Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE)end: ch. 45 7/29/16

Fics using the characters from Roswell, but where the plot does not have anything to do with aliens, nor are any of the characters "not of this Earth."

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Re: Meet the Evans Clan Ch. 3 6/29/2015

Post by begonia9508 »

Hey Ginger! great part

Loved what you wrote: (how lucky your mom was after 40 years to have a man think enough of her to kiss her brow. I can't ever remember my dad, grandfather or my uncle ever kissing the females in their lives.)

You know, maybe it has to do that european people are differents, in this matter, without to forget that my mother was italian and grown up in France, which is quite the same talking about education: We are a little bit more open, when its come showing our feelings, friendship or other...

And you know, maybe your new generation isn't the same, as they were educated after the war!

Anyway loved the new part! Thanks EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan Ch. 3 6/29/2015

Post by keepsmiling7 »

Hi Ginger,
Home again after the cruise. It was wonderful and my respite was just what I needed.
Bob was glad to be home again, but did okay in assisted living with Matt's help. He nearly drove his helper crazy wanting to come Matt is off this weekend for his respite.
I'm reading along enjoying this wonderful family of love and concern.
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mary mary
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan Ch. 4 7/01/2015

Post by mary mary »

Roswelllostcause: LOL, I got the idea about the concern from my own daughter. She was the same way when she was little, not just about me but everybody. She's still like that, a pain in the behind sometime. If she finds out I'm having a particularly rough time with my back the phone rings constantly. The concept of rest means nothing to her when she can't see for herself. :roll:
Eve: Possibly you're right...but my mom didn't understand why I kissed boo-boos to make them better...she would just poo poo them away and said I was making big babies of the kids...well, at the time they were big babies and I don't know why I did what I did because I wasn't raised (reared) that way. Oh well, maybe it's because I wished I had been, who knows? :)
Carolyn: So happy the trip was what you wanted (needed) and Bob is home again and happy. Hope Matt's respite works as well for him. Here's another piece of fluff to keep you going. :wink:

Sorry about posting the wrong date last time, I must have been half asleep or something.

Chapter: 4

Liz slept pretty well last night…Max hardly slept at all watching Liz, but all in all they did have a fairly decent night’s sleep and when Liz woke up in the morning the twins were both standing at the foot of the bed watching them.

“What are you doing up so early?” Liz asked and they both looked at their Mommy with big eyes and Deana asked…

“Awl you awlwight?” Liz smiled and jabbed Max in the side to wake up…he looked at her through sleep hazed eyes and she pointed to the foot of the bed…

“Yes, girls, I’m alright and Daddy will move over and you can finish your sleep with us…okay?”

“Chesss…” They both answered and ran to Max’s side of the bed. He reached down and lifted them to the center of the bed one at a time, along with their dollies, and they both curled up next to each other and fell right back to sleep. Max looked over at Liz and gave her a big smile, laid back down, and went right back to sleep with his little family safely tucked in next to him. Liz just laid there and smiled at the three of them…life was good even in its emergencies.

She wondered what she would be hearing from the doctor…’let it rest Liz’ she told herself…and then she was back to sleep as well.

When Diane woke up and headed toward the back stairs she noticed the girls rooms was empty, then when she passed Max and Liz’s bedroom door it was wide open so she thought they were already up but on closer examination she noticed four people and two dolls sound asleep in the big king sized bed and she pulled the door shut to let them rest. Even though the twins were babies they were smart enough to recognize trouble and they knew their Mommy was hurting and they needed to be with her. Children are just too smart sometime she thought to herself as she continued on her journey to the kitchen.

There were plenty of leftovers from yesterday’s breakfast so she decided to just add a platter of scrambled eggs to the menu and call it good but she had a huge surprise…Jeff and Philip had beat her to it. Nancy had already started the coffee and was squeezing the orange juice and then she suggested they get the girls up and dressed before Liz woke up. Diane told her what she just encountered and didn’t think that would work because the girls were asleep in bed with Max and Liz. Nancy just looked at her and grinned.

“Do you think that’s such a good idea…what if they kick her or something?” Nancy said with concern in her voice.

“Oh, I don’t think that will happen…go up and take a look…honest…they are all curled up next to each other holding onto their dollies…Liz is on one side facing them sound asleep and Max is on the other with his arm under their pillow facing them. They are all fine, trust me. I have a sneaking suspicion that they didn’t start out like that last night because their bedroom door was wide open when I went past and their little beds had been slept in, for awhile anyway. They really are too cute for words.”

“Yes they are…thank God they have the parents they have…there just seems to be love permeating this whole house.”

“Yes there is Nancy, and I think it will always be like that…no matter how many they have. I can’t wait to meet the boys…this is going to be so much fun.”

“It certainly is.” And both women continued to chatter away while Philip and Jeff continued to cook…Jeff couldn’t be happier, Nancy was really starting to feel comfortable showing kindness and love and was discovering how wonderful life could be. He thanked God everyday for his blessings and these wonderful people who introduced him to a better life.

* * *

It was about 8:30 when the sound of a baby crying had the upstairs all awake. Sandy figured it was time to get up and that meant everyone got up…Briana and Deana woke up and looked at each other and smiled, they loved Sandy and they could hardly wait for Uncle Alex and Aunt Isabel to bring Sandy to the kitchen.

Max and Liz woke up to the girls’ giggles and smiled at each other…Sandy was ready to start the day so that meant everyone else was ready, like it or not.

“Sandy woked up.” Said Briana

“Yes she did.” Liz answered “Are you ready to get up too?”

“Chesss.” The twins answered

And Max just gathered the two of them up, pillow and all and gave them a great big hug… “Daddy? Iz zhoo woked up too?”

“Yes ladies, I’m woked up too.” Max chuckled…he couldn’t resist talking like them…something Liz frowned on. They were doing very well with their sentences but they didn’t need to be answered in baby talk. Max knew better but sometimes it was just too cute for words. Liz just shook her head at him and frowned…he reached over and patted the top of her head…”Love you!”

She grinned back at him and said “Love you too.” And the girls giggled at their Mommy and Daddy and said “We yuv zhoo too.” Max and Liz both laughed and said together “And we love you…and we love your babies too.” Liz added. They giggled and hugged their dollies just like their mommy and daddy hugged them and soon Max and Liz decided it was time to start the day.

Max helped Liz out of bed even though she insisted she was okay and they headed to the girls room to get them dressed. Max helped them brush their teeth, wash the sleep out of their eyes, their little hands and arms and helped them into their clothes and Liz combed their hair and put finishing touches on them and then it was time to dress the dollies. Max threw his hands in the air and left Liz to supervise the dolly dressing and headed to his own room to take his shower. After Liz had finished with the girls Max took them downstairs and told Liz he would be back up to help her. She tried to convince him that she was fine but he would have no part of it so she waited for him to come back…it was just easier that way. So Max waited for Liz to shower and get dressed even though she didn’t need his help. It made him felt better. He made their bed while she dressed; she did ask him to tie her shoes for her though…her back was still hurting but she didn’t want him to know this. They would just have to wait until she saw her doctor, as long as the babies were alright she could handle the wait.


Meanwhile everyone was ready for breakfast as soon as Max and Liz came downstairs. Isabel had bathed Sandy and she was in the high chair chewing on her toast already while the twins were trying to get her to talk to them. Sandy was jabbering away at the girls but they couldn’t understand a thing she was saying so they just giggled at her and kept talking. Liz loved it and Isabel thought it was just too precious. To say that these parents were proud was an understatement.

All of the grandparents and Bernadette had served a beautiful breakfast on the sun porch even though the ground was covered in snow and everyone enjoyed the scenery, it was perfect.

Bernadette had to leave for the hospital around 10:00 a.m. in order to start the 11:00 a.m. shift but at least she had Christmas day off…she would be going home for New Years and was really looking forward to seeing her family. Max and Liz knew how much she missed her home during the holidays and really did their best to make sure she was kept busy and made to feel like a part of everything at the estate. It worked too, because Bernadette loved it here as did the other three young women living over the garage, they wanted for nothing.

Max tried to help Liz up from the table and she gave him a look that he understood perfectly…’back off’…and he stood back and allowed her to get up herself. Everyone at the table caught sight of that look and Diane had to stifle a laugh. Poor Max, he loved that girl so much that it would positively kill him if anything happened to her. Nancy just turned around and continued to clear the dishes; she couldn’t hide the smile on her face. Liz held her hands out for the twins and they took their mommy’s lead and headed for the small living room where they still had a lot of their toys from Santa. Liz sat in the rocking chair and talked to them while they played with various things and answered their little questions about certain items and they wanted to know more about Santa Claus also.

Liz explained that Santa only came one time a year to very good little boys and girls and that they must have been very good little girls because Santa brought them lots and lots of things to play with. They looked at their mommy and smiled up at her. They wanted to sit on her lap so badly but Liz explained that they still had nine more sleeps and they nodded…they held up their little fingers and Liz reached over and took their baby fingers and laid them toward their palms and helped them count to nine. They giggled at their mommy…yesterday they counted to ten and they told her so too. Then Liz explained how, when one goes away there are only nine left. They weren’t too sure about all of this but they took her word for it and headed back to their toys. Max just shook his head and smiled…

“Do you really think they understand the concept of subtraction?” He asked.

“No not really…but they understand the concept of so many sleeps, it doesn’t hurt to keep explaining…someday it will sink in.”

“Okay sweetie…whatever you say. Now, how are you feeling?”

“Actually, better now that I ate something, I guess I was hungry and I didn’t realize it.” She answered. “I think I’ll sit on the couch with my feet up for awhile…they seem to be occupied for the time being.” as she pointed to the girls. Max nodded in agreement….

“I think they had a nice Christmas in spite of us. What do you think?”

“Oh God, I hope so. I think their grandparents and Isabel, Alex, Sandy and Bernadette made it great for them actually. I’m just sorry we missed it.”

“Me too sweetie but I am also very thankful that you are okay.” And with that he brought Liz in for a hug and a kiss on the top of her head. She felt so protected and loved and so very tired all of a sudden…she didn’t want to miss anymore of the holidays but she just had to take a nap. She snuggled into Max’s side and was asleep in no time. As Max recalled her pregnancy with the girls he remembered how tired she always got and never gave it a second thought. And, of course, she was recovering from surgery as well, poor thing.


Liz and Max headed into the doctor’s office for her follow up and Liz was feeling a whole lot better by now. The doctor had them take a seat in her office and asked Liz if she was having any problems or did she have any questions at all and then Liz dropped the hammer so to speak.

“Well, I do have a couple of questions. How did the X-Rays turn out and did the urinalysis and blood work show anything besides an elevated white blood count?”

Max looked over at her with a questioning look and the doctor just raised an eyebrow. She forgot who she was dealing with for a minute and so she told Liz what she wanted to know.

“Well, you’re a little anemic…which is no big deal….”

And Liz looked at her and said “Out with it.”

“Well, we would like to do some more X-rays on your back…there seems to be a couple of vertebrae out of alignment.”

Liz looked at the doctor for a second and Max grabbed her hand…she gave him a smile and then looked back at the doctor. She wanted to weigh her words very carefully so that everyone would understand where she was coming from.

“Alright, by ‘out of alignment’ do you mean there is no deterioration or slippage but just out of alignment?”

“Yes, just out of alignment. We can put you in traction and …”

Liz interrupted the doctor immediately…”I know how the medical profession feels about chiropractors but if all I have is a misaligned vertebrae I will see a chiropractor and have him put it back in for me.”

“Oh Liz, are you sure that’s what you want to do. A chiropractor will keep you coming back forever.”

“I’ll bet he won’t keep me coming back as often as a doctor and his traction contraption will…I’ll make a deal with you. If, after one month, my back is not back where it should be I will consider your treatment, you understand I did say ‘consider’ right?”

“Yes Liz, I understand. Do you have a chiropractor in mind?”

“Yes I do as a matter of fact…the team’s chiropractor. I’ve seen what he’s done with those baseball players and I am sure he will do wonders for me. All I can say is thank God…I really was thinking the worst and now that I know what the back pain is I am so relieved. You will never know how relieved I am…I knew the appendicitis wasn’t the only problem when I left the hospital but I wanted to give you enough time to get all of the test results in before causing anymore problems at home than we already have. Not that there are problems but I don’t need to be getting sick.”

Max grabbed Liz’s hand and she stopped talking and looked up into his eyes and realized she had kept a secret from him and he was pissed…along with the fact that she was starting to ramble. She wasn’t too sure she was ready to leave the doctor’s office just yet…Max needed time to calm down. What in the hell was she going to do now…’oh, I know’…

“Doctor, is there any follow up that I need to do regarding the surgery…Can I lift the girls yet?”

“No, Liz I don’t think you should be lifting them for another four weeks. It probably won’t hurt you but just to be on the safe side I wouldn’t. We don’t want you to get a hernia…after all your side has been weakened by the surgery.”

Liz knew all of this but she wanted Max to feel sorry for her and keep his mouth shut…

“Thank you doctor…will do. I’ll be in for my regular check up in about two weeks so I’ll see you then.”

“Good luck Liz.” The doctor knew exactly what she was up to and so did Max…what in the hell was wrong with her.

“Okay Mrs. Evans…what in the hell do you think you’re doing keeping something like that from me?”

“Oh Max, I didn’t want to upset anyone…I wasn’t sure about anything and I knew we had to wait for test results so I thought I’d wait and see.”

“Wait and see my ass Liz…you knew there was something besides the appendix and you kept it to yourself.”

“Yes Max I did…and I would do it again. I knew something wasn’t right but why should you have to worry along with me…until the test results were back there was absolutely nothing anyone could do. Now we know what it is and we’ll give Frank a call when we get home and see if he can see me and give me an adjustment and get things back where they belong.”

“Okay Liz, I’ll let you get away with it this time but for God’s sake will you promise me that you will share your worries with me from now on. What if it had been something serious and I wasn’t even aware that there was a possibility of something being wrong. How in the hell do you think I would have felt if there had been an emergency and I couldn’t even answer any questions…Liz you have to promise you won’t do this again.”

“Okay Max, I guess it was selfish on my part but I didn’t intend it to be.”

“Good…now let’s call Frank and get you fixed up.”

“Okay…thank you Max.”

“For what?”

“For loving me so much.”

Max reached over and grabbed Liz’s hand and kissed her open palm and smiled at her…”You’re welcome baby and ditto.”


And so they headed on home and made their phone call to Frank who was more than glad to provide Liz with his services. As a matter of fact he came to the estate and brought a collapsible table with him. To say that he was impressed with the place was an understatement and the Christmas tree in the entry really caught his eye. Max and Liz explained that the “magnificent seven” had decorated it and Frank raised an eyebrow. Liz started to giggle…I guess you aren’t aware of my nick name for the sons of the infield.

And then Frank smiled…”The little boys who gave you away at the wedding.”

Liz smiled and said “The very ones…I just love them.”

About that time the twins came running into the entry, took one look at Frank and grabbed their mommy’s legs, one each side, and peeked around at Frank. They were going to ask mommy to play with them but stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the stranger.

“Deana, Briana…this is Frank, he works with daddy. Can you say hello?”

“Heddo.” Came the reply from both girls…

Frank looked at the identical twins and thought if there were ever clones these two were certainly clones of their mother…

“Hello Deana and Briana. It’s so nice to meet you; did you have a nice Christmas?”

“Chesss.” They answered and then Liz bent down and told them to go see mamma because mommy had to visit with Frank.

They looked at their mommy and then at Frank and said “Dood-bye Fwank.”

And Frank smiled at the twins as they ran toward one of the doorways at the other end of the hall.

Liz took Frank into the large living room and asked him if he could work in here…

“Of course Liz…has anyone ever told you that the girls are the image of you?”

Liz giggled, “Yes, quite a few people really. We don’t take them out a whole lot. To church, shopping sometime but most of their activities are conducted right here. As you can see there’s just about anything and everything they could possibly ever want right here. Max and I are over protective I guess but we really are terrified of kidnappers. Maybe we wouldn’t be as afraid if my situation had been different but it made us more aware of the insanity in the world and we guard them with our lives.”

“I see…I heard a little about your problems when you first came to Philadelphia but I wasn’t aware that you still felt threatened.”

“It isn’t so much that I feel threatened as it is an awareness of what could happen.”

“Uh-huh. Well shall we get started? Did you bring your X-rays with you from the doctor’s office for me? I really need to see what I’m dealing with here.”

“Yes, they’re right there on the coffee table and Max is getting the portable neon lamp for you out of one of the classrooms. He’ll be here in a minute. He probably had to stop and fill up a dolly’s bottle or something. I can venture a guess that’s what prompted the visit from the girls.”

Frank laughed at that remark…he just couldn’t picture Max Evans filling up a dolly’s bottle but then again he has a daughter of his own and he has done some strange things as well. Liz could read the expression on Frank’s face and giggled…

”It’s true you know…he even changes the dolly’s diapers before they go to bed if I’m not around. They have him right where they want him and God knows what it’s going to be like around here when the boys arrive. chaos…that’s what it’s going to be…utter and total chaos.”

“Oh, you’re pregnant?”

“Yes, I thought you knew…about three months, and I had an emergency appendectomy on Christmas day. I’m fine now and my doctor knows all about you. They wanted to put me in traction and I told them to give you a month and let’s see where we stand.”

Frank looked at the young woman and smiled…”You have that much faith in me?”

“Yes I do, I’ve seen what you do with the team and I trust you completely.”

About that time Max showed up with the neon light for Frank to check out Liz’s X-rays and apologized for being delayed.

“It seems the dollies were wet and there weren’t any diapers left in the diaper bag so I went upstairs and got them a supply of my handkerchiefs…I hope to hell they’re happy with that because I don’t know what else to do for them.”

Frank and Liz both giggled…”I’m sure they’re fine Love…let’s get busy so Frank can get home to his own family.”

So after Frank took a look at Liz’s X-rays and knew what he needed to adjust he put Liz on the portable table and popped the vertebrae right back into its socket without a second thought. Liz got off the table and was pain free for the first time in weeks. She looked at Max and smiled and then went over and gave Frank a great big hug.

“If I feel this good tomorrow we won’t have to do this again.”

Frank looked at her and then at Max and smiled back…”I don’t think we will either. Sometime we just don’t know why they pop out but if we catch them in time it’s an easy fix. If you feel any more pain you just give me a call Liz…I’ll be more than happy to come back and take care of you. Take care of all of those babies and if I don’t see you for this I’ll see you at the games. It has been a real pleasure.” And an eye opener he thought to himself. Mr. Joe cool giving his baby daughters his handkerchiefs for dolly diapers…what a story, my wife is going to love this.

And so winter came and went…spring practice started up and Liz got bigger and bigger. It seemed to her that she was bigger this time than she was with the girls but the doctor told her she didn’t measure any bigger and her weight was about the same so she just took her word for it and continued on with her daily routine. She was giving some serious thought to giving up her job for awhile though…and decided, after one particularly rough day on her feet to talk it over with Max. She knew that he would go along with whatever she wanted to do and even though she didn’t feel she had missed out on any of the girls growing up she just wanted to be an at home mom. She loved being a mommy and she really wanted to do this. The more she thought about it the more she knew it was what she wanted to do.

She had completed the project that Mr. Appleby and Mr. Jarred had saved for her and it was a complete success…she had completed her study isolating the gene that had Tess going over the edge as well as several other projects and now she just wanted to stay home and be a mom. It was time.

When she got home that night from work the girls were waiting for her by the back door she stooped down to their level and took them both into her arms and hugged them for dear life. There was nothing any better than this she thought. She couldn’t wait for Max to get home to tell him what she wanted to do.

They had been in their new home for over a month now and although there were not individual suites for everyone there was ample space to live, enjoy and grow. They had provided a very large space for the girls to share a play room plus individual bedrooms that were basically connected to each other by French doors which could be left open and as they grew older they could be closed for privacy. There was a huge nursery with ample space for play things for the boys as well and as they grew older they would have the same set up as the girls. Everything was ready for the new babies and the girls were excited about being big sisters. They didn’t fully understand the concept yet but it wouldn’t be long now. They had celebrated their birthdays just a month before and were growing into very self sufficient little girls…or so they thought.

Olivia now worked at the new home with them only because Liz, Max and the girls all loved her and they didn’t want to give her up to the facility.


"Age is just a state of mind"...I think that's mine? I could be wrong! I'm old, so sue me.
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan Ch. 4 7/01/2015

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I agree with Diane in this story.....little children are just too smart sometimes.
Love the little girls with their dollies ........especially Max with their diapers. They are so precious.
This touch of fluff makes my day Ginger.
Thanks ,
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mary mary
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch. 5 7/10/2015

Post by mary mary »

Carolyn: A day late but I'm here. I love the little girls too... :D

Chapter: 5

The new personnel at the facility were all personally chosen by Max and Liz. They had to be people who loved kids, had kids and mostly were grandmother types. Diane would oversee these caregivers and the people that were hired were not aware that Diane had any personal interest in the facility at all. It worked out very well that way. Diane had the authority to fire at will and the personnel all had to sign an ‘at will’ policy before being hired and it was made perfectly clear to them what an at will policy was.

These children would be loved regardless of how impossible they seemed. Joanne, Cynthia, Claudine and Bernadette also had firing privileges and so it went…these children would be loved and protected by an awfully lot of caring people. The teachers were also chosen for their ability to deal with special children as well and the psychiatrists and psychologists were also children’s doctors dealing in children’s problems. Even though they had not opened yet they had the majority of the personnel chosen and were ready to open the doors shortly.


Liz stood up after giving the girls their hugs and kisses and when she did she managed to be standing in a puddle of water…Deana piped up with…”Mommy, does you need a keen dipah?”

Liz looked down at her sweet face and said “No sweetheart, Mommy needs Daddy, can you find him for me?”

“Chore…” and she ran off to find her daddy.

“Daddy…come on, mommy wet hoa dipah.”

Max looked at the little one and stared questioningly and then it dawned on him…Liz’s water broke…

“Olivia…come here a second okay.”

Olivia came quickly because Max never summoned her and Deana took them both to the back door where Liz stood holding her stomach…Olivia grabbed the girls hands and told them that they had to go to the kitchen and get something for daddy and Max took the back stairs two at a time and grabbed a clean pair of slacks and underwear for Liz plus her bag that was packed and sitting by the closet door.

By the time he got back downstairs Liz was practically undressed and waiting for him…Liz dressed quickly and Max picked her up and carried her to the car and went back for the suitcase. He headed to the kitchen to tell the girls to stay with Luv until mamma got there and when he and mommy came home they would have their new baby brothers with them. The girls looked at their daddy with a very skeptical expression and Max just picked them up and hugged them and told them he loved them and to listen to mamma and he would see them later.

By the time he got back to the car Liz was near hysterics…and Liz never got hysterical. “Max, if we don’t get going we will have to go back upstairs and do this ourselves…trust me.”

“Okay Liz, what do you want to do?”

“Just hurry Max…trust me, you need to hurry.”

And with that Max was on his way. Liz called the doctor on her cell and told her the situation…she was clocking her pains at two minutes and hoped they would get to the hospital in time…the doctor told her to keep her legs together and try to control the contractions…Liz laughed. “You’re kidding, right? Have you ever had diarrhea and tried to stop it? I don’t think so.” The doctor laughed at Liz and Liz didn’t appreciate it one damned bit…these boys were on their way and nothing on God’s earth was going to stop them.

By the time Max got to the hospital the emergency crew was waiting with a wheel chair and had her on her way to delivery before Max even got the car parked. Max barely made it back to the delivery room before Gerard and then Parker made his appearance.

Both baby boys had red hair…what in the hell…where did the red hair come from and then he thought, Nancy and Mom both have light hair, I guess that’s where it came from. They had Max’s eyes though and his ears. Bless their little hearts they did look like their daddy except for that hair. The doctor looked at Max and said…”It will probably darken up Max. It usually does after a couple of years. We don’t know why.”

“It’s okay doc…both Liz’s mom and my mom have the lightish red hair look.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that.”

“Yes. Liz and I both take after our dads with the dark hair and brown eyes…both of our mom’s have light hair. They’re beautiful…Briana and Deana will love them as well as the grandparents. This is wonderful…life is just great doc…just great.”

And then Liz looked over at Max and smiled…he bent over and kissed her forehead and told her the boys were beautiful…

“I want to see them Max.”

And Max held out his arms to the nurses and they gave him his sons to present to his wife. Liz held out her arms and took Gerard and gave him a big kiss on the forehead and then she held out her arms again and Max laid Parker in her waiting arms and she kissed his little forehead as well.

“Max, they look just like you but they have red hair like our Moms…can you believe it?”

Max looked down at her and smiled…”Yes they certainly do don’t they, do you think they’ll be nerds?”

“Maxwell Evans, I can’t believe you would say that about 20 minute old babies…no they won’t be nerds…my God.”

The doctor and nurses were having a really tough time keeping straight faces with these two carrying on about nerds. They couldn’t believe this conversation…it was hysterical.

And then Gerard decided it was time to let the world know he was here and started to squeal which got his brother started and Liz cuddled both babies and told them that their daddy was a bad boy and they shouldn’t listen to him when he talked like that… Both babies quieted down immediately and snuggled into their mommy and went to sleep.

“Typical males.” Was Max’s only remark…Liz gave him a look that got him chuckling and then he wanted to know how soon she wanted to go home. She said as soon as the babies were all checked out by the pediatrician and he had time to go and make his phone calls.

So that’s what Max did…he called his Mom and then Liz’s mom and then Maria. Calling Maria was like taking a full page ad out in the Chronicle, everyone would know within the hour.

When he got back to Liz’s room she and the boys were sound asleep and the pediatrician was just leaving. He gave Max a full set of instructions which he informed Max that he was sure he knew everything that was written on those pages and Max smiled at the man and thanked him. Both baby boys were in excellent condition and it seemed they were perfectly content with their mommy. Max told the doctor he had no doubt that they were and bid the man good night after thanking him for his help.

Max went back outside of the room and called his Mom who was staying at the house with the girls. He talked to the girls and told them all about their baby brothers and as soon as mommy woke up and felt good again he would be bringing them home. They should be good girls and listen to mamma and he would see them for breakfast. They told their daddy ‘dood night’ and they ‘wuved him’ and Max melted. Life just kept getting better and better. And when Liz woke up and was ready to go home Max helped her get dressed, they changed the boys into their going home clothes and bid the hospital crew goodnight, or good morning. Although Max hadn’t had any sleep Liz and the boys were good to go. Max thanked the crew for everything before he bundled up his little family and was on his way.

When they arrived home they found four grandparents and two very excited little girls waiting for them…Deana and Briana didn’t know what to do. They hugged and kissed their mommy who had a baby in her arms and then daddy came in with another baby in his arms. Was there one for each of them they asked and everyone laughed. Liz explained that each of them got two brothers just like their new brothers each had two sisters. They looked very confused, and then Nancy explained it like this.

“Briana and Deana, each of you have a mommy and daddy and now you each have two brothers that have the same mommy and daddy and that makes four of you instead of two of you. You are all brothers and sisters and you all belong to each other…not just one at a time but always four at a time.”

And Briana said in her little voice “An dis is dood wight?”

And Max couldn’t resist…”An dis is dood…” Liz just laughed at him.

They went into their new living room which was big but not like the estate and sat down with everyone. The grandmothers got to hold the babies and Liz got to hold her daughters and allowed them to see their brothers for the first time. Deana said…”theywl hayah is wed wike gwans hayah.” And Liz said “Yes…their hair is red like grans hair, you’re right.” And she had to chuckle…they didn’t miss a trick, so far nobody mentioned the ears…thank God.


For the first six weeks or so Max and Liz placed the boys in one large baby crib, it seemed to work with the girls and the boys seemed to be happy with the sleeping arrangements as well. They could place them sideways and they had plenty of room. No one had told them to do this but they had read stories about twins and their bonding so rather than use two small bassinets they used one large crib.

Max decided that his wife was a genius, which he already knew but tended to forget occasionally. But when it came to making babies happy she seemed to have a knack. And God knows their babies all seemed happy. She was so relaxed with them; it was hard to believe that she had the upbringing she did.

The girls were thrilled with their baby brothers and Liz was thrilled with the girls. They were so careful around the babies and watched everything that Liz did with them. They took just as good a care of their dollies as Liz and Max did with the babies and the boys loved their sisters. They seemed to know when they were in the room and their little eyes followed them everywhere. As they got older they couldn’t wait to see them in the morning and they talked and jabbered to each other just the way Deana and Briana had done.


So far they kept their clothes on but Liz figured the day would come when they would wiggle out of their pajamas as well. There wasn’t much difference between the two boys than there was with the girls except remembering to lay a diaper over their little naked bodies…they had managed to squirt everyone at one time or another. Max just beamed when they did this…he said it was the prowess of a man…Liz just jabbed him in the ribs and told him prowess had nothing to do with it; it was intelligence of the person doing the dressing of the child, of course it only took one time to learn the lesson.

And so two more Christmas’s came and went and the following spring Jeffery Philip “JP” came along. JP didn’t have a twin to keep him company but that was okay. He had two four year old sisters and two two year old brothers to keep him company and the Evans family was really growing. Max and Liz loved every minute of it. There wasn’t a happier group of kids around and the magnificent seven, even though they were getting to be high school age still visited the Evans, and now that they were driving they were there even more often.

The seven taught ice hockey at the children’s clinic and had special interest groups from their school come and show the kids how to do many extra curricular projects. They all had girlfriends that showed an interest in the facility as well and they even came and worked with the kids. The facility was becoming very well known across the country for its homey atmosphere and caring personnel. There was a waiting list that extended for two years. Max’s team mates had similar facilities across the US and it was becoming a very popular business venture for many athletes but most people wanted into Max’s facility…only because it was the first I guess.


The Christmas JP was six months old Max and Liz prepared a special Christmas card for their family and friends and they couldn’t have been happier with the results. Uncle Alex helped with it and this is the results.


"Age is just a state of mind"...I think that's mine? I could be wrong! I'm old, so sue me.
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch. 5 7/10/2015

Post by begonia9508 »

Sweeter as always...

I guess Liz knows the road well for the hospital, because if they continue this way, they will have their own team of baseball! :lol:

EVE :mrgreen:
Last edited by begonia9508 on Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch. 5 7/10/2015

Post by begonia9508 »

begonia9508 wrote:Sweeter as always...

I guess Liz knows the road well for the hospital, because if they continue this way, they will have their own team of baseball! :lol:

EVE :mrgreen:
- Les jouissances de l'esprit sont faites pour calmer les orages du coeur!
- On reconnaît le bonheur au bruit qu'il fait quand il s'en va!
- L'amour vous rend aveugle et le mariage vous redonne la vue!
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch. 5 7/10/2015

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Aww that is just the sweetest family!
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch. 5 7/10/2015

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I can just see the little girls checking on their brothers all of the time.
Liz and Max are lucky to have such a loving and caring family to help them out with the little ones.
Thanks for the fluff Ginger.
Hope all is well with you,
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Re: Meet the Evans Clan (MATURE) Ch.6 7/17/2015

Post by mary mary »

Eve: LOL, you are so right...they now have 5, they only need 4 more and they can start their own league. :wink:
Roswelllostcause: I guess I'm a dreamer... I guess it's true. :D
Carolyn: Well, it's like I explained to my son the other evening when he was here...Grandparents can spoil them because they aren't responsible for making them into mature adults. That's the neat thing about being a grandparent. Of course, we've done our time and learned from our mistakes too. That's what's so great about it all. :D

Chapter: 6

Ten month old JP was watching his daddy shave and get ready for work
while sitting on the bathroom counter jabbering away. Max continued to carry on a conversation with his youngest child, making sure of his safety, even though he couldn’t understand a word the baby said besides ‘da’ it didn’t matter.

“Well, JP, what do you and mommy have planned today? Are you going to play with your sisters and brothers and then take a nap while Daddy’s at work?”

JP pointed at Max’s razor and said…”Da, mine…”

Max chuckled, “Yes JP…I’m your Da.”

JP pointed to Max’s razor and repeated, “Da, mine.”

Max finished shaving and put the baby on his hip and carried him to the bedroom and saw that Liz was missing.

“Liz, where are you sweetie. We’re finished shaving and I need to get dressed.”

Liz showed up at the door with Briana in tow, only one braid half finished, and said…

“Just one more minute Max…I’m almost finished.” And she finished with Briana’s hair so she would be ready to go to school with her Daddy. The girls attended school at the mansion with the children that were there. Liz felt better about allowing the girls to go to school with Max rather than taking a chance at the local schools. She was still over-protective of her children. There were some things she just couldn’t get used to.

After Liz had the girls ready she took JP and headed to his room to bathe and dress him. Max and the girls were all dressed and now it was JP’s turn. She had taken her eyes away from JP for only a minute to get his clothes from his chest and when she turned JP missing. She went looking for him immediately and found him in their bedroom trying to climb up to the bathroom sink. Liz immediately grabbed for the little man before he managed to climb onto the vanity stool and JP started to scream.

“Hey big guy, what’s wrong?”

JP pointed to Max’s razor and said “Mine.”

“No JP, daddy’s razor.”

JP cried harder, pointed and said, “Mine.”

“No, Daddy’s!” Liz said in a sterner tone.

JP would have no part of it….”Mine.” he sobbed and screamed…

Max, having heard this from the downstairs hallway, came running into the bathroom on a dead run to see what all of the commotion was and JP held his little arms out to his daddy. Max took him and Liz just shrugged her shoulders and told both sets of twins to go downstairs and play until they came down for them….and JP continued to cry.

“What’s wrong big guy? Is mommy being mean to that boy?”

Liz gave Max a glare and Max just chuckled…JP pointed to the razor and said. “Mine.”

Max looked at Liz and she shrugged again and nodded…

Max looked perplexed….”No JP, you can’t have daddy’s razor.”

JP screamed this time and shouted through his tears….”MINE!”

About that time Olivia came running up the stairs and barreled into the bathroom wondering what in the name of heaven was going on and JP held out his little arms to his best friend. Olivia immediately held her arms out to the baby and Max gladly handed him over…JP pointed to the razor amid sobs and said. “Mine.”

Olivia now understood…a tantrum, a most unusual occurrences in this household.

“No JP that will hurt you.” And JP screamed louder and pointed … That was about all Liz was going to take. She took the youngster into her arms and headed for his room. She diapered his little bottom…put him into his crib with his teddy bear and left the room…she quietly said as she left him alone…”Sleep it off JP.” And that quick she was gone in a state of tears…she hated to do this.

Before Max headed downstairs again he peeked into the baby’s room and went over to the crib. JP was still shuddering from his fit of tears, sound asleep.

Max placed a kiss on the baby’s head and patted his little bottom…”You’re going to have to learn JP, she always wins.” And Max left the baby’s room, his own heart breaking along with his sons. He could give him a razor without blades but JP could wind up getting one that wasn’t safe and then they would really have a problem so he let it go.

Downstairs Briana, Deana, Gerard and Parker were all in the family room watching cartoons while Olivia and Liz prepared their breakfast. Max walked in to join the kids when Liz came in to announce it was time to eat and Briana asked her mother if JP was okay.

“Of course he’s okay. Some lessons are just harder to learn than others, on everyone involved.”

Max just smiled at his little wife and gave her a hug. He knew it was for JP’s own good but he also knew it was tough on Liz to have done what she did. He wanted to assure her that he agreed with her 100% and they all went to breakfast.

There were baby monitors all through the house and about an hour later Liz heard JP jabbering to himself so she went up to see how he was. He stood in his crib and held his little arms up to his mother who grabbed him up out of that crib and hugged him to her chest as though her life depended on it.

“Are you ready to face the day JP? We can play with Parker and Gerard and have lots of fun…what do you say?”

“Mama…” JP answered. Liz just smiled and went into JP’s bathroom and fixed his bathwater for him. When she turned around JP was crawling lickety-split toward her and Max’s bathroom once again and she followed. He reached into the dirty clothes basket and came back with Max’s tee shirt.

“Oh God” she thought to herself. She immediately went to Max’s drawer and took a clean tee shirt and put some of Max’s aftershave on it and held it out to the baby.

“Hey, JP, come here sweetheart…try a clean one.” JP immediately headed to his mother and dropped the dirty tee shirt in his wake. He sat down and hugged the shirt and Liz picked him and his shirt up and took him back to his room where she bathed and continued to get him dressed and ready for the day.

When Max came home with the girls about 3:30 in the afternoon JP and the boys were playing with their hot wheels in the play room and JP was sitting on Max’s tee shirt.

“Liz, what is he doing with that tee shirt?” Max was confused.

“Well, it seems that he wants a piece of his daddy with him and since he can’t have your razor he chose a tee shirt.”

“Well if he wants a tee shirt we’ll just buy him a truck load of them.” Max said.

“Oh no Max! It can’t be any old tee shirt; it has to be one of your tee shirts. Think about it. Briana and Deana have had each other since the womb…Parker and Gerard the same. JP has his daddy…he loves his sisters and brothers but he wants his daddy so the next best thing is something that’s daddy’s. Therefore, the tee shirt seems to fit the bill.”

JP carried those tee shirts around for four years…Max wanted to know if they were going to pack one in his lunch pail. The tee-shirts went to the market, the play ground, out to dinner and to church on Sunday.

“You’re the psychologist, you tell me!” Liz laughed…she was sure that JP wouldn’t want the kids in school to know that he was a baby and eventually would give up the shirts. Of course Gerard and Parker had a lot to do with it…teasing eventually catches up with a person one way or another.

And so, the Evans’ clan continued to thrive and grow and everyone was as happy as a family could be. They had their little differences but for the most part they were few and far between and they remained close and loyal to each. Max and Liz couldn’t have been happier and the Children’s Facility was a huge success.


Liz attended Kyle and Tess’s wedding in Connecticut the year after JP was born…Max chose not to acknowledge Liz’s question when she presented him with the invitation.

She knew she broke her promise to him about never mentioning her name in his presence but she felt she should. Max didn’t say anything about her attending alone as long as she didn’t expect him to go. It was beautiful and when Tess had her babies Liz took it upon herself to make sure they were tested for any genetically inherited problems. They were both fine and Tess and Kyle couldn’t thank Liz enough. Liz was more than happy to see to the health of their children and was sure to make them both understand that.

"Age is just a state of mind"...I think that's mine? I could be wrong! I'm old, so sue me.
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