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Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 4, ch 13, Jan 30, 2016

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:03 pm
by ken_r

chapter 14

Michael hadn’t paid that much attention, but Maria had underlined the statement from Joe Adkins about the bears. She firmly stated that she had no desire to go on any hikes to see nature. She could see the lake, a family of ducks swimming along the shore and birds flitting about the bushes. Her view of the lake, seeing ducks and birds, was all the nature she wanted just by looking out the front door. Michael split a few sticks of wood for the kitchen stove and he did walk a few hundred yards away to collect the view of his surroundings. At first, Maria thought, let him go. He can have all the nature he wants. Then, she began to think, if something happened to Michael, she would be trapped in the cabin for the remainder of the two weeks. Maria’s imagination ran wild for a few seconds. She had all sorts of visions of Michael becoming dinner for some very large bear. If something happened to Michael how would she really feel? Maria would never want to see any creature hurt, but if the one hurt was Michael, how would that affect her? If the bear did eat Michael, she would have two weeks alone. Maria didn’t like that idea. Maria thought, maybe, she didn’t like the idea of there not being any second chance to get back with Michael.

Maria said nothing of this to Michael because she didn’t want to appear dependent. The years as a singer and an expensive companion to so many men had left her with a fear of loosing control. Then came the realization that this part of her life was probably over and she had to decide if she would be content with that. With Michael, or without Michael, Maria’s life was soon to take a new turn. Could she go back to singing as before? Most of her scandalous activity was for the benefit of Liz’s care. Now like a mom whose daughter has just married and moved away, Maria felt happy for Liz, but there was a longing in her heart that was hard to explain. Maria had to ask if she was any longer needed.

Maria knew that she should be happy that Liz had been rediscovered by Max and now she, Maria, was free to pursue her own plans. Trouble was that Maria didn’t have any plans. Being an expensive call girl was not what she wanted even if she was allowed to, also, sing.

Michael returned about lunchtime. He had found bear sign, but it was some distance from the cottage. For him, coffee, cheese and an apple made up lunch. Maria had explored the cabin and stored the groceries, Joe had brought them in the root cellar. She wasn’t yet brave enough to seek out the ice cave where Joe had stored their meat. The entrance to the root cellar was right beside the house, but to venture further, Maria thought, was just challenging that bear, which she was sure was sitting behind the trees watching. Let Michael brave the bear. Michael could blast a hunk of fur off the beast or maybe like Crocodile Dundee, just mesmerize the creature with two fingers. As the day wore on, Maria became more convinced of Michael’s invulnerability. Yeah, Michael the alien “superman.” How many years of her life had Maria relied on that? Even when he was absent, hadn’t he always been the one who gave her courage?

Maria did find several heads of lettuce in Joe’s groceries. Taking a lettuce wedge, mixing some vinegar with the milk and adding a few spices, Maria fixed a respectable salad.

“Talking to Kyle the other day.” Michael began. “He seems to think he is responsible for the explosion. He says that the creature he fought with was skin related, but it wasn’t like anything we had faced before. When he hit that trap in its back, it not only deflated, it exploded. That is what blew the three of you out one end of the building and Max, Isabel and me out the other. Kyle says he thinks there was something stored in that building the accelerated the fire. Maybe, they had something prepared in case they were discovered. You know destroy all the evidence if found,” Michael stated.

He waited several minutes as if to give her a chance to comment. Maria said nothing. “I got Max back into his college job and finished up my literature degree so I could take care of him. When Max is in his right mind, completely with us, he is still a brilliant chemist. It is the other times I worry about. Those times no one knows where his mind goes,” Michael continued.

Again waiting. Nothing. “Look, Maria, I know that Ralph guy messed you all up, but maybe he did us all a favor. At least now, we are all together. That has to count for something.”

Maria thought, I am the one who Ralph, out-ed. It was me who has to see myself as to what I actually was doing. She, yet, couldn’t see Ralph as doing anything further except for ruining her life.

Michael was silent for a long time. Maria thought, “What do you want from me? There is no way you would ever have had enough money to afford an expensive whore like I am. Wait a minute, Michael you used to get everything I had to offer for no more than love alone. Do you want me to go back to that girl of long ago? Can I ever go back to that girl? Do I want to go back to that girl?”

Maria was seeing that she was actually thinking of herself as a whore. All the time she had been singing and sleeping with very rich men, Maria had always steered her mind away from the word whore. Why now was it so close to the surface of her thoughts?

Michael returned to the woodpile. Thinking of the American literature he had read and lectured on, wasn’t the woodpile the place where man always returned to collect and brood over his thoughts? A brief thought passed by, what did alien men do to collect their thoughts? The woodpile was where humans prepared the essence of fire. Wasn’t fire one of the things that separated humans from dumb animals? What did this human woman want? Then, Michael thought, what do I want? As an alien, he had always wanted a home someplace. He thought of that first time with the Scooby Doo paper plates and the farewell dinner he had prepared. That night, their coming together had changed him. At first, all Michael wanted was to, some way, return to Antar and his people or who he thought were his people. Once faced with the willing Maria, young hormones and trapped desire, all contributed to the feeling that he was home. Isabel had once said she had a home in her brother; well, Michael found a much more powerful home in sleeping with the girl who had been beside him for so long. This girl was older, more experienced, but she still was the same one he bedded long ago. Isabel moved on to first Alex, then Jesse as Max moved on to his Liz. Michael and Maria had more beak-ups and reunions than should be allowed. What did Michael want now?

This was no time to count calories. Venison steak last night, fried ham for breakfast and now potatoes and cheese as potato au gratin and apples in a cream sauce made with milk and sugar. Maria still remained relatively quiet.

That night with Michael sitting on his side of the sleeping platform, Maria did not go to the toilet room to change. She pulled on a bulky tee-shirt and removed her bra from under the shirt. Standing, facing away from Michael, she slid down her slacks and then her panties. She stepped into the pajama bottoms and pulled them up. Maria remained at the far end of the platform, but she began to speak. “I got this job in West Texas. I was tending bar when their singer called in sick. The boss had heard me singing in the storeroom so he offered me a chance. The tips helped a lot, but Liz was getting worse. She had both physical burns as well as a lot of mental problems. I guess she suffered a lot at the hands of the Skins. A cowboy offered me a hundred bucks to go home with him. I guess being the lover of an alien did something to me. Before the night was over, he had run that hundred up to five hundred more and must have bragged about his night to every man in the oil field. We still didn’t have enough to care for Liz. Kyle joined the army and gave me his signing bonus to help out. He regularly sent me a good portion of his pay. His second and third bonuses added up. By then, I had moved on to the big city. Playboy offered me a fortune for that picture. Now, I met men with very big bank accounts. That alien magic had made me a woman to pursue. While living with Ralph or at least spending mornings with him, I was bringing in enough money for Nurse Adkins to get some of the support Liz needed.”

If Maria was waiting for some remark or judgment or something from Michael, she was disappointed. He simply sat at the end of the platform and watched her intently. This intense study finally broke Maria down. “Michael, I became a very expensive whore and that is all I was,” she sobbed. Maria didn’t give Michael a chance to say anything now. She wrapped herself in the feather bed and curled up on the far side of the platform, turned away from Michael.


Max was careful as he stalked through the tall sage. He bent over as well as he could to not let himself be seen above the tops of the tall plants. On either side, Max could see that the sage was much shorter. He had no idea of why it was so tall in the middle.

On one side he knew there was the Calvary looking for him. He had no idea of why. There was some talk of a paper from Washington, which ordered his arrest. On the other side, Max had spotted a group of Apache warriors. Only because of his strangeness of not being Apache did they look for him. Of the two groups, Max felt his best chance would be with the Apaches. The boys in blue would only see the words on the paper. They would be oblivious to anything else. If the Apache gave him a chance they might see that Max was stranger than even their imagination had conceived. If the Apache sensed how alien he was, they just might want to learn more about him. The Apache had survived in this land by constantly observing and learning.


“Max, come out of it,” a voice commanded. Isabel had been glad when Joe Adkins suggested Michael and Maria go off alone to explore their problems. Michael was a great guy, but Isabel thought, maybe, he was babying Max too much. “Max, you are going to have to suck it up. If you don’t help Liz, she may never come back to us,” Izzy commanded.

Max shook his head. He always felt woozy when he came out of these fantasies. “What can I do, Isabel? I sit by her and get no response,” Max said.

“Max you are going to have to call her back. You are going to have to explore your own powers. You have healed Liz several times, now, you have to do it again,” Isabel said as she moved her hand up a tall vase and made the colors flow.

Max was intently watching her. They had all assured him that he had great powers if he would only look for them.

It seemed to Max that he was always doing what others wanted him to do. Back in his mind, he felt there had been a time when stubbornness in his character had defined him. Maybe it was his own indecisiveness that drove him now to flow in the directions they chose. All of them, Isabel, Michael and now, Jesse and Maria claimed they were persuading Max for his and Liz’s own good. Max walked to the door where he knew Liz was sleeping mostly because he didn’t have any better ideas.


Max faced the doorway. Steve McGarrett, Danno Williams and a young girl from Hawaii 5-0 were all standing there ready to back him up. The fact that Max was sure they were not in Hawaii brought forth the question, why was the elite legendary police force now standing in front of him. The young girl, she looked Oriental, but for the life of him, Max couldn’t think of her name. He did know that she was very pretty. Even though she was dressed in SWAT clothes, Max could only think of her in that red bikini or maybe it was yellow. Those long athletic legs, small, firm breasts, were topped with that long chestnut colored hair and those liquid brown eyes. She reminded Max so much of Liz that first time he had seen her naked.


Max and Liz had been kissing on the patio right outside her second story window. This had the thrill of an embarrassing danger as her parents bedroom was less than 20 feet away. Graduation was coming up and from every vision that kept plaguing Liz, they were to be killed graduation night. Max had taken a piece of charcoal and announced, “This is a trick I learned from Superman.”

If passion hadn’t been raging in Liz, she might have flinched. The comic character Superman was reported to have taken a lump of coal and using superhuman strength, he pressed it into a diamond. Liz might have said that even if Superman had been real and not a comic character, there would have to have been more than just his super strength. The pressure would have heated the coal and it would have to have been allowed to cool slowly to allow the Crystal to properly form.

Max had rearranged the molecular structure to make the carbon turn into the diamond. Max knew only what he had seen at the jewelry store about diamonds. Mr. Goldman had been so nice. “Son, have you asked her yet?”

Max looked up with that deer in the headlight look a young man might have when caught thinking about something so important as marriage. “No, sir, we are talking about it, but I haven’t gone down on one knee yet.”

“Son, don’t overlook the importance of that one knee stuff. Women remember things like that forever. Start out right and you will have a long happy relationship. Tell you what, come in when you get ready and we will discuss finances. I will try to fix you up with the best you can afford. No sense starting off with a debt that hangs over the both of you. Women don’t really care about the size of the rock. It’s the size of the heart which gives the rock that counts,” Mr. Goldman counseled.

When Max rearranged the carbon structure all he knew was the beautiful facets he had seen on the diamonds at Goldman’s Store. “Liz Parker, will you marry me?” Max said as his knee bent to the floor holding the diamond in his outstretched hand perfectly but unnaturally formed.

Max never knew if Liz had been expecting this or not. Her hands cradling his face as she kissed him her answer, Liz raised Max to his feet and backed him to the daybed off to the side of the patio. Seating him on the couch/daybed, Liz stepped back and in a pledge of her last total commitment, she began to undress. “Max, of course I will. So much love and so little time, if those visions come true.”

Liz removed her blouse and slipped out of her slacks. Kicking off her shoes, she appeared to Max in only her panties and bra. Max began to remove his shirt as Liz undid the fastenings of the bra and slipped her thumbs under the waist band of her panties. That is when Max thought that Kono Kalakaua in her red or maybe, yellow bikini, reminded him of his Liz. Kono, that was the name Max couldn’t remember. In his fantasy, the entire team of Hawaiian 5-0 would be just outside the door waiting to back him up.

“Max, if the whole team goes in, there will be bullets flying all over the place. She is your woman, you go in and you will have the best ability to feel where she is. You get her protected and call out. We will be in to clean up,” McGarrett said as he handed Max a Glock 17 and six magazines all filled with nine millimeter bullets.

Max nodded his thanks. He prepared to go in. Wait a minute, “Max would feel where she was?” “he would get her protected?” Isabel had been insisting that Max had more ability than he believed. Even watching the “Ice Queen” changing colors, Max wasn’t yet convinced of these abilities. He was so sure that the story of his first time making love to Liz had been real. There had to be something about his ability to change things. He just had to reach it. If he could change charcoal to diamonds, if he could feel where his love was during a firefight, then, maybe, the other things about healing were also true. “Max, follow your heart. It hasn’t let you down yet,” Steve said. Williams and McGarrett both shook hands and Kono kissed him on the cheek. They would never know how much they had helped him.


Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 4, ch 14, Feb 7, 2016

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 6:02 pm
by keepsmiling7
Hawaii 5-0.......loved the reference!

Author's note

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:15 am
by ken_r
With the site being down for so long, sickness and the loss of my computer for several weeks my two stories have been slower getting posted than any thing I have experienced before. I hope there are at least a few who enjoy my stories.

Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 4, ch 14, Feb 7, 2016

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:41 am
by ken_r

chapter 15

Max could hear her even breathing. Liz was asleep by the sound of it. Max sat on her bed and took her hand in both of his.


There had been the magic of those hands on his face as she kissed her acceptance so long ago.


That magic was what Max was trying to feel as he sat there holding on to Liz. As he tried to sense her, Max saw a great blackness. “The windows of her soul are through her eyes,” something whispered, Max didn’t know from where.

As Max sat there, Liz still fast asleep, her gown fell open. Max caressing her throat and chest felt the rough scars of her burns. Max looked down and saw that his fingers were sparking. For a minute, Max drew back in fear, but then he saw that the sparks were not hurting Liz. On the contrary, under his fingers, her scars seemed to be healing.

Suddenly her breathing hic-cupped. In the pale moon light, Max saw her eyes open. At that moment, Max saw a deep cavern filled with many demons. Entering that cavity was like a movie travel log with the sides of the cavern streaming by. Max glanced back up the cavern from where he had entered. The path behind him was brighter showing no dark beings.

“Max, Max,” she suddenly screamed. Liz had thrown her arms around Max and had him in an iron grasp.

From outside, Max heard noises as the rest of the house ran to the room where he and Liz were. Someone turned on the lights and that started more screams from Liz. Nurse Sharon quickly went to the wall and turned off the light leaving only the illumination from outside the room to stream in. “Folks, let’s all get out and let Liz settle down. You too, Max. Put her back to bed and come out to explain what happened,” Nurse Sharon ordered.

It was fifteen minutes before Max emerged from Liz’s bedroom. “She is sleeping now. I will have go very slow next time and maybe, we both can prepare for it,” Max explained.

“Okay, Max, what did you do?” Isabel asked.

“It was things people said. It was looking back at things that didn’t disappear after my fantasies. I began to remember that I had used powers, before. I could sense Liz. After that, nature took over. I started to feel her burn scars and think they could be repaired. That stimulated Liz to wake up and then I saw into her soul, so to speak and saw the wounds that needed to be tended. I think I released enough of the Liz we all know that she could give vent to her pain. Approached the right way, this might stimulate healing,” Max related.

“Does that mean that you have your powers back?” Isabel asked.

“I don’t know, Izzy. I don’t think either Liz or I will be the same as we were before. I just hope we both can function to really live life again,” Max concluded.

“Max, we need to talk about ‘dream walking,’” Isabel stated.


Max looked up, somewhere in his memory he remembered something about that. They all had special powers along with that of general molecular manipulation. All powers originated at the molecular level. Max had the power of healing. He could make the body repair itself.

Wait a minute. Max could heal? That was the thing they all had been pushing him do to Liz. McGarrett had told Max that he had the ability to find Liz, apparently in darkness and in unknown environments. McGarrett said Max had the ability to protect Liz. Both of these abilities had to be at the molecular level. Now, Isabel was telling him that he needed to learn to dream walk to approach Liz in the least intrusive manner. The “science guy” part of Max wanted to explore what other powers he shared with Isabel and Michael. He also wanted to know if there was anyone else who had these powers. That dreamy look appeared in his face.

“Max,” Isabel almost shouted. “Pay attention. We can explore the past and future later. Now, we need to bring Liz back as soon as possible.


Michael could only want to go to Maria and bring her comfort. No, Maria was like a cat. She had to think of every move as her own idea. Michael shook his head. Would two weeks be nearly enough?

Michael lay down facing Maria. He watched her as her shoulders shook with sobs. Maria was crying and she was the only one who could cause the sobs to stop. Finally Michael saw her breathing even out and he relaxed as his body also, sought the recharging of sleep. Michael had no idea of why he woke. For several minutes he lay perfectly still. Outside the night birds were calling and somewhere in the distance he heard the howl a wolf. There was a sliver of moonlight placing a silver sword of light across their sleeping platform. It gave just enough light for Michael to see that Maria was no longer curled up, but now she was lying on her back, one hand stretched out towards him. Michael started to reach out, so much he wanted to hold that hand, to grasp it and pull her close. Michael was strong and he so badly wanted to protect the love of his life.

Michael’s arm had stretched out, but he hadn’t yet touched Maria’s questing hand. No, it wasn’t time yet. Michael would have to continue to wait. Lying there thinking, Michael again drifted off in sleep. By the movement of the moonlight, it must have been several hours. Michael felt his hand clasped in an iron grasp. He lay there waiting to see what would happen. Slowly, Maria rolled over while wrapping his arm about her as she pulled herself against his body. Michael could barely breathe. Maria now was spooned firmly against his body, her hair in his face and his arms now tightly holding her. Michael sensed her breathing change. He was sure that now Maria was awake. How would she take this was anyone’s guess.

“Michael, I sold to strangers what I gave to you in love,” she said.

Michael didn’t move a bit. Anything he could think to say, would only, he was sure, be the wrong thing. It had been a long time since he had the softness of a woman in his arms. What was he supposed to do?

“Michael, I am not the little girl with the Scooby Doo paper plates who stood in front of you so many years ago. I, also, am not the young lady who ran off with you in that VW van with the feds breathing down our necks. I have been told that I am a woman with considerable skills in bed. I, myself, believe that living with an alien, taught me a lot about reading what people want and need. This knowledge that I got from you has kept Liz and me going for many years. Michael, it is all yours, if you want it,” this last so softly that he could barely hear her.

Michael untangled himself from Maria and sat up. Again, he had to be careful with anything he said. Maria pulled back and there were tears in her eyes. “I understand, I am not the woman you loved long ago. There are many men between us. I am not sure myself if I can love again. The closest I ever came to love was with Ralph and look how he betrayed me!”

Michael grimaced again. No, she was misreading him as usual. What Michael wanted was for her to want him as much as he wanted her. Michael couldn’t have a confessional session with Maria because he had nothing to confess.

When Michael felt he had lost Maria, he turned himself to caring for Max. Michael didn’t see the need to seek out another woman. Aliens, humans, they were so much alike and yet so different. Michael didn’t want to see Maria as a tool collection where she gave him permission to take any tool and use her as long as he wanted. Michael wanted Maria to need him along with wanting him. Michael, who had never come to grips with the time after the explosion, wanted Maria to make him whole.

Maria wasn’t seeing that Michael needed her and all the years Michael had been stoic, he was hurting all the time from her absence. The other men in her life didn’t matter because Michael didn’t need or care about them. Michael needed Maria. How, oh how, could Michael make her see this?

Maria had been leaning back to distance herself from him. Michael reached out and roughly pulled her to him. In the rules Ria had made for the pleasure of her company, this roughness would have proved disastrous. Only once before, had she not tossed any man who approached her in an ungentlemanly manner, out of her bed. That first night with Raphael, Maria had forgiven his aggression that one time. Should she have seen that as a sign, an omen of things to come?

The thing that Maria had learned from Michael when she first came to the alien as a lover was shared emotions. Now, again, Maria suddenly felt what Michael felt and just as suddenly she was overwhelmed with the repressions he had stored over the years of her absence. It was a two way street. She saw his present desire for pleasure along with his years of pain.

What she had allowed no man to ever do to her, she allowed Michael to do now. Michael violently ripped her pajamas from her body. Michael crushed her as he pulled her close to him. Maria had never before known this Michael, who now was holding her so close. It wasn’t the physical discomfort that came down on Maria as much as it was the flood of desire she felt in her mind. It wasn’t yet that clear in Maria’s mind that Michael would not have ever taken another woman.

Maria was human. She had done what she needed to survive and to protect Liz. In a way, Maria had tried to move on. Michael had to continue, but he had no outlet for his feelings. As Michael stood to quickly remove his own clothes, Maria contemplated a rough time. She would have never put up with this from one of her lovers. Maybe, she thought, in someway she deserved whatever Michael seemed prepared to do. Maria steeled herself as to what she was sure to come. She was sure that, in many ways, this was what she deserved.

When Michael had her in his arms, his character changed. Maria was surprised that her mind was flooded with visions of how much he missed her and how much he wanted her. Her mind was now in a feedback loop, Michael saw what Maria saw what Michael saw. When they started making love, Maria found that Michael was tender, considerate and giving her something she had not experienced for years. For the first time since the explosion, Maria had sex with a man who shared himself completely with her. A man, who once she had loved and now wanted her to return as much as she could.


Nurse Sharon had rigged light-tight curtains over Liz’s windows. Light now came in, but Liz still wasn’t ready for bright light. “Liz, let me in. You have to guide me to where you are. We have to dispel the bad experiences and help you find your way out,” Max softly whispered.

Already, many of her outer scars had begun to soften. Liz was scarred on her chest and back. Remarkably, there was very little scarring on her face. Max could only surmise that when attacked, Someone had pulled her face tightly against their chest to protect her. That must have been Kyle. Kyle had lost so much and had never seemed to recover. Kyle was the loyalist member of their group. Kyle the one they never seemed to be able to repay.

Max thought, “When they got blown out of the building, Kyle must have protected Liz all the way.”

When Kyle had returned from one of his many trips, they all were trying to discuss his version of what happened. “Michael had tossed me Liz. I tried to get her out to Maria and then, return to help him with you and Isabel. That is when I met him. It is for sure that we haven’t met all the creatures in the universe. I think he was related to the Skins. He had that thing on his back, which lets the wind out of their husk. He was burning and I had to protect Liz, so I kept turning her away from facing him. It was as we were circling each other that I saw a chance for a spin kick. I had to do this, mind you, all, the time I was holding on to Liz. When I hit that back thing, he didn’t just deflate, he exploded. Liz was gripping me as tight as she could with her face buried in my chest. My back with the body armor took most of the blast,” Kyle explained. His mind stretching to remember exactly what actually had happened. He still wasn’t sure that this was exactly what had occurred.


Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 5, ch 15, Mar 29, 2016

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:18 am
by keepsmiling7
It's so good to see this story back.
Now I have to go back and refresh my mind on the details of their separation.
But it is great to have everyone back together.
Thank you,

Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 5, ch 15, Mar 29, 2016

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 7:17 pm
by 9loveletters9
I'm so happy to have found this story! That scene with Maria and Michael is so beautiful. It wasn't her fault what she was driven to do. And just when we think Michael is going to be mad he catches us by surprise like he always does and just loves Maria. :::sigh::: love this story. Can't wait for the next chapter!

Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 5, ch 15, Mar 29, 2016

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 11:41 am
by ken_r


chapter 16

That night getting ready for bed, Isabel and Jesse were talking. “Looks like we now have Liz on the way to recovery and that should carry Max along with her. Five more days and Joe will retrieve Michael and Maria, if they haven’t killed each other. They should have made an accommodation to some sort of relationship. Maybe we are on the way to total recovery,” Isabel said.

“No, Izzy. At least for me, there is still the most important person who needs to heal,” Jesse stated.

Isabel had been getting dressed for bed. Normally, she would strip down to her underwear, release the shoulder straps on her bra and then pull her gown over her head, taking off the bra and panties from under that gown. This wasn’t for any reason of modesty as when she and Jesse were going at it hot and bothered, Isabel dropped her clothes as quickly as possible. This was just the way she had always done things. Maybe from something her mother had taught her when she was a child. This time, though, she had removed all her clothes and was standing at her closet door preparing to pull the gown over her head. She had bunched her arms into the arms of the gown and with one flip, she would have completed her preparations. Isabel froze. “Whom do you mean?” she asked as she stood there her hands in the gown, but the rest of the garment held in front of her.

Jesse never tired of looking at the body of his wife. He walked over to her and taking her naked body in his arms he said, “You!”

Jesse probably knew Isabel better than any man in the universe. If that stupid rebel leader, back on Antar, had known Vilandra, Isabel’s clone donor half as well as Jesse knew Isabel, there would have been no reason to execute Vilandra. Jesse had met Isabel as a university freshman slightly older than 18. Their romance had a soap opera story until after their marriage when Jesse learned Isabel was really part alien. Isabel had the reputation of being the “Ice Queen.” Like the curtain dividing the ‘Tabernacle,’ Jesse had learned what was behind that ice queen façade. The words, “You need healing,” from him brought that curtain tumbling down.

Isabel’s arms dropped in front of her and the gown fell to the floor. “What do you mean?” she asked in a trembling voice.

“Isabel, you were taken captive too. Even if they didn’t do much physically to you, they did do something. You are far from the woman I married” Jesse explained.

Badly deflated, Isabel sat down on their bed. Jesse draped a robe about her naked shoulders as he saw her skin quiver. Maybe, this had been what Isabel had feared all along, disclosure. “Except for routine medical exams, they didn’t touch me,” she explained.

Jesse sat beside her and pulled her close. “What did you think they were planning for you?” he asked.

“There were interrogations,” she began. “They had a hard time understanding that even if Max and I were the only alien couple free, why didn’t we mate. They seemed to accept Michael and Maria as a couple, or rather they didn’t have them in custody to study. They wanted to know why I allowed Max to go to an alien, to them Earth creatures are the aliens, instead of taking him to myself. I tried to explain the cultural and biological taboos. Finally they wanted to know what Max had done to prepare the Earth creature to be his mate.”

Strong Isabel began to break thinking about the time she spent in captivity. Jesse felt like a heel pushing her like this, but with everyone else seeking healing, he felt she should face her demons also. “Izzy, you try to be the ‘Ice Queen;’ but I know you for a very caring person. It was natural that you feel their pain.”

“It was more. When we first were put into our cells, Max and I established a connection. We were careful to not let the Skins know anything about it. They were obsessed with connections. Everything done to Max and everything done to Liz they each felt. With what I had with Max, I not only felt his anguish and pain, but I felt his frustration at not being able to help Liz. If they had learned this, I think I would have had a much harder time. I think one of the Skins was staking me out. He came by several times without his notebook just to talk as he said it. He asked me about relationships I had experienced. Of course, I shut him out. I am not sure how much mental power they have, but I got the idea that he was getting some sort of pleasure in tormenting me,” Isabel continued. Then Isabel spoke cautiously, “Maybe, he was testing me to see what I was capable of giving.” This time she shuddered, “Maybe, he had his own personal plans for me.”

Jesse got up and went over to retrieve her gown. He held it for Isabel as she shook off the robe. “Maybe, that is enough for now. I do want you to get all of this out,” he stated.

No nokie for Jesse tonight. He held Isabel until her breathing indicated that she finally was asleep. They had gone to the best psychiatrists to be found. They explained that there were some things that Isabel couldn’t reveal. Privately to Jesse, the doctor had stated, “She may be suffering from something that happened many years ago. You say she has been badly traumatized from some sort of abduction recently. I think there were already seeds in her mind, which the abduction and whatever else happened, brought out. It can be secular, religious, family or close friends, but Isabel needs to talk her whole life through.”

Aliens are, well, very alien. They know it and so do their close human friends. Just like humans are all slightly different, so are aliens, even in the same species. The rogue alien Tess Harding, who had plagued Max so many times was proficient in mind games. She could even control Isabel, sometimes. Isabel wasn’t any slouch at minds games herself. Even before alien puberty kicked in, Isabel was almost addicted to other beings lives. In a little human boy, she would have been peeping in windows and listening to telephone conversations. Too young for sexual fantasies, still, Isabel spied on those around her. Maybe, this was some alien way of children playing “doctor.”

At night, when minds seek relaxation, Isabel learned to enter and walk around thoughts like shopping at the “ReadyMart.” Trying this on her step-mother was a certain disaster. Walking around in her step-mother’s dreams, freaked the woman out, when Isabel allowed her self to be seen during a dream walk. Diane Evans could only imagine that she was seeing a ghost and Isabel had died sometime that night. Tramping in Max’s mind, when she shook the little boy dirt off her feet, caused a rift between the siblings that worried her parents for many days. As a teen, her travels became more voyeuristic and no one knew how many wet dreams she caused. Her “dream walking,” as she called it, took on another importance as she began dating and clearly she became the target of adolescent desire. The smoothest stud in high school could only go as far as Isabel was willing to let him. More than one super stud shook his head in amazement the next morning. Was he was loosing it? He had been out maneuvered by a freshman girl at every turn.

It disturbed Isabel as to how single-minded Max became over Elizabeth Parker. Any number of girls at school, had bigger boobs than Liz Parker. Any number of girls, were probably prettier than Liz Parker. It was a sure thing that any number of girls put out more readily than Liz Parker. Why it was the talk of the school that Kyle Valenti, super stud, had been trying to get past her virginity and into her pants for almost six months.

By this time, Isabel had catalogued most of the students at school. Elizabeth Parker definitely fit a category highly enriched in academics, not teenage sex. It would be much later when Isabel discovered that she and Max shared more then just being alien. They really did have related DNA and many related goals in their lives. Isabel saw in the males around her that her breasts, her butt and her sex were mainly what peaked their interest. What was Max seeing in Liz?

Liz and Maria had a close friend in Alex Whitman. Eventually they dragged him into the alien abyss and to Isabel’s attention. Her butt, her breasts and her sex were all in his mind, but there was some thing else. Alex hung on to every word and idea she voiced. Isabel had learned to play the super studs, but Alex was something else. Just a``s she was beginning to understand her feelings concerning Alex, Tess without any malice took him away. To Tess, Alex was a handy tool. Like Michael, she held a desire to return to Antar. Alex became that tool with his computing skills. Like any tool, when used too hard, Tess broke him. Alex died

This was one of the hardest shocks in Isabel’s life. Because of her own fear she had waited too long and the dance was over before she ever got him to the floor. Isabel hadn’t killed Alex, but she had allowed someone else to kill her love before she ever knew it.

Jesse was a new day. Almost ten years older than she, an employee of her father’s law firm, when she shinned up to Jesse, Isabel sensed feelings much like those in Alex. The jackrabbit tendencies of a young boy in relationships and sex were gone in Jesse. Jesse was looking for a wife, even if he didn’t really know it yet. Admiring her butt, her breasts and dreams of what he though her sex would be like, Jesse also thought of her as the mother of strong children, the wife who would stand at his side as he climbed the ladder of success, a companion who would bring him comfort as they shared the trials of life together. Marriage to Jesse brought peace to the spirit of Alex, which had hung so closely to Isabel since his death.

In the white room, that was what Isabel hung on to. Alex was there, but Alex was dead. All Alex could do was to remind Isabel of how much she had in Jesse and encourage her to seek escape.


Jesse had returned to Isabel as quickly as he could. Running an office from a distance was not easy. When all of this was over, Jesse would still need his position and finances. They hadn’t immediately sat down to dinner that evening. Jesse had been told that Isabel needed to get many things out to be seen and judged by someone else. Jesse knew a little about Alex. He had been quietly jealous for many years. He knew that Alex was important, but Alex had died and Isabel was with Jesse. She never had seemed to put memories about Alex in the way of her love for Jesse.

“That one skin still gives me shivers,” Isabel stated. “He kept asking me questions about Max and Liz, but it wasn’t clinical like it was with the others. He had some private agenda. The way he would sometimes touch me, letting his hand rest just a little past necessity. I think he wanted to establish their connection with me.”

Bits and pieces had come out through the years as Jesse and Isabel talked. Never before had Isabel embellished her fears and feelings about her imprisonment. “I heard the screams from Liz and Max alike. I never could make a connection between myself and Liz, but when their pain became intense, I could feel it. Max always kept a conduit to me for his own safety. He would talk about what they wanted from him and from Liz. Sometimes when things got intense, Max would babble almost nonsense.

I was never abused physically, but knowing what Liz and Max were suffering made life difficult. Then, there was always my skin benefactor. He was always there with his interest in stories about Max and Liz, their relationship, their problems with being different species. He told me that Skins could not reproduce as we saw it, but his husk could easily give up a DNA germ to produce an off-spring in a warm female body.

“Jesse this frightened me a lot. He wanted to bring a child without a husk into this world. I don’t know what powers he hoped this child might have. Would it be a messiah or a demon?” Isabel stated as she began to run down.

Jesse knew that this was all necessary for Isabel to format the actions and thoughts that had been presented and running through her mind.


Awake, Max found it maddening to slow himself to Liz’s speed of thinking. If he lay down beside her and drifted off to sleep he would slowly arrive at the slow speed she was allowing her thoughts to run. “Max, the slower I am, the longer they take to get their information. We have to delay them at all costs. When they get what they want, they will probably kill us,” Liz whispered.

“Liz, they are gone for the moment. Maria is close and we need to get in contact with her,” Max returned in whisper.

“Won’t they try to kill her? She has the same experience that I do, only with Michael,” Liz asked.

“Michael is with her and he has become much more powerful,” Max explained.


There was a crash and more light entered the room, but it still was very dim. There were several booms as if cannon were being shot off. Somewhere in Max’s mind the words were from Steve McGarrett, “Find your woman and protect her.” Max saw little balls floating through the air. They had the appearance of going very slow, but Max knew instinctively that they were deadly. “Protect your woman.” “Max, you have more powers than you recognize,” the voice of Isabel had said.

Max had no idea how he did it. A green glow appeared around himself, Liz and much of their surroundings. There were more crashes. Part of the wall fell in. Three figures all dressed in riot gear stalked into the room where Max was holding Liz. “You did it, Max,” McGarrett stated.

Max saw one of the figures step out from behind the other. It was Kono still dressed in riot gear. Max quickly looked over at Liz. There was no telling how much of this fantasy he was sharing. Max did see a frown on Liz’s face until Kono and The other two left. Max could hear McGarrett in the next room. “Wrap ‘em up Kono and book ‘em Danno.’

After they all left, Liz looked up at Max and said, “Max, I am tired. I would like to rest for a while.” Max left the room.

Once outside, Max was very dizzy. It took several minutes for him to catch his balance. “What happened, Max,” Isabel asked? “You were in there with Liz for four hours.”


Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 5, ch 16, Apr 4, 2016

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:25 pm
by keepsmiling7
This is hard to read sometimes, taking in all that Liz and Maria endured. I am amazed at both Maria and Kyle as they did what ever they could to take care of Liz.
Kyle's loyalty has been unfailing . The pod squad had to endure the curious skins....
It is heart breaking to watch Max as he tries to reach Liz to heal her.
Thanks for this good story Ken.

Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 5, ch 16, Apr 4, 2016

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:21 pm
by ken_r
keepsmiling7: Thanks for sticking by me through this story

chapter 17

Once back in Michael’s embrace, he could have done anything he would have wanted to Maria. If an alien teenage boy could ruin a girl for anyone else, the powerful alien man, completely attuned to her, came close to bringing her to toxic shock. Desire both physical and mental, would have to be dialed back in the future. Now, Michael was adjusting to the fact that, maybe, Maria would be coming back.

No one ever argued that Maria wasn’t her own worst enemy. Insecurities caused her to over think situations and over isolate her self from harm. Michael had satisfied his animal lust with her. How many times had expensive gifts simply been introductions for this lust? How many times had the envelope of cash been a civilizing excuse for consensual rape. Maria didn’t fool herself. The many men she had been with, carried off memories of what she could do, but few of them would carry off memories of Maria the woman. Could this be Maria’s own fault as to protect herself, she gave little of her true feelings to anyone?

Maria hadn’t ventured outside the cabin because she feared the bear. Maybe now she had the bear in bed with her. When Maria had bedded society’s finest, the alien emotional transfers she learned from Michael were so gradual that only in retrospect did they realize that she was something special. That was what brought them back over and over, always trying to define what that something special was. That mysterious something they couldn’t define was what made Maria so expensive. When Michael drew her to himself, he flooded her with everything of his desire. It wasn’t until Maria slowed down and caught her breath that she realized that it wasn’t the bear that she feared. It was the absence of the bear. All those years, Maria had managed to alone care for herself and Liz, what she really missed was Michael. Maria’s responsibility to Liz, her singing and her struggles to care for both of them were done around the vacuum left by the absence of Michael. The Skins had never bothered Maria and Michael. They had been too concentrated on Max, the king, and Liz. If the Skins had bothered to study Maria in the years since the explosion they might have seen what Max and Liz actually shared together. They might have seen in Maria something placed in her by Michael, but lost through his absence. They couldn’t see this in Liz. It was too much a part of her. Maria had had the same thing, but a huge scar was all that was left when she lost Michael. A scar and something else, which is found by loving an alien.


“Max, I never gave up. I watched something of Michael leave Maria. I saw how badly that affected her. Maria tried to get me to talk about what happened in the white room. I didn’t. Max what happened to us in the white room can’t be allowed to steal away our lives? The Skins can’t be allowed to win,” Liz whispered at the rate which she and Max and arrived at in their communication.

“Liz, it doesn’t matter any more. We won or rather those around us won. Liz, I couldn’t give up looking for you because I had whole tribes of aborigines helping me in my search. I had armies and heroes all backing my plays. Liz, even Tess appeared one time to push me on. She was scary. Her soul had been lost. I knew that I didn’t want that to happen to us.”

The mention of Tess didn’t bring pleasant memories back to Liz. The Skins hadn’t been sure, but they did detect the rift between the Antarian-human couple. They probed it because this was something they couldn’t understand. There was something about Tess in Max’s mind. The picture of Tess standing and slowly stripping was there. The vision that Max, at one time, had felt comfortable with this vision disturbed Liz. Liz couldn’t tell if this vision was something from Max or were the Skins using it to further study the relationship. Seeing that cream white back as she walked out the door and Max thinking about those soft creamy legs and being between them almost derailed their session.

When Liz and Max first had sex that night before graduation, Liz had known that Max had already fathered a child with Tess. That, memories of being with Tess, still were with Max all these years hurt Liz. When she touched Max, those memories of his were felt. Now to do what Max wanted and walk with him out of the dark place, Liz had to get past this.

Too Liz, all the characters of Max’s fantasies were trying to encourage her to follow Max into the bright light. She frowned again when the vision of Hawaiian Five O appeared. The girl Kona standing in her bikini was beautiful. She was beautiful in a different way than was Tess. The disturbing part was that standing beside the bikini clad Kona, Liz saw herself naked the way she had appeared to Max that night of their first love. Max had used his Liz as a milestone of beauty.

Liz didn’t know what it was, but as she fought her way into the light, she saw a figure. The figure was indistinct. Maybe that wasn’t the best description. The figure kept changing. At one time, the figure stood in front of Max jabbing him with its finger. At another time while standing in front of her home “Tara,” the figure was charging her all in flames. All the time, Liz felt hatred in the figure for Max. All the changes she saw led Liz to only one conclusion, the figure was a shape changer. Shape changers met so far had been related to the Skins. When, Liz tried to catalog the creature in her mind for future reference, all she could get was Steven Jenson. Something called a Steven Jenson was still an obstacle to Max finding freedom and her following him out.


Jesse was packing to return to his office. All this travel was sure to attract attention from someone. Jesse had been organizing his staff to plan a massive campaign against whatever Washington office, which appeared to move against himself or any of the others from Roswell. This wasn’t a disruption as one of the principal purposes of a firm like the Philip Evans Law Firm was to prepare for any eventually. If the attack came from out of this world, Jesse would leave the fighting to Kyle, Michael and his wife Isabel. Jesse, maybe couldn’t fight aliens, but aliens needed support like financing and logistics just like humans. No power blasts from Jesse, but he surely could pull the financial rug out from under any group planning problems for those from Roswell.

Isabel was sitting on the bed beside his opened luggage refolding the things he placed there. It must be some sort of instinct for women to be better at packing than their men. “Maybe some of the guilt came from my lack of support for Max when we were children,” she stated almost out of thin air.

Jesse sensed that she still had more to dig out of her mind. Maybe, some of that mind digging came from what she extracted from Ralph. In Ralph there had been things that had long been hidden, but maybe have contributed to his attitude and dissatisfaction in his life. “Why didn’t you support Max, after all you believed you were his sister?” Jesse asked. Jesse mainly wanted to keep Isabel talking for as long as he could.

“I had my way of fitting in with my classmates and I couldn’t see why he would want any more. We weren’t even hanging on to our stepparents very well. Max wanted nothing of what I saw. He wanted something very un-alien, to me at least. Max wanted a strong relationship with Liz Parker. Why Liz Parker, I asked? It wasn’t until I met Alex that I even began to understand. Liz Parker was smart, industrious and her parents had instilled her a strong set of ethics in seeking right and wrong. For a person like Max, love and loyalty would quickly follow. We had no idea of our life spans, even less than most human children our apparent age. Whatever that time would be, Max wanted it to be with one person. That was all challenged when he met Tess. After I lost Alex, I desperately wanted the same thing. That is when I met you,” Isabel explained.

Jesse remained quiet. The best way to get this story was to let Isabel tell it in her own way. “Every time Max and Liz got into trouble, every time Max was attacked, I suffered the fear that I would lose my way. My home was still in Max,” Isabel concluded in almost a whisper.


“Everyone around me is crazy, but if I escape, the outside world is not only crazy, but, also deadly with things I don’t understand,” Ralph typed. The only thing Kyle had said to Ralph was that it would be better if he remained at the hunting camp. Ralph was bound, not with chains, but with the knowledge that he didn’t understand the world he had fallen into. Who would have thought that picking up an expensive whore could be so dangerous? Ralph shuddered at his choice of words. It was clear, at least to him that Ria Jones or Maria, whatever she called herself, was permanently off limits to him. No matter how close they had gotten, to Ralph she was still a whore. Not so to that big guy who dissolved what they called “Skins” with a wave of his hand. That Michael and the rest of the group all had very special feelings for Maria.

Ralph carefully searched his mind. Maybe, it was he who was devoid of the proper feelings. Ralph still shuddered at the memories that creature had dug out of the stutterings of an adolescent mind. The only reason Ralph’s mind had thrown that memory into the Skins’s face, so to speak, was to delay the discovery of things about Ria Jones. Deep down, what did Ralph Carter think about Ria Jones, the woman who had sold him so many pleasures? Ralph was coming to the realization that he never again would enjoy those sensations from another woman.


Maria and Michael were sitting by the lake watching the family of ducks. They were much more amusing real and close up than just seen through the doorway. Mamma duck would turn tail up as she grazed at the plants and tubors below the surface. Babies would try, but they lacked the length to reach anything and the skill to be more than rubber duckies in the bath tub. Mamma duck moved closer into shore and the babies quickly began feasting on bugs and snails growing on the cat tails just under the surface. All this time, Mamma duck kept an eye on Michael and Maria along with an eye out for any coyote, which might like a snack of baby duck. For the duck, the bear was probably too big to worry about eating baby ducks.

“All this time, you never had any affairs of the heart?” Maria asked.

“If you mean did I screw any women, the answer is no. Affair of the heart was never with anyone but you. My best friend through two lifetimes was a babbling idiot, I had to find someway to care for him. Jesse bank rolled me to finish school, but all I heard from Isabel was that she wanted us all back together again. Jesse put the pressure on the university to take Max back provisionally and after I completed my degrees, to give me a teaching job. Maria, I was pretty busy,” Michael explained.

Maria hung her head. “That just makes me feel sinful for what I did to survive,” she murmured.

“Maria, that is silly. You did what you had to. Proof is that Liz did survive and we hope Max will finish her cure. Now what you should be think about is what do you want to do with our relationship?” Michael asked.

“Michael, tell me what we want to do with out relationship. It isn’t as if we can just go back to what we had several years ago,” Maria stated.

“Maria, you know that I can’t do that. We have to come to a mutual conclusion about how we feel about each other. I think I showed last night how much I wanted you. Do you have that same longing for me?” Michael presented his own question.

“Yeah Michael, you wanted me like a thousand other men have wanted me. The only difference was that I was willing to let you take it for free,” Maria said petulantly.

“Maria, I was hoping that you would see the depths of my desire. I also, hoped you knew enough about aliens to realize I would want more than just physical satisfaction,” Michael answered with a sigh of weariness.


Maybe the writers of “Star Trek,” had it right. If any culture develops mental abilities, “mind melds” would be one of the skills that should soon follow. People want mental privacy until things break down. Michael and Maria were going to have to work out something like this. For Max and Liz it was even more important. They had been separated and experiments had been run on their ability to communicate. Both had set up personal blocks to prevent total knowledge of their ability. Now, these had to come down. It would take years if they worked on the blocks one at a time. Like caramel and chocolate, the thoughts must slowly mix until their thoughts were the same. It was on the day when Michael and Maria were returned from their two-week stay on the lake. No one knew what would be the result of this time. Joe and his son had an even bet that they might not even be alive when the boat arrived. They were packed and patiently waiting at the dock when Joe and Pete pulled up.

Isabel, Jesse and even Max, if his mind was clear, would have been suspicious at the use of the word patient. Neither Michael nor Maria were noted for this enduring trait. Michael carefully stepped into the small boat and just as carefully his placed his hands on Maria’s waist as he both lifted her and steadied her as she stepped in also.

Those from Roswell would have all been waiting for an explosion. It never came. Joe returned them both to the others with very little conversation other than deep thanks for the use of the cabin by the lake. Michael and Maria retired quickly to their quarters to freshen up. It had been two weeks since they had had an unlimited hot shower.

They were all sitting waiting for the couple’s return. “Well we are going to try again or maybe, I should say try again for ‘a’ first time. We both realize we are not the same people who existed before the explosion. Maria and I are going to try to stay somewhere up here. Maybe teaching English and Music,” Michael informed them.

“Or, until the first snow storm,” Maria added with a giggle. Being from Roswell, New Mexico, neither of them had seen a really cold winter. About that time, Liz and Max entered. They were arm in arm and neither of them too steady on their feet. Isabel and Jesse quickly rose to help them sit down.

Max spoke up. “Liz and I are working through fantasies and realities. We had something we could easily handle before we were abducted by the Skins. Now, we have to work carefully together until we can each identify the fantasies. I am going to have to avoid trips into fiction and Liz is going to have to avoid hiding in time warps to avoid un-pleasantries. The old ‘Max and Liz’ is going to be lost. We both hope our friends can like the new us,” Max stated. It was noted that Maria and Michael who had been tightly holding hands nodded at what Max said.


The Roswell crew were all in their forties, now. Michael and Maria had three children, two girls and a boy. They had lasted two years in the north. Those two years they had record snowfall along with record low temperatures. In the summer, they had record mosquito swarms. Michael tried to tell Maria that they had lived through the worst everything on record and that everything had to get better. Maria was having none of that. They moved to Florida and that lasted through the first hurricane season. They were fixing to move to California when the big one hit. News reels of freeways dancing to some invisible music like puppets on strings, caused Maria to cancel the moving van. Finally, Maria called a friend she remembered back in Roswell. Her old house was vacant.

Max and Liz stayed near Isabel and Jesse. Jesse did the best he could to find therapist for them, but most of the doctors didn’t understand the closeness of the two. They were both investigated for abuse of each other, but with Jesse their lawyer, the investigations were dropped. Max and Liz were too much in denial for conventional medicine. Their story, their problems were unbelievable to any one of science. They had one child, a boy. They knocked around the country for a few years then after assurances of Maria that no one who they remembered in Roswell existed any more. They returned with their family.

Kyle finally decided that his fate was to ever be alone. He appeared and disappeared in unexpected intervals. From time to time, he would be seen in the company of different ladies. Nothing ever lasted for very long. Kyle was long past the time of being an active black operations warrior, but his advice was sought by many. Many of the women who had enjoyed his company complained that they thought he was haunted. There always seemed to be shadows, which kept their distance from him, but never left.

Isabel and Jesse finally retired and joined the others. Ralph Sebastian Carter went on to writing science fiction. He wrote torrid stories about love and sex amid strange aliens where power blasts and mind rapes were the rage. It was remarked, many times, about him being able to get into the heads of all his characters. He never forgot the singer he had spent a fortune on, but he never heard of her again, either.

Re: Aftershock CC mature pg 5, ch 17, Apr 18, 2016 complete

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 9:38 am
by keepsmiling7
Can't believe this amazing story is now complete. Beautifully written Ken, and you did indeed get inside the heads of these characters.
There was a time when it seemed impossible for these characters to ever be together again. Talk about too much water over the bridge! But Michael could forgive Maria, and Liz could get past Tess in Max's past......and eventually they could all return to Roswell. That is except Kyle who was in and out.
Thank you Ken for sharing this with us.