Dreaming In Purple's Stories

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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2001 10:20 am
Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Dreaming In Purple's Stories

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

The My Fantasy Series: Island Girl click here

Max and Liz, AU No Aliens (lots of pirates though ) ADULT

Disclaimer: I don't own roswell or it's characters.

Summary: Lizzie finds a pirate on the beach and decides to keep him.

Ok this story has two purposes: 1) I am sick of being a fanfic virgin, so i'm poppin the cherry. 2) I have these fantasies that keep recurring in my mind over and over and now that I'm addicted to Roswell the people in them have taken on the faces of the characters from the show. Some of them anyway. So I decided to put them down in digital print to get them outta me head and into yours. Nice of me huh. lol I think there will be at least 3 stories in the series, and all will be nookiefied.


When She's With You click here
by Tuesday

Pairing: M/L/Z, M/M, A/Lonnie, K/?

Rating: ADULT

Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or any of the characters from the show. Jason Katims (bonehead that he is) and all networks that show it own it. I’m just playing with Zan and Max for a while.

Summary: There are two guys, but only one girl. What ever will they do. Update: Well this started out meant to be a fluffy nookie fic, but it seems to have a mind of it's own. Eh, what can I say.
Last edited by Dreaming In Purple on Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Dreaming In Purple
Enthusiastic Roswellian
Posts: 55
Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2001 10:20 am
Location: Tied to Max and Zan's Bed... (Hey! It's my dream!)

Post by Dreaming In Purple »

Fantasy Imitates Life Click here
by Dreaming in Purple
(M/L/Z ADULT AU No Aliens)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell, Max, Liz, or Zan.

Summary: Hmmm… Nookie! :D This is Part 2 of the My Fantasy series. It’s just about the nookie folks.


IdéeFixe Click here
M/L AU No Aliens YTEEN
Author: Dreaming In Purple
Disclaimer: I don’t own Roswell or Dracula, or any of the characters from either the show or book.

Summary: Maximilian and Elizabeth were in love in the 15th century. She was torn from her lover and forced to marry another, soon after dying in child birth. Forsaking his soul in his grief, Maximilian became a cold hearted monster, wreaking havoc and spreading terror everywhere he went. Centuries later his grief stricken soul still hasn’t found peace. Then one day, in a dream hope sparks anew.

A/N: This story is kinda of a Roswellian take on Dracula mixed with true facts about the real Prince Vlad of Walachia, also known as Vlad Tepes Dracula, and other early European historical figures. I’ll let you know right now I’m using people out of their context and times, and will straight out make up some of the historical “facts” I’ll be using. But that’s why it’s called fiction isn’t it?

IdéeFixe is an idea that dominates the mind, an obsession!
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