Spiritual Essence (CC, M/L, Adult)10/16/09 Chpt 11*Complete*

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Re: Spiritual Essence (CC, M/L, Adult)10/16/09 Chpt 11*Complete*

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone, this is the end of this 2nd part of the series. Hope you enjoyed! :D


Chapter 11

"We're okay..." Liz realised, watching the perfect sheen of green shimmer over them.

Max had put up his shield again in time, protecting them from harm. "Thanks Dad." Amira smiled, driving them to the edge of the road where they were safe.

The skins had terribly failed and Kivar had been unsuccessful in training them. He was that bad being a leader. Cal released his grip on his trousers and smirked. If Kivar was so weak especially without the essence that meant he was aging just like a human, it would be easy to kill him.

An idea reached his mind. "Well folks, I don't know about you but I'm gunna end this. I'm going after Kivar." Cal said, realising he had more chance of killing Kivar now that his essence was forever destroyed.

"Good, now I can see a future without that terrible monster." Amira smiled before opening the car door.

Liz and Max followed their future daughter out of the car with shock written all over their faces, they couldn't believe that Amira was their daughter....they couldn't believe they actually had a child together from the future..it was shocking and surprising at once.

"Amira." Liz whispered, holding her daughter's arm gently. She had a child with Max! Oh my god! She couldn't believe it!

Amira blinked and looked at her parents. She wanted to meet the young version of them so bad. It was just amazing how she could see them like this. They were perfect as always, granted that she was sick of their mushiness from her time but she knew without a doubt that these too were meant to be together. It was destiny.

"Whatever happens, I want you guys to remember that you belong with each other. You and dad." Amira told them.

"We know." Max replied softly while he stared at his daughter. He could see himself and Liz in Amira. How could he not figure it out that she was their daughter? Their baby girl?

"What's going to happen now?" Liz kissed Amira's hand.

"I'm going back."

"Back to your time?"

"Yes." Amira replied. "But this time only your time will exist. I'll wait till my time arrives. It's just the order of fate."

Both Max and Liz didn't understand how fate worked because it was full of surprises but they both knew that Amira was their child. That was the only true thing they felt right now and embraced the moment.


Amira drove them back to the pod chamber where she was set off to leave. Standing inside the pod chamber, she looked back at her parents and their protector. "Well...I guess this is it."

A teary Liz shook her head and trembled with a great wave of sadness. "I'm going to miss you."

"It won't be long, I'll be in your arms." Amira giggled. "In a few years time."

Max felt the same anguish that burned Liz's heart, to find his daughter only to lose her again. He couldn't bear the wait.

"You'll be back soon." He smirked, reassuring himself that it won't be long till he and Liz get their baby girl back again.

Amira nodded and walked right up to her parents to hug them. "I love you guys." She told them.

"We love you too." Both Liz and Max said, holding their daughter as tight as they could.

After what seemed like an eternity, Amira let go and walked towards the granolith. She tapped on the side and a light beam shone. Max held Liz back and watched with Cal as Amira stepped into the spreading green forest which disappeared in a flash.

"Oh my god.." Liz whispered. "She's really gone."

"Come on." Cal patted them on the back. "Let's get out of here."


One Week Later


"I should have told you this before..." Max whispered, caressing her hair and face as he declared his heart out to her. "In our past life, I loved you..it was you who was my soulmate and in this lifetime you're my soulmate. There's nothing else I want apart from you and the goodness that comes just by being with you. You're everything I ever needed and wanted. I can't see a future without you Liz."

Liz felt her lips tremble. "You know I feel the exact same way Max." She stared at him, unable to believe that this was actually happening.

Max reached Liz's hand and held it. "So Liz Parker...do you want to marry me?" He teased. "You know I'll be your Clyde any day."

Liz laughed. "Course Max, I'll marry you and be your Bonnie."

Max slid the ring on her finger and she had done the same. "Consider us married."


And that's where they were, dancing the night away together in each others arms. It was a perfect night. Everyone was happy.

"Wow, I can actually dance." Maria laughed while Micheal spun her around. "It's amazing right?"

"Yeah.." Alex nodded, staring at Isabel dreamily. She had finally given up breaking his heart and accepted his offering of a romantic relationship.

Alex was happy as Max was with Liz. Now he knew what it was like to be hopelessly in love and be with the one you loved at the same time. It was hopeless.

"Liz?" Kyle walked in holding the bouquet. "You still haven't thrown your flowers yet to see who get's married next." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Traditions must be followed."

Liz laughed at how serious Kyle was. "You really follow the traditions don't you Kyle?"

"I'm a conventionalist. What can I do?" He laughed. "Come on Parker you know-"

"Ah." Max intervened. "It's not Parker, It's Evans now. Mrs Evans to you and everybody else. Get your facts right Valenti." Max chuckled, moving his hands to his wife's hips while they rocked together gently to the slow music.

"Okay okay.." Kyle bowed. "Your highness, may you do this one little thing for Sir Kyle Valenti who will wait on you hand and foot if he has to."

"Sure." Liz removed her hands from her husband and took the bouquet. "If you want it that bad." She moved across the floor with the flowers in her hands.

"Girls! get ready!" Liz announced, preparing to throw the flowers over her head.

Isabel and Maria ran at full speed, darting closely behind Liz. "Oh shit! Oh shit!" Maria cursed, trying to push Isabel away from the firing line. There was no way she'd let that ice queen bitch get married before her. This was bride wars dammit and it was on.

Isabel grunted, pushing Maria out of the way. She loved weddings. Heck, she wanted one herself. There was no way that Maria would get married before her.

"Girls, girls, girls." Both Alex and Micheal tried to calm them down but it was no use.

"Stop stepping on my shoes!" Maria slapped Isabel's hands way from her. "They're Gucci!"

"Gucci? Mine is Jimmy Choos so beat it!"

Max laughed and Liz shook her head watching those two fight. "Okay.." Liz turned away not bothered to waste more time, there's only one place she wanted to be tonight and it sure wasn't on the dance floor.

"I'm gunna throw it! one...two...three..." She closed her eyes and chucked the bouquet over her head. Isabel and Maria jumped in the air, knocking each other over just to catch it but fell on the floor instead.

Liz turned around to see both girls on the floor swearing at each other. Max pointed at Alex and Micheal. "Look."

Liz burst out laughing when she saw Alex and Micheal both holding the bouquet in their hands. "Uhh...does this mean we're gay?" Micheal frowned, slowly letting go of the bouquet.

"Yeah." Kyle snorted.

Alex hit Michael’s head with the bouquet.

"Ow!" Micheal hissed at Alex, using one hand to rub the place where Alex whacked him.

"No dammit, it means we're both gunna get married soon..but..not to each other."

Liz and Max helped Isabel and Maria up. "It means." Max said. "Isabel and Maria are going to get married to their soulmates."

Maria and Isabel grinned. "Well I guess we'll have a joint wedding then."

"Yeah." Maria nodded, sharing a wedding wouldn't be that bad would it? . "That'll work."

"Great, now less fighting and more loving!" Kyle turned the music up.

Liz and Max locked their fingers together. "Shall we go?" Liz whispered to Max, eager to find out what his surprise was.

"Sure. Come on." He lead her away from the others and out of the marquee. Running into the hotel, Max hit the elevator button and Liz giggled as he pulled her in.

As the doors closed, Liz slid her legs around Max's body, bringing one up so it was around his waist and he supported it with one hand. The feeling of this position was arousing. Liz wrapped her arms around her husband while he used his other hand to support them by holding it against the mirror wall of the elevator while he made out with his wife.

"Hmmm." Liz tasted the butterscotch off her husband's lips. So tasty." She licked his bottom lip, unable to wait any longer.

Max felt like pinning his wife to the wall and taking her right here but it would ruin the surprise he had for her. Thankfully the doors slid open and they untangled themselves from one another, feeling a little shy of the three old couples standing in front of them.

Max took his wife's hand and ran out of the elevator with her, Liz's giggle's trailing behind them as they darted out. The elderly woman looked at her husband and smacked him with her purse.

"Jesus! Audrey!" He puffed, rubbing his weak arm.

"Why can't we be like that?!" She scolded, rolling her eyes at her weak old husband.

Max unlocked the door with haste and spun around. "Now as Kyle said...traditions must be followed." He bent down and lifted his wife up just like he remembered from that moment in Vegas.

Liz wrapped her arms around Max and visualise the same moment her husband had in his mind. Their connection was even stronger now that there was nothing to obstruct it.

"Take me like you took me in Vegas." She winked and pressed her lips to her husband's.

Max closed his eyes and savoured the taste of his wife, this kiss was the one he was dying for. Ever since he saw himself lift up Liz in Vegas while they had just gotten married..he wanted that moment so badly.

Now he might explode by just experiencing it.

"Oh wow." Liz breathed as her husband carried her into the hotel room. He kicked the door shut behind them and used his powers to lock it.

Liz was in shock over how much effort Max put into the room, scented candles everywhere creating a warm sensual ambience that she just wanted to bask in with glory...rose petals on the bed...chocolate and champagne...it was like the first time she would make love...it was beautiful.

"I know.." Max placed Liz on her feet. "Our first time was rough and happened without any planning but it was perfect because we made love. But now...I'm gunna be cheesy and make our first time on our wedding night very very romantic."

"Well bring on the cheesy but I'm dying so please let's just get naked and wear each other out till the morning light." Liz slurred, unzipping Max's pants.

"You are really a fast one aren't you?" Max teased, feeling his pants pool around his ankles as Liz tore off his belt and unbuttoned him so fast.

She removed the rest of his clothes so effortlessly and he unzipped her dress. Both of them stood naked to each other's eyes, touching, fondling and caressing each other..Max was doing things to her...they way he handled her breasts and rubbed her swollen clit...it was driving her mad so she squeezed him a little tighter...making him feel more hard.

Max swept Liz off her feet and carried her to the bed where he settled her down gently. She spread her legs and revealed her scented feminine lips to him. Max rubbed her firmly and gently until she fell apart in his arms. The feeling was like silky smooth. His hands rubbed against the side of her hips and went up to the side of her breasts. With a light feather touch, Max swirled his tongue around her nipples and sucked, Liz writhed underneath him, lifting her hips to grind against him and with a surprise gasp she felt him enter her.

After so long she could feel him...deeply embedded within her.

Time after time they rolled around, loving and kissing each other; they made love again and again until they were too sore and tired, the morning came and they were entangled with each other, naked and flushed with a glowing light.


"No! Please don't!" She cried, grabbing his hands while he dragged her in the pouring rain to the old castle where he had planned to kill her.

His grip on her hair was hurting her, she tried to pry those icy fingers off her hair, screaming that he should release her. After she found out the truth about him she had wanted to get him to regret ever putting her in this position but he was smart.

Her was deadly and strong. And he was going to kill her.

"Please let me go! I won't tell anyone!" She begged, feeling her drenched legs scrape across the mud. "Please!"

He ignored her pleas to live, he didn't give a damn. "He defiled you!" He threw her in the dark building, the hard floor proving to be fatal to her. "He tasted you...he felt you...he released himself inside you!" He thundered, spitting in disgust with the image of his fiancé having sex with someone else.

She knew what he was feeling. She saw it in his eyes but didn't feel any regret. He was a monster and deserved to be alone. She found her soulmate and was happy with him.

"I'm going to kill you." He told her.

She could have saved herself but with that power blocked strapped to her ankle, she was helpless. She knew he was much stronger then her right now.

Sara pushed herself away from him further, hoping he'd see sense and let her go. "Please.." She sobbed.

But it was no use...he stalked her right up to the darkness and laughed when she felt into the black pond. "No! No!" She kicked her legs, screaming as the black pond pulled her down.

"Goodbye Sara." His voice held no emotion as the pond slowly began to devour her.

[End of dream]

Liz shot up from the bed, gasping for life as she felt like thick sludge was pulling her down with it's weight. Max sat up and grabbed Liz, shaking her back to reality. "What's the matter Liz! What is it?"

Gasping, Liz turned to Max with glazed eyes. "Kivar killed me...he killed me..."
