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Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:27 pm
by Anna-Liisa
bored, so posting for Antonio.


I watched as the group looked at their food, checked it and ate it. Some people were just looking at it. I looked over at Evans's table, but then when Valenti laughed I turned my gaze there. I shooked my head and continued eating my food.

"It's quite nice, for them to just eat there and not giving us bad looks.." I said to Serena when I ate some bread.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:57 pm
by Crystalbehr


Max was finally able to calm me down and I found Maria. But I still didn't trust this place at all. I mean what the hell is going on.

Michael, relax and eat" Kyle says and he does the unthinkable. He does something that Max and even Isabel would NEVER do in thier entire lives. he put a forkfull of food into my mouth before I have the chance the complain. And then he laughs as if what he did was funny. I could kill him for that. I could......

Hmm. This food is pretty tasty. A little dry..but tasty. I grab Kyle's plate and begin eating all of his food. That's what he gets. Payback.

"Wi Stwill dwon't know you gwuys. I dont trust anthing about this situation."
I say while eating around the food. Man I really was hungry.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:15 pm
by Anna-Liisa

I looked how Michael ate the rest of my food and sighed. At least he didn't kill me. I wasn't keen on the food anyway so I didn't complain about him eating it...I wanted to complain about him speaking and eating at the same time.

"I trust the people.." I answered him. "And I know you're always the one who doesn't trust, so I'm not going to argue with you"

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 11:49 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: sorry for the Delay


Although this food looks pretty normal, I know that Max is going to want to check it over before actually eating, and I think I’ll wait until he’s given his go-ahead before having any of my own… Who knows what sort of things they could have put into it…although then again given we’re supposed to be a thousand years in the future, whether Max would even know what to look for is debatable…

I notice him move his hand over his own plate, looking over to Isabel who’s done similar. He shakes his head, while she nods. I’m not completely certain what that all means.

Before I actually eat anything, despite the fact I am hungry, I’d rather be certain though and I look over at Max who’s sat next to me. “Max…?” I’m not going to ask literally what I want to know, but I know that he’ll understand me…

“I guess it’s okay…” His response is a little more hesitant than I would like but he seems happy enough to take a bite himself.

Having said that, as soon as he does so, the uncertain expression is back on his face, along with a look that suggests he doesn’t find it very nice. Of course that would probably follow, given that there’s no hot sauce or anything… Max doesn’t really tend to go in for unseasoned foods…

“Does it taste okay to you two…?”
He asks Alex and I.

I can hear something of the banter that’s being exchanged on the other table, and it sounds like everyone’s pretty convinced it’s ok… I take a mouthful myself, chew and swallow. It’s not terrible… I can say that much, but I wouldn’t give a prize to the chef either… I swallow and look at Max. “Well it tastes like it could do with some seasoning to me, that’s for sure, but it doesn’t taste too bad…” I volunteer my opinion.

Despite the fact it’s not the best by far, I am hungry too, so I’m not about to push it away and take another mouthful. After I swallow, I reach for the jug of water in the middle of the table and pour some into my glass, bringing it to my lips and taking a sip before setting it back down and looking over at Max. “So…what do you think about all this…do you think we can trust them?” I ask him softly.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 9:01 pm
by isabelle

I quickly check the water, too, before I pour myself a cup. Again, it seems to be safe enough, although it's not like I've actually had any practice in detecting drugs in food and drink...

Liz asks if we can trust them and I feel like everyone is looking to me for that answer. I guess I always have tended to take charge and all, but it feels different now that we got that message from 'mom' declaring me to be the leader. Now it feels like there's an extra responsibility - like I have to be sure that I'm right - and I don't have any idea how to do that.

"Well," I say slowly. "I'm not ready to go along with everything yet. We still have to think about this and decide for ourselves as we go along. But in general ... I think we have to start somewhere. We could really use a friend and it's possible they could be it - Even Sheriff Valenti came around to help us. Let them tell us what they will about where and when we are and how things work here, because we do need to know. We'll need to find out everything we can. Just don't stop asking questions." I decide.

The more we ask, the more we find out, the better we'll be. Michael, Isabel, Tess and I were engineered to be fast learners to better adapt to life on Earth. It should serve us well if this is indeed a whole new 'world' to live in. Every detail will be important. And if the details don't match up, then we'll know that it's a lie. I can't help thinking that they're hiding something. I feel that it's likely that most of what they say is true, and maybe they really do believe they want to help us, but I can't help thinking they're leaving out something important. There's something more going on here than they're telling us so far...

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:50 am
by KatnotKath
OOC: hope this works for you Isabelle


Ma x looks a little our of his depth almost, just for a moment though…within a couple of seconds he’s back to this calm, controlled exterior we’re all so used to…

I get the feeling it has something to do with the fact that he’s officially the leader now… From everything that’s been said, and from past experiences, I know that he always tended to take the lead, but somehow I guess it’s different if you actually ‘are’ the leader…

He’s doing a good job, but I don’t know how to tell him that…not without giving the others an indication of what I think he might be feeling, and it’s not like I want to do that…

In the end, I settle for simply leaning over and resting my hand over his, giving him a small smile as he looks in my direction. I don’t know if it will do any good…but I hope he gets the message intended…

“Well…I’m not ready to go alone with everything yet. We still have to think about this and decide for ourselves as we go along. But in general… I think we have to start somewhere… We could really use a friend and its possible they could be it – Even Sheriff Valenti came around to help us…”

Max has some good points there, and he’s right… If we are a thousand years in the future, I guess we need to have more than each other on our side if we’re going to survive…

“Let them tell us what they will about where and when we are, and how things work, because we do need to know…”

That’s an understatement… Here we are, with no idea whatsoever of what’s going on outside.

“we’ll need to find out everything we can. Just don’t stop asking questions…”

I nod softly. That makes sense…the more information we have to go on, the more likely we are to be able to spot if something just isn’t right… Tell enough lies and the lies catch up to you, people tend to say… Well in this case I hope that’s right… Although I hope we don’t have any need to find out either… As Max says, we could do with some friends here who know what’s going on…

But either way, whether they are friend or enemy, for the moment it doesn’t seem that they’ve done much – other than keeping us locked up of course – to suggest they’re the latter, and they do claim even that was to keep us safe…

Well I don’t know what to think, but I’m trying hard to keep an open mind. I don’t want to automatically assume the worst, although given everything we’ve been through it might seem automatic, and I’m going to try and give them a chance I guess…

Looking over at Max, I smile again. “I’m so glad you’re here…” I tell him softly.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:49 am
by isabelle

I try to hide my frown as Liz tells me how glad she is that I'm here. Her touch on my hand feels good and I appreciate her support more than I could ever say. Especially after this past very long summer when she kept insisting on keeping her distance, even to going away for over a month to get away from me. The way she kept insisting that I go to Tess even after I told her that I wanted her to be my destiny.

Now, her reassuring touch means the world to me. I'm so glad for that but I can't say that I'm glad I'm here, or that she is, or any of us. We should be safe back in Roswell where we were. Or, at least, as safe as possible, given all that the FBI had learned - but Nacedo had assured me that he had that under control. That all the records were destroyed. That nobody there had evidence any longer and there was no active pursuit...

But in spite of that, we're here, captive in this hospital. A thousand years or just a few days, we've still been taken. Nacedo said we were safe then but here we are. Antonio and Serena say we're safe now. Even if they're being sincere -- if they really believe that -- I really don't think that we'll ever be safe.

"None of us should be here," I say to Liz. "But I guess it is good that we're all together." The isolation in the white room -- being cut off from all my friends except for occassional visits from Isabel -- that had been almost as bad as the tests and the threats. Here, they're with me, although the downside is there's nobody on the outside working to help us escape ... Unless, of course, inside really is safer than outside.

I raise my eyes to meet hers, thinking of her new powers and Kyle's. If the FBI scientists did that, then I'm guessing Maria and Alex will be showing some signs soon, too. If not, maybe it is my fault. Either way, I know they're going to need me to help them. I'm glad she's not facing that alone...

I glance over at Antonio and Serena where they're eating and trying to avoid staring at us, although I know we're being watched. I'd still like to demand that they explain the changes in Kyle and Liz. I want to believe it's something they did, or their predecessors, not me. But if they don't know about it, for whatever reason, then it's probably best to keep it that way. Our little ace in the hole, if needed...

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:58 am
by CandyDreamQueen

I look at Kyle strangely.

“Why Kyle, what is about these people that you trust? I mean they haven’t even given us a reasonable explanation for why they brought us here. So far it’s just been ‘Oh we brought you 1000 years in the future for no reason. We aren’t keeping you prisoner or anything so feel free to leave if you want. But just so you know this is 1000 years from what you know as normal, so if you leave things are going to be just a bit different.’ I mean come on. What kind of choice is that? If these people weren’t planning something they wouldn’t have brought us here in the first place. And whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not just to serve us crummy cafeteria food.”

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:53 pm
by KatnotKath
OOC: I'm not wonderfully happy with this, but I wanted to post again and it was the best I could come up with, hope it works for everyone.


For months now I’ve been trying to deny how I feel… Max finally gave in, told me he knew what he wanted, and that was me, and what did I do… I turned round and told him to go to Tess…

Why couldn’t I have just accepted that this was his choice to make…? Max has insisted over and over that we make our own destiny, and yet I just wouldn’t listen…

Yet now, I can’t push him away anymore… If anything, I need him more than I ever have done before… I love him, I know this and it never changed.

As soon as I say I’m glad he’s here, I know that I’ve made a mistake in phrasing though… What I meant, was that I was glad that if we had to be here, we were here together… What I meant to say was that I don’t know how the heck I’d be keeping it together if it weren’t for him being here…

Not only mentally either, but physically too… What I would have done if he hadn’t been there when I had that energy surge, or when Kyle had one much the same… well I have to say I dread to think…

Of course thinking of that brings plenty of questions to mind… Why, and how it happened being two of the most prominent… Is this a result of Max healing Kyle and I, or is this something that the FBI did to us… If it’s the latter, are Alex and Maria going to end up the same…? I just don't have any answers...

“None of us should be here…but I guess it is good that we’re all together…”

Max raises his eyes to look at me and I nod. How much is true of what we have been told before I don’t know, but I have a feeling that one thing that is true, is the fact that we’re going to be in danger, whether from the outside or inside… People tend to be scared of what they don’t understand, and if they know about us…

We’re together, which means that there’s no one outside, but then given the powers Max and the others possess, and the fact that Antonio and whoever don’t appear to have been trying to impede them…maybe that’s not as big a problem as it sounds…

Of course there’s still the question of whether we want out…or whether they’re telling the truth when they say it’s going to be more dangerous…

But what kind of life is it to be locked up in here, even by choice…? Maybe facing the danger is best anyway…to have the chance of a proper life, even if it is lived by hiding who we are… is that so much different from home, hiding Max, Isabel and Michael’s secret originally… Lying to our parents, and in my case I guess to some extent hiding the person I had become…

I chew my lip a moment and look over at Max, noting the way his gaze has drifted over to the other table. “We’ll work it out…” I say softly, taking another sip of my water and then reaching for his hand again. I look up at him, speaking in a voice so soft that I hope only he will be able to hear… This is meant for him and him only… “Max…I’m sorry…” I don’t want to give a run through of what I mean, but I hope he’ll understand… I’m sorry for walking away, and I’m sorry for pushing him away…

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:03 pm
by isabelle
Do we still have an Isabel and an Alex?????


I shake my head as Liz apologises. This isn't her fault and there's nothing for her to apologise for. Her hand on mine feels warm and it makes my worries just a tad lighter. We are together and maybe with the eight of us working together, we can sort this out.

"When we know enough about what's going on, we can decide if we still want to stay here," I say, mostly to myself. I look over at Isabel and Alex, wondering why they're being so quiet. I know Isabel said she was willing to trust these strangers, but I don't know that Alex ever voiced an opinion at all. If he has some opinion or objection, I wish he'd tell me. We can't afford to overlook anything.

Whatever happens, I need to be sure the whole group is safe. I refuse to let any of them be hurt in any way.

"Are you two okay?" I ask, wondering what's bothering them.