Completely Busted ( CC M/L - Mature) 1/1 - 01/13/11

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Completely Busted ( CC M/L - Mature) 1/1 - 01/13/11

Post by PML »

Title- Completely Busted

Author- PML

Disclaimer- Roswell is not mine. It is owned by Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, and Fox. This is for entertainment only and no infringement is intended.

Category- M/L

Rating- Mature

Summary- This story takes place during the episode of Busted, the very first episode of season three. Max and Liz have found the key to the space ship and now have found a likely place where the ship itself is held. But it will require an act of criminal daring from both of them, as this location is underneath a gas station…..

This story being mine, there are also a few… Ch-ch-changes so to speak.

Finally, this is not a happy story. The base plot line was insane, particularly considering the characterization of these two characters before this episode…. I could easily have made this a multi part story where it would have been much, much worse. We shall leave it at this.

Still I hope you folks enjoy.

Liz awoke to a taste of fire and blood. For just a brief moment before she fully awoke she had felt as though she had been shot again. The taste of blood on her lips.

And fire. Fire had liked the surroundings as she had huddled in the stairwell next to Max. A Max who would never open those glorious eyes of his. One whose breathing was shallow and fading.

As was hers and…..

Liz’s eyes flashed open. And if her mouth felt full of cotton, it was only from a night’s sleep.

The fire came from the body spooning hers, Max’s arm holding her to him.

Ten days since she had been too worked up after stealing the Key. Ten glorious sex filled days. Well, as much as they could manage around their schedules.

This last night and a half had been wonderful. No sneaking around. No car seats or hard ground.

Nice soft beds. Laundered motel linen. And given what she and Max had been up to, she hoped they had a good laundry for that linen.

Liz tried to make her escape to take a shower. Her wriggling produced a reaction of its own, as she felt him hardening behind her.

Even asleep the man was insatiable.

Maybe she would just settle for brushing her teeth and handing Mr. Evans a bunch of mint flavored gum….

She giggled softly and went to the small bathroom. For just a moment everything seemed to shift and flux around her. She felt hot and sharp pains moving up and down her body.

It took a few moments of her huddled on the floor shaking before the fit passed.

This too had been happening with greater frequency over the last couple weeks. So far she had been able to hid the brunt of it from Max. She knew what he would say, what he would do.

He would assume that it was his fault. That he was doing something to her.

And he was. Liz could feel it. She was changing. Things were moving inside of her.

She was becoming like him. That was her theory. Because after each attack she felt more in sync with him. And if he knew he would worry. Would stop or slow down their relationship. And she would be stuck half way.

That had been her problem last year. Almost there. Almost changed. But not quite. Just short. Because of her fears and inadequacies met with his worries and fears.

She didn’t know what they were becoming, because she knew that as he changed her she was also changing him. A true fusion of their two peoples.

The child they sought should have been hers. A priceless opportunity missed. But still the child was part of Max. And she had vowed to herself to have all of him.

No child of his would be raised by a murdering bitch like Tess or an illegitimate ruler like Khivar. How desperate must he be for legitimacy to need the child of Max? How close to the razor’s wire did he dance to hold his regime together?

Liz stood up and looked at her flushed face. For just a moment she didn’t seem to have any features at all. Just a smooth ovoid with slight indentations where her mouth and nose and eyes were.

She stared at and willed her own face to form. She was Liz Parker. And she was going to help Max reclaim his son. And then if he wished, she would help him reclaim his throne.

Or they could come back to Earth, settle down and have 2.5 children and a white picket fence. Liz didn’t really care. Except about the 2.5 kids. She wanted at least four.

Liz only wanted to be with Max. Come what may. They needed to be together. Last year saw them torn apart, and no good had come from it. They needed to stay together if they were going to have a chance at any good thing.

She lifted up and brushed her teeth. She then walked out to wake her Max.

Together. They would do everything they could together.



Liz sighed as she felt the weight of the gun in her hand. Even before she had been shot they had seemed like dangerous toys. Now she knew personally how dangerous they were.

She looked up at Max, “You are sure we need this?”

Max sighed, “If you can think of another way of distracting both of the men inside there so that I can get in the secret entrance. They will need to take you seriously and….”

“Yeah. A box cutter or steak knife won’t do it.”


“Max….” Liz said with a smile. She wasn’t looking forward to this. But knew that this had to be done.

They didn’t know for sure the Saucer was there, but something definitely was. When they had cased the place earlier, Max had found the heavy door. Another Depleted Uranium door.

Only Max wouldn’t have to burn through the door, he would use the key pad to by pass it. And then he would run down and check to see if the ship was down there.

If it was, he would use the key to start it up and they would leave the poor car stranded. They had not decided whether to stop to give Isabel or Michael another shot. Both seemed to have chosen Earth firmly though.

Liz had simply chosen Max.

Max looked at her with a mixture of love and worry. He touched and smoothed her hair, his mouth moving to a half smile. “You don’t have to do this, you know. It is my mistake.”

“Not a mistake. Your child. And it doesn’t matter that he is half Tess. He is also half you. And for that, I will raise him as mine.” ‘As he should have been in the first place‘, Liz mentally finished.

Max kissed her and said, “What did I do to deserve you?”

Liz kissed him back, “You saved me, remember.”

A few moments later they broke and looked at each other. Max’s face was serious. He held her arms and said softly, “I saved you once. And perhaps I have helped you a little from time to time. But you….. You and your friends, you have saved me, saved my family more times than I can count. And I, I don’t know why.”

She looked up at his brown eyes, “Because we love you.”

And they kissed for a few minutes.

Once more they broke up, “You don’t have to do this, Liz. One last chance to pull back.”

She shook her head, “I don’t want to.” She lifted up the pistol and began to walk towards the convenience store. She brandished it so they could all see it. “EVERYBODY DOWN!”

Max used his powers to bust the cameras. “I would if I were you, she’s crazy.”

Liz fired one shot into the ceiling, “ON THE GROUND NOW! NEXT PERSON IS TARGET PRACTICE!”

The man at the back of the store lay down. The man at the register began babbling. “Oh, man. I got a family. Please don’t kill me. I, I will give you all I can. But the safe is on time lock and…..”

Liz just growled, “Hurry up Max. We won’t have much time.”

Max through the light cabinet in front of the hidden door aside. He pressed his hand against the wall and it opened.

Liz bit her lip as he ran down the stairs.

She really didn’t like being separated like this. So much could go wrong.

The building shook a little, the lights blinking.

And the first of several cop cars pulled up to the gas station. Liz looked over at the two men at the opposite sides of the store and ran to the opening.

There was some sort of arguing going on down there.

Great. People.

But even from here she could see the ship. She gasped. It was huge.

And it was real.

She had known that her friends had come from another world for a long time. But it had never been more real than at this moment.

She saw the man at the other end of the store rushing her. She pointed the gun at him and he stopped.

He sneered, “Look, little girl. I know what you just saw. This isn’t some small time outfit you are robbing here. We are the Federal Government. And you are going down for a long time unless you start working with me right now. Who are you working for?”

“I have the gun. SO just shut up!”

“Come out with your hands up! We have the place surrounded!” Came a call from the police outside.

The man, the agent most likely, smiled nastily at her. “You were saying?”

“Max! We are out of time….” Liz shook her head, “How did they find us so fast?”

The Agent laughed, “One of your contacts must have bailed on you. So. Are you going to put the gun down and we can settle this like rational people?”

A pale faced and wounded Max came out of the down stairs and shut the door firmly. “Someone warned them. Told them we were coming. They waited, Liz. They waited until I activated the diamond. Turned the key.”

“Both of you, just think. Your friend needs medical treatment, and this building is surrounded. The only way out is a deal. And….”

A shot rang out.

Max pushed Liz down, taking the bullet himself.

The agent wrestled with Liz, the gun slipping out of her hands. But her eye were solely on Max. Whose upper chest now had a large hole in it.

So much blood. His eyes so very wide. And as they began to glass over she felt him dying. Not dead, but dying.

She felt her own soul curdle inside of her and die with his. Rage. Bottomless and endless wrath filled her.

The agent held her carefully, said angrily at the convenience clerk, “What the hell was that? I thought they trained you people to NOT be heroes. You killed him! Do you realize how much evidence you just lost. Now…..”

The clerk, “Hey, that chick was psycho. And this was my best chance with her all distracted. I don’t care what deal you people have with our company. We need to protect ourselves and we will….”

Liz pumped a bit of that hate into the agent. His temperature soared to well over two hundred degrees. His corpse fell.

The clerk looked at her as the agent died with a massive glowing hand print on his chest. “What the hell?”

It was so easy. That was something none of the hybrids had ever mentioned. Just a twist of the wrist and let the anger and hate flow. The room filled with light and the bolt of energy killed Max’s killer.

A moment later she was on the ground. And it felt so comforting and warm.

No she needed to get over to Max.

Moving hurt so very much. She looked down. Her abdomen was welling with blood. And from the slickness of the floor, more was pooling behind her.

The same place. A rifle this time.

No. She could not die. Not like this.

She crawled over to Max and held him. He was still alive.

Impossible, he really should have been dead long before this and….


Liz smiled one last time.

He had waited. Waited for her.

He needed her for one more thing. One more thing to protect their families and friends.

Isabel and Michael had chosen Earth. And they had chosen well. But this ship…. This ship was one more tie that might pull them away from their new home.

It had to be destroyed.

She grasped the key in his hand and sent a pulse into the key. And overloaded the engines.

The resulting explosion was measured in kilotons.

Rumor would be different from the sad truth. Rumor would place Max and Liz on the road and to an elopement. One that they were sure their families would not allow.

Rumor said that they lived a long and happy life together. Never returning to Roswell or the troubles it had caused them.

Their trick with the diamond was discovered. It was too pure. It was a mystery where it had come from, because it was so similar and yet not. And while it was toyed with that it had been manufactured, no one could find any of the markings that manufacturing diamonds left.

Just one more mystery.

For Liz had left a mark in her motel room. Her hand print had been found in the ceramic fixtures in the bathroom of the motel room she and Max had shared. A casual dusting of fingerprints would show that indeed it was Liz Parker’s fingers.

Not that they had not left plenty of DNA evidence behind them as well.

But one thing was definitely true. Star crossed in life, they were intertwined in death. Their souls never apart.

