The One Left Behind (SN,XO,UC,Mature) [WIP]

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Jezebel Jinx
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Re: The One Left Behind (SN,XO,UC,Mature) Ch 12E 8/12/11 pg5

Post by Jezebel Jinx »

HypnotiqBlueEyes, AvalonRose: Thank you both for the great feedback. :D

Note: I know nothing about whether dog hair and wolf hair are similar. For the sake of this story, they aren’t. Hope everyone enjoys this next chapter.

Chapter 13

August 2; Roswell

“Well, the Crashdown has been sold.” Detective Redding tossed a file onto his partner’s desk.

“Unbelievable. The girl is a suspect in her parent’s murder, leaves Roswell and then sells her parent’s business.” Tracy Malone shook her head.

Redding shrugged his shoulder. “To be fair we’ve mostly cleared her.”

“Yes, but she didn’t know that.” She pointed out. “She left town nearly three weeks ago and we’ve only recently come up with new information. Miss Parker must have known how it would look and she didn’t give a shit.” She sighed. “Have you gotten anything on the identity of the figure that was lurking around outside that night?”

“Nothing except what we got two weeks ago. The guy who runs the store near the Crashdown doesn’t remember anything except a shadowy figure that looked like it was having trouble walking straight and upright. But we couldn’t find anything near that section of the building where he said the guy was. When he went out to check, the other guy was gone. That was about fifteen minutes before the Parker’s time of death.” Redding read over the information in the file.

“The lab is still trying to identify the hair found on Jeff Parker. It has characteristics of both dog and wolf hair but is neither. They’ve crossed checked it with all other dog like animals out there and they’ve come up with nothing.” Malone stated. “I really don’t want this to become another weird unsolved case.”

It was common knowledge that there were those kinds of cases that had no explanation, the kinds of cases where there were clues but they lead nowhere. This was shaping up to being one of those.

As the two detectives continued to look over the file hoping to find anything that they might have missed the previous hundred times they searched through it, their Captain came up to their desks. “We got a homicide at 2231 Elk Lane, head down there; it looks like a similar MO to the Parker case.”

“Right away, Captain.” Both detectives stood up and left the precinct.

August 4; Texas

Something was wrong.

Something that should never happen had happened.

Liz raised her gaze from the crystal clear glass in front of her. “Hey.” She called to the man behind the bar.

She saw, but didn’t care, that he breathed out a sigh of irritation. “What’s wrong with this picture?” She asked when he was in front of her. Although she was seeing two of him she focused on a spot somewhere in the middle of the two frustrated figures.

“I can think of a lot of things but what do you think is wrong?” He glared down at her slumped over body with distain.

Liz raised the glass and shook it in front of him. “Empty. Duh. Fill it up.” She slammed the shot glass back on the counter.

The bartender refilled her shot glass and left her alone with her eighth shot of the night. It was clear at this point that she didn’t have the same issue with alcohol as Max, and she assumed the other aliens, had. One sip didn’t get her loopy; however eight shots did the job nicely.

Swishing the liquid around the glass she thought back on the last three weeks out on the road. After her run in with Gordon she hadn’t stopped driving for five hours, until she was well out of Roswell and almost out of New Mexico, and the only reason she stopped then was to get gas and grab a few hundred dollars from her bank account.

Now she didn’t take any of the money from her Elizabeth Parker bank account or even her parent’s accounts. She took it from her Erica Winterbourne account. After finding out about the aliens two years ago she had made the decision to start covering her, and essentially the other’s, asses. The possibility of having to run at sometime in the future was a high one. And nobody, not even Maria or Alex, knew that she had saved money for just such an occasion.

So at first she started putting aside various amounts of money from each pay check and she’d put it in the tin at the back of her desk. By the time their Vegas trip came she had a little over two thousand dollars in that tin. After Vegas and after her fake ID name change, she put most of the money she had originally put in the tin into an account in Erica Winterbourne’s name. Then after Alex died and she emptied her savings account to by a ticket to Sweden and when she didn’t go she put that money into the Winterbourne account as well. By the time she ran out of Roswell after her run in with Gordon she had a nice chunk of change in that account.

These last three weeks on the road she’d been a constant bundle of paranoia. Gordon, in her brief and scary time with him, didn’t seem like the kind of guy to let a “freak” like her go. Although she had gotten away, that time, she didn’t think she’d get away for long.

So with that in mind she began, in her sober moments, to practice her alien powers. She’d gone through the freak out of having abilities, stopped on the side of the road a couple days into her journey because the green electrical charges under her skin got too visible for her to continue driving at night, the inside of her truck had started to look like—well, like an alien was in there. A soft green glow pulsated around her, its brightness growing quickly.

She had laid down flat on the front seats of the truck and screamed out her anguish. As she let out her anger at being alone, being afraid, being changed, and being so incredibly tired the glow emanating from her body began to fade. With the fear of being discovered as different receding she had rolled over and cried her heart out only to fall asleep where she lay.

After she woke up and started on her way again she worked on some of her alien powers. She tried to keep the mental powers she had exhibited, the flashes when touching someone, hearing people’s thoughts, things like that to a minimum though. Drinking kept all that from happening too often. However what she did practice on was manipulating structures.

So far all she managed to do was melt everything she tried to change but she vowed to get the hang of it so she could change her license plate whenever she needed too. The suspicious parts of her mind wouldn’t allow her to believe that Gordon didn’t have someone looking for her plates or anything connected to the name Elizabeth, Jeff, or Nancy Parker.

Along with learning her powers, she drank. A lot. At least five times a week she stopped into a bar ordered a few drinks, enough to not get flashes when she touched an object or person, and then stumbled her way back to either her truck or to a near by hotel room where she fell flat on a bed to sleep off her drunken stupor. The cycle was never ending. Drive a few hundred miles, stop at a bar, drink at the bar, make a fool out of herself, and then collapse somewhere, only to do the whole thing over again the next day.

Her lips curled down into a frown. Mom and Dad would be so disappointed in her. She wasn’t standing up strong; she wasn’t facing her problems like a Parker should. No, she wallowed, drank, and basically made a mockery of the Parker name.

Sniffing back tears she straightened on the bar stool. She raised the half empty glass in her hand and said to her reflection in the mirror behind the bar. “To the Parker’s.”

Liz lifted the glass and drank the rest down quickly. As she leaned back to get the last drop she lost her balance and fell back onto the hard wood floor beneath her. “Stupid chair.” She said to no one, the man behind the bar rolled his eyes and simply looked at her until she got up off the floor, crawling back onto the stool.

“Why don’t you go home?” He curtly asked her.

She snorted. “How mush for the,” nausea bubbled up from her stomach but, thankfully she didn’t lose the alcohol she consumed. “How mush for the shmots?” The words coming from her mouth were slurred but he seemed to understand what she said.

“Eight shots and two beers, sixty-eight bucks.” He tossed a bar rag over his shoulder and waited for her to fork over the money.

Slowly she counted out sixty-eight dollars. “Here. No tip for yous.” She weaved her way out of the bar. “Didn’t keep my glash full.” She chuckled and left, leaving a bunch of annoyed and thankful patrons behind. She had finally left and she hadn’t thrown up anywhere in the bar. Outside however was a different story. She couldn’t keep the booze down any longer and threw up between two parked cars.

Someone wasn’t going to like her later. With slow, wobbly steps she finally made it back to her motel room. Another night down. She couldn’t wait to do the same thing tomorrow.


Next Chapter: Liz gives some unwanted attention to a bar patron and gets into fight. And Liz might be meeting another character from the Supernatural world.
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Jezebel Jinx
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Re: The One Left Behind (SN,XO,UC,Mature) AN 11/26/11 pg6

Post by Jezebel Jinx »


Thank you for the great feedback. I absolutely love reading it. :D

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas/Hanukkah/all other holidays.

Note: So sorry this took a little while to get out. In case people missed the note a couple posts previously, I thought it would have been up sooner but what I originally had planned wasn’t working out. Basically I wrote another scene that showed Liz was not ok, being drunk, and causing some trouble. Unfortunately, or fortunately, after I wrote the entire scene I realized it was unnecessary so I cut it out. But if anyone wants to read the 2-2 ½ page scene, feel free to PM me for a copy but keep in mind that it’s not beta’d, checked over, or fleshed out, it’s just what I wrote the first time around.

Hope everyone enjoys this newest chapter, we finally meet someone else (or a couple of someone else’s) from the Supernatural universe.

Chapter 14

Nebraska; August 14th

Cleaning her clothes, body, and hair in a bathroom sink was not fun.

Cleaning her clothes, body, and hair in a bathroom sink that was in one of those rest stops by the side of the road, had to be one of the nine levels of hell.

Ice cold water passed over and between her fingers, through her hair and down her body, shocking her to a more alerted state then she’d been at all this last month. The cold water had pooled a bit beneath her feet on the concrete floor, the drain wasn’t working as fast as it should be.

Liz scrubbed the washcloth she stole from one of the first hotels she stayed at, across her right leg and cleaned off the excess soap. As she passed the cloth over the side of her thigh she brushed against the relatively new bruise there.

Last week she got into a fight. She didn’t remember a lot of what happened because she was plastered but she knew there was a guy involved, a girl who didn’t take too kindly to her clumsily, and unwanted, flirting with him, and a fist coming toward her face. The next morning she woke up on a cot in the owner of the bar’s office bruised and sore, with a few extra small open cuts thrown in for good measure.

After she left the bar she went back to her hotel room and tended to her injuries. As she dug around in her purse for a Band-Aid, her hand brushed up against what she thought was what she was searching for. But what she pulled out instead was the drawing Shirley did of the creature she saw.

All thoughts of a Band-Aid went out the window. She sat there and stared at that picture for what felt like hours. A million thoughts raced through her head but only two pushed to the forefront, ‘Was she insane for believing in creatures like this too?’ and ‘Where was the nearest library?’.

Forty minutes later she was in a library a couple miles from the hotel and searching for werewolf and shifter information. She was there for two hours. The first hour was spent finding which books had decent information, the next hour she spent removing barcodes and security measures on the books. However just to be sure none of the security scanners went off she fried them with her new powers. One ability she had no problem learning. Although to be honest learning might be a bit generous, all she had to do was think about something traumatic and machines within a five foot radius short circuited.

Now she was the proud stealer of six library books. It was slightly unnerving. She stole books and she didn’t even take a whole lot of time to think about it.

So now, for the last week, she’d been reading up on mythological creatures, or not so mythological creatures as the case might be. Unfortunately there was so much information that she didn’t know what was fact or fiction. She didn’t even know for sure what kind of creature it happened to be. There were a few possibilities that she found, the obvious werewolves, the lesser known shapeshifters, and the skin-walker. She now had a list of the characteristics she saw on the monster that killed her parent’s and although it matched some of the characteristics she read about in the books none were one hundred percent the same. Even if they were the same who’s to say that these books were accurate? She didn’t think she’d ever been this frustrated before in all her life and considering how must frustration she’d had that was saying something.

Despite the chilly sponge bath and the lack of any credible information she actually felt ok…or at the very least one step away from ok. She hadn’t had a drink in two days, which was amazing considering booze had been like water to her this last month. She hadn’t gotten into a fight since last week, which was a step in the right direction.

Once done bathing she carefully, so as not to slip, made her way over to a bathroom stall door and took the thick terry cloth towel, also stolen from the first hotel, and dried her dripping body. Liz scrubbed till her skin was mostly dry, and then wrapped her long brown hair up into the towel. Finding a dry spot in the bathroom she put on her underwear, shorts, bra, and t-shirt. It was a bit challenging keeping the towel secured on her head but she managed. Lastly she put on one of her father’s flannel shirts leaving it unbuttoned.

She unwrapped her hair and rang out the wet towel, tip-toeing back over to the sink she gathered her toiletries, put them into a small makeup bag and put the bag into her backpack. She took a moment and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Anyone looking at her would know she wasn’t a carefree kid, wet hair clinging to her face and neck, dark circles under eyes, a fading black eye, and a slight frown. However she noticed something in her reflection that hadn’t been there for a while. Hope. There was a spark in her gaze now that had left her when Mom and Dad died and maybe, just maybe she had a purpose now.

Find the monster, that evil thing that killed her parents, and kill it.


Nebraska; August 15th

She was in a bar again.

She was drinking again.

And she was on her way to being drunk again.

Liz sipped at the whiskey in the glass. She really thought that with her new outlook and her new purpose she would be staying away from bars and bottles. It didn’t quite work out that way.

She had been doing pretty well too. Hadn’t taken a drink from any of the alcohol bottles in the back of the truck, she had been researching extensively, or as extensively as one could do stealing two or three books from libraries and bookstores.

So what brought her to this bar now? She forgot about the main reason why she remained in an almost constant state of drunkenness, her powers. More specifically the powers that granted her access to see things she never wanted to see, ever.

A few hours ago she stopped at a hotel, got a room, and went to sleep. An hour or so after falling asleep her hand apparently brushed up against the end table next to her and she was assaulted by images. Some weren’t so bad, one showed a maid touching the surface and happily rubbing her belly. Another image was of a child putting his toy truck on the table.

However there were a few that she wished hadn’t been shoved into her brain. The first was of some woman being thrown into the end table. The sharp edge cracked her skull and left blood leaving the woman unconscious at the base. The others weren’t violent but still acts she didn’t want to see. Various people having lots of sex and the ones she saw were touching or gripping the end table at some point during it.

She had scrambled away from the bed and end table. Grabbing a blanket and a pillow she scurried over to a chair near the window. All of her arms and legs were tucked in and not touching anything but the blanket. Again she started to doze off.

But her body had other ideas. As she slept her hand escaped the trappings of the protective blanket and touched the cool window ledge. Once again images came rushing into her mind, some were similar images to what she received on the bed, some happy, some sexual, but others made bile rise to her throat. All the pain and heartache and terror she felt forced her from the chair and left her standing in the middle of the room not knowing what to do. She hated this ability.

Now she was in the bar. On her third whiskey of the night. In the day she could control her power to see the things she did to a certain extent. Mostly she avoided touching people and objects and wore wrist length thin gloves, a lot of her visions came when she touched something with her hands, it happened with other parts of her body too but to a lesser extent. However she’d also managed, twice now, to not get any kind of flashes or visions from touching an object, even when her hands were exposed. It took a half an hour of concentrating on not receiving images but she had managed which, while frustrating, also gave her hope that she could control this thing it would just take practice and time.

For now though, alcohol kept the flashes at bay. Finishing her glass of whiskey, Liz flagged down the woman behind the bar. “More please.”

She didn’t bother to look at the person when she asked and after a few seconds realized that nothing was being poured into her empty glass. Liz glanced up and saw the woman, who looked to be about her Mom’s age, holding a hand with a dishtowel gripped in it on her hip and who was staring hard at her.

“What?” Liz asked curtly.

“I think you’ve had enough for tonight.” She simply said.

“Well no one asked what you thought.” She pushed the glass toward the woman. “You’re not getting paid to tell me what you think; you’re getting paid to fill my drink, that’s it. Do it.”

“You got a mouth on you girl.” Another female voice came from behind her.

Liz swung around on the bar stool. A younger, slender blonde stood in blue jeans and a grey t-shirt staring a hole in Liz. “Yea, I do. Since I wasn’t talking to you then you should mind your own business.”

“That’s not going to happen.” She took a step closer.

“Jo.” The woman behind the bar warned her.

If Liz had been completely sober, she wouldn’t have tried anything; she would have backed off and left the bar, possibly finding another bar. But with the few glasses that were in her it shut down any smart part of her brain. “Yea Jo. Run along little girl, shoo fly don’t bother me.” Although Jo was probably older than her it didn’t stop Liz from calling her ‘little girl’.

Jo chuckled, not the least bit bothered by her. “With that kind of attitude it’s no wonder you’re so popular.” She sarcastically shot at her. The pretty girl at the bar had been sitting there for a few hours now and not one person had come up to her.

At that Liz stood up and got right in Jo’s face. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Shut your mouth about things you don’t understand.”

“If you don’t get out of my face you’ll be on the floor.” Jo promised in a calm voice.

“Whatever. What the hell can you do? I could probably have five more drinks and still take you on.” Liz didn’t notice the other patrons roll their eyes or chuckle at her statement.

“Really? You think you can take me?” Jo laughed low in her throat.

“Jo, let it go.” The woman behind the bar warned her again.

“No Mom. She thinks she can take me on.” Jo stepped forward again nearly pressing her nose to the drunk girl's. “Make a move Rambo.”

Liz, without warning, pushed the blonde back away from her. Hard.

Not hard enough though.

Jo righted herself and came back quickly and in a set of moves that Liz couldn’t follow fast enough, even stone cold sober it'd be a challenge, Jo managed to send her to the floor, face first and officially being knocked out by the tiny blonde.


Next Chapter: Liz wakes up in a spare room at the Roadhouse. Ellen has some questions and advice for Liz. And Liz is given an opportunity to make a choice that will send her on a journey she never could have imagined.
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