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Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 5:47 am
by Michelle17
Hi flyawayraven,

Thank you for taking the time out to answer questions. I'm very excited to read your Maturing story A Gift To Liz. I'm excited to read how Max will be fixing things between them in that story, Its one of my favorites. I love the update to this story. I love that Kyle is Liz Protector. I love Jim to in this. I have to wonder where Kyle went too? How long have Liz parents been gone? How did Liz get into this situation? When will Max be coming for her? Does Max know her? Or Just feel a connection to her? Who are Liz's friends in this? I'm excited to read the connections in this story. Please post more soon.


Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Tue May 24, 2016 8:17 am
by begonia9508
Great part - I loved it - EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 3:58 am
by max and liz believer
I'm sooo enjoying this story. I'm really intrigued with the world you're painting and the dynamics between the characters. And now I'm curious (and slightly worried) as to why Liz has been called to the Council...

Great chapter!!

/ Jo

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 6:10 am
by Roswelllostcause
I can't wait to see where this is going.

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 10:20 am
by begonia9508
Another upsetting part, with what I read about the way they are treating Liz and Kyle...
Are we on Roswell or already on Antar maybe...

Waiting for more and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 4:10 pm
by Twilighteyes
cant wait for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-23-16 Chapter 1

Posted: Mon May 30, 2016 6:09 pm
by flyawayraven
Carolyn (keepsmiling7) - It will be explained but just to clarify now, advanced Humans are those who are born instead of being created in a lab. Monohybrid are those who are born between two different species. Liz's father was a protector like Jim and Kyle while her mother was human. A crossbreed is born in a lab and implanted in the mother.
Courtney (Michelle17) - I love all your questions and to answer them all at once! Only time will reveal everything!
EVE (begonia9508)
Jo(max and liz believer)

Thank you for all the feedback! I love it! Keep it comin!

Chapter 2

The ding of the lift depositing us onto the top floor of The Counsel building sent a jolt through me, causing my breathing to escalate until it felt as if I couldn’t drag in enough oxygen.

I had only ever been up here with Kyle at night when we were younger. The floor to ceiling windows offering unhindered views of the night sky beyond the city. Light pollution from the ground was nearly nonexistent so high up and the millions of lights in the sky had both charmed and awed me.

Now, the blinding sunlight stopped me from seeing anything more than a few feet in front of me as my eyes watered as they adjusted.

Across the wide expanse of the room, a solitary table sat surrounded by twelve wooden chairs. At one end a large thrown like chair sat on a small dais, while at the other end a small stood sat a few feet away from the edge of the table.

The table itself was once a large slab of black granite. It’s smooth surface reflecting the sunlight, allowing those sitting around it to observe the imperfections within its surface. I was deposited onto the stool as the voices murmuring around the table ceased. My escort of four moved along the edges until they flanked the large chair on the dais. Tess followed behind, her heels the only sound heard in the cavernous room.

I could feel Jim behind me, and I knew his presence should reassure me, but all I felt was hollow and I wondered what the absence of Kyle meant for me.

I knew when we were younger, The Counsel tolerated Kyle’s insubordination on my behalf as the concerns of a born protector, and because of their respect for his father.

Now that we were grown however, I knew keeping him at my side had come to an end. He was so much more important than I would ever be, and to reassign him to someone more worthy was a logical move for the Counsel to make, but I didn’t think I could survive the only friend I had in the world being taken from me.

I wasn’t surprised to see Khivar sitting in the large raised chair. Kyle had mentioned he would be here, and I wondered briefly if they had already broken the news to him. I couldn’t stop the tremble in my fingers as I wrung them tightly together, hoping to make them stop.

Tess passed over a thin tablet to Khivar, and I kept my eyes on my fingers as he studied it briefly.

“Elizabeth Ann Parker, Monohybrid born to Protector Jeferie Parker and a human.” Khivar read. “Is this correct?”

It took me a second before I realized he was speaking to me. I opened my mouth to respond and had to clear my throat. “Yes”

“Your mother was Nancy Parker?” I nodded my head. “She was once quite brilliant.” He muttered as he scrolled down on the tablet. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing as he conferred with Tess on something the tablet was showing him.

“It has come to my attention that you have the predisposed genetic markers of a Seer. The Granolith is in need of a Seer, and since none have been born within the last twenty years it has been decided by this Counsel that you will be relocated to Granolith City to begin training.” Khivar finished, his piercing green eyes staring a hole through me.

“And my protector?” I whispered

“Huh” Khivar muttered “I wasn’t aware you had clearance for a protector. None are listed in your records.”

My heart stuttered at his words.

“Kyle” my lips formed, but nothing came out.

Jim cleared his throat behind me and Tess glared at him.

“She means her childhood friend my Lord.” Tess stated as she turned her body to face him directly. “It was decided by this counsel at the time of her Parents demise that we wouldn’t interfere with the progression of their relationship. Although he hasn’t officially been named her protector, there was a verbal understanding between Jim and her parents.”

“I see” Khivar said, although you could see that he didn’t.

“With her genetic markers indicating Seer potential, it was understood that she would eventually advance far enough to require a protector anyway. He was still in training and his father asked the Council that he be allowed to stay connected to the girl.” Tess continued

I could feel the betrayal work its way through my heart at the news that Kyle hadn’t been assigned to me. I knew his association with me held him back, but I had been so ignorant to how much so. No wonder Jim wanted Kyle to have nothing to do with these proceedings. He knew Kyle would insist on coming with me if I was required to leave Capital City.

A single tear slipped down my cheeks as they continued to talk about me as if I wasn’t here. I could feel Jim slip closer to me, and I scooted over to the edge of my stool, hedging away from the heat of his body.

Kyle was always the exceptional to my unexceptional.

Maybe finally being free of me would allow him to advance enough to leave his father’s home. It finally all made sense. The fact that Kyle was assigned security details around the city during the hours I was at the lab when traditionally Protectors worked wherever their charges were located. I wondered then if Kyle had known. Had he known he wasn’t officially my Protector? Had he hidden it from me? Why?

I shook my head, I knew why. If I thought of all the times Kyle had been there to pick me up after my parents died, all the times he made sure I ate properly, and continued on with my life when all I wanted to do was curl in a ball at the unfairness of it all. He knew I would insist on him letting me go. I couldn’t help but smile at the fact that he finally would be able to live up to his potential. I knew there would never come a point in my life where I wouldn't miss him though.

I nodded at the Counsel member that approached me, handing me a thin tablet to apply my hand to. I stared at the small screen, I wondered what they would do if I said no. No one said no to the counsel, but what if I did?

I skimmed over the information on the tablet; the six month training period, the escort of six protectors to Granolith City. The relinquishment of my tiny three hundred square foot apartment to the city interior. I was allowed to only take what I could carry in one pack. Which wouldn’t be a problem because I didn’t own much anyway.

There was one thing I worried about that wasn’t cited on the tablet.

“Excuse me?” I asked quietly.

Everyone stopped to look at me. “What about Gandarium contamination during travel?”

Khivar studied me as another council member answered me. “You’ll be traveling mostly by shuttle, but you will be wearing a Skin to protect you from contamination.”

I shuddered at their words. The reality of the Skin was something I had never been involved in. Grown from stem cells, the suit’s name was exactly that. An extra layer of human skin, grown to avoid detection from the Gandarium that had infested the planet and destroyed nearly all of the world.

Those who were infected were mindless, interested in only one thing, spreading the infection.

I had never been out of the walled city I was born in. The recycled air was all I had ever breathed and the outside world had only been observed from tiny windows.

I grew up behind these walls. Never known anything different and the prospect of leaving the safety to venture out beyond the city terrified me beyond comprehension. What protection could be offered to me that was safer then Capital City? I couldn’t imagine a world beyond this one.

With a sigh I placed my hand on the screen, agreeing to the terms set before me.

I didn’t look at Jim as I was once again escorted by the four protectors out of the room. The hallway outside the elevator had become crowded during the time spent in the Council chambers as residents of the Capital waited to be presented. I glimpsed Kyle of out the corner of my eye and I automatically turned in his direction. He immediately noticed me exiting the elevator and our eyes met as my arms were caught, my escort steering me away from him.

“Liz!” He called, a look of confusion on his face.

It was then I noticed Jim had followed us down as he stepped in his son’s direction. Placing his hands on Kyle’s shoulders to stop his advance, he spoke quietly in Kyle’s ear.

Tears welled in my eyes, and I knew I would regret not fighting if this was the last time I set eyes on my best friend.

Jerking out of my captors arms, I threw myself in Kyle’s direction.

Chaos erupted as startled yells followed my quick progression toward Kyle and Jim. Jim frowned sadly as Kyle brushed him aside, placing himself between the protectors and us.

Jim held his hands up pacifyingly as he stopped their progression. I couldn’t hear what he said to them as Kyle quickly turned so his body was between my pursuers and me. Maneuvering us so we were closer to the wall.

Tears clung to my lashes as I looked up at Kyle.

“What is going on Lizzie?” He asked gently.

I swallowed nervously. “I’m sure your father knows more than me.” I told him, my voice firming as the anger chased away the tears.

“Did you just come from the Counsel’s Chambers?” He questioned

I nodded once again. “Did you know?”

He stilled, a knowing look entering his eyes. “I had my suspicions. Father has been acting strangely for the past week. Where are they taking you? I will insist on going with you. It’s my duty as your protector. I am shocked they haven’t informed me of any decisions regarding your wellbeing without speaking to me first.”

It was then that I knew he was as unaware as I had been. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the chances of him being assigned to me were close to zero. His father was too respected by the counsel, if his father didn’t want him following me then he wouldn’t.

Jim’s betrayal stung but I understood it. I wasn’t blood, he may have felt a kinship with my father, having grown up with him but in the end I was the object holding his son back. As his father, his first priority would be his son.

I slid my arms up around Kyle’s neck, pulling him toward me as tears trickled down my cheeks. Kyle held me tightly, an arm wrapped around my back while the other cradled my neck beneath my hair. “Where are they sending you?”

I sniffled, burrowing my face against his chest. “Granolith City” I muttered.

“of course they are.” Kyle replied with a quiet smile. “You go with them now, and I will see you soon Liz. Ok?”

I shook my head as he gently released me. “You know your father won’t allow that Kyle. You’ll be reassigned to someone here at home.” I muttered.

“My father doesn’t have a say in it.” Kyle said.

I could feel the glare he sent Jim who was still speaking with the Protectors waiting for me.

I finally understood why the guards were wearing purple. Being from Granolith City, they were wearing the cities colors, the same way Kyle wore the black and white of Capital City.

I pulled back, looking into Kyle’s eyes intently. His bold blue eyes held my own confidently. I wanted to be as brave and confident about the future as Kyle was. I wanted to believe as he did that he would be able to convince the Counsel to let him come with me. But the reality of the situation was the Protectors rarely traveled between cities let alone relocated.

He released me as the Empath approached us. Pushing me in his direction he nodded before looking at his father with a frown. Jim stared at me before my elbow was once again caught and I was directed once again down the corridor.

I could feel Kyle’s eyes on me, and I desperately wanted to look back. I didn’t though. The confidence instilled in me by Kyle wouldn’t last long, but it would get me far enough away from Kyle that he wouldn’t see how weak I really was.

My lips trembled as I was guided into the elevator that would take us to the walkway that connected the buildings. The ride was short, and the sudden stop caused my already rolling stomach to heave. I kept my head down as we walked the long halls toward the housing building. Approaching my apartment I could feel the curious stares of those we passed.

Arriving at my apartment, I entered alone. Grabbing the small bag that hung on the hook by the door I quickly went about packing. I put into my pack everything I couldn’t replace upon arriving at my new home. The few pictures and memento’s barely filled a quarter of the small bag before I pulled the wooden box I kept hidden in the bathroom.

Trying unsuccessfully to put it in my bagI huffed in frustration. The box itself had been my grandmother Claudia’s. Brought with her into the city from the outside world when the Gandarium was released in the 1947 crash. My grandmother had been a teenager, already well known for her scientific discoveries. She had been brilliant studying the contamination, and had been an integral member of the scientific team that had created the Skins.

I didn’t want to leave the box behind, but knew if I asked to just carry it, it would be stolen or lost somewhere along the journey. With a defeated sigh I opened it, pulling out the simple gold jewelry that had belonged to my mother. Along with my journal I had ceased writing in when I lost my parents at 15. Placing them in the bag, I added a few pictures before cinching the bag closed.

Glancing around my tiny apartment for the last time, I typed a simple note for Kyle on the viewer telling him how much I appreciated all he had done for me through the years and how much I would miss his stale jokes and comforting arms. Sending him my love I signed off.

I left the same way I had entered, quickly and quietly.

Thank you for reading! Hope you liked it!

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-30-16 Chapter 2

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 8:05 am
by begonia9508
I understand the story better... now that I have some Infos more about the situation they are in; the world has been destroyed because the gandarium killed quite everybody... and Liz is a Seer, and it means for her to be separated from the people she used to live with... not the best for her but I am waiting for more, to know if she is better as a Seer or as a normal being...
At the Moment, it seems to me that Khivar isn't that bad but it could Change, no?

Looking impatiently for more! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-30-16 Chapter 2

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 1:38 pm
by Michelle17
Hi flyawayraven,

How are you doing? I really love the update, I enjoyed finding out Liz is a Seer. I feel really bad for her because she knows Kyle as her protector. Jim, why are you betraying your son and Liz? Does Liz know Max? Or has she met him? I don't like or trust Kivar at all. Please post more soon.

Re: Endless (AU with Aliens) 5-30-16 Chapter 2

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 3:24 pm
by keepsmiling7
Liz has that special genetic marker.......I'm so sad she will now be separated from Kyle, his jokes and comforting arms.
This will be a big change for her since she lost her parents when she was 15.
At least there is a skin that can be worn to protect against gandarium contamination.
Things are really happening fast now,