Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) 3/25/09 *Complete*

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 11 10/22/08

Post by jake17 »

forever dreamer

:oops: Hello everyone! I am so sorry this took so long to update!! Especially since I left everyone on that horrible cliffhanger :roll: :oops: Thank you so much for all being here. I really hope you like this next part.
Carrie :D

Chapter 11.

As I hold her close visions of the flash that ripped through me just moments ago refuse to let me go.

Like a horrible nightmare I try to think of anything else, anything but the scene that played before me.

I have to get away from her I can’t let her pick up on my emotions. I can’t let her feel anything that I am feeling.

It’s too much of a vulnerable moment. After we make love it always seems like our connection is the strongest.

Feeling her snuggling to get closer inside my arms is pure torture. I want to just hold her tight and never let her go.

The sweet and breathless loving exchanges continue on as usual after our embrace and everything becomes increasing more difficult to hide.

She is my best friend, my lover, my everything. Every instinct inside me is screaming out to tell her what I had seen, but I can’t.

I can’t say anything until I have time to sort this all out. Maybe it was all a mistake. Maybe the images I saw were jumbled because of whatever is going on between us.

Slowly I rub her back and kiss the top of her head as tears sting my eyes. No, this isn’t going to work I need to be alone. I have to think.

“Max is something wrong?”

I am so deep in thought that I haven’t even noticed that she has been looking up at me for god knows how long with great concern.

“Wrong? N-No. Tired is all. Whatever this is takes such a toll on me after. Do you feel that way too?”

Her soft sweet lips slowly curve upwards into the most beautiful smile as she winks at me and kisses the spot behind my ear that she knows drives me wild.

With a barely audible whisper she moves her mouth to my ear and seductively suggests continuing our love making upstairs on her balcony under the stars.

“There’s a bright full moon out tonight Max, I’d love to see you bathed in moonlight.”

I close my eyes wanting to take comfort in her words. Wanting to hide from all of this but the thought of her in pain and the vivid shocking pictures in my head refuse to let me go.

“As wonderful as that sounds I don’t want to push our luck with your parents. I can’t believe they didn’t hear us just now.”

Liz blushes as she muffles her laughter with her hands and looks down at the ground. Within a second her eyes are once again angled back up to mine with a look that is begging for me not to leave her.

I feel as though a fist is clutching my heart and squeezing the life out of me.

Every single expression, every single sound and animated gesture she makes just pulls me in deeper in love with her.

Denial is the only way I can cope with this right now. There has to be a reasonable explanation for what I had seen.

I nod my head as I successfully convince myself that this all has to do with this uncontrollable urge we have to be together, that it’s hormones or our deep connection to each other that has conjured up those ridiculous images.

As my thoughts continued to swirl through my head she has fixed her clothes and is turning off all the lights.

She tilts her head to the side and bites her bottom lip as he approaches me and slides her tiny hand in mine.

“Max please stay with me tonight. Sleep next to me. I need to feel your arms around me. I can’t stand being so close to you then getting in that cold bed alone.”

She really doesn’t know does she? I tell myself this as I secure my hand around hers and place it against my pounding heart.

“Do you realize that you hold my heart in your hands Liz?”

Her eyes widen and fill with tears of happiness as I squeeze her hand.

Suddenly her happy expression falls away as she palm’s her chest through the v-neck of her uniform. Her breath starts to pick up as her eyes close and she falls into the closest booth placing her head in defeat into her hands.

“Already Liz?”

Slowly she nods as she rakes her fingers through her hair.

“Is it burning?”

Liz lets out a big sigh as she leans back and lifts her lapels open enough for me to see the bright glowing marks again.

With her large glassy brown eyes she pleads with me to take her to her room and stay the night.

Carefully I put my arm under her knees and around her back and scoop her up. She lays her head against my chest as I carry her up the stairs listening carefully for any sign that her parents are still awake.

Very gently I lay her across her bed and pull her sneakers off and neatly place them in her closet.

Stroking her cheek I whisper to her that I will take care of her tonight. To just relax, that everything will be ok.

Deep inside I know this is a lie but the need to care for her helps in my persistent denial of what I have seen.

Removing her ponytail from her hair I watch holding my breath as just the simple task of her shaking her hair loose sends shivers through me.

Slowly I undress her and cover her with a quilt that is folded at the bottom of her bed.

“Max it burns.”

I can hear the exhaustion in her voice as she looks to me for relief. I disappear into the bathroom with a basin of cool water and a washcloth.

Making sure the rest of her is covered I lower the blanket past her chest to reveal the brightly colored streaks that cover her supple breasts.

Wringing out the excess water I place the towel over her searing skin and watch the relief wash over her beautiful face.

I watch with great intensity as she takes a very big deep breath and slowly lets it out as the droplets of cool water trickle down her ribs and past her stomach.

My eyes follow the soft lines of her curves all the way up to her bashful expression spreading across her hot cheeks.

“I must look ridiculous.”

“No Liz, you look breathtaking.”

“Lay with me Max, hold me.”

Kicking off my shoes and pulling my shirt from my body I switch off the light. Trying to calm my shaky body I slide under the blanket and immediately pull her in close to me.

As if we had been doing this our whole lives our body’s fit together perfectly. Arms and legs intertwine as we grasp onto each other getting as close as we possibly can.


I whisper against the tender soft skin along her graceful neck as I hear her mumble a quiet yes.

I'm relieved as she drifts off into a deep sleep.

As the night goes on peace is impossible to find as my attempt at denying what I had seen becomes increasing impossible to ignore.

Tears stain my face as I hold her as tight as I can, but the men in the black suits are burned into my brain.

I know without question I have seen the future. Something I have never been able to do before repeatedly flashes before my eyes.

Without all the answers it is still hard to understand but one thing is very clear.

They want her because of me.

The image of the tall men in the black suits hovering over Liz as she lays strapped to a small metal table plays over and over in my head.

She is in this position because of me.

In the FBI’s attempt at finding me they will stumble into something they never expected to find. This discovery will peak their twisted curiosity, a human altered with alien powers and abilities.

How all this unfolds and what powers or capabilities she acquires is still a mystery to me but one terrifying fact remains true no matter how hard I wish it away.

They will find her and capture her.

If I have any chance at saving her I have to leave.

I have to get as far as possible away from her.

I have to save her.
Last edited by jake17 on Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:44 am, edited 7 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 12 12/10/08

Post by jake17 »

ythaler :)

Thank you all for your very sweet fb!!!! :D

chapter 12

As I reach for my clothes I do the best I can not to look at her sleeping peacefully in her bed.

I know she will never understand what I’m about to do but I have no choice.

I can’t imagine a life without her, but there is no way I can live with myself if my visions come to pass.

I have to reach Michael, I have to tell him to look after her, to look after everyone, I guess he will have to be the protector of the group now.

I look at her notebook on her desk and wonder for a moment how I'm going to explain to her why I must leave.

How could I put into words how difficult this is for me or how much I love her?

My hand starts to shake as I press the pen to the lined paper.

Liz I know you would never agree to this
So I’m just going to go
I’ve had dreams, flashes of the future
You aren’t safe Liz
And it’s because of me
If I stay they will come for me but will find you
I’ve seen what they will to do you
I can’t allow that to happen
Please try and live your life Liz
You have such a bright future ahead of you
A whole world that has yet to discover the amazing person
You are.
You are going to do great things, I can feel it.
Please always remember our time together
Remember that there was once a boy who loved you with all his heart

Laying the note beside her I can’t help but breakdown, this isn’t fair how can I live without her.

I place a soft kiss on her forehead and go as fast as I can out the window and down her ladder. Running across the street I feel a deep pain in my chest.

Falling to my knees I hold my heart as I gasp for air.

“I’m so sorry Liz, I love you.”

“Well I love you too! Get him in the van before anyone sees him Agent Davis.”

“Yes Sir.”

Before I can react four men are on me pinning my hands behind my back.

“Wait no!”

Black tape is pulled over my mouth, as I am strapped down onto a gurney in a windowless black van.

My worst nightmare is coming true.

Pain is still searing threw my heart when I look over to who I thought was the deputy. He’s waving a stun gun in the air and giving me a sarcastic grin.

“Please don’t try anything it will only make it worse Max.”

“What about the girl?”

At that moment a string of fire trucks fly down the street with police sirens following closely behind.

“We’ll pick her up later, let’s get out of here.”

I struggle to speak against the tape panicking that my visions are about to come true when I feel a sharp pinprick in my arm.

I fight as hard as I can to resist the blackness that is enveloping me but it’s no use.


“He’s starting to regain consciousness sir.”

“Excellent please leave us.”

At first I think I’m in a dream as I work hard to open my eyes. All at once I remember what happened as bright white light shines painfully at my face.

I try to raise my arm up to shield my eyes and realize I can’t move.

I can’t even speak.

My eyes strain to try and make out the dark shadow that is looming over me.

“Don’t try to move Max you’ve been given a paralyzing drug. It was necessary during your little nap. It seems that even in your sleep you try to save her…how …romantic.”

My heart is pounding erratically as I watch the sinister silhouette of this man walk around me.

He stops when he gets to my head and bends down to whisper in my ear. Tears fall down the sides of my face when I listen to his admission.

“I know what your thinking Max.”

He pushes the hair away from my eyes so he can see the pain.

“Yes, we have her.”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 12 AN 12/19/08

Post by jake17 »

Monica - thank you again for my gorgeous banner monica! :D

thank you so much for all your amazing support!!!! You all make me so happy you have no idea! :D

Chapter 13.

They have her!

My eyes widened as uncontrollable tears stream down the side of my face.


My throat burns as I struggle against my weakened muscles to speak again.

I watch him as he comes closer and winces his eyes curiously at me like I’m a rat struggling for direction in his twisted maze.

A smug smile curls his arrogant face as he scratches his head.

“Well thank you Max. I wasn't sure that we had drugged you enough, it’s quite obvious that you need more to silence your pathetic pleas.”

I watch in horror as his eyes flicker upwards over my head. He points his finger down in my direction and nods.

Pain pierces my skin as another needle begins to break my skin.

“Wait! D-Don’t you want to know something? I can give you information!”

I watch as his eyes widened and his hand lifts to halt the application of the green liquid into my vein.

“Leave us.”

His fingers press a number of buttons and automatically I can feel myself being elevated in a vertical position.

He takes his time and walks around me drawing out the moment as long as possible as I gaze at the many refections of my drained face in the mirrors that surround the room.

“Who are you?”

He closes his eyes and huffs a disappointed sigh

“See I thought you said you were going to be giving me information Max, not the other way around”]

“Come back he’s not ready-

“No! I-I’m sorry I’ll answer anything just. …just please tell what you’ve done with her.”

“How sweet, see the boys upstairs were convinced that you were void of human emotion. That threatening your life would be sufficient, but after observing your behavior with your little girlfriend I suspected this was the best way to get you to …open up.”

“Is she ok?”

I try my best to breathe through my rage that is making its way to the surface. She is so innocent in all of this and I can’t bear to think of what they’re doing to her.

“Right as rain. Now onto to more important topics –

“Please let her go. I'll tell you anything, do anything …just please let her go.”

I see the man I have come to know as Roswell finest shake his head in frustration.

“Max I don’t think you have a grasp of the circumstances you are in. Your life as you know it is now over.”

My dry throat begins to close up as he leans into me with a superior gleam on hatred in his eyes.

“You are in my hands now, the hands of the FBI. “

He walks back to his spot against the mirror across from me and folds his arms across his chest and smiles sardonically.

“Forgive me Max, I have neglected to introduce myself. I am Agent Pierce, head of a secret branch of …well I’d like to think of us as protectors of this magnificent planet. You really don’t need to know the details.”

“You think you need to protect people from me.”

“What I need and want from you will all be clear in time, right now I want to discuss your… relations with Ms. Parker.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play games with me Max. I know all about you and I know that you have had sexual relations with a human.”

“I don't understand.”

“Well you see we have been watching you for some time now. At first we were interested in having you as a test subject like the other specimens we gathered in the 1947 crash. We were biding our time watching your living habits... how well you were able to integrate with us humans. We thought through our observations we would be able to flush out more of your kind. That is until I witnessed something really interesting.”

I close my eyes as my stomach turnes. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have missed them watching me?

“Let just say we are curious about what has been occurring recently between you and our little Liz.”

I try and play innocent to see just how much he knows but it only angers him.

“What are you talking about?”

He slams his fists down by his sides and flatly responds to me.

“The marks, the glowing streaks of light that we are right at this moment studying on your precious girlfriend.”

“Don’t you touch her!”

“What do they mean Max! What have you done to her!”

“I have no idea what they mean, I didn’t do anything to her!”


“I’m telling you the truth!”

“Max it’s fine if you don’t want to tell me we’ll just get the information from her.”

“Now Agent Davis!”


It's too late, everything is already getting hazy as I feel the needle plunge into my arm.


In my groggy condition I can only see a dim light shine from the crack under the door by my feet.

The room I’m in is separated in half by bars, there is a cot and a sink and a toilet in the corner and not much else.

Finding the edge of the bed I pull myself up onto my unsteady feet and walk slowly towards the bars.

Grasping them in my heads my heart drops on the floor when I see her long brown hair and her tiny body that’s curled up in the corner.


I can hear a faint moan as she lifts her eyes towards me.

“Oh my god Liz are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

I reach my hand threw the bars in an attempt to touch her hand that is out stretched in my direction.


As the tips of our fingers connect a tear flows over her pale face and her eyes shut.

I fall back onto the bed and lower my head in my hands in despair.

What have I done?

How am I going to save her now?
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: Whispers In The Night (CC, M/L, Adult) chpt 13 1/27/09

Post by jake17 »

Jan : thank you for your big heart.
destinyc: I'm hoping you like my last line this time destiny! thank you.
Keepsmiling x2: seriously you get me to write all the time..thank you Carolyn
Flamehair: When I see your name I think of the first story I wrote, thank you for sticking with me for so long Syblle.
Eve: It wouldn't be the same without you here. thank you!
Monica: thank you for your amazing banner and your sweet friendship Monica.
darkmoon: thank you for ...well everything
angelina: so hoping you like this ending sweetie.. thank you for always being here.
Cocogurl: I feel like I know you for all the amazing fb you've left me.. thank you so much!
squishypunk: So happy you liked this story. thanks so much for your fb
elizasere: again thank you for your fb.. I really appreciate it.
clash868: Chaz I'm so honored that you like my stories...thank you so much for being here.
autumnfall2: sorry this took so long. hope you like the ending .. thank you for your fb.
IheartMax...loved your fb sweetie! you are so my seashell! :wink:and you are amazing!!!

I can't thank everyone enough for sticking with this story for so long! You have no idea how much your support and amazing fb means to me..

Chapter 14.

My blood runs cold as I hear a tiny gasp from her lips.


Frantically I stretch my arms as far as they will go to try and reach her but I can only touch her lifeless fingertips.

“Oh my no! NO!”

Tears stream down my face as my mind fights to push this away; this is not happening this can’t be happening.

Screaming I rush to my feet and bang relentlessly at the locked door for help.

“Please someone! Anyone! She’s not moving! I don’t think she’s breathing!”

Within seconds six men in white scrubs and masks open the door and lift her roughly onto a steel gurney.

“Do we have a pulse?”

I run to the bars and grasp at them waiting for her to open her eyes, to gasp a deep breath of air proving to me that this isn’t real.

“Do something!!! Please!!!”

To my horror I watch as one of them pulls a stark white sheet over her angelic face.

“NO! LIZ!!”

I slam my head against the cool bars and sob as I watch them wheel her out of the dark cell.


Suddenly I feel a steady heavy hand on my shoulder. I don’t need to look to know who it is. With a rage I didn’t know I had inside me I turn and grab him by the throat and shove him as hard as I can against the dank walls of my prison.


A gleam of self-righteous victory flashes in his eyes as he smiles at me.

“This is a war Max …a war that your kind started and in every war there are causalities. True she was innocent, but so were the many that died from your hands. Your alien murdering destructive hands.”

I release him as I fall to the floor. My legs no longer work, my heart is broken. There is nothing left …nothing.

I stare at the space where she laid and remember her soft voice as it called out to me for help. Help that I couldn’t give to her …help that was needed because of me. I left her and because of that her beautiful soul has been silenced forever. The light that shone so bright and was snuffed out by a cause that had nothing to do with her.

I sit motionless as he leans down to my ear and whispers more of his evil words that mean nothing to me.

“Think of it this way Max, she died helping our country, helping honest hardworking god fearing families live free of alien monsters that wish to destroy everything we hold dear.”

I lift my swollen eyes towards him defeated and destroyed.

“An innocent girl is dead …who is the monster?”

I watch as a maniacal smile spreads across his face.

“You better get your strength back Max we’ve got a lot of testing to do this afternoon. I’m going to enjoy your stay with us.”

I close my eyes wishing for death as I feel his hands grab at my shirt.

”Wake up Max.”

“Max wake up!”


As if I’m pulled from the depths of hell itself I hear her sweet voice and wonder if I've been blessed with an end to my existence.

My eyes slowly open to see her soft brown sleepy eyes gazing at me with an amusing smile.

“You were talking in your sleep.”

Jumping out of bed I look around with unimaginable relief.


Grasping her in my arms I hold her as tight as I possibly can.

Cold chills rush through my body as I look over at her desk. The pad and pencil is sitting there …the note not yet written …my destructive decision still undone.

“I love you Liz … I love you more that anything and I will never ever leave you.”

I whisper over and over as I stroke her hair and feel her warm soft skin.

She sweetly laughs and returns my words of love holding me just as tight.

“Wow that must’ve been some dream.”

I pull away so I can look into her bright beautiful eyes and kiss her tenderly.

“Nightmare actually.”

A look of concern covers her face as she hears the distress in my voice.

“Are you ok?”

“I’m fine …in fact I’ve never felt better.”

Pulling her close again I whisper against her graceful neck knowing that no matter what happens my place is by her side. Whether this was a dream or some premonition warning me of an undetermined future I have learned one thing.

Our lives were forever intertwined that fateful day. I was given a gift, a precious gift, and even though our lives may be fraught with danger and unspeakable enemies running is not the answer. LIfe is truly meanless without the ones we love by our side.

We are in this together. All of us and together we'll find the answers and survive. I was wrong to push Isabel and Michael away I know that now. Thinking back I know that is the reason for their fears. For their constant rejection of Liz. I can't do this on my own anymore and in my heart I know I don't have to.

I am scared I’m not going to lie, but I’m also hopefully and optimistic. Together along with the people I love I know that I can handle whatever struggles we are about to face.

They say that love can conquer all …

I say it already has.

~ The End~
Last edited by jake17 on Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare