Becoming One (CC, M/L, Mature) Ch.6/May 7 (WIP)

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Becoming One (CC, M/L, Mature) Ch.6/May 7 (WIP)

Post by TVQueen »

Thank you to Doublestuf for the amazing banner!!

Title: Becoming One
Author: TVQueen
Rating: MATURE-to be on the safe side
Couples: Max/Liz/Zan
Summary: This is based on's fanfic challenge #42. Venus_star has given me permission to write this fic after reading the Prologue and Ch.1.
Takes place after "Ch-Ch-Changes". Max wakes up as Zan which causes serious problems for the rest of the Pod Squad. The fic is pretty easy to understand once you start reading it, but if you are confused, or have any questions, PM me and I will be happy to answer. Feedback is more than welcomed :P!

Disclaimer: Dream on has also written a fanfic based on challenge 42. Because I have not read her fic, nothing has been taken from it except for what was in Venus_star's challenge description. Everything here belongs to myself and Venus_star's challenge, with the exception of the characters and pre-existing storlylines that belong to The WB, Jason Katims, etc.

A/N-Thank you Rachel (Venus_star) for allowing me to write this and for showing nothing but support. This fic is dedicated to you, and to a certain writer whose fics helped me get through a tough time when I needed it the most. Because of this writer, I am able to write again. Thank you.

Last edited by TVQueen on Sat May 07, 2005 8:42 am, edited 7 times in total.
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"Max! Max! We have to get out of here, man! This place is going to explode!" Michael yelled across the arising flames.

Max looked at the lifeless body of Wheeler and his wife; both died just moments ago. He surveyed his own body and unfamiliarity washed over him. These thoughts within his mind were not his own. These emotions of sorrow and fear were unnatural. Who the hell was Max? What the fuck was going on?!

Memories and realization struck him quickly.

"Sir, you are dying. We have to prepare...You will return as our great leader one day. The Seer has forseen it. You will return to your home of Antar and save us from Khivar's rule. We will meet again You Majesty. In time." Zan's energy was draining rapidly. He understood what was to come, how the four of them would be reborn. Anger arose in him. Vilandra didn't deserve rebirth. Nor did his wife. The betrayed their people, they betrayed their family. "My Lord, please gather your strength to hear the following. It is crucial thaat you comprehend." Zan nodded weakly, although he felt himself reaching his last few minutes. "When you return to your alien-self on the planet Earth, you will be much different from your preceeding human form. You must connect with him, with your human side King Zan. If you don't connect...powers would be lost. An imbalance will strike. You must connect. Do you understand sir? Sir?!" The servant shook King Zan slightly and found no response. Zan's eyes were dilated, his brathing had ceased. Was it too late? Did King Zan not hear the final words of the servant? All the servant could do now was hope he did, and pray for the King's return to Antar.


“Max! What’re you doin’?! Come on!!”

Zan shook from his reverie and hurdled over the flames nonchalantly.

“What the fuck took you so long?!” Michael ran out of the room cursing under his breath while Zan slowly followed barely picking up jogging speed. ‘Who the fuck does he think he is? The leader?’ Max scoffed silently.

They approached Isabel, who lay bleeding from her stomach. “Heal her Max,“ Michael ordered.

Zan saw the sister and nothing but disgust filled his mind. He pushed back the feelings of concern and worry that Max was feeling. “Vilandra,” Zan whispered. The name left a bitter taste on his tongue. “No,” he told Michael, his gaze never leaving the traitorius sister.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Michael roared. “Heal her!!”

Zan whipped around in a flash, and threw Michael up against the wall. “You would defend her?! After what she did to us?! She is nothing but a vile bitch who deserved to die and stay dead. She betrayed her brother, her people! She betrayed you! Her lover!! And you want to save her?!”

Startled, Michael writhed underneath Max’s piercing grip. “Max, that’s Isabel lying there! What the hell is going on with you?! She’s your sister! If you don’t heal her, she’ll die!”

“Let her die then.”

“No!! You will heal her!!” Michael yelled.

“Since when did you become the leader?” Zan remarked coldly. “I think you need a reminder of who is in charge around here.” Zan bore his hand into Michael’s shoulder. Michael let out a cry of pain as the hand seared his skin. Zan threw Michael onto the opposite wall and left, leaving Michael groaning in pain. Michael tore off the sleeve of his charred shirt, revealing a scorched handprint, along with the Antarian mark.

“Kyle, take Isabel to our house and do what you can with what you’ve got. There’s a trauma first aid kit in the kitchen.”

“I’m going with him,” Jesse said sternly. He gently picked up Isabel and walked out with Kyle to his car.

“Michael, you all right?” Valenti asked..

“Yeah,” Michael grunted.”Yeah, I’m all right.” He tore off the bottom of his tshirt and used the cloth to make a bandage around his shoulder.

“Do we go find Max?” Valenti asked. Alien behavior wasn’t his expertise, so Valenti was leaving the matter with Max up to Michael.

“No. I don’t know what the hell is wrong, but that definitely wasn’t Max.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I know Max. And Max would never do something like that. He would never leave Isabel bleeding, he would never…” Michael trailed off as he gazed at the already blood-soaked bandage. He cleared his throat and began again. “Right now, our focus is on Isabel. If you happen to be alerted by anything alien-like, then we’ll deal with it then.”
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Chapter 2

Post by TVQueen »

A/N-Thanks for all the feedback everyone! Enjoy chapter 2!

Disclaimer- Quotes in italics are from season 1’s “Destiny”

Chapter 2

“Bastard,” Zan muttered, while wiping his hand on his jeans. Anger flooded in the back of his mind, causing Zan to chuckle. He opened the door to the Evans’ home.

“Now now Max. You and I are going to have to learn to work together if we want to get anywhere.” Zan spoke aloud. “Since I retain all of your memories and knowledge, along with knowledge of my own, this odyssey shouldn’t be too hard. After all, we have the same DNA, right?” Zan paused for a minute to let Max’s thoughts come to the surface. ‘What do I want?” Zan repeated. “I want to get the fuck home of course. You know of Khivar Max. Well, he’s ruling my kingdom. Our kingdom Max. He’s the reason our people are suffering.” Zan paused again. “The only reason you haven’t been able to get home is because you haven’t had me. I know how to get us home.”

“But not before..” Zan trailed off. Something on the desk in Max’s room caught his eye. “And who would this be?” He picked up the picture of Liz Parker.

Memories flashed into Max and Zan’s mind, and one in particular stood out.

“Max, the day that you saved my life, your life just ended,” the dark-haired beuty said.

“No, that was the day my life began. Liz, when I was in that room, and they did what they did to me. You're what kept me alive. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it's you. I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.”

“I love you,” she replied back.

“Liz…” Zan spoke softly. “Hm. She’ll do.”


“What the hell are we waiting for?!”

“Jesse, man, I know you’re upset right now, but you can’t freak out on us.”

“Freak out?! My wife is bleeding and we’re trying to mend her up with some fucking bandaids?!” Jesse threw his arm out, intentionally knocking the first aid kit off the table.

Kyle hastily got up and put a careful, but firm grasp on Jesse’s shoulder. “We know what we’re doing. There things that…” Kyle took a deep breath and chose his words carefully. “That you just don’t understand.”

Jesse jerked his shoulder away. “Then tell me. Tell me please. This is my wife. My goddamn wife.” Anger turned into desperation quickly, and the tears that started forming in Jesse’s eyes when he looked at the frail figure of his once vibrant wife. Her breathing was raspy, persperation covered her tan flesh.

Kyle struggled inwardly with his conscience. Was it his place to tell him? Should he just leave a husband in the dark over his dying wife? There wasn’t enough time to contemplate it. Isabel was dying and Jesse was going to go Hulk if he didn’t get any answers.

“Ok…how do I put this. Isabel….she uh….well, you see, a few years ago…ok maybe longer than a few years, make it like a long time ago, but anyways, Isabel, and not just Isabel cause Micheal and Max are the same too, although I’m not really sure what’s up with Max right now, that’s besides the point, what I’m really trying to say, and this is hard for me to tell you cause I didn’t believe it at first myself either-”

“I’m a fucking alien!” Isabel yelled out raspily.”God Kyle…ramble enough?”

“I wasn’t rambling! Not everyday do I get to tell others about you freakish alien people. I was just…ah to hell with it. I’ll be in the kitched getting me a hot pocket. Want anything J-man?”

Jesse stared at him blankly.

“Guess not.” Kyle left towards the kitchen.

“Jesse…” Isabel whispered.

“Is this some sort of sick joke Isabel? This isn’t funny,” Jesse’s voice was thick with emotion, mainly fear and confusion.

“I know baby. But it’s true. Michael, Max, and I…we’re not from Earth. I know it’s hard to accept. And I’ve wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how. Part of me didn’t want to. Only a few people know about us-Liz, Maria, Kyle, not even my parents know.”

“Is this some sort of cult?” Jesse began to doubt quickly.

“No. I am an alien. Other worldly. Extra-terrestrial.”

“So Isabel Evans has been a lie. The woman a married was a lie.”

“No Jesse. It’s me. Everything you see here…it’s me. I’m the same woman.”

“But you’re from another planet,” he finished. “Do you have powers?”

“Yes. I can change thre molecular structure of things. Like appearance and state of matter.”

“This is…I’m having a hard time fathoming this Isabel. I understand, but this is just…”

“I know. And I’ll explain everything. But first we need to get this taken care of.” Isabel looked down at her abdomen. “My bloodwork is different. If we go to a hospital, we’re risking exposure. Max and I have been put too close to danger too many times. The government…they’d lock us up and do experiments on us. God knows what else.”

Jesse was still tensed at the revelation, there were a lot of things he did not know. But one thing he was sure of was the love for his wife. “I know a friend who’s a doctor. He’s a good friend of mine. He can help. You can trust him.”

“Okay. Thank you Jesse. I love you so mu-”

Isabel was interrupted by a loud shriek coming from the kitchen. Both jerked at the feminine sound.

Kyle stumbled out of the kitchen with his hot pocket in hand and his jaw dropped, his tongue lazily hanging out. He then noticed Isabel and Jesse staring wide-eyed and fearful.

“Ith hot!” he whimpered with a lisp.
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Post by TVQueen »

Chapter 3

“You told him?!” Michael hissed in the kitchen.

“N-no! Not exactly. I mean, I set the platform for it and…it was Isabel’s fault! She was the one who said she was an alien,” Kyle defended.

“Great, great. That’s just…”

“Great?” Kyle suggested with sarcasm.

Michael shot a narrowed look at him, and Kyle quickly held up two fingers in the form of a peace sign.

Michael slapped the back of Kyle’s head with an annoyed look on his face.

“Ow! Dude, we have to work on your anger management skills.”

Maria charged through the back door and stared at Micheal in disbelief.

“What?!” He hadn’t seen her since earlier this morning and already it seems he’s been accused of something.

“Did you tell him to do it?! Huh? Did you?!” Maria yelled.

“Shh! Keep it down! Jesse and his doctor friend are working with Isabel.” Michael ushered her to the back porch, with Kyle following behind. ”Now. What are you talking about?”

“Were you the dipshit who told Max to get a plane ticket to Vermont?!” Maria struggled to keep her voice in a whisper.

“What the hell are you talking about?! I didn’t tell Max to do a goddamn thing. Last time I even saw him is when he decided to burn this into my shoulder,” Michael stated defensively. He unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt, removed the bandage around his shoulder, and showed her the wound.

“Oh my God,” she gasped out.”Then what the fuck is going on with Max?! I just got done seeing him in the library and he was definitely buying a plane ticket.”

“I dunno,” Michael shrugged. “But maybe going to Vermont is what he needs to get his mind focused. Liz will know what to do.”

Maria sighed. ”Men. You can only do anything right if a woman is there to hold your hand. It‘s a wonder you all can piss by yourselves.”

“Well, you see, Michael here…” Kyle began.

Michael once again shot Kyle a warning look.

Kyle took that as his sign to shut up and he quickly turned back into the kitchen. “Anybody want a twinkie?” he called out.

* * *
By early the next morning, Zan arrived at the boarding school in Vermont. With help from Max’s memories and knowlegde, he was able to find which room she dormed in. Using his powers, he unlocked the door and stepped it without caution. An unfamiliar girl lied in her bed on the far left of the room, fast asleep. But the one Zan sought for was lying on her stomach, in be, reading a book. Zan could’ve sworn he heard Max quietly teasing in his conscience.

“My little bookworm,” he repeated Max‘s thoughts aloud. He could feel Max’s anger rise within him, giving Zan a sense of arrogant satisfaction.

Liz’s jaw dropped when she heard the familiar voice. She looked up at the man standing in her doorway and, with excitement, she jumped out of bed and nearly hurled herself towards Zan.

“Max!” she cried with zeal. “What’re you doing here?!” She wrapped her arms around him and held him tight.

Zan was caught off guard for a minute when she called him Max, but then again, that was him. Or so she thought. He hugged her back awkwardly, not used to the display of emotion.

Liz’s roommate let out an exasperated sigh. She punched her pillow, wrapped herself in her blanket and left the room, slamming the door behind her.

“Bitch!” Zan yelled out with a scowl.

Liz’s eyes widened. “Max! Don’t say that. We did wake her up.” ‘What’s up with him?’ Liz wondered.

“So, Liz. How would you like to go with me?”

“With you where, Max?”

“Oh I don’t know. Just a road trip. Maybe go back to Roswell. I know everyone wants to see you. Especially Maria.,” Zan added, using Max’s memories as an aid.

“Max, I can’t. You know I can’t.”

“Come on baby. Have a little fun.”

“Baby? Max, is something wrong with you?”

“Of course not. Why would you suspect anything to be wrong with me?”

Liz’s eyes surveyed him closely. “You’re just…not…yourself it seems.”

“I guess I’ve just missed you so much. I’m lost without you Liz.”

He noticed her expression soften, then sadden. “I know Max. And I’ve missed you too. But there was a reason I left. My powers. I haven’t had a trace of them since I left Roswell.” She nodded eagerly. “That’s a good thing Max. I know you can’t see it right now, but it’s a good thing. Before I left, my powers were so consuming that it felt like, like I was losing myself. Like I was going to pass out or something. Everytime my powers came up, my energy was completely drained. But since I’ve been here, I’ve been ok. And it’s really not as bad as I thought it would be. I’ve made friends and I’m doing well in school. I just can’t go back Max. I’m sorry.”

“Oh. Okay Liz.”

“I’m sorry Max.”

“No, it’s okay. I didn’t want to have to do this the hard way though. But it’s not like you gave me a choice.” Liz’s expressions turned to confusion at his words. In a deft movement, Zan had his arm around Liz’s neck and his other hand covering her mouth. For a moment, Liz was too shocked to scream. When she realized what he was doing, she screamed and struggled. Max was knocking her unconscious! Why?! Why was he making her pass out?! She struggled harder, but his grasp was too strong.

“Sleep well my queen,” he whispered into her ear before she passed out in his arms.
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Post by TVQueen »

frenchkiss70 wrote:I hope Max will ground Zan enough not to hurt Liz. And why would Zan need Liz? Is he doing it for Max or himself? Why did he call Liz his queen? He needs her to be his queen? Here or because he's going back to Antar?

I can't wait for more.
Lol Tiph, you are quite the eager feedbacker :lol: My answer to all of those questions....all in good time dearie, all in good time. For's Chapter 4!

A/N-The following contains some sexual content, but I honestly don't think it goes as far as needing an NC17 rating. It is definitely R though. So if you are one who is uncomfortable reading anything of a sexual nature, pm me and I will happily adjust the chapter to your level of comfort.

Chapter 4

“Liz,” a voice hissed. “Liz, wake up.”

Her eyes fluttered open quickly when she recalled what happened before passing out. She sat up in the bed she was lying in and saw Max at her side. Hatily, she scrambled off the bed to the opposite side of the room. Max’s room. How the hell did they get here?

“No. Liz, it’s okay. It’s me.”

She looked at him incredulously, trying to keep her fear composed. He slowly neared her. She backed into the corner instantly and when he noticed her apprehension he stopped.

“Liz…don’t be afraid; it’s me. It‘s Max,” he pleaded.

She saw the pained expression in his eyes, and she knew immediately it was him. “Max, what the fuck is going on?!” she cried out.

He was taken aback by her words and tone, but then again, he did just knock her unconscious and kidnap her. No, not him, he quickly reminded himself. Zan. Zan did this. Max would never scare the shit out of her like this. He and Zan were nothing alike. He had to remember that.

“Liz, first of all, this is a dream. You’re passed out.”

“Because of you,” she said. Max noticed her shudder.

“No, well yes. No. No, Liz that’s not me.”

By the look on her face, he knew she was confused as hell.

“Liz, the guy who walked into your dorm, the guy who called your roommate a bitch, the guy who forcefully caused you to pass out--that wasn’t me. That’s Zan. My Antarian past. There was an event back in Roswell,” Max quickly summed up what had happened. He saw her relax a little and he continued. “He’s taken over my body Liz. I’ve been trying to fight it, but it’s not working. I don’t know why I can talk to you when you’re sleeping-maybe it’s because your mind is relaxed and less alerted. Until I figure something out, I’m stuck here,” he glanced around his room. “When you wake up Liz, you have to escape. I’m-He’s not safe.”

“Oh, Max,” she sighed as she ran into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her petite body and held her tightly.

“Y-you don’t think Zan would hurt me, do you?” she asked softly. Liz leaned her head against his muscular chest, and Max pulled back to look at her.

“I would never let him hurt you Liz. But I’ve been able to hear some of his thoughts and plans, not everything, but bits and pieces that tell me there’s something going on. He’s preparing to do something. And…one in particular was about you.”

“What about me?” her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion at his suddenly shy tone.

“I-It’s nothing. Don’t worry love, he will not hurt you. From what I’ve listened to, he isn’t planning anything that involves putting you into great danger. But I don’t want you around that asshole.”

“I can’t just go back to boarding school Max and pretend nothing happened. I can keep Zan grounded until we figure something out.”

“You’re not satying around h-,” Max began to protest, but Liz interrupted.

“Baby, you just figure out what’s going on in here,” she kissed his temple, “and I’ll deal with Zan out there.”

Max sighed. “Be careful Liz.”

“I will. I promise.” She kissed his lips gently and began to let go of their kiss when Maz ravenously pulled her closer. His hand cupped the back of her head and crushed her lips against his, while his other hand was placed on the small of her back, pulling her hips closer to his as well. She moaned softly into his mouth, and and traced his bottom lip with her tongue. Max thrust his tongue into her mouth, pushing against her tongue, and licking the roof of her mouth. Liz pushed back against his tongue and nibbled the tip of his tongue. She could feel his hard erection pressing against her upper, inner thigh. She felt his hips pick up a slow rhythm and in response, she grinded her hips against his throbbing member. “Oh God,” he groaned out. He licked a trail down her throat and sucked his way back up until he crashed his lips over hers again. She kissed him back fiercely, only pulling back for a slight moment to say “I missed you”. “I’ve missed you too,” he told her in a low, husky voice. He pushed her back against the wall, interlocking their fingers, and holding her hands above her head. He placed himself between her legs and she lifted them, locking her ankles around his hips. He thrusted softly against her core. Logic and reasoning had left their minds and passionate desire replaced their thoughts. A hunger to touch, feel, and taste engulfed the two lovers. Liz’s back arched as pleasure filled her. He grinded hard against her, and her moans mixed in with his groaning. Damn the clothing that acted as a barrier between them. something happened that caused Max to stop suddenly as his mind came back to reality. “Y-you’re waking up.”

She whimpered and sighed with frustration. “Continue this another time?”

“Whatever my girl wants,” he replied.

Liz smiled. “When did you come back to having me as your girl?” she asked sincerely.

“Liz, you never stopped being my girl.” His lips brushed softly against hers. “You’re mine, and always mine.”

“I love you,” she whispered.

“And I love you,” he whispered back before she faded away.

* * *
Liz woke up in the passenger seat of her car. It was almost dusk, she could tell by the sky’s enchanting and yellow color as the sun set ahead of them. Zan was driving, and when he noticed her awaken state, he grabbed the fast-food bag next time him and nearly threw it into her lap. “It’s food.”

“I noticed,” she replied shortly. She threw it back into his lap. “I’m not hungry.”

His eyes widened for a moment. Had she been on Antar, people would’ve steamed at her lack of respect.

Liz could sense what he was thinking, and smirked. “You’re not on Antar anymore Zan.”
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Post by TVQueen »

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Rain was pouring and lightning struck ahead of them as Zan drove down the highway. It was a quarter to 10 now, and they had been on the road since early that morning.

“Shut the fuck up!” Zan yelled. The insistent beeping had been going on for the past 10 minutes.

Liz rolled her eyes. “It’s becoming because the fuel is low,” she said in a bored tone. “Pull over at a gas station.” It was strange for her to be sitting next to the boy she once loved, still loved, and him behave so differently. Then she reminded herself that the guy sitting next to her wasn’t Max. It was Zan. Max would never use brash language over some stupid reason. Max was quiet, gentle. Zan was obnoxious and, and rude, and…and Liz was finding it incredibly sexy. She hated to admit it, but something about him was so attractive. Liz quickly shook her head in disgust. ’No damnit, no. You can’t think like that. He’s not Max. You love Max,’ she said to herself. But then again, Max and Zan were technically the same. They came from the same genetic material, but they were raised a different way. Maybe Zan had been taught as a kid to be tough. Or maybe she was just making excuses as to why it’s ok for her to find him so goddamn yummy. She looked over at him-his eyes were on the road, but he looked so laid back. His hair was slightly disheveled and his black t-shirt fit him perfectly. Not too baggy, not too tight. His jeans on the other hand, fit snuggly and showcased his lean thighs. Liz unconsciously licked her lips.

Zan turned sharply into the nearly deserted gas station and stopped in front of a pump. He shoved a $20 at her and told her to get the gas.

She looked at the bill, and then looked back up with him. “Why can’t you get it?”

“Because I told you to get it.”

“Do I look like your bitch?”

“No, but you sound like a bitch.”

Liz scoffed and jerked the bill from his hand. “Asshole,” she muttered before stepping out of the car. Liz filled the tank and went inside to pay.

Zan sighed in exhaustion. Why was she so damn stubborn? No woman had ever spoken to him with such boldness. He watched her turn away from the car, put the nozzle back in its place, and walk into the station. He eyes trailed along the site of her body. The long, dark hair cascading down her back. Down to her small, curvaceous waist. To her cute and shapely ass that her jeans clung to. She was breathtaking. Zan felt a sudden tightness growing in his pants and he swallowed hard. Her sassiness was sexy. He was tired of women falling to his feet like they did on Antar. Liz wouldn’t bow to him, or refer to him as “Your Highness”, and she certainly wasn’t adverse to keeping quiet, as was apparent.

He lifted his head from its resting place on the steering wheel and looked at the clock. She’d been gone 10 minutes. What was taking her so long?

He finally saw her come out of the store, walking at a slow pace. Thank God the station was covered with an overhang, because the rain was getting heavier by the minute.

Zan rolled his eyes at the slow pace in which she was walking. He placed his head back on the steering wheel and closed his eyes.

Liz was halfway to the car when a rather large guy stepped out in front of her. Liz kept her cool and stepped aside to walk around him. The man blocked her way. Her uneasiness grew as a second man came up behind her. Liz once again tried to step aside, but the two men closed around her. In an act of self-defense, she thrust her knee up into the large man’s groin. The guy behind her grabbed her by the shoulders and held her tightly; his fingers bore into the flesh of her arms. The larger man, still in pain, regained composure quickly. Enraged but what she’d done, he has flew across her face, slapping her hard. She cried out in pain and screamed for Zan.

Instinctively, Zan darted up and saw Liz struggling with two men. He flung open the car door and ran to her. Using his powers, he threw the bigger man to the side. The second guy, still holding Liz, took out a pocketknife and held it to her throat.

Zan raised his hand and was ready to attack when he heard Max yell out inside his head.

‘No!!’ Max roared.

‘What?!’ Zan said back.

‘If you attack, he’ll kill her!’

‘Not if I attack quicker than he can use that knife.’

‘No Zan. You can’t risk it. You can’t risk her life.’

“Let her go!” Zan yelled. The rain pounding around him made it harder for them to hear.

“B-Back away you freak! Back away or I’ll slit her throat!” He pressed the blade to her neck a trickle of blood dripped down her throat. She closed her eyes tightly and whimpered.

A green spark emitted from her palm.

“What the hell?!” The man quickly released her with a push and she was thrown into the rain. He helped his friend up and the two men scampered to their truck, and drove away frantically.

Liz was conscious, but the landing on the slick pavement left her body sore and fragile. Zan ran to her, and gently picked her up. He laid her in the passenger seat, which he tilted back some so she could sit comfortably.

Zan drove to the nearest hotel, and using Max’s credit card, he checked them in. He carried Liz into the room and placed her on the bed. She set up on the edge of the bed, and reached over to take off her shoes. She whimpered softly at the soreness in her back.

“Here, let me help,” Zan whispered.

The storm continued to rage outside, and because of the power outage, the only thing keeping the room dimly lit were a few candles. Zan kneeled at her feet and untied each shoe. He slowly pulled off each of her socks and placed them at the foot of her bed.

“Thanks,” she whispered back. She saw him shiver, and she shivered herself.

“We have to get you out of those wet clothes,” she said.

Zan looked up at her. He had noticed her shivering as well. “You too.” He stood up and hovered over her. “Lift your arms,” he told her softly.

Liz hesitated for a moment. “You’ll get sick if you leave these clothes on. Please.”

She was nearly blown away by his kindness and sincerity. She would’ve never thought him to be so kind, so gentle. Like Max. She slowly lifted her arms and he carefully pulled her shirt over her head.

Liz bit her lower lip at the sight of his wet shirt clinging to his abs. She shook from her short reverie and reminded herself that Zan probably didn‘t look at her like that. She stood up and began to pull his shirt over his head.

Tears began to form in her eyes, and though she tried, she unsuccessfully blinked them away.

"What's wrong?"

"I thought I was going to die Zan. You'd think I'd be accustomed to it. To being at the brink of death so many times. But tonight..."

He saw the pain welling up in her and pulled her close to him, giving her a close, meaningful hug. She pressed against him-an innocent action, but it sparked something within the both of them. Passion, hunger, lust. Their inhibitions went down, and their urges began to take over.
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Post by TVQueen »

Thanks to everyone for all the feeback! Here's the anticipated Chapter 6. Enjoy!

Chapter 6

Zan clumsily unbuttoned her blouse as he exhaled and bit his lower lip, his hands fumbling with her buttons.

Liz placed her hands on top of his. Her eyes looked at the expression etched on Zan’s face. It was endearing in a way-here was the same man that had been so rough when they first met, so territorially protective when she was attacked, so gentle placing her on the bed, and now…so nervous and trembling.

“Shhh,” she whispered softly.

Liz unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and slowly shook it off her shoulders. Zan’s eyes lowered down her neck, collarbone, and finally her taut breasts that seemed to be begging for a release from the black lace that covered them.

Liz’s neck craned to the side to catch his gaze. When he looked at her, he surprised her yet again. His gorgeous eyes were wide and brimming with emotion.

“What?” she asked softly.

“Amazing,” he whispered so softly, Liz almost missed what he said.

Zan wrapped his arms around her, one hand placed on the small of her back, the other cradling the back of her head. Her soft, dark brown locks intertwined in his fingers as he lifted her against him. Liz was on her toes now, straining to capture his lips with hers.

It started off gently; there was no dueling of tongues in this kiss-it was simply exploration. Their lips softly sating one another's. Liz felt the vibrations of the groan that escaped from his throat into hers. Unconsciously, she nipped at his bottom lip, setting off a more ferocious phase of kissing that became steamier with every thrust of his tongue in and out of her mouth. She finally caught the hungry tongue between her teeth\, and she nibbled on the tip before sucking his bottom lip. But his tongue demanded entrance once again, forcing its way between her lips, licking the roof of her mouth. Zan moved his hand from the back of her head and slid it down her arm until her reached her hand. His fingers slipped in place between hers. A soft glowing caught Zan’s nearly-closed eyes. He pulled back from her lips; an innate moan came from Liz’s partially opened mouth that quickly shut and gulped when she saw what Zan saw.

A green glowing between their palms.

His right hand moved and clasped her right hand. The green glow immediately emitted between those palms as well. The glow became brighter, and Liz felt the power getting stronger. A sudden surge of energy flooded Liz, and images flashed in her mind.

‘Oh my God,’ her mind spoke.

‘Let go, let go,’ she heard Zan’s say.

Liz began to pull away.

‘No! Liz, hold on,’ the voice spoke. But something was different about the second one.

‘Max,’ Liz projected out. Zan’s hands were struggling to be released from hers, but Liz swallowed hard and dug her nails into his flesh, not letting the connection falter. More images surged through her, and Liz felt her knees shaking; her breath was growing rapid.

“Maaax,” she whimpered.

‘Hold on hon. Please. Just a bit longer.’

But everything was becoming too overwhelming for her.

‘You can do it babe,’ he told her sincerely.

Liz found the strength that remained in her and dug deep to hold on.

‘There you go Liz,’ he encouraged.

She got the last wave of images before she was thrown back against the wall.

She weakly arose onto her hands and knees.

Zan yanked her by her hair and pulled her up aggressively. The hand that was once caressing the nape of her neck and cradling her head was now holding a vice grip on her hair, pulling her head back so his eyes could look hard and angrily into hers.

“What did you see?!” he yelled.

“Let me go! You’re hurting me,” she gasped out.

Zan’s touch softened slightly, “What did you see Liz?!”

“N-nothing! I swear!”

His palm smacked across her cheek.

Her own hand arose to cover the burning cheek. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” she screamed.

His hand rose again to hit her but Liz’s own temper built within her and she caught his wrist, and using her other hand, and power coursing through her, Liz hurled Zan against the wall, and he collapsed onto the bed.

It took her 20 minutes to regain composure and realize Zan was unconscious. The soft snoring broke her heart as she realized what she’d done.

‘Max would’ve wanted you to do it,’ she told herself.

Leaning back against the wall, Liz slowly slid down and drew her knees up close to her chest. She sniffled quietly, feeling sore and tired.

She spent the next hour deciphering and analyzing the images Max had sent her.

Desert. Granilith. Ship. Antar. A bluish-green glow encompassing everything.

She watched Zan groan in his sleep. Carefully, she got up and walked over to the bed. She pulled the covers up to his shoulders, then kissed him on the forehead.

"I know what to do Max," she whispered. "I know how to get you back."