Two Shall Make Them One (AU,CC,YTEEN) Pt 18 - 01/08/04 [WIP]

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Two Shall Make Them One (AU,CC,YTEEN) Pt 18 - 01/08/04 [WIP]

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Title: Two Shall Make Them One
Author: Krys
Rating: YTEEN
Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Wish I did. No infringement intended.
Summary: Challenge fic proposed by Lillie many, many moons ago.The deal is that Liz leaves after Destiny because she is prego and winds up in Atlanta where she has twin boys. She is now coming back after almost three years for the protection of the children and chaos rules!
AN: This fic is running over a hundred pages so far and I wanted to know if I should continue with it. Let me know what ya think.

“Southwest Airlines flight 912 to Albuquerque, New Mexico is now boarding. If you are in rows 43 to 57 please board now,” said a male voice over the loudspeaker and Liz Parker let out a sigh. Looking over at her mother, she said, “That’s us.”

Giving her daughter a smile, Nancy said, “Finally. I hope the kids take a nap after we get airborne.”

“You and me both,” Liz agreed, looking at her sons playing on the floor next to her feet.

Collecting their carry on bags and a boy each hip, Nancy and Liz made their way to the gate. With help from two attendants and the copilot, they were able to wrestle everything onto the plane and get Samuel and Tristan into their seats.

“Mama, I tired,” Tristan said rubbing his eyes.

“Me too, me too,” echoed Samuel.

“Do you want Mommy to tell you a story?” Liz asked, looking at her boys with love.

With a chorus of ‘Yes! Yes!’, Liz said, “Okay, but you need to be still and close your eyes. Stories always sound better when your eyes are closed.”

Nancy watched her daughter and couldn’t help the tears that filled her own eyes. She had used the same ploy on Liz when she was the boys’ age and it warmed her heart to see her grandsons fall for it as easily as Liz had.

Liz’s pregnancy had come as a shock to her and her husband; so much so, that for a while there, they had thought they were going to lose Liz forever. She had been adamant that she was going to keep her baby, but refused to tell them who the father was, though they did suspect Max Evans, her boyfriend at the time. It was only because of Liz’s threat to leave and never come back did they relent and let her decide what she was going to do.

Fortunately Jeff remembered his mother’s sister living in Georgia. She was fifteen years younger than Claudia and when they called her, was willing to take in Liz. That had been one of Liz’s conditions: no one beside the family was to know she was pregnant, along with her determination to leave Roswell behind.

Nancy had flown in for the birth and seeing her grandsons born was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to her. She had tried to get Liz to go to the hospital, but Darlene was a midwife and the spare room in the old Victorian house in the outskirts of Atlanta had welcomed Tristan and Samuel into the world.

“ Prince Zan’s mother decided that the only way to save her son’s life was to have a witch put him into a deep sleep and send him somewhere the evil knight would never be able to find him.

Along with his sister, his best friend and his wife, the queen sent the Prince off to a place where he would stay until the time he could come back and free all his people from the dreaded Sir Kivar.”

“I think they’re gone,” Nancy said, reaching over and placing her hand on Liz’s arm.

Liz looked at the boys and saw her mother was right. Samuel had his bear bunched up under his cheek and Tristan had his thumb in his mouth and was sucking away contentedly. “Let’s hope they they sleep for the whole flight,” Liz said. “I could use a break.”

“I didn't know how you do it, dear,” her mother said. “I remember how exhausted you made me feel and there was only one of you. I don’t know what I would have done if there were two!”

“It’s really not that hard,” Liz replied, then added, “Now. If you had seen me eight months ago, you would have wondered if I was nuts.”

“I still think it’s brave of you to raise them by yourself. Now that your coming home, Daddy and I will be able to make things easier on you and you might want to think about going back to school.”

“We’ve already gone thru this, Mom,” Liz said, trying not to loose her temper. While she lived in Georgia with her Aunt Darlene, she had gone to night school and and received her diploma, but collage was out of the question. If it wasn’t for her fear for her sons’ welfare, she would have never decided to return to Roswell.

The incident that had happened three weeks ago was still fresh in her mind and she woke up nightly to check and make sure the boys were all right.

Darlene had finally talked her into sending the boys to a play group held at her church and after two months of pressure, Liz had given in and allowed them to go. To be honest, those two hours every Tuesday and Thursday were good for her and she was planing on sending them for three days next year when she received a frantic call from her aunt asking her if she had come and picked up the boys early.

“No, I thought we agreed you would bring them home with you,” she had said, a trickle of fear sliding down her spine.

“I had to go and check on something in the office and Maryanne said you came in with another woman and told her you were taking them with you,” Darlene said, terror filling her voice.

Liz threw down the phone and ran out of the house. The church was at the end of the street, one of the reasons she allowed the boys to go, and she ran as fast as her feet would carry her. Rounding the corner, Liz spied a large white van sitting in the parking lot with the back door slowly closing.

Somehow knowing her babies were in that truck, she threw out her right hand and wishing with all her might, sent a pulse of energy toward the tires, which all went flat. The driver stuck his head out of the window and was surprised to see the deflated tire. Cursing, he opened the door and had one leg out when Liz slammed it shut with the combined energy of her forward motion and a mother’s anger.

“Where are my kids?” she demanded, trying to see into the dim interior of the van.

“Mama! Mama!” cried Tristan and Liz saw red.

She couldn’t explain clearly what happened next, only that the side door blew open and she was able to grab both kids unhindered. Tucking one under each arm, she backed slowly away, but stopped dead in her tracks when someone who could have been her twin stepped into the light.

“Liz wait!” she called. “We didn't want to hurt them, we need them. They are the future of Antar.”

“I don’t know what your talking about,” Liz had said, backing up a step with each word.

“Yes you do,” said the another woman who unsurprisingly looked like Maria, Liz’s best friend. “We all know who their father is and what he once was. Come with us, it will save millions of lives.”

“No! No your not having them or me.”

“Your making a big mistake, Liz,” her look alike said. “A lot has happened that you are unaware of. These boys could be the salvation of our race.”

“You stay away from me and you stay away from my kids!” she had yelled.

“If it were only that easy,” Maria had said. Hearing sirens approaching, and realizing their driver was out of commission, the women looked at one another and nodded their heads.

Liz reached into the driver’s side window and pushed on the back of the man’s head. Liz blinked and was astonished to see a stream of dust sliding out of the van onto the ground.

“There are more of us, Liz,” Maria called. “Kivar won’t stop until he has what he wants.”

Shaking her head, Liz refused to believe anything they had to say.

Giving each other a quick hug, Liz and Maria cupped the back of each other’s neck and before Liz’s terrified eyes, melted into piled of dust on the pavement.

“I’m going to try to get some sleep,” Liz said, hoping to divert her mother from another argument about her future. Her only concern at the moment was getting her boys somewhere they could be protected by the only people who could do the job, their alien relatives.


“Is Daddy meeting us at the gate?” asked a frazzled Liz. Unfortunately, Samuel and Tristan slept for eight states before waking up and whining at their imposed immobility.

“He better or I’ll kill him,” Nancy replied, grabbing onto Tristan’s collar, stopping him from darting thru the legs of the person in front of them.

Giving her a weak smile, Liz readjusted her backpack and the carry on bag on her shoulder while trying to keep Samuel’s lollipop out of her hair. “It’ll be nice to be home.”

Walking down the narrow corridor, Liz felt a moment of trepidation at what could be waiting at the other end. She phoned Maria after the attack and had grilled her about every bit of information she possessed about the people she called Skins. When she finally found out about how they could be destroyed, she had the confirmation she needed to finally make up her mind and come back with the boys.

It’s not that she wanted to withhold them from their father, but finding out that he was destined for another had been a blow and with the pregnancy on top of that revelation, she believed Max didn’t need the added pressure of becoming a father.

Face it, she chided herself, you were afraid to tell him because you knew he would chose you and the boys over his destiny. Max would have stood by you no matter what and damn the consequences.

“Look boys,” Nancy said, “There’s Grandpa.”

Liz scanned the crowd and the unmistakable thatch of black hair stopped her eyes in an instant. Things between her father and her had been rough prior to her leaving, but she was comforted in the fact that he loved her no matter what kind of mess she had made of her life.

“Here, let me help you,” Jeff said hesitantly, coming up to his daughter. Taking the bags off her shoulder, he saw her smile and quickly dropped them to the floor and wrapped her in his strong embrace.

“Squished! Squished!” cried Samuel struggling to get out of his mother’s arms.

“Easy there buckaroo,” Jeff said, stepping back. “I only wanted to give Mommy a hug.”

Throwing out his arms, Sammy said, “Me, me.”

Plucking the pop out of his hand, Liz relinquished the squirming child to her father.

“Me too! Me too, Gampa,” shrieked Tristan and finally succeeded in breaking out of his Grandmother's grasp.

Bending down, Jeff swept up the other toddler and gave them a good hug. “Boy, I’ve missed you.” he said into Tristan’s hair.

Giving her mother a weary look, Liz said, “I should have named them Me and Me Too.”

“As my mother use to say about me and your Aunt Rachel; here comes Monkey See and Monkey Do,” Nancy remarked.

“Shall we go?” Jeff asked happily supporting the toddlers under each arm. “I borrowed the mini-van from Jose. The car seats came UPS yesterday and are all set.”

“Great. I can’t wait ,” Liz said and found that she really couldn’t.
Last edited by LilyFrancesca on Wed Jan 07, 2004 10:53 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Part 2

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Wow! I never expected the intrest ya'll are showing in this story :shocked!: Thanks :lol: Here is the next part, enjoy. ~Krys~

“Are they asleep?” Liz asked her father when he came out of the spare bedroom and plopped down next to her on the sofa.

“Yesssssss,” he sighed. “Is it like this every night?”

“No, they usually go down pretty easy. It’s all the excitement of being here, I guess,” she replied, patting his hand. “I wasn’t kidding when I said we could get our own place. I saved most of the money I made while working with Aunt Darlene. You and Mom aren’t use to have so much activity around here.”

“Don’t be ridicules,” her mother admonished. “Your father doesn’t need me to help with the cafe so I can take care of the boys.”

Nodding, Liz picked up the classifieds she had been reading and said, “I was thinking of giving the OB/GYN office a call and see if the receptionist position is still available. With all the experience I had in Atlanta, I should be over qualified.”

“You don’t have to start back to work so fast,” Jeff said. “Why don’t you take a few weeks and get settled first.”

“I know, but it’s something I have to do,” she reminded him, hoping he would remember the discussion they had had before she agreed to come home. The look on his face told her he did and she stifled a yawn.

“Get to bed,” he said, “your wiped out. We’ll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.”

Getting to her feet, Liz threw the paper on the coffee table and said, “G’night.”

“Goodnight honey. See you in the morning,” Nancy said and took her daughter’s place on the couch. Snuggling up to her husband she said, “It’s nice to have her back.”

“Yeah, but she’s not the girl we sent to Georgia.”

“She’s a woman now.”


Liz poked her head into the spare bedroom and saw that the boys were sleeping soundly in their new surroundings. Shutting the door, she made her way down the hall toward her old room. Walking thru the doorway, she flipped on the light and wasn’t surprised to see it the way she left it almost three years ago.

Closing the door, she walked over and ran her hand along the bedspread. She remembered the day her mother had brought it home, saying the old quilt her Grandma had made was getting warn and that she should put it away for the future. I bet this wasn’t the future Mom was thinking of, she thought. It sure as hell wasn’t the one I planned.

Her father had asked how such a bright girl could have screwed up and gotten pregnant. She told him everyone makes mistakes, but she did know better. Hadn’t the thought flashed thru her mind when the desperate kisses became something more the night they rescued Max from the White Room and hid in the van? Yes, but it had felt so right and Max was still shaken up by what he had gone thru. she would have done anything in her power to erase it from his mind.

Dreams of going to Harvard and become a molecular biologist had fallen by the wayside and motherhood had hit center stage. She had spent the months during her pregnancy dreaming about what her and Max’s child would be like; would he have Max’s soulful eyes and her hair? Or maybe his sense of humor with her practicalness.

Looking at the boys, she saw a mixture of both of them, but Samuel was the mischief maker where as his brother Tristan was more than likely to sit back and wait for the outcome of his brothers endeavors, then rush in to help with the aftermath. So far they tended to favor Liz’s side of the family, however if caught in an unguarded moment, Liz had seen in both of there eyes, Max’s essence shining through.

Climbing out onto the balcony, she light the candles still strewn about and settled down on her lounge chair. Closing her eyes, a barrage if images flung themselves against her mind and she could feel the tears she hadn’t shed form a knot in the back of her throat.

She had put on a good front when she informed her parents of her pregnancy, while at the same time, compressing the fear and anxiety a baby would bring to what had been an organized and well planned life. She had told herself that once she was gone from Roswell, she would bring those feeling to the forefront and deal with them, but like everything else, the time was never there for it.

The mad dash across the country, the shortened gestation and the birth of, surprise twins!, had never given her the opportunity to dwell on what she had left behind or how that effected those close to her.

Maria and Alex readily understood her need to get away from Max, but they had always questioned her reasons for staying away. She could never bring herself to tell her best friends about the boys. Deep in her heart, she knew they could forgive her anything, but this might just be the one thing that would sever a lifetime of friendship.

Looking up at the clear night sky, Liz prayed that it wouldn’t but she needed to face the fact that she had lied to them for the last two years.


“Hello?” Maria asked, trying to juggle a glass of juice and a cream cheese covered bagel.

“Maria? It’s Liz.”

“Chica! Oh my God, I was just thinking about you.”

“Good things, I hope.”

“Wellll, it depends on the day,” Maria teased, placing her breakfast on the table and dropping into a kitchen chair.

“Do you have a few minutes to talk?” Liz asked hesitantly.

“All day really,” Maria said. “Michael and the others are gone to check on something and I don’t have to work until tomorrow.”

“How is Michael?” Liz asked, trying to get up the nerve to inform Maria of her new residence.

“Oh you know Michael, some things never change. How about you?”

“I’m fine,” she replied. Taking a deep breath, she steeled her spine and said, “Maria the reason I called wasn’t to ask how Michael was, it’s-it’s to tell you that I’m here. In Roswell.”

The silence on the other end of the phone dragged for a few moments and Liz asked, “Did you here me? Maria are you there?”

“Your here? Like really here?”

“Yeah, I’m at my parents.”

“Don’t move! You here me, don’t move!” Maria yelled and the line went dead.

Liz hung up the phone. Her parents had taken the boys to the park to give her some time to call Maria and Alex and break the news gently, but she had a feeling, gentle was the last thing that was going to happen.


Ten minutes later, Liz heard the back door slam against the wall and her name cried out. “I’m in here,” she called and waited.

Maria came to a skidding halt and said, “You weren’t lying.”

“No, I’m really here.”

Practically skipping across the room, Maria threw herself at Liz and they hugged for a long time in silence. “Maria, I need air,” Liz whispered.

Giving her one more squeeze, Maria gave Liz some breathing room, but refused to let her go in case this was an aromatherapy induced dream. “Oh my God Liz, your here!”

“I think we’ve established that,” Liz grinned.

“When did you get back? Why didn’t you tell me? I would have met your plane.......,” Maria rattled off, not giving Liz a chance to answer.

Finally, Liz put her hand over Maria’s mouth to stop the questions. “I’m sorry about not telling you, but I have a reason and I didn’t think you should find out about it in an airport.”

Scrunching her brow in confusion, Maria pried Liz’s hand off her mouth and said, “Huh?”

Running her hand thru her hair, Liz reached forward and picked up a picture frame off the table in front of the sofa. Handing it to Maria, she said, “They are the reason I didn’t come home before this.”

Maria took the frame and looked down into the smiling faces of two of the cutest boys she had ever seen. They were sitting on either side of Liz in what seemed a victorian settee. “So?”

“So, those are my sons. Samuel is on the left and Tristan is on the right.”

“Get out of here! They have to be two years old in this picture and that would mean you were pregnant when you left......” she scoffed then gasped at what that would mean.

“Yeah, I was pregnant when I left,” Liz admitted, waiting for the the accusations to fly, they didn’t.

“Does Max know?” she asked then answered her own question. “Of course Max doesn’t know or he would have been in Georgia with you.”

“Do you hate me?”

“Hate you? Why would I hate you?”

“Maria I kept the existence of my twin boys from you for two years, that’s why.”

Putting the frame back on the table, Maria collected Liz’s hands in her own and said, “Babe, I can’t even begin to know what you were going thru two years ago, so how can I condemn you for doing what you did. I wish you had told me sooner, but I don’t think I could have kept this from Michael, so it was a good thing you didn’t.”

“I never wanted to lie to you,” she confessed. “I must have started to call you a thousand times, but before the call could go thru, I chickened out.”

“Where are they? Did you leave them back with your Aunt?”

“No, Mom and Dad took them to the park so we could talk. I was planning on telling you and Alex at the same time, but you hung up on me.”

“Sorry about that,” Maria said then perked up. “Why don’t we go and surprise Uncle Alex. He should still be home.”

“I don’t know. What if he doesn’t take the news a well as you did? I’m not sure what to say.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there to help. What are friends for?”
Wind To Thy Wings

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Part 3

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Thanks for all the FB! I just love knowing that others actually understand what I write. :wink:

Part 3

“I’m really sorry about wasting your time this morning,” Michael said, shaking his head in disgust. “I really thought we were going to find something this time.”

“It’s okay,” replied Isabel. “Your doing the best you can, right Max?”

Max grunted in response, so used to following Michael on wild goose chases, that failure to find anything was commonplace. Since Nesadeo’s murder and the destruction of the Skins, nothing in the way of alien strangeness had manifested.

“So, what do you guys have planned for later?” Isabel asked breaking the silence.

“Not much,” Michael said. “I have to work the supper shift and I think Maria and I have a date.”

“You think?” Max asked, amused.

“Well she did say something about making sure I bring a change of clothes to work, cuz I won’t have time to go home.”

“And she stays with you, why?” Isabel asked, astonished.

“What can I say, I’m irresistible.”

Max let out a laugh. Looking out the window, he said, “Hey isn't that Maria’s Jetta?”

“Where?” Michael asked, craning his neck to see.

“There,” Max pointed, as the Jetta zoomed past. “Liz was with her.”

“What did you just say?” cried Isabel.

“I said Liz was with her,” he replied softly, turning to watch the car disappear around the corner.


“Okay, you stand here so he can’t see you and when I give the signal, you jump out and surprise him,” Maria instructed, placing Liz behind a bush flanking the Whitman’s front porch.

“Don’t you think he’ll have a heart attack or something?” Liz asked, not sure this was the kind of surprise she wanted to give Alex.

“Naw, he’s a healthy boy, he can take it,” Maria reassured her. “Now wait until I give the signal.”

“And that would be?”

“I’ll wave my hand.”

“What ever you say,” Liz conceded.

Walking onto the porch, Maria rang the bell and waited for a response. Pressing the button a few more times, she was rewarded with “Okay! Keep your pants on!”

“This better be important,” Alex said as the door swung open and he saw Maria standing there. “What the hell are you doing here so early?”

“Is that a way to greet one of your best friends?” she asked sarcastically.

“That title is debatable this early in the morning,” he grumbled. “You know I had a gig last night.”

“Poor baby. I guess I’ll take my surprise and leave,” she pouted.

“Okay, I’m game,” he sighed. “What surprise?”

Maria waved her hand behind her back, but Liz was to intent on sneaking a peak of Alex around the bush to see it. Clearing her throat, Maria began moving both of her hands rapidly.

“I’m really tired Maria,” Alex complained. “If your done, I desperately need to get a couple more hours sleep.”

Flashing him a grin, Maria stepped off the porch and grabbed onto Liz’s shirt. Dragging her into view, she cried, “Ta-Da!”


“Hi Alex,” Liz replied. “Miss me?”


“...and that’s why I didn’t tell you,” Liz finished.

Alex ran a hand over his face and let out a sigh. “Your a Mom?” he finally said. “That’s fantastic,” and leaned over to give her another hug.

Maria had been right in saying he would survive the shock of Liz showing up on his door step, but it was just bearly. He actually had to wipe his eyes before he could believe what was standing before him.

“Are you planning on staying for good, or is this a visit?” he asked when he released her.

“For good,” she replied. “There’s something I didn’t tell you.” Biting her bottom lip, she continued, “About three weeks ago, someone tried to abduct the boys. They looked just like Maria and me, and when I got them back, they told me Kivar had sent them to bring them back to Antar.”

“Holy shit,” Maria said. “Are they okay?”

“Yeah, they’re fine. The boys thought it was a game, but I think they were Skins.”

“That’s not possible,” Alex said. “The husks were destroyed at the Harvest and anyone remaining was taken out by Tess at the high school.”

“Well, these people did something to the back of their necks and turned into a pile of sand, while I watched.”

“That’s why you called me and asked all those questions,” commented Maria.

“Uh-huh. I wanted to make sure they were the same as the people you told me about,” Liz confirmed. “That’s why I came back here. Samuel’s and Tristan’s safety is utmost in my mind and I figured with four aliens watching after them, they would be protected from future attacks.”

“So your going to tell Max their his?” Alex asked, as always getting to the heart of the situation with one well placed question.

“I don’t have a choice. I want him and the others to protect them, they need to know the truth.”

“They would do it just because they’re your kids,” Alex reasoned.

“I know, but I want the boys to know their father and his family,” Liz admitted. “I should have come back before this, but I didn’t want to mess up things between Max and Tess. They had a right to try and make a go of it without us coming between them.”

“You never told her?” Alex asked Maria, accusingly.

“I knew she was hurting and thought it better not to bring up Tess’s name,” Maria said in her defense.

“Guys, I’m right here,” Liz said waving her hand to get their attention.

“Sorry,” they said in unison.

“Now what was it that you didn’t tell me?”

“Tess and Max,” Maria said. “They never got together. In fact, you chose the right time to come home. Tess and Kyle are getting married in two weeks.”

“Kyle with Tess?” she asked dumbfounded.

“Tell us about it,” Alex laughed. “I won’t say that Max and Tess didn’t try, he was hurting pretty bad after you left, but it didn’t work. Tess came to realize that she wasn’t in love with him. Then she moved in with the Sheriff and things progressed from there.”

“What about Max? How did he take it?” Liz asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer.

“He knew he could never love her the way he loved you,” Maria said bluntly. She had been the shoulder Max came to most often to cry on and she was a little resentful for what Liz did to his heart. “Once he saw that she was only going thru the motions for his sake, he put a stop to it. He’s actually happy that Kyle and Tess got together. He’s going to be the best man at the wedding.”

“No way! Kyle’s best man? Since when have they become friends?”

“A lot has changed since you’ve been gone,” Alex said not unkindly.

“Tell me about it,” she replied. What did she expect? The whole world to stop because she wasn’t around to see it? Hardly.

“What’s you next move?” Alex asked, seeing she had some tough decisions to make and planning on being there to help her.

“I guess I should call Max?” she asked hesitantly.

“It’s your decision,” he replied. “but first things first, I want to meet my nephews!”
Wind To Thy Wings

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....
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Part 4

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Oooo this is a good part!

Part 4

“Hey Michael,” Maria said coming into the kitchen of the cafe. Going on her tiptoes, she placed a kiss on his cheek. “What’s going on?”

Looking down at her in astonishment, he gave her a moment to tell him about Liz, and when she gave him a strange look back he asked, “Aren’t you going to tell me?”

“Tell you what?”

“Don’t treat me like an idiot, all right. I saw you with Liz this morning.”

“Liz? Oh yeah, she’s back,” she replied nonchalantly.

“That’s it? That’s all your going to say?”

Maria grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the kitchen and into the back room. “What do you want me to say, Michael? She’s my best friend.”

“Well your so called best friend took off and broke Max’s heart. You, better than anyone, knows how hurt he was. You gonna forget all that cuz she decided to come for a visit?”

“I distinctly remember you telling me you held Max back from going after her that day at the chamber,” she shot back. “You never liked her anyway, so what’s your problem?”

“See! She’s back for five minutes and your already defending her. I guess somethings never change, huh?”

“No, somethings do change,” Liz said, walking down the stairs, the boys clinging to her.

Maria went over and took Sam from her. “Come see Auntie,” she said.

Michael looked back and forth between the two women in confusion.

“Mama, who that?” Tristan asked, then buried his face in the crook of his mother’s neck when Michael’s gaze fell on him.

“That’s Michael,” Liz told him. “Daddy’s brother.”

“Whoa, wait a minute!” Michael cried.

“This wasn’t how I planned on introducing the three of you, but there it is,” Liz said. “Michael, these are my sons, Tristan and Samuel.”

“And Max is their father?”

“Yes,” she replied simply.

“His family is gonna freak.”

“Give Sammy and Tris two minutes with them,” reassured Maria, ”and they’ll get over it. Believe me, these two could wrap anyone around those cute baby fingers of theirs.”


“Max! Phone!” his mother called .

Picking up the extension, he said, “Okay I got it.”

Listening for the click of her hanging up, he said, “Hello?”

“Hi Max,” Liz said shakily. His voice still made her go weak in the knees.

“That was you I saw with Maria this morning,” he said, more to himself than to her.

“You saw us?” she asked, scared he saw them with the boys.

“Yeah, you and her were on Dune Ave.”

She let out her breath. “We were on our way to see Alex,” she explained.

“Is there a reason you called?”

“I-I wanted to know if I could see you?” she asked. “I thought I owed you an explanation as to why I left....”

“There’s no need,” he interrupted. “You don’t own me anything, Liz. Whatever we once shared, ended over two years ago.”

Liz had expected Max to be upset with her, but his indifference came as a shock. Getting mad she said, “Well whether you think so or not, we have a few things to discuss. Do you want me to come there or do you want to meet me at the Crashdown?”

Since she was determined to see him, he said, “Fine, the Crash, in a half hour.”

“Okay. Thanks Max.”

“Bye Liz.”

“Bye Max.”


“He’s here,” Maria called and Liz checked her reflection in the mirror for the tenth time in as many minutes. As if her appearance was going to make a difference. If the way he sounded on the phone was any indication, Max was very different from the boy she once knew.

Pushing thru the double doors into the dining room, Liz walked to the front and waited for him to enter, hoping to steer this meeting in a direction of her choosing. What she didn’t expect was the resemblance to the boys she saw in his face.

Her memory of Max had blurred over the last two years and the only pictures she allowed her self to look at were slightly out of focus. Now before her, she could see Tristan’s nose and Samuel’s ears.

“Liz,” he said, a slight smile playing about his mouth.

“Max,” she replied, coming out of her reverie.

“Do we need to sit?” he asked, raising his brow at the throaty sound of her voice.

“Uh, yeah. Over there?” she pointed, and followed him to a booth.

He slid in and she asked, “Did you want me to get you something, first?”

“I don’t plan on being here that long.”


When she had gotten comfortable he asked bluntly,” What do you want, Liz?”

“I, uh, that is, um,” she stuttered and lowered her eyes to her clutched hands sitting on top of the table.

Taking pity on her, Max said softly, “Just tell me what it is, okay.”

Taking a deep breath, Liz reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out a picture. Sliding it across the table, she said, “This is Tristan and Samuel; my sons, our sons.”

Max picked up the photo and got bombarded with flashes.

~Liz fighting with her parents about the pregnancy and her decision to leave.~

~An exhausted Liz lying in a large bed with two small bundles in her lap.~

~A story being told about a brave Prince an his enemy, Kivar.~

~Two boys looking up at their mother with love and glowing softly.~

“Max are you okay?” Liz asked nervously. “Did you see something?”

Placing the photo back on the table, he demanded, “Where are they?”

“Upstairs. Max I wanted...”

“No. Stop. I want to see them. Now.” he said coldly, freezing the blood in Liz’s veins.

Unable to speak, she nodded her head and slid out of the booth. He followed her and as they past Maria and Michael, Michael made a move to go with them but Max held up his hand and shook his head.

The couple watched their best friends disappear into the back and Michael said, “well, that went better than I expected.”


“Oh good, your back,” Nancy said when Liz walked into the boy’s room. “They are waiting for their good night kiss from Mommy.”

Bending over, Liz placed a kiss on each boy’s cheek. “Better?” she asked.

They nodded. A movement in the doorway caught Tris’s attention. Nudging his brother, he whispered, “Daddy.”

Nancy looked past her daughter and saw that Max was being supported by the door frame. “Oh Max, come in, come in,” she said emphatically.

Max took a few steps into the room and couldn’t help but just stare at his children. My children, he thought. My God, I’m a father!

“I’ll leave you alone, “ Nancy said and left, closing the door behind her.

“Are you Daddy?” Sam asked, looking up at the tall man.

Max dropped to his knees next to the bed and said, “Yes. I’m your Daddy.”

The boys shared a quick glance before looking to their mother . “It’s okay,” she said, giving them a reassuring smile.

Even thought Liz hadn’t planned on them actually meeting their father, she had told them all about him from the beginning. She didn’t get into details as to where he was and why he wasn’t with them, but she had a picture of him hanging in their room so they would know that he was real.

“So who’s Tristan and who’s Samuel?” Max asked, getting his breath back.



“The one close to you is Sammy and the other is Tris,” Liz explained.

“Very nice to meet you,” Max said.

Samuel let out a yawn, which his brother echoed and Liz said, “It’s time for bed. See you in the morning, little ones.”

“Night Mama. Night Daddy,” Tristan said and laid down on his pillow.

“Night,” Sam said and pulled the covers up to his chin.

Max got to his feet and giving the boys one last look, followed Liz out of the room. He didn’t pay any attention to where she was leading him until she called his name. Looking up, he saw she was waving him out onto the balcony. Climbing thru the window, he walked over to the edge and sat on the wall.

Liz sank into her chair and watched the emotions pass over Max’s face. Even after two years, she could still feel her pulse quicken at the mere sight of him and she had to wonder if there would be any other man in this world that could ever make her feel like Max had.

“They’re beautiful,” Max said, breaking the silence.

“And hellions,” she laughed.

“Why Liz?”

“Many reasons, I guess,” she admitted.

“Tess? My destiny? Spite?”

“Max you know me better than that!”

“Do I? The Liz I thought I knew would never have held something like the existence of my children from me.”

“I was scared!” she cried. “What would you have done when the person you were willing to die for was told that he had another love from a previous life and that he was suppose to come back and save a race of people from the clutches of an evil overlord? I saw the way you were attracted to Tess and I thought I would only be in the way.

When I found out I was pregnant, it only made me more aware that you didn’t need any more complications in your life.”

“Complications? Liz we’re talking about my sons!”

“Well they are mine too and I did what I thought was for the best.”

“For the best for you or them?”

“Both,” she said, the anger leaving her suddenly. “I was hurt, Max. My whole world had just blown up in my face and I was terrified and the only person I could talk honestly to about how I felt was the one person I vowed I was going to protect no matter what.”

“You still should have told me,” he said, resigned. “You shouldn’t have gone thru this by yourself.”

Smiling sadly she replied, “I didn’t. My Aunt Darlene was a gift from God. She took me in and she helped me thru every back ache and nausea attack.

I can only say I’m sorry, but I know that won’t be enough for a long time. I did tell them about you, I want you to know. I told them that one day you would meet and that you would love them as much as I did.”

“So what are we going to do now?”

“Go on with our lives,” she said simply. “The only thing that has changed is that I’m back in Roswell and the boys now have their father to dote on them as well.”

“What made you come back? Me being in their lives didn’t matter to you a month ago, so what changed?”

“I came back so you could protect them,” she said, looking him directly in the eye. “Three weeks ago, two people who looked like Maria and myself, tried to abduct the them and when I stopped them, they told me that they were sent by Kivar.”

Max stared at her, speechless. This was the last thing he would have thought would have happened. “How did they know where you were? What did you do to stop them?”

“I have no idea,” she replied. “The only people to know where I was, was my family and I don’t think they are in league with an alien race. Oh and they were Skins.”

“Skins? How do you know about the Skins?” he asked mystified.

“Maria has been keeping me up to date as to what was happening here. She told me all about the harvest and what Tess did to save your lives.”

“Your sure they were Skins?” he asked astonished.

“Yeah,” she confirmed. “Will you Michael and Isabel help protect the boys?” Holding out her hand, palm up, she continued, “I seem to have developed some powers of my own,” a ball of green light appeared hovering over her hand, “but I’m not sure the extent of it yet.”

Max reached out toward her and the ball winked out before he got too close. “How long has that been happening?” he asked.

“It started the day I saved the boys,” she said. “I’ve been practicing controlling it, but it’s not refined, say like what Isabel can do, but more like Michael. That ball took me a week to learn.”

“Do you think it has something to do with me healing you?”

“I don’t know, but without it, Sammy and Tris would be in the hands of your enemies.”

“Your enemies too, now,” he said and she had to agree.

They sat in silence for a while when Max said, “Liz, about Tess, you know we’re not together.”

“Yeah. Alex told me that her and Kyle were getting married. I, uh, think that’s great,” she said, feeling no such thing. Tess had caused much of the pain in her life and just because she wasn’t with Max, didn't mean Liz was going to warm up to her any time soon.

“They are really perfect together,” he mused. “Who would have thought Kyle would end up with one of the aliens he so hated.”

“Good for them,” Liz muttered, not wanting to discuss the blissful union between Kyle and Tess.

“I should go,” he said, checking the time on his watch.

Liz noticed that it was the same one she gave him their first Christmas together. “Okay. Do you want me to bring the boys by to meet your parents?”

“Wild horses couldn’t keep my mother from them,” he said. “I’ll call you?”

“Fine. Do you want me to walk you out?”

Shaking his head, he walked over to the fire escape and said, “No, I know my way down.”

Liz leaned back in her chair and watched the father of her children leave as she had so many times in the past. Tonight they formed a truce for the boy’s sake and she was happy, but she wasn’t sure she could take seeing him and not having the feelings she thought she had buried forever, spring to the surface.


Max climbed into the Jeep and closing his eyes, he laid his head back against the seat. Two years, he thought, I’ve had sons for two years and never knew. How could Liz do this to me? Didn’t she know that I loved her more than life? That I would have given up everything for her? Apparently not. One sign of trouble and she runs.

That’s not true, chided his conscious. She was there for you during the scariest time in your life. If it wasn’t for her help, you would still be stuck in that White room.

I know, but what she did is unforgivable. She hid my children from me. What did I ever do to her to make her think I wouldn’t choose her?

The voice was silent and Max knew there would be no easy answers to any of this. His only priority at the moment was getting to know those two beautiful boys sleeping upstairs. Everything else could be worked out later.
Wind To Thy Wings

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....
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Part 5

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Thanks everyone for letting me know what you think! Your thoughts help send my brain in new directions and keep the story going. So without further delay......

Part 5

Liz had just unlocked the front door of the restaurant and was walking back toward the counter when the bell rang. Looking over her shoulder, she spied Isabel standing silhouetted by the morning sun. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Isabel.”

“When Alex told me that you were back, I thought he was pulling one of those infamous Whitman jokes. I guess the joke really is on me, because I knew for sure you would never show up here again,” Isabel replied, walking forward, the Ice Queen wrapped in her mantel of chilly indifference.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Liz said. Her and Isabel had never been close and when it came to Max and his welfare, Isabel was like a mother bear with her cubs, so her response to Liz’s return wasn’t all that unexpected.

“It’s not me you should be worrying about.”

“Max and I spoke last night,” Liz said.

“Well, Max was always weak when it came to you. Don’t expect the same from me.”

“Is there something I can get for you, Isabel?” Liz asked, trying not to loose her temper at Isabel’s thinly veiled threat.

Shaking her head, Isabel replied, “No. I’m done here.”

Liz watched the blonde make her exit and growled in frustration as the doors swung closed. “She has some nerve,” she mumbled. “Who the hell does she think she is coming in here? She must have been hanging around Tess.”

Still mumbling to herself, Liz tied an apron around her waist and got the coffee machine up and running. One of the waitress had called in sick and since the boys tended to sleep late, she told her parents she would cover.

Slamming the carafe under the spout, she heard a deep voice say, “Careful or you’ll break it.”

“I know where there are more,” she replied, turning to look at the man sitting at the counter behind her. “Hi Kyle.”

“Liz,” he said, flashing her the Valenti smile.

“I here congratulations are in order.”

He laughed and said, “Who would have thought, me, Kyle Valenti, would be getting hitched.”

Sharing his amusement, Liz tried to think of something nice to say about the intended bride, but words failed her. There was still too much bad blood between her and Tess.

“Don’t worry, I understand,” Kyle reassured her. “I was going to bring Dad a coffee. We need to go and get measured for our tuxes today.”

“It’s almost ready,” she said, happy that they got off the subject. “How’s your Dad been?”

“Fine, fine. Him and Maria’s Mom have been dating for a while and it was weird in the beginning, but now I’m glad he’s has someone in his life.

I got a scholarship to Noter Dame and Tess and I will be leaving this fall.” he added.

“That’s wonderful!” she exclaimed, truly happy for him.

“Thanks. I’m not just going to play football, though. I plan working my butt off at school, too. You need something to fall back on, ya know.”

Liz had to laugh. For the few months they had dated, she had insisted that he keep his grades up, because you never knew and he should have a back up plan if football fell through. “Your going to be great.”

Pouring him a large coffee with cream and two sugars, Liz capped the Styrofoam cup and handed it to him. “On the house.”

“Thank you. I’ll see you around?”


“Take it easy, Liz.”

“You too. Tell your Dad I say hello.”

Kyle nodded and left, whistling.

Liz looked up at the clock and thought, This is going to be a long day.


“That was a bit harsh, don’t you think?” Alex asked the reclining Isabel after she told him of her meeting with Liz that morning.

“It was better than she deserved,” Isabel spat. “After what she did to Max, she has the gall to come back like nothing ever happened.”

“There’s something I didn’t tell you,” he said, brushing the hair off her forehead and looking into her eyes.

Wiggling, Isabel lifted her head off Alex’s lap and sat up. “What?”

“There was a reason Liz stayed away. Two actually.”

“What reasons?”

“She was pregnant when she left and has twin boys.”

Isabel digested that statement for a few minutes and Alex saw the instant when she realized what it meant. Taking her hands in his he said, “Go easy on her. She’s had a lot to deal with.”

Isabel laid her head against his shoulder with a sigh. Her plan on being Miss High and Mighty flew out the window and as she replayed the encounter with Liz back thru her mind, she had to admit Liz had shown remarkable restrain to her attitude. “What have I done?”

“Nothing that can’t be fixed,” Alex reassured her. “We’re talking about Liz. You could cut off her face and she would forgive you.”

“I don’t know. I was horrible.”

Stroking her hair he said, “Don’t worry. When you meet Tristan and Samuel, things will be all right.”


“Mom, I’m leaving,” Liz called thru the door. The boys were in the car and she was on her way to Max’s parent’s house to introduce them to their grandchildren.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” Nancy asked, opening the screen door. “I can be ready in a minute.”

Placing a kiss on her Mother’s cheek, Liz said, “No, but thanks. I need to do this myself. Besides, they won’t pay any attention to me once they meet the boys.”

“Okay, see you later.”

Liz hopped into the car and looked at the boys in the back seat. “Ready?” she asked. They nodded and she put the car in gear and they were off.

As she predicted, Diane and Philip were too interested in Tris and Sammy to give her more than a hello before taking the boys out back to play. Tris and Sam were the type of kids to take to strangers readily and Liz was glad that she didn’t have to cajole them into accepting Max’s parents.

To her relief, Isabel was absent and she had only Max to deal with. Taking a seat on the patio, Liz watched the boys climb over the swing set in the back yard. Max watched them from across the table and said, “I joked with my parents for not getting rid of those swings years ago, but I guess they will come in handy now.”

Liz tore her gaze from the boys and looked at him. The last few years had changed him so much she didn’t know where to begin. There was a definite hardness around his eyes now and his outlook was less simple than it had been before, but seeing that she had ripped his heart out and tore it to pieces, it was not unexpected.

“They had a set back home,” she said. “You know Max, you don’t have to keep me company. Go and play with the boys.”

“Trust me, I’m not here because of you,” he said.

Liz bit back the first words that came to her mind. Instead she asked, “So why are you here?”

“I don’t know how to be a father,” he stated baldly. “You’ve had the benefit of growing into your role as their mother.”

Liz chose not to answer. He had a right to be bitter, but she was the mother of his children and they would have to come to some kind of arrangement, and have him stop throwing the fact that she never told him about them. Swallowing her own resentment she said, “Sitting here with me won’t get you going any sooner.”

“Oh your here,” came a frosty voice behind them and Liz groaned.

“Yes, I brought the boys to meet their grandparents,” Liz said, refusing to look at her.

Walking past them, Isabel went over to the swings. The chair next to Liz scraped along the cement and she looked up in surprise. “Hey Liz,” Alex said dropping into the padded seat.

“Fancy running into you here,” she joked.

Alex could see the tension running thru Liz’s body and knew this must be as hard on her as on Max and Isabel. “I thought you might need a friend.”

Max grunted at his words and stood up. Without a backward glance he walked over to his family. Liz watched him go and that small space in her heart where her love for him resided, constricted yet again.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Alex said, standing and tugging on her arm.

Liz looked up at him them back to the others. “They will be fine for a little while, “ he reassured her. Nodding, she stood and they walked around the side of the house and out the gate.

Taking her hand in his, Alex led her down the sidewalk. They had gone past two houses before Liz’s emotions got the best of her and she began to sob. Pulling her into his arms, Alex let her cry. He knew these were more than tears of rejection and that Liz had probably been holding them back for a long time.

After the tears subsided and Liz had snuffed her nose for the last time, she stepped back from her friend and said, “You must think me a leaky faucet.”

“Naw. I think it took guts to beard the lion in his den and you held up longer than anyone else in your place would have.”

“I’m not the same person I once was, Alex,” she admitted. “I can’t stand tall and be self sacrificing anymore. I still love him and I hate myself because of it.”

“Liz, we’ve all changed, there was no helping that, but I don’t think we have changed so much that we can’t find common ground to at least be civil to one another.”

“Tell that to Isabel,” she snapped. “She put on quite a show this morning.”

“Sorry, but there is no way I’m going to get in between you two. All I can say in her defense is that she didn’t know about the boys when she saw you.”

“Would it have made a difference?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Give them time, that’s all I can say. You’ve shocked the hell out of us.”

“Who would have thought Miss Priss would go and do what I’ve done, huh? I think I’ve surprised a lot of people.”

“Anyone who really knew you would know that you didn’t so this out of animosity. It was a typical Liz Parker move, actually.”

“What do you mean?”

“You put everyone else’s welfare ahead of your own. Your not a bad person and don’t hate yourself for loving Max. What the two of you had was once in a lifetime. It’s not easy getting over something like that.”

“He hates me now, though. When I was in Georgia it was easy to forget what it was like to be around him, how he effected everything in my life. How am I going live with him so close, but so far from my heart?”

“I wish I could answer you, but I don’t know. Just don’t forget, there are still a few who will stand by you.”

Liz threw her arms around him and gave him a squeeze. She knew she didn’t deserve him or Maria, after what she did, but she thanked God they loved her still.

The two finished their walk around the block and Liz’s eyes had returned to normal when they walked into the back yard.

“Mama! Mama!” cried Tristan when they rounded the corner. “You were right. We do have an Aunt Isabel.”

Liz squatted down next to him and said. “I said so, didn’t I. Just because someone isn’t there for you to see, doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”

Standing back up, Liz caught Isabel’s eye and was surprised to see the shock in them. What kind of monster did she think she was? “We need to get going,” she announced, refusing to deal with Isabel at the moment.

“Must you?” Diane asked. “I was hoping you could stay for supper.”

“Sorry Mrs. Evans,” she replied. “My Mom wants to take them to Chuck E. Cheese.”

“Oh, okay,” she replied, disappointed. “Can we see them next weekend?”

“You can see them any time you want. We’re here for good.”

Max looked at her thru lidded eyes, but said nothing. It took every ounce of control to not go over to her and shake the stuffing out of her for denying him these last two years. He thought he could not of hated her more than when she ran off and left him adrift, but he now knew he was mistaken.

There is a thin line between love and hate and until yesterday, he never knew what that meant. Now he understood perfectly. Loving someone and having them betray you made your heart open to hate that same person with as much malice as there once was love.

Clearing his throat, he said, “I’ll help you put them in the car.”

“It’s okay, I can do it,” she responded but when she saw the gleam of determination in his eyes, she relented. “Okay, thanks.”

After being hugged and kissed numerous times by Diane and Isabel, the boys were happy to get back into the car. Max put in Sammy and Liz took Tris, who for once didn’t give her any trouble. “I think your a good influence on them, “ Liz said, closing the door. “I usually have to fight Tristan into his seat.”

“Are you going with them to the restaurant?” he asked gruffly.

“No, Mom wanted to take them herself. I told her she was nuts, but she’s insisting,” she said, hoping to break some of the tension that surrounded them.

“Fine. I’ll pick you up at six.”

“What? Who the hell do you think you are? Didn’t it cross your mind that I might already have plans?” she shot at him, disgusted by his attitude.

“If you don’t want to discuss the welfare of our son’s, I guess I‘ll have my Dad’s office contact you.” he growled.

“You wouldn't dare,” she gasped.

“Try me.”

She was backed into a corner and they both knew it. She couldn’t risk her boys for Max’s pride or her own. “I’ll see you at six,” she said and got into the car. Starting it she called over her shoulder, “Wave bye-bye to your Father.”

Max returned their waves, but never took his eyes of the brunette in the front seat. He was astonished to find that he was actually looking forward to seeing her in a few hours, no matter what happened.
Wind To Thy Wings

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Part 5a

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Hey I should've posted this in the last part, but the board wouldn't let me, so here it is. Will be putting up longer part 2-night ~Hugs~

Part 5a

Liz was waiting out front of the cafe when Max pulled up in the Jeep. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Liz walked over and climbed in. “Where are we going?” she asked.

“Some where we won’t be disturbed,” he answered and backed out of the parking space.

Liz sat back and allowed the wind to calm her beating heart. She wasn’t sure if it was her anger or his nearness that made it speed up and both disturbed her. She, as a rule never let things affect her too deeply since her time with Max, except for the boys. She never wanted to be in the position to be hurt or to hurt someone like that ever again.

While living with her Aunt, she avoided making friends with the neighbors and the women who came to stay with them until the birth of their babies. Darlene had commented on it and Liz had tried to explain that if you never reached out, you didn’t have a chance to get burned.

Darlene had scoffed at the idea and said, “If you don’t make an effort, no one else will and that leads to a very lonely life.” Liz had told her that the boys were her life now and Darlene had said that one day the boys will have lives of their own and where would that leave Liz. Liz had taken the boys for a walk then, because she didn't know how to answer.

“We’re here.” Max’s voice brought Liz to the present and she opened her eyes to see where they were. The quarry, of course, she thought.

Getting out, she walked to the edge of the ravine and took in the sight she had missed for the past three years. Some of the most trying times in her relationship with Max had occurred here and today didn’t seem any different. Flipping her hair over her shoulder she turned to him and asked, “What’s this all about, Max?”

“I want joint custody of the kids,” he said.

“Is that necessary? You can see them any time you want.”

“I won’t let you leave with them again.”

She laughed. “This is the only place they are safe. Why would I leave?”

“Why did you before?”

“We’ve been through that already. I didn’t have a choice.”

“You could have come to me. I would have understood.”

“Would you? If I had thought for a moment you would let me go, don't you think I would have told you? I was heart sore, Max. I couldn’t...I wasn’t... Damn it!” She spun away from him, sick of trying to explain how she felt when she wasn’t even sure herself.

“Fine,” she said at last. “Have your Father draw up the papers and I’ll sign them.”

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say?”

“What do you want me to do? Throw myself at your feet and beg your forgiveness? Your not the only one hurting here, Max. Stop playing the martyr.”

Max threw the rock he had been holding into the water in frustration. She really didn’t know the fine line she was walking. He could kill her with a touch and get what he wanted. The once soulful heart he possessed was now dead and she was the reason.

“Cut it out Liz!” he yelled. “You have no idea what I went through when you left. Did Maria tell you that I was a weakling, following her around, begging for any information as to where you went, for weeks? Or how Michael and I fought when he told me that I should get over you, you weren't worth it? God, I defended you for months! Telling everyone that you would be back, you just needed time to work things out.

“I was wrong. You never did. Tess. Tess was the one who made me realize that I couldn’t spend the rest of my life wishing for the past. That I needed to look to the future and she was right.”

Liz brushed the tears from her cheeks and shook her head. “Tess. Didn’t you think I still hurt after seeing you two kiss and knowing she was your wife? No matter how much you told me you loved me, I never could believe that you wouldn’t leave me for her.”

Tears streamed down her face, unheeded. Her voice cracked when she said, “You saved my life that day in the Crashdown, but you took it away from me too. I never regretted a thing I did to hide your existence from the world, and if I had to do it again, I would, but my life didn’t belong to me anymore.

“I loved you Max, more than you’ll ever know. But I had to do what was right for me for a change and leaving was it. You had Tess, Michael had Maria and I knew that Alex and Isabel would one day get together. Where was I? Who did I have?”

“I would have given up everything for you, Liz. What I said that night in the bus, I meant. Didn’t I prove that to you? What more did you want from me?”

“Nothing. It’s over and we can’t go back.”

“Your right, but I want you to know now, I will be apart of Tristan’s and Samuel’s lives from now on.”

She nodded her head, but didn't answer. What more could she say? Both their hearts were laying, bleeding on the ground and nothing they could do would fix what happened.

Climbing back into the truck, Liz leaned her head against the seat and finally wiped her face. Max joined her and the drove back to town in silence.
Wind To Thy Wings

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....
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Part 6

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Here comes the bride, all dressed in white........

Part 6

“Do you Kyle Valenti, take Tess Harding to be your lawfully wedded wife......”

Liz listened to the vows with half an ear from her seat at the back of the chapel. The only reason she was at the service at all, was because Kyle had asked and she only planned to let him see her before she took off.

Her eyes were yet again drawn away from the happy couple, to the dark haired man standing to the right of the groom. Dressed in tails and ascot, Max cut a handsome figure that didn’t help Liz’s peace of mind. Seeing him up there, beaming at the two people Liz would have sworn two years ago were considered his enemies, gave Liz a jolt and sense of astonishment.

Only goes to show how different we’ve become, she thought sardonically. That should have been me and Max up there.... She stopped that thought quickly. There wasn't any room in her life for what ifs.

The sudden round of applause brought Liz out of her thoughts and slowly joining the crowd, she rose to her feet and watched the newlyweds come down the isle. Two pews before hers, Kyle saw her and pointed out her presence to Tess.

Tess’s eyes searched the crowd and when she spied Liz, her smile grew larger. Coming even with her, Tess halted and said, “Oh Liz. I’m so glad you came.”

“Uh, thanks for asking me,” Liz replied, puzzled by Tess reaction. “Congratulations.”

Looking down at his tiny wife in adoration, Kyle said, “Thanks, Liz.”

Walking past her, Kyle and Tess went out the double doors into the summer sun. Behind them, Isabel, escorted by Max, followed and Liz knew she was pointedly being ignored and it hurt. Finally, came Alex and Maria and their winks brought a smile back to her face.

Slowly the chapel cleared and Liz tried to make her exit by the side door when a voice stopped her. “Going somewhere, Miss Parker?”

Turning, Liz felt a blush stain her cheeks as she said, “Sheriff.”

“Aren’t you coming to the reception? It’s going to be a doozy. I should know, I paid for it,” Jim said, a sparkle in his eye.

“Uh, no. I think I’ll pass,” she told him. “I only promised Kyle that I would see him wed, and I did.”

“They’ll miss you if your not there.”

“Oh I doubt that,” laughed Liz. “They have more important things on their minds than me.”

“Aw come on, Liz,” he cajoled. “You can catch up with Amy. We’re sitting at the same table.”

“Really?” Liz was shocked, usually only the groom’s family sat there.

“Yup. Lucky thing for me, too. I don’t think I could have put up with my ex-brother-in-law for the rest of the day.”

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear nervously, Liz was uncertain what to do. Diane and Phil had offered to take the boys for the afternoon, so technically she was free, but was she willing to sit through sappy love songs and the Electric Slide?

Jim grabbed her hand and made up her mind for her. “Come on, you can ride with me and Amy,” he said and dragged her down the isle and out the front door. Giving it up as a lost cause, Liz let him take charge.


“Liz, Amy and I have to go get pictures taken, so why don’t you go in and we’ll see you in a bit,” Jim said, standing in the foyer of the banquet hall.

“Sure, no problem,” Liz said, seeing an opportunity to escape while the sheriff was busy.

“Oh and I expect you to be here when we’re done,” he threw over his shoulder and Liz knew she was caught.

“Yes Sir,” she said and shot him a salute.

Amy shook her head and grabbed Jim’s hand. “I’m sure Liz had no intention of leaving, Jim.”

Liz gave her a weak smile and knew that her plan had been written clearly on her face. Steeling her spine, Liz spun on her heel and walked thru the flower bedecked arch and into the main hall. Stopping by the place card table, she picked up hers and saw she was seated at table 2, directly across from the head table.

Choosing a seat with her back to the table on the dais, she looked around and saw Isabel’s hand everywhere. The flower arrangements were beautiful and everything matched expertly. Liz had to wonder if a little alien magic was deployed to make it so perfect.

Slowly, the lights dimmed and over the speaker, the DJ began, “Ladies and Gentlemen, please turn your attention to the entrance.”

Thousands of tiny twinkle lights came to life over the arbor and a melody that Liz knew had to have come from Alex drifted into life as the wedding party was introduced.

Liz stood and as each name was announced, she clapped politely. Amy and Jim were first in and Liz was glad to see them as they approached the table. Next were Maria and Alex and Liz took a quick look around trying to see if Michael was present.

“Michael will be joining us shortly,” Amy said, as if reading her mind. “Maria wanted him in some of the pictures.”

Liz nodded, but felt her spirit drop another notch. Great, five hours with Michael, she thought despondently. My life keeps getting better and better.

Isabel and Max came next and Liz felt her traitorous heart jump when her and Max’s eyes met across the crowd. His smile looked forced and she knew it was her fault. Breaking their gaze, Liz looked down at the table.

“And now, for the first time in public, I have great pleasure to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Valenti.”

The room went wild and Liz had to admit, she felt happy for Kyle and even Tess, that they had found love and didn’t let their differences get in the way of making a try for a happy life.

Climbing up to the head table, the wedding party waved to the crowd and took their seats. After the wait staff filled everyone's’ champagne glasses, Max tapped on the side of his to get everyone’s attention.

The room quieted and taking his glass in hand, Max rose to his feet and said, “It is customary for the best man to give a speech and as I thought during the past few weeks on what I was going to say, I couldn’t get out of my mind all the things that the six of us sitting up here had gone thru together and how it was Kyle and Tess who were like the glue that kept all our different personalities together as a group.

“As some of you know, Kyle and I didn’t see eye to eye while in school,” a few snickers could be heard and Max smiled. “and I was the most shocked to find myself becoming friends with someone who I thought I didn’t have anything in common, but I was wrong. We had Tess.

“With the loss of her father, Tess became very close to my sister and naturally, I fell under her spell. In one way or another, she had touched each and everyone of us sitting here and Kyle had enough sense to see what a special person she truly was.

“So please, raise your glasses and help me salute two wonderful people and may their life together be always filled with love and happiness!”

“Here, here!” Michael called and Liz turned to see him standing next to her.

Raising her glass,Liz shot it back and sat in her seat as the alcohol settled warmly in her stomach. Seeing a waiter standing close by, she waved him over and had him refill her glass. Maybe she would make it through the reception after all.


Liz was having a grand time. She had only taken two bites of her dinner, but that didn’t stop her from having glass after glass of champagne. It was amazing how the waiter, Frank he had told her, was always aware when her glass was empty and how he materialized just before she could call him over to give her more of the wonderful vintage. At this point, he could have been filling it up with antifreeze and Liz wouldn’t have known or cared.

Michael sat back and watched with amusement as Liz slowly became inebriated. If his count was correct, her last glass had been number twelve and counting. Luckily for her, he had changed the last four into ginger ale without her being aware. It wasn’t for her sake, he did the switch, but because he knew if Maria found out that he allowed Liz to get shit faced, she would be up one side of him and down the other.

Jim looked at him from across the table and Michael mouthed, ”Twelve.” Jim’s eyebrows shot up and Michael waved his hand over his own glass to show that he had changed it. Jim smiled in understanding and nodded his head in thanks. It was a good thing Liz hadn’t driven herself here. He would have never let her get into the car in the her current state.

A new song started and Liz began bouncing in her seat. Taking a quick look around, she saw Michael watching her and she shot to her feet. “Michael, come dance with me,” she cried and grabbed onto his hand.

“Liz, I can’t dance, ask Maria,” he said over the music.

“Fine, I’ll go myself,” she slurred and made her way onto the crowded dance floor. Stumbling a few times, she slipped her feet out of her heels and tossed them over next to her chair. Regaining her balance, Liz let the beat invade her mind and she closed her eyes while beginning to sway to the music. Not caring about the others around her, Liz began spinning recklessly until she inevitably ran into someone. Snapping open her eyes she mumbled, “S’ry. Are ya ‘kay?”

“I’ll live,” said the velvety voice and she felt a shiver run down her spine. Raising her gaze, she looked up into a pair of grass green eyes.

“Oh,” she whispered.

“Why don’t we go and get some fresh air,” the man suggested and tucked her arm around his.

His slight tug almost knocked her off her feet and Liz decided some fresh air might not be a bad thing. How many glasses of champagne did I have?

The doors to the terrace were open and the stranger maneuvered Liz expertly thru the throng of cigarette smokers to an unoccupied corner overlooking the manicured lawn. Leaning her against the balustrade, he put himself between her and the crowd.

Looking down at her slightly flushed expression, Kivar couldn’t help but see signs of the girl he once knew. The eyes were definitely those of his late sister Brandolie and his heart constricted in remembrance of their childhood together before Zan came.

“Do-do I know you?” Liz stuttered, staring up into the stern countenance of the man towering above her. Something kept tugging at the back of her mind, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Maybe,” he replied, “a long time ago.”


“Nothing,” he murmured. “How are the boys doing?”

“Oh they're great,” she said happily. “Having them meet their father has been good for them.”

“They’ve only just met Max?”

“Yeah,” she sighed. “He was pretty pissed that I didn’t tell him about them.”

“I bet.”

“Actually, he’s been a real jerk about the whole thing,” Liz complained, warming up to the subject of Max and his stupid attitude.

“Has he now.”

“He threatened to take them away if I didn’t give him joint custody. Like I would deny him his sons!”

“Liz!” called a voice from the doorway. “Liz are you out here?!”

Kivar looked over his shoulder and saw the man in question trying to make his way through the throng. Bending down, he placed a kiss on Liz’s cheek and whispered into her ear, “Until we meet again.”

Liz placed her hand over her mouth in confusion and that was how Max found her.

“What are you doing out here?” he asked, seemingly upset for some reason.

“I, uh, was talking to someone,” she replied.


“I don’t know.” Blinking a few times, Liz finally realized who was questioning her and she snarled, “What do you care?”

“Maria was looking for you,” he replied, coldly.

Squinting up at him, Liz snorted and tried to brush past him. He wouldn’t move. “Get out of my way,” she growled.

Taking a step back, Max bowed mockingly and sneered, “With pleasure.”

Stalking away, Liz accidentally bumped into a woman and spilled the drink in her hand. The woman gave her a dirty look but Liz ignored it, fuming at Max’s callousness. Who the hell does he think he is, she bristled. I was having a nice conversation with..... Who was that guy anyway? And how did he know about the boys?

“There you are!” cried Maria. “I’ve been looking for you all over.”


“Tess is going to throw the bouquet and I want it,” Maria explained animatedly. “I need you to take out Pam Troy for me. She’s been bragging that she would get it and there is no way I’m going to let that strumpet win.”

Liz linked her arm with Maria’s and declared, “Bring her on Babe! I’m ready!”


With careful maneuvering and a hip check at the right moment, Liz foiled Pam’s attempt at glory and Maria came out of the pile of cocktail dresses, victorious. The scramble for the garter was impressive, but Michael won the day and had the pleasure of slipping the lacy garter up Maria’s stocking clad leg to the whistles and catcalls of the former West Roswell High football team.

Liz returned to her seat and collected her shoes when the spectacle was over and with them in one hand and her purse in the other, she started making her way to the door. She had had enough and was ready to go home to bed.

“Going so soon?” quizzed a voice she was slowly becoming to hate.

“Yes,” she said in a clipped tone.

“Not driving, I hope,” Max said.

“I’ll get a cab.”

“If you wait a minute, I’ll bring you home,” he offered.

“Like I would go anywhere with you,” she scoffed, her head beginning to pound.

“You were perfectly willing to have a intimate conversation with a stranger not a hour ago,” he taunted. “Why would a ride from me get you nervous?”

“Who’s nervous? I just don’t want to be near you, that's all.”

“That's beside the point. You need a ride and I was leaving anyway.”

“Why are you leaving? Your the best man, your suppose to stay till the end.”

Seeing her statement caught him off guard, she said, “Can’t stand all the lovey-dovey stuff, huh?”

Max’s eyes narrowed and he said. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Ignoring him, but waiting until he was out of sight, Liz walked outside and slowly stumbled down the front walk. Reaching the street, she grabbed onto a light pole and tried to stop the world from spinning off it’s axis. Groaning, she attempted to swallow the nauseous feeling climbing up the back of her throat, but this time, it wouldn’t leave and she had to rush over to the bushes as the small amount of her dinner along with the last few drinks she had had made a reappearance.

“Ah Liz,” Max sighed when he got out of his truck and saw her on her knees in the grass. Walking over to her he brushed the hair out of her face and the look she gave of total despair made a crack in the wall he had erected around his heart.

“You going to be okay?” he asked. She shook her head no and with one fell swoop, he picked her up and carried her over to the jeep. Sliding her into the front seat, he reached around and buckled her in.

“Hold on, I’ll get yo home in no time,” he said, sliding behind the wheel. She only groaned and closed her eyes.

Reaching out to touch her, Max pulled his hand back before making contact. He knew he could make her feel better, but he was unsure how she would feel if he made a connection without her permission. Slamming his hand onto the steering wheel, he started the jeep and took off toward her house.


“Can you make it?” Max asked her after he pulled behind the cafe and parked the truck.

Liz swung her head to look at him and the three of them were looking at her with concern. “No, I’m okay,” she said, then placed her hand to her head as a steel bar shot thru it.

“You shouldn’t have drunk so much champagne,” he said and saw instantly it was the wrong thing to do.

Liz’s eyes snapped open and she glared at him in disgust. “What, you counted how many drinks I had?”

“I didn’t need to,” he shot back. “By the way you were making a fool of your self on the dance floor, I along with everyone else could tell you were drunk.”

“Up yours, Max.”

“Like wise Liz.”

Unbuckling the seat belt, Liz scrambled out of the Jeep and stumbled over to the stairs. Swallowing the bile in her throat, she looked up at the wavering stairs and groaned. She never realized how steep they were.

“Here, let me help you,” Max said and put his hand under her arm.

“Get your friggin' hands off me,” she yelped and tried to remove her arm from his grip.

“Give it a rest, Liz,” he growled. “You’re never going to make it up those steps with out killing yourself.”

“So what if I did? Then you wouldn’t have to get those papers from your father. The boys would be all yours.”

“Don’t try to make into the bad guy. You were the one who hid them from me.”

Wrenching her arm free, Liz slid to the bottom step. Cradling her head in her hands, she gave into the tears that she had been holding back.

Sighing, Max sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders.

Would he ever get her out of his heart? He had tried and tried, but no matter what he did, the strangle hold she placed on it never slipped once, not even when she tore it in two.

“Don’t cry, Liz. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Will I? What makes you think so?”

“Everything is always better after a good night’s sleep.”

Liz snorted, but his words brought her back to her senses and she felt a tentative connection starting between them. Stiffening in his embrace, she said softly. “Take your arm off me, please.”

As if burnt, Max snatched his arm away and stood. “When do you want the boys home?” he asked coldly.

Relieved he hadn’t felt the connection, Liz looked up and suggested, “Why don’t you keep them tonight. Your Mom said they could stay anytime.”

“Fine. I’ll call you in the morning.”

Liz nodded and watched him walk back to the truck. When he had pulled around the building, she rubbed the spot on her arm where his hand had lay and began crying again.
Wind To Thy Wings

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....
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Post by LilyFrancesca »

Heyla! This is only an itty-bitty part cuz I hate not being on the first page :lol: Oh yeah, the scene from Destiny belongs to Jason, Fox and whom ever else. No infring, intended.

Part 7a

“This will be the best chance we have to get them,” Kivar said to the two men sitting in the front seat. “Tristan and Samuel are in there with out the others.”

“What about Brandolie?” Coltur asked, looking at the dark house across the street from where the car was parked.

Kivar closed his eyes and concentrated for a few moments before saying. “She’s asleep.”

Racsan nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

The two men exited the car, making their way across the street and around the back of the house. Kivar watched them go and a small smile played upon his lips. His plans were finally coming together and there was nothing Zan could do about it, this time.


Liz was floating in waves of warmth and sunshine. Spreading out her arms she felt all the muscles in her body relax in what seemed like the first time in years. I should get drunk more often, she thought contentedly and let the waves take her where they willed.

Lost in her thoughts, a dark cloud appeared above her with out her notice and it wasn’t until she was completely enclosed, that she realized that something had changed. Opening her eyes, she felt a chill run through her and she knew something was wrong, very wrong. Sitting up, she tried to claw her way out of the gloom that now enshrouded her, but she had no success.

“Mama! Mama!” cried a voice in the gloom.

“Sammy? Sammy is that you?” she screamed.

“Help! Heeeeeelp!”



After leaving Liz, Max drove home and spent a few hours playing with his sons. His mother had asked him why he was home early but he put her off by letting her know that the boys would be staying the night. Thrilled by the news, she let the matter drop.

Giving the kids a bath had been a fiasco and with the three of them drenched and not much cleaner than when they started out, Max read them a story and waited until they had fallen asleep before telling his parents that he was going to get some air. Phil had gotten up to follow him but Diane held him back saying Max needed some time alone.

Starting up the jeep, Max pulled out of the drive and headed out of town. Not paying too much attention to where he was going, he was surprised when he turned into the junk yard where he and Liz had hid the night she and the others had rescued him from the White Room.

Maneuvering thru the rusting carcasses of abandoned vehicles, he came upon the bus where his life changed forever. Cutting the engine, he let his mind wander over the conversation they had had.

“So everything Nesadeo told me was the truth. You and Tess were meant to be together.”


“I mean, it’s your destiny, right?”

“I wish I could go back, Liz. Back to when things were normal.”

“Me too. I just wish that I could have stopped you from saving me that day in the Crashdown.”

“Don’t say that!”

“Max, the day you saved my life, your life ended.”

“No, that was the day my life began. Liz, when I was in that room, and they did what they did to me, you're what kept me alive. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same; it you. I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.”

“I love you.”

Not even the threat of Pierce could have stopped them from coming together that night. It was the single most exhilarating moment of his life and he would not give it up for anything. For one moment in time, life was perfect and because of it, he now had those two bundles of joy sleeping in his bed.

“Tristan!” Liz’s voice came blazing thru his mind like a bolt of fire. The panic he felt was enough to send him into motion and with dread building, he raced back home.


The house was in flames and all he could see of his family were his parents standing in the middle of the street clinging to one another. Screeching to a halt, Max jumped out of the truck and raced over to them. “Where are the boys?” he cried. “Where are they!”

Looking into his son’s terrified face, Phil was unmindful of the tears coursing down his face as he replied, “Gone. They’re gone.”

“What do you mean, they’re gone!”

“We heard the smoke detectors go off,” Diane said in a quivering voice, “but when we got to your room, it was empty.”

The last word had barely left his mother’s mouth when Max started toward the house. He was stopped abruptly by Liz’s cry.

“They’re not in there!” she screamed, racing up to him and grabbing his arm.

He looked down at her and the certainty he saw in her face made him ask, “Where?”

“I-I don’t know, but the house is empty.”

Pulling her back with him, Max helpless watched his childhood home burn to the ground.
Wind To Thy Wings

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....
For you are crunchy and good with ketchup
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Post by LilyFrancesca »

Heyla friends! Okay, here is the next part, and I hope it explains some things. Please note that I might no get back to this fic as soon as I hoped, the real world is kicking down the door and whether I like it or not, writting has to go on the back burner for a while. Thanks for the read. ~Krys~

Part 8

“Where is she?” Darlene asked her nephew as she walked into the living room where he sat, his arms around his sobbing wife.

Looking up, Jeff was not surprised to see his aunt standing next to him. Somehow, she always knew when something bad had happened and made it a point to come and help anyway she could. Wasn’t she the one who brought them Liz after they found out Nancy couldn’t have children?

“Out on the balcony,” he said. “We’ve tried to get her to come in, but she won’t listen.”

Nodding, Darlene patted him on the shoulder and gave him a weak smile. “Let me see what I can do.”

Walking into her old room, Darlene felt a smile twitch at her lips. She had shared it with Claudia and between the two of them, had kept their parents on their toes.

Groaning a bit as she squeezed herself out the window, she could see her great-niece staring off into space. Deciding to break one of her self imposed rules, she waved her hand and all the candles came alight. Liz didn’t even blink.

“Liz?” she asked settling into a chair. “Liz!”

Poking her in the arm, Darlene got the response she was hoping for when Liz jumped. “Aunt Darlene?” Liz asked squinting into the candle light. “What are you doing here?”

“I had a bad feeling,” Darlene replied, “so I hopped on a plane.”

“Oh God!” Liz wailed, the tears beginning to flow again at the sympathy she saw in her aunt’s eyes. “Their gone! he took them.”

Not phased by her announcement, Darlene simply asked, “Kivar?”

That one word was enough to shock Liz into silence and she stared at her aunt in disbelief. “How-how do you know about Kivar?” she whispered.

“Oh Kivar and I go way back,” she replied nonchalantly but didn’t miss the betrayal that flashed across Liz’s face. Holding up her hand she said, “Now before you jump to conclusions, there are a few things you should know.”

“Like what?” spat Liz. “That he is a homicidal maniac who has killed thousands so he could take the throne? Or maybe you want to tell me that he would never harm innocents and that Tristan and Samuel are safe with him?”

“No. He’s your brother.”


“I said he is your brother and Ava, no she’s called Tess here, is your sister.”

Liz placed her hands over her face and muttered, “It’s only a dream. I’m having a dream.”

“Sorry Honey Bear, this is for real.”

“Don’t call me that! Only my Grandma can call me that.”

“She’s not your biological grandmother.”

“That’s not true. Why are you saying these horrible things to me? Haven’t I suffered enough?” she cried.

Sitting forward in her chair, Darlene held out her right hand palm up. As Liz watched, an amber colored ball of light slowly formed and hovered over it. “I believe you can do this also?”

Liz involuntarily held out her own hand and matched the ball’s size and brightness with one of her own, but green instead of yellow. Looking back and forth between the two she said, “I can only do this because Max healed me.”

“You can do that because, like Max, your half Antarian,” Darlene explained softly.

“How can that be possible? My parents....?”

“Don’t know where you come from,” Darlene supplied. “I only told them that you had been abandoned and they so wanted a baby, they were willing not to know.”

Liz let her globe wink out and her hand dropped to her lap. Not really her parents? Why did they hide it all these years? What did they hope to gain? The questions bombarded her mind and she whimpered.

“I asked them to tell no one where you came from,” Darlene stated as if reading her mind.

“Why should I believe anything your saying?”

“Look in yourself and you will know what I tell you is true.”

Liz pondered Darlene’s words and all the times she had felt a closeness to Max and the others, that she had just brushed off as love, took on a new meaning. Could her feeling have been an extension of like beings recognizing each other for what they were? Was it possible?

Darlene smiled as Liz’s brow furrowed and she could tell the logical part of her mind was breaking thru the emotion and coming to the fore. This was the Liz she could reason with.

“Did I come out of a pod like the others?”

“No. You were sent here by your brother with hopes of mending what he had done on Antar.”

“I was a baby. What did he expect me to do?”

“Grow up. Live the life you were denied while on Antar, with a family who loved you for you and not what you could gain for them.”

“Are you a hybrid too?”

“No, I was sent as your guardian. It was my duty to find you a family to care for you.”

“But your my aunt. If I was a baby when you got here.... Your a shape shifter like Nesadeo!”

Darlene wrinkled her nose in disgust at that name and didn’t hide her contempt when she said, “Ha! That fool was suppose to care for The Four, but all he did was steal your sister and try to convert her to his way of thinking. By the time we found out that he had failed, the pods were empty and we had no clue where to find the children.”

“What about the orb with the message from Max’s mother? Was that a lie too?”

“No. It is true that Kivar caused a civil war and killed Rath, Vilandra and Zan, but in his defense he did make sure his sister who had sided with the King at the end, was sent also with hope it would show his wanting of peace.”

“Peace! he sent the Skins to kill his beloved sister. If it hadn’t been for Tess, the others would be dead.”

“Those were just another faction of people who would wrest control for themselves.”

“The Skins in Georgia, they said they were sent from Kivar.”

“They were sent by me.”

“You? You tried to kidnap my kids? Why?”

“I knew you would have never returned to Roswell with them, so I had to give you a reason: their safety.”

“So you have them now? Where are they!”

“I didn’t take them, Kivar did.”

Liz shot to her feet and stuck her face into the woman’s sitting in the chair. “You are going to call whom ever you have to and get my kids back !” she screamed.

“It isn’t that easy,” Darlene replied calmly. “I have no way of contacting him first off and second, he will only release them after he has spoken with you. He’s their uncle, they will come to no harm.”

Liz stepped back for a moment, then on a sudden impulse her hand shot behind Darlene’s neck and slapped it with all her might. The woman didn’t budge, only rolled her eyes. “I told you who I was, but that was a good shot. If I was a Skin, I’d be dead, that’s for sure,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck.

Liz slowly took her seat. “Let’s say I believe you. Did you kill Darlene Parker so you could take her place?”

“Hardly!” Darlene laughed. “She took over me!”


“This will be easier if I start from the beginning,” she replied. Liz nodded and Darlene, taking a deep breath, began. “I met the woman called Darlene Parker the day you and I arrived on Earth. When the ship carrying The Four left, they were suppose to to land in the Georgian mountains, but something happened and they crashed. We didn’t know that, so I was sent to the same co-ordinance and to my surprise, we were teleported outside of Atlanta.

“With you in tow, I walked to the city limits, where Darlene saw me and offered me a ride. Good thing too, because you had become sick and she saved your life. I now think it had something to do with the Antarian side of your biology but thankfully you grew out of it. If it wasn’t for pureed beets, you might not have made it.”

Liz grimaced. “I hate beets!”

“Probably because you lived on nothing else for almost two months.” she chuckled. “ Anyway, Darlene was smart and realized that we were not what we seemed and she confronted me. Being grateful for saving you, I told her everything. She took it better than I expected and after the initial shock, asked if I had any special powers.”

“Powers? Why?”

“She had just found out that she was dying of breast cancer and she hoped that I might be able to save her like a person she once met back home had saved a dog that had been hit by a car. She told me about the crash that allegedly happened when she was a girl and how the man that saved the dog acted the same way I did. I can only assume it was one of the guardians sent with The Four that must have escaped like that fool Nesadeo.”

“You couldn’t save her, could you?”

“Not her body, no.”

Darlene fell silent and Liz took the time to try and come to terms with her feelings for the woman who took in a scared sixteen year old pregnant girl and helped her thru what had been the most terrifying time in her short life and the being that now sat across from her. Were they facets of the same person or two different roles she took on to match her environment? She couldn’t tell. This was the only version of Darlene Liz had ever know and up until now, she had shown her nothing but kindness and care for her well being and that of the kids.

*She did try to have the boys abducted,* a little voice said in the back of her mind. Yes, but it was only get me to come back to Roswell, Liz countered.

*And look how that turned out,* the voice retorted. Max and his parents got to meet the boys. If what she says is true, Kivar won’t hurt them.

*How do we know she’s telling the truth?* Good question.

“So how did you save her?” prompted Liz.

Darlene smiled and Liz glimpsed the dry humor she had come to expect from her aunt. “Antarians are a very long lived people; almost four times longer than humans. When I told Darlene that I couldn’t heal her like the man did the dog, I explained that when her body finally failed, I could accept her spirit into my own body and she would live as long as I did.”

“But at what cost to you?”

“Smart. You Parker girls are smart. She asked me the same thing and I told her that with two beings living in one body, my life would be shortened and she flatly refused my offer.”

Liz would have too, but something must have happened.

“I learned from Darlene about how much your parents wanted a baby and with her permission, I took on her form and brought you here to them. She thought she had planned things well, only I didn’t stay here as long as expected. In the four months we lived together, I grew to care for her and she for me and a bond developed that neither one of us was aware of until the very end.

“I woke up two nights before my departure with the feeling that she was slipping away and that she was willing herself to be gone before I came home. Without a word to anyone, I left that instant and flew back to Atlanta.

“Boy, did she cursed me when I walked in! She told me to get out but she was weak and I told her the only way I was leaving was if she threw me out and we both knew she was beyond that. So for three days, I never left her side and when the time came, I gave her the choice again.

“Only this time, I cheated and showed her a vision of you with your parents and hinted that she could watch you grow if she only took the chance and joined with me. In the only rash act of her life, she threw caution to the wind and we became one.”

“So there are two of you in there?”

“Not anymore. We have become a mixture of what we once were, sharing each other’s memories and experiences. There would be no way to separate what once was the human Darlene and the Antarian once known as Rypas.”

“Does anyone else know what the two of you did? On Antar, I mean.”

“No. What I chose to do with my life is my business. My only goal was to protect you and I like to think I did okay with that.”

Liz nodded in agreement. Up until her fateful meeting with a bullet that day in the Crashdown, she had been happy with her life. Even after that, chided her conscious. All the events after that day led you to the boys and aren’t they worth it?

“How am I going to get my children back?”

“Knowing Kivar, and I have since the day he was born, he will contact you to set up a meeting soon. He wants to end this quickly.”

“What does he really want?” she asked exasperated. "I have two conflicting versions of his personality and I don’t know what’s the real one. Is he the maniac that usurped the throne or is he as you say someone who once cared for me and will not harm my children?”

“All I can tell you is that he is not the same person he was when he over took the throne from Zan. He has learned that the only way for Antar to have peace is for him to restore the monarchy.”

“Well he’s resorting to his base nature by stealing Tristan and Samuel. Does he honestly believe we will trust him after this?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I had hoped he would have contacted me and asked for my advice on the situation.”

Liz sat back in her chair and tried to take in all the information Darlene had told her. I’m not human. I’m Tess sister. My brother is Kivar!! What will Max say? And Maria and Alex? Will things change between us now? How am I going to get my sons back?

“Liz?” Nancy called from the window.

Liz turned and her heart welled up for the woman that took her in and loved her as her own. “Yeah Mom?”

“Max is on the phone. Do you want me to tell him your busy?”

Liz looked at Darlene and made up her mind. Secrets did nothing but hurt people and she was tired of living in the dark. “No, I’ll talk to him.”

Getting up, she reached for the phone. Giving her mother a smile she said, “Hello.”

“Liz. Are you okay? I thought I felt something,” Max asked.

“No, I’m okay now. Listen, we need to talk, can you pick me up?”

“Uh sure. I’ll be there is a few minutes.”


Liz hung up the phone. Turning to Darlene she said, “I’m going to tell them the truth. We can’t be divided if we are going to get the boys back.”

Darlene nodded and at Nancy’s confused look, she smiled and said, “I think there are a few things you and Jeff need to know.”
Wind To Thy Wings

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Pat 9

Post by LilyFrancesca »

Part 9

The two boys clung to each other on the bed and Kivar could feel the fear radiating off them. He cursed himself for the terror Brandolie’s children had gone thru at his expense, but it was an unfortunate necessity. If there was ever going to be peace on Antar, he needed these two young ones to make it happen.

Looking over at Racsan he had to keep a tight grip on the anger that welled up in his mind. He had known instantly when things had gone wrong in the darkened house and it was only his quick action that saved them all. Sprinting across the street, he had thrown himself thru the open window in time to stop Racsan from slitting his nephews throats while they slept. Sending a burst of energy to the man’s brain, Racsan felt to the floor, upsetting a lamp as he did so. The bulb broke and it sparked onto the window hangings. Ordering Coltur, who was shocked by his friend’s action toward the children, to grab the unconscious figure, Kivar had wrapped the boys in a blanket and spirited them out of the house.

“Master, what are we going to do with him?” Coltur asked as Kivar's gaze fell on the traitor again.

“Call for the ship,” he ordered. “I’m sure the Head of Intelligence will have a few questions for him.”

Coltur grimaced. Rumors ran rampant at the methods used by the Intelligence Bureau to gather information and he felt a moment of pity for the man he once called friend. Clearing his throat he replied, “Yes sir.”

“Oh and Coltur, present yourself to the Head also. He will need to inquire about your loyalties.”

Cursing Racsan, he answered, “Yes, Lord Kivar.”

“Kivar!” squealed Tristan. “Your the bad man in Mommy’s story!” he screamed.

Kivar was shocked at the boys reaction. What had Brandolie told them about him? Had Rypas broken their agreement and told her who she was? He had thought she had no recollection of him or their planet when he spoke with her earlier. “What story?” he asked softly.

“Story ‘bout the evil knight Ki-Kivar and P-Prince Zan,” Tristan stuttered.

Kivar shook his head at the fear he saw in the boy’s faces and with a wave of his hand, the two slowly closed their eyes and dropped into a peaceful sleep. How was he suppose to convince their mother that she along with her children were the only chance for peace?


On her way outside, Liz poked her head into the kitchen of the restaurant and cleared her throat loudly. The couple leaning against the prep table sprang apart. Seeing who interrupted them, Michael growled low in his throat. “Sorry about that,” Liz said. “Are you guys done, we need to talk.”

Michael looked at his girlfriend, but she only shrugged. Shaking his head, he took off his apron and threw it on the table. “What ever,” he mumbled, his well laid plans shot for the night.

Liz backed out of the doorway and went into her father’s office. Picking up the phone, she dialed Alex’s cell. “Hello?” he answered.

“Alex is Isabel with your?” was her greeting.

“Yeah. Liz are you okay?”

“Better than you can imagine,” she told him. “Can you meet us at the quarry?”

“Uh, sure,” he replied.

“Fine. See you there,” she said and hung up.

“Liz I know your under pressure, but that was a bit rude, don’t ya think?” Maria asked, leaning on the door frame.

Liz looked up at her and Maria was shocked to see someone else staring out of Liz’s eyes. “All’s fair in love and war,” was her only reply and she walked past her into the hall.

Maria watched her go. “What was that all about?” Michael asked.

“I’m not sure, but who ever took the boys are in for a rude awakening.”


Liz didn’t have to wait long for Max to show up and when the truck came to a stop, she got into the front with him. Looking over at Michael and Maria, she raised a brow in question.

“We’ll take the Jetta,” Michael said grabbing Maria’s arm and dragged her over to the waiting car.

Turning to look at Max, she said, “Let’s go.”

“Where?” he asked putting the truck in gear.

“The quarry. Alex and Iz are meeting us there.”

“Liz, what’s going on?”

“I’ll tell you everything when we get there. Now be quiet, I need to think.”


Isabel and Alex were waiting for them as they drove up. Isabel had a pissed look on her face and was about to lay into Liz when she got a glance at her expression. In the short time she had spent with her, Isabel could honestly say she’s had never seen Liz angry, until now.

The group formed a semicircle in front of Liz. Taking a deep breath, she held out her hand and a ball of glowing emerald energy began to grow. Turning to look each of them in the eye she said, “I thought that the only reason I was able to do this was because of Max healing me. I was wrong. Apparently I have always been able to do this and for a good reason.”

Dropping her hand, the ball floated to a point over her right shoulder and hung there pulsing softly. “My Aunt Darlene showed up tonight and gave me some startling news. She told me that Jeff and Nancy Parker are not my real parents. I was born on Antar and Kivar in my brother.”

“What!” cried Maria. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Acting as if she didn’t hear her, Liz continued. “He is the one who has the boys.” Turning to look at Max, she said softly, “He was the guy I was talking to at the wedding, only I didn’t realize it until a few minutes ago.”

“How does you Aunt know all this?” asked Alex.

“She’s Antarian. She took over the appearance of Darlene Parker when she died of cancer twenty years ago. Rypas, as she was called, was sent with me as my guardian. I was engineered like the rest of you so I would blend in but I think I have more human DNA than you do, so my powers were stifled until Max healed me and released them. That must by why I can get sick and my cells look normal.”

“But why? Why send you here?” Michael wondered.

“My-my brother wanted me to grow up normal, with a family that loved me. That’s all I know. Oh and Tess is my sister.”

Isabel stumbled back against Alex’s car in astonishment. Ever since Liz’s return from Atlanta, her world had gone straight to hell. Now she finds out that Liz is from the same planet as her, Max and Michael and is related to the man who killed them in the first place. And Tess. How was she going to take knowing she is related to Liz? Probably like it’s a god send, knowing the twit, she thought and let out a snort.

The others turned to look at her and their expressions were classic. She giggled and the dam broke. Bending over, she began laughing until her eyes teared and she felt a pain in her side. Alex bent over to look at her and she had to wave him away. His concern was sweet, but unjustified.

“I don’t think Isabel is taking this very well,” Maria whispered loudly and that sent Iz into further gales of laughter.

Slowly regaining her composure, Isabel wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and took a steadying breath. The look on the other’s faces was enough to send her back to hysterics but she cleared her throat and keep back the giggles.

“Are you finished?” Michael asked, his own lips twitching.

“Yeah, I’m done,” Isabel answered refusing to turn and look at Alex as his hand snaked around her waist. It seemed only he understood her unique sense of humor and she knew he would be sharing her thoughts on the situation that now faced them and she had to keep a straight face until Liz finished what she needed to tell them.

“What are we suppose to do now?” Maria asked, turning her gaze back to Liz. “How are we going to bet the boys back?”

“I’m going to meet with Kivar,” Liz stated.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Max warned.

“I don’t really care what you think,” Liz snapped, sick of his condescending attitude. “These are my sons! I will do what ever I have to to get them back.”

“Their mine too and I am not will to risk their mother with a maniac.”

“Do we even need to be here for this?” Michael asked, “Cuz if we’re not, I think we need to find out where Kivar is hiding the boys. If, like you say, he wants to talk to Liz, they must still be near by.”

Maria squeezed his arm and smiled up at him. Since the day he abducted her all those years ago, she had many different kinds of feeling for him, but now was the first time she had ever felt truly proud of him.

“Your Aunt said she didn’t know how to get in contact with him, right?” Alex asked, going into deep thought mode. Liz nodded and he asked, “Does she know anyone who can? Did she keep ties with anyone on Antar so they knew how you and her were doing?”

“I don’t know,” Liz replied following his line of thinking. “But we should go and ask. Right now.”


Kivar stared down at the glowing blue planet that his command ship now hovered over. Eons ago, while out exploring this remote galaxy, Antarians found the beginnings of the human race coming out of the trees and were intrigued. They set up a locator beacon and periodically, when in the neighborhood, checked up on the evolution taking place on the only habitable planet circling Star 06251971. It was here that they found slave labor to work the fields of home and where they now would find their salvation.

Antar’s most advance species was dying. The scientists had only disclosed the information to him twenty years ago and it had prompted him to extract his baby sister’s genetic material and have it mix with a human’s. Her suicide after she found out what he had done to the ruling family was still an open sore on his soul and his hopes of sending her to Earth was not only an experiment in microbiology, but an atonement for all the destruction he had caused.

“A conscious,” he said to the empty room. “Sixty years ago I would have killed anyone who claimed I had one, but alas, it looks at me thru my own eyes in the mirror each morning.”

Picking up a gilt frame from the table, he looked down into the eyes he had seen only a few days before at the wedding of his other sister, Ava. Though he and Ava had never been close, it warmed his heart to see her enter a marriage for love and not political advantage. What he learned about Kyle Valenti, led him to believe that Ava would never want for anything and that made him happy. “Brandolie I need you. You and your children are the future of life on our world. My so called experiment was a total success and as an added bonus, you proved to me that two hybrids could mate, ensuring the survival of us all.”

Looking back out at the blue globe wrapped in it’s black mantle, he hoped she would forgive his tactics and see that he only meant good. Somehow he doubted she would look at it in the same light.


Darlene Parker smiled at her niece. Behind her stood three of the Royal Four and she actually felt the air hum with inevitability. The man standing to Liz’s right could only be the father of her children and if she wasn’t mistaken, King Zan. Sweet Alex was holding hands with Vilandra and Darlene had to wonder where the caring and vulnerable princess had gotten to. General Rath was staring at her thru heavily lidded eyes and had one hand resting on Maria’s shoulder. They waited patiently for an answer to Liz’s question and she had one to give them.

“Yes, I still have a means of communication,” she replied.

“We’ll need you to tell Kivar that we got the hint and we’re ready to talk,” Max said.

“Easier said than done, my King.”

“Max. My name is Max.”

Darlene nodded and saw that what he said was true. When the Dowager sent her children to Earth, she had high hopes that they would become as they once were. Before her in truth, stood those children, but as they would have become if not thrusted into politics and intrigue. And she for one, thought they were better now than before.

“I’ll see what I can do. Please excuse me,” she said and left the room.

“I hope we can trust her,” Liz heard Michael whisper into Maria’s ear. Turning to look at him she replied, “We can.”
Wind To Thy Wings

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons.....
For you are crunchy and good with ketchup