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Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 3:25 pm
by CalLen

I turn to Nicholas. I didn't know that he was back. He must have just recently returned. He is clapping for me and Xada. If he wouldn't have stepped in I would have really taught Xada a lesson. I watch for a moment as he and Xada catch up then I turn taking the sabers in hand. I place them on the rack with our names on it. Gathering my torn clothing from the ground I rejoin them on the mats.

Nicholas puts his hand over a slit in Xada's lip, something I didn't notice was there before. It instantly disappears. Xada asks Nicholas to join her for breakfast before turning to me, “You to Skyler, but I fear your clothing is beyond repair.” I don't no how to respond, I don't want her to think that I am just going to let this whole thing go after what has happened, yet the child inside wants to go so bad. To see how things are to be nosy to reconciliate with Xada. I look down at my clothes, "That's alright you go ahead. We are done for now." I show no sign of humor on my face just stare at her. I look at Nicholas, "I'm almost glad your home, Nicholas. Now you can take care of the child."

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:59 am
by KatnotKath

I get the slightest hint of amusement coming from Max as he looks back at me, almost as though laughing at a private joke, although I'm not quite sure what at the moment. If I tried to probe, I'm sure I could find out, but I don't want to do that and I simply raise an eyebrow questioningly as I wait for him to respond.

Unfortunately, his response is rather less definite than I would like, although I don't somehow think that the denim skirt I was wearing when I came would be a very good idea... Still, if he trusts me, I'm sure I'll be able to come up with something... I nod and smile, excusing myself to go and get washed while he makes his call to Larek.


When I return maybe five or ten minutes later, I've now got a towel wrapped around my body, tucked over at my breast as I make my way back over to the bed. Sitting down, I dry myself off as I try to think back to what I've seen the women here wearing during our short stay. Unfortunately, most of the women I've seen have been younger than me, more teenagers like Xada than women, but I think what I have gathered is that they tend to like to show rather more flesh than we would on earth...

It's the sort of thing I always used to wear, but that was in the past, and this is now. I'm not sixteen anymore...

Chewing my lip thoughtfully, I pick up the top I came in, changing the colour to a dark green, removing the sleeves heavy sleeves and replacing with thin straps while at the same time 'moulding' the v-neck into something of a cowl neck which should fall nicely in soft folds over over my breast. The skirt I touch, lightening the material in fabric and weight, doing away with the pencil-style of the skirt in favour of something with a little more swing and altering the colour of the skirt to match the top. The result, when I'm dressed, is something that looks something like a dress, but hopefully doesn't give quite such a 'dressy' appearance. There's plenty of skin showing at the top, but all the parts that I like to cover are fine, and the skirt falls to a little below my knee so there's no problems there.

Slipping on the shoes from last night and altering the colour, I stand and look over at Max, turning in front of him with a smile. "Do I pass inspection...?" I ask of him softly.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:42 pm
by Dreamer_Dreaming

"Your funeral. Can we call your parents? See if they're awake?" Justin asks me and I could call for them. But then that means I have to connect with them. And the last time that happen my mother saw my vision. "Ok, whatever you want then."

I close my eyes for a moment and then open them. I can feel Justin has his eyes on me. But if he really wants some breakfast then this only way I know.

*mom, dad, Justin hungry......* I don't feel like I even reach them. Maybe my distant went too far and I can't get insides my brother's or my mom's and dad's head.

* Mom, dad, can you hear me* Still no respond. What does this mean? Does this mean I close myself off that reaching my parents is not possible that magic way? What happening to me. "Um...let’s go to their room and see if they are a wake?" I ask Justin.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 10:56 pm
by Athenea

"That's alright you go ahead. We are done for now." He says, his tone emotionless. "I'm almost glad your home, Nicholas. Now you can take care of the child."

Oh no he did not!!!! Fine two can play at whatever little game he’s playing. I keep my expression completely passive, like I don’t care at all, something that takes years of practice when all you really want to do is scream and yell.

“Fine.” I say before simply turning and leaving with Nicolas at my side. I need to talk with him anyway, before he hears about Khivar’s death and the fact that I found Max Evans and he is now here, on this planet, and not dead like everyone told me. Of course I have the distinct feeling that he knows of my father’s livelihood. Nicolas spends a lot of time on Earth, how could he not know, but the real question is why keep it from me.

We enter the palace and head for the dining room where there is just a few people and I sigh with relief. Larek’s already here and I don’t see Daimeon yet, one less thing to worry about. Larek’s eyes grow wide at the sight of Nicolas by my side, and I feel Nicolas practically sneer at Larek.

“Lord Nicolas.” Larek says in greeting wiping the surprised look from his face. “I wasn’t aware you had arrived.” He says looking slightly anxious and I wonder what’s going on.

“Couldn’t miss my only cousin’s birthday now could I? Plus her coronation will be coming shortly and I wouldn’t want to miss that.” Nicolas tells him and I wonder at what seems to lie just beyond their words. Instead of thinking to much on it I just grab a plate and fill it with my favorite fruits before taking a seat at the other end of the table. Nicolas joins me shortly and its all I can do to hold my tongue to keep from asking what that was all about.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:14 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- since Max had already been able to 'sense' that Sarah was awake, I'm going to assume he can just as easily 'hear' her telepathic message. If she isn't allowing herself to hear him, that's a different issue...


I'm able to confirm that Larak is downstairs at the breakfast banquet. I'd like to tell him to come up here and join us instead, but he's already begun to eat. I suppose a king could easily ask that someone abandon their meal, especially since I'll certainly arrange other food here. But I'm interested in talking to him as a father to a father, not a king. And Larak is a friend.

Besides, by now they all know I'm here. If I don't go down and join them it might look like I'm trying to hide...

Liz comes out of the bedroom, modeling the clothes she's obviously just created for herself. I must say, my heart skips a beat when I see her. She looks positively stunning and I dare-say, fashion-wise she should fit in with the others down below perfectly. In terms of beauty, well, she'll outshine them all.

"Do I pass inspection...?" she asks.

"You look marvelous!" I tell her. "Larak is below having breakfast already. Let's gather the children and join them."

I extend my elbow to escort her when suddenly, I hear Sarah in my mind. *mom, dad, Justin hungry......* she says and I cringe at her telegraphic language. She probably thought she was interupting something. She should know that she's always important enough to interupt.

*Yes, honey. We're on our way to breakfast now,* I tell her.

* Mom, dad, can you hear me?* she asks.

*Yes. We'll collect the three of you in a moment and we'll all go eat.* I say, trying to be very clear. This time, I send my mental message to both Sarah and Zan. I'm not sure why Sarah didn't seem to hear me. I look at Liz and see that she seems puzzled, too.

With a sigh, I say. "Let's go get them, then."

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:10 am
by nickimlow

My hair dried up rather quickly, or maybe I'd been sitting there for too long. Either way . . . it didn't seem too long before my father's voice entered my head for the zillionth time since we first arrive, We'll collect the three of you in a moment and we'll all go eat.

I nodded at first, but soon remembered that he couldn't see me. Gotcha, Dad, I replied as I got up and made for the door.

A while later, I was in front of Sarah's room. "All set?" I asked, knocking the door just for courtesy's sake.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 10:26 am
by Dreamer_Dreaming

I heard a knock on my door, and the door swum open and it was Xan,"All set?" he ask. Why does have to do that, he was never this protective on Earth now be is becoming like dad.

"ya were ready" I said, I got up from the bed and went were he was standing.

I miss home so much. I miss grandma and grandpa, and I miss my friends. But, I don't think were going home anytime soon. After all my dad did announce he is alive and well. So what does this mean? My mother is queen on my father planet, and Xan and I are Prince and Princesses to the people of Antar? Whatever it means, I'm not sure how I even feel about it.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:05 am
by isabelle

I escort Liz out of our suite, feeling so great to have her on my arm. Somehow, we're going to make this work. I'm about to head for Alexander's room, were all three of the kids slept last night, but I see Alex entering Sarah's room.

"Looks like they're in there," I muse, leading Liz in that direction. The door is still open as I get there and I see that all three of them are dressed in their Earth clothes. I certainly understand why they'd feel more comfortable that way -- except for Sarah. That shirt is barely there. Hardly 'comfortable.'

"Breakfast is downstairs. There's a breakfast buffet for everyone who stayed over from Xada's party." I tell them, saving my comments on Sarah's attire for the moment. Turning to Justin, I add. "I talked to Sarah and Alexander's aunt last night. She's going to tell your dad where you are. We should be able to get you home tonight."

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:48 am
by nickimlow

I walked in just as Sarah replied, "Ya were ready."

Not another word could be exchanged before Dad walked in, Mom with him. Wow, that sure was fast. "Breakfast is downstairs. There's a breakfast buffet for everyone who stayed over from Xada's party," he informed us before turning to Justin, "I talked to Sarah and Alexander's aunt last night. She's going to tell your dad where you are. We should be able to get you home tonight."

That was good. Justin didn't need to be around here- he didn't need to get mixed up in all of this. He should have been at home and going to school.

Well, actually, that was what Sarah and I should have been doing too. Now, school seemed so unreal. What the other kids would have given to be in our shoes, and what I would have given to be in theirs. But something told me that it wasn't an option to leave Antar now- not yet, not so soon.

"You spoke with Aunt Isabel? What did she say?" I asked my father, wondering briefly if she (and Uncle Michael) would get involved in all of this now.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:43 pm
by isabelle

"She said Uncle Michael and your grandparents were really worried about us. Now at least they'll know where we are," I said. They'd still be worried, I was sure, but it should help to know what actually happened.

"I think she and Uncle Michael will be coming to Roswell tonight but I don't know if they'll come here or not. I have a feeling they will, if only to see the place," I give a small smile. Afterall, it's been a place we'd been wondering about since we were hatched. Sure, we've recovered a few memories, but actually being here is a lot different. I know I've remembered a thousand times more in a few days of being here than I had in all those years of trying to find the lost memories. "And I think Aunt Isabel will be very anxious to meet your grandmother, too."

I move a bit closer to Sarah and Alexander, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. "I don't know if we'll all be ready to go together then or if your mom and I might stay a bit longer. But the two of you can definately go back to Earth then, if you like. You could stay with Justin's dad so you won't miss any more school."