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Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:59 pm
by Catalyst
I really think that by season three they had just given up. They were poking shots at the past seasons' writers, yet season three was the worst, by far. One of my old tapes has 4AAAB and then the Pilot on it, and it's hard to believe that it's even the same show. A few of the lines I really hated (and, of course, I'm too lazy to look them up word for word):

In Significant Others, when Isabel gives her schpiel about never having thought of a future with anyone before Jesse.... excuse me?! Alex is, like, not even cold in his grave yet. I thought the whole Jess thing was ridiculous. As a rebound, I could understand, but they took it too far when they got married.

The not like I love you line... oh, I don't even know what to say. Really, I think that they had backed themselves into a corner with that scene. I mean, they were trying to bring back the old Max since psycho-crazy control freak Max was not a big hit, and there wasn't really any way for him to answer that question because the old Max would not have been in that situation. If he says he doesn't love her, then, basicly, he knocked up some random girl. If he says he does love her, then where does that leave Max and Liz. So instead of utilizing the handy dandy backspace button and filling their wholes, the writers just threw in something in the middle.

That whole mess still aggrivates me.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:00 am
by fetch
Much as I like Alex/Isabel, Isabel was never really serious about him. So that line makes sense. We don't like it, but meh.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:27 am
by Sologirl102
fetch wrote:Much as I like Alex/Isabel, Isabel was never really serious about him. So that line makes sense. We don't like it, but meh.
i have to believe they were serious about each other. The whole Prom episode convinced me they were serious. Than the writers made Alex DIE! :x :x :x :x :x So, not only are they killing a couple, they are killing a dream.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:11 am
by Erina
OK, there are just two words that I reaaaly hate.
When Max proposes Liz in Graduation and she says YES, he adds "After graduation". I don't know how about other you, but this line realy pissed me off. They have maybe just 12 days to live and he does not want to marry her till after graduation....I mean they can be dead by that time and Max would never marry Liz....
They at least could tell that later in the episode that they want marry after graduation, but not when he proposes!!! There are many beautiful things and words in Max's proposal, but I forget everything that when he does not say "I love you", but he adds "After graduation"!!! :roll:

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:10 am
by rie482
The fact he actually proposed has to say something doesn't it? The fact they have been through so much and are still together at the point has to scream the fact he loves her. So I wasn't too miffed about the fact he didn't say I love you... because in the show he says it many many MANY times, its gotten to the point they don't have to say it anymore.

The 'After Graduation' thing.... I think its the idea that they never thought they were going to make it that far, after all they have been through, to get past graduation had to be something so by marrying her after graduation Max is probably making sure the wedding isn't over shadowed by the fact they made it!

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:56 am
by maxandliz4ever1357
When Max proposes Liz in Graduation and she says YES, he adds "After graduation". I don't know how about other you, but this line realy pissed me off. They have maybe just 12 days to live and he does not want to marry her till after graduation....I mean they can be dead by that time and Max would never marry Liz....
He was saying that they would be alive after graduation. To me, it was like reassurance that he was going to fix the situation and they were both going to stay alive and live happy lives together.... AFTER GRADUATION.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:25 pm
by Little_Mermie22 many opinions.

See, Isabel came off as totally heartbroken when Alex died. When S3 opened and they introduced Jesse's character, I for one, almost quit Roswell cold turkey. Maria made a comment about the people crying in the school during Cry Your Name that stuck with me and my opinion of Isabel.

She said something like "these people are praying and crying as if they gave a damn about Alex when he was alive." People often do that sorta stuff you know? Maybe Isabel was no where near as serious as we thought.

I really hated how they got married without Jesse even knowing the truth. That was very unfair and the only thing that redeemed it was when Isabel told him to leave during Graduation.

Just my 2 cents...

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:11 pm
by trulov
In the episod "To have and to hold" - Liz and Maria are talking to Isabelle about the upcoming wedding and are laughing about how they would be if they (liz and maria) were the one's getting married. And Liz says "Could you imagine, what if I had to marry Max?"

What is she talking about!!!!

Max and Liz were supposed to be the totally in love, would die for you one thousand times, give anything for you couple. I hate how they tried to make them out to be some normal teenage couple in the third season, who weren't sure about who the wanted to be with. That suggestion just never made sense to me and just reinforced that the writers really didn't understand the characters at all.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:34 pm
by maxandliz4ever1357
trulov wrote:In the episod "To have and to hold" - Liz and Maria are talking to Isabelle about the upcoming wedding and are laughing about how they would be if they (liz and maria) were the one's getting married. And Liz says "Could you imagine, what if I had to marry Max?"

What is she talking about!!!!

Max and Liz were supposed to be the totally in love, would die for you one thousand times, give anything for you couple. I hate how they tried to make them out to be some normal teenage couple in the third season, who weren't sure about who the wanted to be with. That suggestion just never made sense to me and just reinforced that the writers really didn't understand the characters at all.
Ditto. Max and Liz were never normal... that's why I loved them. I mean, come on, how many people find love like that? And then they tried, just as you said, to make them an everyday teenage couple.

To quote Max, what's so great about normal?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:59 pm
by CandyDreamQueen
I really hated this conversation

MAX: So, did you have a good time distracting the congresswoman?
NASEDO: No comment. How have you and Tess been getting along?
MAX: Well, I haven't performed any mating rituals if that's what you're asking.
NASEDO: You heard your destiny. You heard it with your own ears.
MAX: I just want to get Michael out of jail and go back to my life. I'm not a king and we are not at war.
NASEDO: You're the boss. I would just be careful not to confuse what you want to be true with what really is true.

And this one

TESS: You’re still in love with her, aren’t you?
MAX: It’s hard to describe what I feel for Liz.
TESS: I know. It’s what you and I used to have.

This really made me mad. It just seemed like every chance she got Tess was trying to turn everything into something about their damn past lives.

But the conversation I hated the most was the one that Max had with Tess after Brody tripped out in the UFO Center. I hate the conversation so much that I don’t even want to post it, but it’s the one when Max came to her window at the end. It just seemed like the writers wanted to give them a moment so they wrote this. This may just be my dreamer heart, but it just seemed like he was lying so that he wouldn’t hurt her feelings. It was unnecessary and I HATED IT!!!