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Post by Liz_Parker »

Sure, who do ya wanna be?

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Post by Buffsteraddict »

I'll double for Isabel :) :D

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Post by Liz_Parker »

Great, thanks!

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
http://www.roswellfanatics.net/archive/ ... 24523.html

check it out if you wanna read it again, I did :)
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Post by Liz_Parker »

Ok guys....here goes nothing!


Well, this is what's left of my life....me, myself, and I. I can't be a "we" anymore....so what's the point in anything.

I'm sure someday, when he's looking into the eyes of his children with the woman he's supposed to be with, he'll understand why I did this. Why this is better for everyone.....

I take a long sip of the whiskey my dad keeps and make a face but ignore the burn and weird feeling I'm getting in the pit of my stomach.

I suppose at least getting my wedding dance helped, but it doesn't change the fact that I'll never get that with MY Max. It's just going to have to be this way. As far as Max knows I slept with Kyle, so therefore I don't love him anymore, which is God so far from the truth.

I take another long sip and gasp as I feel an electric current running through my veins. This isn't supposed to be happening to me, right? I'm NORMAL.....

I quickly grab the phone and dial Maria's number.

"Maria....something's....not right", I slur and hang up the phone then look down at my hands and giggle when my hands begin glowing and I feel even more light headed.

God....if Max saw me now....
Last edited by Liz_Parker on Tue May 16, 2006 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
http://www.roswellfanatics.net/archive/ ... 24523.html

check it out if you wanna read it again, I did :)
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Liz slept with Kyle. She had sex with him. The two of them together in her bed. Naked. Liz had sex with Kyle.

I can't think straight anymore, my head is racing with thoughts, it's a wonder my brain is even fonctioning. How could she do this to me? I loved her! I love her. Didn't she know that I loved her? How could she sleep with him?

My heart is completely crushed. The second I saw her with him...God, there's just so much pain!

I look up at the ceiling, my head resting on the pillow. I can't help but let the tear's fall. It just hurts so much...
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Post by Corina Star »

Okay. Liz just called saying something was wrong. She broke into a giggle fit, and I swore I heard something fall before the phone line went out.
I quickly search for the keys to the Jetta. I leave and drive to Liz's house, which is like ten minutes away.

I walk into her house and say hi to her parents, who tell me she's in her room.

I knock on her door and say, "Liz I'm her....." I stop in mid sentence when I see Liz on the floor with a bottle of whiskey. Her body is glowing, and the little sparks coming from her body can only be described as electicity.

I quickly shut the door to her room before I rush to her side. Liz is doing nothing but giggling like her current state is hystarical.

"Liz what happened?" I ask utterly confused about the whole situation.
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Post by aliensister »


Closing the door to my bedroom, I keep the light off as I sit down heavily on the bed. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them. Tears flow from my eyes and Im to tired to try and wipe them off my face, so they tickle my face as they run down my cheeks....not the good kind of tickle that makes you laugh but the kind that annoys you.

Why? why me...I didn't ask for this, I didn't ask to be some queen of a distant planet, didn't ask for the planet to be at war!!...I didn't ask for any of this!!! I whisper harshly.

But they all blame me cause I was the one that broke the news to them. Because Im the one who goes along with the plan, I mean sure Max isn't bad looking and yeah I would go as far as saying there was an attraction when I first came to town but He's nothing like I remember and neither am I....We're in no way compatible.

Im so sick of this...Why me?!?!?.I say sadly as the river of tear flows down my face and I make the what seems like impossible crawl to my pillow.

I tried with Max, I really did!...God I even got Liz's help and still it didn't mean jack.All I could be for Max is his friend, His head is so filled with Liz and It's always gonna be like that. I dont remember if there was a religeon on Antar or If I was a Religeous person but Im praying now..To anyone that will listen. Im stuck, Im confused and Im at a crossroads I want ...no I need guidence what should I do?

My eyes sting from all the tears that have left a wet patch on my pillow. I let them fall close, I just can't be bothered to keep them open anymore.

"I didn't ask for this...."I sob, as fresh tears cascade down my face.

Burying my face in my pillow I manage to get my breathing back to normal. I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. Letting my eyes fall close again I let my mind go blank and fall into a fitful sleep.
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Post by Liz_Parker »


Between giggles I manage to try and explain what happened.

"Well.....I drank just a little bit", I tell her and put 2 of my fingers together to show the point.

"And well now....I'm all buzz city", I giggle more and grab at the bottle taking another sip. "Want some Ria? It's really good".

The Original Rivalry that we all love :)
http://www.roswellfanatics.net/archive/ ... 24523.html

check it out if you wanna read it again, I did :)
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


Something's definitely up with Max. I don't know what exactly but I'm pretty sure it has to do with Liz. How do I know that? Because pretty much everytime something goes wrong with Liz, he shuts himself in his room and barely comes out for day's except to go to school.

I place the orange juice container back inside the fridge before starting on upstairs. Should I check up on him? Just to make sure he's okay? Should I ask him what happened? Probably not. He probably doesn't want to be bothered right now, he's just tell me to leave him alone if I went anywhere near his room.

I continue down the hall and walk inside my room, closing the door behind me. It's getting pretty late and all I want to do right now is go to sleep. I quickly slip under the cover's and wait for sleep to come.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »

Bumping :) :D
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