The Experiment Series (ML, CC / Mautre) (Complete)

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FON 20

Post by LivE »


Liz slept right through breakfast and Max told the girls not to disturb her. He only went to say goodbye before the four and Nick left for some more training. It wasn’t really training per se, more of a honing of their skills and powers. There wasn’t much else they could do at the moment, just wait for any news from Roswell.

She was lying on her side, her head cushioned on her bent arm when he came into the tent. Max felt like he stopped breathing for a second while staring down at her beauty. He knelt by her bed and gently smoothed her hair away from her face, smiling slightly as she murmured “Max” in her sleep. He always knew loving Liz would be the best thing in life, but nothing had prepared him for the even better thing of being loved back by Liz. So completely and overwhelmingly. He remembered the way she had looked last night, naked in his arms in the moonlight and was again humbled by the extent of her love for him.

Sighing, he bent his head and brushed his lips over her cheek and forehead. “I love you, Liz. Be safe today, okay?” He kissed her again, this time softly on her lips. Lips that clung to his even though she hadn’t woken up yet.

Max was solemn by the time he got back to the Jeep. His mind was churning with the sense of worry that had overtaken him again when they got back to the camp this morning. He spoke briefly to some of Nick’s men, his men, about making sure that everyone in the camp was safe and saw from their looks they weren’t fooled, they knew he meant Liz.

Isabel looked at Max concernedly when he finally got in the Jeep. “Are you okay, Max?”

“I just… I have a bad feeling.” He stared in front of him before starting the Jeep and driving off.


Liz was not happy when she finally woke up around 10:00 and realized Max had left while she was sleeping. She felt like she had failed him somehow. What sort of a leader’s mate was she that lay in bed all morning while the others were working to save their race?

Maria burst out laughing when Liz grumbled to her about it. “That’s so like you, chica! Why don’t you just do the radar thingy you do with Max and let him know you’re awake so you can stop walking around like a little thundercloud?”

Liz sighed and concentrated on Max. His presence was a faint hum at the edge of her consciousness. “He’s too far away.” She suddenly felt like crying. Okay, Liz, this is really taking it too far!

“So, do you have to do anymore parent bonding today?” Maria was still grinning impishly. “Cause I’m thinking it should really be fun talking to Max’s mom or your own with all those memories of last night in your head!”

“And I’m thinking that one night in the arms of a certain other male in this camp has made you way too chipper this early in the morning!”

Maria wasn’t perturbed by her friend’s surly mood. “And maybe I should warn Max that you turn into Grumpy if he keeps you awake for most of the night! Or… ah… wasn’t it Max doing the keeping awake bit?”

“Maria! I’m so not discussing this with you!”

Sighing dramatically, Maria shrugged. “Well okay, but I have to tell you that that glowing thing you did while sleeping could become problematic. Maybe it’s from too much… uhm… alien contact?”

Liz’s panicked expression sent her into another fit of giggles. “Gotcha!” Maria hastily departed the tent when Liz advanced on her threateningly.

Liz decided to go take a shower, although she was loath to wash Max’s scent off her for some reason this morning. Grabbing all her stuff together, she spotted her cell phone where Max had left it the previous evening. Might as well check my messages quickly…


The light blinded Sarah when the door to her cell opened abruptly. “Well, well, well! I’m hearing poor Eric is running all over town to try and find you! How careless of him!”

Sarah was suddenly furious. “How could you do this to him!”

She shrank away from her captor when he leaned over her menacingly. “Because he is a weak and pitiful fool who is ignoring everything important to us.”


The message was panicked and breathless. “Liz, its Sarah. I really need to talk to you. It’s about Max… and you. I can help him… We need to avert a tragedy. Please, I need to see you.”

Liz was freaked. Why does Sarah want to help Max? Did she know something? What was going on? Had she completely misjudged Sarah? Liz paced in the tent, her shower completely forgotten. It sounded so urgent. Making a decision, she grabbed a jacket and ran to find Maria.

The first person she saw was Diane, sitting with her mother. This slowed her momentarily, but she couldn’t afford to be distracted now. She needed to help Sarah… and Max. Not finding Maria fast enough, she grabbed Marcus. “I need a car. I need to go to Roswell real quick.”

Marcus nearly fainted. “Oh no! I don’t think so!” Realizing he sounded a bit impudent, he rephrased his last statement. “Uhm… I mean I don’t think that’s a good idea. Who knows what could happen!”

Liz was not about to be swayed. “Then come with me, but we have to go!” She dragged him over to where some of the camp’s all terrain vehicles were standing.

“Liz!” It was Diane, with Nancy in tow. “Where are you going?”

“I have to go something in Roswell urgently. It won’t take long.”

“Shouldn’t you wait for Max, honey? It might be dangerous!” Diane was trying to sound calm and rational.

“Thank you for worrying about me, Mrs. Evans, but Max is too far away and this is really important.” She pointed at Marcus. “I’m taking him with me, don’t worry!”

Everyone was surprised when Nancy stepped forward. “I’m coming too.”

“Mom no! I don’t think—”

“It’s not a request Liz. I’m going!” Nancy sounded uncharacteristically firm. And before Liz could say anything else, Nancy was in the car with Marcus.

Sending a last look at Diane, who seemed really upset, Liz got in the car too. “Let’s go,” she instructed Marcus.


Max was having trouble concentrating. A feeling of dread had settled in his stomach and he was starting to feel physically ill. When he botched yet another attempt at sending a bolt of energy towards a nearby rock, he gave up. “Guys, can we go home?”

All eyes turned to him. “Why?” It was Isabel.

“It’s getting worse. I think we all need to stick together at the camp.” I need to see Liz.


After they arrived in Roswell a few hours drive later, Liz realized she had no idea where to start finding Sarah. So she went to the last place she saw her, the Crashdown. They sat outside in the car because Marcus didn’t want them exposed. They were all still supposed to be on holiday…

Liz was just losing her patience when Marcus suddenly slumped forward in his seat, blood trickling from the corners of his mouth. Liz lunged towards him, her heart stopping in her chest when she realized he was dead. A shadow loomed at his window and Liz looked into cold blue eyes that froze her in place. The guy pulled open the car door and shoved Marcus out of the way before either Liz or Nancy had time to react.

Liz turned to her door and was clawing at the handle when she felt a hand descend on her shoulder. “Max!” her mind cried out before she was plunged into darkness.



Hearing that beloved voice cry his name in such terror, made Max start to shake violently. Michael grabbed the wheel just in time to stop Max from overturning the Jeep. Fighting incoherence, Max could only say: “No… Liz.”

No one asked what had happened. They all knew. They have Liz…

More later!
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FON 21 +22

Post by LivE »


Liz was crying in her drugged state, tears slipping continuously from beneath her eyelids to slide down her cheeks. What have I done? Why didn’t I think before running off to Roswell with just my mother and Marcus? Marcus is DEAD because of me! Where is my mother? Max will be coming and they will take him too… Oh god, what have I done!


She could feel the presence of Max in her mind and desperately tried to block him out. Her despair heightened when she realized that that was basically impossible. Max was the origin of their connection and his connection to her was stronger than hers to him, so he got in easily.

I’m sorry, Max.

So much pain from both of them it threatened to overwhelm her. Why does she keep on doing this to him? She was his greatest weakness…

No, you’re my greatest strength! Don’t give up on us.


No Liz. I’m never letting you go again!


Isabel gasped when she let go of her brother, breaking the connection with Liz. Max hadn’t been able to reach her on his own while she was drugged and Izzy had to dreamwalk to help them. Looking at Max, she saw him wipe at his eyes surreptitiously and she marveled yet again at how strong the feelings between Max and Liz were. And at the fact that they were sent across galaxies so that her brother could find a love here on earth that would ultimately save their people.

The Jeep bumped over the rough terrain as Michael drove to the camp at break neck speed.

“I shouldn’t have left her this morning!” Max burst out. “I knew something was wrong.”

“Yeah well, she shouldn’t have gone off on her own either!” Michael sounded harsh.

“Shut up, Michael!” Max was losing his temper.

“Okay, guys!” Isabel was left trying to make peace between her two very different brothers once again. “You are both worried about her, I know it. So let’s not fight! Max, did she say anything that could help us?”

He shook his head mutely, the connection hadn’t lasted long enough.


Diane and Nick were waiting for them when the Jeep roared into the camp. Max jumped out before it came to a complete standstill, practically running towards his mother.

“She left with Marcus and Nancy to go to Roswell a few hours ago…” The terrified look on her son’s face alerted Diane that something had already happened to Liz as she had feared.

Max took several deep calming breaths, putting his arm around his mother’s shoulders. “Let’s all go meet in the dining tent. We need to come up with a plan.”


Waking up slowly, Liz felt her whole body ache. Blinking her eyes a few times, she wondered why she couldn’t see? Finally she could make out a thin sliver of light that seems to be coming from underneath a door. Darkness. She was in darkness. A soft sobbing close to her interrupted her thoughts.

“Mom?” She crawled towards the sobbing, bumping into legs on the way. Hands gripped her shoulders, leaving her gasping in fear.

“Liz?” The soft voice seemed vaguely familiar.


“It’s… Sarah. I’m so sorry that he found you. Because of me.”

“Sarah! What is going on? Who has us here? Why does he have you too?” Liz realized she was firing questions at poor Sarah and decided to change her tactics. The sobbing hadn’t stopped yet and she now knew it was her mother. “Just give me a few minutes, I have to get to my mom.”

Finally locating her mother’s slumped form on the floor, Liz put her arms around Nancy. Her mother stopped crying immediately. “Liz? You’re safe? Thank god!”

“Mom, I’m so sorry! This is my fault. I should have waited for Max. I –”

“Max! Isn’t he the reason we’re in this mess from the beginning?” Nancy had trouble not yelling.

“No Mom. I’m the reason we’re in this mess…” Liz spoke softly, trying to understand that her mother’s reactions were the result of fear, not hatred towards Max. “We just need to hang on, he will come and find us.”

Nancy was speechless. The quiet and unshaken trust in her daughter’s voice completely silenced her.

“No one knows where we are.” Now it was Sarah’s turn to sound despondent.

“Max can find me. And he will.” Liz tried to allay the fears in the room without actually telling Sarah why Max would be able to find her.

Sarah was quiet for a few moments. “Your connection is that strong?” Her voice was filled with wonder… and envy. “Eric just sometimes senses intense emotions from me.”

“What are you talking about? Sarah? Who are you?” Liz was starting to get a weird feeling about the girl.

“Uhm… How much does your mother know about… about Max?”

“Enough. Tell me!” What if this were part of an elaborate trap for Max!

“I’m… Eric is… Eric is the leader of his people. People that came to earth originally to find… Max.”

“To destroy Max, you mean!” Liz was getting upset. “And I thought you wanted to help us! You just wanted to find Max so that you could—”

“No!” Sarah cried out. “Eric doesn’t want that anymore. But some of his people, they told him that Max wanted to kill him first. So we came here. But I saw you two together the other day. Max is not a killer and I thought, maybe if you and I could get them together we could stop this madness. But then Devin disappeared and ––”

“Devin tried to kill me the other day.” Liz interrupted her.

“What! But that’s… Eric didn’t tell him to do that! Maybe that’s why… Oh god, Liz! They are going to kill Eric and Max!”


Max paced during the meeting. Liz was finally awake, but her emotions were fluctuating wildly and he couldn’t make out clearly what was going on. “Maria, I need you to call the Sheriff and have him try and see what he can do in Roswell so long. Michael, I need you with me. You’re our protector…” He shared an intense look with his second-in-command before continuing: “I’m going to try and see if I can’t connect with Liz one more time, maybe she can give us some clues that will help us to find them.” Max looked up as he saw Nick entering the tent after speaking to some people that were standing outside.

“They are worried about her, Max. You should talk to them.” Nick’s quiet voice was firm. Their Queen was missing.

“Later,” Max nodded and glanced at Jeff. He hadn’t said a word yet, but was sitting as if in a daze next to the Evans’. “Mr. Parker, I’ll find them. Both of them.” His words brought a flicker of hope to Jeff’s gaze.

“What should we do, Max?” Isabel didn’t want to feel useless.

“I need you here, coordinating things from this end. I don’t want a surprise attack against the camp while we’re away. Where’s Tess?” Max looked around, seeing her standing behind Nick. “You’re coming with us. We will probably need your mind warp powers.”

Nick stopped him before he left the tent. “Max, do you know what Liz did with that carved box I gave her after your bonding ceremony?”

Max was confused. What did it have to do with saving Liz? “Yeah. Its in our… my tent. Why?”

“You need to give it to Isabel, in case… something happens. It should always be in the hands of whomever is going to bear our next king.”

Going pale, Max fought the instinct of shouting that nothing will happen to Liz. Because he knew that he couldn’t promise that. “Come with me then.”

Jeff had watched this whole interlude from the side. Even in his terrified state, he couldn’t miss the words “bonding ceremony” and “whomever is going to bear our next king”. His mind grappled with finding the significance of these words, the only thing making sense to him right now was that Liz and Nancy were missing. And that Max Evans was apparently the only person that could find them…


The preparations were made quickly and efficiently while Max went to his tent to retrieve Liz’s wooden box and to try and connect with her one more time. Isabel went with him. Finding the box underneath the bed that he and Liz had shared while they were in the camp the previous time, Max stared at it after he put it on the bed.

“What’s inside?” Isabel was speaking in a hushed voice without realizing it.

“I don’t know. Liz and I never got around to looking.” He met Isabel’s gaze. “And I wouldn’t feel right about opening it without her now.”

Isabel nodded, understanding what Max was trying to say. That Liz will be coming back to open the box herself and that Izzy would only be keeping it temporarily. In Max’s heart, the box will belong to Liz no matter what.

Sitting down on his bed, Max had to close his eyes to stop the torture of remembering how Liz had felt curled up in his arms here that few nights so long ago. Taking a deep breath, he vowed that he would experience that again, even if he had to die trying…


Liz sat with her arms hugging her knees against the one wall. By some silent agreement, she and Sarah had given her mother the cot and Nancy was sleeping fitfully on it now. Looking at her watch, Liz saw that it was only 18:00. It felt like they had been here for ages. She was too far away from Max to feel him properly and she was getting lonely without his constant presence in her mind. On top of all the shocks she had received after listening to Sarah, another one was added. The guy holding them was one of Devin’s friends by the name of Tim. Sarah wasn’t sure if there would be any other people working with him.

Sarah was sitting cross-legged across from Liz and stared at the floor blankly. Eric was probably going out of his mind with worry by now and she prayed that he was being careful while he looked for her. So far, she had only seen Tim here and she wondered if he was working on his own. Somehow she had trouble acknowledging that some of Eric’s people were betraying him like this. He was put on earth to come finish a war that he barely remembered and meeting and falling in love with her, had made him even more uncertain about the terrible task he was here to complete. She looked over at Liz. “You seem really sad.”

Liz wiped a tear from her cheek, not noticing her mother had woken up next to her. “I miss Max. I miss… his presence.” Seeing Sarah’s confusion, she decided to elaborate. “Max and I we… we feel each other. All the time, but right now he’s too far away for me to really feel him.”

“Wow. Eric and I, we love each other a lot, but… you and Max. You seem like two parts of a whole.” Sarah sounded a little jealous.

“Uhm, yeah. That’s a good way of putting it. It’s like I can’t breathe if he’s away from me for too long, you know?” Liz’s heart ached. She wanted Max here. She wanted him to put his arms around her and make her feel safe. She wanted to tell him that she loved him one more time. She bit her lip, trying not to start crying for real. “How did you and Eric meet? How did you find out he was… alien?”

Sarah looked down. “My story is not as fairy tale like as yours, getting healed from a gunshot wound! I was… I ran away from home when I was younger. The short version is that he found me on the street one night and chased two guys off that wanted to—. Anyway, I didn’t have anywhere else to go, so he took me with him. We were friends for a long time before he finally allowed us to be more.”

Smiling wistfully, Liz nodded. “Max was the same. He was so scared he would hurt me because he was different. It took him forever to kiss me! Wait a minute! How did you know Max healed me?”

Now Sarah was smiling. “We saw the story on the Internet. On one of those conspiracy sites. We just had to find out who was healed and who did the healing. We chatted with some people in Roswell, they all said that the rumor was that you got shot and that a guy named Max Evans had saved you. They always laughed while telling us this crazy story! Then I saw you with Max the other day and I just knew. The way you two were with each other. The way he looked at you. Like you were his everything…”

Neither of them realized that Nancy was listening to this whole conversation with baited breath. There was so much about her relationship with Max that Liz had never told her.

Sarah continued. “We were always travelling in a group. We were about 15 people. I woke up one night and heard some of the others arguing with Eric about me. He finally told them that he would make his own decisions and that he would tell me what he was cause I had a right to know. He told me and I realized I had always sort of known that he was different. I didn’t care. As long as he loved me.”

“So you’re…?”

“Human? Yeah. Just like you.” Sarah paused. “Maybe not exactly like you. What happened between you and Max? Why are you two so connected?”

“We don’t know either. It was just always sort of there after he healed me.” Liz didn’t want to share too much details of her life with Max with this stranger. Some things were too precious to just tell anybody. Oh Max! I miss you…


Max was getting frustrated because all he could get from Liz were feelings, so he turned to his sister again. “I need your help.”


Liz, love! Are you okay?

Liz leant her head back against the wall with a gasp, startling Nancy and Sarah. “It’s Max!” Max was inside her head! Talking to her!

Max! I love you! There was no time like the present to make sure that he knew that.

Me too. Next time I hear that, we will be together, I promise. Do you know where you are?

Nancy and Sarah watched in awe as Liz shook her head sadly, obviously having some discussion in her head that they couldn’t share.

No. We’re in a small room and its dark all the time. Max you have to listen to me. It’s really important. You have to find a guy named Eric. He is Sarah’s boyfriend and Max… he’s the leader of the other aliens—
What! Max’s rage nearly overwhelmed her.

No Max! You have to listen. The guy holding us. He worked with Devin and he is part of a group of Eric’s people that are trying to perpetuate a war between our two races. Liz didn’t even realize she used “our” when talking about Max’s people. Sarah is with us and she says the kidnapper’s name is Tim. Maybe Eric can help you find us. Liz had never talked so fast in her life, but she was afraid the connection would be broken before she could get all the details to Max. Max…please be careful. I couldn’t bear it if anything happened to you!

Liz. I…

Another presence suddenly joined the connection, making Liz shiver. Tess.

Get out, Max. Isabel is starting to look pale.

Honey, I… I’m coming. Hold on.
Then he was gone.

Liz came out of her daze to find two pairs of eyes trained on her. Meeting Nancy’s gaze, she smiled. “Max is coming.”

The door opened suddenly. “Weeell, that’s nice to hear! I’ll start preparing for the party immediately. Can’t have the King of our enemies arriving without some pomp and ceremony!” Tim snarled at Liz. “And I know just what will make him feel welcome… Smelling the fear of his precious human mate.”

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23 + 24

Post by LivE »


They were in three cars, Max wasn’t taking any chances. They would go into Roswell separately to ensure that they didn’t cause any unnecessary suspicion. Max had also phoned the Sheriff to check on anybody named Eric (not that knowing his first name helped a lot). They had to try…

Michael kept throwing side-ways glances at Max. Max had been calm for a while after talking to Liz, but now he seemed frantic. He was staring out of the window, his hands clenched in fists on his thighs.


“Just drive, Michael. Please don’t ask anything.” Max didn’t want to discuss anything about his feelings in front of Tess who was sitting silently in the back seat. He was trying to keep himself together, but it wasn’t easy. Something was seriously wrong with Liz. He sensed a mixture of fear and anger from her that made his heart pound in his chest. What was he doing to her? If her hurts her I’ll kill him.

They met Jim Valenti in front of his office. He watched with concern as Max got out of the Jeep. “Are you okay, son?”

Max nodded mutely, but Jim saw through him. Max’s body was racked with small, almost imperceptible tremors and the Sheriff marveled again at how intense the feelings between Max and Liz were. Max could say what he liked, but Jim knew he was quietly going out of his mind about Liz.

“Let’s talk in my office.” Valenti led them. The discussion went quickly. The bottom-line was that they needed to find Sarah’s Eric and convince him to help them. He was the only one that might possibly know where Liz, Nancy and Sarah were kept.

”Well, I have three guys under surveillance right now that may be this Eric guy. One of them was hanging around the Crashdown a lot and one of the waiters called asking us to check him out.”

Max jumped up. “Then let’s do it!” He was getting more desperate to find Liz by the minute. Everyone followed Max out of the door, but halted when Max made a strangled sound and grabbed the doorframe with a shaking hand.


“No Tim! Please don’t do this!” Sarah cried. She was cuffed to the wall, her hands above her head.

Tim had made sure that she was cuffed first, wanting to humiliate the human that wormed herself into his race as much as possible. He had held Nancy by the throat while busy with Sarah, thereby ensuring that Liz didn’t try anything. Then he had cuffed Nancy to the cot. He had no real use for her, but her presence kept the fear of the other leader’s mate on an acceptably high level. Of course Liz had made a fuss when he worked on her mother, so he had to silence her for a while. He looked at Liz lying crumpled on the floor, blood trickling from her lip where the back of his hand had caught her. What is it about these pathetic women that so ensnared Eric and Max?

Nancy was crying. She seemed to do that a lot lately, but right now was the first time she truly realized how much her daughter had gone through during the last year. She had listened to some of the stories of what had happened to Liz, but now she saw.

Liz was only out for a few seconds. She moaned softly as she came to. “Max…”

“No, your precious Max has not pitched up to save you yet. Methinks you have too much trust in him.” Tim dragged her upright roughly, his fingers bruising her upper arms. “Now, let’s get you all trussed up for the feast.”

Liz glared at him. She would not give him the satisfaction of crumbling. She could feel Max was closer and the knowledge kept her going. She closed her eyes and bit her lip as Tim cuffed her to the wall too. Max…


Michael grabbed Max, holding him upright. “Hey Maxwell!”

Max gripped the doorframe so tightly, that his knuckles turned white. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. The others watched as he pulled himself together with effort. “We have to hurry. Please.” He spoke through stiff lips, his voice low and urgent. Hold on, Liz, I’m coming!

Michael and Jim glanced at each other, knowing that something had happened that Max wasn’t sharing with them. “Max—”

But Max was already moving out towards the Jeep again. It felt like a white-hot knife was twisting in his gut. Only he wasn’t sure if it was as a result of fearing for Liz or the hate he was starting to feel for the guy hurting her. For she was hurt, of that he was sure…


Liz felt the cuffs biting into her wrists as she basically hung from them against the wall. She was still a little dizzy from that backhand Tim had dealt her, but the sight of her mother close to losing it made her doubly determined to remain strong. When Max came she would give in to the blackness trying to overwhelm her. But only after she was sure he was safe…

“Mom, it will be okay. I promise.”

“How can you say that?” Nancy sounded choked.

“Because I believe in Max.”

There was a flicker of hope in Nancy’s eyes. “Liz, I can see how much you trust in Max, but did you see how easily this Tim killed Marcus? He didn’t even touch him! How is Max going to withstand that?”

“Tim was a warrior on Eric’s home planet. They are deadly, killing machines. That’s why he was sent here. To be the one to finally… kill Max.” Sarah sounded tired.

Feeling the blackness coming closer again, Liz closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing again. A few silent minutes later, her eyes snapped open. That’s it! Soldiers needed a war to feel useful. The soldiers were revolting against Eric’s pacifism. “How many soldiers came with Eric?”

Sarah’s eyes were fluttering closed, she was obviously not going to be conscious for much longer. “Sarah, please! It’s really important! How many soldiers?” Liz was close to yelling, hoping to startle Sarah back. It worked partially.

“Wh-- What?”

“How many soldiers?” It hurt to talk by now, because her lip was starting to swell. And every time she spoke the cut in her lip started bleeding again.

“I think… I think ten? But I’m not sure…”

Think, Liz, think! Knowing she had to let Max know about the soldiers somehow. But she was feeling faint, they not eaten all day and being beaten didn’t help much either. But I have to help Max.

Nancy watched in growing admiration as Liz fought to stay conscious. Her face showed the signs of Tim’s assault, and she could see red welts starting to form on Liz’s wrists. All this for Max Evans… “Liz, honey, are you okay?”

“Have to talk to Max…” Liz mumbled.

Nancy thought fleetingly that Liz was delirious, but then she remembered how earlier Liz had seemed to talk to Max.

Liz felt herself slipping away from reality. No… have to warn Max! Warn him that—something important. Warn him… But he was waiting for her, in that dream world where she couldn’t feel the pain. He stood there as beautiful and strong as ever, holding his arms open for her to run into. She flung herself into his embrace and whispered: “Hold me, Max.”

And because this was her dream, he said: “Always. My Liz.”


In the end it was laughably easy to find Eric. Max and Michael both saw him at the same time. He was sitting on the edge of the pavement across the street from the Crashdown and, ironically, right in front of the UFO Museum. The others stood back, watching as Max approached Eric. Michael kept a watch out for Eric’s men. Surely they couldn’t be far away…

Max halted a few feet away from Eric. He knew that he should hate him, but just like with Tess, he felt nothing. He remembered nothing. All he saw was a guy with sadness lining his face. Max saw the moment Eric became aware of his presence. His body tensed perceptibly and he slowly stood up.

The others watched, holding their breaths, as the leaders of two alien races faced each other on a street in front of a cheesy alien museum in a small town in New Mexico.


Liz felt light as air and heavy as lead at the same time. Max was making love to her, slowly and gently, but only her mind was reacting. Her body seemed incapable of feeling anything but pain. What is wrong with me? Making love with Max had never equaled pain before.

“Liz. Liz!”

Someone was calling her name insistently and the voice was a jarring note in her dream. She wanted to be alone with Max, to find that wonderful oblivion he always brought her, not listen to that irritating voice. Liz concentrated on Max instead, and for a few seconds she found the bliss she always did in his arms and caressing hands. “Max, please…”

The note in her voice was one Max would recognize immediately. It was the one she always used to beg him to stop torturing her and fill that place inside her that was created for him.

On the other hand, it was not a tone of voice Nancy Parker had ever heard from her daughter. It silenced her momentarily in her efforts to wake Liz up. Liz’s voice spoke of a longing and desire so intense that Nancy had trouble identifying it with her always cool and in control child. She took a deep breath, trying not to think of what it meant. Truthfully she didn’t know what her reaction would be if her growing suspicions were confirmed. She knows what it should be, Liz was her daughter after all, but after experiencing all she did the last few days, she was just too confused to indulge in her normal mother responses.

“Marry me, Liz.” For a moment, Liz grinned. This was so typically Max. She had already said she would, but he kept worrying that she would change her mind. Like that could ever happen!

“Liz! You have to wake up!” That voice again! Would the person not just go away? Couldn’t they see she was busy with more important things? Like answering Max who was now starting to look worried.

Touching her hand to his lips, she promised: “Yes Max, I’ll marry you…”

Nancy blanched after hearing Liz’s soft words. Marry him! She hoped this was a dream… “LIZ!” Her loud cry alerted Tim, who came barging in.

“What’s wrong, the little princess still out of it?” He walked over to Liz, running his hands over her arms and sides. “These human girls. So weak and pathetic, but so beautiful to look at.”

Liz came to with a shuddering cry. Hands that were not Max’s were on her body and it made her feel dirty. The pain in her arms fleetingly overwhelmed her and tears welled up in her eyes.

“Why would he choose you over his intended mate?” Tim was looking at her calculatingly. “Unless you were giving him something to make it worth his while. I mean, Sarah was only too happy to grace the bed of my esteemed leader. But not those of any of us lowly servants, though.” He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger. “Why is that? Is it because they are Kings?” He pulled Liz towards him sharply by her hair. “Come on, you can tell me!”

Liz had trouble not whimpering from the pain. She blinked furiously to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. She would not give him the satisfaction.

“Leave her alone!” Nancy’s voice was sharp.

Tim turned towards her, still holding on to Liz’s hair. “What is your problem? She’s not yours anymore, she’s the mate of an alien leader. You should rather be worried about yourself, lady.”

“Mom.” Liz’s voice was weak and unsteady.

Nancy recovered from Tim’s attack remarkably quickly. “She will always be my daughter, no matter what. But you’re right about one thing, she is Max’s… mate and he is not going to take kindly to the way you’re treating her!”


Eric looked at Max warily. “Who are you?” But he knew. Somehow he knew that this was the Max Evans he had heard so much about since he came to Roswell. Was he coming to gloat over taking Sarah from me?

“Max Evans. Some of your people have Sarah. And my Liz.” Max figured he would get straight to the point, hoping that it would circumvent any misunderstandings between them. He saw Eric’s eyes widen in shock, then he felt Michael’s presence behind him. Looking over Eric’s shoulder he saw two men bearing down on them, obviously some of Eric’s bodyguards.

Eric took a while to recover from Max’s unexpected news, but he held up his hand, halting the advance of his men immediately. “What are you talking about?”

“Maxwell, this is not the place.” Michael’s quiet voice reminded Max that they were on a public street.

“Would you mind if we go inside to talk?” He gestured at the UFO Museum. Seeing Eric’s hesitation, Max reminded him of their priorities. “Please. We need to find Liz and Sarah before it’s too late.”

Max prayed that it wasn’t too late already. His connection with Liz had simmered down to a hum in his mind, telling him she was either asleep or unconscious. His mind kept creating the most awful scenarios of what was happening to her and it drove him crazy with worry.

Eric followed him inside and they left Michael and one of Eric’s men at the door. Two deadly sentries intent on protecting their leaders at all cost.
It happened just after Max had relayed to Eric what he knew about the kidnapping. He had included everything that Liz had managed to tell him, but just before Eric could respond Max felt such a surge of emotion from Liz that he felt dizzy. To compound things, he now felt a presence with Liz that could only mean one thing. Tim was touching Liz. Max was overcome with such fury that his vision blurred for a moment as he jumped up from the table. Eric stared at him in surprise as he prowled around the room, clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides. How was he going to think rationally about finding Liz if all he was consumed with was how scared Liz was and what exactly this guy was doing to her. Breathe, Max, just breathe. Getting hysterical will not help Liz…

“What’s going on?” Eric sounded concerned.

Max was still fighting to regain his composure. He closed his eyes, but it immediately intensified his experience of the pain and fear coming from Liz. He clutched at the nearest solid thing, trying not to sink to the floor under the weight of the sensations. “Liz! Liz, I’m coming. I promise,” he whispered.


Liz! Liz, I’m coming. I promise.

That beloved voice was the final straw that made Liz’s tears spill over. He was here! He was near! He had to be, otherwise she wouldn’t have heard him so clearly. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain and the fact that Tim was still running his hands over her body. She needed to tell Max what she had learned earlier. Please Max. You have to hear me.

Inside Roswell, Max’s head flew up as he heard Liz’s plea. Liz! Are you hurt?

Relief flooded her body as she heard Max’s reply. He could hear her too! Liz told Max what she had figured out about the soldiers revolting as quickly as she could, not knowing what Tim was going to do next. She kept her eyes closed tightly, her mind going a-mile-a-minute to Max.

It didn’t take long before Tim realized something was going on. He dug his fingers into her throat, lifting her up by her neck. “What are you doing?”

Liz whimpered, fighting to breathe.

“If you’re communicating with your alien husband, tell him what I’m doing to you.” He grinned. “If he’s anything like that wimp Eric, it will drive him to come running over here in a blind rage. Nothing like rage to stop one from thinking rationally, is there?” He brought his other hand to the place on her stomach where Max had healed her so many months ago.

It felt like someone was pressing a fiery hot poker against her as his hand started glowing next to her skin. Liz cried out in pain.

Michael came in a dead run as he heard Max’s roar of anguish. He found Max against the wall on the one side of the room and Eric standing on the other, watching his purported enemy in total confusion.

Max felt the power building in his body until he was close to exploding. Liz’s screams were echoing in his mind, driving him insane with reaction. I need to protect her… I want him dead! As the thought echoed through his mind, an explosion of white light momentarily blinded him. But how? I had my eyes closed. It must’ve been in my head…

It felt like a bolt of electricity had run through her body. It hadn’t hurt her, but Liz was barely conscious as it is, so she had trouble registering any coherent facts. She heard her mother scream and wondered what had happened. Liz coughed, realizing the pressure on her throat was gone. As her swimming senses became clearer, she noticed the burning hand on her stomach was gone too.

She was blinking furiously, trying to clear her blurred vision when Nancy’s tremulous voice intruded upon her efforts. “Oh my god, Liz. What have you done?”

Liz finally noticed Tim lying at her feet. Looking very much dead.

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Post by LivE »


Max felt like he had been hit by a sledgehammer. The way he always felt after using his powers, only multiplied by ten. What the hell had just happened? His mind immediately searched for Liz, making sure that she was okay. Reassured when he found her life force flowing through him strongly, he turned to Michael dazedly. “What just happened?”

Michael was staring at him strangely. “Why don’t you tell me, Maxwell. You sort of blacked out there for a while.”

“Blacked out?” Max frowned. “That’s all? You didn’t see a bright light? Like the sort you create?”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “No… You yelled, I came, you fell against the wall and blacked out. Is Liz all right? I thought…”

It all came back to Max in a rush. The hatred building against Tim who was torturing Liz. Feeling her intense pain. Talking to Liz. Talking to Liz? That had only happened, sort of, while he was being kept by Jans and his henchmen. How had they managed it now?

Max… It was whisper-soft in his mind. Tim is… he’s dead, Max. And I think, I killed him!

Max was completely stunned for a moment. Liz killed Tim? Liz killed anybody? How is that even possible? He felt her distress levels spiking and tried to calm himself so he could speak to her rationally. Liz honey, it’s okay. Whatever happened, we’ll figure it—

No Max!
Liz was starting to sound really upset. My Mom said he looked like he was hit by lightning while touching me. And I… I felt this surge of electricity. Max, I’m really scared! What is happening to me?

Michael watched in concern as Max suddenly went pale. “Maxwell…”

“We have to find her, Michael! Now!” Max’s tone brooked no argument. They turned to Eric. “Where would Tim have kept them? Is there any place—”

“Yes.” Eric straightened. If only he had known earlier his own people had Sarah. His mind reeled with the fact that he had been betrayed like this.

“Let’s go!” Max had to force himself to partially block Liz’s distress from his mind. He needed to concentrate on finding her first.


Liz was having a hard time not falling to pieces completely. She was light-headed and nauseous, her body was bruised and burnt and at her feet lay a man that she had apparently unwittingly killed. Her mother was staring in front of her like a zombie and Sarah was still hanging from the opposite wall, unconscious. Liz felt that there wasn’t much more she could take before going insane. She was clinging to the only thing that she could. Max was coming...

She risked a glance at Tim. He looked like he was just sleeping. Only he wasn’t breathing at all. It was scary looking down at the man that had nearly killed her and that so obviously wanted to kill Max. I’m glad he’s dead. The thought shocked and sickened her. But it was true. He would have killed any of them without blinking…

“Mom, are you okay?” Liz could barely talk. She was shivering violently from reaction to her ordeal.

Nancy stared up at her daughter. Okay? That probably wasn’t the word she would use! She had just witnessed a crazed alien assaulting her daughter and then watched him being thrown off Liz like he had touched a live wire. All this while Liz was close to being unconscious from the pain. She nodded mutely and couldn’t believe the next words were coming out of her mouth: “I wish Max would get here…”

She heard Liz’s gasp and didn’t blame her for being surprised. She had all but told Max to stay away from Liz. But now, after getting to know Max a little better these last few days, she, just like everyone, was instinctively turning to Max to fix everything. More than that, she was hoping he would save Liz. Which was ironic really. She acknowledged for the first time that she didn’t need to protect Liz from Max, she needed Max to protect Liz from the world. And somehow she just knew that he would…


They met outside with the Sheriff, Tess and Eric’s men. Eric explained that one of the places they had rented when coming to Roswell had large a basement. He suspected that’s where Tim was keeping the women.

Max was quiet while they discussed tactics, letting Michael do the planning and talking. It was clear that his friend and second-in-command was really good at this, fitting naturally into his role as protector and soldier. Max, not knowing all the details, had decided not to tell anyone about Tim’s possible demise yet. Or of his suspicion that his intense reactions to what Liz had been going through had somehow caused the guy’s death.

They phoned Isabel at the camp, telling her only that they were making progress and ascertained that everything over on her side was still normal. Then they executed their plan, with Michael in the lead.


It was deathly quiet in the room. Liz was slowly losing her grip on consciousness, sliding into a foggy world of terror only to fleetingly come to, before starting the slide into oblivion again. She so wanted to stay alert so she could help Max when he came, but right now she was losing the battle. And, in the process, delirium was setting in.

Nancy monitored Liz worriedly. The burn on her stomach looked serious, while a heavy bruise had formed around her throat. Her eyes had drifted closed and she murmured unintelligible things every now and again. Nancy was not surprised when the only word she could make out on occasion was “Max”.

It was a half and hour later when the door opened first at a crack, only to be thrust open completely when the guy saw Tim sprawled on the floor. He rushed in, kneeling next to the body, before turning frightened eyes to the three women. Finding two of the three unconscious, his gaze finally rested on Nancy. “Who are you?” his voice was filled with fear and awe.

Nancy had a wild urge to laugh hysterically. This guy obviously thought she was the one that had killed Tim. Instead she just stared at him mutely. Anything to spare Liz another session of torture.

Nancy slumped on the cot when Tim was dragged from the room and the door securely locked behind them. All her bravado had disappeared. She looked over at Liz again, she was turning paler and her body shook with tremors. She was going into shock.


“She’s there.” His voice was quiet and sure. They were all assembled about a block away from the house and Max was staring at it as if he could see through the walls. He turned determinedly to Tess. “We need a distraction. See how many of them you can get to come out of the house.” She nodded, not meeting his eyes and started to walk away. Max grabbed her arm, spinning her back towards him. “But if you betray me, I swear—”

Tess jerked her arm from his grip. “Don’t worry. I’ll do my part to save your precious Liz. But see what she has gotten herself into yet again. She is a liability. Now our people have to run over to try and save her from her—” She shut up when Max and Michael advanced on her, fury on their faces. Glaring at them one final time, she stalked away bitterly.

Michael watched her retreating figure. “I hope this works, Max.”

“It has to, Michael, I can’t lose her.” Max felt his throat tighten. Yes, Liz was in that house, but her presence was slowly dimming…


Nancy was still watching Liz when she saw her daughter’s eyes flutter open. “Max is here...” Nancy had to strain to hear the words, Liz’s voice was so weak. Making a Herculean effort to lift her head, Liz said: “Mom, you have… have to keep me… awake. For Max… to heal me…”

So Nancy did what she did when Liz was little. She told her a fairy tale. “Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a handsome young prince who had always dreamed of a beautiful dark eyed girl with hair the color of chocolate…”

Tess was standing across the street from the house with closed eyes and created an illusion of Eric arriving at the door. When one of his soldiers opened the door, fake-Eric told him he knew where Max was and that four of them should come with him to go “finish this off”. Not knowing how to ignore Eric’s request without tipping him off that they were busy with something he wouldn’t like, the men followed him, right into the trap that Nick and his men had set around the corner.

Michael had held a firm grip on Max’s arm, preventing him from storming into the house unprepared while all this was happening. Max kept reaching out to Liz with his mind: Liz! Just a few minutes longer, love… He was rewarded every time with a small surge from her.

When Michael was satisfied that the other men were gone, he took his contingent into the house after commanding Max to stay back. Max just looked at Michael and shook his head. He would be right there alongside his friend and brother.


“…so the little Prince saw the girl from his dreams with the long dark hair and he knew her immediately. He so wanted to go and meet her, but he didn’t want to frighten her, so he—” Nancy jerked when she heard the sound of running feet upstairs. What was going on up there? Looking over at Liz, she saw that her eyes had drifted closed. “Liz honey, you have to wake up! Remember, Max is coming.”

Liz forced her eyes open, but everything hurt so much. Not just her wounds and bruises, but her heart. It was Max. He was hurting because he was afraid for her. She had to keep fighting this urge to sink into oblivion. She had to do it for Max. She wanted him to be proud of her…


It was over in a matter of minutes. By the time Eric and Max arrived it looked like the house had been hit by lightning. There were burn marks on the walls and bodies strewn over the floor. Max felt ill when he saw that one of the bodies was one of his own people. He frantically looked for Michael and found him kneeling on the floor in the hallway in front of a door. His hand rested on the melted handle of the door. Looking up when Max arrived, he mumbled: “She’s down there.” He waved weakly at the door. “I had to keep them away…”

Max didn’t have words to thank him for making sure that nothing more happened to Liz. Michael, who had been dragged into trusting other people kicking and screaming, was now prepared to give his life for the girl that had started it all for them.

“Just go, Max. I’m fine.”

Max opened the melted lock by waving his hand over it and ran down the stairs. He nearly fell over his own feet when he finally reached the bottom and when he straightened, the sight of his beloved Liz cuffed against the wall with bruises covering her, brought tears to his eyes. He was next to her instantly, his hands reaching out to lift her against him gently. “Oh god Liz! I’m so sorry.” He held her with one arm while the other waved the cuffs off her wrists.

Carrying her to the cot where Nancy was still sitting, he put her down at the foot of the bed, his tortured eyes taking in the damage that had been done to her. The anger was building inside him again, but he forced himself to concentrate on Liz.

Nancy looked on as Max ignored the tears coursing down his cheeks to tilt Liz’s chin up, begging her: “Please open your eyes, Liz. You need to look at me!” If she had any doubts that Max was feeling terrible about Liz being in this situation as a result of him, it was erased by his broken voice and shaking hands.

“Come on, Liz! We still have that box to open. We still have to get married. You promised. And… and I need you. Please.” By this time, the tears running down his face was nearly blinding him, so it took him a while to realize Liz was looking at him.

“You came…” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“I’ll always come when you need me.” His vow was solemn before he put his hand over her stomach to start the healing process.

It took a long time and Max was weakening, but he kept going. Fighting the damage to her body with everything in him. He felt his energy leaving him and flowing into Liz through his hand that was covering the spot where he had healed her from the gunshot wound more that a year ago.

Michael came in silently, releasing Mrs. Parker from her cuffs and making sure that Eric and Sarah were okay. Now they were all just watching Max and Liz.

The flashes were upon him in a rush. He saw himself making love to Liz the previous night. Her kidnapping and Marcus being killed. He saw every minute of her ordeal and cried out with the pain. Falling to his knees beside her, Max fought to keep himself linked to her, until the healing process was complete. Tim had basically started to burn her insides with his hand. And Max felt the killing rage return.

When he finally took his hand from her, he just keeled over until he rested his face in her lap. My Liz. You’re safe now. He desperately wanted to heal her other bruises, but he didn’t have the strength right now. A beautiful smile stole across his lips when he felt her slide her fingers into his hair. Thank you, God.

It was another profound moment for Nancy. Yet again she was being confronted by the fact that whatever was going on between Max and Liz, was not normal. Not for two teenagers and not even for most adults. It was something amazing and special. Something that deserved special treatment from her.

Max was eventually able to crawl onto the cot and he stretched out on it, pulling Liz to him until he could curve his body around hers. The others looked at each other and realized they were intruding on a private moment, so they went upstairs to assess damage and let everyone else know they had lived through this.


Isabel was ecstatic when they phoned her to say everyone was fine. She informed them that Mr. Parker and her parents were coming back to Roswell right away. They all just wanted to be home now that everything seemed to be over. Isabel, Alex and Maria would wait for Max, Michael and Liz back at the camp. They all agreed that they needed some time there to recuperate before returning to their normal lives in town. And none of them said it, but they needed time with their partners to reaffirm their relationships.

It was an hour later before Michael finally had the nerve to go downstairs again to get Max and Liz. It was really late at night already and they still wanted to drive back to the camp. He found them in the same position that they had been left. Max was still curled protectively around Liz and sound asleep. Michael winced when he saw Liz’s face and neck where the welts from Tim’s rough handling of her were still clearly visible. No wonder Max lost it at the UFO Museum. He had probably felt this happening… Walking over, he shook Max’s shoulder. “Wake up, buddy, time to go home.”

Max tightened his hold on Liz instinctively, not wanting anyone to move her from his arms. He woke up groggily as the shaking continued and stared at Michael uncomprehendingly for a few seconds before everything came back to him. He pulled away from Liz slowly, not wanting to wake her and kept his hand on her to ensure that she could feel his presence still. He opened his mouth to speak to Michael when his eyes fell on the cuffs still hanging from the wall. Compressing his mouth into a thin line, he got up from the bed and picked up Liz. “Let’s get out of here.”

Upstairs, Max was surprised that all the bodies were gone and the house looked fine again. How long had he been asleep?

“About an hour.” Michael answered him.

Spying Mrs. Parker sitting on one of the couches looking lost, Max went to sit in a chair near her with Liz still in his arms. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Parker. For all this.”

Nancy held up her hand. “No, I’m sorry. For not trusting you with Liz. I see now that I was wrong.”

Max stared at her in surprise and felt one of the weights he had been carrying on his shoulders, lift. “Thank you.”

They sat quietly for a few minutes, content to just listen to Liz breathing when Eric and Sarah came in, holding hands and looking happy. Max got up and carefully put Liz next to Nancy on the couch.
Straightening and turning to Eric, he stood eyeing him from across the room. “I want this to end…”

Bowing his head, Eric said softly. “So do I.”

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Post by LivE »


Nancy held Liz against her side as she watched Max and Eric look at each other. This felt a little surreal to her. Here in the middle of small Roswell, NM, she was watching the leaders of two different planets, both of them still young men, preparing to hold peace talks. She hugged Liz closer as Liz started squirming and moaning softly.

The sound brought Max back to Liz’s side immediately. He looked at Nancy, waiting for her to hand Liz over to him. It was a symbolic moment and they both knew it. Nancy hesitated, still holding her little girl in her arms, her gaze locked on Max who was standing next to them silently. Her mind was made up for her when Liz whispered: “Max.” Looking up at him, she slowly allowed him to take her daughter, now a young woman, from her arms. And she finally conceded, Liz wasn’t hers anymore, she now belonged to Max…

Max held Liz high against his chest, walking away from everyone so he could calm her down in private. “Shhh, love. I’m here. You’re safe.” He talked in soothing tones that gradually lessened her distress. He wished that this was all over so he could take her back to the camp and just hold her for hours until this whole nightmare faded for the both of them.

Liz’s eyes fluttered open, fastening on Max immediately. “Max, could you kiss me? I need… need to feel you…”

Still holding her against him, he bent his head and softly covered her mouth with his. It was a slow, gentle and beautiful kiss. A reaffirmation of their love and a promise of the future to come. Their lips clung together, it felt so familiar and yet so new. Max kept the kiss feather-light, not wanting to hurt her still bruised face and neck. He continued to caress her lips until he heard her sigh against him. Pulling away, he saw that she had once again fallen asleep. He pressed a kiss on the soft skin of her cheek and her forehead and again thanked whatever providence had brought him to this place in his life.

Taking Liz back to Nancy, he went to see Eric again. They needed to finish this so he could start making plans for the rest of his life. The rest of his normal life with Liz. And they needed to wait for Jeff Parker and his parents to arrive, since Jeff probably wanted to see his daughter.

Michael was standing outside the room when Max came out. He looked uncomfortable. “We, ah… We took care of all the bodies, but I thought…” Michael was uncharacteristically hesitant. “I thought maybe you’d want to see…Tim.” He looked at Max worriedly. “If you don’t, I’ll—”

“No. I want to see him.” Max didn’t know why he wanted to see the guy that did all that to Liz. Maybe a perverse wish to ensure that he really would never be able to bother them again. Maybe he just wanted to see the first being that he ever… killed. He felt nausea rise up in his throat. I killed someone… But then he saw the guy. And he remembered what Liz had looked like when he found her. How intense the pain had been that she had had to live through. His anger at Tim returned full force. “She just loved me. That’s all she did,” he whispered at the dead man. “Why didn’t you just come after me?”


Max waved his hand to silence Michael. “We must never allow something like this to happen in our people, Michael. Promise me that we will never use innocent people to reach our goals.”

Michael’s answer was quiet. “You know we never will. You would never allow it, and I would never do it.”

Max nodded, his eyes still on Tim.

“What exactly happened to him?” Michael was curious, since the guy was already dead by the time they had stormed the house.

“I killed him.” Max sounded tired.

“What are you talking about? You were nowhere near—”

“Through Liz. I killed him through Liz. I wanted to kill him for what he was doing to her and we were connected… our minds. I felt so much hatred and anger I thought I was going to explode.” Turning tortured eyes to Michael, he said: “He was literally frying her inside, Michael. I… I just… I wanted him dead. So much.” Looking away again, he continued in a dead voice: “The next moment there was this bright light in my head and Liz… Liz said it was like an electrical charge had gone through her body. Killing him.” Max rubbed the back of his neck. “I can’t believe I did that to her. She saw this man die and she thought… she thought she did it.”

Michael was completely stunned by this story, but he kept his feelings to himself when he saw how upset Max was. “He was trying to kill her, Max. He probably would have if you hadn’t stopped him.”

“Maybe… But is this what’s going to happen every time I get so angry?”

“You weren’t just angry, Max. You were completely overwrought. How many times in your life is that going to happen. These were rare circumstances. You thought Liz was dying. Hell, she probably was dying.” He put his hand on Max’s shoulder. “You need to move past this. She needs you.”

Max was quiet for a long time before he nodded his head. “Thank you, Michael. For everything.”

When he left, Michael stared down at the body of Tim. His mind was still grappling with what the guy had been capable of, but maybe this whole mess had led to one good thing. No more looking over their shoulders in future, waiting for the evil aliens to attack. He bent down and picked the body up. Time to bury the past.


Max and Eric faced each other across the dining room table. There wasn’t much to say. Neither of them wanted to continue the war they had been intended to continue. In the case of Max, he had no planet to go back to. His only home was here, on earth, with Liz.

“I’m not going back to my planet. I hope they will assume that I’ve done my duty and leave us both alone from now on.” Eric sounded tired too. He had been living on the run for so long that it seemed quite amazing that he would never have to live like that again. His mind struggled to accept that he would be able to go live somewhere, with Sarah, permanently.

Max interrupted his thoughts. “I guarantee that my people will leave you alone.”

Eric nodded. “I…” He wondered if he could say the same. After all, it had been his soldiers that created this whole crisis. “Those of my men still with me will do the same for you.” He took a deep breath. And may no-one from my planet come here one day to try and finish us both off.

They both got up and walked towards each other, shaking hands to seal their deal.

Eric swallowed. “I’m sorry. About Liz. Sarah says she is a courageous lady.”

A small smile slid over Max’s lips. “Yes. She is.” I’m so proud of her.

“I wish you both well.” Eric’s sincere statement surprised Max.

“You too. And Sarah.”


It was much later when Max finally woke Liz up so he could fix her bruises. He didn’t want her father to see her like this. She opened her eyes partway and stared into his eyes trustingly when he told her to, not really awake yet. Max smoothed his hands all over her body, not noticing that Nancy was looking on attentively.

Max shoved the anger and hurt away again that threatened to return as he saw all the damage that had been done to Liz. When he finished healing her, he continued touching her. Taking simple joy in being able to still have her with him.

Still not fully alert, Liz felt the heat starting to flow through her when Max caressed her tenderly, his hands finding all the places on her body that they knew so well by now. All the places that he loved to touch. He skimmed his fingers over her hair, her shoulders and her arms, lacing their fingers together fleetingly before continuing. He curled his hands around her hips and slid them down her thighs, before slowly shaping her calves.

Nancy watched as Liz threw her head back, arching into the hands caressing her and the thought that had lain at the edge of her consciousness for a while now became more insistent. The easy and familiar way in which Max was touching Liz coupled with the instinctive and ardent response from Liz screamed of one thing. Physical intimacy. For a wild moment, Nancy wanted to run over and rip her daughter away from Max, but even as the thought raced through her mind, she cast it aside. She cast it aside because she saw the tender way in which Max lifted Liz up to cradle her against him, pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead. After everything that she’s seen today, worrying about Liz’s sex life seemed so trivial…


Everyone had nearly fallen asleep by the time the Evans’ and Jeff Parker arrived at the house. Eric and Sarah had left for their own place, while Nick and the rest of the guys had already gone back to the camp.

Jeff rushed over and grabbed his wife in his arms before pulling Liz from Max’s lap. Hugging his still sleeping daughter, he looked over her head to Max: “Thank you. For both of them.”

Max merely nodded, only to be engulfed in the embrace of his own parents. Diane smoothed his bangs from his forehead lovingly. “So it’s over now?”

A light began to shine in Max’s eyes as he looked at Liz who was now waking up from her father’s tight hug. “No, Mom. It’s only beginning…”


Max glanced at Liz sleeping with her head on his thigh as they sped through the early morning darkness back to the camp. Michael was driving and Max and Liz were in the back seat. He slid his hand through her hair over and over again, simultaneously caressing away her fears and reminding himself that she was with him and fine. A deep shuddering breath racked his body as he thought back to almost losing her. His mind had trouble wrapping around the concept that he would have had to go on without her.

It had taken him a long time to pry Liz from her father’s arms and then Jeff wasn’t very happy with the fact that Max wanted to take her back to the camp. Nancy finally ended the silent tug of war between father and mate when she stated simply that Liz needed to go back. Jeff relented, but only after soliciting Max’s promise that he would call the next day to make arrangements for when Lizzie was coming home.

Waking up, Liz felt surrounded by Max’s love and warmth. She felt a lot better after basically sleeping ever since Max had healed her. Stretching, she rubbed her cheek lovingly against the hard muscles of his thigh. I’m alive. I made it. The thought brought tears to her eyes that slid onto the material of Max’s jeans. She curled her hand into his thigh, alerting him to the fact that she had woken up.

Max shifted sideways, pulling Liz up against his chest and holding her tightly. “The bad stuff is over now, love. From now on, it’s just you and me.”

She clung to him, desperately wanting to believe what he promised. But she also knew that even though the threat of other aliens might be gone, they will always have to be wary of the FBI.

Max lifted her chin with his hand, forcing her to look into his eyes. “We can handle them. Together we can handle anything.”

Liz’s eyes widened. “How did you know what I was thinking? Did you hear my thoughts? Like… like before?”

He shook his head. “No. I didn’t hear you. I just knew what you were thinking because I know you. We will be okay, Liz.”

Nodding her head, Liz snuggled closer to him. They watched the darkness speed by outside the Jeep for a few silent minutes before Liz spoke again. “Max. Thank you for—”

He stopped her with his fingers on her lips. “Don’t say that. You don’t have to.”

Running her hands over his face, Liz noticed the tired lines around his eyes. She remembered that they hadn’t slept much the previous night and then to have a day like this on top of that, Max must be exhausted. He had kept on going until he had her back safely after which he healed her, using more of his energy. And since then he had been watching over her. Liz marveled that she could be loved like that. That someone as amazing as Max Evans could make her the most important thing in his life.

Scooting back, she pulled Max until his head rested in her lap this time. Threading her fingers through his hair, she whispered: “My turn to watch over you now. Sleep, Max.”

Max wanted to resist, but felt the exhaustion overwhelm him now that the adrenaline stopped rushing through his veins. He threw his arm over Liz’s thighs, hugging her legs and ensuring that she couldn’t leave without him noticing before he finally let sleep take him over.

Liz leant back against the seat, her hands still cradling Max’s head. How strange her life had become since falling in love with Max. But even stranger was the fact that she wouldn’t change a second of it if it meant that in the end she would be holding Max in her arms like this. Catching Michael’s eye in the rearview mirror, she gave him a small smile. He smiled back crookedly. Both of them were aware that the man lying in Liz’s lap fast asleep, was the center of their worlds. That without him, there would be no group of six or any alien/human relationships between them…


Dawn was breaking when they finally arrived back at the camp. Liz lightly shook Max’s shoulder and grinned when he grumbled and pulled her under him. “Max!” But he was kissing her already, still not really awake. Liz had trouble not going under from his sensual attack, but she pushed at his shoulders not wanting the rest of the camp to see them this way.

In the end, Michael brought the Jeep to a lurching halt, nearly causing Max to fall off the back seat and jarring him awake abruptly. Max glared at Michael while trying to make sure that Liz wasn’t hurt by Michael’s actions. Michael just ignored him and jumped out of the car where he was promptly run down by Maria.

Max helped Liz from the Jeep and they turned to find that all the inhabitants of the camp had assembled to meet them. Pulling Liz to his side, Max explained about the peace with Eric’s people and this led to a deafening cheer of joy rising from the crowd.

After quietening down, their eyes turned to Liz and she took a deep breath, ducking her head shyly. When she finally looked up, she spoke softly: “Thank you very much for supporting Max and I through this. Thank you for the men that went with him and… just, thank you.”

This resulted in beaming smiles that widened when Max and Liz went to hug the mates of Marcus and the other guy that was killed during the raid, whispering their condolences. Max finally turned to everyone and said: “If you all don’t mind, Liz and I need to get some more rest before breakfast.”

They left ignoring all the amused looks and knowing grins.

Liz tugged on Max’s hand when they were away from everyone else. “I really, really need to take a shower.”

His eyes slowly heated as he said. “Okay. So we’ll take one.”

Nick saw them entering one of the bathroom trailers together, carrying some clothes and he discreetly sent someone to go make sure that they would not be disturbed.

Max stopped Liz when she started undressing herself. “Let me. Please.” He stripped her of her clothes gently, in the process making sure that he had not missed any bruises. They both gasped when they saw the silver handprint on her stomach, practically in the same place it had been on that day that started everything between them.

Liz took his hand and fit it over the print carefully. “You did it again, Max. Marking me. As yours.”

He looked up at her surprised. “Is that what it felt like for you then?”

“It felt like… like you changed me. But later I realized that you marked me that day. Here.” She pressed his hand into her stomach. “And here.” Sliding his hand up to cover her heart.

Max was overwhelmed. Her love for him poured over his senses, filling him with happiness. He hugged her against him deciding that he had to find a way so that Liz Parker never went very far away from him again!

They both undressed him, their hands tangling together, before Max lifted her up and carried her into one of the showers. The water sluiced over them, and he held her against him as they gloried in the soothing water.
Eventually, he leant Liz against the side of the stall and washed her tenderly. His eyes followed the path of his hands hungrily and in the process he was driving himself insane with desire. He knew that not even his tiredness would keep him from making love to her soon. She let him live one of his fantasies when she allowed him to wash her hair. He took his time with it, gently massaging the shampoo into her tresses before rinsing them out again. She was arched over his arm to allow the water to slide to her hair and Max couldn’t help leaning in to capture her breast in his mouth.

The action tore a small cry from Liz and she instinctively pulled his head down to her harder. He kissed a path from her breast to her mouth, hungrily closing his lips over hers. They kissed each other breathless. Glorying in their life and love.

Dragging his mouth away from her, Max looked at her wryly. “You make me lose my head sometimes!”

Liz smiled at him, a slow seductive smile that rocked him to his toes. “Then I’m hoping you’re not too tired to lose your head again when we get back to the tent.”

He pulled her against him, whispering in her ear. “I will never be too tired to make love to you. Only too tired to do it standing up in a shower stall every once and awhile.” She shivered from the sensations his husky voice was creating in her body.

“So let’s finish up and get out of here.” Max thought he had died and gone to heaven when she slid her soapy hands over him. He ended up pressing his hands against the side of the stall, leaning over her and trying his best to grab a normal breath every now and again. He couldn’t hide the extent of his arousal and he didn’t want to. He ached to be inside her and finally he couldn’t take it anymore. Turning off the water flow, he enveloped her in a towel and rubbed his hands over her body, simultaneously warming her up and drying her off. He stopped Liz when she wanted to help him too, his voice gruff. “Not a good idea right now, honey…”

They dragged on their sweats and hurried out of the showers to their tent, not even noticing the guy following them to take up station a ways away from their tent. Hopefully out of earshot, but close enough that he could intercept any unwanted visitors.

Once inside, they stripped by silent mutual consent and got in bed. Max pulled Liz flush with his body immediately, just holding her against him for a few minutes. His body was screaming at him to complete their union, but he needed to go slow. He had nearly lost her yesterday and he needed more than anything to show her how precious she was to him.

He was propped up on his elbows and Liz watched the emotions flash in his eyes while lying underneath him. She felt all of them through their connection, but seeing them in his glorious hazel eyes, meant so much more.

He broke the silence abruptly. “I want us to make a promise to each other.” Liz just kept looking at him expectantly, so he continued determinedly. “Yesterday… I had this feeling that something was going to happen and I…” His face contorted in pain. “I ignored it and look what happened.”


“No. Let me finish, Liz. I promise to never ignore my premonitions again, if you promise to never, ever again not come to me when you need help with something.” Liz’s eyes widened in shock. He had every right to be angry with her for taking off for Roswell alone yesterday and she swallowed.

“I’m sorry. I thought—” Her voice was thick with tears.

“No, Liz. This is not a blaming session… I just need us to promise each other that we will never repeat the mistakes we both made yesterday. I… I never want to be so scared again in my life!” He brushed her hair away from her face. “Okay?”

“I promise.” Liz made a solemn promise to herself too. She promised herself that she would never scare Max again if she could help it and that she would also show him how much she loved him at every possible occasion. Starting right now…

She curled her leg over his, in effect bringing him to rest between her thighs, causing a helpless sound from Max. Lifting herself up on her elbows, she pressed closer to him and lifted her mouth to his. He met her halfway and kissed her deeply, tenderly, completely. She put her arms around his neck, hanging onto him until he relented and moved them down onto the bed. Opening her mouth under his, she caressed his tongue with hers, enjoying the groan that her actions elicited from him.

Her body took over from her mind, moving underneath him in a dance as old as time. Her hands shaped his chest and his back, dipping lower until she could curl her fingers into his thighs.

The action made Max jerk, startled. But only for a second, then his mouth was back on her skin. He bit a path down her neck to her throat and slid his arm underneath her, arching her up so his mouth could reach her breast again. It was amazing, having her open to him like this. He closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the taste and sound of her. His Liz. His love. His life.

Their union was gentle and slow, Max put his hands on either side of her face and stared in her eyes as he joined them. The feeling was indescribable. It felt like they were falling into each other… until they were one body and one mind. He moved inside her gently, the images of her bruised body still fresh in his memory. He didn’t want to hurt her, but wanted to love her until she forgot the violence that had been done to her.

Liz watched him in awe. How dark his eyes became when filled with passion. How tenderly he held her and how deeply he moved inside her.
The end rushed upon them unexpectedly. Hurling them away on a sea on sensation, their bodies wracked with explosions of fire. They forgot to breathe as they rode out the storm, feeling not only the physical sensations of a pulsating release, but also the emotional sensations of being completely in tune with each other’s feelings.

They clung to each other until the last tremors deep inside their bodies stopped. Max rolled them over, while staying inside her. Right now, this was the way he wanted to fall asleep. Still joined to Liz. And so he did. With her whispered: “I love you, Max Evans,” still ringing in his ears.

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They had woken up to a feast brunch a few hours later. It wasn’t huge, but Nick and Isabel had organized an al fresco brunch with tables in the open air where the food would be served. Many of the camp’s residents were there when Max and Liz arrived, hand-in-hand. They were stunned when they saw everything. Isabel just grinned at them proudly: “We felt it was time to enjoy life, here on earth, a little.”

Max was smiling broadly, nearly taking Liz’s breath away. “I agree.” He hugged Liz, dressed in a flowing skirt and tank-top, against his side and pressed a kiss on her hair. “I need to talk to some people. Will you be okay?”

She nodded at him. Actually, she would rather drag his cute alien butt back to their tent, but she couldn’t very well do that right now, could she?

“Liz!” Max sounded strangled and she realized that he probably knew what she was thinking. He was looking at her with warm eyes and Liz revised her earlier thinking. He was not going to be allowed out of her arms for too long…

Max got away from her as fast as his feet could carry him, causing some strange looks from the other people present. Normally he was glued to Liz’s side, but here he was putting as much distance as he possible could between them. The only thing that prevented any alarm about possible problems between their leader and his mate, was Liz’s tinkling laugh following Max’s retreating back.

Maria was at quickly at Liz’s side. “You have to teach me that trick, chica. Max ran like the hounds of hell were at his heels!” She flung her arms around Liz. “I was so scared for you, Lizzie. I’m so glad you’re back safely. Max dragged you off to his cave so quickly last night that I didn’t get to see you. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine now. More than fine.” She looked over at Max, who had gone into leader mode on the other side of the brunch gathering with some of the group’s Council. Turning back, some of the shadows of yesterday invaded her eyes. “But it was awful, Maria. The guy was… he was evil.” She looked back at Max, who was now staring at her with concern, obviously picking up on her emotions. She gave him a small smile to indicate she was okay. He kept watching her, though, and she decided to mess with his mind a little, purposely remembering her feelings at seeing him in all his naked glory in the shower this morning. She had to bite her lip at her body’s immediate reaction. Max’s eyes widened in shock and he gave one step in her direction before remembering himself. Liz felt quite smug with herself.

“Hello Lizzie!” Maria yelled in her ear, making Liz jump. She had completely forgotten that Maria was with her. She shot a glare at Max. It wasn’t his fault, but she could blame him if it suited her. He wasn’t looking at her, but the small half-grin on his face told her he was laughing at her, the bum.

“You two are sooo bad! I thought you couldn’t get any worse, but… apparently doing the wild thing has done even more damage to your brain cells!” She looked at Liz intensely. “Is it that good? I mean, cause… Michael and I… we’ve been, you know, thinking about it.”

“Maria!” Liz exclaimed happily. “Yes, it’s that good between Max and I, but it is because we were very sure it was right between us.” She took Maria’s hands. “So, what I’m trying to say is, make sure everything between you two is as it should be before, you know.”

“I know. And don’t worry. I‘m working on the lug and he’s gonna cave soon. Believe me!” They hugged each other again. Great friends to the end.

After Maria went off to bug Michael some more, Liz stood watching Max interact with his people. She could do that all day, just stare at Max. The way he moved, the small gestures he made, his facial expressions, the way he listened to people talking to him as if they were the only ones there. However, all that staring at him always had the same effect on her. A slow throbbing was starting deep in her body and she had to stop herself from running over to Max and dragging him away.

Max was totally aware of Liz’s intense regard as he moved around to various people. It covered him like a cloak and he was too afraid to look at her for fear of losing his tenuous control. She could undo him with her gaze. With her eyes that promised him untold pleasures and her body that promised unimaginable fulfillment. Probably one day, he would be able to look at her and not want her so intensely, but for right now, that was impossible. And he had so much to do that he couldn’t afford to let her distract him for a while. Taking a deep breath, trying to bank the fires in his body, he turned to Nick and waved Isabel over as well. “I need you help…”

Liz was in a daze. She remember speaking to some people and she supposed whatever she had said made some sense, but all her concentration was on the tall, dark man that moved with such ease through the crowd. Her body was heating up slowly but surely, and after a while she realized she was clenching her fists in her skirt in an effort to stop them from trembling. She watched his lips shape words and she remembered how they had felt against her breast. She watched his hands emphasize a point and remembered how they had branded her skin. She watched his body move so gracefully and remembered how knowingly and completely it had invaded hers.

“Are you okay, Ma’am?” Liz came back to the present, realizing she was hyperventilating and her cheeks were burning. A girl standing next to her was looking at her strangely. She was about the same age as Liz. Liz glanced at Max again and touched her cheeks with her fingers. Boy, how does he do this to me? He’s not even looking at me and I’m in this state! What will I do when he DOES look at me? Melt into a puddle? Her answer came as Max turned to her slowly, his eyes finding her slim ankles and travelling up over her body, resting a few seconds in some places before travelling further. By the time he reached her face, she was shaking and her heart was pounding. She so desperately wanted to be with him right now.

“Ma’am?” The voice broke into her haze and she blinked at the girl before blushing again. The girl looked from Liz to Max and back again, sighing enviously. “I wish a hunk like that would look at me that way some day!”

Liz’s gaze was inextricably drawn to Max again. He was still staring at her with hungry eyes. “Maybe one will some day,” she answered the girl.

The girl sighed again. “Yeah, but will he be such a hottie!” She gasped as she realized she had just spoken of her leader in such a way to his “wife”. “I… I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have—”

Liz waved her hand dismissing the apology. “That’s okay. He has that effect on girls.” And especially on me! Her body continued to hum with awareness of him, the ache low in her belly growing imperceptibly but steadily as the morning progressed.

Max was going under fast. He could feel Liz’s desire flowing over him in waves. If he normally has trouble keeping his hands off her, how was he supposed to do it when she so obviously wanted them on her. He had just decided to chuck all this for a while and started towards her when he was interrupted by Izzy’s voice calling everyone to take their places for brunch.

Finding that he and Liz were sitting on opposite sides of a table, Max glared at Isabel. She only batted her eyelids at him innocently, saying: “The way you two have been going on, I decided this was the best way to stop any possibly embarrassing making out scenes from happening at the table…”

Liz tasted nothing of what she ate. She and Max kept staring at each other, the world fading into nothingness around them.

Alex leaned over to Isabel. “Well, I see your plan worked. Now we’re back to the incessant mooning! No, wait. This isn’t mooning, it’s…” He faltered.

“Hunger.” Isabel completed his unfinished thought. “I think this is worse than mooning. At least we didn’t know what the mooning could lead to!”

“Aaaaand, let’s talk about something else please! What was Max whispering to you about?” Alex moved his attention away from the other couple.

“He is working on one of his Liz schemes again. And we are going to need your help too…”


It felt like hours before they could get away. Max’s hand was warm as it wrapped around Liz’s pulling her away from everybody and towards the Jeep. Whatever was going to happen now, cannot happen here in the camp. He needed some place where they didn’t have to worry about being interrupted, or even worse…heard.

They didn’t look at each other as they drove away from the camp. It had been torture to wait this long and both of them felt ready to explode. He halted the Jeep close to a small cave they had found one day while training.

Liz was moving to get out, but he caught her arm, stopping her movements. “Wait.”

His voice was rough and created millions of goosebumps all over her body. Liz couldn’t catch her breath as he rounded the Jeep, a blanket in his hand. When he reached her side of the car, he looked at her with heated eyes. “I’ve wanted to do this all morning…” He put his one arm around her waist sliding her closer to the edge of the seat, before lifting her against his body, her legs dangling against his. The action brought them flush against each other from shoulder to thighs and they both groaned at the contact. He moved his mouth towards hers, stopping when he was a mere breath away. “Do you have any idea how much I want you right now?”

Liz had trouble speaking, so she only whispered: “Me too,” before closing the gap and covering his mouth with hers. She unleashed a storm in the process. He ravaged her lips, invading her mouth with shocking swiftness and Liz felt such an explosion of desire that a wave of dizziness threatened to overwhelm her. Her resulting moan seemed to spur him on and he whirled towards the cave, still carrying her against him and only tearing his mouth from hers for the few seconds it took to get them safely inside.

Flinging the blanket on the ground, he set her on her feet, but didn’t let her go. Instead his hands slid underneath her top, finding her curves and filling his hands with them. Liz was clawing at his shirt, needing him to get it off so she could touch him back. He relented, ripping the shirt off with a swift action before pulling her back against him roughly. Her top was removed without ceremony and she gasped as he bent his head to her breast. Her knees threatened to give out underneath her and only his arms holding her upright were keeping her from sinking to the floor.

She was literally being devoured. There wasn’t an inch of her that he didn’t taste with his mouth and tongue. She clutched her fingers in his hair as he moved over her, not able to do anything than cry out helplessly from each new sensation. Please Max… Please! She raked her nails over his back, trying to communicate her urgency to him without words.

It worked only partially as he slid his hand between her thighs, producing an answering flood of warmth from her. She rubbed herself against his hand, but it wasn’t nearly enough. She needed more. She needed all of him.

Max dragged in a deep breath, fighting for air in the heady passion-filled atmosphere of the cave. He reared away from Liz, staring down at her face that was filled with such ecstasy that it momentarily blinded him. Then the need to be inside her overwhelmed him and he gave in. Entering her in one smooth stroke and binding them together physically. They stilled for a moment before the intense desire that had brought them to this place overtook them both. Moving together, they strove desperately for that mind-numbing bliss only they could bring to each other. And when they reached it, it was a shattering explosion that caused the external world to recede for a few minutes in front of the ecstatic oblivion that they found in each other.

They lay together afterwards, their passionate cries still echoing in their ears and their bodies racked with shuddering breaths. Max lay with his head on Liz’s shoulder, hoping that things could always be like this between them. That they would always be able to find such incredible ecstasy in each other’s arms.


Back at the camp, Izzy was welcoming back her parents and the Parkers with a forced smile. They had phoned the parents this morning, inviting them back on Max’s orders. But now Max was missing. With Liz. Which meant only one thing…

She looked at the Parkers, who were talking to Maria, but kept looking around anxiously for their daughter. Where the hell were they? How am I supposed to explain their sudden disappearance to her parents? Izzy resolved to smack her brother if he ever re-appeared. Honestly, the things he got up to because of his obsession with Liz!

Nancy came over to Isabel first. “Hi Isabel. Uhm… Where is Liz? And Max?”

Isabel grimaced. Obviously she wasn’t the only one worried about the fact that Max and Liz were missing together


Liz was threading her fingers through Max’s hair while he lay on top of her, dozing. They were both thoroughly tired after the late night and their strenuous morning and being held by Max like this was only second to making love with him. She didn’t want to break the magic spell of this moment, but she had a suspicion that it was getting really late. “Max, what time is it?”

Moving his arm so he only had to open one eye to squint at his watch, Max nearly had a heart attack when he saw the time. “Oh my god!” He jumped up, pulling Liz upright. “We have to get back!”

Frowning at him in confusion, Liz pushed her tangled hair out of her eyes. “What’s going on? Are we late for something?”

He looked at her with worried eyes. “Yeah. I called our parents to come in for… for a reunion. They should be at the camp already.” And this time they’re REALLY going to kill me! Not exactly the impression I wanted to make before I talk to them.

This spurred Liz into action. She ran around finding her clothes that were strewn all over the cave and pulling them on hastily. After she finished dressing, she turned to Max. “I guess you have to fix me again, huh?”

In spite of the situation, Max had to grin. “Yeah. And I’m starting to like doing it too!” He ran his hands over her, removing all traces of their passionate union. After that he grabbed her and slung her over his shoulder, causing a loud shriek from her. “Let’s go, woman! Before your dad comes looking for me with a shotgun!”


Back at the camp, Isabel was trying to salvage the situation. “Uhm… Liz and Max went to see someone quickly. They’ll be back just now. In the meantime, I need to speak to the moms.” She saw the frowns on Diane and Nancy’s faces. Smiling at them nervously, she added: “Girl talk.” She looked at Alex pleadingly. Help me!

“Uhm…” Alex moved forward hesitantly. “Why don’t we all go get something cold to drink?” He looked at Jeff and Philip, who nodded reluctantly.

Isabel herded the moms away and hissed at Michael when she passed him: “Wring his neck when you see him, please!”


The jeep arrived back at the camp in a cloud of dust. Michael and Maria stood waiting with folded arms for the two lovers to get out of the Jeep.

“I can’t believe this,” Max muttered to Liz as he helped her out, “Michael is going to give me a speech about responsibility.” He shot her a glare when she laughed. “This is all your fault, you know.”

Michael pounced on him immediately. “They’re here already, Maxwell. Great way to start the ‘I want to—”

“Michael!” Max’s voice cut into the rant. “If you don’t mind, can we talk about this later?” He gave Michael a meaningful look that was enforced by Maria slapping Michael’s shoulder.

Michael clamped his mouth shut, glaring back at Max. If Max would only quit with the never-ending romantic surprises he plans for Liz, then the rest of us can stop living in fear of blabbing about them all the time!

Maria took hold of Liz’s arm, pulling her in the direction Isabel had disappeared with Diane and Nancy. “We better let your mom see that you are not permanently attached to Max by now!”

Liz cast a glance to Max as they walked away. When oh when will my life return to normal?

“So Liz, how is that woman you guys went to see?” Maria practically yelled at Liz when they neared the tent Izzy had taken the moms to.

“Maria!” Liz had nearly jumped out of her skin when Maria went on like that.

Leaning over, Maria whispered conspiratorially in her ear. “Just letting you know that Iz told the parents that you and Max had gone to see some person… You know, to get you two off the hook for not being able to keep your hormones in check.” She pointed at the tent. “They are in there. Now, at least try and look like you’ve actually been talking for the last few hours…”

Glaring at Maria, Liz tried to defend herself. “Maybe you and Michael should just get it over with already, because if you’re going to be this way about Max and I all the time…”

“Whatever, Lizzie!” Maria seemed unperturbed by Liz. In fact, she seemed particularly chirpy…


Max found his and Liz’s dads in the dining tent with Alex, who seemed really relieved to see him. He had a moment of complete embarrassment, looking at the man whose only daughter he had just been intimate with. But this was not a time for embarrassment. It was a time to take action… And make one of his dreams a reality.

“Hey Dad. Mr. Parker. I’m sorry you had to wait, but I really need to talk to both of you…”


Liz found three pairs of eyes on her when she entered the tent with Maria. And none of them looked fooled as to where she had just been. Or more accurately, what she had just done. She felt a dark blush creep over her cheeks. What had become of the old calm and logical Liz Parker? Sighing, Liz recognized that that Liz Parker had apparently disappeared somewhere in Max Evans’ arms.

Amazingly enough, no one said anything about her and Max.

“Liz honey, you look wonderful!” Nancy got up to hug her daughter, silently admitting that her decision to let Liz come to the camp after her ordeal yesterday had been the right one. Liz looked healthy and the stars in her eyes were back.

Diane also smiled at Liz. “You had us all really worried yesterday! I’m so glad everything worked out.” She looked at Nancy. “Do you mind if I borrow Liz for a bit? I just want to talk to her about yesterday and I’m sure you don’t want to relive everything…”

“Sure.” Nancy accepted so quickly that Liz was concerned. What is going on with everyone? They are all acting so weird.


Nancy arrived at the dining tent to join Jeff, Philip and Max. Upon seeing her, Alex jumped up and invited Philip to go see the computers again. Philip shared a look with Max, knowing where this is going after what Max had just asked them and got up to leave.

This left Max alone with Nancy and Jeff, and suddenly he was scared. What if they say no?

“Uhm…Mr and Mrs Parker, I… I wanted to ask you something. Important.” He stared at them trying to gauge their reactions. Jeff was looking confused, but Nancy watched him warily.

Taking a deep breath, he plowed ahead. “I cannot tell you how much I love your daughter. I don’t think there are words to describe it…” Seeing Jeff’s eyes widen, he realized how sappy he was sounding. “And I know this must all seem incredibly strange to you, me being… you know, an alien. But I want you to know that Liz will always be my first priority.”

Jeff was finally catching on. And he didn’t like it one bit. “What are you trying to say to us, Max?”

Max shifted in his chair, this was going worse than he had hoped. “I’m saying that I love Liz and I want to marry her one day.” Hearing Jeff’s indrawn breath, he rushed ahead. “But since we can’t get married right now, I want you to attend our bonding ceremony.”

Jeff looked at Nancy. “Bonding ceremony?”

“It’s like a marriage for my people. Please, it would mean a lot to Liz. And me.” Max’s voice was quiet.

“And what rights would this give you over my daughter?” Jeff was starting to get worried. Too many little things he had seen and heard the last few days are starting to make sense to him.

Max hesitated, not sure how to answer the question. And not sure whether he should admit that Liz was already his alien wife and that he only wanted to do this so she could have something close to a real wedding with her parents present. He looked up at Jeff and decided to go with the truth. “It would make her my wife.”

Jeff was flabbergasted. “Your… wife! I don’t think… She is way too young to make such a decision. Nancy?” He couldn’t believe she hadn’t gone through the roof by now.

But Nancy was still watching Max. “You’ve already done it, haven’t you?”

Max paled, thinking for a wild moment that she was talking about them having sex. “If you mean the bonding ceremony… yes, we have.” He saw that Nancy didn’t act surprised, so he continued. “It gave her the protection of all my people. That’s why they are all looking out for her. I needed to protect her as much as possible.”

“So you’re doing this re-bonding only for Liz?”

“And for you. So you can share in this with us.” Max was starting to hope that maybe Nancy would help him. “Please.”

And she did. “Then I agree.”

Jeff was looking at his wife like she was losing her mind. “What?” He turned to Max. “I’m not agreeing to this! Lizzie is too young and you will only use it as an excuse to… to…” He couldn’t even say it. The thought of his daughter having sex was just too horrible to think about.

Nancy took his hand. “Jeff, after everything we saw the last few days, I don’t think we can treat this as something other than a rare occurrence that we could either approve of and share, or deny and be left out of. They are already bonded. They have already made a commitment. And I, for one, would like to share in this with our daughter.” She also turned to Max. “And whatever else forms part of their marriage. Well, that’s up to them.”

Seeing the way his wife was looking at Max, Jeff blanched. He finally admitted what he hadn’t wanted to all along. It is too late. My Lizzie already belongs to the young man across the table. Heart and body…

Something flashed in Jeff’s eyes that made Max’s fear that Jeff was actually going to kill him, return. There was nothing he could do but meet the eyes of the man who had sired the love of his life and pray that his feelings for Liz were clear. “She means everything to me, Mr Parker. Please, give us your blessing.”

The silence following his request was deafening…

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Post by LivE »


When Jeff just kept staring at him without saying anything, Max started to panic. How could he let Mr Parker see that he would never allow Liz to be away from him again, even if that meant going against her father? That in Max’s list of priorities, being with Liz beat out everything else by a mile…

“Mr. Parker…” His voice was hoarse, pleading.

Nancy came to his rescue again. “Jeff, he doesn’t have to do this. If he wanted to, he could have done with Liz whatever he liked with no commitment and leaving us clueless. This is a chance for us to share in our daughter’s life.” She met Max’s relieved gaze. “In her love.”

Jef was quiet for a long time. So long that Max felt his heart stop when he suddenly looked up. “Fine.”

The happiness that coursed through Max was indescribable and he felt lightheaded with relief. Jumping up, he made a solemn vow to Jeff. “I can promise you one thing for certain, Mr Parker, I will never stop loving Liz.”

Jeff arose too. “You better not. And you better be… careful with her.” The way he looked at Max made it clear he wasn’t talking about her heart. For Jeff had seen a lot the past few days and the one thing he didn’t have doubts about was Max’s feelings. But the physical intimacy was another thing altogether…

Max nodded, trying not to blush. “I promise.” He took Jeff’s outstretched hand, giving him and Nancy one of his rare broad smiles.

Isabel was hovering outside nervously when Max came out. Seeing her brother’s smile, she flew into his arms. “Oh Max! I’m so happy for you.” Before he had time to react, she pulled away. “And we have so much to do to get ready.” She took off, only to be stopped by Max’s call.

“Hey Iz! Remember to bring the box.”


Maria had dragged Liz into her and Max’s tent, claiming she wanted to discuss Michael’s latest weird actions and proceeded to illustrate in great detail how she was having trouble getting him to open up. It took close to two hours to get through the talk and Liz was feeling really sorry for her friend by the end. Poor Maria, falling in love with a guy who felt so much, but said so little about it.

And what was up with Max? She hadn’t seen him since he disappeared with the dads and his feelings were incredibly strong. Happiness, relief, anticipation. Liz couldn’t help but wonder what on earth was going on.

After the talk, Maria and Liz went to shower. The day had been incredibly hot and they were sticky. Maria had also mentioned that the camp was holding a special dinner for the parents and they should try to look nice. So they primped themselves in the bathroom trailer, before Maria decided what Liz should wear. She pulled out a flowing long white dress from pure cotton, that would fit Liz’s form snugly. “Oooh, chica! You should wear this. Max will flip!”

Eyeing the dress suspiciously, Liz said: “Where did you get that from, Maria? I don’t own something like that.”

“How should I know where it came from? It was just… here. Maybe someone from the camp left it here for you. You know, cause you’re like, their Queen and everything.” Seeing Liz still hesitating, she added: “I heard Prince Charming loves you in white…”

“He does?” Liz nearly swooned. And took the dress from Maria.

Maria grinned behind her hand. Lizzie, you are sooo easy! Just mention the magic name and you’ll do ANYTHING!


Max was watching his sister in amazement. She had organized basically everybody in the camp and in no time, the place was looking festive. Cloths and lanterns (for when it gets dark) decorated the area, while everyone appearing seemed to wear white. When Max asked Nick about this, he said it was the tradition for a bonding ceremony.

Max had to smile at himself. Here he was, nervous as hell and it was his second time doing this with Liz. It was not as if she would say no or anything, but… I just want it to be perfect for her.

His smile widened when he felt his mom’s arms going around his waist. “Hi Mom.” He put his arm around her shoulder. “Thank you for being so great about this.”

Diane grinned. “Here you are the first to get married while your father and I were worried at one stage that, you know… you weren’t interested in girls at all.”

Max grinned back. “No, you were right. I wasn't interested in girls. I was only interested in Liz. And she seemed… like an impossible dream for so long that I…”

His mom gave him a hug. “Well, I’m glad she realized what a wonderful son I have. And that she loved you enough so that you could finally tell us about yourself.” Mother and son smiled at each other. “And I can’t not see you two together anymore.” She was silent for a few seconds. “Max, honey, you are being careful, aren’t you? I mean with Liz and…”

“Yeah Mom. I am.”

And that was the end of that.


Nancy arrived at the tent just as Liz and Maria were finishing up. Liz had a moment of panic because the tent was clearly shared by her and Max. His stuff was everywhere. She looked at her mother anxiously, but saw nothing but a film of moisture in her eyes.

“Mom?” Liz was puzzled.

Nancy waved her hand. “Don’t mind me. I’m just happy you’re here and fine and…everything.” She hugged Liz tightly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Mom.” What was going on? Liz was getting more concerned by the minute.

“Hey!” Maria’s happy voice interrupted the moment. “I think it’s time we get to that dinner. Right Mrs Parker?”

Liz got more alarmed as her mother wiped tears from her eyes, before nodding. “Mom, are you sure you’re okay?”

“Fine, Lizzie. Let’s go.”

The camp was deathly silent when they walked over to the dining tent. Not a soul was in sight, adding to Liz’s concern. Before they could reach the dining tent, Liz saw her father waiting for her. He held out his arms for her and she went over to hug him, not noticing that Maria and Nancy silently disappeared.

“Liz… Are you happy with Max? I mean really happy?” Jeff wanted to be absolutely sure.

Surprised by his question, Liz nodded her head emphatically. “Yes, Dad. He is… my other half. Why?”

Not answering her, Jeff turned her away from the tent, taking her hand as he led her around it to a clearing in the middle of the camp. A clearing that was filled by all the inhabitants waiting silently on both sides of a pathway that led to… Max.

Tears blurred Liz’s vision for a few seconds. Tears of happiness that she was so lucky to be loved so completely by Max Evans. But she blinked them away because she didn’t want to miss a single second of this moment.

She met Max’s stare and didn’t take her eyes away from his for the time it took her father to lead her towards him. The silence of the crowd enveloped them as she proceeded down the path. Everyone was aware of the significance of this moment. Even though they all knew that their leader and Liz had been bonded before, this was like the public ceremony that allowed the whole group to share in the poignant moment. And it was like nothing they had never seen before. Their ceremonies had always been for practical purposes. Now they saw one being performed for something altogether different. For love.

It shone from Max’s eyes as he watched his future walk towards him and it shone from Liz’s eyes as she stared at the center of her universe. It was breathtaking to watch. The emotions humming between them were palpable. So much that even the humans among the group felt them.

The silence was only broken by Jeff’s whispered: “Be happy!” when he handed Liz to Max. Symbolically confirming the reality that his daughter had belonged to Max Evans from the moment he had healed her in a café in a small town in New Mexico more than a year ago…


The sun was just setting over the horizon as the ceremony started. It was a strange and wonderful experience for the Parker’s and Evans’. Nick presided over the ceremony and he motioned the four friends and four parents closer to Max and Liz. They complied, linking hands to form a circle around the couple. This time Nick didn’t even blink when Max took Liz’s hands against tradition again. As before, he marveled at the strength of their connection. And it was even stronger now that they have been intimate…

The utter silence throughout puzzled the parents at first until they were also privy to the rush of images flowing through the group.

Max and Liz seeing each other across a playground for the first time when they were small children.

Max and Liz working together in the bio-lab, smiling at each other shyly.

Max healing Liz from the gunshot wound. “You’re all right now.”

Standing together at the Crash Festival. “It’s not safe.” “I don’t care.”

Liz falling into Max’s arms through his bedroom window and again standing close together before she left. “If anything weird happens… anything at all, you come back.” “I promise.”

Max and Liz’s many almost kisses.

Having fun together at the old soap factory.

Their first kiss.

Their first date. “This is the best night of your life.”

“Maybe that’s what we both need right now… to take a step back.” “I just wanted… to remember.”

Kissing each other breathless in the back of the Crashdown, images of Max’s planet rushing through Liz.

“Then tell me, Max… what’s my destiny?” “I only know the part I’m hoping for.”

“You’re the one, Liz. The only one.” “I’m in love with Max.”

“Get out of here!” “Not without you…”

Max’s anguish when he thought Pierce had killed Liz.

“You’re what kept me alive, Liz. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny’s the same. It’s you, Liz. I love you.” “I love you.”

“But you mean everything to me.” “Good bye, Max.”

Being in the camp the first time and their mutual distress over not being able to be together.

Liz being afraid to wake up one morning because Tess made her think she would cause Max’s death.

Their first bonding ceremony. “My Liz. Forever.” “Always. My Max.”

Max getting kidnapped and Liz finding him via their connection.

Making love for the first time. “Will you marry me, Liz Parker?” “Yes!”

The torture of being apart when they went back home.

Facing the gunman that threatened Liz at the Crashdown.

Going back to the camp and telling their parents everything.

Getting through the ordeal with Tim. “I never want to be so scared in my life, ever again!”

And through it all, the little group around Max and Liz could feel their emotions with every new development. Wonder. Awe. Happiness. Sadness. Fear. Relief. Despair. Joy. Need. But underlying all these emotions was the most overwhelming one of all. Love, so pure and encompassing that it threatened to blot out everything else.

As before, the images of future promises made Max and Liz gasp with wonder. This was the second time they saw the two dark-haired children, laughing and playing. Mommy! Daddy! Come look!

Max pulled Liz closer to him, not caring that he is breaking the rules somewhat. Nothing about him and Liz had ever followed the rules anyway. With Nick’s Now you are one ringing in his ears, he promised Liz: “I know that this will never be normal, but I will always love you. More every day.”

Leaning away from him, Liz smiled into his solemn eyes. “What’s so great about other people’s normal? This is our normal, Max.” She leant her forehead against his. “And I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love you.”

This time, Alex didn’t need to tell Max to kiss his “bride”. He kissed her passionately, uncaring that their parents were witnessing the whole thing. Holding her tightly against him, he underlined his promises with his lips against hers. Invading her mouth deeply, but gently. Relaying his happiness that finally they have found some kind of peace. Their parents knew and understood and for the first time, the curse of their destiny wasn’t hanging over their heads. He could just be Max Evans, almost husband to Liz Parker, the most beautiful girl in the world.

Liz curled her arms around his neck, lifting herself closer to his mouth. He wove such magic with his lips that she always went under with a sigh. No one could kiss like Max. Every kiss was different. And she gloried in them all. Pined for more of them. Needed them like she needed air to breathe. To Liz, Max was the center of her world now. And he always would be.

Isabel had to squeeze Alex’s hand to keep him from making another silly crack about Max and Liz. He always got uncomfortable when things got so intense, so he always tried to lighten the mood with one of his jokes. Instead, he now looked at the parents, wondering what they thought of that small flash with their children making love. Maybe Nick had included that on purpose? Diane and Nancy had tears in their eyes, while Jeff looked shell-shocked. Alex hid a smile. The poor man was probably only now realizing how little he had known about his daughter’s activities during the summer. Philip also had a stunned expression on his face. Probably amazed that his son was having sex… with a girl! Another close call or Alex would’ve snickered. He received a glare from Isabel again and sighed.

Max and Liz eventually broke away from each other reluctantly. He pressed her face into his neck, not wanting to let her go completely just yet. The end of the kiss was the signal for the crowd to begin a rowdy cheer, alerting the couple of the fact that they were not alone. They smiled at each other, wide happy smiles that left no one in doubt as to their feelings.

“Well, I guess its congratulations again you two!” Alex came forward first to shake Max’s hand. “Although, how many times can you marry one person? Cause, I’m thinking we are going to have to do this again in a church in a few years time, are we not?” He slapped Max on the back, grinning before he turned to Liz. “Ah, unhand the girl Max!”

Liz smiled happily at Alex as she wriggled from Max’s grip to hug her friend. “Thanks Alex. For everything.”

“Hey, he’s not me, but I guess you could’ve done worse!” He hugged her back.

Isabel threw her arms around Max and pulled her parents into the embrace too. This was the way she had always dreamed things should be. No horrible secrets from her parents, no evil aliens on their tails and everyone happy.

Michael and Maria got their turn too. Michael, of course, being uncomfortable with all the touching going on, but enduring it because he actually was quite fond of Liz. Besides, if it weren’t for her, him and Maria would never have really met.

Liz’s parents waited until she had been congratulated by basically everyone before coming forward. This was an emotional day for them. Their little girl had grown up without them noticing and now she wasn’t their little girl anymore. She was someone’s wife in all but name.

Liz walked into their arms and held on tightly. “I love you,” she whispered to them. “Thank you for doing this. For understanding…”

Jeff didn’t really know what to say to her. That she was ecstatically happy was obvious. That she came to life whenever Max was near was obvious too. But he still had trouble with the fact that the young man in question had been sleeping with his daughter for close to two months now. His head was reminding him that this was Max and that there wasn’t much more he could do to prove how much he loved and cared for Liz. But Jeff’s heart was having a hard time not wanting to take Liz somewhere where he could make sure that Max Evans can never touch her so intimately again. He held her much longer than was needed. Until he caught Max’s eye over Liz’s head and saw the understanding there. It made him feel a little bit better that Max could imagine feeling the same way about his own daughter some day. About that little dark-haired girl they just saw. The one that was the spitting image of her mother…

Liz went back to Max’s side when she managed to get her father to let her go. She slid under his arm naturally, snuggling close to him. The other people were moving off to the tables with food and they finally had time alone. She stood on tiptoe, kissing Max softly. “Thank you.”

He smiled down at her. “No, thank you.” He kissed her again, this time with more urgency. When she responded, sliding her tongue into his mouth, he groaned and pulled away. “How long has it been since we made love?” The words were whispered against her sensitive lips, making her shiver.

“Too long.”

“Hey, get over here you two. Food first.” Isabel sounded amused.

Max took Liz’s hand, leading her over to their table. He shared a grin with his sister when he saw that she put them next to each other this time.

Izzy couldn’t help getting in a dig at her brother. “I didn’t want a repeat of this morning.” And promptly burst out laughing when Max turned red. “That’s for leaving me to try and explain where you two were when the parents arrived.”

Dinner passed slowly with everyone in good spirits. Max held Liz as close as possible throughout the meal, actually wishing that everyone would leave already. Yes, he loved them all, but right now, he just wanted to be alone with Liz. It was just too amazing. They were together officially with parental consent now. No more sneaking around and hiding.

Nick suddenly appeared before them, holding out the carved wooden box that he had given Liz the previous time. “Oh, my box!” Liz exclaimed, holding out her hands.

“Yes, it’s yours.” Nick looked at Max. “You two should open it together.”

Max got up. Finally, a valid reason to get Liz out of here… Picking her up and holding her against his chest, still clutching the box, he said: “Thank you everyone! Good night.” He walked away with some very amused chuckles in his ear.

“Max, wait!” His father’s voice halted him. Turning around, he found Philip and Jeff coming towards him. Maybe I was too optimistic about the parental consent! He let Liz slide down till her feet touched the ground and watched their fathers warily.

Philip looked at Jeff before speaking. “Uhm… We were thinking. You know, that cabin we have near Carlsbad? Well, why don’t you and Liz go there for a few weeks? Until school starts again.”

Max’s mouth fell open. What! They were offering them a honeymoon? “Uh… Sure. Thanks Dad!”

Then it was Jeff’s turn. “And when you get back, we want you and Lizzie to stay with us. I mean, there’s a small apartment at the back of the café... We haven’t really used it in a long time. We were sort of waiting for Liz’s Grandma Claudia to come live there some day, but… Well, you can have it now.”

“Dad!” Liz flew into his arms, leaving a stunned Max to just stare at Jeff. Not only was he allowing them to be together, he was helping them be together.

“Wow! Thank you, Mr Parker. This… It means a lot.”

“Well, I didn’t want my Lizzie too far away from me just yet.” His eyes told Max how hard this was for him and Max felt for him. Not being close to Liz was his worst nightmare too.


Back in their tent, he whirled Liz around, kissing her breathless. Words cannot describe how happy he was right now. “I love you, Liz Parker!”

“And I love you, Max Evans.”

They stood in front of each other silently for a few seconds, just basking in their togetherness and love. Max slowly lifted his hand to her face, gently tracing the beloved and familiar contours.

Liz held her breath, her eyes fluttering closed at the wonderful sensation. “Max…”

There it was again. That tone of voice that Max’s couldn’t resist. His name on her lips like benediction. He stepped closer, his hands sliding down her hips to gather the long dress and lift it over her head. His breath caught in his throat when her body was revealed to him. She was so tiny and yet she held such power over him. He let her undo his shirt and push it off his shoulders. And watched with awe as her fingers found the fastening of his pants. She glanced at him shyly, still not used to undressing him. It endeared her to him even more. But he waited quietly for her to finish, even though his body was screaming at him to hurry the task so he could have her back in his arms.

Liz stood to her feet once she had rid him of his last clothes. Her eyes caressed every inch of him until he moaned her name helplessly and reached for her. His kiss was hard and urgent, passionate and tender at the same time. He hiked her up against him, cupping her rear and moving her legs around his waist. Her heat scalded him and drove him towards the bed.

Liz didn’t even notice how gently he put her down. She was too busy glorying in his touch and kisses. Exalting in how aroused he was. She raked her nails over his back and thighs, urging him closer.

They took turns in adoring each other’s bodies. Running their hands and mouths over each inch of skin, but always coming back to share long, hot, wet, drugging kisses. Kisses that eventually weren’t enough anymore, because they were too reminiscent of a more intimate act.

Max held Liz to him for a few moments, before moving to enter her. “I love you,” he vowed again as their bodies became one.

Nothing could compare to having Max inside her. To the feeling of fullness and completion that it brought. Her sense of wonder about this always lasted only seconds until her body took over. Wanting more than just him inside her. Needing him to move within her in that way that brought her such ecstasy. Needing to hear his heart pound in rhythm with hers and to finally hear his cry of fulfilment mingle with hers.

She gasped as Max pulled her legs around his waist, locking her ankles behind his back. Arching her neck, she clutched at his shoulders as she rode out the storm. Her vocal cords were unable to do anything but produce desperate sounds in the back of her throat. Her mind could only scream his name repeatedly. Over and over until she tumbled over the cliff.

Max felt her release and moved faster, never wanting this moment to end. But it always did in his total loss of control. He poured himself into her until he nearly passed out. Then he held her against him until they both came back to earth. “Wow!”

She smiled at him, her eyes still squeezed shut. “Yeah wow is right!” She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “I guess I should have known that if you kissed as well as you do, you would be great at this too.”

Max felt slightly embarrassed. It was a compliment, but he never really thought of himself in those terms. Good kisser. Good lover. He was just Max. Totally in love with his dream girl.

Close to dozing off, Max remembered the box. He lifted his head, running a tender finger over Liz’s nose. “Hey, sleepyhead. How about we open that box of yours now?”

This had Liz’s eyes flying open. She had completely forgotten about the box! She pushed Max away grabbing the nearest piece of clothing – his shirt, and pulling it around her body.

Max chuckled at her enthusiasm and grabbed a pair of boxers to put on. “Don’t make me think you’d rather open the box than be in my arms or anything.”

Liz just grinned and whacked his shoulder. “You jerk! Of course that’s not true.” But her haste to get the box in her hands belied her words.

He caught her hands before she could open it. “Nick said… this box should always be in the hands of the woman who will bear the next… leader of my people.” He was looking at her seriously. “We never really talked about… children, because I… I never thought I would ever be able to… you know—”

“Max, I want to have your children. I want to be the mother of those two beautiful kids we saw.” She cupped his cheek in her hand. “I want them, because they would be yours. Ours.”

He sighed. “I want that too. So much.”

Kissing her tenderly, he covered her hands on the box with his own, helping her to open it. A soft humming started inside the box and suddenly an image rose from its depths. It was a family tree of Max’s ancestors. It listed the generations of couples that produced the leaders of his planet. And right at the bottom with a space for the name of their child, the next king, it now listed Max Evans… and Liz Parker.


***This is the end of the second story in the series, I'll be coming back soon to post the parts of the third, called "The Way You Love Me".***
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Post by LivE »

TITLE: The Way You Love Me
RATING: R/NC-17 in some parts
CATEGORY: M/L all the way (have you ever seen me write anything else?)
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing from Roswell or by Roswell. Sigh…
SUMMARY: This is the third story in The Experiment, a series that was never supposed to become a trilogy, let alone a series! For the most part, this story is about Max and Liz and how wonderful their relationship is!



Max slammed his book closed with a satisfying thud and rubbed his face tiredly. Finally, the assignment was done. What was wrong with these teachers that they could give such huge assignments so early in the year? But now, at close to midnight, he was finished and could go to bed.

Arriving in the bedroom, his heart softened as it always did when he saw her. She was sleeping on her side, one arm curled under her pillow and the other flung out to his side of the bed. So she would know when he joined her. His Liz. She had wanted to stay awake with him, so he had had to bully her to go to sleep earlier. She had been dead tired after working at the cafe until ten.

They were in their senior year now and have managed, with some assistance, to dodge any problems about their living arrangements so far. And thankfully their families and friends had gotten used to them living together here by now. Because it had been very awkward in the beginning to say the least. They had had a long talk with their parents when they got back from their “honeymoon” at the Evans’ cabin near Carlsbad about how to handle their situation. Obviously the school authorities would not be thrilled about two teenagers living together, so the cover story was that Max was living in the apartment on his own, while Liz was still living in her room upstairs. With her parents. Max had been uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Jeff Parker in the beginning. After all, he was sleeping with the man’s daughter practically under his own roof. But thankfully Liz’s dad had not said a word. Max wished he could make Jeff believe that he would never intentionally put Liz’s future in jeopardy. It’s not like he could really promise anything, accidents happen, but he could assure her dad that he was taking all the precautions possible to circumvent an unplanned pregnancy.

Their new home was a small apartment at the back of the Crashdown, no more than a bedroom, bathroom and living area with kitchenette, that had been given to them by Jeff Parker after their second bonding ceremony. But to him, this little flat was the world. It was home to him and Liz. It was home because she was here.

Pulling off his shirt and jeans, he slid into bed. Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles lightly and smiled when she mumbled “Max”. It was not very modern of him, but he liked knowing that she was his. In every way possible. Heart, mind, soul and body. He brushed her hair from her face gently and waited for her inevitable squirm towards him. They couldn’t stop touching even when they slept. He would wake up if he couldn’t feel her somehow. Of course, their friends would be gagging again if they knew this. Max and Liz got enough ribbing for not leaving each other alone when they were awake as it was. But everything they’ve been through to get to this place in their lives had made them treasure each moment together. Even when they slept.

He wrapped his arms around her when she instinctively snuggled close to his side. Mine. My Liz.

Max was warm. He always was. His body gave off heat even in wintertime and Liz had often wondered if it was another one of those alien things. Like making her see flashes when he kissed her or talking to her telepathically when things got intense for either of them. Liz was in that place between slumber and wakefulness as she pressed her nose into the place where his neck and shoulder met, breathing deeply. He smelled so... Max. And it was amazing that being allowed to do what she was doing now was still such a pure joy to her. Sharing a bed with Max, touching him whenever she wanted, sleeping in his arms all night. After all, she’s been doing it for longer than a year. “I love you,” she breathed just before drifting off to sleep again. She needed to tell him that as often as possible. They have learned that every second counts...


“Honey, have you seen my bio book?” Max yelled over his shoulder. He was stuffing books into his backpack in preparation for another school day. Summer was over and they had been back at school for a month now. Liz was in their bedroom, and he heard her giggle at his predicament. She had such wonderful laugh and he was grateful every time he got to hear it. His life was glorious.

Liz had so many dreams about her future. Dreams that Max planned on helping her achieve. Studying molecular biology. Marrying him legally. Having that little boy and girl they saw during their bonding ceremony. But first he had to find his bio book and get to school on time.

“Liz! Please, I need--.”

She appeared at his shoulder, holding his book out to him with a smile. “You left it in the bedroom.”

He caught her around the middle when she turned to leave, pulling her back against him. They found each other’s mouths instinctively, kissing slowly and deeply, savoring the sensations that came with the kiss. Max sighed into her mouth: “Good morning.”

Pulling away, Liz grinned up at him. “You are the best kisser, but Maria’s coming to pick me up in a few minutes.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him again. Maria needed some help with a history project and Liz promised to go with her to the library before school. Besides, it didn’t hurt that she and Max arrived at school separately every once in a while. The honking of a car horn outside ended the kiss.

Max watched indulgently as Liz skipped into the bedroom to get her book bag. “Hey,” his voice halted her on her way out, “I love you.” That earned him a brilliant smile and another quick kiss before she ran out.


The school day was uneventful apart from a new teacher for history… and Tess coming back to town. Liz nearly dropped her books when she saw the blonde in the hall for the first time. Tess had disappeared after they had broken Liz out of Tim’s clutches and no one had heard from her ever since. Now, a year later, she was unexpectedly back. And Liz had to wonder why...

However, all thoughts of Tess flew out of her head when her bio teacher told her just before lunch hour that she had been chosen to go to Boston for a two-week biology course. The school was sending her because she was the best biology student they had. She nearly hugged Mr Davies in joy. One of her dreams was coming true!

“When do I leave, sir?”

Her teacher smiled at the way she was dancing around. “At the end of the week. I’ve written a letter to explain to your parents. They will let you go, won’t they?”

Liz’s smile dimmed a little. Two weeks without Max! “Yeah, I’m... I’m sure they would.”

He gave her a thick envelope. “All the details are in there. We can talk again before you leave.”

Liz practically sprinted down the hallway to find Max. He was waiting for her in front of her locker, smiling broadly. He obviously knew already that she had some good news. Liz felt a tug at her heart. She dearly wanted to go, but this would also be the first time in more than a year that she would be away from Max. She walked into his outstretched arms, feeling them wrap around her.

“Let’s go talk in the eraser room.” She stepped back from him and pulled at his hand until he followed her obediently.

Max locked the door of the little room behind them out of habit and waited for Liz to share whatever it was that had made her so happy. He had been overwhelmed by her joy earlier, feeling it crash over him in a wave.

Instead of talking to him, Liz launched herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him hungrily. She pressed herself against him, tasting and teasing his lips while pressing herself against his body’s instinctive response to her. She had caught him by surprise, and he groaned as he cupped her bottom in his hands, lifting her more securely into him.

“Liz, sweetheart--.”

She kissed him into silence. “Don’t talk right now,” she whispered against his mouth. “Kiss me, please.” She silenced him with her lips again when he wanted to protest. “Just for a few seconds?”

So he gave in and slanted his lips over hers, thrusting his tongue inside deeply, tasting her. Tasting her surrender and her passion. And her desperation to be with him… completely. Now.

Max reared back, lifting one hand from her bottom to run his fingers over her cheek. He stared at Liz searchingly. Her happiness was still there, but he also sensed some sadness. “What’s wrong?”

She clutched his shirt, torn between her joy at the chance she was getting and the sudden panic about being away from him for two weeks. Get a grip, Liz, she berated herself silently, it’s only two weeks! “I’m going to Boston for a biology course. It’s sort of an honor. Because of my grades. But I—“

Hugging her close again, Max felt his heart swell with pride. “That’s great! Congratulations!”

Starting to feel her excitement return with his enthusiasm, she smiled against his throat. “Yeah, but Max… It’s in Boston! And it’s for two weeks!”

He pulled her face away from his neck, looking deeply into her eyes. “Yeah, and I’ll miss you. Terribly. But this is such a great opportunity and we have the rest of our lives together, Liz.” But he knew it was his mind talking, not his heart. His heart didn’t want her to ever be out of his sight.

Her eyes turned smoky and Max knew he was in trouble.

“We’ll just have to make up for lost time now… right?” Her sultry voice slid over his senses like smooth chocolate. She’s had a year to learn various ways to drive him crazy and there were many. He was so nuts about her it didn’t take much from her to turn him on. He tried to be careful, really he did, but sometimes, like now, when she was wrapped around him and looked like she wanted to lick him from head to toe, he forgot why…

He was wavering, she could see it. His eyes were growing darker, but his mind was keeping his hands from doing anything just yet. So, he needed a nudge…

Taking his hand from her cheek, she pulled it down until it hovered just above her breast. Leaning in, she spoke with her lips just brushing his: “Quickly, Max.”

His harsh indrawn breath only barely preceded his hand covering her breast.


Maria was giving Michael a lecture about eating healthy and trying to force him to eat some fruit out in the quad when she saw Tess coming towards them. Her mouth dropped open. “What is she doing back?” Of course everyone spun in their seats to find out what she was talking about. “Great! Real subtle, guys!” Maria mumbled, glaring at Isabel and Alex.

They all exchanged glances. No one was sure what to make of Max’s bride-that-never-was. She did help them get Liz from that evil Tim’s house last year, but she had also been quite scathing about humans… and Liz in particular. Not to mention that she had tried in various ways to keep Liz and Max apart.

“Hey, guys!” Tess sounded cheerful.

Too cheerful, Maria thought. Last time they had seen her, she had barely spoken to them after Max threatened her with death if she ever came near Liz again.

“Uhm… Hi Tess,” Isabel slipped into her perfect hostess routine. “How have you been?”

“Hmpf,” Alex muttered under his breath, “you mean where have you been!”

“I’m great! It’s so wonderful to see all of you again.” Tess waited two beats before asking: “So where is Max… and Liz?”

Maria and Alex looked at each other. Here we go again!


Some sane part of Max’s brain could not believe he was doing this. It’s not like they’ve never done it before here in the infamous little Eraser Room, but still… Every time he would berate himself afterwards because he and Liz did not need any unwanted attention right now. If they could just get through this year without getting in trouble, they would be okay. But here he was, trying to get some of their clothes out of the way as quickly as possible and still kiss her. He felt lightheaded. And hot. And very, very aroused. How does she still do that to him? Oh, married life is going to be bliss!

Liz was alternating between kissing Max and helping him get her underwear off. But finally, he was where she wanted him, inside her, and she bit her lip to keep quiet. Keeping quiet was a must in school and even at home, where her parents slept a floor above them. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips, clutching him to her tightly.

Max whirled them around and pressed Liz’s back to the wall for leverage. Oh, how he loved this! Making love to Liz was the best thing in his life. Heck, Liz was the best thing in his life, period. He kept watching her face as they moved together. Seeing all her emotions flashing in her eyes. Her emotions and her ecstasy. As he watched, her eyes widened and then fluttered closed in response to her impending orgasm. And he heard her moan in his head: Maaaax! It was always worth holding off on his own pleasure to watch hers. And to know that he did that to her. Him. Max Evans. Alien. So he held her and watched her, changing their rhythm to please her more.

Her eyes opened unexpectedly. She looked at him languidly and clenched her inner muscles around him while whispering: “One day I’m going to drive you so crazy that you’ll forget to worry about my pleasure first…” She moved again, breaking Max’s control and hurling him into that dark void of sensations where only she could join him. Holding on tightly, she whispered in his ear: “Say my name.”

“Liz! Ah god, Liz…” It was breathless and hoarse. Said
between gasping breaths. But oh so worth it.


The silence at the table following Tess’ question about Max and Liz was deafening. The four friends were all looking down at the table, trying to avoid Tess’ searching gaze.

“Uhm… Probably around somewhere,” Isabel eventually said vaguely.

“So where have you been, Tess?” Michael asked abruptly. Finesse was not in his vocabulary.

She wavered a second. “I went to Nacedo. I stayed in an apartment there and went to school. He looked after me.”

“Are you insane? We don’t want the FBI to get suspicious of us again!” Isabel was angry.

“Don’t worry, he changed into someone else when he was with me. He’s got things under control at his side.” Tess was still cheerful and… nice. What is up with her? Maria wondered.

Max and Liz chose that moment to come strolling out, looking for all the world like a very happy couple. Max had had to use some of his “magic” again to ensure that what they had been up to in the Eraser Room was not immediately obvious to everyone else. But he left Liz’s teeth marks in his shoulder, so he could remember later.

Liz felt Max tense up beside her and knew immediately what had caused it. In all the excitement about her course and the ecstasy of their little tryst, she had forgotten to warn him that Tess was back. And of course she would be the first person they ran into!

Max took Liz’s hand and gripped it tightly. He always felt wary around Tess. Never in his life would he forget his complete fear and panic when Liz didn’t wake up one morning out in the camp. And when he found out it had been Tess meddling with Liz’s mind, he was close to physically hurting the girl. So, from then on, he kept Liz away from her as far as possible and although he never said anything out loud, he had been relieved when Tess disappeared last year. It left him to concentrate on what he wanted to concentrate on - him and Liz.

Maria watched Tess closely when they saw Max and Liz approach. She had never trusted the other girl and wasn’t about to start now. There was a flicker of something in Tess’ eyes that Maria couldn’t quite place. It seemed to be a mixture between anger and fear. It made no sense to Maria. She turned towards Max and Liz and saw the possessive way Max was treating Liz. Maria smiled. Good boy, Max! Show her where your loyalties lie.

Moving around so he and Liz could sit on the opposite side of the table from Tess, Max tucked Liz into his side closely before acknowledging the other girl. “Hi Tess,” he said mildly, “this is a surprise.”

Smiling brilliantly at Max, Tess replied: “Yeah, I felt too alone out in Washington. No one of… my kind around, if you know what I mean.”

Yeah right, Maria thought, you mean no one like Max around!

“Hi Tess,” Liz spoke up, trying to cover for the fact that Max’s face had darkened in anger at the mention of Washington. She rubbed her hand over his thigh comfortingly under the table, trying to calm him down. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been good actually,” she turned her eyes back to Max, “just lonely as I said.”

Liz felt like laughing out loud. What was Tess thinking? That she would get Max back? Because that was never going to happen. Not only would Liz not allow it, but Max was also not remotely interested in her. And Liz would know, because Max was getting angrier with every word coming our of Tess’ mouth. She slid her hand higher on the clenched muscles of his thigh, stopping just short of actually groping him.

Max grabbed her hand and gave her a mock glare. Did he not just make love to her? And now she was getting to him again! She was going to be in soo much trouble when they got home! He glanced back at Tess, who was watching this little interlude with an unreadable expression, and decided suddenly that she should under no circumstances find out about their living arrangements. He looked back at Liz, staring into her eyes and willing her to hear him. Don’t tell her that we live together, please honey!

Giving a small nod, Liz indicated that she had heard him. However, she was not the problem, their friends were. They needed to talk to the other four soon.


After lunch, which was a strained affair to say the least, they all went their separate ways to class with Tess running to catch up to Max as he strode down the hallway.


He turned around reluctantly, waiting for her to reach him. “Yeah?”

Tess faltered a bit at his unaccommodating tone. “I really need to talk to you. About Nacedo. Can I come see you at your house after school?”

His first impulse was to say NO WAY! But he tamped down on that, reminding himself that Tess could just give them more trouble if they treated her in the wrong way. “Uhm… yeah, I guess.” He would have to go home early to prepare his parents for the shock that he would actually be in his room for a change. He and Liz went there for supper regularly, but now he had to make it look like he lived there again. Max sighed. Great! Here we go with the sneaking around again.

She smiled at him, a nice bright smile that made him even more suspicious. What had happened to the sullen girl that ranted about how useless Liz was? Something was up and he needed to be vigilant. Especially about Liz. If something happened to her…

When Max turned away and walked off to his class, Tess frowned. She had tried to get into his mind again, only to be confronted with images of Liz in the throes of ecstasy. Apparently the fact that Max was now “getting some” regularly was making him a useless target for mind games….


Max had phoned his mom from school and explained everything. It was easy to get her to help him. She loved Liz and also still remembered the incident with Tess. So when he got home, he found clothes on the floor in his room, and some of his books on his desk. In short, he found your normal teenage room. He could hug his mom.

Arriving not long after Max, Tess was surprised to find Mrs Evans home. Diane opened the door for Tess and let her in. “Max is in his room, I’ll bring you some sodas.”

Max got up when Tess entered the room out of habit. His mother had drilled manners into him and that was not something you just forget. He indicated the chair and waited until she sat down. “Okay, what about Nacedo?”

“First let me say that I feel terrible about how I acted last year. You know… about Liz. I was hurt…”

Max’s jaw was tight. “Well, Liz was hurt about us kissing, and she didn’t go around hurting you, did she? Anyway, what were you doing in Washington with Nacedo?”

She turned huge hurt eyes on him. “Well, I needed to get away and he was the only person I could think of to go to.”

“You do realize that you put all of us in danger again by doing it, don’t you?” Max was still struggling to keep his anger in check. He felt flickers at the edge of his mind every now and again, making him think that Tess was trying her mind warp powers on him again. Whatever, he only wanted Liz now and that was so not going to work!

“I’m sorry Max, but I didn’t know what else to do! No one else wanted me…” Her lip trembled.

Max sighed. “What about Nacedo? Is there a problem?”

She looked away. “I don’t really know how to tell you this. You’re going to be… hurt.”

“Just tell me.” Max suppressed the urge to shake it out of her. Please not anything about Liz!

“Nacedo, he said, that he could not allow you to be with Liz…”

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Post by LivE »


With her words ringing in his ears, Max had the uncontrollable urge to laugh. Long and hard. Not allow me? That was rich coming from someone that was supposed to be a servant! “So how exactly is he going to stop me?” Max asked with a half-grin.

“Uhm… he didn’t really say exactly. Just that we needed a pure alien heir to the throne, not some half-breed--.”

Max was on his feet, towering over her. “I don’t care what he thinks is best. I’m doing what I know is best. Liz and I are bonded now, and there’s nothing anybody,” he looked at her meaningfully, “and I mean, anybody, can do to change that.”

Tess cowered away from him for a moment before he felt the tug at his mind again. Looking at her steadily, he purposely remembered him and Liz opening the wooden box with the family tree inside. The one that listed the current King as Max Evans, his mate as Liz Parker and had the space below their names for the future King. The one that would be born to him and Liz. He saw her eyes widen in shock and knew he was right, she had been trying to play mind games with him again. “As I said, nothing will get between me and Liz again. Remember that.”

“I just wanted to warn you. I’m not trying to stir up trouble.” Her voice sounded high and fearful.

“Well, as you can see. Everything is fine here. Was there anything else? I really need to go.” Max had decided to go talk to Nick about this thing with Nacedo. Even though he didn’t believe for an instant that Nacedo based his threats on something real, he didn’t like the fact that Nacedo had such a disregard for humans. It might make him do something stupid to Liz.

Diane was just coming down the hallway with two sodas when Tess brushed past her in a sulk, mumbling: “Goodbye, Mrs Evans.”

She watched the girl disappear out the front door and turned to her son. “Well, want to have a drink with your old mother?”

Smiling at her, Max took the soda with one hand and hugged her with his other arm. “Thanks for helping, Mom.”

“Is everything okay? She isn’t… she’s not going to harm Liz again, is she?” Diane looked up at her tall son worriedly.

“I don’t think so. I think she was trying her luck to see if maybe she could cause some trouble again.” At least I hope so! Max thought.

He sat down with his mom at the kitchen table and told her about the course Liz was going on at the end of the week. Trying to sound as cheerful about it as he could.

Not fooled, Diane said: “You’re going to miss her, aren’t you?”

Max looked at the table, a feeling of loss already settling over him. “Yeah.” The word carried a lot more emotion that its single syllable warranted. He jumped up suddenly. “I need to go home.”

Diane just smiled as he kissed her cheek and took off. She understood what he was actually saying: I need to go to Liz.


Maria had driven Liz and Michael over to the Crashdown after school and Liz shared her news with her two friends. “Boston! Lizzie! That’s so cool!”

“Hey! Watch where you’re driving, cheesehead!” Michael yelled from the back, but he gave Liz a little smile to show his happiness about her achievement.

After all the details had been spilled, there was silence in the car for a few minutes. “How are you going to cope? Without Max I mean?” Maria’s voice was soft.

Liz felt her heart lurch again. “I’m sure I will, Maria. It’s just two weeks…” She was trying to convince herself too.

“He’s gonna miss you a lot.” Maria covered Liz’s hands in her lap with one of hers. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure he’s okay.”

The two friends smiled at each other with years of understanding and loyalty.

When they reached the café, Michael went to the kitchen to start his shift and the two girls went to the apartment to talk. Both their shifts only started later.

“So chica, are you okay with leaving Max here alone while you-know-who is back?”

Liz shrugged. “She doesn’t bother me, Maria. I mean, I would KNOW as soon as something strange is happening to him.”

Maria looked unconvinced. “It’s just… I saw the way she was looking at you two and… something’s up. Something weird. And now she wants to see him after school? Alone? What’s up with that?”

This reminded Liz of her and Max’s decision. “Oh Maria! Please don’t let her know that Max and I are, you know--.”

“Doing the nasty every chance you get?” Maria was grinning evilly.

“No! Maria! I mean living together… What do you mean ‘every chance we get’?” Liz planted her hands on her hips indignantly.

Maria was laughing openly by now. “Just what I said! You two are insatiable! We can’t leave you alone for a few minutes and you two are at it!” Hearing Liz’s shocked gasp, Maria continued teasing her control-freak friend. “Admit it! You can’t keep your hands of his--.”

“Maria!” Liz was blushing furiously. Mostly their friends discretely avoided the topic of her and Max’s sex life and even Maria has made a point of not saying too much about it. This was new to Liz, realizing their friends did indeed know and speculate about all her and Max’s disappearances.

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop if you tell me details!” She flopped on Liz and Max’s bed with a flourish.

“No way!” Liz was outraged.

Maria rolled onto her stomach and propped her head in her hands. “Please, Lizzie. Michael and I are gonna… we decided to… you know.”

Liz was stunned. “You mean you two actually talked about it before doing it!”

“Haha, you crack me up!” Maria pulled a face. “I’m serious, Liz! I’m… I’m kinda nervous about the whole thing.”

Liz’s face softened. “Maria, Michael is a normal guy. Nothing weird will happen.”

“It’s not just that. I’m not good with pain…”

Hugging her friend, Liz didn’t really know what to say. “Just… tell him to be careful and to take it slow. You’ll be alright.” She smiled at Maria. “And it gets better really fast, I promise.”

Maria hugged her back. “Ugh, what’s becoming of this world when I get sex advice from the most prim and proper girl in school!” She giggled. “Ever since you got involved with a certain alien, you have become impulsive. Oh the horror!”

They were still laughing when Max arrived in a rush, faltering when he saw Maria was there. “Uhm, hey Maria.”

“Hey Max. We’re glad to see you lived through your session with Cruella DeVille!”

Max just mumbled: “Thanks,” before leaning down to kiss Liz. His mouth lingered on hers.

Maria cleared her throat to get their attention back. “So what did she want?” She watched as Max straightened and started caressing Liz’s hair.

He shrugged. “She was going on about Nacedo. Nothing we have to worry about right now.” But Liz could feel the tension in his body, both physically and mentally. As well as his need to be with her right now.

Folding her arms, Maria huffed: “So basically she just wanted to get you alone. Max, you have to--.”

“Maria, could you maybe let me talk to Max alone?” Liz interrupted her friend.

Maria looked from Liz’s imploring face to Max’s unreadable one. “Oookay.”

Liz followed her out the door. “I’m sorry. He… We need to talk right now.”

“Are you sure your connection with him isn’t misinterpreting ‘talking’ with something, ah… else?”

Liz laughed. Maria could be really mischievous sometimes. “Just go… make sure Michael doesn’t kill Jose and burn the burgers or something!”

Max was still standing in the same position in their room when she got back. “Honey, what’s wrong?” She put her arms around him.

He pulled her into a crushing embrace, burying his face in her neck. “I love you.”

“I know.” She ran her hand through his hair, rubbing his back with her other one. Concentrating on their connection, she made sure that he felt her love and support.

Finally, Max lifted her up and sat down on the bed with her in his lap. “Sorry, I just freaked out because you’re going to be away for two weeks.” He traced her features with his fingers as if trying to memorize every inch.

“Are you sure everything is okay with Tess?”

“Yeah,” he looked into her eyes, “she spouted some nonsense about Nacedo being against our bonding. Nothing that I was too concerned about.” He kissed her softly. “Don’t worry about her, Liz. She’s nothing to me.”

Leaning her forehead against his, Liz gloried in being in his arms. “I know that. I’m not worried about you. I’m worried she would try something desperate.”

Pulling away, he slid his hand under her skirt: “Well, I’ll talk to Nick later tonight. When you’re at work.” Liz’s head fell back as his hand moved higher. “But for now I think I need to start making up for when you’re away…” He flipped her on her back and proceeded to kiss her everywhere… as well as all the important places in between.


Maria slammed a plate down in the kitchen. “I hate some of these customers! Nothing is ever good enough for them!” She glared at Liz who was smiling. “And if you don’t stop looking like the cat that got the cream, I’m going to kick your butt!”

“Sorry, Maria! I’m just happy.” Liz danced out of the back room with a grumbling Maria behind her. They both stopped in their tracks when they saw Tess coming in, with a handsome guy hanging onto her arm.

“What the--?” Maria muttered under her breath.

Tess saw Liz immediately and came over. “Hey Liz. Maria.” She motioned at the guy next to her. “This is my boyfriend, Neil.”

Maria was speechless, so Liz had to stammer: “Nice to meet you, Neil.” The guy was looking at her strangely. “Uhm… Are you staying? Can I get you guys something?”

“Oh yeah, we’ll go get a booth and look at the menu.” Tess dragged Neil off.

Maria turned back to Liz. “Okay, what the hell was that? She suddenly has a boyfriend? Out of thin air? And one that looks like that!” They glanced over at Neil. He was tall, blonde, blue-eyed and well built. Your average All-American guy. Who was still looking at Liz…

Liz started towards the booth, but halted when Maria grabbed her arm. “I think I’ll go. That guy seems weird and I don’t like the way he’s staring at you!”

“Maria! You’re always such a drama queen. He’s not interested in me.”

“Who said he was interested? He looks at you like you are some… I don’t know, experiment or something.” Maria was still watching Neil. His gaze hasn’t wavered from Liz and Tess didn’t seem to mind. “Where’s Max?”

“He went to see Nick. I’m sure its nothing.” But Liz sounded uncertain. She had to admit the guy was creeping her out. “Okay, you go help them. But I’m telling Michael he needs to keep an eye on what’s going on out here.”

She went to the kitchen as Maria walked up to Tess and Neil. “So, what will it be?” She watched Neil watch Liz walk away. “No, she’s not on the menu. And as Tess can tell you, you don’t want to upset her boyfriend.” She smiled sweetly at Neil.

He just grinned back, unmoved by her threats. “Well, we’ll see won’t we?”

Maria glared at him before turning to Tess. “Great taste you have, Tess! Now what do you want?”

“There’s no need to be so rude, Maria. We just want some cherry cokes. With lime.” Tess sounded hurt.

“Oh, and I’ll take your friend too.” Neil yelled after her as Maria left for the back. “To go. She looks like she would be great company,” he said smugly when Maria whirled around.

“Is there a problem here?” Max’s quiet voice stopped any angry retort from Maria.

Everyone turned to him, but his eyes were on Tess and Neil. Max had heard the guy’s last remarks and had understood it was aimed at Liz. Looking into the guy’s eyes, he realized that this wasn’t just some ordinary obnoxious client. Something else was going on here…


Tess grabbed Neil by the arm. “Let’s just get out of here!” She looked at Max. “He’s just…”

“Annoying?” Maria provided. She had moved to stand next to Max, while Liz and Michael watched from the kitchen. Thankfully it was close to closing time and there were no other customers.

Max was still trying to figure out what bothered him about the guy, apart from the fact that he was a complete jerk. He watched Neil carefully while speaking to Tess. “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

Tess’ brilliant smile was back. “Oh yeah, this is Neil. My boyfriend.” She stressed the last word, hoping for some reaction from Max.

Nothing. No visible reaction from Max. Just a continuation of his cautious regard of Neil, before glancing between Liz and Maria. “Are you two okay?”

Giving him a warm smile for including her in his concern, Maria answered. “Yeah. He was just being a creep about Liz.” Maria turned to Neil. “This is Liz’s boyfriend. I’d take note if I were you.”

Looking at Liz now, Max didn’t even hear what Maria said. He was silently waiting for Liz to give him an answer. She nodded at him, her eyes assuring him that she was fine and he relaxed his stance.

Liz was overwhelmed by how much she loved this quiet man. Her Max. He had a presence about him that just permeated a room and with a few words he had ended a potentially problematic situation. Not to mention that, as always, he was so protective of her. How could a girl not love that? She felt safe and loved whenever he was around and it sometimes scared her that she had come to depend on him so much. Not that he would ever leave her, she knew that, but it was frightening how important he was to her. She had gotten used to their connection quickly and now it bothered her when it faded into a distant hum at the edge of her mind on the occasions they were far away from each other. She liked knowing that she could share his feelings and sometimes even his thoughts. But most of all, she was in awe of the love he felt for her. Nothing in this world, or any other, could be better than that. She prayed every day that she could make him happy and give him the life he deserved.

Blissfully ignorant of the exchange between Max and Liz, Maria was in full PI mode. “Sooo, Neil… is it? From where did you suddenly appear? Its not like Tess told us she had a boyfriend or anything.” Maria folded her arms.

“He came from Washington. To surprise me. We met there.” Tess answered for Neil.

Narrowing her eyes, Maria thought: Aha! Now I have her. She never was the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. “Oh really. If Neil here became your boyfriend in Washington, then why were you so alone there that you had to come back here? Or wasn’t that what you told us this afternoon?” Maria put her hands on her hips and looked Neil up and down. “Although, after meeting him and seeing what a charming personality he had, I’m actually not surprised that you hightailed it away from him.”

Liz heard Michael make a strangled sound next to her. She couldn’t make out if he was stifling a laugh or whether he was getting upset about Maria.

Tess was pushing Neil towards the door by now, but he turned to Max. “Nice friends you have here, buddie. You should know that a person can be judged by who he chooses to associate with.” His eyes went from Max to Liz fleetingly before he disappeared through the door.

Maria whirled around and waved her hands in the air. “Okay, what WAS that? He is like the creepiest guy ever and Tess dates him? I smell something rotten!”

“I agree.” Max was still staring at the door. He was not stupid enough to miss the significance of that last statement of Neil’s. The only person he could think of with that attitude would be Nacedo, and he was supposed to be in Washington. “I’d phone Nacedo, but they are only going to take a message and have him call me back. So, we won’t know where he’s phoning from.”

Liz and Michael both came from the back. Max took a seat at the counter and he pulled Liz between his legs when she reached him, kissing her softly. “Hi honey, I’m home,” he said with a half-smile.

Laughing, Liz hugged him tightly. “Have I told you how much I love you recently?”

He smiled at her, remembering how she had said it repeatedly earlier when they were together. “No.”

She looked taken aback for a moment before she saw the glint in his eyes. Then she leaned forward, pressing herself against him to whisper in his ear: “I love you so much it hurts. Even if you are getting old and starting to forget things.” He jerked away from her, surprised. She looked at him coyly: “Maybe I wasn’t screaming it loudly enough this afternoon…”

Max nearly fell off the chair. Sometimes his lovely ladylike Liz surprised him with wild statements like that. He inhaled sharply when she leaned in again. “Maybe I’ll have to show you instead of tell you next time…”

By now Max was grinning. He slid his hands from her waist to cup her butt and pulled her closer between his legs. “Maybe you’ll have to. But I think I’m going to forget again, so… I’ll need regular reminders.”

Liz nuzzled his face. “You can count on that, Mr Evans!”

They shared another lingering kiss before Liz turned around in his arms to look for Michael and Maria. They were arguing again, but Michael put a stop to that when he grabbed her and kissed her hard, causing chuckles from Max and Liz.

“Michael, why don’t you and Maria take off. I’ll help Liz clean up here.” Liz was leaning back into Max’s chest and she shivered when the rumble of his voice traveled through her.

Both Michael and Maria threw Max grateful looks and it didn’t take them long to be ready to leave. This caused Liz a lot of amusement, since she had an idea why they were in such a hurry. She left the circle of Max’s arms reluctantly to finish up the last of the cleaning. She sighed to herself. It was Tuesday night already and she had to leave on Saturday. Time was just passing too quickly for her and work and school kept her from being with Max as much as possible before she left.

She heard Max lock the doors and carry some stuff into the kitchen where she was cleaning the counter. Her hands halted their movements when she felt him come up behind her. Liz held her breath and closed her eyes as she waited for him to make a move. He didn’t. Instead he just stood quietly, close enough for her to feel the heat of his body and hear the sound of his breathing. She knew he was looking at her and she could sense all his wants and desires through their connection. He was seducing her without even touching her. She felt her breathing become shallow gasps, her body start to tremble and that now familiar ache settle in the pit of her stomach. She clutched the sides of the counter, trying to hold herself steady when all she wanted to do was to fall backwards in his arms and have him touch her the way she craved. “M-Max!” His name was a heated whisper.

She shuddered when his hand gently pulled the fastening from her hair, before he slowly spread her hair over her back, while carefully avoiding touching her anywhere else. She was aware of him rubbing her hair between his fingers leisurely and it was driving her crazy.

A helpless sound escaped her throat.

He moved his body closer until it was flush against her back, pressing her into the counter. He bent his head until his cheek rested against hers and she felt his eyelashes flutter against her skin. As Liz’s head fell back against his shoulder, he laced his fingers through hers on the counter. His lips started tracing the line of her jaw, barely grazing her skin. When he reached her ear, he spoke quietly: “Do you remember the first time I kissed you here on this counter?”

“Y-yes.” She had trouble speaking.

He touched her earlobe with his tongue before continuing. “And do you know how many fantasies I’ve had of making love to you on this counter ever since?”

“No.” It was a sigh.

He let go of her hands and found the top snap of her uniform, opening it before moving onto the next one. “Ever since that day, when I see strawberries, I think of that kiss.” Her uniform was open to the waist now and he slid his warm hands inside, splaying his fingers over her stomach just underneath her bra.

“Oh… me too.” It was true. Strawberries would forever remind her of that day when she experienced for the first time how complete and devouring Max’s passion for her was. Liz held her breath as his fingers reached for the front clasp of her bra.

“Tell me how you felt that day.” His voice was gravelly and low.

“Like fire was running through my body.” She bit her lip as the bra fell away and his hands replaced the silk against her skin. “Like I’ve been waiting for that moment my whole life. I couldn’t get close enough to you.” She arched against his magic touch. “Like I would die if you stopped kissing me… and like I would die if you didn’t.” Her hands fluttered to cover his, urging him to increase the tempo of his movements. “And I knew no one else… no one else would ever make me feel that way. Only you.”

“Feel what way?”

“Like you could fill this hollow place inside me. That you were meant to be inside me. Inside my body, inside my skin, inside my heart.”

He spun her around with a growl and lifted her up onto the counter. His kiss was hard, hungry, hot. He took her mouth almost roughly, kissing her desperately while his hands made sure she was ready for his body’s possession. Their lips clung together, stifling their cries when he made his fantasy came true. He was making love to Liz on the counter top that, to a large extent, symbolized the beginning of their physical relationship.

Only tonight, there were no strawberries getting in the way…


“What are we going to do? He doesn’t plan on giving her up.” Tess sounded petulant.

“We’ll find a way. She’s leaving at the weekend, isn’t she? We’ll work on him then…”

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WYLM 5+6

Post by LivE »


Liz was lying contentedly in Max’s arms. It was really late by now, but neither of them really wanted to sleep. Instead they wanted to savor every minute they still had together before she left. He had carried her back to their room, still half-undressed after loving her thoroughly in the kitchen, and finished undressing her gently before putting her to bed. Now they lay snuggled together, just talking about stuff and touching each other. She was curled on her side next to him, her head on his chest and her leg thrown over his hips. Max had one arm around her shoulders, his fingers idly threading through her hair and the other was drawing lazy circles on her thigh.

This was one of her favorite places to be. Lying with her cheek pressed to his warm skin where she could hear the thunder of his heartbeat in her ear. Her thoughts drifted to her impending two-week separation from Max and she bit her lip. How on earth was she going to make it?

“You will make it.” Max’s quiet voice broke into her musings. “And so will I.” The last part was said more to himself. He put his hands on her waist and moved her higher on the bed until her head lay close to his on the pillow. Turning on his side, he looked at her gravely: “Will you go on a date with me?”

He always managed to make her smile. “A date?”

“Yeah,” he hesitated before continuing. “Our moms want to give you a farewell dinner on Thursday, with the parents and our friends… So, Liz Parker, lady of my heart, will you go on a date with me on Friday night?”

She pursed her lips, teasing him. “Hmmm, I’ll have to check my calendar and get back to you…”

He pulled her closer. “How about I kiss you until you say yes?”

“Okay--.” But he didn’t give her a chance to finish. He kissed her deeply, his tongue stealing over her lips and into her waiting mouth. She tasted his love on his lips and felt his need in the caresses of his tongue. Liz ran her hands over his arms, enjoying the hard muscles and the heat of his skin. And suddenly his mouth was gone, he had moved back until their lips were just touching.

“Open your eyes.”

It was a gigantic task to get her heavy eyelids to move so she only made a muffled sound of protest. Her eyes flew open, though, when he touched his tongue to her bottom lip.

“Look at me, sweetheart. Look at me when I kiss you.” His amber eyes were dark and clear, staring into hers… into her soul.

He touched his lips to hers again while holding her gaze. Even though he was so close to her that her vision blurred, it didn’t dim the intensity of the emotion she saw in his eyes. It was like being burnt by a flame. It was nothing alien or incredible, just plain human feelings. How much he loved her shone from his dark eyes together with the satisfaction that she was his.

Liz felt a whimper starting deep in her body and it grew to a shout in her mind. Yes!

Max reared back from her. “Yes?” His eyes traced her lips, swollen and puffy from his kisses. “Yes to what?”

Liz had trouble breathing, the man should be issued with a warning label: LETHAL KISSER. “Yes… to anything.”

He grinned, a smug, wonderful grin. “So, yes you will go out with me and yes you are mine forever?”

“Yes,” Liz sighed.


The next day arrived sunny and warm and gave no indication that it would turn out so crappy. Max had left for school early in the hopes that it would keep Tess from finding out that he was not living with his parents anymore. So Liz had to wait for Maria to come pick her up for school and Maria was late. Late, but glowing.

“Oh my god Maria!” Liz cried when she saw her friend and the perpetual smile on her face. “You two did it!”

Maria was completely giddy. “Yeah we did and wow! No wonder you can’t get enough, it’s like a drug!”

This led to a whole discussion on poor Michael’s performance on the way to school, so they were even later when they arrived. Liz could only hug Maria when they finally got out of the car. “Be happy Maria. Or I’ll kick his butt.”

Grinning, Maria corrected her: “You mean or you’ll send Max to kick his butt.”

“No, you’re my best friend, I’ll do it myself.”

The two girls were late for their first class and got tardy notes from their teacher. The day just got more insane from there. Liz seemed to run into Tess around every corner and although the blonde smiled at her every time, Liz couldn’t help feeling uneasy. Her bio teacher wanted to see her over lunch to discuss some of the details of the course she was going to attend and that kept her away from Max too. She was starting to feel like there was a conspiracy to ensure that she saw as little as possible of him before she left when she trudged into the girls’ locker room for the second to last period of the day.

Maria was there, still dancing around on a cloud of Michael-induced euphoria. “Lizzie, we are going shopping this afternoon!”

Liz would rather go home and be with Max. “Why?”

“Because, chica, you and I both have dates with two intergalactic hotties on Friday and I intend knocking Spaceboy to his knees with some new and sexy underwear!”

Liz was starting to grin by now. Maybe Maria had a point, she could also do her part to make their last night memorable. It’s not only Max Evans that can think up amazing things to make life romantic!

“Okay, I’m in! I think I’ll need a new dress too.” Liz was determined to be something right out of Max’s fantasies on Friday.

They were all filing out into the gym when Maria looked back and grabbed Liz’s arm. “Ahem… you’re gonna be late for gym.”

“Maria, what are you talking--.” But she felt him. Max was here. Liz whirled to the outer door and saw him standing just inside, looking at her.

“I’ll cover for you,” Maria whispered, “but don’t take too long…” Then she was gone and the locker room was blissfully quiet.


He closed the distance between them quickly. “I haven’t seen you all day. And I was going to go crazy if I can’t at least kiss you.” He caught her against him and kissed her breathless, holding her tightly to him while he devoured her mouth. Liz stood on tiptoe and kissed him back, caressing his tongue with hers while her body sighed finally! Was she ever going to get tired of being kissed by Max?

Maria rushed in a few minutes later, causing Liz and Max to jump apart. “Okay Lizzie, long enough bathroom break! The teacher is getting antsy.” She grinned at Max who was still staring at Liz’s mouth. “Bye Max!” She dragged a dazed Liz out of the locker room. “I hope you can think of a plausible explanation for the fact that you look like someone just kissed the daylights out of you!”


Liz and Maria hurried to Maria’s car after school, only to see Tess get in the Jeep with Max. He shot Liz a ‘I’m in hell’ look before driving off. Maria watched the whole thing with disgust: “Relentless much?”

Liz sighed. She would much rather worry about how much time she could still spend in Max’s arms before she left, than worry about what Tess was up to again. “Let’s go Maria!”

“Nope, we’re waiting for the Queen of Shopping to join us.” Maria grinned. “Isabel would NEVER forgive us if we went to the mall without taking her.”

“You’re right,” Isabel said from behind them, “I wouldn’t. Besides, no one knows those two idiotic boyfriends of yours better than I do, so I figured you could use my help.”

“Whatever,” Maria said. “As long as it gets his motor running, I’m happy.”

Isabel turned to Liz. “Where is Max going with Tess?”

“I have no idea,” Liz shrugged, she could feel Max’s annoyance at his situation and she felt really sorry for him. Tess was truly becoming stalker-like.

“Well, I just want to warn you that she came to our house really late last night wanting to see Max. So I told her he was helping you close up the Crashdown and that I didn’t know when he would be home.” Izzy looked at her sympathetically. “Trust Max to get the bride-from-otherwordly-hell!”

Liz looked at Isabel assessingly. “Well, then maybe Max should sleep at your house tonight…”


Both Isabel and Maria looked at Liz with shock on their faces. “You’re kidding, right?” Maria spoke for both of them. “You want the guy who crashed the girl’s locker room so he could kiss you to sleep alone in his room at his parents’ house tonight? Three nights before you leave for two weeks?”

Liz gave them a superior look. “Did I say he was sleeping there alone?”

It was quiet for a moment in the car before Maria stated: “I was gonna say… The guy’s gonna explode.” All three girls erupted into laughter after her deadpan statement.


Max gave Tess a sidelong glance and wondered how on earth he always seemed to end up with her the last few days. He wondered what Liz was doing, sensing her mirth through their connection made him long to be with her to share in whatever was making her laugh. His hands curled around the steering wheel at the thought of that beautiful laugh that had the power to warm his heart. He sighed wistfully, unaware that Tess was watching all of this with narrowed eyes.

“Where can I take you? Where do you live now?” Max suddenly realized he had been so wrapped up in making sure that Tess doesn’t upset Liz, that he hadn’t even bothered to ask about Tess’ life.

Tess looked flustered for a second. “Can we go talk at your house? I… I live in a dingy motel on the outskirts of town… I really don’t want to go there. Your house, it’s like a second home to me.”

Max decided not to react to that last statement. “Tess, I appreciate that you have a lot to say to me, but can we keep the talking to school hours from now on? Liz is leaving soon and I’d really like to spend as much time with her as I can.”

“Well, this is important to me.” She sounded petulant and turned her head away until Max drove up to his house.

This time, when they went inside, no one was home. Max assumed his parents were still at work and Izzy, who knows where she was. He stopped in the living room, not wanting Tess in his bedroom with no one else there. He just watched her as she paced and wrung her hands.

“Firstly, I wanted to explain about Neil…”

“Tess, I don’t care who you date. Just please don’t put us in any danger.” Max’s decent upbringing won out again. “Are you sure you want to be with him? He looks kind of…”

“Yeah, I know. But he’s obsessed with me, can you imagine that?” She smiled at him coyly.

Not really knowing what to say to that, Max just nodded. “Well, be careful. Was that all you wanted to talk about?”

“No!” She stopped in the middle of the room, staring at him accusingly. “Max, I was supposed to be the queen of our people. You took that from me! You can’t take away my right to be the mother of the next king too.”

For a minute, Max was too stunned to move. “Tess--.”

She walked closer to him, forcing Max to take an involuntary step back. “You owe me a baby, Max. Your first--.”

“Whoa, whoa!” Max held up his hands. “Are you insane? There is no way I’m having a baby with anyone but Liz. And as for me taking away your right to be--. Why am I even explaining this to you? You need to get a life, Tess! Your own.”

“No Max, you need to realize that I am right. This baby should be an alien, Max. Just like the two of us. Not some watered-down version.”

It felt like all the blood was rushing to his head, making him see Tess through a red haze of anger. She wasn’t just talking about any baby, she was talking about the son he had seen in the future vision with Liz during the bonding ceremony. The one with his eyes and his mother’s laugh. And even though that little boy doesn’t exist yet, he felt fiercely protective of him already.

Tess looked at him imploringly. “Liz doesn’t need to know at first--.”

Deep breaths. I have to take deep breaths or I will hurt her. “I am only going to say this once and if you or Nacedo ever come to me with a stupid idea like this again, I will not be responsible for my actions. Liz and I are bonded. She is my wife now, you know that. Every one of my people accepts that. I don’t intend to have children with anyone but my wife. I don’t owe you anything. The rules changed as soon as we came to earth and our own planet was destroyed.”

“But Max, I want to be the mother of the heir.”

“You see, that’s the difference between you and Liz. She is unselfish.” He breathed deeply again to stay calm. “Now, will you please leave? This has gone too far. Stay away from me. Stay away from Liz. Go live your own life.” He shoved his hands in his pockets in an attempt to keep himself from doing her harm.

She had given up all pretence of nicety and was staring at Max with hatred. “You are making a big mistake. What if she leaves you? How do you know--.”

“Because I know her. Heart, mind, soul and body.”

They stared at each other in a silent battle of wills until the slamming of car doors outside broke the silence.

“Liz is here.” He said it quietly. “Could you leave now?”

Tess waited until Liz, Isabel and Maria arrived in the living room before taking her leave. Let Liz Parker see that she had met Max alone in his house. Maybe that will give the mousy earth girl a reason to pause. She was not giving up on Max Evans yet… He was going to have a great dream tonight. At least, he’s going to think he was dreaming… and not about Liz. She would be there to guide this “dream” and in the process hopefully ensure that she got pregnant…

Max couldn’t remember when last he was so glad to see Liz. He felt almost dirty after the conversation with Tess and all he wanted to do now, was to go home and lose himself in Liz. He pulled her into an embrace and held her tightly.

Isabel could see her brother was upset and worried about going through with the lie that the girls had dreamed up to help Liz surprise Max later that night. “Are you okay Max? What did she want this time?”

Liz felt Max tense up and wondered what had transpired before they arrived. She gently rubbed his back, hoping to comfort him.

“About Neil and some other stuff. Did you have fun with whatever you were up to?” He was trying to change the subject and it was obvious to everyone.

“Yeah, we went shopping, but… Liz ran into that Bio teacher of hers there.” Isabel decided to go ahead with their plan. Even though Max might be upset now, he would thank her later!

Max was still not letting Liz go, so he talked to Izzy over Liz’s head that he had firmly tucked into his neck. “You did? What did he want?”

“Uhm…” Maria and Isabel looked at each other.

“He wants to see me tonight to go over some more stuff.” Liz’s voice was muffled at first before she managed to at least move her head so she could look up into Max’s face. Just in time to see it fall. “I’m sorry, honey. Could you maybe have dinner with your parents? I’ll call you when I’m done.”

Max didn’t like it. He wanted to go home with Liz right now. But he stopped himself, this was for her after all. “Yeah, okay, but I think my parents are going to get sick of me real soon. They haven’t seen me this much in a long time.”

Maria went ahead to her car as Max and Liz trailed behind, hand-in-hand. “So what did you buy?” Max sounded indulgent.

Liz smiled up at him happily. ‘You can see on Friday night.” She stopped and turned to him. “Are you sure you’d be okay eating dinner here?” She was starting to feel guilty about lying to Max since she could feel that he was still somewhat upset about his encounter with Tess.

Sighing, Max pulled her to him again. “I really wanted to go home… with you. But this is important, so I’ll live.” He kissed her sweetly, threading his fingers through her hair. Then he walked her to Maria’s car and kissed her through the open window again before they drove off.

Back inside, Max ran into Isabel in the kitchen. She handed him a soda and sat down at the table. “Max I wanted to talk to you. Actually tell you something. About Tess.” She saw Max’s wince at the name. “What did she say this afternoon?”

Max debated about telling Iz. He needed to tell someone, but he didn’t want the story to get back to Liz. On the other hand, he couldn’t very well talk to either Michael or Alex about it since he didn’t think either of them would understand about him wanting a baby with Liz so much it hurts. Not right now, of course, but someday.


Isabel’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Making a decision, he looked at her. “She wants to have a baby with me. She claims I owe it to her to let her produce the next… king.” Max was still uncomfortable with the title. To him, his little boy would be just that, his son. Not the future king of some alien race he never knew.

Isabel was speechless.

He looked at his sister imploringly. “Please don’t tell Liz, okay Iz? I don’t want her to get upset about this.”

Finally finding her voice, Isabel was spluttering in anger. “What… what did you say to her?”

“I told her she was insane and that she should stay away from me and Liz.”

“What does Nick say about all this?” Isabel remembered Max saying earlier at school that he had gone to see Nick.

“He thought it was ridiculous. He knew that Nacedo had been sent to guard us, but he doesn’t know him personally, so he couldn’t help me too much. But he is going to Boston with Liz for me.” Max paused. “I still have to tell Liz about it. She’s not going to be happy.”

Isabel looked at him sharply. “Are you getting one of your premonitions about Liz again?”

He shook his head. “No. I’m just taking precautions.” After being silent for a few minutes, he burst out: “I wish I could go with her. I hate being away from her for that long!”

Diane Evans had arrived just in time to hear her son’s outburst. She hugged him from behind and whispered in his ear: “Well, maybe I can help you a little bit with that problem…”


Liz was nervous. She watched from outside Max’s window as he pottered around his room. It was close to nine by now and she had been waiting for the right moment to put her plan into action. Sure, she had sometimes taken the lead in their lovemaking, but tonight she needed to be so much more. She needed to be Max’s fantasy-come-true and she was flying by the seat of her pants. Not that she wore any…

Max whirled around went he heard the soft knock on his window. He knew it was Liz even before he reached it. What was she doing at his window? And what was she doing wandering around alone in the dark? He jerked the window open and found her standing outside in a coat that nearly reached her ankles. “Liz, what--.”

“Help me in, Max.” She held out her hand and he took it involuntarily.

Liz climbed through gingerly, not wanting to ruin her surprise for him by letting him see what she was and wasn’t wearing underneath the coat. She looked up at him when she was finally standing inside. “Could you lock your door?”

Max was amazed. What was going on with Liz? But… he could think of only one reason why she would want him to lock the door and his eyes widened. She was still watching him steadily and he eventually complied. Walking back to her after completing the task, he halted when she held up her hand.

Her eyes fluttered away from his shyly for a moment when she started to undo the belt of the coat. Max realized he had stopped breathing as he waited for her to make the next move. Then her gaze locked with his again as she slowly opened the coat to reveal a lace nightgown. It hid nothing of her body but merely served to highlight all the erotic hills and valleys that he loved so much. She let the coat fall and he prayed his legs would not give way as he took in her beauty. The gown fitted her upper body like a second skin, it stretched over her breasts only to flare into a short skirt that ended just above mid-thigh. His eyes drank in every minute detail of her and stored it to memory. God, she is beautiful. And mine. The thought went straight to his loins.

“Tonight is for you, Max.” Her voice was breathy and sultry and low. And filled with desire for him. He couldn’t speak to save his life.

Liz walked towards him slowly, swaying her hips slightly and glorying in the dazed look in his eyes. She wanted to drive him crazy with desire tonight. She wanted to give him a night he would never forget. She wanted to show him that even though he thought she was a princess and a lady, she could be something from his fantasies when they were alone like this. That she had a side only he could bring out and that only he would ever see.

Max was rooted to the spot with all the conflicting desires raging through his body. He wanted to grab her and rip the gorgeous gown off her and take her quickly. He wanted to take it slow and torture them both to just this side of insanity before finally making them one. But most of all he wanted to wait and see what she had cooked up for him in that pretty little head of hers.

Liz felt heavy with lust. Her body was screaming for his. But she had to move slowly at first, otherwise her plan of making him lose that famous control of his would never work. She watched him from underneath heavy eyelids as she carefully undid the buttons of his black shirt. Pushing the shirt from his shoulders, she raked her nails over his chest, hearing the hiss of his breath with satisfaction. He brought his hands up to capture her face so he could kiss her, but she evaded him. She waited until he let his clenched fists fall back to his sides before stepping closer again. She leaned in and ran her tongue lightly over the bunched muscles of his upper arm before moving on to his chest. He was panting by now, his eyes almost black as they followed her movements hungrily.

She took her time. It was glorious to be able to touch him like this. She tasted the saltiness of his warm skin on her tongue and reveled in the ripples under his skin wherever her hands roamed. After long moments of exploring his chest, Liz slid to her knees and nuzzled his navel.

“Ah, god, Liz!” It tumbled from his lips involuntarily.

She smiled slightly against his skin, enjoying the power she held over him at this moment. She explored the textures of his stomach, from the smooth tanned skin around his navel, to the softer, more sensitive skin just above the waistband of his jeans. He trembled violently when her tongue traced the fine arrow of hair disappearing into his pants. She pulled back slightly and looked up at him. Her Max.

He could not form a coherent thought. She looked sultry and innocent at the same time as she stared up at him with her flushed face and her moist lips. A lady and a vixen all rolled into one. She was still watching him when she licked her lips and moved her hand to trace his hardness through his jeans. He drew a harsh impeded breath and wildly tried to find something to hold onto… or he would melt at her feet.

She undid his pants and pulled them down together with his boxers before returning her hands to his body.

“Liz… Liz, I need…” He needed to sit down somewhere. He needed to be inside her. He needed her to stop caressing him so intimately. He needed her to continue.

She understood, because she got to her feet and pushed him to his bed, following him down when he collapsed on it gratefully. Liz straddled his legs and replaced her hands with her mouth on his body. Max nearly came off the bed. He tangled his hands in her hair, no longer able to keep from touching her and urged her closer, faster, harder. She did all that and more.

The only thing he could hear was the roar of his blood in his ears and the thundering of his own heartbeat. And all he could feel was her sweet hot mouth doing magic things to his body.

Pulling away from him when she felt his body tightening, Liz laced her fingers through Max’s as she moved over him. Their hands gripped tightly as they fought the urge to moan out loud. They stared at each other as she slowly sank down on him, taking him deep inside her.

She was a fever in his blood. One that he never wanted to get rid of. His eyes raked over her body that was still thinly covered by the nightgown. Her breasts heaved with her tortured breathing and her hair fell around her face in a tangled mass his fingers had created. All of a sudden, Max didn’t have the strength to take it slow anymore. He ripped his hands from her grip and curled them into her hips, holding her tightly as he moved urgently, desperately inside her. He gave up trying to be in control and to wait for Liz. Instead he let his body take over and it had only one goal – to imprint itself so deeply on Liz Parker that they could never be two entities again.

And Liz let him. She gave him free reign over all of her body. It was incredible, watching Max in the throes of a blinding ecstasy that she had brought him.

When the first signs of their release started pulsing through their bodies, Max reared up and pulled Liz against him, taking her lips forcefully to dampen the sounds they were both making. He held her and kissed her until the shudders in their bodies started dying down before falling back to the bed and taking her with him. He wanted to tell her what it meant to him that she did all this for him, but he was too tired to talk. Instead he held her cradled against his body, his arms around her like steel bands.

“Wow.” It was all he could muster. He felt her smile against his skin as she wrapped her arms around his neck.


Neither Liz nor Max were aware of the figure that arrived at his window not very much later. Or of the terrible rage that infused their watcher’s body as she saw their tangled limbs and satisfied, sleeping faces. Even an idiot could see what had taken place here tonight. And even an idiot could figure out that Max Evans was not going to dream about anyone else but Liz Parker tonight…
