A Note From the Past (AU,M/L,TEEN) Ch 13 - 01/08/04 [WIP]

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CEO Shaft
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by CEO Shaft »

Title: A Note From the Past
Rating:Not sure what it rates
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I don't own a thing so don't blame me for it :D. Any resemblance to characters, real or imagined is purely an accident. In other words, I made it up so don’t be mad.
Summary: Takes place in a different future, one of the many possibilities that opened when Liz changed things. Nothing after End of the World took place.

Author's note: You have no idea how sorry I am that it took so long for me to get this chapter out. I have been working in it since I started classes again, but it just wouldn’t work the way that I wanted it to. I don’t think it will take me anywhere near as long to get future chapters out. A big thank you to all of you that have stuck with me while I kept you all waiting. I really appreciate that you hung around even though I was gone for such a long time. I tried to get a bit lighter for most of the chapter, and I needed the end to help get the plot where I wanted for the next post. I have already started on it, so it shouldn’t take me too long to get it out. But as always, I ask that you have faith. I hope you enjoy

Chapter 11

Michael continued to bang his head off of the wall. His continuous thumping off the wall caused some of the other patrons to look at him questioningly, trying to assess his mental state. Earning nothing but a scowl in return, most of them turned their attention back to their sandwiches. One patron however, continued to stare at Michael with more than a hint of interest in his behavior. This is my chance. I have always wanted a tough, mysterious boy She thought arrogantly, and sat there waiting for her chance.

Michael had been reflecting on the events of the past few days all morning, and it had not improved his mood. His frustration continued to build as he thought about Max and Liz. They were… well, he wasn’t sure where the hell they were, but he knew they weren’t where they were supposed to be. He hated feeling cooped up when his friends might need him, and here he was stuck in a Subway. His eyes wandered over to the counter where he noticed that Tess was finishing up with her order. Finally he thought irritably. We can get out of here. To anyone looking at him, Michael looked like he was ready to bolt for the door. In fact, this wasn’t far from the truth. He was about five minutes from hopping on his bike and going to look for Max and Liz. The only thing that stopped him was he had NO idea where to look for them. Rapidly, he was reaching the end of his rope because he sitting around at school twiddling his thumbs while Max and Liz were gone. More than that though, he was terrified and deeply hurt. Max had always been like his brother; always there for him. Whether he was letting Michael crash on his floor after Hank beat the crap out of him, or getting his father to have him declared an emancipated minor. Max had always been willing to do anything to help Michael. Now, it appeared that Michael was on the back burner. The most important person in Max’s life for the past year (and if he was honest with himself, since third grade), not himself, nor was it Isabel, it was Liz Parker. Not that Michael didn’t understand why Max did it; and, Michael truly believed that he would do the same for Maria if he thought it would make her happy. However, it didn’t make the matter any less painful to be deserted.

The thing that made the situation all the more unmanageable was that he hadn’t been able to fix it. He felt even worse that he had partially caused things to fall apart so spectacularly that Max felt that only way out was to run away from it. Michael once again thought about another time that he failed his brother; when Max was captured and taken to the White Room. It had taken a lot of time, but when Max was finally to talk to Michael about it; he told him Michael, it wasn’t your fault. In fact, if you where around when I was captured, we would both be in there. The only reason that I am free right now is because you came in and got me. Thank you Michael, I really owe you one. Max had forgiven him for failing to keep him safe, and what did Michael do? He forced the ‘destiny’ crap on Max every chance he got. The only person that could have helped Max through his problems was Liz, and Michael set out to push them apart. Michael was fully aware at the time that Liz gave Max the only comfort he ever had, but he push them apart anyway because HE wanted to go home. And the worst part was, he had done all this while HE was avoiding his destiny. Talk about being selfish, Michael never thought about what Max wanted, he only stopped to think about what HE felt was owed to him not about others. Although he no longer acted that way, he was very ashamed that he had in the first place, Max deserved better from him. Regardless of what anyone else thought, Michael knew this situation was mostly, if not entirely, his fault. His mood continued to darken, and he looked ready to snap at any moment.

Maria had been watching her boyfriend all day, and knew that he was very upset with what happened recently. Over the past hour though, he seemed to be rapidly reaching his breaking point. She knew it wouldn’t be good for anyone if Michael lost his temper, so she set out to make it better. Turning to her friends she started to put her plan into action. “Why don’t you three head back? We will be along in a bit, I need to talk to him.” She was wholly determined to help Michael.

“Yeah, sure Maria. Come find us when you get back, we’ll be in the quad.” Alex replied, deciding it was a good idea to listen to his friend. Grabbing his jacket, Alex held out his other hand for Isabel’s and started walking to the door.

“Good luck Maria.” Tess said honestly, following Alex and Isabel to the door.

“Thanks Tess.” Maria responded and turned around to see Michael being accosted by Pam Troy. She briefly wondered if steam could actually come out of someone’s ears. Surely, if it were possible this scene would cause such a reaction. There was Michael looking decidedly uncomfortable and more than a little angry with the school tramp hanging all over him. Pausing for a second, Maria decided that this wouldn’t be a proper place for a fight with the garbage dweller of West Roswell High. Although, she had to make her position as Michael’s girlfriend, she set off to rescue him. That was until she heard ‘… I could show you things you could never dream of. What do you say?’ and saw Pam’s hand reaching for Michael.

In one fluid motion, Maria intercepted Pam’s hand, spun her away, and then stepped into Michael’s embrace. With Michael’s arms wrapped securely around her, she glared at Pam Troy viciously. The resulting flinch from Pam was more than worth the effort.

Michael was not sure what he was supposed to do. He hadn’t done anything wrong but he felt like he had betrayed Maria some how. “Maria, I…” he started, clearly trying to make sure that she didn’t think that there was something going on between he and Pam. His mood worsened even further when he thought they would have another fight when they just got past the whole Courtney thing. He would have said more, but he was cut off by Maria.

Maria was all ready to tell Pam off; but, Michael’s hesitant voice made her reconsider. She decided that, in this situation, non-verbal communication would work better. Suddenly, Maria spun in Michael’s arms, grabbed him behind the ears and kissed him passionately. Neither of them heard Pam’s angry retort, nor did they notice her stomp off in a huff.

A few minutes later, Michael was still in a daze as the car was heading down the road toward the school. He was not really aware of what was going on around him, so he stared out the window. Maria had accomplished her goal; his previous foul mood was momentarily forgotten. Nothing needed to be said and he enjoyed the rest of the ride back to school in companionable silence with his girlfriend, contently holding her hand.


Alex pulled into an open parking space and put the car into park. Looking over at his girlfriend Alex thought today is shaping up to be quite a nice day, all things considered. His hand sought out Isabel’s after he was finished shifting the gear. Glancing at Tess in the rear-view mirror, he noticed that she was antsy. She glanced at her watch and then noticed that Alex was looking at her in the mirror. Blushing slightly she said “I am going to find Kyle, he should be finished talking with his father by now.” She commented offhandedly, or at least she hoped it was offhandedly. “We will meet you guys in a little bit in the quad.”

“Alright, Tess, have fun.” Isabel replied as Tess got out of the car and walked away. Isabel smiled as she watched Tess hurry away while trying to look like she wasn’t overly anxious to find Kyle. “That is so cute; she never did that when she was off to see Max.” Isabel turned to face Alex and asked “Well, Mr. Whitman shall we?”

Raising her hand to his mouth, he kissed her knuckles before replying. “Yes my dear, lets.” They got out of the car and passed the scaffold over the main doors, where the men were repainting the doors, before finding a table in the quad. Each enjoying the beautiful day and especially not having to hide their feelings for each other any longer.


A little while later, Michael and Maria found their friends sitting at the table and joined them. Both Alex and Isabel noticed that Michael was much more subdued than he had been at Subway and gave Maria a small smile that she quickly returned before Michael could notice anything. When she was finished, Maria went to throw her trash away, leaving Michael happily eating his sandwich. He continued to eat until he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was there so briefly that he thought it could have been someone bumping into him until he noticed Isabel was staring darkly at a piece of paper in his lap. He looked down at the paper and realized it was a note. He decided that this was not going to be a good thing, but he opened it anyway. Michael was stunned at what the note said.

I have always wanted a bad boy. Meet me in the eraser room at the end of lunch. No one has to know what we are up to. I swear I won’t tell a soul, not even Maria. Who knows, maybe I could teach you some things that she would love. I bet you could teach me some things too. Remember, the eraser room after lunch.

I’ll be waiting,

Michael bit his lip to keep from laughing out loud. Out of all of the things he has had happen to him, he had never once been propositioned in a note! He looked up and made the mistake of locking eyes with Maria who was returning from the trash can. She looked at him quizzically and he burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that tears formed in his eyes.

Maria did not like being laughed at. “What is so funny, spaceboy?” She asked in the tone that every boyfriend and husband knows. The one that says ‘I am royally pissed off and if you don’t want me to take it out on you, give me exactly what I ask for and get out of my way.’ Michael knew he had to answer her, but every time he thought of the note he laughed. As the seconds continued to mount, he appreciated that he was risking an explosion of Mount St. Maria, so he handed her the note, and put his head on the table.

Maria quickly read over the note and didn’t say anything. She crumpled the piece of paper and scanned the crowd for its author. Learn something my eye. All he would learn is how to go garbage diving, and what the sewer smells like. Maria spotted the guilty party standing by the main doors. Since it was fun to mess with her before, Maria thought it might be a good idea to have a bit more fun with Pam. This will turn her positively green Maria thought unsympathetically. Unexpectedly, Maria stood up and climbed onto the table. Michael offered her his hand to help her get down, but she pulled him up instead. For the second time that hour she kissed him with all the emotion that she had, and it felt amazing.

Michael was dimly aware of the fact that he was standing on a table in the middle of the quad; just like he was partially aware that all of the students were all clapping. He heard Alex saying something about young love and how it was grand, and he thought Isabel said something like if she wanted to see her brother make out, she would have walked in on Max and Liz. Someone from another table mentioned something about getting a room, and yet another shouted that someone was already in the eraser room. Michael heard all of this, yet he didn’t. None of it mattered to him. In fact, nothing in the world mattered to him other than Maria. She had his full attention, and nothing could divert that. That is until there was a very long, and very loud high pitched shriek emanating from by the doors to the school. Dazed, it took him minute to register what he was seeing. Over by the main doors stood a giant, bright green, blob. It almost looked like a character from a cheesy B horror film of the 50’s. Next to him Maria, who was still safely tucked into his embrace, mumbled “well, I’ll be dammed. It actually worked.” Then she promptly burst out laughing. The whole situation was just too much for Michael and he followed suit.

Alex noticed the crumpled note lying at Maria’s feet and picked it up. Normally he wouldn’t read it, but something that caused that strong of a reaction from Maria was worth reading. He read the note, looked at “the blob,” as people started calling her, and then uttered a line that went down in the history of best one-liners. “Well…” he started deadpan, “it appears that someone is just green with envy.” Thus inciting even more laughter from the crowd.

Isabel was having a hard time trying to breathe so it was difficult for her to properly restrain her boyfriend. She made a valiant, but ultimately futile effort all the same. “Alex…” she started, gasping for air between words “be…be…be nice. This is… no laughing… matter. This is ser… serious.” She put her head down because she couldn’t stop laughing, and Alex wasn’t helping things. She resigned herself to letting Alex get away with this one and tried to wipe away her tears.

A few minutes later, Kyle and Tess finally found their way to the table. “Hey everyone, I leave you for twenty minutes and Pam Troy turns into Swamp Thing. Why couldn’t that have waited until I was here to see it.” He said with a smirk. Then looking decidedly uneasy he changed the subject. “We need to talk.” Sensing that he was faltering, Tess squeezed his hand in support and Kyle relaxed a bit. “I have some news.” The rest of lunch period he spent explaining what was going on with him over the past few days and what his father had said to him earlier. He left out his almost break-down in the eraser room, and Tess was kind enough not to bring it up either. In the end it was decided that they would meet in the parking lot immediately after school ended and would drive to the pod chamber in two cars. Nothing could be done now except wait the hour that was left.


Things were bad for Max and he knew it. He was all alone and there was no one coming to help him. There would be no rescue this time; no one knew where he was. Not even Max had the slightest idea where he was. Struggling to his feet, he tried to prepare himself to face what was ahead. Not quite sure what to expect, he tried to use his powers to light the room. Nothing happened. He tried again, and still nothing happened. He was just starting to get frustrated when he heard a voice from his past; a voice that he knew and chilled him to his very bones. “That won’t work here, your majesty. You don’t have the required skill.” There was a snapping sound; and, suddenly the lights came on.

Standing at the other end of the chamber were six men, all similarly dressed, but each man uniquely individual. Each man wore black pants, a black shirt, black shoes and a golden sash that ran from their right shoulder down to their left hip and up the back; the uniforms of the Council of KHIVAR. They stood in a semi-circular pattern and the man in the center, the head of the Council spoke again. “We have waited fifty years to end this pathetic little charade. We, the Council of KHIVAR, are the true rulers of Antar now and there will be no rescue for your kind. The battle to restore you is going to end now. We will kill you just like we did the last time. Yes, we will start with you and your queen, who will be joining us shortly I would imagine, and then the rest of the royal family, all seven others. You will not slip through our grasp again. To make sure you don’t, until your precious Ava gets here, we are going to torture you.” With that, the man sent a blast of energy from his hand and struck Max in the side opening a large gash between his ribs and hip. Max fell to the ground and passed out from the pain. His last thoughts before blackness overtook him where that at least Liz wouldn’t become involved in this mess.
Last edited by CEO Shaft on Fri Oct 24, 2003 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Right to vote: 1.1 million casualties Civil War
Right to live freely: 10 million casualties WWI
Right to religion: 55 million dead WWII
Right to protest: 358,000 casualties Vietnam

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CEO Shaft
Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Training Jedi children at the Maw Installation

Post by CEO Shaft »

Title: A Note From the Past
Rating:Not sure what it rates
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I don't own a thing so don't blame me for it :D. Any resemblance to characters, real or imagined is purely an accident. In other words, I made it up so don’t be mad.
Summary: Takes place in a different future, one of the many possibilities that opened when Liz changed things. Nothing after End of the World took place.

Author's note: I hadn’t intended to get this chapter out before Friday, but there is something to be said for inspiration and procrastination of school work. I owe a giant debt to Jenn for this chapter, she convinced me that I was able to achieve the feel I was looking for with this chapter. This is just as much of her chapter as it is mine. Thank you Jenn for guiding me when I needed the help and as always for letting me test my ideas on you. This is the longest chapter I have ever written, and a lot happens. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

One final thing, I wanted to congratulate my sister, Talena on winning runner up for her cover art. If you haven’t seen it yet, please check out the front page to see her magnificent work.

Chapter 12

Liz was once again lulled into a semi-conscious state by the dull hum of the engine. She knew that she needed to be alert; she was getting close to the pod chamber now. Given that she had absolutely no idea what waited for her, Liz was understandably nervous about what she might find within. But that wasn’t her concern now, no matter how much she knew it should be. Over the past few dozen miles or so, Liz was finding it very difficult to concentrate on preparing herself for anything; she had an ache in her right side. She was doing the best she could to work past the increasing pain; and once again tried to prepare for what awaited her. It soon became apparent however, that it would be futile to continue to try and plan anymore. All thought that wasn’t about getting the pain to stop left Liz’s head and she was consumed with a desire to get to the pod chamber so she could get up; and, hopefully get rid of the pain.

By the time Liz had finally pulled up next to the familiar outcropping of rock she could hardly breathe; what started out as a dull ache had turned into a thousand knives. Close to tears, she parked the car and cut the engine. Anticipating relief upon standing, Liz sighed when she opened the door and got out of the car. Instead of the pain lessening, it became much worse. This was nothing like she had ever experienced, her vision blurred and she felt as if she was being sucked down a long tunnel. Fighting the urge to pass out, she took stock of her problem. What is wrong with me? she asked herself trying not to let the panic she felt overtake her. As calmly as she could, Liz examined her side. Nothing was wrong externally, and she could walk so it wasn’t her kidneys. Briefly, Liz thought it could be her appendix, but that thought didn’t feel right with her either and she quickly banished it. Not sure what else to do, Liz decided to try and walk it off. After all, she had been in the car for the better part of the day and it wouldn’t have surprised her at all if it was just her muscles’ way of protesting their treatment. Liz started toward the back of the car and felt the pain fade a bit. By the time she reached the back bumper, the pain felt as if it was diminishing completely and Liz turned down the passenger side. As she passed the front passenger door, she realized that the pain was returning full force. How odd, Liz thought in confusion Why would my muscles be tightening up again when I am using them. Continuing her trek around the car she noticed that the throbbing lessened as she rounded the front of the car and headed toward the trunk again. Yet, when she started back again, her side ached more painfully than it had previously. Slowly the realization of what was happening dawned on her. The pain she wasn’t feeling wasn’t a result of stiff muscles, a burst appendix, or damaged kidneys; it was something all together different. In fact, Liz realized, it wasn’t even coming from her, for some reason it kept increasing as she neared the pod chamber. In a flash, Liz’s most recent vision of Max floated around in her mind.


Max was lying on the floor of the pod chamber; eyes closed and body limp. Liz stared at him intently; he looked so peaceful and relaxed, almost as if he was asleep. Or dead The thought came unbidden to Liz’s mind and she quickly banished it. She continued to look at Max’s peaceful face for a few moments longer. Finally she tore herself away and started scanning the room to see if she could get any useful information before she entered. Gradually, Liz noticed something on the floor; it seemed to be a liquid of some kind. Confused as to where it came from, she traced the path with her eyes and noticed something she hadn’t before. Max’s shirt was soaked through with blood. It was all along his right side. One hand flew to her mouth the other to her right side, unconsciously rubbing it. After the initial shock wore off, Liz let out a strangled scream. “Oh my god! MAX!”


Abruptly, Liz snapped back to reality. “Hang on Max, I am coming!” She practically shouted at the top of her lungs. Then Liz took off up the hill. Even though the ache she had been feeling was still coursing through her body, knowing Max was hurt and possibly dying gave her the strength she needed to ignore the agony of the increasing pain. Out of breath and in excruciating pain, Liz skidded to a halt at the mouth of the cave.

After a few seconds of deliberation, Liz cautiously entered the darkened cave. It was hard to see with the little bit of light filtering in through the opening so it took a few moments before Liz saw Max’s form leaning against the far wall. She had done it, she had actually found him! Her life, THEIR lives weren’t going to end the way that her dreams kept suggesting. She had a chance to make it right, and all of her friends wouldn’t die horrible deaths. More importantly than that however, Liz had a chance to explain her true feelings to Max. There was a chance that she would never have to feel that intolerable heart ache anymore. If there was any chance at all that she could fix things, she would take it. She was so happy! That was until she realized that Max wasn’t moving at all. Panicking, she started to run over to him but stopped when she heard rock grating on rock behind her. When Liz turned around, she saw something that stunned her to the core; the man from her vision from officer Fox was holding his arm out in front of him. It appeared that he was closing the door on her! Too stunned to move, Liz watched in horrid fascination as the only exit vanished right before her eyes. The door hissed and sealed itself and Liz fought the urge to cry and instead looked at Max. He was so pale and, judging from the floor around him, he had lost a lot of blood. In reality, Max was hovering on the verge of death, and if something wasn’t done very soon it would be too late for him. The laceration was causing him to bleed out very quickly and may have damaged his kidney.

Liz was getting very worried. She knew that time was critical. She had to get Max’s bleeding under control. Wasting no more time, she grabbed her sleeve and pulled, ripping it off from her shirt. Moving Max’s shirt out of the way, she wrapped her sleeve around her hand and set out to apply pressure against his wound. A little while later, she looked down at his side and gasped. The cut was a lot deeper than she had expected and, in certain places, she could see Max’s bones. Although Liz was no doctor, and Max wasn’t a human, she was sure that he couldn’t last long like this. Even though she had no idea what she was doing, Liz let go of her sleeve and began to trace over his wound with both of her hands. Ambivalent to the fact that she was now covered in Max’s blood, Liz closed her eyes and concentrated on her feelings for Max. For a few seconds nothing happened. Then, all at once, the pain in her side vanished; and, more importantly, Max stopped bleeding. To say that Liz was relived was an understatement. Not only had she gotten her powers to work (for she was now positive that she had them), but she had saved Max’s life for the time being. Euphoria washed over Liz as she once again stared at Max’s unconscious form. Overcome with happiness, Liz leaned in and kissed Max on his lips. Briefly, Liz felt a surge of pure power flow over her, and then everything went black.


Liz awoke with a start. For a moment she didn’t move a muscle. It was all a dream. Max didn’t run away, he is still at home in his bed. I don’t have any powers. I am a human, I can’t have any powers. At least I didn’t have the same dream again. I don’t think I could have taken that one more time. Liz thought as she looked around for her alarm clock. Instead of seeing her room, Liz was stunned to see that she wasn’t in her room above the Crashdown. She continued to survey her surroundings and quickly became aware that she had no idea where she was. The room felt familiar somehow, but for the life of her, Liz couldn’t place it. In the dim light she could barely make out the other people with her. Liz didn’t need to see their faces to know that one of the men was Max. Max was in trouble, Liz could tell. It was almost as if she could feel some of his panic at the situation.

Max wasn’t sure how long he had been fighting the men of the Council, but if felt like he had been at it for a hundred years. Never before had Max relied so heavily and for so long on his powers. Every time he blocked a shot from one of them he felt as if he couldn’t do it again; yet, somehow, he found a way to block the next one. When he first came around after he had been hit, he was too weak to lift his arms; almost too week to be able to open his eyes. The pain was too much for him to bear, and he closed his eyes again, hoping his final thoughts were of Liz. As he thought of her, Max found that the pain in his side started to evaporate. If he concentrated hard enough on his love for her he could actually feel her hands on his damaged skin. Abruptly, the pain in his side dissolved completely and he could once again move. Standing up, Max felt a tingle in his lips and then power he didn’t know he had exploded from within him; striking his enemies. Three of the weaker Council members were blasted into the wall behind where they stood. Max watched as two of the men disappeared. The third, who happened to be the weakest Council member, slid down the wall and hit the ground. He never moved again, and Max noticed that his head was cracked open. He briefly thought he should feel bad about that, and probably would later, but right now it was a fight for survival and he didn’t have time to worry about it.

Momentarily stunned by the display of raw power, the remaining three stopped their assault. Max took this opportunity to catch his breath and try to come up with a plan. The reprieve didn’t last long however. The head of the Council turned to his aide on his left and commanded him. “Ava’s here. Zan doesn’t have that much power on his own. Find her or we are dead!” He shouted scornfully, causing the other man to flinch.

“Yes sir!” He responded fearfully and turned to fulfill his orders. Liz was unsure of what was going on, she knew that Tess wasn’t here. The confusion caused Liz to remain routed in the spot she stood. Max heard the orders and was just as confused as Liz, how had Tess found him. Turning to see if he could spot her and warn her to get out of here, Max saw Liz. Their eyes locked and she now saw the terror on Max’s face, the man was coming after her! She felt a tug on her arm as she was pulled toward the Head.

“Zan, once again I have your precious Ava. Once again you will lose. There is no escape from me this time. If you surrender now, I promise that you and your Ava will die swiftly. Resist me and I promise you, you will live long enough to watch Ava regret your decision. So what will it be, your majesty?” He said menacingly and stepped next to Liz.

“Max, Max listen to me. LISTEN TO ME! I have been looking for you all day now just so I could tell you, you were wrong about what you wrote. I never, NEVER stopped. You have to fight him. You can do it. I believe in you!” Max met her eyes and was amazed to see the depth of the emotions that they carried. He couldn’t help but smile.

Max decided that he had at most a few more seconds before he completely lost control of the situation. He had to come up with a plan. Suddenly, almost as if it bit him in the face, it was there. Willing Liz to understand, he looked into her eyes again silently conveying his message. He noticed that her head nodded ever so slightly, indicating she understood.
“Okay, okay, you win. I will do whatever you want just don’t hurt her.” He said as he concentrated on focusing all of his powers into one blast. This had to be perfect, it was more power and more control than he had ever tried before. If he missed and ended up hitting Liz… he shuddered at what it would do to her and banished the thought to the back of his mind. He wouldn’t fail.

Liz knew it was time. This was what had to be done. She wasn’t afraid that he would miss, because she trusted Max with her life. He had always done his best to protect it, and he would continue to do so. Sensing Max was ready, she put the plan into action. There was no fear in her body as she let herself go limp and crumpled to the floor. The Head of the Council of KHIVAR was completely exposed for a few invaluable seconds and Max took that time to let go of all the energy he had been focusing and his world went white.

For what seemed like an eternity, Max was blinded by the power he had unleashed. Slowly the world came back into focus around him. Max blinked his eyes several times in rapid succession trying to clear the spots. Even though he had never used anywhere near as much power as that before, he didn’t feel at all strained. In fact, he felt as if he hadn’t been using any powers at all. There was no panting like after he saved Liz or Kyle, nor was there any strain like when he aged the bones. Max Evans felt as well rested now as he ever had. Confusing him even more was the fact that he could still feel that raw power coursing through his veins. The slight tingle he was used to feeling as he used his powers ran through out his entire body, not just through his finger tips.

The soft hum of the Granolith intruded upon his thoughts as he realized that he was no longer in the Council Room, he was back in the pod chamber. How did I end up back in the pod chamber? Max thought as he shook his head to clear the lingering cobwebs. This thought was soon overtaken by a much more urgent one, one that induced panic.WHERE IS LIZ?!?!? Is she alright? I don’t think I could live with myself if it was my fault she wasn’t

He was about to start to really freak out when something stirred in his lap. Looking down he saw an image that took his breath away. Liz was just starting to wake up and she had that sleep-tousled look about her. Max watched as her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. His heart skipped a beat when she smiled at him like that, but it almost stopped when she spoke to him. “Zan, it is too early to be awake now, come back and get some more sleep, you have a big day coming up.” She said sleepily.

Max stared at her for a second before his brain started working again. Why did she call me Zan? He wondered apprehensively. Liz’s voice floated through his mind like a slight breeze.Because that is your name silly. Liz laughed slightly at the expression on his face. As it lingered though, she started to become puzzled. And the longer it remained the more concerned she became. Zan, honey, why are you staring at me like you haven’t seen me in fifty years? Her thoughts echoing slightly cautiously through his mind.

He couldn’t believe it, Max just couldn’t comprehend it was all real. He looked down at her and his eyes lit up with a spark of realization. “Ava,” he sighed aloud. “I can’t believe it is really you! I have missed you so much!” He added and hugged her tightly.

“Who else would be sleeping with my husband? Of course it is me. Zan are you feeling alright?” Liz wondered as she tenderly touched his forehead. Not noticing the blood, his blood on her hands. Max wasn’t sure what was going on, but whatever happened in that battle changed things between them. Memories of his previous life flooded back to him as he embraced the woman who had captured his heart in two different lifetimes. He was no longer just Max Evans, nor was he King Zan of the Dalini blood line. He was both; and, more importantly, he was meant for the woman in his arms. No one could tell him differently now. Both of his lives he had been meant for her. No matter what her name was, she was meant to be with him. That battle changed us He thought meditatively.But it appears that it was for the better With that, he smiled, truly smiled for what felt like the first time in a decade.

Ava sat there in her husband’s arms relishing in his touch like always. But this time things were different, things felt slightly more powerful; more poignant. Like it all was clicking into place. She raised her hand to touch his cheek, and gasped. “Zan! Where is this blood from?” She asked slightly frightened. The strong woman started to panic, blood always brought unpleasant memories. In fact, she hadn’t seen that much blood since… since… since Zan had died in her arms! Looking around wildly, she started to remember where the blood came from. It was from Za… no not Zan, Max. This was Max’s blood. It was from the wound to his side. Suddenly images from two lives flooded her mind. There was too much for her to process all at once; but, they assimilated coherently and flawlessly in her mind. Her two lives fit together like a single complete story in her mind. At that moment, she understood. She was Liz Parker, yet she was Queen Ava of Taboure married to King Zan, born of Dalini blood. She was related to the oldest ruling bloodline in their galaxy. And with that realization, she burst into tears of joy. She was so happy; she no longer had to fight her feelings for the man holding her. He was meant to be hers. He had always belonged to Ava, but now she realized that he always belonged to her. Max had been right when he had said his destiny was her. Max, you were wrong, we were meant to be together. I am so happy! She thought and smiled even more. What was I wrong about sweetheart. Looking up at him with loving eyes, she started to explain everything that had happened since the night he sang to her on her balcony. It took a while, but when she was finished it felt like she had exercised the demons that had threatened to destroy them.

“I truly love you, my queen.” Max said fervently.

“And I you, my king.” Liz responded and winked at him. “Come on, let’s go tell everyone.” And with that, the two walked out of the whole in the wall and down the hill never letting go of each other’s hand. Neither one of them noticing nor caring what happened to the wall.
Right to vote: 1.1 million casualties Civil War
Right to live freely: 10 million casualties WWI
Right to religion: 55 million dead WWII
Right to protest: 358,000 casualties Vietnam

Some things are worth dying for
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CEO Shaft
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Location: Training Jedi children at the Maw Installation

Post by CEO Shaft »

Title: A Note From the Past
Rating:Not sure what it rates
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, I don't own a thing so don't blame me for it :D. Any resemblance to characters, real or imagined is purely an accident. In other words, I made it up so don’t be mad.
Summary: Takes place in a different future, one of the many possibilities that opened when Liz changed things. Nothing after End of the World took place.

Author's note: Hey everyone, this took me a bit longer to get out than I had anticipated. I had it written for a few days before I was able to find time to transcribe it to my computer. I hope you enjoy this part.

Also, I am working on the next chapter as we speak. My goal is to have it out by next Friday and I will do everything in my power to achieve this. However, I am going to be out of town for a week starting next Saturday and if I can’t get something out before Friday, it will have to wait until after Thanksgiving.

As always, thanks to Jenn for listening to my ideas and even giving a few of her own. If you don’t like where this chapter ends blame her not me. She said it was ok to stop there (although that was before she knew what I had planned for the chapter.) Enjoy!

PS vote for Talena's banner for Best Fan Art Cover :D

Chapter 13

Lucas silently stared at the spot where he had sealed Liz and Max in the pod chamber. It looked like the rest of the rock formation, unless you knew that there was supposed to be a cave there, there was no way to tell that things weren’t as they should be. As he admired his handiwork, a strange feeling of relief washed over him. He couldn’t believe that, after all this time; all this planning, it was over. Now that things had started to progress down this path nothing could break the chain of event. Things were going to turn out as they had planned.

Lucas breathed a heavy sigh of relief at the success of the first part of his mission. Now comes the hard part. He thought wearily. As if coordinating this whole operation from millions of light years away, traveling said number of light years, locating the royals and coming up with a plan to deal with them wasn’t bad enough. Now I have to make sure that everything is ready when the time comes. He suddenly felt a lot older than he was supposed to feel. There was nothing like the responsibilities of being in charge to age a person before their time. Every decision that was made now affected the events that followed in a profound way, and Lucas wasn’t sure if he could handle the pressure. Not for the first time he wondered why he of all people had been chosen to be in charge of a mission of this importance. There were many people far more qualified than he to handle this undertaking. Logically he knew that it had to be him, he had knowledge that no one else did; but, that didn’t erase his feelings of doubt. He glanced at his watch and noticed he didn’t have much time. Shaking his head clear of all of his doubt, Lucas started to plan for how he would handle the rest of the disposed royals when they arrived.


Less than ten minutes later, the two cars carrying everyone pulled up to the outcropping of rocks that once held the aliens. Michael quickly got out of the car and scanned the area looking for any signs of trouble. He had a bad feeling that the events of the next few hours would profoundly change his life, whether he wanted them to or not. He recognized that it didn’t matter whether or not he was ready for what was about to happen, his life, everyone’s lives were about to altered dramatically. So Michael was determined to be ready for it; he would not be caught unawares. Grimacing, he rounded the car and headed off toward where the others were standing.

“Did we beat her here?” Isabel asked with trepidation. She too had a feeling that her life was about to change irrevocably and it scared her. She had just become comfortable enough with her circumstances to let her feelings for Alex show, and now things were going to change. How could she know that things weren’t going to dissolve in front of her eyes? The universe it seemed, would not allow Isabel Evans to achieve any level of happiness.

Kyle could tell that Liz had indeed arrived as the familiar shape of Maria’s Jetta poked its frame above a protrusion in the desert. “We aren’t that lucky.” He said with a hint of irritation at present circumstances. “Look…” Everyone turned to the direction Kyle had indicated with his head and spotted the car.

Alex didn’t like the way that things were developing today. Liz’s message through the sheriff had been very brief, and it worried him. Normally, no news was good news; but, Alex had known Liz long enough to realize that her brevity wasn’t a good sign. In fact, the more dangerous or trying the situation was, the less brainpower Liz spared for what she considered “needless tasks.” Unfortunately, informing everyone else as to what was going on was one of the tasks Liz deemed unnecessary. Another thing that was bothering Alex was the amount of tension in the group. He was typically able to ignore it, and even relieve it. However, right now, it was affecting him like never before. Instead of being relaxed, Alex was feeding off of the others’ tension. Each moment that passed caused Alex stew a little longer. He knew it wouldn’t be much longer before he wouldn’t be able to take it much more. Apprehension invaded his entire body, increasing his unease.

Maria was similarly starting to come unglued. Although she was not a weak person, the strain was starting to wear her down. Ever since lunch, Maria had felt worried about something. The strange thing was, it didn’t feel like she was overly concerned with anything. Rather it felt like everyone’s anxiety in all of Roswell suddenly ran through her. Almost as if she was a radio receiver. She felt the anxiety peak and turned towards the rest of her friends. She looked at the boys who seemed to be just waiting for a reason to react. Maria could tell that one stray spark would set off this power keg, causing the boys to become out-of-control.

Tess had been on guard ever since her conversation with Liz early this morning. Something about that conversation had been prickling at the back of Tess’ mind all day. Something about the way that Liz talked about her dreams had caused Tess to think about recent events. Although she had been working on it for over seven hours, Tess had yet to figure it all out. However, she was certain that everything was related. Liz’s dreams/visions, Max’s disappearance, Kyle’s powers, even Pam Troy’s “unfortunate” run-in with that horrible, wicked green paint monster were all pieces of the same puzzle. Regrettably, Tess had no idea how each piece fit together, nor did she know what the final picture looked like. Now is not the time to be thinking about it. Tess thought to herself forcibly. We need to find Max and Liz. With that she turned to the others and asked the obvious question. “Why don’t we check the pod chamber, after all that is where Liz said to meet her?”

It was at this that they heard a voice that was oddly familiar, though they didn’t know why it felt that way. “I am afraid that I can’t allow you do to that.” Startled, everyone took a step back. The three boys recovered quickly and discretely stepped forward again. Instinctively, they positioned themselves between the man who had appeared out of nowhere and the girls. Each of their faces indicated that they wouldn’t move willingly.

“Stay where you are. If you come any closer you will regret it.” Michael stated in a deadly calm voice. To a casual observer it sounded oddly detached, but anyone who knew Michael could see that emotions behind his eyes. Although he heard both Alex and Kyle murmur their agreements as they stepped up to flank him, Michael never diverted his attention from the man. He could tell that Alex and Kyle, and if he was honest himself as well, didn’t want to do battle with aliens, he knew they wouldn’t back down from what was right.

To the three boys’ surprise, the man started to laugh. When he spoke he further astonished them. “You always were a hot head. I can’t believe you were able to survive this long with a response like that. Think about it, you have no idea what I am capable of, nor do you have the best control over your powers. You and I both know you are a bit unpredictable with them. Even though you have been working on them you don’t have it down yet.” He stared Michael directly in the eyes as he spoke, before he turned to Kyle and Alex. “Honestly, I expected more from the two of you than jumping headlong into things. You should know better” His stare settled on Alex and he continued to speak. “You don’t even have access to any powers. Where is the sense in getting into a confrontation where you couldn’t possibly be able to defend yourself?”

Alex stared at the strange man searchingly. There was something about him that felt very familiar to Alex, but he had no idea what. It was almost as if he knew this man personally from somewhere. Because of this, Alex let the man’s words sink in, and he relaxed slightly. Adjusting his stance a bit, Alex let most of the tension trickle from his body. Although he was still on guard, it was more from the fact that he was confused than threatened. Despite the fact that Alex had no idea why this man would “expect more” from him, he felt comfortable enough to risk a glance toward Kyle. Kyle was still in an awkward fighting stance of sorts, and seemed like he was ready to explode. Alex placed a hand on Kyle’s shoulder and immediately he took a deep breath. Michael, however, would not relax. He wouldn’t let his guard don’t for a moment, because he was sure it would be his last if he did.

Michael glowered unwaveringly at the intruder. Nothing the man said would trick him into letting his guard down. It was Michael’s job to protect the people around him, and he would do just that. As time wore on, Michael seemed to get frustrated with the stand-off. Eventually the impassive face of the man was too much for him and Michael spoke. “Why won’t you let us pass? Do you think that you could stop us if we really wanted to get by?” Though he tried to hide it, Michael’s voice echoed the challenge he was making.

Lucas smiled inwardly. He knew that they would never guess the reason he wasn’t letting them past him. He continued to stare at the six friends, and chose to ignore the glares he was receiving from Michael. “Well, because it is not time for you to pass me yet.” He could tell he was right, they hadn’t guessed the answer. His smirk turned into a smile.

Kyle didn’t like the way that the man was smiling and he was worried about Liz. “What if we decide that it is time?” Kyle didn’t even try to hide the distain in his voice as he asked the question.

Lucas didn’t like how the situation was evolving. It was turning into a very dangerous battle of wills, one that he couldn’t afford to have. If he alienated them now, things wouldn’t work out like they were supposed to. He needed them to cooperate, not fight him. He had to get things under his control once again. “It is not time.” The finality in his voice made it impossible to argue with him.

Before the boys could respond, Maria walked up to Michael and put her hand on his shoulder. It was the age old sign to cool it and Michael knew it. She looked at him briefly, and then satisfied he wouldn’t say anything, she asked. “Why isn’t it time?” This time she chose to ignore the slight growling that was echoing from her boyfriend. After all, some things required the delicate touch of a woman.

“The simple reason is you don’t know enough about your history; yourselves, to interfere with the events that are going on right now.” A delicate feminine voice from behind them said.

Isabel turned around to respond to the appearance of the newest player in this unfolding drama. Before she could formulate her retort, there was a large explosion echoing from the pod chamber behind them. As the ringing in her ears died down she thought she heard the man mumble something about it wasn’t supposed to happen that way. Isabel turned around and was about to scream at him, when she noticed that he had gone white at the sound of the explosion. She looked at him for a moment and observed that he looked like she felt. Almost as if that explosion had cost him something very important, someone that meant as much to him as Max or Alex did to her. Suddenly, Isabel realized that, if the explosion shook him up this badly, it must not have been intentional. “What… who… who are you? What do you mean ‘things weren’t supposed to happen this way?’” She practically wailed.

“I only want to have to go through this story once. Kyle, would you call your dad and see how far away he is. I think that we should wait until he gets here. I know he has been helping you for a while now, he needs to hear this as well.” Lucas said tiredly. This was not how things were supposed to be. There was not supposed to be an explosion. If something happened… it would be all his fault.

Kyle grabbed the offered cell phone out of Maria’s hand and proceeded to call his dad’s phone. It took a few minutes for the call to go through, but when it did he relayed the message. After he hung up the phone he told everyone his father would be there in about twenty minutes.

“Okay,” Lucas said. “You shall have your answers then.” He held his hand up to cut off any replies.


The next twenty minutes passed very slowly for the eight young adults standing at the base of the pod chamber. While the situation was strained to say the least, there was a definite undercurrent of immense power. It seemed like everyone was starting to feel its effects, not just the aliens with powers. Michael, Kyle, Tess and Isabel were absently scratching their arms as the spring of power seemed to flow around them. Even Maria and Alex were drawn to the air around them, feeling energy flow into their bodies.

Lucas looked over at the woman who stood guard on the other side of the six friends. She had been a last minute addition to the mission, a suggestion made by her aunt. The queen hadn’t demanded that her niece should be included in the mission, just calmly listed her qualifications and that she was family. The clincher though had been the fact that she didn’t grow up on Antar. That made her “perfect for covert operations” the queen had said. Looking at her now, Lucas realized that the mission wouldn’t have been a success without her skills.

She noticed that he was looking at her, and she smiled. She couldn’t believe it was finally happening. This was almost finished! Pretty soon they would be heading home, as heroes. That was such a great feeling. But under Lucas’ intense gaze, she realized that nothing mattered to her as much as the man staring at her. Meeting his eyes, she caught the small smile he flashed her and relaxed. Everything had happened as it was supposed to she realized. Well, everything except for the explosion. She thought, and shuddered suddenly. In fact she understood that the explosion wasn’t the only thing that had gone wrong. If she was honest with herself, she would have admitted that the amount of energy flowing in that area was more than she had ever felt concentrated in one place. Further reflection on the matter was closed when a well-worn jeep pulled up and parked next to Tess’ SUV. Sheriff Valenti got out of the jeep and walked over to the group. Each of the people stared at Lucas, clearly waiting an explanation.

It was time for Lucas to tell everyone what was going on, and he knew it. He was tense until the woman who had come to mean so much to him moved to him and took his hand. He took a deep breath and then he started. “I know you have no reason to trust me, or to believe what I am saying to you right now, but you have to listen. I understand your fear of ‘outsiders’, but I assure you I am not here to hurt you.” He glanced at Michael before continuing. “Hear me out before you respond. When I am finished I hope you will understand.”

Lucas paused, searching for something; anything. Perhaps he was looking for the right words to explain the situation; or, more likely, he was looking for the strength to say what he had to. “As you are aware, Antar is your home planet and you were the ruling family of the planet. However, most of the ‘history’ that you know is false. It was a deception of the council of KHIVAR to prevent you from achieving what you were meant to achieve. I know you probably don’t believe me, but you all have a very important part to play in the future of our planet. I will get into that in a minute, but first I should probably introduce myself. I have been sent from Antar to make sure that you were ready. I was supposed to prevent you from being destroyed until you were able to protect yourselves.”

Although she tried to be quiet, Isabel was unable to stop the question from leaving her mouth. She tried to bite it back, but she failed miserably. “You were on Antar when we were there weren’t you? That is why it feels like I know you, because I did know you right?”

Smiling warmly at her, Lucas responded. “Yes, you knew me, or should I say my former self, on Antar. I am just like you are: an alien. My life was cut short the same way yours was, in a horrible war that shouldn’t have happened. In fact, I died fighting on the same side as you, fighting for your brother. You could even say you were a good friend of mine.” Everyone watched as Lucas’ face formed a wistful smile before he added. “My name was Brendan. I was your brother-in-law. Queen Ava was my younger sister.”

A shocked gasp escaped from Tess’ mouth. It took her a long time to process this new information and come up with a response. When she finally regained control of her voice, she asked in a hushed tone. “I have a brother?” Tess had always wanted to have a family, and it seemed that she could get one. Over the past year, she had gained more friends than she had ever thought possible. It was tense at first, but now things seemed to be relaxing some. Although she was not sure if she would ever be close with Liz, the others seemed to accept her now. Then she saw the two men who had become her family, and started to smile. And now I have a brother. This is great!

“No.” Liz’s voice echoed from the trail up to the pod chamber. “I do.”
Right to vote: 1.1 million casualties Civil War
Right to live freely: 10 million casualties WWI
Right to religion: 55 million dead WWII
Right to protest: 358,000 casualties Vietnam

Some things are worth dying for
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CEO Shaft
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Location: Training Jedi children at the Maw Installation

Post by CEO Shaft »

Hey everyone,

I am sorry that this isn't an update; I haven't been able to write this story lately. That is not do to a lack of effort, but it is just not working for me. I have been sidetracked by school/work and another story that just wouldn't leave me alone.

If you are interested in this other story it can be found here: https://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1660416

It is of a different fandom, but I had a good time writing it.

CEO Shaft

PS I haven't given up on the story, please bear with me :-).
Right to vote: 1.1 million casualties Civil War
Right to live freely: 10 million casualties WWI
Right to religion: 55 million dead WWII
Right to protest: 358,000 casualties Vietnam

Some things are worth dying for