TOO LATE: Episode 1 (CC, Mature) [COMPLETE]

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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TOO LATE: Episode 1 (CC, Mature) [COMPLETE]

Post by Behrystrwbry »

Title: Too Late
Summary: What if it had been Liz pregnant in Baby It's You, instead of Tess. What if Tess weren't evil incarnate...
rating: Mature
disclaimer: all characters are the creation of JK, and other PTB at the WB Fox and UPN

Authors note: This is a story that I posted on this board a while back under a different name. It was never finished so I'm reposting, with a couple of changes.

I usually have a problem leaving things hanging in the middle. So I've developed a new system. I will be posting this story and my others in episodes of 3-5 chapters. These episodes will follow very closely to the cannon of the show, with my own little twist. Then there will be about a month rotation before I post the next episode. This episode should cover up through The Departure or at least my version of it.

Questions comment or concerns please do leave feedback or contact me in private. I appreciate constructive criticism.


Normal, defined as anything conforming to the usual standard, type, or custom, maintained or occurring in a natural state

It was a normal Thursday night at the CrashDown. Liz looked up from the counter she’d been cleaning to take a survey of the near empty diner. To the innocent onlooker things would appear status quo, for the customary sights and sounds or your standard high school hangout. The slurp of the straw as a boy sat in the corner nursing a cherry cola; The hushed whispers of a queen bee and jock as they sat in a booth across the room talking quietly; the clank of the spatula on the grill as the cook prepared to close up the kitchen for the night; and the frustrated grumblings of a pixie waitress as she bused the remaining tables, putting forth a valiant effort not to break any more plates.

These were the sounds of her normal and to your average onlooker things would appear par for the course, but normal was a contradiction in terms there in Roswell. And Liz knew there were a few pertinent factors that were far from normal.

The boy in the corner, her boyfriend Max, bore the reincarnated soul of a king from another planet; his second in command, Michael worked the grill, and his sister Isabel, the princess, sat across the room with Kyle. For the three of them any grasp on normalcy was tenuous at best. That could be seen in the sordid tales of love and loss they’d endured the past year, and as their friends and loved ones Liz, Maria, and Kyle had been dragged right along with them. There was another of the group that was missing, and his absence, his death, was another weight on their meager normal.

For that reason alone, it should not have surprised Liz when the bells on the door rang signaling someone’s entrance, and in walked Tess Harding requesting a moment alone to speak with her. It certainly wasn’t the expected course of events Tess had never really been considered part of the group. Her abrupt arrival into their, then, tightly knit circle months after bonds and relationships had been formed, made her stick out like a sore thumb. However her other worldly origin made her just a much apart of the group as any other. The king, his bride, the princess, and his second. Tess completed the foursquare but she created an unwanted triangle with Max and Liz. For a long while, she was the proverbial thorn in their sides.

“What’s up Tess?” Liz greeted eyes darting around the restaurant, noticing the five gazes that were suddenly stuck on the two of them. Max looked ready to jump to her rescue at moment’s notice. However Liz gave him a look indicating that she wanted to let this play out.

“I know you’re probably wondering why I’m here.” Tess began managing a shallow smile, though Liz saw genuine concern etched in the depths of her pretty blue eyes.

“I can’t say that I expected it.” She admitted.

“There are some things that you needed to know before it’s too late,” Tess told her.

The rest were no longer staring but Liz knew they were listening. “Too late for what Tess?” It was Liz turn for a feeble smile, not because she was nervous but what Tess was saying made no sense.

“The answers you’ve been looking for.” Tess went on to explain, the nervous way she shifted on her feet told that she was aware they had an audience “Things about Alex.”

With those few words all movement in the restaurant stopped dead in its tracks, and all hope of normal, right along with it.
Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:14 pm, edited 16 times in total.
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Post by Behrystrwbry »

<center>Episode One: Too Late for Normal</center>
Chapter One

One week earlier

Liz absentmindedly peered out the window of the jeep as she felt the gentle lull of the engine shut off. She looked over to see Max’s countenance carved with so many emotions she didn’t know whether to feel sorry for him or be panicking in fear for her safety. A year ago there would have been no doubt in her mind, but a year ago Max would have never thought to raise his hand to her in anger.

Now he would barely look at her much less talk to her. Not that Liz could blame him; some pretty harsh words had been spoken between the two, not entirely his fault. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier,” Liz hesitantly began “about you and the…‘king card’ It wasn’t fair to you I know it must be difficult dealing with all the responsibility you have.” He still wasn’t looking at her and for a moment she thought she’d wasted her breath until those piercing amber eyes gazed upon her, emotions still unreadable. She continued “I…I guess I didn’t realize how what I said about you being responsible for Alex could have affected you guys so I’m sorry for that too.”

Max was looking at her with that same disconcerting and almost sympathetic stare, Liz could never be immune to those eyes. She could not stop the flow of emotions once they had begun and along with the emotions came the tears softly cascading down her cheeks. “It’s just that, I miss him so much and I was desperate to find out what really happened…I still am, but not at the cost of losing you.” This was one of the few times Liz was actually allowing herself to feel the loss of their friend. Grief could be distracting and she could not allow her self that luxury. Prior to this, she’d filled her time investigating Alex's death, and school work; choosing to ignore the rift that was forming between her and Max. Between all of them…

Now as Max held her in his embrace gently soothing her woes, none of that seemed to be important, and Liz was almost glad he’d taken such drastic measures. Otherwise she’d be on her way to Sweden right now. “I’m sorry for tossing you in the jeep.” Max simply stated as he dismounted coming around to help her out of the vehicle. He took her hand in his and said, “I’m sorry for a lot.” He grabbed something out of the back of the jeep and then headed in the direction of the observatory casting a glance towards her only once to say, “Follow me.”

The Observatory was larger than Liz remembered perhaps it was because it wasn’t dwarfed by the size of her second grade class. Now it was only Max and Liz that occupied the space. “I want to show you something.” He said motioning for her to look into the lens of the telescope. The plum evening sky had turned to an inky black, sparkling dots scattered above the desert scenery. “You see the third star from the right, the way it wobbles?”

Liz saw the star he was talking about and asked. “Is that your planet?”

“No, but remember how I told you I’ve been remembering things about…my other life.” Max sputtered, Liz nodded, pensively silent, it still sounded surreal to hear him say these things.

The idea that the potential love of your life was the reincarnated soul of an alien monarch couldn’t be easy for any seventeen-year-old to wrap their mind around. It made the universe seem so vast and Liz’s problems seem so insignificant it the grand scheme of things.

Max continued “I remember seeing that star when I was there. You know, up there.” He said pointing Heavenward, “Tess says it’s called Bernard’s Star and we used to watch it together, I remember that too. But something was missing from all of that.”

Liz flinched visibly at the mention of Tess. It was hard for her to care anything about his former life where she was concerned, considering she was a large part of the reason things were the way they were between her and Max. Before Tess came to Roswell Liz and Max were utterly in love and she was sure they would be together forever. Now the two of them could barely have a conversation without making each other want to cry. Still Liz swallowed past the lump in her throat and asked, “What’s that?”

“You Liz. You are missing from my life.” Those words meant more to her than Max would ever know, they were almost enough to dry up all of the tears she’d cried over their hapless situation the past few months. He continued, “I’ve tried living my life without you and as you can see I’m not doing so well…Look I’m sorry about Tess, and the prom, and everything …God Liz I…I just need you. All those times Michael would go off chasing some clue about where we come from. I would get so upset because I thought we belonged here, recently I’d doubted that but I shouldn’t have because I realize you’re my home Liz, wherever you are.”

By the end of his monologue Max was as overcome with emotion as Liz was, and she reached to wipe away the moisture that had collected on his cheek. And then it happened, his lips on hers tasting each other’s tears. Being there in Max's arms like this brought back memories of simpler times. Everything was just as she remembered, his lips, and his gentle hands holding her close. No matter how much she desired him there was still that twinge of doubt that they were making a huge mistake and things could never be the same again. “If I believe you now, then what.” she asked pulling away from the kiss, his breath was warm on her cheek as she spoke “What will happen tomorrow, or when someone else comes to town preaching destiny.”

“Let’s not worry about that right now.” He told her “Let tonight be about us.”

For the past few months she’d dealt with feelings of impending doom surrounding her and Max’s friendship, she almost forgot how to let herself go and savor being in his arms. In that moment, she made the decision not to think, only to feel, and allow her self to be swept up in Max.

Gently Max peeled the jacket off her shoulders and it fell on the floor somewhere behind them, the rest of her clothing soon followed, and then his. When they lay down on the blanket completely exposed to one another’s hungry eyes Liz didn’t think to ask about the forgotten condom in his back pocket. And Max never knew to ask why she even knew it was there, or any of the other secrets she was keeping from him. There were only each other and the fumbling awkward moments that followed.

However when it was over Liz did think to herself that the future version of the man in whose arms she now lay was right. They were cemented. Max was now a part of her soul, and she apart of his. A feeling of contented permanence settled over her and Liz knew she could never be with anyone else.


Max languidly stretched as he awoke to the feel of soft warm flesh pressed against his own. His sleepy eyes took in the surroundings, acclimating himself with the unfamiliar feelings coursing through his body. When he noticed the rays of sunlight as they played upon the chocolate brown strands fanning across his chest, all memories of the previous night came flooding back to him. He stirred the sleeping figure with gentle hands and was greeted with an equally gentle smile “Hey.” He said.

“Hey,” was Liz’s lazy response.

“You okay?” Max asked searching her features for any sign of regret.

“Yeah, of course.” Liz said, though Max suspected it wasn’t the complete truth. The way she sat up gingerly clutching the blankets to her chest told him that. “Why…shouldn’t I be?”

Definitely,” he answered hastily. The guarded way she held herself made him want to cover his own nakedness as well, and he reached for his shirt on the ground next to them to cover his lap. “It’s just that what happened between us last night, it has all these… implications. I just want to make sure that…”

“…I don’t regret any of it.” Liz said offering him a reassuring smile as she leaned in for a hug, the blankets fell away, and they were skin to skin again. They stayed like that for several moments savoring one another.

Max must have imagined being with Liz hundreds of times, but never like this on the cold hard observatory floor. He didn’t regret it though, he could never regret anything between he and Liz and he certainly didn’t regret her soft curves plastered to his side at the moment. However, he couldn’t help but wonder what this meant for them so he asked.

“What do you want it to mean?” Liz shot back.

Max took a moment to think before he simply said what was on his heart. “I know I love you. I can’t really imagine my life without you. I want us to try again.”

“Me too,” Liz began tracing invisible hearts on his pect. running her hands over them as if to wipe them away, then drawing them again “But is that possible? I know I’ve said and done some things that won’t be so easy to get past, we both have. How do we pick up from there?”

It was true, they’d both said and done hurtful things and yet there was still so much left unsaid; truths, half truths, and assumed truths.

“We could start by being honest.” Max prompted. She didn’t look at him simply continued her figment artwork on his skin, so he forged ahead “Liz after last night I’ve learned some things about you that just don’t add up, and I’m giving you the chance right now to tell me any thing you have been keeping from me.” he was thinking about the night that had shaken their faith in one another. He was thinking about the night of the Gomez concert and her supposed loss of virginity to Kyle. “Anything that might be on your mind?”

Liz ceased her movements resting her warm palm on his skin she met his steady gaze. “I don’t have any secrets from you Max. Do you from me?”

“Not secrets, so much as something I wanted t say…” Max swallowed past the lump in his throat and continued “Last night after we…I had some time to think about everything…about Alex really. I guess I was being unreasonable not to consider that Alex was murdered and I’d be willing to admit that as long as you…”

“…Max could we just not talk about Alex right now.” Liz interrupted abruptly.

“Sure… fine” Max agreed, and the tension between them was palpable. There was a moment of awkward silence as the pair tried to figure out what should be their next move “What did you want to talk about?” Max finally asked.

Suddenly the whole moment underwent a transformation, her eyes darkened the way he liked to see, she licked her lips and said, “Who says what I want to do has anything to do with talking.”

The previous night had been an escape from reality, and that morning it would be the same thing. The new lovers were still learning each other but their movements together were fluid and quick. The slight winch Liz gave when he entered her did not escape Max’s awareness. They didn’t have to discuss Alex, or the night of Gomez just then but they would have to talk about it eventually.

When Liz opened her eyes, she found herself in a Garden, an extremely lush and fertile Garden with winding paths. Off not too far in the distance she could hear the sound of running water. It wasn’t until she passed the same bush three times that Liz realized she was lost, but she could hear a voice. A child’s voice to be more specific “Mommy…is that you mommy?” the voice said and Liz found that strange because she knew she had no children.

“Who are you…where are you?” Liz responded. She didn’t know why but somehow she was desperate to find this child and protect it.

“I’m by the water Mommy…follow my voice and the sound of the water…I’ll show you the way Mommy.

“I’m not your mother! My name is Liz and I don’t have any children.” She said

The child’s voice erupted into a fit of laughter before saying, “You do now…Liz…”

“…Liz …Liz.” Max softly repeated

Max? The flippant laughter and child voice had turned into Max and now Liz found herself in fourth period astronomy with Max kneeling at her desk “Max…what happened?”

“The bell just rang you were kind of nodding for a second there.” Max explained, quickly followed by “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m just…tired I guess.” Liz admitted. She really wanted to tell him about the dream she just had, and what it possibly meant, but this wasn’t the time or place.

“That’s understandable.” He offered with a knowing smirk “Come on I’ll walk you to class.” He said as he picked up her books and offered his shoulder to lean on.

They’d been together less than a day and already they were able to fall into a routine. The pair walked through the hall hand in hand earning curious stares from fellow students. The feud between the two of them had been more than a little public and Liz imagined it was somewhat shocking to see the two of them together.

Liz blushed slightly, trying her best to ignore the attention as she said, “Max we need to talk there’s something…”

“Liz!” Maria’s shrill voice interrupted Liz sentence as the pixie blonde came flying up to the pair “Girlfriend,” she said acknowledging Max “Chicanos you have some explaining to do. Is our dream couple back together or what?”

“Maria, do we have to do this here.” Liz said making a note of the audience of passersby.

“Oh please it’s not like half the school isn’t talking about it already. I mean one minute you two are at war, the next minute five people are telling me they saw you two all cozy by your locker this morning. What’s up with that?”

“We don’t exactly know what we are…” Liz began searching for the words to describe the state of affairs between her and Max.

There was confusion all around, Max and Liz looked to each other then back to Maria. It appeared Liz’s statement visibly hurt him. “Right well I will leave you girls to it.” Max said breaking the silence, he leaned over and placed a small kiss on the crease of her mouth, before handing her books back to Liz and heading off down the hall.

“Okay so that was weird.” Maria observed as the two girls watched his departure “I take it the war is over but I get the feeling there’s something else going on here.”

“Well, we kind of…”Her cell phone interrupted her sentence. She looked at the number and immediately recognized it as the number to the Swedish Embassy in Washington that she’d called the other night, before things had developed with Max. Everything was happening so quickly she’d almost forgotten all about Alex. “I have to take this.” Liz told her friend thankful for the reminder.

“Fine but I want details.” Maria said before heading off down the hall. Liz watched her departure, before the vibration of Liz cell phone brought her back to reality. “Hello.” She answered

“Ms. Parker? Mr. Stockman from the embassy. We found your building. There's just one curiosity-- that structure was torn down in 1994. Three people in my office have confirmed it. That building is gone”

Liz stood in the hall piecing the facts together in her brain. The whole thing reeked of cover up. No wonder the number for the foreign exchange family Alex had supposedly stayed with had been false it all pointed to one thing “He never went to Sweden.”

Tess perked up when she heard voices in the other room. Not having anyone to hang with She’d been home most of the afternoon which was fine at first, but there were only so many times you could watch the afternoon cartoon line up before it got boring. She could have gone to the CrashDown but that was the last place she wanted to be considering how things were going with Max and Liz.
Tess couldn’t honestly say that she begrudged Liz anymore she just didn’t want to be around them as a couple. For one, Max was just not the person Tess thought he was, so their recent episode made evident. After their misbegotten kiss at the Prom she and Max spent a lot of time together, studying after school and the like. However both were wont to bring it up until finally one afternoon last week Tess did. Max expressed his reluctance to go down that road, but somehow or another they ended up kissing again which lead to some pretty heavy making out, and would have eventually led to sex. It surprised Tess because Max never seemed like the type that would take things that quickly physically, yet he was the one leading them into new and uncharted territory.
Before they got to that point however Max stopped them and accused Tess of seducing him, isolating him from all of the people he cared about. He called her a bunch of other heinous names and basically blamed her for every problem going on in his life, then unceremoniously told ‘go away.’ There was only so much of Max’s shit any one was willing to take. Where did he expect her to go? Roswell was her home now too; yet the tension that ensued subsequent made it feel like the small desert town could never be big enough for the both of them.
But Max was Liz’s problem now. And there were more important things Tess needed to be focused on, matters of life and death. Therefore instead of hanging out at “the Crash” as she would have usually done Tess stayed home watched a bit of TV, caught up on some homework and pondered how she would fix the mess she’d made.
Later that evening Tess was drawn from her thoughts by what sounded Like Isabel and Kyle in the living room. She listened silently a few moments before going to join them. “What are you guys up to?”
“Kyle’s trying to scar my virgin eyes.” Isabel informed
Tess saw the discarded Playboy issue on the floor “When are you going to grow up?”
“Right after Isabel lets me finish that dream.” Kyle whined “Come on please” he begged turning to the taller blonde.
“No dice!” was her resolute refusal.
Tess observed the ease they seemed to have with one another. If Isabel was showing Kyle her powers, which was not something she volunteered freely, the two of them must be getting close. It seemed everyone was pairing up.
“Oh well.” Kyle conceded. “That was good for me, what can we do for you?”
“Have I mentioned that I hate my brother?” Isabel said and Tess thought wryly to herself, it seemed everyone was fed up with their fearless leader.
Tess listened as the two concocted a set of pranks that was sure to if nothing else irritate the heck out of Max. As much as she might like to see him suffer some of the stuff they had planned seemed a bit petty and she told them as much.
“Tess.” Isabel said walking over to where Tess sat perched on the arm of the couch, Kyle was just out of earshot. “I know you think Max can do no wrong but you have no idea just how insufferable he can be.”
“Oh I think I do.” Tess told her.
Isabel lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper before saying, “Even when he isn’t thinking with what’s between their legs he’s just plain pig headed and he needs to be put in his place.”
Tess realized his sister must have overheard some the incident that occurred between her and Max last week, as they were at his house. She’d be surprised if the whole family hadn’t heard, they’d been speaking pretty loudly. The way she quickly made her way to the exit with her face on the floor was also a dead give away.
Isabel continued, “I heard about some of the things he said to you. You should be helping us get back at him.”
“Thanks but I think I’ll pass.” Tess said.
Isabel shrugged “If you change your mind, you know how to find me,” then went over to resume her planning with Kyle.
She could have spent her time getting back at Max and it might make her feel a little better. In fact Tess was certain it would; but if she did that, who would find Alex.

“What about Leanna and the picture. I thought you said they were dating or something?” Max asked as Liz reclined against him and they relaxed on the pier, the water’s gentle sway in front of them. The two of them had retired there after her shift. They started out in her room, which Liz had turned into some type of bizarre shrine of information on Alex. It made Max uncomfortable so he suggested the pier.

“I don’t know Leanna could be some girl Alex put in all the photos with him.” Liz answered.

“Or she could be an… alien.” Max provided as the two of them let that new bit of information hang in the night air for a moment. He was fairly certain that the next time someone spoke it would shatter the fragile shield they had over their tentative relationship. It was as if the two of them could be together separate from all the circumstances surrounding them, once you threw those in the mix all was shot to hell.

“Max I can’t do this by myself anymore; I really need your help.”

And there it was, smashing their glass heaven like the leaden brick it was. Max could not help her with this, he would not help her. This investigation was turning her into a sick obsessive person, it wasn’t healthy. Didn’t Liz care what this was doing to them? She seemed to last night but maybe she never did. Maybe their perfect evening had been a ploy to rope Max into this.

Liz would never to that, would she? A year ago he would have never doubted her, but he was finding he knew very little about her these days. Pushing those thoughts aside he asked. “My help in doing what exactly?”

“Finding out where Alex disappeared to for two months of his life and if that has anything to do with what happened to him.” She looked to him expectantly but what did she expect him to say?

Max knew she wouldn’t be happy unless he agreed to help her but he wasn’t going to do that and he told her as much. “Liz this is getting dangerous. I don’t want you investigating it anymore.”

“But…” Liz began, but he cut her off.

“…Listen I know it’s not easy to deal with but Alex is gone.” Max said, he knew she was hurting. Maybe if she could come to accept the loss she wouldn’t have this morose need to find out what happened.

“I want you to know that whenever you need a shoulder to cry on… or someone to talk to, I’m here for you.” He placed her head on his shoulder. If he could just keep her safe and comfortable maybe she’d forget about it, or at least get over it. They remained like that for a moment both silent, and unsure of what to say, or rather what not to say as the case was. “What did you want to say to me before?”

They didn’t really get the chance to see much of each other since that morning in the hall at school. Liz had her shift at her parent’s diner, and Max had his hours at the UFO center, this was the first time they were getting to sit down and talk.

There was obviously something plaguing her mind as Liz vacillated openly before beginning, “Before I tell you I just wanted to let you know that I’m aware of all the things you have going on in your life right now, and I’m sorry to add to that…”

She was babbling Max knew from previous experience that she did that when she was nervous “…Liz what is it. You can tell me anything” he soothed

“I’m not sure yet, but I think I may be pregnant.” Her voice was soft, almost as if she were a child seeking approval from her parents.

Pregnant? When Max first heard it he was sure he must be mistaken but when
Liz repeated herself he was positive she must have lost her mind. “We just slept together.” He brushed off all this investigating had her feverish. “How could you possibly know that?”

“I don’t know.” She began “And it doesn’t make complete sense to me either but…all I know is something is happening inside my body and I’m not sure what it is.”

“…Okay, okay” He soothed “but let’s be reasonable about this. It’s just not normal for you to know so soon after we…I know I didn’t use anything but you said you told me before you were on the pill.”

Last spring things between them progressed physically rather quickly, they’d come very close to going all the way on more than one occasion. Therefore being the responsible teens they were they sat down and had a conversation about protection and birth control, should the need ever arise. It seemed all that was shot to hell now.

“I am,” Liz confirmed “I was...”

“You were?”

“My mom put me on the pill when I was fifth-teen because my cycle was so irregular… It’s just with everything that’d been going on I’ve been so preoccupied I may have missed taking it a few times this week...”

He shook his head, birth control pills were pretty effective maybe there was another reason Liz thought she was… “So are you late?” Max asked

“No.” Liz blanched almost if she was offended he’d asked.

Max continued “So then how can you be sure?”

“I had a dream earlier…”

“You’re telling me you’re pregnant because dreamt you were.” He asked incredulously. Liz had always been pretty reasonable but at the moment she sounded a bit delirious. He placed his hand over her forehead checking her temperature. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Max stop. I am telling you that we are going to have a baby and you are not taking me seriously.”

“Liz you have to admit this is all a bit unbelievable. We didn’t use protection fine, but this is probably just your imagination getting away with you.”

“Maybe,” Liz conceded “and maybe I shouldn’t know yet. But your son, his mind is very real. He created a world and pulled me into it. He showed me your sperm implanting my egg.”

“What?” Max balked, almost choking on his words “My son?”

“The cells are dividing now, if things go according to the human schedule I won’t know for a week or so but maybe if you focus you can see him too.” Max expression still bore confusion.

“Try and focus, form a connection.” Liz prodded she took his hands and placed them on the warm skin of her abdomen then sat completely still. Max tried to focus but nothing came. Like the other night, the only thing missing from their night together was the flashes.

“You’re not trying Max.” Liz observed.

“How can I connect with something that’s not there?” He exploded, more at their lack of communication than at the situation. He could never be upset about anything he made with Liz. Nevertheless, having flashes w made their relationship special, seeing someone else’s soul was like nothing else. He could now say it was even better than sex and they didn’t have that anymore.

“I’m sorry. Look we need to find some legitimate way to find out if you are…” How could they Max having a baby if he couldn’t even say the words?

“I took a test earlier.” Liz told him “but I think it’s probably too early to tell that way. It was negative.”

Max nodded. All those tests did was look for hormones in your urine. Maybe her hormones hadn’t changed yet, maybe they never would. If she was in fact pregnant, Max didn’t even know what she was having.

“But I know. I am” Liz said

“Maybe.” Max said hands still resting on her abdomen, Liz nodded settling into his embrace “Maybe not. I guess we just wait and see.” This was unreal “When are you due to get your…period.”

“I can’t really talk about that type of stuff with you.” She said her cheeks a healthy shade of red.

“Liz if we’re going to have a kid…”

“Fine, fine.” she sighed “its next Wednesday okay.”

Max was the last person that wanted to sit there talking about menstruation but it didn’t look like they had much of a choice. He nuzzled her neck “In the meantime we can get a bunch of home pregnancy tests.”

“And I can take one every morning.” Liz agreed

It was hard but they were settling into her reality, “I should have used something,” as scary as it may be. “We could have waited,” they had to accept and make the best of this “Why is this happening now?”

“We’re always hearing so much about destiny,” Liz began “maybe he was meant.”

“I hope so.” Max said and Liz smiled
Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Behrystrwbry »

AN:Some of the lines in this part were borrowed from the show. And a note to those who said they don't like Max in this... just try and bear with me, he will have some redeeming moments very shortly. Thank you to those left feedback, Those lurking hope you enjoy too.

Chapter Two

“Max.” Liz blushed “People are staring.”

Ever since Liz shared her news with him a few nights prior Max was on constant guard of her. His usual controlling nature, coupled with his current role of overbearing protector, was a bit suffocating for Liz. Max wanted to take her everywhere, from home to school; from school to work; the only time she had away from him was in the classes they didn’t share. Liz didn’t mind the attention, but it made it near impossible for her to continue finding information about Alex, but somehow she managed.

When they were together, Max was always touching her even if in some small way. His arm around her shoulders, hand on the small her back, or sometimes blatant displays of public affection. Like that afternoon in the café as his face was buried in the crook her neck and he straddled the bench behind her. Liz was certain she’d have a sizeable hickey when he was done.

“Well then,” Max mumbled continuing to knead her sensitized skin with his mouth “we should give them a show.”

Liz’s eyes drifted closed of their own volition, “We shouldn’t be doing this here.” Though she was thoroughly enjoying his attention, Liz didn’t want their love life to be the subject of public fodder.

“Eraser room?” was his simple offer

“Lunch line.” Liz countered which caused Max to look up as if she grown another head.

Max’s nonplussed expression broke into a wicked smile “Kinky, but I’m …”

“…Not that, silly.” Liz blushed playfully batting his arm “Would you get me an order of fries?” she asked sporting her best pout “Please.”

“Liz you’ve eaten all of your fries, all of my fries. How many fries can one girl possibly eat?”

Liz shrugged innocently. She could admit that her appetite had been a bit ravenous the past few days she supposed it was due to the fact that she was eating for two now, but she wasn’t going to tell Max that else he’d go all papa bear on her again. Still Liz knew he’d cave

“I’ll be right back.” Max conceded as expected.

“Thank you…Oh and something to drink please.” Liz added.

She watched Max shake his head as he disappeared behind the lunchroom doors. She made sure he was out of sight before pulling the folder out of her back pack. She sifted through a few pages before finding the desired item. It was a print out of an email Alex sent her while supposedly in Sweden. However, if he’d never really been there where was it from?

If Liz could find out where this email was sent from she would know where Alex disappeared to. Looking over the origination point she determined she would need some help. She knew how to operate a computer, with your standard applications but when it came to this type of technical stuff her knowledge was very slim, if any. Liz continued to look through the other information she’d gathered when a shadow blocked her sunlight.

Tess was the last person Liz expected to see. She knew news in West Roswell’s rumor mill would make it back to her eventually but she never expected Tess to confront her about it. She looked around to see if she could spot Max, regretting that she’d sent him on a fry run, because he was no where to be found.

“You can relax I come in peace.” Tess said but Liz didn’t give any visible reaction simply waited for her to continue “Can I sit down?”

“Um…sure Tess…I’m sorry… I just hardly expected to see you today.” Liz stumbled nervously “What are you doing here?”

“I heard about you and Max and I wanted to say that I’m happy for you.”

It was an odd thing for Tess to say, especially since the blonde made it no secret that she’d like to get her claws into Max Evans. She sounded sincere but Liz wasn’t completely buying it, and she must have worn her skepticism on her face because Tess continued.

“I don’t want to fight with you anymore. I mean you obviously make him happy so…”

“Not that I don’t appreciate this… a lot; It’s just why now?”

“I’ve realized that we’re not the same people we were in that other life.” Tess began, fidgeting with her hands “We have lives in the here and now and that’s what we should concentrate on.”

“Wow.” Liz breathed “Coming from you that means a lot.”

Liz was stunned speechless there was so much she wanted to say to the girl but couldn’t shape her mouth to say a single thing. The silence between them was awkward and Tess was about to excuse herself which prompted Liz into speaking “I was actually hoping I could ask you a few questions...” Liz she scanned the café to see if Max was approaching before continuing.” The day was going well and the last thing she needed was for him to get wind she was still investigating and ruin it “about your powers.”

“Sure what did you want to know?” Tess asked

“Anything that you tell me but really…” before Liz could finish her sentence Max appeared seemingly out of thin air and took a seat next to her.

“… Your fries Madame,” He said ceremoniously placing the basket in front of Liz “Oh and I got you milk. I know you said you don’t like it but you need your calcium, and it’s chocolate.”

He settled himself on the bench before noticing that Tess sat across from them and the greeting he gave her was full of unmistakable loathing. Liz was sure she was missing something. “What are you doing here?”

“We were just talking.” Liz told him, hoping to avoid a possible confrontation.

“About what?” He persisted

“Actually Tess has come to bury the hatchet.” If Max was uncomfortable being around Tess for the reasons Liz thought, that piece of information should have eased his concerns.

“I should go. We’ll talk later Liz.” Tess said standing to leave; but not before glowering pointedly at Max.

“Oh no don’t go on my account please continue.” He said.

“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for any trouble I may have caused and I hope you two are happy together.”

“Really!?” He balked laughingly.

There was definitely some weird vibe between Max and Tess and Liz wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know what it was about “Leave it alone Max.” she told him.

He ignored her warning much like everything else she said “Why are you really here? To compare notes?”

“Excuse me.” Liz prompted almost choking on her words. Compare notes, What did that mean?

“Now why would I want to do a stupid thing like that?” Tess shot back.

“Maybe our night together wasn’t enough for you.” Max shrugged “So you’ve come to find out what it can be like between two people who care about each other. Hope you told her I’m good honey.” he turned to Liz for a quick peck on the cheek.

Liz knew he’d only done it for Tess’s benefit and she repressed the urge to wipe it away. Her next sentence was slow and deliberate “Did you sleep with her Max?”

“No, no…believe me no...” Tess clarified, it was clear the girl was repulsed by this idea. “This unimaginably arrogant bastard…Please.”

“From you Tess I consider that a compliment.” Max said folding his arms across his chest.

“Are we done here?” Tess asked, Max shrugged with mock indifference. “Great, Liz good luck with this S.O.B.”

Once she was gone Liz turned to Max and asked, “So what was that about?”


Never mind the fact the he just shared a very personal piece of information about her with a former arch nemesis. This display told Liz that something had happened between Tess and Max, and she needed to know what “Compare notes, what would she have to compare to Max? It must not have been a big deal because there is no way you would have slept with me with out telling me something like that.”

Max spoke softly not meeting her eyes it was clear he was not proud of himself “We were never together but we came pretty close… once. I stopped us before we got too far.”

“I see.” Liz said shoving a French fry in her mouth as she digested this new bit of information.

“You see what Liz,” Max threw back sarcastically “What it’s like to be lied to? Guess you’re not the only one with secrets huh?” he got up as if to go, but not before placing a kiss on the top of her head and placing the carton of milk in font her. “You should drink this”

“I want in.” Tess told Isabel without preamble bursting into the Evans living room later that day. She had been steaming over her confrontation with Max all day and she needed to do something to take her mind off it, bring her back to center. She’d be damned if she let him get the better of her. Pranks seemed to work for Isabel and Kyle so here Tess was.

“What are you talking about?” Isabel said tearing her perfectly made up face away from the magazine she was reading

“I know you and Kyle are hatching some type scheme to get back at Max. I want to help.” Tess told her.

It didn’t take Isabel long to contact Kyle and let him know they had a third participant. He seemed happy to have her and rushed right over to the Evans’ after ball practice.

“So what did you guys have planned?” Tess queried later when the three of them were in the sanctuary of Isabel’s locked bedroom.

“We were going to change his picture in the yearbook.” Kyle divulged with a snicker.

“That’s it?” Tess blanched.

“What have you got in mind?” Isabel prompted clearly intrigued

“We need to do something that will utilize both of our gifts.”

“Hey.” Kyle said reminding the two he was still there

“And Kyle.” Isabel conceded

“Right.” Tess began “So what’s Max Evans been dreaming lately? ”


Max was in a room that looked to be a child’s room. Liz was there too cooing at the small bundle in her arms. She sat in a rocking chair. The two of them made a lovely picture and he went over to join them completing the small family

Liz handed him their child. He was perfect an eclectic mix of both he and Liz. Brown hair, brown eyes, Ten little fingers and ten little toes, a tentacle…

Wait, tentacles? Babies weren’t supposed have tentacles. He almost shoved the baby back into Liz arms. “What’s the matter Max don’t you want to hold your son.”

The appendages were multiplying, reaching out to him and Liz didn’t seem to have a problem as the rapidly growing creature began to squeeze the life out of him…

“So what’s on your mind Max you seem…a little distracted?” Michael asked as he checked the ball to his friend

“Why do you say that?”

“You’ve missed every single shot you threw.” Michael observed. His loyalty to Max during this very difficult time was turning out to be a blessing. Sure, they had their disagreements but as soon as Max mentioned he had some stuff he needed to talk to him about, Michael dropped what he was doing and they went to play basketball.

“It’s Liz …she won’t listen to a word I say.” Max said as he took another failed shot.

“Maybe you should stop treating her like a child.” Michael offered motioning for him to take a seat on the bench with him.

“I’m not treating her like a child.” Max defended.

“Max you treat everyone like a child. Besides based on what you’ve said that’s what it sounds like to me.”

“You wouldn’t understand…” Max brushed him off as he took a swig of the water bottle he’d brought. “There’s just a lot of stuff that I’m dealing with.”

“Like what?”

Max wasn’t sure if he should tell him, he wasn’t sure if Liz wanted anyone wanted to know yet “Things between Liz and I sort of advanced.”

“How far did they ‘advance’?” Michael persisted

“Pretty much as far as they can.”

Max was never good talking about his personal life even with someone as close as Michael. This was his roundabout way of telling his good friend about his evening with Liz.

“You and Liz…”

“…Had sex yes.” Max provided.

“How was it? She didn’t like turn green or anything?”

“She’s fine,” Max said then thinking of the frisky behavior Liz had been exhibiting lately he added, “Pretty good actually, but there has been a complication.”

“What alien herpes?” Michael asked

“Nothing like that.”

“Well other than getting her pregnant which I know you’re too smart to do?” Michael had said this rather matter of faculty but Max’s eyes told him that perhaps he’d been wrong. “You got Liz pregnant?”

“We’re not sure yet but Liz seemed pretty certain. That’s not normal, right? She knew like the day after we…”

“Let’s think about this now. I mean there is the possibility that this kid isn’t even yours?” Max knew why his friend would think that but he didn’t know the things Max did. “You said yourself Liz slept with Kyle once, maybe it’s his.”

“She was so serious when she said it. I don’t think she would have even told me if she thought there was any doubt. Besides I’m pretty sure she lied about sleeping with Kyle. I was her first.” He explained

“How do you know for sure?”

“I just know.” Liz had still been “intact” the first time they were together.

“Well she lied about that how do you know she isn’t lying about the baby too.”

“Liz would never lie to me about something like this.” Max knew that as sure as he knew is own name. Didn’t he?

“Still I think you owe it to yourself to at least find out.”

“How? If this child is mine we can’t exactly go get a blood test.”

“Granted but then what’s inside her is it human? Is it alien? If this thing comes out green with four fingers and three eyes that puts a major crimp in our hide in plain sight strategy. What about her parents? What about yours? What does Liz say about all this?”

“She hasn’t really said anything either way we’re not even completely sure. For now we’re waiting. And I can’t tell Liz what to do.”

“What? Do you hear yourself?” Michael exploded “Last week you told Isabel she couldn’t go away to college… You were perfectly fine telling Liz what to do a moment ago. Don’t go all pansy on me now, besides you’re the King?”

“Which makes her the Queen…sort of?”

“I think it’s up to you to make Liz realize what we could be getting into. Check out all the possibilities and remember I’ll help out if you need.”

“Michael there’s something else…When Liz and I…when things are intense sometimes we feel things, see things.”

“The flashes.”

“Yeah well they haven’t been coming for me …and I thought they would have been more…I don’t know vivid, given what’s happened.”

“Does she see things from you?”

“I don’t know I’ve been sort of afraid to ask her…”

“If you can’t even talk to Liz how do you expect to see flashes. The two of you need to sit down and have a conversation, start there.”

Max thought he was loosing his mind that afternoon when he opened his locker to find an alien baby with tentacles reaching out to grab him. He flinched visibly bumping into Liz who was right next to him.

“Are you okay?” she asked

Max looked at the now limp cabbage patch doll, back to Liz then down to the other end of the hall where Isabel, Tess, and Kyle were standing together. It was apparent the three of them were working together now. As if each of them individually was not enough. “I’m fine.” He told Liz slamming his locker.

He and Liz linked hands heading towards the eraser room. Max decided to take his friend’s advice he and Liz were due to talk out their problems but when he turned around from locking and sealing the eraser room door to see the impish smile on her face he knew that idea might have to be shelved for now.

“Do you remember the first time you invited me in here?” Liz asked.

“Sure we were spying on a government agent.” Max answered going to stand next to her.

“Last spring.” She provided.

Max remembered that very clearly. It was the first time Liz told him she had flashes. “We got in a lot of trouble for that.” Their faces were mere centimeters apart as he spoke.

“Want to get in trouble again?”

His mouth was on hers before she could say anything else. He lifted her onto the table in the corner stepping between her legs, and pressing his desire into hers. Their kisses were desperate seeking, looking for the answers neither would provide. Then they came, like an unexpected wind; images of his son, what looked like the very tiny one-month-old zygote that he was at this point “You’re right Liz he is growing fast.”

“What?” Liz panted

“Our baby. You were right you are…”

“…pregnant. You saw him?” she concluded Max nodded and that was the only confirmation she needed before enveloping him in a hug.

“Liz.” He mumbled against her hair “Liz I want you to know that this is my child too and whatever you decide I’ll stand by you but…”

“…I’m keeping this baby if that’s what you’re saying.” Liz said leaning back to look him dead in the eye. The air in the room grew thick with tension “You don’t want it.” she concluded.

“I said I would stand by you.” Max corrected her crossing to the other end of the small room and scrubbing his face with his hands.

“Don’t sound so excited about it.” Liz said a twinge of sarcasm etched in her voice.

“My whole life just changed over night. I think I’m entitled to get a little freaked.”

“Oh and I’m not. Don’t you think…”

“…I didn’t say that you weren’t …Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this right now.”

“Typical.” Liz said

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you always avoid talking about things you don’t want to deal with.” She was through protecting his feelings he obviously had no regard for hers.

“I am dealing you’re the one that doesn’t seem very interested in…”

“…Not interested?” She interrupted him hopping off the table “Who was the one who wanted you to connect with him in the first place? So you get a vision of our son and all of a sudden you’re father of the year. Max if there is anyone who doesn’t want this child it is you.”

“That’s not true, I do want our son. I love him already. I’m just…”

“Scared?” Max didn’t answer but he suspected Liz already knew the answer. She closed the distance between them placing a soothing hand on his shoulder. “I am too…”

“How are we going to get through this?”

“Be scared together.” Liz told him “Be honest with each other...”

“Really?” Max asked surprised the words were coming from her. And He thought maybe there was hope for them yet. “Alright well answer this. The other night with me in the observatory that was your first time ever right?”

“Yeah.” Liz stated matter of faculty.

“Well then what really happened between you and Kyle last October? You never slept with him did you? You faked it for my benefit. Some how you knew I’d be there and you wanted me to see. Why did you want me to see you and Kyle together?” He knew she’d said she was scared but to go to such extremes to get him to stop pursuing her. Max liked to believe that if she’d simply come to him and asked. Who was he kidding he could never be satisfied without her.

Liz was silent as if concocting what story she would tell him this time. “I know this sounds crazy right now but I can’t tell you why. You just have to trust me.”

Max turned to face Liz taking her hands in his “I love you Liz, now I’m pretty sure you feel the same way. God, your carrying my child don’t you think I deserve to know.”

“Yes.” They were both on the verge of tears now “But I still can’t tell you.”

“Then I can’t trust you.” He said quietly.

Liz banged the locker next to them in frustration. It caused a sound, Max was sure heard out in the hallway, and gave her a pretty ugly bruise. Not being able to see her in pain Max went over to see if he could help her and she snatched her hand away “Why do you have to be this way?”

“What way? Honest, expect the truth?”

“Max your truth hurts people! You act like an arrogant little boy! You’ve pushed everyone else away Max and you’re working on me. I love you but you just can’t control me!”

“I don’t want to control you. I want to know your heart like I used to and as hard as I try I just don’t anymore.” Max admitted “I don’t know that I want to have a child with someone I don’t even know! So if that’s what you meant by not wanting it then maybe you’re right!”

“Whether you want to or not we are having a child.”

“Having a what? Some type of freakish alien offspring. How can I trust you to do what’s right by our child? How do I know that you won’t get bored or scared again and turn him in to the feds!?” As soon as he said it Max was sorry. Liz had risked life and limb for them time and time again and he could see that those few words stung her just as much as they did him.

“Okay well let me do you a favor. “ Liz said gathering her things and fixing her clothing “I’ll just take our alien offspring and leave you to yourself. We are through. Don’t call me, don’t try and see me, you can come by my room and get your things today while I’m at work.”

Liz struggled a few seconds with the door before realizing he’d done something to it with his powers. “Open this please!”

He did and as Liz exited Max saw Isabel and Tess a few feet away trying to look inconspicuous but Max knew they’d heard everything that just happened, everyone did…
Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Behrystrwbry »

Chapter Three

Talk of she and Max’s blow out was all over the school by the end of the next period. Liz was so embarrassed she didn’t bother with the rest of her classes for that day. Instead she went home and began packing all the things she could fit into a large duffel bag. Yesterday Liz had been able to talk to one of Alex’s friends from an advance computer science course into decoding the origination point of the email Alex sent her. It turned out during those past two months Alex was staying in a dorm room at the University of Las Cruces in New Mexico. Therefore that was where Liz was headed; the only hitch was she didn’t know how long she wanted to stay gone.

Liz wasn’t sure where the investigation would take her after Las Cruces, all she knew was that she wanted to be far away from Max for as long as possible. She went from drawer to drawer sifting through the articles of clothing, then unceremoniously dumping what she needed in the bag. When she finished with one duffel, she started with the next, the very same luggage she’d packed when she thought she was on her way to Sweden. Liz was packing so feverishly she didn’t notice that Maria stood speechless in doorway of her room.

“What are you doing Liz?” Maria asked prompted into speaking as Liz buzzed past her.

“Packing.” Liz voice echoed from the closet.

“I can see that. “ Maria entered the room, not needing invitation “I guess the better question would have been: Where are you going?” she clarified.

“To Las Cruces, to the University,” Liz told her dumping a few pairs of jeans into the suitcase on her bed where her friend now sat.

“What’s in Las Cruces?”

“Alex.” Liz began “He was never in Sweden he was in New Mexico the whole time. Las Cruces is where he was, so Las Cruces is where I’m going.”

While Liz continued preparing for her hasty get away, Maria began to look around the room. She noticed a seemingly forgotten backpack by the foot of the bed. It appeared full to capacity, but was curiously light when she lifted it. Maria opened the bag and the contents came spilling out “Liz this bag is full of pregnancy tests.”

That seemed to quell Liz hasty movement as she faced her friend “Yeah well I sort of kind of am… a little bit pregnant?”

“A little bit pregnant Liz? That makes no sense either you are or you aren’t.”

“I am.” Liz took a seat on the bed beside Maria.

“Okay now let’s go back. When did you two have time to conceive a child?” Maria queried “I assume Max is the proud papa.” Liz nodded “And you two were at war until five days ago.”

“Well it happened five days ago.”

“Never mind, that this human alien creation seems to be growing at a ridiculous rate. You’re pregnant Liz you shouldn’t be going to Las Cruces alone.” Maria told her “What does Max say about this?”

“I don’t think he cares what happens to me or my child, he doesn’t even want it.” It hurt Liz to even think about the things Max said to her earlier “We had a huge fight about it today at school. I’m surprised you haven’t heard already.”

“No I did. I just thought it was nonsense.” Maria said “You know people see the two of you practically devouring each other everyday they start to talk… I didn’t think you were having sex I mean I assumed you would have told me something like that.”

“Yeah well I’ve been a little preoccupied lately.” Liz said in an apologetic tone.

The two friends just sat there for a moment, Liz pondering what her options were, she knew she was going to continue until she found the murderer; But what about after that? What would she and her child do? Liz couldn’t allow herself to think at that moment, it was a distraction and she couldn’t have any distractions. Alex had to be her number one priority.

“Can you give me an hour or so?” Maria queried


“I’m not gonna let my pregnant best friend go to a strange city all alone.” Maria said “So give me enough time to throw some things in a bag. I’ll bring back the Jetta and we’re gone.”


“Where is Liz?” Max asked without preamble, his voice was soft but full of seething anger.

Max had been looking for Liz for nearly three hours, and was frantic with worry. He knew she wanted him to leave her alone but he had to at least make sure she was safe.

“Beats me;” was Michael’s simple response which had Max about ready to rip his head off “you should keep better track of the mother your child. But in the mean time, perhaps some light reading.” He took a seat on the couch handing Max a book from the stack on the table “You should find this one particularly useful.”

Max read the title “‘Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus.’ ”

“Or this.” Michael said handing him another book.

“’What to Expect When You’re Expecting’.” Max read, laughing to himself before he flung both the books across the room “How about we quit with the reading rainbow, and you tell me where my…where Liz is!”

“I can’t help you.” Michael told him

“I saw you talking to Maria earlier…”


“…then she got in a car with a bunch of bags and drove off. Liz was in that car, which means you know where Liz is.”

“So you’re stalking her now! You need help man, you screwed up… really bad. Liz does not want to see your ass, so leave her alone, and give her space.” Michael said before going to collect the books Max had just thrown across the room, and then resumed his position on the couch to continue reading

Meanwhile Max had a minor freak-out kicking and smashing up everything in the apartment he could get his hands on. He was taking his frustration with the situation out on the objects he destroyed. Michael continued his reading and Max continued smashing until there was nothing left to destroy; then he just sat in the corner silently crying.

Michael went over to check on him “Feel better?”

“I can’t loose her again Michael… not over something so stupid” Max blubbered tears running freely down his face. He rarely if ever let others see him cry; but he was too torn up to care at that moment. “…Especially now when there’s much more at stake.”

“Are you ready to listen?” Michael asked and Max nodded.


“Why should I be the one to listen?” Liz said as she slipped her T-shirt over her head pulling her long hair out of the collar, she slid her belt through the loops of her jeans then checked her appearance in the mirror.

Upon their arrival in Las Cruces it had been too late to get any work done so Liz and Maria got a hotel room not too far from the campus and settled in for the night. The next morning they awoke early to start finding clues. And While Liz was grateful to have Maria on the trip with her she was becoming a bit annoyed as Maria brought the situation between her and Max up at every turn. It was the last thing she wanted to be thinking about first thing in the morning.

“Liz you and Max are going to have a baby.” Maria’s voice echoed from the bathroom, as she was putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

“Which he doesn’t even want.” Liz said checking the contents of her purse. Money check, cell phone check, lip gloss check, she grabbed the file folder full of in formation and she would have been ready to go, if Maria weren’t trying to pull her into a discussion she didn’t wasn’t ready to have at the moment.

“Of coarse Max loves your child.” Maria said entering the room then tucking her cosmetic case in her overnight bag “He’s just suffering from an unfortunate case of foot in mouth disease. Most men do at some point, some more than others, and when they do that, it is our job to step in and be the voice of reason. ”

“It’s hard to reason when you have no control.” Liz told her

“Remember when we would play house you would always want to be the mom and I was the Dad.” Maria reminisced taking a seat at the foot of her bed; she patted the space besides her motioning for Liz to join her.

“We were really confused on gender roles, huh?” Liz joked as she took the seat.

“…We’d start playing, and then you would tell me I was doing it wrong so we’d switch and you were the dad. You always thought you knew best, never wanted to accept any help. You can’t do everything all on your own, not this time.”

“I know that,” Liz conceded “I may be pregnant but that doesn’t mean I need to be told what to do like a child.”

“Do you? Liz Max is controlling he’s supposed to have been this king…but you’d have done well as his queen because you can be quite the martyr when you want to.” Maria said” You crazy kids just have the misfortune of having to deal with each other.”

“He says he can’t trust me Maria.” Liz said falling back on the bed “In order to make things right I’ll have to tell him…about what really happened with Kyle.”

“I take it he already knows you were how you say…”Maria paused trying to find the right words “chaste?’”

Liz nodded “That’s what made him suspicious.”

“So what’s the big deal?” Maria asked lying down next to Liz, leaning up on her elbow to face her friend.

“He’s hurt that I lied to him…” Liz told her “He doesn’t know why I did.”

“And why can’t you tell him.” Maria asked it seemed the more Liz told her the less she understood “You’re not still afraid of Tess’s reaction are you ‘because I don’t really need a reason to kick…”

“…You can put the claws away Maria. Tess came to apologize the other day,” Liz said interrupting her “which was strange.”

“What is it then?” Maria asked

“I made a promise to him.” Liz told her friend tearing her watery eyes away from the ceiling to look at Maria.

“So let me get this straight.” Maria began sitting up once again. She paced the room as she spoke “You can’t tell Max the truth because you made a promise to Max?” she laughed “I tell you I will never get tired of this intergalactic soap opera.”

“It’s not that simple.” Liz said sitting up as well

“It is that simple Liz.” Maria said resuming her position by Liz’s side. “Remember last year this time you and Max were getting all hot and heavy, he was professing his undying love, telling you ‘you were the one’, then Tess came along and played her mind tricks and you saw the two of them kissing. I mean it turns out there was an explanation for it, but you were really broken up about it at first. You said everything you saw with your eyes was telling you one thing…”

“… and everything I felt with my heart was telling me something’ else.”
Liz said already living those painful and confusing days in her head.

“Do you recall how hurt you were? I can’t be sure but that’s probably how Max feels now about this supposed ‘thing’ with Kyle; except he never got his explanation. And it sounds like you expect him to move past it like nothing ever happened.”

“It doesn’t sound very fair when you put it that way.” Liz said.

“That’s because it isn’t fair to him.” Maria conceded “You need to tell Max what happened this fall before he finds out another way…or worse he leaves you over this, for good this time.”

Maria’s cell phone began ringing drawing them out of the moment she looked at he caller ID then went in the bathroom to take the call. Liz didn’t see the number but she knew whoever it was Maria must not want her to know about it.

When her friend returned Liz was going to ask her about it but thought better of it

“Just think about what I said.” Maria told her “Now the pow wow has been fun but that’s not what this trip is about and we need to get going.”

“Right Alex.” Liz said and the two of them were on their way.


“He was translating something.” Liz said disbelievingly as she watched the alien hieroglyphs scroll down the screen.

She and Maria made a lot of progress that day. They were able to find the dorm that Alex was staying in, and find out from one of the other residents that he was going by the name of Ray while there. Turns out ‘Ray’ spent most of his time at the LitVak computer science building apparently translating some type of alien document.

“Yeah but what? This language doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen.” He said. Liz was able to get one of the students to help with the supposed ‘super’ computer, and find the file Alex worked on.

“I know this.” Liz mumbled to herself she was absolutely certain that what happened to Alex was alien related as the strange hieroglyphs scrolled down the screen. “Was he able to do it?”

“Don’t know he deleted the results.” the student said

“That’s weird.” Liz mused

“Speaking of weird...,” the student, said pointing out the window to where a tall lanky kid was storming across the quad, not wearing any pants.

There was a pixie blond trying her best to keep stride with him. He looked angry. And when Liz saw the scowl on his face she realized that the lanky kid was Max and he was heading straight toward them. He disappeared into the front entrance of the building and wasn’t long before he was in the hall just outside the room they were working.

“Liz get up we’re going!” Max said without preamble when he reached the lab.

“Sorry Liz I tried to stop him.” Maria said breathlessly, having had practically to run a marathon to keep up with Max. Michael brought up the rear.

“How did he even know we were here?” Liz asked.

“I told him.” Michael admitted

“And I told Michael.” Maria added “Sorry.”

“I’ll just be right outside if you need me.” The student said, clearly uncomfortable with the developing confrontation.

“Oh we won’t be long.” Max assured as the guy squeezed past him “Get up!” he said pulling Liz to her feet and there was no telling what else he would have done to her if Michael hadn’t stopped him.

“Remember what we talked about.” Michael reminded stoically

“Liz,” Max sighed pinching the bridge of his nose as he released her “would you please come with me. We need to talk.”

Liz resumed her seat at the computer “Alex was decoding you guys’ book; the one from the pod chamber. I think he may have been successful but he deleted his results says he sent it to Who the heck is J. Coleman?”

“Leanna.” Maria said “You were right Leanna is not Leanna she’s Jennifer Coleman a junior here at the university.” Maria

“We have to find her. She might know what happened to Alex.” Liz said swiveling around to face them.

“We already did but Curly and Mo over here sacred her off.” Maria told her “She skipped town.”

“Just how long have you two been here?” Liz asked

“Two days,” Max admitted “we needed to make sure you were safe.”

“And you couldn’t wear pants to do that.” Liz asked noting his lack clothing

“I kind of stole his pants.” Maria admitted “I was trying to stop him from storming over here like a maniac. I knew they were here but you seemed to feel it was important to do this on your own. But look on the bright side at least he’s not wearing tighty whitys”

“Well none of us have been successful.” Liz stated “What do we do now? We know Alex was translating the book but the only person who has it won’t come near us.”

“We go back to the rooms,” Michael said “make plans for tomorrow, then try to get some sleep.”

“Ugh. I couldn’t sleep if I tried.” Maria mumbled from underneath her pillow

The two couples shared adjourning hotel rooms. It had been that way all along, though all parties were not aware of it initially. Michael and Maria offered to retire to the other room for a while to give Max and Liz some privacy so they could “talk” and work out their differences. But that had been nearly two hours ago and the cursing and screaming hadn’t stopped since.

“Michael,” Maria whined “how can you be the oblivious?” said hopping out of bed to go over to where he was enthralled in the television.

”What? We did our part now it’s up to them.” Michael told her trying to look around her small frame to see the screen.

“What if they don’t…what if they can’t make it past this?” Maria pondered aloud

“Of coarse they’ll make it. They’re Max and Liz. ”Michael said “Now will you excuse me you’re blocking the hockey game.”


“…No that’s not love Max that‘s worshiping someone as your own personal trophy!” Liz shouted.

“Fine if you know so much than tell me Liz, what is love?!” Max threw back.

“Part of Love is respecting each other as equals, and treating one another that way, all the time.” Liz said

“That’s a lot of talk for someone who’s been lying to me for the past seven months.” Max countered

“What have I lied about Max? We’re honest with each other about everything you know that.” Liz said

“Really.” He balked “Is that what you call planning secret getaways in the middle of the night, leaving no information as to where you’ve gone or when you’re coming back…”


“…Not to mention pretending to sleep with Kyle.”

Liz was unsure of how she should answer “So we’re back here again. God…I can’t believe this is still an issue for you. Why can’t you just leave it alone already? We’re having a baby Max.”

“Who’s baby? Is it even mine…Or maybe Kyle? If I’m to believe you, any male at West Roswell could have fathered that child.”

“Max you know that’s not true. Don’t do this. Don’t make it seem like I’m some type of …” Liz crumpled to the floor a mass of tears. “I can’t do this anymore… I can’t…”

“Do what Liz…tell me…I’m here for you” He was right there by her side in an instant though they were fighting it tore him apart to see her crying.

“I don’t want to fight…like this. All we do is fight…”

“Its okay baby we don’t have to fight… no more fighting okay.”

They simply cradled each other rocking back and forth on the floor for a long while until Liz said “This can’t be good for the baby.”

He led her over to the bed and the two of them lay down on top of the covers still holding one another. “Liz, this is silly. I love you and I know you feel the same way; even though I’ve been a jerk lately. And I may not always know how to prove my love or to…to trust you. I want you know that I will try my hardest because I can’t live my life without you.”

“I love you too…” Liz said as a silent tear rolled down her cheek. It just felt right being in Max’s arms again safe, warm and content and Liz knew she had to get something off her chest before the night was through. “Max, I have something to tell you. It’s important and I...”

“Liz, it‘s late we’ll talk in the morning. Get some rest.” Max said placing a kiss on her forehead.

“It’s about our son…”

“Our son will be fine until morning.”

Perhaps he was right but Liz knew if she didn’t go with her gut instinct and tell Max the truth before the end of the night she may never have the courage to do it again and she wanted no more secrets between them. “A while back I had a visitor, he was from the future. He’d used the Granolith to travel back in time and warn me of things to come.” Max didn’t make a move to signal that he was listening but somehow she knew he was. “He said I had to make some changes or it could mean the end of people’s lives and yet here we are and I’m not sure the way things turned out is so much better. The visitor… he looked just like you.”

What was Liz saying? She had a visitor from the future that warned her of things to come that looked just like Max. Their child? The child she carried, had come from the future to warn Liz of his coming. That’s how she had known she was pregnant so soon. Their child would look just like Max; the idea made him heady with pride. “The visitor…he was our son?”

“The visitor was you…”

Liz told him all about future max and his warning about the end of the world and why she had to push him away from her. Finally she apologized for hurting him and expressed her regret for the past few months.

“You’re amazing you know that.” Max said once again humbled by her strength

“I’m not.”

“You are. You sacrificed everything, us, this amazing love we have, not because you were scared or bored or any other selfish reason like that, but to save the world. For that you are amazing.” Max told her “I wouldn’t have been strong enough to do it…I just wish you would have come to me.”

“I promised him that I wouldn’t. He said it was very important that you not know.”

“He knew me well.” Max laughed to himself “People’s lives were at stake I couldn’t live with that guilt, but I couldn’t have turned you away either. But we’re what is it he called it ‘cemented’ now anyway so what will happen.”

“Maybe nothing, Tess seems to be adjusting; even though you were a colossal jerk to her.” Liz pointed out

“Yeah Liz about that, I am so sorry. I’m sorry to you for not telling you about that night before we… got together. I’m sorry to her for the way I treated her. The things I said, I didn’t mean them even when I said them…I just wanted to make her hurt the way I was hurting. It wasn’t fair and if that’s the way I treated her in that other timeline I see why she left.”

“I think you should apologize.” Liz told him “Even if she doesn’t want to hear it at first she’ll come around, but you need to make the first move.”

“I will.” Max said “I just feel so out of control sometimes, but you Liz you’re my rock you keep me centered.”

“If anything I make you worse.” Liz countered

“No Liz you…you make me sane. You are my one piece of sanity in this completely crazy thing; you and now him.“ he said placing his hands over her cotton covered abdomen “I love you both so much.”

“Really?” Liz queried “Because I haven’t been feeling it lately. You yell at me, you brush off or belittle the things I say, you’ve manhandled me more in the past two weeks than in the whole time I’ve known you. And you said you didn’t want our son Max I can’t just forget that.”

“Liz I told you I’ve been out of control. Even with you sometimes. I want to stop myself but I just can’t. I feel like something or someone is making me hurt the people I love; which is why I blamed Tess. But it’s not her, I think it’s me…Zan, the other soul I have inside of me. I think the former king of Antar was a huge jerk.” Both he and Liz smirked over that “I want you to know that I do love you and I never meant any of the things I said that may have made you feel like anything less than the amazing person you are.”

Liz smiled at his tender admission then leaned in for a soft kiss.

“And as for our son I’m scared, yes. Terrified of what will happen to you, or that I won’t be able to protect the both of you. But I could never ‘not want’ anything I created with you. He’s part of you and I love him. “

“Max…” Liz sighed “He’s apart of you too, you know.”

“I know but that might not necessarily be a good thing.” Max joked. “If I ever get out of hand I give you permission to smack me around a bit or get Michael to do it for you” Max brought her hand to his lips running his thumbs over the purplish scab forming on her knuckles from the other day in the eraser room. “May I?”

Liz nodded silently and together they began to heal.


“So it got kind of quiet on your end.” Maria said as Liz rested her head on Maria’s shoulder “I take it you and Max made up.”

“Yeah we did.” Liz told her “Now if we could just find out what happened to Alex this can all be over.”

“This will never be over Liz you’re in love with an alien not to mention having his kid.” Maria pointed out.

There was silence between the two girls as they rode in the back seat of the Jetta. They were headed to the campus of Las Cruces to Leanna and Jennifer Coleman’s, dorm figuring that if Alex sent her the translation, she probably had it there or at least some clue to where she went.

“So you guys made up but did you, you know… make up “ Maria pried

“Maria.” Liz blanched

Maria didn’t see the problem with her invasive questioning “What?”

“Max is sitting less than a foot away.”

“Fine but once you’re finished saving the world… again, you’re going to have to give me details. As your best friend this is cruel and unusual punishment.”

Before Liz could respond Max turned around and spoke, “Okay so let’s go over the plan one more time. Michael and I will go see what we can find in her room. You girls will stay here and keep a look out…”

“…No Max,” Liz interjected “I’m going with you I want to see this through to the end.”

“Fine Michael, Maria you keep a look out Liz and I will go. Call us if you see Jennifer, or her roommate.” He handed them the pictures of the two girls that they’d been able to acquire earlier that day. “Or anything that looks like it’s headed our way. We meet at the car be ready to drive away when we get there.”

It was a Friday night there were numerous parties going on around campus so they should have a few hours distraction. If anyone saw them, they were hoping they’d be too stoned to notice, or to care.

Maria watched Max and Liz exit the car and the easy way they walked to the dorm arm in arm. ”Oh yeah they definitely made up.” she mused to herself


“Looks Normal.” Liz commented not that she knew what a normal college dorm should look like.

“Yeah well so did Copper Summit and there was nothing normal about that place.” Max reminded

“Okay it’s a computer file so let’s start there.” Liz went over to the desk turned on the computer and waited for it to boot up.

Meanwhile Max looked over the things on the dresser and night table, any thing that might give him a hint. Liz was right it all looked normal. “Do you think you’ll ever go to college?”

“Yeah, of coarse; someday. Who knows when that will be, now?” Liz mused unconsciously her hand moved to the life growing in her womb.

Max felt guilty when he saw this “Liz the last thing I want you to do is put your life on hold because of what’s happened.”

“Yeah right I’ll go to college and I’ll just sneak you and the baby into the freshman dorm once co-ed hours are over. I can just see myself telling Junior to quit glowing while my roommate’s asleep.”

“Okay, so maybe you won’t stay in a dorm but I see no reason why we can’t graduate on time and you can go to college if that’s what you want.” Max told her kneeling by her side at the desk; he took her hands in his “We’ll figure something out.”

“I hope that we can.” Liz said before turning toward the pc as she did she noticed a tan piece of paper taped to the side of the CPU. If she hadn’t looked closely she wouldn’t have even seen it. “Max look.”

Max saw that Liz was about to peel the tape away ”Wait no let me. If this thing is alien there’s no telling what it will do.”

Liz relinquished her seat at the desk to Max and he started peeling the tape off to reveal a disc that read simply ALIENS on the label. ”Can it be anymore obvious.”

“I wonder what’s on it? “Liz said

“Let’s find out.” Max said putting the disc in the computer and waiting for the files to load.

Liz did her best to stifle a yawn as she looked at the screen expectantly.

“Tired?” Max asked pulling her toward him and looping his arm around Liz who gratefully rested her weight on Max seated frame.

“Maybe a little.” Liz conceded followed by another yawn and pointing at the screen. Inside the folder there were five sub folders, one dawning each of the pod squads name. Max, Michael, Tess, and Isabel the fifth folder was labeled simply “The Book”

“Creepy.” Liz commented just before her phone vibrated between them, she answered it and listened for a few seconds before telling Max “We have to wrap this up her roommate just entered the dorm Maria’s going to try and head her off but we should really…”

“…There’s information in here on each of us” He was currently browsing his folder “A detailed biography, pictures.”

Liz stifled another yawn “Max we really have” Yawn “to go.”

“Just let me see what’s in this last…wait I can’t get in its password protected. Why would she lock this folder Liz? What do you suppose the password is … Liz… Liz.”

But Liz didn’t answer him because Liz had fainted dead away on the floor.
Last edited by Behrystrwbry on Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I spy with my little eye something that starts with B.
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Post by Behrystrwbry »

Author’s Note: January 22, 2006
Sorry to say as usual school has gotten away with my time, and it a bit of a doozie because this is my last. After may it’s out into the big bad professional world.

Any who, as far as the story Chapter three will be end of the first episode, meant to follow the show’s canon up through the end of It’s Too late and It’s Too Bad. Looking over my notes today it’s make more sense this way.

That way the next episode will follow the show’s cannon up through departure, my own twist of coarse. It was just too much to cover in two chapters. It will be a few weeks until I start the next episode. I hope you all enjoyed this one and I hope you give the next a read.
B. ;)
Btw I added a little but to the end of three.
I spy with my little eye something that starts with B.