This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 29 COMPLETE 7/28

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 11 1/7

Post by starcrazed »

Part 11


November 2001

Even traveling in the Granilith it still took them more then six months to land on Antar.

Well technically it took them that long to crash onto Antar. Lucky for them they crashed right into rebel forces and not into territories ruled by the Khivar loyalists.

They had been found two days ago by a scavenger group. They were almost killed upon first sight but then they noticed the Granilith behind the four tall beings and bowed down before their Royalty.

It was Tess cringing in pain that had them scrambling to transport them all to camp for safety. It was while they were walking through the thick forestry of blue foliage and red dirt that Isabel looked to find a very pregnant Tess.

“One month huh Tess?”

Isabel having always been very fashionable and aware of physical appearances was able to figure a rough estimate of the time it took to get to Antar by how much hair they had all grown. One glance to Max and then Michael had her tugging her own ponytail out to find it inches longer.

While Isabel was busy studying their appearances, Michael was busy studying the creatures who were transporting them. He easily moved past the fact that they appeared very human and was trying to find signs of a trap before it was too late.

Max was watching Tess, who after Isabel’s comment had paled and looked extremely guilty. He continued to watch her as a zillion thoughts ran at lightening speed through his mind. Much too quick for him to add any of them together.

It was the ramblings of the beings behind him that drew his attention. He was gratefully Michael was watching their backs and Isabel seemed to moved past their appearances and what he realized was a significant amount of time to travel here and she was next to the Granilith holding onto the crystal and refusing to leave its side.

“King Zan and Princess Vilandra.”

“General Rath too.”

“And the traitorous one.”

“Why would they bring the Queen? She lies.”

“She always lied. Maybe she’s different.”

“No look at her. Her aura is filthy.”

“Maybe they don’t know of her betrayal.”

“Obviously not because she’s pregnant.”

“Why would Zan sleep with her and then risk his child by coming here?”

“Maybe they didn’t know it was dangerous.”

”What about the public execution.”

“Yes and the rumors of the deal with their shape shifter?”

Max’s mind zeroed down to a single thought and he stopped in his tracks halting the entire group that was moving through the forest and looked at Tess. Tess who had become an unsteady shade of green since they began walking and Max just knew it wasn’t because of the baby.

As her blue eyes met his amber ones he was filled with a knowledge that brought him to his knees, but at the same time the grief and betrayal unleashed strength within him he didn’t think, didn’t know, he possessed.

Michael gave Isabel a look that commanded her to stay by the Granilith as Michael rushed to Max’s side and pulled him to his feet and away from Tess. He barked at two of the larger creatures to guard her and had no time to marvel when they listened to him instantly.


Max looked up his amber eyes bleeding with sorrow and regrets that took Michael’s breath away.


Max was only capable of shaking his head. At that moment words were beyond him.

“I need something here Maxwell. Tell me what to do.”

The broken eyes pleaded with Michael not to ask that question because if what he just realized was true he was a horrible leader. Beyond horrible.

“Max, the baby…I need…” Tess broke off suddenly as Max looked up and his amber eyes burned with a hate she didn’t think he was capable of. She trembled at the power she could sense coming from him and turned away as even Michael had to take a step back.

Michael waited as Max continued to glare at Tess long after she looked away. The beings had begun fidgeting. Michael wasn’t sure if they were scared of Max or wanted to bow down and fetch him things.

Isabel was the furthest away from them and couldn’t figure out what was going on. Despite what Michael said she came forward slowly and placed a hand on Max’s shoulder in comfort, in question, in a hundred things she didn’t understand until the flash hit her.

She pulled away unsteady and Michael cursed as Isabel fell back against the Granilith and let out a cry of utter devastation. Tears poured from her chocolate brown eyes and sobs tore at her chest. Michael watched as the beings around him flinched feeling Isabel’s pain, feeling Max’s regret. He cursed and ran a hand through his hair decided briefly he was getting a hair cut before he walked away from Max and Isabel and found Tess being held lightly by two very tall beings.


She looked up slowly from the red dirt wondering why her memories were still cloudy even though she was home now.

She tried to block out the pain from Isabel’s cry and the hatred pouring from Max. She didn’t think she’d be standing there for very much longer.

“I want answers. I want them right now and I swear to God if you lie to me…”

Tess didn’t need him to finish the statement she saw the deadly promise in his eyes and knew at this moment it was Max’s son inside her alone that would save her life.

She closed her eyes and explained to Michael, “Nasedo made a deal forty years ago with Khivar. I was to get pregnant with the heir and return to Antar, delivering the three of you to him for public execution. Khivar would raise the heir as his and I would be allowed to live on Antar as Queen.”

Michael watched a spark of life and fire ignite in her blue eyes at the word Queen. He ignored the mutterings going on around him from the beings. He was angry at such a betrayal, but all things considered he was more pissed off that after finally finding home he was dragged away from it for Tess’s bullshit and greed.

Max’s hoarse voice startled the both of them. “Tell him the rest.”

Michael watched as Tess gulped. Isabel still sobbed somewhere behind him and Max was once again kneeling in the dirt, regret weighting him down and Michael not there to hold him up.

“I knew the Granilith would get us home, but Nasedo never told me how besides the need for the crystal. I needed the translation…”

“…of the destiny book.” Michael finished her thought. Images of Maria crying in her sleep bombard his mind, followed by an Isabel focused on getting out of Roswell, and a viciously determined Liz knowing Alex didn’t commit suicide. Suddenly the pieces clicked in Michael’s mind too and he had to turn away from Tess to stop himself from reaching out and killing her like she killed Alex.

He walked over to Isabel and wrapped her in a hug to comfort her or himself he wasn’t sure, but the contact had the flash of knowledge Max received and passed to Isabel passing to him and the visual was so much worse then just knowing it had happened.

Michael pulled away and was violently ill as Isabel continued to heartbreakingly sob and Max somehow manage to bear the weight of his regrets and stand before Tess.

He shook his head in disappointment that broke her heart just as much as his obsession of Liz Parker once did.

“Know that my son alone is saving you right now. And if you trying ANYTHING before he is born…”

Like Michael it was unnecessary for him to finish the thought. Tess nodded in acceptance. After having fought so long to get what she wanted on Earth, finally arriving on Antar was far from what she imagined.

Their devastation had her remorse over the death of Alex more then doubling. She convinced herself that it was a necessary price to pay to get home, but really the sounds of Isabel’s sobs would haunt her for the rest of her life. And standing in the middle of the forest with red dirt and blue leaves, Tess knew it was going to be a short one.

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 12 1/17

Post by starcrazed »

Part 12


May 2002

She sighed as she looked out her cell window towards the midnight blue sky scattered with white light. Ignoring the lone tear that slipped from her eye as she thought of home. It hit her when Gavin was born. This place was not the home she wanted. Not just because she was a prisoner on it either. She willingly and wantonly left the only real home she had ever known and it was knowing that Gavin was never going to meet Jim or Kyle that broke her heart, more then anything else that happened since they crashed on this god awful planet.

Turning around Tess found her cell only had two guards this evening. She was about to ask them why that was when Michael was suddenly standing in the barren room.

“General Rath.”

Tess smiled as the two beings saluted him. She couldn’t help but be proud of how much all three of them had grown in this past year. They were now the people she had hoped they would be, only so much better then she could have imagined.

“Tess. We set a date for your trail. It will be at the end of next month.”

She nodded her head in acceptance already knowing she’d be long gone by then.


He paused at the sound of his old name. It had been a long time since he heard it. Max, Isabel and he only used their former names now. It was what the beings choose to call them and with the boost to their powers it was easier to differentiate between who they were and who they are now.

“I know it doesn’t mean anything, but can you tell them I’m sorry, that I didn’t mean to kill him.”

“Max and Isabel don’t…” he stopped when he saw her shaking her head, the long dirty blonde hair moving away from her shoulders.

“The others…when you go back home. Can you tell them I’m really sorry for all the pain I caused? I know I don’t deserve it, but can you please just tell them that for me when you go back.”

Earth. The realization almost startled him. Michael saw the remorse swimming in her eyes that alone had him agreeing to what he recognized as a last request.

“Sure Tess.”

“Thank you. For what it’s worth Michael, I’m sorry it turned out this way.”

He nodded, “You’re not the only one.” Then he walked out of the cell leaving her alone again to her thoughts.


Isabel was walking back and forth rocking Gavin in her arms when Michael walked into the room. Well, after considering it she decided nothing in these caves could really be considered a room, but it was what it was.

“Where’s Zan.”

Isabel rolled her eyes at the lack of greeting, “Hello to you too Rath.”

Michael reached over taking Gavin from her arms and she smiled in relief. At six months he was getting heavy.

“Hey ILA.”

She rolled her eyes again as he emphasized the nickname. It had taken them weeks to come up with it. She hated Vilandra from all the stories of the Skins, and Lonnie wouldn’t work for obvious reasons. Max had said it in passing as a joke which as surprising as it was to find him joking it was even more so when she smiled in delight at the nickname. It wasn’t long before the entire camp was calling her Princess Ila instead of Vilandra.

“Zan had a meeting with the other camp leaders today. That’s why I’m watching Gavin. How was seeing Tess?”

Isabel saw the surprise in Michael’s face. Not only has she not spoken a word to or about Tess since that day in November she walks away from anyone who does usually.

“Fine. She said she was sorry, told me to tell the others that when we went home.”

Isabel opened her mouth to say something but realized her silence towards Tess wasn’t just from anger she had nothing to say to or about the girl anymore.

Instead, Isabel just shrugged and ran a hand through her hair still trying to get used to the shorten style that was so popular here.

“Do you think we’ll get to go home soon?” Isabel voiced the one thought that has been plaguing her of late.

“No.” His answer was so quick and sharp it startled her.

“Why not?”

“They won’t let us leave until this war is done.”

“They can’t stop us.”

“Sure they could. Besides you really want to piss the Rebels off too and have them turn their attention towards Earth instead of Khivar. Besides Ila there are rumors.”

Isabel’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. “What kind of rumors.”

“Rumors about Khivar setting his sights on Earth. Rumors about him struggling for power and needing to take control of Earth so he doesn’t lose face here.”

“And we can’t fight him from Earth with just the three of us.”

Michael shook his head, “No we can’t.”

“Besides, I was talking to Oda today and he thinks if we stay here long enough and fine tone our powers they won’t fade when we go home.”

“You talked about going home with them?”

“Sure, they realize how unhappy we are here, but they still don’t want us to leave until we finish this. Whether we like it or not Ila it’s our war.”

Isabel sighed knowing he was right but tired of the fact nonetheless. “What do we do then?”

“Fight like hell to survive and get back to the ones we love.”

He stopped short as Isabel’s eyes watered, “I’m sorry Ila…I didn’t…”

Michael stopped and wrapped his free arm around Isabel sighing in regret at reopening her wounds that were still so raw.

“How’s Zan doing?”

She shrugged into his chest before pulling away and wiping at her eyes, “Better then me on most days, never as good as you. How do you hold it together so well?”

She watched as the distant looked filled his eyes and only the cry from Gavin pulled him back to this world, “Practice, Ila, years of practice with Hank.”

“Your stone walls.”

He couldn’t help but smirk at the memory of a napkin holder seized his focus for a second before Isabel snapping her fingers in his face pulling him back and had him nodding his head in agreement, “Yeah my stone walls.”

Their conversation was cut short as they were joined by a haggard looking Max.

“What’s up Zan?”

Isabel and Michael both noticed that he still flinched at the name. Michael had gotten used to it by this point and Isabel had worked out a brand new nickname, but Max it seemed couldn’t or wouldn’t accept the burden that came with the name as well as all the regret that Max Evans had.

Max’s amber eyes first met his sisters then his brothers before reaching out and taking hold of Gavin and holding him protectively. Knowing that Gavin was only the beginning of the reasons why he had made the choice he just did.

He didn’t want to tell them. Max was scared they would hate him for it and he couldn’t stand to have their hate on his shoulders too.

“I signed an agreement today.”

Isabel sat down in the rocker and Michael took a deep breath preparing himself before he asked for the both of them, “What kind of agreement?”

Silently praying that Max didn’t give them the Granilith; he could stand anything as long as the three of them still held the Granilith, as long as he still had a way to get home. Home to her bright green eyes, her yelling reprimands, her love.

After sitting, Isabel held her breath waiting for whatever blow Max would deal out to them bracing herself against more pain.

“I promised we wouldn’t leave until it was over. I said we wouldn’t go back until Khivar was dealt with and the war was finished.”

Max couldn’t bear to look at either of them. Instead he focused on Gavin who smiled at him trusting Max completely. Max failed to realize the other two people in the room still trusted him completely too.

“That’s good.”

Michael was nodding as Isabel stood up at give Max a half hug. “Rath and I were just talking about that. About the rumors that were being spread. We have to finish this thing before we can join our loved ones again, before we can go home."

Max and Michael watched as the broken hearted, grieving Isabel faded and something different took her place.

“This is our war, I say we end it.”

Max just nodded slightly dazed holding tighter to Gavin.

Michael smirked, “Sounds like a plan.”

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 13 1/20

Post by starcrazed »

Part 13

It wasn’t until the next morning that the three of them were given the notice. And by then it was too late to go after her.

Max was up in a flash to check on Gavin who was still slumbering peacefully wrapped in a blanket. Michael headed to the command booth for the latest update while Isabel went to the dining hall to get them all some coffee and a quick breakfast.

As the orange sun hit the peak of the lavender sky an hour later the cave vibrated from the force of the explosion.

Max, Michael, and Isabel looked at each other all knowing what had happened. Knowing what Tess had done, but still they waited for the reports to get back.

Tess had escaped just before dawn, stopping only briefly to hold Gavin for a minute. The first and last time she even held him.

Then she moved on quietly sneaking back through the blue foliage to where the Granilith had crashed. Heading further north she luckily stumbled upon a Loyalist camp only two hours later. It took the Loyalist twenty minutes to realize it was Queen Ava and five minutes after that to bring her to the camp leader.

Ten minutes after that those at the epicenter of camp where Tess was standing realized their mistake, but by then it was too late to do anything about it.

Four hours later the entire planet had heard the news of Queen Ava’s destruction.

The Rebels cheered because of the Loyalists she took with her.

The Loyalists grieved for the loss of a corrupted Queen. Because only a corrupted Queen would destroy her own.

The Commoners were happy to see the end of the former traitor and the second largest camp of Khivar.

It was the next day before Larek had pooled enough resources to fulfill Max’s request to tell his friends back home.

So it was the day after their high school graduation that Liz, Maria, and Kyle received news that Tess was dead. As morbid as it was it was probably the best graduation present they got.

Larek had stopped at the door of the Crashdown before leaving; he looked at the small bundle in Maria’s arms so close in size to baby Gavin a galaxy away. He saw the renewed pain in Liz’s eyes and the fragility in Kyle’s. He smiled at Ava.

The small spunky girl who was capable of holding the three together when her counter part managed to drive them all apart.

He nodded briefly towards her trying to tell her a hundred things with the single jester and hoping she managed to pick up a few before he left again and returned Brody Davis for what he hoped was the last time.

Larek returned to find Zan, Rath, and Ila looking intently at him.

He was the only one here besides the three of them now that knew anything about their other lives. He was the only one that knew their real names and that they had other families. He was the only one who knew that Max worked in a museum and was in love with a waitress, that Isabel wanted to be a social worker and lost her first love, the band geek. And he was literally the only one who knew that Michael Guerin was the proud father of a baby boy.

Looking at the three of them he nodded again trying to tell them a hundred things, but knowing they only picked up the most basic from the nod.

Michael nodded in satisfaction and swore never to ask Larek to check up on them again. The next time he had news about Maria was going to be when he was standing right in front of her.

Isabel wiped a tear off her face and made a silent promise that there would be no more tears. She wouldn’t cry again on Antar because Antar didn’t deserve her tears.

Max looked away into the distant searching for answers that would escape him for years to come. Knowing only one truth in this world and that was that it would be near impossible to survive without Liz Parker inhabiting it, but the need to be with her would drive him to succeed.

She always could inspire him to do the impossible.

It was that day as Larek left their room that the three made a silent pact with each other to do whatever it took to get home. No matter how long. They would do anything, but die trying to get home. And if they did die, one of them would go back to tell the others how much they loved them. How much they respected and appreciated their friendships, the family that they had formed during the short time they spent together.

If all three of them couldn’t, then one of them would make it home to explain to those they left behind that by leaving they finally realized where their home was and how sorry they were that it took leaving to find it.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 14 1/25

Post by starcrazed »

Part 14


May 2017

Max ran a tired hand through his hair trying to read the print out Gad had delivery to him an hour ago. He was too distracted to focus on it though. It had been too long since they had a solid lead on Khivar’s whereabouts. It had been over ten years since they freed the Royal City from his direct control. Despite that Khivar still managed to wreck havoc all across the countryside.

Max sighed as he heard Michael yelling down the hallway of their latest residence before he actually saw him towering in the doorway.

As far as Max could tell Antar was good for one thing. The control of their powers had not only been perfected but there were stronger and newer powers that began to show themselves with time.

By the time Gavin was five, he had more control then any of them had while they were on Earth.


Max snapped out of his thoughts as Michael joined him at the table.

“What’s wrong?”

Michael studied Max’s face trying to determine with a single look if Max would be able to handle what he was about to tell him. If the rumors were true it was finally time and he didn’t know if Max could handle that.

“There are rumors.”

Max rolled his eyes. There were always rumors. Rumors about Khivar’s whereabouts, rumors that the Granilith had been taken, rumors that Gavin was not the true heir. Max was sick of rumors.

“Where are Ila and Gavin?”

Michael knew Max was tired of hearing all the rumors that floated around; they made it impossible to plan any decent strategy. It was his fault for opening up such an important discussion with a topic he knew Max would easily dismiss.

“They went to the Market Place. Ila wanted to test his powers see how many people he could warp.”

He watched as Max flinched, knowing it still hurt to know Gavin had the same power that caused them so much pain in their youth. It helped knowing Gavin had a soul and conscious as gentle and kind as Max did when he was sixteen.

Unlike Tess, Gavin grew up surrounded by love and learning the difference between right and wrong. He was taught how to properly use his powers and never abuse them to hurt others.

“Zan, I have to tell you something.”

Max stopped shuffling the papers and focused at Michael’s serious tone. It was filled with something Max hadn’t heard in a long time.

“You know how Larek told us that orb message from your mother was fabricated.” Michael waited for Max to give him some sort of sign that he was listening. When his amber eyes zeroed in on Michael’s he continued.

“He said there was another set of orbs here, in the Royal Palace that lit up when the 'message' went off like when you first found them out in the desert.”

Michael stopped talking letting the memories of Maria knocking on his apartment door overwhelm him, knowing Max was just as lost in his memories of him and Liz.

“What about them Rath?” Michael was still surprised sometimes at how emotionless Max could force himself to be; it was a good thing Gavin was here, otherwise Isabel and him would have lost Max a long time ago.

“They did it again.”

The room froze at Michael’s quiet revelation. Then the denial kicked in, “That’s impossible Rath.”


“Well for starters, they were in the Pod Chamber when we left. Another reason, gee I don’t know...we aren’t there to make them work!”

Gavin and Isabel walked in slowly after hearing the end of Max’s outburst from the hallway.

“Dad, it’s true.”

Max froze again praying that if he didn’t move the delicate hold he had on his sanity wouldn’t crumble.

“Aunt Ila and I were trying this new thing were I scan over people. It was really neat by the way.” Somehow Max managed an encouraging smile before Gavin rushed on his amber eyes that matched his fathers lighting up in joy that Max’s own lacked for the better part of the last sixteen years.

“There were Loyalists in the Palace still and they were all freaking out because they didn’t know what to do about it, if they should tell Khivar or just destroy the orbs.”

Suddenly the three hybrids were in a panic knowing if the orbs were destroyed they wouldn’t be able to communicate back and if somehow the ones they left behind found a way to contact them they had better return the favor.

“We need Larek.”

“Ila, we promised we wouldn’t do that to him any more.” Max continued as Michael stared out a window and dared to wish. “Besides Ila we don’t even know if Brody lives by them anymore.”

She rolled her eyes not believing they were really that afraid to hope.

They were finally at the edge of the possibility of getting to go home after all this time and her two idiot brothers were too scared and foolish to entertain the idea for a minute.

“I can not believe the two of you…”

She didn’t get to finish the thought as Michael cut her off, “Ila he’s not dead yet. Sure the war has died down, but as long as he lives we still can’t go back.”

Isabel refused to be deterred so easily.

“Fine maybe this will give us the boost motivation we need to stop playing it so safe and go on the offensive. If they are contacting us don’t you think there’s a reason? Like they might need us?”

“It’s been sixteen years Ila why would they suddenly decide they needed our help now?”

Surprisingly it was Gavin who had an answer, “Maybe those other rumors of the human war were true and Earth really is self destructing. Maybe they just remembered the orbs recently and decided to give them a shot?”

Isabel and Michael looked at Gavin impressed. But Max still wasn’t willing to hope because if he hoped it was them contacting Antar that also meant they were in a lot of trouble and it might be too long before Max could help. Before any of them could help.

“What about the orbs being in the Pod Chamber?”

“The dupes.” Isabel was quick to provide an answer. As much as she has grown to like Antar and appreciate all that it has done to help her heal and not hate her past self, it still wasn’t home after all these years.

“They were evil.” Max rolled his eyes not believing they would have forgotten how Rath and Lonnie tried to kill him.

“Not Ava. And Ava even said Liz was different since you healed her.” Isabel gave a smug look of satisfaction, but could tell Max was still being stubborn. Michael was growing to like the idea and added another piece of evidence.

“You healed Valenti too, so that’s three people down there who have powers that we know about.”


The four of them looked up startled to find Larek fidgeting in the doorway. He gave a slight bow before entering the room.

“Sorry for interrupting your argument…”

The three of them blushed and Gavin couldn’t help but laugh at their expense.

“What is it Larek?”

Larek had become their best ally in the past decade and it hadn’t taken long for him and Max to develop a friendship as strong as the one Larek had to Zan in their past lives.

“My sources tell me the rumors are true. The communication orbs have been activated and I’m assuming it was done by your friends since they were the only ones to know of the orbs. That is if you left the orbs behind.”

Gavin was listening closely it was rare that he was allowed to hear stories about the past. Before Antar. Sometimes his dad would let things slip, but mostly his dad was a closed book on the subject of life before Antar. It was hard to get details from Aunt Ila because most times she would just end with an overwhelming amount of tears in her eyes that she refused to let fall. Uncle Rath was a little more helpful, but even he wasn’t willing to share too much knowing how angry it would make his dad; plus Gavin could see it hurt him too.

“What does this mean Larek?”

“In September 2010 on Earth, Khivar revealed his intentions to conquer it. What the humans call World War Three had just ended, but it was already too late because Earth had entered a downward spiral of destruction.”

Larek watched the other three carefully as they paled in horror and regret. And not for the first time did he question his decisions to keep them in the dark.

“From what my sources have uncovered Khivar managed to wage a small war on the planet but was beat back by the resistance forces. Since then, Earth has been struggling to survive.”

Isabel was wiping tears out of eyes and Michael's hopeful expression had changed to a reserved one.

“It doesn’t make sense though Larek, they don’t have the Royal Four to make the orbs work.”

Max's comment had Michael and Isabel refocusing in time to catch the extremely guilty expression on Larek’s face.


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but I was concerned you would leave before this war was finished and then Antar and Earth would have been doomed and I couldn’t let that happen.”

“What didn’t you tell us Larek.”

Max was asking it in his King voice. It was a tone he very rarely had to use with any of them but when he did the authority he commanded was immediately given as old habits were hard to break.

Larek turned to look at Michael while he explained,

“The communication orbs would work with the original Royal Four or if a close substitution could be found. When I went to delivery your message about Tess, the dupe you call Ava was with the other three. Liz and Kyle also had signs of powers. I don’t know how developed they were, but they were there. Ava could have served as a sub for Tess since they are genetically identical. Liz serves as a substitute for Zan because of the connection forged after he healed her. There were remnants of a weak connection between Ila and Kyle…”


Isabel whispered loud enough for all of them to hear. Larek nodded briefly, that is after all what he expected once he heard news of the orbs. He looked back at Michael and sorrow mixing with regret filled his eyes, “That gives us three out of four. And as Zan can tell you, a parent is very connected to his child.”

Michael’s gazed narrowed as Larek focused more sincerely on him. Larek paused, made the decision and when he told Michael he did so with his real name, “So it would be perfect that your son, Michael, could be a substitute for his father in the Four Square.”

Isabel gasped and covered her mouth. Max’s eyes widen to the size of saucers. Gavin was thrilled to learn he had a cousin, but also recognized how painful this realization would be for his Uncle. For as little as Gavin knew of before Antar time, he knew how much his father loved a woman named Liz and how deeply his Uncle loved his pixie, Maria.

Gavin’s assumptions were correct as a moment later Michael’s body failed to support him and Max and Larek had to rush to catch him before he hit the ground.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 15 1/28

Post by starcrazed »

Part 15

May 2017

The darkness of night was stifling especially with only a few lights inside where Liz was still holding one of the orbs, staring at it in awe. Still shocked it had worked; well she assumed it had worked. It wasn’t every day the orbs hummed and let out the bright blue light from the alien sign. As far as Liz could recall it happened exactly twice, the first time was when she and Max had uncovered the orb by the old radio tower. The second was when the other four had held the orbs in the Pod Chamber. Liz got lost as she gazed off into the dull blue of the swirl no longer emitting the blinding light, but still just as mesmerizing.

Maria was once again pacing back and forth from the counter to the booth, Aiden had tried to convince her to walk from the front of the Café to the back that way she would get in more pacing, but Maria had just glared at him for a moment before resuming her frantic footsteps.

Ava had let them know there really wasn’t anything they could do now except wait before she dosed off against Kyle.

Kyle was sitting quietly playing with Ava’s blonde hair and a game of hangman with Aiden across the table.

“Are we going to sit here until we hear back from those things?”

The loud question broke the silence and woke Ava. Maria stopped her pacing and Liz finally tore her gaze away from the orb. Kyle’s light blue eyes danced with amusement as he looked up from the hangman to find a very impatient Aiden who had just asked the question. Rather loudly too.

Smirking Kyle added his own thoughts, “The kid does have a point, it could be a while before we hear anything.”

“If we hear anything.” Maria ignored the glares she received for her mumbling.

“Maybe we could just hang out for a few days. I know we can’t wait forever to hear from them, but it would be nice to spend some time with all of us together.”

Ava smiled brightly trying to convince Liz to let them slack off just this once. She was startled to hear the broken laughter leaving Liz a moment later. A heartbreaking laugh that turned into sobs as she dropped the orb and buried her head in her hands.

Immediately Maria was at Liz’s side pulling her towards the booth to sit. Aiden had fled the booth away from the emotional outburst. Kyle had gotten used to emotional outbursts. Being a step-brother to Maria DeLuca and husband to Ava prepared him well, but seeing Liz so crushed was a sight Kyle was far from ready to deal with and he slid out of the booth unnoticed and joined Aiden near the counter where it was much safer.

Maria had both arms wrapped around Liz’s shaking body and Ava had joined them in the cramped booth rubbing Liz’s back reassuringly. When Liz finally fell silent, nobody dared to move and only Maria risked breaching the quiet with her loving mutterings in Liz’s ear.

Feeling it was a little safer Kyle went back to the booth dragging a very reluctant Aiden with him. He placed a cherry coke in front of Liz and to his horror it renewed her tears, but this time they fell noiselessly down her face making new tear tracks.

Liz reached out her sparkling green hand to touch the cherry coke, but instead of taking a sip she swiped it harshly off the table causing the cup to break, scattering glass shards all over the floor.

“We have been waiting forever.”

Liz’s voice cracked on the last word and they had to struggle to hear her through all the depression that laced the few words she tried so hard to say after.

“I don’t…I can’t…”

Whatever it was Liz was going to say was cut off when she got up and calmly walked to the door. The others went to follow her only to stop when she turned quickly and quietly exclaimed, “I’m just going for a walk...I’ll be back.”

Aiden went back to the counter and whipped himself up another cherry coke with a wave of his hand before sitting down knowing whatever was going on was way out of his league to deal with. Wishing he was with Uncle Kal because despite the physical danger his mental stability wouldn’t have been challenged to deal with drama way beyond his years.

Ava just sighed before going back to her side of the booth and falling into it, slumping as deep into it as she could. Kyle continued to watch Liz’s shrinking figure as she was swallowed up by the darkness outside. He imagined it very much reflected whatever it was going through her head.

It took a moment before Maria realized what was happening with her best friend, but once she did it almost sent her into a panic as she started hyperventilating. Kyle managed to snap her out of it before it got too bad and she passed out.

Maria joined Ava in the booth while Kyle went back to the window watching for Liz.

“She’s giving up on them. Giving up on him.”

Had Kyle been facing them they might have noticed his flinch, but as it was the reaction was lost to the darkness beyond the safety of the Café doors. Ava merely nodding having also realized what it was Liz was about to say.

She couldn’t keep waiting.

Even if she couldn’t say it; the thought was still in her head. It was a thought that had never been there before. If it had, they all wouldn’t still be around like they were now.

“What do we do?”

Ava ignored Maria’s plea because she didn’t know what to do. Kyle continued to stare out the window because really what could they do? The only thing that might fix this is if Max Evans suddenly landed outside the Cezch Café with the Granilith. Kyle may have gotten a handle on his powers but this was way beyond him. Maria sighed loudly knowing her friends; her family really, couldn’t give her an answer as to how they could help Liz. All they could do was continue to wait, even if Liz couldn’t.

“Well, if that was the only shot you guys had at ‘phoning home’ it was kinda bogus if you ask me.”

Suddenly the three turned their attention to Aiden, their stupefied expressions had him torn between laughing and questioning them when he suddenly found his mom squeezing the life out of him a second before she was rambling off a hundred words per second. Words that surprisingly enough both Kyle and Ava seemed to comprehend completely.

“Oh my god. Aiden’s a genius. Why didn’t we think of this sooner? Hell, why haven’t they? It has got to be easier from that end then it is here. Wouldn’t you think? Do you think we could get it to work? Isabel did that one time, but it almost killed him. God is he even still alive? How on Earth will we find him? What if he doesn’t want to help us, we can’t very well use the same lame excuse they did…”


“...It’s not like he would believe us. Hell, he knows there have been aliens longer then most people. What if Larek’s not alive any more? I mean he has to be like what at least ninety by now right? I’m sure we could get it to work. Ava would have to do it though and Kyle you’d have to be ready to heal him because I think Liz said something about his heart stopping. Granted we need to find him. I bet Kal knows where he is…”


“...That is so typically of him to do something like that. Bastard. Well, I hope he knows he’s going to be sponsoring this trip to wherever Brody may be. Maybe he went back to England? Avery could go with then visit home for a while I bet she would like that...”



“They’ve been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes Ria. You know it’s not nice when you get wrapped up in a ramble.”

Liz smiled softly at their shocked faces and forced them all to ignore her breakdown by continuing with the topic that had been brought up in her absence.

“I think it’s a really good plan B. If Kal doesn’t know where Brody is, if he is anywhere still, we’ll have him look for him. But we should give plan A some time before we move on to our second option because I don’t think we’ll have many options left and it’d be a shame to rush through the few we do have. So how about we give them three months? That sounds reasonable don’t you think?”

And while Liz had said just as much as Maria did in the first wind of the ramble it was said so much calmer and slowly leaving them all much less winded.

“Three months sounds very reasonable.”

Kyle and Maria nodded in agreement with Ava.

Liz managed a small smile and went back to the original line of conversation before her meltdown, “Now about that time off…”

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 16 2/2

Post by starcrazed »

Part 16

June 2017

“I still can’t believe we’re here like this.” Ava pulled the covers down from Kyle’s head.

Without opening his eyes he reached aimlessly for the warmth of his covers she had stolen, “S’ too early Ava.”

Her eyes crinkled in confusion trying to decipher his mumbled words, his lack of movement helped her to realize Kyle was not getting up at this hour. Granted she couldn't really blame him; she had kept him up half the night.

Ava sighed impatient. She had to tell him. They had spent the past three weeks gloriously wrapped up in each other and their loved ones, but Ava didn’t think Liz would actually allow them to stay here the three months they planned to wait for an answer. And Ava really didn’t want to tell him when he was driving away from her.

She got up from the bed and wandered over to the bathroom washing her face before going down to the Café and grabbing herself some cereal. Leaning against the counter as she ate she wasn’t too surprised when Maria came wandering down a few minutes later rubbing at her eyes.

Catching sight of Ava in nothing but Kyle’s shirt Maria rolled her eyes. “You too are unbelievable. There’s a minor living under this roof you know.”

Ava snorted around her mouthful of cereal the motion causing the hemline of Kyle’s shirt that was already dangerously low to move a little higher before settling back against the creamy whiteness of her thighs.

“He’ll survive.”

Grabbing the cereal Maria smirked, “Yeah, but what about poor Kyle?”

“Mind outta the gutter DeLuca.”

“You’re the one that put it there. Your hair all tousled and the lack substantial clothing. I’m surprised you’re able to tear yourself away from him.”

Ava blushed as Maria sat at a counter stool, “Me too.”

It took a moment of Ava enjoying the comfortable silence to realize that it was to quiet. “Where is Aiden this morning?”

Smiling like Ava imagined only a proud mother could Maria chuckled softly, “He had to show Aunt Liz how good his powers are getting. He thinks because she’s Commander, if she realizes how good he is he’ll be allowed to go out with Kal.”

“Ahh…to be young again.”

Maria smiled softly, a smile with no real joy behind it, only an ocean of unending sadness. “Yeah.”

“Ria…” Ava stopped short when Maria looked up the faraway look in her eyes already fading, “Forget it Ava, I’m fine.”

“Yeah, we’re all FINE.”

Shrugging Maria let the comment go, “You should get back up to Kyle, I’m sure he’s getting cold and lonely all by himself.”

“At the very least, I’m sure he’ll appreciate if I bring him breakfast.” Ava winked as she grabbed an extra bowl and tucked the cereal box under her arm, Maria swatted at her barely covered bottom as she danced away from the counter to the back door and up the stairs to the overhead apartment fashioned very much like the Crashdown.

Maria went back to her cereal enjoying the time to herself while her friends were all so near.


Ava set the bowl and box of cereal on the bedside table. She thoughtfully examined the huge lump under the pile of covers and blankets that was her husband. She glanced briefly at the clock rolling her eyes when she saw that it was indeed almost noon. Even factoring in the different time zone she was sure Kyle didn’t spend his days sleeping until eleven. With that final thought she pounced landing somewhere in the middle of the pile, but the loud groan she heard from beneath her informed her that she most certainly hit her target.

“I’m gonna kill you.”

Ava giggled as Kyle squirmed under her, rolling over to his back and pulling the covers away from his head. He squinted out at her trying to decide if it was worth pretending to be really upset before pulling her still giggling mouth to his. Adjusting herself so she was no longer slanting on top of a uneven pile of pillows, blanket, and Kyle Ava fit her form to his sighing deeper into the kiss. Kyle definitely had the right idea spending all day in bed; she was trying to remember why exactly she had gotten up from the safety and warmth of his arms when she heard his stomach grumble loudly announcing Kyle’s hunger.

She pulled back sitting up much to Kyle’s protest until she pointed at his almost forgotten breakfast. Neglecting the bowl and reaching straight into the box Kyle pulled a handful out before tossing it into his mouth and grinning at her.

“You know me so well Ava.” It was the first thing he said after he swallowed the dry cereal, kissing her forehead before sticking his hand back in to box for more.

Ava smiled as a sense of complete bliss washed over her. Sitting there so simply in the safety of the little getaway Café, ignoring the troubles of the world, the pain and loneliness of her friends, just being happy in that moment with Kyle. All the carefully rehearsed speeches and plans were forgotten and Ava just told him.

“You’re gonna be a dad Kyle.”

Later Ava would reflect that mid-chew of a handful of dry cereal probably wasn’t the best time to announce such life changing details. But once Kyle stopped sputtering and getting flecks of food all over the bed and asked Ava to repeat herself five times he gave her the exact reaction she was hoping for. The reaction she knew she would get from him.

Complete and utter silence as his mouth opened and closed in shock searching for words to express the emotions that were so cleanly expressed to her in his watering blue eyes.

Eventually he reached out an arm placing his warm hand over the thin fabric of his t-shirt hiding her stomach, using his other hand to pull Ava back on top of him ignoring the crushed cereal box.

“You’re amazing you know that?” Kyle asked peppering her jaw line with sloppy kisses making her squirm in his lap.

“Kyle stop it, it tickles!” Her giggles were cut off again as he captured her lips with his holding her tight to him he pulled away only after both of their lips were completely swollen.

“I love you. So much Ava. Both of you. I can’t wait until we get to be a family. The three of us.”

“The three of us.” Ava repeated her eyes filling with tears of joy too, but then she saw the beginning of Kyle’s grin knowing he was about to tease her and ruin their precious heartfelt moment she beat him to it.

“You’re not to bad yourself Valenti.”

It took the return of Aiden and threat of starvation to eventually bring the expecting parents out of their room.


Liz watched as one rock after another met its end by power blast.

“See Aunt Olivia, I told you I was good.”

Aiden continued to blast rocks, every now and then aiming for a tree instead, failing to notice Liz had directed her attention to scanning their surroundings. Her fake name managed to splatter a dose of reality onto the front of Liz’s mind and even though currently she was supposed to be a Commander being impressed with a potential new recruit; she really just wanted to be Liz Parker godmother of the most special teenager on the planet.

“So what do you think?” Liz turned to find Aiden’s all knowing eyes upon her. For a moment all she could see was Michael Guerin leering over her threateningly as he returned her journal. Knowing much more about her then she felt comfortable with, just like his son was doing now.

Liz chose to ignore the unspoken questioning in his eyes in favor for the question he did ask. “Well,” she began very seriously standing as if critiquing all she had observed. “As Commander, I’d be a fool not to take you up on your offer to help. You are obviously very capable and disciplined. Much more so then your father was at this age I’ll say.”

Liz herself was surprised as she poked fun of Michael. So Aiden’s jaw dropping open was absolutely understandable considering Liz knew he had no recollection of her ever telling a joke, teasing for fun, or smirking like she knew she had just done.

More than that though she had just brought up the very painful past memories that she spent so much time fighting off and stuffing away. Granted it was such a small thing, not even about Max himself, but Liz realized for the first time how little any of them ever really talked about the past. She wondered how often Maria did and marveled at her friends bravery knowing how painful reliving their past could be.

Maria had too though, how else would Aiden learn about his father?

“However,” Liz continued but stopped again when Aiden huffed and cut her off, “There’s a but, of course there’s a but.”

“I said however,” she tried again, but she was dealing with Maria’s son and her influence over the boy was noticeable. Rolling his eyes he continued to ignore her, “However is the same thing as a but. It’s just more formal.”

Liz raised an eyebrow slightly impressed with the boys attitude and questioning if she was now allowed to go on. When he waved at her she inclined her head and started for the third time.

“But as your godmother, as the best friend of your mother, and as someone who long ago did a lot to earn the trust of your father, I have to agree with your mom. Sorry Aiden, but you can’t go with Kal.”

He blew out a long breath of frustration holding back his anger and making one last attempt to plead his case.

“Aunt Liv” he rushed out dragging it out so it almost sounded like Liz, “I won’t get hurt. There’s not really even a war going on any more, or whatever you leader types call it nowadays. And you know that Uncle Kal would never ever let anything remotely harmful come near me.”

Liz sat on an outcropping rock, patting the place next to her that had just enough room for Aiden to sit. She waited until he joined her before taking his hand to squeeze it gently.

“Aiden sweetheart. It’s not about that at all. I know there are no enemies here to hurt you anymore, and Kal would make sure anything else thought twice before inflicting pain upon you. Even intimate objects I’m sure. You can’t go with Kal because then Maria would be left all alone. And Aiden your mom would fall apart if you weren’t there to hold her together. That’s how much it hurts.”

For a long time Aiden was silent allowing Liz to hold his hand as he thought about what she said to him. As for Liz, she sighed the emotional depths she was achieving during their vacation taxing her energy levels. While on some level being around her family was always therapeutic and nourishing; it was also so emotionally painful and draining.

Liz silently debated with herself if she’d be able to survive three months of sitting around doing nothing but emotional exercises; trying so hard not to remember the past when such a tangible part of it was staring her in the face in the form of her family.

She had promised them three months of waiting though and she figured they really all could use those three months together. Now she just had to tell the others, not that she thought they would mind. Before she could turn her mind even further inward Aiden whispered from his spot next to her.

“What holds you together? Kyle has Ava and mom has me, but you have nobody.”

Liz closed her eyes at the pain that arose from the concern and sorrow in his voice. She closed herself off to the emotions banging against her inner walls at the innocently asked question. Maybe three whole months wasn’t such a good idea. Liz gulped back the feelings and the lump in her throat before answering the question.

“Knowing all of you guys are safe keeps me sane.” Liz almost groaned aloud as he narrowed his eyes at her in truly Maria best friend suspicious form.

“That is such a generic answer. And no offense Aunt Olivia, but that little emotional melt down when we used the orbs didn’t appear too sane to me.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. It was true, becoming an emotional cripple these past sixteen years has made any show of emotion on her part come out over the top. Granted that was probably what happens when a person tries so hard to bottle them down and forget they’re there to begin with.


Dropping her voice to admit something she very rarely even admits to herself she trusted her nephew with the innermost strength within her, what it was that held her and ultimately all of them together.

“It’s the hope that I’ll get to see them again. Hope that we haven’t come this far for me not to ever again know what it feels like to have such an awareness of Max Evans that the hair at the back of my neck rises and my skins is covered in goose bumps. It’s a hope that not only will I get to feel that tingle we had when we’re in the same room, but a hope that I’ll get more then that. Even if it’s just for an instant, some part of me still hopes that I will feel that connection again when our souls touch and the entire universe makes sense and the impossible is conquerable. Hope holds me together. Just hope.”

Liz trailed off and although it was hard Aiden could almost see the hope shimmering in her chocolate gaze. He pulled his aunt, who he towered over, into a bone-crushing hug, knowing how little human contact she allows herself. He let her go just as quickly and jumps up from his seated position on the rock offering his hand to a disjointed Liz.

“I’m hungry.”

“Well then we better get some food in your system. I don’t know if you realize this, but you actually have the hardest job of all of us. Did you know that? Looking after Maria, it’s quite a task.”

Aiden laughed, Liz could only imagine it was one that came form Michael knowing that the sound was too far from the musical tinkling that accompanied her best friend’s laughter.

“Aunt Liv, you have no idea.”

Falling behind, a ghost of a smile filtered across Liz face before fading away all together.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories
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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 17 2/9

Post by starcrazed »

Part 17

September 2017

Taking a deep breath she ignored the concerned looks she was getting from Sebastian, Avery hardly paying attention as she bickered over the other line with Chase.

“You’re sure. Absolutely, one hundred percent certain. There’s no room for error on this one.”

Liz bit her lower lip listening closely to the reply at the other end. Her heart clenching at the truth of what he was saying. The small amount of new hope she had allowed herself to muster these past three months of waiting, flickered. Struggling to stay afloat, despite her emotional walls. Fighting for a chance to thrive when logic was consistently crushing it.

As the hope effectively died, her temper snapped. Not because of the wave of pain she could sense rising, about to incapacitate her. No it was not because of that.

Her anger flared at the thought of all she had given up for them and they couldn’t return the favor just once.

The tears gathering in her eyes where not on her behalf, but for her godson who would apparently never get a chance to know his father.

Her small hands were clasped in fists of rage because even their hardest efforts to save Earth wouldn’t really matter in the end.

The trembling in her body though, that was for Liz. Shaking with sixteen years of suppressed emotions. Quivering with the knowledge of certain defeat. Wobbling with the utter absences of hope and the soul crushing loss of the possibility of true love reunited.

The outburst only raised Sebastian’s concern and without a word Avery hung up on Chase.

“It’s not a matter of…” She shook her head tossing that line of thinking away, “I know the Earth is fucked either way…It'd just be nice to know for sure before I stab a knife into my best friends heart deflating what’s left of their hope too.”

She started off chopping because of the heated emotions and by the end Kal could sense the completely devastated resignation so perfectly, it was as if he was in the same room with her. He could see her chocolate gaze melting beneath puddles of tears built up over half a lifetime.

In one part of the country, as Chase informed Kyle how Avery hung up on him, rising warning bells in Kyle’s head; Kal closed his eyes in another part holding the phone tightly as if by doing so he’d be able to hold onto the woman he just knew was slipping away from all of them as the conversation drew to a close.

“I’m so sorry, Liz.”

Had Kal not taken careful intention to be far from Maria when he made this phone call he knew she would be hurting him for hurting her friend. She’d cry and scream and probably hit him too. Not just for Liz, but for herself and for Aiden. But Kal would have taken all of that gladly.

As it was he watched them, almost carefree, as they played in the first snow storm of the season in the mountain region they called home; bombarding Blake with snowballs.

It was the sound of her name. Knowing that it would never again be spoke by him that drained her of all her strength. Took away all her anger. All her motivation. Even her will to live.

“Me too, Kal.” She was about to hang up. Barely able to stand on her own anymore, she just wanted to seek out the solace of her bedroom and fall apart. His questioned demanded that she pull it together for a little bit longer.

“Do you want me to tell the others?” He was willing to spare her that pain, telling the others that Brody Davis was gone. Really truly gone.

“I’ll do it.”

She dropped the phone from her ear, her glazed over eyes not even seeing both Sebastian and Avery as they stood from the counsel and debated whether to approach her or not. With their first steps though Liz was already on the move out of the Command center and down the hallway.

Sharing a glance of hesitation Sebastian and Avery asked and answered the same question each of them had before chasing after her down the hall.

They watched from a distance as their Commander picked up speed. “Olivia!!!” Sebastain called out as he passed Avery due to his longer legs.

“Olivia wait!”

But just as Liz couldn’t see them, she barely registered the sound of her other name as they called after her. Grief like she never knew before was demanding all of her attention.

She reached the safely of her room and slammed the door shut behind her before falling onto her bed, her face buried in her pillow. The material of the picture of Max hidden in the pillow case bringing on even more overwhelming desolation.

Avery and Sebastian finally reached the closed door together and were about to charge in, consequences be damned when they heard the sobs.

Heart shattering, world ending, broken sobs from the woman, the leader who they had thought was indestructible.

“What do we do?” Whispered Sebastian as he placed his hand against the wall, knowing that going in was the last thing they should do.

Avery closed her eyes to the tears building, making her blue eyes shinier then usual. She pulled at her long dark hair wishing she knew how to take away Olivia’s pain. Ignoring the teardrops that leaked down her porcelain skin, flushed from chasing Liz, Avery looked up to his equally concerned and sorrowful pale green eyes.

“I think we have to get the others here.”

“She was just talking to Kal…” Sebastian trailed off at the spark of anger infused in her gaze. He understood her anger; he even shared it towards the being who would create so much pain for Olivia. Because Sebastian knew there was no way Kal suspected what he had to say wouldn’t devastate her.

“We’ll get Jasmine. She’ll take care of the others and we won’t have to worry about Kal.”

Not that they didn’t like Kal, but Kal would always follow direct orders from Olivia. Even implied orders, Kal carried out with no question. But Jasmine, Carter, and Jade, they were Liv’s family and had no problem disregarding what she demanded of them if it interfered with her well-being. Avery and Sebastian knew those three would happily defy Liv for her own sake.

“I’ll get on the line with Hayden. Stay here with Liv.”

Sebastian nodded sliding down the wall to get comfy. Knowing it would be a long time before he went anywhere, even longer before Liv did.


At six months along in her pregnancy, Kyle hates more now then ever the roles they had to play in this damned nation of a doomed planet. If Grace and Hayden thought she was bad with the pregnancy hormones at no more then a month along, Kyle was a thousand times worse this far into it. So while Grace and Hayden got to witness Ava eatting the most disgusting concoctions as she glowed with motherhood, Chase and Dustin took turns hiding from Kyle and doing everything they could not to piss him off any further.

“So she just hung up on you?”

Chase nodded, used to it by this point in their relationship. He annoyed her and she hung up on him. She was so in love with him.

“Yeah Carter, it’s no big deal. She does it all the time.”

“It’s true.” Dustin added while trying to make himself look small. They had been caught off guard when Kyle entered base so early in the morning. He could be depended upon to either sleep until eleven or be out being productive to the cause.

“Was there background noise?”

Dustin and Chase exchanged looks. There was always background noise, constant static from the fragility of their lines, but they suspected he meant something else. Noting the look Kyle expanded.

“Talking? Yelling? Laughing? Jasmine said she had a bad feeling. I’ve learned to trust those.”

Dustin ever the military strategist, “And you’ve decided to direct this feeling into a harmless situation that occurs at least four times a week.”

Kyle glared at the two of them a moment before spinning on his heel and leaving the room.

“That was close.” Dustin relaxed into the chair.

Chuckling softly because his response was also true, “Yeah, he almost ripped your throat out,” Chase observed before adding, "We have to figure out a way to get him out of here.”

“And for longer than just a few hours.” As peaceful as base was when Carter was out doing whatever it was he did, Dustin didn’t like the added tension that always seemed to be with him on his return.

Chase smirked picking the phone back up, “I’ll call Jasmine.”


Ava sat across from Jim one hand over her small bump, the other holding an apple she bit into while looking at the handouts he had given her.

“Noah, Carter and I already discussed names.”

“I know Jas, but looking couldn’t hurt can it?”

Who was she to deny Jim the simplicity of looking over a few names for his grandchild. His blue eyes shining with a happiness that made her sad because it was so familiar to the happiness that had been in Kyle’s eyes those glorious three months they got to spend with each other and the others at the Czech Roadside Café.

“You’re right, besides it would appear that I have nothing, but time on my hands for the present moment at least.”

As she finished speaking Grace entered the lounging area just getting her feet back underneath her from the bouts of morning sickness that had plagued her for the past three weeks.

“Hi Jas, Chase is on the line. He says it’s about Carter.”

Ava’s eyes bulged and she rushed to stand up Jim reached out to help her, “Careful there Jas.”

With one hand on her lower back Jim followed as Ava almost ran the short distance to the communication pushing at Grace to walk faster in front of her.

Hayden wordlessly handed over the phone as Ava sat in Grace’s chair.

“What happen to Carter? Is he okay? Is he hurt? What’s wrong?”

The tension in Jim’s back eased as Ava’s eyes closed and she sighed a second later though she was shouting into the phone.

“You ass! Are you an idiot?! I almost had a heart attack. You think he’s hard to deal with now, I’d imagine it be ten times harder if you killed me. I don’t give a…what? What phone call? That’s completely normal. I’ll check with the Commander and get back to you, but he’ll probably be out of your hair in a month. Yeah, yeah, no need to praise me. I already know how wonderful I am.”

Reaching forward with one hand Ava hung up the line she was just about to dial the line for the Northeast base when the phone rang in her hand. Startled she answered immediately surprising the person on the other end.


“Who’s this?”

“Jasmine Reed. Southwestern quadrant, who the hell are you?”

“Jasmine, I’m so sorry. I was expecting my doofus cousin.”

“Avery?” Ava asked finally picking up on the familiar voice.

“Why didn’t Hayden answer?”

Ava swatted his hand away as she answered the question, “I was just on the line with Chase apparently he can’t handle Carter.”

“No surprise there.” Avery smiled fondly, momentarily forgetting the thought of Olivia hulled up in her room as she thought of the annoyingly gorgeous man. With midnight blue eyes that she could get lost in forever if she allowed herself. A man who for some reason decided he wanted her.

“I was actually just about to call you guys up about that to talk to Walker.” Ava’s jovial tone did little to stop Avery’s reality from crashing back down upon her.

“It’s actually because of Commander Walker that I called Jasmine.”

Avery’s soft tone made Ava sit up straight and Jim came over crouching down in front of her. Always the concerned grandfather and father-in-law.

“Whaddaya mean?”

Ava held her breath and reached for Jim’s hand as the color slowly drained from her naturally glowing form.

Jim tried to hear what Avery was saying on the other end, but at best he picked up a few words, useless on their own.

Ava closed her eyes for Liz’s pain. She cut Avery off when she couldn’t bare any more, “Avery, give me a week. We’ll all be there in a week. Can you handle that?”

Ava waited, knowing she could be there in two days if they needed her, but it would be better if they all had more time to settle things and prepare the others for their departures so soon after their three month vacations.

“Yeah, I promise, but Avery,” Ava dropped her voice as low as she could before Avery wouldn’t be able to hear her at all, “You have to call me if it gets worse.”

Saying goodbye and hanging up the phone Ava couldn’t stand knowing how much pain Liz was in, she imagined it was actually worse than what Avery said. And Kyle, all she wanted was Kyle’s overprotective arms wrapped around her.

Finally she shook herself out of her daze, there were things to do, others to contact, emotions to prepare.

Yet the first thing she saw was Jim’s concerned, fear filled eyes. Sheriff Jim Valenti who has known Liz since she was a toddler and has been involved in this alien mess just as long as the others.

“Oh Noah.”

It was all she had to say before Jim wrapped his arms around Ava shielding her or at the very least supporting her through the most recent pains this world dealt them. Ava cried, not the broken sobs of Liz, but tears of such sadness Jim felt her distress just as tangible as the wetness of his tear soaked t-shirt.

Everything else would have to wait.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 18 2/24

Post by starcrazed »

Part 18


July 2017

Max looked out at the troops before he signaled the front half to diverge to the left side and the others to cut around to the right at his sign. When the two troop leaders gave a brief nod of their heads, he turned back to see Michael giving the same directions to his division and the energy in his system hummed, straining to release itself.

His hand twitched at his side but he ignored it and looked through the binoculars to find Isabel sliding along the wall of the Royal Embassy on the very outskirts of the territories Khivar still held on Antar. He was still on the land they had regained in the past sixteen years. Just barely, but the Royal Embassy even if under Khivar’s control was still located on Zan’s land.

This discovery two days after the rumors of the orbs, plus the confirmation of the orbs lighting up a week later when one of their own, Gad risked his life to retrieve them served as that motivation they all needed to finish with Khivar and get home.

They had spent days trying to get the orbs to work, trying to return a message. Or at the very least get the others to realize their message had been received. But the endeavor proved hopeless without Tess.

They had thought with Gavin it would work, he had the same powers as Tess after all, but good old Oda, the scientist who was around when they were placed in the pods explained that their combination was unbalanced. Strictly speaking there was too much Max not enough Tess for it too work.

Yesterday the three of them had hunted down Larek who had been hiding from them since he told Michael he was a father. When they found him he merely sighed at the determined set on their faces.

“I already tried. I know you told me not to after that last time, but I knew it would come to this so I have been trying, but Brody Davis is unreachable.”

“Unreachable?” Isabel asked hands on her hips still prepared for a fight.

Larek nodded sadly, “I’m fairly certain it means he has died. I have been trying to find another compatible host, but with all the resources going to the skirmishes recently, it has been difficult.”

Michael picked up the charts Larek had been studying when they barged in on him. Quickly picking up the concept of how the technology worked he decided it shouldn’t really be that hard to pick out an attuned host out of the almost 7 billion available on Earth. He wasted no time in voicing this opinion. Larek winced at Michael’s tone, picking up that he was still very upset with him.

Trying not to do anything that would provoke more of their anger upon him Larek replied, “True, if the Earth still had such a large population finding a suitable person to serve as host wouldn’t be difficult at all with the resources I am using.”

Before he could finish though Isabel realized his conclusion, “Earth doesn’t have so many options though does it?”

“It would appear not.” Larek waited.

Watching as anger continued to swim in Michael’s eyes only overpowered by the regret that was fighting for dominance. In Isabel he saw her struggling for another way, another possibility to contact her friends, to finish this seemingly infinite battle. It was a fanatical struggle because just behind it Larek could see the relief of the end taunting her. Max like always was unreadable even to Larek as close as they had become.

The only one who might have had a clue to what Max was thinking was worlds away overjoyed at the news of becoming an aunt again, but at the same time extremely jealous of her dear friends. Her dear friends who were completely in love and happy and starting a family of their own. While for Liz, this possibility only seem to stretch further and further away from her.

Larek didn’t have to wait long as a moment later Max told them all what it was he had been thinking about. He was trying to make a decision, just one more decision of the list of a thousand he had made since becoming Zan that would hopefully be that last to take them home.

“It’s only half a day’s journey to the Royal Embassy. We can have the supplies ready to go by the morning couldn’t we Ila?”

Isabel nodded her eyes widening as the closing stages of this struggle grew markedly closer to her grasp.

“And it’s not too late to inform the troops that we’ll be leaving first thing in the morning is it Rath?”

Michael smiled and shook his head in agreement. Hell even if it was too late he didn’t give a shit. He’d wake them up himself if it meant getting to meet his son that much sooner.

“And Larek you’re not doing anything tomorrow?”

“No sir. What is it you wish me to do?”

Max smirked, “Baby-sit.”

Isabel laughed as Larek’s eyes bulged and Michael was able to forget for a moment his anger. Michael would want to be the last person to entertain Gavin while they were off at battle. It’d be nearly impossible to keep the kid here where it was safe. And that was exactly what Max wanted, what Max expected Larek to do.

It was tricky for them to be doing this at high noon, but given that it appeared totally careless and because it was so unexpected they had the upper hand for once. The blue foliage they had arrived to had changed to its golden yellows and oranges of which Max and Michael hid with their troops as Isabel decked out in full reflective camouflage finally reached the tunnel entrance to the Embassy. Placing her hand on the building she left a silver hand print before dropping out of sight on her way into the building.

Max held his breath staring at the impression of his sister’s hand waiting for it to happen. From his peripheral vision across the way he could see Michael equally as frozen staring at the exact same spot. In a rush Max felt the air leave him as the hand shimmered briefly reflecting various colors of the rainbow. He saw Michael’s men already on the move and he gave the sign for his men to also move out. From opposite sides they approached the building careful not to rush in and alert Khivar and the Loyalists to their presences. But also to stay set on their perfectly timed plan of attack.

A time frame that was necessary as the most vital member of the success of the plan wasn’t actually present with them.

Simultaneously, they reached the front gate and before either of them could wave a hand over the lock panel the shimmering shield in front of the gate dissolved and the automatic locks clicked open. Michael slipped in first making it all the way to the Embassy door before Max entered after the last soldier.

Some soldiers drifted away becoming invisible with their reflective camouflage, forming a perimeter just in case.

The majority of the small band however swiftly entered through the front door of the Embassy unseen by the surveillance cameras thanks to Isabel. And unseen by any one whom perchance a look out the window thanks to Gavin. Larek's job made much simpler when Gavin realized his importance in the last plan of attack.

It was draining on the teen to be warping so many from such a great distance, which is why Max and Michael were careful to keep the time in check on their digital wrist watches watching as the last few seconds ticked by and suddenly the silence around them exploded into epic proportions of a battle to end all other conflicts on Antar.

Last edited by starcrazed on Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 19 4/3

Post by starcrazed »

Part 19

Khivar listened with no escape route and no desire to join in the deafening racket below as his Loyalists fought and died for his life, for his cause. He closed his eyes as the sounds of crackling energy singeing flesh or bodies colliding with the walls died down as the numbers dwindled. The muffled shouts and commands grew more discernible as they drew closer to the room Khivar had hauled himself up in.

He waited patiently for his end, almost welcoming it. He was far from the young, optimistic man who had killed the Royals and ascended their throne. Truth be told, he didn’t want the throne anymore. Part of him still had dreams of retiring in the countryside to live out the rest of his days peacefully. Then he would remember his War Generals tore apart the countryside, sacking the villages, slaughtering the innocent. It wasn’t what Khivar had wanted. And it hadn’t always been so bad.

When he first took the throne, when he had more energy, a more glorious visions of what Antar could be, there was no mindless killing. The civil unrest then was brief and scattered. No real violence incurred, a few protests, a handful of demonstrations. His policies were enacted and Antar started to change. Its people were happy for a time with the changes that accompanied their new king. Even if some of them couldn’t forgive how he gained the kingship.

It seemed inevitable that the dynasties would grow to be corrupt. It happened with Zan’s line and now it was happening with his. True he had started this mess, first by killing the Royals, but more recently when he saw his power fading. When he realized it was now his title, his position that was at risk he did what was necessary to retain it. Only now as he looked out at the smoldering hillside did he think he should have gone into hiding and let the warring factions fight over the throne without him.

His glorious vision of Antar wouldn’t let him do so though because part of him realized they would destroy his beloved planet. And they had. Despite his efforts to stop them. Antar was now a shadow, less then a shadow of its former self.

His greatest regret was Earth.

He should have realized the damages he would cause in trying to appease the War Generals. If Antar was less then a shadow of its former self he didn’t know how to describe Earth. He only wanted to save his planet, but instead he tarnished two with near extinction. He tried to keep the throne in a last ditch effort to save the planet from the bickering factions, but they united under him somehow and now it was he who was responsible for this despicable mess.

When the door in front of him slammed open without warning Khivar was prepared for the anger and hatred that covered their faces. Their surprised that followed a moment later, seeing him seated at the table seeming to put up no resistance, wasn’t a shock to him either.

With the little interaction they’ve had the past sixteen years Khivar knew they saw him as a monster. The tortured screams of villagers that haunted him in the night convinced him he was that monster they had built up in their heads, even if he didn’t start out that way. All that mattered now was what he was, what he has become through his actions.

Zan was ahead of Rath and Vilandra and although the three figures were all roughly the same height Zan towered over the other two as his body glowed with energy fueled by the rage Khivar could see aimed at him in Rath and Vilandra. He couldn’t see Zan’s fury; he could taste it though.

Their arms were still raised as they hovered in the doorway trying to determine if it was a trap or not. Khivar inclined his head to them willing them to end the miserable existence that had become his life. A few minutes past and the heavy breathing from the adrenaline and the fighting below had evened out as they studied their nemesis.

Finally looking up to figure out why it was he was still here Kivar saw confusion in the beautiful Vilandra’s face. Rath’s face was anxious probably for reasons Khivar would never understand. Zan for the first time in a long time, someone outside his close circle of friends and family could read an emotion that was in his eyes. And when Khivar saw the doubt he swore eternally. Knowing he should have been prepared to fight, at least fake a fight, in order to end this quickly.

Now it would be drawn out because even though it was a long time and his memories were not as sharp as they once had been, Khivar could recall with absolute clarity the fairness of Zan. It was what had made him such a great king at such a young age in a time of political instability.

His exhausted lids fluttered closed as the memories of young Zan filled his mind, he waved them away with a flick of his hand that instantly had the three Royals in front of him tensing. It was Vilandra who spoke over Zan’s shoulder her eyes blazing with renewed fury.

“It’s good too see you’ve managed thus far without the heir to manipulate.”

Khivar turned his focus to her as she spat at him. He easily picked up on the human trait they called sarcasm and underneath it he could hear her implications of his plotting.

“Manipulate the heir? It is questionable Zan’s son is the true heir as his mother is not the queen.”

Knowing it was that last thing she wanted it seemed impossible for her to stop her mouth from dropping open. Khivar’s own brows crinkled in confusion as Rath scratched his eyebrow with his free hand a question poised on his lips before Zan’s bewilderment became most evident in his narrowed gaze of distrust. Not that Khivar ever expected them to trust him.

“Tess said that’s what you wanted. In the deal, you wanted the heir and our return so you could execute us.”

He recalled the explosion so many years ago when news of the Granilith’s return first came to him; when the War Generals escalated their already devious backhanded ploys for power.

“I assure you, your return is that last thing I ever wanted. For what little it is worth I also promise that I had no dealings with the traitorous former queen.”

Michael snorted, “What do you do when even the bad guy doesn't trust the Queen?”

“The Queen is very admirable. Granted my dealings with her have all been indirect, and I doubt she’d have kind things to say about me. My Generals have ensured that. I think you have been misled.”

He watched as Vilandra dropped her hand and rolled her eyes, “What else is new?” Watching with awe as she shoved her brother into the room and pulled Rath in with her Khivar almost chuckled as she collapsed into the chair across from him waving at the other two of the disbelieving men.

“Please, it’s fine he has absolutely no intention of doing anything at all. He expected us to kill him the moment we walked through the door and is frankly a little disappointed that we didn’t. Now he’s confused as to why we’re so confused. Sit down so we can figure all this crap out and go home.”

Khivar was impressed as Rath’s eyes softened at the last word before he joined them at the table. Zan however remained standing his arms no longer raised but crossed over his chest as he glared.

When Zan rose his eyebrows expectantly Khivar nodded briefly before trying to figure out where it had all gone so wrong. “By Tess, I assume you mean Ava?” With their nods he continued,

“Ava always had been a traitor to the throne. Her protector was no different and I’m not all that surprised they were able to find someone here to deal with. There were enough factions that would have loved to execute you…again. Anyways all of that is more or less irrelevant at this point wouldn’t you agree?”

Michael fumed, sure if they could ignore that it had effectively altered their entire existence. It was really just a small thing, a small thing that took them away from their home. No big deal.

Max though somewhat agreed, his curiosity getting the better of him, “What do you mean people question my sons validity to the throne?”

Nodding thoughtful Khivar continued with his explanation, “Ignoring the fact that technically you aren’t even king any more, your son was born…I suppose you would say out of wedlock?” Finishing with a question which Isabel addressed

“Let me get this straight because Tess and M…my brother weren’t married on Earth, my nephew has no claim to Antar?”

“Wedlock is the wrong choice of words then. Am I wrong to say that Tess was not your other half?”

The intensity of their focus increased tenfold and even though Khivar knew what he was saying was true, the way their backs straighten and heads became a little higher confirmed what he had assumed in his dealings with Earth’s Resistance Commander.

She was Zan’s soul and by the looks of it he was hers as well.

“You don’t have to answer. I know she isn’t his, what is the colloquial…soul mate? It is only with her that Zan’s child would have a claim to Antar. And only then as a Royal descendant not a position of ruling.”

Max couldn’t even think about the idea of children with Liz. Not when he hasn’t even seen her in sixteen years. It was all just too much. All of this was somehow off. They were manipulated into coming here by Tess. Forced to stay to end a tyrants reign. A tyrant who probably resembled more Philip Evans or Jeff Parker than a fascist dictator they had come to imagine and have dealt with. Asked to protect a planet that wasn’t even theirs any more, a planet that it appeared could care less where they were. With the exception of the forces they had joined nobody else on the planet even knew they were here.

Max couldn’t find words, but Michael had no problem, “What hell are are we doing here then?” Pointing out the window he rushed on not waiting for an answer to his first question, “are you responsible for that?”

Khivar hesitated before nodding, but the hesitation spoke volumes more than his determined nod.

“It’s not a black and white world Khivar. There are shades of gray and believe it or not we’re adept at dealing in the gray area. It’s where we’ve spent our entire lives.” Isabel sighed as she too realized the futility of being here to destroy Khivar. Khivar wasn’t the problem. It was all those War Generals they had blasted through to get into this room.

“Somebody has to be held responsible. And it’s not as if I was utterly unaware of what they were doing. Some one has to pay.”

Max finally sank into the only open chair. “They already did. And you don’t have to pay for their choices with your life. Not when there are other ways of paying penance.”

Michael got up heading for the door pausing when Khivar spoke, “That’s it?”

Isabel stood, “Hardly, nothing’s ever that simple. You’ll have to officially give up the throne, like you wanted to years ago when the War Generals first formed the disputing factions.”

Khivar followed Michael out the door at Isabel’s nudging. Listening as Michael spoke in front of him, “You’ll probably have to do some time in the Royal chambers, heavy security and you’ll remain under probation for a long time.”

“I’ll be killed in prison.”

“Our side won’t do that. And I’m certain we’ve taken care of any threat from your side.” Isabel added waving away the two troops that approached and telling them to gather up the supplies and head back once they finished with the bodies.

“Antar can’t function with a democratic government. Not in it’s current state. Who will become king?”

And for the first time in sixteen years, on a far away planet, light years from home Max Evans smiled. He smiled at something that had absolutely nothing to do with his son.

“I know the perfect person.”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

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Re: This is Home (K/Ava, M/L, Mature) Part 20 4/3

Post by starcrazed »

Part 20

August 2017

For the first time in seventy years the Royals were once again gathered in the throne room for a joyous celebration. It was a welcoming party of the new Royal linage, but it was also a farewell to their faithfully beloved Royals who had perished decades ago only to return again reborn in other forms. There was dancing and laughing and pleasant chatter of diplomats and commoners.

Isabel swirled around the dance floor with Gavin soaking in every second of the Royal life, knowing in a few short hours she’d be leaving it behind forever. Gavin too was busy absorbing everything into his memory. Implanting every detail so he could recall it later, so he’d be able to project it perfectly to the others when his dad and aunt and uncle told their loved ones their adventures of Antar.

Michael was amazed at the transformation all of them had undergone in the week since they had talked with Khivar. Startled, in the ever present changes since the days of the coronation. He ignored the stampede of butterflies in his stomach. He wanted to remember his last hours on Antar in something other than nauseating nervousness of seeing Maria and his son. Antar would never be home and it had taken away so much from all of them, but it wasn’t all bad. And he couldn’t ignore what Antar had giving them. A new life, and an appreciation for the home they had left behind.

Max leaned against the throne. Yes, the throne room really did have an actual throne; it even glittered in the day time when the sunlight reflected off the blue foliage and into the upper windows.

“Pardon me, sir. I believe that is my chair.”

Max smirked, “Why of course your majesty.” He bowed his head slightly in respect to the new king.

“I can see why you hated whenever I would bow to you. It’s already dreadful and I’ve only been king for two days.”

“I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it Larek. You’ve led the camps out in the wilderness for a long time now. Adjusting to regular meals and heated rooms shouldn’t be too bad.”

Larek caught the shadow of a smile on Max face, he could sense Max’s anticipation to get out of there. He could feel it from Michael and Isabel too despite their efforts to hide it from him and all those gathered.

“He’s not still mad at me is he?” Max followed Larek’s gaze to Michael who was at the desert table for what Max counted as the third time this evening.

“Probably.” Max shrugged at Larek’s affronted look. “You didn’t tell the guy that he had fathered a child with the woman he loves. He has a right to be pissed with you.”

Seeing that this idea very much saddened his friend Max continued, “Don’t worry, he’ll forgive you as soon as he sees Maria again and lays eyes on his son. The Commander in him will realize you did the right thing for your people.”

Larek nodded, but Max wasn’t finished, “They are your people now Larek. We’re done here. Promise me.”

“Zan you have done more than any one has the right to ask for another. And I swear to you Antar is done abusing your generous guilt ridden soul. Besides I believe another planet needs rescuing?”

“I just hope its not too late.”

Larek pushed him slightly, “As long as there’s hope Max. Go on.”

“But we have a few hours…”

Larek just smiled and it took Max a moment, but finally he returned the gesture. He turned from the knowing caring gaze of his friend and the energy hummed in his system as he scanned the room for his sister and friend.

Giving up he finally just yelled out into the room, he could hear Larek laughing at him behind him.

“ILA! RATH!” Almost immediately Michael was at his side, concern in his eyes as he swallowed down the desert stuff in his mouth.

It took a moment longer, but with Gavin shoving people out of the way and tugging Isabel along behind him soon they were standing in front of Max too, equally concerned and confused.


Isabel asked, slightly upset to have been called away from the dance floor.

“Are you ready?” Max asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“Ready for what?” Gavin demands when Isabel’s eyes watered with tears she still refused to shed and Michael’s mouth formed a small o as it dropped open in surprise.

“Ready to go home.”

artwork by: RosDude
Michael: Whoever sent us down here was smart, you know? Because they sent us together, and as long as we stick together, we're gonna make it.

Find all my fics here starcrazed stories