missing Moonshadow…” Sylvia blurted, looking totally confused. “Where did that come from?”

“There was this beautiful black horse in a commercial when you came into the room for just a second. It must have made you think of Moonshadow and of course, of Michael.” Ava smiled.

“Yes, I guess we’re all missing him.” Sylvia sighed.

Michael wondered what she had meant and Serena immediately informed him that the two couples working for Laurie had been told Uncle Derek had flown him back to Roswell in one of his helicopters to clarify some unfinished business about his late foster father so he could leave that behind for good. Michael agreed it had been a great idea and thanked Serena for it.

He was back riding peacefully with his thoughts when he heard the mutters clearly as Nicholas hovered over him.

“What is it with this damn boy and these dumb beasts? He knows I’m scared to death of them, I hate them!”

“Hey! This horse understands I need to be alone and want no interruptions, something you’re proving you don’t, so who’s the dumb one, huh?” Michael snapped.

“Well, excuse me for intruding in your privacy, but Khivar’s getting impatient and I wanted to inform you an attack may come sooner than you expect. I don’t know if that’s important enough to bother you, so consider yourself warned!” Nicholas exploded.

“Sorry man, it’s just that I connected with the gang on Earth and it left me a little…you know…” Michael shrugged.

“No I don’t, because I have no idea what that must be like to have friends, I never had even one on either place, nobody liked me or thought me worth it. You should be glad you have friends,” Nicholas scoffed bitterly.

“You’ve got it all wrong. My ‘friends’ weren’t there for me when Hank or anyone else hurt me. They just considered me a tough kid from the wrong side and kept their distance until the Liz incident when they thought we were all sixteen. Before that, I only had Max and Isabel but when I returned to the trailer, I was on my own to deal with it. The others were safe at home with their parents, they didn’t have the slightest idea what went on with my life until that stupid black eye. So maybe it wasn’t so bad for you to be left alone, you didn’t have to take any kind of physical shit except Khivar’s mean mouth. Big deal! You were lucky! And now at least you have a friend…in me, if you think I’m worth it.” Michael whispered.

He was absolutely surprised when the small man forgot his fears and dropped on him, clinging to his back like a leech, burying his face between his shoulder blades and sobbing like a child.

“Ok, ok, you’re tickling me!” Michael squirmed and laughed.

To his relief, Nicholas sniffed and laughed too.

“Now you’ve also left me a little…you know?” He imitated what Michael had told him about a minute ago and they laughed again together.

“All right Nicholas, tell me all you know.” Michael said, quite serious now.
Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 510
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 100

Nicholas sighed feeling now relaxed and at ease. His sharply bent knees hugged Michael’s hips and his pointed feet had the insteps pressed on the boy’s ass. He gave him a playful kick with each one and giggled against his back. He knew he was safe there, because Michael blocked himself out at the first hint of his presence, too fast for anyone to detect who was with him, even for the Antares.

“Whoa! You’re riding me now?” Michael felt Nicholas’ cock prodding at the lowest vertebra it could get to, due to the position. “I thought this was important!”

“It is, I’m sorry. Khivar is quite restless lately. He has rings around his eyes and bags under them from lack of sleep. He tries not to because all he gets are nightmares of you coming for him and he can’t take it anymore, so the only way out is making it come true once and for all no matter how it ends.” Nicholas scoffed.

“Well, I must say I agree with him there. I’m fed up with this too, though I sleep quite well, but this is all the life I have right now and I’m missing the one I had. I stupidly couldn’t wait for this to happen, and now I just want to get it over with. I need to go back to my friends, my woman…” Michael moaned.

“Shouldn’t that be plural…like women? As far as I know, you’ve got two of them pregnant.” Nicholas chuckled. “Quite a stud, aren’t we? And one hell of a bitch too, when it comes to male partners…”

“Shut up Nicholas, that’s my problem, it’s none of your business. How soon?” Michael asked impatiently.

“Huh?” Nicholas was lost in Michael’s vibes.

“The battle, man, how soon?” He insisted.

“Pretty soon, Khivar is about to snap any time now, from what I last saw before I came to you. He has his half wit mercenaries drilling from dawn to dusk, so all he has to do is come to a decision and challenge you. He has no idea his hounds can be turned off so make sure your scientists nail it asap. It’s the only chance you’ll have against those fiends. I don’t doubt your fighting skills, but what could you possibly do after your whole army is gone and you’re the last one standing in, finding it hard to breath in excruciating pain in a pool of your own blood. That is my constant nightmare, so as you can see, I’m finding it hard to sleep too!” Nicholas exploded.

“Love your optimism, but that’s not what I see, and Khivar won’t be able to hide from me when I leave him without an army. But from what you tell me, I guess I won’t have to drag him out to face me. I sense he’s got something up his sleeve, are you sure you can’t sense it too?” Michael couldn’t help sounding suspicious.

“If I did, why wouldn’t I tell you? Though I have to agree that he must have found a way to keep it away from me. I’ll work on it and see what I can find out right away. Trust me, I will, if he’s hiding something in his filthy mind!” Nicholas hissed angrily. “I’d love to stay longer with you, but I’m now a man on a mission, a life and death one, specially when you’re the target. Hope to be back real soon with the latest news, good ones, I hope!”

Michael felt a quick moist kiss on his cheek and Nicholas was gone. He couldn’t help picturing Isabel and Maria very pregnant and furious at their huge bellies, if they were going to have twins each as Serena had assured them. Maria would sure look funny, thin as she was and Isabel would be radiant, once she got over the shock of not looking like a super model anymore. He had unblocked himself automatically when Nicholas was gone and the connection with them was simultaneous. Of course their bellies were still flat, too soon to show the results of their mating, but they both had him on their minds, as did the rest of the ones left on Earth. Michael decided to focus on them undetected, and enjoy what they had to say on the subject without the restrictions that would limit him if they knew he was there. He knew it was eavesdropping, and they would make him pay for it when they eventually found out, but whatever they did to him would be well worth it. He wanted to know their true feelings expressed by them without having to go into their minds without their permission. Once he heard all he wanted he would let them know he had been there and kiss them both silly before he left, hoping to get them to forgive him, as they always did. He only had to blink and he was back with them, only this time they were all in the master bedroom, where Maria had confessed she couldn’t bear to be without him, meaning of course, by herself, but not with the safety of all the gang with her. Their voices were crystal clear and felt like cool water to his thirst for them. Maria was the first one to voice her fears.

“Isabel, I’m so scared! What if they kill him? We will never see him again!” She wailed between sniffles.

“Maria, as Michael has told us many times, he’s not easy to kill, and even so, you know he will crawl back to us with his last dying breath if that’s what he needs to see us again still alive. And after that, he will surely use his right to return to leave his essence with us, remember he’s Royal blooded, so he will be able to achieve much more than we simple Antares can. Only he could retrieve Zan’s essence seconds before he was executed in our last life, to spare him from the fear he was going through. He did it after having been tortured for two weeks and just murdered in such a hideous way, so you can imagine what he can do in that circumstance. You can be sure we will see him again, hopefully alive and well.” Isabel felt Serena’s arms around their shoulders, comforting them.

“You’ll see him again alive, that much I can assure you.” Serena nodded, but keeping it to herself that though she could see Michael arriving back on Earth very alive, the vision stopped there abruptly, as she replayed it in her mind again and again with the same results. She had no idea what that meant and her powers were not helping her unravel the mystery, acting very optimistic, not to frighten them more than they already were.

Nicholas arrived at the chambers he now was forced to share with Khivar to find his cousin pacing nervously in a circle. He turned on him with the speed of a striking snake.

- Where have you been? I need your advice, why do you leave me when I need you most? What have you been up to? - He asked, acusingly.

- What is it with you? If I stay in here for too long I’ll go out of my mind! It’s stifling! I need to get out and get some air! I don’t know how you can stand it! - Nicholas screamed back.

- It’s safe here in case you haven’t noticed! No one can get past my guards! - Khivar said smugly.

- You’re so stupid! If you say the Royal prince is here and Ramthis wanted to, he could get his powerful son to send a blast and blow us to pieces before your guards could raise a finger or we could even suspect what’s going on. But we’re lucky they’re too noble to do such a cowardly thing! I feel safe nowhere, but going berserk is not going to help us survive this chaos! Only we can do that if we trust each other, can’t you understand that yet? - Nicholas’ face was red with anger.

- Look who’s talking! I am in your hands with the use of the damn whip and you dare speak of trust! Why don’t you show me how to use it? - Khivar shouted.

- When you tell me about the revenge you have planned for Rath-Michael if he destroys us. - Nicholas sent back.

- You already know it! The Ramirez pig will home on him with the tristel instincts in his system which will kick in the second I’m dead, I’ve already told you! - Khivar reminded him.

- No, you sent me away saying you had to perfect your back up plan here on Antar and that you weren’t sharing it with me! - Nicholas was fighting for control.

- Oh that! It was just a stupid idea, it never worked out, that’s why I didn’t tell you about it. Our best chance is the Amanthin, you know that’s absolutely reliable. - Khivar said so matter-of-factly that Nicholas almost believed it.

Nicholas didn’t pursue it so Khivar was sure his stupid cousin had bought it. A succulent meal was brought to them and Nicholas looked convincingly at ease, but he was really trying to get undetected into Khivar’s head to find out his ruse. Wherever the information happened to be, it was totally out of bounds for him, so Nicholas had to hide his fury and keep smiling amiably. It was useless and so frustrating to realize Khivar could keep something away from him, he had probably somehow used what power of the whip he could manage to make it so effectively inaccessible. All he could be sure of, was that it had nothing to do with the Ramirez jerk and his bitch, because it was a back up plan in case the one concerning the two Latinos failed. So it had to be something else, from this world, not Earth related at all, something that started right there and would follow Michael back to Earth. What the fuck was it? Nicholas had inadvertently shaken his head and Khivar couldn’t help noticing it.

- What is it? - He asked, visibly concerned, thinking Nicholas was detecting some threat coming their way.

- Just a persistent headache, with all this tension; I’ve had it since early today and I can’t get rid of it. That’s all, don’t worry, we’re not under attack. - He scoffed. - I better get some sleep, I can block away your nightmares, if you want. You need to be rested to be able to think straight. -

- Alright, I can do with some sleep too. Do it! - Khivar went to his bed and lay on his back closing his eyes and crossing his hands over his chest.

Nicholas pressed his fingertips on his temples and made sure that not even the most innocent dream would get past his barrier. He made it doubly strong so Khivar would snore away for easily four hours at least, probably more if he didn’t fight it, which he would have no reason to do so. Great, he would take a stroll to the lab and see how things were going there, and plant whatever ideas he could in the scientists’ brains that might help them get it going as fast as possible if they hadn’t mastered it already. He was pleasantly surprised to see they had, and it was all running smoothly. They were just working like crazy, nonstop, to produce the large number of ultrasonic wave transmitters small enough to be easily hidden in the shields and helmets yet powerful enough to successfully neutralize the effects of the gadgets stuck in the mercenaries’ necks. That would be more effective than their original idea of magnets that would suck away the charge of the chips, which they had been working on so far, but the problem was that they would have to be placed very near the embedded gadgets, and when you were fighting for your life, you might not have the chance to aim it without getting killed as you tried to do it. The ultrasonic waves would selectively find the gadgets without any effort and safer for the Antares soldiers who would be immune to them. The stoic scientists were smiling from ear to ear, showing their quiet enthusiasm. Nicholas knew they had already done every test possible and were satisfied with the results, so the head of the lab was getting ready to go to Michael with the good news. Nicholas just had to beat him to it, so he zoomed to find the boy.

It took him some time to find him because Michael’s vibes were kind of weak and when he finally did, he could understand the reason for it. He was in the cave that Amaru had prepared for him behind his bedroom, lying in the shallows of a pool barely covered by the water, with his cheek resting on his crossed forearms. Nicholas looked all around, also surprised not to see or sense Max but he was definitely alone. He did a quick mental scan to find Max and make sure he wouldn’t come meddling, but he found him sitting with his mother in her chambers, holding both their hands, teary eyed and sniffling in a tête-à-tête of sorts, so he was safe there. He still found Michael unresponding to his pleas until he realized it was just his body there, his mind was as far away as he could possibly be: on Earth. He homed on it and was sucked, unable to stop himself, to find himself looking at a naked Michael sprawled on a huge bed in what had to be his luxurious bedroom at his new abode: the Dupree mansion. He seemed asleep, or at least so relaxed to be almost passed out, but his moan and lazy snuggle had Nicholas perplexed until he caught sight of two pairs of hands, small enough to be female, slowly teasing his whole back area and eliciting his response. ‘Maria and Isabel! The bitches!’ Nicholas thought, his crush on Isabel still strong but for different reasons now. It turned him on to see the way he reacted to her. Maria added to the visual effects, but she was too skinny for his taste. He made himself comfortable on top of a wardrobe, sitting back against the wall and got ready to watch the show.

“Hey…” Nicholas heard Michael’s husky whisper in his head.

“Hey yourself! Don’t mind me and have your fun, I haven’t seen that combination in a porno for some time, so you can be sure I will be able to enjoy it.” Nicholas giggled.

“I mean you won’t be able to enjoy it as you usually do.” Michael whispered.

“Wrong there! I see plenty of cool toys about to come out of the drawer!” Nicholas grinned.

“Oh, wow! Good for you too then.” Michael chuckled.

And just as Nicholas had predicted, Michael heard the drawer opening and the two girls giggling conspiratorily.

“Alright, who will I get first?” Michael said softly, wanting to be surprised.

“It should be your choice.” They whispered together.

“Okay then, both!” He reached back with both arms.

“You only have one cock!” They laughed.

“Shit!” He scoffed in frustration, not being able to choose one over the other.

“Let’s play a game, but you have to promise, and keep it, to disable your powers and simply guess, alright?” Maria suggested.

“We will know if you’re cheating and leave!” Isabel threatened.

“Cool! I’m game!” Michael complied, thinking it would truly be fun.

Nicholas made himself comfortable, sitting crosslegged and leaning forwards for a better view, in dire danger of toppling over and taking a nasty spill which of course would never happen, being in complete control of himself with his alien status. He disliked, though, not being able to access Michael’s mind now that the boy was totally focused on his human side, keeping his promise and obeying his women. Nicholas could only watch, without participating in any level whatsoever, but still, he was having fun like a kid managing to get the adult cable channel when his parents were away.

Maria and Isabel did about everything they could think of, using every toy they had on their willing victim as he lay prone with his ass in the air. Michael just braced himself and took it, suffering and enjoying, glad to please them but as they ran out of gadgets the girls decided that what they really needed was an old fashioned good fuck like only Michael could give them.

“Ok, we have a new game. You can be yourself again now.” Isabel whacked his butt and Maria rubbed the reddened spot.

“Right, we had our sick fun but now we really need…” She was cut short by Michael’s husky whisper:

“I know what you need, what you both need, but alien or not, I have to go with one at a time.” He smirked.

“You go first.” Isabel smiled and gently pushed Maria back on the bed.

“Thank you.” Maria smiled back, in no mood to argue.

Michael immediately covered her with his body and kissed her everywhere possible, as Isabel, not wanting to miss the fun, simply knelt between his thighs and placed her hands over Maria’s which were cupping Michael’s butt to get his as close to her as she could. That way, Isabel connected with Maria’s mind, and what Maria felt, Isabel did too. Michael did everything exactly like he knew Maria liked, and Isabel loved every second of it, rubbing her crotch against Michael’s ass and sending her most loving vibes to both him and Maria through their sexual connection. Then it was the other way round, with Isabel under Michael and Maria doing what the alien girl had just done. Nicholas watched open mouthed the amazing threesomes, but his eyes were homed on the boy, his mouth watering at the sensual and exquisite way his lithe body undulated, keeping every millimeter of their skin, back and forth, involved in the subtle caress. There was no doubt at all to Nicholas that Michael had been born to make love, anyway he did it, giving and receiving, no one could do it like him. The boy should be a porn star; he sure was losing time and money, as if he needed the last one now! Nicholas sighed with sincere admiration as they now lay spent, the girls on their backs close together side by side and Michael over them, half over Isabel and half over Maria as their hands glided lazily over his body in the alien aftermath. They were beginning to show signs of recovering when they were suddenly shocked into reality.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Liz’s voice was echoed by at least five feminine gasps and two unmistakably male ‘shit’ and ‘fuck’. This confirmed Nicholas that Michael was totally visible to their unexpected audience. He turned towards the door to find Serena, Ava, Laurie, Kyle and Stuart plus two Latino looking women, one older than the other, whom he didn’t recognize. The last two gave absent minded smiles saying they should make sure lunch was coming out as they wanted and left, so Nicholas recognized Ava’s mind warping powers effectively at work as the men prudently retreated to make way for the red faced girls to follow suit. At least the girls’ nudity was out of sight, but there was nothing to guess, nonetheless.
‘Don’t these humans ever knock?’ Nicholas wondered, a little irked at what he considered a rude interruption which didn’t seem to bother any of the three involved in the least.

“You know Isabel? You’re really lucky with Stuart!” Maria giggled.

“That I am. I wonder why they were looking for us…” Isabel sighed, her curiosity piqued as she knew Maria’s also was.

“It was about the clinic, it’s ready to the last detail.” Michael provided.

“Great, that will keep us busy until you guys come back. We’ll only take psychological cases and only the physical ones that Stuart can handle without the need of Max to boost his powers without suspicions. Please, come back soon!” Maria whined.

“Sure baby.” Michael kissed Maria breathless and repeated his feat with Isabel before he returned to his body on Antar.

He had grabbed Nicholas by the hair on the way back, having detected him as soon as his alien side kicked in again.

“Alright, spill!” He ordered.

“Hey! I like the lover much better!” Nicholas whined, uncannily like Maria.

“Don’t do that! I can barely take it from Maria, but not from you! Sorry, it’s just that I hate to leave them.” He apologized.

“It’s alright. How are the scientists doing?” Nicholas teased.

“As if you don’t know! I’ll ask you again: spill!” Michael chewed his lip, making Nicholas visibly shiver.

Nicholas indulged him and finished just before they heard Michael’s name being called from the bedroom. The Earth thing had taken barely a couple of Antares minutes and this meant the head scientist was there with the good news.

“Go, and don’t spoil his moment. Pretend you don’t know anything. They have been slaving 24/7 for this and they’re very proud of it. Actually, I am too, of them.” Nicholas nodded. “I’ll be back, later on.”

With that, he seemed to leave, and Michael got out of the pool dripping wet to hear Nicholas’ ‘yum!’, sending him a mental ‘scat!’, which he obeyed giggling.

Michael dried himself wrapping what could pass for a towel over his hips and went to meet the scientist. He noticed the man couldn’t help checking him out and he clothed himself with a quick wave of his hand.

- Hmmm! - The scientist cleared his throat apologetically and went on to give the boy a detailed description of their success.

Michael congratulated the man who was beside himself with pride and then, as the scientist was leaving, Max arrived, red eyed and drippy nosed.

“What now?” Michael scoffed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

Max sat on the bed and between sniffles told him how he had finally made his peace with his mother. Michael pulled him up and hugged him.

- Sorry man, didn’t mean to be a jerk, I’m glad about you and your mother. It’s just that I’m kind of edgy because I think this is finally coming to an end and I’ll be making my stand for our people sooner than we had expected. - He told Max verbatim what the scientist had informed him, and that he was finding a way to bait Khivar into a battle asap, so they could go back to Earth and make a decision about their lives once and for all. He wanted Maria and Isabel here on Antar to give birth to their babies, with all the ease and comfort of an Antares delivery. That didn’t mean that they couldn’t go back to Earth if they wanted, visiting Antar every so often, or the other way round according to their eventual choice of where they would settle down.

- That’s going to be a real tough one. - Max looked worried.

- Yeah, I know. I hope we have a complete majority of votes, because I wouldn’t want anyone to feel unhappy about having to comply just not to be left behind. I think we should all come here like for a visit, and see how they like it, if they feel better and safer than where they call home. That would be the closest to fair for them. If not, we’ll go back after they give birth, and the babies are fit to travel, hoping Earth agrees with them, which I don’t see why not, if that’s where they were conceived. But then, we shouldn’t be crossing bridges until we arrive at them, huh? - Michael smirked, not sure if he had made sense at all.

Michael was thrilled at Max totally agreeing with him and decided to call it a night.

- You need to rest, Michael, in case tomorrow…you know? - Max kissed Michael on the lips, short and sweet, and lay back reaching up to him. Once Michael was in his arms, he was able to close his eyes and feel the younger boy relaxing and snuggling against him.

- Just hold me…- Michael whispered as he fell asleep in his lover’s embrace.

His physical contact with Max unconsciously also made a mental one, thus beginning what Max would always remember as one of the worst nights of his life. Michael was having what could partly be considered a nightmare, though not quite, as he willingly relived every battle he had fought as Rath-Michael, as the Greek boy Mihaelis, including his encounter with the god Priapus, which he considered a battle in his own right, as it gained his people the victory in the real battlefield, and the ones he had faced lately as just Michael. The purpose of his masochism was to perfect his strategy and prevent what little mistakes he had made in the past. Max found himself standing beside his warrior, thankfully invisible, as he silently gasped and shuddered unseen each time Michael’s flesh was pierced, be it a sword or an arrow. Max couldn’t help watching the pain on his face and in the defensive reaction of his muscles when he was hurt. His connection with his cousin allowed him to understand why Michael was going through such torture by his own choice, and accepting it if it would help him survive the final battle in store for him. He was unaware of a third party: Nicholas huddling in a corner and witnessing the whole deal with tears rolling down from his eyes. Nothing would have prepared Max for such a sight, surely doubting his own eyes and suspecting a mind warp from the powerful sidekick of Khivar.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 101

It’s impossible to conceive the hell that goes on in a battle unless you’ve been there at least once or in many as Max was experiencing, one right after the other without the least respite in between. Michael would claim victory, torn and bleeding to start again, fresh and ready for it in the blink of an eye. Max’s head was spinning with the shock of the violence, the bloodshed, and the fact that Michael was the target on every enemy soldier’s mind. His elite guard of three, fighting to his right, left and behind him did all they could to protect him as did his unique armour, but there was always a breach that let a sword or arrow get to him while they were all fighting for their lives at the same time. When the whole sequence was finally over, Max realized Michael was starting it all over again and he simply couldn’t take it anymore. He sat up violently, fully awake as Michael slid off him and turned to face the other way.

- NO! - He shouted, his sanity ready to snap. - Please! I’ve had enough, I can’t go through it again! I can’t stand watching what it does to you! Michael! You have to wake up! -

But Michael paid no heed to his pleas. The tensing of his body and grunts told Max he was back at it again on his own. Max covered his face with his hands and sobbed, picturing himself safe in the castle as Zan, and now as Max, just as secure in the new underground citadel while Michael was going through what he had just seen. And Ramthis! He knew what it was like, better than anyone else, he also knew how good his son was, but that didn’t make him invulnerable or invincible, as he had been so far. Max dreaded to think Michael’s luck and skills might not hold up the next time, now that they were so close to achieving what they had strived to, what they were destined to do. What kind of a freaked out world was this where someone so young had to carry such weight on his shoulders? Why had Michael’s life been so unfair if he was expected to give so much?
This was madness, it didn’t make any sense at all! Why couldn’t they just renounce to the whole thing, sent this miserable planet to hell on a one way ticket because it couldn’t get any more fucked up than it already was, return to Earth to shed their memories like a snake gets rid of its dead skin and go on with their lives as simple humans? They would have their powers even though they didn’t know where they came from, but they would use them to do good, discreetly so they wouldn’t be discovered by those who wouldn’t understand and take it all wrong. They would just consider themselves extraordinary, with special gifts to be shared with those who needed them, not to be feared. They could claim they were psychics, that they were blessed with ESP, there for anyone who needed them. They wouldn’t charge a penny to show their good will and people would love them, they would have no enemies! Oh yes, there was a word for that: UTOPIA! ‘Welcome to the real world Max! Michael needs you, so stop the stupid daydreaming and hold him, let him know you’re there for him.’ The words kept ringing inside his head, showing him a course of action appropriate for the present situation. Max stretched on his side behind Michael and pressed the boy’s warm body to his, feeling how it fitted perfectly, belonging to him. On the male side, Michael was completely, totally and absolutely his. Women became a second option, they couldn’t enter Michael’s body the way he did. No other male could do to Michael what he did the way he did it. They made a whole, like no other couple could.
Max held on to his warrior, hour after hour as his private war went on and on. When darkness started to wane and a pale light began to creep into the room announcing another day, Michael took a deep breath and sighed.

- Max…- He whispered.

Then rolling first on his belly and then on his other side to face his lover, Michael draped himself over his cousin pushing him on his back, allowing Max to receive him in his arms again. His easy breathing told the older boy that his warrior was at peace, his battles over and his wounds healed. He held him tight until the boy squirmed and moaned in protest. Max chuckled and eased his grip so his hands could glide all over Michael’s back. He kneaded his muscles in a caressing massage feeling the firm body yielding under his expert hands.

- Mmmmm…yesss…- Michael purred in his sleep.

“Michael! Michael!” A desperate familiar voice insisted, trying to get his attention.

Michael tossed and moaned as he recognized it, and the way it was breaking as it called his name told him it could only mean one thing: what he had been wishing for and dreading at the same time. He blocked himself out a fraction of a second too late, as Max cocked his head to a side, frowning as he seemed to identify it.

- Nicholas? - He spat, but it was gone so fast that he wondered if he had heard it at all.

The sudden din of a bell tolling urgently made him jerk in alarm and as he tried to sit up again, he found Michael’s body was now so tense, that it weighed him down, rendering him helpless under him.

Ramthis burst into the room screaming his son’s name like a madman, Wyteeah right behind him, looking for once untidy and disheveled, very unlike her. She fell on her knees beside the bed and took Michael’s hand, pressing it to her face and drenching it with her tears.

“MICHAEL!!!” Nicholas shrieked in despair.

- WHAT!!! - He yelled back, noticing too late that he hadn’t done it mentally.

“Khivar has finally snapped! He’s raced to the balcony and started to ring that damned bell! I’ve rushed to see why he’s doing it and I can see the whole army rallying and getting armed! It must be the signal for them to prepare for battle! He’s never done that for the trainings! I’m afraid this is it! I’m so sorry I didn’t foresee it!” Nicholas blurted out as fast as he could, but still able to convey the dire message coherently.

- Can’t you hear that damn tolling? What do you think it is? I’ve already sent Shenti to have every man armed and ready for battle! Get up son, the time has come! - Ramthis was actually pulling him up off of Max as he was contributing pushing him off of him too.

Michael shook them off and slowly stood up.

- Alright, lay off! Let me get ready! - He waved himself clean before waving his armour and boots on. A rustling at the door made them turn to find Geehan standing there with his sword, shield and helmet. Michael received them from the black man with a smirk, getting back a nod and a shadow of a smile.

The silence was appalling until it was broken by Wyteeah’s sob. Ramthis didn’t like the implication, taking it as a negative omen as he shook his head violently in her direction, his eyes flashing fire and silencing her effectively. She clamped her hands over her mouth, shocked at what she had just done and it’s meaning.

- Stop this stupid superstition! Come here! - Michael opened his arms to receive his aunt who barely dared to breathe. - It’s alright, don’t cry, thanks for your care and concern because it makes me stronger for you. I can feel how much you love me and I love you just as much too. -

Michael took her hand and placed it over his heart so she could feel how it was beating, full of life and determination, reassuring her but not enough to stop her worrying. He kissed her forehead and let her go, but she clung to him until he gently peeled her arms from around him.

- I have to go. - He said softly, sensing a gasp rising to her lips as she managed to keep it in check just in time.

She rose on tiptoes and kissed his lips, praying it wouldn’t be the last time she did it.

- I’ll give it back to you when I return. - He quipped and gave her the smirk she treasured.

Michael turned towards the door and was embraced by his father who kissed him too. No words were needed, the look in his eyes told him how he felt. He was stopped again by Max who kissed him lingeringly and squeezed him before he reluctantly let him go.

- Take us all in your heart, Michael, and feel us with you every second until I can hold you back again. - Max whispered, not trusting his voice.

Their eyes locked for three seconds and then Max closed his not to see him go.

When he opened them again, he was alone in the room and the silence was deafening.

“Michael’s gone.” He told himself, struggling not to lose it. “This can’t be happening! I want him back! Michael! Come here! How dare you leave me alone!”

“Let him go. It’s his destiny and you know it! Don’t make it any worse for him than it already is if you really love him! Khivar will be defeated, that’s all I can tell you!”

“Nicholas? It was you! What the hell is this about? How do you know? I don’t trust you!” Max followed the mental connection, playing it safe in case he was going mad and had started hearing things.

“I don’t care! That’s your problem, not mine or Michael’s. I’m the only one that can keep Khivar safe, and it’s not what I’m planning to do. Michael knows it, but your connection as his healer and lover is too strong and you’ll only weaken him with your worries which will seem to him like you’re doubting his chances of a victory. That’s the last thing he needs. STOP IT! YOU’RE BEING A JINX!”

“I can’t help it!” Max whined.

“Yes you can! Picture him as he returns holding Khivar’s head by the hair! That’s what you must do, and you’ll help make it happen!” Nicholas hissed, sending such a vivid vision that Max was frozen on the spot.

Nicholas relaxed his hold as he pushed a chair under Max with his powers dropping him there, fixed to it and paralyzed, body and mind. Nicholas had just made sure Max’s unfounded ramblings would not interfere with what he had planned and spoil it all as he certainly could if left on his own. Now it was up to Michael and Nicholas trusted he always rose to the occasion and this would not be an exception. As much as he wanted to be there with Michael, Nicholas knew he might not be able to hold back and his intervention might change the course of history in a totally unfavourable way. No, he trusted Michael completely and that’s how it was going to be. He would stay there to make sure Max didn’t fuck up with his usual lack of timing and assure Michael the victory he deserved.

Nicholas sat crosslegged at Max’s feet grabbing his ankles with both hands to make sure he stayed put and throwing his whole mental and physical concentration his way to keep him where he wanted. At the same time. he forced himself away from Michael so the boy could remain focused in what he did best: leading his army to victory regardless of the cost in lives it would mean, including his own. He had been successful in his current endeavour until unexpected sounds brought him back to his present reality but still holding on to Max’s position without breaking a sweat. He automatically identified the voices and footsteps heading his way: two voices, Ramthis and Wyteeah, but three sets of footsteps, the third one quietly and respectfully behind the other two: Geehan of course. Trusting his mind warping powers easily exceeding Ava’s, he had them peek into an empty room, sending them on their way wondering where Max had gone. He could detect their exchange on Max needing to be alone to keep his nerves in check and knowing that wherever he was, he would stay as far away as he could from any possible danger, reappearing when he was ready for it.
Nicholas craved to check on Michael’s progress and find out how their ruse was working, not that he had any doubts, but the accuracy of the time span for it to kick in had been hard to pinpoint, depending on the individual cases concerning the endurance of each mercenary.
Suddenly he noticed Max was making weird gargling sounds in his throat and though his facial expression remained unchanged, his fingers were curling into talons. What was going on with him? He deepened his connection and sensed Michael. How the hell was Max doing that? He knew Michael automatically blocked himself out at battles to prevent this very reaction on those close to him. There was no way Max could connect with him unless his energy was boosted with a massive amount of other ones. He sensed another one almost at strong as Max’s and very similar, but female. Liz, of course! She had this special empathy with Michael and she was Max’s wife, so they were linked through sex on a three way basis! There was a chain of lesser but strong enough energies following Liz’s and Nicholas easily recognized Maria, Ava, Laurie, Kyle, Stuart and Serena. Three were also sexually connected, two were blood links through shared DNA and Serena…well, she was a seer with powers Nicholas couldn’t still quite understand. They were all joined, sending Michael what energy they could spare without endangering their lives, and then among them but so disguised that he could hardly recognize it was his own! But how? He was totally against any connection that could fatally distract the young warlord and get him killed! Oh, now he got it! It was channeled through his hold on Max! He was doing it without even realizing it! He could pull away, but the other ones were too far gone, and if he did, the others would have an advantage over him, knowing what was going on in the battlefield. The first thing Nicholas wanted to know was how it was affecting Michael and if he could do anything to ease the tension it might be causing him. The probe was so subtle and gentle that Michael didn’t even acknowledge it. Michael was feeling them but he just kept shaking them away thinking that each stab of pain that pierced his body brought them to his mind, fearing he would not see them again. Nicholas had to do something before it was too late, so he used Max’s voice to get through to them:

“Stop it! You’ll get him killed! This is not helping him at all, quite the contrary! He needs his full focus and no distractions if you want him to survive!” The second his message got though, a savage jab to the small of Michael’s back almost brought him down, and they were gone faster than their gasp reached him. Michael recovered and turned on his enemy with lightning speed, slashing his sword hand off at the wrist and then his head off his neck. Nicholas couldn’t help laughing at the thought that had crossed his mind, which also happened to be the absolute truth as Michael’s reaction had just proved: Sex was like a battlefield to Michael. The pain of each wound he received just spurred him on. Michael’s helmet had a transparent protection for his face all the way down, sitting on his shoulders which enabled Nicholas to recognize the ecstasy on his face with every enemy he dispatched, exactly the same expression when the cock up his ass made him come.
Finally Michael began to notice the beastly creatures’ energy start to wane. His precise expert timing told him they were closing to practically fifty Earth minutes into the fighting, and the already dead enemies had to be the weaker ones, whose breathing systems had failed them first. Michael had systematically been attacked, over and over by the enemy, as if they had been instructed to get any shot they could at him, even if they weren’t fighting him directly but he was just within reach of their weapons, and even if it meant their current foe made away with their lives.
The battle had started under the weirdest of circumstances. Michael rode at the head of his men, not charging but maintaining their pace when suddenly, as they were about twenty yards from each other, their enemy stopped. Michael kept going for a few more yards expecting them to begin moving again, but they didn’t. He tentatively rode towards them signaling his men to wait and approached the man in the very centre, whose flashy and elaborate armour, apart from the fact that he was the one shouting instructions left and right in a carrying voice to his comrades, screamed the fact that he was the leader. As Michael got near and the blank expression in their faces assured him it was not a trick, he suspected the reason for the unexplicable paralysis was that the scientists were doing some last minute adjustments to their transmitters, to channel the right level of frequency. He had to stop right in front of the leader, not planning on trampling him when his enemy wasn’t even aware he was there. A few seconds later, the first three rows that were clearly visible to Michael gave a start all together and the leader’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Michael astride his horse right in front of him. As the mercenaries had been advancing, Michael had noticed the distrust with which they looked at his mount, clearly unfamiliar to it. Used to fight on foot, the notion of cavalry was completely foreign to them. The creature’s reaction raising his sword and shield at the same time as he let out a guttural wail confirmed Michael’s assumptions and before he could do anything to stop him, his horse reared, trained to strike moving targets. The mercenary fell back and the animal’s hooves landed on the shield covering his face, creaming his head to a pulp. The sound he had been making was cut off as if he had been unplugged and Michael regretted the result of his curiosity. He hadn’t meant it to happen that way. He backed the horse, whirled him around and rode back to his lines, shaking his head at his men, who had expected him to ride down as many enemies as he could. Change of plans. Somehow, that strategy didn’t suit him on this occasion. He dismounted and the regrouping on the enemy lines happened as if by magic. They began charging, stepping over their dead leader as if the body wasn’t there. The clash of the two forces was ferocious. Michael threw himself with all his weight and strength against the one facing him, angling his shield to catch the mercenary right under the chin. Michael heard the wheezing gasp, not needing time for the transmitters to make the mercenary start choking as a preview of what would eventually happen to Khivar’s army. Michael shoved his enemy back hard, slashing at his throat the second it cleared his shield. One down but he had no time to find out how many more on behalf of his men. His elite were immediately surrounding him but every step he took as he advanced, earned him an expected wound from behind. His armour was holding fairly well, but his flesh was still pierced, deep enough to make him bleed with the just as expected burning pain.
As the battle raged, Michael knew exactly what they were doing to him, not caring or striving for a fatal blow, knowing he would survive it thanks to his armour, and they would most probably become the casualty. They were just wounding him as many times as they could, staying away from his sword as the current scapegoat facing him kept them safe, weakening him with pain and blood loss. Michael felt his energy slowly waning with every passing minute, stubbornly struggling to keep going long enough. The pain was getting unbearable, and in his fevered state, he knew he was hallucinating when his friends’ faces kept flashing in his mind. He was grateful when Max brought him out of it screaming them away. Yes, it had sounded like Max, but there was Nicholas’ drive calling the shots. He wasn’t sure exactly what had happened but his blood began to boil with a new burst of energy that enabled him to go on after a vicious stab in the small of his back almost brought him to his knees. He turned in fury, cutting down his enemy and that was the turning point. About time too, nearing the hour, the strongest of the mercenaries still standing began to fall like flies, clutching at their throats with their eyes rolling back into their heads. With wide open mouths, they fell staring at the sky, as if the source of air that was being denied to them would come to their rescue from above.

- Michael! - Shenti came running towards him, having strayed too far as he fought back to back with the boy.

Michael turned towards him a little too fast, and the dizziness caused by the considerable loss of blood he had sustained had him falling into his arms.

- We must get him to his healer! Give me a hand! - Shenti shouted at the nearest Antares soldiers who rushed to them.

- I’m fine, just dizzy, get my horse! - Michael pushed away from Shenti who was barely holding him up and wouldn’t let go. - Bring my horse! What are you waiting for? -

One of the men rushed to obey his demand and brought the prancing animal, cautiously keeping his distance.

- Thanks. Shenti, I need to get to Max right away. - He forced himself away from Shenti’s grip twisting his body in the opposite direction where the horse was standing behind him. Cunningly using the momentum, he heaved his sore body over the ample back. He lay there unmoving, sensing the worried looks on his soldiers’ eyes, but if he tried to straighten up too fast to reassure them, he knew he wouldn’t make it. He waited until the dizzy spell allowed him to move and making an extra effort, ended astride the horse, as he had wanted. Dizziness struck him again and he had to lie hugging the animal’s neck.

- Shenti, take me to Max. I’m very dizzy and I’m hurting like hell! - Michael scoffed.

- Of course you’re dizzy, you’ve lost a lot of blood! - Shenti scolded him.

- I know, but I have to finish this today. Come with me. - Michael ended in a whisper and Shenti knew he was struggling to hold back the pain.

- Michael…- Shenti protested.

- I’m going to make it. Just stop when I ask you to because I won’t be able to mount again. - He shuddered.

- I’ll get you there. - Shenti promised and they headed for the entrance of the tunnel.

Nicholas allowed himself to breathe with relief and lost his grip on Max.

- He’s alive! He’s coming to me! - Max exclaimed as Nicholas vanished into thin air before Max could notice he wasn’t alone.

Max ran all the way, exhilarated at the good news, and stood waiting eagerly for the rider to appear in the distance. He had beaten just by seconds the rapidly growing crowd of Antares and Andes people, coming to receive their prince and celebrate their victory with their champion. Max wondered how they had found out so fast until he saw the head of the scientists nodding and smiling at the surprise on his face as he approached him. He explained he was responsible for it. They hadn’t needed a messenger from the battlefield to know the outcome. The ultrasonic waves from the transmitters attached to the shields and helmets of the Antares soldiers only kicked in when the breathing transformers implanted in the necks of the mercenaries were within their range, so when the last one had shut off in their monitors, it told them all the mercenaries had stopped breathing, in other words they were dead, which meant they had been defeated. The rising murmur from the crowd had them looking up to see the shape of a horse in the distance, apparently carrying something and a man walking beside him slowly making their way to them. They began to sound worried as they approached, because the man on foot was too short to be their prince which meant he had to be on the horse. Max shivered at the sight, realizing Michael was lying on the horse’s neck which meant he was badly hurt. When they were near enough to recognize Shenti, they saw him turn to the rider and talk to him, reaching up and grabbing his hand. Michael forced himself up and his people stopped holding their breath when they saw he was alive. Max rushed up to them and took Michael’s other hand in his as he walked beside of the horse on the opposite side from Shenti. He could see Michael was hiding a wince with his typical smirk and as the people made way for them, the ones they had just passed paled and gasped when they saw Michael’s back drenched in blood, some of which kept pooling behind him over the horse’s glossy coat and more dripping on the ground from a different source. Female hands rose to cover their mouths and men gaped, as shocked as the women. Max had no idea what was going on behind them, just wanting to have Michael in his arms.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 102

Geehan was waiting for the procession at the entrance that led to their rooms, and the horse stopped right in front of him. He moved to Shenti’s side as the soldier stepped out of the way and after locking his eyes with his prince for a few seconds, Michael shut his tight, literally falling into his arms. Max was about to sulk, feeling left out, when he saw the bloody condition his cousin was in and understood what was happening. He hurried around the front of the horse to open the door of their bedroom so Geehan could lay Michael down for him to heal. Max had been wondering where his uncle Ramthis and his mother were, when he saw them sitting and waiting inside the room. He had forgotten they were used to this, having waited for Rath-Michael to return from battles far too many times, knowing exactly what to expect.
As Geehan followed him into the room with Michael draped over his shoulder, Max had no time to warn him of their parents’ presence because the black man was looking the other way. Exposed for the first time to Michael’s bleeding condition, Ramthis gulped and Wyteeah’s lips trembled, her eyes filling with tears as Geehan placed Michael on the bed as gently as he could.

- How…bad is it? - Ramthis faltered at the sight of his son’s body.

- I don’t know yet. - Max said truthfully watching Geehan grimace as he noticed who they were.

- Hurry up Max! - Michael growled, trying to shift on the bed so that all the damage he had taken was facing upwards.

- Michael…what? - Max began trying to understand the unusual urgency as Geehan and him also helped Michael get his wounds accessible for the healing.

- Just heal me fast, or it will be too late! - Michael insisted unable to bite down his moans as he tried to hide his purpose from his father and aunt, sensing their nerves were already stretched to a breaking point.

- Michael, don’t!!! - Max fought to keep his voice down for the elder couple’s sake sharing Michael’s respect for their strained situation as it dawned on him what his cousin was about.

- HEAL ME! - Michael snapped through gritted teeth.

Max reluctantly realized he had to comply because Michael was right: this would be their only chance to get Khivar once and for all.

Behind them and out of their sight, Wyteeah gave Ramthis a look that clearly asked him what Michael was talking about and his, in return, told her he had no idea though she managed to catch a hint of deceive in it which was obviously for the protection of her current sanity. She had to trust him, as she always did, knowing her as she knew he did. She also had to accept there was no place for her in their male world, there had never been when she was younger, and worst still now that she was so much older. She was sure Michael knew what he was doing, as his true instincts in both his lives hadn’t failed him yet. It was always for their sake, so they would just have to let him be and do whatever his mind was set on. Max would always be afraid for him, that still hadn’t changed and neither had the real reasons. Her son’s incestuous lust for Rath-Michael had always sickened her, but at least it kept them going as an uneven but eventually successful team. Who was she to interfere when their lives were at stake? Ramthis squeezed her hand and she wondered if he had been able to access her thoughts as he always did. She usually wished she could do it too, but something told her it was better she didn’t this time, as well as many others in the past, where her nephew was concerned. His beloved mother’s beautiful face looked back at her everytime she set her eyes on him and she couldn’t hide her feelings for him. She couldn’t have loved him any more if he had also been her son.
That was Zan’s ‘secret’ obsession, well known to everyone, because of his too obvious futile attemps to master the Royal blood he didn’t have and never would. He did everything he could to overpower the younger boy, thinking he could use his age advantage when it was really about intelligence, and there, he was found wanting. Zan could abuse Rath-Michael when there was still a significant difference in size, but when the child started talking, Zan knew he was doomed. He tried to stay away, afraid he wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation and end up being discovered, but it was Rath-Michael who Zan felt was luring him into their games. Zan lived in constant fear but surprisingly, the child said nothing. They were still ages away to know the important part Rath-Michael’s congenital masochism would play to fulfill their destiny, specially the Royal boy’s, and they didn’t even know what it was about, much less that it was the reason why Rath-Michael allowed Zan’s sick games. Then one day, as Zan had whisked the boy away to one of their hidden haunts, Rath-Michael took his hands in his and clearly said: “We play…just us.” The way he grinned and winked at Zan made him realize how precociously cunning the child was. It was definitely his blood that gave him that advantage and Zan knew he had truly meant it in the few words he had learned so far: just them. But Rath-Michael always had the upper hand making Zan think he had it. By letting Zan ‘play’ with him, he had him by the balls through fear of discovery if he told what their games were about. Years later, Zan finally managed to gain the upper hand when he turned into his official healer and chose their connection to be of a sexual kind, bringing it out in the open and feeling in charge. Then came the epiphany that everyone expected that kind of outrageous behaviour from them so why was he hiding it and acting like an idiot? Life was good, Rath-Michael was his, and unfortunately his sister’s too, but what the hell, until Rath-Michael had to make his début in the political scene and close the deals in a way that made Zan’s jealousy soar. It was something established, not the boy’s choice or fault, but still Zan would take it out on Rath-Michael every chance he got, specially when he came back to him to be healed. Rath-Michael suffered in the battlefield, at the deals and at his hands, how could Zan possibly envy him? Well, he didn’t envy his life; he envied the right to his body, mostly because there was nothing he could do about it, even with the throne of Antar falling into his hands, and that also, just because Rath-Michael didn’t want it. The damn kid was always a step ahead. Suddenly, Vilandra was screaming at him that the nearest he would be to Royal blood was when he screwed her man, who would give her Royal children conceived inside her, making him feel limited and useless. Him, a male, a king! How dare she!
At least as Max, he had managed to keep Isabel under his thumb until she had to marry that idiot to be free of his control, and look where it had got them! And Michael…their relationship had been just as weird in their new incarnation, though under different circumstances due to the change of environment, but Max had also been abusive to Michael and ended healing and fucking him just the same. And now they had gone back to their roots to fulfill the destiny that had been unrightly snatched away from them. It was so ironic that in pursuing the final stand, he might lose Michael, and yet he had to help him get there where he could get killed, risking his life as he usually did for them.

“Oh shit! Just let this end well so we can live in peace even if I have to share Michael with all the Earth gang and the Antares one!” Max pleaded to whatever ‘powers that be’ in charge of this whole lunacy.

Max felt his head was about to explode so he shook all his thoughts away to reluctantly comply with Michael’s death wish. He entered Michael with infinite care, as an arrow had literally ripped him a new one. The shaft had been torn off but the triangular barb was still inside him, missing the piercing by a scant inch.
The torturous healing was quick and efficient, just like Michael wanted but when he tentatively started getting up, he doubled over in pain.

- Michael, you can’t…- Max began to be interrupted once more.

- I have to! - Michael grunted, impatiently forcing himself upright.

- My child, no, please don’t…- Wyteeah couldn’t contain herself and rushed to take her beloved nephew in her arms.

Michael stood still while she captured him in a tight embrace, trying to convince him he should stay in bed and let them take care of him. He could tell from their close contact that she thought he wanted to go and check on his soldiers.That was far better than having to lie to her, so he just ambiguously insisted he had to go, without misleading her, and she let him go, what else could she do?
Max sighed with defeat, he had had just a small hope that his mother might have done the trick, but no, no one really could. Khivar had to be destroyed and Michael would, or die trying.

As he rode towards the deserted castle, he felt as if the blasted arrowhead was driving into him all over again with each of his horse’s strides. His body was beaded with fevered sweat, and he couldn’t help shuddering much too often. He was far from being in his best shape, but still Khivar was no match for him, of that he was sure.
He could sense Nicholas barely holding his own convincingly backing up Khivar as the defeated pseudo king desperately paced in circles, not knowing how to get out of this one. He held the coveted whip in his hand, waving it everywhich way, hoping to achieve the right movement on his own, and not depend on Nicholas, who stood nervously wringing his hands as he watched his cousin’s circular revolutions in a complete lack of control. They both sensed Michael approaching and Khivar got worse by the second. His eyes were rolling with madness and Nicholas wasn’t sure of what he was capable of doing at the stage of dementia he had reached. He had no doubts that if Khivar tried to blast away, he couldn’t tell what he would strike, because his hands were trembling and shaking as if he was having a seizure. Nicholas feared for his life, dreading the moment when Khivar would find out what he was about. It scared the crap out of him to think of Michael there with them, which would force him to openely take sides, and at the same time he couldn’t wait to see him arriving. If anyone could keep him safe, it was Michael. His cousin Khivar would not hesitate to murder him in cold blood, pulverizing him with a blast at close range, which would be the only way he wouldn’t miss him. So he stayed as far away from him as he could without arousing suspicions.

- He’s going to kill us! That cursed boy is going to kill us! - Khivar shrieked, drool running down the left corner of his mouth.

Then he was ranting and screaming at the top of his voice for a full minute before he went silence and still, his head cocked to one side, listening with utmost care.

- He’s here! - He wailed and raced to stand beside Nicholas, pushing the whip against his hand to have him make it work.

Nicholas tried to hear any revealing sound which would confirm what Khivar kept insisting but there was only absolute silence.

- Khivar! - Michael seemed to materialize at the door out of nowhere and Khivar jumped close to a foot in the air.

Nicholas was torn between relief and panic as his fingers refused to close on the whip Khivar kept shoving into his hand.

- Kill him! Kill him! - His voice was pitched so high with fear that he sounded like a woman.

Khivar thought Nicholas had frozen with fright and decided he wouldn’t be of much help so he raised his hands dropping the whip and started blasting with all he could. Michael kept getting closer, oblivious of the attack, as Khivar’s blasts flew aimlessly all around him. Some got near enough to singe his clothes and one ripped his cheek open, but he wasn’t stopping. When he was three steps away, Khivar started lowering his arms ready to plead for mercy when a blast escaped from one of his hands and ripped a chunk of flesh from the insides of both of Michael’s thighs, more than halfway up. Fury, more than pain, at the threat to his masculinity triggered Michael who pounced on Khivar and the force of his blast drove his fingers into Khivar’s vanishing throat. As the albino fell back dead, one last blast escaped his dying hand and ricocheted wildly around the room. Michael was about to throw himself on the floor until the momentum of the blast died down from all the bouncing off the walls when he saw the scared to death Nicholas almost in front of him as he had been standing beside Khivar. Michael knew the blast was coming towards the small man from the look on his face and he was right in the way so he wrapped him in his arms on the way down, hoping he wouldn’t crush him.
Nicholas could hardly breathe with Michael’s full weight on top of him.

- Michael, please, I’m choking! - He gasped but Michael didn’t move.

- MICHAEL!!! - Nicholas went berserk, thinking he was dead.

- Dammit! Shut up! I’m trying to get my breath back too! - Michael growled.

- Are you alright? I think I saw it going over you! - Nicholas whispered.

- Wrong! The damn thing skidded on me like I was a landing strip! - Michael grunted. - It stings like hell. Isn’t my shirt on fire? Cause that’s how it feels! -

- Let me get up so I can see…-

Michael moaned and winced as he rolled just enough to free Nicholas from beneath him and flopped back breathing heavily.

- What shirt? It’s gone! And your pants are split in two! Just a second later you would have…been fucked to death with Khivar’s last blast! - Nicholas shuddered.

- Ewww, man! - Michael also shuddered. - Help me up! -

Nicholas stood straddling Michael’s hips and leant over to push his hands under his stomach. Being small, he accidentally grazed against Michael’s scorched body.

- Ungh! - Michael grunted and flattened himself back on the floor. - Get away, I’ll do it myself. -

He slowly heaved himself up and Nicholas automatically stood beside him and started to pass his arm around his waist.

- No! Don’t…touch me! - Michael warned him as the flesh under his arm felt on fire again. - Just walk beside me. -

As they stepped out of the castle, Michael managed to get on his horse and reached down to Nicholas.

- Hold yourself away from me, ok? My sides are safe, we’ll only walk. - Michael told him.

- What? No way, sorry! I’m not riding! - Nicholas scoffed, shaking his head.

- You can’t stay behind; it’s not safe until I clarify your situation! - Michael warned him.

- You said you’re only walking? So I’ll walk beside you. No problems! - Nicholas said smugly.

- Alright, suit yourself, Alf. - Michael joked.

- And don’t you go calling me like that hairy monster just because…- Nicholas snapped.

-Oh, shut up and walk! - Michael winced and chuckled as Nicholas obeyed, grumbling nonstop.

Shenti returned to Michael’s room after the boy emphatically told him he couldn’t come with him because he had to finish this on his own and asked him to go to his family. He found a worried looking Geehan standing at the open door gesturing with his head in the direction of the room when he saw him arrive. Shenti followed his signal and looked inside to find Max, his mother and uncle sitting very still, exactly as Michael had left them. Shenti arched his eyebrows at him in a silent question. Geehan answered with a shug of ignorance. Shenti nodded and went to stand at the opposite side of the door. They kept looking in every now and then, not sure if the trio was aware of their presence and it was making them uncomfortable. Shenti was following Michael’s orders, that’s all that counted to him. A while later the ground was shaken by powerful explosions that made them jump. They turned to the ones inside but they didn’t seem to have heard them at all. Shenti and Geehan locked frightened eyes, but they couldn’t leave their post so they decided to keep them in sight to see if there was any change triggered by whatever had happened. A few minutes later, they heard a rustling and saw Max’s hands, that had been clasped on his lap, sliding towards the bed and ending with the palms pressed to it. The second it took the two men to look at each other was enough for them to miss the three sets of eyes opening at the same time. They watched in awe as they stood up together and Max walked out of the door without a word, followed by the elder couple still holding hands. Shenti and Geehan stepped in line behind them and they headed towards the entrance to the tunnel leading outside of the underground city. As they waited there, the crowd that had been standing at their door, scared by the blasts as the group of five passed by, started milling behind them. For the second time that day, they saw the silhoutte of a horse approaching with a smallish man walking beside it, but this time, to their relief, the rider was upright. Who was the other person? Khivar was no prisoner material; if Michael was coming back it meant he was dead. As they began to get nearer there was no doubt to the walker’s identity. Nicholas! Michael had taken him prisoner! Why hadn’t he killed him too? Why would he want to question him? About what? What did it matter now? It made no sense, but then, of course, it must to Michael. As they got closer still, they noticed Nicholas’ hands weren’t tied and that Michael didn’t have any kind of hold on him either. Well, he couldn’t go far on foot, as Michael would ride him down in seconds. Max had experienced Nicholas’ powers, at least mind warping wouldn’t work with Michael, but he could take a treacherous surprise blast at him! It was so weird! When they were just a few feet away, they could see they were talking amiably, like friends and it was too much for Max and Ramthis. They rushed up to them ready to strike Nicholas down as he deserved for torturing and murdering Rath-Michael and all he had done to Michael, but instead, Michael leapt off his horse sensing what they were about to do and stood protectively in front of the small man.

- Michael! Have you gone completely out of your mind? - Ramthis exploded.

- MICHAEL! - Max scolded simultaneously.

- WAIT! Let me explain! - He shouted as Nicholas cowered behind him gluing himself to his burns. - OWWW! Stay away! -

- I knew it! He’s doing something to you! - Max snapped angrily.

- I’ll get him! - Ramthis tried to circle Michael with a speed that didn’t match his age.

- NO! - Michael shoved his hand on his father’s chest, stopping him with hardly any effort. - No, he’s my spy. -

Everyone in hearing distance froze, their jaws dropped to the floor and their eyes popped out of their heads.

- WHAT? - Went Max, Ramthis and Wyteeah, echoed by Shenti and Geehan.

- This is a nightmare, this can’t be happening! - Wyteeah exclaimed, covering her face with her hands. - Michael, the things this man did to you! -

- I’ve forgiven him…I have my reasons, you’ll agree with me when you hear them. - He nodded confidently.

- No, no, no…- Max kept repeating, with a look of total disbelief.

- It’s madness, utter madness…- Ramthis was about to throw a fit of rage.

- Don’t tell me you’ve left Khivar in chains, to get back to him later while you give us the hallucinating news that Nicholas is on our side. - Max spat, sarcastically.

- No, he’s dead. He did this with his last blast and he would have killed me if Nicholas hadn’t warned me. - It was true, Nicholas had frozen but the frightened look in his face had practically told him what was coming his way, their way, actually.

Michael turned around and they paled at the sight of his scorched flesh.

- I have to heal you, that must be hurting like hell! - Max exclaimed.

- Yes, it’s smarting like a mother…sorry Ahmee…- Michael apologized to Wyteeah for the inappropriate use of the term but she just looked puzzled, obviously not understanding, and smiling at him anyway. - But Nicholas is coming with us. -

Max shook his head and scoffed, while Ramthis was dumb with shock.

As Michael walked out of the castle with Nicholas, leaving behind Khivar’s dead body, a small insignificant creature, childlike in size and scrawny, scuttled into the room. It was androgynous, its gender, be it male of female, impossible to ascertain. It stared down at the detached head, still in place except for the missing neck. Its bony hand reached over and the fragile fingers closed the open staring icy eyes. Then it slid its hand behind a cupboard and slipped it between two bricks bringing out an old rusty key. It returned to the body and picked up the discarded and forgotten whip, left behind because Nicholas knew it was useless to him now that his hated cousin was finally dead. It cackled as it pressed it to its bossom, treating it like an old dear friend suddenly come to life again.

- Thank you for guarding my whip for me, I know what I have to do for you. Your death will be avenged, I shall see to it like you would have wanted, like you had planned. I crave to see Royal blood again! - The demon identified itself in a raspy voice and seemed to float out of the room, vanishing from sight and reappearing in what looked like an old barn. There, covered in dust at the back of a nook in the wall, it found two vials of a crystal clear liquid and it carefully took them down and was gone again, this time for good.

Max, Michael, Nicholas, Ramthis and Wyteeah locked themselves up in Michael’s bedroom with Geehan and Shenti guarding the door for them. The healing took place with Michael hanging on to Nicholas’ hands as the small man crouched at the head of the bed. Like the last time, the elder couple sat and watched with their hands clasped together, finding strength in each other. Max’s eyes kept straying away in disgust to Michael’s hands clutching Nicholas’ and his loss of concentration made the healing far from fluent with the constant interruptions and exceedingly painful. Michael knew Max was making him pay for the Nicholas issues so he let him take it out on him. When it was finally over, Max got all bossy.

- You need to rest! - He barked at Michael.

- Not until I say what I have to, so now you shut up and listen! - Michael snapped back.
Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 10:52 pm
Location: heights of Machu Picchu

the calm before the storm

Post by ñusta »

Chapter 103

Michael lay there wondering how and where to start as everyone in the room was focused on him. He shook his head and scoffed because it wasn’t working so he went to plan B.

- Max, come here and take my hand. - He ordered, letting go of one of Nicholas’ hands and reaching back for Max’s.

Max knew there was no way out, so he grudgingly went to sit beside him not enthusiastic at all about having to put his hand where Nicholas’ filthy one had been. He grabbed Michael’s roughly and the younger boy got a hard grip on his cousin’s to make sure he wouldn’t back down and try to pull away.The second they touched, Michael could feel Max’s disgust matching Nicholas’ as they looked at each other distrustfully.

- Father, aunt, come over and complete the circle…please. - Michael started demanding and ended asking politely.

Ramthis stood up, his mouth a single line as he unwillingly moved away from Wyteeah.

- I’m not touching him! - He warned as he walked around the bed to sit beside Max who shifted on the bed to face Ramthis.

- It’s alright, I will. - Wyteeah said, trusting Michael’s reasons.

Nicholas got up from where he was still crouching and sat across from Max as Wyteeah extended her hand for his free one. He took it with a small smile of gratitude and she nodded back. Once she was in her appointed place, the elder couple joined hands resting them on the small of Michael’s back. The connection kicked in and the strength it generated gave Michael a jolt that made him gasp and wince as the electric pulses acknowledging the presence of each of the participants travelled all the way up his spine. He felt their thirst for information and he gave it to them, meticulously detailed from the first contact between him and Nicholas that changed their status from enemy to ally, up to the present. Michael also felt his family cringe with reluctant pity when Nicholas bared his soul and communicated the difficult and unfair relationship he had with his cousin Khivar, through their fathers’ handling of matters, forcing them together in an unwilling bond that could only be broken by death. Fortunately, it had been Khivar’s that had freed Nicholas, but since he had seen the light, he had been striving and somehow partly managing to resist the pull of the blood link which had kept him on Khivar’s dark side for most of his life .
He admitted he had enjoyed executing his cousin’s dirty work, totally convinced that they were on the right side until that caper of Michael’s kidnap with the three human ‘puppets’ that had been the catalyst that planted the seeds of doubt and he hadn’t been able to get rid of the feeling that things were completely different from what he had been led to believe, actually, they were totally the other way round. Nicholas had started hating what he was, what he did and had done everytime Khivar opened his mouth and spewed his venom, mocking him and treating him like crap. Michael sensed Max couldn’t help identifying himself, as Zan, with Khivar through the nature of his relationship with his own cousin, and Michael squeezed his hand reassuring him that their love would never allow them to end that way. Wyteeah took another side of it, relating Khivar with her husband’s dark influence on Zan, tainting their son with his greed and pushing him into what she considered an unhealthy relationship with Rath-Michael. Ramthis admitted he agreed with her, but also accepted that his demands and excessive cruelty starting at a much too tender age, had taken its toll on the boy, awaking his masochism earlier than it would be needed to deal with his destiny which made it stray away from his parental control. He blamed himself for pushing his son into the arms of Geehan and Zan, then also Shenti and Alexander, their visitor from the past.
Wyteeah scolded herself for not being there for her nephew more often than she had, intimidated by the explosive feelings she perceived coming from him and Zan as partners in crime, and so sorry for her daughter Vilandra who was caught in the middle. She knew both Vilandra and Rath-Michael could tie Zan into a knot if they had wanted to, cheering her daughter when she scared the crap out of her brother by screaming him into his place. Wyteeah had to dislike, as a female, Rath-Michael’s approach to the problem, having Zan by the balls through submitting his body to the older boy in a sexual bondage, but she was awed when her nephew stood up to Zan, effortlessly showing who was the stronger and more intelligent one. Her poor spineless son was no match for the Royal blooded youngster, at any stage of their lives, though most of the time, Rath-Michael made it look the other way round, to his advantage. Zan would feel he was in charge, too blind to see the people’s laughter was at him, not with him, trusting their true prince with their safety and admiring him to the point of idolatry. It was all crystal clear to her, without the blindfold of male pride, and she immediately stopped her thread of thinking as she realized with utter shock how far she had gone, now being the one exposed and pushing Nicholas out of the spotlight. Michael thought it was enough, yanking his hands free and prudently stopping the connection.

- Now I need to sleep. I trust you will behave civilly to each other because if you don’t, you can be sure I will feel it and you’ll have to face me when I wake up. - He smirked and closed his eyes.

Surprisingly, Max and Ramthis excused themselves and it only took a look from both of them to have Nicholas stand up and move between them, heading out of the room to have a male session, leaving Michael in Wyteeah’s care. The vibes she perceived held no hostility towards the small man, and Michael was relaxing into sleep which meant he felt nothing disturbing either, so she accepted their need for male bonding and felt at ease at their leaving together. She crouched on the floor by the bed as Nicholas had been, and took Michael’s hand in both of hers, sending him peace and love to receive it tenfold back from the almost asleep boy. Michael knew it was time to communicate what had just gone down to his friends on Earth, and there wasn’t a better way than using Isabel’s dreamworld, which he could easily access lately, even if they were awake, sending them into a trance, but first making sure they were all in the right place so he wouldn’t get them in trouble. His people skills had certainly improved, he laughed to himself, as he went searching for them.
It didn’t take him long to feel the comfortable warmth brought on by sensing all of them rushing to his call. Cool! That meant his timing had somehow been right and they were all available. He had no way of recalling what time of day, what day of the month or even what month of the year it was on Earth. He knew things were much slower there but it seemed to him he had been a long time on Antar. Luck had played a big part for him, it was almost lunchtime, but they weren’t at classes, be it school or otherwise, because it was Saturday. The girls had been getting ready to go to the mall for lunch and some shopping and the guys were watching sports as they waited for them at the chimney room. They felt the pull and followed like robots towards the large main bedroom. Maria was the first to break the silence as they sat around the bed.

- Oh my god! He’s here again! Michael, what’s going on over there? Please tell us everything! When are you coming back? I miss you so much! We all do! - She added looking all around and getting the message from the expresssion on their faces.

“Whoa! Hey! I miss you all a lot too. I may be coming sooner than I thought. Khivar’s dead but there’s something rather unexpected and important that you must know.” He took a deep breath and decided to do it the same way he had done it with Max and his Antares family. “Please form a circle, ok? It’s easier to show it to you than to tell.”

They all gave a start simultaneously, first suspecting it was something they wouldn’t quite like and second because of the two uninvited persons who burst into the room.
Maria, in her excitement, had cried out physically instead of mentally, so Anita and Sylvia who were dusting right by the staircase on the ground floor, heard her carrying voice and rushed upstairs thinking they were speaking to Michael on the phone.

- Ay que gusto! Por fin llamo este muchacho! Dile que lo extrañamos mucho y que cuando viene! - (Oh I’m so glad! He finally called, this boy! Tell him we miss him very much and when is he coming back!) Anita spoke hurriedly barely giving Laurie, who had understood her mistake, time to snatch the phone receiver from behind her and pretend she had taken it from Maria.

- He says he and Max are fine. - Laurie told Anita.

- Verdad! Me habia olvidado del flaco huesudo ese de las orejas! - (Right! I had forgoten about the skinny bony one with the ears! - Anita nodded.

- Mama! Max works out like crazy! He’s got very nice abs, he wouldn’t like to be called skinny and bony! - Sylvia defended Max mostly because of Liz.

- Pura pechuga! No le has visto el culo chato y las piernitas raras? - (All breast! Haven’t you seen his flat ass and funny leggies? - Anita cackled, using the Spanish term breast as in chicken breast, but then she turned blushing to apologize to Liz. - Uy, disculpame Liz! -

Laurie translated as Liz looked puzzled, knowing it was for her when she heard her name at the end.

- Don’t worry, that’s the way he is, nothing new there! - Liz giggled and got both Anita and Sylvia giggling with her.

- Ya hija vamos, dejalos hablar tranquilos. Chau Michael! - (C’mon girl, let’s go, let them talk in peace. Bye Michael!) She shouted the last part hoping he heard her and Sylvia chorused her mother’s words.

As they rounded the door towards the stairway, they heard Sylvia scold her mother:

- Mama, por que no hablas en Ingles? Pareces una chola! - (Mum, why don’t you speak in English? You sound like a chola!)

- Y tu en que estas hablando, Quechua? No me da la gana, pues! - (And what are you talking, Quechua? I don’t feel like it, so what!) Anita answered pissed.

Laurie made sure they understood and they all muffled their laughter in their hands, listening to Michael laughing his head off having understood the whole thing and safely unheard.

“Alright, spaceboy, you had your laugh, now, what were you going to tell us?” Maria made sure she spoke mentally now, so no one else could hear her.

“I’ll show you, it’s easier this way.” And he proceeded to give them the whole show as he had on Antar.

By the time he finished, he was stunned by the absolute silence and blank faces. He was about to ask them if he had got through because he was beginning to doubt he had, when Liz let out a sob and expressed her feelings.

“It’s amazing how wrong we can be about other people, specially those we know so little about and base our opinions on what we think is true. Just like we had this totally mistaken idea about you before we really got to know you. I can’t believe we were so right about Khivar but not about Nicholas. He was right to go to you, Michael; I don’t think any of us would have had the sensibility to even try to give him a chance to understand his side of the story. Who knows how we would have reacted if we had been in his shoes, probably exactly the same, completely sure that the Antares were our enemies and we had to get rid of them just as we thought of them. Oh no, Michael, do you think it was the right thing? - Liz sat there wringing her hands anxiously.

“Unfortunately it was, no doubts there. Khivar was alone in the end; we didn’t kill anyone from our galaxy. Those who had sided with him, had been repenting and returning to us, planet after planet, so the only army Khivar had for some time now, was the one supplied by the scavengers, mercenaries from other planets whose homes had been destroyed and no longer had reasons to live for.” Michael sighed, sad too for those people and their unfair fates.

“What about the people on the other planets, the families of those who had been with Khivar when they deserted him?” Stuart wondered.

“They are safe. When the leaders of the other planets decided they were on the wrong side, they came to us first alone. My father spoke to Amaru and personally told the first leader to return before he was discovered and to tell his people to give him a week before they returned to us, knowing that Khivar would go to their planet for his revenge when they did. He also told them to inform the leaders from the other planets that they would receive the same welcome if they decided to return, like he had, and that their people would be safe too. During that time, my father went with a group of Andes people, and with his powers, they made underground shelters as fast as they could, so that when Khivar went to get them, he found the place empty. The other ones followed as soon as they could before Khivar figured out what was going on. Anyway, by that time, he had already made his deal with the scavengers and his army was composed of three quarters mercenaries, so the Antares weren’t much missed. Of course Khivar was furious at their ‘betrayal’ and his thirst for a vengeance against us was worse than ever.”
Michael explained, remembering that had been his exact question when his father told him of the Antares’ desertion of Khivar and return to them.

Michael waited patiently for some response from the others, watching the diverse emotions on their faces. Then Maria followed Liz.

“Michael, you can imagine how hard it is for me to forgive someone who has been so cruel to you and made you suffer so much. You can say anything you want but we all know you’re not that kind of person and that if things were the other way round, you would never behave like that, with that lack of respect and ruthless brutality. That’s something I can’t understand, but you seem to have. According to what you say, Nicholas has ‘opened his eyes and seen the light’, and somehow that epiphany has made possible for you to vanquish Khivar and survive so you can come back to us. And for that, I have to be thankful.” She shrugged, helplessly having to accept it.

“Izzy?” Michael turned to her.

She just shook her head, unable to put into words what she was feeling. She had watched Nicholas torture and murder Rath-Michael, the love of her life and she has been the one who rescued Michael from his claws again by sheer luck and Valenti following her instructions blindly. She frowned and opened her mouth to speak:

“I’m glad Khivar’s dead and that you are alive. That’s all I can say for now. Sorry.”

Michael nodded and heard Ava and Laurie speak at the same time and stop not sure who should go first.

“Go ahead Laurie.” Ava told her newfound twin.

“No, it must be you. I was never in your planet, at least not that I remember, though Michael’s Antares father identified me as his daughter back there. You have a much better idea who this Nicholas is, while I haven’t the slightest, just what I’ve been told, and seen how hurt Michael was that last time they faced each other. My opinion doesn’t count though yours will. So you go for it.” Laurie said to Ava.

“Alright then, though I am just the clone and not the original one, I can still manage to access some of the Antares Ava’ memories and I have a vague idea that she talked with Nicholas and agreed on a level to get Khivar on the throne because Zan wasn’t doing the job our people expected. She had this thing for Rath-Michael and was frustrated and jealous at the fact that he would never be hers, which triggered her unfortunate decisions. I can’t be sure how I would have reacted in her shoes but I’m glad the fact that here on Earth you’re my brother, Michael, has changed it for the best. I still love you madly, but in a different way.” She giggled. “If it’s Nicholas I have to thank for your being alive and getting rid of Khivar, well, thank you Nicholas, but if you dare lay a finger on my kid brother with dubious intentions, I don’t know what I’d do, but you won’t like it!”

“I love you sis.” Michael whispered smiling. “Thank you for caring so much about me.”

“I’ll help Ava in any way I can if anyone wants to hurt you again.” Laurie said in a trembling voice.

“I know, I want all of you with me so we shall never be separated again.” Michael would have it no other way. “Guys?”

Kyle and Stuart looked at each other and Kyle nodded. Stuart simply couldn’t face Michael, so he spoke in the third person, which enabled him to express himself more clearly.

“You know the condition Michael was in when he was brought to the hospital after he was attacked by this Nicholas. As a doctor, I can tell exactly what he had done to him, he had savagely raped him and then rammed the rod into him, making sure he prodded his prostate on the way in, fully aware of the damage he was causing. Then he went straight up ripping and tearing his intestine through the bends of the sigmoid colon, which as its name means in Greek, has the shape of an ‘S’, resulting in five internal wounds: in and out of two of the bends and only into the third one, because of Isabel’s intervention. There’s no way I can even imagine the pain he must have been still going through, and to make things worse, he had to have resistance to anesthetics! I don’t want to remember what we put him through trying to put him to sleep, which of course, didn’t work as we wanted. We managed to immobilize him to be able to work on him but that didn’t take the pain away. Yet he took it all, only scared to die and leave you all in the hands of that demon, sensing that Valenti may have killed his human body but not his essence. And you want me to believe that Nicholas has had a change of heart and is now on his side? I’m there with all of you guys, but I can’t say I buy it completely.” Stuart crossed his arms over his chest, signaling he had finished.

“Michael, kid, I love you, but Nicholas suddenly on the good side is like trying to convince me that Buddah has a dark side that no one knows about. All I can do is give him the benefit of the doubt, but that’s about it. He’s going to have to work 24/7 shifts nonstop and who knows? It might happen but it sure as hell is going to cost him.” Kyle scoffed.

“Fair enough! Now you know exactly what I do of this issue, but I can’t make you take sides for or against Nicholas because you are entitled to your own opinions.
What counts for me is that you all agree that you’re glad I’m alive and that it’s thanks to Nicholas that I am, and that’s good enough for the time being. We’ll see what happens next and whether it puts you on his side or not. Thanks for hearing me out, Max and I have to take back the castle and the citadel so we can move back there from underground. All I can think of is getting it done to go back to you.” Then all of them simultaneously, received a kiss on their cheeks and Michael was gone.

- It didn’t go as well as you would have liked, didn’t it? - Wyteeah asked him, looking sad.

- No, quite the contrary, it went much better than I thought it would. I expected them to be totally outraged and refuse to believe what I was telling them, so I can say it went rather well. They just need time to think it over and come to reach an understanding of the whole thing. Liz is definitely the most sensible of all of them, and she will lead them to reason, you’ll see. - He gave her a smug smile.

- You trust her over all the others, right? Even my daughter and that other girl you go with…- Wyteeah observed.

- Oh yes! Maria and Isabel can be just too dramatic and lose their focus completely, but Liz can get them back on track without much effort. Laurie and Ava are rather on the quiet side, thinking it over before they make up their minds just like Stuart, and Kyle will probably go into meditation and consult it with Buddah. - Michael chuckled.

- Who is this ‘Buddah’? - Wyteeah asked, mystified.

- A kind of ‘Granilith’ to some cultures on Earth, with ancient roots and very wise,
according to its followers. - He answered her.

- Then you’re right, things will come out fine with them. - Wyteah said quite confidently, making Michael smile again. - Are you alright, child? -

- Yes, now that I’ve shared all I know with my ‘Earth family’ makes me feel better though I can’t control the way they take it, just hope they understand my side of it. - He sighed, worried that she had sounded so concerned.

- They will, you’ll see. - She whispered soothingly. - There’s something else bothering you…-

- I’m just thinking about what’s ahead of us, you know, recovering our castle and citadel for our people…- Michael whispered back.

- Yes, I guess tomorrow will be a hectic day for you and Max. - She had lately managed to call her son by his Earth name, realizing during this time she had spent with him, the differences between the two of them.

- We’ll have one hell of a day. - Michael scoffed.

- One what? - Wyteeah couldn’t understand the concept.

- Oh, just one bad day, that’s all I meant. - Michael smirked.

- Sleep then, child. You need it. - Wyteeah smiled, still surprised by the foreign words her two boys insisted on using every now and then.

Michael nodded and stretched out feeling his aunt’s hands on his back giving him one of her expert massages, kneading his tight muscles with her deft fingers. When she felt him finally relaxing, supple under her hands, she bent and kissed his cheek.

- Don’t go…- Michael pleaded through parted lips, his eyes closed.

- I’ll stay with you until Max returns. - She promised.

He snuggled comfortably, raising one leg with his knee bent sharply and his foot hooked behind his other knee which he just slightly curved to keep it captured under it. One arm lay parallel to his body and the other had his hand tucked under his chin, which reminded Wyteeah of babies typically sucking their thumbs, something her Rath-Michael never did and neither did Michael, not having gone through that stage as a hybrid. She watched him take a deep breath and fall into a deep sleep. She felt so sorry for this boy, after hearing of his terrible childhood and the unfair treatment he had received from most of those around him. Someone as sensitive as him needed a loving family to guide him in the right direction. Life could be so cruel to those who least deserved it. At least he had been the strongest one, the only one who could have taken it like he did. She just wished everything went well next day and they would achieve what they wanted as soon as possible to have some peace and return to the life they had been used to.