Rebel Ballas (UC, Tess/Max, Adult) [COMPLETE]

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Rebel Ballas (UC, Tess/Max, Adult) [COMPLETE]

Post by gnrkrystle »

Disclaimer: I dont own Roswell...blah blah blah
Category: Max/Tess
Rating: Adult at points
Summary: Max is attracted to Tess, then Liz leaves and sparks to find out...
A/N: I wanted to try this, becuase i've become a little Tess fan recently... i usually write Maria, so this is new. Please feedback...much love

Chapter 1:

Max looked at the girl Isabel introduced. Tess, he thought she said. She was hot. He scolded himself for thinking about that. He was with Liz. He loved Liz. But he guessed it didn't hurt to look. And damn was she alot to look at.

He could tell Michael was suspicious. But he was suspicious of everyone. She was probably just another new girl at school. But he had an unnatuaral attraction to her. That was weird. It could have anything to do with the low cut top she was wearing, could it?

"Hi," he greeted her. Isabel smiled.

"Hello, Max." she answered with a sweet smile. Michael didn't say anything to her. That was Michael. He never trusted anyone.

She and isabel retreated to Isabel's room and Max turned to Michael, "Well that was friendly," he said with a sarcastic smile.

"Hey, i'm not here to make new friends." Michael said in a gruff tone.

Max just laughed at him. "Ok, well let's get back to work. We need to learn to read that map." he said.

"So, your brother is really hot," Tess said to Isabel, which made Isabel fake gag.

"That's my brother!" she said, "Besides, he has a girlfriend, and they are like IN LOVE."

"Oh," Tess said disappointed. She felt somthing from him. She knew he was the one she was looking for.

The next day, at school, Max sat in his usual seat in Biology next to Liz. He gave her a peck on the cheek and she returned with a smile.

But Max couldn't take his eyes off of Tess. She was in his class and she looked even hotter today than she did yesterday, 'get it together' he told hmself.

Mr. Seligman entered the classroom, "Ok Class, today we have a new lab. i see Tess has no partner. Max, why don't you help Tess out."

Max got up and walked over to Tess. How was he going to get his hormones under control with her looking that hot and smelling so great. All he could picture was taking Tess right there on the Lab table in front of the rest of the class. It was vivid and he didn't noticed that he put his arm right in the bunsin burner.

"Max, you're on fire," Tess said sweetly. He snapped out of his day dream and put his arm out. He was embarrased to say the least. Liz gave him a look of confusion. He was glad she couldn't read his mind, becuase his thoughts about the new girl were nothing PG.

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Chapter 2

"So, you find out anything about the new girl?" Maria asked Isabel as she flopped down on the Evan's couch.

"God, you are all paranoid." Isabel said with a laugh. Oficially everyone in thier group had asked her about Tess. She didn't think there was anything off about her. Sometimes she got vibes from her, but she just ignored them.

"I'm just saying, maybe she isn't just th enew girl. Maybe she is and alien hunter," Maria said going into full-blown investigation mode.

"You know, you and Michael are perfect for each other," Isabel said grinning. She had really come to like Maria. It was hard to belive that they were once enemies. Now, Maria was by far her best friend other than Max and Michae.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, she seems nice enough. Wait. You aren't going to stop hanging out with me, now. Becuase you have a new friend?" Maria asked only half serious. She knew that what thier group shared, bound them together.

Isabel play slapped her, "No, unfortunatly, i think we are stuck together," she said with a laugh.


Max was feeling guilty about his thoughts about Tess. He wanted to talk to Liz. Maybe if he did, he wouldn't be thinking about Tess anymore. There was somthing about that girl. It was like her knew her. But he couldn't place where he knew her from.

"Hey, Liz." He said when she answered.

"Hi, Max." Liz said over excitedly. "Whats up?" she asked

"Nothing. Just calling to say hey." Max said.

"Max, you sound weird. Whats up?"

"Nothing," Max said quickly. He didn't need her to be suspicious. "Just wanted to say hey. Becuase i probably wont make it to the Crashdown tonight. Michael and I are going to look at the map." He covered quickly.

"Oh, ok. Wll, if i see you cool. if not i'll see you tomorrow." Liz said. Did she always sound that pathetic, Max thought and then mentally kicked himself. Where were these anti-Liz thoughts comming from?


Tess walked into her house after a long night at the Crashdown. She met up with Isabel and Maria and hung out. It was nice. She was gald to have friends. She had never really had any. And she figured she would be staying in Roswell for a while becuase she was almost possitive that Michael, Isabel, and Max were the ones she and Nesado had been looking for.

She gt vibes from them. Especially Max. It was like they were linked in some way. "Tess?" Nesado called out her here.

"Yeah, i'm home," She said. She hated living with him. he was so unfeeling. So callous. He never hurt anyone, but he looked at humans like pests. Tess had learned to think like that too, but meeting Alex and Maria made her really re-think that. They were pretty cool. Funny and smart. She liked them. Besides, if she was right about Max, Michael, and Isabel, they were totally trustworthy by keeping thier secret.

"Did you find anything out?' Nesado asked. That was all he cared about. He didn't care if she got home safe. Or if she was ok. He just wanted to know if she had made contact with Zan, Rath, and Vilondra.

"I told you. I think it is them, but they hacn't used thier powers in front of me or anything." Tess said.

"Well, then we have to make them use thier powers." Nesado said.

"I dont even want to know waht you are planning. Just let me have a few days to get the la of the land." Tess said in an i-mean-business tone. She didn't know why, but Nesado always did as she said. It was like he had too becuase he relented and went back to his room.

Tess flopped down on te couch and turned on the TV. She couldn't get Max Evans out of her head. He was smart, mysterious and sexy. But there was somthing else about him. Somthing familiar. She didn't know what it was. If he really was Zan, then that would explain part of it. But the vibes she got from him were stronger than the ones she got from Michael and Isabel.

Nesado never would tell her anything about her life on Antar. All she knew was that she, Zan, Rath, and Vilondra were related and lived before. Nesado always said that thier past would be revealed when they got all together.

Well, that didn't help her. She didn't know how she was going to get them to open up to her. She'd have to figure somthing out.


"Max," Michael yelled over the phone. "We've got a problem. Valenti is spying on us."

Max colleceted his thought, "Wait how do you figure?"

"A camera. he placed a camera in my apartment. I found it. It has to be him." Max said.

"Calm down. I'm on my way." Max said throwing on his coat and climbing out the window.

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Chapter 3

"Michael, this can't be from Valenti," Max said aster seeing the camera.

"How the hell do you know?" Michael shot back incredulously.

"This camera is too expensive. Valenti doesn't have the resources." Max said. Michael backed down slightly. Max had a point.

"Well, what about that new girl...Tish. There is somthing off about her." Michael said. He too had been getting the vibes from her, but he wasn't about to just blow them off like her knew Max and Isabel were.

"Her name is Tess, and I don't think there is anything going on with her. You are just paranoid." Max said with a chuckles. Sure, he couldn't get dirty thoughts about Tess out of his head, and she gave him vibes, but that didn't mean she was watching them. It just ment that MAx needed a hormone supressant.


"So when do you get off?" Michael askes Maria at the Crashdown.

"I'm closing with you," she said wrapping her arms around his waist.

"You want to come over after?" Michael asked.

"Sure," Maria said with a grin.

"Ok, well can you bring Alex over?" Michael asked. Not realizing that Maria had somthing else in mind.

"Uhhh, yeah?" Maria said. Michael, still oblivious, was unaware that Maria was slightly disapointed and confused

Just then Tess and isabel walked in. Maria smiled and waved at them. "Stay away from her, Maria." Michael said pulling her closer to him.

"Ok, Dad." Maria mocked him.

"I'm serious. There is somthingoff about her. I'm going to figure out what it is, but until then, i don't want you around her." Michael said in an 'i-mean-business' tone.

"Fine," Maria huffed and walked away. She hated when he told her what to do, but she also realized she didn't know anything about Tess. Michael might have been right.


"Michael, I swear. There is nothing wrong with her." Isabel huffed. Her feelings weren't as strong as her words. She was starting to feel like Michael was on to somthing.

"Just go in and check it out," Michael almost begged.

Isabel put on her coat and headed o Tess's house. When Tess answered the door they exchanged pleasentries and Tess invited her in.

Isabel stepped inside with a smile. She hoped this worked. And she most definatly hoped that she didn't get caught. If Tess wasn't an alien hunter, she still wanted her to be her friend.

"Do you want a drink?" Tess asked politly. She knew that Nesado would not be happy that Isabel was here, but she liked Isabel so she was going to be polite.

"Yeah, do you have coffee?" Isabel asked. She kenw it would take Tess some time to make coffee, and that would give her time to plant the camera that Alex had modified.

"Sure thing. Cream and Sugar?" Tess asked.

"Both. Thank." Isabel said.

Tess retreated into the kitchen and Isabel looked around for a good place to put the camera. She decided on the decritive bowl of rocks. The camera fit right in without standing out.

"Hey!" A voice behind her said. "Who are you?" Nesado said as she turned around, knocking over a statue of Buddah that was sitting next to the bowl.

"Ummm...I'm...Uhh..." Isabel started. She was flabbergasted.

Just then Tess entered the room. "DAD! This is my friend Isabel. From school." Tess said comming to his side.

Nesado's demeanor changed and he smiled at Isabel. "Oh, i've heard so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you."

Isabel smiled back. "I just wanted to come by and say hi really. I've got to take Maria to work. So, I have to go. But i'll see you at school, ok?" Isabel said.

Tess was diapointed that Isael had to leave. She really liked the idea of having her friends over. She had never done that before, but she nodded and showed Isabel to the door. "See ya, tomorrow." she said and Isabel left.

When Tess got insidem nesado asked, "What was she doing here?"

"She's my friend. She just came over." Tess said heading into the kitched.

Nesado nodded and went to his room.


Isabel walked into the factory across from Tess's hosue where Michael, Alex, and Maria were waiting. "We should call Max. He needs to know what we are doing." she decided.

Alex and Maria nodded, Michael didn't agree, but it wasn't like Max could stop them now. They called him and he rushed over.

"What are you guys doing. You cant just spy on people." MAx said as he got there. He wasn't sure why he was so upset. This would be a good way to find out if Tess was an alien hunter or not.

"Hey, i'm telling you there is somthing up with her." Michael argued.

Maria calmed him down just before he got in Max's face. The last thing they needed was a fight.

Alex who was watching the screen noticed somthing. "Hey you guys. Check this out." he said.

Everyone's attention went to the screen. They saw Tess place her hand over the broken Buddah and watched her put the peices back together. "Oh My God," maria breathed.

"It's Nesado. It had to be," Isabel said. She felt so stupid. She had trusted Tess, now she had to realize that Tess was Nesado. A Killer.

"I know there was somthing up with that girl." Michael said to himself.

Max stood there in aww. He had been duped. Nesado was probably making him feel all those things for Tess. He felt like such an idiot. But at least now they knew who Tess was and that Mesado was back.

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Chapter 4

The next day at school, Max decided he was going to confront Tess/Nesado. He walked right up to her locker and said, "We need to talk." Tess was caught off gaurd but followed him to the eraser room.

"What is this about Max?" she asked. She could helt the luch that came to her cheeks when he pulled her into the school's make-out spot. 'Get a grip.' She told herself. 'He is with Liz Parker,'

He grabbed her arm and was hit with flashes. Pullman Ranch. A Cave. The Pods. They both stepped back from each other. "Why are you here?" Max asked.

"What do you mean?" Tess asked.

"I know you are Nesado." Max said. he wasn't playing games.

"Nesado? How do you know about Nesado," Tess asked. Then she realized that she was right about Max, Isabel, and Michael.

"Don't play dumb. We all say you use your powers." Max said cooly.

"Max, i'm not Nesado. Don't you remember me at all?" she asked. it hurt that they didn't even remember they had a forth.

"Who the hell are you?" Max bit out. "What waht is at Pulman Ranch."

"My name is Tess. I'm one of you. Pullman Ranch is where we were born. Don't you remember?" Tess askes searching his eyes for any recognition. "Nesado is my caretaker." she explained.

Max thought. He loosened his grip on Tess's arm. he was relieved to fine out that Nesado wasn't sending him those images of Tess, but yet he was wrried that he had thought them up by himself. He was supposed to be in love with Liz.

"Look, how about we all get together and go to the pods. I dont know much more than you do. Nesado doesn't tell me anything." Tess said rubbing Max's shoulder.

her actions sent chills down his spine. Her touch felt so amazing. So right. So familiar, but he didn't know why. "Ok, meet us at my house. I'll tell the others." Max said and they exited the ER.


"She's waht?" Isabel asked.

"There were four pods. She is the 4th. She is one of us. We left her." Max explained. Michael and Isabel chewed on this infromation for a little while.

"Wow," Michael finally said, "and she lives with Nesado?" He couldn't help but be excited. he had been looking for this his whole life, and to think e just walked away from it. But had he stayed with tess and nesado, he wouldn't have known Maria, Max, and Isabel.

"Anyway, she is going to take us to the pods. She remembers them." Max said.


After Tess showed them the pods, Nesado came through the wall. "It's nice to finally find you." he said with a smirk.

"Who are you?" Max said.

"I'm your protector. It is my job to keep you safe." he said.

'Nice job you've done,' Michael thought. We was a little dissapointed. He wished that he had a father, but he guessed he would remaine fatherless forever.

On the way back from the pods, Tess fell asleep on Max's shoulder. Max couldnt help the shiver that ran through his body. She felt so good pressed agaisnt him. he knew he shouldn't be thinking those things, but he coudn't help it. There was somthing about her. Maybe it was becuase she was one of them, but he had never had those thoughts about Isabel or Michael.

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Chapter 5

Everyone got together for a meeting at Michael's apartment the next day. They had to catch Maria, Alex, and Liz up on what was going on. "So, Tess is one of you?" Liz said still confused.

Max looked at her hoplessly. Was she always this thick headed? "Yes, she broke out of the pods a week after us." Max explained as calmly as possible.

"How do you know for sure? I mean she could be lying." Liz said eying Tess carefully.

Tess was about to come at her with about 1000 insults, but Max stopped her, "Tess isn't lying. I got flashed from her. She is one of us, and this is Nesado," he said pointing at the adult in the room.

"You mean the killer?" Liz said snidely. She didn't trust either of them further than she could throw them.

"I do what i have to do to keep the four of them safe." Nesado said matter of factly.

Max then turned to Nesado, "I appriciate what you have done for us, but i dont want you killing people." he said. "It isn't right unless we are in immediate danger."

"As you wish," Nesado said smirking. he knew that Max was in for a rude awakening. They had no idea how close the FBI really was to them.

"Well, I'm glad to know you arn't who we thought you were," Maria said to Tess with a smile. She had really been getting to know her and like her.

Tess smiled back and Isabel joined them. Liz was the only one who wasn't sharing in the relief. She didn't like the way Tess and Max reacted to each other. She was jealous and she wasn't afraid to admit it.

"Ok, well you think we are done?" Michael asked. He really wanted some time alone with maria before he had to take her home.

Max grinned, "Sure."


A couple days went by and things went fairly well. Maria was working and the place was pretty empty. All of a sudden, Max walked in and motioned for her to go to the back.

"Whats up, Max?" maria asked.

"I need you to take me to the lift off gas station." Max said taking her hand.

"I got a shift." Maria said.

"Liz can cover for you?" Max answered.

"Why don't you ask her...then you can be alone." Maria said with a wink.

"Becuase i need to get there and not get distracted," Max said with a crooked smile.

Maria grinned and nodded. "Okay, Lets go, lover boy."


In the car, Maria looked over at Max. He had a weird expression on his face. One of ergency. "Is there somthing wrong, Max?" she asked.

Max pulled the car over and opened the trunk without acknowleging Maria's question.


Max walked into the Crashdown. Liz saw him and smiled. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. She squermed away from her without noticing. "So, did you bring Maria back?" Liz asked.

"Maria?" Max asked looking confused. Michae soon joined him at the booth.

"Yeah, you left with Maria. Where is she? She's late for her shift." Liz said.

"I didn't go anywhere with Maria. I just got here." Max said even more confused.

"Max, I saw you." Liz said indignitly.

"It wasn't me." Max said thinking.

Michael was enraged. "So, you are saying some Max look a-like has Liz?"

Max pulled out his cellphone and called Maria. "Hello?" she answered.

"Maria, it's Max."

"Max?" Maria said looking out the rearview mirror at her Max.

"Yeah, look, i dont know who you are with, but it isn't me." Max said and then was quickly cut off.


Max/Nesado grabbed the phone from Maria and threw it on the ground. "I'm not Max, as you can tell," he said with a wicked grin as he dropped a dead FBI agent on the side of the road.

"Why are you doing this? Why do you need me?" Maria asked trying her best to keep control. She wished Michael was here. He would protect her.

"Well, i'm leading Peirce to me. And i need you, becuase well...I guess i dont need you, but you are pretty hot and fantastic company." Nesado said with a chuckled.

"You are sick, man." Maria said pouting in her seat. She wasn't going to let him know that she was terrified.

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Chapter 6

Michael sped dow then Road. He was going to get to Maria before Nesado hurt her. "Why the hell would Nesado take her?" Isabel asked Tess.

"I dont know," Tess answered honestly. "He said the FBI was close. MAybe he is leading them there."

"If her hurts her, i'm going to kill him. Protector, or not." Michael said.

"Max, do you still think it was a good idea to get Valenti envolved?" Isabel asked cautiously. She was worried about Maria as much as the rest, but she was so scared that Valenti would turn them over the the FBI if he found out too much.

"There was not other option. He doesn't know anything." Max said.


"Can you not squeez my arm so tight?" Maria said iritably.

"Do you ever shut up? Michael must be deaf." Nesad shot back draging her to the stage. Where he left the last clue.

Maria saw her chance and ran away. She bolted into the fun house. She thought she would be able to hide there. Max saw MAria and Nesado go into the fun house and a very confused Valenti follow them. "I see them, let me out." he said. Micahel stopped the car and jumped out after them.

"Where is he going?" Tess exclaimed. She was so scared for him. What if the FBI caught him intead of Nesado.


Valenti thought he was comming up on Max, but his new deputy fucked it up. What was up with that guy. All of a sudden he saw two Max's. One being hauled off by men in suits and one dragging Maria out of the fun house.

"What the hell?" Valenti said as he noticed the deput dissapeared.


"Max!" Isabel said running to Nesado.

"I'm not Max. I have to get him back." he said as he shapshifted into a clown.

"Oh, My God." Isabel said. Tess was in shock. Michael wrapped his arms around Maria.

"They have Max," Isabel kept saying over and over again.

"Let's get back to the Crashdown," Michael siad, "We need to get Liz and Alex and think of a plan to get him out.

The 4 teens rode back to Roswell in silence. Each of them scared for Max and each other. And each od them having no clue how they were going to save Max. God only knew what they were doing to him.


"They have Max? What do you mean, they have Max?" Lix screamed.

Alex was trying to calm her down.

"How could you let this happen Maria? I mean why would you go with Max alone anyway?" Liz asked.

Maria was shocked. How had this turned into her fault? "He needed a ride," Maria shot back.

"Look, none of this is Maria's fault. She was tricked bt Nesado." micahel said. Lix had gotten on his last nerv months ago, the only reason he put up with her was becuase of Max and Maria, but he wasn't going to lett her talk shit about the girl he loved.

"You're right, it's HER fault." Liz said pointing at Tess.

Tess was taken aback. what had she done? She was just as upset as everyone else.

"Liz, calm down. Stop pointing fingers. This sint' anyone's fault. We just have to figure out what to do now. You going on a jealous rampage isn't going to help anything." Alex said. That was pretty big comming from the guy who avoided conflict at all times.

Liz finally shut up and the group brainstormed, finally deciding to dream walk Max to find out where he was.


"So, he ariforce base. We will go with you," Liz said. getting her coat.

"No, it isn't safe. You guys dont have powers. You need to stay here. If we arn't back in 3 hours, get Valenti and get him to the base." Michael siad.

Liz pouted but sat back down. Alex hugged Isabel and told her to be careful. Maria kissed Michael and said, "You bring him and the others back safely, and be careful." Michael nodded and kissed her quickly before he, Isabel, and Tess left the Crashdown.

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Chapter 7

“This is a stupid plan.” Liz said with a sigh.

“No, it’s not. Tess, isabel, and Michael know what they are doing. What the hell are we going to do? Hold their hands?” Maria said, still irritated at Liz’s attitude.

Alex was sitting at a booth thinking. He knew that Isable had to do this on her own, but it sucked. He wanted to be there for her.

“I should go get Valenti.” Liz said.

“No, Liz. Just wait. If they aren’t back we will go get him. It isn’t going to do us any good to have the sheriff turn them over.” Alex said.

At the base…

“It’s so nice of you to join us,” Michael said to Nesado cooly. He was still pretty pissed that Nesado had tricked Maria and kidnapped her.

“Look, we have to plan everything about this down to the second.” Nesado said. He looked over at Tess, who was clearly not happy with him. Oh well, his job was not to make friends.


“Michael, you can do this. You just have to concentrate. Living with these humans has dulled your powers.” Nesado instructed and Michael tried to change his fingerprints.

“I’m trying, alright!” Michael shot back. He HATED being told that he was bad at his powers. He knew it was true, that he coldnt control them like Max and Isabel, and Tess, but it didn’t help when people told him that all the time.

“Fine, I’m going to have to kill shit guard over here.” Nesado said pointing out the window.

Just then Michael made the connection and changed his finger prints, “I got it!” he said triumphantly.

Nesado killed the agent anyway. “What the hell did you do that for? I say I got it!” Micahel snapped.

“Good job,” Was Nesado’s only reaction. As they walked out of the room. Michael shaking his head at the man he once thought was his father.

At the Crashdown…

“Ok, it’s that time.” Alex said looking at the clock. Maria and Liz nodded making their way to the police station.

They found Valenti in his office, “Sheriff, we need to talk.” Maria started.


“He wants to know how the communicators work.” Isabel informed Tess as she woke up from dreamwalking Max. Isabel could tell her was being tortured. She didn’t know what to do. She felt for her brother. She wanted to kill Peirce.

“Ummm ok,” Tess thought looking at her watch. 6:58. They had to wait two minutes. Two minutes of Max being hurt. She knew that was what they were doing to him. Her heart ached at the thought. She didn’t know why, but she could sense Max’s fear. Something she never sensed in him before. “2 minutes. Then I’ll make Peirce see what he wants.”

Isabel nodded.


“7:00. It’s time. Ok break through.” Nesado instructed and Michael sent a bolt of energy though the wall, breaking it down. They hurried over to Max picking him up quickly. They had no time to waste. Nesado handed Max off to Michael. “Go. Got out of here. I’ll meet up with you guys.”

They made their way out of the room quickly and quietly as possible. Then Michael heard gunshots. Peirce must have broken from the mind warp, because just as they got to the barred doors, Perice came at them, gun pulled.

Suddenly Valenti appeared in front of them, gun drawn. “Come on you guys.” He yelled holding the door open. Peirce took a shot at Michael and Max and missed. Valenti retaliated with a shot to Peirce’s chest.

“Common, we have to get out of here.” Valenti said helping Michael carry Max out of the base.

Isabel and Tess ran out at the same time from the air vent. “Oh God, Max.” Tess said wrapping her arms around him. She didn’t care what it looked like. She cared about him and it killed her to see him in pain.

Liz noticed and pushed Tess out of the way. “I’ll take him,” she said cooly helping Max into the Jetta.

Michael and Maria got into the SUV with Valenti. Isabel, Alex and Tess got into the Jeep and they headed to the Mill.


“Where is Max? They should be here by now.” Tess said pacing the room.

“I don’t know. Maybe we should go back,” Michael said.

Valenti nodded, “Yeah, lets go.” He said motioning at Michael.

Maria followed him, “I’m going with you.” She said.

“No, you can’t it isnt safe.” Michael said.

“I’m going.” Maria said in a no-nonsence tone. Michael knew he wasn’t going to talk her out of it, she he nodded and put his arm around her, leading her to the car.

With Max and Liz…

“Max, what did they do to you?” Liz asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it, Liz.” Max said. He couldn’t talk about it. It was too close. It still scared him.

“Oh Max, Look at you.” Liz said pointing to the cut on his chest. She wrapped her arms around him. He flinched slightly and then conceeded.

“Max, what’s wrong?” Liz asked.

“Nothin.” He said beginning to drift off to sleep. As he was fully asleep Liz heard something that she never imagined, Max moaned Tess’s name in his dreams.

She was livid. How could that blond bitch even compare to her. She was Max’s soulmate. Well, she wasn’t going to let that happen.

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Chapter 8

Liz and Max were running at Valenti’s Jeep. The FBI was hot on their tail in Hummers and Michael got out of the car. Raising his hand he shot a bolt of energy at their cars, halting them.

Valenti stared at him in disbelief as Max and Liz climbed in. “GO! Go, or get out!” Michael yelled getting back into the car. Valenti regained his senses and sped off, back to the mill.


“So, You bring Peirce to us, and we will take care of the rest.” Max said to Valenti. He nodded and left. Max turned his attention back to his friends. “Ok, Michael, Maria, and Isabel. Go to the UFO Center and wait. Tess, mindwarp the guards. Get them to Hondo. Liz and Alex, go with Tess. I’ll get ride of the guard at the Sheriff’s house.” Max said. Everyone nodded and did as they were told.

They prayed that this plan worked. And they hoped to god that Valenti came through. Than he didn’t turn them over. Max trusted him, so they would just have to do the same.


Liz and Tess sat in Max’s Jeep. Alex had gone into the Ally to make sure that no one was around. “So, you can just make people see whatever you want them to?” Liz asked with her most condesending voice. Tess couldn’t figure out for the life of her how Max could be attracted to that Mousy bitch. She scolded herslef internally for being a little harsh.

Tess grinned internally. Two could play at that game. “Some times, its easier to make someone see something that isn’t there, then what is right infont of her her eyes.” She said. Tess didn’t know what was going on with Max, but she sure as hell knew he was giving her vibes. Wonder how Perfect Parker would feel about THAT?

Liz huffed and rolled her eyes. She really didn’t like this new girl.


Max wlked into the Valenti’s house like he owned it. “What the hell are you doing here?” Kyle demanded. “And where is my father?”

“I can’t talk to you about this, right now.” Max said not paying attention. He grabbed the gaurf he knocked out by the sirt and through him in the closet. “You dad is safe. Now, make sure this guard doesn’t get out of here and he will stay that way.” Max said leaving, without anouther word.

Kyle had had enough. Max Evans had interfered in his life for the last time. He grabbed one of his dad’s pistols and made his way to the UFO Center. For some reason, he knew his dad was there.


“Where is Nesado?” Max demanded. Peirce said nothing. So Max, continued. “Tell me what I want to know, or I will take you apart, piece, by piece, and make sure you stay conscious for every second of it.” He said throwing back Pierce’s own words.


Kyle entered the UFO center and was confused. Why was his dad’s new deputy tied to a chair. This had to be Max’s doing. He rushed up to him. “What happened?”

“It’s Max Evans. He has your father. Untie me.” The Deputy asked.

Kyle did as he was told and didn’t notice the deputy looking at the gun in his belt. “What are you doin’ with that?” he asked in a dissapointed tone. “Give it to me.” Kyle reluctantly handed him the gun. “Go Hide!” The deputy warned.

Kyle ran behing the black curtains of the UFO Center and waited for his father.

He got his wish when he saw Max, Michael and his dad walk out from the main room of the Center. He saw the deputy point the gun that he had just handed him at his father. Before he could move, pain ripped through his abdomen. He’d been shot. ‘Oh, God’ he thought as he lay there. He couldn’t move.

When Jim ran out of bullets, Pierces aimed again. Michael jumped into action sending a blast of energy form himself, directly into Peirce’s chest. Peirce flew back and fell to the ground.

Tess, Liz, Alex, Maria and Isabel, joined them. “He’s dead,” Valenti said looking at the gun Peirce held. “It’s one of mine.” He said. His mind was realling. That would mean…Oh God.

Valenti looked around despiratly for his son. And then he found him. Laying on the floor, bleeding to death. A strangles gasped excaped Tess’s mouth and Max, on instinct placed his arm around her sholder. This did not go unnoticed by Liz, but now was not the time.

Valenti sobbed over his son. “Help him. Please, save my son.” He begged, staring directly at Max. He instinctivly looked at Tess for support. He didn’t know what, but something was telling him that she would show him what to do.

Tess looked into Max’s eyes. She could tell he was scared, but she also knew somewhere, deep down, they could trust Kyle, just like they could trust his father. She nodded, and he knew that she ment he could help Kyle. He knew it was right too.

He mad his way over to Kyle, placing his hand on his stomach. “Kyle, I need you to look at me.” Max said.

Kyle’s eyes flashed open and Max made the connection. Within second’s a confused Kyle asked, “What happened to me?”


“Nesado’s in a van outside of Hondo.” Isabel said. She had found that out when she dreamwalked Pierce, but in all the chaos, she hadn’t gotten to tell everyone.

“Ok, well we get him, take him to the podchamber, and heal him.” Tess said. She didn’t like Nesado, but she needed to have him alive. He was their protector. She hated him, but they needed him.


It took a lot of work and concentration, but finaly Nesado had come back to them. In a flash he took his origional form as, Ed Harding. Standing up he looked at the four aliens as well as Liz, who had taged along.

“I’m proud of you guys.” He said with more emotion than he usually used.

Max didn’t care about that. “Peirce is dead, he will only be replaced.” He said.

Nesado knew where he was going with this. Immediately he shapshifted into Agent Pierce. “Now, they will never know he died.” He said with a grin.

Michael cringed at that. He had killed a man. It was wearing on his soul. He had pushed Maria away. It had hurt, but he would die before he put her in that kind of danger, and he knew that he was dangerous. His thoughts were interupted when Max said, “How do these work?” he was indicating at the communicators.

“You don’t need to find out. You don’t know what harm you could cuase.” Nesado warned.

“I don’t care. I want to know how they work.” Max threw back.

“If you want to find out, figure it out, but I’m not telling you.” Nesado said before leaving the cave.

“Maybe if we just concentrate,” Isabel offered. Max nodded and their paired off. Tess and Max with one orb and Michael and Isabel with the other. Liz watched on.

They concentrated. Suddenly a beam of light sot up from each orb. A woman materialized infront of them and began to speak. “If you are seeing me now, it means that you are alive and well. I take this form because it will be familiar to you, and it will help you to understand what I am about to say. You have lived before. You perished in the conflict that enslaves our planet but your essence was duplicated, cloned, and mixed with human genetic materials so that you might be recreated into human beings. My son, you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent with you your young bride. My daughter, the man you were betrothed to, and your brother's second-in-command. Our enemies have come to the Earth. You will know them only by the evil within. Learn enough to use your skills, your knowledge, your leadership to combat the enemy so that you can come back and free us. And that I may once again hold you both in my arms. I live for that moment. Help us. I love you.”

The four aliens sat their, stunned. “Oh My God, Max.” Isabel said. Michael was stunned to silence by the magnitude of it all.

Max’s mind was reeling. He was a king. He had lived before. And most of all, he was married to Tess. He didn’t know why that hit him the hardest, but it did. It explained a lot. Why he felt these feeling for her. Why he got vibes from her.

He was knocked out of his thoughts by Liz leaving. He ran after her. He felt an obligation. HE was starting to realize that his feelings for her were disapaiting, but he did feel the need to fallow.

“Liz, wait.”

“I can’t. You have your destiny. You just heard it.” Liz said. The way she said it annoyed me. Like she was a big martyr. Like ‘yeah for me, I’m the bigger person.’ Little did she realize, that Max was having feelings for Tess before he knew that she was his wife.

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Chapter 9

2 weeks later…

Max had been avoiding Tess. He wasn’t proud of it, but honetly he didn’t know how to act. He was attracted to her, and now he finds out that she is his wife. How was he supposed to react to that.

In mid-thought, there was a knock at Max’s window. It was probably Michael. Max got out of bed without bothering to put his shirt on and opened the window. It was not Michael. It was Maria. And she was bawling her eyes out.

Max helped her in. “Maria, what’s wrong?” he asked leading her to the bed.

“I hate him. I really really hate him.” She cried.

“Wait. Calm down. Who do you hate and why?” Max asked, trying to get caught up on the situation.

“Michael. He broke up with me. He said, he loved me too much and that he couldn’t be with me because he might hurt me.” Maria said crying into Max’s chest. She didn’t know why she came to him. Probably because Alex was out of town, and Liz had skipped town without so much as a goodbye. Max, Isabel, and Tess were all she had, and Isabel and Tess were at the movies.

“Shhh. Maria. It is ok.” Max said running his fingers through her hair. “Trust me. I know Michael better than anyone, and I know that he won’t be able to stay away from you for long. He really does love you.” Max told her. And he wasn’t lying. He knew his alien friend was in deep with Maria. And he knew that eventually, he would get his head out of his ass and treat her the way she deserved.

“Yeah, right.” Maria said sitting back, looking at Max. She could see something else was on his mind. That she had interupped his thought. “Whats up, Max? Why were you sulking before I got here?” she asked wipping her tears and crossing her arms.

“What do you mean.” Max said. He was trying to play dumb.

Maria wasn’t having it. “Common, Max. It’s me. I’m the queen of bullshit. You can’t shit a shitter…now tell me what’s going on in that ailen brain of yours.” Maria demanded.

Max had to chuckle at that. Maria was an enigma. One minute she was crying into his chest. The next minute she was demanding he spill his soul to her. “Fine. If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone, Maria. I’m serious. This is important.” Max said looking her in the eye.

“I swear Max, unless you tell me that you are planning to off yourself, I’m not going to tell anyone anything. You can trust me.” Maria said thoughtfully.

“I do trust you.” Max said. Then he took a deep breath. “Maria, I know that Liz is your best friend. But I’ve been thinking. I don’t think I’m in love with her. I’m starting…I’m having feelings for Tess. I was having them even before we found out our destiny. And I don’t know what to do.” Max said looking to Maria for help. Maybe she could provide some perspective. She did usually give really good advice.

“Max, Liz walked away. And I’ve seen the sparks between you and Tess. Maybe this is how it is ment to be. You know, I think you and Liz pushed so hard for something, that maybe just wasn’t there. Maybe you wanted it to be real love even if it wasn’t. But I think you and Tess owe it to yourselves to explore your feelings.” Maria said.

Max looked at her. He was always amazed by Maria, so wise beyond her years.

“And is that what you are going to do with Michael. Let him explore his feelings for Isabel?” Max asked. He could help it. He needed to know if this was just some easy advice she was giving him.

Maria shook her head. “No. I ask Michael about that tonight. He says he has no feelings for her. And I can’t see the chemistry between Isabel and Micahel like I see it with you and Tess. I’ve thought about it. I think the reason is because Michael and Isabel were betrothed to each other. But you and Tess CHOSE each other on your planet.” Maria said.

Max hadn’t thought about that. “Thanks, Maria.” Max said hugging her. “You come over to talk and end up helping me with MY problems.” He said smiling at her. He turned serious. “I know that it hurts that Liz left. I’m sorry about that. But if you need anyone to talk to, I’m here.” He offered.

Maria smiled. “Thanks, Max.” she said kissing him on the cheek. Then she climbed back through his window. Max locked the window behind her and laid back down. He needed to talk to Tess tomorrow. At least tell her how he felt. Maybe she felt the same way.


Max saw Maria, Isabel and Tess sitting in a booth at the Crashdown the next day. He took a deep breath and walked in. He slid in next to Maria and across from Tess. He made eye contact with Tess and then looked away. This was harder than he thought..

Maria nudged him and he grinned. She was right. He needed to grow a pair. “Tess, can I…can I talk to you?” he asked.

Tess was surprised. In the two weeks since they had found out their destiny, Max had barely spoken to her. She was confused. He liked him. Now she understood why. And she thought he had feelings for her, but then he just shut down. She didn’t want to push it. She nodded and smiled at him, following him to the back of the Crashdown.

“So, what did you want?” Tess asked sweetly. Max hadn’t said a word. He was just looking at her.

“Ummm…right. I wanted…I wanted to..uhhh…To talk about our destiny.” Max finally spit out.

Tess’s heart skipped a beat. This was the moment of truth. It could be good or bad. “Yes?” she prodded.

“Well, God this is hard to say. I have feelings for you Tess.” He blurted out.

The air was knocked out of Tess’s lungs. When she finally came to her senses, she heard Max ranting. “I’m so stuipid. I should have told you. Obviously you don’t feel the same. What was I thinking? I could kill Maria for telling me to come here. God what and idiot!” Tess giggled and cut his rambling short by grabbing his face between her hand and bringing his lips to hers.

She kissed him with all she had. Max was confused for a moment but then gave in to the kiss. Wrapping his arms around her back. Tess moved her hands around his Max’s neck and ran her fingers through his hair. She parted her lips slightly to let his toung enter and they explored each other’s mouths like first lovers should.

They finally parted, only when the burning in their lungs was too much to bear. “Wow.” Max said.

“Yeah,” Tess agreed, still dazed. “You aren’t an idiot Max. I’ve felt something for you since you got here. Only after we got the message from you’re mother, did I understand it. Nesado never told me about that stuff. But then you avioded me. I thought you were mad.” Tess explained.

“NO! It wasn’t that. I was just confused. I mean, one day I think I’m in love with Liz. Then you come to town, and I’m not sure. Now I KNOW that I don’t love Liz anymore. But I was just scared.” Max said, not to eloquently.

“No, need to be scared, Max. There is a reason we came together.” Tess said kissing him again.

“Yeah, and we better get back out there, before Isabel sends out a search party,” max said with a laugh. “Let’s talk about all this tonight.” Max suggested.

“Yeah. Since Nesado is in Washington, we can hang out at my place.” Tess offered. Max smiled and fulng his arm over Tess’s shoulder as they walked back into the dinning room of the café.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 10

“Common, Max.” Tess giggled as they walked into her house. They had just gone to the video store and Max wasn’t exactly trilled with the choices, but Tess and her womanly ways talked him into The Notebook, and Romeo and Juliet.

Max followed her inside and set the vidoes sown on the couch. “So, which one first?” Max asked.

“Romeo and Juilet. I’ve see than one before.” Tess said. She was in the kitched poppin popcorn and pouring drinks. Max smiled and put the movie in the VCR, and flopped down on the couch. Sure, he didn’t want to watch chick-flicks all night, but he was going to be with Tess, and that was really all that mattered.

Tess soon came in and joined him on the couch. She picked up the remote and pressed play. After they had emptied the popcorn bowl (which didn’t take long) Tess snuggled into Max. He gently wrapped his arms around her. It felt so good to have her in his arms. Like he was home. It was weird. It was like he had been there before. He guessed that was because he HAD been there befor, on Antar.

Tess felt the same. She would give anything to stay in Max’s arms forever. She was a little hesitant to lean into him, but apparently it was ok, because Max was holding her tightly, making light circles with his thumb on her side.

Tess lost interst in the movie and looked up at Max, “Max, are you…” she started and then shook her head. “Nevermind,” she said looking back at the screne.

Max lifted her chin so that she was looking at him. “What?” he asked gently, giving her a reassuring smile. “You can ask me,”

Tess sat up and took a deep breath. “Are you really over Liz? I mean are you just doing this because it is destiny?” she asked quietly. She was starting to fall for Max and the last thing that she wanted was for Liz to come back and max to go running. It would break her heart.

Max held her tighter. “Tess, I don’t know what I going to happen between us. I really like you. But I can tell you that Liz and I are over. This has nothing to do with destiny. We have something, and we should explore it.” He said honestly.

“Cause I just don’t want to get hurt.” Tess said. She couldn’t belive she said it. It was what she was thinking, but she didn’t know why she admitted it to Max. She would have normally kept it inside.

Max caressed her cheek. “Tess I would never do anything to hurt you. It would kill me.” Tess looked in his eyes and could tell he was being honest. She smiled and kissed him lightly. The light kisses quickly turned passionate as Max pulled Tess to him, probing his toung into her mouth.

The movie was forgotten as they kissed, and kissed, and kissed. “Max, I’m so confused.” Tess said between kisses.

“Why?” Max breathed.

“Because, I never do this. I mean we have been together for like 10 minutes. If that is even what we are.” Tess said looking at him.

“We are together. At least I want to be. And I know this is fast. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Max said losening his grip on her.

Tess shook her head, “No. That’s not what I ment. I am loving this. It’s just weird.” She said kissing him again.

“I know,” Max said. “And I don’t want to move to fast. I want us to take our time. But I just can’t keep my hands off of you.” He admitted.

Tess giggles, “Promise?”

Max growled and attacked her mouth again. They spent the next 2 hours wrapped up in each other, the movies long since forgotten. When Max finally left. He kissed Tess goodbye and said, “So, meet me at the Crashdown tomorrow?”

Tess nodded and said, “You bet.”

Meanwhile at Maria’s house…

Michael stood outside Maria’s window and watched her cry. It broke his heart. He didn’t know what to do. He knew that she was crying because he broke up with her. He didn’t want to, but it would kill him if she got hurt because she was with him. He loved her. He could admit it. He even told her that, and that was why he had to let her go. So he watched her from afar. He watched her sleep and cry and his heart broke.


“Hey Tess,” Isabel chirped from her booth in th Crashdown. Tess walked over to sit with her. “So, how was movie night?” isabel winked.

Tess blushed. “It was great.” She said looking down. “You aren’t mad that Max and I are together are you?”

Isabel laughed, “No. I’m not bad. You are a hell of a lot better than Liz. I mean God. I would pick you for him over her anyday.”

Tess smiled. She was finally feeling apart of the Roswell family. Just then Maria walked up to the table. She pasted on a smile and greeted the girls.

“Oh, Maria. Has Michael not called?” Tess asked, scooting over so that her friend could sit down.

“No.” she said looking into the kitchen at him. “Asshole!” she muttered.

Isabel and Tess felt for her. They knwe Michael cared about Maria. They couldn’t understand why he was being such an ass. That stonewall Guerin thing was getting a little tired. They needed to do something to remedy the situation.

“So, can I get you anything? I’m just gonna go back and change into my uniform.” Maria said getting up.

“Two cherry cokes, tobasco.” Tess said. Maria nodded and went to the back room.

“We have to do something about them.” Isabel said.

Tess nodded. “Her heart is broken. I’d kick Michael’s ass if I didn’t think that he was in just as much pain.” Isabel nodded and then Max walked in.

He scooted in next to Tess and wrapped his arm around her, kissing her on the cheek. Isabel smiled at them. She was glad to see her brother happy. His relationship with Liz was so depressing and overly intense. Tess and Max suited each other.

“Just discussing how we are going to get Michael to take his head out of his ass.” Tess said.

Max laughed. Something he hadn’t done in a while. “Hmmm,” he said thinking. Then an idea came to him. His eyes widened.

“What?” Isabel asked.

“Is Mr. Parker here today?” he asked.

“No, he is out of town.” Isabel answered not knowning where that was going.

“I have an idea.” Max said with a smile. Tess and Isabel looked at each other.

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