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Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 4 11/24/2018

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:37 pm
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Four
Some Language from “Meet the Dupes”

Wednesday November 15
<Evans Home>

Max again had troubling dreams. He woke up in a cold sweat with a racing heart. The only thing he could remember was the name Ava. Was he losing his mind? What did the name mean? He felt comfort with the name. Was he somehow recalling his former self’s life? Was Ava special to his former self? He was then filled with udder dread. What if his former self really loved Tess? Was he really destined to be with Tess? No, it wasn’t possible. He only thought of Tess as a sister and friend. He couldn’t imagine ever developing feelings for Tess.

Liz was still the girl of his dreams despite their recent history. He was determined to do whatever it took to find out what she was hiding. He felt her love in the kiss they shared in the Congresswoman’s office. She could say she had moved on, but he didn’t believe her.
What if this was the reason Liz left him? Was she scared that one day he would wake up and decided that he loved Tess? Was that behind her decision to push him away? He needed to talk to Liz today.

<Parker’s Apartment>

Across town, Liz was also waking up after a night with strange dreams. Zan was the only thing she could remember. For some reason she felt comfort by the name. Future Max did tell her she could make her own destiny. Was Zan tied to her future? No matter what, Max would be her only love. She couldn’t imagine another man would make her feel the way Max does.
Her stomach was still aching like the morning of the skins time field. Did it mean the skins would attacked again? Did Max and the pod squad still have other enemies out there waiting to attack again? Was Tess able to eliminate all the skins? Maybe her stomach ache was due to her need to get up the courage to talk to her parents about going to school in Florida. That had to be the reasonable explanation for her feelings.

<Trans Am Wednesday Morning Somewhere in Missouri>

Ava had a fitful sleep. She kept picturing Zan’s death repeatedly. She couldn’t believe that she did not get a premonition warning her. What good was her abilities if she couldn’t protect the man that she loved more than anything? She felt like she had failed him.
She was determined to get Max Evans. She had to warn him. She couldn’t let him suffer the same fate as Zan. She only hoped that he had found his Ava and was bonded to her. It would be the only way to defeat Nicholas if he was once again working with Lonnie.

<Parker’s Apartment>

“Liz, your mom and I need to meet with Grandma Claudia’s attorney in Santa Fe on Friday. We will return on Saturday. Your mom doesn’t get many opportunities to visit her college roommate so we decided to extend our visit. We will be leaving Roswell tomorrow after the lunch crowd. Jose will be managing deliveries in the morning. I know I can count on you to manage the closing. I don’t want you going to the bank so it can be stored in the safe. Jose will make the deposits.”

“Sure dad, I hope you and mom have a good time in Santa Fe. I have a few tests to study for this week.”
Liz was grateful that her parents were going away for the weekend. It would give her more time to think about how to tell them she wanted to go to Florida. Now she just needed to get herself to school and try to avoid Max most of the day.

Liz avoided Max all day. She arranged to take her placement exams for her Florida high school during the classes she shared with Max. Wednesday was her typical day off so she could avoid Max after school.

<Crashdown - After School>

Max sat in Liz’s normal section in the diner. He was hoping by chance she was working today. He really needed to see her. The last few nights he had been troubled by his dreams. Could his past self really have had feelings for Tess? The thought scared him more than anything. Before he could dwell on the name Ava much longer, Maria appeared to take his order.

“Hey Max, What can I get you today.”

“I will take some Saturn Rings and a Men in Black burger with a cherry coke. Have you talked to Liz today?”

“No, she was in the guidance councilor’s office most of the day. She was been very closed off the last few weeks. I told her some prime A gossip yesterday about Pam Troy and she ignored me. And no, I have no clue what is going on with her other than she gets this look in her eyes every time she looks at you like her heart is about to break. You two are miserable without each other. Max, don’t give up her yet. Something is going on but I just don’t know what.”

Maria was going make it her mission to see that her two friends worked out their differences. She didn’t think either would survive without the other.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 4 11/24/2018

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:00 pm
by keepsmiling7
Strange dreams and strange feelings.
What do they really mean?
Sure wish Max and Liz could really talk to each other.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 4 11/24/2018

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:11 am
by L-J-L 76
So Max and Liz are both having strange dreams. Liz needs to stop avoiding Max and just talk. Maybe then things will be better for the both of them. Oh no Lonnie, Rather and Ava are close to Roswell. Feel so very sorry for Ava. She lost the love of her life. Hopefully Max and Liz will have a Chance to talk really soon.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 5 11/26/2018

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 8:21 pm
by RoswellFan68
Thanks everyone for the feedback. This is a shorter chapter. Things will get really interesting in the next chapter.

Chapter Five
<Trans Am – Thursday – November 16>
Thursday Morning – Eight hours from Roswell

This would be the day. She would be getting to Roswell. Hopefully she would be able to locate Zan’s twin before Lonnie and Rath. She couldn’t be sure, but she believed that Lonnie was working with Nicholas once again. How did she know that other pods were in New Mexico unless someone told her? They had not had any contact with their so called protector in years. He was off in Hollywood producing movies and not functioning as their protector or guardian.

<Parker's Apartment>
Liz woke yet again with a strange feeling. She had completed the first set of placement tests for the high school in Florida. Today would be last set. She still had not figured out how she was going to tell her parents. She knew that they would assume it was Max. And they would be right but not this Max but Future Max. She knew this would be the best move for her future.

“Good morning Mom. Are you all packed and ready to go to Santa Fe?”

“I’m packed but I still need to pack for your dad. He always waits to the last minute. If I don’t do it for him he will forget something.”

“Hey, I’m not that bad", her father replied defending himself.

“Dear, do you remember that first convention you attended when you forgot one of your bags in the living room? You had to turn around and I had to drive with Liz to meet you an hour away.”

“Well in my defense we were new parents. You will have to forgive me if my mind was on other things.”
“Sweetheart, are you sure you want to stay here by yourself? Maybe you should go over to Maria’s house? You know we worry about you when you are alone.”

“I think Sean, her delinquent cousin, is staying with them. He gives me the creeps dad. He is always hitting on me. He has never nice to Alex. He is definitely not my type of guy.”

“Well if you change your mind or decide to have Maria stay with you, let us know.”

“Sure thing Mom, Dad. I need to get to school. Have a safe trip? Let me know if you decide to stay longer.”

“Love you sweetheart.”

Liz headed off to school. She was going to miss her parents when she was in Florida. Sometimes she forgot they were not her real parents. They had lied to her because the eye color was wrong. Two blue eyed people couldn’t have a brown eyed child. She had never got up the nerve to confront either of her parents about her knowledge. She had put it on the back burner with the entire crisis she had last school year in the alien abyss. She didn’t know if she ever would get the courage to confront her parents with the truth.

<Evans House>
Max also had the opportunity to have breakfast with his parents. Isabel had already left the house on a field trip with the student government association to Santa Fe. She would be spending the night at a local college in a dorm room. She would not be returning until Friday.

“Max, you look a little tired. Did you not sleep well last night? I thought I heard you up and around last night.”

“It’s okay Mom. I have a test I was trying to get in a little study time. There was one part I wasn’t sure about so it wouldn’t let me sleep.” He couldn’t tell his mother why he wasn’t sleeping well. How do you say, I think I remember being in love with my alien wife. But I still love my human girlfriend that may have cheated on me. That would send him back to the shrink in no time.

“You push yourself too hard between school and work son. I think you need a little downtime. Maybe, if Michael isn’t working you two can hang out this weekend.”

“I will think about it Mom. I better get to school. I have to work tonight until close so I might not see you until the morning.”

“Dad and I have to go to Clovis today and will return mid-day on Friday. Here is a twenty for dinner and breakfast while we are gone. I love you Max. Think about what I said.”

“Love you too Mom.”

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 5 11/26/2018

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:08 pm
by L-J-L 76
Oh wow both sets of parents are leaving the kids alone. Hoping Ava can find Max before Rath, Lonnie do. Liz should confront her parents about what she knows. Love to find out what the Parkers will tell Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 5 11/26/2018

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 8:24 am
by keepsmiling7
Don't blame Liz for not wanting to go to Maria's house.
Sean is very creepy!
Sure hope this time without parents will give Liz and Max time to get together and talk things out.
I want to know the reason for those very strange dreams.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 6 11/30/2018

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 7:05 am
by RoswellFan68
Chapter Six
Some language from “Meet the Dupes”

<Trans Am – Thursday Afternoon>
“We should be in Roswell in just about an hour. We will look for them in the local high school on Friday. Lonnie and I have plans tonight,” Rath said as he ran his hand up Lonnie’s thigh.

“Avas, you need to use your ability to get us two rooms at the hotel unless you want to join me with Rath,” Lonnie told her.

Ava was revolved by the idea. Zan would always be her true love. No other man held any appeal especially Rath. Ava then got a vision of Zan’s dupe. She knew he worked at the UFO museum. This information she would keep for herself.

“Only in your dreams.”

<The Crashdown>
Max is on a dinner break from work.
“Um, do you want anything? Because I’m on break in 10 minutes,” Liz informed him.

“I really think we need to talk. Why don’t we meet after school tomorrow?”

“Max, we have been over this. You have a purpose in life that I’m not a part of. I can be your friend. Long before we kissed…we were friends. We talked. We laughed. I don’t understand why we just can’t go back to that,” Liz pleaded.

“We can't. I can't. I just...I still see you more as more than a friend. I still think about us becoming lovers. I dream about us going bed together every night and waking up together every morning. Us going away to college together. Getting married after school. The look on your face when you tell me you are carrying our first child. Supporting when you give birth to our child. Having a daughter that looks just like her mother. Maybe having a son that looks like me, or a child that is the perfect blend of the two of us. Having a house with kids and a dog. It’s too hard to give up on those dreams,” Max said.

Max really needed to tell Liz his real dream. He may have been having these visions of Ava, but he still held onto his dream of Liz and him together.

“Oh Max. I don’t know how respond,” Liz said.

“Just think about what I said,” Max told her as he leaves and heads back to the UFO Museum. That was his real dream. He was going to fight these feelings he had for this Ava. She was not who he was meant to be with, Liz was.
Liz was lost in her own thoughts. How would she ever tell Max she was leaving for Florida after the Christmas break? She still felt some sense of duty to protect him, but she needed to protect her own heart more at this moment.

<Outside the Crashdown>

Outside the Crashdown, someone was watching. Ava had waited until she knew that Rath and Lonnie were occupied with each other. She feels this pull to the UFO Museum. She arrived outside the UFO Museum but felt him at the restaurant across the street. There she witnessed Max and a waitress talking. She sees the pain on their faces. More so, she could literally feel her the girl’s pain. She knew something had happened between the two of them. She locked eyes with a small blond waitress and decided she needed to get Max alone to talk to him.

She waited for Max to return to the UFO museum before she entered. She walks in and is a little uncomfortable about the displays. Some of her worse nightmares are right in front of her. She feels him. She continues her search until she finds him. He is different but still the same. The eyes are just as expressive, but they seemed troubled. He looks like he has lost the most important person in his world. She knows how he feels. He has finally spotted her.

He felt her presence, but it felt strange. He looked up to see it was Liz, but she looked different. Her hair was purple and silver. She had a piercing in her lip and eyebrow. Was that a tattoo on her right shoulder? She was wearing a short black mini skirt and black tank top. He finally realize this person wasn’t Liz.

“Who the hell are you?”

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 6 11/30/2018

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 8:17 am
by L-J-L 76
Thank god Ava found Max and Liz before Rath and Lonine did. Hopefully Max will listen to what Ava has to say. And they both can get Liz to listen too.

L-J-L 76

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 6 11/30/2018

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:53 am
by keepsmiling7
I can't wait until Max and Ava figure out what is going on.
It is beyond strange, and I hope every thing is straightened out before Liz takes off to Florida.

Re: Double Vision (CC, Adult, M/L) Chapter 6 11/30/2018

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 2:54 pm
by Parker1947
Intriguing story. Well done, and I look forward to the twists and turns.