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Haven (FF, Mature)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 5:00 pm
by Athenea
Under NO circumstances can anyone under the age of 17 participate in either one of these. NO if's, and's or buts...

Title: HAVEN

The characters of "Roswell" belong to Jason Katims, Melinda Metz, WB, and UPN. They are not mine and no infringement is intended.

Mature Due to War Violence

Takes Place 16 years after The crew of Roswell Graduated.



Tess never came back with Max’s baby and so they never had to leave Roswell. They lived normally until about a year after Graduation. After that it became hell on Earth. What Future Max said would happen did…Khivar sent Nicolas with his Skin army to take over the Earth. Now there are hardly any humans left. The Skins took no human prisoners; they were so set on making humanity extinct. Until Humanity started to fight back.

Max Evans finally took up his role as a natural born leader. But in this life he would not be leading his Antarian people but the remaining humans left on earth. The humans that were left flocked to what were now the remains of Roswell and also the only safe Haven left on Earth. And for that reason they named it Haven and built a forty foot wall around the small town. It was now the only place the Skins could not breach no matter how hard they tried. (Max and Liz figured out a way to use what was left of the Granolith and it makes the seemingly normal wall actually an alien shield, much like Max’s.)


Tess and Khivar were married as soon as she landed back on her home planet. Khivar’s reign was further guaranteed with the birth of there son, Xavier. The people of Antar didn’t know that the baby was not Khivar’s son but actually Max’s. Tess and Khivar kept the secret from everyone except a select few. The Antarians beleive the rest of the Royal Four to be dead.

Xavier came out looking different from his fellow Antarians but everyone assumed it was because Tess was half human. He had blonde hair and pale blue eyes just like his mother and he was also smaller than his peers. The only Antarian feature he had was pointed ears so he grew up feeling inadequate and with many people calling him the ‘halfblood Prince’ behind his back. This only spurred him to become the best in his classes. (Antar is a war and science culture so the children are trained at an early age to either become warriors or scientists and Xavier became the best of both)

Because of this need to prove himself, Xavier against his Father’s wishes, goes to Earth to fight along side his mentor Nicolas. However what he finds on Earth is a massacre he learns he wants nothing to do with. So when a little girl (Hope) is captured by the skins and is being torured by then, Xavier finds he cannot take it anymore. He kills the skins and somehow heals the little girl who was dying in his arms. Afterward, though he is injured and too weak to heal himself so he follows the little girl back to her home.

Author's Note: I picture Haven much like how life was in the show Firefly, where they had technology but the town has an Old Western feel to it. Like they still use horses for traveling short distances and peoples clothing isn’t the best. These people are just trying to survive after all.

Skins: Must have a host body to survive on earth, just like in the show. So they look human. Nicolas however, is not a skin he is actually half Antarian and Half Skin so he doesn’t need a host body. This is also why he wasn’t destroyed when Tess fried his first army.

Antarians: Are shape shifters but in there original form they always have pointed ears and greenish colored skin and black eyes. This is why when Max, Isabel, or Michael uses a lot of their power there eyes turn black. They also are about seven and a half feet tall. Antarians are harder to kill than the Skins due to there War Training and abilities and many Humans run from the very sight of them. Luckily there are few Antarians in Nicolas’s army because Khivar felt he didn’t need to waste his people on this invasion. Everyone on earth refers to Antarians as the “Green Demons”

Character Profiles:

Max Evans: As the leader of now what is left of Earth, Max takes his role very seriously. He became there leader not only because of his battlefield abilities but also because of his healing abilities.

Liz Parker- Evans: She is known to the people of Haven as “The Seer”. She is highly respected for her ability to see into the future and has saved many peoples lives with her abilities. Her and Max got married right after high school and had a daughter a couple of years later.

Hope Evans: Hope is twelve years old and has grew up in the war zone now known as Earth. Luckily she grew up inside the walls of Haven and has never actually seen what goes on outside the walls of her home. However her curiosity is what ends up costing her when she sneaks outside the walls and is kidnapped by a Skin Scout.

Michael Guerin: He is Max’s Second in Command. After the death of Maria Deluca Michael became a little blood crazy. So much so that the very sight of him on the battlefield sends Skins running. He is also the first and only person to kill a Antarian,. (Something that was rumored to be impossible) Even his human comrades fear him but they do respect him and trust him to lead them into War.

Isabel Evans: Profile Coming

Ava: Ava found her way back to Haven to join the fight against the skins. She is a real asset to the pod squad because with her they found they are more powerful. (They made a new four square with Tess gone and since Ava wasn’t planning on betraying them it made them more powerful than they were with Tess)


Max Evans: Isabelle
Liz Parker- Evans: M&M<3
Hope Evans: Athenea
Isabel Evans: Loxyanissa14
Michael Guerin: CaLlen

Xavier: Athenea
Khivar: Athenea (Secondary Character)
Nicolas: Loxyanissa14
Tess: Athenea (Secondary Character)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 7:35 am
by Athenea
OOC: Alright I will temp for Ava and play the rest of the characters, so we can start...


Three days ago I made a decision that I am still unsure about. And now I am paying the price for that decision as I follow a twelve year old girl through this thick forest. She says she’s taking me somewhere safe but we don’t seem to be heading anywhere. The wound on my side prevents me from moving any faster than a slow walk and she has even slowed her pace and wrapped a arm around my waist to keep me steady. She’s definitely changed my views on humanity.

Humans are supposed to be stupid animals with no soul at all, not sweet and caring with huge amber colored eyes that seem to see right through you. I remember when the Skins brought her in kicking and screaming and how she even tried to fight them off. They tortured her and her screams cut right through me like a knife and suddenly I couldn’t take it anymore so I killed them all. After is what scares me a little and is why I am injured now. I knew she was dying, and somehow I healed her. I’ve always been able to heal myself but it never occurred to me that I could heal other people. And I saw things when I touched her, we have a connection now and that scares the life out of me.

She is telling me we are almost there, that it is going to be okay…her Dad will take care of me. Well, she’s not actually saying all this, it’s more like I feeling I get from her, probably because of the connection. This is one good thing because I don’t speak very good English. I’m just hoping to heal up by myself before we get there and find a ship and get off this cursed planet. Right after we left the skin base I shed my Antarian armor for human clothes. Now my fever is so high I don’t even remember why I did this. My long blonde hair is falling into my face because the braids that were keeping my hair back have now unraveled. She said this was good so nobody would notice my ears. My ears are the last of my worries right at this moment.

We finally step out of the woods and are faced with some kind of huge wall. The girl looks up at me and gives me a hope filled smile. So I assume this is it. She holds out her hand towards the monstrosity of a wall and closes her eyes. I am wondering what she is doing when I feel it…a energy and defiantly not a human one, it must be what keeps the wall up. A gate suddenly appears out of nowhere and we make our way slowly towards it.

I am beginning to think I made a mistake when I see the many humans at this place. I didn’t even know there were this many left. Many of them recognize the girl and there are shouts from all over the place. They are obliviously glad she’s back. She is trying to explain who I am to the many people there but they are looking at me with distrust in there eyes. They probably don’t see many strangers around here.

But there are too many of them and I am staring to get nervous, what if they don’t buy whatever story she came up with? One of them is walking towards me and my fever riddled mind sees it as a threat. So I pull my sword, the only weapon I have left, which does not go over well. I start to back up slowly, maybe I can just back right out the door.

The mob closes in on me and I don’t even have the strength to hold my weapon up. It’s easily taken from me and iron shackles are put on my wrists and ankles before I can blink. The people are yelling and I here words such as ‘demon’ and ‘monster.’ I wonder if they are talking about me. I am kicked from behind and I stumble to my knees. Someone has ripped my shirt off and the sound of a whip fills the air.

The girl is screaming at them to stop, that I didn’t bewitch her. I'm not even sure what bewitching is, much less if I did that to her. Don’t let her see this, is all I think before the whip hits my back with a crack. I don’t scream but I want to because by the fourth hit with the whip I’m sure they hit bone. I think I am once again reevaluating my opinion of humans.

I should have done as my parents told me and not gotten involved in this. War isn’t what I thought it would be, there was no glory on the battlefield, no honor, just death of innocents. I cover my ears with my hands so I don’t hear the little girl screaming or the crack of the whip. Silent tears run down my face but I don’t make a sound. And then a hush seems to come over the crowd. I don’t move though, I am defenseless, wounded and shaking on the ground. I can’t take humans anymore, let them kill me, I am beyond caring at this moment. I just keep my head bowed, eyes closed and hands over my ears because I don’t want to hear what’s coming next either.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:37 pm
by isabelle
OOC -- Michael may or may not be with Max. Up to you...


I’m sitting in a fortified office above the west gate guardhouse, going over a pile of drawings, charts and intelligence reports, trying to evaluate Michael’s latest battle plan. I’m here instead of my regular office because Liz foresaw that I would be needed here although she didn’t know why, only that there would be some sort of disturbance, a fight, someone badly hurt. I brought everything I thought I’d need and I’m doing my best to get through this. I’ve developed a knack for entertaining many different bits of information and several levels of thought at the same time. Normally, this wouldn’t take so much effort but it’s been a lot harder to think about anything since Hope left.

She’s been gone for almost two days now and I’m nearly besides myself with worry. I can’t afford to be distracted. I need to lead these people. I need to find a way to win this war. These humans did nothing to offend Antar. Nothing but to unknowingly shelter me and my family, including Michael and Ava. I can’t let them be destroyed because of that. But Hope is my only child. My little girl. She is, as her name implies, my best hope for the future. She, as much or more than any of the humans here, is the reason I’m fighting.

Liz had foreseen trouble for Hope; she ‘saw’ that Hope and several other children would be harmed in an electrical fire if she’d gone to her usual after-school study group that day. We’d closed the school, sent inspectors and diverted disaster, or so we thought. While we were dealing with that, Hope disappeared. She was gone more than ten hours before one of her friends finally confessed to seeing her leave through the shield. I sent searchers out immediately and was out there myself, too, but we couldn't find any sign of Hope. She’s still out there. Alone. Unprotected. Any attack I authorize now, could be putting her in even greater danger.

On the other hand, she could already be captured, in which case, storming their stronghold might be the only way to free her. We’re not really strong enough for that. Not yet. The human cost would be very high and we might not even succeed, assuming she’s even still alive. But I have to assume that. I can’t imagine anything-else. I would know it if she were gone. I would feel it, I’m sure. Where is she? So far, Liz has failed to ‘see’ any sign of her returning to us but I have to believe that she will. Michael's planning a stealth attack with a small force. It's probably the only thing that would work, but our intelligence on their defenses isn't that good. I don't know if we can risk it, but I have to do something...

Suddenly, I hear a commotion outside. I ignore it for a few moments, sure that the guard will deal with it, but it doesn’t stop as soon as I imagined. I get up for a moment to look out the window, wondering if this is what Liz saw, the reason I’m here. What I see there nearly causes my heart to leap from my chest. I’d recognize that form anywhere. It’s Hope! She’s alive!

I’m out the door and nearly flying down the stair almost before the other details of what I saw get through to my brain. Hope was upset, crying and shouting, but she was standing and looked mostly unharmed. The guards were beating a tall person near the gate. He was young, thin, but muscular and tall with long tangled blonde hair. Had this stranger hurt my daughter?

As I get to the ground level and burst into the courtyard, I ignore the young man, a teenager really, who lies quivering and bleeding on the ground. My eyes are only for Hope and I rush forward to wrap my arms around her. “Hope! You’re home. Are you all right?” I ask as I try to look at all of her at once, while trying to calm her. "It's okay. You're safe," I promise.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:23 pm
by Loxyanissa14

I begin sharpening the blade of my swords, not really swords but long knifes that I usually carry on my back, when I hear a commotion. It sounds like an angry mob. For a moment I don’t feel like leaving my task but than I remember Hope being gone and decide to go check things out.

I enter the courtyard to find Hope and a group of the humans beating what appears to be a very tall blonde boy. They continue to whip him and for a moment I wish to rush to his side throwing my body over his to receive the blows instead of him. Instead I stand where I am.

I didn’t use to be like this. There was a time when I would have protected the stranger. When did it change? When the skins killed Jesse? When Kyle died saving me or was it when Maria died? It doesn’t matter now. I am who I am. The ice queen reigns again.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 9:31 pm
by Athenea

Nothing is going my way. This whole just started off bad. There is a boy at school that keeps teasing me and Mom and Dad are working a lot so I hardly ever get to see them both at the same time. And then I go and do something stupid, something that we are all taught never to do… I crossed the wall.

None of the other kids know how to open the gate, only me, Mom, Dad, Ava, Uncle Michael, and Aunt Isabel can open the gate. I know I shouldn’t have but I wanted a adventure and what I got was a nightmare.

“Hope! You’re home. Are you all right?” Dad says as I’m pulled into his arms. It feels good to be home again but nothings as it should be. I missed him and Mom so much. "It's okay. You're safe," he promises and I know he’s telling the truth, I will be safe but what about the Angel?

“Dad, Dad, he saved me.” I say my eye pleading with him to believe me. I can’t seem to form the right words so instead I put my hand up to his temple and let him see for himself because no words can explain it.

The skins brought me into a dingy, badly lighted room. But he was the first thing I noticed. He was different, I could tell. He seemed to even glow faintly in the dark room or maybe that was just my perception. I thought he was an Angel, like the ones Mom had told me about. I knew right then he was my Angel.

But then the Skins started to hit me and I was crying and scared and he was just watching but I could tell he wasn’t happy. And then one of the Skins took out a big knife and asked the angel, “Do you want a piece of this human scum, Little Prince?”

He looked at me and the knife and took it from the Skin, and started to walk towards me. I know I should have been scared but I was relieved and right before he got to me he turned around and through the dagger into the skins eye. The fight after was a bit of a blur after that and I’m not sure how I got injured. I remember looking at my stomach and seeing a lot of blood and then I was in my Angels arms and he was looking at me and I knew he wouldn’t let me die. And he didn’t, he healed me like my Dad has done so many times in the past.

Afterwards I noticed he was hurt and we had to leave the Skin Base so I led us to Haven.

“See Daddy, he’s good, he just looks different.” I say breaking the connection.

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:17 pm
by isabelle

I blink as the connection fades, taking in all that Hope showed me. She was being tortured by those Skins. My precious daughter. I don't even want to imagine it but I saw it through her own eyes. Then this one saved her. Why? They called him 'Prince.' Hope calls him an angel.

"Stop," I say turning to the guard and Hope's ... escort. They mostly have stopped. They're just standing over him, laughing and giving occassional hits and kicks. Their laughter hides a bit of nervousness as I hear one say, "Hit it again." "I did. It doesn't work," a second one answers.

I'd noticed that myself. They'd hit him in the back where the button should be, the one that deactivates the husk and kills the alien inside, but this one hasn't died. His body hasn't turned to dusk. Either he has some device protecting the button, or he has a new kind of husk, or he's not a Skin at all. Maybe another hybrid like Nicholas?

"Stop!" I say again, stepping forward. "He helped her." The guards give way and I approach the blond teenager. The guards tense, ready to spring to action to protect me if this beaten boy tries to attack. I have my own means of protection and Hope says he's good, but I'm still glad for the guard back-up.

Up close, I see that he's even younger than I thought. Maybe no more than five or six years older than Hope. His ears are long and tapered like the Antarians and his face is very angular but besides that he could be take for a human -- or a skin. I see the pain in his face and I resist the urge to help him. I know what he did for my daughter but caution comes as naturally as breathing and I'm not going to heal anyone until I know what I'm dealing with.

"Thank you for helping her," I say, kneeling a couple feet away from him, just out of arm's reach. "I'm grateful, but why? Why did you protect her? Who are you?"


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:25 am
by M&M<3

I spent most of the day in Hope’s room, fixing it up for when she got home. I pulled the blanket down over the bed tucking the sides underneath the mattress. I picked a teddy bear up off the floor and held it to my chest. Before I could think about all the things that could have happened to her tears were falling down my cheeks, “oh Hope.” I put the bear back on the bed and walked out of the house.

I walked toward the west gate guardhouse; maybe Isabel was hanging around there. I’m not too far away when I see people running toward the shield, maybe that fight was a more than I expected.

I start running toward the courtyard and stop beside Isabel, who is watching the shield intensely. I look toward the shield and see Max standing in front of a man on his knees. Guards were all around them staring at this man with such hate in there eyes. My mouth dropped when I saw her and for a moment I couldn’t breath. She looked ok, upset but ok.

I began walking toward her, my feet began hitting the ground harder and faster as I got closer I could see her shaking and the tears running down her face.


Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:17 am
by Athenea

The idiot humans finally stop kicking me as another one approaches. The crowd as seem to had gone eerily quiet for this one. He must be there leader. I also gathered he is the little girl’s father.

"Thank you for helping her," he says, kneeling a couple feet away from me, just out of arm's reach. "I'm grateful, but why? Why did you protect her? Who are you?"

I watch his lips as he talks in an effort to try and understand what he is saying but in my current state I only understand a few words. I try and not to let my confusion show but I am having trouble masking my emotions the way my mother taught me. It’s all just too much I just want to go home. And if they find out my father is there enemy who caused all there heartache. I shiver at the thought of being left in the human’s hands after they find that out.

I just shake my head ‘no’ and hope that answered whatever he asked me. Suddenly a woman comes running through the crowd and gathers the little girl in her arms. Her name is Hope. It suits her.


I knew my Dad would make everything okay, he always does. When I hear my mother’s voice in the crowd I almost forget everything else. I hug her as if I would never let her go. I missed her so much.

“Mom you gotten tell them he’s a good guy.” I say. My mom has special powers she can see the future, she’ll know won’t she? Maybe it doesn’t work that way. I then turn to my Dad. “Dad he doesn’t understand English so good right now.” I say walking over to where Dad is kneeling. I look at Angel and somehow I just know exactly what he is feeling. So I kneel down and whisper in my Dad’s ear so no one else can hear.

“He’s scared you’ll hurt him worse if you find out who he is. And he just wants to go home to his Mom.”


I despise this wretched planet. I always have and not just for obvious reasons. And now I am here once again because my wayward son decided to go against my orders and come here. And to top it off he apparently went and got himself kidnapped.

“What do you mean by kidnapped?” I ask the Skin in front of me.

“Well sire, there was some kind of fight and the prisoner we had was gone so we figured the site was attacked by the renegade humans and they took the Prince as a POW.” He says in a slightly shaky voice, good because he should be scared, because I am angry.

“I want the human base bombarded with every explosive we have. And someone find me Nicolas, now.” I say

“But Sire, the shield…” that’s as far as he gets before I chop his head off. “Now!!!!” I scream as Skins scatter to do my bidding. The war has gone on long enough and I want Max’s head on a spike.

I feel a familiar presence behind me and sigh before pulling my Queen into my arms. “What if Max finds out?” she asks timidly.

“He won’t. We will keep him so busy attacking his base that he won’t have time to worry about a teenage prisoner.”

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:51 am
by Athenea
alizaleven is going to take Ava for us.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:51 am
by isabelle
OOC – I had assumed that Max was speaking in Antarian, but I guess I didn’t SAY that, so okay. I presume the Skins who were torturing her weren’t speaking English, either.


The boy manages to say only “no.” I don’t know if it’s because he didn’t understand me or if he’s refusing to answer. In his voice, I can hear his pain even more clearly than what I see on his face. He’s not going to be able to give me any good answers while he’s hurting so much. If I hadn’t seen what Hope showed me, I’d probably leap to help this boy who brought my daughter home. But he was there, with the Skins, and this is War.

“The Seer!” someone shouts and I know that Liz has arrived. I glance back only long enough to see that she has Hope. Good. Hope needs her mother now, I’m sure. Looking back before any thing can happen, I see the boy hasn’t moved. He’s scared. Those ears make me think he has to be at least partly Antarian, like Nicholas. When I was younger, people sometimes teased me about my ears but I know they’re shaped that way for the same reason. Antarian DNA. Thankfully, mine are not as big and pointed as this lad’s.

“He’s scared you’ll hurt him worse if you find out who he is. And he just wants to go home to his Mom,” Hope says. I wonder what she knows about this boy. Who is he? They called him ‘Prince’ He’s important to them. It’s why he’s afraid. Could he really be Khivar’s son? Why does he look so human? I had heard that Khivar's son was 'deformed.' Is this what they meant?

“Do you know who he is, sweetie?” I ask Hope, still watching the boy.

I rub my fingers together, wondering if I should heal him or just let the medics tend to him. If he has powers, they’ll be in danger. If I heal him, he’ll be able to fight back. I’d like to have him secured first, bound and in a strong room, but I know Hope won’t stand for that. She says he’s good and I’ve seen what he’s done to help her. But I’ve also seen that he’s participated in torturing humans before. It’s hard to imagine someone helping his prisoner and killing his comrades just to get in here, but Khivar’s treachery knows no bounds. Did he know who Hope is? Is this all a trap to make me trust a spy?

He healed Hope. Why? How? And why hasn’t he healed himself?

“Listen,” I say in careful Antarian. I learned a few words from Tess all those years ago, and more from Alex’s translation of the book. But I’ve learned a lot more since this war began. This boy isn’t the first prisoner we’ve talked to. “Your young friend says I should trust you. I can help you, if you let me.”