THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Epilogue - 11/6/16

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L-J-L 76
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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 51 - 3/27/16

Post by L-J-L 76 »

People need to get off their asses and start saving Max and Liz. It look like their nightmare is beginning after breakfast. Better get Max and Liz out in 12 to 24 hours. If Max and Liz stay in longer then how knows if Max and Liz will be alive by the time they save them.

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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 51 - 3/27/16

Post by Eva »

This is indeed a nightmare,! What a mess! Maria reactie beter thans I suspecte. Michael is right, he's rubber off on her and that's a good thing! They will need to be as focus as possible to pull this off. Brody, Huh?
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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 51 - 3/27/16

Post by sarammlover »

I think Maria is right on this one. She is in a secure location. Michael needs to go help Val to save her friends. They have a very slim window and they need to take it. I don't envy Max and Liz at ALL in this situation! UGH! So intense! I want more!!!
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Part 52

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: They’re in a lot of trouble, but steps are being taken to work towards a rescue.

keepsmiling7: They’re evil, that’s for sure.

Max and Liz are having a rough time but they haven’t been abandoned or forgotten.

L-J-L 76: They have a small window of time to work with, but you can rest assured, as soon as they can formulate a plan that has a chance of working they’ll be on their way. They’re going up against a formidable opponent so they have to be prepared.

Eva: Lol, yeah, she did. Michael didn’t need the added stress of her freaking out on him. Yep, Brody. We’ll learn a little more about him soon... emphasis on the little, lol.

sarammlover: At this point she’s so much safer than Max and Liz are. Nope, no envy at all there! There’s more coming!

Part 52

Find Brody? He snorted. “That’s the problem. You don’t find Brody, he finds you. Although, as a rule you don’t want him to find you.” He rubbed his thumb over his chin as he considered the problem. “Baxter would be the only one he has any direct contact with and it’ll be hard to track that but that’s probably our best bet. I’ll tell Val to put her bloodhound on it.”

She frowned. “If that guy’s so clever, you think he knows about his transponder?”

“Huh-uh, if he knew he was on the grid he’d have moved to get rid of it.”

“Let’s see if Alex can find him with the signal then.”

He nodded. “I’m not sure what it’ll take to convince him but he’s the key.”

“If he’s the key then Alex will find him.”

He grunted noncommittally. “If he can pull this rabbit outta his hat we might have a shot at actually pullin’ this thing off.”

He sounded sincere and it allowed her hope to rise. “Really? This one man can make a difference?”

“Brody defects to our side it’s gonna send a shockwave through the network. We have him we have the upper hand.”

“Okay, he’s the goal then.”

“Val’s gonna have to put Whitman on it quick.” They didn’t have any time to waste because every minute pushed them closer to their deadline. “She’s supposed to call when they reach the safe house. But we’d better break the silence before the emails go out. The email to Brody should probably be different than what gets sent to the rest of the network.” He smirked at the expectant look on her face as he picked it up and made the call. Val wouldn’t be happy about the unscheduled contact but once she had the details she’d calm down.

“What now?” she grunted into the cell.

He grinned at her tone. “Catch you in the middle of a blowjob?”

“Fuck you. What do you want? We’re in a hurry here.”

“I think we’ve found our ace in the hole.”

“In your hole?” she asked dryly.

“You sure I didn’t catch you in the middle of somethin’?” He gave a short bark of laughter and continued before she had a chance to go off on him. “Brody.”

“What about him?”

Could she sound any less unimpressed? “I think he’s the key. He’s handled more of the high priority jobs than anyone else. If we can turn him the others will fall in line.”

“You know we’re talking about Brody, right?”

“Yeah, that’s kinda the point of the call.”

Val snapped her fingers to get Alex’ attention. “Brody.”

He turned to glance at her. “Sorry?”

“Look up the assassin Brody. That’s our man”

“Yeah, I remember him from the network files. Pretty impressive list of assassinations to his name. If you want specific contact with him do we still send out the network email? Or do you want him contacted first?”

“Contact him first. Explain the situation. We need him on our side before making contact with the others.”

“And if he requests a face to face?”

“Then we’ll do it.”

“Okay, we’ll get the information to him, see what happens.”

“Let me know if you get anything back from him.”

“Anything else?”

“No, that’s all for now.” Bane sighed. “Make sure we get him, Val.”

“We’ll get him.” She disconnected and threw the phone in the console between the seats. “No pressure there.”

Alex looked up. “So? Fill me in.”

“Brody’s the number one assassin in the field. Bane thinks if we can turn him it’ll give us the edge we need.” She shook her head and paused for a moment. “If the rumors about Brody are true then he’s right.”

“Do you think it’s gonna be a problem?”

“I think Brody’s not gonna be easy to convince and meeting with him – which he’ll insist on because he won’t buy what we’re sellin’ over an email – is risky. The thing is he’s virtually a ghost. There’re rumors he works with a spotter and if they’re true we’ll be in the crosshairs for the meet. There’s a good chance he’ll keep everything quiet until we’ve met but if we can’t convince him that what we’re sayin’ is true he’s gonna be a loose cannon. We don’t want him on our ass.”

“We don’t want him on our ass, but we need him,” Alex grimaced and then pointed at the screen. “I found his signal. He’s actually not that far away from any of us.”

“Send him his file as well as the basics we know, and Alex, I do not need to tell you that this email must reach its owner and no one else, right?”

He rolled his eyes. “Do I look stupid to you? So the file and the basics. Anything else? He’ll want to know who’s talking to him, right?”

“Yeah,” she sucked on her bottom lip, a habit she tried to avoid and only came out in special situations. “Tell him it’s Bane and me.” He’d probably prefer to talk to Bane, but the guy would just have to stick with her if her assumptions were right and he wanted to meet up.

“Do you know anything about this guy?”

“No, like I said, he’s a fuckin’ ghost.”

“There’s not much in his file. At least not much as far as personal information’s concerned.”

“They must be keeping his information protected.” She frowned. What if they were walking right into a trap?

“He’s got a lot of political hits to his name. He seems to get a lot of the… I guess you’d call them high priority assignments.”

“With his reputation that makes sense. There’s only been speculation about him for a long time.”

“Well, I guess that goes two ways; entirely right or entirely wrong.”

“It’s a risk to contact him,” she agreed. “But sometimes risks are necessary. Don’t give him too many details. Just let him know we have something on the Circle that he’ll want like to know.” She frowned. “I bet you can make it sound better. Is there any chance they could locate us with the email?”

“Not in hell,” he snorted. “They won’t be able to detect our location; the contents of the email maybe, if they’re really good, but not our location.”

“Alright, good. They already know we have the information anyway so that would be nothing new to them.”

His fingers flew over the keyboard as he composed the email, keeping it brief and revealing only what she’d told him to. He finished and hit the send button, watching as it disappeared into cyberspace. “Okay, we’ve chummed the waters.”

Val made a face. “A shark reference? Really?”

He shrugged. “I spent a summer working for a shark fishing charter after I graduated from high school.”

She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him, studying him for a few moments. “You’re a man of strange and varied talents, Whitman.”

“I know,” he said with a grin. “Has anyone ever seen this guy?”

“People say they have but I have my doubts anyone who says they’ve seen him has actually seen him. He’s not the kinda person you say you’ve seen.”

“Lemme guess: people who say they’ve seen someone like him end up dead.”

“Exactly. People in this business don’t talk about things like that.”

“So what now?”

“We continue on our way,” Val shrugged. “And we wait for a response. If we don’t get one, we continue our mission with Stanton.”

“How long you think it’ll take before he reacts?”

“Not long if he’s interested,” she mused. “He won’t waste time if he believes the email. And you said he’s close.”

“Think he could be close to Max an’ Liz as well?”

“Doubtful. Brody’s known for bein’ deadly, not for taking hostages.”

“Good to know even deadly assassins draw the line somewhere,” he said dryly.

Val didn’t bother responding to that one. Right or wrong, people like her served a purpose. “Why don’t you make use of your time and see if you can pull the blueprints for Stanton’s house.”

“Got the blueprints and pulled the plans for his security system. With the money this guy has you’d think he’d invest in a better system.” He shrugged. “It’s a decent system but I could crack it in my sleep.”

She took her eyes off of the landscape for a few seconds. “You sound disappointed.”

“It’s just not much of a challenge.” He rolled his eyes. “I know, that’s a good thing. It’s just not as much fun if they basically give you the key to the front door.”

Val rolled her eyes. “I think you still have enough challenges to work on. One front door key won’t kill you.”

“Guess not,” he agreed. “He’s gonna put on a lightshow when he leaves for vacation.”

“A lightshow?”

Alex nodded. “Ever seen ‘Home Alone’?”

She frowned. “That a movie?”

He stopped typing and looked at her. “Are you serious?”

“Did I sound like I was making a joke?”

“Okay,” he said, dragging the word out. ”Well, it’s a Christmas movie.” He ignored her when rolled her eyes. ”It’s about this kid and his family who’re supposed to be going away for the holidays but in all the chaos of getting everyone out the door and to the airport he gets left at home. The mom keeps saying she feels like she forgot something and it’s not until the plane’s in the air that she realizes their youngest son isn’t with them.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. ”Sounds like a good reason to exercise birth control.”

He snorted. ”It’s just a movie and it’s hilarious. See, there’s these two burglars and they’re not exactly the brightest crayons in the box. Well, they’re planning to break in and rob the place, right? And the one burglar, he has this thing about leaving the water running when they leave a house they hit. It’s like their calling card.”

“Well, that’s just stupid.”

“It is,” he chuckled.

“What’s all that got to do with this?” She frowned. What was the conversation even about?

“Light show, right. Well, the family puts on a Christmas light show. They set up some outdoor lights that go on and off automatically so people think they’re home over Christmas. Basically Stanton does the same – just a little more professional I guess. Still, it’s a joke.”

Val frowned. “That makes no sense. As if anyone would be threatened by some lights.”

“Not you,” he mumbled, amused. “Some random stupid burglars... maybe.”

“So you’re sayin’ it’ll be easy to break in.”

“Yeah, shouldn’t be hard at all.”

“Good.” She pinched the bridge of her nose tiredly and bit back a yawn. ”It’d be easier to just take Baxter out, cut the organization off at the knees.”

“We’ll do that by taking the network down.” He didn’t really want to think about taking anyone else out. He knew it was inevitable. There was no way to end this without more bloodshed. It would be unrealistic to think they could bring the Circle down without it. He just hoped when the time came he could do what was necessary.

Val cracked one eye open to look at him when he suddenly fell silent and his fingers stopped flying over the keyboard. She couldn’t relate to what he was feeling; the first time she eliminated a target she had been doing what she’d been trained to do. It was all she had known at the time. She could tell it bothered him. It didn’t matter that the other man would’ve put a bullet in one or both of them given the chance. He still felt conflicted for taking a life.

“How much longer before we get off?” he asked and shook his head to get rid of the thoughts.

“An hour and nine minutes.”

He snorted at the precise time. “I’ve got everything ready to contact the other assassins when we’re ready for it. I hope this Brody guy lives up to his reputation.”

“You have no clue what that even means,” she chuckled. “But yeah, we’ll have a great advantage if we’re able to get him on our side.” IF! That was still the big question mark. If someone was able to take her out... or to take Bane out... it would be this guy and yeah, to some degree it scared her.

“You wanna get some sleep? I can keep an eye on things for an hour.”

“No, I’m good.”

He nodded, knowing she might be able to keep going but probably shouldn’t for much longer. Neither of them should really. They needed to get some rest and soon, but they couldn’t risk it until they were someplace safe.

“Once we’re in a secure location we’ll recharge for a few hours.” They couldn’t risk making a stupid mistake because they were exhausted. “What do you know about Stanton’s neighbors?”

“It’s a high class area. Most of his neighbors are doing the same thing he is, heading out of the city for the holidays. Spending a week or two at expensive resorts and leaving their homes empty. There’s a security patrol that does a drive through every hour and they check the houses every six hours, make sure everything’s secure. We can be in and out without any problem.”

“Patrols are no problem,” she agreed. She could take out a whole army of them if necessary. “Let’s just hope the trip won’t be for nothing.”

“Well, we’ll never know until-” Alex’ voice quieted while he looked at the screen of his laptop with a frown that quickly turned into two lifted eyebrows.

“What?” Val asked.

“Seems like your badass assassin is quick with his replies.”

“Brody contacted us?” she asked, stunned, and her heart rate increased when he gave a nod. “What’s he say?”

“It’s still decoding.”

Val gave an impatient huff. “How long?”

“Might take a little bit. He’s got damn good encryption.”

Would Brody be tempted by the bait they’d tossed out? She knew she’d be tempted but she’d also be very suspicious. Information like that wasn’t given for free and accepting it would be basically signing a death warrant.

“You think he’ll wanna set the terms for the meeting?”

“Without a doubt.”

“How much do we give him? I mean, do we allow him to choose the location?”

“He won’t meet us any other way,” Val muttered without a doubt. “We need to convince him to meet up with us. He’ll request Bane.”

“You think?”

She snorted. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure that motherfucker will choose a man over a woman when it comes to business. We can’t give him much else over email and he won’t request it since he obviously has an interest in hearing the truth and the truth is too dangerous for him to let it run through the internet.”

“Kind of an outdated attitude but I guess it’s probably pretty prevalent in your line of work.”

“It’s the way it is.”

He shrugged. He knew plenty of guys who were like that, guys who thought women should stay in their place, but he’d never understood what gave them the right to determine what that place was. “Guess he’s never seen you in action.”

“If he did I wouldn’t know.” He’d probably heard rumors though.

“Guess not.” He rolled his shoulders and focused on the screen when the letters suddenly became legible. “Okay, here we go. He’s requested a meet and he’s not giving us much time.”

“How much time?”

“He wants to meet at 3am so we’re under a pretty tight time constraint.” He glanced at her. “He’s chosen a bridge over...” he ran a search on the name of the bridge. “Huh, this isn’t the kinda place I’d wanna cross in broad daylight. It’s in rural West Virginia and it crosses a valley... old, not used much, and suspended about five hundred feet over a river.”

“Go figure,” she snorted. “Did he request Bane?”

“Yeah, but that’s a major problem because even if Bane agreed to the meet, there’s no way he could meet that deadline.”

“Tell him he’s meeting me instead.”

He nodded and typed in the reply. “What if he won’t agree? He has to know Bane’s in the wind.”

“We’ll wonder about the what-if then.”

“Okay.” They were gonna be screwed if this guy refused to cooperate with them.

“Okay,” she said irritated by the wait.

He smirked when her impatience made itself known. “We meet at the location he’s picked and we’re gonna be sitting ducks.”

“Your optimism is sickening.”

“I could apologize but I’m not really sorry so it’d be a waste of breath.”

The answer from Brody didn’t take long. “He wants Bane,” she guessed.

“Yeah.” He frowned. “Try to persuade him to meet you?”

“Let him know Bane’s too far away for that location.”

He typed in the message and encrypted it before sending it. The guy obviously wanted the meet but would he agree to meet Val when he clearly wanted Bane?

The sound for another message arrived. “Let me guess.”

“No go, he won’t agree to the meet unless it’s with Bane.”

“Damn it,” she smacked the armrest.

“What now? Contact Bane? I mean, if the meeting hinges on him then we don’t have much choice.”

“Yeah, I guess. He won’t be happy. And Brody can’t go there. Not with Maria.”

“Should I just forward the emails to him or you wanna call him?”

“I think we call him. He’s not online like you all day.”

He rolled his eyes. “You make me sound like some kinda computer geek.”

“You aren’t?”

“Well, that’s not ALL I am.”

She snorted and dialed Bane’s number. He would be so happy to hear from her again already.

“Didn’t we just talk?” Bane growled into the mouthpiece when he was once again interrupted.

“Brody replied.”

He leaned forward and pressed his thumb to the bridge of his nose. “He won’t meet with you,” he guessed.

“He wants you,” she said, pissed.

In spite of the seriousness of the situation he couldn’t stop the smirk. “Yeah, well, tell him that’s not an option.”

“I told him, but he says either that or no meeting.”

“Shit.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “We can’t risk fuckin’ this up but he can’t come here.”

“He’s already set a place but it’s too far away from you.”

He didn’t like it but it made sense. “Alright, we’re gonna have to set the meet but I can’t leave Maria here alone.”

“We’ll come in by small plane and get you. Alex can stay with her for the time we’re away.”

“Whitman? Are you serious?” She wanted him to entrust Maria’s safety to her hacker?

“He knows how to shoot, but it won’t be necessary.”

“It better not be. How long will it take you to get here?”

“About 12 hours.”

“Okay.” He ran over the calculations in his head and then ran through his mental file and pulled up a location before nodding to himself and giving her the coordinates. “Give him that information, tell him we stand at 3am, but twenty-four hours later than his original time.”

Val looked at Alex. “Do it.”

He entered the coordinates Bane had provided along with the new time for the meet. He had no idea if this guy would agree or not. So far he hadn’t been very amenable to anything they’d suggested beyond agreeing to a meet.

“Any other problems your way?” Bane grunted into the phone.

“Nothing new to report since the last time we talked. Just wanted to keep you in the loop since that bastard wouldn’t agree to a face to face with anyone but you.”

“It seems like he agreed,” Alex said, surprised.

“Of course he did.” She shook her head. She hated dealing with macho pricks. “We’re set for the meet, Bane.”

“Good,” he grunted.

“I’ll contact you for your location when we’re closer.”

“Alright, later then.”

She disconnected the call and shook her head. “Be prepared because he’s gonna be full of orders and threats when we get there.”

“So we go back to them?”

“We have little choice but to meet up with them again. You’ll have to stay with Maria.”


She shook her head. “No arguments because you won’t win. Bane has to have backup at the meet. If it goes south he needs someone at his back. If the rumors are true and Brody does have a spotter you can be damn sure Bane will be in the crosshairs.”

He sighed. “Right, I just thought I could be helpful in case of emergency.”

“You’ll be helpful keepin’ watch over Maria.”

“You really think Maria an’ I would have a chance against even one of your kind?”

“They’re holed up somewhere secure. You’ll just have to keep things safe for six hours.”

“That doesn’t sound too difficult.”

“No, six hours should be a breeze.”

“Yeah, and we know the location of the assassins thanks to my great mind,” he tapped his head.

Val smirked. “Yes, oh great and wise Whitman.” He had been very helpful and it wasn’t a question whether or not he was the reason for most of the information they had gotten their hands on. “Pack your stuff up, we’ll be getting off of the train soon.”

He nodded. “The meeting with Brody is set. With this time constraint we’d better not run into any problems though.”

“I second that,” she said and stood up to check the car again.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 52 - 4/3/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

I got a bad feeling about this meet with this Brody. Something just doesn't feel right to me. I hope I am wrong.
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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 52 - 4/3/16

Post by keepsmiling7 »

I agree with "roswelllostcause".......something is not right.
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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 52 - 4/3/16

Post by Eva »

I'm sitting on the edge of my seat now! What kind of guy will this Brody be? Will he change sides or will it be a trap ? And eveything moved 24 hours. That's not good for Max and liz...
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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 52 - 4/3/16

Post by sarammlover »

was that a little foreshadowing there at the end? Nothing better go wrong? Yeah! Fat chance of that happening! HA. I am glad they being as diligent as they can...hoping this meeting with Brody pays off!!
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Part 53

Post by Double Trouble »

Roswelllostcause: It won’t be long before that meet, so we’ll see soon.

keepsmiling7: We won’t have a long wait before they meet with Brody.

Eva: Don’t fall off! We’re gonna take a brief break from that particular tension this week, lol. It’s hard to say what will happen with that meeting between Brody and Michael. No, but unfortunately with their locations and setting up as safe a meet as possible, the twenty-four hour window was necessary.

sarammlover: Lol, us? Foreshadow? Well, we’re not telling but you won’t have long to wait!

Part 53

Maria was quiet as she listened to Michael’s side of the conversation and she wondered what was happening. It didn’t take long before that became clear though – Brody wanted to meet and he refused to agree unless Bane was there. She frowned when he started talking about being unable to leave her there alone. It sounded like Valkyrie would be going with him for the meet and they would leave Alex with her.

“You’re gonna meet him?” she asked when he finally disconnected the call.

He tossed the phone on the counter. “We can’t afford to risk missing out on this opportunity.”

“What if it’s a trap?”

“Then it’s better to be on the offensive.” He rolled his shoulders and turned his head from side to side. “Brody doesn’t work like that.”

“You said he works with that spotter person.”

“I’ll have my own spotter.” There was no point standing here discussing all the things that could go wrong. He could list more things that could go wrong in this scenario than she could ever imagine. “It’s a fairly isolated location and I’m familiar with the terrain. There won’t be much movement in the area and the snow’s gonna make it difficult for anyone to blend in.” Not that it couldn’t be done, it would just be more of a challenge.

She knew she couldn’t do anything to talk him out of it and maybe she didn’t want to. If he was right and the other guy could make the difference, then it was a risk they had to take. “What if you don’t come back? What will Alex an’ I do?”

He ran a hand through his hair with a frustrated huff. “One of us will return. Val won’t step out in the open. If he kills me she’ll still be there and she won’t give up.”

Alone with that bitch? She didn’t even want to think about it. “You better not get killed.” Grabbing his collar when he passed her, she forced him to look at her. “I mean it, Michael!”

“Don’t get your panties in a wad, Blondie,” he said with a smirk. “I’m not easy to kill.”

“Don’t joke about dying.”

“I’m not making a joke. I’m being completely serious. I’m at the top of my field but I’m not so arrogant that I think there’s no one better out there.”

She looked away and crossed her arms over her chest.

He reached out and caught her chin, bringing her gaze to him. “Reality’s a bitch and she doesn’t discriminate. Like it or not, you have to be prepared for the possibility that things won’t go our way.”

“I’m aware of that,” she muttered. It didn’t mean she had to like it.

“If you’re prepared then life can’t bring you down.”

“You say it like hope’s a bad thing.”

Michael thought about it for a moment and then shrugged. “Guess it isn’t by all definitions. But the more hope you have, the more disappointed you’ll be in the end.”

“Yeah, well, I can’t go on without hope.”

“Then hope for the best and expect the worst.” That was about the best he could give her.

Maria wrinkled her nose at his advice. “Why won’t he just meet with Valkyrie?”

“Rumor is he doesn’t care for dealing with women. It works out better this way. Whitman isn’t trained to spot a hidden target. If it’s true that Brody works with a spotter Val’s better qualified to locate him.”

“I already like that guy,” she rolled her eyes. “Macho!”

Bane snorted. “Just let us do what we do best and I’ll let you do the same thing.”

Maria lifted one eyebrow. “And what do I do best?”

“Cook.” He grinned widely.

Well, she was a damn good cook, but did he really think that was what she did best? “That’s what I do best, huh?”

She didn’t sound pissed but she didn’t sound like she was all that impressed with the compliment either. “You cook better than anyone else here.”

She made a face at him. “We really need to work on your social skills because they’re seriously lacking.”

“I’m hungry,” he said as he crowded into her personal space. “You can cook and I’ll eat whatever you make or you can get outta those clothes and I’ll eat you.” His voice dropped to a rasp. “Given the choice... I’d take you over food.”

Maria shuddered under his sudden intense expression as well as the close press of his body which allowed her to feel the heat radiating off of him. “Uh…”

He smirked when her cheeks reddened visibly and without thinking it through he reached up to run his thumb over one side gently. “I like it when you blush,” he muttered. He really did although he had no clue why she did. Talking about sex had never made any woman he was with blush but then again, none of them had been like Maria.

She looked away, trying in vain to pull that stupid reaction under control but her efforts were completely undermined when he forced her gaze to him once again.

He tipped his head to one side as he studied her. He didn’t understand her reaction. “It was a compliment,” he rasped, his voice low and sincere.

“I know.” And it was better than his previous one. “It’s just… it’s still embarrassing.”

He was confused. “Why?”

“Uh... I don’t know, because... you don’t blush.”

“I’m a guy.”

“So no guy is embarrassed?”

“About sex? What’s there to be embarrassed about?”

“Well, it’s... private, no?”

“There’s no one here but us, doesn’t get any more private than that.”

Her eyes dropped to his lips. “Yeah...”

“Yeah...” he mocked gently and moved in closer. His big hands came up to cradle her face and he leaned in for a kiss, doing his best to bring that blush to the surface again.

Maria felt the heat rising in her body, but it wasn’t embarrassment this time. A little moan escaped her lips when she felt his body pressing against her.

That sure as hell wasn’t embarrassment, he thought. His right hand dropped to her hip and he pulled her flush against his body. Dinner could wait because there was something infinitely better waiting for them.

He was so strong all over that it was scary and exciting at the same time. She was aware that he could do anything to her without her permission simply because he could pin her with one hand but she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. She trusted him. And every day a little more.

The tone of the kiss changed, becoming demanding and insistent. He grasped the backs of her thighs and lifted her up as he turned, intending to take her to bed.

Maria let him lead, knowing his experience would help both of them. She slung her legs around his waist, swallowing hard when she felt him pressing against her demandingly.

Her moves encouraged him and he shifted to get a better grip on her as he carried her down the hall. He shouldered his way into the bedroom and lowered her to the bed, following her down and pressing her into the mattress.

“You’re heavy,” she breathed. “But I like it.”

He chuckled and shifted to give her a little breathing room, but mainly to give himself room to work. He stripped her shirt from her with little effort and grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside before he settled against her once more. “Like that better?”

Her eyes ran over his chest. “Eh... yeah.”

He grunted and shuffled down, using his teeth to pull the thin material of her bra aside and freeing her nipple to his hungry gaze. He lowered his head and let his tongue rasp against her flesh, playing with the peak before drawing it into his mouth.

Maria gasped at the sensation and let one hand run through his hair before tugging on it roughly. God, the guy made her feel things she had never felt before.

He smirked at her impatience and he moved to rid her of the bra altogether. He lavished attention on her other breast while working a hand between them to undo her jeans.

“Michael,” she groaned when she felt his hands and mouth everywhere. It was like being in a drug-induced rush.

He couldn’t explain what it did to him when she said his name like that, but it set his blood on fire. He didn’t have a lot of room, but he wasn’t yet ready to move his attentions elsewhere so he slid his palm past her open jeans to touch her.

“Ouuuu.” Her lower back lifted from the bed.

He smirked when she moved in an effort to get closer and he wondered if today would be the day she finally gave in. She was already hot and wet and his fingers glided through her folds with ease, teasing and tormenting as he pushed her to her first orgasm.

“How do you do that?” she breathed heavily.

“If you don’t know I guess I’m gonna have to do it again.”


“That a yeah?” He laughed and shifted just enough to shove her jeans and panties down and used his foot to work them the rest of the way off. He braced his weight on his forearms as his eyes traveled over her lips for a moment before locking with hers. “Let me show you how it can be.”

Maria swallowed and felt herself nodding. “Okay.”

Yes! Internally he was fisting the air, but outwardly he just gave her a nod in response. He shoved aside all the crap he’d heard about how much a woman’s first time sucked. He understood the mechanics and it made sense there’d be some discomfort, but he could be very patient when he wanted to be and he was sure he could make it good for her. “Okay.” He looked at her and felt his lips pull up in a rare smile, the pull feeling completely unnatural. “Just follow my lead,” he said as he shuffled around to get rid of his jeans and boxers.

“I will,” she said, feeling a little nervous now. “Do we have protection?”

He shook his head when he saw the look in her eyes. “Don’t let your nerves get the best of you.” He leaned over her to pull the top nightstand drawer open, snagging a condom and dropping it within easy reaching distance. He settled over her again, letting her get used to his weight without anything between them as his mouth took hers in another heated kiss.

The kiss settled her nerves and raised her temperature at the same time. She wanted to do something good for him too but her brain was too foggy.

Michael took his time with the kiss, reining in his impatience, and forcing himself to take it at a pace that wouldn’t scare her off. He broke the kiss when their lungs demanded air and after a few moments he started kissing his way down her body, searching out her hot spots and slowly driving her mad. He rubbed his body against hers and rasped his shadowed jaw over her thighs, grinning when they parted further in invitation.

“What’re you doin’?” she gasped, her head spinning.

He smirked. “Getting you wetter than you’ve ever been,” he growled just before tonguing her.

Maria didn’t have the time to ask when the sensations hit her before she had time to prepare for them. “Ouuu.”

He got her good and worked up, bringing his fingers into play and stretching her in preparation for him. He brought her to the edge a couple of times before sending her over, knowing it’d be easier for her if she was good and relaxed when he took her the first time.

“Michael that was...”

“Um-hmm.” He crawled up over her body, letting his weight rest against her as he took her lips in a kiss that was so gentle it defied the violence of the storm raging inside of him.

“Amazing,” she finished her sentence when he let go of her lips.

“It was, huh?” Hey, he never complained when his ego was being stroked. “It’s gonna get even better than that.”

She smiled faintly. “Okay.”

“You sure you’re ready?” He couldn’t believe he was asking that question of all questions.

“Yeah,” she bit her lower lip a little too hard. “I’m ready.”

He leaned in to soothe the bite mark with his tongue. “If you’re not, now’s the time to tell me, Blondie.”

“No, I am.” She nodded. “Really. I want it.”

He grinned and reached for the condom, tearing the wrapper open with his teeth. “Next time I’ll let you put it on,” he said when her eyes followed his movements. Not this time though. He was too damn close.

“Okay.” She watched how he rolled it on, thinking about how sexy it looked, but she tried to lock the how to do it away for later.

He let his gaze wander over her body, taking the view in and wondering how she’d managed to go untouched until now. It was beyond comprehension and defied belief. Not that it really mattered because she was his now. “Look at me,” he ordered as he guided himself to her entrance.

After taking a deep breath she gave in to his wishes and lifted her gaze up to his, surprised to see tenderness there instead of smugness or impatience.

“Just focus on me,” he whispered gruffly and pushed forward, “and try to stay as relaxed as you can.”

“Okay,” she whispered back just as quietly and felt him slowly stretching her.

He watched her features, but her eyes especially, taking in every change as he fought against the need thrumming through him. Keeping his focus locked on her seemed to help. Just barely though, because as tight as she was the urge to move was difficult to control. It seemed to take forever before he reached her barrier and he froze, studying her expression, making sure she was ready. “Point of no return,” he warned her with a tight smile.

“Then I guess it’s just forward,” she managed to joke lightly.

He snorted softly and lowered his head to kiss her, doing his best to distract her as he pushed forward and made her his. There was something primal about it, something that, if he were anyone else, would’ve scared him because this was unlike anything he’d felt before. He’d never been with a woman he felt possessive about, no woman he’d ever really given a damn about. It felt foreign to him as he stilled for a moment to give her time to adjust. “Okay?” he whispered against her lips.

The pain was there but it was so light that she wanted to roll her eyes and say: really, girls, that’s what you’re all scared about?

“Okay,” she confirmed and underlined her statement by running both of her hands over his back.

He nodded, muscles shuddering at the feel of her hands on him, and he slowly withdrew and eased back in, letting her get used to it. He didn’t rush it, took his time building the pressure, and increasing his pace when she indicated she was ready.

His patience and gentleness surprised her. It wasn’t a behavior he normally exhibited and it allowed her to see him in a different light all over again. Soft pants came from his lips when he kept going and Maria thought it was the sexiest sound she had ever heard coming from a man.

It had been too long and while he wanted to take as much time as she needed he was getting too close to take much more time. The hand on her left hip drifted to the sensitive spot between her legs, stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Maria let out a gasp when his move brought a whole new angle to the act. She threw her head back and shivered when he automatically attacked her neck.

He waited until her body began to tremble, until her orgasm began to roll through her forcefully, and his lips brushed against her ear as he rasped heavily, “Hold on.” He’d held back as long as he could and if he didn’t get off soon he was either gonna go mad or end up with permanent damage.

Hold on? she thought in the back of her mind. What did he mean? She couldn’t hold onto anything right now as her heavy breaths escaped the confines of her lungs.

He was past seeing the questions in her eyes, beyond focusing on anything other than taking his own pleasure, and incapable of speaking. His communication skills had been reduced to grunts and the occasional groan as he took what he needed from her willing body. Sweat slicked his body, which only heightened the sensation of feeling her skin against his.

Maria could feel the desperation in his body – the need to let go. She could feel him in every cell of her body right now and she wondered if it was the same for him. Using one hand, she ran it through his hair, taking a small fistful of it between her slim fingers.

The slight sting brought his eyes to hers and he couldn’t look away. Something in her expression held him captive, hit him unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Another thrust, hard, forceful, driving her body further up the bed, and he let go. His teeth clenched and his body went completely taut as he came harder than he ever had before.

His shudders as he came traveled through her body as well and she let her arms slip around him, holding him to her. This was definitely the most emotional thing she had experienced in a long while. It felt like there was a connection, and not just the physical.

He collapsed against her, allowing her to hold him as his breath gusted heavily against her skin. He should move off of her but at the moment even that small feat seemed to be a monumental effort.

“You okay?” she asked after a few moments of silence.

“Fuck,” he muttered raggedly, forcing himself up just enough to meet her eyes, searching them for any sign of regret. He didn’t see any but he was compelled to be sure because he’d gotten a little rough with her there at the end. “Are you?”

The corners of her mouth lifted. “Yeah.”

He felt his mouth doing that thing again and a moment later he knew he was mirroring the look on her face. “Welcome to the world of hot sweaty sex.”

“Yeah,” she swallowed. “Wow.”

He smirked and rolled off of her, taking a moment to dispose of the condom. In spite of the fact that he’d always been the type to get a good fuck out of a woman and then disappear he didn’t feel the need to leave her side. He settled on his side and in a very uncharacteristic move he pulled her up against him, wrapping a big hand around her thigh and draping it over his. “You’re gonna be sore for a while.” His touch drifted over her sides and hip lazily, feeling drowsy but not bothering to close his eyes just yet.

“Yeah, maybe, but it seems okay.” She looked at him, almost surprised that he just didn’t just roll over.

“Good kinda sore,” he mumbled sluggishly.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Know so.” He shifted to get more comfortable.

“It was good... actually.”

That made him lift an eyebrow in question. “Good?” he echoed, his brain trying to make sense of her words. She wasn’t saying the sex had been just ‘good’, was she? He shook his head. No way.

“Yeah, I mean, you hear so many horror stories about it...” She blushed and shrugged. “I don’t know why. It was...”

Ah, okay, he thought as his muddled brain caught up. “The whole virginity thing.” The hand on her hip shifted and his thumb stretched to brush against her center. “So all the hype’s a little overrated?”

“More like understated.” She smirked.

“Enough so you’re gonna wanna go again?”

Her eyes widened slightly. “Now?”

Well, not like right this second, but soon. He had damn good recovery time. “And if I said yes?”

“Is that possible?” she asked.

He gave her a lazy smirk and pulled her closer, letting her judge for herself.

Maria’s eyes widened. “I thought...”

“What?” He was so ridiculously intrigued by that damn blush and his eyes traveled over her, loving the way it colored her skin.

“That men needed some time.”

“Most probably do, but I’m not most men.” He had age and a high sex drive on his side but there was no need to let her think it was credited to anything other than him and his incredible sexual prowess.

A slight smile spread over her lips. “Okay then...” She felt braver now and let her hand wander over his chest down to his stomach and lower.

His eyebrows lifted in surprise. “You think you can take me again?”

“Don’t you think?”

He didn’t know. Sure, technically he was sure she could, but he didn’t want to make her so sore that she regretted it the next morning either. He tightened his arm around her waist as he rolled them so that she was on top. “Not what I think that matters,” he rasped against her lips.

“I feel good,” she assured him.

One corner of his mouth lifted in a lopsided smile. “Well, if you’re up to it...” he shifted beneath her. It wouldn’t be long.

Maria groaned slightly when his hard length pressed against her. “Is it normal to be like this again an’ again?”

His thumb brushed against her, sending a shudder through her body. “Like what?” he asked conversationally.

“Like this,” she breathed. “Uh, turned on.”

“Only when it’s right. Get some dumbass between your legs who doesn’t know what he’s doin’ and you’re gonna be bored to tears. But someone like me?” He added a little pressure. “Baby, I could keep you turned on ‘til the sun comes up.” He laughed when she looked at him. “You wouldn’t be able to walk the next day but I could sure as hell do it.”

“Well, it might be good if I could walk. Just in case...”

He chuckled and nodded. “We’ll save that for another time then.”

“Okay,” she smirked.

He wrapped his free hand around the back of her neck and pulled her mouth to his again. He groaned into her mouth when she rubbed her lower body against his erection.

“Do we have another condom?”

He reached over and jerked the drawer open, snatching up one of the packets and holding it out to her with a grin.

She took it after a little hesitation and pulled on the wrapping until it gave in. “I’ll do it this time.”

He dropped his hands to her thighs, not bothering to question why he was content enough to let her fumble through this without intervening and handling things himself.

She tried to remember how he had done it the last time and managed to do it the way she thought was right before looking up at him shyly.

“Been practicing that move?” he teased. He reached down, keeping her hands under his as he checked to make sure everything was secure.

Another blush ghosted over her cheeks. “I just watched how you did it earlier.”

He nodded, amused. “Well done, Blondie.”

“That nickname’s really annoying,” she narrowed her eyes, her tone only half-serious.

“What about Sexy? You like that more?” He raised his upper body and steadied it with his elbows on the mattress while his eyes danced with amusement and heat.

Sexy? She really didn’t see herself that way but she knew well enough that he didn’t lie or sugarcoat things to make anyone feel better. And there was no denying the look in his eyes. Whether she saw herself that way or not it was obvious he did.

He nodded in satisfaction. “Sexy it is then.”

“Okay.” There was little point in arguing with him.

“We’re gonna have to work on your self-image.” He raised one hand to cradle her cheek, gently forcing her gaze to his.

“I think you’ve already worked on it to a certain degree.” She smiled and leaned into his touch before they kissed, gentle but very passionate.

Meeting him had definitely changed not only her outlook of the world but of herself as well. She was just one girl, but maybe she was stronger than she had ever thought.

“Baby, by the time I get you to the Maldives you’re not gonna have a problem walking around naked.” He chuckled when she just shook her head at him.

“You’ve got a serious kink about that, don’t you?”

“I’m a guy and we tend to be very visual creatures.” He nudged her to get her to sit up and his eyes traced over her body appreciatively. “If you’ll notice,” he nodded down, “there’s a LOT of appreciation goin’ on down below.”

Her gaze dropped and the blush deepened in a mixture of embarrassment and heat.

“You ready?” he rasped and let one hand trail down her front until he reached the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs. She definitely felt ready.

Maria gasped and lifted herself a little further so she could position herself directly above him. With their eyes locked, she slowly sank down on him.

She was a quick study, he thought as he watched her. She radiated sexuality and she didn’t have a clue. He kinda liked that though. He didn’t generally allow any woman to maintain the dominant position for long but watching her as she learned what she enjoyed most was a turn on unlike anything he’d ever experienced before.

His hands were in constant motion, unable to keep them still. He prided himself on being capable of multitasking regardless of the situation but this was one situation that required all of his focus.

Maria groaned when she found the angle that gave her the most pleasure and judging by his panting breaths and the pounding heartbeat under her hands on his chest, he seemed to like it too. It was weird to be the one on top... the one in control, but then again it was an out of mind experience at the same time. Especially with someone like him. “I think I’m close to...” She bit her lip.

“Close to cumming again,” he teased and flexed his hands on her thighs to move her harder against him.

She nodded wordlessly.

He gave a throaty chuckle. He was gonna get her to say it eventually. For now though, he let it drop and focused on her, enjoying the view. There were definite advantages to a woman being on top, he mused as his eyes wandered over her hot little body.

His hold on her tightened and he guided her movements when he felt the subtle changes that indicated she was getting close again. It didn’t take much more for her to reach her peak and his eyes darkened as he watched as her back arched and she threw her head back. He couldn’t take it any longer and he rolled them over again, pounding into her as he sought his own release.

She was fascinated by the way the muscles in his arms and neck moved while he finished. Her eyes roved over him, taking in every nuance of his expression. Wow, he was definitely a fine piece of man. The type women stood in line for, she was sure. Under different circumstances she would’ve stayed away from him because he radiated trouble and danger. But really, her life was hell and there was just no way he could make it worse. Quite the opposite at the moment.

“What’s that curious expression for?” His low breathless voice reached her ear. Despite his shuddering frame, he kept his body above her without crushing her and fumbled to get rid of the condom.

“Just admiring the view,” she answered and it was mostly true.

“Uh-huh.” He wasn’t buying it. At least not entirely. ”And?” He lowered his head to whisper against her ear, “You’re gonna have to do better than that.”

She shivered when his heated breath brushed over her damp skin. ”Just thinking that in spite of the situation we’re in it’s not all bad.”

It was a dangerous thing to be thinking, he thought but he didn’t verbalize it. ”You should get some sleep,” he said and reached behind him to shove the pillow into a more comfortable position.

“I think I could sleep a bit,” she agreed and let him guide her down next to him. “I feel tired.”

Michael chuckled. “Good. I’d be surprised if you weren’t.”

“Are you too?”

“Hell yes,” he groaned slightly. Right now he felt like he could sleep for hours and hours.
Fics: A Xmas Story - A Merry Mt. R. Xmas - Cupid's Revenge - Double Trouble - Double Date - Double Dare - Double Empire - Double Xmas Wish - In The Course Of A Lifetime - Mountains So High - Not A Question At All - Surrender - TIC TAC - Two Double Dates at Xmas
Roswell Fanatic
Posts: 1992
Joined: Tue Oct 09, 2001 4:58 pm
Location: Motown

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 53 - 4/10/16

Post by Roswelllostcause »

Things have really heated up between Michael and Maria!
Check out my Author page for a list of my fics! ... 1&t=155639
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