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Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) chpt 11 3/16/12

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:34 am
by jake17

Thanks so much for the fb!!

chapter 11.

The distant bark of a stray dog shook Liz from his strong arms abruptly as dawn quickly approached.

Very carefully she slipped out of his loving grip and sat on the edge of the bed trying to gather her senses.

It was then that she noticed the text message on her phone that was sticking out of her bag.

Tears flooded her brown eyes as Maria's words pierced her heart changing her life forever.

That man in the hospital is dead
the case is now a homicide
there's a warrant out for Zan's arrest
please get him to turn himself in!
Call me!

She gazed back at him sleeping peacefully easily seeing the boy that held her so many nights, protecting her, keeping her safe.

Her head tilted to the side as a tear slid slowly ran down the pinkish hue of her cheek as it occurred to her right then and there what she had to do.

Quietly she reached for a conservative black suit and made her way to the bathroom to wipe the black mascara from underneath her eyes and pull her hair up tight into a high bun.

Staring back at her reflection she took a deep breath feeling the strength that he given her last night surging through her body.

She knew at that moment that what they had no one or nothing could ever take away.

That special bond would remain in her heart forever.

Writing the letter was easy, words of gratitude and love spilled from her soul as she gazed down at him lying peacefully in her bed.

Her choice was made, nothing could change her mind.

Rising up on her toes she carefully lifted the shoebox from the top shelf of her closet and set it down on the kitchen counter.

Holding the small gun in her hands she began to load the bullets as memories flickered vividly behind her despondent gaze.

It was more than five years ago but it might as well had been yesterday.

His footsteps getting louder, closer in the empty parking garage closing in on her …

Her car just steps away felt like fifty as he grabbed her by the back of the head.

The familiar whiskey and cigar stench invading her nose as his hands find their way up her shirt ripping apart the buttons of her blouse.

"Remember me little Bethy? I always knew you'd grow up to be a fine lookin' woman someday."

The self defense classes that her adopted dad had her take to help her fears worked well, the gun he gave her for an emergency worked even better.

She remembered the way the blade felt against her neck, cool and sharp cutting shallow slices as the knife shook, his groping hands rubbing roughly along her tender skin.

She could still feel the calmness in the moment as she laced her keys between her fingers and rammed the metal into his bloodshot eyes.

That was when he found her, he was younger then, but still corrupt and dirty, the rookie cop who happened to be the brother of the bastard writhing on the ground in pain.

Alone he spun his car sideways blocking them as he shut of his sirens and approached Liz.

Responding to a domestic dispute between her former foster father and his drugged out wife he followed him to the desolate parking garage never expecting to find this.

Undeterred by the sound of his commanding voice demanding that she drop her weapon Liz stood gun drawn, aim directly in line with his groin as blood oozed from his eye sockets.

“You fucking bitch! Shoot her Nick! Fucking take her down!”

Unflinchingly Liz cocked back the gun and took a step closer.

She wanted to make sure he heard every word, that he knew exactly why she was ending his life.

“This is your last warning! Put the gun down now!!!”

Nick held his gun to the back of her head as he watched his brother begin to laugh.

“Don't worry Bro she's just a little girl, she doesn't have the balls to pull the trigger! She's just a little pissed because I made sure her little boyfriend paid for interfering with our special 'time' together. Isn't that right Bethy?”

Liz swallowed hard, knowing full well what he had done to her beloved Zander those two years he was forced to stay there.

She kept records, watched in the shadows, far from everyone's knowledge including Zan.

Liz called the cops anonymously a few times when the beatings were so loud that she feared for his life, but having a cop for a brother had its benefits.

Emileo was untouchable ….and he knew it.

She thought that when he finally ran away Zander would be safe, but it didn't erase all those years, nothing would.

Ignoring the cop standing behind her she raised the gun to his heart and closed her eyes briefly picturing Zander's arms holding her close against the fast beat of his little twelve year old heart.

'I've got you Beth.'

Opening her eyes she stared down at him knowing that he had other foster kids in his care, that this nightmare was continuing and it was time to put an end to it.

“I'm not a little girl anymore you sick fuck! This is for Zander.”

Without regret she pulled the trigger sending a bullet between his thighs and another straight threw his heart.

Handcuffed in the back of Nick's patrol car she stared straight ahead as a rouge cop who would make detective the next week breathed heavily in her ear.

“As I see it we've got two choices here Beth.”

Grinding her teeth she whispered hoarsely correcting him. “It's Elizabeth, my name is Elizabeth.”

Lighting a cigarette he snickered, “Like it matters now, your just gonna be a number in the system pretty little thing.”

Inhaling deeply he eyed her up and down and raised his eyebrows. “Although it does seem like a waste, a hot piece of ass like you spending your life in the hands of some beefy dike. “

That's when she numbly remembered his hand traveling up her thigh. “You know since I am the only witness to this unfortunate situation there is another way this could go that could benefit the both of us.”

With his grubby fingers now squeezing her breast Liz angled her face brazenly into his narrow lust filled eyes.

“Fuck you!”

His lips rose quickly to a sarcastic grin, “Well see now that will be your job, unless you'd rather spend the rest of your life in prison, because I can easily arrange that... Beth.”

The case was closed, self defense, Liz was free in the eyes of the law, but not when it came to a certain crooked sick cop.

Five years she hid avoiding him, doing everything she could to keep from fulfilling her debt but you can't out run your past forever.

Placing the gun in back of her skirt she walked slowly up to Zan and gently kissed him on the cheek.

Sleepily his sweet eyes fluttered open as his arm wrapped securely around her shoulder pulling her into his bare chest to nuzzle her.

“You look beautiful, why don't you call in today and get back in this bed with me.”

His sultry drowsey whispers wrenched her heart like someone was tearing the beating organ from her chest.

She knew that she had no choice, love had made up her mind for her.

Trying hard to disguise the emotions welling up inside her she kissed his lips holding her mouth for several seconds to his just breathing him in, as if to imprint him to her forever.

“I have to go, it will look suspicious if I call in. Speaking of suspicious, its too late for you to leave, its too risky, you might get caught, I'm afraid you'll have to stay here. At least until dark, then you can sneak out … if you want.”

Gazing up into her watery eyes he pressed his lips to her breast peppering little kisses tenderly along the opening of her blouse.

“Are you sure I can't convince you to at least go in late?”

Forcing a smile she laced her fingers into his jet black thick hair as her eyes rolled to the ceiling, her bottom lip trembling knowing this would be the last time.

Shaking it off she pulled away but not before staring deep into his warm honey eyes.

“I love you, I always have …. and ...I-I always will Zan, please remember that.”

His eyebrows knitted together in a curious manner. “Liz, why do I feel like I'm never going to see you again?

She stood letting her fingers slowly fall away from his face trying to hide her breaking heart.

“I'll be home after six, please don't go out till then, its just not safe....promise me.”

Sitting up in bed he placed his bare feet on the floor causing the sheet to fall below his waist.

As she stared at him wondrously she wanted nothing more than to make love to him one last time but a part of her knew that if she did she would never be able to leave.

“Zan... please, promise me.”

Nodding he looked at her suspiciously. “I promise.”

Turning around she closed her eyes as she pulled the letter from her briefcase and placed it on the kitchen table.

With her hand on the doorknob he called out to her halting her in her tracks.


Biting back her tears she choked out her words. “Yeah Zan?”

“I love you too.”

She managed to make it outside before the damn broke and she sobbed.

She gave herself five minutes, five minutes to morn the past and the present and everything that they could've been together.

Five minutes to say goodbye.


Stepping into the alley she was calm and collected, her love for him giving her strength she never knew she had.

“You actually showed, I was beginning to think you forgot about our agreement.”

Her muscles stiffened as she swiftly turned to face him.

Looking around the dank garbage riddled area behind the abandoned building he shrugged his shoulders.

“So, we gonna do it right here? Seems a little risky, out in the open, I'm surprised, usually you're a little more careful.”

Expressionless she led him to a graffiti covered door near a tall chain linked fence far away from prying eyes of anyone who happened to be on that dead end street so early in the morning.

Just as the door slammed behind them they both looked up at the small high window as a very loud train sped by.

If was evident that no one would hear them for miles.


Back at her apartment Zan stood in the shower letting the cool water run down his strong back.

With the heatwave already kicking the temperature to a steamy ninety degrees, hot water was not needed.

Still feeling her soft fingers running slowly down his chest he pressed his forehead against the blue tile missing her already.

He couldn't believe that he had found her again, that finally life was giving him a break, he was at last going to be happy, feel safe and loved.

He knew without thinking that he would take all of the responsibility for the assault, they would tell how Liz was being attacked, and how he had to do it to save her.

Rinsing the soap from his body he thought maybe she would know a good lawyer, even if he had to do some time for leaving the guy there without getting help it would be alright.

He could handle prison, he could handle anything as long as he knew she would be there waiting for him.

All that mattered was that they were together, so what if that detective could link them together he thought as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

What damage could that possibly cause?

Suddenly it was as if an alarm went off inside his head as he turned and ran towards her kitchen.

Dripping wet he walked slowly towards the business card that was stuck to the refrigerator.

Detective Nickolas Emileo
2nd Precedent, Homicide


He felt the blood drain from his face as her house phone began to ring.

Running for his jeans he heard her answering machine click on.

“Liz? It's Marge from work, sorry to bother you when your sick but Ronny wants to reschedule for tomorrow and I'm just wondering if you think you might be able to make it in. Give me a call if you can hon', hope you feel better real soon.”

Realizing that she had lied to him, he spun around nervously looking for any clues as to where she might have gone, then he spotted the letter she had left for him sitting on the table.

I don't think you will ever know how much you have meant to me.
I hope someday you will forgive me for what I have done but you see I had no choice,
This was the only way, he knew things about me, about my past, he was going to take you down with me, I can't let that happen.
All I ever wanted was to feel loved and to love in return, you have given that to me, and I will always be grateful
You have a real chance at a good life, to finally be free and safe.
To be happy.
Please take it, for me...
burn this as soon as you read it, and please don't try and find me,
I love you Zander,
I will love you forever

The letter drifted slowly to the floor as he took off out the door running as fast as he could.


Throwing her roughly up against the cement filthy wall Nick slid his grimy hand up inside her blouse.

Looking back at him directly into his eyes cold and unresponsive to his actions she grabbed his hand.

“Not so fast, where's his file?”

A clear gleam of irritation flashed across his middle aged face as he pulled the brown folder out from the back of his suit.

“It's all there, everything incriminating Zan. A homeless man that happened to die that night with mysterious cuts and bruises to his knuckles is the lead suspect now, a very dead suspect which pretty much closes the case.”

Raising her eyebrow Liz's voice became stern. “Pretty much?”

Playing with the buttons on her shirt ripping them apart one by one he sneered against her lips.

“We have an eye witness on tape placing a homeless John Doe at the scene of the crime, its all set. Your boy is in the clear, the arrest warrent has been called off, the paperwork is on route to Judge Reynolds clearing Zan of his therapy and releasing him from any probationary restrictions. He is a free man.”

Licking his dry crusty lips he smoothed his hand beneath her lace bra and pinched her hard.

“I can't say the same for you of course.”

Stepping backwards a few steps until her back scrapped the wall she pulled out a lighter and lit the folder.

Dropping it to the ground she watched as it turned to ash and blew away.

Again he shoved his hand up her skirt. “Payback time.”

Gripping the back of his hair hard she spoke harshly.

“If you come anywhere near him, if you even try to fuck me over or if anything untimely happens to me, I have proof stashed in a very safe place of your involvement in covering up your brother's murder.”

Raising his eyebrows he glared back at her confused. “But won't that incriminate you as well sweetheart?”

Releasing the back of his greasy hair she rested her head against the wall.

“It's him I'm concerned with, not me, now, are you sure there isn't information out there somewhere on Zan?"

Sighing boorishly he shook his head. “I believe you, I wouldn't take that chance … I don't want to go to jail. Your boy is in the clear.”

She glared straight into his eyes before pulling out the handgun that was stashed behind her.

“That's all I needed to hear.”

He gasped as she fired the gun three times in his chest throwing him back about five feet to his death.

Wiping the splattered blood from her face she reached behind a burnt out barrel and pulled out a backpack.

Undressing quickly she replaced the stained clothes with a tank top and jeans.

Shoving her wallet with her new fake license and name she eyed her watch trying to time it perfectly.

Throwing the half burnt folder and her previous clothes in the barrel she lit it before covering him with gasoline.

Whispering softly she held her hand over the flame picturing the little girl that tried so hard to become someone else, maybe now that would be a possibility.

"Goodbye Zander, I love you."

Eying her watch once more she took off out the door and over the fence hearing the loud whistle of the train.

Reaching for the rail she pulled herself up on the slow moving boxcar and sat inside pulling her knees up to her chin as she watched the flames peak out the roof of the building.

Her heart was heavy but her conscious was clean.

He was safe, and that was all that mattered.


* I wrote this very late at night, so in case this was at all confusing I'm just going to give a little summary at to what happened.

five years ago James Emileo (Liz's foster father) attacked her in a parking garage, a cop pulled up who had been looking for him, his name is Nick Emileo, (detective Nick Emileo, James' brother.) Liz shot James killing him, in order to black mail Liz for sexual favors he wrote the crime up as self defense. She had been able to escape from Nick all these years until their paths crossed again with Zan's case. Knowing that he could easily bring down Zan along with her she felt she had no choice but to trick him into destroying all the evidence against Zan before killing him herself.

Liz is now on the run, changing her name and identity, all to protect the boy she fell in love with all those many years ago.

Re: Damaged (Z/L,Adult,UC) ~ complete ~ 6/19/12

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:20 pm
by jake17
carolyn x2

Wow thank you so much for all this amazing fb! I really hope everyone likes the ending, i'm so sorry it took so long to write it :)

Just a recap because its been so long since I updated, Almost a year and a half ago Liz had commited the ulitmate sacrifice and murdered the cop that held all the damaging information on Zan, before she did she made sure that all evidence against him was destroyed and he would be free from the hands of the dirty cop that was hell bent on making him pay for Liz's actions so long ago. Having just killed the dectective Liz had no other choice but to leave insuring Zan's safety. But she never forgot the boy that protected her so long ago and the man she had fallen forever in love with, that would be something time nor distance could never erase...

Chapter 12

Sixteen months later, January, 12, 2013

It was five o'clock on a snowy cold day when Zan punched out of work on a Friday night.

He was supposed to meet up with Michael and Maria for drinks at eight so he thought he'd hit the gym before heading home for a quick shower and a change of clothing.

Working out was nothing really but a distraction, many that he used to past the time and get out his frustration and pain of missing her.

Still she remained in his dreams, sometimes as the little girl he tried so hard to protect, but usually as the grown woman who had touched his heart with love and sacrifice in ways he could never repay.

After six months had gone by with no word it was clear to Michael and Maria that she was gone for good, that any hope he held onto was useless.

Several times they wanted him to try dating again, but his heart wasn't in it, for the exception of a drunken fuck outside a bar in an alley where he groaned Liz's name to some faceless girl Zan had remained alone.

He had gotten an apprentice job with small plumbing company, working hard and staying out of trouble was no easy feet especially dealing with all the pain of loosing what had felt like a part of himself.

But he felt it was the very least he could do for all that she had given him.

No one had ever cared for him or believed in him like she had, making the ultimate sacrifice by leaving everything she had worked so hard for was something that would always remain in his heart.

Its what kept him going, kept him strong and on the straight and narrow, but still...

Most every night he would dream of her lying next to him in his arms.

The feel of her soft silky skin under his fingertips, the taste of her lips, and the gentle sigh when he pleased her, it was all so real to him.

Nearly every morning he'd wake to the scent of her perfume or the hint of strawberry shampoo on his pillow case.

Then there were the times when he'd be walking down the street, or in a store, or a crowded bar and was sure he would see her in a crowd.

His heart would race, his eyes would tear, just for a moment … for a split second until whoever it was that resembled her would turn and dash his heart leaving him a shaking mess.

He even joined a boxing league at his gym to deal with his anguish and rage, each punch letting go of all, each hit a imaginary slam to the monster that took his angel away.

But still deep inside she remained always there, always with him, her memory a tangible entity that he needed to continue on without her.

On the way home that peticular night after the gym he trudged through the snow as usual.

Grabbing the mail he entered his small studio apartment and threw it on the kitchen table before reaching for a beer.

Stripping off his shirt and sweatpants he jumped in the shower to get ready to meet his friends that were now engaged.

It wasn't something that he looked forward to but sometimes it helped with the loneliness.

Standing in the shower he held his head back letting the hot steamy water wash over his soapy skin running down past his many tattoos.

Resting his head against the cool green title he ran his fingertips over his latest tattoo that was placed over his strong beating heart.

It was simple, but more then meaningful.

Just four little letters in scroll strategically etched upon his skin.


After drying off he put on old pair of jeans and a black button up long sleeve shirt that Maria had given him because as she put it, it was time he started dressing like a man, whatever that meant.

Grabbing his beer again he sat down at the kitchen table and lit a cigerette.

He had a little time before he was supposed to meet the happy couple and wanted to look through the newspaper ads for a bike he had been saving up for.

Riffling through his mail he found a postcard lost in a section of coupons from the neighborhood market.

The picture was of a alien theme resturant called the Crashdown in Roswell, New Mexico.

Being from the east coast it was nothing Zan had ever seen before.

He had heard of the famous Roswell UFO crash along with everyone else but knew no one that lived on that end of the country.

He laughed at the spaceship perched over the diner and the alien themed specials and decorations, but was very confused by what it all meant.

Flipping it over it simply said in small cursive writing.

Wish you were here...

His heart pounded like it would burst clean from his chest as his hand trembled so hard he dropped his cigerette almost burning his leg.

Running to his closet he grabbed a duffle bag and started throwing clothes inside as his mind spun with images of holding her again, of looking into those huge brown eyes so full of devotion and passion.

Wasting no time he threw on his boots and grabbed his keys.

Once outside he looked down at his beaten old bike knowing full well it would never make it to New Mexico.

Then there was the issue of someone recognizing his plates.

Even though it was a year later and all charges had been dropped against him the police never stopped surveillancing him.

There was no way he could take a chance of leading them to her.

She was a wanted felon with not only the local department after her but she also held the interest of the FBI.

Standing outside with the bag in one hand and the postcard in the other he began to walk as he mind ran through every possible way to get to her.

Walking aimlessly he found himself at a deserted park overlooking a frozen lake.

Sitting down at a park bench he once again held the card in his shaky hands imaging that she once held it too.

“It's actually a really nice place to live, if you don't mind the cheesy alien decor everywhere.”

Edging his haunting amber eyes up slowly his heart nearly stopped as she stood bundled in a black hooded coat and a scarf wrapped high around her neck concealing everything but her beautiful face and a few strawberry blonde curls that escaped from her hood.

Slowly he stood as the world fell away making it as though they were the only two people left in the world.

He voice was but a whisper as he raised his hand brushing her auburn locks from her pale lips against the icy wind that was ripping across the lake.

“Is it really you?”

Her eyes tinted with green contacts filled with tears as she nodded slowly staring up at his beautiful face.

“I could never leave you Zander.”

Cradling her face in his hands he imediately released her hood letting her wavy fiery hair spill down around her shoulder as he pressed his lips softly to hers.

Tears from both of them spilled down as they embraced holding onto eachother as if nothing else in the world mattered.

Breathlessly he finally released her but continued to brush his mouth to hers needing to feel her close.


Touching his cheek she smiled knowingly. “Actually its Erika.”

Flipping up two New Mexico drivers licenses in front of her face she waved them back and forth.

“Its nice to see you again Daniel Trevor.”

Staring at his image shockingly he shook his head in disbelief.

“Only if you want to, I know its a lot to ask. I mean it would mean cutting off all ties to your life here and -”

A long passionate kiss gave her the answer she was looking for as she melted aganist his hard warm body.

Holding him close her lips drifted to his ear. “We have to leave now, I have a car on the other side of the park waiting... are you sure.”

Gazing over her shoulder at a beat up Jetta with New Mexico license plates he grabbed her gloved hand and kissed her again.

“I'm sure I love you, lets go … Erika.”

Smiling as snow began to fall covering them in flakes of white puffy ice they took off running.

Running towards a happy, safe life.

Running free...

Together, the way it was always meant to be...

~ the end ~