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Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 2, 6/24/2015

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:48 am
by memory_echo
Natalie36, thank you for stopping by! :D As much as I would've loved to have seen this on the show as well, I'm not sure the story I envisioned is filmable (I don't mean the first two parts, but rather to later parts in the story). One may think, "Well, if they filmed the 'Pilot' and 'Chant Down Babylon' they can film anything." But I think a lot is lost in the translation from text to image… This is one of those stories that is best seen with the heart rather than with the eyes. Well, that's just my humble opinion, I'll leave it to you to decide. ;)

saori_1902, thanks! :)

EVE (begonia9508), I think they're both reasonable. A lot of Dreamers would pray for passion to overcome reason. Why do you think Max stopped this time? I'll give you my interpretation of his behavior the next time around. ;)

Carolyn (keepsmiling7), I'm glad there are still Dreamers like you. I fear that there are not many of them left nowadays… Our numbers seem to be dwindlling dangerously… :(

On to the last part!

Part 3: Cemented

Author's Notes: This part contains references to "Pilot" and tons of other episodes.

Caveat Lector: Despite the title, you will not find graphic descriptions of sex here… Just my interpretation of what the 'cementing' could be. So that there's no misunderstandings later. ;) And yes, I'm well aware how unpopular my opinion is on this matter. You're welcome to tell me your opinions. I'll be more than happy to read them all! :D

For O2Shea, the linchin of this story!

They trembled in each other's arms for a long while, trying to get their breathing under control. They drew deep, even breaths, gazing at each other. Their eyes mirrored an uncontrollable desire… a delightful vision! They just stood there, feeling it simmer, deeper and deeper… After a time they couldn't quantify, they felt each other's heartbeats starting to pound more slowly; the oxygen being pushed in and out of their lungs. The feeling soothed them, their eyes shone brighter, their skin felt warmer.

Comfortably cradled in each other's arms, no longer trembling, a series of flashes began to flow between them: Max saw her disappointment when he told her it wasn't safe for them to be together as well as how deeply she loved him; Liz saw his strength and his determination hidden in his vulnerability when he got out of the white room, how much he just wanted to be with her for the rest of his life; Max saw how touched she was by his alcohol induced confession; Liz saw how exhilarated he was just playing pool and dancing with her on their first official date; Max saw how much the hug shared outside the hospital comforted Liz, how in that moment, despite her pain, she felt peace; Liz saw the mixture of surprise and deep longing that Max felt when he had that vision of them in Vegas; Max saw how amazed she had been after he let her see his soul, by the fact that he had loved her so deeply for so long; Liz saw how exhilarated he felt holding her hand at midnight service, how he had cherished that moment, even with everything that was happening between them; Max saw how liberated she felt from her emotional shackles when he took her flying through the desert sky, fulfilling one of her oldest dreams; Liz saw the heady combination of vulnerability and ecstasy when their love took hold of them and they exchanged their first kiss; Max saw how thrilled Liz was from her visit to Madam Vivian, because her faith that their love was going to have a happy ending had been completely restored; Liz saw his eagerness to help her get into the college of her dreams, even if it cost him their relationship; Max saw that behind the first smile that Liz blessed him with, there was a sharp relief of her own sense of loneliness; Liz saw how hard he fought Clayton in order to project the shield that saved her life again; Max saw her struggle with her fears when she was told that she was changed and her desperate yearning to put all that aside to help him when he was in New York; Liz saw Max's desire to take a step forward in their relationship, undeniably sure that it was the right decision; Max saw the wave of elation that went through her when he said he would go with her to college; Liz saw how relieved and happy he was to have his arms around her and celebrate the New Year at the Crashdown…

Torrents of images passed before her eyes, but there was enough time to see all things and feel every twist and turn of emotion. Liz felt as if her brain was expanding. She couldn't explain it to herself… The flashes came too fast, and the emotions were too intense… She should've been overwhelmed, but she wasn't disoriented by the flashes; they were wonderfully vivid! How could she accommodate all this information if her brain wasn't expanding somehow?!

After a multitude of experiences, Liz pressed her cheek against Max's hand, reveling in his loving touch. An unfamiliar wave of awe and gratitude struck her, overwhelming her. The appreciative glow emanating from his eyes was only a minuscule fraction of the feelings that welled up in his heart; its strength throbbed in Liz, clear, as if sprouted from her own soul! A pang of happiness flashed up into her heart. Her reaction wasn't lost on Max. Her happiness was so alive in his own spirit that he felt her tears in his eyes. They became enraptured by their discovery, focusing on it with all their might. Max caressed her arms, enfolding her gently. Liz smiled and leaned into him, touching her forehead to his, loving the feel of his sweet breath stroking her face. He stood there, basking in the love that shone radiantly in her eyes, mirroring his own feelings.

Without conscious thought, their breaths remained in sync. They smiled, as the majestic phenomenon of their distinctive fragrances blending – as they inhaled and exhaled, slower and deeper – became apparent to them. They saw the emotions in each other's eyes emerging like clouds in the sky – the love and respect for one another, and their bare souls reflected in their vibrant gaze.

Max's hands were soft against her cheeks and Liz closed her eyes, enthralled by his sensual touch. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, resting her head against his shoulders.

"I'll never get tired of the way you feel," she murmured against his ear. He cupped her face in his hands again and she met his gaze with a gleam in her eyes.

"Me neither," he admitted with a smile. "I'll never get tired of anything that comes from you!"

Max was amazed by how palpable her ecstasy was to him, still, after a few minutes… Their most meaningful connections had always been so evanescent… but now he held onto this bond for dear life! He knew that she wanted it to last for as long as possible, just as much has he did, and it made him happy. He wanted to thank her for loving him so ardently, thank her for holding on to their bond with such tenacity…

Liz pulled him closer; her lips tingling in heavenly foretaste of meeting his. Max felt it too. His lips hovered leisurely above hers, his hazel eyes smiling at her, calling her, enticing her. Regardless of how many times they had kissed before, there was no sweeter anticipation; it was like taking refuge in a tropical ocean surrounding a windy beach.

She let her eyes drift closed as he leaned over her, and sucked in a sharp breath in surprise as he nibbled on her earlobe and nuzzled her neck. Then, he brushed his lips softly against her throat, with a mixture of reverence and thrill.

The subtle intensity made Liz pull his face back to hers to kiss him tenderly, and they were wrapped up in the exquisite feeling of that sensual, perfect, surrendering kiss. Max moved his palms over her back in a slow caress, feeling her tremble.

Their bond's ever growing influence stirred Max further, leading him to set an unequivocal path. He traveled slowly, planting gentle kisses along the curve of her jaw, her throat, her shoulder, letting his fingers trail the small of her back, pressing her closer to him, resting at the curve of her waist.

It marveled Liz that their bond kept expanding in soundness and sweetness to unfathomable depths! It was as if the flashes of their lives wove around their hearts, anchoring them to each other. She wished she could wrap herself around his strength, his sense of honor, his honesty, his devotion…, wanting to shed her mortal frame and meld with his energy completely!

My first intention was to write about this moment, about the so-called "cementing scene". That's why I say that the story ends here. However, as some of you know, I wrote about 20.062 words so, obviously I kept on writing. The way I see it, there are four possible outcomes: either the story ends at part 3; or it ends at part 5; or it ends at part 8; or it ends at the epilogue. It's a little like russian dolls, where you can choose to see the biggest doll, or you can choose to see all the smaller dolls that fit within. Since all these possibilities are legitimate, I'll leave it up to you to let me know how far you want to keep reading.

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 3, 8/04/2015

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:05 am
by keepsmiling7
I love little Russian please go at least to part 8, more if you are so inclined with the epilogue.
We have so few stories, especially dreamer type that I hang on to yours.

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 3, 8/04/2015

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:07 am
by begonia9508
Oh! This part was soooooo (still looking for the right word!)...... Max and Liz!

Of course, I would like to have more of this writing but in the end, it is you, who write it and put an end to it!

Because one thing is sure, if I adore a story, it is always too soon, when its end! :? : :roll:

So at your wishes! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 3, 8/04/2015

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:11 pm
by saori_1902
aw I agree, this part is sooo Max and Liz <3

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 3, 8/04/2015

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 5:45 am
by Natalie36
wonderful part. it was so them. more please

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 3, 8/04/2015

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 8:15 am
by mela3
I second Russian dolls.

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 4, 9/14/2015

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:18 am
by memory_echo
Hello, fellow Dreamers (and any and all lurker out there)! :mrgreen:


It's difficult for me to find the right words to describe the wonder and the joy I felt after reading your comments. I'm delighted that you've given another opportunity to this story and I can only hope I won't disappoint you!

On with the story!

Part 4: The Perilous Path to Bliss

Author's Notes: This part contains references to "Pilot", "Sexual Healing", "The End of the World" and "White Room".

Max's heart matched her deepest desire, but he couldn't disregard the tiny projectile that had heralded that new dimension to them… He knelt slowly before Liz and lifted her sweater a little, placing his tremulous hand on the old point of impact. He caressed her skin, gently, remembering that fateful day – those brisk seconds that had changed their lives forever.

Between the bang, the fall, and the sight of existence slowly floating into oblivion, Liz's strongest memory was of Max's hand – his voice could barely reach her – but his touch, warm and true, restored her to life, breathing a new soul into her. The feeling was so vivid; it made her shiver just like that day.

Then he kissed her lingeringly, with tender reverence, as she heard his 'thank you' reverberate with ardor in her soul.

The majesty of his touch overwhelmed Liz, just as it had done two years before, and she took a deep breath, feeling herself falling softly on one knee to face him again. She cleared her throat and gazed deeply into his eyes. Thoughts raced so fiercely in her head, she was afraid the words wouldn't come to her.

"You know, your touch felt like none other in my life. Its warmth was like… not only physical warmth… it was more spiritual warmth, as if my soul had been dormant until that moment and you brought it back to life." She chuckled and lowered her head, defeated, fearing her words could never encompass the depth of her feelings. "Sorry, I still can't explain it effectively enough. I know you think about that day as much as I do, but I needed you to know just how much you changed me in that moment…"

Max could feel her eagerness right through her turbulent words, and he relished that fact, nodding with an open smile. The intense emotions conveyed by her words overwhelmed him in a delightful way, making him giddy. Pulled by her memories (or his own unrestrained emotions), he leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers for support. Liz gazed at him, savoring his soft breath, and they lowered themselves sweetly and inexorably onto the blanket. Max framed Liz's face between his hands and scattered a reverent kiss on her forehead, a playful kiss on the tip of her nose (making her giggle), tender kisses on her cheeks, and a feathery kiss on her lips, gently exploring them from corner to corner. He would never get used to the miracle that was kissing Liz; he didn't want to get used to it. As his lips delicately fluttered over hers, he vowed to cherish her his entire life.

Her delicate fingers gave way beneath his shirt, stroking his back gently, making him jump with fever. He broke off the kiss and freed himself from that fabric nuisance. Liz laughed, amused. She had never seen anyone undress so quickly before.

His determination became her determination. As she reached to unbutton his pants, he took the little square package out of his pocket. Her eyes showed no surprise at the sight of their little passport to safety, but she decided to show him her little round pack. Max chuckled when he saw what she held; she held it with pride, as if it were her own little shield. Max shrugged and grinned… They had nothing to worry about; their problem was solved!

Their love sharpened their dexterity, and their clothes swiftly pooled around them. It dawned on Liz that they had never been so utterly together, so utterly alone, and so utterly uncovered… She let out a shaky sigh – quietly observing the stirring immensity of that moment, a refulgent preamble to paths yet unconquered. Max backed a few inches away to gaze upon her. He stayed there for a while, on his knees, with his heart in his mouth… Any hot-blooded male would feel a sense of lustful haughtiness at this particular time, but Max had never felt more reverential. While gathering his thoughts (resembling prayers) he smiled, thinking that perhaps only a divine entity could've envisioned someone as magnificent as Liz.

Max came up to her in no haste and placed a tender kiss on her lips. They parted, warm and inviting, to greet his own. He gave a couple of playful nibbles on her lower lip, feeling her tremble sweetly beneath him and throwing her arms around him in earnest. He couldn't help but to tremble himself when he felt her nerve endings being inflamed with new life. His fingertips caressed her face as he deepened the kiss, stroking the inside of her upper lip with his tongue. Liz savored his tender touch and the feel of his tongue, like velvet, against hers. His lips lingered on hers a while longer, and then he pulled away, almost regretting it.

Liz felt his hesitation and studied him briefly; she could feel the wheels turning in his head and the blazing love, need and desire veiled in his hooded eyes. His distance soon became unbearable. She ran her fingers through his hair and her palms lulled him back to her embrace in a silent plea. Max chuckled, as he lowered himself to her again – unable to hide his awe of her innocent touch, always managing to rouse him with perennial precision, unwilling to deny the thrill of her loving energy gliding all over his body. Mere inches away from her face, he escaped again, grabbing her arms instead. He kissed an ardent trail from her palms to her shoulders, alternating between arms, ignoring the feeble moan of protest from Liz. He brushed a strand of hair from her eyes and pressed his lips to her forehead.

"Max…" She cooed, wondering how much longer the titillation could last.

"Shhh," he whispered, placing her arms by her sides in a gentle but firm gesture, curbing the fever that rose steadily within her and flooded her eyes with a passion that shook him to the core. "Relax," he murmured. He didn't want her to think about anything… anything at all. He just wanted her to feel him.

Liz looked at him inquisitively – she felt his confidence: his voice was comforting, his smile was serene, his eyes sparkled with a bit of mischief… She had seen that look before, and the last time she did, she had been swept off her feet (in more ways than one). He had a plan for her, and so she returned his smile and nodded appreciatively, abandoning herself in his hands. Her swift nod and carefree smile was all it took for Max. With her head on the pillow, Liz felt him move closer, nuzzle her cheek and whisper:

"Just relax…"

The urge to embrace him pushed her to the edge of insanity, making it almost impossible for her to remain still while he took his time trailing fervent kisses along her jaw line and lower. At the hollow spot of her throat, Max sensed a surge of distinctive yet familiar energy that he recognized from the happiest days of his relationship with Liz. That recollection lingered in the back of his mind – what a wondrous place to return to! – and Max smiled to himself, pouring all his love on that little hollow spot.

His excitement palpitated in her heart, but when his lips brushed her skin, she was transported to an intimate place where love and pleasure reigned on an unparalleled level, a place where she had been but once before. Her memory (distant enough) couldn't do justice to this moment, to the intensity of his gesture – her skin tingling in exhilaration when his lips touched her; his love streaming powerfully through her body, mixing with hers, expanding in warmth, in strength, flooding her entire being with an exotic rapture, soothing her completely…

They gazed at each other for a brief moment, both spellbound by the emotion that had seized them; Max trembled sweetly, captivated by her reaction, his eyes brimming with joy. He could feel it deep inside him, he could almost see it; his love traveled through her body, the lines crisscrossing all the way through, forming a sort of grid with sharply defined points on which he devoted his attention. With delicate movements, he kissed and caressed her, worshiping every inch of her – each gesture slower than the last, establishing a long, languorous rhythm… Liz couldn't have imagined such a profound state of relaxation even if she had lived a thousand lifetimes; she reveled in total thoughtless bliss… All she could do was feel; feel that absolute love rippling in her body, again and again, growing in slow, luscious waves that echoed in the deepest recesses of her soul, soaking her spirit in boundless elation! Time no longer held any meaning to her. To feel his love shining so deep within her was nothing short of magical!

By and by, he met her again at eye level. No words came from either of them… no words were needed! They just gazed at each other for a while, admiring the love blooming in their contented eyes…

"Thank you!" Max said, finally, enfolding her soul in his frank tone.

Liz chuckled. "You're thanking me!?"

"Sure… Why not? I've got plenty to be thankful for!"

Liz sighed; his words flowed into her soul like melted honey. "Yeah, I know what that feels like," she said, with an interminable grin.

Max's breath caught in his throat. He couldn't help a shudder of anticipation as the heat from her palms seeped into his skin. Her hands traveled guileless over his body; her fingertips fluttering over, and her palms leisurely gliding along his skin, intoxicating him further, sharpening his senses. The richness of her caresses was all the invitation he needed. Her touch found its way into the core of his heart, her silent plea mingled with his own yearning for her. The distance between them (however small) became intolerable.

Liz caught a golden gleam in Max's eyes as he lowered himself to her – a sure sign of his credence relating to the promises he had made her earlier that night. She cradled his face in her hands, caressing his lips with her thumb, before she pulled him closer for a kiss. Wrapping her loving arms around him, Liz was in awe of the luxurious feel of his strength against her.

They spent a measureless moment exploring each other, enjoying each other, letting the enchanting flames rise deliciously within them, slow and steady, enveloping them completely.

Her whole world was Max, their love, and how much he cherished her. All she wanted was to give herself to him, to share her spirit with his in that same pure, intense, unrestrained, permanent manner. How long could their connection really last? She wondered. A thought crossed her mind that better things were reserved for them. Wishful thinking, maybe… Would their hearts be capable of harboring such feelings, of elevating them day after day, of letting them live endlessly?

She caught his gaze – his eyes shone with a mixture of ardor and tenderness, as he aligned himself with her, feeling his passion grow to indescribable levels. She looked at him like never before, and Max blushed under her intense gaze, feeling her curiosity and passion rise deep within him. She watched Max as he sucked in a breath; his keen hooded eyes echoed her emotion, shuddering at the mercy of her enticing fingertips. He took his time basking in her breathtaking caresses…

Liz guided him to her in a mindful gesture. She could feel his slow and steady heartbeat as he touched her… She held his gaze as he bent over to kiss her, throwing her arms around him, enjoying his strong masculine scent, noticing his nostrils flaring as he took her sweet fragrance in… He gasped at the sensations, increasing the passion of his scattered kisses, reveling in her soft moans as they reached his ears, promptly drowning them against his lips…

Each sensation seem to strengthen their bond, and the more solid it became, the more vivid the emotions it allowed them to give each other, which only strengthened their bond…

Liz lifted her hips gently and arched against his chest; as they crossed the threshold together, his exquisite pleasure flooded her soul, revealing a new meaning to that curious stretching sensation of hers. Then, Liz felt a cold, crushing lack of understanding…

Max tore away from her. He wanted to be close to Liz more than life itself, but not like this… After everything that had happened between them, he had promised himself that he would never hurt Liz again, and he knew that if he kept on going, he would transform her discomfort into pain. Max had learned, after the most racking days of his life, that after the discomfort could only come pain. He would not let that happen to Liz again!

It's normal to feel a little confused by the ending – Liz is pretty confused herself!
But don't worry about it: even if you can't deduce what's happening by the ending of this part, I'll show you in the next one. :wink:

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 3, 8/04/2015

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:37 am
by begonia9508
keepsmiling7 wrote:I love little Russian please go at least to part 8, more if you are so inclined with the epilogue.
We have so few stories, especially dreamer type that I hang on to yours.
Oh yeah, agreeing with Karolyn and the dreamer part and I already have also a beautiful russian doll too!

But Carolyn is right; It looks likes that, and there are thausand others things that we can compare to this: picking the leaves off a daisy, one after one... slowy for exemple and having time, I would certainly found others...

Great new part! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 4, 9/14/2015

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 6:27 pm
by saori_1902
Great part! <3

Max never going to change, right? :o

Can't wait for more. :wink:

Re: Everloving (CC, M&L, MATURE) Part 4, 9/14/2015

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 8:15 pm
by Natalie36
oh i love russian dolls. your writing is so captivating i need more :wink: