Fate (Mature, AU w/aliens) Z(M)/A(L) COMPLETE 10/23/06

Finished stories set in an alternate universe to that introduced in the show, or which alter events from the show significantly, but which include the Roswell characters. Aliens play a role in these fics. All complete stories on the main AU with Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Fate (Mature, AU w/aliens) Z(M)/A(L) COMPLETE 10/23/06

Post by Skittles1983 »

Author: Amy

Disclaimer: The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB & UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Coventional Couple

Rating: Mature

AN: This story focuses on Max and Liz. The *** symbols represent a break in the present and past. If you have any questions please let me know. And, I love feedback, so pleaselet me know what you think. Thanks, Amy


Isadora Evans walked into her childhood bedroom. She dropped her brown leather bag unceremoniously onto her floor. As she sighed, she flopped down onto her bed and let her eyes wander over the various picture frames adorning the walls of her old room. She was twenty-three, lived miles away in her own condominium, yet this was the place she felt safest. Isadora heard the front door of the house open and close a few moments later. She listened and waited for the knock that was inevitable.

She smiled as she heard a knock at her door followed by her mother’s voice, “Izzy, honey, are you all right?”

Isadora smiled, “Yeah, Mom. You can come in.”

The door opened and both of her parents walked in and smiled at her.

“So, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?” her father asked.

Isadora shrugged and avoided looking into their eyes. Her parents sat down on either side of her. Her mother and father put a hand on each of her knees, letting her know that they would wait to hear what she had to say. She looked down at their hands. Her mothers hands were tiny compared to her father’s larger ones. Her mother’s skin was a smooth, creamy color while her father’s was a deep tan, almost bronze.

She didn’t look up as she spoke, “Jack and I broke up.”

Her mother’s startled gasp came first, followed by her father’s voice, “What? What did he do?” she looked up at her father to see his jaw clenched tight.

“Dad,” she soothed him, “he didn’t do anything. It was mutual. We just weren’t right together. I haven‘t found what I‘m looking for and I don‘t even know what I‘m looking for in a significant other. I mean look at you and Mom, you‘ve been together since you were born. You were playing house when you guys were five and you married each other at the age of 17. You still look at each other as if it‘s just the two of you in the world, that‘s what I want.”

Isadora couldn’t control her tears any longer and allowed her mother to pull her into an embrace.

They stayed like that for a few moments before her father’s voice broke the silence, “Izzy, get into some pajamas. Your mother and I will be right back.” He stood abruptly and pulled his wife with him.

Isadora just stared after her father for a few moments before getting up and changing into a pair of comfortable pajamas. Her parents returned a few minutes later with three cups of tea and three pieces of apple pie. She took her mug of tea and plate that her father handed to her as she watched her parents sit down in the two lounge chairs in her room. They seemed to have some sort of silent conversation as they looked at each other.

Isadora took a sip of her tea just as her mother spoke, “Izzy, your father and I want to tell you a story.”

She just smiled at her parents, they always told stories to her when she was younger about a foreign planet. The stories always began the same way, but this time, she had a feeling the story would change her life.

“Out story begins a thousand years ago on a planet far, far away,” her father started the story just like he had every other time. Isadora looked towards her mother who she knew would pick up the next part, however her mother just sipped her tea.

It was her father who continued the story.


It was a perfect day on the planet of Antar in the solar system Raelin. The two golden suns shone brightly in the pink sky. There was not a blue cloud in the sky. It was a perfect day for a quiet picnic and the young prince of Antar was taking full advantage of the day.

“Zan,” Audra breathed out in between fits of laughter, “Zan….stop!” she begged as Zan tickled her.

“Say it.” Zan commanded as he continued to tickle her.

“Okay, okay,” she gave in, “You are the most fearless and strong leader.”

Zan smirked at her as he propped himself up with his elbow, his chin resting lightly on his hand. Audra rolled her eyes at him. She knew he really was the strongest and most fearless leader that Antar would ever see. Even the King knew that his son would be the greatest leader. Audra looked over at Zan and studied him for a moment. He had thick dark brown hair that was slightly long. His eyes were a beautiful amber color, not quite brown, not quite golden. Her eyes traveled lower to his muscles that were straining in his arms from the way he was leaning. Audra knew that he was strong, he could fight anyone, but he hardly ever fought. He believed in peace and Audra loved him for that. She closed her eyes and felt a gentle breeze blow against her skin. She stretched her arms over her head and felt the green blades of grass tickle her skin.

She felt Zan’s eyes on her, but stayed quiet and kept her eyes closed. Zan’s eyes traveled the length of her body. Her skin had an ethereal glow to it. She was creamy white, no matter how many hours she spent out in the two suns. Her hair was raven in color, it was a dark contrast to her light skin. Her hair reached down to the middle of her back. It was as soft as silk and Zan couldn’t help but to reach out and run his finger threw it. He rolled onto his back and pulled Audra onto his chest. He heard her sigh and waited for her to speak.

“Zan,” her voice was no more than a whisper, “do you think we will always be this happy? This in love?”

Zan smiled at her as he hooked a finger under her chin and brought her gaze to his, “Yes, my love, we will always be this happy and this in love. I will never let anything or anyone come between us or take away our happiness. Trust in that.”

Audra nodded her head against his chest and closed her eyes, allowing the sensations of Zan’s hand stroking her hair to put her to sleep.


Isadora looked at her parents and said, “That’s a cute story.”

“We are not finished.” her father said ominously and Isadora instantly pulled her knees up to her chest as she pulled her comforter closer to her body.

She waited patiently for her father to continue the story, however her mother spoke next.

“Two years later, the young couple was married and it was a beautiful wedding.”


Zan spun his bride around and around while their parents watched.

Queen Kalindi, King Lazarus, Lady Damara and Lord Aidan watched their children dance and laugh. The four friends could not have been happier. The four old friends had grown up together, and nothing appeased them more than to have their children married. Queen Kalindi had given birth to Zan exactly two years before Lady Damara had given birth to Audra. Zan had immediately taken to Audra and the two were inseparable growing up.

The wedding celebration lasted into the wee hours of morning. The whole kingdom was rejoicing in the union between the two young lovers and the two families. The Queen and King had been the most gracious rulers as of yet, and the people of the kingdom knew that Prince Zan and Lady Audra, now Princess Audra, would rule in the same manner as the King and Queen when their time came to rule.

Zan and Audra were the happiest that they’d ever been. As they danced to a slow song, Zan leaned down and whispered in Audra’s ear.

“See, my love, I told you to trust me, trust in us, and we shall be happy.”

Audra smiled up at her husband, her Prince, “I know, I know. I love you.”

He just smiled down at her. Zan knew that fate had made her his destiny. There was no one else in this life or the next for him, but her.


Isadora watched her mother pause and wipe a few stray tears from her eyes. She saw her father also wiping some tears away. She smiled, they were definitely romantics at heart.

“So, did they live happily ever after?” Isadora asked.

Her parents were silent for a moment, before her father continued.

“No, Izzy, they did not. You see Antar was a planet full of peace, King Lazarus and Queen Kalindi worked hard to put several peace treaties into place. However, two leaders on two separate planets wanted nothing to do with the peace treaties or peace talks of any kind. Zan and Audra spent the next year in wedded bliss, while Queen Kalindi, King Lazarus, Lady Damara, and Lord Aidan tried at great lengths to get King Kadar of Edana and King Damon of Galen to agree to peace. They did not tell their children of the danger that was fast approaching,” her father paused.

“That was perhaps their first mistake. And, that was when it all started to fall apart,” her mother finished for him.


Queen Kalindi looked at her best friend, Lady Damara and then looked back down at the scrolls in her hand.

“Do you think we should tell them?” she asked her dear friend.

“Tell who what?” a voice called from the doorway. The two startled women looked up to see Audra in the doorway smiling at them.

“Oh, nothing, darling.” Lady Damara said.

“Mom, come on. What’s going on?” she questioned. Audra knew something was wrong by the looks on her their faces.

“We just…we…” Lady Damara stuttered trying to find the right words.

Queen Kalindi sighed, “An oracle came to see me this morning. She brought with her a great prophecy that she has foretold of.”

Audra’s interest was piqued, so she walked into the room and sat down on the empty chair that was beside her mother.

“What does the prophecy say?” Audra asked, genuinely curious.

“It talks of a destiny of two people, a destiny that was created by the fates themselves.” Queen Kalindi stopped.

Audra looked between her mother and her queen trying to wait patiently for one of them to continue.

Finally, her mother broke the silence, “These two people are lovers. Their love is so strong and pure that it will get them through anything. All the fates wanted was for these two lovers to be together, for true love to prevail.”

“That’s beautiful.” Audra whispered.

The Queen and Lady Damara watched silently has Audra got up and walked out of the room. They exchanged a look and then proceeded to burn the scroll, neither wanted the prophecy to be true.

“Do you think I did the right thing?” Lady Damara asked.

“Yes, they don’t need to know. They are happy and in love, let them be.” Queen Kalindi said quietly.


“That was their second mistake. They should have told Audra the whole prophecy.” her father said.

Isadora looked at him confused, “Why didn’t they tell them the whole prophecy?”

Her mother shrugged, “For a lot of reasons, but the most prevalent was that they wanted their children to live happily, they didn’t want the prophecy, or the danger that the two other kingdoms posed, to effect their children, or the time that their children were together. What they didn’t realize was that their children were adults and could make decisions on their own. Their children could have helped, who knows, maybe things would have been different. But, you can’t spend your time wondering what if.”

Her father nodded, “Your mother is right, wondering what if, can not change the past. The Queen knew that the prophecy would come true, so she prepared the best way she could.”


Queen Kalindi and Lady Damara sat quietly at the conference table in the genetics lab facility. It was just the two of them. Queen Kalindi broke the silence first.

“Everything is set.” she said in a hushed voice.

“I know. Declan has made sure that the pods are set. Audra and Zan will be in the separate chambers, but will come out of the pods at the same time. They will know each other, he has made sure that their memories are in tact, and that they will know all that they did not know before. They will know all that we did not tell them. Can I ask you a question?”

The Queen nodded, although she knew what the question would be.

“Why Earth?”

“No one will ever think to look there. The planet has barely evolved. I know that our enemies will not look there for them.”

Lady Damara nodded her agreement.

The Queen continued, “Lazarus and Aidan are in agreement with all of this. Lazarus had decided that we can not keep avoiding telling Zan and Audra about the peace talks that have not gone through. Zan and Audra have been busy with the new hospitals that are being built, but we can not put it off any longer. We will tell them tomorrow morning at breakfast.”

Lady Damara once again nodded her agreement.


Isadora’s eyes were wide as she waited for her father to continue, she was sure she wasn’t going to like what happened next.

Her father’s voice was low as he continued, “Zan and Audra really didn’t have any idea what was going on. They had heard whisperings among the people of the kingdom about certain peace treaties not going through, but their parents had never said anything to them. They were young and innocent. Neither had seen war or death first hand. Audra was a healer. She could connect with anyone and heal any wound. However, she could not bring the dead back. Zan could mind warp people, he could make them believe something was there or happening when it wasn’t. Together, they were more powerful.”


On the morning that their parents were going to tell them the truth, the planet was attacked. Fleets of battleships descended down upon Antar bringing death and destruction to everything in their paths. King Lazarus, Queen Kalindi, Lady Damara, Lord Aidan, Zan and Audra were out on the terrace having breakfast when the first ships approached the castle. Audra was the first to cry out as the black ships invaded the pink sky.

Prince Zan, King Lazarus, and Lord Aidan rushed down to the guards quarters to get more information. Audra, Lady Damara, and Queen Kalindi fled to the conference room in the castle. Guards surrounded the doors to protect the women. Blasts shook the walls of the castle and Queen Kalindi knew she had to get to the genetics lab.

“Stay here, I will be back,” she started to say but stopped as the doors burst open.

Zan, King Lazarus, and Lord Aidan came in covered in dirt and blood.

“Kalindi, get to the labs, now.” he pressed a kiss to her lips then ushered her through one of the secret passageways.

“Father, why is she going to the labs?” Zan questioned.

“There isn’t time son.” The King answered.

Zan pulled Audra to him while the King, Lady Damara and Lord Aidan went over various battle plans. The Queen watched the couples and her husband for a moment. She knew she should hurry, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave them just yet because it would be the last time she saw them. She looked back one last time before running down the long corridors to the lab.

Audra looked up at Zan with such sad eyes, “Zan,” she whispered brokenly, “I wanted to tell you this tonight, but I fear my plans have changed.”

Zan watched incredulously as Audra took his hand and put it just below her stomach. A faint glow could be seen through her white shirt and a gasp was heard throughout the room. Tears of joy seeped down Zan’s face, streaking the dirt that was caked on his cheeks.

“I am so sorry,” he sobbed as he fell to his knees and pulled her to him, burying his face in her stomach, “I have failed you my love. I promised you that we would be together and live in love, happily…” his next words died on his lips as a blast shook the doors. He stood up and put Audra behind him as he slowly backed them into a corner. He knew that there was no use in running. He had seen the destruction that these people had caused. He glanced back at Audra. Her black hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. Her cream colored skin was marred by blood from his clothes. He had never seen her look more beautiful, and in that quiet moment before the next blast came, he pictured his life with her and his child.

The next blast blew the doors open. Everything happened in a few moments. Lady Damara, King Lazarus, and Lord Aidan were killed first, almost instantly. Zan had felt Audra’s pain and need to heal them but he kept her behind him. He watched ten soldiers come to stand in front of them. A man shouted to halt from behind the shoulders.

He came to stand in front of the two lovers and smirked at them, “Do you have any last words?”

Zan’s mouth fell open in shock, “Khivar? What are you doing?”

At hearing her old friend’s name Audra came out from behind Zan, “Khivar, how could you?”

He just shook his head and said, “It doesn’t matter, I will give you a moment to say goodbye.” He ordered his troops out and stood in front of Zan and Audra prepared to kill them himself.

“I shall make it quick and painless. All is fair in war, but we were like brothers. Now we are on opposite sides.” Khivar said.

Zan and Audra got down on their knees in front of Khivar. Zan turned to Audra and kissed her passionately.

He pulled her close to him, “Audra, I promise you we will have our life together, it may not be in this lifetime, or the next, but one day we will be together, you are the only one for me.”

Audra whispered, “I love you Zan.”

“I love you too. Now, close your eyes and do not be afraid.” he said quietly.

He knew that if he tried to mind warp Khivar it would not last long, so he mind warped Audra. He brought her back to that beautiful day they spent by the lake a few years earlier, the day he promised her that everything would be fine.

The last thing Audra saw was the two Antarian suns shining down on her and Zan.

Zan pulled her to him and she found her voice to ask him a question that had been plaguing her thoughts.

“Zan,” her voice was no more than a whisper, “do you think we will always be this happy? This in love?”

Zan smiled at her as he hooked a finger under her chin and brought her gaze to his, “Yes, my love, we will always be this happy and this in love. I will never let anything or anyone come between us or take away our happiness. Trust in that.”

The last thing that Zan saw was Audra’s beautiful face in his mind and then darkness surrounded him.


Isadora wiped the tears that had made their way down her face and blew her nose into a tissue that she grabbed from her nightstand.

“That is so sad. I thought you guys were going to make me feel better.” Isadora cried out.

She felt her bed shift and looked up to see her father and mother, once again, on either side of her. Her father rubbed her back soothingly while her mother whispered comforting words.

After a few minutes she found her voice, “Well, what was the prophecy? Did their pods make it to earth? What happened to them? Did they ever go back to help their people?”

Her father shook his head, “The prophecy foretold of a couple that had found a love so pure and true they would be together for the rest of their lives. Fate had prophesized that the couple would live together happily for a very long time, because a love like theirs is rare. However, fate would be denied it’s wishes because the prophecy also told of the Prince and Princess’ death and rebirth. But, Fate would not be denied its wishes.”

Her mother continued when her father stopped, “The pods did land on earth, however if you remember, the Queen and Lady Damara had been told that the pods needed to be watched for development for a few more months. The pods sat for a thousand years, fate was watching over them, waiting for the right moment for the pods to hatch. Zan and Audra were never meant to go back and help their planet. They were meant to be reborn to live a life full of happiness and love. A life that they had been denied.”

Isadora smiled at her parents through her tears, happy that the story did have a happy ending. She could see that the story had taken a toll on her parents, so she offered to take the dirty dishes down to the kitchen. Her parents quickly agreed and kissed her good night.

Isadora made her way down the stairs and put the dishes in the dishwasher after she had rinsed them off. The story her parents had told her stuck in her mind. She hesitated before heading back upstairs and walked into the living room. She picked up an old album and realized it was her parents wedding album. She smiled as she looked at the picture that captured her parents youth and beauty perfectly. Her parents were the epitamy of the perfect couple. They were a striking couple. Her mother had shoulder length, chocolate colored hair, and her eyes were a beautiful shade of brown, while her skin was a creamy white color. Her father stood taller than her mother. His hair was short and deep, dark brown color. His eyes, were amber, not quite gold, not quite brown. His skin was a deep bronze color and in the picture he was staring at her mother with eyes full of love.

Isadora flipped the page and her breath caught in her throat as she read the newspaper headline: “Elizabeth Audra Parker to wed Maxwell Zan Evans.” Isadora’s heart stopped and then it hit her, her full name was Isadora Damara Kalindi Evans. Even growing up her parents had told her stories involving the lands of Antar and they had shared stories of a great king and queen, the beautiful lands of Antar. They had never told her about Zan, Audrey, Lady Damara, or Lord Aidan. She had always thought that they had named the queen in their stories, Kalindi because of her name. Isadora’s mind raced for a moment before she laughed at her silliness. She rolled her eyes at herself.

“What am I thinking…aliens, reincarnated aliens…I think I need to go to bed.” she muttered to herself.

As she stood up to put the album back a slip of paper fell out of the back of the album. Isadora picked it up and sat right back down on the chair a gasp escaping her lips as she read the newspaper clipping:

Two Small Children Found Wandering in the Roswell Desert
By James Valenti
Diane and Philip Evans along with their close friends Jeff and Nancy Parker found two small children wandering alone in the desert on Friday night. A small boy and small girl who both appear to be around four years old were found around 6:00 p.m. No one has claimed the children. The Evans and Parkers have expressed an interest in adopting the children, if no one claims them. If anyone has any information regarding this case, please contact the Roswell Sheriff’s Department.

Maybe Isadora wasn’t so crazy for her earlier thoughts after all.
"Something in your eyes makes me smile..." David Gray