Resurrection M/L Mature Pt 27 [COMPLETE]

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Resurrection M/L Mature Pt 27 [COMPLETE]

Post by Lorastar »

Lorastar aka Laura
I own nothing Roswell.
Summary: Max and Liz were together once upon a time. Five years later, they meet again.


Max and I weren’t perfect. But what we were, was perfect for each other.

How many times have you heard that line before? In movies? In novels? And how many times did that couple break up, break each other’s hearts into a million pieces before never being seen again?

That’s exactly what happened to me and Max.

My name is Liz Parker and I am a recovering Maxaholic. Five years sober.

We met in high school, young and naïve. We fell for each other after graduation, deep friendship blossoming into something beautiful. Something beautiful that quickly grew corrupted, dark, decaying. Like a strawberry you leave in the refrigerator for a week too long. Mold starts growing on once perfect flesh. Once succulent fruit decays, crumbles, becoming soggy and nauseating.


I still remember the first day we met. The first day of our senior year of high school. He was already rock and roll. 80’s hardcore metal dude, with the shoulder length hair, cute smile, and warm brown eyes that pierced through you with only one glance. He didn’t hide himself from anyone. He was loud and outgoing.

And played the guitar like no one’s business.

This boy could play. Probably why he’s become one of the best guitarists to grace the world of music in the past decade. But that’s getting ahead of the story.

We sat next to each other in class. I wasn’t interested, and he was in love with another girl.

We we’re friends.

Friends that discovered secrets and friends that corrupted. He told me my stomach was flabby, and I walked around the rest of the school year covering my stomach with my binder. Years later, he told me he was attracted to it, and didn’t want to look at it. Betrayal to the perfect girlfriend, I guess.

But back to Max.

All the girls loved him, but he was faithful.

And then I got him a job at the same record store I worked at. It was great, goofing off with him in the staff room, making fun of the other people and leaving little messages on the refrigerator.

I still remember how freaked out he got when a female customer, who used to be a male customer, checked him out. Conveniently on a day he was wearing scandalously ripped jeans, and going commando. Woohoo.

I still remember the night I found out he went commando. I tried giving him a wedgie as we walked down a fairly busy street in our humdrum town. And then…well…you can guess how that went.

Eventually he and the perfect girlfriend broke up. And months later he told me he liked me. I freaked and tried to avoid him. But a funny thing happens when you’re obsessed with someone…you can’t avoid them. You need them to stay afloat in the madness of the world, to keep oxygen in your lungs for just one day.

Obsession means not being able to live without someone else.

It’s a bitch.

I made him cut his hair.

The beginning of the cute era.

We were cute together. So in love.

Young and stupid.

We moved out for him to pursue his career in music with his four closest friends: Michael Guerin, Alex Whitman, Sean Miller, and Toby Smith. The band name switched often. Last I saw, on the cover of some music magazine, they were going by the name Iron. I remember when they were Sans Merci.

Max always was.

We moved in together after graduation. Working our meaningless jobs, struggling to scrounge together enough cash to make it to the next payday. Struggling to keep our young and stupid asses clothed, fed, and in a warm home.

No, not a home. An apartment.

With bugs.

We were doing decent. I was attending school, 17 units a semester, working full time and trying to play the role of a supportive girlfriend. Trying being the operative word here. As more and more time went by, it became harder and harder to focus on Max.

As it was becoming harder and harder for Max to focus on me.

Sex complicated things.

But that’s not important.

His music was a lifestyle. School, work, parties, and music. Music was what he lived for.

As a couple, we were becoming less and less important.

No surprise.

I didn’t like to party. I had dreams I wanted to accomplish. Things to do while he was rubbing noses with other musicians just like him. The underappreciated who couldn’t get a break.

I understood.

Until he got arrested.

And lost his job.

And couldn’t get another one.

I understood until I was supporting him. Me and his daddy. I understood until he couldn’t help pay the bills. Until music was all he did. Until he dropped out of community college and recorded the bands demo. Their name was Say Anything at that point.

I understood until the band was signed to some small label I’d never heard of.

The parties were more frequent then.

He’d come home smelling like cigarettes and alcohol. But he never did those himself.

My father died of lung cancer when I was a teenager.

Max promised he’d never smoke.

His friends were idiots.

I understood until I came home one day to find a half empty apartment and a note pinned to my pillow, the only pillow left on the bed. I understood the words he wrote Babe, the band’s goin’ on tour. Catch you later. Love you. -Max

I understood then.

And then I realized he owed me for this.

And he owed me big.

I’m talking money here.

Who the fuck cares about the broken heart I endured? Or the fact that two weeks later I found out I was pregnant with his child. A child he left me with.

I told you sex complicated things.

So here I was…19, pregnant, alone, in debt, working full time, going to school fulltime.

A widow. A cast aside girlfriend. Coming in last to a musician’s lifestyle.

I was not a priority.

So I moved back in with my mom.

She were thrilled.

And I never heard from Max again.

Not when I miscarried the kid.

Not when I cried for loosing the last piece of Max I had, even though I didn‘t really want it.

Not when I graduated college on my own.

Not when I started working as an assistant producer in LA.

Not until today.

“Delivery for Liz Parker!” The go-fer hollered. “Liz Parker?”

Highlighter in hand, script open to the next scene, I wave my hand in the air and the youngin’ makes his way over to me. He smiles, vase filled with white roses in his arms.

I look at him, suspicious, and the grin fades.

“Who are they from?”

“Delivery guy didn’t say. Just said they were for you.”

I cap my highlighter and put it down. “Umm…thanks.”

He walks away and I look at the roses.

Who the hell would be sending me white roses?

Who the hell knows I like white roses?

A white envelope in tucked inside the outer layers of the arrangement. It’s larger than a normal flower delivery envelope, less ornate. It’s a business envelope, complete with the security lining. Secretive.

My name is written in block letters on the outside. Liz Parker.

I rip it open quickly and pull out the two pieces of paper.

A note.

And a check.

Written to Liz Parker.

In the amount of ten thousand dollars.

With a short note in the unmistakable script of Max Evans.


I owed you.

Love ya-


“What the hell?” I yell.

This can’t be happening.
Last edited by Lorastar on Sun May 13, 2007 3:47 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Post by Lorastar »

Hey everyone,

Thank you so much for reading and commenting on my little story! It's GREATLY appreciated! I have to go back to work in a minute, so I don't have time to respond to everyone, but thank you all!

And now on to the next part....

Part 2

“Liz, would you be a dear and-”

“No.” I state abruptly, placing the new crystal glasses on my mother’s dinning room table.

“Sweetheart,” my mother begins, in that cloying voice she’s spoken in for the past few years. She calls it a byproduct of love. I call it a nauseating consequence of betrayal. “I was just going to ask you to put the new placemats on. I want to surprise your stepfather when he gets here.”

I roll my eyes and flip my too long bangs out of my eyes.

Mom wraps her arm around me and squeezes me to her side. I try not to cringe, but I can’t help it. Physical touching just doesn’t work for me.

Not anymore.

I pull away from her, tucking hair back behind my ears.

“I still don’t understand why you can’t see that he’s just using you.”

She sighs.

“Liz. I might’ve thought that in the beginning, but he’s been my husband for almost a decade. He wouldn’t stay this long if he was using me.”

“It’s a trick.”

“Sweetheart,” she begins, weary. “Not all guys are going to use you.”

No, they just betray you. And I tell her so.

She sighs again, tired of my attitude.

“Just because Max-”

“Don’t talk about him.” I interrupt, halting my actions to stand at the table.

No one is allowed to mention his name.

Max Evans does not exist in my world.

Not anymore.

“Liz, it’s been five years. Don’t you think it’s time to get over it?”

I turn back to face her, no expression gracing my face.

Me? Not over Max Evans?

I was over him the day I lost our kid.

The kid I didn’t want.

Have I made that point clear?

I never wanted to be pregnant.

I didn’t feel bad loosing it.

It was all for the best.

It’s not like Max the Loser Evans would’ve come back to me if he knew.

And if by some chance he did, why the hell would I want him?

Why the hell would I want to be in a relationship because he felt responsible?

Not that Max the loser Evans knows a thing about responsibility.

A check for ten thousand dollars is not a responsible way to make up for using and depending on me for so damn long.

I don’t want his money.

Not anymore.

“I am over him, Mom.”

She laughs.


At me.

Like I’m lying.

“I don’t see what’s so funny about that.”

She stops laughing and apologizes.

“Honey, Lizzie bear, it’s just that…I’ve never seen someone so NOT over an experience or person. You might want to believe you don’t care, but you’re still hung up on that boy.”

“I don’t give a shit about Max Evans.”

“Yes, you do.”


Dinner went horribly wrong.

Seven years later and I still don’t like the man she married.

I don’t see why she needed to remarry at all.

She’s successful.

She had the insurance money left from my father.

Though, she used that to pay for me to attend university.

My dreams always came first in her eyes.

Except for when she married That Man.

I never liked him.

He tried too hard to take my father’s place.

No one can.

And no one should try.

It’s just not right.

He finally asked me what my problem was.

I told him it was him.

My mother got angry.

She told me that my father’s been dead for eleven years.

I need to let go.

Death is the ultimate betrayal.


I threw away the flowers.

In the trashcan.

They were gorgeous roses.

Perfectly white.

Tight buds, barely beginning to open.

If I had allowed them to, they would’ve bloomed for me.

Been beautiful for weeks.

Maybe two.

And then they would begin to brown.

Their petals would age and fall.

Till all that was left was a brown stick, void of beauty and grace.

Everything beautiful must die.

Love and roses are no exception.
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Post by Lorastar »

Part 3

I hate Southern California.

I hate the smell of the ocean as I drive to work every morning.

I hate the damn sun that shines unrelentingly.

I hate the cool breeze that flutters through my hair gently.

I love the cold.

I love the ice.

I love freezing my ass off.

I hate cuddling.

I like to be cold.

“Liz Parker?”

I look up.

A man stands in front of me, dressed in slightly worn jeans, a blue striped long sleeve shirt, unbuttoned, arms rolled up, white band t-shirt under the shirt. Typical. Another face in the sea.

I pull my expensive sunglasses off and look at him.

“Do I know you?”

“No.” He shakes his head, and smiles a half smile.

Perfect teeth. White, spotless. Straight.

I can’t help but wonder if he is.

“Ok.” I say and put my glasses back on.

“I’m a fan of your work.”

I look up in surprise.

And pull the glasses back off.


“I’m a fan of your work.”

“I’m a producer.”

“I know. I just love everything you have your hand in. It’s like poetry. Beautiful.”

“Are you a stalker?”

He laughs and gestures to the empty chair. “Can I sit?”


He laughs and sits anyway.

I smile pretty.

“I’ve seen all your movies.”

I don’t make movies. I’m an assistant to the person who makes movies. And I tell him so.

“No, no!” He exclaims passionately. “I’ve seen your non-studio work! Those shorts.” His eyes flutter closed, and open again. That smile returns.

Gay. Definitely gay.

“The works that you actually direct and produce, they, my God, they are brilliant.”

My director days.

Ah, the days you dream about.

The good old days.

When Max left me, I actually tried to achieve my goals.

And then these films came out.

Films that I made.

Films that I directed, produced.

Films that I loved with my whole heart.

The last thing I really loved like that.

They were passionate.

Filled with hatred.

And then I stopped.

Threw them away.

Graduated college early.

Took a job as an assistant producer.

“Why’d you stop?” He asks me.

“My heart just wasn’t into it, anymore.” I reply, closing my notebook and pulling my glasses back on. I reach my hand out to him. “It was nice to meet you…” I trail off, realizing I don’t know his name.

“Eric Montgomery.” His smile fades as he shakes my hand.

“It’s a real shame you stopped, Liz Parker.”

I stand up and grab my black purse off the table.

“Well, Eric Montgomery, all good things come to an end.”

I walk away, feeling his eyes on me.


I stare at the blank screen on my laptop.

Words float around in my head, narrowly avoiding a butterfly net that attempts to capture them so that I may write them. Immortalize them.

Before erasing them.

And starting fresh.

The truth is….

No…I’m not ready to face the truth yet.

Maybe that’s why I stopped making my own films.

I wasn’t ready to face the truth.

But what truth?

The truth about my relationship with Max Evans?

Because the more I think about that, the more it seems it was a waste of time.

And dwelling on it?

Even bigger waste of time.

I was young.

I got screwed.

And screwed over.

I was left.



A box pops up on my once blank screen.

New Message

I click on it, and a new box opens up.

lizzie bear, why didn’t you cash the check? not enough for my producer?


I hit the delete button.

The check went in the trash too.

Growling, I close the computer and toss it to the other side of my large and empty bed.

I hate him.


“Liz! Liz Parker!”

A familiar voice hits my ears, and I roll my eyes.

He sits down at the table in front of me.

I think this is becoming routine for us.

The waiter asks him what he wants, smiling flirtatiously. He orders a coffee and laughs as the waiter sashays away.

“I think he thinks I’m gay.”

“You’re not?” I ask, my nose still stuck in my notebook.

He laughs.


“Oh.” I reply.

“Did you think I was?”


“Oh.” Silence. “I’m not.”


The waiter brings his coffee.

Eric takes a sip.

“You really thought I was gay?”


“Why?” He whines.

Gone is that cool, suave, confident persona.

Now I see who he really is.

I laugh at the puppy dog eyes he makes as I finally look up at him.


He nods in understanding, emitting a drawn out “Oh.” Eyes widen as he listens to himself, his mouth shuts quickly. “I get it.”

“Loosen up.” I smile at him.

He snorts.

Actually snorts.

Where did that debonair air go?

I might admit that I now miss it.

Five seconds of a real person and a snort are too much for me.

I like personas.

I hate people.

“Any ideas for a new movie?”

I look back down at my notebook, the outline of a script blazing on the pages.

“No.” I state, and shut the notebook, sliding it back into my messenger bag. “None. Totally not even thinking about that.”

He drinks more coffee.

“You should. Because I would totally work for you.”

“You don’t have a job, do you?”


I laugh.

It sounds strange.

“Wow. You really don’t laugh much, do you?”

I stand up.


I walk away, feeling his eyes on me again.

This is weird.


The go-fer knew who I was this time.

He delivered the roses and the check to me quietly, instead of calling for me through the studio.

The check was for five thousand dollars more.

The note asked the same question as his email.

And asked to meet with me.

I think he’s trying to buy me.

I threw it away.

I never liked him anyway.
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Post by Lorastar »

Hey everyone, thanks for all the replies and bumps and for being patient! I have some doctor ordered time off this week, since i landed in the hospital on monday, so I finally had time to update! Woohoo! Hope you all enjoy!

Special thanks to:

Karen (xsuper_novax)
touched by an alien
L-J-L 76

Part 4

I’m 24.

When I was younger, I never thought I’d be bitter at 24.

I thought I’d be happy.

When I was dating Max, I thought I’d be married.

Pregnant even.

I expected to wake up in the morning happy about having a fat stomach in front of me.

I expected Max to rub it lovingly, whispering cute little things to our child.

It’s funny how life never gives you what you expect.

Too many disappointments causes you not to trust people.

When they say they’ll do something, you already know they won’t.

It saves a lot of time.

But then people ask what’s wrong with you.

Why you never trust.

Because you got screwed.


Abandonment issues equal no trust.

It’s a fact of life.

Embrace it.




“Liz Parker. I know you’re in there.”

“Go away.”

“Ha! I knew you were in there.”

“I’m busy.”

“Open the door.”


“Open the fucking door or I’ll break it down.”




“I’m breaking down the door.”


“I am not.”

“You followed me home!”

I cringe and push myself farther into the cool leather couch that sits in the middle of my living room. I hug the pillow tighter in my arms.

“Last chance.”

“I’m calling the police!”

“No you aren’t.”

His voice is too calm.

Too calculated.

“I’M HUNGRY!” He whines.

No more mister cool guy.

I stand up.

And walk to the door.

I open it and smile.

“That’s all you had to say, homeless boy.”

Eric pouts and walks into my spacious living room.


I know, it’s pretty nice.

“Don’t you spend any of your money on home furnishings?”


I look at him, mouth open wide.

“This place is empty. And cold. Why is it so cold in here? This is California! Warmth is everywhere!” He shivers. “Except around you.”

I pick the pillow back up.

And throw it as his blond head.


He smiles and wiggles his booty.

“I know. It’s pretty nice.”

I roll my eyes.

“Feed me.”







“Okay.” I shrug triumphantly.

He picks the pillow up this time.

I run.

He hits me anyway.

I told you he was an ass.


“Liz Parker, please.” A voice rings in my ears.

I look up.

And see a ghost of my past.

A ghost that would stay dead if he knew what was good for him.

He sees me and walks over.

I glare at him.

I’d cross my arms if they weren’t full of scripts.

I tap my high heeled foot impatiently as he smiles and walks over.

His smile grows as he takes in my appearance.

Short dark brown hair.

Not like the long brunette locks he last saw.

The tailored pants hitting my black high heels.

Not the flared faded jeans and black Vans he left me in.

The blue silky top.

Not the black tank top he last saw me in.

His smile fades as he notices the glare from my perfectly made up eyes.

I’m Hot.

With a capital H.

Sucks for him.


My voice is icy as he approaches me.


His is warm and friendly.

His arms wrap around me comfortably.

I stiffen.

I push him away from me and walk to my office.

He follows me.

I slam the door in his face.

He opens it and walks in anyway.

Persistent little bugger.

He sits.


I sit in my chair and place the scripts on the desk.

“Liz, I’ve been thinking a lot lately.”

I snort.

“You think?”

He smiles.

“Yes. I’ve been thinking a lot about you.”

I say nothing.

“I have been for years. I’ve thought about you everyday.”

“Everyday since you left with my pillow?”

He rolls his eyes, I bite my tongue.

“Give it up, Liz. I know you missed me.”

“Like I miss the baby?”


His eyes widen.

“What baby?”


“Liz, what are you talking about?”

“I’m not.”

“You were.”

He’s frustrated now.

I smile.

“I’m not talking to you.”

“Real mature.”

I stick my tongue out at him.



He rolls his eyes, dropping the subject.

“I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve hated you.”

“I guess I deserve that.”


I look down at the scripts and pull out a highlighter from my desk.

Max smiles as I glare at him.

“I have work to do. Leave.”

He smiles more.

“Go out with me tonight.”



I don’t look at him.

I don’t want to see the puppy dog eyes that I could never resist.

The cute little pout that made me cave every time.

I’m stronger now, though.

I look up.

His puppy dog eyes and pout are pasted on his once innocent face.

I smile.

He does too.


I look back at the scripts.

He leans farther back in the chair.


“Come on, Parker. Come out with me.”

I cap my highlighter and hold it in my right hand, sighing.

“Look, Evans, you left, what, five years ago? It’s over between us. It was over the day you left.”

“I made a mistake. I want to atone for my mistakes.”

I laugh.

“It’s a little late for that.”

I stand and walk to the door.

He gets the idea and walks to it as I open it.

“Liz, I’m sorry. I still love you. I never stopped. I never will. Can’t we just go back to that day?”

I smile genuinely.


I knee him in the groin joyfully.

“Happy anniversary, bastard.”

He groans in pain and I slam the door in his face.
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Post by Lorastar »

Not quite satisfied with this know.

dreamer19 Thanks! He is, pompous and full of himself.

icequeen thanks! Maybe he'll crawl back home, embarrased by his defeat.

xsuper_novax *laughs* thanks! I'm glad you liked that!

behrlyliz thanks! Hope you like this next part!

Eve. Of course he was supposed to believe her? He's MAX EVANS. No one doubts the man.

Erina Liz will never give into him. *laughs* She hates him too much! I'm glad you like Eric, he's kinda just...that guy.

pLANETv33n3ss thanks for leaving feedback! Glad you liked the Eric scene!

Emz80m, thanks! Nah, he's actually slightly curious about the baby, thing. Not that I blame him.

Stacie thanks! Wouldn't you let him back into your life? He deserves every bad thing coming his way.

trulov thanks! Oh, he won't let go about the baby. And Liz will NEVER make anything easy for him.

candycan14 Max's side will ne shown eventually, a little more this section. Eric is a fun character for me to right cause he is a strange one, but he won't be going away. Sorry.

RosyLade thanks!

L-J-L 76, thanks! He totally deserved that! Oh, a lot more will happen soon. Hope you like this next chapter!

Alien614, thanks for the fb!

kiwigirl, thanks!

Lillie, thanks! No more waiting for you! The next part is HERE! You must be an interesting person, very strong. He'll find out more about the baby soon. If Liz will tell him. *laughs* Yea, you really don't know what you had until it's gone. Just like Max didn't realize what he had in Liz....

Thanks to all the lurkers, too!

Hope everyone likes this next part!

Now...I'll probably be back soon with a new part. I write when I'm frustrated and I'm in the middle of buying a new I'm VERY FRUSTRATED. Stupid dealers. I don't like them. Really. I have very strong feelings against them. I can't wait to get it tomorrow and not have to deal with them for another five to ten years. Yeah. This car better be worth it.


Sorry! Anywho...on to the story!

Part 5

“That Max Evans sure is a tall glass of water.”

I don’t look up, already knowing who is trespassing in my personal space.

“Are you sure you aren’t gay?”

“If the fact that my little Eric gets happy to see you means anything, then nope, I’m not gay.” He chirps.

I groan.

“Are you attracted to me?”

He leans on my desk, pushing his face into mine.


“Too bad. What the hell are you doing in my office?”

Eric pulls away, pouting.

“Don’t bother pouting, that doesn’t work with me.”

Not anymore.

“I’m your new personal assistant.”

I look up.


“You’re so well spoken!”

“If I had something to throw at you, I would.”

He pretends to shake.

“I’m so afraid!”

“You should be.”

The door opens and my boss walks in.

“Parker.” He barks, glaring at Eric who is still perched sexily on my desk. “Get rid of the plaything and meet me in my office in five.”

He stalks out angrily.

I glare at Eric.

“What the hell did you do?”

I walk to the door.

“And get off my desk!”

Eric bounces off and I smile as I prance away from the office.


“Parker, take a seat.”

I do. Confidently.

Mr. Boss Man folds his hands and stares at me across the desk.

“Baker says you do good work.”

I nod, accepting the complement from the producer of the film we’re working on now.

“But he doesn’t want you to assist him next film.”

My mouth drops.

“What? I have done nothing but my best work. I am the best assistant producer you have in this company, sir! Are you letting me go? Because if you are, there are many places that will take me in a second.”

He laughs.

“I don’t doubt that there are, Parker. Baker wants you working by his side. Congratulations.”

He reaches out to shake my hand.

I take it numbly.

“Excuse me, could you repeat that?”

He laughs again and pulls his hand away.

“Based on Baker’s recommendation, you’re being promoted to the role of Producer. No more assistance work for you.”

I smile sincerely and stand up.

“Thank you, sir. Now I take it this will also bring a pay increase?”

He laughs yet again.

“Yes, Parker. I’ll hammer out the details and let you know by end of day.”

“Thank you, sir.”

I turn to leave.

“Keep that assistant of yours off the desks, please.”

I laugh.

“Yes, sir.”


“Did you get fired?”

I roll my eyes in annoyance.

“Why are you everywhere I am?”

“I like you?”

“You’re horny.”

He smiles.

“Only around you, baby cakes.”

“I hate you.”

“I love you.”

He takes a bite of pizza.

“So what’s with you and Max Evans? He’s a famous guitarist and you’re an antisocial producer who lives and hates Hollywood.”

I glare at him and take another bite.

He sits waiting until I swallow.

“It’s none of your business.”

“We’re friends, everything’s my business now.”

“Not this.”


I’m bitter and antisocial.

All caused by Max Evans.

“I just hate him, that’s all.”

He doesn’t buy it.

“Do you have history with him?”


He stares at me, disapproval shining in his eyes.

“We went to school together.”

His eyes tell me he knows there’s more.

“We were friends. Until he left for a music career.”

“And now you hate him?”

“We dated.”

“He left you?”

“Pregnant, nineteen, and alone.”


I look away.

“Yeah, oh is right. Any other questions?”

He looks me in the eye and I shudder.

“Did he know?”

I look away and smooth my hair away from my face.


His voice loses it’s joking tone.

“Don’t you think he had a right to know?”

I look up.

Anger flows through my veins.

“Didn’t I have a right to be loved? Didn’t I have a right for my fucking boyfriend to tell me before he left? Didn’t I deserve respect from the guy that I worked my ass off to be with? He left ME for music. He fucking chose a music career over me, his fucking girlfriend. That’s all I was to him, someone he could shack up with and have a good fuck with. That’s it.”

I stand up and grab my purse, throwing a twenty on the table.

“So did he have a right to know?”

I glare at Eric.

“No. He didn’t. After he left me, he lost the right to know anything about my life.”

Eric stares at me, his eyes displaying worry.

“I hope the fucking bastard rots in hell.”

I storm out.


“Lizzie, baby. I know you’re mad at me, but please, just pick up the phone.”

His voice flutters through my apartment and I scream.

My hands clench over my ears as I stomp through my cold apartment.

I pick up the phone.

“What the fuck do you want, Max?”

He sounds startled.

“Lizzie. I-”

“Don’t call me that.”

He clears his throat.

“I want to see you.”

“You saw me this afternoon.”

“I want to talk to you.”

“We have nothing to talk about.”

“What about the baby.”

I pause.

“You don’t deserve to know about that.”

“Do we have a child together, Liz?”

I laugh.

“You think I’m stupid enough to keep a child that’s a product of us?”

“God, Liz, when did you become such a bitch?”

“It was a gradual process over the past five years. But you were too busy playing rockstar to know that, weren’t you? You were too busy off playing with the guys to notice anything that was happening in my life. I hate you, Max Evans, I hate you with everything I am!”

“I hate you, too!”


“You were strangling me! Everyday that I was with you felt like it was my last! I had to get out of there before I died! Before the music died out forever!”



“You always loved the music more than you loved me! You loved my body and hated my mind! You hated that I didn’t want to go to your stupid parties. You hated the fact that I was more interested in my own career than being one of your lackies. I hated them. I hated the girls who hung on to you behind my back. I hated the way you smiled at them when you should’ve been home with me! Being with me wasn’t important to you, you bastard! I was your girlfriend. You said you loved me. Why did you lie, you fucking bastard?! WHY?”


Then why did he just say he hated me, too.


“Open your front door.”

I stalk to the door, anger blazing in my eyes.

One swift movement and the door falls open.

Max Evans stands on the other side.

I stand there.


Anger still flowing in my veins.

Catching in my throat.

Anger and hatred are hard pills to swallow.

He doesn’t look like a rockstar.

“What are you doing here?”

“I had to see you.”

His eyes sparkle in a face that reveals hurt and hatred.

But something else glimmers in those amber eyes.

Something I never want to see directed towards me again.


I should slam the door in his face.

But then he does something I don’t expect.

Something that leaves me paralyzed.

Something that leaves me powerless in this game.

He kisses me.

His lips crash into mine.

His hands curl into my hair, pulling me closer to him.

I inhale through my nose.

Bad idea.

I smell the same scent that I loved five years ago.

I smell Max.

I melt into his embrace.

His tongue runs against my lips and I open them for him.

My arms wrap around him comfortably.

His arms hold me tighter against his firm body.

We stumble backwards into the living room.

The door closes behind us.

We stumble to the couch.

Lips still connected, arms still entangled.

I fall backwards onto the couch.

He lowers himself onto me.

His weight pushes me lower into the cushions.

Wait just a minute here.

Am I really kissing the one man I claim to hate more than anything?

My eyes pop open.

His are closed as he continues to plunder my mouth.

I push him away, wiping at my mouth.

He falls onto the floor.

“What the HELL do you think you’re doing?”

“Kissing you, duh.”

He’s way too calm.



That’s it. This whole thing is just another way to manipulate me.

For him to get what he wants.


Not this time.

These expensive pants are staying on.

I cross my arms and stare at him.

Resisting the urge to kick him with my pointy shoe.


My voice is calm, too.



He rolls his eyes.

“Because I thought it was the only way to stop you from yelling at me.”

“So you KISSED me?”

He rolls his eyes.

I kick him.

He glares at me and rubs his shoulder.

“What was that for?”

“You kissed me.”

“We’ve covered this.”

“You have no RIGHT to kiss me!”

“Liz, I don’t give a fuck about what you think I have a right to do. I wanted to kiss you. I’ve missed kissing you. I kissed you. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“You came back after five years and kissed me.”

“Right. Now let’s move this into the bedroom.”

I kick him again.


“Get out.”


“Did I stutter? Get the fuck out of my apartment!”

He stands up before I can kick him again.

Arms crossed, he glares at me.


I glare back.




“Watcha gonna do? Make me?” He smirks.

I smile and pick up the phone.

He continues to smirk as I dial.

I raise the phone to my ear, still smiling at him.

“Police please. I have an intruder in my house.”
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Post by Lorastar »

Oh my God. I'm actually posting a new part on this story! AAAH!!! It's a miracle!


I owe you guys for being so patient! And yes...I'll be updating my other fics SOON!

Thanks to everyone who left feedback! It is GREATLY appreicated! I love it all!

Part 6

The police were unable to find him.

They searched around the house for the dark haired, mysterious intruder.

But of course they couldn’t find him.

Especially since he left when I hung up the phone.

Jumped into his fancy car and escaped.

Since escaping has always been what he does best.


Can’t even stay and get arrested like a man.

They said they’d keep an eye out for the next few days.

I said thank you.

Knowing very well Max Evans wouldn’t be back.

He doesn’t love me.


Her fork digs into the spaghetti sauce covered noodles I just placed in front of her.

“Max came by the house this afternoon.”

I stare at my own noodles.


My mother smiles.

“He said he wanted to apologize for everything he put us through.”

“That’s nice.”

I play with the red stained noodles, sliding them on my stark white plate.

She places her hand gently on mine and my stepfather stands up.

She smiles at him and he walks out of the room.

Some things need to stay between a mother and daughter.

“I know you hate him.”

I look at her, a vague smile settled on her lips.

“And you have every right to feel that way.”

I look away.

“But either make up with him or let go, honey. This isn’t healthy.”

I say nothing.

“Sweetheart, I know he broke your heart when he left you. But that was five years ago. When was the last time you had a relationship with another man?”

I open my mouth to respond.

And close it when I realize I have no answer for her.

“Lizzie, I’d be thrilled if you told me you were a lesbian and had been having secret relationships.”

I wish I could tell her she was right.

“Sorry, Mom.” I mumble. “I’m straight.”

She smiles again.

Her hand falls back to her fork.

Silently, we both take a bite.

“Let him go.”

She swallows.

“Or make up with him.”

“He doesn’t deserve that, Mom.”

She picks through the spaghetti.

“I know, sweetie. Just tell him the truth.”


Eric stands at the door.

A bouquet of white daisies in his hands.

His normal clothes are missing.

A band tee shirt and ripped jeans replace them.

His hair is messed up, hanging in his face.

He hands me the flowers and smiles brilliantly.

“I’m sorry.”

I take the flowers and look at them.


“Am I forgiven?”

I smile.

“Not even close.”

He pulls his other hand out from behind him.

“How ‘bout now?”

He asks as he hands me Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.

I take it.

“You’re closer.”

I step back into the room and close the door in his face.

No way I’m sharing.


“Max Evans, famed guitarist of the rock band Steele Dragon announced his temporary retirement from performing at a press conference held earlier today. The band’s publicist says the band felt it was time to rest preceding the marriage of lead singer Alex Whitman to model and fashion designer Isabel Evans. Max Evans is in the process of opening a new studio in Los Angeles. He will act as the main producer for several bands being signed to the fledgling record label Starcrossed Records.”

I turn off the television in disgust.

I take it this means Max Evans is here to stay.

The phone rings shrilly.

I sigh heavily and reach across the queen sized bed for the cordless.


The voice is quiet as it reaches my ears.



“Hey, sweetie.”

She sounds happy.

I wish my voice would sound that way to her.

Instead it is tainted with suspicion as I respond to one of my ex-good friends.


She sighs.

“Liz, I know it’s been a long time.”

“Four years.”

“Yeah, a long time.”

“I saw you on the cover of Cosmo. Congratulations.”

She laughs.

“On becoming a fashion designer or snagging Alex?”

I laugh with her.

“Both. I always knew you would be more than a model. And Alex was always a good guy.”

“Yea. He’s great and so supportive.” She gushes. “I just love him so much!”

She calms.

“I know my brother is an ass. But I want you to know…he’s starting to ask questions.”

“I’m not telling him.”

She sighs wearily.

“I don’t know how much longer I can lie to him.”

It’s not fair to put her in this position.

“I’m getting married in two weeks, Liz.”

I nod.

“I want you to be there.”


“Liz-” She interrupts before the excuses can flow.

“It’s been four years since we’ve seen each other. Four years since you hid yourself from anything that reminded you of Max. Please, I’m getting MARRIED! Don’t use Max as an excuse to not come and see me on the most important day of my relationship. You were more to me than the girlfriend of my brother, you were one of my closest friends. Come for me, Liz, not Max.”

How can I resist that.



I nod.


She perks up.

“Great! I’ll send you the invite tonight!”

“I can hardly wait.”

I mumble before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Damn it.
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Post by Lorastar »

Not my puppy! I read that and had to go find him and give him a hug! He looked a bit confused but happy.

Thank you all so much for replying to my little ol' story! I'll be back soon to reply to each of you!

Disclaimer: One lovely insult quoted from the lovely Michelle.

Part 7

It’s obvious Alex isn’t saying much about the wedding plans.

The invite arrived this morning at my office.

It looks expensive.

And just screams “Isabel Evans is finally having the wedding of her dreams to a successful musician who can afford to support her and the luxury she is entitled to if she ever chooses to stop her own successful line of work and depend on the love of her life, Alex Whitman.”

Funny how something so small and elegant can say so much.

I sigh and put the invite back on my desk.

The envelope stares up at me.

Miss Elizabeth Parker.

And Guest.


Who the hell is that going to be?

My cell phone chooses that second to ring.

I answer with a muffled “Elizabeth Parker.”

His voice stops me in my tracks.


“Why do you keep calling me?”

“I just want to talk.”

“You asshole, you don’t know how to do that.”

“I do too.”

“Not in person.”

“I can.”

“You moron. You’re proof someone took a leak in the gene pool.”

That keeps him silent for a second.


I slip the invite into my purse and grab the script and pink highlighter.

“Are you going to keep wasting my time or can I go back to work now?”

“Meet me, tonight.”


“Don’t make up your mind so quick.”

“Still no.”

“I’ll meet you at the Santa Monica Pier at eight. Bring a jacket.”

“I’m not coming.”

“Shh. Don’t say anything until you’ve thought it over.”

“Hmm…tempting. But I’m seriously not meeting you. You don’t exist, Max.”

I hang up.

What an ass.



I hear him call out to me as I’m approaching my car.

“Aren’t you supposed to be working right now?” I ask.

He nods.

“Sure am, boss. But I was out running errands.”

“Yea. Not acceptable. You’re fired, Eric. Don’t bother coming back in tomorrow.”

He laughs.

I’m not kidding.

“I was running errands for you.”


“Your boss…what’s his name…he gave me a list of things I needed to do for the opening of the new movie. It’s taken me all day to get them done.”

“Oh. Umm…ok.”

He wraps his blue clothed arm around me.

I shrug it off.

Again, the whole intimacy thing doesn’t work.

He’s back to his normal work attire.

No more Mr. Relaxed Guy.

Who are you really, Eric?

Because your character is slipping.

“Am I forgiven for the other night?”

I open my car door and climb in.

“I haven’t decided, yet.”

I close the door and roll down the window.

“But chances are no.”

He looks dumbstruck as I leave him in my dust.


“Liz, it’s Isabelle. I was just calling to make sure you got the invite. And don’t worry about my idiot of a brother, I’ll make sure he leaves you alone. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, sweetie! Actually, I’m free tomorrow at lunch. If you are, give me a call. It’ll be like old days. Okay, sweetie, talk to you soon.”


The jacket flaps in the chilly Santa Monica breeze as I walk along the beach.

I’m not here for him.

I don’t give a fuck if he shows or not.

I just need to know if he would.

If there’s a single shred of truth in that man.

Or if he’s completely full of bullshit like I think he is.

And then I see him.

Standing on the edge of the pier.

Holding a bouquet of white roses.

And a pillow.
Last edited by Lorastar on Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lorastar »

I am a tease!


So, here's the next part. I can't believe it's been such a long time since the last one. I apologize sincerely. Time really got away from me.

Part 8

I take a sip of my water and stare at the blonde sitting in front of me.

Her manicured nails drum quietly on the table.

She smiles at me.

This is awkward.

“What can I say, Lizzie?”

I smile genuinely.

“I don’t want you to say anything. Don’t try to make any pathetic excuses for your retarded brother’s behavior. I don’t want to get into that right now.” I stop smiling and grab her fidgeting hand.

“I don’t blame you, Isabel. I want us to be friends again.”

She holds my hand and smiles brightly.

“I want that, too, Lizzie. So we’re good?”

I laugh and pull my hand back.

“Yea, we’re good. So tell me all about this wedding of yours.”





If you had told me a week ago I’d be invited to Isabel’s wedding, I’d tell you to fuck off and not bother me with stupid fairy tales.

One week later…and I’m trying to figure out who the hell is going to be my guest.

At an event filled with people I really don’t want to see.

Don’t get me wrong.

I love Isabel.

And Alex is the sweetest guy ever.

He’s not like Max, all consumed in the rock and roll.

The music doesn’t run his life.

He does.

But with these people that I love are those that I hate the most.

Isabel and I went out shopping again today.

It was just like old times.

Except this time, we bought me a dress to wear at the event of the century.

Her wedding.

We didn’t talk more about Max.

It was like he was forbidden.

That any other mention of him would have tainted our time together.

Our friendship.

Which made me realize something.

If I ever want a normal life again I need to face Max Evans.



I look at him.

No emotions.


“You wanted to see me?”

He looks slightly nervous as he sits in front of me.

I drum my nails on the wooden table nervously and swat at my dark hair.

“He broke my heart.”

He nods silently, understandingly.

I look at him.

And notice that he’s changed yet again.

Into normal clothes.

Normal hair.

He seems like a normal person.

Maybe the person it’s time for me to move on with.

“I haven’t loved anyone since.”

He grabs my fidgeting hand.

Much like I did to Isabel.

It’s a comforting movement.

But not for me.

I pull my hand away again.

“Eric, I-”

He kisses me.

And I kiss him back.

Maybe this is the normal I so desperately need.


His walls are red.

Band posters cover the living room.

I didn’t notice before.


Like when we stumbled onto the couch, the lights turned down low.

Like when we fumbled with each other’s clothing.

Like when we traipsed naked in each others arms to his bedroom.

But now.

In the morning glow I notice things.

I notice the autographed poster of Steele Dragon.

I notice Max’s face.

Oh my GOD!

I got naked in front of Max’s knowing face.





It’s just a picture.


I think I’m a bit hysterical.

Eric hands me the glass of water and I take it hesitatingly

“How do you know him?”

He smiles.

“We went on tour. Our band opened for Steele Dragon a few years ago.”

“You knew about me?”

He nods.

“Max never stopped talking about you.”

I glance down at the large shirt I’ve adorned myself in.

“Black Flag.”

He smiles proudly.

“I’m the lead singer and guitarist.”


“I’m pretty good, if I do say so myself.”

“Yea. Umm…that’s great.”

The water glass slips out of my hand.

And crashes into pieces on the hardwood floor.

“You lied to me.”

“You never asked if I was in a band.”

“I told you I hated musicians.”

“And…you knew about me.”

“Max was always talking about this brilliant woman he left behind. How amazing she was. That she was going places in the world. That her talent astounded him. Her name was Elizabeth Parker. I found some of her films, and fell in love with the passionate woman who was filled with such talent and anger. I wanted to get to know her. Liz, I fell in love with you before I even met you.”

I look around the room.

So many lies.

So little time.


I slept with this man.

I thought he was different.

Men are fucking pigs.

I grab my jeans and slip them on.

And rip off his t-shirt before throwing it at him.

My tank top seems happy to be back on me.


I’m allowed to think irrationally if I want.

I want.

Damn it.

I slip on my high heels and run my hands through my short hair.

“I’ve um…gotta go. Bye.”

He comes after me.

I side step him as he attempts to throw his arms around me.

“Liz. I’ll see you at work later.”


“Umm…yea…Eric…I really don’t think that’s the best idea. I think it’s best if we don’t see each other again.”


He just smiles.

As though I’m joking.

Hasn’t he realized by now that I don’t joke?

I need a shower.

I feel dirty.

I leave him behind me.

I can feel his gaze on me as I step out of his apartment.

Max Evans is standing on the other side of the door.

I feel dirty.
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Post by Lorastar »

It's a wonderful plan! I think more authors should use it.

So...due to the rules...I'm posting part 9 TODAY!! Yay!

Following the feature of tonight's post will be replies to all your lovely feedback!

From Part 8

I feel dirty.

I leave him behind me.

I can feel his gaze on me as I step out of his apartment.

Max Evans is standing on the other side of the door.

I feel dirty.

Part 9

He looks at me.

His eyes aren’t angry.

They don’t strike me dead with lightening bolts.

He doesn’t glare.

He just looks…


I push past him into the hallway and he lets me go.

I almost think I hear him calling my name softly.

But it must be my imagination.

Just like it’s my imagination when I look up at the building and see him watching me through the window.

It’s just my imagination.


Max stands outside Liz's work, watching Eric saunter proudly inside. His hands grasp a beautiful bouquet of red roses. Liz’s favorite. He felt a twinge of jealousy reignite. The same jealousy that had been raging inside him when he saw Liz leave Eric’s apartment with obvious sex hair.

He should’ve been the one giving her sex hair.

Not that idiot Eric.

Max frowned. Maybe he had never really liked Eric. But they had bonded over those drunk nights, where Max let down his guard and spilled his guts to the fellow musician. Of course, those guts happened to be nothing but Liz.

That’s kinda weird.

Nah, he thought. Eric was an okay guy. He was just messing in something he had no business messing in. When would he learn, Liz Parker belonged to Max Evans?

Even after all these years.

Eric turned, and with a smile on his face, approached Max.

Max nodded, pulling the cigarette out of Eric’s lips and stomping it out.

“Liz hates smokers.” He gave a word of advice.

“Thanks.” Eric smiled boyishly, like a teenager who’d just gotten laid and fallen into a lust induced state of love.

Which he had.

“I’m just gonna go…see Liz.”

Max shook his head.

“Why bother, Eric? She’s not into you.”

Eric laughed. “We made love, Max, we’re together now.”

Max took his turn to laugh. “Dude, didn’t you see the way she ran from you?”

And now the jealousy was gone. She was avoiding both of them.

“Just because I lied to her.”

Max’s hands quickly turned to fists. He resisted the urge to hit his friend.

“Don’t lie.”

“I know. I’ve learned. So,” he gestured to the building, “I’m gonna go give her these.”

Max resisted the new urge to light up a cigarette himself.

“You do that. But mark my words, Eric, she won’t care. I can get more of a reaction out of Liz Parker by glancing at her than you can with all the gifts in the world.”

“We’ll see.” Eric faced him squarely. “Let’s see who wins her over. Deadline is Isabel’s wedding.”

Max laughed. “Neither of us will be her date.”

Eric walked away, muttering under his breath, “I will.”



I look up as the door opens and Eric walks in.

Nervously, I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.



I am NEVER nervous.

Confidently, he pulls a dozen red roses from behind his back.

I take them.

Place them on the table without looking at them.

I don’t need to count them to know there’s an even dozen.

People like Eric can’t surprise me anymore.

“I thought of you when I saw them.”

I resist the urge to snort.

“They’re almost as beautiful as you.”


I look up.

“Look, Eric.”

I take off my glasses and place them on the table near the roses.

“Let’s not do this whole, we had sex, now we’re together thing. Because it won’t work out and I don’t feel like wasting my time. We fucked. That was it. You lied, I fled. We’re even. So I don’t want your flowers. I don’t want flowery compliments, either. Save them for a chic who’s pants you haven’t gotten into.”

He looks at me stunned.

“Liz, I LOVE you.”

I look away.

“And if there’s one thing I never want to hear you say again, it is exactly that. Leave. You’re fired.”

“Honey,” he starts.


He does and I smile triumphantly.

I rule and boys drool.


Wearily, I toss my shoes into a corner.

Groaning, I flip on the light.

My normally perfectly made up room greets me.

The tan comforter is unwrinkled.

The cream, 800 thread count sheets call my name,

The fluffy pillows beckon me with their intoxicating softness.


Wait just a damn minute.







I must be counting wrong.






Yup, that’s the same number.

I close my eyes.

Open them.

Count again.


Now, this is a bit odd.

When I left my house yesterday, there were only four pillows.

One of these things isn’t like the others.

And I’m willing to bet it’s the pillow on top.

The one with the red satin pillowcase.

I don’t own sheets like that.

And I sure as hell didn’t pin a note to one of my own pillows.


It’s the same pillow.

The pillow he took with him to the pier.

Not the one that he left me.

That one’s long gone.

I slept on it every night until the ingrained smell of Max had faded.

And the bitter hatred had grown exponentially.

I groan again and make my way to the bed.

Ripping the note off the pillow, I sit.


Maybe I’ve been approaching this situation all wrong. No, I definitely have been. I’ve been trying to buy your time, your affection. What I owe you is an apology. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for the way I treated you five years ago. I’m sorry for leaving you without saying goodbye. But know this, not a day has gone by that I haven’t thought about you. That I haven’t thought about the love that we shared, that I screwed up without a second thought. I miss that. I miss you.


And for some reason, I can’t seem to tear my eyes away.
Last edited by Lorastar on Sat Jul 15, 2006 10:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lorastar »

i'm back. this part sucks. sorry. i wouldn't post if it weren't for the deal. so. sorry.

Part 10

“It’s symbolic of your whole relationship, Lizzie.”

I scoff at her.

She smacks me with the little makeup brush she’s attacking my face with.

“Really, Maria. It’s a PILLOW.”

She smiles.

“I never said you guys had a normal relationship. Come on, Liz. Look at it this way, the pillow is symbolic of passion.”


She rolls her eyes at me.

I roll mine back.

She hits me again.

Damn Maria.

I attempt to duck from the damn brush with the magic powder.

Why did I help her get a job as a makeup artist?

Oh, yea.

I love her to death.

And she’s amazing.

“Yes, PASSION. That’s what your relationship was about. It was intense from the very get go. He understood you like no one else. He was there for you for the rough patches, as a friend and then as something else. Your whole relationship was built from passion. Passion for each other, art, whatever.”

“It’s a pillow, Maria! A pillow symbolizes sleep and comfort to me.”

“Oh, you have such a limited mind.”

I scoff again.

And here comes a bigger brush.

“Close your eyes.”

I follow her orders.

As the brush creates a perfect complexion, her words attempt to make sense.

Not an easy task for Maria DeLuca.

“What kind of pillow case?”


“Red satin.”

And now her ravings all make sense.

“Look, Liz, I know it hasn’t been easy.”

Her movements soften as she brushes eye shadow over my lids.

“He screwed you over.”

Just like Michael did to her.


At least Michael said goodbye.

Showed some remorse.

And has tried to make it better with Maria.

The girl he once loved.

The strong woman who’s my best friend.


I have a friend.

“But there are three things I’m certain of in this world.”

I don’t want to know.

Mascara clings to my eyelashes.

“Michael Guerin and I love each other.”

“He’ll open his eyes, Maria. And when he does, he’ll realize that Tess girl is nothing but a slut, that you’re the one he belongs to.”

She laughs.

“I’m not worried about me and Michael.”

I nod.

Blush flutters over my cheekbones.

“Two, Max Evans loves you.”




Cause you don’t abandon people you love.

“Three, you love Max Evans.”



Won’t deny it.

“You’re writing again.”

She pulls my curled hair into a twist.


“See, you just needed your passion back.”

“It’s not because of Max.”

“Then what?”

“I met a guy.”

She finishes my hair and smiles.

“Liz, I’m rooting for you and Max. But, I’m your friend first and foremost. I want you to be happy.”

And I want to be.


The lights flash as we make our way down the red carpet.

Why am I here?

I don’t care about the fame.

All I care about is making movies.

Sharing a story I believe in.

But here I am.

Being forced to look pretty and smile.

Which I hate.

It’s all part of the game, though.

A game I desperately want to win.

Eric smiles at me as he makes his way up the carpet.

Max frowns at him.

I groan and smile.

Tonight’s gonna be fun.