The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 38, 11/27/12

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 8, 2/10/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Be prepared to expect the unexpected...

Chapter 8

The Interview…

Leaving his office, Max stopped in the lobby to talk to Ava where she sat at her desk typing up an employee memo.

Sensing his presence, she turned. “Max… I have the file for your 11:00 appointment with Ms. Parker.” Pulling the file out from under her notepad, she handed it to him. “Is there anything else you need?”

“Call Maria and have her bring Ms. Parker up to Cloud 9 when they arrive. I’ll meet her inside.”

“Will do, Max.”
Riding the glass elevator downstairs to the fifth floor, Max stepped out and strolled through the darkened corridor, unlocking the VIP Lounge. Turning on the lights by the bar he did a quick walk through the room to clear his head.

Liz Parker… Successful theater actress and professional dancer. Why is she retiring at the height of her career and leaving New York to move to Nevada of all places. Her family still lives in Roswell.

The door opened and in walked Maria and Liz interrupting his thoughts. Turning, he smiled giving her a quick once over with his eyes. He couldn’t resist. Although her hair and make-up looked the same from the previous day, she arrived wearing tailored black slacks and a multi-colored short sleeve knit top with black sandals.

“Good morning, Liz. I assume you’re enjoying your visit?”

“I am thank you. The club is amazing…”

“Thank you. Why don’t we sit down over here by the window?”

Following Max across the room, she sat down across from Max. Opening the file he received from Ava, he took a quick glance at her resume. “I read over the resume you gave Maria… It’s impressive…”

“Thank you…”

“… Except, I’m still trying to figure out what brought you here. Why do you want to work here?”

“As you can see, I graduated from the School of the Arts in New York with a degree in performing arts. I’m a professional dancer with well over fifteen years of experience… During the last four years, I’ve starred in several Broadway productions and danced in several Vegas shows. In college, I was a cocktail waitress and bartender at one of the popular local taverns near school.”

Impressive... But, tell me something I don’t already know. “That’s interesting, but with all the clubs in Vegas, you could work anywhere. Why do you want to work here?” Not wanting to appear cold, he had no choice. He had to treat all applicants equally.

“Being a performer, I have connections so I know the club scene. The Safe House is the most talked about clubs on the strip. With my years of experience, I believe I could be an asset to your club.”

“Okay…” Picking up his pen, he made a few notes in the file. “Why did you decide to major in performing art in college?”

Looking me in the eye, she smiled. “Have you ever had a lifelong dream that always seemed to be out of reach yet you strive to achieve it anyways?”

“Of course, who hasn’t?”

“Well, that was my dream. I wanted to live the dream… Be on stage and see my name in lights…”

“And now?”

“It’s time for me to move on and try something new.”

There’s more to the story than what she’s saying. He could tell. Note to self: Talk to Maria and Alex. “If I were to talk with your friends, how would they best describe you?”

She hesitated. “Um… They would say I’m open-minded, well-rounded, creative, friendly…”

He jotted down a few more notes. “What’s you’re greatest strength and weakness?”

“Hmmm… My greatest strength is my ability to communicate with others… And my weakness, I’m competitive.”

Looking her in the eye, Max raised an eyebrow. “Competitive? How so?”

She chuckled. “I’m always making bets with people. I’m also notorious for taking on challenges and dares.”

“Interesting… So, what kind of job are you looking for?” he asked knowing they discussed it already on the phone.

“Actually, I haven’t given it much thought. I used to bartend and waitress while I was in college, but I’m not sure if I’d want to get back into it as I’m more of a dancer now.”

He made a few more notes. Too short, muscular and small chested for performing on stage… Dressed too conservative for bartending and waitressing. Talk with Isabel.

“Look, with all your experience, you’d be a great asset to our club. But, I’m unable to hire you because you’re not licensed to bartend in Nevada.” Seeing the sadness in her eyes, he continued. “Isabel and I are always looking for new people to join our staff. My suggestion would be to enroll in a local bartending school to get licensed in Nevada. And if after that you’re still interested, let me know.” He paused. She wasn’t desperate for a job but knowing she was still interested in working he added, “Cup-A-Java across the street has a job opening. If you’re interested, I can put in a good word for you with the manager.”

“That would be great.”
Mandalay Bay hotel: Room 222…

Liz sat on the bed talking to Maria about how the interview went. “I don’t get it. Why did Max even bother meeting with me knowing I’m not licensed to bartend in Nevada? He could have saved us both the time by talking to me on the phone.”

Maria thought for a minute. “I don’t know, Liz. Maybe it was just a formality.” She paused. “Did you take him up on the offer to put in a good word for you at the coffee shop?”

“Of course I did. I’ll need to do something to occupy my time when I’m not attending classes in Bartending School…”

Liz’s cell phone rang. It was Kenya. She could tell from the ring tone. Oh, God… Grabbing her cell from the nightstand, she answered on the second ring. “Hey, Kenya. What’s up?

“I need you to sit down Liz and don’t panic…”

Liz began to panic. “I’m sitting down. What’s going on?”

“Your condo… It’s been trashed.”


“It’s been trashed,” Kenya repeated. “Look, I went over on my lunch hour to bring your mail in. When I got there, it was trashed. I walked out, called the cops and explained I was looking after the place for you. They did a quick search, but the culprit was long gone…”


“Look, the NYPD has questions for you, so you’ll need to come back to talk with them. I requested time off for a so-called family emergency so I’m catching a red eye flight out to Vegas tonight to pick you up. We’ll fly back out first thing tomorrow morning…”

Reality had yet to set in. “Omigod…”

“Where are you staying?”

“Mandalay Bay… Room 222.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tonight.”

Ending the call, Liz silently tossed her cell into her purse. “Is everything okay, Liz?”

“Um… No. I need to go back to New York. Kenya is catching a red eye flight to Vegas. We leave for New York first thing in the morning…”

Maria frowned. “Sean?”

“I don’t know… I honestly don’t know.” She sighed. “My condo was trashed… I need to meet with the NYPD.”

Maria thought for a minute. “Is there anything Alex or I can do for you?”

“At this point not really… I just need you guys to keep this to yourselves. I don’t want anyone else to get involved.”

“What about Max? He’ll be asking what happened.”

Liz thought for a minute. Could she lie? No, but she had to protect him and everyone else. “I don’t know. Tell him something came up and that I had to head home. He can call me if he wants.”
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 9, 2/11/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Chapter 9


New York: New York Police Department…

Liz and Kenya walked into the police department, checking in at the desk. “Hi… Liz Parker and Kenya Ferguson here to see Detective Goldstein. He’s expecting us,” Liz informed the officer at the desk.

“Ms. Parker… Ms. Ferguson… If you’ll step this way…” Handing over their purses for inspection, both ladies emptied their pockets into small trays before walking through the metal detector. Picking up their items they were led to in interrogation room where Detective Goldstein was waiting for them.

“It’s nice to meet you, ladies. I’m Detective Goldstein and I’ve been assigned to your case. Please, have a seat.” Taking out a pad of paper and a pen the detective explained what was routine procedure and the details involved. “As the condo is your condo, Ms. Parker, I’m going start with you. Please answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability. If you need something explained, do not hesitate to ask…”

Liz started with giving her general information: full name, date of birth, home phone number, home address, place of employment, etc. This isn’t so bad. I can handle this. “Ms. Parker, it was reported you were in Nevada at the time of the break in and that your friend, Kenya Ferguson was looking after the place in your absence. Is this correct?”

“It is.”

“Do you have any known enemies?”

“Yes… My ex-boyfriend, Sean Harrison.” Liz spelled Sean’s name as Detective Goldstein began taking notes.

“Any idea why he has a vendetta against you, Ms. Parker?”

A lone tear glistened Liz’s cheek. Reaching over, Kenya rested a hand on her shoulder. “Its okay, Liz. He’s here to help you…”

She nodded. “He’s known to have a mean temper…” she started. Question after question Liz answered about Sean and her relationship with him. It was mentioned that Sean was arrested and that charges were pressed.

“Had he not been arrested, would he have been capable of breaking into your condo and damaging your personal belongings?”

“If he was angry enough, yes.”

“Okay, Ms. Parker. That’s all the questions I have for you. Ms. Ferguson, I have some questions for you as well…” Question after question Kenya answered giving as many details as possible. “Ms. Ferguson, do you think that there is a possibility that someone other than Sean Harrison could have broken into Ms. Parker’s condo and damaged her personal belongings?”

“No, not unless Sean paid someone to do so.”

Finishing up his notes, Detective Goldstein thanked the ladies for their time requesting they call if either of them see or hear anything suspicious. “Ms. Parker, we will also need you to stay within a ten to twenty mile radius of your condo. Someone will be in contact with you to schedule a complete walk-through and to take pictures. Until then, you are not to return home. Do you have a place to stay?”

“She’ll be staying with me, detective.”
Lund Fontanne Theater: Kenya’s dressing room…

Snapping the last curler into place in her hair, Kenya reached for her cell phone and called information. “I need to be connected to the Safe House in Las Vegas, Nevada… No, I do not know what street it’s located on…”

“One moment please…”

The phone rang. “Safe House, this is Ava. How may I help you?”

Remembering Maria was out scouting for new bands and Alex was filling in as a dealer at Deuces Wild, Kenya had no choice. “I need to speak to Mr. Evans.”

“I’m sorry; he’s in a meeting right now. Is this something I can help you with?”

“Um… No. But, can you take a message?”

“Okay… What’s the message?”

“Tell Max that Kenya Ferguson called in regards to Liz Parker. Have him call me back as soon as he’s able to…” She gave Ava her cell number. “This is urgent, so can you see that he gets it as soon as he’s out of his meeting?”

“Will do.”

“Thank you, Ava.”
Meanwhile at Liz’s condo…

Liz nervously paced the hallway in front of her condo door waiting for Detective Goldstein to arrive with the crime scene investigation team. What am I walking into? Is there anything left to salvage?

“Good morning, Ms. Parker,” Detective Goldsmith greeted her. Introducing Liz to the crime scene investigation team, the detective explained routine procedure and what they were searching for. “If anything is missing or out of the ordinary let me know immediately,” he stated taking the keys from Liz, opening the door and stepping aside to let her walk in first.

OMIGOD! It looked ten times worse than what Kenya described to her on the plane back from Las Vegas. Slowly, she walked through what was once the foyer and into what was left of the living room. Glass shards littered the floor. House plants were knocked over. Windows were broken, the fabric of the furniture was torn; the wooden frames cracked. The table tops were scratched and colored on; the legs cracked or broken. Holes were punched and kicked into the walls. The lamp shades were torn; the ceiling fixtures broken; all the light bulbs broken. The carpet was stained with what appeared to be paint and shredded. The window blinds were broken; the curtains shredded. Her personal belongings were broken and tossed around the room.

Scanning what was left of the room, she searched for anything that could link the damage directly to Sean. She saw nothing. Leaving the crime scene investigation team to search for clues and take pictures, Liz led the detective down the hall into her home office and bedroom. Neither room faired any better. Both were trashed.

Together, Liz and the detective entered into the kitchen. Much to their surprise, it was spotless. With permission from the detective, Liz paced the room opening cabinets, the refrigerator, and broom closet. All the items in the cabinets were perfectly lined up and facing forward; the dishes, pots and pans neatly stacked. The refrigerator and broom closet had been cleaned out and re-organized. The floor was washed. “This isn’t how I left it… It’s too clean,” Liz was quick to point out. Reaching for his note pad and pen, Detective Goldstein made a note of the condition of the kitchen compared to the other rooms.

Inspecting the bathroom, it too was spotless. The tub, shower, toilet, and vanity sink had been cleaned. All items in the vanity, medicine cabinet and closet were lined up and facing forward. Towels and wash clothes were neatly folded in the closet. “This isn’t how I left it either… It’s too clean,” Liz commented.

Completing the walk-through, Liz inquired as to when she could return to start cleaning up the mess. She was told within a week and that the detective would be in touch if questions came up.
Back at the Lund Fontanne Theater…

Kenya was removing the curlers from her hair when her cell phone rang. Recognizing the number she called earlier, she answered on the second ring.

“Kenya Ferguson…”

“This is Max Evans. You called?”

“I did… I’m sorry to have bothered you, but I’m unable to reach Maria and Alex…” she started.

“No, that’s okay. What’s going on?”

“It’s Liz…”

“Is she okay?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her since yesterday…”

“Did you call the police?”

“That isn’t necessary…” It figured Liz left without saying anything. She needed to learn to start trusting people. “Let me explain. Two days ago I stopped by Liz’s condo to check up on the place during my lunch hour. Someone broke in and trashed the place. I called the police before calling Liz and booking a flight to Vegas…” She explained as Max listened intently. “Liz flew back to New York with me yesterday morning. Upon arrival, we drove directly to the police department to talk to the detective assigned to the case. She spent the night at my place. This was the last time I saw her…”

Max looked at the clock. Kenya would be at the theater. “So if Liz isn’t with you, where is she?”

“Detective Goldstein called early this morning to schedule a time to meet with Liz to do a walk-through her condo. He was bringing the crime scene investigation team with him to search for clues and to take pictures. She hasn’t called, so I’m assuming she’s still at her condo with the police.”

It was a lot to take in. Max was livid. Why didn’t Liz say anything to anyone? Sitting at his desk in his office, he wondered why Kenya called. They were discussing personal information that wasn’t hers to share. The only thing he could figure was that Liz needed something but was too afraid to ask. “So, what is it that Liz needs?”

Kenya sighed. “The next few weeks will be difficult for her as she searches for salvageable items, arranges for cleaning and repairs, and comes to grip with what happened. She needs the support of her friends, but won’t admit it. I’m here if she wants to talk, but I’m usually at the theater most days and nights…”

Max was saddened at the thought of how distraught Liz must be feeling having seen her condo. “What can Maria, Alex and I do to help?”

Kenya smiled. “I have an idea…” God, I hope Liz doesn’t kill me.
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 10/P 1, 2/12/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Chapter 10 / Part 1


One week later / late morning: Liz’s condo…

Keys in hand, Liz unlocked the door to her condo. Moving the bags of cleaning supplies, bubble wrap, and boxes inside she closed the door; locking it behind her. Where to start? Walking from room to room, she chose to start working in the home office; working her way around to each room in a circle.
Unpacking her cleaning supplies, her cell phone rang. It was Detective Goldstein.

“Is Ms. Parker there?”

“This is.”

“Ms. Parker, this is Detective Goldstein from the New York Police Department. I was wondering if you had a few minutes to answer a few questions.”

“Sure. What is it you’d like to know?”

“Going over my notes from last week, I looked over the evidence and photographs…”


“When we first talked here at the station, you mentioned you have a cleaning lady that comes weekly and a personal chef who works weekdays. Was either of them scheduled to be at your condo in your absence?”

“No… Both of them were notified prior to my departure that I would not need their services while I was gone. I was to call them upon my return.”

Sitting in his office, Detective Goldstein made a note of this information. “I will need to have their names and phone numbers…”

“Okay…” Finding the numbers by the phone in the kitchen, Liz gave the detective the information. “Is there anything else you needed?”

“Not at this time. But, if something comes up, I’ll be in contact with you.”
Meanwhile at JFK Airport…

Kenya strolled through the airport eyeing the people bustling around her as she searched for Concourse C. A Hare Krishna wearing an orange robe stood by a pillar strumming the melody of Kumbaya on his guitar as people stopped to listen. What is it with these people?

Entering Concourse C, she checked the flight information on the monitor. The flight was scheduled to be on time. Finding a seat near the bank of windows, she sat down watching the planes waiting for her guest. Cell phone in hand, she called the hotel to confirm the room reservations and car rental. Everything was set. The only thing missing was her guest.

The plane landed. Anxiously, she waited and within minutes the passengers began making their way into the concourse. Scanning the passengers, she spotted him looking around for her. Leaving her seat, Kenya approached her guest introducing herself. Shaking her hand, he smiled introducing himself. She inquired about his flight. “Everything is all set. I reserved all the surrounding rooms by hers at the Ritz Carlton as you requested and arranged for a rental car to be picked up tomorrow…” Kenya explained leading her guest to the luggage claim. Grabbing his luggage, the man walked with Kenya to her car explaining his friends would be joining him the following day.
Liz’s condo…

Assembling boxes, Liz set them in a corner and labeled them with a thick, black Sharpie marker: Keep, Donate, Questionable, and Toss. Sitting by the boxes, she scanned the room as tears began to well up in her eyes. Damn you, Sean… Damn you.

A knock sounded at the door. “Liz, its Kenya. Can I come in?” No answer. Kenya tried again. “Liz… Is everything okay?” Silence. “I’m coming in, Liz.” Keys rattled, the door knob turned. The door opened and into the foyer walked Kenya and Max. “Liz, where are you?” Panicking, they moved from room to room searching. Crying… They heard crying.

Opening the office door, Max stopped in his tracks. There balled up in a corner on the floor was Liz. She was crying. “I found her, Kenya…”

Max is here? I must be hallucinating. “Max…”

“It’s me, Liz… Max.” he reassured her. Entering the room, he sat down scooping her up in his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she cried harder. “Shhh… Everything’s going to be okay… He’s gone…” he comforted her rocking her in his arms.

Kenya appeared from down the hall. “How is she?”

“She's okay. Just a upset,” he assured her. Kenya smiled. In that case, I’m outta here. I’ll be at the theater until 10:30 pm if either of you need me.”

“Thanks, Kenya.”

“No problem, Max. Take care of her.” And with that she left silently hoping Max could help her..
Calming down, Liz stopped crying. Max was gently rubbing her back. “Feeling better?”

“I am…” She looked up into his hazel eyes. “What’s going on? How did you get here?”

Max sighed. “Please don’t be mad. Just listen… I received a call about a week ago from one very distraught friend of yours. Mentioning what happened, she said she was concerned about your state of well-being…” he started explaining. “Talking with her for a bit, I figured you need help sorting things out here, so I called in a few favors…” Listening intently, Liz raised a questioning eyebrow. “Maria, Alex, Isabel, and Michael will be arriving tomorrow to help you with whatever you need. I’ll be here as well…”

Embracing Max in a hug, she gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, Max. You don’t know how much this means to me…”

Max smiled. “So, what exactly happened?”

“Let’s go sit in the kitchen and have something to drink…” Silently they walked into the kitchen. Grabbing two cherry Cokes from the refrigerator, Liz joined Max at the table.

“It’s a long story so I’ll give you the condensed version. “I’m not sure what you all heard from Maria and Alex, but I met my ex-boyfriend, Sean Harrison while starring in my first Broadway production at the Lund Fontanne Theater. We were both first-time actors right out of college and hit it off instantly. Within a month, we started dating and things were good… Everyone thought we made the perfect couple…”

A year later, my acting and dancing career began to take off. Gradually, Sean’s personality gradually began to change. He went from being loving, caring and supportive to possessive and obsessive. It wasn’t until my Manager received a call from a theater director in Vegas asking if I’d be interested in performing as a show girl in a short run show that his temper started to flare. If it wasn’t one thing, it was something else.

Through the years, the abuse got worse and worse. Instead of just making accusations and yelling, he started hitting and kicking me… The final straw was the night the theater segment appeared on ‘Night Life’. Sean went ballistic over the video clip of me… The video clip that wasn’t intended for the show…

Sean started attacking me… Kenya called security. Sean was arrested and I was driven to the hospital where after being examined by the doctor I spent the night for observation. Being discharged, I was given the order to take three weeks off to recuperate. Not sure what to do with my time, I called you to reschedule our meeting…

While in Vegas, Kenya was looking after my condo. She called me at the hotel the night before I left saying my condo had been trashed, the police were contacted and that I needed to return to talk with the detective assigned to my case. Arriving back in New York, we went immediately over to the police station to meet with the detective. The following day, I had a walk-through my condo with the detective while the crime scene investigation team searched the place for clues and took pictures.

I stayed at Kenya’s place that first night back in town. Needing my space, I called the Ritz Carlton the following day and booked a room to stay in until I finish sorting things out with the condo and decide where I want to go from here.

Today was the first day I was allowed back in. This morning, I received a call from the detective asking for information about my cleaning lady and personal chef… I’m beginning to worry because they both have keys to the condo…”

Taking a sip of her cherry Coke, she stood up. “Would you like a tour of the place?” Together they walked from room to room as Liz explained the extent of the damage and what she hoped to accomplish sorting through things in each room.

It was nearing dinner time. Max mentioned he was also staying at the Ritz Carlton and suggested unwinding with a movie and room service.
The Ritz Carlton: Room 222 (Liz’s Room)

Watching the TV Guide channel, Max rattled off the list of movies. The movie of choice didn’t start for an hour. Reaching for the phone, Liz ordered room service and within a half hour, their food arrived. Sitting at the small wooden table in the kitchenette, Max asked Liz what she planned to do after things with her condo were settled.

“I honestly don’t know. The original plan was to retire from the theater, move to Vegas, and find a place to live and a job.” She paused. “Now, I don’t know. I have next to nothing. And with the cost for professional cleaning and repairs, money will be tight for a while… I’m not sure if I can afford to move.”

“What about your insurance? Won’t they pick up the cost for damages?”

“Only for personal property and up to a certain amount of money… I contacted them last week to file the claim. Due to the nature of the incident, there are numerous forms I need to fill out and mail back before the claim can be processed. Once my claim is approved, it could be months before I receive any sort of compensation for the damages.”

Max thought for a minute. “Do you still want to move to Vegas?”

Liz didn’t have to think twice. “Of course I do…”

“I have an idea. I live in a three bedroom penthouse on the top floor of the Safe House. Why don’t you move in with me until you’re able to get back on your feet…? Rent free, all utilities included.”

“What’s the catch?”

“Three things… Enroll in Bartending School to get licensed in Nevada. Once licensed you can bartend at the Safe House if you want. That would be up to you… You would also need to learn to trust others and agree to be up front and honest if anything else comes up with Sean.”

“I don’t know, Max…”

“Maria and Michael live in a condo on the fifth floor. Isabel and Alex live in the penthouse on the sixth floor. You could see them whenever you want. Also, living within the Safe House you would have the same benefits as everyone else living there: free admission to the clubs, entertainment hall, and VIP lounge along with free meals and drinks in both the restaurant and bars along with a reserved parking place for your car in the parking garage,” Max was quick to add.

No wonder Maria and Alex loved working and living at the Safe House. But what about her? Could she handle living with Max Evans, her high school crush? Liz thought for a minute weighing her options. If she stayed in New York, she’d have Kenya nearby; yet she’d be miserable struggling to start over and fearing for her life. If she moved to Las Vegas, she’d have Alex and Maria nearby, a place to stay free of charge, and the opportunity for a fresh start with little to no worry about Sean. Moving to Las Vegas was definitely the better option.

“If I moved in with you, I’d need to learn how to cook…” she started.

Max smiled. “I’m sure if you asked Michael, he could teach you the basics… Until then, I could do the cooking or we could order in.”

“I’m dealing with personal issues…”

“We can work through those.”

“I’ve never lived with anyone. So, it would take me time to adjust…”

“No problem.”

“I’d have to wait until things are settled with my condo and all loose ends are taken care before moving…”

“There’s no rush.”

Liz smiled. “Well, okay then. Tomorrow you can help me make a list of things I’ll need to do and people I’ll need to contact.”

“I’ll do that.”
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 61
Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:21 pm
Location: United States

Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 10/P 2, 2/13/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Chapter 10 / Part 2

A Little Help from Friends

Ritz Carlton, Room 222: Early morning the following day…

Liz stretched pushing up against a hard body. Muscular arms tightened around her gently tugging her closer. What the?!? Omigod… What did I do? Breathing in a faint masculine scent, her eyes flew open scanning the room. Her luggage was stacked up in a corner. She was in her room. She glanced down. Muscular arms encircled her waist, fingers gliding across her arms. She was fully clothed. The alarm buzzed. A soft groan sounded from behind her as an arm was released and swung back to turn the alarm off. Soft lips brushed up against her temple.


Max grinned. “Time to get up, Liz…”

“It’s too early,” she groaned.

Sitting up, he gently nudged her. “I know it’s early. But, Kenya is picking us up to take us to Enterprise Rental.”

Stretching, she rolled over. There sat Max looking down at her. “What happened last night? Did we…”

Max softly chuckled. “No, we didn’t… You fell asleep during the movie. I was about to leave when you started subconsciously tossing, turning and crying out in your sleep. I couldn’t just leave you…”

Sitting up, Liz hugged him. “Thanks.”
JFK International Airport…

Parking the rented SUV in the short-term parking garage, Max and Liz entered the airport with flight information in hand searching for Concourse E. A Hare Krishna wearing an orange robe stood over by a pillar softly strumming the melody to Kumbaya for those who stopped to listen. The guy is just plain weird.

Finding the concourse, they glanced up at the monitor reading the flight listings. The flight was scheduled to arrive on time. They were early. Sitting over by the bank of windows, Liz and Max watched as planes landed and took off anxiously awaiting the arrival of their friends. The plane landed and within minutes, passengers began exiting the terminal.

Chica…” Maria squealed. Dropping her carry on, she ran towards Liz. Knowing over excited she tended to get, Liz took a step back bumping into Max as Maria embraced her in a friendly hug. “Omigod… How are you? Are you okay? What did the…” Maria began firing off questions.

Walking over, Isabel, Alex and Michael greeted the pair. “Enough already, Maria… Give Liz some room to breathe.” Releasing Liz, she scowled at Michael who couldn’t help but smile. Alex embraced Liz in a friendly hug.

Why are they being so nice? I hardly know them. Smiling, Liz greeted Michael and Isabel thanking them for coming to help.

“It’s nothing, believe me. We Roswellians tend to stick together…” Isabel started.

“Like glue…” Michael finished.

Alex smiled. “It’s why we get along so well.”

Checking to make sure everyone had their carry-on bags, Liz led the group over to the luggage claim.
“I’m going to go bring the SUV around,” Max informed everyone. “I’ll meet you outside.” Grabbing their luggage off the conveyor belt, Michael, Isabel, Alex and Maria followed Liz out to the pick-up point where Max was waiting for them.

Speeding out of the airport, the gang chatted about anything and everything from shopping to tourist attractions. Maria discussed some of the new bands she signed up for upcoming performances while Alex shared his experience filling in as a dealer at Deuces Wild. Michael mentioned the El Flamingo received a huge write up in a local newspaper listing it as a five-star restaurant while Isabel discussed the new merchandise that arrived at Pure Pleasure.
Liz’s condo…

Leading the entourage down the hall with keys in hand, Liz dreaded the comments and questions she knew were coming. Silently, she unlocked the door stepping aside to let Max and the others enter first giving them the feel for what had happened. Paranoid, Liz scanned the hallway before entering the foyer and locking the door behind her.

Standing in the foyer, Isabel and Maria’s eyes got wide as saucers taking in the scene before them. “Omigod… What happened?!?” Maria questioned.

“It’s like I told you…” Liz solemnly stated.

Alex walked into what was once the living room taking everything in. “Wow… You were lucky you weren’t home at the time.”

Michael wandered off towards the kitchen. “You did a great job cleaning up the kitchen…”

“I didn’t clean it. It’s the way the vandal left it. So is the bathroom… Both cleaner than how I left them.”

Turning on his heels, Michael peered out of the kitchen. “What?!?”

“It’s true. The entire place was trashed except the kitchen and bathroom. They were deep cleaned…”

Isabel wandered into the kitchen where Michael stood. “Weird if you ask me…”

“I know. That’s the NYPD thought too…” Inviting everyone to sit around the kitchen table, Liz passed around beverages before explaining what needed to be done and what she hoped to accomplish before the professionals were brought in to clean and make repairs. Ripping pages out of a notebook on the kitchen counter, she continued. “I’ve made a list of items from each room I’m looking for. The goal is to try to salvage as much as possible.”

Max suggested they work in teams of two with each pair assigned to a room. Taking the lists Liz created, he passed them around. “This should only leave the dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. We can work on those together.”

Splitting up into teams (Isabel/Alex, Michael/Maria, Max/Liz) everyone grabbed boxes, garbage bags, work gloves, and cleaning supplies before wandering off to their assigned rooms. Minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day the pairs painstakingly weeded through remnants of what once was; boxing up anything questionable or that could be cleaned and salvaged, piling up broken, repairable items to be tossed.
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 11, 2/13/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Chapter 11

Five days later...

… Everybody sat around the kitchen table. “I’d like to start by thanking everyone for coming to help me out and all the hard work that was done…”

“There’s no need to thank us, Liz. Hearing what happened, we wanted to come,” Isabel explained.

“It was the least we could do,” Michael added.

It was too much. A lone tear glistened Liz’s cheek. Maria embraced her in a hug. “Oh, don’t cry Chica…”

“It’s what we do, Liz. We stick together…” Alex stated.

“And help each other out,” Max added draping an arm around Liz’s shoulder. She smiled uncomfortably. “All that’s left are the kitchen, dining room and bathroom. What’s the game plan?” he asked her.

Liz thought for a moment. The kitchen and bathroom had been cleaned. I can't use these rooms the way they are. “I want everything re-washed. The non-perishable food items can be boxed up for the local food pantry…”

Silently, Maria kicked Michael under the table. Ow. What was that for? Shopping… Oh, yeah. “Um, Liz… None of the clothes in your bedroom were salvageable. Why don’t you go shopping with Maria and Isabel?”

Maria and Isabel loved to shop. If shopping were an Olympic sport, Isabel and Maria would take the gold metal. “The guys are quite capable of cleaning without us,” Maria chimed in. “And if questions arise, they can call your cell…”

“We should. It’ll be fun,” Isabel added.

“I don’t know…”

“Go, Liz… It’ll give you some much needed girl time. We’ll take care of everything here.” Max commented. Besides, he needed to talk to the guys alone; but Liz didn’t need to know that. “Oh, wait…” Reaching for his wallet, he pulled out his Visa Black card, handing it over to Liz. “Take this with you.”

“What? I can’t spend your money…”

Reaching over past Liz, Isabel took the card from Max. “Thank you, Max. We’ll make sure she gets all the necessities,” she stated leaning over to kiss her brother on the cheek.
Illy Café…

Sitting at a small round table drinking lattes, Maria asked Liz about her plans once things were settled with the condo. “Have you given any thought about what you’re going to do once things with your condo are settled?”

Liz sighed. “Max asked me the same question last week…”

“And…” Isabel prodded.

“And due to circumstances, Max has invited me to move in with him rent free until I’m able to get back on my feet…”

Maria squealed. “Really… That’s wonderful, Liz!” She hugged her friend.

Obviously, Max had feelings for Liz. If only she knew. Isabel smiled. She was truly happy for Liz. “His penthouse is nice, you’ll love living there. Did he mention all the perks?”

Remembering their conversation, Liz smiled. “He did.”

“I can’t believe I agreed to this…”

“I cleaned out your closet. You need clothes, shoes and accessories…” Maria was quick to point out.

“I know, but I have my own money. I don’t need anyone to pay for my things…”

Sitting on a bench outside the dressing room, Isabel motioned for Liz to join her. “Look, I know we just met a few weeks ago, but let me explain a few things to you about Max…” Pausing, she eyed Maria rummaging through a nearby rack of clothes. “He’s one of the most amazing, generous and caring guys I know and although he’ll never admit it, deep down he’s a romantic at heart... And I'm not just saying that because he's my brother.” Resting a hand on Liz’s knee, she continued. “He rarely spends money on women unless they deserve it… And in his eyes, you are the most deserving person…”

“I still…”

“He wouldn’t have handed over his Visa Black card if he thought otherwise. Besides, you need the money for the cleaning and repairs of your condo. Now, why don’t you arrange for a fitting room while Maria and I search the racks?”

Talking to an attendant, Liz obtained a fitting room nervous to see what Isabel and Maria picked out. Garment after garment Liz tried on; stepping out to show the others who critiqued color, style and fit. Handing back the discards, Liz continued trying on everything from pants and skirts to tops and dresses until finally everything handed to her was tried on. Changing back into her street clothes, she eyed the enormous pile of clothes. “Um… Guys, I don’t know if I should get all these things…”

“Nonsense, Liz. You need a whole new wardrobe…” Maria reminded her. “Let’s take these things up to the register.” Scooping up garments in their arms, the trio paraded over to the cash registers.

The cashier eyed them. “All of this?”

“Yes… And her boyfriend is paying for it,” Isabel started handing over Max’s Visa Black card. “I’m his sister,” Isabel whipped out her driver’s license. “If you have a problem, you can call him.”

Boyfriend?!? He’s not my boyfriend. Eying Liz, the sales clerk took the card from Isabel. “That won’t be necessary, ma’am. Will you need hangers and garment bags?”

“Yes, please… And I’ll take the receipts with me,” Isabel mentioned.

Garment bags in hand, the trio continued wandering through the store purchasing everything from shoes to jewelry and hair accessories. “Lingerie… You need lingerie, Liz.”

“I can get that anyplace…”

Isabel took Liz’s hand tugging her into the lingerie department. “But we’re here Liz. And you have Max’s charge card. So, why not purchase something?”

Not waiting for a reply, Maria pushed Liz in the direction of the fitting rooms. “Go grab a fitting room. We’ll find things for you to try on…”

Standing inside a fitting room, Liz waited uncomfortably. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever see herself purchasing intimate apparel using a man’s charge card… No, not just any man; but Max Evans, her high school crush.

Knocking on the door, Maria opened the door handing Liz numerous garments of various colors some skimpier than others. Garment after garment, Liz tried on everything from matching panty and bra sets to negligee. Standing in front of the mirror wearing an emerald green negligee with matching panties and bra, she turned. “I don’t know you guys…”

“The color is perfect on you. You should get it.” encouraged Maria.

“You know, there’s one more garment you should try on… I’ll go get it.” Isabel wandered back onto the floor talking with a sales clerk. Red garment in hand, she returned. “Here, try this on…”

Taking the garment, Liz held up what little there was. “Definitely not…”

“Oh, go on. Try it on,” Maria encouraged. Liz sighed. There was no use arguing. Stepping back into the fitting room, she closed the door and slipped into the skimpy garment.

Opening the door, she sighed. “It’s perfect for you, Liz,” Isabel gushed.

“Yeah, you could even wear it if you ever decide to entertain your whims with the chair dance again…”

Omigod… No. Liz blushed.
Meanwhile back at Liz’s condo…

Max, Michael and Alex worked on cleaning the kitchen. Opening a cabinet, Michael was floored. There in the original box was a brand new stainless steel set of pots and pans of top quality. “Doesn’t she ever cook?”

“No, she can’t cook to save her life…” Removing Teflon pots and pans from another cabinet, Alex continued. “Her cook prefers to use Teflon.”

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear you say that,” Michael stated pretending to be insulted.
Unpacking the dishes, Max chuckled. Typical Michael.

“So, any word on what Liz is planning to do once things are settled with the condo,” Alex asked figuring Max and Liz probably talked about it his first day in the city.

“We talked about it… With the cost of hiring professional cleaners and repairmen, money will be tight. So, I invited her to move in with me until she’s able to get back on her feet…”

Michael and Alex froze. Alex was the first to speak. “That’s great, Max.”

“Um, I don’t mean to pry but do you have feelings for her? Because if you do…”

Max blushed. His secret was out. “I do… I don’t want to, but there’s something about her. Something…”

“Special.” Alex finished the sentence.

Max sighed. “That’s it… She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. Yet, I’m at a loss because she has issues. She told me so…”

Michael put a hand on Max’s shoulder. “Give her time, Max. She’s been through hell and needs time to heal…”

“Liz is a fighter, Max. She’ll come around. You’ll see,” Alex stated. If only Max knew.
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 12, 2/15/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Chapter 12

What a Day

Early morning, two days later: JFK International Airport…

Entering the airport Liz and Kenya talked with their guests about what was all accomplished in Liz’s condo and the work that still needed to be done. Arriving at the baggage check, the faint sound of Kumbaya lingered in the distance. What the… Grabbing her claim ticket, Maria stormed off with Michael and the others chasing after her. “Where is he?”

“Where’s who?”

She scanned the vicinity. “That annoying Hare Krishna guy playing the guitar…”

“Who are you talking about? There’s nobody here playing a guitar.”

“Yes there is…” They rounded a corner and there he was by a pillar, wearing the same orange robe playing the melody of Kumbaya on his guitar. “And here he is.” Strutting up to the Hare Krishna, she stopped. “Every time I’ve been through this airport, you’ve been playing Kumbaya. It’s getting to sound like a really bad CD on constant replay… Don’t you know any other songs?”

The Hare Krishna stopped playing and just stared at her in silence. “Um, sorry man…” Michael apologized. Grabbing Maria’s arm, he tugged her over towards where the others stood waiting for them. “What has gotten into you? The guy was doing nothing wrong.”

“The song was getting annoying…”


Together the gang continued walking through the bustling crowd of people searching for Concourse D. Spotting a map of the airport and monitor, they checked their location and flight information. The flight was scheduled to be on time. “Looks like the Concourse is straight ahead past the gift shop,” Alex pointed out eying the map.

Arriving in Concourse D, everyone found a seat and waited for the flight to be called while discussing Liz’s upcoming move to Las Vegas. All that was left was to tie up the loose ends and get the approval from the police to leave New York, which Liz didn’t think would be a problem as long as Liz provided contact information.

The flight was called. Hugging her new friends, Liz thanked them for coming to help her clean and promised to keep in touch. Approaching Alex and Maria, she hugged them thanking them for their continuous moral support. Watching the others line up to board the plane, Max pulled Liz aside; quickly giving Liz a peck on the cheek. “Gotta go… See you in Vegas.” Liz blushed.

Waving farewell to her friends, Liz joined Kenya over by the chairs where they waited to watch the plane take off. “So, what’s going on with you and Max?”

“Um, nothing…”

“Whatever you say…”
Liz’s condo…

Walking in the door, Kenya dropped her purse on the floor in the foyer stepping into the kitchen to make lunch. Liz’s cell phone rang. She answered on the second ring.


“Detective Goldstein of the New York Police Department. Is Ms. Parker there?”

“This is…”

“I was wondering if you would have time to come down to the station this afternoon.”

“I can. Would it be okay if I bring my friend, Kenya Ferguson with me?”

“No problem. Can you be here by 2:00 pm?”

Liz looked up at the clock. It was already noon. “No problem. We’ll see you then.” Ending the call, she entered the kitchen where Kenya stood setting the table. “That was Detective Goldstein. He wants us to stop by the station at 2:00 pm.”

“Did he say why?”

“No. But I’m guessing it’s because they either have a solid lead or arrested the vandal.”
Finishing lunch, Kenya cleared the table and began washing the dishes. Liz’s cell phone rang again. It was her mom. She could tell by the ring tone. “Hello, mother…”

“How are things going with the condo?”

“Better than expected… Some friends were nice enough to stop by and help sort through things, so things are moving along rapidly. In fact, I should be able to call to schedule the cleaner and repairman within a few days.”

“That’s wonderful dear. Did you hear anything more from the police?”

“I have a meeting down at the station today.”

“You’ll have to let your father and I know how it goes…” Mrs. Parker paused. “I have a question for you. Do happen to know a Max Evans?”

Oh, no. Not her too. “I do. Max and his sister, Isabel attended the same schools I did. Why?”

“It just so happened I bumped into my old college roommate, now known as Diane Evans at my class reunion last night. We got to talking and she asked me if I had a daughter named Liz…”

Oh, God. “Mom, I can explain…”

“No need to explain, dear. Diane explained everything to me…”

Omigod. “What did she all say?”

“Oh, just that her son mentioned he had a housemate moving in by the name of Liz Parker who happened to be a theater actress on Broadway…”

Liz sighed. “Look, mom. I’m sorry I didn’t have the chance to call. Things got hectic…”

“I understand, dear. Why are you moving in with him? You’ve always lived on your own.”

“Originally, that was the plan. Then, my condo was vandalized. Talking with Max, he suggested I move in with him until I’m able to get back on my feet...”

“I want you to know Liz, we’re proud of how well you’re handling things…”

“Thanks mom.”

“… And to follow your heart.”


Mrs. Parker chuckled. “Liz, honey… Do you honestly think I don’t know you had a crush on Max Evans in high school?”

Omigod. “How did you…”

Mrs. Parked chuckled again. “You’d be amazed what I found in your pockets doing laundry. Although I do admit, the notes were the most amusing…”

New York Police Department…

Liz and Kenya strolled in the door and up to the desk. “Liz Parker and Kenya Ferguson here to see Detective Goldstein… He’s expecting us.”

“Right on time… Right this way, ladies.” Handing over their purses for inspection, both ladies emptied their pockets into small trays before walking through the metal detector. Picking up their items they were led to in interrogation room where Detective Goldstein was waiting for them.

“Thank you for stopping by. Please, have a seat.” Opening a manila folder, he continued. “The reason I asked you to stop by is because we have a lead on your case…” Leafing through some pages, he continued. “Turns out your cleaning lady, Jessica Sandsberg is Sean Harrison’s half-sister. Talking with her she confessed to letting Sean into your condo and cleaning up the kitchen and bathroom…”

“Why would she clean the kitchen and bathroom?”

“According to Ms. Sandsberg, she made lunch while Mr. Harrison was ransacking the place. Tracking paint into the kitchen he joined her when lunch was prepared. After lunch, Mr. Harrison washed up in the bathroom…”

Liz was livid. How dare they violate her personal space? “But why?”

“Ms. Sandsberg mentioned she received a call from Mr. Harrison in prison. According to Mr. Harrison, he was wrongfully accused and arrested claiming he did nothing to harm you.” Omigod… “Ms. Sandsberg bailed out Mr. Harrison and plotted with him to seek revenge.”

“Where is he now?” Kenya asked.

“Ms. Sandsberg stated she does not know the whereabouts of Mr. Harrison as he left town after leaving Ms. Parker’s condo. We have a warrant out for his arrest.” Detective Goldstein paused. “My advice is for both of you to keep an eye out and if you hear or see anything suspicious to call us.”

“I have a question. Before my condo was vandalized, I was planning on moving to Vegas within a month or so. Now that we know Sean was the one who vandalized my condo, I was wondering if it would be okay if I left the state.”

“I don’t see why not. Just make sure to notify the NYPD when you plan to move and leave updated contact information in case someone needs to get a hold of you…” Closing the file, the detective paused. “What are you planning to do with your condo once you move?”

“I’m planning on putting it up for sale once the cleaning and repairs are done.”

“Be sure to keep us posted on the status of it.”

“Will do.”
Liz’s condo: That evening…

Sitting down at her kitchen table with her laptop, Liz logged into her e-mail. No new e-mail. Sighing, she began typing an e-mail to all her friends.

Subject: What a day…

Hello, everyone.

Just an e-mail to let everyone know there’s been a new development on the home front. Kenya and I met up with Detective Goldstein at the NYPD this afternoon. It turns out my cleaning lady is Sean’s half-sister. She confessed to not only letting Sean in, but to also cleaning up the kitchen and bathroom.

Talking with the police, my cleaning lady mentioned she received a call from Sean from prison stating he was wrongfully accused and arrested and claimed he did nothing wrong to harm me. Bailing him out, she (my cleaning lady) plotted with Sean to seek revenge.

According to my cleaning lady, she made lunch (in my kitchen) for them while Sean ransacked the place. Walking into the kitchen to join her for lunch, Sean tracked paint all over the floor. After lunch, Sean used the bathroom to wash up before leaving.

Upon leaving, Sean supposedly left town after leaving my condo and my cleaning lady has no idea of his whereabouts. The police put a warrant out for his arrest. (Needless to say, I’m livid.)

On a more positive note… Detective Goldstein said it was okay if I leave the state as long as I notify the NYPD of my move date and leave new contact information in case the police need to reach me. I’m also to keep them posted on the status of my condo as I have it cleaned, repaired and put up for sale.

I talked with Kenya earlier. She has agreed to take charge of the cleaning, repairs, and sale of my condo, thus giving me more time to tie up any loose ends. Kenya has agreed to take time off when I’m ready to move to ride with me out to Las Vegas. Needless to say, having never been to Vegas, she’s psyched.

Not much else new here. I’ll let everyone know when I have a moving date set.

Talk to you all later,

Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 13, 2/16/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

The plot thickens... With Sean still on the run, Liz and Kenya continue to sort through items in the condo. Meanwhile, word gets out to friends & the staff at the Safe House that a family friend (aka: Liz) will be moving in with Max as his housemate. Yet, someone is not happy.

Chapter 13

Las Vegas: The Safe House / Cloud 9 (VIP Lounge) late morning…

Max and Isabel were late. Serena and Courtney poured non-alcoholic beverages while talking to Kyle, Maria, Michael, Alex, Ava, Pam and Tess who were sitting at the bar. Other employees mingled around the room wondering the reason for the spur of the minute staff meeting.

The doors swung open and in walked Max and Isabel. “Good morning, everyone… Please take a seat,” Isabel started.

Giving everyone a moment to get situated, Max asked Serena to pour him a glass of water. “I know you’re probably wondering why we’re having a staff meeting in the middle of the week. Well, I have a bit of news I’d like to share but before I do, Isabel will be going over a few things from last week…”

Everyone groaned. “Thank you, Max. I’d like to start by saying everyone did an excellent job in our absence ensuring things ran smoothly. Kudos to all of you. However, it was brought to our attention that some of you were prying for information as to our whereabouts and what we were doing. Need we remind you that although we have a close working relationship, the details of a person’s personal life are private unless they choose to share it…”

“Thank you, Isabel. That brings us to my news…” Looking over at Isabel and his friends for encouragement, he continued. “I wanted to let everyone know that there will be an addition to the Safe House… I have invited Liz Parker, a family friend to move in as my housemate.”

Taking a sip of her diet cola, Tess choked. Liz Parker… The little mousy, nerdy girl who roamed the halls of Roswell High? Family friend my ass. What was he thinking? How could he just invite someone like her to move in with him? She wouldn’t fit in. Everyone turned. Max glared at her. “Um… Sorry. I’m okay…”

“… Ms. Parker is expected to arrive within the next few weeks and when she does I expect everyone to be on their best behavior and make her feel welcome.” Isabel and his friends smiled at him. “Is there anything else, Isabel?”

“No, that’s everything. So everyone can go back to what they were doing.”
Max’s penthouse: afternoon…

Sitting at his desk, Max looked over to where Isabel sat with her feet on the coffee table. “So, how do you think the meeting went?”

“I thought it went okay. Although I don’t think Tess took the news that well…” Reaching for her Cherry Coke, she took a sip.”

“What do you mean? She choked on her cola.”

Isabel raised an eyebrow. Was he really that dense? “Oh, come on Max. You know Tess has a crush on you…”

Max groaned. Of course he knew. Tess only flirted with him every chance she got. “I know...”

“Do you honestly think she’s going to be accepting? This is after all Tess we’re talking about.”

“Tess won’t like it, but she has no choice but to accept that Liz is moving in. It’s my personal business which is none of hers.”

“Oh, I agree. I just think you should keep an eye on her.”

“Agreed… And if she has a problem with it, we'll deal with it."
Meanwhile in New York…

… Liz and Kenya began cleaning out and boxing up everything that her cleaning lady, Jessica and Sean could have possibly used in her absence. Neatly wrapping and stacking plates in a box, Liz picked up a black Sharpie and labeled the box ‘Charity’. “All the dishes will go in this box. Glassware will go separate…” she instructed.

Kenya began wrapping the glassware. “If you give your dishes and glassware to charity now, what are you going to use until you move?”

Rummaging around in a fabric grocery bag, Liz pulled out a package of paper plates, reusable plastic cups, plates, bowls and silverware setting them on the table. “I purchased these in case I decide to have a meal here while I’m cleaning.” Opening a drawer, she dumped the silverware, sharp knives and utensils into a separate box.

Squatting down, Kenya pulled a box out from a bottom cabinet. “The stainless steel pots and pans have never been used. What do you want to do with them?”

Liz didn’t have to think twice. “Put those aside. I’ll take them with. If I can’t use them, maybe Michael can.”

Cabinet after cabinet, drawer after drawer Liz and Kenya continued to remove, sort through and box up everything; labeling the boxes ‘charity’, ‘Liz’, ‘Kenya’, ‘parents’.

Opening another drawer, Kenya unpacked dish towels, dish clothes, hot pads and an apron. “What about these things? They can all be washed.”

Liz thought for a minute. She had no idea the condition of Max’s dish towels, etc. “Better throw them all in the laundry and make a note to pack them.”

Taking a paper bag from the broom closet, Kenya labeled the bag ‘laundry’ before tossing the fabric items in. “So, are you looking forward to moving?” she asked out of the blue.

Liz smiled. “You know, I actually am. Although, I am going to miss you…”

“I’m going to miss you too. But, that’s what e-mail and cell phones are for.” Grabbing two colas from the refrigerator, Kenya handed one to Liz before popping the top on hers. “I’m even planning on coming to visit.”
Ritz Carlton Hotel: Late evening…

Unpacking her laptop, Liz sat on the bed turning it on. Logging into her e-mail, she scanned her inbox. There was nothing but e-newsletters. Reading the topics, she transferred them to her e-newsletter folder beginning to type her e-mail to Max.

Subject: Questions and Such

Hi, Max.

Just an e-mail to let you know Kenya and I have finally tackled the kitchen and bathroom (again); sorting out the items to give to charity. In doing so, I was wondering if there’s anything you need me to bring with when I move? The reason I’m asking is because I have numerous matching sets of wash/dish clothes and towels and hot pads along with a set of stainless steel pots and pans (brand new, never used).

Kenya and I were talking (don’t we always?) and it’s been determined that if everything keeps moving at the pace that it is, I should be ready to leave for Las Vegas a week from tomorrow. We’re planning to stop along the way (at night), so we’re anticipating the trip to take a few days. Fear not, we’ll call you along the way.

Hmmm… What else is new? My mom called the other night to find out how things are going and to tell me about her college class reunion. Did you know that our moms were roommates in the dorms? (Who would’ve guessed?) According to my mom, they lost touch after college. What’s weird is the fact that they’ve been living in the same city (Roswell) for 20+ years, have kids who attended the same school(s) and neither realized it. It’s my understanding they’re working to rekindle their friendship. (Why wouldn’t they?)

Do you believe in destiny? I never did, but now I’m not so sure. Our moms were college roommates and friends. And now, years later we’re friends. It’s just weird.

Not much else new here.

I’ll talk to you later.


P.S. Tell Isabel about the roommate thing… I think she’ll find it interesting.

Finishing her e-mail, Liz sent it wondering what Max was doing that evening. It was 11:00 pm in New York, but Las Vegas was three hours behind, thus 8 pm. Reading through two of the e-newsletters, she looked over at the clock and yawned. Only fifteen minute had past. Just as she was about to log out of her e-mail for the night, the computerized voice stated ‘You’ve got mail.’

Excited, Liz opened her inbox to check her e-mail. Max had read her e-mail and sent a reply.

Subject: RE: Questions and such

Hi, Liz.

I’m happy to hear that things are progressing as planned. In regards to what you should bring with you, feel free to bring whatever you want. I should however mention that if you decide you don’t want the pots and pans, Michael would be more than happy to take them off your hands.

I went ahead and wrote down an approximate date of your arrival to ensure everything is ready when you arrive (i.e. keys, swipe card, parking permit, etc.). The only thing that will be left to do when you arrive should be to have Ava make an I.D. card for you (everybody living in the building and all employees need one), and have you fill out the necessary paperwork for security purposes. As I’m guessing Kenya will be a routine visitor, I’ll also have Ava I.D. card make one for her too.

Just so you know, I informed everyone (friends and staff) you are a family friend and will be moving in as my housemate to ensure nobody harasses or questions you regarding your whereabouts in the building. Please don’t be upset. To protect your privacy, there was no mention of anything from your past or that happened recently.

I talked to my mom last night too… You can only imagine my surprise when she said she bumped into her old roommate (your mom) at the class reunion. I still find it odd that neither knew they lived in the same city or that we went to the same school(s). I think it’s awesome that they’re working to rekindle their friendship from all those years ago.

Do I believe in destiny? Hell yeah... I mean, doesn't everything in life happen for a reason? Think of it this way... Our moms were roommates and friends. Not only did we attend the same school(s), years later we’re friends and soon to be housemates. Coincidence or what?

Talk to you soon.


Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 14, 2/17/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Just a fluff chapter as Liz arrives in Las Vegas and gets settled.

** Note the Safe House Calendar of Events. There is actually a Nat'l Egg Toss Day, Nat'l Sports Day, Nat'l Beer Day, Nat'l Martini Day, Nat'l Barbecue Day, and World Food Day. The dates I have listed are the exact dates.

Chapter 14

Viva Las Vegas

Las Vegas: Max’s penthouse / One week later…

Michael scurried around the kitchen cooking up lunch for an army of twelve. The ladies (Isabel, Maria, Courtney, Serena, Ava, and Kenya) bustled around helping Liz unpack and get settled while the guys (Max, Alex and Kyle) heaved the last boxes from Liz’s green Impala inside.

“Where did all this stuff come from? I didn’t think you had that much left.” Alex questioned.

Isabel rested an arm on Alex’s shoulder. “Honey… Didn’t I tell you it’s a woman’s prerogative to own as much as she wants?” The guys rolled their eyes.

“Lunch is ready, guys…” Michael called out from the kitchen.

“Since when did us ladies have a gender change,” Maria retorted following the others to the table.

“I don’t know. But, you guys could be hiding it,” Michael teased playing along. The guys chuckled. Walking past, Maria smacked him in the arm. Ow.

Sitting around the large rectangular cherry wood table everyone began talking at once. Sitting back, Liz and Kenya observed those around them. How do they do it…? Maintain three different conversations at the same time? Feeling like outsiders, Liz and Kenya began quietly planning their agenda for the following day.

Liz’s cell phone rang. Conversation ceased and everyone turned eying Liz. “Um… Sorry…” Answering her cell on the third ring, she stepped out into the living room.

“Hello…” Silence. “Hello… Anyone there?” Silence. “Who are you? What do you want?” Silence. Frustrated, she turned off her cell tossing it on an end table. Exiting the living room, she rounded the corner colliding into Max. “What the…” Conversation in the kitchen ceased as everyone glanced over to where Max and Liz stood.

“You okay?”

“I’m fine.” Walking around Max, Liz rejoined Kenya at the table. Following close behind, Max resumed his seat next to Michael.
One hour later…

Everyone parted ways having to return back to work leaving Max and Isabel with Liz and Kenya to go over details pertaining to the club and housing. Max handed Liz a set of keys, swipe card, parking permit and newly laminated I.D. card. Receiving her own I.D. card, Kenya smiled. “We figured you’d be a routine guest,” was all Max said.

Isabel handed Liz a planner and a binder with a small stack of forms on top. “We’ll need you to complete the forms which are standard for anyone living on the premises. Inside the binder you will find everything from the rules and regulations for the club and housing to a general overview of the club and all that it has to offer. In the back, you will find a floor plan with a list of all the events being held at the club throughout the year along with a current list of all the Club Managers and office and business numbers…”

“There’s also a list of phone numbers stuck to the side of the refrigerator and by the phone,” Max interrupted cutting her off.

Isabel shot Max a pointed look. “The planner is to help you keep organized. I took the liberty of penciling in all the club events, housing events, etc…” She paused. “I took the liberty of color coding all the mandatory events and put stars by the events worth attending.”

Opening the planner, Liz glanced at the calendar. Tour of the Safe House was penciled in at 8:00 am. Breakfast in the El Flamingo was penciled in for 9:00 the following morning. ‘Ladies Night’ was penciled in for the following evening. ‘Ladies Night’? “Um… ‘Ladies Night’?”

“Oh, yeah… I thought you could use a night without the testosterone if you get my drift.” Max rolled his eyes.
Liz’s bedroom: Late evening…

A crystal vase stood on the nightstand with a bouquet of white roses inside and an envelope resting up against it. “Who are the flowers from, Liz?” Kenya asked.

“They’re probably from either Max or Maria and Alex.” Reaching for the envelope, Liz opened it and read the card out loud. “’Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson -…”

“Interesting… But, who’s it from?”

“Max, Isabel, Michael, Maria and Alex”

“That’s sweet…” Reaching for the information binder, Kenya paused. “So, what’s on the agenda for tomorrow?”

Opening her planner, Liz grabbed a pen from her purse. “First thing tomorrow, I want to head over to the ABC Bartending School of America to enroll in classes… I then want to stop by Cup-A-Java to pick up a job application…”

A soft knock sounded on the door and in walked Max. “I received a call from the Viper Room… A customer requested my services so I need to get going. If you need anything, just call.”

Liz smiled. “I’ll do that… By the way, thanks for the flowers.” Turning to leave, Max blushed.

“Goodnight, Max,” both Liz and Kenya called out to him.

“Oooh, I think he likes you…”

“Shut-up, Kenya…” Opening the planner, Liz pulled out the event listing. “Let’s see what’s going on while you’re here in town…”

New Year’s Brunch – Jan. 1st (El Flamingo)
Chinese New Year – Feb. 12th (entire club)
• Sweetheart Dance – Feb. 14th (Club Anything)
• Mardi Gras Masquerade – Feb. 21st (entire club)
Cinco de Mayo – March 5th (El Flamingo)
• St. Patrick’s Day Party – March 17th (entire club)
• Spring Fling (Dance) – March 19th (Club Anything)
• Breakfast w/ the Easter Bunny – April 8th (El Flamingo)
• Easter Egg Hunt – April 8th (entire club)
• Safe House Barbecue (Nat’l BBQ Day) – May 18th (El Flamingo)
• National Martini Day Celebration – June 19th (all bars)
• Christmas in July – July 7th (entire club)
Bastille Day Celebration– July 14th (entire club / Outside the Safe House)
• Midsummer Night’s Dream (festival) – July 22nd (entire club)
National Sports Day Celebration – Aug. 1st (Deuces Wild / Cloud 9)
• National Beer Day Celebration – Aug. 5th (all bars)
• National Egg Toss Day Celebration – September 6th (El Flamingo / Outside the Safe House)
• Oktober Fest – Sept. 28th thru Oct. 5th (entire club)
• Sweetest Day Dance – Oct. 3rd (Club Anything)
• World Food Day – Oct. 16th (El Flamingo)
• Monster Bash – Oct. 31st (entire club)
• Giving Thanks (fundraiser for charity) – Month of November (entire club)
• Sadie Hawkins Dance – Nov. 16th (Club Anything)
• Turkey Toss – Nov. 29th (El Flamingo / Outside the Safe House)
• Party in the House – Nov. 30th (entire club)
• Winter Wonderland (festival) – Dec. 15th (entire club)
• Breakfast w/ Santa – Dec. 20th (El Flamingo)
• Jingle Bell Jam – Dec. 22nd (The Rave)
• Holiday Party – Dec. 25th (entire club)
• New Year’s Eve Party – Dec. 31st (entire club)

(* Events may be added at any time.)
(* Event days are subject to change.)
(** NOTE: Max will be dressing up as the Easter bunny, so it’s like getting a pic w/ Max)

Kenya looked at the list over Liz’s arm. “Wow… Looks like I’ll be spending a lot of time in Vegas,” she chuckled.

“No kidding.”
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 15/Pt 1, 2/18/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

Chapter 15 / Part 1

ABC Bartending School of America…

Entering the building from the parking lot, Liz and Kenya stepped into the office where they were greeted by an overly friendly office assistant that was more than happy to hand Liz an application for enrollment as she rambled on about all the requirements.

“… That’s great and all, but I’m already a licensed bartender in New York. I just need learn about the state laws…”

“Oh, in that case you’ll need to talk to someone in Admissions. Let me see if someone is available.” Picking up the phone, the office assistant called the Admissions Office. Explaining the situation, she set the phone back down. “Please have a seat. Someone will be with you shortly.”

Ten minutes later, Liz and Kenya were ushered into a conference room where they were greeted by an Admissions Advisor. Explaining her situation, Liz was informed that because she was already a licensed bartender in New York, all she would need to do is read over the course materials and take the required test.

“So, I won’t need to attend the classes?”

“That’s correct. Without attending the classes, you should be able to receive your license within a month’s time. The only thing you’ll need to do upon completing the reading material is take a two-part exam consisting of answering questions for the first part and a hands on demonstration of your capabilities of mixing drinks for the second part.”

Max and Isabel would be thrilled. “Thanks…”
Liz / Max’s Penthouse: That evening…

Liz and her friends (Kenya, Isabel, Ava, Maria, Serena, Courtney, and Pam) lounged around the living room munching on snacks and drinking beverages. “Do you know if Tess is planning to show up, Pam?” Isabel questioned silently hoping she didn’t.

“With all the problems Tess is known to cause, I figured it would be best if she wasn’t here, so I didn’t mention our get together to her.”

Oh, thank God. “Who wants to watch a movie?” Isabel asked.

“Better yet… I have some home videos from the theater if anyone is interested in watching those,” Liz mentioned. “Some even have outtake footage…”

Everyone seemed more than interested, so Kenya went off to get the DVD’s from Liz’s bedroom. Returning a few minutes later, she handed it over to Isabel to put in. “This one has a clip of the ‘infamous’ chair routine from ‘Dancing Queen’…”

“… It’s the same dance routine that was seen during the video clip on ‘Night Life’ a few weeks ago,” Liz added. Pressing play on the remote, Liz started the video.

Segment after segment, the video played on. Watching the segment of Liz on stage in full costume portraying a show girl, everyone watched intently as the music started and Liz began dancing. Enthralled, nobody heard the door open and Max step into the foyer. Glancing over at the TV, he was dumbfounded. Liz was dancing… No, not just dancing; but enticing a crowd with her graceful yet seductive movements. Not wanting to disturb the ladies, he cut through the kitchen into his bedroom.

The ‘infamous’ chair routine was the last segment on the video. Turning off the DVD, Pam turned to Liz. “So, can you still do it?”’

Liz smiled. Could she? She had no clue. She hadn’t performed that routine since her interview with ‘Night Life’. "I don’t know. I haven’t tried it since the accident…”

“Do you think you could if you tried,” Courtney asked.

“The doctor said I could dance and do acrobatics as long as I’m careful…” She thought for a minute. “Let me go get a chair.” Returning with a chair, she set it down in the middle of the living room. “Turn the video back on and fast forward to the beginning of that segment. I need the music…”

Maria started the video back up forwarded to that video clip. “Ready when you are…”

As if on cue, the music sounded. Closing her eyes, Liz let herself go moving to the music as she hoisted herself up onto the chair in a perfect handstand. A door slammed. Startled, Liz opened her eyes as her hands began to slip. “Whoa…”

Dropping his sketch book on the foyer floor, Max rushed into the living room catching Liz in his muscular arms just as she started to tumble. Their friends gasped. When did Max return home? Confused, Liz looked up. What was he doing home? He was supposed to be working in the Viper Room. His expression was unreadable.

“Are you okay,” he asked carefully setting her on the floor.

“I’m fine. Thank you for catching my fall…” There was an awkward pause before Liz continued. “Um… I thought you were working tonight…”

“I am. I forgot my sketch book.”


Silently, their friends looked over at where he stood. “Well, I… Um… I need to get back to work. Enjoy the rest of your evening, ladies.” Picking up his sketch book off the foyer floor, Max opened the door and left.

“Well, wasn’t that exciting…” Isabel commented. “Who wants to play ‘Truth or Dare’?”
‘Truth or Dare’…

Isabel spun the bottle on the coffee table. It pointed to Liz. “Liz, truth or dare… What is your deepest darkest secret that nobody knows about?”

“Truth… I’m still a virgin.”

Everybody gasped. Kenya couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “What? No way…”

Maria was puzzled. “How is that possible? You dated Sean for almost three and a half years.”

“Yes, but we never went all the way,” Liz replied smugly. Reaching for the bottle, she spun it. It pointed to Maria. “Maria, truth or dare… Does Michael ever let you cook a meal when he’s home?”

“Truth… No, he always insists on cooking. He doesn’t mind however when I make desserts.” Maria spun the bottle. It pointed to Serena. “Serena, truth or dare… What was your most embarrassing moment within the last year?”

“Truth… Being caught behind the bar in Cloud 9 with Kyle.” Serena blushed at the memory of being caught by Max, Isabel and Michael who said nothing at the time. She spun the bottle. It pointed to Isabel. “Isabel, truth or dare… What was the most outrageous thing you ever did?”

“Truth… I streaked the halls of my dorm building at Harvard on a dare.” Isabel stated proudly remembering the reactions she got from everyone. She spun the bottle. It pointed back to Liz. “Liz, truth or dare… Who was your first crush?”

Liz panicked. Oh, God. Nobody but Maria, Alex, Kenya and her mom knew about her crush on Max. She sighed. “I’m going to pick dare.”

Isabel raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure about that?”

“I am… Bring it on.”

Isabel thought for a moment. She had Liz right where she wanted her. Max would probably be pissed, but he’d thank her later. “I dare you to go down to the Viper Room (tattoo parlor) and have Max give you a tattoo.”

What?!? Omigod… “Um…”

“No having second thoughts. You picked dare,” Maria reminded her.

Reaching over to the end table, Isabel grabbed her cell phone, dialing the Viper Room. “I’m calling Max to see if he’s busy…” Talking with Max briefly, she smiled tossing her cell back on the table. “It’s a quiet night tonight. Let’s go…”
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 61
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Re: The Safe House (AU, M/L, Adult) Ch 15/Pt 2, 2/20/12

Post by Ilonka.Green »

“Do you think there’s any real sex appeal receiving a tattoo? Liz wondered out loud.
Maria chuckled. “I don’t know, Liz. Maybe you should ask Max…” Liz blushed.

(Chapter 5)

‘Liz was gazing down at his arm outlining the tattoos with her small, dainty fingers. Closing his eyes, he groaned. What was her fascination with tattoos?’

(Chapter 6)

Chapter 15 / Part 2

The Viper Room…

Waiting for Isabel and her entourage to arrive with Liz, Max penciled Liz in as his final appointment of the night informing the other two tattoo artists they would need to cover the walk-ins. Never in all his years as a tattoo artist did anyone ever end up in the Viper Room during a game of ‘Truth or Dare’. What was so important that Liz was hiding?

Within minutes, the entourage walked in with Liz who looked like a nervous wreck. He couldn’t help but smile. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again until after the party…” She frowned. Wanting Liz to feel at ease, he tried a different approach. “This is going to take a while, so why don’t the rest of you head back upstairs…” Kenya raised an eyebrow. Knowing bits and pieces from Liz’s past, he could understand Kenya’s uneasiness. “I’ll walk her back upstairs when she’s done,” Max promised ushering the ladies to the door.

Grabbing his sketch book and pencil from his workstation, Max led Liz into a back room to another work station. “This room is used when we tattoo areas normally covered by clothing such as backs, stomachs, etc.” he explained hoping to make Liz feel a bit more comfortable. Sitting down across from each other at a small rectangular table, Max opened his sketch book. “I know this was unexpected, but have you ever considered getting a tattoo?”

“I have but never did because of my theater and dancing career… I didn’t want the hassle of having to cover one up with make-up.”

“That makes sense. Having to cover up tattoos for whatever reason can be a hassle.” Lining up his colored pencils, he continued. “Have you ever given any thought about what kind of tattoo you wanted?”

“I’ve always thought it would be cool to get a rose tattoo or a tattoo of the Janus Masks (theater masks)…”

Pencil in hand, Max began to sketch. Within minutes he held up a rough sketch of the Janus Masks. “Something like this?”

“It’s nice, but I was also thinking a tattoo of some sort of design pattern would be cool too.”

Reaching up, Max grabbed a book of tattoo designs from a shelf. Flipping through a few pages, he showed her a few different designs. “These are mostly tribal tattoos, but the designs are stunning…” Rolling up the sleeve of his short sleeved shirt, he showed her a few of his on his arm. “See. This one here is a symbol of strength and endurance,” he pointed at his upper arm. “The one below it symbolizes peace and harmony. And the one below that symbolizes balance… They’re a combination of tribal designs and pictures.” Closing the tattoo design book, he put it aside.

“I have an idea…” Pencil in hand, Max began to sketch what appeared to be the Janus Masks with a long stemmed rose behind it with a leafy design as a background. “How about something like this… It incorporates both the rose and the Janus Masks, yet it has a design pattern.”

“This is such a tough decision… I can’t decide. I like all three. What would you suggest?”

“That depends. Where would you like the tattoo?”

Liz was getting flustered. “I don’t know… But, if I’m doing this, it’s going to have to be in a place that’s easy to cover up if necessary.”

Pencil in hand, Max opened another book and flipping the pages to a diagram of the human body began pointing out sections. “A popular tattoo spot for women tends to be the lower back, upper back by the shoulder, thigh, and ankle. Personally, the lower back is best for a design tattoo. Thigh, ankle, and upper back are best for a picture.”

“God, I don’t know…”

Max thought for a minute. How far would Liz go? “You can always get more than one you know. But, remember tattoos are permanent.”

“Yeah, I know…” Liz thought for a moment. I’m retired from the theater. Why not live a little? Maria and Kenya did after all say I need to spice up my life. “What the hell. Why not go for all three…”

“Okay, but are you sure about this?”

“I am.”

“Great…” Grabbing a book of tattoo pictures, Max opened it to a page of rose designs. “These are the designs I have for roses… Although most women prefer red or pink, the rose can be whatever color you want…”

Liz thought for a minute and pointed to a rose design she liked. “Light pink… Upper back by the shoulder.”

“That’s good spot. How big did you want it?”

“About one to two inches…”

“Okay. What about the Janus Masks?”

“About two to three inches… White and red on the outer thigh.”

Pencil in hand, Max jotted down some notes. “How does white for the comical and red for the tragedy sound?”

“Sounds good…” She paused. “And as for the design pattern, lower back along my waist line… But you pick the colors.”

“Okay…” Adding some last minute notes in his sketch book, Max explained to Liz the procedure step by step. “I’m going to start with the rose tattoo and work my way down. I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, but I’m going to need you to remove your shirt and jeans and to lie on the table on your stomach…” Turning away, Max began organizing his tools (needles, ink, gloves, tattoo machine) while waiting for Liz.

Nervously, Liz reached for the hem of her shirt. Breathe. I can do this. Tugging the shirt over her head, she set it on a nearby chair. Sitting on her shirt, she pulled down her jeans setting them on top of her shirt on the chair forgetting what underwear she put on that morning. Then it dawned on her. Omigod… She was wearing a silk emerald green G-string with matching bra. Embarrassed, she blushed. Why am I so embarrassed? This is Vegas. Max has probably sees women in various stages of undress daily.

Climbing up onto the table, she laid down on her stomach. “Okay, I’m ready…”

Setting his tools by the table, Max couldn’t help but notice Liz lying there; her long, silky brown tresses cascading over her smooth white skin with little scraps of emerald green silk covering her intimate parts. Pulling up a chair, he groaned. God, grant me self-control.

Carefully pushing Liz’s hair to the side, Max picked up a cleansing wipe from the tray, softly gliding it across her smooth skin wiping the right side by her shoulder in a slow, circular motion. “You need to relax, Liz… There’s nobody here but you and me…”

“I can’t…”

“Sure you can…” Setting the cleaning wipe on the tray, Max gently rubbed her back. “Close your eyes and breathe…” Repositioning his hands on her shoulders, he began to gently massage them. “Feel good?”

Who is he kidding? It feels heavenly… “Mmmm…” She moaned softly.

Slowly, he worked his way down her back massaging her muscles as he went. Softening his touch, his fingers glided across her bare back in intricate circular patterns. “The pain is minimal… Nobody here but you and me,” he reminded her.
Releasing his hands from her smooth, bare skin Max put his gloves on before aligning the rose template on her upper back. “Is the right side okay?”

“That’s fine…”

“Okay… Now, I’m going to need you to lie still. You’re going to feel a slight prick…” Max explained starting up the tattoo machine. Leaning lean, he positioned the machine starting on the outline. At the first touch, she winced. “It’s okay… Everything’s going to be fine,” he soothed her.

Max asked Liz how her day was. Excited, Liz told him about her experience at the Bartending School. “Because I was licensed in New York, all I have to do is read the materials and take the exam which consists of two parts… The first consisting of answering questions, the second consisting of a hands on demonstration of my skills mixing drinks. According to the academic advisor, it should only take one to two month’s tops. Isn’t that great?”

“That’s great… Isabel will be happy to hear that. In the meantime, if you want to practice mixing drinks talk to Serena…”

“Thanks for the idea. I’ll talk to her tomorrow…”

Max began filling in the rose with pink ink. “So, what brought you here tonight? I thought you were hanging out with the ladies.”

“We were…”

“I know you were. But now you’re here in the Viper Room with me. How come you’re here while everyone else is upstairs?”

Liz sighed. “Isabel suggested we play ‘Truth or Dare’…”

Max chuckled. “And you obviously picked dare…” Switching to the green ink, he began filling in the stem and leaves. “So, what was the question?”

“Um… That’s personal.”

“Oh, come on. It couldn’t have been that bad…”

“It was,” Liz assured him.

Max smiled. “I guess I’ll have to ask Isabel then.”

Oh, no. “They wanted to know who my first crush was,” Liz blurted out.

Max raised an eyebrow. “That’s it? That’s what brought you here? Wouldn’t it have been easier for you just to tell them?” Max couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Why didn’t she just tell the ladies who she had a crush on? What was the big deal?

Liz blushed. “Yes, that’s why I’m here and no it wouldn’t have been easier for me to tell them.”

Turning off the tattoo machine, Max reached for the ointment. Delicately rubbing ointment over her rose tattoo, be bandaged it with a strip of gauze. “You’ll need to rub ointment on your tattoos and keep them bandaged for about two weeks to give the skin time to heal and to prevent the ink from bleeding onto fabrics.” Disposing of the needles, he opened a new pack. “You handled that well… Ready for the second one?”

“I am.”

“I’m going to save the largest one for last, so I’m going to need you to lie on your side.”

Liz rolled over onto her side so she was facing Max giving him an eyeful. “Is it okay if I prop my head up with my arm?”

Max groaned inwardly. Liz was beautiful… No, not beautiful; perfect with flawless skin, deep hazel eyes, lush lips and a well-proportioned body. “That’s fine as long as you can do so without flinching for about an hour.” Sliding across the floor on his stool, Max reached for a cleansing wipe and began gently wiping her thigh clean in a slow circular pattern.

Tossing the cleansing cloth into the garbage can, Max reached for the Janus Mask template and positioned it on her thigh. “You’re going to feel another prick on your skin but once I start, you should be fine,” he stated. Leaning over her toned legs, he started the tattoo machine.

Filling in the colors of the masks, Max asked Liz about the video she was watching with their friends earlier. “What was that video you were watching earlier when I came upstairs for my sketch book? It looked pretty interesting.”

Embarrassed, Liz blushed. “Um… It was a video containing various segments from the different theater productions I starred in." She was afraid to ask, but was curious. "Which part did you see?”

Max blushed. Turning off the tattoo machine, Max reached for the ointment; rubbing it over her second tattoo. “You were doing some kind of chair routine…” Reaching for the gauze, he bandaged the tattoo. Returning the package of gauze to the tray, Max looked Liz in the eye. “From what I saw, you were amazing.”

“Um… Thank you. But, those days are over.” Liz rolled back over onto her stomach.

Switching the needles on the tattoo machine, Max checked his ink supply. “Then why were you attempting to do a hand stand on a chair in the living room?”

“Everyone was curious to see if I could still do it after the accident I had at the theater.”

Accident at the theater my ass. Reaching for a cleansing wipe, Max leaned over her silken skin; gently rubbing the cloth over her lower back in intricate circles. Reaching her G-string, he groaned. God, grant me self-control. “You might feel a bit more pain with this one because it’s larger and near the spine,” Max warned tossing the cleansing cloth into the garbage can. Reaching for the template, he aligned the design template across her lower back. Turning the tattoo machine back on, Max leaned over her perfectly toned slender body and started the outline.

For the next two hours, Max and Liz talked about everything from her career as a theater actress and professional dancer and Max’s part-time job as a tattooist to personal interests, music and movies. Liz offered to show Max some of her home videos from the theater and shared some of her fears of living in Las Vegas. Max assured her she had nothing to worry about and explained how everyone looked after one another. “We’re like a family of sorts…”

Two hours later, Max added the finishing touches. Reaching for the tube of ointment, he rubbed it all over her tattoo. Returning the ointment to the tray, he grabbed large pieces of gauze; piecing them together over her tattoo and bandaging her up.

Taking her hand, Max helped Liz off the table. “Why don’t you get dressed while I clean up and put the supplies away?”

As Max turned around to put his supplies away, Liz reached for her clothes; quickly getting dressed. Sitting on a chair by the small, square table she waited for Max. “Ready when you are.”
Leading Liz back into the tattoo parlor, Max informed the other tattoo artists he was leaving for the evening.

Following Max into the main lobby, Liz took it all in… The place buzzed with activity as people mingled by Deuces Wild and the El Flamingo. She could hear the faint sound of techno music in the distance. “It’s something, isn’t it?”

Liz smiled. The Safe House was his ‘baby’… His dream came true. “It sure is… It’s amazing.”

It was late. Several of the businesses would be closing soon. “It’s late… We should get going." Walking through the bustling crowd of people, Max led Liz over to a glass elevator. Taking his key card from his wallet, he inserted it into a slot and pressed the ‘P2’ button. “You’ll need to have your keys and cards on you at all times… The key card is for the elevator and the penthouse door in case you ever get locked out.”

Arriving on the seventh floor, Max let Liz step out first. Unlocking the penthouse door, the pair stepped into the dark foyer. A bright light shown from the living room… It was the TV. Liz’s guests were all asleep lounging around the room. “Looks like they tried to wait up for you…” Max whispered leading Liz down the darkened hallway towards their bedrooms.

Stopping by her door, Liz smiled. “It does. Looks like I’ll be playing 20 Questions tomorrow…”

“I’d give them a hard time if I were you. It’ll drive Isabel and Maria nuts.”

“Well, I’m going to bed. Thanks for taking time out of your schedule.”

“It was nothing. Good night, Liz.”

Standing on her tip toes, she leaned up giving Max a quick peck on the cheek. “Good night, Max.” Watching Max disappear into his room, she entered her own and crawled into bed. And within minutes, she drifted off to sleep.
Last edited by Ilonka.Green on Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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