We Hate Men (AU CC MATURE) part 43 10-29-2009 [WIP]

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Post by Drogyn »

Hey everyone,

I finally (!) wrote a new part. It's so weird (good weird) to see
people bumping a story that hasn't had an update in so many months.
I really hope the next update will be faster, but you know me...

have fun reading.

Part 41

“Please Liz, just think about this!” Isabel desperately hissed as the two of them entered the Roswell police department.

The place had a hectic atmosphere; like Liz imagined it would. There were police officers running around all over the place and one of the police officers was having a very heated discussion with a middle-aged blonde woman who was wearing a black leather jacket with the words “You Suck” and four exclamation marks. In the middle of it all, the female police office at the desk, who Liz estimated to be about twenty-two years old, was calmly filing her nails as if the place was deserted.

“Isabel, Jesse is not going to leave you alone. Doing nothing is not the answer,” Liz argued.

“The last time I went to the police, I was the one who was thrown in jail! Excuse me if I don’t have a whole lot of faith in Roswell’s finest.”

“Isabel!” Liz said loudly. “We do not have a choice. I am all up for breaking the law… hypothetically,” she continued when she noticed the glances that several police officers were giving her. She then quickly lowered her voice again. “We can’t turn our backs on this.”

Isabel snorted. “That’s not what you said when it came to Brad.”

Liz’ expression didn’t change. “I hardly think a cheating husband is on the same level as murder.”

Isabel let out a laugh. “Come on Liz, give me a break. You know as well as I do that Brad broke the law at least ten times a day. So when were you going to go to the police about that?”

“With what?” Liz asked. “I was supposed to tell them that Brad forged some documents? That he was speeding on the freeway?”

“Goddammit, Liz!” Isabel said loudly. Realizing that they were making a scene, they quickly walked back outside. “You know very well that he did a lot more than that.”

“Nothing I actually knew anything about,” Liz defended. “What? Do you really think that Brad came home saying ‘guess who I extorted today, honey’?”

“And you’re saying that Jesse did? Liz, you don’t have anything on him.”

“Isabel, I know you’re scared…”

“You’re damn right I’m scared,” Isabel admitted. “I’ve been looking for something to put him away, but I would have never actually sued him unless I was absolutely certain I had a solid case. You have nothing! All you’re gonna do is piss him off.”

“Then what is your solution?” Liz asked calmly.

“Your ex-husband,” Isabel offered. “He’s the scum of the earth, but if there’s anyone in this town that is a real match for Jesse, it’s him. He would help us if we asked.”

“No, he wouldn’t,” Liz disagreed. “In fact, he would actively look for a way to make things worse. I know him.”

“I know him too,” Isabel argued. “Maybe not as good as you, but I know that his world revolves around money. You took a great deal from him and I’m sure he would like some of it back.”

“Well, I don’t have it!” Liz hissed back, immediately regretting saying it.

Isabel’s eyes opened wide. “What do you mean, you don’t have it?” Isabel asked.

“Nothing. Forget it,” Liz amended. She took a deep breath and decided a different strategy. “Look, Jesse knows that you’re too afraid to go to the police. He knows that he can harass you as much as he wants and that he will get away with it. Hell, he actually paid someone to make your life miserable. He will not stop unless we make him stop!”

Isabel swallowed. “I know, and you’re right… but Jesse has friends everywhere, especially here. He’s going to know that we were here, why we were here, what time we got here, what color shirts we were wearing… everything!”

“I know… I know,” Liz agreed. “But what else can we do?”

“Nothing,” Isabel softly admitted. “I guess we’re screwed either way.”

“That’s the miss Sunshine we all know and love,” Liz said. “Come on.”

And with those words, Liz grabbed Isabel’s arm and dragged her into the police station.


Thirty minutes later, Liz and Isabel walked out the police station. “That was…” Liz started.

“Typical? Strange? Humiliating?” Isabel guessed.

“All of the above,” Liz agreed. “They didn’t even listen to us. They just sat there with those stupid vacant expressions on their faces. I think the most intelligent thing they said was hello.”

“One of them actually laughed when you mentioned Jesse Ramirez,” Isabel recounted.

“I know. I was there!” Liz snapped. “Sorry,” she immediately apologized.

“So what now?” Isabel asked.

“I don’t know… and don’t even start suggesting Brad again. I’ve exterminated that cockroach from my life. Let’s hook up a Wii in my bedroom just yet.”

“Liz? What did you mean before, that you didn’t have the money?” Isabel suddenly asked. “Alex didn’t mention an exact number, but it’s gotta be at least fifty million. That can’t be gone. Not even Paris Hilton could spend that much money.”

“Well, actually it was a little over seventy nine million,” Liz started. “And I got rid of it.”

“Liz, if this is a joke, I don’t get it,” Isabel said seriously.

“It’s not a joke. I bought the restaurant and the house, I kept a finance buffer for the restaurant… and I asked Alex to divide all the remaining money between seven charity organizations I picked.”

“Alex knew about this?!” Isabel shrieked.

“I asked him not to tell anyone,” Liz calmly explained.

“Why?!” Isabel asked loudly.

“Because I didn’t want to have this conversation,” Liz explained as she walked to the car.

Isabel stood frozen for a second and then trailed after Liz. “So you’re telling me that after all the trouble we went through… oh I get it, this is a joke, right? Giving poor Isabel a heart-attack is funny.”

“It’s not a joke,” Liz said without looking back at Isabel.

“I agree, because it’s really not funny,” Isabel said. “Liz!”

“Iz, I really don’t want to discuss this right now,” Liz evaded. “Weren’t we talking about how to counter the mortal threat that is Jesse?”

“We were, before you told me you threw away the gross national product of a small country,” Isabel insisted. “So just tell me why on Earth you did this!”

“I wanted to,” Liz explained. “And that’s the end of this discussion. I mean it.”

Without a word, both women got into the car and Liz drove them away.


“And you do know why she said that, right? It was because she was jealous of what…”

The rest of the sentence was lost to Tess as she threw her head back on the couch and sighed. With Isabel and Liz being at the police station and Maria being at work, Maria had arranged for one of her friends to look after her. Of course, Tess had insisted that she was more than capable of staying alone on the couch in a locked house for a few hours, but all three girls had ganged up on her, reminding her of what happened the last time she had said that.

Finally, Tess had reluctantly agreed, which was something she now regretted. Serena; that was the girl’s name, was nice and all, but she didn’t only talk a mile a minute, she also talked in a high-pitched voice that got louder at the end of each sentence. She seriously considered waking up Kyle, who was asleep upstairs, just so she could get some moral support. She managed to restrain herself because she knew he needed his rest, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t tempted.

“…don’t you think so too?” Serena asked suddenly.

“Uh, sure,” Tess said with a deep sigh.

“Exactly, so what did he think making…” Serena continued, but Tess had already tuned her out. She didn’t want to be this rude, but she just couldn’t help herself. This wasn’t a conversation; this was a monologue about all the little things she hated about her boyfriend Liam. It was funny the first fifteen minutes, but now it was beginning to get really tiresome.

“Tess, are you alright?” Serena suddenly asked.

“Of course,” Tess said with a polite smile.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been talking a lot, haven’t I? Liam always says so too, but he said he doesn’t mind if I talk as long as he doesn’t have to listen… I think that was joking when he said that. Don’t you think so?”

“I sincerely hope so,” Tess replied honestly. “So how come you got stuck with the babysitting duties? Does Maria have compromising pictures of you or something?”

“She asked, and it’s not like I have anything better to do,” Serena said with a shrug. “I’m starting my new job in two weeks and until then, I’m bored out of my skull.”

“Well, you’ll never be bored here,” Tess offered.

“Yes, I heard some of the wacky things that happened to all of you. To tell you the truth, that’s just a little too much excitement for me,” Serena said.

“I hear ya,” Tess agreed. “I could live with a little less excitement too. But on the plus side, I did get to know Kyle.”

Serena smiled. “Yes, I heard. You know, I actually went to high school with him.”

“You did? What was he like?”

“Well, he was nice… which was a little strange because he was on the football team and those guys weren’t known for their charming personalities,” Serena explained.

“Did you two ever… you know?” Tess asked cautiously.

Serena thought about it for a second. “Yes, quite often actually. Usually at his place.”

Tess frowned slightly. “You did?” she asked softly.

“Absolutely, but we did it at my place too sometimes,” Serena continued, not able to hide the smirk forming on her face. “But it was a little awkward with my parents watching us.”

Tess’ eyes opened wide. “Are you freaking serious?!” It took her another second to catch on. “Wait a second. What are we talking about here?”

“Well, I was talking about math. What were you thinking about?” she asked innocently.

“Well… biology,” Tess said uncomfortably.

Serena smiled. “I suppose you’re talking about the kind without a textbook?”

“I guess.”

Serena let out a laugh. “No, we never did that. He uh… he wasn’t my type.”

“So you asked him out and he said no?”

“A minor technicality,” Serena said with a shrug. “But I’m onto bigger and better things now.”

Now it was Tess’ turn to smile. “Like a guy who tells you that he always yawns when he’s interested?”

“Well, I’m assuming that was a joke,” Serena answered. “But he can be really sweet too, and he’s a god in the sack.”

Tess coughed. “I can see why you and Maria are friends.”

“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” Serena offered.

“Oh, it is,” Tess agreed.

When the front door opened, Tess and Serena both turned their heads towards the door and saw Liz and Isabel walk inside. “You guys are back early,” Tess stated. “What happened?”

“It was a bust,” Liz answered.

“Well, I hate to say I told you so,” Isabel started.

“You love to say I told you so,” Tess corrected. “What happened?”

“I guess it was a little naïve to think they would take our word on the matter, but they didn’t even listen to us. Not really,” Liz explained. “One of them even laughed when I mentioned Jesse Ramirez.”

“Well, it was worth a shot,” Tess said apologetically.

“It was worth a shot?” Isabel said incredulously. “We openly declared war on Jesse when we have nothing on him and you’re saying it was worth a shot?! If nothing else, we should have waited until we had something substantial.”

Tess sighed. “You reported what you knew about a murder. You did the only right thing.”

“That makes me feel a lot better,” Isabel said sarcastically. “But wait! There’s more good news.”

“Just drop it, Isabel,” Liz said sternly. She was getting more and more annoyed by her friend. She really could understand where Isabel was coming from, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t considering giving her a slap in the face.

Tess sighed. “Do I dare ask?”

Liz let out a sigh too. “Let’s save that discussion for a later day.”

“Fine,” Isabel reluctantly agreed. “So what are we gonna do about Jesse?”

“Does Alex have any ideas?” Tess asked. “I mean... he’s a lawyer, so maybe he…”

“He doesn’t,” Liz interrupted. “I already called him.”

“That’s just great!” Isabel said, sitting down on the couch and leaning back tiredly.

“Then maybe it’s time to get a little more proactive,” Tess suggested. “It’s a little risky, but I don’t think we have a choice anymore.”

“You have a plan?” Isabel asked, a little more hopeful.

Tess smiled. “Anyone ever hear of Sun Tzu?”

Serena looked at the group incredulously. “Life is never boring with you guys, is it?”

“Nope,” all three girls answered simultaneously.

Serena smiled. “Can I help?”

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part 42

Post by Drogyn »

Hello everyone.

I know you didn't think it would ever happen, but after over one and a half years, I finally decided to continue this fic. I want to thank everyone for the kind words and the many pm's regarding this fic. I don't think I would have continued this story if it hadn't been for the massive support. So thank you all.

Now, without further ado...

Part 42

Silence filled the room as several jaws dropped and everyone in the room looked at Tess as if she had gone completely insane. Tess smiled cautiously. “So… what do you think?”

“That depends…” Maria answered hesitantly.

“On what?”

“On exactly how serious you are,” Maria explained..

“I am dead-serious.”

“Yes, dead being the operative word,” Isabel sniped. “I warned you that those Gilmore Girls episodes would fry your brain, but you just never listen.” She shook her head in frustration and took a deep breath before continuing. “Tess, Jesse Ramirez is the devil incarnate but he’s not stupid and while Brad actually is stupid, he’s not that stupid.”

Tess smiled. “Oh yes they are. Men are dumber than you think, especially when they think they think they’re one step ahead of you.”

“No! Not a chance! Absolutely not!” Isabel said in her most definitive tone. “I mean, I don’t know what you did to make this plan the worst one I ever heard, but it’s really working.”

“Come on Isabel… Tess has a point,” Liz said. “We can’t just do nothing.”

Isabel looked at Maria. “Figures that the sister thing would kick in exactly at a time like this,” she scoffed. “Liz did you even listen to what she said?”

“Alright then, let’s hear your plan,” Liz said, defiantly crossing her arms. “Let’s hear how you were planning on getting Jesse Ramirez off your back and in a federal prison.”

“No. That’s not how this works,” Isabel defended. “Just because I have no alternative does not mean that Tess’s plan is a good one. If it doesn’t work, he will come after us with everything he’s got. Maria, would you back me up on this?!”

Maria sighed. As much as she hated to admit it, Liz did have a point. “Iz, I agree that the plan is dangerous… and insane… but as Liz pointed out, we can’t just do nothing. If we do nothing, there’s no telling what will happen.”

“Inactivity is death,” Tess mumbled.

“Would you stop quoting Mussolini!” Isabel shouted out. “He obviously wants us to leave him alone and I think we should just do what he wants.”

“And you actually think he will back off?” Maria asked genuinely.

Isabel rubbed her forehead and sighed loudly. “No,” she said in defeat, “No, I suppose he wouldn’t.”

Serena cautiously held up her hand. “Uh… dare I say anything?” After an affirmative nods from Tess, she continued. “I think the plan is brilliant.”

Isabel’s mouth opened wide. “Is it mass-lobotomy day today?”

Serena just smiled. “I don’t know Jesse Ramirez, but he sounds like exactly the kind of guy who would fall for a trap like this.”

“Look, maybe you’re right,” Isabel said. “But isn’t it best to try and avoid going to war with one of the most powerful men in town?”

“Yes it would,” Tess agreed. “But you can’t prevent war and prepare for war at the same time.”

“That’s bullshit. Did you just make that up?” Isabel countered.

“No actually, that was Einstein.”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “Well, what did he know?!”

Liz took a step towards Isabel. “Iz… Jesse is not going to leave you alone unless we make him, you said that yourself. I get that you’re scared… we all are, but we don’t have a choice.”

Isabel let out another sigh. “You’re gonna do it no matter what I say, aren’t you?” She paused for a second. “Oh what the hell. We already declared war on him by going to the cops; what do we have to lose?”

“That’s the spirit,” Tess said with a grin. ”After all, we can’t go to war without our very own warmarshal.”


“I thought so,” Tess agreed.

“Alright, so what do we do now?” Maria asked.

“Tonight, we spend with our loved ones,” Tess started. “Tomorrow, we will risk our lives for freedom and justice, to protect the innocent and the weak and to…”

“Hey!” Isabel interrupted. “Weak?”

Tess’ mouth opened wide in shock and she stared at Isabel for a few seconds before saying anything. “Do you realize that you just interrupted the classic we’re-going-to-war speech of this epic tale? The speech which would have boosted morale and which would have included powerful words like freedom, justice, evil and sacrifice?”

Liz smiled. “Well, you got to use the words justice and freedom… and I don’t really need to hear the word sacrifice spoken out loud.”

“And we already know that Jesse is evil,” Maria added. “So we really didn’t miss that much.”

Tess couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, fair enough.”

“So what are you going to tell Kyle?” Liz asked.

“Nothing,” Tess answered. “Because if I know Kyle, he’s hiding at the top of the stairs, listening to every word we’re saying, fighting the urge to run downstairs and tell me this is a bad plan.”

“Isn’t that right, Kyle?” Tess added loudly.

“You’re damn right!” a voice sounded from upstairs.

Isabel smiled. “Sounds like you’re in for a fun evening.”

“Don’t worry. I have my ways of shutting him up,” Tess said with a grin. “So what are the three of you gonna do tonight?”

“I think I’m gonna give Max a call. You know, things actually went well with his parents yesterday,” Liz explained.

“The wicked witch calmed down? Wow, didn’t see that coming,” Isabel noted.

“Well, she still doesn’t like me a whole lot,” Liz clarified. “But she did her very best to be nice to me. I was impressed.”

“That’s really good to hear,” Tess offered.

“She’s just worried about her son,” Liz said. “I understand that she doesn’t trust me. I’m just glad she seems to have accepted that I’m dating Max now.”

“She’ll learn to love you,” Maria said. “Anyway, I’m going over to Michael’s place.”

“Going to work off calories?” Isabel asked innocently.

“No, we’re watching a movie,” Maria denied without even thinking.

“Sure you are,” Liz mocked. “And what about you, Isabel.”

“Oh, I’m gonna get Alex to work off calories with me if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Alright then,” Maria said. “We meet here tomorrow morning at eight… well, let’s make it eleven,” she added with a smirk.


About half an hour later, Isabel arrived at Alex’s place, where she parked the car in front of the house. For some reason, she was very nervous. So nervous, that it reminded her of the first real date she had in highschool when she was fifteen.

“God, I hope I don’t throw up again,” she silently muttered to herself.

She just didn’t understand where the nervousness was coming from. She had been on countless first dates and none of them made her feel even remotely like this. And it wasn’t like this was her first date with Alex. So why was she suddenly so nervous?

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the car, walked to the front door and rang the doorbell. After a few seconds, Alex opened the door and immediately smiled. “Well, this is certainly a welcome surprise. Please come in.”

Isabel came in and followed Alex to the living room where they sat down next to each other. After a few seconds, Alex spoke. “What’s wrong Iz?”

“Wrong? Why would something be wrong?” Isabel denied.

“Because you’re quiet, you’re trembling and you’re sitting on my couch with your coat on,” Alex explained.

“I guess I’m just nervous… you know, about tomorrow,” Isabel quickly added.

Alex looked confused. “And what happens tomorrow?”

“You mean Liz didn’t call you?” Isabel asked, more or less rhetorically. “Tess came up with a plan to get Jesse Ramirez off our backs.”

Alex smiled slightly. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re not very confident in this plan?”

Isabel couldn’t help but smile as well. “Because you’re a very perceptive person.”

“Talk to me, Iz,” Alex said caringly.

“Alex, have you ever seen a cartoon of the Roadrunner? Wiley E Coyote would lift an anvil over the road. Then, when the roadrunner would stop at that exact spot, he would drop the anvil on him.” Isabel was silent for a few seconds. “That’s how Tess’s plan feels to me. If Jesse doesn’t stop in exactly the right place at the right time, the whole thing is gonna backfire beyond control, just like it always did for Wiley E Coyote.”

“Then why did you agree to it?” Alex just asked.

“Because…” Isabel said, letting out a deep sigh. “…we don’t have a choice. The Roadrunner is running to a big red destroy-Isabel button. However stupid this plan is, it’s the only one we have.”

“Well, you’re not in a cartoon. In this world, the roadrunner doesn’t have to win,” Alex said. “You, Liz, Maria and Tess are four of the most resourceful and couragous people I have ever met. If anyone has the guts and the ability to teach Jesse Ramirez a lesson, it’s you. You know, I did watch the roadrunner when I was a kid, and what I liked most about it was how resourceful and determined Wiley E Coyote was. He kept thinking of new ways to win and he never ever gave up.”

“But he still lost,” Isabel muttered.

“It was a cartoon, Isabel,” Alex said. “The roadrunner was the good guy and because of that, he had to win. Jesse is not in a cartoon and he’s not the good guy. He will lose because he’s too selfcentered and arrogant and because quite frankly, he just has it coming!”

Isabel couldn’t help but smile. “I really thought you were gonna try to talk me out of it.”

“No,” Alex said, a smile forming on his lips as well. “I know better than to try and argue with you when I can tell you’ve already made up your mind.”

“I’m just afraid, Alex,” Isabel said softly.

Alex wrapped his arm around her. “I have the utmost confidence that it’ll all work out. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Yes,” Isabel said. “You can keep holding me.”


With her coat already on, Liz stepped into her living room. “Alright, I’m gonna go to Max. It is safe leaving you here without supervision, right?”

“You collapse one time, on the way to the friggin’ bathroom…” Tess grumbled.

“What was that?” Liz asked, though it was clear that Liz heard every word.

“I mean… yes ma’am!” Tess said loudly.

“Good. Now, is there anything you need before I go?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Tess quickly said. “I talked to Isabel before she left.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “And let me guess… Isabel couldn’t help herself and told you about the money. I know you think it was a mistake and that I was an idiot for doing it, but…”

“No!” Tess interrupted. “No, that’s not what I was gonna say at all.”

Liz paused a few seconds before cautiously speaking. “Then what?”

Tess smiled. “I just wanted to tell you that I think you did the right thing.”

Liz looked confused. “You really think so?”

“Yes,” Tess confirmed. “And I’m really proud of you.”

A smile formed on Liz’s lips as well. “I’m really happy to hear you say that.”

“Well, I mean it… and I think Isabel gets it too. She just hoped that the money could help her with her problems with Jesse,” Tess explained.

“Yes, I know,” Liz said softly. “But money is not the most important thing in the world. What’s important is friendship, and love.”

“You mean you don’t love money?” Tess quipped.

“I like it a normal amount,” Liz corrected, a grin forming on her face.

“You know, some people think that money is the root of all evil,” Tess noted.

“Ever wondered what the root of all money is?” Liz countered.

Tess smiled. “Good point, but all kidding aside, why didn’t you just tell us?”

Liz pondered that question a few seconds before answering. “You all helped me to get it, and I guess I felt that you deserved more than me pissing it all away.”

“Pissing it away?” Tess asked, her eyes wide in amusement. “Liz, you didn’t flush it down the toilet; you did with it what you thought was best. You could have used it to live like a queen for the rest of your life, but instead you used it to help other people. How can you say you pissed it away?”

“I don’t know, but it was just how I felt, so I decided to keep it to myself.”

“I understand,” Tess said, nodding in understanding. “I do have a request.”

Liz could practically see the twinkle lights turn on in Tess’s eyes and for some reason, she knew exactly what Tess wanted to ask. She smirked widely before answering. “Yes, you can be there when I tell Maria.”

“Yes!” Tess laughed. “I’ll be sure to bring my camera. This is gonna be fun!”

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part 43

Post by Drogyn »

I've been having a little trouble with the M/M part I was gonna put in here, so I've decided to just post what I have and leave the M/M stuff for the next part. My apologies to everyone hoping for some candy action; I'll try to write some for the next part. As a result, this part's a little shorter than usual, but I hope you'll like it anyway.

Part 43

Just as she was about to ring the doorbell of Max’s place, Liz hesitated. Maybe surprising Max with a visit wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe she should have called. However, she also immediately realized that it was a little late for thoughts like that. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the doorbell.

“Could you get that?” she heard Max’s voice.

Liz cursed inwardly. She had hoped for a night alone with Max and here he was having company. After a few seconds, a woman of about her age opened the door. “Uh… I was looking for Max,” Liz said meekly.

”Hello Liz. Please, come in,” the woman said kindly.

Liz was a little confused. The girl looked familiar but she had no idea who it was. The two of them walked inside and Liz noticed that the dinner table that was set for two and that there was noise coming out of the kitchen. “I’m sorry, who are you again?” Liz finally asked.

“Laurie. I’m a friend of Max and you know me because I’m Isabel Evans’s secretary,” Laurie explained, which caused Liz to smile in recognition.

“Who was it?” Max asked from the kitchen.

“Oh, just Liz,” Laurie said nonchalantly.

Within five seconds, Max came dashing out of the kitchen in a white apron. “Now that is dissapointing,” Liz said. “I sort of hoped it would be a pink one.”

“Liz!” Max yelped, his mind racing. They hadn’t made any plans, did they?

“Sorry, we didn’t make any plans,” Liz clarified as if she could read his mind. “I just thought I’d stop by, but I see you have company, so I’ll just see you another time.”

“I’m sorry,” Max apologized.

“Don’t say sorry, you goof! Just invite her to join us,” Laurie scolded. “And don’t worry about having enough food. You know as well as I do that you’ll end up screwing up whatever it is you’re making and we’ll end up buying dinner from the Chinese restaurant down the street anyway.”

Liz had to do her very best not to burst into laughter from the indignant expression on Max’s face, but she managed to control herself. “I uh… I don’t want to intrude on your dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Liz offered.

“Don’t go,” Max pleaded. “I’d love for you to join us.”

“Thanks, but I don’t think…” Liz started before being cut off.

“Oh come on,” Laurie interjected. “We can swap embarassing stories about Max. It’ll be fun.”

Liz smiled. “Yes, I suppose that would be fun,” she agreed.

Laurie smiled and turned to Max. So should I get the Chinese food now, or do we wait until you smell that you’re burning your food?”

With a jolt, Max turned around and ran back into the kitchen. The sauce was definitely burnt, but the rest seemed relatively unscathed. As he reached to take the sauce off the fire, he bumped against one of the other pans, which immediately came crashing to the ground; its contents scattering over the kitchen floor.

In the living room, Laurie smiled as she looked at Liz. “Sometimes, I can’t for the life of me figure out how such a great doctor is such a disaster in the kitchen. I sure hope you can cook.”

Liz smiled. “Maria has forbidden me to ever touch the cooking equipment at the restaurant because she’s convinced a single touch from me can give people food poisoning.”

“Well, then I guess it’s good that he keeps trying,” Laurie noted.

“Yeah, I guess,” Liz agreed. “So how do you know Max?”

“Well, until a week ago, he used to date my roommate, but I’ve known him longer than that. Our parents have been friends for a long time, so I’ve basically known him all my life. They even tried to set us up together awhile ago.”

“They tried to get you and Max together?”

“Well, they didn’t openly admit it, but it was a so incredibly obvious.”

“So did you and Max ever…” Liz asked, leaving the end of the sentence hanging.

“Sadly, Max is not my type,” Laurie said. “Which is a shame because he’s really great… though it’s probably good for you.”

Liz smirked. “So friendly, smart, funny and gorgeous are not your type?”

“Well, I like my women to be able to cook,” Laurie joked.

“Women?” Liz asked.

Laurie hadn’t realized her slip-up until just now. “Uh… well…” she stammered.

“You’re gay?” Liz helped.

Laurie sighed. She really hadn’t meant to tell her, but the secret was out. “Please don’t tell anyone. Max is the only one who knows.”

“My lips are sealed. I promise,” Liz offered.

“Thanks,” Laurie said, visibly relieved. “So how did you and Max meet?”

“I was visiting a friend at the hospital and Max was her doctor,” Liz said. “I still don’t know why I said yes when he asked me out, because I was in the middle of a divorce at the time.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Well, it’s behind me now,” Liz continued. “I’m glad I said yes though because like you said; Max is really great. His mom didn’t like me a lot because she was the judge at my divorce case, but she seems to have accepted that Max and I are dating now.”

“Yes, Diane can be a little difficult, but she always calms down after awhile,” Laurie agreed. She then turned towards the kitchen door. “Are you alright in there, chef?” she asked loudly.

“It’s fine,” Max said from the kitchen.

Laurie smirked and turned towards Liz, who took over. “Really? Because I heard this loud noise coming from the kitchen a minute ago and then there’s this strong smell of burnt sauce.”

“It’s fine,” Max repeated, a little louder.

“You know, you got two options, Max,” Laurie started. “Option one is that me and Liz step into the kitchen and see for ourselves, and option two is that you say what you want me to get from Mr Ling’s.”

Liz and Laurie grinned as if they could see Max’s expression. A few seconds later, Max came walking out of the kitchen. His white apron wasn’t very white anymore. “Surprise us,” Max relented.

Laurie smirked one last time and walked towards the door. “Be back in a few. Try not to burn the house down in the meantime.”

Liz and Max sat down on the couch and turned to each other. When they heard the front door close, Max sighed. “I have no idea why this keeps happening to me. How can I suck so bad when it comes to cooking food?”

Liz smiled. “I have no idea, but it’s nice to finally meet someone who’s as bad in the kitchen as me. So… Laurie told me your parents tried to set the two of you up together.”

Max grinned. “Yes, they made a boring evening a lot less boring by inviting her.”

“She’s nice,” Liz offered.

“Just in case you were wondering… Laurie is just a friend and nothing more,” Max said.

“I know. She’s gay… she just told me,” Liz said calmly.

“She… she told you?” Max asked incredulously.

“Well, she kind of slipped up during our conversation. To be honest, I’m not really that good at keeping secrets.”

“You’ll manage,” Max offered.

“Maybe,” Liz mumbled with her face to the ground. When she finally looked at Max again, her expression was totally different. “Max, can I talk to you about something?”

Max noticed the sudden seriousness in her voice and he couldn’t help but worry. Liz had several sides, but he never heard her sound so… scared. “Of course.”

“I’ve been acting like I’m confident about this plan because I didn’t want the others to worry, but I am so not confident about this. In fact, I am completely… unconfident.” She cringed at the sound of her rape of the English language, but continued anyway. “I mean, the plan is dangerous and I know it’s out only chance and we can’t do nothing, but I’m afraid that…”

“Liz,” Max said, trying to sound as calm as he could. “What are you talking about?”

Liz looked down at the floor. “Maria, Isabel, Tess and me got involved in some things that maybe we should have stayed clear of,” Liz started. “Have you ever heard of Jesse Ramirez?”

“Can’t say that I have,” Max said apologetically.

“Well, he’s rich and powerful… and he’s killed people who got in his way. And now, he has his aim on us… most particularly Isabel. We tried going to the police, but they’re deeply incompetent and I think it only made things worse.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“We’re going to strike back tomorrow. Tess made up a plan and if everything goes well, he’ll be in jail this time tomorrow, but it’s so risky. One tiny mistake and everything will backfire and we’ll be in more trouble than before.”

“Isn’t there another way?” Max asked caringly.

“I wish there was,” Liz admitted. “I’m sorry to bother you with this, but I just… I need someone to tell me that we’re doing the right thing.”

“I honestly don’t know exactly what’s going on,” Max started. “But the way I understand it is that you’re protecting your friend. I hope you’ll be careful, but I know that you’ll do the right thing because I know you.”

“Thank you,” Liz said softly. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.”

“Well, you’ve had a lot of things piling up the last weeks. A messy divorce, a friend in the hospital, talking to your parents again, finding out you have a sister, and now the thing with Jesse something… it’s only normal to start feeling overwhelmed and scared.”

“Thanks,” Liz said appreciatively.

“So have you found out anything about your new sister?” Max asked.

Liz’ eyes opened wide and her hand shot up to cover her gaping mouth. “Oh my God! Max, I’m so sorry! I didn’t tell you last night because we were at your parents and I totally forgot that you didn’t know yet.”

“Know what? Did you meet her?” Max asked expectantly.

“It’s Tess.”

“Tess as in your friend who was in the hospital only days ago?”

“The one and only.” Liz smiled slightly when she realized Max wasn’t upset for her not telling him earlier. “She took it a lot better than I would have. She even visited my… our mother in the hospital. She came despite the fact that my parents treated her like dirt and she wasn’t even being hateful towards them.”

“You would have done the same thing,” Max insisted.

“No, I wouldn’t,” Liz said and Max could tell that she was very serious. “Maybe I would have gone to see them, but it would have been with the sole purpose of making them feel as bad as I possibly could. I know it’s not nice, but it’s not like they didn’t deserve it.”

“Well, I’m really happy for you. She sounds like a really great person,” Max offered.

Liz smiled. “You know, I always wanted to have a sister and I’m really happy that it’s someone who’s as great as Tess. I’m just afraid that it’ll jeapardize my friendship with her.”

“Is there any indication that it will?”

“Not too long after she found out, she called me on a lot of things that she had kept bottled up,” Liz said softly. “At first I was shocked that of all people, Tess would be the one to say those things to me, but she was right about many of the things she said.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad. Maybe you needed someone to break the news to you, and maybe the best person to do this was your new sister.”

Liz smiled. “You’re right, and we talked about it later. I think we’re might even become closer than we were, but I just can’t be sure. I guess we’ll see how things go.”

“So are you sure you don’t you want to spend tonight with her?” Max asked. “You know, bond some more?”

“Tess is at my place with Kyle. I have a feeling they will appreciate some alone time.”

“Whoa whoa,” Max said, suddenly jumping to doctor-mode. “Neither of them is in any condition to…”

A loud laugh from Liz interrupted Max’s sentence. “I wouldn’t worry. Tess has no problem with throwing caution in the wind when it comes to herself, but she would never put Kyle’s health in jeopardy.”

“Well, I’m glad you choose to come here tonight. Do you want me to get rid of Laurie?” Max asked.


“Really?” Max asked. “Because she’d understand.”

Liz smirked. “You’re just afraid of the stories she’s gonna tell about you. No way, Evans! She’s staying.”
