The Ex Factor..(M/L, Mature) Part 43 7/9/09 Complete

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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Thanks for the feedback! :D

: I have to disagree with you. Liz's friends aren't making her do it... yes they are a pretty strong influence on her, but it really boils down to Liz's decision. She was the one to decide to continue with their little plan. She could've said no, or came up with an excuse not to continue, but...she didn't. So yeah, she is guilty and so are her friends. Is she a bitch though... no. Not in my opinion, but like I said, she's just misguided. :)
: Lol, I think the summary for this is a lot more popular than the story itself. :roll: lol

We're getting close to Max and Liz reuniting. Hang in there and enjoy :wink:

<center>Part 11</center>

With a baseball cap pulled low over her face and large sunglasses shielding her eyes, Liz walked the few blocks from Miller’s Bar and Grill to her apartment. Though she knew that her friends or anyone that mattered wouldn’t be in this part of town, she wanted to play it safe. She couldn’t take the chance that someone saw her and told everyone that her life had gone to hell.

It had been a week since she started working there. On her first day, by the time she walked to the bar, and got though her first hour standing on her feet, her feet were throbbing in the heels she wore. Just because she had to work in that place didn’t mean that she couldn’t look good doing it. But serving drunken assholes that did nothing but grab at her butt and yell at the various sports games on the television didn’t help her poor mood.

She wasn’t the best at this serving others and taking orders was far from her forte. Being forced to clean the bathrooms was the worst of all. She had refused, instead deciding to text her friends while she sat atop the counter next to the sinks.

Finally the manager assigned her to work the bar and she had done better until she came within a second of smashing a bottle over a drunken man’s head who had been making suggestive remarks at her all night. If it wasn’t for another co-worker catching her hand before she could whip the bottle over him, she probably would be in a world of trouble.

“I know how you feel,” the co-worker had said. Liz was so mad she hadn’t bothered to get her name. “Most nights I want to do the exact same thing. But this,” she gestured to the guy who was being escorted out by his friends, “comes with the job. You have to learn to live with it.”

Ripping her hand away from the girl’s grip, Liz shot her a fierce glare. “Who asked you?!” she replied before stalking off.

When she made it to her apartment she immediately flopped onto her couch. Her purse toppled onto the floor, its contents spilling out. Among them was the cash she got from her very first check, cash she desperately needed to keep up appearances.

As she watched the bills of a few hundred unfold on the floor she realized that she had made it through her first week of living on her own. Although she was living off of fast food and microwavable meals, she was working, making money, and being responsible just like her parents wanted. Now that she had done it, she was ready to go back to the life she was used to.

With a smile, she called her parents.

After having to wait because of the butler, her mom answered cheerily.

“Hey mom.”

“Lizzie! How are you darling?”

“I’m okay. Guess what?”

Nancy was already smiling as an effect of her daughter’s cheerful tone. “What dear?”

“I got my first check,” she said, grinning widely.

Nancy squealed. “Oh darling that’s wonderful…Jeff!! Oh sweetie I’m so proud of you. Jeff, get in here!”

Liz pulled the phone away from ear to prevent her ear drum from shattering because of her mother’s piercing voice. Her eyes rolled heavenward as Nancy excitedly relayed the good new to Jeff. Liz didn’t see what the big deal was, but if it made them happy and got her back into her pent house then she’d go along with it.

Now talking through speaker phone, Jeff said, “Liz, we’re so proud of you. How did you do your first week?”

“Actually Daddy…” She went into a whirlwind explanation of how much she hated her new life. She added a whining plea for affect in hopes that they’d end this “lesson” they were trying to teach her.

No such luck.

“Just keep at it, darling,” her mother said. “I’m sure everything will work out. It’s all part of being an adult.”

“Yeah,” Jeff chimed in. “Maybe you can save and get a car. We can help you with that.”

Liz immediately perked up. Maybe she could get a Benz and a driver because she didn’t have a license and couldn’t drive. It’d be such a relief. “Really?”

“Sure darling,” Nancy added, “How ever much you put down, we’ll match that and you could probably get a decent car for about two grand.”

“Two grand! Mom, I can’t… I don’t want to do this anymore. Living like this is too hard.”

“I know sweetie, but… you can always go back to school. And then you can find a career that you like.”

“I’m not going back to school.”

“Well, then Liz you don’t have any other choice. Now, we know this is hard, but we promise you that once you get the hang of it, then it’ll get easier. Just give it time and you know that we’re always here for you if you need us.”

Liz coolly agreed. After she hung up Jeff and Nancy once again worried if they were doing the right thing for their daughter. They had worked hard to give her the life that they didn’t have growing up. And by doing that, they realized that maybe they left out a few essentials that they did have. Necessary skills such as working for the things you desired Liz hadn’t experienced yet.

Max carefully weaved through the mess of tables and chairs as he skillfully balanced several dishes on his arms. Michael, Maria, and Danni were gathered in a booth in the corner, chatting as they patiently awaited their meals.

“You know you guys could help me out once in awhile since I’m letting you in to my place of business during closing hours,” he teased as he passed out the meals.

“You’re so good at what you do, we decided not to interfere,” Michael retorted.

Rolling his eyes, Max finished distributing the food before he headed back into the kitchen to retrieve his own plate. When he returned, he slid into the empty seat next to Danni.

“So, Maria, how’s the new job treating you?” Danni asked, absently leaning into Max when he wrapped his arm around her waist.

“A little more hectic than I imagined. I mean some of the clients my superiors have to deal with are just monsters. This one client practically closed on a place and then decided to back out for the third time.”

Max frowned. “Really? Do you deal with them directly?”

“Sometimes. Right now I’m just getting my feet wet and I mostly deal with paper work. I’m basically like a secretary, which is great until I can get used to how the industry works.”

“Isn’t that great?” Michael beamed. “Soon my baby is going to own this whole town.”

As she patted his cheek affectionately, Maria grinned over at Danni, “You see how well trained he is?”

Michael mumbled quietly to himself, but didn’t bother to correct her.

Ignoring him, Maria turned to Danni. “So what are you studying in college?”

“Journalism. I think it’d be cool to write for a paper, or maybe be a reporter… I don’t know. I’m all over the place.”

“I was like that before I decided to go to med school,” Michael said.

“So how did you choose?”

He shrugged. “You just pick I guess. If I decide that I don’t want to be a doctor, then I can always change.”

“Of course you would have spent all that money for nothing,” Max grimaced.

Michael sent a glare his way and said rather sarcastically, “Thank you, Maxwell. I really needed a reminder of that.”

Max grinned. “No problem.”

“Be nice, Max,” Danni admonished.

“Yeah, be nice, Max,” Michael mimicked in triumph.

After Max finished his meal, he left the group to begin cleaning for the night. Once Danni was finished, she joined him and together they sent a joint glare at the other couple who sat watching them mop.

“You guys could help. Those meals were free.”

Michael made a show of relaxing along the booth seat. “We don’t own this place. Baby do we own this place?”

Maria smirked. “We sure don’t babe.”

“Then you will be receiving a bill.”

“And we’ll gladly not pay it,” Michael retorted.

Knowing he would never charge them, Max sighed. “I hate the both of you.”

The front door opened and Alex strode through with a beautiful blonde on his arm. “Damn Max, you think you could clean up a little for your guests?”

“You know, no one invited you.”

“As if that’d stop me from showing up,” Alex snickered in retort.

Max laughed and Alex greeted everyone else, earning a glare from Maria when he and Michael bumped fist over her plate. “Do you guys mind?”

Ignoring her, Alex turned to his companion. “Guys, I’d like you to meet Isabel. Isabel these are the guys. Max, Danni, Michael and Maria.”

“Nice to meet you all,” she said politely. “Alex talks about you guys all the time.”

“Oh girl I love that dress! Where did you get it,” Maria squealed.

She smiled at Alex as he helped her slide into the booth before she answered. “Thanks. I made it myself.”

“Did you really?” Danni stepped up to the table, impressed. The dress was a red fitted V-neck with thin straps that crossed in the back. It showed off Isabel’s voluptuous curves to perfection and cut off before her knees to display her long, lovely legs.

“Yeah. I own a small boutique just inside the city and I design and make most of the clothes there.”


“That is so cool!”

The girls immediately became engrossed and Isabel was quickly accepted as a new addition to the group. To avoid listen to the women yap about fashion, Michael and Alex slipped out of the booth and helped Max clean.

“Where’s Kyle?” Alex asked.

Max rolled his eyes. “He’s on a date. Some girl he met at the gym.”

“That asshole is probably getting laid as we speak.”

“So Alex, how long you think this is going to last?” When Alex frowned, Michael rolled his eyes and elaborated, “You and Isabel. You go through women like they’re socks or something. You wear them until they’re dirty and then down the chute they go.”

“I do not! I think you’re confusing me with Kyle.” At the wary look on his friend’s faces he reluctantly conceded. “Okay I guess I do. But I’m telling you guys. I can really see myself falling for her. I’m going to marry this one.”

The other two men said in unison, “If you say so.”

Max watched her as she switched off the hallway light. She was wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties and was completely unaware of how sexy she looked doing her nightly routine.

After they all left the diner, she invited him over under the guise of watching movies. Both knew that wasn’t the case as whenever they were supposed to be watching a movie, they ended up too wrapped up in each other. With that being a fact, Max readily agreed.

Things got heated on her couch but before they could go too far, he quietly reminded her that she had an early class the next morning and offered to leave. She hadn’t wanted him to, being too comfortable in his arms and a little disappointed that he seemed reluctant to take things farther. She suggested that he stay the night, citing that it was too late for him to be driving home. The excuse was lame, but Max didn’t need one to convince him to stay.

Now he lay, beneath her sheets, his clothes folded neatly in the chair by her dresser leaving him in only his boxers. The smell of her fruity shampoo was stamped on her pillows and he closed his eyes and took a long whiff, letting it intoxicate him.

When he opened them again, Danni was beside him, climbing under the sheets.

She had straightened her hair and wore it loose. He couldn’t help it and he reached out, his fingers burying themselves in her hair when he pulled her to him.

He pulled her on top and the two slipped deeper beneath the sheets. It was only when they came up for air that they separated. She reached over him and turned off the lamp and engulfed them in darkness.

But the blinds over her window were open, letting in a stream of moonlight. And before they joined again, he whispered how beautiful she was.

“I’m going to be late for my class tomorrow, aren’t I?” she joked.

He chuckled. Then clothes were removed and cheeks were stained with red. He started at her neck and kissed a trail down to her flat stomach. He slipped between her legs, his lips over her belly button. She was naturally tanned a beautiful dark brown and it made his natural tan seem a bit pale in comparison.

He silently asked for permission and she gave it, her green eyes glowing, ready to submit. Her toes curled at the first touch, her fingers gently griping his hair. His tongue darted out to taste her, his eyes gleaming. She let out a moan in the silent night.

Liz was having a blast. In the VIP section of a new club that had just opened in the city. Despite the fact that her friends were starting to get suspicious, right now, she was just having fun, dancing with Chase, who had met up with them at the club.

Earlier, Liz went with Lynn and Morgan as they shopped around the city. Liz was limited by the few hundred she’d received in her paycheck and was only able to buy the dress she was sporting now and a pair of jeans. She would normally splurge, if just to show that she could, but her excuse of cutting back raised red flags and got her friends talking.

She still couldn’t understand why her parents were doing this to her and she felt like a teenager again, grounded for something she didn’t do. They weren’t helping her out at all and abandoned her to do this on her own.

So in disgust, decided that she didn’t need any them. If they wanted to tarnish her reputation, then she would survive on her own. She didn’t need their help.

Chase grabbed at her hips, his hand then sliding around to grab her bottom. His fingers touched flesh as her dress was barely reaching mid-thigh and when he saw that she wasn’t protesting, he cupped both her round cheeks in his large hands. Liz was pleasantly surprised and she smiled when he squeezed, pulling her front to his as he leaned down and whispered in her ear.

“You want to go back to my place?”

She nodded, not wanting to seem too eager. She wanted to say something sexy and flirtatious, but she was never able to talk a big game around guys she liked. The only thing she had to flaunt was her money, and in her mind’s eye it made her better than everyone else who didn’t have as much. But now that it was gone, she had nothing and was just like the rest.

She was roughly pushed against the wall, her arms pinned above her head. She let out a string of curses as pleasure ripped through her and all she could do was stand there.

Liz wrapped her legs around his waist, his lips dragged over her neck. She moaned, rolling her head against the wall in a direct response to the wonderful sensations he was giving her. He easily flipped the clasp to her bra loose and it was lost somewhere on the floor on their way to his bed. They bounced against the mattress, Liz landing on top. .

She quickly rid him of his pants and his shirt was next to go. Chase was buff and his muscles easily seen through his clothes. Liz generally preferred her guys a little leaner, but he was too gorgeous to let slip by.

He was rough, but Liz proved that she could keep up with him which turned him on all the more. And by the end of the night, they were both smiling in satisfaction.

One Week Later

Liz dragged herself into her apartment, her destination set on her bed. After a late night with Chase, they had woken up in the early afternoon. He had his cook make them something to eat before he took her out shopping.

They had been spending a lot of time together as of late and as she got to know him, she realized that Chase wasn’t what she expected. He was quite different from the other guys she’d encountered who had money. He was surely generous and seemed honestly an all around nice guy. And it made her uneasy because she had briefly considered confiding in him about her situation because she had a feeling that he wouldn’t turn her away.

But she wasn’t ready that afternoon and she asked him to drop her off in front of one of the expensive hotels in the city, alluding that her parents were in town and she was supposed to visit. After he drove away, she used the last remaining money from her check to hail a cab home.

It was the first time she had seen her apartment in a week, as she was staying with Chase. He bought her the things she needed and she eagerly took up the offered temporary residence in his home. Now she was exhausted and it didn’t take her long to drift off to sleep.

As she drifted deeper into slumber, the blinking light on the answering machine went unnoticed. As did the many messages from her boss, the final one, disclosing her termination.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Thanks for hanging in here with me everyone. I really appreciate it.

pookie76: Max and Liz will get together. I promise :wink: lol

Enjoy :)

<center>Part 12</center>

September 1998

Max stood before Liz’s front doors, studying the massive pillars that stretched up to the balcony overhead. The Parker’s owned a nice sized property which began with a winding driveway leading to the garage which was tucked into the side of the house. The garage door was open and as Max parked he spied many expensive vintage and newer cars inside.

From the outside, the house itself looked almost elitist with its immaculate landscaping, fountains, decorative hedges, flowers and trees. The occupants of the home were sure to be as superior as the outside of their home suggested.

Max was sure his suspicions were correct when a butler, rather than Liz herself, opened the door. But as Thomas smiled easily and introduced himself kindly, lending him through the cozy foyer, Max’s mind began to change.

“Miss Liz is lounging by the pool. Do you need somewhere to change into your swimming attire?”

“Uh, no thanks.”

“This way Mr. Evans. I’ll show you to the pool.” Oh the way, Max took notice of the décor of Liz’s home. The walls that he thought were to be full with expensive paintings held family photos and portraits. The Parker’s home was colorful and lively and it made him feel welcomed.

Max followed Thomas through large French doors and they stepped out onto the back patio. Down a few steps was Liz, stretched out on her stomach poolside.

Max gulped. She normally wore her hair pin straight, but today it was done in soft waves crashing onto her shoulders and down her back like a dark ocean of silk. She wore large sunglasses and a black bikini. It seemed as if the sun paid attention to only her as the rays made her glow with a soft tan. He was unable to move as he stared at her. How was he going to spend the whole day with her and stay in control?

Thomas cleared his throat, gaining the attention of Liz on the lounger. “Miss Parker? Max is here for you?”

Pasting on a smile, Liz prepared herself for another performance.

“Max, hey.”

“Hi, Liz. I um….” Again Max gulped, trying desperately to wet his dry throat and get his mouth to work. He guessed he looked like such a dork standing there with his jaw hanging open.

When he failed to say anything, Liz rolled her eyes behind her dark glasses, rolled onto her back and resumed working on her tan.

“May I take your backpack, Mr. Evans?” Thomas asked, stifling back a laugh at the look of awe the young man wore. He didn’t blame him. Thomas remembered Liz back when she was running around with just a diaper on. But she had matured into a beautiful young lady. But even though she had an abundance of physical beauty, she lacked elsewhere because of her poor attitude towards others. Granted, she wasn’t always so… difficult and at times, the old Liz Parker shone through, only to be buried again.

Max tore his eyes away from Liz long enough to give Thomas a nod and he shook his backpack off his shoulders.

“Would you like something to drink?”

“No,” Max squeaked. He cleared his throat and finished strongly. “Thank you.”

Chuckling, Thomas padded his shoulder and whispered, “Relax. She’s just a girl.”

Max watched Thomas make his way back in the house. That was the same thing Kyle told him. Liz was just a girl that he had a major crush on since he even knew what a crush was. Just a girl. As he took a few more deep breathes, he let his friend’s calming advice wash over him. Just be yourself. You’re a pretty cool guy and I’m sure she’ll see that.

Feeling a bit more confident, he stepped forward, a little lightheaded from all the deep breathing he was doing but, at least he was walking. His shadow few over her as he gazed down on her. She looked up, pushing her glasses on her head.

“You’re blocking my sun.”

Realizing where he was standing, he immediately stepped back. “Sorry. Um… so, thanks for inviting me over.”

She relaxed and replaced her glasses over her eyes. “Yeah no problem. I thought we should hang out, get to know each other better.”


“Have a seat and make yourself comfortable,” she said, gesturing to the lounger next to hers.

Max took a seat, looking out to the glistening water in the pool. The two were stuck in an awkward silence until Max spoke up.

“So, are we going to get in the pool? Or no?” he had only been out for a few minutes, but he was already baking. It was steamy out and there were no clouds in the sky to provide any cover from the sun.

“I really don’t want to mess up my hair,” she replied.

Before he could stop himself, Max snorted and rolled his eyes. Lifting her head up, she glared at him through her glasses. “You have something to say?”

His mouth opening and closing, he decided to tell her the truth. Be yourself “It’s just, it’s not like you can’t redo it or anything. Just because you don’t want to mess your hair up, that shouldn’t stop you from having fun.”

“This is fun,” she retorted, surprised that he had said that to her.

“But it’s hot. And you have a pool. Can you swim?”

“I can swim,” she said slightly offended.

“You say you can, but can you prove it?” he teased.

Her lips were drawn into a thin line. “I don’t have to prove anything to you.”

“I know. But anyone can say they can do anything. Doing it is another thing…”

Huffing she ignored him and Max immediately felt guilty. “Hey, Liz I’m sorry. I was just teasing...”


Brushing off his apology, Liz pushed herself to her feet at her mother’s voice. “My parents are home. They want to meet you.” Grabbing his hand, she led him through the doors and into the family room overlooking the pool.

The entire wall facing the backyard was floor to ceiling windows, allowing a flood of natural light into the room. But on a hot day like today, it just heated up the room. Max was internally grateful that the Parker’s had air conditioning.

“Hey Mom, Daddy. I’d like you guys to meet Max, Max these are my parents.”

Max wiped his hands on his jeans before he shook both their hands.

“Nice to meet you Max.” Nancy bit back a wide grin. She always loved it when Liz brought a guy over for them to meet. Her baby was all grown up and interested in boys now. At sixteen, she had been for awhile now, but Nancy couldn’t quench the urge to grab the nearest camera whenever Liz had a date.

Jeff on the other hand was already sizing Max up, wondering if he was good enough for his only daughter. He didn’t want just anyone sniffing around his daughter and hurting her. He remembered what he was like at Max’s age and though things had changed since the time he was a teenager, some things stayed the same. And unless Max was one of those rare good guys, Jeff knew what was exactly on his mind and he wanted to do everything possible to chase those thoughts about his daughter away.

“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Parker. Mr. Parker,” he greeted. “You have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you Max. I wish I could take the credit but if I had anything to do with the décor we might be living in a shed,” Nancy joked. “You just make yourself at home. Any friend of Lizzie’s….”

“Okay that’s enough,” Liz interrupted, already pushing Max out of the room, knowing her mother was so close to getting the video camera. And she really didn’t like the way her father was looking at Max. Jeff was overprotective and Max was a nice guy. Liz wasn’t sure that he would fight back if her father were to pound him for touching her. “We’ll see you guys later.”

“Oh before you go Lizzie, your mother and I are going out for dinner with some clients. But Thomas will be here,” Jeff said, looking pointedly at Max. “So you just let him know what you want for dinner.”

“Great! Bye guys.” She shoved Max out of the room and back outside before another word could be uttered. She didn’t need her parents embarrassing her today.

They returned to the loungers with Liz pulling hers closer to Max’s. She purposely leaned forward, revealing the little cleavage she had and tossed her hair as they talked. She could tell that Max was trying not to look at her body, but took a lingering glance while she was turned away. She smirked.

Finally, Max couldn’t take it anymore. He was burning up and his face was surely flaming red because of the heat and being so close to Liz.

“Do you mind if I go for a swim?”

“No. It’ll give me a chance to see your form,” she flirted.

Blushing, Max took off his glasses then turned away to get a semblance of privacy as he unzipped his shorts to reveal his swimming trunks. He really didn’t want to swim alone. He’d rather be with her. But it was so hot out. “Sure I can’t convince you to join me?” he said with a small pout.

“No. I’m fine right here,” she said.

“Please Liz? I’ll get lonely in that big pool all by myself,” he whined.

He gave her puppy dogs eyes and Liz laughed. “No Max. I’m fine right here. I’m working on my tan.”

“But you’re already tanned,” he argued. “You already look beautiful.”

She blushed. It was just something about the way he talked to her. “Max…” she warned.

“Liz, come on. I’ll teach you to swim. It’s not hard. And can’t you pin up your hair so it doesn’t get wet?”

“I know how to swim.”

“Then why won’t you get in the pool?”

As she rattled off excuses about having to go through so much trouble redoing her hair, Max rolled his eyes in annoyance. Stalking over to her, he boldly picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. With her kicking and screaming he took a running start and the two of them went flying into the pool.

The water was like ice against his skin and shocking to his system. He surfaced, feeling relief until Liz popped up in front of him, screaming at the top of her lungs. She emerged like that girl from the Grudge, or Cousin It, with her hair covering her face. With a growl she flipped it back, and her eyes squinted in a murderous glare. Max only could take one step back before she pounced with a scream and attacked him.

Liz really felt as if she could murder him at that moment. Didn’t she tell the stupid asshole that she didn’t want to get her hair wet!? She latched onto his arm and dragged him underwater and they struggled to gain the upper hand.

Max slipped away from her and swam away from her as fast as he could. He wasn’t sure if she was just playing or if he should be afraid when Liz easily caught up with him and grabbed the back of his shirt. She clawed and jumped on top of him, drifting between actually wanting to drown him and realizing that murder would be bad. Very bad.

Underwater, Max swam up behind her, wrapping his arms around her slim waist and picked her up as he rose to the surface. She squealed as he tossed her back in the water. He grinned at her when she surfaced.

She couldn’t help it. His smile was contagious and as they continued to wrestle and chase each other around the pool in retaliation, she found herself having a little fun

“See? Fun, we’re having fun,” he teased.

“Yeah, well you’d just better be thankful that I am having fun. I really wanted to drown you.”

“Yeah I saw that,” he replied dryly. “Sorry about that. I just thought…”

“Max, I’m having fun,” she said as she stepped closer. Biting her lip, she ran a finger over his chest. His shirt was clinging to him and she could clearly see the outline of his pecks and arms. He shivered under her touch. “You should take this off. I wanna see what you’re hiding under there.”

Max frowned, at first not knowing what she was talking about as he was too busy helplessly gazing into her eyes. She wasn’t wearing her contacts and her natural deep brown captivated him. Then he grasped that she was referring to his drenched shirt that he still wore. Smiling self-consciously, he swam towards the stairs that emerged from the pool and peeled the clinging shirt from his body. Once he had it free, he rung out as much of the excess water as he could and laid it over the back of his chair. In this heat, it would be dry in no time.

Liz, who was watching from the pool, nearly cursed when she saw him without a shirt. His body was… she didn’t know the right word to explain it. She wondered how he hid his amazingly lean and firm form. Granted, it wasn’t like she thought he was slouchy looking or anything but she never would have imagined the toned abs. She nearly drooled. She couldn’t get her tongue to work and instead she stared at him like an idiot. She silently tried to coach herself to get it together.

“Miss Parker, Mr. Evans, I made you some lunch,” Thomas called, eyeing the two of them closely. It had been so long since Liz had actually played in the pool. She used to love it always coming out to swim laps, but lately it seemed that whenever she was out here, it was more to work on her tan that to have a fun time at the pool.

Max and Liz huddled at the patio table under the protection the wide umbrella that had been tilted to block out the sun. Liz didn’t know what Max would like to eat so she went with hot dogs, hamburgers and potato chips.

Liz giggled at Max as he placed a potato chip on his nose. He quickly jerked his head up so that the chip flew in the air and when it came down, he caught it in his mouth.

“See? Now you try.”

He instructed her to hike up her chin and he placed a chip on her nose. “Okay, now just flick it in the air and just catch it.”

She flicked it, but the chip flew behind her. A few more tries and she had a pile of chips behind her. Several had hit her in the face in her attempt.

She pouted. “I suck at this.”

“Yeah. You kinda do,” he teased. “Ow! That hurt,” he complained when she smacked him on the arm.

“You’re not supposed to agree with me,” she laughed.

After eating, they relaxed in the sun for awhile before heading back into the pool. Max was impressed at how well Liz swam as she had beaten him multiple times when he challenged her to race. It was when Liz complained of looking like a prune that they got out. It was then that Thomas emerged with the phone.

“Phone call, Miss Parker.”

She excused herself and wandered into the kitchen. “Hello?”

“Hey Liz. How’s everything going?” Lynn answered.

“Great. We’re getting along great I…”

“Getting along? Liz the plan is to flirt with him and get him under your spell so that you can start making him over.”

She huffed into the phone. “I am!” She wasn’t really. Max was nice and ever since he had thrown her into the pool, she had been having too much fun to think about their project.

“Okay, okay. I was just calling to see how things were going.”

Outside, Max had asked Thomas for his backpack so that he could get his change of clothes that he’d brought.

He returned with his bag in hand. “Here you are, Mr. Evans.”

“Thanks… uh, would it be alright if you just called me, Max?” he asked, unnerved by such formality.

Thomas smiled. Finally, he thought. Liz had found a friend that could bring her back down to earth. “Of course, Max.”

“Hey, I’m back,” Liz announced as she came bounding through the doors. She gave Thomas a glare, his cue to leave, and latched on to Max’s arm. “So why don’t we shower to wash off this chlorine and then we’ll watch some movies and have dinner. How do you feel about homemade pizza?”

“Sounds great,” he beamed, happy to be so close to her. She led him to the guest bathroom so that he could shower.

She quickly ran to her room, showered, dressed and toweled dried her hair. When she was ready, she headed towards Max’s room and knocked.

“Hey, are you dressed?”

His muffled voice came through the door. “Yeah. Come in.”

He was standing in just jeans as he rummaged through his backpack for his shirt. “I was just wondering what movies you wanted to watch.”

“Anything sounds good to me.” He found his shirt and pulled the worn t-shirt over his head. He put on his glasses and found her staring. “What?”

“Nothing, just… let me try something,” she said over her shoulder as she run out of the room. She returned seconds later with a jar of hair gel.

“What’s that for?”

“I want to try something.” She scooped out a small amount into her hands and rubbed them together. Standing on her toes, she leaned in close to his ear. “I really love your hair.”

“Really?” Max sucked in a breath. He would be lying if he said that he hadn’t thought about her in the shower just a few doors down from him. To have her close was torture her him and now she was wearing these teeny shorts and a tank top, her skin smelling of warm vanilla. He hesitantly, placed both his hands on her hips to keep from toppling over because he felt as if he was swaying.

“It’s so soft, thick.”

She rubbed her fingers through his locks, massaging his scalp as her lips roamed just a breath away from the skin of his jaw. His hands gripped her hips as goose bumps appeared over his skin. Liz secretly smiled as she quietly and unknowingly seduced him. She teased the strands so that his bangs fell over his forehead instead of slicked back like he usually wore it.

She stepped away, her eyes meeting his. “I really like it like this. You should think about keeping this way for awhile.”

Nodding, though he only knew half of what she was talking about, Max let her take his hand and led him out of the room.

Soon they were sitting before the large flat screen television, deep into their second movie. Their cleared dinner plates lay on the coffee table in front of them. Liz had demanded that Thomas leave them alone for the night.

“So, you don’t have a girlfriend, right?” she asked. They sat close, facing each other, neither paying attention to the movie now. Liz sat with her feet tucked under her bottom and Max with his legs crossed. “Who’s that blonde girl? With the curly hair?”

Her hand was resting on his knee and he dragged his eyes from her fingers to her face. “Oh, that’s Tess. She’s not my girlfriend anymore.”


“Yeah, we used to date a while back. But now we’re just friends.” Tess had been his first girlfriend, but he had only gotten with her because she expressed an interest in him. But as he got to know her, Max came to care a bit for Tess, just not in the way he should for a girlfriend. In the end they broke it off, but stayed close friends.

Max pushed his glasses up as they slipped down on his nose. Liz noticed this and frowned. “I noticed you took off your glasses when we were in the pool. What do you need them for?” Reaching out, she took off his glasses. “Can you see me?” she giggled, waving her hand eagerly in front of his face.

Laughing he caught her hand, but didn’t let go. She laced their fingers together and his heart jumped. “I’m nearsighted. I can see you, but whatever that is behind you is just a blur.”

Liz quickly glanced over her shoulder and tried on his glasses. “That’s a plant back there by the way.”

“Thanks.” Her face was small compared to his glasses. “You look cute in my glasses,” he blurted out without thinking.

“Yeah?” She slid off his glasses, and smiled. “While we’re dishing out compliments, I must admit that I really love your eyes.” They were like sweet honey, deep and full of emotion. And as she studied the tiny green flecks within the gold, she felt a warm feeling in her chest. She brushed it aside though.

Max couldn’t stand it with the way she was looking at him. She was so beautiful in the dim light and so close. This was his night to take a chance. If he got burned, well at least he tried. He couldn’t squash the butterflies in his stomach as he looked at her and he chose the surprise tactic and leaned in before she knew what hit her.

“Have you thought about conta…”

Their lips met for the briefest of moments, Liz with her eyes open in shock and Max with his closed to savor the feeling.

She pulled away first and Max opened is mouth, his eyes already apologizing for the kiss. But he didn’t mean it. He wasn’t sorry. And the fact that he was leaning in again proved it. They met halfway, this time staying longer for a soft kiss. Her hands slid across his chest, up and over his shoulders to rest around his neck as he gently tugged on her lower lip.

His arms folded around her waist and she rose onto her knees as he pulled her closer. They separated for only a moment, Liz looking down at him, his lips red and swollen. His fingers burrowed in her hair and unwilling to stay away for long, pulled her down to him.

Neither of them heard the quiet crack between them and it wasn’t until they shifted, Liz’s knee pressing the rim of Max’s glasses into the cushions that she pulled away.

“Your glasses…” His glasses got crushed between them and broken in half under her knee. She hadn’t meant to do it, mainly because she hadn’t planned on getting that close and kissing Max for a long time, until she absolutely had to. But it happened. And it wasn’t what she expected.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

I know I'm late about a week, but it seems that every teacher is clammering to give us tests before Thanksgiving. :roll: Of course they live to make my life suck lol. But anyway... thanks for the feedback everyone.


Enjoy! :wink:

<center>Part 13</center>

“So what are we doing tonight?”

“Can’t be anything special. I have to study, finals are coming up Monday.”

Across a booth in a small restaurant in the city, Max covered his girlfriend’s hand with his own.

“Well, I could help.”

She raised a wary brow. “What kind of help are you referring to?”

“I think that you’ll have to wait and see now won’t you?” he flirted quietly.

She smiled though she shot him with a warning look. “Max, I really need to study.”

“I know you do. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t be there during your breaks. You know they say that it isn’t good to just cram your mind all at once…”

“Who says that?”

“They do,” he retorted.

“Who’s they?” she laughed.

“It doesn’t matter,” he said, disappointed that she wasn’t buying his reasoning as easily as he thought. “The point is, is that studying relentlessly will just fry your brain. I’ll be there to take your mind off of everything.”

She laughed. “I guess so, Max. What is going on with you? You’re acting so silly.”

He grinned cheekily and slid across the seat of the booth so that he joined her on her side. “I don’t know,” he hummed as he wrapped her in his arms. “We just haven’t spent any time together lately and I’m a little excited.”

“That’s sweet,” she said, rewarding him with a sound kiss. “And for the record, I missed you too. I know we’ve both been busy but we really do need to make more time for us.”

Between Max working and Danni frantically working on her studies, the two hadn’t seen much of each other, besides at night when one stayed over the other’s places. Even then, one or both of them fell asleep before they could spend any real time together.

They met for a deeper kiss, leaving Max pulling away with a blush when he realized they had an audience among the other patrons in the restaurant.

“I promise, after my graduation, we’ll definitely get to spend more time together,” she vowed softly.

They stayed, cuddled in their booth as they finished their meal. But their private haven was intruded by Max’s phone ringing in his pocket. Pulling it free, he glanced at the caller ID before flipping it open. “Hey Michael.”

“Max, what are you up to?” he said over the voices of his friends in the background.

“Danni and I are having lunch. What’s up?”

“We’re all hanging out over Maria’s place. I just put in a new gaming system and you have to see it.”

Max wasn’t sure if it was healthy for grown men to get so excited over video games, but that’s what they did and they had yet to apologize for it. “Definitely, we’ll be over in a little while.”

Max could hear Kyle’s voice yelling in the background. “Max, come watch me kick Michael’s ass!”

“Oh you want to trash talk now?” Michael growled back.

“I can beat you up and down your girlfriend’s place.”

Michael laughed. “There might be bloodshed by time you guys get here.”

“Great. We’ll see you soon.”

“What?” Danni said once Max hung up. Her head was on his shoulder and her eyes were closed. Now with a full stomach, she was feeling a bit drowsy.

“Everyone’s over Maria’s. Michael has a new gaming system.”

Lifting her head, she gave him a suspicious look. “You’re excited about that huh,” she said with a hint of amusement.

“Maybe,” he sung invasively.

“Well you go and have fun. I think I’m going to go home and take a nap before I hit the books.”

His excitement over going to Maria’s deflated. He wanted to go, but he wanted to spend the day with Danni. “I’ll go with you then. We can relax for awhile and then I’ll cook you dinner and help you study.”

“Max, that sounds great and all, but I know you want to go and be with your friends. You should. Let me worry about my studying.”

He pondered this for a moment before he gave in, sighing reluctantly. “Okay, but will you stay at my place then?”

“Of course. I just need to run home and get my books.”

“What are you thinking so hard about?”

It was a gentle touch on her knee that brought Liz from her thoughts. Her head quickly snapped up and she found Chase smiling gently at her.

He had taken her out to dinner at a nice Italian restaurant and now they were relaxing in front of the TV, enjoying a quiet evening. She had wanted to go out to a club so that she might be able to drown herself in the music, booze, and dancing. But she hadn’t been able to put up much of a resistance when Chase drove them to his place. In addition, she didn’t have money for drinks anyway, meaning Chase would have to pay for her.

“I’m sorry, my head is just in the clouds,” she said, managing a small smile for him. She had been somewhere else completely all night, unable to think about anything but the loss of her job.

It wasn’t as if she liked it there by any means. And it wasn’t like she would miss it. It was that now, she had no money coming in. She had no way of at least attempting to make everything seem normal to her friends anymore. Not that they weren’t suspicious already, but this would just cap it off. As much as she hated it, she knew her parents weren’t going to help her and she was reluctant to ask for their help anyway. She would have to find another job soon.

His blue eyes sparkled with concern as he said, “You sure there’s nothing I can do for you?”

She turned her own blue eyes toward him and gave him a half assed attempt at a reassuring smile. “No. I’m fine. I’ll be better company from here on out. I promise.”

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.” He muted the television and turned his body so that he was facing her.


“So, we’ve been doing this thing for like a couple of weeks now.”

“And…” she said, urging him to continue and get to the point.

“I was just wondering what this is between us. Are you my girl or what?”

She smiled and parroted, “Your girl?”

“Yeah, my girl.” His hands slipped around her waist and under her shirt. “My main squeeze, my woman.”

“Your girlfriend,” she giggled. His hands moved along her back, down to her hips. “I wasn’t aware that you were a one woman man.”

With a smirk on his lips, he gently pushed her back, guiding her until she was laying on the couch, with him hovering above her. “There are a lot of things you’re going to be aware of once I’m through with you,” he purred.

“I can’t wait.”

His head dipped and their lips touched. He kneaded her lips with his own until her were red and swollen. Staring down at her, he couldn’t help but think how lucky he was. “Be my girlfriend?”

Rendered speechless, she nodded. She had been someone’s girlfriend before. But now, more than ever, she needed to feel wanted, and that’s what Chase made her feel. He had come after her and saying yes to him was easy and was what she wanted right now.

Liz rolled out of bed as soon as she was sure that Chase was asleep. She crept naked through his expensive apartment, gathering her clothes. She dressed quickly, wrote a note and left it on the nightstand for Chase and let herself out of the apartment.

Outside, she hailed a cab, shuddering as she climbed inside. She still hated these things, but this was her way of life now. She had to accept it, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

She rode as far as she could afford, which was just outside of the city. Her apartment was still about a mile away. So in the dark, with only the street lamps to light her way, she started on her way, on foot.

Two blocks later, she cursed herself for the heels she was wearing as her feet were already throbbing. She grumbled to herself about how things had changed so quickly. She no longer had a personal masseuse to give her a massage and no means of transportation. She hadn’t had a good meal at home in the longest time. When she wasn’t with Chase, she lived off frozen dinners and fast food.

Her feet were really starting to hurt her and she spotted a bench not far away from where she stood. When she sat down, she immediately took off her shoes and tried to rub away some of the soreness.

It was by chance that glanced across the street and saw the ‘Now Hiring’ sign in the window of a small diner. Kevin’s it was called.

Biting her lip in indecision, she put her shoes on, checked for traffic and crossed the street, coming to a stop in front of the door. She was nearly out of money and she really needed a job. Waitressing couldn’t be that hard. Peering through the windows, she saw that the diner looked nice enough. There were only a few people inside still eating and there was a guy wiping down the counter.

Making a quick decision, she opened the door and walked inside.

“This sucks balls.”

Kyle grinned, as he dropped his controller and began his triumphant dance. “Don’t hate, congratulate.”

“You are so lame,” Alex scuffed.

“I beg to differ.” He turned to the woman he brought with him. Karen was her name and she laughed at his antics. “Don’t you differ, baby?”

“That I do, babe.” She accepted his kiss when he settled back onto the couch.

“Whatever, it’s my turn,” Max said, pushing his way in front of the TV.

Maria and Isabel came into the living room with a bowl of popcorn and a couple of bottles of beer. Maria immediately saw the bags of chips and empty bottles littering the floor and she growled, glaring at guys currently shouting at the screen. “God, you people act like children. Michael!”

He barely turned away from the screen. “What?” he mumbled distractedly.

Mic-hael,” she hissed.

The tone of her voice was what caused him to take notice and he quickly dropped his controller and gave her his undivided attention. “Yeah, hon?”

Maria bit the inside of her mouth in an attempt at containing her smile. She turned slightly towards Isabel and muttered out the side of her mouth, “Now that’s control.”

Isabel giggled and Michael frowned, having heard what she said. She didn’t control him. He was his own man and could do whatever he pleased. He would have voiced these thoughts aloud, but he knew better than to challenge her.

“Michael, look at this room.”

His eyes swept across the floor, the guys whooping and hollering on the couch and he silently cursed at the mess he and his friends had made.

At his wide eyed expression, she smiled and stepped up to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around her. “You’re going to clean this up, right?”

“Yes, dear.”

Yes dear,” Kyle mimicked, snickering quietly. Max and Alex tried to hide their smiles from their whipped friend.

“I admit it,” Michael whispered for only Maria to hear. “I may be whipped, but I have no problem with it as long as it’s by you.”

Her lips turned up in a soft smile as she gazed lovingly up at him. “Michael…”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

Max tried to turn away as the couple kissed, but he found it hard not to stare. Just by looking at Michael and Maria together, it was easy to tell that they were happy, in love and bound to be together forever. He was happy for his friend, but he longed to be in a similar relationship with a woman as well.

In his first few of years of college, he thought he’d found that relationship and tried to talk himself into being in love with his girlfriend of a year in a half. Recently, that was the closest he’d ever gotten.

But truly, the last time he was in love was nearly a decade ago. And as much as he didn’t want to admit it, Liz was his first love. Even though he was young, the love he had for her was something he hoped he would feel again.

“You think you guys could tone it down a little?” Alex said, slightly alarmed at witnessing Maria and Michael practically groping each other. “You do have company.”

“Yeah and this company didn’t come for a show,” Kyle added.

“Leave them alone. It’s her home, Maria can do whatever she wants,” Isabel said. She thought it was sweet that the two couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other. She glared at the back of Alex’s head as he turned back to the video game without so much as a glance in her direction. She supposed she couldn’t complain though. Alex was plenty attentive in private.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she laid her head on his shoulder. His eyes never left the television, but he turned his head and pressed his lips against his forehead. It made her smile at the subtle way he showed her that he was aware of her.

The game was over in a matter of minutes. Kyle had won again. He stood, stretching with his arms high above his head. As he finished he said, “So where are we headed after this.”

“No! No one is leaving until this place it spotless,” Maria demanded.

“Chill Maria, we’ll help clean up,” Alex said. He pulled Isabel from the couch and began to straighten the cushions. “And afterwards we can all go out dancing. I feel the need to get a slight buzz going on.”

Everyone seemed satisfied with their plans, but Kyle noticed that Max was the only one not participating. “Max, are you coming?”

“No. I think I’m going to head home and see what Danni is up to.”

“Well how do you know Danni might want to come out with us? You know you’re being awfully stingy with her,” Kyle argued playfully.

“That’s because I don’t want you getting your grubby hands on her.”

“Danni’s not a party girl. She’s like a female, hotter version of Max,” Alex quipped.

“You guys must be doing something if you’re always holed up in that apartment.” Kyle’s eyes widened. “Did you two… You know? Oh my God, no wonder you always do the same thing night after night.” He shook his head in quiet refection. “It’s always the quiet ones.”

Max nearly groaned at the path this conversation took. Why did they always end of talking about his sex life, or lack there of. “We haven’t done it yet.”

“Well you must have done something. Because I know I couldn’t stand staying in every night.”

Max and Danni didn’t do the same thing every night. They went out to dinner, to the movies, not to mention that time everyone got together and went bowling.

Even as Max made the list in his head he came to the realization that they were right. And he wasn’t sure he was happy about that.

“So Liz, do you have any experience working in food service?”

Biting her lip, Liz was tempted to lie because she really needed this job. But sooner or later the fact that she couldn’t find her way around a kitchen would come to light.

“Um… not really.”

Jacob nodded as he looked over her application. She didn’t have much experience and it would most likely cost more to train her than to find someone else with at least some cooking skills. “Well, we are looking for a cook,” he said.

“I’m a fast learner. Teach me anything and I can do it. I swear. Maybe you need another waitress or something? Please, I just really need this job.” She was nearly close to breaking and all of a sudden, a wave of emotion, helplessness and loneliness washed over her.

But she refused to cry, especially in front of this man. She was going to do this on her own and she didn’t need anyone’s help. Well, maybe Jacob’s because he could hire her, but other than that, she was on her own.

Jacob sighed, falling prey to her big blue eyes. He was a sucker and he knew it. She seemed to be in a bad way and maybe they could find a spot somewhere in the schedule for her. He’d have to talk to Max.

“Look, I can’t guarantee anything, but let me talk this over with owner. I have your number and I’ll see if I can’t work something out for you.”

A relieved smile spread over her face and she said, “Thank you.”


P.S. I don't think the name of Max's diner has been mentioned before this part, but the reason it's named Kevin's will be explained later. I know some people will be wondering about that. lol
Be at Peace MJ
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Addicted Roswellian
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Thanks for the feedback everyone! And happy belated Thanksgiving!


Enjoy! :wink:

<center>Part 14</center>

Whistling softly to himself, Max packed up to go home. It had been a long day and he was exhausted. He had been running around all day, filling in as waiter in addition to cook, since one of his employees called off sick.

Now he was ready to rest and spent the next two days off with Danni. His friend’s gentle ribbing about their relationship had gotten to him a bit. He didn’t want to be thought of as the old married couple. But he realized that as long as he and Danni were content, then it really didn’t matter.

Jacob breezed into the office. “Hey Max, you got a minute before you leave?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“Well, I think we’ve solved our short staff issue. I found a couple of people that we can hire as cooks, but I was also thinking that we can move Louise into the kitchen and hire another waitress. You know she’s filled in a few times so that everyone won’t be so boggled down with work. What do you think?”

Max mulled it over, but it didn’t take him long to agree. He trusted Jacob’s decisions and he’d never done wrong by him yet. “Yeah, I think we can do that. Good work.”

“Thanks.” He smiled and preceded to hand Max a folder. “These are the applications of…”

“Jay, I’m sorry, but I’m just really wiped out right now. You know I trust you, so just hire whoever you think is best.”

“You sure?”

Max stood, pushed his chair under his desk and grabbed his keys. “I have full confidence in whoever you choose. Besides you’ve done hiring without me before and I trust your judgment.”

“Great. Well, I’ll go make some phone calls and you go home and rest. You look like crap.”

While rolling his eyes, Max deadpanned, “Thanks. Appreciate it.”

With one last teasing smile, Max left the office, on his way home to relax and spend sometime with Danni. Jacob, on the other hand, took up residence in the seat Max had just vacated. He opened his folder, reached for the phone and began calling applicants.

Not far from the diner, Liz was just walking into her small apartment, coming from having lunch with Lynn at a restaurant in the city. Her exhaustion from having to walk the majority of the way home deepened when she caught sight off her filthy apartment.

Liz considered herself a neat person by nature. Or at least she thought she was until she was thrown into this pit and forced to survive on her own. Stumbling to the couch, she collapsed, her face landing on an opened bag of chips lying on the cushions. She supposed she should clean, but every since she moved in she had stared at this mess, hoping, wishing that it would just magically clean itself as it seemed to do when she had help.

She had been on her own for little over a month and in that short time, she lived like a pig, lost her job and alienated herself from her friends. She knew she was better than this and she wondered what her parents…anyone would think if they stopped by and saw her living like this.

She hadn’t had time to analyze that though because her phone ringing in her purse disturbed her thoughts.

Closing her eyes against an oncoming headache, she blindly reached for the phone. “Hello?”

“Liz Parker?”


“Hi, this is Jacob, from Kevin’s.”

Pushing herself up, Liz perked up a bit. “Yes, how are you?”

“Good, thanks. I was just calling to see if you’re still interested in working with us. We have a spot open for you as a waitress if you want it.”

Liz couldn’t contain her sigh of relief. “Yes, of course. When can I start?”

“Well I’d like you to come in tomorrow and we can work out a couple of details and get you a uniform and then we could use you the day after that.”

“Oh… okay that’s great.” Never in her life did she think she would get excited about getting a job. But she really needed it. She was down to almost nothing.

“I’m sorry about the short notice, but we’re understaffed.”

“No… no that’s fine.”

“Great. So is twelve tomorrow okay with you?”

“That’s fine. I’ll see you then.”

Later that night, Liz slouched on Chase’s couch, watching as Morgan openly flirted with him. Liz had a mind to tell her off, but she knew Morgan was just doing it to get a rise out of her because she had openly stated that Chase wasn’t her type. Nonetheless, Liz was just too tired to play games with her tonight.

Chase didn’t seem to enjoy being near Morgan either so he quickly made his way towards Liz and pulled her into his arms as if to tell Morgan that he was already taken.

Lynn, who had been sitting in the chair beside the couple, got to her feet and smoothed down her dress. “Are we going to this club or not? I’m sick of sitting here waiting.”

Liz could hardly afford to party all night and keep up appearances so she quickly passed. “I think I’m going to stay in tonight.”

As expected, Morgan had something to say about Liz’s decision. “What is wrong with you, Liz? Lately you’ve been acting so lame.”

Liz had no response. She wanted so badly to let someone in and tell her friends what was going on. But her fear of being ostracized overrode that, so she kept her mouth shut and turned her attention to Chase and Lynn.

“I just want to stay in tonight. I don’t feel like going out.…”

“You always stay in. What is going on with you? You never have any fun anymore,” Lynn accused.

“I know, but… I’m just not feeling well right now.”

“Whatever. Come on Lynn, I’m ready to leave.” Morgan sauntered out of Chase’s apartment.

Grabbing her purse, Lynn swiveled around and said, “Call me later,” before she hurried after Morgan.

When Chase made no moved to follow after them, Liz addressed him. “Aren’t you going out with them? You said you wanted to hit a party tonight.”

He shrugged and pulled her close when she attempted to stand. “I know, but if you’re not feeling well then I think I should stay here with you.”

She smiled. “That’s sweet, but you don’t have to stay on my account. I’m just going to go home and rest,” she said. She had to prepare herself to go into work tomorrow. She couldn’t afford to mess this job up before she even officially started it.

He got to his feet, pulling her up with him. “Well why don’t you stay here tonight?”

“No, Chase I…”

He began pulling her towards his room. His massive king sized bed come into view and Liz had a hard time protesting. But if she stayed, she’d have to get up early the next morning, find a way back to her apartment to get ready to meet with Jacob. Knowing her, by the time she got there she would be in no mood to be pleasant.

“Come on. You’re not feeling well, so I can take care of you.”

“No, I know you want to go out. I’ll be fine at home.”

He conceded, though he’d rather be with her for the night. “Well can I at least drive you home?”

Usually, she’d have him drop her off in front of her old apartment building and use every excuse in the book to prevent him from coming up. She was so sick of lying and scheming she didn’t no how long she could keep it up.

“No. I’m fine. I can make it home.”

“But if you’re not feeling well…” he pressed, gently pushing her down to his bed.

“Chase, you can’t take me home!” She yanked herself out of his grip and went in search of her belongings in the living room.

She grabbed her purse and slipped on her shoes.

With his arms folded and a frown sketched on his face, Chase watched her move about the room, her movements nearly frantic and full of tension.

“So why haven’t I seen your place?”

Liz huffed. She lifted the cushions of his couch in search of her cell phone. Being there, in his fancy, luxurious apartment was difficult for her. It was mocking her and every time she visited she was reminded of what she used to have. At first, she was okay with holing herself in Chase’s apartment, in hopes to forget what she was supposed to call home. But as things got more difficult, she was finding it hard to ignore the mess that was her reality.

And having no one to confide it wasn’t helping.

“Can we talk about this later?” Where was that damn phone?

Chase spotted the phone, peeking out from underneath the couch at her feet. Unfolding his arms, he bent to retrieve it and then dangled it teasingly in front of her.

“Looking for this?” he said with a smirk.

“Hand it over,” she demanded when he held it over her, out of her reach.

“Not until you tell me what’s going on with you.”

She didn’t know how it happened, but after attempting, unsuccessfully, to hop and reach the phone from his grasp, she found herself pouring her heart out.

Chase didn’t claim to be a sensitive guy by any means, and stayed silent throughout her monologue. He was left wondering what he would do if he were put in her situation.

“So what do you think of me now?” she cried.

He may not be as sensitive as most people, but there was no denying the fear in her eyes. She looked so small, waiting for him to reject her. “Liz, I never… When I first came up to you in that café, it wasn’t because I thought you were wealthy. You’re still the same person. You’re still my girl.”

Her smile could’ve blinded anyone who looked directly into it. With newfound confidence, she realized that maybe telling her friends the truth wouldn’t be should a bad thing after all.

Danni felt like she was going to cry.

She had been studying for hours, going over her notes and reading the books over and over but she still felt unprepared.

“I’m going to fail,” she wailed.

Max smiled, throwing a comforting arm around her shoulders. “You’re not going to fail. You know this frontward and backward. You’re just tense and nervous.”

She didn’t believe him and her pout conveyed that. “But…”

“No buts,” he chided gently as he began to knead her tense shoulders. “You just need to relax. I think you’ve been studying too hard and that’s your problem.”

She wanted badly to protest and hit the books once more just to make sure that she got everything, but his hands traveling over her tight muscles just felt too good. And before long, his lips moving against hers tasted too good.

Max knew how far they were going to go and he couldn’t help the bit of excitement he felt as they stumbled towards his room, removing clothes as they went.

They’d done things before but where they were headed now was uncharted territory between them. He smiled fondly at her when they finished, breathing heavy in the silence. It had been so long since he’d had sex and even longer since he’d made love.

He would be lying if he said he wasn’t anticipating things culminating between him and Danni, but now that it was over, he realized that their time together was lacking.

But as she smiled, relaxed and content he knew he had done his job. Whatever absentness he felt would be filled with time. After all, it takes time for love to develop.

Liz couldn’t get the hang of this waitress business. Her first day was a disaster. Her entire body hurt, especially her feet and she was tired of running around the diner like a chicken without a head. Her mood was poor and the last thing she wanted to do was smile and act peppy, serving patrons who didn’t know the meaning of a tip.

She leaned against the counter, shifting from foot to foot in an attempt to keep her weight off one foot for a least a little while. The other waiters and waitresses buzzed around her with ease.

“Table 5, order’s up.”

Sighing, Liz pushed herself towards the cook’s window to receive her order. She struggled to balance the hot plates and maneuver her way around the diner. She had broken numerous plates and spilled plenty of dishes already and she wasn’t surprised to hear the familiar sound of plates crashing to the floor.

Thoroughly embarrassed, she knelt on the floor, fighting back tears as she tried to clean up the mess she’d made. She could feel all eyes on her and she could feel her face turning bright red while she scooped up the broken plates.

Jacob and an older waitress, Sara, kneeled beside her. “Hey, why don’t you go clean yourself up,” Jacob said, gesturing toward the stain of spaghetti on her uniform. He could clearly see the tears forming in her eyes and he felt bad for the girl. She was trying. “We’ve got this.”

She hadn’t needed to be told twice and she rushed off to the bathroom to get herself together. Embarrassed didn’t even cover what she was feeling and she was closer to sneaking out the back never to be seen again, than walking back out there and serving those people.

She cleaned herself up, getting most of the food off, but it left a large, obvious stain. She wasn’t cut out for this and she decided that she’d be better off looking for another job that she could do more easily without making a fool out of herself.

So, she moved towards the bathroom door, intending to poke her head out, making sure the coast was clear before she made her get away. But before she could make her move, Sara came bounding in, her blue eyes sparkling and pearly whites proudly showing.

“Liz, I figured that you might have a stain,” she said, sparing a quick glance at the blemish tarnishing Liz’s uniform. “I found this apron you can wear for the rest of the day. Girl, I know how you’re feeling. When I first started here, I did almost the exact thing.”

Intrigued, Liz lifted her arms to allow Sara to tie the apron around her waist, affectively covering the blotch along her stomach. “Really?”

Sara let out an exuberant laugh. Liz found it endearing for the sixty year old woman. “Yes dear. Now this was way back before Kevin left his grandson this diner. In fact I don’t even think he was born yet, but anyway, that’s beside the point. I completely collided with a customer and food went flying all over the both of us. I swear I must’ve hidden in this bathroom for ages crying my eyes out and refusing to come out.”

“I know how that feels,” Liz mumbled, mostly to herself.

“I know you feel like running, but every single one of us out there knows how you feel. I can guarantee that.”

Liz managed a smile as her hand smoothed down her apron. She wondered how this woman was able to make her feel so at ease. She even allowed Sara to guide her out of the bathroom.

“Jacob and I got everything cleaned up and I took care of that table for you.”

“Thank you,” she said as she was ushered back into the diner. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice her. No one was pointing and laughing at her.

Feeling better she maneuvered her way to table 11 where she was needed.

She put on a smile and said, “Good afternoon sir would you like a menu…”

Her breath was stolen from her as the man turned, his light eyes meeting hers. “Max?”

She breathed his name in shock, but he answered in a low growl, “What the hell are you doing here?”

It was his day off, and all his friends were either busy or working and Danni was taking her finals. Rather than laze around his apartment alone, he decided to go out for a bite to eat and was unprepared to see Liz Parker, of all the people in the world standing in his diner. In uniform.

He knew she was Maria’s cousin, but she mentioned that they weren’t close and rarely spoke, which meant that the chances of running into Liz with Maria were slim. But to see her now… in uniform?

His eyes widened. “Oh fuck, you can’t be the new waitress.”

She didn’t enjoy his saucy tone and she rolled her eyes as if to brush him off. She never would have thought she would run into anyone she knew working here and even now that she was caught she attempted to act out her haughty persona. “Yeah, I am,” she said with her nose held high.

“This is unbelievable. I didn’t know you had it in you,” he half laughed as his eyes scanned her body. “I didn’t think you were capable of doing anything but spend your father’s money.”

She growled. She didn’t have time for him. “Look, I don’t need your insults right now. I’m trying to work here, so either you order or get the hell out of here!”

Max smirked. She obviously didn’t realize that he was now her boss. “Make me.”

“You want me to embarrass you in front of all these people don’t you?” she taunted with a raised brow.

“You couldn’t touch me. One wrong move and you’re gone.”

How very villainy for him to say, she thought to herself. “Who gave you any authority? Last time I saw you, you were just a pitiful nerd.”

The second the words came out of her mouth, she knew it hit him right where she wanted it to and it didn’t make her feel any better for having just hurt his feelings. His eyes lowered just the slightest and his fingers fidgeted atop the table.

He quickly regrouped and sent her a snide glare. “I’m sorry, did I forget to introduce myself? I own this place. You’re in my house now.”

Liz frowned in confusion and didn’t have time to disgust this new information as Jacob waltzed up, grinning when he saw Max and Liz together.

“Hey Max! So I see you’ve met Liz one of our new employees,” he said oblivious to the tension surrounding the booth until he came upon them. It wasn’t until he got a good look at both of them that he became aware. It was like a swirling mass of energy around them and it wasn’t exactly good.

“What’s…? Is there….something wrong here?”

Bypassing Liz, Max gestured for Jacob to follow him into his office. Max didn’t have the words to question why Liz was in his diner. Why she was back in his life.

All he could muster was, “Why her?” He was sure that there were other people Jacob could’ve hired.

“She was desperate. She said she needed the job. And I felt sorry for her,” he explained, completely confused as to why Max looked like his head was going to explode.

Max snorted. “Her parents are loaded. You just really complicated my life.”

“I’m sorry? What’d I miss? Did I do something wrong?”

“No. It’s okay, you didn’t know.”

“So who is she? Why is she a big deal?”

“We used to date…sort of… “

“Oh.” The two men were silent for a couple of moments before Jacob spoke again. “Well we can’t fire her without a good reason.”

“I know. She can stay. The world must be ending if Liz Parker is working.”

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Sorry about the wait, but I was really into Davis Cup this weekend. U.S WON!!!! YAY!! lol Add that I was being lazy and yeah lol...


Enjoy! :wink:

<center>Part 15</center>

It was minutes before closing by the time the heavy crowd finally filed out of the diner. There was some type of convention in town and for some reason they decided to eat at his little restaurant. It wasn’t that he didn’t appreciate the business, because he did, he was just exhausted.

Everyone was pretty much gone besides the few employees that were still on duty. Max rung up the last customer at the counter and then finished wiping the surface clean. Liz was reluctantly sweeping and mopping the floor and Jacob, who was working as chef for the night, was closing the kitchen down before he left.

“Goodnight, Max. Liz.” Sara waved as she flung her purse over her shoulder and sauntered out the front doors where her husband was waiting to pick her up in a Mercedes. Though it was obvious she didn’t need to work, she did so to keep her busy.

Liz nearly groaned aloud. It was if everywhere she looked, something was there reminding her of what she couldn’t have, mocking her. Now all she had was a crappy, dirty apartment.

Sighing, she swept a small pile of crumpled up straw wrappers, crumbs and other debris underneath a nearby booth and moved on. But she didn’t get very far before Max spoke and with her back turned to him she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“I’m pretty sure the trash can isn’t underneath the booth,” he sneered, enjoying himself when her shoulders heaved in a long sigh. “You might as well go back and get trash you swept under all the other booths. Oh, and you missed a spot over here by the counter.”

Pasting on the fakest smile she could muster, she turned and said, “Sure thing, boss.” Her smile fell and she watched a little smirk spread over his lips. She wanted to smack him so hard at that moment. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to work. Just working in general was bad enough, but having someone she knew, someone who had reason to make her life hell as her boss was torture.

Max watched her work with a mixture of disdain, amusement and pity. He knew that he might run into Liz occasionally, being that she was Maria’s cousin. But having her work for him was something else.

She rounded the counter to sweep up the pile of trash she had swept to the side earlier in hopes that Max wouldn’t notice. Max pretended to ignore her presence standing beside him.

Except for the occasional noise of Jacob clanging around in the kitchen and quiet swish of the broom bristles brushing against the floor, the silence was awkward and uncomfortable. And for Liz it made the fact that she was stuck there with him alone all the more distressing than if he were hurling insults at her. At least her mind would be occupied with her dislike of him, rather than her current thoughts: how horribly she felt about how she had treated him.

She would never admit it to anyone, not even to herself, but she still felt that guilt. It still gnawed at her.

Jacob finished in the kitchen. He waved goodnight and left Max and Liz alone, working in an uproar of quietness.

Max glanced at her from the corner of his eye. It was her second day and despite the front she wore, he knew that she had no idea what she was doing. Liz wasn’t a server. She spent her entire life being pampered and waited on by others.

This brought him back to why she was even working, at his diner nonetheless. Liz Parker was spoiled, with everything she needed and wanted at her fingertips. Did her parents’ company fail? Maybe her incessant spending led them into bankruptcy. He couldn’t imagine Liz voluntarily getting a job.

They moved around the diner as if they were the same sides of a magnet, repelling from each other. Whether consciously or not, they kept out of each other’s way.

She didn’t bother saying goodnight when her shift was over. She grabbed her jacket and purse from her locker in the break room before she stalked out without a glance in Max’s direction. He pretended not to notice that she was leaving, but once she walked out the door, Max heaved a long sigh. He was filled with relief and well, he didn’t know what he felt.

Max finished up for the night, locked up the diner and headed over to Danni’s place for the night. She knew something was bothering him the moment he walked through the door.

She wiggled herself between Max and the back of the couch and proceeded to rub his tense shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

His head fell forward limply as her hands worked over his muscles. He let out a low moan and then rolled his head when she moved down from his neck.

He went over the details of his past with Liz. She rubbed his stiff back and let him vent. When he was done, he was laying languidly in her arms.

“What do you think?”

Danni frowned, going over the details in her head before she spoke. “Well, I think you’re being a little mean?”

Max shot up so fast, it almost made him a little dizzy. He shrieked, “What? How am I being mean?”

“Well, maybe not mean per se, but rude. I mean, not to excuse what she did cause it was wrong, but she was a teenager and so were you.”

“That doesn’t give her the right to hurt people like she did me.”

“I know that, Max. I’m just saying that it was nearly a decade ago. How do you know she’s still the same person she was back then?”

“Cause she’s still acting like a bitch to me. She hasn’t even tried to apologize.”

“Well, you never really gave her a chance. From what you said, you just jumped on her the moment you saw her again at Maria’s party.”


“And even if she is acting…rude, two wrongs don’t make a right.”

“Danni you don’t under…”

“Max, you’re an adult. An adult!”

Sighing, Max leaning back against the couch because he knew she was right. Though he was still fully convinced that Liz was still the same, stuck up, and self-centered person she was in high school, he was an adult. And he was acting was petty.

But he couldn’t deny that just the sight of Liz Parker irritated him. What about her exactly bothered him, he didn’t know. He knew he should forgive and forget and if he really wanted to delve deeper he would see that he wasn’t angry with her anymore. But he just couldn’t let it go.

Liz sipped her coffee as she gazed out the large window looking out onto the street. It was a warm day and the sidewalk was crowded with pedestrians making their way through the city, going on about their daily business.

Inside the Coffee Bean, Lynn and Morgan chatted about their plans for the rest of the day. And up until a few minutes ago, Liz was a lively participant.

Her eyes were drawn outside, to where the working class was going about their day. She still was having trouble believing that she was to be a part of that. That she was somehow supposed to accept that her place was among them now.

So she clung to Morgan and Lynn and the lifestyle she knew with a vice like grip. But she was surprised to realize that she felt out of place with them also. Not only could she not relate to them, but she grew to resent them a bit because they still had everything that she craved.

And she was sure they sensed that something was off with her.

She had turned down shopping and partying way to many times. The fact that they were now only allowed to call her cell phone as she couldn’t afford a land line and were no longer invited to visit her apartment was not lost on Lynn. Not that Morgan particularly cared, but she noticed the changes also.

Liz was exhausted from lying and constantly coming up with excuses as to why she was unable to spend money like she used to, or because of work, didn’t have the energy to go out and party until early the next morning.

So she decided that it was time for her to tell them the truth. Telling Chase had given her confidence that the friends she had known for years wouldn’t desert her just because suddenly, she wasn’t as wealthy as she once was.

She cleared her throat, halting the gossip spewing between her two companions. They looked at her expectantly with a little annoyance at being interrupted.

She drew into herself a bit under their stare. “I sort of have an announcement,” she said as she nervously wrung her hands beneath the table. “I know you guys have noticed that I’ve been acting a little weird lately. And well, the reason that I’ve been acting so different lately us because my parents decided to cut me off.”

Lynn and Morgan looked at each other before Morgan said,“So what does that mean?”

“It means that I’m not allowed access to their money anymore. The reason I don’t go shopping and partying with you guys like I used to is because I can’t.” She swallowed the lump in her throat as her eyes slid shamefully to the table. “I can’t afford to.”

Morgan swallowed back a giggle and said, “So are you like homeless now?”

“No, I have an apartment,” she said. She felt incredibly small beneath their probing gazes. “And a job.”

Both girls looked horrified, as if they’d never heard of those particular words before. “A job?!” Lynn shrieked over Morgan’s hearty laughter.

“This just keeps getting better.”

“Morgan, I’m looking for a little support here. I’m not getting it from my parents so I hoped that I’d get it from my friends.”

Morgan concluded, “So, you want us to pay your bills?”

Liz sighed. “Not that kind of support…”

Morgan was clearly trying to hold in her laughter while Lynn stared at Liz with a strange look. She had known Liz she was in preschool and now it seemed like she was looking at a different person.

“I just don’t want this to change our friendship.” She ducked her head, afraid of the reject she was sure that was coming.

And by doing so, she missed the look passed between Lynn and Morgan.

“Or course it’s not Liz.” Lynn said. “We’ll always be your friends.”

“Look at what you did!”

“Me?!” Max shrieked, staring hard into her blue eyes. He hated those stupid things she wore. They didn’t fit her. “You’re the one who dropped the dishes.”

Her hands coming to rest on her hips, Liz huffed in annoyance. “Well I wouldn’t have dropped them if you hadn’t bumped into me.”

You bumped into me,” he retorted, feeling like a child arguing over something so trivial.

But it had been like that all night. It was Max and Liz’s third night in a row working together to close the diner and tensions rose every time they crossed paths. He wished that he could put another waitress on duty with him, but the schedule went by seniority. And being that Liz was the newest employee, she was the one who was going to close with him most of the time.

Now he stood in his empty diner, staring daggers at the girl he once cherished, as she silently refused to clean up the mess that she just made.

“Well,” he said, his tone rising with impatience, “aren’t you going to clean this up? It is your job you know.”

“Why should I have to do it? It wasn’t my fault.” She was sick of having to answer to him. She didn’t like having a boss. She was used to being the one in command, the majority of the time.

“It doesn’t matter whose fault it was…yours...”

“Was not…” she added quickly.

He ignored her. “It’s what you were hired for. You’re here to clean so I suggest you do it.”

With narrowed eyes she glared at his back when he turned to balance the register at the counter. Who did he think he was? Liz Parker wasn’t talked to like that.

Leaving the mess in the middle of the floor, she stalked over to him. “Look, I know you want to do it, so you might as well fire me now and get it over with.”

“Fire you?” he said as if he’d never heard of such a thing.

“You can’t possibly think that I’m a good waitress. And I know you don’t like me.”


“Cause I’m sure as hell not fond of you.”

He clenched his jaw, and bit back a biting remark. It was just so tempting to argue with her and he could see that she knew she was getting to him by the slight lift of her lips. This surely couldn’t be fun for her because just a few minutes ago she looked like she would rather be anywhere but there.

Rather than be sucked into another mindless quarrel, he asked, “Why are you working here? Lose a bet?”

She crossed her arms, her features immediately dropping. “Did I hit a nerve?” he teased.

She raised her chin and said with as much poise as she could muster, “I really don’t think that’s any of your business.”

The silence stretched as they stared off. He noticed the glint in her eyes and Max realized that she was picking with him because she wanted him to fire her. Liz wasn’t made to serve people. It wasn’t her nature and anyone could tell that. So it brought him back to why she was working at all.

Finally sighing, Max broke the silence as he slammed the register shut. “Look, we’re going to have to work together so…”

“You’re not going to fire me?” she queried, her features contorted in a mixture of disappointment and relief.

She wasn’t going to survive Max being her boss. Memories of past years haunted her every time she saw him and it made it that much more difficult to work. To her, she’d feel better if she was fired than if she quit. By her logic, then it wouldn’t be her fault that she was out of work.

“And give up this position of power over you? Can we just agree to act like civilized adults?”

“I am civilized. You’re the one who acts like you own the place…”

“I do own this place,” he said with a slight chuckle.

Her face colored with a slight blush. “That’s… I didn’t mean it like that. You’re the one who came at me first, acting like you hold some power over me, which you don’t.”

“I’m your boss,” he quipped.

“Why should I stay and be treated like scum.”

“Look, we both know that you wouldn’t even be here in the first place unless you really needed to.” He walked around the counter, grabbing the broom and dust pan as he went. “Yes we have a past, and there’s tension, but we can at least act like there isn’t any tension between us in front of the customers.”

He shoved the broom into her hands and then kneeled down on the floor, positioning the pan in front of the broken dishes. He looked up at her expectantly.

Together they worked to clean up the mess before they went to their respective corners and worked in silence for the rest of the night.

But Max couldn’t help but steal a few glances at her as she worked. Liz was offering herself to be fired and rid himself of ever having to deal with her, at least in his diner, again. And yet, somehow everything flipped and he was convincing her to stay. And she agreed.

What the hell just happened?

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I had finals this week so unless my job starts giving me hours like they should (but I don't think they won't) hopefully I can get some writng done on this puppy. 8)

: To be fair, Max wasn't the one who hired her. And he didn't let her stay to have power over her. He can't fire her without a reason. Let's pretend they have a union. lol :wink:


<center>Part 16</center>

September 1998

Max was surprised when he found Liz waiting at his locker Monday morning. She was leaning against it, her books held close to her chest.

Max blushed before she even saw him because he was self-conscious about his glasses. They were still broken because he hadn’t gotten the chance to get a new pair. So until he could get some replacements, he wore his old pair, thick, black rimmed “goggles” as he called them with tape holding them together. He was sure he looked like an even bigger nerd than he usually did. He couldn’t go through the whole day wearing those binoculars, especially around Liz. So, he pulled them off and shoved them into his backpack before she saw him.

He’d rather have to sit closer to the black board in class.

She gave a soft, “Hi,” when he stopped in front of her.

“Hey Liz,” he said uncertainly.

It had been two days since they kissed and he wasn’t sure where they stood. How was he supposed to act around her now? Was she expecting him to kiss her? Because if so, he was would gladly consent. Were they together now? He was afraid to ask.

She stepped aside to let him open his locker, ignoring the looks she got from her peers as they walked by. By now, the word that she and Max were hanging out was surely getting around, thanks to her friends. It was sure to reach Seth’s ears.

“How was your weekend?” she asked.

“Good. You?”

“It was okay. I was kind of hoping that we would hang out though,” she flirted with a slight pout.

Max paused his task of exchanging his books. “Really?”

She slightly pressed herself against him. “Yeah. We’re still on for lunch, though right?”

Max stepped away a bit because if he knew himself, he would do anything she asked him to with her standing so close. “I can’t today. I should maybe have lunch with my friends.”

Clearing deflated, Liz stepped back. That was unexpected. “Oh, okay.”

Max didn’t know whether he was more surprised that she looked dejected because he wasn’t having lunch with her, or guilty because he was kind of rejecting her. “It’s just that I haven’t spent that much time with them in a while and you know…”

Pasting on a smile she said, “Right. I understand. I’ll see you in class?”


Max continued to empty out his backpack and Liz, not knowing how to react since she’d never been turned down before by someone who wasn’t as popular as her, turned to leave. But she was beckoned back when Max called out for her.

“Yeah?” she said hopefully.

“Can I walk you to your first class?”

She grinned. “Sure.” She felt a tingling sensation in her chest to know that he wasn’t completely blowing her off.

His eyes glowed warm brown and he closed his locker before he slung his backpack over his shoulder. He startled Liz when he grabbed her books from her arms and she looked at him in confusion. His smile was his only answer as he cradled her books with one arm and gently laid his hand at the small of her back with his free hand.

He stayed close to her and let her guide him down the hall, weaving and ducking through the throng of students leisurely making their way to their first hour class.

They stopped in front of her class. He spoke softly, “So I guess I’ll see you in English?”

“Definitely. I can’t wait.”

Max was caught off guard by her flirty tone, but he recovered quickly. Grabbing her hand, he softly caressed her fingers with his thumb. “I’ll see you then.”

He prayed that he looked confident seconds before he leaned down and captured her lips for a brief moment. It seemed as if the entire school stopped and all eyes were on them. But as Max handed over her books and then slowly backed away from her, whispering a soft goodbye, he barely noticed all the stares.

Liz waited until she could no longer see Max before she stepped into her class. She did a fine job of containing her smile as she walked to her seat. She knew that if there was one thing she was going to enjoy in this “relationship,” it would be Max’s kisses.

“Oh my God! So you haven’t forgotten about us after all!” Tess shrieked as Max took a seat at the table with his friends.

“That’s funny, Tess,” he said dryly. “You act as if I don’t see you guys outside of lunch.” Although he couldn’t blame her because it had been a while since he’d had lunch with them because he was spending his time with Liz.

“Well slap my ass and call me pinky, look who finally showed up,” the loud voice was followed by a hyper Jake as he elbowed his way into an empty seat. He flipped his jet black hair out of his face, revealing deep blue eyes.

Jake was one of those guys who looked like he belonged with the popular kids. He was smart, funny, outgoing and extremely good looking, but underneath it all, he was a self-proclaimed dork and proud of it. He wouldn’t be could dead near his uppity rich peers even if they hadn’t shunned him like they did his entire group of friends.

“Finally get sick of that rich girl, Max?”

Kyle snorted. “Never that. He’s been hung up on her since preschool.”

“I haven’t!”

“I honestly don’t know what you see in her,” Jake commented. He searched the courtyard until he found her. Liz was sitting with her friends on the other side of the yard. She was gorgeous but she didn’t seem like Max’s type. He needed someone, well….nice.

“She’s a good girl, I swear,” Max said. “I know she is because I’ve seen it. What you see is just an act.”

“Why act at all?” Tess argued. “If she’s so great, why hide it?”

“Yeah, and why does she all of a sudden take an interest in you?” Jake pondered aloud.

“Maybe she just never noticed me before,” he shrugged. Why was his friend trying to bring him down?

“It looks a little shady to me, Max.” Tess personally didn’t want to see Max with Liz. First, she didn’t deserve him in her opinion, plain and simple. Second, she was proud, almost selfishly that she had been Max’s first and only girlfriend. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to see him happy and keep him to herself, because she didn’t. There was just something about knowing that he was untainted by all those snotty girls that made him Max

“Look, I know you guys don’t believe me, but trust me, there’s something deeper to Liz Parker than she lets on. You think I’d be attracted to her if there weren’t?”

His friends silently agreed. Max wasn’t dumb and he didn’t go for dumb girls. So maybe there was something more to Liz that no one but Max saw.

“I guess I have faith in you Max,” Kyle said, slap his best friend on the back. “But just be careful. None of us want to see you get hurt.”

A few days later, after biology, Max waited patiently as Liz gathered her things. He smiled politely at her friends when they stopped at their table.

One of the triplets, Trini, he thought it was, whispered something to Liz before they bid their goodbye and sauntered out of the classroom. Ever since he and Liz had been hanging out, they had been giving him weird looks in the halls and any class he had with them, he could feel the heat of their stares on the back on his neck and it was slowly driving him insane with insecurities.

He wasn’t stupid enough to think that something wasn’t going on. He couldn’t understand why he was getting all this sudden attention.

But one look at Liz smiling at him and reminding him that he was so close to having the girl that he’d had a crush on for so long, he couldn’t care less.

“Ready?” she said.

He took her books from her and said, “Lead the way.”

“Because you’re blind as a bat?” she teased as she headed towards the door.

“No,” he laughed. “Because ladies first. And I’m not blind anymore,” he said as a matter of fact. “Did I thank you for the new glasses yet?”

She pretended to think before she said, “That would be the twenty fifth time.”

Max laughed, but he felt as if he needed to remind her how much he appreciated her getting him new glasses. He spent a few days in school walking around without his glasses and his ability to see the board in class suffered. Finally, Liz insisted that she buy him a new pair, since, as she saw it, it was her fault that his original pair broke in the first place.

After she failed to convince him to get contacts, she settled for a pair that flattered him rather than his thick rimmed specs he usually wore. She also came bearing a few outfits and a couple of pair of shoes. When she presented them to him one day when he dropped her off at home, Max quickly insisted that she return them. Liz had refused.

“I like you, Max,” she had said. “You know I do and when I like someone as much as I like you, I enjoy buying them things. I was at the mall, thinking of you as I always do,” she flirted, “and I saw a few things that I thought you might like.

“But Liz, you don’t have to buy me anything,” he argued softly.

“But I wanted to. If you don’t accept them, I’ll be offended.”

Max reluctantly took them then, not wanting to seem as he was ungrateful. But to say that his relationship with Liz was unconventional by his means would be an understatement. They hadn’t been out on any dates, their status was undefined and they mostly saw each other and spoke in class or in the hallway where Liz was especially attentive.

“So do you need a ride today?” he asked.

From beneath her lashes she looked at him and said meekly, “If you don’t mind.”

During the ride home, they contently listened to music in silence before Liz spoke up.

“So Max, I’m not ready to go home yet. Do you want to go grab something to eat?”

Max let out a faint sigh. “I would, but today’s my dad’s birthday and I promised my mom that I’d help her cook a big dinner for him.”

“Oh…” Max pulled into her winding driveway but nearly swerved into the front lawn when he felt her hand on his knee. “Sure I can’t persuade you to change your mind?”

Clearing his throat, he mumbled, “I’d really love to, but maybe some other time.”

Now miffed at being turned down again, she snatched her hand away and gathered her belongings. When he stopped in front of her house, she jerked the down open. It squeaked on its hinges. “Whatever, I guess I’ll see you…”

Suddenly encouraged by her disappointment that she wasn’t going to spend time with him, he grabbed her arm before she could hop out the car. “Hey wait… I’m free tomorrow and I was thinking that maybe if you weren’t doing anything, we could go out…like on a date.”

Her face was a mask of panic. She hadn’t thought that he might want to go out on an actual date. She was so focused on trying to get Seth’s attention she figured that Max was content just to spend time with her. Any other less popular guy would, why was Max so different?

But his eyes were so hopeful, so soulful and open. It wasn’t the first time that she noticed them, but it was the first time she let herself become taken by them.

“Really?” she breathed softly.

“Yeah. Will you go out with me?”

She leaned toward him as his thumb stroked the soft skin of her arm. She was bewildered at how quickly things changed. One minute she was mad because he wouldn’t hang out with her and the next, she was caught up in his eyes. “Uh… sure,” she answered softly.

“Great. I’ll pick up tomorrow.”

Quickly shaking herself out of her stupor, she pulled her arm from his grasp. “Great,” she said half-heartedly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, she climbed out of the car and stalked into her home.

Max watched her go with a wide grin. He and Liz had a date. Finally.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Thanks for the feedback!



<center>Part 17</center>

“The floor isn’t going to sweep itself you know?”

“I’m just resting my feet a bit.”

“The faster you get this done the sooner you leave.”

She snatched the broom from its resting place against the wall with a bothered sigh. She began whipping the floor with the bristles making a hard swishing sound. She hoped to annoy him enough so that he’d tell her to stop. But he ignored her like an expert and in turn, she got herself frustrated.

“Why am I always closing the diner with you? Isn’t there a conflict of interest violation or something?”

“It’s because I can’t get enough of our heart warming conversations,” he retorted dryly without looking up from his work.

“Heart warming,” she snorted. “If you could only see what I’m fantasizing of doing to you right now.”

He turned beet red, having taken her statement another way. Liz also blushed when she realized what she said and how he took it. But, Max quipped quickly in return and said, “Whoops. I know I’m a knock out and all but that was inappropriate. Beside we’re supposed to hate each other.”

“I didn’t mean it the way it sounded, jerk! I meant something along the lines of stapling your mouth shut.”

Shut up!” he gasped sarcastically. “I was thinking the same thing about you.”

She tried to contain her giggle as she turned her back to him and continued sweeping.

They were silent, working diligently together and separately to make the diner presentable for the customers in the morning.

It was nearly an hour later before either one spoke again. Max was the one to start. “For the record, you get the night shifts because you have the least seniority of everyone else.”

“What about that one new chick…”

“She’s works in the kitchen. She doesn’t close. You do.”

“You sure it’s not because you want to spend more time with me?”

“I think so.”

“Take a moment to make sure you’re certain.”

He stroked his chin as he pretended to think. “Nope I’m pretty sure I can’t stand to be in the same room as you.”

”Don’t be shy. You can tell me how you really feel.”

He let out a loud snort of laughter, enjoying their banter a bit. “You wish.”

“You want this,” she taunted.

“I’ve had that. Sampled it and rejected it.”

“Reje… um have you forgotten who you’re talking to?”

“Oh I know exactly who I’m talking to.”

“Oh because I’m sure you’re deathly mistaken.”


“You rejected me? No, hon, it was the other way around.”

He didn’t reply and the guilt crashed over her like a wave. She opened her mouth to apologize but she didn’t make a sound. She couldn’t.

Thirty minutes later, she was taking another break. She hadn’t done this much cleaning in her entire life.

Max, who was doing paperwork at the counter, wouldn’t look at her and she hated to admit it hurt more than all the evil looks he could send her way. She wasn’t sure why he didn’t go into his office. She assumed that it was because he knew that his silent treatment would get to her. Why it did, she had no idea.

As she sat in the booth, playing with the napkin holder when she was supposed to be wiping down the tables, she spoke, though she didn’t intend to.

“I can’t believe I’m actually working.”

Max didn’t even flinch. She continued anyway. “I always thought I’d be living the life of luxury my entire life. I mean working for money,” she snorted at the concept. “Paying bills, saving, I…” She couldn’t complete her thought as her mind drifted elsewhere, to what she used to have.

Max was listening, but gave no outside indication that he was. Why was she telling him this? Opening up to him. Why the hell was he listening?

She got to her feet and began to empty the trash can. She tied up the bags and set them onto a cart, to be wheeled out to the dumpster later.

She looked at Max, still scribbling on his paperwork. Frowning, she took a seat on the stool beside him.

“My parents cut me off. They said that I need to learn to stand on my own two feet… that I need to learn responsibility and all that. So I have my own place, make my own money. It’s so weird.”

She couldn’t figure out why she was telling him this. Spreading her business. Why the hell was she telling him this?

He looked up at her, his face blank. He studied her, looking for something. He thought he found it, but those horrible blue contacts hid them away. They looked so strange on her. Yet, she was beautiful, he couldn’t deny. But all he could think was that it was a shame she hadn’t turned out to be the person he thought she was.

“You should go take out that trash. Make sure you lock that door. Finish mopping the rest of the floor and then you can go.”

He returned to his work, ignoring a fact that had been blaring in front of him every since Liz came back into his life. She still got to him.

There was a red piece of paper taped to Liz’s apartment door. “Important Notice” it read. Frowning, she ripped it down, intending to read it when she got inside.

The apartment was dark and she dragged her hand along the wall, feeling for the switch to turn on the lights. In her cluttered apartment, she bumped into a random piece of furniture in her search before her fingers finally made contact with the switch. Setting her purse, the notice and her keys on the floor, she flicked it and awaited light to fill her apartment, but nothing happened. She was left staring at darkness. She hurriedly flicked the switch on and off before finally deducing that her lights weren’t going to come out.

She felt her way into the kitchen and then opened the refrigerator door. The light was out inside there also and the odor of spoiled food drifted to her nose. She quickly closed the door.

She had no power, which wasn’t surprising seeing that she hadn’t paid her bill, let alone been in her apartment. She had practically taken up residence at Chase’s home.

Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she went into her moonlit room and packed a bag, called Chase to let him know she was staying over and left her apartment and her responsibilities behind.

“Goodnight Liz.”

Before she walked out of the diner, she turned around to wave goodbye to Jacob. Max had the night off and Jacob was closing the diner instead. She had to admit that it was strange closing with someone other than Max. The tension that she was used to working under was gone. Between the silences under which they worked, she and Jacob exchanged pleasant dialog.

It was sort of unnerving.

She hoisted her purse on her shoulder as she made her way to the parking lot where she waited for Chase. He was kind enough to pick her up since she was staying with him.

She hadn’t told him that she had no power at her home, which was the main reason why she was staying with him. He just seemed content to have her around and Liz was okay with that.

She pulled her phone free from her purse and hit the speed dial for a familiar number. She hadn’t spoken to either Lynn or Morgan in a few days. She had been busy working and when she wasn’t she spent her time with Chase.


“Hey Lynn, it’s me.”

There was a short pause before she responded. “Liz? Hey, what’s up?”

“Nothing I was just seeing what you had going for tonight? Do you….”

“You know what? Let me call you back.”

“Okay… um, I’ll talk to you in a minute.”


Liz hung up and a moment later, Chase pulled up alongside the curb.

She climbed into his new Cadillac Escalade. She accepted his soft kiss before she strapped herself in.

“You weren’t waiting long were you?” he asked as he pulled out into the street.

“No. And you know I would be complaining if I did,” she laughed.

He slapped a hand to his forehead. “Of course you would. Where’s my head?” he teased. She smiled and lightly smacked his thigh for his teasing. “You’re going to be okay in the apartment by yourself right?” he questioned. It was the tenth time he’d asked her all day.

“I told you before that it was fine. Go out and have fun with your friends. I’ll probably hang out with Lynn and Morgan tonight.”

“Don’t miss me too badly while I’m gone.”

She rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help the hint of a smile that tried to form on her lips. “I’ll try to keep sane.”

Chase pulled in front of his building, standing tall in all its luxury. He leaned across the seat and offered her a long kiss which she took eagerly. When he pulled away, his lips were drawn into a serene smile. “Make sure there’s some of that left when I get home.”

“Will do,” she giggled.

Liz immediately kicked off her shoes when she entered Chase’s apartment. Her phone hadn’t left her hand since she ended her call with Lynn. She wanted to make sure that she heard it ring when she called her back.

After a quick snack in the kitchen, she decided she needed to wash the stench of labor off her body.

She ran herself a bath, complete with sweet smelling bubbles. She could clearly see the steam wafting above the water and she set her cell phone next to the tub and quickly undressed.

She felt loose, warm and relaxed when she stepped out. She watched the water circle the drain as she wrapped the ties to her robe around her waist. She glanced at her phone, still sitting on the floor.

She almost willed it to ring and jumped in fright when it did.


“Lizzie! How are you darling?” her mother said.

Rolling her eyes, Liz stalked into the bedroom. Chase had let her have some closet space and she rummaged through her side. She found a little black dress she hadn’t worn in a while.

“I’m good, Mom.”

“How’s everything going? How’s the apartment?”

Her eyes scanned the massive room she was in. It was certainly nearly as big as her entire apartment. “It’s great. Everything’s going fine.”

Nancy’s grin could be heard through her voice. “That’s fine dear. I’m so glad you’re doing well. And how’s work? Are you getting the hang of everything.”

“Yes, I suppose so,” she said, sighing as she impatiently shifted from foot to foot. “Listen Mom, I’m kind of expecting a call, so…”

“Oh, no problem, honey. I was just seeing how you were doing. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Bye.”

She tossed her phone onto the bed and went in search for shoes and accessories to go with her dress. Maybe they all could go out to eat before hitting a few clubs, she thought.

Fifteen minutes and a text later, she was still waiting. She refused to let her mood be dampened, so she slipped on the dress, did her hair and started work on her makeup.

Lynn would call soon.

Be at Peace MJ
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Post by sweetbrowneyes »

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas :D

LairaBehr4: So what are you trying to say? That all my chapters sounds the same? lol :)

I won't be back until next year (I love saying that lol) so I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year!

<center>Part 18</center>

October 1998

Liz dropped her head and pulled her lips inward in a dreadfully unsuccessful attempt to hide a giggle. Max cursed under his breath once more, but Liz heard it anyway. She couldn’t help the burst of laughter that escaped from her lips.

“Liz, I am so sorry…”

“Max, it’s okay, really.”

“No, I had this whole dinner planned out and then I go and do something stupid like this.”

Liz leaned in her chair, attempting to get a better look at Max, on the floor and hovering over the capsized mess that was the dessert that he had made for this occasion.

Max had been nervous about his date with Liz, mostly because he had no idea where he was going to take her. He was sure Liz was used to expensive restaurants and her boyfriends fawning over her. He had the fawning part down, but he couldn’t afford to take her to one of the better restaurants in town.

So he decided to make her dinner. It seemed more intimate and thoughtful to do so anyway than to spend money on her. He had kicked his parents out of the house so that he and Liz could be alone and there would be no chance of embarrassment. They gladly went, happy to see Max so enthused about a girl he really liked. But they still stuck around just until Liz arrived to be introduced to the girl that seemed to have stolen their son’s heart.

Liz could tell that he was trying hard to impress her and the fact that, in his eyes, he was failing was sort of endearing. It was easy to warm up to him and she found herself having great time despite herself.

Max was nearly pouting as he carried his now destroyed dessert to the trash. Again, Liz stifled a laugh. “So, I didn’t know you could cook,” she said as she watched him sweep up the mess. Though she felt bound to, she made no move to help him.

He wiped up the last remnants of his creation before he rejoined her at the table. “Yeah, my grandfather loved to cook and I just kind of fell into it.”

Interesting, she thought. “So did you…”

Max was promptly interrupted by a high pitched ring tone. He frowned at the unfamiliar sound while Liz quickly searched through her purse before whipping out her cell phone.

Glancing at the caller ID, she didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway.


“Hey Liz, its Seth.” His voice was as smooth and warm as she always imagined it to be over the phone.

Her eyes immediately widened. Her chair’s legs scrapped against the tiled floor as she pushed to her feet. “Excuse me,” she said quietly to Max.

He nodded, though not without a frown and watched her walk into the living room for more privacy.

When she was sure so was out of Max’s earshot, she spoke. “Seth. How are you?”

“Good. I got your number from Lynn. I hope that’s alright.”

“Yeah. That’s cool.” She tried to sound nonchalant and she thought she pulled it off well.

“Good. You know, I’ve been thinking about you.”

Liz grinned. The plan was actually working. “Really? What did I do to deserve the pleasure of coming across your mind?” she flirted quietly.

He chuckled deeply. “Nothing yet. What are you doing right now?”

“I’m on a date with Max,” she said sweetly, hoping to spark a bit of jealousy.


“Yeah. He cooked dinner for me. He’s so sweet to me.”

She could hear him grunting faintly in the background. “You and Evans, huh?”

“Yeah. Actually I should get back to him. He’s got something special planned for me,” she lied.

“Right. Well, save my number,” he nearly demanded roughly.

“Uh huh. Bye Seth.” Nearly skipping back into the kitchen after she hung up, her eyes sparkled with joy.

“Everything alright?” Max’s voice brought her back down, but she offered him an easy smile.

“Yeah. It was just my mom.”

He accepted her excuse easily and came to stand in front of her. “So I was thinking,” he started, taking her smaller hands in his, “that we could go to a movie. I want to get out of here before my parents get back and my mom starts harassing us.”

Liz rolled her eyes with her laugh. “I know that feeling. I wouldn’t mind seeing a movie.”

“I was thinking of going to the drive in instead so that we could um… you know, talk.”

Liz suppressed a smile. She knew what he was alluding to and she wasn’t dumb enough to think that only talking was going to happen. As much of a nice guy Max was, he was still a guy and it was easy to tell when they wanted a little action.

With her agreement, they set off. Max had no idea what movie they were seeing. He let her pick, but all he was concerned with was being with her. He had fantasized about this for so long and now he was here. It was almost surreal.

They made themselves comfortable in the back seat of Max’s raggedy jeep, which ran surprisingly well, Liz thought. They settled in for the previews with a bucket of popcorn between them.

“Have you ever thought of trying out for the school swimming team?” he asked randomly, startling Liz so that she leaned away from him a bit.

Loudly gulping down her popcorn, Liz stared at him with wide eyes. “What?”

“I was just thinking about when I was over your house and we were in the pool. You just seemed so happy, not to mention how you beat me handedly when we raced.”

“Well, first of all, it was hardly difficult at beating you,” she teased good-naturedly, “and secondly, swimming is not my thing.” She ducked her head and continued to tuck into the popcorn.

Max protested. “It’s just that you’re a really good swimmer and I’d bet you’d do well at competing.”

“I told you, it’s not my thing.”

Max didn’t know why, but he pressed on. “But, I know you like swimming.” It was something about the way she looked when she was swimming, she looked happy, not that she didn’t at any particular moment, but it was just something different. Maybe it was a look of contentment, the way her lips curled up into a blissful smile or her eyes lit with delight. Whatever it was he wished he saw it more often.

She was clearly getting annoyed now. Why wouldn’t he just let it drop? “How would you know that? You don’t even know me like that.”

“Yeah, but I’ve seen you hanging out by the pool during tournaments.”

Her mouth dropped open. How did he know that? “Kyle dragged me to a meet to see a girl he liked,” he explained. “I saw you lurking in the corner, watching them,” he revealed.

“Oh…uh, well cheerleading takes up pretty much all my time so…”

“But if you like it, I don’t see why you shouldn’t go for it. You’re really good, Liz.”

“Really?” She looked so... Max couldn’t quite put his finger on her expression. It was one that he had seen when she was off on her own, left alone by the hounds of peers and friends. She looked almost vulnerable.

Setting the popcorn aside, he took her into his arms. She tensed for a moment, before his soothing hand rubbing up and down her arm relaxed her and she melted into his side. “You’d blow them all out of the water. Really.”

When he kissed her temple, she felt a building tingling in her stomach and warmth spreading over her. His lips landed on her forehead next and then her cheek. They had kissed before, no doubt, but they were alone and that just made all the difference. Max hoped that he would be able to control himself.

She leaned her head back against his arm, her eyes darting from his eyes to his lips. He felt bold enough to swoop down and taste her them. Seconds turned into minutes and they only slowed to suck in a quick breath.

His hand traveled down to her thigh, his fingers slightly grip at her flesh before pulling away. It seemed as if his whole body tensed and then his lips were free from hers.

She panted, “What? Why’d you stop?” she whined, clearly trying to pull him back to her. But it was the look on his face that stopped her from trying. He looked so innocent, so eager to please her. It wasn’t that she didn’t have guys eager to make her happy, but it was Max’s obvious genuine willingness that made her stop.

She had never had that before.

“Is this okay?” he asked, still trying to catch his breath. He licked his lips and nearly moaned aloud because he could still taste her. “My hand on you…on your thigh?”

She couldn’t decipher how touched she was that he cared how comfortable she was. She had no idea how to handle that, so she ignored it, attempting to push those feelings away. Instead, she nodded to answer his question and by grabbing fists full of his shirt, yanked him back to her.

Max repositioned his hand on her thigh and smiled against her lips when she let out a soft cry.

This was the best date ever.

“Max when are you going to bring Danni to meet us?”

“Whenever I get some free time, Mom.”

Diane sighed. “You’ve been saying that for months now. Are you working too hard?”

Rolling his eyes as he sat back in his seat at his desk, Max stared up at the ceiling and wondered when his mother would stop worrying about him. “No Mom. I promise I’m not. Plus, she just finished with finals so I’m sure she just wants to relax before…”

“What better way than to relax than spending a few days with us. You’ll get a nice home cooked meal, peace and quiet away from that crowded city, I bet it’d do you both some good.”

After Max moved out on his own, his parents decided to pack up and move to a small town a few hours away from the city. Both his parents grew up in a small town and once Max was gone, they realized how much they missed it.

“I’m sure it would. Let me talk to Danni and see what she says.”

Beaming now, Diane squealed. “Great, I’ll get everything set up…”

“I didn’t say we were coming definitely.”

Diane ignored him, or either didn’t hear him as she was going through her plans in her head. Max couldn’t tell. “I’ll need to clean out that room… do you need separate rooms. Have you two, you know…done…it?”

“Mom!!” He could feel his cheeks flaming hot red.

“What? I need to prepare. She’s an awfully pretty girl and you’re so handsome. I can’t see why you haven’t yet.”

Mortified now, Max quickly searched for the best possible way to end this conversation. “Whoa, okay, Mother you have gone way…wow…. I have to go now.”

“Alright dear. Make sure you call me. You’re father is out doing something…somewhere. I think he went out to get more bait. He wants to go fishing in the morning. Oh he’ll be so pleased to see you two.”

Knowing that she will talk forever and a day, Max swiftly ended to conversation. “Alright Mom, I’ll call you later.”

“Okay dear. Love you.”

“Love you too.” His cheeks were still hot after he hung up.

He needed something to get his mind off his embarrassment. It was nearly time for his lunch and after notifying Jacob that he was taking it a bit early, he made himself a sub in the kitchen.

He wasn’t up to eating by himself in his office, so he headed toward the break room. There were a few other employees sitting in the back, playing a game of cards. Max waved to them and politely declined their invitation to join.

Liz, who was sitting alone at the front table with her chin lying on her arms on top of the table, was steadily glaring at her phone.

He was so close to walking by her and he would have if his feet had not chosen the last moment to turn around. He stood beside her, his tray of food in hand.

“Expecting a call?” He said, a bit amused at how intense her hatred for her phone seemed to be.

Her head shot up, startled by his voice. She had been so deep in thought she hadn’t realized anyone else had come into the room. “Something like that,” she replied, her tone deflated.

The moment her eyes rose to meet his, he could see the unshed tears in her there. She wasn’t wearing her contacts and her deep brown eyes meet his for the first time since the beginning of high school. It had been so long and it was almost as if with the removal of her blue contacts destroyed a wall she had built around herself. He saw, in her eyes, the girl he once was in love with and recently believed didn’t exist.

He didn’t know what he was getting himself into by showing that cared, that it mattered that she looked like she was going to burst into tears any second. He just couldn’t stand her looking like that. He took the seat across from her.

“What’s wrong?”

It only took her a second to contemplate whether she would tell him or not. She felt as if she would combust if she didn’t tell someone. She had tried to talk to Chase, but with his friends in town, he hadn’t been home long enough. “I told my friends that my parents aren’t supporting me anymore and I can’t afford to live like I used to. I haven’t heard from them since. I guess they can’t afford to be seen with me now.”

“And Lynn… I’ve known her since, since we were kids. I…all this time. I thought I had friends that would always be there for me.”

Max was silent for a few moments before he spoke. “Or maybe you didn’t,” he elaborated.

She looked up from her phone, tears threatening to fall. “Maybe I didn’t know what?”

“Maybe you always knew this would happen and you never realized it for ignored it. It took you this long to tell them and this is something that a real friend would have no problem accepting. I mean, come on Liz, if you were in their shoes, would you have done the same thing?”

Her eyes were wide as she stared at him and he knew the exact moment when she realized that she would have done the same thing. Her eyes dropped and it was as if he could see the thoughts colliding in her head.

“Hurts to find out that someone you care about and you thought cared about you, turns out to be a fraud, doesn’t it?”

Her mouth fell open, attempting to say the words that were long overdue. But she didn’t utter a word and she let him walk away.
Last edited by sweetbrowneyes on Tue May 20, 2008 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Be at Peace MJ
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Re: The Ex Factor...(M/L, Mature) Part 18 12/27/07

Post by sweetbrowneyes »

Happy New Year everyone. I hope everyone had a better New Years than I did because mine sucked. :x

LairaBehr4: Thanks! I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I wasn't upset or anything. lol
behrluv32: Yes, dreamer insurance is being offered. :wink:
: I would think Max seemed to be acting weird with his mom because she was asking whether he and Danni had had sex before. That's always embarrassing coming from a parent lol
: Max isn't really done saying his piece yet. :wink: lol
jake17: Dreamer ending. Of course! :D

Part 19

Liz watched them all laughing and joking around with each other, all huddled in one tiny booth. She had slid behind the counter unnoticed and observed them. They were so close and she could tell just by looking at them.

Max, who was taking a break and sitting on the edge of the booth, stood to let Isabel out as she claimed she needed to use the restroom.

As she left, Kyle exclaimed, “Oh! Max, I forgot to tell you, Tess called.”

Max perked up, he hadn’t seen her in years. “Did she really? What’s she up to?”

“Who’s Tess?” Danni asked.

“She’s a friend from high school,” Kyle explained. “She’s moving back here. She’ll be here in a few days to look for apartments.”

“Why didn’t she call me?” Max pouted mockingly.

“Cause she doesn’t like you as much,” Alex inserted, though he hadn’t even met Tess before. He smiled when Max gave him a dirty look.

“Whatever.” Max squeezed Danni’s feet which were resting in his lap before he let her slide them to the floor. “Are you guys getting something? Because when I close the grill, it’s closed for the night.”

“How many times have you said that and how many times have you not followed through on it?” Alex teased.

Max claimed dumbly, “That’s not the point.”

Chuckling to himself, Alex excused himself and made his way to the restrooms. When he rounded the corner, he poked his head back around. No one was paying attention and he grinned with glee.

Isabel was waiting for him at the end of the hall. He took off toward her and in their embrace they stumbled into the women’s bathroom.

Liz stopped sweeping when she spied Max and Danni walking towards her. She studied the way they interacted and she couldn’t help but think back to when they were together. Even she couldn’t deny that Max was a good companion.

Max walked behind Danni, his face relaxed into an easy smile as he curled his fingers through the belt loops of her jeans. Liz’s face remained blank and hard when the couple passed and Danni shot her a friendly smile.

She examined them carefully, watching them flirt quietly behind the counter. Max looked happy and she wondered if he ever looked that way with her. Did she make him smile like that? Was she capable of causing that deep laugh to spill from his lips in joy?

Self-consciously, she glanced down at her attire. Her uniform was dirty and her hands were grubby. She looked like she had been rolling around in dirt. Thinking back to her apartment and how bad it looked further depressed her. Without money and glamour to use as a distraction, she wondered if she could please any man.

“Oh my God Michael you are the rudest person I have ever met in my life!” Maria’s voice could be heard all the way down the street.

“Everyone hold down the fort!” Kyle exclaimed. “Hurricane Deluca is on her way!”

Moments later, Maria burst through the diner doors, knocking down the little bell that hung over the door and rung whenever the door was opened.

“Men are assholes!” she growled.

“I take offense to that,” Kyle commented as Michael stumbled in behind her.

Maria had stopped just inside of the door and Michael ran straight into her back, having misjudged his distance from her. He was clearly tipsy and he made a point to let everyone know that. He made his way to the middle of the diner and proclaimed, “Before we start, I’d just like to make it known that I’m a little bit drunk and she’s a little bit crazy.” He ended with swinging his arm around until he was pointing at his furious girlfriend.

Finding this amusing, Max asked, “What’s wrong now?”

Kyle added, “I thought you guys would be all happily in love since you’re supposed to be going on this week long getaway… that you so selfishly decided not to invite any of your friends on.”

“Maria’s got some problems,” Michael injected.

Maria stomped over to him to slap his arm. He jumped and proceeded to pout. “I’m not the one ogling every pretty girl that walks by.”

Everyone in the room seemed to roll their eyes in unison. Of course they would be in such a heated argument, albeit as one-sided as it was, over something so trivial.

“Danni, Max looks, right?” Michael asked.

“No I don’t!”
“Yeah he does.”

Danni and Max exchanged looks. She nodded playfully which he responded by shaking his head. Without looking away from him Danni said, “Yes he does.” She smiled at him knowingly which caused him to blush.

“See!” Michael said, throwing a triumphant smile in Maria’s direction.

“And you’re okay with that?” Maria questioned in disbelief.

Danni shrugged, her eyes dancing with merriment. “Yeah, I guess I am. All guys do it. I mean it’s no big deal.”

“No big deal, Maria,” Michael taunted. “Dude,” he said, stepping up to Max to get a semblance of privacy, “You don’t mind if we switch every once in a while. I mean a girl like Danni… you have freedom to look and still get some at the end of the day.”

A second later, he jumped, his head snapping forward as a sharp, quick pain settled in the back of his head. “Hey!”

“You dumbass. You think I can’t here you. I’m standing right here. Why is it that every time you drink you become a horny idiot?” She rolled her eyes in annoyance before he could answer and stalked off in the direction of the restrooms.

Kyle joined the two other men standing at the counter and wrapped his arm around Michael’s shoulder. “Man, she is hot when she is angry,” he growled in a low voice.

“Now you get why I do this on purpose,” Michael laughed.

Maria stomped out of the restrooms, seething with anger. “Someone could’ve told me about the hot monkey sex going on the bathroom,” she threw over her shoulder.

“What?!” Max shrieked.

Maria continued on out the diner unnoticed as everyone else’s eyes swung towards Alex and Isabel, looking rumpled and bewildered as they stumbled into the room.

Kyle snickered. “Sex anyone?”

They spent a good amount of time teasing the two until they were crimson red. Max eventually made them do an inspection of the bathroom and clean up any mess that they may have made. He didn’t want his public bathroom smelling of sex.

Through all of the commotion, no one noticed Liz off in the corner. She had long since stopped working and passed the time by watching Max interact with his friends. They were a tight knit group and it could be seen even as they teased and grated on each others nerves. It was so foreign to her and in a weird way she felt like she was watching the National Geography channel. She was fascinated by them.

As everyone was leaving, Maria returned and admitted to having sat outside, thinking Michael would run after her. She had gotten restless waiting for him. They made a show of making up and received applause for their antics. Michael actually bowed to the chagrin of Maria.

“You know how stressed I am with planning this trip,” she explained.

“I know. But now we get to make up, right?” His grin was wide and bright but Maria could hardly be annoyed with him as she just wanted to do some making up as well.

Danni gave Max a kiss goodbye which he halfheartedly returned because his eyes were Maria and Michael. He wondered if it was normal to want to fight like they did. They just had so much passion for each other and watching them now as they made up, he knew they he wanted that. He hoped that he could have that with Danni.

After everyone left, Max set about cleaning up the booth he and his friends occupied, his mind elsewhere.

Liz stepped out of the shadows in the corner and moved around the counter to clean the coffee machine.

Silence settled over them until she spoke minutes later. “So you and Danni, huh?”

“Huh?” His head jerked up and his hand stilled its task of wiping down the booth. “What?”

“I said, “you and Danni are together?””

He smirked playfully. “Jealous, Parker?”

“Whatever,” she snorted and turned her back to him to finish cleaning.

Another ten minutes of silence passed.

“She’s nice I guess,” she thought aloud.

Max stopped what he was doing, taken by her sudden interest. “Yeah. She is.”

Liz turned around and tossed her rag onto the counter. It landed softly as she said softly, “It’s just that… I don’t know.”

It was weird seeing him with someone else. It was weird seeing him as the man he was now. He was confident, self assured and just… he was a man. She hadn’t seen him since high school and it was startling because she always thought that he would be what he was in high school. And in high school, he was mostly the exact opposite of what he was now.

“You don’t know what?” He watched her carefully, attempting to figure out where she was trying to take this conversation.

Shrugging, she rounded the counter and went about collecting the ketchup and mustard bottles to be refilled. “I just never pictured you with someone.”

Max let out a quiet laugh as he tried to decide whether he should be surprised at all that she had said that. After all, this was Liz he was talking to. But then again, this was Liz.

“So you thought that someone would have to take pity on me in order to be with me? Like you did,” he said, getting more irritated as he spoke.

A bit startled at his tone, Liz immediately got defensive. “That is not what I meant. And I never took pity on you. When have I ever said that? Why do you always take what I say and twist it?”

“Because everything you say is bullshit.” Max was momentarily surprised about how angry he was feeling. It was like a spark of heat running over him and he felt as if he didn’t get this out now, he never would. “Everything about you is fake. Everything you do, say, those stupid blue contacts and I don’t know why it…you piss me off because you just don’t get it and you think the world revolves around you!”

His words stung and she nearly reared back with the force of them. But determined to stand her ground, she dropped the condiments she was holding and stalked up to the counter. Max stood on the other side and they exchanged glares. “I’ve never said I thought everything revolved around me, Max! And who the fuck are you to tell me what about me is fake and what’s not? If I want to wear contacts, I will. Who made you all high and mighty?”

“I’m not the only one who thinks this. Your own cousin was in here a few minutes ago and you acted as if you two were strangers.”

“She could’ve said something to me. Why do I have to do everything?”

Max shook his head, frustrated and antsy and charged. “How many times as she tried to reach out to you and you act as if she’s a peasant.”

She gave him a steely stare. “I’ve never said that,” she argued.

“You don’t have to, Liz. It’s the way you act. You’re fake, those friends of yours… why do you think they won’t talk to you? There’s nothing there and you’re just like everyone else and it’s time that you realize it!”

When he was done, his chest heaving, his breathing heavy, his adrenaline pumping through his veins, he let out a sigh of triumph. He had been silently and unknowingly waiting since high school to say this to her and it felt good.

It felt good until he saw that she had clearly deflated. Her head hung low, though she was also breathing heavily as if she had just finished a marathon.

Now that he had calmed, he was at a lost for words. He wasn’t sorry for what he’d said, but still, Liz could tug at his strings even as he tried with everything he had to resist her. Seeing her hurt was enough to attempt to open his mouth and apologize.

A war raged inside of him, but before he could resolve it, Liz had stomped off, out of the room. He could hear the bathroom door swish open and he let out a sigh.

He didn’t know how this was going to work. He and Liz clearly couldn’t get pass the troubles of their relationship and he was getting tired of trying to figure out how. Suppose they had gone as far as they could go and it would be better if she found some place else to work. After all, he really was reluctant to let her stay on in the first place.

Feeling a headache coming on, Max balanced the register before he retreated to his office.

In the bathroom, Liz’s eyes burned as she attempted to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. She sat on top of the counter with her back to the mirror and her contacts sat next to the sink beside her as she dabbed at the tears that insisted on rolling down her cheeks.

Max was wrong. She wasn’t fake and her friends they were just… She had no way of explaining away why her friends were avoiding her but she just knew Max was wrong. She knew it. He had to be.

She broke into quiet sobs because she knew even as she tried to convince herself that Max was wrong, she realized it was in vain. Her friends had ditched her. No matter how hard she tried, she would never measure up to them. She never did. And now, she didn’t even know who she was anymore.

Max stood on the other side of the women’s bathroom door. If he strained enough, he could hear her crying inside. He sighed in annoyance, guilt, anger, sadness and softly rapped his knuckles against the door.

Her weeping immediately silenced but she said nothing.

He knocked on the door again before he said, “Liz? Hey, uh your ride is here.”

She simply nodded to herself. “Liz?”

She hopped off the counter, wiping the wetness from her cheeks as she went. A glance at the mirror told her how horrible she looked and she quickly splashed some cool water on her face.

After she dried off, she couldn’t help but stare at herself for a long moment. She hadn’t really looked at herself in a long time. She had plain features, boring brown eyes and inadequate assets. She was dull.

She pulled her shirt tighter around her chest and turned to look at herself sideways in the mirror. Her breasts barely protruded from her chest and she was sure if she wore a big enough shirt they would be hidden completely. She had little to no curves and if she pulled her hair back, she was sure she would look like a scrawny guy. What she needed was implants.

“Liz? Are you alright?”

When she stepped out of the bathroom, she found Max waiting in the hall, looking the stark opposite that he had been in the diner minutes before. As he took in her red eyes, he looked concerned.

He was a sucker for her brown eyes and he knew it. Behind those icy contacts she wore were the most expressive eyes he had ever seen and he wised she’d show them more often. This was Liz Parker and he hadn’t seen her in years.

Once he was able to snap himself out of his stupor, he said, “You okay?” All he received was a nod. “Look, I… I shouldn’t have gone off earlier. I…”

“I’m sorry.”

He paused, thinking he was hearing things. But when he looked down at her, her head hanging low, but slightly tilted to the side as if she were waiting for a response, he realized that she had said something. “What?” he said. He didn’t think he’d ever heard those words come from her mouth before.

“I said, ‘I’m sorry.’ You know for… everything.” It had come out so soft, he barely heard it. And she sort of grunted it, as if she had to force herself to utter the words he was supposed to have heard so long ago. But he was pretty sure Liz Parker didn’t apologize often because she never felt the need and she wasn’t very good at it. But the fact that she tried meant more to him than he could realize.

But he wasn’t sure where it had come from and by the perplexed look she wore, she didn’t either. Had what he said actually gotten to her? Whatever reason it had come out didn’t really matter. It was a start. And maybe they might be able to get along after all.

He nodded silently accepting her apology. “Me too. You know, yelling at you and all.”

“Right,” she said nodding as she accepted. She was getting tired of nodding and feeling weighed down by this awkwardness so she side-stepped him, and hurried into the break room to grab her things from her locker.

Chase was waiting outside. She turned back just before he drove off and spotted Max standing in the window, watching her.

Be at Peace MJ
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Re: The Ex Factor...(M/L, Mature) Part 19 1/4/07

Post by sweetbrowneyes »

I'm sorry everyone. I started school last week and I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought of writing. But I'm back with a new part and I hope you all enjoy. :wink:

Heavenli24: Welcome!
: Thanks!

Thanks everyone!
Part 20
October 1998

Jake had been standing here for nearly five minutes. Waiting. He hated waiting even more so when he knew that the homecoming game was starting in just a few minutes and he still hadn’t gotten his nachos with extra cheese yet. And if he didn’t get his nachos with extra cheese, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy the game and if he didn’t enjoy the game, his whole night would be ruined.

He probably wouldn’t have minded as much if he didn’t have to watch Max and Liz going at it. At first he was nearly mesmerized because Max was never big on PDA, which is why he had pulled her around the corner in a semi-private hallway. But as they continued to eat face, Jake couldn’t watch anymore. It was just something about them together, something wasn’t right. For the life of him, he couldn’t bring himself to trust Liz. Not that Max wasn’t a catch there was something weird about her suddenly noticing him out of the blue.

Max wore a wide grin as he stared down at her, her lips red and swollen. He loved that he was the cause of that, that she was breathing heavily because of him. He took a step away from her though, knowing it was easy to get sucked back into her spell.

“You are going to do great.”

She rested her hands on his chest, feeling the soft cool fabric of his shirt and the outline of his hard muscles beneath. “You think so?” she said meekly, looking up at him from beneath her lashes.

“I’m pretty damn sure,” he replied.

She smiled and leaned up for a quick kiss. “Good. I mean it’s no big deal.” She could feel her nerves building even as she spoke. “This is just like any other game.”

“Yeah, but I know you were pretty nervous about it.” He could sense that she was tensing so he wrapped her up in his arms and gently ran his fingers soothingly up and down her back. “You’ll be great. You’ll stick every triple jumpy flip thingy that you do,” he said, entice a giggle out of her. “And I’ll be in the stands cheering for you.”

Tonight the cheering squad was supposed to do a new routine during halftime. She was going to be in the front the majority of the time. She was a bit apprehensive about the intricate stunts they were to perform.

Everyone was going to be watching her.

He whispered in her ear to comfort her. “All you have to do is look up and I’ll be right there. Okay?”

“AHEM!” Jake didn’t bother trying to make his interruption natural. He loudly cleared his throat and Max and Liz finally broke away.

“I’ll see you later,” Max said as he backed away from Liz. She nodded, watching him as he met up with his friend and they made their way out of the school, toward the football field.

Trini, Trixi, Tasha, and Lynn all surrounded her. “Good show, Liz,” Lynn said, bumping Liz with her hip and snapping her from her constant stare at Max’s back. “You looked like you were really into it.”

“Yeah,” she replied distantly before she turned her full attention on them. “Are we ready to go out there?”

“Yep. We’re just coming to get you.”

Tasha handed Liz her pom poms just as the football team was coming out of the locker room. Seth was one of the first to come out and his eyes immediately sought her out. He gave her a devastating smile as he passed.

“I’ll see you out there, Parker,” he called over her shoulder.

She gulped and the girls surrounding her squealed and all she could think was, “of course he’d be watching her. The entire student body would be watching her, waiting to see if she would mess up.” She could feel it in her bones and the more she thought about it, the more panicky she felt.

She felt sick.

Outside of the school, Max was practically being dragged toward the football stadium. “Wait. Stop pulling me. I can walk on my own.”

“Really? Are you sure if I let you go you won’t run back in there and continue to hump her leg like you were just doing?” Jake teased.

Max immediately blushed. “I was not hum…” He couldn’t say the word comfortably. “I was just saying goodbye.”

Jake laughed, amused at how easy it was to embarrass Max. “Yeah because you won’t see her for a whole five minutes. Aw fuck!” They approached the line at the concession stand which was insanely long, according to Jake, and moving absurdly slow. “Forget it. Now I’ll never get my nachos with extra cheese before the game starts.”

He stalked off in the direction of the bleachers and Max followed. “Would you relax? And why do you always have the say the whole thing, ‘nachos with extra cheese,” he mimicked which earned him a glare. “I had Tess buy you some nachos earlier.”

They hiked up the bleachers until they spotted Tess and Kyle and sure enough, she was holding an extra container of nachos….with extra cheese.

He immediately took them from her and gobbled down a cheese drenched chip. “Best food ever!” he exclaimed, his mouth full. Disgusted, his friends turned away from him.

Max didn’t particularly care for the score of the game and he barely knew who they were up against. He wasn’t the school spirit type of guy, but watching Liz down in front of the bleachers, jumping and yelling and doing the routines perfectly was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He found himself cheering loudly every time they finished a cheer or she nailed a difficult tumble or jump because she was so good to him. He wouldn’t know where to find the courage to stand in front of all these people like she was.

“Wow, I’ve never seen you enjoy a school function, Max,” Tess teased. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Liz,” Kyle coughed.

Max didn’t try to defend himself because he thought that was pretty obvious he was just here for Liz.

“You know, I’m kind of offended that every time we try and get you to come to a game you refuse. But all Liz has to do is look at you and you’re here,” Jake commented, though he meant it as a joke, he was also slightly serious. He was still concerned at how fast Max seemed to be falling for Liz when her intensions weren’t really clear yet.

“I’m pretty sure it’s because you don’t have Liz’s lips,” Kyle retorted. “I mean, we don’t have much incentive to get him here, but Liz… she’s got things to offer.” He finished with a suggestive wiggle of his eye brows.

Tess snorted and said, “You guys are disgusting.”

“I’m just here to support her. You didn’t see how nervous she was,” Max said. Though he was speaking to them, his eyes were on Liz, who was staring right back at him, smiling big.

By half-time, Max had to admit that he was enjoying the game and being with his friends, though he did continue to cheer for Liz. He decided that he would like to see his school win so everyone would be in good spirits during the homecoming dance the next night.

Liz was feeling a little weak and light headed. During the first half of the game, Max kept her mind otherwise occupied because she could just look up in the stands and there he was, just like he promised. He was clearly cheering for her and it made her laugh a bit to think he was there cheering for a cheerleader when she knew any other guy would be more interested in the game.

But now as they made their way to the middle of the field to do their half-time cheer that she had made up, half by herself, she couldn’t find his face in the crowd and the nerves crept closer.

She got into position, and scanned the large crowd watching intently from the bleachers. She had lost Max but determined that she could do this. So she took a deep breath and waited for the music to begin.

The music started, some up tempo number that the cheerleaders could shake to. Max kept his eyes on her as she moved about the field, her first tumble she stuck solidly before she jumped right back in step with the rest of the group. The first half went without a hitch and when the music stopped and they posed, he stood with the rest of the crowd to cheer.

They scrambled into formation once more and Max watched her loyally. They sang their cheer, getting the crowd involved to root for their team. Liz was hoisted up, her feet cradled in four of her teammate’s hands, and holding up a banner that read “Go Rockets.”

Max saw one of the girls loose her footing and he felt his heart slam in his chest as Liz tumbled, but the girls supporting her cushioned her fall. He let out a breath.

His heart was pounding now as they finished their cheer and more music began to play. She miss timed her next flip and stumbled awkwardly onto the grass. Max wanted to cover his eyes.

She got back up and continued. They cheered in sync with the music and Liz prepared for another stunt. She was hoisted up, flung into the air like a doll and she performed a somersault before she came down. Max had a terrible feeling in his chest but she landed nicely in their safety net of arms. She was then raised up again intending to pull her leg up so that she’s just standing with one foot in their hands, but she lost her balance and toppled over. Her support moved with her and attempted to catch her to minimize any injury.

They finished to roaring ovation from the crowd, but Liz didn’t hear it as the squad trotted off the field. She had screwed up the easiest stunts and even without the taunts from her teammates, she was embarrassed.

It was obvious that they were enjoying watching Liz mess up for once and they weren’t about to let her forget it.

The marching band made their way onto the field with a hard beat. The crowd danced along, getting hyped up for the next half of the game. The Rockets were up by one touchdown against one of the best schools in their division. But they had a weakness in their offense and the Rockets were all too eager to take advantage.

While the band continued to the play and the cheerleaders guided the crowd with their cheering, Liz slowly snuck away, Max watching from the stands. He saw her speaking with her coach, clearly looking dejected and defeated, before she sprinted out of sight, towards the school.

“Go after her, Max,” Tess urged gently, feeling sorry for the girl.

Max quickly scrambled after her. He had just made it into the school when he spotted her long, braided hair disappearing through the doors that led to the gym.

“Liz!” he called out. He rushed into the gym, the bright florescent lights giving off an almost orange glow as it bounced off the gymnasium floor. He scanned the large area, but Liz was no where to be found.

Frowning, he walked towards the girls’ locker room. He wasn’t sure if he should go in or not. There wasn’t anyone around, but still, that was embarrassment waiting to happen. Instead, he pressed his ear against the door as he called out to her.

Convinced she wasn’t in there when he didn’t hear anything, he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked the expanse of the gym towards the exit on the other side, glancing at the basketball rims and the banner of sport championships the school won. He felt so out of place.

In the hallway now, he just happened to stop in front of the pool door. He could smell of chlorine and water seeping from underneath the crack at the bottom of the door and it beckoned him forward.

Inside, the area was bathed in low light and the green tiled walls seemed to shimmer as the reflection of the pool water hit it. Bleachers were situated above the grounds, like a balcony so spectators could look down on the swimmers.

Liz was sitting up there, in a corner, her knees pulled up and her head tilted down. She looked so small, so exposed that his heart twisted in his chest and dropped to his feet when he realized she was crying. When he made it up to her, he moved cautiously, sitting quietly beside her. She tensed, her head shot up as she quickly wiped away her tears. She let her feet slide to the floor as she attempted to look as if she hadn’t been crying.

She stared out over the pool as she tried in vain to scrub the tears from her face and waited for Max to speak, tease her for making a fool out of herself, or attempt to make her feel better. She waited, but Max didn’t say anything. He just joined her in staring out over the pool and for some reason, it calmed her because she wasn’t used to having someone around when she broke. She hadn’t had anyone to comfort her and to know that she might have that person in Max, made her uncomfortable.

Even now, they could hear the bellow of the raucous mob outside. From the announcement over the intercom, Max deduced they had scored another touchdown. For some reason, this broke Liz’s heart and she seemed to fall apart at this.

As she wept softly, head in hands, Max’s heart breaking for her to see her so upset, he scooted closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She stiffened, but didn’t move away, so he stayed that way before he gently tugged on her and guided her to rest against him.

She seemed to dissolve against him, her tears dropped onto his jacket and her eyes shut tight as she pressed into him. She hadn’t had this comfort before from a friend and it took her a while before she could get herself together.

When Max sensed that she’d calmed, he pressed a kiss against the top of her head. He felt warm all over, humbled and just enamored with this small girl who had shown so much vulnerability. He could see it when she was out on the field, smiling just like the other cheerleaders. But it was in her eyes, she looked like she felt out of place. And he knew she was beating herself up for messing up a bit and he wasn’t dense enough to think the friends she had hadn’t furthered her embarrassment.

“So,” he said quietly when he was sure she wasn’t crying. “You want to go for a little swim?”

She sat up, surprised by his intrusion of their silence. “What?”

He grinned and gestured towards the pool. “We can go for a dip.”

“Are you serious?”

He looking deathly serious as he stood, taking her by the hand and gently tugging her to her feet. “Yes. We’ll do some laps. I’ll even let you beat me once.”

She had to bite back a smile because they both knew that she would beat him in swimming anytime. “Just once?” she teased a bit tearfully.

“Well if you’re going to get all competitive…” He gave her a cheeky smile and started to pull her down the stairs, towards the pool. “How about you win once and then we tie?”

He held on to her hand as he dropped to the floor beside the pool and started to kick off his shoes. She realized that he really was serious. “Max! I’m not about to go swimming. Especially not it that.” She gestured disgustedly at the pool…a public pool. She had only been in it once and it was because she absolutely had to because of gym class. It was like swimming in a bath of urine. At least that’s how she felt.

“Come on, you’re afraid I’ll beat you?” His eyes twinkling, he smiled haughtily. She almost took his challenge, just to prove to him that she really could beat him. But looking at him, pretending to struggle as he stretched to loosen up, she knew he was just teasing her.

She laughed. “Max will you be serious? I’m not getting in that pool.”

He stood to his full height with a glint in his eyes. She instinctively took a step backward and he matched her step with one forward.

“Max, don’t,” she said as forcefully as she could. She followed up with a screech when Max took off toward her. Before she knew it, her feet were off the ground, dangling in front of him and all she could see was his butt.

Why hadn’t she ever noticed his butt before? she thought.

With her dangling over his shoulder, wiggling and squirming like a fish out of water, Max marched to the edge of the pool.

“Max, no! Don’t throw me in, I’m not kidding!”

“Oh you know I’m totally capable of doing it,” he mocked.

“Max, no! I’m so going to hurt you.”

Max smiled, enjoying her threats. “As long as you’re doing the hurting….stop wiggling before I drop you.” It was then that he realized that her bare thigh was right against his head. The short skirt she wore left little to the imagination as he could nearly see what kind of panties she wore. But what he could see was the creamy skin of the back of her thighs and he had to resist the urge to run his hand down the expanse of skin.

Her squirming stopped considerably, but she was still protesting loudly. “Max, please don’t throw me in.”

“Say that I’m a better swimmer than you are,” he demanded playfully.


“Then in you go.” He played like he was preparing to toss her but stopped when she let out a squeal. “Okay then, you have to so something for me…”

“What?” she said, her eyes locked on his butt now that he wasn’t about to throw her in. She was tempted to reach down and pinch it. She decided it was just something the way his jeans fit that made it looked extra good.

Max easily maneuvered her in his arms until one arm was under her knees and the other supporting her back. He was pleased when she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

He coached himself to keep his breathing steady. “This may be a little difficult to do right now but, I’m going to need to see that smile of yours if I’m going to be able to make a decision here.”

She quickly flashed a half-hearted smirk. Max was not satisfied. “No, I want a genuine smile, the one that blows me away every time.”

Max surprised himself with his sudden bout of boldness, but decided to continue when she blushed. He let her slide her feet to the floor, but he still had a good hold around her waist.

She wasn’t smiling. She was looking out over the pool, her eyes flickering over the calm water. Max moved so that he was standing behind her, his arms screwed around her waist.

He couldn’t help but kiss an exposed area of her neck before he whispered in her ear, “You are the best, you hear me? It doesn’t matter if you fumble a bit. Everyone makes mistakes. But it’s how you deal with it that counts and you can always get back up and prove all those who doubt you wrong because you’re better than all of them.” She turned just her head so that she could look at him. His eyes were locked on her, so honest, so open. She kissed him softly. “You’re my favorite girl, don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Okay?”

She smiled brightly, not knowing why that comment warmed her all the way to her toes. She knew it was cheesy, but it was how she felt.

“There’s that smile,” he said, in turn flashing his own big grin. “I won’t have to throw you in now.”

She laughed and let him take her hand and lead her out of the room after he stuffed his feet back into his shoes. Max looked back at her. She was smiling softly to herself, clearly not thinking about what happened during half-time. He mentally gave himself a pat on the back. He had done his job.

Be at Peace MJ