Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 33. 5/28/13 [WIP]

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Re: Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 30. 4/28/13

Post by Pixie-Maria »

Hey everyone.

I’m sorry this is a little late this week, my weekend was full of delirium and pain – in other words I have strep. But the meds are finally starting to work and I’m almost back to full strength.

Thanks as always to those of you reading, and a huge thanks to those who leave feedback.

Carolyn : Many thanks to your constant feedback. I really appreciate it. And things always look darkest before the light, or something like that :D

Chapter 31.

“No, you cannot go,” Michael stated firmly, his whiskey-colored eyes meeting her flaring greens ones as he stood his ground once again.

“Why?” Maria returned stubbornly. “It’s not like I’ll be on my own. I’m followed constantly by Kyle, Jackson, and the purple brigade.” She waved her hand to indicate the two of the guards sent by Larek standing by the door to the large room they were currently inside.

“I need you to be safe, Maria,” Michael repeated for what felt like the millionth time, his hand sweeping wearily over his face.

Maria inched closer to him, adjusting the skirts of her long dress and pushing Michael back a little in his chair so she could settle in his lap.

“I just want to meet and greet the people, too,” she explained gently, her fingers toying with the straight edge of his jacket.

“It might be a good idea, my Lord,” Jackson intervened, stepping in once the couples’ discussion was coming to a lull and the two had calmed. “The people will love to see Princess Mia. She is their future queen, after all.”

Maria turned abruptly to face Jackson, and therefore, didn’t see Michael shaking his head and moving his free hand frantically, trying to stop Jackson from saying anything else.

“Don’t I have to agree to a marriage before I’m proclaimed their queen?” she asked haughtily.

Jackson’s eyes shifted from Maria to Michael, and then back to the blonde.

“Well, actually, no,” he replied reluctantly. “Only your parents need to agree, and since they already did…”

“Wait,” Maria interrupted him, her hand raised in a stopping motion. “My parents are on Earth, not any other planet. And if you think Amy Deluca will agree to her only daughter marrying at the ripe young age of 17, you’ve got another thing coming.”

Jackson looked uncertainly at Michael and then back to Maria. “On this planet, you are Princess Mia, and your parents are the rulers from Plantgesia, and they have agreed to your marriage. And I have to point out by Antarian laws, you are already married. You share the connection that manifests after a joining.”

“Well, shit,” was all Maria could say.

“All that is left is the ritual,” Jackson added.

“Ritual!” Maria squeaked. “That doesn’t sound good. That sounds like blood-letting, maybe a sacrifice, some chanting, and possible group sex.”

“Hey, I’m down with that,” Kyle’s voice erupted from the other side of Michael. When three heads turned to him, he added with a grin, “Well, the orgy part, anyway.”

“There is not gonna be an orgy,” Michael stated calmly.

“That’s right,” Jackson agreed. “It’s actually a pleasant ritual, not unlike the ceremony many humans go through.”

“And Grand Master Toman suggests we do it sooner rather than later,” Michael slipped into the conversation.

When Maria swung her accusing eyes to him, he continued. “He knows about the connection, right? He told you if we used it, others will know, too. The easiest thing to do would be to just do it.”

“Just do it,” Maria repeated deadpan.

“You know, it doesn’t stand on Earth, just here, and I’ve told you my reason why I want to go ahead with this,” Michael said softly to her.

Maria nodded. She understood his reasoning but it still felt like a big deal to her.

“If you let me go with you into the city, then we can go through with this ritual,” she bargained with a sly smile.

“That’s not fair, Blondie,” Michael moaned.

“Hey, if I’m gonna be your queen, I’m sure the people will want to see me.”

“It’s true,” Jackson conceded, nodding his head and looking to Michael.

“Ok,” Michael relented. “But we double your guard, and as soon as we are back within the palace walls, we
do this ritual thing.”

“Deal,” Maria smiled holding her hand out to shake on it.

“Deal,” Michael agreed and leaned in to kiss her lips gently.


The large group stepped through the palace’s overlarge gates and out onto the path which was bustling with activity that afternoon. The path from the palace led directly into the center of the city, and the city had sprawled out beyond the palace walls, so they were greeted immediately by the people as they slowly made their way to their final destination.

The wide walkways were crowded with many of the citizens of the city eager to see their new king close up.
They cheered as Michael and Maria strolled down the dirt track, Kyle and Jackson immediately following behind them with Isabel walking between the two of them.

Isabel had yet to tell Michael and Maria about the conversation she and Max shared earlier that day, and she hadn’t seen Max since their conversation either. She expected he was somewhere within the palace walls, maybe even talking to Lyarna and recanting his plea and making arrangements to go home. Liz, too, was missing from their group, as she could not be found either, and Isabel just hoped the brunette hadn’t found trouble wherever she was.

Two of the royal guards marched out in front of Michael and Maria with four more following behind Kyle, Jackson and Isabel. Four of the Plantgesian guards also followed those royal guards, making their number of guards at 10, not including Kyle and Jackson.

Michael held tightly onto Maria’s hand as they wandered through the streets of Starlina City, observing their surroundings as they leisurely made their way into the center of the metropolis. The city was built with the same colored sandstone, the buildings square and identical. It had a simplistic look which surprised Maria as she always imagined alien worlds to be futuristic in their architecture. But then, it shouldn’t really have surprised her, considering her dreams of palaces and stone walls. As they walked, Maria wore a constant grin, waving as they moved down the path together and smiling sweetly at the people they passed.

“Try and smile,” she whispered to Michael and watched as a grimace formed on his face at her suggestion.

“Ok, we are trying to be gracious, not scared the natives away,” she added with amusement.

Michael shot her a look of contempt before turned back to wave with his free hand.

“You know, I feel like Channing Tatum,” Kyle grinned, waving at a cute young woman as their entourage passed.

“More like Peewee Herman,” Isabel laughed.

Kyle shot her a look of disbelief. “Yeah, that’s right. Rag on the downtrodden why don’t you?”

The group, as a whole, chuckled, and Maria found it hard to believe that they were this comfortable walking the streets of Antar. She turned, beaming, to face Michael, and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him tightly into an impromptu hug. She wasn’t sure why she felt the need to be close to him at that moment, but she did, and their entire party stopped in the middle of the pathway, blocking the bypassers as they made their way through the city.

“No need to get all touchy-feely,” Kyle joked from behind them, and the couple pulled apart.

“No need to be all jealous,” Michael quipped, his eyes narrowing on his friend before letting out a bark of laughter.

“I still can’t believe we’re actually here,” Isabel whispered, stepping forward to speak closer to Maria.

“I know,” the other blonde responded. “It’s incredible, huh?”

“Yeah,” Isabel agreed immediately.

Their carefree moment was disrupted with a startlingly loud crashing sound.

The loud boom shocked them at first, and they all stood still in the silence that followed. When the air was filled with one piercing scream then more voices filled the air as the people around them began to move quickly in all directions.

The two royal guards in front of the group turned and rushed to their king, protecting him from whatever foe they were facing. Michael pulled Maria back toward him, enveloping her within his arms, his face turning to Kyle and Jackson and seeing them both protecting Isabel, as she stood still between them, the other royal guards and the Plantgesian guards surrounded their entire group.

Another boom vibrated around the square, this time sending stone and mortar flying in all directions, and a building to the right of them shuddered, the walls seeming to bend slightly and groan with the explosion.
Maria buried her head against Michael’s chest, her body shaking with fear until her eyes meet that of a young child standing beneath the ominously swaying wall, the girl’s face transfixed on her new king and the princess.

“No,” Maria said breathlessly, and she tried to move from Michael’s embrace to help the girl before it was too late.

Michael held on to her tighter, needing to feel that she was there, safe in his arms from the disaster happening around them.

Maria’s eyes held those of the little girl, and she stretched out her hand to the child, beckoning her forward.

The girl didn’t move, just stood here frozen in place with a smile on her face and a disbelieving look in her eyes, as if she couldn’t comprehend she was seeing a princess in real life.

Michael’s arms loosened around her, momentarily distracted, and Maria didn’t realize her feet carried her as well, until she heard Michael’s frantic call behind her.

She knelt down beside the girl, her skirts fluttering carelessly onto the dirty ground, and her eyes searching the child’s to ensure she was all right. She whispered, “Are you ok?”

“You’re beautiful,” was her reply. “Are you really a princess?”

Maria smiled. “Yes. Come on, let’s get you to safety.”

A sharp cracking noise interrupted her next sentence, and Maria looked up sharply to find the stone at the top of the wall was wobbling precariously. She was horrified and was almost certain it was going to fall on the two of them, and her body went into overdrive.

She wrapped her arms around the small girl, pulling her out of danger as the stones started to crumble down upon them both. She held one hand above her head, as if it would stop herself and the child being crushed under the weight of the rocks plummeting to the ground.

A purple haze erupted around her, enveloping her and the young one, keeping them safe as the stones bounced off the one–sided shield and smashed to the ground around them.

Maria turned her head desperately to seek out Michael, hoping he was the one providing this shelter for her and the child. Her heart fell as she watched Michael and the guards surrounding him lifted from the ground and propelled back with force, landing heavily on the hard ground several feet from where they once stood.

In spite of herself, Maria gasped aloud, and tears filled her eyes as she watched her lover, their friends, and their guards thrown backwards. She wasn’t sure if they were still alive or if the blast had killed them all.

Maria was drawn back to her current situation as she felt an arm twist around her waist, and her head
whirled to stare into the darkest eyes she had ever seen. Fear gripped her instantly as she studied the man before her who was restricting her movements. His eyes were as dark as night, his features youthful, contradicting the predatory look he held. He looked familiar and it was a while before recognition hit her.

Though he looked a lot better than he did the last time she saw him, albeit very briefly. It was when the Skin had arrived in Roswell looking for the Royal Four. She seemed to remember he was more interested in Isabel. What did he want with her?

“Save your mate or the child in your arms,” the man’s voice said, dripping with menace.

Maria raised her eyes to her hand to realize the protective shield was coming from her. She could break it to help Michael or to stop this new enemy, but that would surely kill her and the girl she was trying to protect, or she could save the girl and forfeit herself to this man.

Maria felt herself deflate. This was her fault. She insisted on coming out here today to meet the people, and now Michael’s worst fear was becoming a reality, though the danger was not from Max, but from a different predator who was watching her intently as she weighed up her options.

The man beside her chuckled. “Wise choice, Your Majesty.” And he moved her quicker than she thought
possible as she clung to the frightened girl in her arms.


Michael blinked once, then again, as the dust settled around him. He coughed as the particles entered his lungs, his natural reflexes taking over to expel the foreign body from his body.

He sat up slowly, his hand reaching for his head to try and still the painful throb which was pounding violently. He felt something wet on his forehead, and he pulled his away to discover blood on it. It didn’t register that he was bleeding until the sticky liquid seeped over his right eye, and he blinked violently, raising his other hand in an attempt to clear his double vision as he struggled to rise to his feet.

“Maria?” he called out, surprised at how low his voice sounded.

He cleared his throat and then tried again, thankful to hear his voice louder and stronger.

There was no reply.

The dust continued to settle around him. Three of the guards had died in the incident with two more injured and unconscious.

“Maria,” he called again, concern starting to set in as he didn’t see her and couldn’t hear her voice.

He stumbled to his feet, brushing debris and dust off him. He caught a glimpse of pale blue silk material and staggered over to it, frantically trying to remember what color dress Maria had worn that day.

He pushed the broken body of a royal guard off the figure wearing the gown to find Isabel underneath. Her face was stark and smeared with dirt, her hair unraveling and her clothes torn and bloodied.

She blinded then coughed, repeating his earlier movements, and he felt a surge of relief rush through him as he realized Isabel was still alive.

“You ok?” Michael asked, his voice hoarse.

“I think so,” she nodded and turned her head, squinting her eyes to try and see through the settling dust and debris. “Kyle?”

“I’m ok,” the other boy answered from their left. “My leg hurts like a bitch, though.”

Michael moved over to his friend and immediately dropped to his knees, pulling a broken wooden beam from Kyle’s legs to see a large gash along his thigh, blood spilling from the wound at an alarming rate. Michael quickly unfastened the belt around Kyle’s waist that held together the vast fabric of his religious robes and fashioned a tourniquet above the wound.

“You’ll be fine,” he told his friend, hoping what he was saying was true. He lifted his eyes again, searching the area for Maria. At the sound of running feet, he turned back to look back in the direction they had previously walked to see Jackson running back toward them with several more guards from the palace.

“Where’s Maria?” he asked, hoping Jackson had fulfilled his previously discussed duties and moved Maria to safety immediately.

“I don’t know,” Jackson answered, his voice thick with confusion as he studied the landscape around him.

The devastation in the area was great. Several walls had crumbled with a few still tittering precariously. In the chaos, the people of the city were helping those fallen and injured. Some men were already lifting broken beans to help support the damaged buildings. The noise level was rising as people shouting out, looking for family and friends, and others gave instructions to those willing to help.

“You don’t know,” Michael roared, ignoring his hectic surroundings as he closed in on the other man. “You don’t fucking know.”

Michael stood, panic starting to set in.

“Maria,” he bellowed into the area surrounding them, his mind hardly registering the destruction and pain surrounding them.

Jackson took a step back from Michael, his eyes lowering to the dirt path before them. “I went for help,” was all he could say.

“You went for help instead of doing what you were supposed to do? Protect Maria. That was your only objective.”

“Michael,” Isabel interrupted, laying her hand gently on his arm.

“I can’t find her, Isabel,” he told her, his voice lost unsure.

“We’ll find her,” she reassured him, placing a gentle hand on his arm. “She has to be here.”

The street was busier now, as more people were moving around after the blasts. Some were pushing stone and wood from beneath the fractured wall. Others were helping unbury fellow citizens under the rubble, stone and wood that became airborne during the incident. Others were moving cautiously through the fallen masonry, clearly looking for friends and family members who they were separated from during the initial blast.

Michael moved to help one man to his feet. As he grasped the man’s hand and pulled him to a standing position, he asked, “Have you seen the princess?”

“No, Sire,” the man answered, leaning against what remained of a wall.

Michael grabbed one of the guards following him, pushing the stunned man toward the injured person by the wall. “Help him,” he instructed before turning and moving further into the area.

Michael pressed on to another person, again asking if they had seen the princess, but again, the citizen did not know where she had gone, either.

Eventually, he found someone who had seen Maria.

“She was saving a little girl, Sire,” he was finally told by an elderly woman whose gray hair and wrinkles defined her features.

Michael lowered himself to her level before asking, “What happened, and where did they go?”

“Nicholi was here, my Lord.”

Those words made the blood run cold in his veins.

Nicholi. He was the one responsible for their deaths in their previous lives at the behest of Kivar. They all had dies at Nicholi’s hands.

“Nicholi took the princess and the little girl,” the woman spoke again, and the hair on Michael’s neck stood on end.

Nicholi now had Maria. Which meant Kivar had Maria.

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Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 32. 5/13/13

Post by Pixie-Maria »

Hey guys, my posts will be Monday or Tuesday for the next couple of weeks.

Thanks for readying, you guys. You are awesome.

CandyliciousLovah: Honestly, that was not how I originally intended the chapter to end, it just worked out that way. Awesome, right? 8)

Carolyn: Thanks, and back to full force now. Well, who doesn’t love Kyle AND Channing Tatum :D

Chapter 32.

Michael paced with nervous energy as the members of the royal council filed into the small room a short time after Maria’s disappearance. There was a large, smoothly polished, dark wood round table in the center of the area with nine matching chairs circled around its edge. The last chair was more ornate than the others, seated directly behind the wooden table with deep red velvet cushioning the seat and back and every so often, Michael would glance at it with a scowl, as though this one piece of furniture was responsible for all his troubles. Lyarna and Toman were already in the room seated either side of the offending chair with Kyle, Isabel, and Jackson in various positions around the table.

Michael turned and walked back in the opposite direction as the newcomers found their seats. He felt like he was standing at the edge of a precipice, his body leaning forward ready to fall and the only thing keeping from jumping was the anger burning within him.

There was something missing, something deep from inside him, a thing that was always warm and glowing It had been ripped from him and then was dangled just in front of him, like that ever elusive rabbit or carrot, just out of reach and specifically to torment him. Every time he tried to reach out to grasp it, hold it close to him and never let go, it was moved just out of his reach again. Everything seemed wrong to him. The air didn’t even smell right anymore. It was missing that vital fragrance which had become embedded in his life, and he didn’t know what to do without it.

Maria was gone, and no one knew where she was, if she was hurt or indeed still alive.

Michael refused to believe she was dead. The person who took her had done so for a reason, not to simply kill her and be done with it so quickly and painlessly. Now one of their main goals was to find out that reason and the get her back. There was no other option, not for him. Death would not take from him his love unless it was willing to take him, too.

He turned to look at his friends. Kyle’s leg was already on the mend, thanks to Antarian technology, the long, deep wound healing and his flesh regaining some of its natural color just mere hours after the attack instead of the days, weeks, or months it might have taken on Earth to do the same amount of healing, if it would heal at all.

Michael wished he could say the healing process was the same for Isabel. She had a few cuts and bruises on her body, and she wore the tattered dress, shredded in places from the explosion, and disheveled hair, something Isabel Evans of Earth would have never considered.

Once the group arrived back at the palace in a flurry of worry and activity, Lyarna took Isabel back to her own quarters with the intention to clean the dirt from her daughter, as well as redress her. Isabel, who was clearly in shock from the events of the afternoon, pushed her mother’s assistance aside and insisted to be brought to the meeting chambers to help with finding Maria, ignoring her appearance and her wounds and refusing to be cleaned up until the citizens of the city, as well as Maria, were taken care of.

The events of the afternoon continually replayed in her mind as her eyes remained unfocused, and she was hardly listening to Kyle as he chattered aimlessly beside her. Eventually, he gave up attempting to make small talk, as his own mind became jumbled as he recalled the events that led them to this room and this meeting. He shuddered at the thought of them, attempting to block out the fury of pain that ripped through his leg at the memory, and he stared down at where he was struck with the debris, thankful for Antarian healing technology in that moment as he viewed the skin on his leg healing before his eyes.

When the smoke had cleared and it became apparent that Maria was gone, Isabel held Michael close to her. They watched their guards search the rubble, as well as several citizens doing the same, but none of them found where Maria had gone to. As Isabel held him, Michael mumbled over and over to her, words that didn’t quite reach her ears as she silently accepted Maria was gone. The only intelligent thing that penetrated her own foggy mind was Maria’s name.

Isabel took control of the situation, giving orders for the wounded to be tended to, and shortly thereafter, the injured guards, as well as Kyle, were carried back to the palace. Isabel led Michael back down the street they jovially strolled not so long ago. Michael seemed almost reluctant to leave to area, as if Maria would magically reappear, and he wouldn’t be there when she did. After some coaxing, Isabel finally was able to convince him back behind the safety of the palace’s high walls, insisting they would find Maria and persecute her captors, whoever they were.

The first to enter the council chamber was a tall man who Michael remembered from the ball held the first night they arrived. Lord Corvin looked as inappropriate as he did during the festivities, almost as if he was amused with the situation, the bright yellow and blues of his outfit too vibrant for this somber meeting.

The second person to enter Michael could not recall. She was a middle aged woman with a long scar marring the edge of her gentle face from the hairline above her left temple to her jaw bone under her ear, her graying hair pulled back from her face and twisted into a style obviously used regularly on Antar, as he had seen others wearing their own hair the same fashion. The way she presented herself was almost like she was proud of her scar and never tried to hide it. Her clothes were simple but exquisitely made and elegantly worn, the pale brown of her dress rich in color like a tan leather or light caramel sauce.

The last person to enter made Michael do a double-take. His senses tingled with recognition, and his whiskey eyes met dark brown in question. He was dimly aware he knew this man, that they were friends, or at least had been many decades before.

Lyarna rose as the other took their seats.

“Michael, this is the internal council of the Royal Seal of Antar,” she explained and then turned to introduce them.

“This is Lord Corvin,” she said, indicating to the tall, gray-haired man who had taken the seat beside her. “He is our Chief Advisor.”

Michael nodded to the man, but as he opened his mouth to speak, Michael turn to the woman, effectively stopping Lord Corvin before he could speak the words he obviously prepared for the meeting.

“Lady Triana,” Lyarna introduced next the woman beside Toman, gesturing to the woman with a graceful wave of her palm. “She represents the citizens of Starlina City.”

Again, Michael nodded, a thin smile stretching his lips as the older woman evaluated him with her sharp, calculating eyes. At her slight smirk, he figured he passed whichever personal assessment she had appraised him with.

“And this is General Jamin, Commander of the Antarian army,” Lyarna announced finally.

“General Jamin,” Michael repeated, an eyebrow rising in a slightly mocking/disbelieving manner. “I seem to remember you being a lowly Major the last time we met.”

“Yeah, well,” Jamin grinned, his comfort with Michael apparent. “Somebody talked about my maneuvers at the Battle of Filcamas Plains, and then there was this crazy glowing letter of recommendation in my file. The Dowager Queen had no choice but to promote me.”

He stood, his tall frame not quite meeting the height of Michael’s, and his sandy colored hair cut neat and trim. He wore a deep olive green military style jacket with shiny brass buttons which fastened down from his right shoulder to his hip, a black leather belt around his waist fastened with an oval brass buckle embossed with the star formation of their galaxy. His pants were the same olive color and tucked neatly into knee high black leather boots, and Michael had a flash of rows upon rows of men wearing the same uniform standing before him. Hundreds, maybe thousands. Michael moved the same time Jamin did, and they met in a few strides, their hands clasping in an old handshake, gripping the others forearm instead of their hand.

“It’s good to see you again, Jamin,” Michael smiled.

“You too, Commander,” Jamin returned. “Though I guess that should be Your Majesty now.”

“Michael is just fine.”

Michael was intent on his reunion with one of Rath’s oldest and most trusted friends, so much he missed the look that passed between Isabel and Kyle.

This was the first Michael remembered anything of his past life other than something that pertained to Maria/Maya, and the moment did not go unnoticed by them.

Once the two friends returned to their seats, Michael fidgeting as he settled uncomfortably into the ornate, high backed chair. He scratched his eyebrow, obviously nervous, and then coughed to clear his throat before he addressed the room.

“Thank you for coming together so promptly to discuss the events of today. Eighty-three people were injured in today’s incident and seven were killed,” he spoke confidently. “I don’t know about your procedure regarding this kind of catastrophe, but there are certain things I would like to happen.”

Michael paused as he turned his head to meet the gaze of each of the people around the table, trying to gage their reactions. At Isabel’s encouraging smile, he continued.

“First, the re-building of the city square will be the main priority for the city builders,” he began. “The palace will fund this from its personal funds.”

This caused a murmur of disagreement from Lord Corvin, who grumbled under his breath about taking money from him to benefit the peasants. Michael ignored him as he continued outlining what he wanted done in regard to the cleanup and rebuilding efforts from the afternoon’s tragedy.

“Secondly, the families who have lost family members are to receive some form of compensation from the palace.”

Again, this was met with a low grumble of disagreement from Lord Corvin’s direction.

“And the most important item on today’s agenda is to devise a plan to get Maria back,” Michael finished.

“Sire,” Lord Corvin finally managed to say. “We have no idea who has Princess Mia, never mind where she has been taken.”

Michael turned to the arrogant Lord, his eyes blazing. “We know who has her, Lord Corvin,” he stated, failing to keep the anger from his voice. “Do you have family, my Lord? A wife, children?”

“Yes, your majesty,” Corvin answered, bewildered slightly by Michael’s question.

“And if your wife was suddenly taken from you, you would be happy to leave her? Not try and find her?”

“Michael,” Lyarna interrupted, stopping Michael and Corvin both before either said anything else. “We will do all in our power to find Maria. You know this.”

Michael turned to Jamin, ignoring the Queen’s statement as he spoke once again. “I need to know everything you know about Kivar. His base, his warfare tactics, his weaknesses and I need it now.”

Jamin smirked to his old commander and lifted his hand to withdraw a technology pad from the confines of his buttoned uniform jacket. He slid the tablet across the table toward Michael. “Everything we know about him is in there.”

Michael nodded once to his one-time confidant, his hand reaching for the pad, hoping there was some information within that would help them get to Maria.


Liz was wandering the large garden by herself when she heard the explosion in the city. She was soon surrounded by people as they hurried about the gardens, and the number of guards appeared to double almost immediately as the occupants of the palace fell into a seemingly well-trained order of business. She recalled this planet had been at war for many decades, so the inhabitants of the royal seat were obviously used of the procedure to follow in times of disaster.

She reached out to stop one frantic servant as he rushed past her.

“What’s happening?”

“There was an explosion in the city square,” the man scrambled to say.

Liz turned her head in the direction where, beyond the wall, the city sprawled. She knew Michael and Maria were walking into the square this afternoon, accompanied by Isabel and Kyle. She hadn’t been invited, but that didn’t surprise her since she’d been avoiding all her friends since she overheard Max’s conversation with Isabel.

“Was anyone hurt?” she asked.

The man’s eyes were wild with anxiety as he whipped his head from one side to the other, watching the
medics rush through the area on their way to move the injured out in the city.

“A few,” was all he said before tearing his arm from her grasp and moving off to parts unknown.

A few, Liz repeated in her mind. She hoped none of them were her friends as she rushed off in a different direction, hoping to find someone who could tell her more.


Max pushed the last of his Earth clothing into his duffle bag while inside his room, moping slightly as he did so. His audience with Lyarna had gone well earlier that day, as he explained his situation to her before apologizing for his behavior in their previous meeting and his ridiculous demands. He then requested to be sent back to Earth immediately.

Lyarna was upset regarding his departure, wanting more time to spend with the man she still thought of as her son, but she understood his reasoning.

Instead of telling the others he was leaving, he waited until they left for their meet and greet in the city before heading back to his room.

He left a hastily written letter for Isabel, explaining he was going home, and he hoped she enjoyed the rest of her stay on Antar. He debated whether to leave anything for Michael and Maria, and finally decided it wise not to.

He heard the explosion from his room, the walls of the palace shuddering slightly. He left his bag as he wandered from the room, seeking knowledge of what had happened.

What he learned, he hardly believed: The city had been targeted by the enemy, and Maria was missing.


Liz was rushing through the grounds when she felt it: That feeling that someone was watching her.
She turned in a slow circle, her eyes searching the area for the tell-tale person. Nothing. Nobody stood out to her, so she continued on her way.

She wasn’t completely surprised when her path was blocked by the imposing bulk of a man she had a vague recollection of.

“Mistress Betina,” he said, his voice gravelly and harsh.

Liz was gripped with fear, images flashing before her eyes of a cruel, malevolent man with steel gray eyes and a sadistic smile, and all she could do was nod slowly.

“My Lord wishes to see you,” he continued.

“And who is your lord?” she asked cautiously, knowing the answer but asking anyway.

The large man grinned sardonically. “You’ll soon find out,” and he grabbed her arm and pulled her toward a dark, wooden door in the high stone wall surrounding the palace gardens.


Max burst from the confines of the palace into the bright sunshine, his eyes squinting slightly. He spun as a royal guard rushed past him, bumping against his shoulder and turning him quickly.

Max reached out and stopped the guard from continuing on his way. “Have you seen the king?”

“No, my Lord,” the guard answered before moving off quickly.

Max pushed his way through the gathering people, his eyes swinging from left to right in search of his family and friends.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a pale blue dress with a flash of sleek dark brown hair, and his head swiveled to get a better look, drawn to the swift movement.

She was walking beside a huge, unknown man whose head was swinging from side to side, scrutinizing the surrounding area.

Max took a step forward, concern filling him. Maria was missing, and now Liz was walking off with someone they didn’t know. His concern turned to curiosity when Liz turned and said something to the stranger. The large bulk of a man replied with a smile, and Max’s interested was piqued further.

It seemed as if Liz knew this person, and from an untrained eye, it looked like she was willingly following where this man led. But Max knew differently. He could by the stiffness of her back that things were less than well, her hands were clasped in front of her, but Max detected the nervous wringing movement of them. He slowed his steps, his mind whirling with decision.

Should he return to the palace, tell Michael something was wrong with Liz, and get some help? Or should he follow her himself? His feet moved, the question answered. Michael would be preoccupied with finding Maria, nothing else would penetrate his mind, especially something regarding Liz, who was his second least favorite person at the moment. Max felt the turmoil swirling within him over rushing to Michael to help with the search for Maria or with trying to keep Liz safe. He knew Michael would not appreciate his presence, so, keeping a safe distance behind, he followed as Liz left the palace grounds with the mystery man.


Michael placed the tech pad back on the table, pushing back toward his friend as his brow furrowed together.

“There’s not a whole lot of information there,” he stated to Jamin.

“It’s what we have, sire,” Jamin returned miserably.

“Then we need a miracle,” Michael muttered as he stood abruptly from his seat.

He wandered over to the window, a weary hand raking through his hair and down his face. It had only been a few hours since Maria was taken, and it already felt like a lifetime.

Jamin followed him over to the casement, his eyes mirroring Michael’s as they looked out past the city walls and the buildings, out onto the rolling hills beyond Starlina City.

“She’s out there somewhere,” Michael said low, his voice barely audible. “She’ll be scared. Maria acts tough and talks like she has control over everything, but really, she’ll be terrified.”

“We’ll find her,” Jamin reassured him.

Michael closed his eyes, closing his mind to the low murmur of voices that filled the room behind him. Isabel was talking softly to her mother and Lady Triana regarding the work needed to be done for the citizens of the city. Kyle was reading through the information on the tablet, refusing to accept there was no information here that would led them to his sister. Jackson was watching the table intently, his own misgivings raging within him. Lord Corvin brushed the creases of his yellow tunic with an elaborately bejeweled hand, clearly bored with the proceedings and what had been discussed so far.

Toman’s eyes were intently focused on Michael’s back, watching as the young man struggled with his fear and helplessness to be able to find and rescue his beloved. He felt the air crackle with a shot of electricity, and he tingled slightly as an unexpected warm breeze seemed to blow through the room, an unknown scent in its path.


The sound of Maria’s voice in his head after its absence startled Michael, and he stumbled back slightly from the window, his eyes wide.

“Michael?” Isabel stood from her chair, her voice full of concern as she watched her brother stumbled backwards, leaving her conversation with the Queen and Lady Triana as she came to stand by his side, comforting hand landing on his shoulder.

Michael turned back to the room, a grin on his face. “Maria,” was all he said.

“I think we have our miracle,” Grand Master Toman smiled.

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Restoration. (CC,M/M,Adult) Chapter 33. 5/28/13

Post by Pixie-Maria »

Hey guys, sorry this update is a little late. Memorial weekend was a blast with a surprise getaway provided by my fiancé, and laptops were not invited. 8)

Neodeu: Thanks for your feedback.

Carolyn: An immaculate Isabel is not something everyone sees. Thanks for your constant feedback. It’s really appreciated.

Chapter 33.

Maria was roughly shoved into a large room, her eyes unseeing for the moment as she spun around to face the person who had brought her to this place.

Nicholi reach forward, making to grab the arm of the young girl who was holding tightly onto Maria’s hand.
“I’ll take her,” he said with a sardonic smile, pulling on the little girl’s forearm as she let out a cry of surprise.

“Like hell you will!” Maria returned, boldly pushing the young girl behind her and coming face to face with Nicholi. His brown hair and youthful looks would have you fooled that this man was harmless, but if you looked closer you would notice his dark eyes told a whole other story.

“I hardly think you are in a position to give orders, your majesty,” he returned smugly.

“I don’t give a shit what you think. You will leave the girl with me.”

Nicholi raised his arm without thinking, ready to strike Maria. He only stopped at her defiant look and the knowledge that Kivar could very well kill him if he laid a hand on his precious princess.

He spun on his heel and left the room before he did something he would later regret, locking the door securely behind him and leaving the princess and the young girl in silence.

Maria deflated when she heard the lock turn securely, a sob escaping her lips as she slumped to the floor, unknowingly dragging the girl down with her to the hard wood flooring as her eyes quickly scanned the room they were in.

The room was grand, almost with the same opulence of her room in the palace, long wide windows along one of the lavender covered walls. The furnishings were white with gold glittering throughout. A large canopied bed dominated one side of the room, while a luxurious sitting area filled the other, surrounding a white marble fireplace. A few doors led from the room, but Maria wasn’t interested in them at the moment.

She felt the child’s thin arms wrap around her shoulders and hug her.

“Don’t worry, Princess,” she said, her voice light with childish innocence. “Your prince will rescue us.”

“Michael?” Maria whispered, almost disbelieving, but the feeling that enveloped her after thinking he would rescue her made her smile. She shook her head before pronouncing, “Of course, he will rescue us.”

She stood from the floor, brushed the dust from her skirts and wishing she was wearing a pair of jeans instead because they would be easier to make a swift getaway in when the time came.

Because Michael would come for her, she had no doubt about that. Once he discovered where she was, of course. And then, being his usual gallant self, he would storm the castle, and they would escape together and hopefully never be bothered by this monster anymore.

Maria shook her head at the fantasy. She knew Michael would come and rescue her. She did. She just didn’t know how they would defeat Kivar so they, and the planet, would be free from his tyranny once and for all.

“Ok,” she said to the girl, “We need to work out where we are.” She stalked over to one of the large windows and peered out onto the landscape. Beyond the stonewall of the palace gardens, the surrounding area was barren, ravaged by years of war with a few trees, limp and barren. A long winding gravel road led from the huge structure they were in and off into the distance, leading to places unknown to her. “Of course, it would help if I actually knew anything about the geography of this world,” she mumbled to herself.
She turned back to the girl and beckoned her to the window. “Come take a look. See if you know where we are.”

“I’ve never been past the city walls, Princess,” the girl answered sadly but walked over to the window nonetheless.

“Call me Maria,” Maria smiled down to the youngster as she reached up onto her tip-toes to look through the glass panes.


“Because that’s my name,” Maria laughed.


“So, what’s your name?” Maria asked as she turned and crouched down beside the girl.

“Arisxander,” she answered shyly.

“That’s a beautiful name.”

Arisxander smiled bashfully at her, and then her smile faded. “Will we really get out of here?”

“Of course, we will,” Maria returned firmly, confident in her assertion. “Remember, I have my prince who will rescue us.”

Though he may need a helping hand, she thought to herself as she stood again, and even though she had been advised not to communicate with Michael through their connection, she closed her eyes and concentrated. Maybe she could help him find her and get them out of this nightmare even sooner.

She imaged herself standing with him, his presence overwhelming her as she felt safe and protected in his arms.

*Michael!* she called out as loudly as she could in her mind, not knowing if he would hear her or not, and hoping that the connection would still be there after the few days of their self-imposed silence.

The room around Michael burst into motion, several people starting to speak at once, voicing questions and opinions at the latest revelation.

“Did Maria just talk to you?”

“Is she ok?”

“Does she know where she is being held?”

Michael waved his hand at the group, wanting to concentrate more on the voice in his head and not the ones in the room, his main thought being, she’s alive.

*I knew I should have tied you to the bed, Blondie,* he sent her with a smirk.

*Even in a situation like this, you’re still thinking with the wrong piece of anatomy,* he heard her clear voice in his head, and he smirked at her sass, even over the physical distance between them.

*Who’s talking about sex? I want to restrain you from getting into any further trouble.*

*Michael,* her voice came back soft and unsure. *I think I’m in a shitload of trouble.*

*Don’t I know it, Babe,* he returned softly, catching the seriousness and concern in her voice despite their playful banter.

Before he could say any more, she whispered in a hushed tone. *Someone’s coming. I’ll get back to you.*

And then she was gone, her voice dissipating from the air around him just like that as she cut the connection off abruptly.

“Shit,” Michael said, frustrated beyond words at the situation.

“What?” Isabel asked quickly turning Michael to her.

“She’s gone,” he answered distractedly.

“Gone?” Isabel squeaked, her brown eyes wide at Michael’s statement, automatically assuming the worst.

Michael saw her panicked look and back-tracked quickly. “She’s ok, Isabel. For the moment, anyway.”

“How do you know that?” Lord Corvin asked in a nasal, superior voice.

Michael glared at Corvin for a moment before flashing a glance at Toman, and the religious leader gave him a resigned look.

“His Majesty and Princess Mia share the connection,” the elder stated simply.

“The connection?” Lord Corvin exclaimed in disbelief. “That only happens between…”

“Between married couples,” Triana finished a wide smile on her face as she turned to Michael. “I guess congratulations are in order, your Majesty.”

Michael returned her friendly grin, knowing in that moment his initial instincts regarding her were well-founded. He was grateful for her acceptance and genuine happiness for him and Maria, even if Maria was currently lost in a place where no one knew.

“But they aren’t married,” Lord Corvin argued, turning to Triana, still not trusting what he was hearing.

“Lord Corvin, these young people grew up on a different world. The customs there are not our own. You cannot expect them to live like the youngsters of our own world,” Triana reasoned.

“Is she saying something unfavorable about the teenagers of Earth?” Isabel asked Kyle in a hushed tone.

“Well, ya know what they say,” Kyle whispered back.

“What?” Isabel looked at him quizzically.

“Earth girls are easy.”

Isabel looked at Kyle in shock before swatting at the side of his head with one of her hands. “Do you want to repeat that when Maria gets back?”

“It’s a joke,” Kyle laughed.

Isabel shook her head at Kyle before she turned back to Michael. “Is she hurt?”

“I don’t know,” Michael returned, agitation becoming apparent in his voice.

“You don’t know?! You are the one who was talking to her,” Isabel’s voice rose a little in panic at their situation.

Michael offered her a sly smiled.

“Oh my God! You were talking about sex,” she exclaimed in disbelief.

“No, we weren’t,” he responded indignantly, not in the least embarrassed by Isabel discovering one of their topic of conversation. “Not completely.”

“You do understand the seriousness in this situation, don’t you?” Kyle quipped. He turned his head to Isabel, a smile on his face. His grin fell at Isabel’s look, her eyes wide, and she gave a slight shake of her head.
Kyle turned back slowly to Michael, his own words just registering in his mind.

“Why don’t you tell me the seriousness of the situation, Kyle?” Michael spat out. “Because, obviously, I don’t understand the fact that my girlfriend is out there somewhere, and we have no idea where she is. The only thing we do know is that a twisted, sick psychopath has the most important person in my life within his grasp, and I would move heaven and Earth to trade places with her because she doesn’t deserve this!”

Michael advanced on Kyle as he was speaking, his anger evident by the flash in his eyes and tone of his voice, and Kyle couldn’t help swallowing nervously.

“Michael,” Isabel tried to intervene, placing a comforting hand on his arm, hoping to stop him before he collided with Kyle, who was currently rising from his seat and taking a few cautious steps backward.

Michael shrugged her hand off easily. “Or how about you tell me about how terrified I am to face her mother, knowing I have broken the one trust she gave me. To keep her daughter safe.”

“Michael, you aren’t the only one hurting,” Kyle interrupted, his voice wobbling slightly. “She’s important to me, too.”

“You know how Kyle is,” Isabel laughed nervously, defending her friend who clearly needed some assistance.
“Always speaking before thinking.”

“Yeah, you know me,” Kyle added glibly with a shrug of one shoulder.

Michael’s anger was building within him.

This was his fault. He was the one who agreed Maria could join them in the city. He was the one who let go of her when she went to help that child. He was the one who was selfish enough to want her with him at all times.

He turned as his anger built, and when he couldn’t take it any longer, he hit his fist against the wall, cursing loudly as he pulled his hand back to discover immediate bruising and cuts on his knuckles.

“Your Majesty,” Jamin said, stepping forward to Michael. “All is not lost. We know Kivar has Maria, and we know where his main camp is located. More importantly, we have people infiltrated within his numbers. It will not be long before your queen is home. This I promise you.”

Michael turned back to Jamin, his one-time faithful friend. “Then let’s stop talking about this and work out a way to get her back immediately.”


Maria turned to the door when she heard the locking mechanism within click. She quickly scanned the room for somewhere for Arisxander to hide but decided it was useless. There was a good change the person about to enter knew the girl was there.

She pulled the girl closer, hoping she could protect her if the need arose. She vaguely wondered who was gonna protect her, but then her mother’s voice entered her head, reminding her that Deluca women were strong and didn’t need a man to protect them. Though in this situation, she knew her mom wouldn’t push any overprotective male presence away. She knew she wouldn’t, either.

The door opened, and a tall male entered the room, taking slow, graceful steps into the space. He could easily be described as handsome, with features strong and chiseled. His skin seemed tanned by the sun and his brown hair looked so soft her fingers itched to feel the silken strands, almost.

When Maria’s eyes locked with his, she felt her skin crawl, though she had no recollection of him at all. It was as though every cell in her body was screaming at her to run.

Unfortunately, running wasn’t an option.

This new man, who she instinctively knew to be Kivar, was leering at her in a way that reminded her of the recent looks she had received from Max, only a thousand times worse, and Maria swallowed nervously, gripped Arisxander’s shoulder tightly as the little girl fidgeted nervously.

“I should have seen it,” he stated, his eyes bright as he surveyed her before him. An enthusiastic look appeared on his face, and for a moment, he almost appeared friendly. However, Maria knew better, and she took a step back, making sure Arisxander followed her lead.

“Seen what?” she asked.

“You, Maya. Actually being Princess Mia.”

“My name is Maria,” she returned defiantly.

“Whatever you chose to call yourself, you cannot stop being the person you were meant to be. And that is a Queen, my queen. I am Kivar and ruler of this planet.”

Maria swallowed nervously at his comment, not missing the territorial look that materialized in his eyes.
Maria surprised herself when a snort of laughter erupted from her at his statement.

“You find that amusing?” Kivar asked, disbelieving her audacity to laugh at him.

“I’m sorry,” she retorted, meeting his grey eyes as her laughter died in her throat, and she gathered her courage again to speak to the man who caused so much dismay in their lives. “It’s just I didn’t realize you were the King. I was under the impression that was Michael.”

“And by Michael, I take it you mean that sorry excuse of an Antarian called Rath.”

Maria’s back straightened at his tone and easy disregard of Michael. There had been plenty of people in Michael’s life who put him down and thought him worthless, and she wasn’t going to take it from a stranger. It didn’t matter that Michael wasn’t here to hear it personally. He was better than that, and it bothered her that people were so quick to brush him aside and put him down.

“Michael is more of a man than you will ever be,” she hissed angrily.

Kivar waved a hand, dismissing her remark, his gaze boring into hers as he leaned forward intimidatingly, closing the space between them. “You will soon know what a really man is like, my love, and then you will forget all about this Michael.”

Maria took an instinctively pace back, her legs hitting the low sill of the window, and she kept in the gasp that almost exploded from her lips as she realized that she was trapped.

Kivar smirked at her, an evil smile that made her tremble. “There’s nowhere to run, Princess.”

His eyes caught the slight movement of Arisxander half hiding behind Maria’s skirts at that moment.

“Ah, Nicholi told me you refused to hand over the child,” he said, reaching out to grasp Arisxander’s shoulder.

“No, the girl stays with me. You can at least give me that,” Maria glared to him, almost slapping his hand from Arisxander’s figure as the little girl trembled visibly, clearly understanding the seriousness of their current situation.

Kivar watched her intently as she boldly looked back, trying hard to keep the fear from her green orbs.

“How did you manage to keep yourself hidden for all those years when you throw out orders so easily?” he answered with an amused grin.

“It’s been decades since that time, and my memories are limited, but I do know that most people were courteous to others,” Maria returned, though knowing her words were not exactly true.

“Well, you forget one thing, Princess,” Kivar smirked to her.

“What’s that?” Maria asked, her eyes narrowing slightly at him.

“I’m not like other people,” he started simply.

He reached forward, his fingers trailing down the soft material covering her arm until he reached her hand. He lifted it tenderly, bringing it to his lip and brushed a gentle kiss against her knuckles.

“Until our next meeting,” he spoke, a soft smile on his lips, then he swiftly left the room.

The silence in the room pounded in Maria’s ears after the door clicked closed behind her captor. She felt a slight trembling beside her and turned to look down on the terrified face of her young companion.

“Hey, don’t let him frighten you,” she told Arisxander, pushing her own fear back behind a steel wall. “He’s just a bully who takes pleasure in frightening others.”

“He’s bad,” Arisxander whispered, her voice quivering with fear.

“Yeah,” Maria agreed softly, her eyes moving quickly over to the door and lingering there for a minute, afraid that it would open abruptly again and that Kivar would be back on them in an instant.

She turned back to Arisxander and forced a smile into her face. “But ya know what? We are two strong girls, and we won’t show that he scares us. Ok?”

Arisxander looked doubtfully up to Maria, then smiled and gave a curt nod. “Ok.”

The time passed slowly, and Maria finally settled into one of the large chairs with Arisxander in her lap, telling her some of the fairytales she loved as a child. The little girl was finally resting, and Maria wished she could turn off her mind for a moment to be able to rest, as well.

In the middle of Cinderella, the door opened again. Maria braced herself, her arms unconsciously tightening around Arisxander’s middle. This time, a short, chubby woman entered. She was pushing a trolley that was overflowing with food. Another woman followed behind her, her arms full with material which Maria took to be dresses and other garments. Maria relaxed a little, feeling no impending doom emanating from these women.

“Lord Kivar wishes you to enjoy this meal,” the first woman said with a pinched smile, her drab clothing denoting her to be a servant. Her cheeks were flushed with color as though it had been hard work pushing the trolley.

“You can tell Lord Kivar where he can stuff his meal,” Maria returned glibly and watched as the serving woman balked at her comment.

She looked down to see Arisxander licking her lips, her eyes wide in anticipation of the food before them, and Maria wondered when the last time the poor child had eaten.

“You can leave it,” she said gently, stopping the woman before she wheeled the table away.

“Lord Kivar thought you and your young companion would like some clean clothes,” the other woman said, walking further into the room and placing the clothing on the large bed. Her face was kinder than the others, though drawn and pale. She was tall and thin wearing the same plain brown woolen dress, thought this servant seemed almost hesitant in her actions.

Maria looked down at her once vibrant purple gown to see it was streaked with dirt and torn in places. She nodded to her in thanks and the tall woman bobbed into a slight curtsey.

“Would you like me to run you a bath, your highness?”

Maria nodded again and watched as the woman disappeared through one of the doors, all the time, the other stout serving woman fussed over the food, covering the hot dishes to keep them warm.

Arisxander inched from Maria’s lap and slowly toward the table, her eyes as big as saucers at the amount of food piled onto it. Maria watched as she sniffed the air above the table and then turn back to Maria, her eyes asking her unspoken question.

“Let’s get you cleaned up first,” Maria laughed, taking hold of her hand and leading her through the door which led to the bathroom.

A mere ten minutes later, Arisxander danced back into the room, twirling in a soft yellow dress, her light brown hair gleaming as it fell down her back in waves. She stopped when she came to the table, the two serving women standing behind it, and the girl tentatively inched out her fingers, ready to snatch some food.

“You must wait for the princess,” the stern woman commanded, smacking Arisxander on her wrist.

Arisxander withdrew her hand and hid it behind her back, her eyes glistening at the reprimand.

“She can eat if she wants,” Maria instructed firmly as she, too, left the bathroom, bathed and comfortable for the first time since this nightmare began. “And never hit the child again.”

The two servants looked at each other before nodding their heads. The taller one moved again to help Maria lace up the back of her dress.

“Thank you,” Maria murmured after her dress was secured. Once she took a few calming breaths, she turned to the two servants. “You can leave us now.”

They curtseyed quickly and left the room.

Arisxander looked to Maria again, her eyes eager. “Can we eat now?”

“Go ahead,” Maria smiled, though she couldn’t see herself being able to eat a thing.
Arisxander turned back to the table, her eyes wandering over the delicious food, not knowing where to start.

Half an hour later, Arisxander was laid on the bed, full and content with food and she was comfortably asleep. Maria smiled down to her, her finger gently brushing through the girl’s soft brown hair. It was maybe a shade lighter than Michaels and she suddenly wondering what her own children would look like, then hoping she would get to the point where children would at least be an option for her and Michael. Things weren’t looking so positive at the moment, and she shoved her fears back.

A knock at the door brought her out of her musings, and she turned as she called out for the person to enter, knowing it wasn’t Kivar because he would just enter regardless.

A soldier entered the room, his uniform brown and shabby. He took a few regimented steps into the room, turning, saluting and facing her before speaking. “Lord Kivar requests your presence, your highness.”

Maria debated whether to tell this man he could stuff Kivar’s requests where the sun doesn’t shine, but looking back at the sleeping girl, she thought it better to get this over with before the child woke.

“I need someone to watch the girl,” she instructed.

“I will do that, your highness,” another voice said, and the taller of the two women Maria had met earlier entered the room.

Maria moved over to the woman, eyeing her suspiciously, and hoping her gut feeling that this woman meant them no harm was accurate. “Thank you. What’s your name?”

“Liberta, your highness,” she answered with a dip of a curtsey, bowing her head with her body and never meeting Maria’s imploring green eyes.

“Well, please, called me Maria,” Maria implored.

She watched as Liberta’s eyes flashed to the soldier and then back to her. “I…I…can’t, your highness,” she stammered.

Maria understood that look, one of fear. “Ok,” she smiled before turning her head back to Arisxander. “She should sleep for a while. She’s exhausted.”

“I will keep her safe,” Liberta returned sincerely, her eyes holding her promise as she finally looked up and met Maria’s for the first time since entering the room.

Maria nodded, and then followed the soldier from the room, her sense of impending doom overwhelming her.
