A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult)chpt 26 6/2/09 *Complete*

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 11 4/1/08

Post by jake17 »

begonia9508: Im so happy you liked that part!! thanks so much for the very sweet fb! :D
IheartMax: Whew! So happy you enjoyed that ...I love it when he throws her up against the wall too :wink: thanks so much for being here and your very sweet fb!! :D
Timelord31: Thanks so much for your fb I really appreciate it! :D
Flamehair: Wow how sweet of you to thank me for writing but it's you who deserves the thanks ..you've been reading my stories since September and I can't tell you what your support has meant to me!! :D
tinie38: Hello kris wow "Perfect" thanks so much ..I so appreciate your fb..esp. since you were the first one that ever replied to one of my stories..thank you sweetie! :D
keepsmiling7: thanks so much for all the fb..and I promise more to come concerning her marriage but tonight still belongs to them... :wink: thanks so much for your support!! :D
Natalie36: again you crack me up! thank you for thinking that I rock...you are the best Natalie thanks so much for being here! :D
ShatteredDreamer; Yes I promise they will enjoy they're night some more :wink: thanks so much for your great fb..I so appreciate it!! :D
Cocogurl: somehow I knew you would enjoy that part.. :wink: I always look forward to your replies thanks so much ..i hope you enjoy this part too! :D
L-J-L76: so happy you are still with me here!! thanks for all the questions and wanting more!! hope you like this next part ..I think I answered a few of your questions here :D
forever dreamer: I really understand where you are coming from and IM not sure you are going to like this next part ..just remember I have to do this to get everyone to the place they need to be...they are still having they're night ..and I don't explain everything here for a reason ..so try to hold on ..I promise you will get what you are looking for :wink: thank you so much for your take on my story I really appreciate all your effort! :D
kissme4ever123: yes I agree they need more practice :wink: thanks so much for your sweet fb!! :D
totallizfan: there you are..I was afraid I lost you! thank you for you awesome fb...I appreciate the time you took to write it! so happy you are here! :D
hazz; :lol: loved loved your fb..made me laugh...so happy you liked that chpt! thanks so much for letting me know! :D
skittles1983: Hello so happy you have found this and you like it so much...thanks so much for your very sweet words! :D
mezz: hi I really loved what you wrote and I believe you are right ..it is unfortunate but I do believe a lot of people do find themselves in situations like this one...thank you so much for letting me know your take on this story ..I really appreciate it! :D
angelina: hello sweetie thanks so much for your always sweet and supportive fb..my stories aren't the same without seeing you here...kisses to you! :D

I just want to thank everyone so much for the incredible feed back you have left me..
I seriously appreciate all of you taking the time to discuss my little story..
please don't ever be afraid to let me know what you think...
Just keep in mind when you read this next chapter that we are still in the middle of they're night together and I don't explain everything that happened to LIz...but I have my reasons...please know that ahead of time.
I hope everyone enjoys this..
hang in there forever dreamer this might be a rough one for you..just remember what I said..
thanks everyone for all your thoughts on this ..it means the world to me!
Oh I almost forgot ...I wasn't going to do this but I just had to ...there is a part in the real Roswell that just bugged the hell out of me..it was something that Max said to Liz in the jeep when they said goodbye..I don't believe Max would ever willing say this particular line...so I took it upon myself to change things a little ...you'll understand when you get there ..hope you like what I did. :oops:
thanks again
Carrie :D

Chapter 11.

Max laid in the black darkness of the dated New England hotel staring at Liz watching her chest slowly rise and fall. Sleep was a luxury he had learned to live without during the years spent under Kivar’s rule. Besides how could he sleep when the love of his life was in his arms. He didn’t want to waste one second with her even if it was just to admire her incredible beauty.

Her skin felt like silk as he gently moved his fingers along the curve of her hip to the indent of her waist. He silently wondered what would happen now …he was lost to this world and he wondered if she would be able to handle how different he had become.

He felt like an outsider not really belonging here …not really belonging anywhere. It was more like his memories held him prisoner now…more like his nightmares. Max was paranoid and scared most of the time. He could not shake the feeling that someone was coming for him ..that at any moment he could be hurt or worse.

He wondered what would happen when she started to really see him for what he was …a damaged broken man barely getting by in a world that he no longer knew how to be a part of.

Max closed his eyes tight as he tried to push these thoughts from his head. He didn’t want to wake her but his need to feel her …to love her again was overwhelming. Slowly he lowered his lips to her stomach and began to place soft kisses along her silky skin.

Liz was gently stirred awake by his loving caresses. A quiet sigh escaped her parted lips as she arched her back in response to feeling his breath against her breast. Slowly her eyes fluttered open to catch him gazing at her as he ran his tongue over her hard peak again and again.


She whispered as she held the back of his head to her chest and whimpered softly.

His fingers lightly danced over her lips as she moaned his name out loud. Suddenly she started to feel an intense stir from deep within her. Seductively she turned to her side pulling his hand down from her mouth to her dripping heat below.

She gasped feeling his fingers slide through her as his hardness pushed up against her bottom. The two sensations were almost too much for her. She ran her hand down his hip to his thigh as she opened herself up to him showing him what she wanted. Max trembled as he tentative moved inside her ..his mouth went to her graceful neck letting his ragged breath wash up against her skin.

“More ..Max ...please more” she moaned softly

He raised her thigh higher in the air as he continued to thrust harder and faster inside her. She rolled onto her stomach as he raised himself up onto his hands crying out in pleasure.

"Oh god Liz ...you feel so good"

Her striking beauty made him dizzy as he stared at her through his darkened amber eyes. The slope of her spine and her bottom that lifted up to meet his movements were intoxicating. Her head was to the side and her eyes locked on his as she watched him study every inch of her smooth skin.

She had never felt more beautiful in her life as he gazed at her at that moment. It was the most sensual experience she had ever felt. Just then they’re eyes met suddenly his lips were sliding over her shoulder as he groaned his release. Slowly he moved to the side of her trying hard to calm his speeding heart.

Breathlessly he spoke endless words of missing her and how he dreamed of these moments. That these dreams however perfect in his mind could never compare to what it felt like actually touching her - kissing her - making love to her.

It was then as the light of the moon peeked through the blinds and lit up her back did he see the bruise. It was large and wrapped around the left side of her back across her tiny ribs. It had appeared as though someone had punched or pushed her hard on her side. It looked very painful and he was sure she felt it everytime she breathed.

His face immediately hardened as anger washed over his flushed sweaty skin. Rage swept through his veins like ice water as he sat up and reached for the light.

Liz was completely unaware as she laid on her stomach still quivering from the intense sensations that were coursing through her.

When she noticed the light she turned to her side and raised the sheet up to her chest confused by his sudden change of emotion.

“Max what is it...what’s wrong?”

“Liz what did he do to you”

Max struggled to keep calm as he stood raising his boxers past his thighs.

He started to pace the room in a fury of anger torn between finding Sean and just taking Liz and running.

Liz sat there in silence she had forgotten for just a moment the painful day that seemed so far away while she was in Max’s arms.

“Please I need to know...I see the bruise...my god Liz why didn't you tell me...I'll kill him!”

Max was not used to this world and it’s rules ..he was used to surviving on a violent planet where revenge and justice went hand in hand.

He decided he didn’t need her explanation he knew enough and someone was going to pay.

The thought of Sean hitting her ...actually physically hurting her was too much to bare. Especially since she endured this for him – because of him – to be with him.

His heart rose in his throat as his old wounds reminded him of why he fought so hard to stay alive - to believe in the impossible - to plan for years and sacrifice his life. Liz was the very reason he made it out of that horrid prison and across time and space all the way back to earth. He was damned if she was going to be punished for his freedom.

He quickly dressed and grabbed for his keys when he felt his arm being tugged from behind.

“Max where are you going?”

“To teach Sean a lesson ...one I promise he will never forget”

“Wait...please ..think about it Max ...as soon as he sees you –

“I don’t care ..Liz you don’t have to live like this ...you don’t deserve this!”

“He was hurt ...he cried Max he was sorry ...and I came...obviously he let me go”

“He let you go?”

Max sat on the bed in frustration with his head in his hands.

“God Liz what has he done to you ...why are you making excuses for him!”

“You don’t understand Max”

Suddenly something occurred to him that he had never even considered.

“Liz you are planning to leave him and go away with me right?”

Her silence was crushing and spoke volumes to him.

He got up and ran towards the door.

“Max wait ...please”

He stopped with his hand on the doorknob and his forehead resting on the door.

“Liz I love you ...more than you can ever imagine more than you can ever hope to understand...I came across the universe to find you....the question is how do you feel about me?”

She rested her hand on his back stunned that he could ever doubt her love for him.

“I love you too Max...I want this as much as you do ...don’t you know that?”

She collapsed on the bed emotionally and physically drained as she cried softly into her hands.

Max fell to his knees and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’m sorry Liz ...I’m so sorry ...it just kills me to think of his hands on you...I didn’t mean to say that”

“I know Max...I know”


He held her tight as the minutes ticked by and the moon slowly moved across the night sky.

They were both aware of the others inability to sleep as they laid together in each others arms. He tenderly stroked the spot of her injury that he had lovingly healed in the night.

He couldn’t get out of his mind what Sean had done ...and he had yet to even hear the whole story..he was afraid to – afraid of what he might do if he did.

Max couldn’t help feeling that he was responsible for all of this ..all of her pain. As he held her he suddenly needed to explain how it all began – how he could’ve said and done the things he did so long ago that changed everything forever.

There’s something that I need to tell you Liz ...something you have to know.

Liz turned to face him hearing the seriousness of his voice.

“I feel like I need to explain something to you…something that has been bothering me for so long…something I want you to understand...

“Max just take your time …I’m not going anywhere”

He started to whisper as if what he was about to say was so painful that he didn’t have the strength to say it in his normal voice.

“You know I remember everything like it was yesterday every kiss …every look…every moment we shared …

Max closed his eyes as if he was replaying something very painful in his head.

“What is it Max”

“That night in the jeep …when we said goodbye...all those years ago.”

“I need to explain to why …how I could have said what I said…

“Max what are you talking about?”

“I remember how I was saying things to you…but they weren’t my words …my feelings”


“She tricked me Liz …every time we would meet to …to try and get my memories back …my memories of my life on that god forsaken planet ..she was working her way further and further taking control.”

“Max I know …it’s ok-

“No Liz!”

Suddenly Max was on his feet and pacing the room.

His voice was strong and full of anger and bitterness.

“How could I have not seen it …how could I have not known …I was so stupid!”

“She would do these relaxation techniques …she said it was to help me quiet my mind ..so I could remember….what she was really doing was gaining more and more control over me …by the time that I – I..

“Slept with her” Liz whispered .

“Yes… by that time… she was in control”

His voice cracked with pain as he continued.

“That night in the jeep …I said something to you that has been eating away at me for fifteen years…sometimes just the need to get back and tell you the truth was the only thing that keep me going”

“Max what are you talking about”

Suddenly his hand was cupping her cheek and he was staring with tear filled eyes.

“I didn’t mean it Liz…I swear those were not my words …not the way I felt …I could never ….

“What do you mean Max what words?”

Max lowered his head as he wrapped his arms around her waist. He took comfort in the warmth of her body as he finally found the courage to tell her the truth.

“You asked me if I loved her” Max quietly began to cry flooded with pain as the years of isolation filled his heart

“Do you remember?”

A tiny ‘yes’ escaped her lips as the memory of that blow hit her again in the gut.

“I told you …I actually said …’not like I love you”

Now tears where falling from her eyes as she recalled the words that haunted her for years and tore at her heart.

“It wasn’t true Liz any of it…it was her ..she was controlling me …forcing the words from my mouth.”

“I never loved her …I could never love her … she knew it that’s why she did ..what she did”

He slowly raised his head to gaze into her eyes like he was pleading for forgiveness.

“It was you that I loved then …it’s you that I love now…it’s always been you Liz ..only you…I could never love anyone else…please you have to believe me ...I don't even have any memory of sleeping with her ...in my heart in my head that was something I could only share with you...I know it sounds crazy but it's the truth"

She held his head and smoothed his hair back.

“Shh …I believe you Max …I believe you”

“Max what happened wasn’t your fault –

“It was though ...don’t you see Liz …I made myself open to her …I let her in …I let her take away everything…I let her take me away from you.”

“Max I know what’s inside you …I’ve seen your soul…you were sweet and kind and trusting…that boy would have never hurt me…you are not to blame…god Max don’t you think you’ve given enough of your life to that beast.”

“But ...If had been stronger none of this would have happened to you and –

“Shh please Max ....forget her ...look at me ...tonight there is only you and me”

Max shivered as he felt her lips against his soothing his worried mind - chasing away his fears.

Still deep inside he wondered what tomorrow would bring especially when she discovered what he had decided to do to Sean.

He was bent on vengeance against the man who dared to touch his love and this time nothing - no one would stand in his way.

He swore that this time he would protect her ...he would be strong...he would not let her down...no matter what the cost.
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 12 4/13/08

Post by jake17 »

L-J-L76: Thanks so much for wanting to know so much ...I love your fb and so appreciate it! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy: Thanks for being here ..I hope you enjoy this next part... :D
keepsmiling7: hello you! well they are still in their night for definite reasons ..im trying to give some hints ...there is a reason for my madness..but the morning and the drama is coming ..thanks so much for your awesome fb! :D
roswell4life: Thanks so much for being here...I still needed to explain a few things but the drama is coming! :D
mezz: I understand what you are saying ...nothing is set in stone ... but I agree with you if it goes that way..next update I promise! thanks so much! :D
begonia9508: thanks so much Eve! love love seeing you here... :D
Flamehair: wow you are so sweet I dont know what to say! and about finding time ..I have a very hard time sleeping so Im usually writing in the middle of the night...which is probably the reason for all the steamy scenes :lol: kiss Leo for me ...hope you are doing well and again thank you so much for your incredible sweet words! :D
Natalie36: hmmm I think you are starting to get my little hints ..thats all Im saying ...you know I love your fb ..would be lost without it..thanks Natalie! :D
IheartMax: Something tells me you will enjoy part of this update :wink: I have no idea why ..just a feeling I have :roll: Thanks again for being your wonderful self ang. you are the best! :D
angelina: hi sweetie! thanks so much for being here ..it wouldnt be the same without you!! Hope you enjoy this next part! :D
forever dreamer: ok Rach just one more update and the #@$ is going to hit the fan ..hold on ...maybe you can already guess by the little hints I left here things are about to get very messy...love you here thanks so much sweetie! :D
dreamerfiend: I think what you are asking is if Tess is dead ...Tess was killing immediately after they landed on Antar..I so appreciate you thoughtful fb ...please know I read every word of it ..it means the world to me. thanks so much! :D
totallizfan: I know what everyone wants but where would be the story ?? love you here ..thanks so much for your fb!! :D
Timelord31: I believe most people feel the same ...you will definitely know in the next update I promise ..thanks so much for your great fb..I so appreciate it! :D
roswell_angel285: Wow you totally made my day by that incredibly sweet fb! IM sooo happy you like this so much ...I so appreciate you going through all that trouble to find your password to let me know..please know it meant the world to me to know how you feel thank you so much!! :D
Cocogurl: Yes being on Antar has changed him the question is just how much! :( You just make me so happy by your amazing fb Cocogurl I hope you know that ..thank you so much!! :D
kissme4ever123: Well there was no cutting the good part this time :wink: ...or at least I don't think so ..hope you enjoy ..thanks so much for you very very sweet words they mean so much to me!! :D
C&N214: Wow Im so happy you love this ...thank you so much for letting me know!! I really appreciate it! hope you enjoy this next part! :D

Chapter 12

Max felt the familiar barbed wire being placed around his wrists as he sat up blindly terrified at what was to come. Ice cold water came forcefully against his chest slamming him up against the wall of his cell causing his head to hit the back wall.

“No …please”

“Silence prisoner!”

Max shivered his skin frozen and bleeding from the sharp wire that pierced his tender wrists.

The blindfold that was placed tightly around his eyes prevented him from seeing just what they had in store for him adding to the terror of his unexpected visit from Kivar’s guards.

Then he heard that laugh. That unmistakable evil laugh that echoed off the walls making it impossible for him to tell exactly where he was.

Max whipped his head around trying to decipher where his enemies were but every time he got a little of his bearings he would be blasted by the ice cold steady stream of forceful water that left him coughing and gasping for air.


Max hung his head low knowing what was coming next as they threw him against the wall face first and ripped his rags from his back.

He reached through his mind trying to put himself anywhere but where he was when the whips came crashing down tearing into his skin.

He winced as his skin split and his blood came spilling from his body one after the other until they had to physically hold him up to beat him for his legs could no longer withstand the pain.

“Enough …we want the vermin to live to see another day remember our orders are to keep him alive”

As he slid to the floor in a pool of his own blood her name escaped his shaky voice as he called out to her in desperation.


Liz sat up in bed watching him in horror as he shook covered in sweat begging for her. The terror and loneliness in his voice was like something she had never known.

“Max wake up baby ..its me Max please your safe …your safe.”

Suddenly Max jumped up and grabbed her by the throat and pushed her up against the headboard his face sweaty his eyes wide with fear.

“It’s me Max!”

Slowly Max become aware of his surroundings and looked down at his hand in horror at what he was doing. Immediately he released her and moved to he edge of the bed shaking staring at his hands clenching his jaw obviously still seeing the very real dream clearly in his mind.

“I-I’m so sorry Liz…I didn’t mean to hurt you….

Suddenly he looked up at her as she held her hands around her throat trying to rub the pain away.

Instantly he was there holding her head to his chest stroking her hair horrified at what he had done.

The pain she felt was nothing compared to the terror she witnessed in his eyes when he had her pinned to the headboard.

“I-I can’t believe I hurt you …I can’t believe I did that …after everything you’ve been through.”

Liz wrapped her arms around him and spoke in a calm soothing voice.

“I’m fine Max ..you didn’t hurt me …you could never hurt me …you were dreaming that’s all …her voice dropped to a whisper as she ran her fingers across the many scars across his chest… my god Max what did they do to you?”

A strange silence fell between them as he gently rested her head back onto the pillow and carefully eased her pain with his powers….destroyed by what he had unknowingly done he needed to be alone…he felt like closing his eyes and disappearing as he walked slowly into the bathroom.

“Max wait …it’s ok …please lets talk about it”

“I-I just need a little time Liz …I’ll be out in just a minute.”

Once in the shower Max winced at the feel of the hot water hitting the old wounds of his back and the places where his shoulder had been dislocated too many times to count.

Tears stung his eyes still feeling her skin under his hand…he slammed his fist down on the tiled wall feeling no escape from the memories that would forever haunt him …he wondered if he would ever really be a free man… he wondered for a second what kind of life he realistically could offer her. He also knew that she had no idea how he had changed how years of violence and cruelty had made him …different. He tried hard to push down his intentions of what he was going to do to Sean ….punishment and pain was what Max believed he deserved ….Liz would never have to fear him again …and he couldn’t help feeling he would take pleasure in watching him beg for mercy …mercy that would never come.

His mind was spinning with such conflicting thoughts he did not hear her enter the room.


He lowered his head as if he was too embarrassed to look at her.

“Please Liz just go away …you shouldn’t be near me now …my mind is not …right …please I don’t want you to see me like this”

Suddenly his body began to melt under the feeling of her bare curves against his back. He rested his head against the cool tile as she slid her hands around his waist and held his chest close to her placing soft kisses across the deep imprints of the gashes that the severe beatings had left behind.

Slowly she slid her hands down across the indents of his hips and pushed her core against him.

The feeling of her wet hot heat moving sensually along the smooth skin of his bottom almost did him in completely.

“God Liz”

She moved her hair under the water and smoothed it threw her long locks as she turned him around and cupped his face with her hands.

Her eyes racked over every inch of him as she let her fingers slid over his muscles following the steady stream of water that dripped down his body.

Slowly she went to her knees as she licked and sucked the tight soft skin of his stomach.

Liz held onto his hard thighs as she slowly took him in her mouth moaning at the sweet taste of him that slid over her tongue. His hand slammed against the wall to steady himself as he groaned loudly her name over and over again.

Releasing him she kissed her way back up to his chest and slowly raised her darkened lashes to meet his smoldering golden eyes.

“Make love to me Max …please let yourself escape in me …lose yourself in me”

Max moved his lips over her waiting mouth as he slid his hands down her back cupping her bottom pushing himself against her moaning softy.

Her hands held onto his forearms as she released his lips waiting for him to take away the ache that was burning between her thighs..

Max raised his hand to cup her cheek mouthing the words ‘I love you’

Kissing his palm she closed her eyes as she moved his hand down across her chest to cup her breast that begged for his touch.

Her head fell back as he moved her hair aside from her neck and slowly kissed and caressed her flawless skin till he was poised over her hard peaks.

As the water ran down her silky skin along his lips he lapped at her barely touching her. She squeezed his forearms tightly as if to beg for more

The dark nightmares started to fade as he concentrated on her whimpers and moans. The sweet sounds that filled his head began to push his demons away filling him with the peace he so desperately needed.

He turned her around to face away from him and sucked lightly on her shoulder as he caressed her breasts almost bringing to the edge with the intensity of his love for her. She felt worshiped by him and loved beyond words.

She wondered how someone who had gone through so much pain so much agony still possess the capacity to love so deeply …so tenderly.

As he licked her sweet skin of her shoulder he longed to hear her fall apart in his arms again - he wanted to see her tremble and pant under his touch.

Slowly he circled his fingers along her wet skin past her stomach to where she needed him most.

Gently he slid his hand to cup her heat sending her head falling back against his shoulder.

“Oh my god…please Max”

As one hand continually stoked her breast the other slid through her folds – softy tenderly until she was breathless calling out his name.

Once again he was safe – loved and warm hearing the words that he dreamed of for so long.

“Max please make love to me …please now”

Turning her around once again they locked eyes …loved rushed between them without any words needing to be said …they were where they belonged together ..as one.

With the steady stream of water dripping from her soft lips she mouthed her desperate words to him.


His lips parted breathlessly as he captured her mouth and lifted her up wrapping her legs around him and burying himself deep inside her.

Max slowly kissed her as he made love to her swallowing her moans up against the tile.

He knew with every second that went by the morning was that much closer and then everything would be different …but that was then… for now he would be thankful for every cry of his name every sensation of her body as it slid up and down his bare chest.

This was still his time with her and he would cherish every second of it
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 13 4/28/08

Post by jake17 »

L-J-L-76: Thanks for your questions .. thanks so much for being here! Some things should be answered here. :D
MaxLiz Dreamer: thank you so much for being here! I really appreciated the feedback! :D
Cocogurl: Hang in there this part might be a little rough for you... thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
Flamehair; Hi Sybille! Thank you so much for your sweet fb! love that you are always here! :D
Keepsmiling7: yes they are going to need they're night together because things are about to get very tough! thanks so much for being here! :D
Angelina; Hi sweetie I knew you would enjoy they're night :wink: just keep it in the back of your mind for this next part! thanks so much for your always sweet fb! :D
forever dreamer: hello Rachel thank you for having faith in me :wink: if you have to look away I understand! :wink: I really appreciate your fb I hope you know that! :D
Laramis: Im so happy you like this so much! i hope you stick in there through the hard parts! thanks so much! :D
begonia9508: hi Eve! love love you here ...hope you know that! thanks so much for your fb! :D
roswell4life: thanks so much for your sweet fb! thanks so much for being here! :D don't have too much of a heart attack over the next part :wink: thank you! :D
dreamerfiend: oh Max is going to have more Pain Im afraid but remember dreamer here so don't worry too much! thank you so much for your awesome fb! :D
IheartMax; I knew you would like that part! :oops: :wink: Im am scary in these stories hmm i wonder where all that could be coming from?? :roll: love love that you are here! you are the best! :D
Timelord31: thank you so much for your fb! :D
roswell3035: So happy you found this! thank you for the very sweet words!! :D
tinie38: Hi Kris .. here we are again :lol: more drama for you hope you like it! thank you so much sweetie! :D
kissme4ever123: Im so happy you like this so much! thanks so much for being here..sorry can't answer your questions yet :wink: :D

Chapter 13.

Max slowly opened his eyes as he watched his phone vibrating moving all over the nightstand.

“Who is it?”

Max turned to find Liz staring at him through half opened sleepy eyes.

“Just Michael. I haven’t been calling as much as I should I suppose and he’s getting nervous. He’s been a little over protective since I came back. I think somewhere in his mind he blames himself for staying here all those years ago. You know Michael I think he believes he would’ve been able to save Isabel …and me.”

Max turned lying on his side away from Liz clearly still dealing with his memories of what happened and the guilt he still obviously felt. Guilt about everything especially for what happened to her.

Liz moved her body so it was flush up against his making him shuddered and close his eyes. He wondered it this would ever seem real to him. She slid her hand over his bare chest and lazily traced the ridges of his stomach moving lower and lower while slipping her leg between his. She wanted more always more. She didn't know how much longer she had and she didn't want to waste one second. Max groaned as he felt her heat moving against his butt. Just as she lowered her hand to take him in her grip. He stopped her.

It was morning and he still had no idea what had happened last night. She didn't want to waste they're time talking when they could be making love. He couldn't argue her desires but it was light now and there were things he needed to know and he was sure if she kept touching him they would never talk.

“Liz are you going to tell me what happened yesterday? Please I need to know”

Liz sighed and removed her hand as she rested her forehead on his shoulder.

Max turned back around pulling her in close to him.

“Don’t be afraid or ashamed Liz …this is not your fault …none of it is.”

Liz pulled the blanket tight around her small body almost like she was trying to keep herself safe …safe from the years that had somehow escaped her.

Max whispered softly his next question. He didn’t want to hurt her but he needed to know.

“Please tell me why you stayed with him. Why didn’t you go back to Roswell …back to your old life…back to your friends and family that loves you”

Liz closed her eyes wondering if she could make him understand.

“I’ll try to explain but it’s not easy Max”

Max kissed her forehead and stroked the stray hairs lovingly away from her face.

“I know but I would never judge you Liz. I love you…there is nothing you could say to change that”

“You have to remember what my life was like back then Max. My future was set …college …being with you. I always saw things happening in a certain way. I always thought that if you worked hard enough and made your plans things would just work out. Sure there would be bumps in the road but I always had the security of my family around. My life was very stable – secure.”

“Until I –

“No Max …just stop right there…if you want me to explain you have to let me finish”

“I’m sorry ..please go on ..I’m listening.”

“Well I’m not going to lie Max…after you and Tess…I mean that was hard enough to handle but then you were gone. It took almost a year before I could even think about college or starting a life for myself. A life that didn’t include you, but eventually - painstakingly I went on. I applied for colleges. I started to think about what I wanted to do with my life. I think I was only really able to do this because I always had it in my head that you would return for me. It’s what kept me going …whether it was realistic or just a dream it was what I needed to go on. Then came that horrible day that changed everything.”

“Your parents”

Liz nodded as tears welled in her eyes.

Max held her closer and wishing so bad that he could’ve been there ..maybe saved them…for her.

“I was with Maria and Sean at the crashdown. Maria was showing us the ring Michael had bought her. I remember how we were all laughing …laughing picturing Michael in a jewelry store. Max I was laughing when Sheriff Valenti walked in.”

She turned away from him and pulled the covers even tighter against her shaky body as the memories came flooding back.

“I still can see the look on his face…just like when he told us about Alex”

His eyes widened realizing that Liz had no idea that it was Tess that killed Alex…something he had the horror of finding out as they made they’re decent on Antar. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her.. not now at least.

She was crying openly now as she described the nightmare that played before her mind.

“It was a drunk driver. The doctor said that they were hit head on …died instantly…didn’t feel a thing …a blessing. Can you believe that Max he said it was a god damn blessing.”

“Liz “

He started to kiss her gently on the shoulder and she quickly moved away and sat on the edge of the bed …clearly needing to finish her story.

“Sean …it was Sean that was there. Handled everything for me. You see Max it was all too much. First Alex …then you…then my parents.”

“I couldn't think much less make any decisions. So I guess Sean made them for me. Looking back I should’ve seen the signs. He loved being that person in my life taking control…the problem was I didn’t know he was going to be controlling the rest of my life. At the time it made me feel safe …I had no idea what I was getting myself into.”

Max felt horrible that he had pushed her ...he couldn't bear to see her in pain.

“Liz that’s enough for right now… please rest”

“No …you need to know and I need to tell you.”

“It turns out that my parents weren’t the greatest business people… they had two mortgages and bills that had been piling up for years. Then I found out that they had let they’re insurance lapse. There was nothing. I had to sell the house and the restaurant just to pay the bank what was owed. I had no money for college and and the hope of a scholarship was gone to me since my grades had fallen so hard that last year. My home...my family...you ...everything was gone. I was empty and lost…I could feel myself slipping away just like everybody I loved had.”

“Liz it’s perfectly understandable why –

“Why what …why I ran to Sean …why I married him even though I didn’t love him because I so desperately needed someone. What kind of person does that make me.?”

"It's was only natural that you felt the need to be safe Liz...you had lost so much. Tell me something Sean isn't a stupid guy don't you think he knew exactly what was going on. Liz you are not the only one that married for the wrong reason. Why are you taking all the blame on yourself."

"I could ask you the same question Max"

He grew quiet as his mind difted back to things he rather forget.

“Anyway... he moved me far away …far away from all the memories that broke my heart everyday and for a while it was ok. The problem was I didn’t love him …and he knew it. I was honest with him and I think at first he didn’t care as long as we were together but that changed. I couldn’t keep pretending forever that he was enough for me. After a while my dreams of you over took my reality.”

She turned to look at him with deep sadness in her eyes.

“After a while it wasn't enough to have you in my dreams. You began to take over every waking moment. You consumed me ...I lived and breathed the fantasy of what it would be like to be with you. I didn’t want anyone else touching me Max. I couldn’t deny that my love for you was as strong as the day I fell for you…the day you healed me. I grew to be disgusted by his touch. I tried to hide it but he knew and he knew it was because of you. He believed you were the reason why I would never love him …my memory of you. He decided to punish me for this and my life has been a living hell ever since.”

“But why didn’t you –

“Why didn’t I leave him? Where would I go Max ..back to the place and the people that held the most painful memories for me... back to a life that didn’t exist anymore?”

“Anything has to be better than living like that Liz”

Her voice got very quiet when she revealed the rest.

“He threatened me Max. He said if he couldn’t have me then no one could. He blamed me for stealing his life …so the price I would have to pay would be my own”

Max was quickly loosing his patience …a powerful rage was building inside him he just needed to know one last thing.

“Liz the bruise …what happened and why won’t you go away with me now …please Liz tell me”

She had her hands over her face and was sobbing quietly.

“If I tell you …you have to promise me Max that you won’t do anything stupid”


“Promise me Max”

“Fine I promise you …now please Liz”

His voice was escalating with urgency as his heart pounded in his chest.

“He knows you’re here”

Liz leaned her head up against the headboard for support as she brushed the tears from her face.


“Yesterday morning …he came back to the motel ..he knew I wasn’t alone…. He saw you…by the time he made it back to the house he was furious - out of his mind. I could barely understand him. He told me that if I left him …for you …that he would …he would…kill you. I can’t let him near you Max ..if I do you’ll end up using your powers and god knows what will happen then. I can’t let anything else happen to you. I convinced him that I would stay, but that …that I needed to say goodbye. I told him to give me one night …one night in exchange for a lifetime with him."

She reached back and lightly touched the bruise that she refused to let him heal.

“I guess he gave me this so I would remember to come back... so I wouldn't forget the deal we made."

Liz stared at the wall afraid to look back at Max …afraid that he wouldn’t be able to face the truth of the situation ..that for his safety they could never be together.

That’s when she heard the door open.

Turning back she saw Max running down the down the steps towards his car.

“MAX NO!!”

She wrapped the blanket around her body and ran outside screaming.

“Max please stop!”

For a second they locked eyes and she saw for the first time the fury that had been hidden from her since they had found each other again.

His eyes were dark - his face red with rage. She almost didn’t recognize him from the scared shy man she had grown to know.

This is when it dawned on her that maybe the brutal torture and years of isolation had turned him into something that even she could not understand.

When he finally broke away from her gaze and jumped into his car she could see that he was using his powers for everything. The light post that hung over the car burst into a million pieces as he spun out of the parking space. She looked over at the glass that had littered the ground from the bulbs that had burst above him from the pure force of his violent energy. Something had taken over - something primal and fierce - something that couldn't be controlled.

She turned quickly to put her clothes on as fast as she could. She had to stop him. He couldn’t be discovered not for her …not even for they’re only chance to be together.

Liz was determined to do everything she could to protect him … to save him like he had saved her all those years ago.

No matter what the cost.
Last edited by jake17 on Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:01 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 14 5/12/08

Post by jake17 »

begonia9508: Eve give the girl a break! :shock: only kidding sweetie.. and yes you should be afraid! :wink: love that you are here! thank you Eve! :D
Natalie36: Yes Max is very pissed! :twisted: hope you like the next part... as always I loved your fb! :D
Flamehair: OH Sybille thank you for understanding Liz! loved your fb! love seeing you here! :D
roswell3053: Your right I didn't see him letting that go either...hope you like the next part..thanks so much for your great fb! :D
IheartMax; :lol: you are so funny! I know you want Sean to pay..hmm we shall see..thanks sweetie loved your fb! :D
keepsmiling7: your right it is a real mess...thanks so much for being here! :D
angelina: hello sweetie! you know somehow you always know what Im going to write next :wink: How do you do that angelina..your starting to scare me! :wink: thanks so much for your fb..love you here! :D
tinie38: Uh oh is right! :shock: thanks Kris! hope you like the next part! :D
Cocogurl: Yes I agree with what you said 100 percent.. thanks so much for your awesome fb! :D
forever dreamer: hello my sweet girl! ok all Im saying is someone don't ask me who :roll: is going to be making an appearance in this update..so make sure you read the whole thing very carefully :wink: thanks for your amazing fb as always I loved reading it! :D
Timelord31: wow I guess i know where you stand here! :wink: thanks so much for your fb..one of my favorites actually! :D
kissme4ever123 wrote:Will Liz get their in time to protect Max from Sean or Will Max kill Sean and take Liz for them to run away together?
hmmm I wonder?? thanks sweetie loved your fb! :D

Chapter 14

Liz ran back into the room frantically searching for her clothes. Tears filled her eyes as her heart pounded from her chest. She could barely think knowing that Max was on his way to Sean.

Suddenly she heard his phone vibrate on the nightstand.


She dove for the phone thinking that maybe he could help.

She was sobbing uncontrollably now as her shaky voice rambled quickly into the phone.



“Oh my god Michael I need you…please you have to get on a plane and get here as fast as you can…it’s Max he’s on his way to Sean and I’m so afraid please he’s out of control he’s using his powers…Michael you have to help me I don’t know what to do –

“LIZ! Please try to calm down. I can barely understand you. What happened why is he going to see Sean”

“Sean …he saw… Max he he

“What Liz what did he do!”

“He hit me Michael. He hit me and and there was a bruise Max saw it and I didn’t think he was going to do anything but he just ran out the door! Michael he’s out of control –

“Liz are you ok?”

“I’m fine but Michael if Sean sees Max using his powers –

“Liz listen to me I will be on the next plane out there. Listen to me Liz do not get between them. You have no idea what you are dealing with. Between the two of them there is no telling what will happen. Liz…Max is not he same as he was. I don’t have time to explain but he’s been through hell. The kind of hell that changes you.”

“Michael what are talking about?”

“Where are you now?”

“I’m at the Fox Fire motel we stayed here last night”

“OK listen I’m bringing Maria. Stay there Liz don’t go after him it’s not safe.”

Liz was silent as she wiped the tears from her face.

“Liz I’m dead serious. Please you have to listen to me. There is nothing you can do for him. If you show up he might get even more enraged if Sean says something to you. I don’t want you to get hurt just stay there. Promise me Liz!”

She was still quiet knowing that just about now Max should have made it to her house.

“Liz promise me!”

“Ok I promise Michael just please get here as fast as you can!”

“I will Liz. We’ll call you as soon as we get to the airport”

“Ok… Michael I’m so worried”

“I know just stay there we’ll be there as soon as we can”

Liz closed the phone and sat on the bed. Her body was shaking and she felt sick to her stomach. ‘This is crazy I have to go to him!’


Michael turned to Maria who was pacing back and forth nervously.

“I knew it! I knew we should’ve gone with him. Oh my god Michael what are we going to do?”

“Call the airport get us on the next available flight to Connecticut.”

“I’m coming too!”

“No your not Iz I’m not putting you in any dangerous situations and that’s final! I’ll call Kyle he can stay here with you while we’re gone.”

“I don’t need a babysitter Michael”

“Look Kyle has been there for you every second since you’ve been back. What happens if you start to have flashbacks and I’m not here?”

Isabel looked down wrapping her arms around her self for comfort.

“You’re right call him. I don’t want to be alone”

“Michael there’s a flight leaving in four hours if we leave right now we can make it”

Michael called Kyle and he was there before they even left.

Isabel grabbed Michael by the sleeve as he was running out the door.

“Please bring him back. He belongs here with us.”

“I will Iz.”

“Michael wait!”

“What is it Iz I have to go”

“Tell me he’s going to be ok.”

Michael pulled her close to him and hugged her.

“Everything’s going to be ok Iz I promise”

He looked over his shoulder at Kyle. He was clearly worried. He mouthed the words ‘take care of her’ and Kyle nodded.

“Be careful”

As Michael slipped away Isabel ran to Kyle who quickly took her in his arms and kissed her head.

“It’s going to be ok Iz. You know he’ll bring him back”

“But it’s Liz Kyle.”

“I know. I know”


Tires screeched as Max turned the corner onto Liz’s street. One by one the streetlights burst into a million fiery sparks. Anger fueled his energy making his powers surge from him in all directions.

Max was focused on one thing. One image played over and over in his head. Sean hitting Liz and her hitting the floor. Years of cruelty and injustice plagued his soul. Someone was going to pay for all of it. Unconsciously Max funneled all of his rage into one person. The one person that hurt his love – his one reason for living.

His Angel.

He was determined to make sure that Sean would never hurt anyone again.

Without realizing it the fifteen years of pain and torment was rising to the surface. His battered and broken body wasn't even a thought Ht power that was now rushing through him was strong and endless. For the first time in years he was numb to the hundreds of injuries that left him writhing in pain most of the time.

He was spiraling out of control as the line of right and wrong started to blur. All he could think about was her. The stinging searing ache that ravaged his body was no match for the fury that pulsed through him. The very knowledge that someone had touched his Liz was the final blow that broke him.

Max slammed on the brakes as he pulled the car over the lawn right up to the porch. His eyes glared at the front door. They were black as night and void of mercy.


Sean closed his eyes as he slumped down on the couch. The bottle of whiskey fell from his limp hand and onto the rug. He had passed out again. In the other hand was a pamphlet crumpled in his fist. After watching Liz rise to her feet in pain and run out the door. He sat and stared at his hands. Stunned at what he had done he knew he had hit rock bottom. He knew that no matter what he threatened to do she was never coming back. It was a desperate attempt by a broken man.

He never wanted to hurt her. He cried as he walked through the doors of AA knowing that she was lost to him now. He stood quiet and drunk staring into the caring understanding eyes of a beautiful young woman. She had seen this many times. In his drunken daze he remembered the soft words she spoke to him.

“My name is Rachael. Take this pamphlet. It has the times of our meetings. Come back when you are sober – when you are ready. I’ll be here. You don’t have to go through this alone.” He could still feel the gentle touch of her hand as she slipped the paper into his fingers.


Liz was hysterically crying barely even able to see where she was going as she sped towards her house. She knew she had one chance to stop this. She pulled the car over and tried her best to calm herself down. Taking deep breaths she wiped her mascara from her face and concentrated on making a connection.

Sean was startled awake by his front door flying off the hinges and crashing onto the floor. He squinted his blood shot eyes open but could only see a dark figure standing in front of a blinding light.

“Who’sss there” He slurred as he tried to pull himself up from the couch.

Max blinked and lowered his hand. His eyes were flickering from pitch black to soft amber as he heard her speak to him.

‘Max please stop. I love you. If you do this we can never be together. I need you. I refuse to live one more day without you. If you love me come back to me and we’ll be together. I’m begging you Max! I can’t loose you twice in one lifetime. Please Max tell me you can hear me. Please let me in!'

Max lowered his head and ran his fingers through his hair. It was almost as if he had been locked in a spell and her sweet voice set him free. He looked around at the damage that he had done. He looked at Sean swaying back and forth on the couch. He realized at that moment he wasn’t worth risking the rest of his life with her.

He slowly turned and went to reach out to her.

‘Liz I hear you. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. Knowing that he hurt you

‘Max! It’s ok just come back to me please and we’ll leave. I’ll get a divorce we’ll go far away where he can’t find us. We can finally be together that’s all that matters now.’

‘I love you –

“Well if it isn’t Max Evanss! What’ss wrong did you get tired of Tess? Needed to come back and fuck my whore of a wife. T-Tell me how was sshe? Did she scream when you banged her? Ssee I wouldn’t know she just layss there like a dead fish when I nail her.”

At that moment every outlet in the house burst into flames. Every bulb shattered one by one. The tv exploded along with every electrical appliance that was plugged into the wall.

Sean was in a daze as he tried to get up but fell to the floor. Too drunk to stand he strained to see through his double vision.

‘Max? Max? What’s wrong? Where are you?!’

Liz’s eyes snapped open feeling the loss of their connection. She started the car and raced to the house hoping against hope that she’d get there in time.

Little did she know time was quickly running out for all of them.
Last edited by jake17 on Tue May 13, 2008 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 14 5/12/08

Post by jake17 »

Syliva37: No, he really doesn't now when to shut it! Wow this is an honor that you've read my story..I think your an amazing writer! thanks so much for the fb! :D
begonia9508: Hello Eve! Im here to drive you crazy again!! :lol: love your fb as always! you always make me laugh! thanks sweetie! :D
angelina: Hi!! hope you are doing well! thanks so much for your great fb! :D
Confusedfool: thank you!! hope you like the next part! :D
keepsmiling7: Im happy your on the edge of your seat ..I think IM about to do it again! :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax; :lol: OMG you are just the greatest hoping that Max's shirt will fall off during all this! :lol: I'm right there with you baby!! :lol: oh seashell what has that boy done to us!! :wink: thanks so much for being here!! :D
roswell3053: thanks you for your fb!!.. I hope you like this next part! :D
Timelord31; No.. unfortunately! thank you so much for your fb! :D
forever dreamer; Oh Rachael.. maybe you shouldn't read this part... I pomise Sean gets help and we see his pain too.. don't hate me! :( I'll get you there I promise!) thanks so much for being here! I really appreciate it!! :D
tinie38: HI kris! hope you like this part! thanks so much!! :D
Dreamer 4 Ever; thank you so much!! hope you like this part! :D
Aurorabee: Yes Isabel is home and with Kyle ...I will be making them a bigger part of the story .thanks so much for your fb!! :D
kissme4ever123: Sorry to leave you like that...but IM about to do it again. :wink: please dont hate me! thanks for being here! love your fb! :D
ythaler: thanks so much you! hope you like this next part! :D
Cocogurl wrote:NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Don't end it there! You're seriously trying to torture me aren't you? Why would you want to see sweet, little me suffer?!
:lol: OMG I would never want to see you suffer! :wink: I just couldn't help myself ...don't worry you know I can't go too long without writing the steamy scenes .. lets just hope everyone's still alive so that can happen .. :shock: sorry :oops: had to say it! love your fb as always coccogurl thanks sooo much! :D
Ken_r: wow I just love all your reply's!! Your right People definitely have strong opinions about this kind of subject matter..it's not as easy as I thought it was going to be. Thanks so much! Im happy you want to know more. :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: thanks so much for bumping this! hope you like this part! :D
Lizzie_Parker17: Wow Britt you have some strong feelings here.. I can imagine what your going to want to do after this part! :wink: thanks so much for your fb! :D
Flamehair: hello sweetie!! thanks so much for being here!! :D :D

Chapter 15.

Tears streamed down Liz’s shaky face as she sped towards her house. She desperately tried to reach Max but it was useless the connection was gone.

“Please please Max .. where did you go? What’s happening!!”

She heard nothing in return. Her eyes widened as she approached the house. The chaos inside was evident.

Max was furious and completely out of control.

The lawn was littered with the broken glass from the windows that had been shattered to pieces. As she approached the front door she covered her ears. The noise inside was deafening. Furniture was being smashed against the walls. Dishes and glasses were tossed from the cabinets and thrown across the house.

Liz ran to the door screaming.

“Max! Max! Please Stop!”

When she finally made it inside she stood frozen horrified at the sight before her.

The person she saw standing inside her living room was almost unrecognizable.

Max was in a mindless rage. His eyes were black at night. Every muscle in his body flexed with anger. He had his arm held straight out. His hand was glowing red as he pinned Sean against the wall. His chest was heaving and bare. His shirt had been literally ripped from his body from the shards of glass that were flying around the room. HIs voice was dark and cold as he breathed out a language foreign to Liz. An ancient speech that was full of hatred and fury.

She looked over to Sean. She could tell he was drunk. He was in and out of consciousness. His head was intermittently rising up and then falling back down as he held his chest in pain.

Max wanted a slow and painful death for Sean. He wanted him to suffer…to feel helpless and powerless. He wanted him to know fear. He wanted him to feel it in his bones and through his veins.

He wanted payback for all the misery he had put her through. Payback for all the painful lonely nights she endured. For all the times she had been pinned underneath him while he violated her again and again. One second of torture for the hundreds of tears she had cried. One minute of agony for every night lived in fear and abuse.

Liz searched her mind for an answer... she desperately wished that Michael were there. She has no idea what to do or how to stop this. She wondered how much longer it would be before Sean was dead and Max would be forever changed. She had to act fast it was obvious time was running out. She could tell Sean wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

Suddenly she knew what she had to do. She couldn’t let Max destroy his life … a life that had been already stolen from him. She couldn’t live with the fact that it would be all because of her. Her love ran too deep for him …it was all she cared about.

He was all she cared about.

Taking a deep breath Liz slowly walked in front of Max.

Instantly she heard Sean fall to the floor.

For a split second the powerful surge of energy that was keeping Sean pinned in torment pierced Liz’s chest.

Max’s hand fell to his side. His eyes wavered from black to golden amber as he caught her in mid air just before she fell to the ground.


Instantly the madness that covered his face was gone replaced with a look of panic and fear.

He cradled her in his arms and held her face in his gentle hand.


Slowly she opened her eyes and brought her hand to his tear stained cheek.

“I’m fine …I’m ok…It just feels like a little shock… it stunned me for a second but I’m ok”

“Oh my god …thank god … I thought I-I ..,.. I’m so sorry Liz…can you forgive me … can you ever forgive me?”

“There is nothing to forgive Max… I love you….I’ve always love you …take me out of the place take me far away… let’s just go…I lov –

Suddenly Liz jerked in his arms and slowly closed her eyes. She fell lifeless against his bare chest.


Max brought his hand up to his face feeling the wetness on his fingers.

Blood... her blood.

He looked passed her to Sean slumped against the wall holding a gun against his leg.

“DDid I get you? Are you dead you ffucking basstard!”

Max quickly found the wound and covered it with his hand. With everything inside him he concentrated.


He had nothing left. Max had drained all of his powers on Sean... on destroying Sean and now it may cost him her life.

He cradled and her in his arms and held her close as he took off for her car.

“I hope your fuckking dead Evanss! You ruined my liffe! You ruined myy fucking life! I lovved her! She was my ffucking wife ..I love her….

Sean passed out not even realizing that it was Liz he had shot.

As Max entered the hospital he fell to his knees exhausted and covered in blood he hesitantly handed her limp body over to the doctors.

Sobing into his hands he pleaded as his whole body shook with unimaginable anguish.

“Please save her…she’s all I have …

“She’s everything ... she's everything to me...
Last edited by jake17 on Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:34 pm, edited 5 times in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 16 6/10/08 A/N

Post by jake17 »

Ken_r: thank you again ken for that awesome fb! always so interesting to read!! hope you enjoy this next part! :D
forever dreamer: Oh Max is going to be filled with guilt Rachael don't worry :wink: Thank you for your incredibly sweet words about my writing again! you are the best! I love driving you crazy I think you know that! :wink: :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: Sorry to me mean :oops: and leave it there! Max couldn't save her because he drained all his powers on Sean.. thanks for the fb! :D
keepsmiling7: Thanks so much for the fb, hoping you like this next part! :D
IheartMax: :lol: I had to put that part of Max shirt being ripped off just for you seashell! :lol: happy you enjoyed that! thanks so much for being here!! :D
Ythaler: Hi Yatie! thanks so much for your fb!! :D
Cocogurl: excellent writer?? :oops: :oops: not sure about that but thank you so much sweetie.. by the way IM loving your story!! can't wait for more! Thank for my awesome fb!! :D
begonia9508: Eve! hello! thanks so much for your fb! and for always being here sweetie!! :D
angelina: hi sweetie,, Max couldn't save her because he used all his powers on Sean.. thanks so much for your great fb!! :D
Natalie36 wrote:holy crap and you leave it there. WTF. Opps I gotta be nice so that they get back with the next chapter quicker.
"My you look lovely today. The story is the best I have ever read. I bet a mind like yours could come up with another chpt. in no time"
is this working?
:lol: :lol: :lol: omg you freaking kill me!! :lol: you can say anything you want! You could never upset me ... your the best Natalie! So damn funny!! thanks again for making me laugh! :D
Flamehair: thanks so much for the sweet complement!! love that you are here! :D
Timelord31: thanks for liking that chpt.!! :D
roswell3053: I love that i left you speechless!! :D thanks so much for the fb!! :D
Dreamer 4 Ever; You too!! thank you!! hope you like this next part! :D

Hello everybody! Just a little note.. Max couldn't heal her because he drained his powers on Sean.
And please forgive any of the hospital terms that I messed up on. I know nothing about that stuff.. I kind of winged it. As always thank you for reading this and all your amazing fb! I so appreciate it!
Carrie :D

Chapter 16

Max stood watching helplessly while the doctors quickly put Liz on a gurney and rushed her through the big double doors.

Covered in blood and tears he ran beside her as they pushed her through the hallway as the doctor shouted out orders to the nurses.

“Please Liz hold on! Please I just need a little time. I can save you just hold on a little longer. I love you … I love you so much Liz please!”

As they reached the operating room an older grey haired nurse gently put her hand on Max’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry sir you’ll have to wait out here”

“What? No please! She needs me she’ll hold on if she can hear my voice. I’m begging you please I won’t get in the way”

The kind nurse put her arm around Max and sat him in a row of chairs that lined the hallway just outside the operating room. She handed him a tissue box and knelt down to take his hand.

”I’m sorry dear. She’s in good hands… Dr. Phillips is the best in the state. Is there anyone we can call for you? Anyone that can sit and wait with you?”

Max despondently shook his head back and forth. “No but thank you”

She patted his hand and stood up to follow the others.

“What is your name honey.”

“What? Oh it’s Max”

“My name is Julie Max. As soon as I know anything I’ll be right out to let you know. This will take a while why don’t you go home and shower and change. You have plenty of time.”

“No… I can’t leave. I’ll be fine”

With that she gave him a small smile and pushed open the doors to go back in.

With one look into the opening Max could tell she was in trouble.

He heard the words …”blood pressure dropping’ and ‘ bullet grazed lung.”

Max had to do something he needed help. He felt for his phone in his pockets and realized he left it back at the hotel. Spotting a pay phone he immediately dialed Michael’s cell.


“It’s me Max why did you assume Liz would be calling you?"

“Max! Are you ok? What the hell is going on there? Liz called us frantic she used your phone and found my number …she said that I had to come to Connecticut. That you were going to use your powers. She sounded terrified Max. Please tell me what’s happening.”

Max ran his bloody hand through his hair and tried to stop the tears that were endlessly falling from his eyes.

“It’s a long story ..but..Liz..Liz…

“What!? Is she ok what happened ??”

“No Michael. She’s not …s-she got between me and Sean and …and he shot her.”

“What? Were you able to heal her Max?”

After a long pause Max finally answered him.

“No. I'm drained from…. From what I did to Sean. Michael she may die and it’s all my fault. Michael I can’t handle this everything’s closing in on me. I had everything and now its all slipping through my hands…again.”

“Max please hold it together. Me and Maria are at the airport we will be in Connecticut in five hours. What hospital is she in?”

Just then Max heard a lot of commotion coming from the operating room.

”Code blue ..code blue .. were loosening her”

His heart dropped when he heard a long beep and the doctor words.

“Call it”

“Friday eleven twenty am”


Max burst through the doors in horror to see Liz lying on the table. Blood was everywhere. A big gaping hole was in her chest. Tubes were coming from her nose and mouth.

“Sir we did everything we could but she lost too much blood. The bullet nicked not only her lung but her heart as well. The damage was just to severe.”

He looked at the nurse who had been so nice to him pleading desperately.

“Julie please I need a moment with her. To say goodbye. Please I need to be alone with her just for a few minutes.”

The doctor chimed in “Sir let us …

“Dr. Phillips please I think we can make an exception this time.”

The kind Dr. nodded and everyone left the room.

Max quickly turned to her and placed his hands over the gaping hole.

“Liz please I know you can still hear me I know your soul has not left I can feel it. Please I need your help. Think of us our love …the life that we can still share together. Please Liz help me I need your help I cannot lose you now.”

Max closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he concentrated on the connection. He pulled all the strength he had. Sweat started to pour from his forehead as he breathed hard.

Slowly he could feel the blood started to clot. He worked on her organs …slowly repairing her heart and lung just enough so that she would live but not as much as so the doctor would become suspicious.

He gasped and fell to the ground. He was completely spent. He started to cry and beat the floor in agony. “Why? Why her! Oh my god I can’t lose her now!”

Suddenly he heard the monitor start to pick up again.. very slowly.

Beep …beep ….beep.

She was alive for now she was alive. It worked.

Immediately the doctors bombarded the room.

“It’s a miracle! This just isn’t possible her heart ..her heart had stopped!”

Knowing there was still more work to be done they quickly escorted Max back out into the hallway.

Max collapsed into the chair and held his head in his hands,

Several hours later Michael and Maria burst into the hospital almost attacking the nurse along the way.

“Liz .. Liz Parker’s room please!”

“She’s in the ICU it’s just down the hall and to your right.”

They rushed down the hall panicking until they reached the nurses station.

“Liz Parker… we’re here for Liz Parker.”

”Sir only family is allowed in right now”

”I’m her brother and this is my wife ..we are her family”

“Ok but only one at a time. I shouldn’t let you in at all. We haven't been able to keep someone out of her room...the man that brought her it. I guess it's ok if you go to but only for a minute."

“Maria just give me a minute I have to find out what happened.”

“Go! It’s ok Michael”

Slowly Michael opened the big heavy door.

Inside he found Liz lying with many tubes coming from her body and monitors buzzing all around her.

Max was slumped over holding her hand to his lips rocking back and forth.

Still in his bloody clothes he refused to leave her.

Just then the gentle old nurse put her hand on Michael’s shoulder.

“It was touch and go for a while with your sister. If you asked me she held on for him…for love. It’s a miracle she's alive. I think in a way he saved her life.”

Michael smiled and looked down at the two lovers.

“I’m sure he did “
Last edited by jake17 on Mon Jun 09, 2008 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 16 6/9/08

Post by jake17 »

Lena7: thank you so much for your very kind words!! so happy you liked that part! :D
Natalie36: OMG! Natalie I made you cry! :( .. who am I kidding I Love that I was able to make you cry! :D :lol: hope you like the next part! thanks so much for being here! :D
begonia9508: HI Eve! NO I would never let her die! Dreamer here remember? :wink: thanks so much sweetie! :D
roswell3053: so happy I left you speechless! thanks so much! :D
forever dreamer: :lol: omg Rachael you are the best! I love that you have your Free Sean tee shirt all ready! omg you crack me up! thanks for being so patient sweetie! :D
IheartMax:hey you .. don't worry it won't be long before I have his shirt off again! :wink: you know I can't help myself! :D thank you so much seashell!
keepsmiling7: thanks so much for your fb! I hope you like this next part! :D
angelina: sorry that I worried you sweetie! thanks so much for being here! :D
kissme4ever123: Im so happy you found that powerful! thanks so much for sticking with this story! :D
Ms_BuffyAnneSummers: thanks so much for the bumps sweetie! sorry this took so long! :D
Dreamer4ever: so happy you found this amazing! you have no idea how happy that makes me! thank you so much! :D
Flamehair: Hey Syblle! thanks so much for being here! I really appreciate all your replies! :D
Cocogurl: Sorry I scared you sweetie! thanks so much for being here! oh and you need to update! I want more of your amazing story!! :D
ythaler: Hi Yatie! Sorry I made you cry! love that your here! thank you!! :D
Aurorabee: I would never let her die.. just wanted to scare everyone... i know very bad :wink: love you here thanks so much!! :D
dreamerfiend: thank you for thinking that was beautiful! So happy your here! :D
clash868: wow you're here! Im so happy you like this!! thanks so much for your fb! :D
Timelord31: thanks so much for your fb! hope you like the next part! :D
futuremrsmcdreamy:thanks for the bump sweetie! So happy you like this! thank you so much! :D

Chapter 17.

“Do you think I could have some time alone with her”

The kind nurse smiled and nodded as she closed the door.

Slowly Michael made his way over to Max.

He put his arms on his shoulders and whispered gently to him.

“Max it’s me Michael. I’m here”

Max wiped the tears from his face and turned to look up at him.

His voice was raspy and weak. His body limp and exhausted.

“Michael.. Look at her. This is all my fault. All my fault.”

Tears started to flow freely again down his blood stained face.

Michael pulled a chair close to him and as calmly as he could tried to get him under control.

“Max you’ve got to calm down. Liz is going to be ok I talked to the nurse. Please tell me what happened…how much did Sean see? Does he know?”

“I-I don’t know …I-I don’t think so. He was drunk really drunk”

“But can you be sure Max… are you sure”

“Michael it doesn’t matter! I don’t care about me! I don’t care what the hell happens to me! I almost killed her …don’t you see this was a mistake. I am a mistake!”

“Max snap out of it!”

“Sean shot her! Not you! With everything you’ve been through I’m surprised you didn’t do this sooner.”

Max fell back onto to Liz stroking her matted hair.

“I’m so sorry baby! I’m so sorry!!”

“Max! Listen to me! We have to get our story straight… have the cops been here yet?”

“Y-Yes but Liz was not doing so well. I told them that I found her like this. They are going to come back when she wakes up though”

Michael started to pace the room trying to think of a plan.

“I-I didn’t know what to say. God I’m such a coward”

“Max I have to go find Sean. I have to find out what he knows. Just stay here. Maria is right outside. You can change into my clothes. Get yourself cleaned up Max and if the cops come back stick to your story… you know nothing. You found her like this and drove her here.”

Max had his eyes close muttering as he wept over her in between kissing her hand.

“Max did you hear me!”

“Yes Michael I heard you”

“Good! Now don’t use your powers anymore. I’m assuming that’s how she’s still alive. I know it’s painful but you have let her heal the rest of the way on her own. She’s strong she can do it. It’s just too dangerous right now. We can’t risk anyone seeing you.”

“Ok Michael”

“Good. I’ll be back as soon as possible”

“Remember if you need anything Maria is right outside”

“Wait Michael! Who is with Isabel if you are both here?”

“Don’t worry Max she’s with Kyle …she’s safe”

“But her dreams”

“Kyle knows how to handle it… trust me Max I wouldn’t left her if I didn’t trust him”

Max nodded and laid his head back against Liz’s shoulder again.

Michael left the room extremely worried. Maria ran to him with tears in her eyes.

“What did he say? Is she going to be ok Michael? Did he …you know”

“Shh I believe so … but she’s still in bad shape. Maria you have to stay here and watch Max”

“Wait where are you going?”

“I have to find Sean. I have to find out exactly what he knows”

“Wait Michael that sounds dangerous. What if he still has the gun? Please let the police handle this”

“Maria as much as I hate to say this we have to make sure the police don’t get involved. It’s not safe for any of us. Especially Max”

“Wait what about Liz? What if he comes after her again”

“Considering what he’s been through I don’t think that will happen. Just let me talk to him first. Just look after Max. Don’t let him leave Maria. If anything happens call my cell.”

“Michael wait”

Maria ran up to him and hugged him.

“Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Stupid? I’m the responsible one now remember?”

They both laughed nervously knowing just how crazy that sounded but how true it really was.

“Sorry it’s just still very hard to accept”

“Just watch him Maria”

“I will don’t worry”

Maria reached in Michael’s duffle bag and pulled out some clean clothes for Max.

Getting the nurse’s permission she carefully opened the door.

Max looked up with his red swollen eyes as guilt washed over his face.

“Max honey why don’t you change. I’ll stay here with her. I promise I won’t leave her.”

“No not yet…I’m not leaving till she wakes up.”

“Ok Max. I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”

“Thank you”

Max sat for hours stroking her face and placing soft kisses on her hands.

“Please Liz. Please wake up”

Suddenly her eyelashes started to flutter.

Her fingers started to twitch beneath his gentle hands.

Her eyes slowly started to open beneath his loving gaze.

"Liz! A-Are you ok? Oh my god I-I love you.. I love you so much!"

A soft whisper escaped from her lips.

“Max…your hurt …blood... your covered in blood”

His heart sank. With everything she had gone through her first thoughts were of him.

“No baby… I’m fine. T-This is your blood”

“No don’t cry Max. I’m ok …

With that she was out again.

Max pulled his chair back from her and ran his hands through his hair.

Uncontrollable flashes started to bombard his head.

Kivar’s henchmen electrocuting him mercilessly.

The constant cries of the other prisoners.

The sound of the bullet leaving Sean’s gun.

The feel of her warm blood on his hands.


“Maria heard his screams and rushed into the room.”

”Max please you’ve got to calm down or they won’t let you stay”

Unable to reach him she frantically called Michael’s cell.

“Michael I need you it’s happening again … his flashes. I don’t know what to do”

“Listen Maria give him the medication I gave you and do your best. I’m right in the middle of a little discussion with Sean”

“Ok but please hurry!”

“So what exactly happened here Sean?”

“Not till you tell me what the fuck you’re doing here Michael.”

“Liz called me”

“Where is she Michael? Where is my wife?”
Last edited by jake17 on Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 18 7/24/08

Post by jake17 »

Ken_r: yes they need to get their story straight I agree! thanks so much for being here ken! :D
Lena7: thanks so much for your fb Lena! happy to see you here! :D
angelina: Hi sweetie.. hopefully some of you're questions will be answered here.. thanks so much!! :D
Flamehair: thank you for being here!! I appreciate your sweet fb! :D
begonia9508: Hi Eve! Sean is not possessed by Kivar.. :wink: but that wouldve been a great idea!! thanks so much sweetie!! :D
kissme4ever123: thank you so much! happy you liked that part! so happy your here! :D
roswell3053: thanks so much! I always love your fb!! :D
forever dreamer: :lol: Ok Rachael you again are cracking me up .. agreeing with Max that its all his fault! :lol: Im happy you like Michael here! :wink: thanks so much sweetie! :D
Natalie36: yes Sean was really that drunk. :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
paper: I love how you sum up my stories paper :wink: I love when you leave me fb!! thanks so much! :D
ythaler: Hi yatie! thanks so much for your sweet fb! :D
Cocogurl: I know poor Max :( Don't worry he's in my hands cocogurl.. he's going to be ok! hey you need to update girl! :wink: thanks so much for being here! :D
IheartMax wrote:Omg our poor Max!! I just want to cry. Please help him CB! I'm know you can do it Help to to shed his clothing...Uh I mean help him by easing the pain!
:lol: :lol: How about he sheds his clothes and takes a shower?? :wink: hope you like this part seashell!! thank you so much!! :D
behrluv32: Max is definitely in bad shape.. :( thanks so much for your fb!! :D
Clash868: Hi! Ok yes I will explain what happened to Isabel.. they will not be in Ct for long..I go into the past in this update.. I hope you like it! thanks so much for being here!! :D
dreamerfiend: Sean will be in the next update.. thanks so much for the fb! :D
Timelord31: thank you so much for reading this! :D
Michelle in Yonkers: hmm you asked so many questions .. I think I answered some in this update. as far as Maria goes.. Liz pushed everyone out of her life. She was devastated. It was Liz that wouldn't let Maria in.. she felt no one could help her and she didn't want to be a burden on anyone.. Maria went with what she was told. She was a good friend and she is definitely going to come through for them now... does that help? thanks so much for your thoughts!! :D

Hi everyone! So sorry for the long wait! :oops: Sean is not discussed in this chapter but he will be in the next... I promise..
I felt like I needed to do a little explaining..
thank you so much everyone for your interest in my little story!
Carrie :D

Chapter 18.

“Max you need to cooperate …please!”

“Get that junk away from me! I’m fine Maria”

“Max listen do you want them to restrict you from seeing her… is that what you want?”

Max stood suddenly flipping his chair over as he started to pace the floor. He was mumbling to himself words that Maria couldn’t understand. Words that were foreign to her. Maria’s anxiety increased as he started to wring his hands together.


Just then he grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes with a fear that made her blood run cold.

“There is only one chance! Do you understand! We have one shot to escape or we’ll be stuck here forever!”

Maria’s mouth fell open in shock. Max had no idea where he was. She had seen him experience flashes before but he always had a grasp on reality.

“Max you are not on Antar! You are home! Please Please listen to me and take your medicine!”

Tears flooded her eyes as he continued in his delusional state.

“What if I can’t get back to her Isabel! What happens if this doesn’t work! Please just come with me we have to leave now!”

“Oh my god! Max I’m not Isabel! It’s me Maria… honey your safe …look Liz is right behind you!”

Max shook his head confused and in obvious pain.

“What! Why would you say that! Why Isabel! Why do you want to hurt me!”


Suddenly Max froze. His breathing started to calm as he slowly looked down at the ground and over to Liz.

“Shh…it’s me Max …I’m right here. Look Maria’s here and she wants to help you. Please let her help you. Take the medication Max …for me? Please take it for me.”

Shame and embarrassment covered his face as he picked up the chair from the floor and put it back near her bed.

His voice was shaky and almost childlike as he sat down and held his hand out in front of Maria.

“I’m sorry. I-I don’t know what happened. D-Did I hurt –

“No it’s ok Max. Take this and let me drive you back to the hotel. Liz needs to rest and you need to get out of those clothes and take a shower.

“But I can’t –

Max looked over at Liz who was already sleeping again.

“I don’t want to leave her.”

He reluctantly took the blue pills down and leaned over to kiss Liz softly on the lips.

“I’ll be back in an hour. I love you”

Maria closed her eyes and sighed with relief as she wrapped her arm around him and helped him out of her room. As they walked down the hospital corridor she was struck with sorrow at how they had ended up. She couldn’t imagine Max or Isabel ever living a normal life. Liz was a total shock to her. Her mind raced with just how bad all these years must’ve been for her.

Maria stood outside the opened hotel door and watched as Max stared at the bed. His heart was broken. It was just hours since she was wrapped in his arms … since he felt her warm bare body clinging to him with such desperation and love. Now she was lying in a hospital bed with tubes running through her.

He turned to Maria and tried to fake a smile.

“I’m ok now. I feel better. I just need a shower. Can you go back to the hospital? I don’t want her to wake up and have no one there with her.”

“Yes of course Max. Is there anything you need… anything I can get you before I go?”

“No I’m ok… thanks Maria…for everything”

Maria nodded and closed the door behind her leaving Max in the darkened cold room.

He hated the fog that the drugs put him in. They made him feel like sleeping for ten years but if he tried he would always just lie there and stare at the back of his eyelids.

Michael had searched for months for the right drug that would calm him. Shortly after returning home Max would wake up screaming from night terrors. His flashes would continue on often causing him to have violent outbursts. He would always just hurt himself or the helpless furniture that was nearby. Max had never laid a hand on anyone.

Out of concern for Max Michael experimented with different sedatives until one finally worked. He didn’t know how this would effect him in the long term but he felt he had little choice. The stress of the flashes left Max completely drained and in great emotional distress. Fortunately Kyle worked part time as a security guard at a clinic in Roswell and was able to stand watch while Michael took samples of the drug from the doctor's offices. Since it was a clinic several doctors volunteered at a time. Michael would change the structure of aspirin to appear like the pills he was taking and no one was the wiser.

Max reached past the shower curtain and turned the nozzle. Steam started to rise all around him as he pulled the blood stained clothes from his body. Standing in the shower he watched as her blood was rinsed from his skin down into the drain. His head fell to the tile as the flashes once again fluctuated in and out. The green tile for a second became the grey dank wall of his cell. The white shower curtain turned into the black rubber suits the guards wore over their uniforms when the torture deemed to be particularly messy.

Max rubbed his eyes and covered his face.

“Please …I need to get back to her. Please stop”

Staring up at the ceiling he grabbed the soap and ran it across his chest. He winced as the hot water hit the many scars that were scattered across his body. After rinsing the shampoo from his hair he wrapped a towel around his waist and sat on the edge of the bed. His hand swept across the sheet as he picture her lying there. Her hair cascading across the stark white pillowcase... her arms stretched out for him. The curve of her hip and the swell of her breast. She was perfection to him … his angel…his Liz.

His mind wandered once more to that faithful day…the day that he had been planning over three years for. The day he would escape the clutches of Kivar and leave Antar forever.

Siran never let on that he was anything else but one of Kivar’s cruel loyal workmen. Like clockwork he appeared. Three times a day Max would watch as he brought the soldiers their food and drink. Once a day he would push a bowl of gruel threw the small opening of Max’s cell. There was never a look not even a glance for five years until that one morning.

It was a morning different than others. There was only one guard on watch for the row of cells that lined the deepest darkest part of Kivar’s prison.

It was the first time anyone had ever reached out to Max.

Max smiled remembering Siran’s nervous twitch. It was the first thing he noticed as he whispered his name.

It had been years since he had heard his own name. His captures would refer to him as "it" most of the time.

Once a month the notes would appear under the bowl that Siran pushed through to him. Notes of hope …a plan of an escape. Siran’s father was a loyal follower of Zan. When news hit of the beloved Kings imprisonment a small group of people gathered and conspired to help the boy that had in another life meant so much to them.

It took years of waiting and patience. The timing had to be just right. Once every five years Kivar would travel to a nearby world for a conference with the raining leaders of the surrounding planets. With Kivar gone and most of his most feared henchmen with him for protection it was the perfect time to strike.

Max knew very little about Isabel’s life … only that she was safe and unharmed. Although this is what he was told he knew Kivar all too well. In the end she was a prisioner too and that was something Max couldn't live with. He told Siran many times that he would not leave without her no matter what.

Max held his head as he remembered the night he came for him. Slipping a drug into the food of the guard he opened the cell and whispered to Max. "Now! We have to go now Max!”

Clothes were thrown at him and replaced onto another prisoner. Siran chained the dark haired man against the wall and held the bars open for Max.

Looking closely he saw that the unconscious man was one of the guards that had repeatedly beat him over the years. Looking ahead he limped out of the small dungeon that stole his soul and his youth. With his arm draped around his friends shoulder Max held his hand over his burning eyes that had not seen daylight in years. The air hit his lungs and filling his broken body.

Outside he was transported quickly through the gates and high walls that surrounded the property. A blanket was thrown over him as he laid on the floor near the feet of Siran’s trusted friends that also worked at the jail. He recalled how hard his heart pounded and how his body ached from just the short walk. He also remembered the pure joy when he first saw his sister.

The entire time she thought he was dead. As she was placed in the van she screamed as they removed the hood from her head and the gag from her mouth.

He looked at his arm still seeing Siran grab him telling him that it was necessary for her safety. Isabel was terrified to leave... the risk of Kivar catching them was too great. Her fear of him was evident as Max pleaded to her. Finally agreeing the two siblings held onto each other as the needles pierced their skin. The trip was risky. No one was completely sure if their bodies could handle the rapid journey back to earth. For their own safety they were placed in a sedentary state.

When they woke they were still holding onto each other freezing, starving and in tremendous pain. Relief washed over them as they look around and saw the familiar sorroundings of the steep rock that held their pods.

Max shook his head as he stood and dressed. It was pointless to think of the past. All he could do was hold onto the present... something that he felt he had ruined with his need for revenge.

Lowering his head he wrapped his arms around his body. It was too long …too long since he had looked into her eyes …felt the warm of her skin. He needed her …he needed to feel safe again.

As the cab took off for the hospital Max glanced out the window at the falling snow.

He pictured her standing outside the hotel shivering from the cold... looking at him with a love he already couldn't imagine living without.

He closed his eyes wondering if he could ever be someone worthy of her love...or if being in her life would only cause her more pain in the end.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 947
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2007 5:54 pm

Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 18 7/24/08

Post by jake17 »

Thank you to everyone who left me fb for chpt 18.. I did not save my response ...but I will come back and write them again .. when I finish fixing all my stories..thank you again so much!
Carrie :)

Chapter 19.

Michael watched as Sean held his head in pain.

"What's wrong with your head Sean"

"Never mind my head! I asked you where my wife was!"

He winced at the loudness of his own words.

Michael picked up a piece of the broken coffee table and pointed it at Sean.

"What happened here Sean?"

Sean looked around the room and shook his head.

"I'm not sure."

"Sean it looks like a tornado hit your house. What do you mean you're not sure"

"That's what we would like to know"

Sean and Michael looked up to see two uniformed police officers standing in what was once the door way.

"Are you Sean Deluca Sir?"

"Yeah .. can I help you with something?"

"Sir are you aware that your wife is at Mercy hospital?"

"What? Why is she -

Just then Sean looked down at the pool of blood that surrounded his feet.

Suddenly he glanced over at his gun that was on the couch. He found it on the floor when he woke but had no recollection of taking it out.

"Sir is that your gun?"

Completely confused by what was unfolding in front of him he stared blankly at the police officers.

"What.. what happened? Is s-she ok?"

"Sir we're going to have to ask you to come down to the station."

"What! Why? What happened to my wife?!"

"She's been shot. She's in critical but stable condition"


"Yes. We've talked to a Max Evans who states that he found her here unconscious and bleeding. Do you know anything about that sir?"

"Max Evans told you this?"

Michael became immediately alarmed at the tone and look he received from Sean.

He watched as the police took the gun with gloved hands and placed it in an evidence bag and herded a stumbling Sean in the back of the cruiser.

Michael's heart sank as he placed the real gun in the cast iron pan and melted it beyond recognition. He wanted Sean to pay dearly for his actions …but the risk was too high.

He believed Sean truly was so drunk that he did not remember anything but in the confines of a jail cell he couldn't be sure something wouldn't jar his memory.

The last thing Max or any of them needed was to be questioned by the police. If Sean was actually convicted who knows what he would say in anger. Michael knew he had to take care of this as quietly as possible. The fake gun he planted would probably go unnoticed for a while giving him some time to fix the house.

He shook his head as he began to wave his hand mending most of the severe damage.
He figured maybe his memory would still be fuzzy and there wouldn't have to be an explanation as to how all the damage actually occurred.

His constant worry was Sean showing up at the hospital.
Not knowing how long they could keep him with a fake gun Michael hurried with his work only leaving enough of mess to make Sean think that maybe he was responsible.

Sean's mind was spinning on the ride to the police station. Clearly the Jack Daniels had given him severe hallucinations.
Flashed swirled through his brain like imagines from a movie. He could clearly see Max standing in front of him with his hand out but that made absolutely no sense to him.
Somehow he knew he was behind this. His only thought was to get to that hospital …to get to Liz.


As the taxi pulled in front of the hospital doors an exhausted Max limped toward the entrance. He felt so empty when he wasn't with her. It was almost like the air around him was suffocating him …like he couldn't breath without her near him.

As he approached her door he spotted Maria sleeping in the chair outside her room. He slipped off his jacket and covered her before entering the room.

Immediately he felt the warmth surround him that only she could provide. He was safe again ..he was with his angel.

Carefully he pulled the chair as close as he could up to the head of her bed.

His hand shook as he reached out and brushed the stray hairs away from her face.

Max place a soft tender kiss on her temple and held her hand.

Looking up at the tubes that stuck so harshly into her delicate wrists made his heart break even more.

He watched as the machine kept in time with her heart and recalled just hours ago his head resting against her bare chest. He closed his eyes at the memory of feeling her soft breast against his cheek and the sound of her rapid heartbeat.

Suddenly he felt like she was too far away from him. Standing from his chair he gently laid down next to her and held her close to him. He felt as thought the missing piece that plagued his tortured heart was being replaced by her mere presence.

He closed his eyes as he stoked her face lovingly. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he whispered into her ear.

"Liz I can't bare to see you this way. I can't stand to see you suffer. I'm going to heal you little by little so gradually that the doctors won't notice."

He grazed his mouth over her parted lips which only brought more tears to his swollen eyes.

"You have to help me Liz … you have you wake up baby. Please you need to look at me"

With great care he pulled the sheet down to reveal her wound.

He fought back the wrenching pain in his soul as he placed his hand over her bandages.

"Liz please wake up… you have to look at me"

Slowly her long dark eyelashes started to part. She struggled to smile through the pain as she gazed with great love back into his warm eyes.

In a weak raspy voice she spoke to him.

"Max I love you. I'm s-so worried about you"

He smiled as his tears fell onto her cheeks.

"You're worried about me? Liz this is all my fault if I hadn't gone over there-

She brought her shaky fingers up to his lips silencing him.

"I feel like I've been drifting through life asleep without you Max. Numb to everything. Don't you understand… you coming back to me has been heaven …I feel like I'm in heaven when I'm with you. I could never be apart from you again. My heart couldn't handle it."

He pulled her in closer burying his face in her neck as he cried openly hearing the words of his angel fill his heart.

"Well isn't this cozy!"

"Liz opened her eyes in a panic as the sounds of the machines started buzzing and beeping from her erratic heart beat."



* Just to let everyone know all my fb for this chpt is lost.. :(

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: A Quiet Passion (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 20 9/17/08

Post by jake17 »

Michelle in Yonkers

Thank you for coming back and leaving fb again... I really appreciate it! :) Carrie

Chapter 20.


Max looked up in horror seeing the pure rage in Sean’s face. Immediately he pulled Liz behind him protectively.

Sean stood with his fists clenched to his side staring Max down.

“Sean just leave”

“Oh I think you’re confused Max. You see this is my wife, which makes her mine. I’m not going anywhere.”

A soft gasp of air escaped from Liz as she fell against Max’s shoulder. Sean quickly approached her catching Max off guard.


“Don’t touch her!”

Sean grabbed Max by the shirt and pulled his fist back only to be thrown across the room without Max even laying a hand on him.

Suddenly he heard noises outside the door. The machines had alerted the nurses and he knew they would be coming soon.

Instincts took over his brain as he held her limp body in his arms. He couldn’t risk losing her…not again.

Brushing the hair away from her eyes he calmly whispered to her as his hands glowed over her stomach.

“Liz please open your eyes. You need to wake up. Just for a little while then you can sleep as long as you want. Please I love you so much.”

The voices got louder and he could now tell that Maria was arguing trying to stall them from coming in her room. He knew he didn’t have much time.

Softly he placed his lips against her mouth as tears fell from his eyes onto her cheeks.

The light from his hand grew stronger and stronger till it pierced through his fingers and bounced off the walls like a prism.

Within seconds there was nothing left of the damage just her smooth pale skin glistening under his gentle hand.

“That’s my girl”

Still she lay in his arms asleep.

Suddenly the door burst open and two large security guards rushed into the room.

Max stood away from the bed with Liz cradled in his arms. He held her close to his chest as he backed up into the corner of the room.

Fighting through several orderlies Maria pushed her way into the room.

“Michael hurry!!”

One guard was checking Sean’s pulse while the other had his gun drawn at Max.

“Just put the girl down on the bed. No one else needs to get hurt here.”

Max just stood pressing Liz closer to his body. He was exhausted, his eyes were bloodshot …his face drawn and shaky.

Michael quickly entered the room holding his ears while the piercing alarms rang through the hospital. Smoke billowed behind him making it hard for everyone to see.

“He yelled as he grabbed Sean from behind.”

“Fire! There’s a fire on the second floor! We’ve got to get out now!!”

After that it was total confusion. One of the guards felt his way towards where Max was standing but he was gone.

Just then the lights shut down. Between the smoke and the darkness it was almost impossible to see.

As Max passed by Michael he handed his keys to him.

Michael pulled him close and spoke in his ear.

“It’s parked in the back. Take her to the Mountain Lodge. Don’t use your phone. I’ll be there as soon as I can. We’re going home.”


“I know. Just go…get her out of here”

Max ran down the hall as people spilled out the hospital. He had wrapped her in a blanket and was holding her face against his neck trying to hide her. The noise was deafening as he ran out into the cold.

Fire Engines blared their horns against the cold air. Max was terrified cringing at each unexpected intrusive sound. He could see in his mind images of Kivar’s Army and the dark walls of his prison.

“No! Please stop. Not now!”

The cold air filled his lungs as he ran down the steps to Michael’s car. His throat was burning as he gasped for air.

Just then he heard a pop and fell over against a car in pain. One of his ribs had snapped from carrying her. They had been broken so many times that it didn’t take much for them to give.

Struggling hard he pushed himself up only to fall again. This time it was his shoulder. He screamed in pain as it slipped out of the socket.

His was straining with all his might now to keep her in his arms as the all too familiar pain ripped threw his body.

Finally he reached the blue rental car and placed her inside. As he carefully laid her across the back seat he heard several more of his ribs snap.

Groaning in excruciating pain he slid inside the drivers seat and quickly drove through the parking lot.


Liz slowly opened her eyes and glanced around the room. It was very dark but she could tell she was not in the hospital anymore.

She took a deep breath and reached down to feel her stomach. There was no pain… no sign even that anything had happened.

As she moved to free herself of the many blankets that were covering her she felt someone lying beside her.

He was moaning shaking his head back and forth. His face twisted into some horrible terrified expression.

She whispered pressing her lips to his temple.

“Shh Max …you’re dreaming. It’s just a dream. Wake up you’re safe. I’m here.”

His eyes fluttered before opening wide. He took her in his arms grimacing in pain.

“Are you ok? Are you in pain?”

Her eyes filled with concern seeing that it was he that was obviously hurting.

She sat up and gently forced him to lie back down.

“I’m fine. I feel completely fine.”

A small smile spread across his face as his tired eyes looked over every inch of her.

“I-I was so worried.”

She could see him holding his chest as his limp arm fell by his side.

“What happened Max? The last thing I remember is Sean coming in my room … oh my god did he hurt you?”

“No Liz…he didn’t hurt me.”

“Then how? You’re obviously in pain…please tell me!”

Max waved her hand away embarrassed by his weakened battered body.

“I’ll be fine Liz. All that matters it that you’re ok”

“Where is Michael? Can he heal you? Where is your phone!”

“No Liz. We can’t call him. We have to just stay here until he comes.”

“Max please tell me what happened.”

Max struggled as he got up from the bed and walked over to sink to splash some water on his face.

Liz ran to him wanting to hold him. She grazed her hand lightly over his back worried that she would hurt him.

“Sean came in your room. He tried to …grab you. It’s pretty blurry after that but I think Michael filled the hospital with smoke as a diversion to get us out.”

Liz nodded at the mirror as she looked at his worried half opened eyes.

She gently laid her head against his back and ran the tips of her fingers over his shoulders and down his arms. Max closed his eyes as his head fell lower towards the sink. Her touch sending chills through his body.

“You healed me”


He turned to face her and reached up with his good arm to stroke her cheek.

“And who heals you Max”

He closed his eyes as his thumb traced her lips.

“You do Liz…every second I get to be near you.”

“Please tell me what happened how did you get hurt?”

Max walked away from her and sat on the bed.

His voice was strained like every word was being pulled from his throat.

“I have a lot of old injuries Liz. It’s nothing you were so light. My body is just no good anymore…

His voice trailed off as his head fell into his hands.

“It’s because you carried me. I remember now. The fire trucks the police cars …all the people. This happened because you carried me to Michael’s car.”

Tears fell from her eyes as she sat on the floor at his feet.

She took his hands in hers and intertwined their fingers holding them close to her face.

“Max what are we going to do now?”

“We’re going home Liz…we’re going home”

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

Hamlet, by William Shakespeare