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Mackabella - The Way You Are

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 2:05 pm
by TessHarding
Can someone please send me or link me to the song the way you are by mackabella? if so my email is :) I've tried the links here and serached roswell mp3s but they no longer exist :( thanks


Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:50 am
by blackdweeb
Can anyone tell me where to download Don't Even Start by Dan Mackenzie? It's nowhere to be found :(

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 12:52 am
by Tyron
Hi guys

Just joined today after finding this site. and been reading up a lot of info, it is a shame that such a great cast you hardly see on tv anymore (I'm from England). Anyway I'm curious why they only did three seasons concidering it was really good (way better then freinds) in the approach of friendship all of them had, are they planning on making a movie of them much older and maybe making contact and getting back to their planet or something?

Also I baught the dvd set and noticed some of te songs are different like Ivy - Undertow in the prom episode. I listened to the song when Alex was dreaming of Isabel when they have that dance, the song is really good. I typed the lyrics in google but foudn nothing, they go osmething liek this.

i've been watching you
And all the things you do for quite some time
Knowing all the ins and outs
Of you should have known whats on your mind

And there is another one when they have the heat wave at the beginning where Michael and Maria get it on, sung by a male.

Thanks in advance, such a shame a great show didnt last, was one of the best, and no one her watches it :(

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:48 am
It's Let Me In by Save Ferris.

Great song.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:08 am
by ~Ruby~
And there is another one when they have the heat wave at the beginning where Michael and Maria get it on, sung by a male.
Put your lights on - Santana & Everlast.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 12:47 am
by ozkat
~Ruby~ wrote:
And there is another one when they have the heat wave at the beginning where Michael and Maria get it on, sung by a male.
Put your lights on - Santana & Everlast.
The Santana/Everlast song played in the M&M makeout scene in the original TV broadcast. The DVD version has the song "I Won't Lie To You" (aka "Sacred") by a band called Morphic Field.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:59 am
by Tyron
Thanks a bunch guys, Roswell had such great music taste unlike todays series, jus such a damn shame it all had to end :\

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:10 pm
by touched by an alien

I was just curious if any one knew who raps that song on Max In the City- where they're in Lonnie and Rath's place and then they start making out in front of Max and Tess. It's a really good hip hop song and I would love to know who it is.

Also does any one know who sings that song where Liz and Alex are on the top of the roof and she's crying about missing oppertunities in life

I REALLY need to know
Very much appreciated :D

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 9:46 am
by peteycd
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the forum so please forgive me if i mess anything up. Did anyone find any of these songs below. I'm also on the MB Roswell Forum as well under the same name.

- Love Minus Zero by Bloom
- This Isn't Time by Nero
- Song from the Season 1 DVD episode Blind Date with these lyrics...
"...waiting for a train and its never coming long i waited (x3)

Thanks everyone!

Cry Your Name

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:11 pm
by anaïs
I search the song silence by Dan Rowe, can someone please send me or link me to this song ! PLEASE my email is
Thank you :)