Songs of the Heart (M/L ADULT AU) (Complete)

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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Thank you for the great feedback guys

con angel
True Destiny 666
Spicy trini1
Sweet Liz
Jason's Lover

Part 21

I pace back and forth in the waiting room wondering how long it will be until the Doctor comes out and tells me I can rejoin Liz.

“Max why don’t you sit down” a voice suggests.

I turn and see Mac sitting on a seat watching my every move “You should go” I tell her. I don’t know how she ended up in the car with us and at the hospital but here she is and I’m feeling unnerved by it.

“No you need me” she shakes her head.

“No I don’t, in a couple of minutes I’m going to be with Liz” I tell her.

She nods her head “Ok but until then I’ll stay” she says.

I sigh I don’t want to waste my time fighting her at the moment it isn’t going to make a bit of difference.

“Mr. Evans” I see a nurse approaching me “You can come in now” she smiles.

My brain suddenly starts functioning then and I turn to face Mac “Can you call Maria please and tell her where we are, tell her Isabel has the list of people to call”

“Sure” she smiles seems I made her day by giving her a job so important. I nod then and turn to head in the direction the nurse is going with only one thing on my mind.



“Hey” he smiles at me when he walks in the door dressed in the same green scrubs the doctors are wearing.

“Hi” I smile wearily, I’ve only been in labor about an hour and I’m already exhausted. He leans in and kisses me gently “maybe we over did it having sex this afternoon” he chuckles.

I can’t help but smile, just being in his presence calms me down and I know immediately I can do this, I will do this for him and our daughter.

“Can she get some drugs please?” he asks the nurse who nods and smiles. I swear sometimes he knows me better then I know myself.

“thank you” I whisper.

He grins down at me “Are you ready for this?”

“No but there is stopping it now, she’s coming” I tell him.

“You’re going to be a fantastic mother” he says and I feel a few tears forming in my eyes. Deep down I’m so scared that I’m going to stuff up “and your going to be a great Dad” I tell him.

Things move slowly then and the pain relief helps immediately, well until the pain gets ten times worse as my contractions start hitting so close together. Max is doing his best to keep me calm and breathing properly, giving me ice chips and rubbing my back.

“Did you call our parents?” I ask him.

I watch him scratch his ear and I’m instantly worried, doesn’t anyone else know we’re here?.

“I kind of wasn’t handling being away from you very well and I forgot” he says.

“You forgot?” I ask shocked, we had lists and plans in place for this how could he forget.


“it’s ok I asked Mac to ring Maria and from there she’ll tell Isabel. You know Isabel, Liz she’ll have everything under control in five minutes” I assure her.

She nods and smiles slightly before her face frowns in pain.

“Come on baby breathe through it” I encourage rubbing her back and kissing her forehead.

“We’re going to move Liz to the delivery suite now” the nurse tells me and I nod but I never let go of her hand. I’m still holding onto it as they wheel her bed out of the room and down the corridor and I’m still holding it tight as we enter the birthing suite where our doctor is waiting.

“Hey Liz, Max” she smiles.

“Hey Doc” I reply, Liz just begins groaning when another pain hits her.

The doctor disappears between her legs and doesn’t come up for a few minutes.

“Ok Liz on the next contraction I want you to start pushing” she tells her.

“Already?” I ask, I thought it would be longer.

Liz shoots me a glare, “What do you mean already? I’ve been doing this for hours” she reminds me. “You can do it next time if you think it’s so easy” she snaps.

I’ve read all about this, I’m ready for it. She’s going to start squeezing my hand off sooner rather than later.

“I’m sorry for snapping baby” she surprised me then.

I smile down at her “snap all you like beautiful” I tell her.

She nods her head and I slide my hand around her back and help her sit up as she begins pushing through her next contraction.

When the contraction is over she falls back on the bed panting “is she out yet?” she asks causing the doctor to laugh.

“No we have a few more pushes yet” she tells her.

The next contraction hits quickly and the Doctor tells her to push again “Good job Liz” she tells her “A couple more she he’ll be out”

I hear Liz cry out when she pushes again “Daddy come down here” the nurse tells me and I reluctantly pull myself away from Liz to walk down and watch my daughter being born. At first I think I’m going to faint I cant believe that Liz is doing this but then I see the head of my daughter and I feel the tears sting my eyes.

“I can see her, baby” I cry.

“One more, Liz and she’ll be out” the Doctor says.

“Oh god” she cries the next thing I hear is the wailing of our daughter, yes that’s right our daughter. Liz was right all along.

“Do you want to cut the cord, Daddy?” the nurse says again, I like the sound of being called Daddy. I quickly cut the cord like instructed before rushing back to Liz’s side.

“Oh you did it baby, we have a daughter” I grin leaning down and kissing her sweaty forehead. Her eyes are closed “Liz” I ask.

She forces her eyes open “Is she ok?” she smiles.

“She’s perfect” I tell her.

The nurse brings her over then and lies her on Liz’s chest I watch in amazement as she curls into her mother and Liz’s hands reaches out and caress’s our daughter.

“Do you have a name?” the nurse asks.

“Um not yet” I tell her. We’ve talked about it a lot but we still haven’t made a final decision.

“Max, Liz we’re just going to take Baby Evans to get cleaned up and then we’ll move you to your private room, Liz” the nurse tells us.

I lean in and kiss Liz gently “Go tell everyone” she whispers.

“I wont be long” I assure her. I want to get back to her and our daughter as quickly as possible.

“I love you” I tell her.

“I love you too” she smiles tiredly.

Five people jump up from their seats when I walk into the waiting room, I know I’m probably grinning from ear to ear but I don’t care.

Isabel rushes towards me quickly “Is everything ok?” she asks.

I hug her quickly “Yes” I sigh.

“So?” Maria prompts when I pull back from Isabel.

“I’m a dad” I grin

They erupts in loud cries of happiness until Alex finally asks “it was a girl right?”

I laugh “yes she’s perfect with ten toes and ten fingers and she already has beautiful hair like her mother” I assure them.

“What did you call her?” Maria asks.

“Haven’t finalized that yet” I answer.

“Did you get in touch with Mum and Dad and the Parkers?” I ask my sister.

“yeah” she nods “they will be on the first available flight out” she tells me and I nod happily.

“Good, Liz was freaking that I forgot to tell them” I laugh.

I finally notice that Mac is still here “Thanks for getting in contact with Maria for me” I tell her.

“Your welcome, congratulations” she says.

“Thank you” I nod.

“When can we see her?” Isabel asks.

“They’re cleaning her and the baby up at the moment so maybe in about half an hour for a little while, she’s exhausted so I don’t want her to over do it” I tell them.

“Oh your so cute when your being over protective” Maria laughs and I feel the tips of my ears turn red.

“I’ll come get you shortly” I assure them before rushing off towards my family.


She’s perfect, everything about her is absolutely perfect.

The nurse gave her back to me a couple of minutes ago and I’m watching her in wonder right now because I cant believe that she’s finally with us.

“Hi sweetheart” I whisper.

“I’m your mum” I smile “I’m not very sure how good I’m going to be but I love you a whole bunch and so does your daddy”

“he sure does, and he also loves your mummy a whole bunch” I turn and see Max standing in the doorway watching us.

“Hey” I smile.

“Hey” he replies moving forward and kissing me gently before leaning down and kissing our daughter.

“Hey there sweetie” he coos and I feel my heart soar as I watch the man I love with all my heart with our daughter.

“So what are we going to call this little munchkin?” he asks me then.

I look at our daughter and contemplate all the names we’ve come up with but a new one springs to mind and I cant help but smile at it.

“What do you think of Hope?” I ask him.

Max smiles gently “I know it wasn’t a name we talked about but it’s what she represents to me” I explain.

“Hope Elizabeth Evans” he finishes for me.

“Elizabeth?” I question.

“After her beautiful mother” he tells me.

“Thank you” I choke out.

“No thank you, baby” he tells me “for giving us our beautiful daughter”

TBC.......Hope you liked it :D
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hey guys, well baby Evans has arrived :D thanks for reading and for all your great feedback, only a few parts to go now :cry:

con angel
Sweet Liz
Jason's Lover

Part 22

It’s been an exhausting day as I make my way towards the nursery. The nurses took Hope a couple of hours ago whilst I went home to get Liz and Hope some things so that Liz could have a break. She’s fast asleep right now and I’m on my way to get our daughter back.

I stop abruptly when I notice the person standing at the window looking in on all the babies, my baby in particular.

I approach quietly and stand next to her watching for a while.

“She’s beautiful” she tells me.

I smile “yeah she looks so much like, Liz” I reply.

I hear her sob escape and I turn to look at her, she’s leaning against the window crying silent tears. I want to comfort her but to tell you the truth I’m still too angry with her and after the way she’s been acting the act of kindness would probably be taken the wrong way.

“You ok?” I finally ask her when she settles down.

“It’s just it’s so real now, before I always knew Liz was pregnant and was going to have your baby but now she’s here and everyone’s calling her baby Evans it just kind of hits home” she cries.

I nod in understanding, it was easy for her to pretend before.

“Now you and Liz have something that’s going to bond you together for the rest of your lives and I don’t know how I’m supposed to compete with that” she tells me.

I sigh “you cant and I don’t want you too” I assure her.

She wipes her eyes and turns to face me then “I didn’t expect Liz to give her your last name” she whispers. “I just assumed she’d be a Parker”

“Well she’s my daughter, Mac and Liz and I both want her to have my last name” I explain.

“I’m sorry about earlier in the day, I shouldn’t have come to your home like that” she says.

I nod my acceptance “Your right you shouldn’t have” I tell her.

“I meant what I said though, Max” she adds then “I can deal with this I just need time”

“Yeah well I cant, Mac” I say sadly.

“W-Why not?” she asks confused.

“Because even though you don’t want to believe it I love Liz and her, Hope and I are going to be a family. It’s what both Liz and I want and nothing you do or say is going to change that and I can see that being around us, being around me is bad for you so I think it would be best if you stop, for your sake and ours” I explain.

“I cant, I love you” she cries.

“I know you think you do and I’m sorry but I just don’t love you” I whisper.

She nods and I pray it’s a nod of acceptance.

“Will you be staying in Boston?” she asks.

“yes” I tell her “but we’ll be gone a lot over the summer” I explain. “you should go out with Russ he’s a great guy” I tell her.

“Yeah but he’s not you” she whispers brokenly.

“that’s a good thing” I tell her. “Because you and I aren’t meant to be anything more than friends Mac”

She nods again and takes a step back from the window “congratulations” she whispers and then she turns and walks away, she doesn’t look back and when she’s gone I sigh in relief.

I’m sad because I lost a good friend today but I’m happy to close such a hurtful chapter in my life. I don’t regret knowing Mac but I regret what the two of us became to each other.



I wake up feeling refresh but immediately panic when I see the clock and realise I’ve been asleep for close to six hours. Where is Hope? She must be starving by now.

My eyes dart around the room and I sigh in relief when I see Max sitting in the arm chair in the corner of the room with our daughter in his arms and a bottle.

“You should have woke me up” I smile.

He looks up and smiles at me “you looked so peaceful and me and Hope were enjoying some daughter and Daddy time” he explains with a dopey grin on his face.

“Come here” I tell him patting the spot next to me on the bed. We haven’t had much time to ourselves since she was born yesterday with all our friends and family coming in and out.

Our parents arrived late last night and will be here as soon as visiting hours start this morning.

“Do you want to breast feed her?” he asks me.

“Yeah” I smile “I’ll try at least” I say, yesterday I didn’t have any milk yet so we had to feed her with a bottle.

She latches onto my nipple and begins feeding eagerly “You don’t mind that it’s now Mummy, Daddy and daughter time?” I ask.

He leans in and kisses me lovingly “No, not at all”

I cuddle into his arms and we sit silently watching our daughter feed “I cant believe she’s here” he says.

“I know” I grin.

When Hope finishes feeding I hand her to Max so he can burp her and I head for a shower, I want to at least feel human when our parents get here.

When I emerge Max grins at me “I can’t believe you had a baby yesterday, you look gorgeous” he smiles. I’ve already lost most of my stomach but I will have to do some work to get back into shape.

“Thank you” I blush.

We sit and enjoy a nice breakfast together and before we know it visiting hours are declared open and we’re swamped with people. Both sets of our parents and the gang are all back.

“Oh Liz she’s beautiful” our mums coo while our dads slap Max on the back and congratulate him like he did all the work or something.

They stay most of the day until visiting hours are almost over. Max leaves with the guys for a while to go and “wet the babies head” and the girls all take off to the mall to get all the necessities they missed.

So I’m finally alone with my daughter and the silence is wonderful, although I do miss Max. So I’m surprised when I hear the faint knock on the door and when I look up and see Mac I inwardly groan.

“Can I come in?” she asks.

“Max isn’t here” I tell her.

“I know” she nods.

“Ok” I tell her.

She walks in and sits on the chair near the bed and hands me a beautifully wrapped present.

“Thank you” I tell her and I’m genuinely surprised.

“Your welcome” she says.

I see her looking at Hope who is sleeping peacefully in my arms and before I know what’s gotten into me I’m asking her if she would like to hold her.

“Are you sure?” she asks.

“Go ahead” I say.

We sit in silence both watching Hope in her arms for what feels like eternity “I’m sorry, Liz” she says surprising me.

She looks up and meets my eyes then “I’ve been so terrible to you and yet your still being nice to me, I don’t deserve it” she says.

I nod, she doesn’t but I just can’t bring myself to be cruel to her.

“I know nothing I can say can make up for my harsh actions towards you but I hope that one day maybe you might be able to forgive me” she smiles sadly.

“For what’s it worth I understand” I tell her.

She looks at me confused “I’m lucky enough that Max loves me back, I know what it was like being apart from him so I do understand how you must feel to some degree”

“Still it was no excuse to be such a bitch to you” she shakes her head.

I nod my agreement.

She stands up and hands Hope back to me then and smiles. “Congratulations” she tells me.

“Thank you”

She walks towards the door then “Take care of him” she whispers.

“I will, just so you know Mac. I love Max and I plan on loving him for the rest of my life. I don’t how I got so lucky to have him love me back but him and Hope are my life and I will do anything in my power to make him happy” I assure her. I don’t why I feel like I need to tell her this, to explain myself I guess it’s just seeing someone so defeated giving up on something they want so badly, and for the first time since I met McKenzie I realise how lucky I am that I didn’t loose Max to her because if possible she might even love him as much as I do.
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Thanx for the feedback, glad you all like Mac's exit :)

con angel
Sweet Liz
Jason's Lover

Part 23

I walk into the bedroom and smile at the picture in front of me. There is my beautiful Liz folding Hope’s clothes while singing and dancing. She looks completely beautiful and I can’t believe that she’s mine. I here Hope gurgle against my neck and I look down at me gorgeous little girl who is staring back up at me with my eyes.

Liz was released from the hospital a few days after she had Hope and over the past couple of weeks it been a real learning experience for us both as we try to get used to parent hood, luckily we were blessed with a great baby who doesn’t like keeping her mummy up at night so far.

“We’ve got a knew one from you right now call Over by Flammable from their new album Songs of the Heart”

“Oh my god” Liz says and I watch her move to the radio and turn up the volume.

“Is this from the new album?” I ask making my presence known.

She smiled and nods eagerly.

I watched the walls around me crumble
but its not like I wont build them up again
so heres your last change for redemption
So take it while it lasts cause it will end
My tears are turning into time
I’ve wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I walk towards Hope’s bassinet and place her in it gently before walking behind Liz and wrapping my arms around her.

I cant live without you
can't breathe without you I dream about you honestly
tell me that its over
because the world is spinning and I'm still living
It wont be right if we’re not in it together
tell me that it's over

And ill be the first to go

Don't want to be the last to know

We sway unconsciously to the music and I nuzzle my face in her neck, closing my eyes as I listen to the words of the song.

“Sing for me” I whisper and she begins, her angelic voice singing along with the radio.

Don't want to be the one to chase you
But at the same time your the heart that I call home
I'm always stuck with these emotions
and the more I try to feel the less I'm whole
My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I cant live without you
can't breathe without you I dream about you honestly
tell me that its over
because the world is spinning and I'm still living
It wont be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over

And I’ll be the first to go
And I’ll be the first to go
Don’t want to be the last to know


My tears are turning into time
I've wasted trying to find a reason for goodbye

I cant live without you
can't breathe without you I dream about you honestly
tell me that its over
because the world is spinning and I'm still living
It wont be right if were not in it together
tell me that it's over
And ill be the first to go

Tell me that it’s over
Honestly tell me
Honestly tell me
Don’t tell me it’s over
Don’t tell me its over

When the song ends Liz pulls out of my grip slowly and walks to the radio and flicks it off. “I didn’t know they were going to release that one first” she shrugs.

I sit down on the bed with and give her a proud smile “you sound awesome” I tell her.

We haven’t talked anymore about her wanting to give up music.

“thank you” she blushes walking towards me and standing in between my legs.

“A-Are all the songs about me, us?” I ask hesitantly. I need some advance warning if I’m going to hear the heartbreak I caused her on the radio every time I turn it on.

She leans down and kisses me tenderly “All my songs have always been inspired by you” she whispers and I smile at that.

When she pulls back she walks over to the bedside draw and pulls out a copy of the CD. “I’ve had this to give to you for a while I just never found the right time, and then I kind of forgot about it” she tells me.

“Flammable, Songs of the Heart” I read out loud and then I open the CD and read the inscription on the inside of the cover.

“For my heart” I read and then look up at Liz.

“You’re my heart you know that right?” she says.

“Yeah baby, I do” I smile and pull her back into my arms.

“Thank you, I can’t believe you would do that” I tell her.


“Are you excited?” Max asks me as we sit on the plane on our way home to Roswell. Hope is sleeping peacefully in her carrier next to me.

“Yeah” I grin “it will be nice to be home again” it’s been close to two years since I’ve had a chance to go back to Roswell. Isabel, Alex, Maria and Michael are sitting behind us, the whole gang was going home. I know not much would have changed but just being back with our families where everything begun in special to me.

“Mum was so excited wen I talked to her yesterday” I tell him.

“I bet, my mum wants photos daily sent of Hope” I laugh. “She’s so worried that she’s going to be so grown up and wont remember her”

I sit quietly for a moment contemplating everything. I love my life with Max and it doesn’t matter to me where we live as long as we’re together. “Maybe when you finish Harvard we could move a little closer” I suggest tentatively.

He looks over at me “is that something that your open too?” he asks. I was always the one that was excited to get out of Roswell so I can understand Max’s confusion about me suggesting we move back to Roswell. I guess I always felt as though I was suffocating in the town. I mean Roswell was the sort of town where everyone knew everyone and I needed to escape.

I nod “is it something your open too?” I know I’m ready for Roswell again.

He thinks about the question for a while “yeah I mean I could work with my dad” he smiles. “I know how proud my Dad would be to have me working with him side by side at Evans and Associates and one day I might be able to run it” he continues excitedly.

“Ok well maybe next year we can talk about it, I mean we both liked being raised in Roswell so it’s a good place to raise a family” I say. I try not to think to far ahead but I just can’t imagine raising Hope in Boston or New York. I mean I want my daughter to be able to do all the things I was able to do when I was young, life long friends and being able to walk around her town knowing she would be safe.

“A-A family?” he smiles.

“Y-Yeah I mean you want more children d-don’t you?” I ask nervously. We haven’t actually talked too much about her relationship and where we’re going but I know that I plan on spending the rest of my life with Max.

“Yeah I do” he whispers and leans in and kisses me.


I can’t get over how almost nothing has changed as we drive through Roswell. We’ve been home a week and Liz and I have gone for a drive with Hope to get out of the house, our parents are kind of driving us crazy after being with them. I guess you forgot what its like living with your parents after.

We pull up out the front of the Crashdown and look at each other and smile, we spent many dates in this place. I get Hope out of the car and we decide to go inside and get something to eat, maybe have an alien blast for old times sakes.

The same bell that has jingled on the door when you enter for as long as I can remember still jingles when we enter and I chuckle inwardly. Looking around I realise pretty much nothing has changed, just a fresh coat of paint.

We’re about to take a seat in a spare booth when a familiar voice says my name.

“Max Evans is that you?” I turn around as watch as Tess approaches us.

“And Liz” she laughs when she catches sight of Liz.

“Hi Tess” We both say. She’s one thing about Roswell that has changed apparently. Firstly she’s obviously back and secondly she seems different, she’s back to her more conservative clothes and her hair is pulled back.

“How are you guys?” she smiles like we’re all old friends, it’s funny how people you went to high school with and never got a long with do things like that.

“Oh my god is she yours?” she says noticing Hope and not allowing us to answer her first question before asking another.

“yeah” I grin.

“Oh she’s adorable” Tess smiles


“Thank you” Liz answers.

“How old is she?”

“Four weeks” I answer.

”So Tess, what brings you back to Roswell?” Liz asks. Her tone is friendly which surprises me.

I shoot a look at Liz when I see Tess blush “Um I moved back to move in with my boyfriend” she informs us.

“That’s great” Liz tells her. “Anyone we know?”

“Um yeah actually, Kyle Valenti he’s a deputy now” she explains.

I inwardly chuckle, who would have thought “That’s great Tess”

“What about the two of you? Married yet?” she asks.

I watch Liz fidget a little, we’ve been asked that a lot since we came home we forgot what small towns were like in that respect. “No not yet” I tell her simply.

She shakes her head and laughs then “I’m not surprised the two of you are together you were always so in love that’s why I was so jealous. I just want to say sorry you know, for everything I did in High School. I’m happy to say I’m not like that anymore, I don’t like the person I became and I’m sorry if I hurt either of you in anyway by my actions”.


“Thanks Tess” Liz says.

“What’s her name?” she turns back to Hope who is still gurgling on my shoulder.

“Hope” I smile if I didn’t know any better I’d think someone was clucky.

“You guys are so lucky. Anyway I’ve gotta go meet Kyle but it was really nice seeing you both again” she tells us.

“You too” I say.

“Bye Tess” we both say.

Once she’s gone I sit down across from Liz. “That was weird” I finally laugh.

“Yeah” she agrees “I guess some things in Roswell do change” she adds then.

TBC…………. Over by Lindsay Lohen
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Post by Emz80m »

A/N: Hi everyone, well the time has come, i'm about to deliver the final part of this story. I cant believe i'm finished it's sad and exciting all at the same time.

I want to thank all of you who left feedback, you totally blew me away and your support makes me want to keep writing, i love you guys :D

Thanx also to the lurkers, i know you were watching and reading too so thank you.

Ok, i suggest if you have "If i aint got you" by Alisha Keys that you play it during this part because it totally adds to the part.

Once again thank you for the great support.

Part 24

One Year Later

I’ve been sitting in my seat at the side of the stage with Hope on my lap for the last hour listening to Liz and the rest of their band on their final concert of their tour, which is coincidently in Roswell.

After everything is said and done tonight is the final concert for Flammable. That’s right, Liz had decided to give the band up and surprisingly the rest of the group wasn’t as upset as she thought they would be. Alex and Isabel were both ready to settle down and finish college and Michael was becoming very successful in his art.

Maria was the only member of the group who wasn’t prepared for the split and right now she’s talking with another band who are looking for a new guitarist/singer.

The crowd is going wild and calling for more and since I’ve been to every concert so far I know they wont disappoint. So far tonight they’ve sung all of my favourites, the songs that mean so much to Liz and I, as well as most of the songs from the Songs of the Heart album like Over, Emotions, Since You’ve been Gone and Fragile.

I guess your all probably wondering what happened with Mac too? Well the truth is, nothing. I still see her at Harvard but there were just too many dents in our relationship to repair. At first it was hard, we would try to make polite conversation but now we settle for a smile and a hello as we pass each other. It’s sad but I guess that’s what growing up is all about.

“Did you like that Roswell?” Michael screams out over his microphone.

The crowd goes wild and I can see Liz’s angelic smile brightening her face. In the end Liz has decided not to give up completely, instead she’s going to concentrate on song writing and when Hope is a little older even a solo career. Either way I know she will never stop singing for me.

“Are you ready honey?” I ask Hope. After every show Liz makes me bring her on stage and she loves it but tonight Hope and I have something special planned for Liz.

“Guys we cant tell you how thankful we all are that you’ve come out here to see us tonight” Liz tells the audience.

“As some of you have probably heard this is the last concert to be performed by Flammable. We’ve decided to take some time off” that’s the official story, the record company doesn’t want the fans to know that their breaking up.

“It means a lot to us that we played our last concert in Roswell” she adds.

“Encore” they all shout.

“Now Dada?” Hope asks me and I smile. Her words are limited but I love hearing her say Dada or Mama.

“Not yet sweetie, Mummy still has one more song to go” I inform her.

When the crowd dies down Liz brings the microphone back to her mouth “Since this is our last concert and we’re here in Roswell I have a special song to sing last for you tonight. It’s a world first” She turns and looks at me then and smiles.

“Max, this is for you and I couldn’t think of a more perfect place to sing it then in Roswell where it all began for us” she smiles and the crowd all go “ahh”

She sits down at the piano and starts playing away, god she’s so talented. Michael joins in on the drum soon later.

Some people live for the fortune
some people live for just for the fame
some people live for the power(yeah)
some people live just to play the game
some people think that the physical things define what's within
and I’ve been that before that life's adore are
full of the superficial

Some people want it all
but I don't want nothing all
if it ain't you baby ,if I ain't got you baby
some people want diamond rings
some just want everything
but everything means nothing if I ain't got you

Hope is swaying in my arms but I’m just sitting here with tears running down my eyes. Did I mention that Hope enjoys music almost as much as her mum?

some people search for a fountain
that promises forever yours
some people need the dozen roses
that's the only way to prove
you love them

hand me the world
on a silver platter
then what good would it be
no one to share
no one who truly cares for me

Some people want it all
but I don't want nothing all
if it ain't you baby, if I ain't got you baby
some people want diamond rings
some just want everything
but everything is nothing if I ain't got you

Maria takes Liz’s place on the piano then and Liz takes hold of a microphone and begins walking towards where I’m sitting before gesturing for me to join her.

At first I don’t think I can move. Every time I think I cant possibly love her more she goes and does something like this that totally blows me away. Her words are so powerful and they tell me how much she truly loves me even though I already know.

I walk a little further on to the stage.

Some people want it all
but I don't want nothing all
if it ain't you baby, if I ain't got you baby
some people want diamond rings
some just want everything
but everything is nothing if I ain't got you

She’s staring at me and singing only to me, the 10,000 other people don’t exist anymore. This song is for me and me alone.


if I ain't got you with me baby
ain't nothing in this whole
wide world don't mean a thing
if I ain't got you with me baby

The crowd goes wild when she finishes and the rest of the band stand up and applaud her too.

“Dada?” Hope pulls me back to reality and reminds me that there is something we need to do.

“let’s go” I grin and take her small hand.

She insists on tottling out on the stage towards her mother instead of letting me carry her, she hasn’t been walking for long but I humour her and just keep hold of her little hand. I have 2 dozen roses in my hands, 1 dozen white for Liz and 1 dozen red for Maria.

Liz picks hope up easily as she waves to the crowd and I hand Maria the flowers and give her a kiss.

“Good luck” she whispers, they all know what’s about to happen.

I join Liz and immediately pull her to me and give her a kiss “Thank you that was beautiful” I whisper.

“Welcome” she grins.

I take the microphone Alex hands me then and Liz looks at me confused.

“Everyone this is Max” Michael tells the crowd and they all cheer.

“Hi guys, I kind of wanted to ask my beautiful girlfriend something” he told them.

Liz looks at me with a smile then “I hope you didn’t really mean the thing about not wanting diamonds” I laugh nervously and everyone joins me.

I pull out the small box and slide down on my knee then.

“M-Max?” Liz questions nervously.

“Elizabeth Parker I know I’m on bended knee in front of 10,000 people but I wanted to declare my love for you as publicly as you’ve declared yours” I tell her.

“I love you with everything that I am, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?” I ask.

Liz’s mouth opens in shock, she didn’t see this coming, I mean we haven’t even talked about it.

“saya es mama” I hear Hope say and we all laugh.

“Yes” she squeals “Yes, Yes, Yes” she repeats over and over again before falling down on to the ground with Hope.

“I love you” I tell her as I slide the ring on her finger.

“Petty” Hope sighs looking at the diamond I just placed on her mothers finger.

“I love you too” she smiles.

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Post by Kath7 »

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Post by Kath7 »

Congrats on winning a round 9 award!